(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION NOV. 6-8, 2020) — One things is clear: Nothing is clear.
We still don’t know and may not for some time.
The worst of all possible outcomes occurred on Election Day, which, regardless of who comes out ahead (no one will finish “on top”), has served but one purpose only: A poorly designed field experiment to prove and measure the incredible, perhaps unbendable chasms that have fractured and broken the Divided States of America. This was an election that gave birth to this new country, the DSA. For most of the years prior to the creation of the DSA, Election Day was definitive. Americans went to the poll and that same night knew its new leader and, if a supporter, welcomed him, and if in opposition, accepted him as president for all Americans.
Veni. Voti. Vici. You came, you voted, you conquered.
That type of Election Day is history.
We had previews of the present chaos in 2000 and 2004 when George W. Bush and his team stole elections from Al Gore and John Kerry in Florida and Ohio, respectively. Bush-Gore went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which decided along party lines 5-4 in favor of “W.” That’s another good one of this politically disconsolate era: The Supremes, who are supposed to be judicially neutral, now judged along ideological lines. The Bush debacles seemed to be “one-offs” after Barack Obama obliterated John McCain and Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump trumped Hillary Clinton. The electoral outcomes weren’t close.
And that’s what THE PLANET was hoping for this time, a definitive result, one way of the other. It truly didn’t matter to us which side won, which is why we voted for neither of the two major political parties. Had Biden won in a laugher, we would be with our Syracuse bud laughing with him. If the President cleaned Joe’s Timex, we would have been there like John Cameron Swayze, counting the seconds.
Hoping, though we never expected it.
Trump v. Joe Biden is so close the results have enough room on Gillette’s edge to go camping, and that’s what it will be doing. Biden inches closer to the magic 270-count but does Trump. Truth is, both sides still have paths to victories, with Biden’s more apparent. It may come down to who has the better lawyers and enough money to keep this monster alive in the courtroom, Donald Trump’s second home. If it goes that far, Biden is playing on the road.
Because of the close vote totals in a “cupola-three” states that Biden “won” with a last-minute surge from “found” mail-in ballots, that “life” will be hard to abort.
Everyone, including Amelia Earhart and Judge Crater, knew the moment mail-in ballots were broadcast in blanket fashion to millions who had not requested them there would be this trouble. The ballots were centrally authorized by the USA federal election commission but subject to fill-out and return according to various state rules. In Pennsylvania, for example, the rules were changed after the fact in a case that went all the way to the Supreme Court.
The Supremes split 4-4 on that case, which allowed Pennsylvania to add another three days, three days in which nearly all the new votes went to Biden.
The Pennsylvania ruling will almost certainly reach the Supremes again. The difference is that this time, the court back at its full complement of nine members with new justice Amy Coney Barrett. A tie will not happen again. Similar mail-in discrepancies in Georgia and Nevada, all favoring Biden, have raised serious legal questions, the Trump’s lawyers have pounced.
When the radioactive dust settles, a change of one of these states will flip the results and determine the presidency. It could again, as it did in 2000, go to the Supremes, and we know how that will turn out. Even if Biden gets to 270 electoral votes, keep in mind the electors do not meet to cast votes until next month, and after that, it goes to Congress for certification, where VP Mike Pence hold the tiebreaker. The avenues of appeal to Trump’s legal team seem endless.
As we said, it was the last thing THE PLANET was hoping for … but the very thing for which we prepared.
The birth of a new nation: The DSA.
No matter how you play it, the “winner” of this election will have a rough ride, with half the country against him and determined to harass him every step of the way. You think gridlock and partisan petulance has been bad up to now? Baby, we’re digging’ Bachman-Turner Overdrive: You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
In other random post-Election Day affairs:
- China had the coolest foreign reaction to the chaos. It said an election is strictly an internal matter. Its foreign ministry said: “[China] does not have a position on this issue.” Talk about playing poker.
- Turnout was the highest in 120 years, with 67%. (1900, 73.7%). Still one in every three Americans didn’t bother. They are the ones who will decid this outcome.
- The GOP confounded the “experts” and the polls, holding the Senate and gaining in the House. The Washington Post: “Congressional Democrats awoke to a political debacle.”
- Democrats did best with blacks, Republicans with Latinos. Alexandria Ocascio Cortez: “The Biden camp doesn’t consider Latinos part of their road to victory.” Uh-oh: AOC’s already firing live ammo at Syracuse Joe, portending the role she, the Squad, and presumptive VP Kamala Harris will play should Joe win the big enchilada. They will be to Biden what Dick Cheney and Co. were to “W.”
- If Syracuse Joe does win, with Harris and the Squad steering the ship radically left and with a Senate majority loaded for bear, he will learn the meaning of the warning: “Be careful what you wish for.”
- With the outcome now in thanks of the lawyers, the “winner” will be the one who can cheat the best. Stealing and theft may not pay elsewhere, but for the presidency, the returns are amazing.
In the DSA, it’s becoming more difficult to “root” for anyone. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski realize that they’re in it alone, and it’s every person for themselves — the opposite of what Jerry Packard and THE PLANET were hoping.
Nonetheless, hope is still a miraculous word.
Have a great weekend everybody.
“Even Beethoven’s explorations couldn’t wring out all the possibilities if C minor, or haven’t you listened to “Pathetique?” — Sir Donald Turpentine.
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Let’s all hope and pray that there is no dirty pool going on with these late to the dance states’. I smell a rat in Philly.
I smell a mice in Michigan!
What’s the matter Johnny, you don’t trust the city of brotherly love just because the mayor and DA hate Trump?
On what basis can you say Bush stole the election? And how do you claim to know the outcome of any potential Supreme Court ruling in this case? I know you are an Oracle but…
Off topic, but I have a question for my fellow Planet Valenti blog readers. Beacon Hill released its over 4-month and counting late Massachusetts state government budget proposal today (Thursday, November 5, 2020), which is 2 days after election day. They are dealing with a multi-billion-dollar budget deficit, but they plan on increasing state spending by 5.3 percent. My question is: How does their budget math make any sense? I don’t understand it myself. I believe they are playing financial shell games.
The answer is it doesn’t add up. Just like the election numbers. Both frauds being perpetrated on us AverageJoe’s
I can hear itt now. Hello? AOC? Hi,this is Kamala,President is sleeping, what was that you wanted to talk about?
Hey Dan, a good read except for the 100,000 vote dump that was quickly debunked. You should really remove it from your story before more people believe and spread it.
Trump May Have Based False Claims About ‘Secretly Dumped Ballots’ On A Typo And Retracted Tweet
%3FcropX1%3D0%26cropX2%3D321%26cropY1%3D0%26cropY2%3D321 Jack BrewsterForbes Staff
I’m a news reporter for Forbes.
Updated Nov 4, 2020, 07:02pm EST
TOPLINE The author of a tweet President Trump boosted on Wednesday claiming Joe Biden received 100% of a batch of more than 100,000 votes that were added to the total in Michigan on Wednesday morning acknowledged the claim was based on nothing more than a typo and he subsequently deleted the tweet, taking the air out of a conspiracy theory that appears to have fueled wild accusations by the president about “secretly dumped ballots” that he has made to undermine confidence in the results of the election.
Thanks. Deleted this.
Of course it’s fake news, designed to cover up manufactured ballot dumps
where there’s a mix of votes but the vast majority for Biden. Even The evil democrats wouldn’t be stupid enough to to make all votes for Harris/Biden, but they would be cunning enough to create a diversion such as this.
Thus the comments by the Commander… Stand back and Stand by. You’ll see how really dumb Biden is when he’s overwhelmed with the problems he will face.
“BREAKING: Another One! Erie, Pa. USPS Insider Exposes ‘Nov. 3’ Postmark Voter Fraud Scheme: ‘All These Ballots That Were Coming In–Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday—Are All Supposed To Be Postmarked the Third’ “
Oh the irony! The lame stream media, led by MSNBC, and soon joined by the rest of the proven liers, cut away from the presidents’ press conference on the election fraud, because they don’t like his allegations. Walter Cronkite is rolling in his grave!
Mika and Joe saying this morning all of this revolutionary stuff like Joe Biden is going to have a consequential presidency. They are talking of this Marxist takeover. They have all been in on it from the beginning…the entire media, the teachers unions, silicon valley, high tech. They will force Marxism on this country. Anyone who disagrees will be cancelled or worse. Georgia going blue? No, and they will dare you to say otherwise because they have all of these mail-in ballots to prove otherwise. It was all part of their devious plot.
Come back to reality, turn off Rush Sean Glenn Tucker….come back Pat…your driving yourself insane
Amen, School Committee
You really need to stop listening to that nonsense. There is no mandate for any agenda – neither Trumps nor Bidens. The senate is deadlocked and the votes are so close to count they are taking days to make sure they get it right. And more Americans voted than any record – so this isn’t lethargy – this is where we are and what we think.
It’s like praying for patience and all you get are more irritants to practice patience.
Our American society can only learn compromise from this election. We are split 49/51 or 51/49 and unless government tries to join people together in the middle we are doomed.
The split is more like 49.9999 to 49.9999. ’twill never add up to 100.
Yes, that is a better analogy. It’s going to be a miserable four years if we don’t try and get along.
They really don’t care anymore. The DC swamp voted 95 to 5 to get President Trump out of their swamp. They want their corruption to continue as it has for generations, but with the added Marxist element as so much of our government has been infiltrated by these Marxists and now they are so close to the presidency. The far left stations even reporting this morning that Joe has won and their revolutionary takeover has begun. They want us to mistrust our voting process just like they want us to mistrust all of our other sacred institutions because they intend to tear them down. They are chanting, “No Borders, No walls, Burn this country to the ground”. These are not nice people.
Dan. You have to dust the Generaals Coat off and do a show on the new bike lanes. One quip explains it all. Talk about an accident waiting to happen? ………You can’t make it up……
Like Dan said, the D’s cheated better. This time. It’s not like the R’s are sitting home Praying the Rosary.
And MNBC led by the famed list himself, Brian Williams.
Make that beamed “liar”
I don’t think MSNBC leads anyone anywhere. They only stay on the air because of cable subscribers, not viewers. Madcow only reason they have any viewers at all.
If Biden wins, MSNBC will have no reason to exist.
I think the New York Times still sets the agenda for the Left in this country.

A poll watcher in Michigan was kicked out of the hall where ballots are being counted from the 2020 election. Before leaving the hall the poll watcher obtained a screen print identifying potential voter fraud. One poll worker was expelled from the TCF Center where Wayne County/Detroit ballots are being counted, when they caught this snap:
You can read seven out of eight voter names listed on the screen image below – all their birthdays showed as January 1, 1900.
TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: Poll Watcher in Michigan Kicked Out of Detroit Hall But Not Before They Obtained Evidence of Potential Fraud
Shanieka Monet Branch
Veronica Lynn Christian
Sheila Ann Harris
Voltaire Ida James
Paul Jones
Ondre Lemont Mcneal
Magdalene Mary Pitts
What’s interesting is that all these people exist, but with different birth years and none of them appear to be regular voters.
The public QVF (Qualified Voter) system doesn’t give a birthday, just a birth year.
The birth year in the public QVF shows one individual noted above as being born in 1988 and lives in Detroit. It also shows that as of November 2nd, this individual did not request an AV ballot.
Another individual lives in Detroit and was born in 1967.
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There are eight records for one individual in the state, three in Detroit, born in 1954, 1963, and 1965.
Another was born in 1961 and lives in Detroit City and voted absentee on October 23rd.
There are two individuals with a common name who live in Detroit, interestingly they live at the same address. One was born in 1966 and the other in 1944. One of these individuals has never voted before, and the other one only voted in 2012. This year, one of those individuals requested an absentee ballot but did not return it as of November 2nd.
Another individual listed above was born in 1979 and did not receive an absentee ballot as of November 2nd even though this individual requested one and has never voted in his life.
I don’t know if it’s true that the official ballots were printed with a watermark making it easy to find the fake ones.
Being offended is the new black.
Nineteen new cases of Covid in the Berkshires. Most are family and community spread with ties to dining establishments and schools. Two educators and one school nurse should be included in the count.
Go hide in your basement.
Are you for this designated At Home Project. It targets lower valued households no neighborhoods yet income designates the qualification threshold? So how does anyone know that a crummy home needs repair yet the income maybe higher than a more expensive home in a better neighborhood. I for one am not opposed to this program but it must be fair and should go by income thresholds, not the neighborhood you live in?
And I agree on increasing the funding but against taking it out of the G E fund. This is not economical development . Whether it employs local contractors or not.Get a brain Councilors.
This is just to help slum lords. There are few home owners downtown that can afford to do any repairs. She is paying back Scarafoni and the others. This seems a disgusting misuse of public money in my opinion. They should cut property taxes for the elderly and provide fuel relief before they do any of this.
Have you ever heard of a Dark Winter? Well we’re headed towards one. A long one. And who’s going to be in charge of keeping Sleepy Joe awake.
Biden won’t make it through the winter. They already have plans on him being declared incompetent or ending up dead dues to “dementia” or a “fall”.
Notice most Democrats are running deep and silent.
I do remember the movie…. run silent run deep?
In 2000, for example, OR and NM should have been recounted too.
We’ve been the DSA for a long time. 40 years? Certainly since Bork. And that Reagan was an idiot too. Or, of course, Watergate.
Should be “Venisti, Vovisti, Vicisti” if you want the second-person singular.
Let me acknowledge the commenters in here who have been saying that the outstanding ballots are from Dim strongholds.
In fact, all state election apparatuses in question are controlled by Dims. Surprise!
Call it “Pallets of Ballots.” (I stole that from somewhere.)
Thus, at 7:20 am Friday
Biden up by 900+ in GA with “100%” reporting
Biden 49.4%/2,449,371 Trump49.4%/2,448,454
“100%” but they’ll keep looking for Biden votes.
Biden up by 47K in AZ with 86% reporting
Biden 50.1%/1,532,062 Trump 48.5%/1,485,010
(Trump actually gaining. Better stop that crap. Right now.)
Biden up by 12K in NV with 86% reporting
Biden 49.4%/604,251 Trump 48.5%/592,813
Dirty Harry’s got it under control. Not to worry.
Trump up by 18K in PA with 91% reporting
Trump 49.6%/3,285,965 Biden49.3%/3,267,923
“Hey, we need one more Biden pallet. Dump those others.”
Trump up by 75K in NC with “100%” reporting
Trump50.1%/2,732,084 Biden 48.7%/2,655,383
“Three pallets ought to do it.”
Networks cutting away from Trump last night pretty obvious sign that the jig is up.
China-Biden-Harris wins.
The lamestream meme now is “no evidence.”
Sort of like four years of the Russia hoax?
The problem is that republicans are re-elected they are going against the Presidents
Claim and it looks as though Trump had nothing to do with their re-elections. Traitors!President has a legitimate gripe. Crazy is what they say? That’s it?
What you have is a tireless fighter as President. He said before the election there would be a problem and he’s following through with it. Why are fellow Republicans dismissing his claims as crazy. Don’t listen to C N N. I heard there was some kind of delay where thousands of ballots didn’t arrive on time? Let this play out. You think the President is sending in lawyers for nothing. Don’t call it crazy? Crazy is what you’ll get when and if Snoring Joe gets in.
Capitalism will soon be dead.
Where have been the constant death tickers, case counts, and maps of every state painted red on the news? I thought people were out dying on the street from Covid? By the time Joe takes office we will have a vaccine to the most at risk population and will probably be starting the process with the general population. Of course he and the Democrats will take credit for that. Just in time for the Georgia runoff, what a sham.
Trump is 0 for 6 in lawsuits so far.The democratic cities know Donald Trump is their enemy. They know he was not going to fund their police.Mr law and order must now show us what kind of man he is.Im shocked that you Dan are feeding into the false lying desperate claim of fraud….lose with the dignity of Clinton and Gore.If you dont believe in America then at least promote the truth.
Have you lost it. You just elected an eighty year old,no energy,sleeping former v p with no accomplishments other than building a four hundred million dollar war chest. Go drink the kool aid and keep listening to c n n.
RushLimbaugh is your thinking mentor.
You don’t have a thinking mentor, because you don’t think.
These people may one day wake up on what they are unleashing on this country, but the far left is looking for votes from people who are NOT deep thinkers. These are people they can easily manipulate into believing their “We are all about Equality” nonsense when half of the country knows they are all about power and getting more of it for themselves.
You can’t handle the truth!
We aren’t all stupid on here. We know the President has the right to examine a close election,so doesn’t the opposition. Will Trump find a smoking gun like a ton of ballots in an abandoned warehouse,probably not. But the path he will go is to find discrepancy’s, challenge the election to the courts and get it to the Supreme Court with the possibility to overturn any results. And he has said this before the election. So let’s see if his so called wild claims have truth.
I have seen so much evidence already that is being hidden by the far leftist media. Voting count workers coming forward saying they were told to change dates on mail-in ballots, video of one guy telling another where he could get hundreds of mail-in ballots to fill out to cheat in the election, The same birthdate on tons of mail-in ballots all in a row so they can’t be properly checked. Anyone could have filled in hundreds of these ballots just for one person by changing their signature. These mail-in ballots are highly unregulated which is why they are a dream come true for the far left radicals and their revolution.
Trump is forcing NYC to become economically solvent and they are definitely feeling the pinch. This is actually pretty genius and really does show some value of the presidents record. I know it’s hard …
The fix is in.
Biden up by 1,000 in GA now.
And Biden now leading in PA by 7,000.
My feeling is division will continue and will be very bad in this Country and for our Country. I just don’t think Biden will be able to handle it. I will pray for him though.
Not to worry, FL. He won’t have to handle it, others will be doing it for him.
Dead voter claim in Michigan. True or false you have to look into it. And Trump has the right to challenge a close vote anyway?
To be Senator in Georgia for instance, you have to have fifty percent of the vote to avoid a run off. Trump will challenge his election and has every right to do so. The lower courts have the right to rule in his favor and then goes to the Supreme Court for final adjudication. And he owes it to the 70 million that voted for him. After all C N N it is a Democracy? Isn’t it.
I think Mr. Spinalzo voted from his slot in the aunties’ basement.
It should be a red flag that the GOP picked up seats in the house, held on to the Senate, but lost the presidency. I don’t know of any voters personally that voted a split ticket this year.
Excellent commentary. And your right. I thought Trump would be elected but not Senate.
Actually, your comment is totally contradictory to what Freebird said. And Freebird, I don’t think what your your circle of acquaintances has done can be extrapolated to millions of voters across the country.. Seriously.
Some 98,000 Pennsylvanians apparently “voted” for Biden but *no one else down the ballot*.
You tell us: are these real votes or fraudulent ballots desperately manufactured in the middle of the night to put Biden over the top?
My very thoughts, FB. And isn’t it interesting that there were thousands at all of Trumps rallies, out in freezing weather, and only a dismal amount at Bidens. Doesn’t make sense.
I hear the fraud and the fix is in and it tells me your all drive time angry men who dont think …cant wait to turn on Fox entertainment
A real history lesson for those following the current coup against President Trump.
This was just on AHC the other night. Apocalypse WWI, or some such.
Contra the Planet’s statement the other day, I don’t think Lenin bought a word of Marx.
In my study of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin, I came to see that Marxism was just an excuse for power, and power absolutely. And still is.
The Germans gave Lenin 100,000,000 marks/dollars(?) to go to Russia and start the revolution and get Russia out of the war. The proletariat? Yeah, right.
Where does Marx say that you have to wipe out millions of your own people?
Also contra the Planet today, Limbaugh mentioned today that the Dims tried to steal the election in 2000, but got caught in the act. I remember that there was some Dim funny business in NM and OR, as I alluded to earlier
Contra to this, THE PLANET said the opposite. Lenin acted as if he had never read a word on Marx. The application of Marx by Lenin, Stalin and the Soviets was about as anti-Marxist as one could get, though you are correct when you say Marx became a justification for absolute power. Marx was not a totalitarian. Marx was a philosopher who applied his methods to economic theory.
Wow that really is what is happening now. Especially these lines, “There was corruption in the balloting. There were “extensions” to allow more ballots. There was a long and strong public propaganda messaging to the public that the Bolsheviks had won when they had lost. The agenda to “transform” Russia into the first Marxist governed nation did not cease after the polls closed on the “election day.”
Violence, manipulation of the news, vociferous protests, armed vandals, and an attack upon the Russian governing structure increased. Eventually the Russian Provisional Government was absolved and the tyranny of 70 years slavery to Marxist dogmas resulted.”
This is exactly what they want to do to us now…enslave us to Marxist dogmas and they are using the exact same tactics.
Staff from over a dozen Berkshire restaurants have been exposed to Covid because of an after hours party at a a north street bar. Why is it city councilors don’t have to follow health regulations
From the Well to Porches staff are getting hit hard due to a party.
Your Mayor says stay vigilant. And stay vigilant on North st. And Hancock road. You could be a victim. As you drive by Fort Beach on Hancock don’t tell me you don’t glance at the Fort for a second just out of curiosity. Both places accidents waiting to happen.
Let’s hope Chris Connell runs for something if not City Council. And Morandi.
Thanks for the support. I’m still considering my options for next year as well as in 2 plus years.
Are they blaming their own stupidity on President Trump? No doubt they are doing just that.
Heard the party was at Methuselah.
Some confusion as to what Limbaugh said at the start of the program today.
You could think that he was saying that Biden won.
Brett Baier sent him a text asking if he’s conceding to Biden.
No, he wasn’t, said Rush. He was talking hypothetically in the context of commenting on Jason Whitlock’s piece on love and hate. Plus, a poor choice of words.
So Limbaugh is not saying Biden has won.
BUTTTTTTT: See how many lamestreamers say that Limbaugh called Biden the winner today.
It’ll be classic dereliction of “journalistic” duty. They’ll just play that one clip, out of context, and without Rush’s explanation.
It’s too early to call anything, although Biden had the upper hand.
Limbaugh saying that the lamestream media wants FOX to make the call for Biden. Jake Tapper lecturing FOX on democracy, responsibility.
3:40 pm Friday
Biden by 2,000 in GA (not all dead voters have been counted yet)
Biden 49.4%/2,450,391 Trump49.4%/2,448,818
Limbaugh said Dims want John Lewis’s district to steal, er, seal it for Biden.
Biden by 13K in PA with 95% reporting (and 100% of Philly for Biden)
Biden49.5%/3,311,928 Trump 49.3%/3,298,209
Biden by 21K in NV with 92% reporting
Biden49.7%/627,104 Trump 48.1%/606,967
You’re slipping Harry.
Biden by 39K in AZ with 90% reporting
Biden 49.9%/1,564,883 Trump 48.6%/1,525,114
Great McCain’s Ghost trying to ward off the Orange Man.
What’s that so far, 75K? There must be 1 million+ fraudulent Dim votes nationwide.
Disqualify 10 to 20% of those, and Trump wins.
It is fraud from over.
Limbaugh also saying that GOP can come up to even in the House??!?!?!?!
Senate: GOP 50 Dims 48 with two runoffs in GA on January 5.
The fix is in with these totally unregulated mail-in ballots.
This is totally doable for Team Trump here.
Don’t pull a Nixon 1960 and walk away from the challenge.
Trump could give a flying Frisbee about being nice, a graceful loser Republican.
That’s why he ran!
Great parallel re: Richard Nixon in 1960, especially with what happened in Illinois and, particularly, Chicago with Mayor Daley and patriarch Joe Kennedy.
Welcome to the New Stalinism. Second one has already been happening for a long time.
Local politician and retired entertainment lawyer is in a video posted on one of the local Facebook Berkshire info sites admitting that he voted in MA and FL. It’s not hard to find the video but I don’t know how to link to it.
In the video at a restaurant he is talking to a couple people and is unaware he’s being recorded.
He tells how he mailed in a FL ballot and did a walk in ballot in MA. If you don’t tell Florida you live in another location, they don’t check voter registration, the same goes for MA.
More dirty USPS employees back dating late ballots in PA. Whistleblower willing to testify, to late ballots being post-dated and processed for illegal counting.
From someone who knows dirty politics…
Awesome! Son of Elvis speaks truth!
A former capo regime turns state’s evidence. I love it.
Michigan GOP: Software That Stole 6,000 Votes From Trump in One County Used in 47 Counties
“The county is reporting Republican President Donald Trump beat Democrat Joe Biden by about 2,500 votes, with Trump receiving 56% of the just over 17,000 votes cast for president and Biden receiving 42%.
Political observers had expressed shock early Wednesday when the county transferred numbers to the state showing Biden beating Trump by about 3,000 votes. Antrim is a Republican stronghold where local GOP officials have mostly run unopposed in recent elections…”
I repeat. This totally doable for Trump. Relatively easy, in fact.
A couple things that have cost Trump votes is a bogus lying mofo named Goldberg ,saying Trump uttered losers and suckers concerning military. I don’t believe it for one minute and it was fake news and disgusting.
The other is the comment concerning John McCain and the hero remark. I had a friend who was in Vietnam and received the Purple Heart among other decorations. He was showing it to me and I said way to go! His reply was,it was because I did something stupid? Read into that what you want but the point is the context of what the President was saying was that McCain was not a hero and had nothing to do with McCains service to our Country.
Yeah, the software was used in all the swing states, and uses CHINESE parts… this story is about to blow apart the election.
So far at least 6,000 Trump votes were switched to Biden votes by this Chinese software and it was used in other swing states. Many of these vote counts are very narrow with Georgia now only 4,000 votes apart.
Now, how many times in five years has Trump said something, and the snarky Left falls all over itself in a regular fit saying how wrong it is, fact-check this, fact-check that (never fact-check a Dim, though, that’s apostasy)?
And after a few days, a week, two weeks, it turns out that Trump was right?
The lamestreamers cut away from the sitting US president’s statement on a presidential election?
I remind the Planet that Paul Ryan is on the board at FOX News. FYI.
Trump didn’t get a fair shake from the media. When you get 70 million votes and don’t win,something’s up.
5:35 pm Friday
Democrats 212 Republicans 194
I count 18 GOPers leading in the remaining races. At least two others tied.
194 +18 = 212!!!!
Only eleven races remaining after that.
I guess what hurts me the most is that, weeks ago, Trump said he could not possibly lose a fair election, and therefore that if he did lose, the election must have been rigged. Why would any person say something like that? Why would a person be so convinced that they could not possibly lose a fair election, and a loss must mean fraud — that an election cannot possibly be true and fair unless it picks ME as the winner? And of course it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Those beliefs express an a priori lack of trust in our democracy.
It is true that, as Dan says, we are divided. But we are still the USA. We do much better than the rest of the world at freedom, and do much better than the rest of the world at being a representative democracy. These election results show us clearly who we are, just as the results in 2016 clearly showed us who we were then. The pendulum swings back and forth, and the system, because it is working as it should, shows us clearly who we are every four years, and shows us what kind of work we all have to do to continue this marvelous experiment.
“Clearly”, there is all kinds of confusion and obfuscation, as a result of this whole mail in voting thing, which should have never been allowed. Period. Period. Period.
Why?!? Because President Trump knew ahead of time what they were plotting to do. Changing voting laws in many states that hadn’t been changed in years and flooding the country with these mail-in ballots. Anyone could see the potential for corruption and after 4 years of an attempted coup against him, President Trump was highly suspicious of what they were doing. Who wouldn’t be? Mail-in ballots have caused confusion and chaos in far smaller elections and then they brazenly use them in what they knew would be a massive number of people voting?
Let me rephrase for you:
Those beliefs express an a priori lack of trust in the Democratic Party.
And he’s right, of course.
One thing people don’t understand or think about before they launch into their toddler tantrums is that Trump doesn’t want to give the lamestreamers any kind of sound bite that he expects to lose, wants to lose, or likes to lose, as he witnessed with people like McCain and Romney and Republicans for the last fifty years.
Should be obvious now why the Democratic Party doesn’t want to reform/purge/clean up/standardize the voting rolls–they can’t cheat that way.
Their opposition to voter ID is an obvious sign that they want to cheat.
Irony is that the Democratic Party doesn’t want democracy–they want to rule and for you to shut up if you don’t agree. And if you don’t shut up, they’ll come and harass you when you do try to speak.
The New Stalinism.
Ok, I understand what you are saying about the Democratic party. So the goal of the democrats now needs to be one that engenders trust.
Which is precisely why they should come clean on the ballots in order to get an accurate count and stop obfuscating and threatening Trump supporters a la some Orwellian operation.
Otherwise, it’ll be four years of President Voter Fraud.
I agree with you.
Unfortunately the far left wants to destroy this wonderful experiment. President Trump does have proof of this massive vote fraud using watermarks that he purposely had put on these mail-in ballots knowing they were going to abuse them to create chaos and lots of other evidence of dates on ballots being changed and mail-in ballots given out in large quantities by postal workers. He is right that these mail-in ballots encourage fraud.
We are the USA, true in our founding documents, true in the design & plan, true on the Flipchart, and, fortunately, true in most of living daily life relative to much of the rest of the world. God bless. Politically and ideologically, especially the type of reductionist beliefs now in vogue (the ones driven largely by social media and reinforced by the dreadful state of public eduction in America), we are the DSA. The problem lies in the intersection of these two circles, these two “nations.” This is that space where social media, the 24/7 news cycles, cable TV talk heads, mainstream media, high tech, and the internet meet and have affected (in some cases taken over) daily life and its priorities.
“the only way we lose this is by the chicanery going on relative to polling places”
Can anyone tell me why a Back Lives Matter poster is on the publicly funded Colonial? When looking them up they state they are a political/social organization, which I thought was not allowed
That is scary. Hope somebody tells you why.
A fair question.
Because like most everybody else around here from Tyer on down, this city and it’s GOBSIGs, of which Colonial is clearly one, are lefties loons who support these raciss and socialist causes. Let’s just hope she doesn’t order BLM painted in front of shitty hall.
Former Dem Blagojevich is familiar with fraud.
USPS filed for patent 2/20 on watermark technology on mail- in ballots.
This must be some more of the proof of fraud that President Trump has against the far left. Not to mention vote counters coming forward saying they were told to date mail-in ballots to the day of the election, evidence of post office workers giving massive amounts of ballots to people to sign, and not allowing Republicans to view the vote counting.
Interesting, but I wouldn’t want to get too far out on the Jason Bourne stuff just yet.
If the dead can come out and vote in Philadelphia what the hells wrong with the lazy lardasses who can’t be bothered to vote?
I once visited Goslow. Wonderful country. I am pleased to hear they named a street after it.
Now That is Funny.
Have you ever been to Niagara Falls?
Yes. And I turned s-l-o-w-l-y.
Rutberg owns property on this street.
Fellow patriots – Greg Kelly’s show on Newsmax, M-F 7-8 pm (Spectrum channel 222 in my area) is a must-watch. Grab your popcorn and follow along as Trump takes the election fraudsters to the mat. Justice Alito has now entered the arena in regards to the PA debacle. Keep the faith – may Trump prevail!
Can we just all get along?
Nice. Where’s the piano?
7:35 am Saturday
You can follow the links to Real Clear Politics and get the raw vote counts.
Heard on BBC that Trump has 1,200 lawyers out there.
Biden Trump
Arizona (11)
49.7 48.8 (95%)
North Carolina (15)
48.7 50.1 (96%)
Nevada (6)
49.8 48.0 (92%)
Georgia (16)
49.4 49.3 (99%)
Pennsylvania (20)
49.6 49.2 (95%)
Vote totals for Michigan, which could come back into play once all the dead folks are put to their final rest–again.
MI: Biden 50.6%/2,790,64816 Trump 47.9%/2,644,525 (145K)
And Wisconsin:
WI: Biden 49.6%/1,630,57010 Trump 48.9%/1,610,030 (only 20K)
Focus of the fraud is on Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta.
Nancy Pelosi crowing that, according to her, Joe Biden has won the presidency and they have won the war. She doesn’t even care about House and Senate losses. They will make them up in 2022. No, the whole point was to get rid of President Trump and she is not just professionally, but also personally very happy. We are supposed to trust a vote count in a very close race from people who think like this? She also thinks her party now has a mandate to do whatever they want. She is delusional.
Yes Pat,tinking the same thing. Biden says he will represent all Americans? Yet he has told Trump to go home. So,close to seventy million of Trumps voters are supposed to leave the President? And join a Biden Presidency? Not on this Presidents watch. He’s not going quietly. And we should put Hunter Biden under the microscope for the next four like Trumps kids. U S A…Awful. And we gotta watch his (Biden) stupid addresses to the Country with nonsense talk and unfinished sentences. And Pelosi,forget about it.
President Trump is not going quietly and neither are his supporters. Four years of plotting and scheming to get rid of President Trump from these people and now they want everyone to obediently accept their tricky election results.
His sidekick Kamala also needs to be put under the microscope for the next 4 years IF they win and the only ones who will do it are Trump supporters. The media is too corrupt since Marxists own the media which is all part of their plans.
I will be tuning out on a lot of this, but will have to watch some unfortunately just to keep in touch with the insanity so I have an idea of what they are about to unleash on us. God help our foreign policy with Biden in charge. Will he be shipping tons of cash to foreign countries under the cover of darkness like was done during his and Obama’s administration? Have the deals with foreign countries for his friends and family already begun? Can Kamala stop giggling long enough to sound like an adult? It’s going to be a long 4 years if his election is allowed.
I was disgusted when I read of the Covid 19 problems at the Olde Heritage Tavern in Lenox. To think that two (probably a couple) selfish, idiots would eat out while waiting for test results is unbelievable.
I really WISH that somehow their names would become public. But no such luck.
Probably New Yorkers.
Almost went there for lunch on Wednesday, but didn’t. Then I see that evening that they’ve had cases. Dodged that one.
They were not NYrs. In fact they were friends of the staff, some of whom then went to an after hours party in Pittsfield … Mission, the Lantern, and Methuselah. This is all about a group of restaurant folks, including a North Street bar owner (name rhymes with puki), who think the rules just don’t apply to them. Who care more about getting drunk and seeing who they can bang in the bathroom, than public health.
No masks, no social distancing, over crowding, free city money and park lets, after hours serving of booze. What could go wrong.
Please tell us by name all the places to avoid.
Panera wasn’t too swift in cleaning their tables, but I think I lit a fire under them.
Ninety-Nine seems pretty responsible.
So, who’s this Yuki Cohen? An NYC finance type who decided to get out of the rat race and come up here? Open a business and then suck off the Kapanskis through her business and council seat while she watches her private portfolio grow at a low, favorable tax rate?
Am I correct so far?
Any chance that the owner could sue claiming their deliberate negligence put others at risk?
Democrat democrazy at work in Michigan!!!
Patty told the 100% Fed Up audience, “Last night, after watching the media, tech giants, Democrats, and back-stabbing Republicans attempt to convince Americans that voter fraud is a myth, and that mass voter fraud is simply not a thing, I decided to go live on our 100 Percent Fed Up Facebook page and explain what I saw or didn’t see, thanks to Democrat operatives and Detroit election workers, at the TCF Center with my own two eyes.”
Here is Patty’s full video on her day at the TCF Center in Michigan.
This lawlessness cannot stand. If Americans value their freedoms they better wake up and speak out now.
True because they will pull these shady elections again and again. This needs to be stopped. This isn’t even about President Trump. This is about corruption. This is for the fairness of all elections now and in the future. They want this Marxist revolution so bad that they will flout any laws to achieve it.
God you’re deluded. You need to turn of Fox for a few weeks and head to a psychologist for deprogramming.
I completely agree with Dan that young people today are not being taught properly. They are intentionally being dumbed down. They are cheering for a man who is corrupt and wants big government, the ultimate authority figure. While in school they are being taught that they shouldn’t have to see a police officer because he represents authority and that offends them, but it’s OK for big government to tell all of us how to live our lives.
Young people in the 60’s were at least fighting for freedom. Young people of today are fighting for big government to lord it over them.
Fox News isn’t telling me what to think. This is common sense something that you don’t get on CNN and MSNBC or the major news networks. Young people will have to learn the hard way that giving away all your power to a government that wants to take away your freedoms is not a good path to go down. FOX news is NOT saying any of that. Common sense again. We are watching the dumbing down of America and not just the youth. To much time spent using drugs (prescription and illegal) by many Americans so they can’t even think straight. To much time spent in bars too.
Here’s the thing Pat. The majority of Democrats aren’t super left leaning, Green new deal loving, AOC whack jobs, like Fox portrays them. Just like the majority of Republicans aren’t rabid, immigrant hating, Nazi loving whack jobs. Both parties have fringe elements but they are just that , fringe. I promise you that Marxism and Socialism are not just around the corner. And with the Republicans still in control of the Senate major change is unlikely, which is why the market has responded so positively. What will happen, is that we will regain our standing on the National stage and no longer be the laughing stock of the world, and that’s good for all of us.
We are not the laughing stock of the world. We are respected. People don’t want to pour in to the laughing stock of the world. So many countries were rooting for President Trump because they know we are the last best hope for freedom in the world. If we go totalitarian, it’s all over for the rest of the world. This is why our enemies like China are working so hard to destroy our country and why they like Biden so much. Biden will go easy on China and they know it. They can probably also blackmail him if he doesn’t dance to their tune.
True. Both parties are not the extremists that they are portrayed to be normally, but you have to agree that with all the violence and intolerance coming from the far left, they are becoming more extreme overall.
Look on the bright side. Free mo go gai pan at the Whitehouse
We’ll have to agree to disagree regarding the laughing stock of the world, but it’s no secret that all of our European allies had nothing but disdain for Trump. As for Totalitarianism, Trump was the poster child for it. He spurned our allies and sucked up to dictators. I don’t think you will see anything close to that from Biden, and I must say Biden’s speech today was so refreshing and well….normal.
I do think there are complete whack jobs on both sides, but Trump fanned the flames of all of them. I think things will calm down, not devolve further. Biden is extending an olive branch to the republicans and I hope they take it. It would be nice not to have four more years of bickering and name calling.
Totalitarianism: a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
The thing is jon that Trump was right and this election was a sham with the mail in voting scam! And glad to see you acknowledge AOC is a whack job. Too bad Biden doesn’t know his ass from his elbow, and the socialist Harris will be left not run the country. Pat is mostly right.
Biden promises to be a president for all Americans. If this country goes Socialist/Marxist, he is NOT my president.
yes he is
You’d be happy with Pol Pot or Idi Amin, Tommy boi.
Just call him 46.
anybody remember this post?
I smell a landslide win! Mr. Fritz 10/13/2020
I believe Cal Thulatta won the electoral challenge Ed Murrow took.
If they hadn’t cheated maybe.
If the media says it, it must be true.
* Jerry Packard: Biden 272 Trump 266.
* Callime Thulatta: Biden 350 Trump 188
* Maggie May: Biden 279 Trump 259
Congratulations to the oligarchy, for the moment at least.
Keep your pants on, More, it ain’t over yet.
America just went into the shitter. Socialism here we go. Darkest of winters ahead.
OK – I’m keepen em on – “My prediction – landslide for Trump! 11/01/2020” Mr. Fritz
now you’ve got two down on this one, looks like all your friends on jumpin’ on ya
You got 5 thumbs down with that prediction Mr. Fritz
Who thinks that the DNC will call of their riot militias now?
Smokin’ Joe voted for Biden!
MY favorite boxer. Glad to hear he “came back” once more.
Electoral college meets and votes on December 14. I think all state must certify their results before that day.
It’s fraud from over.
Viva la Republica Banana!
A terrible situation in the Country. Stand back and stand by. Suckers and Losers. McCain wasn’t a hero. I believe Putin,why would he lie,he has no reason to lie. Koshogi wasn’t harmed by the Prince. There were good people on both sides Charlottesville.. Those shit hole Countries. Grab them by the. Kamala a monster. is worthless. We fell in love (Kim Jung Un) stimul more stimulus,Mexicans rapists, and of course ten of thousands of lies. Trumps in his bunker,if you see him tell him Angelo said. You’re Fired!
The People. Have Spoken. You’re FIRED. Welcome Socialism. Welfare. Stimulus. Debt. Market Crash.
Not the people. The very wealthy conspirators.
More Covid cases related to the service industry, mission bar, Guidos Pittsfield. Both are local cases with far reaching implications for shoppers and patrons.
Anyway, Syracuse had a great day, despite the visit from Boston College.
Remembering O B Joyfuls on this day. I broke my virginity there one night.
Joseph Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Propaganda, would be both extremely proud and envious of the job the mainstream media and the nefarious ministers of the left have done, propagandizing our citizenry over the past four years. Those who can say with a straight face that this was a fair and honest election, have sadly become, what Alinsky spoke of, a “Useful Idiot”. The corrupt and fraudulent actions operating within the mendacious workings of the progressive left is unprecedented. Their fraudulent actions have now presented us with the possible election of a Court Jester, soon to be replaced by a spurious Jezebel. What a preposterous and pathetic picture of the degradation of our nation. An unwelcomed travesty, considering the Great Nation our Founders envisioned and established through much blood, sweat and tears. If this “Deep State” coup of corruption is not alleviated soon, the America we so love (as crazy as it may sound to many) may soon become nothing more than a failed Republic, smoldering on the ash heap of history.
Outstanding post. Telling it like it is. I love it!
The New Stalinism
how about this one?
Trump will not win November 4 that I am certain of. Amanda well 10/18/2020
Seems it took until the 7th , seemingly, to complete their treacheries.
It ain’t over yet. Despite the MSM rants and hollerings.
Based on 99 percent of what I am reading here there is going to be little effort to reunite America. Obviously it will be better for the country to piss and moan and whine until the next election than to try to meet somewhere in the middle.
There will still be the elements who will continue their 24/7 effort to keep the country from moving forward and their worshipers will help them in doing so. Too many people just do not want to get along even if it is to their own benefit. And one of the ten commandments is that YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID, so plan on slugging through the mud of social disfunction, probably forever.
Can you understand why half of the country feels this way? After all the pissing and moaning for the last 4 years? Now that the media, big tech, the far left, and Nancy Pelosi are happy with the fact that a Democrat is in office, we should all now come together for the good of the country? You see I felt that way 4 years ago, but very few people cared. Even now I hear nasty comments from the far left continuing about President Trump. That makes people have a lot of anger. Many on the far left do not want to come together. All they care about is their agenda.
To bad because then you could be fixed,ha,ha
Did you really steal a Groucho Marx joke?
You see I felt 4 years ago that we should come together as a country, but all the pissing and moaning, plotting, and scheming for the last 4 years put an end to that hope. The treatment of President Trump and his supporters has been horrible and Nancy Pelosi, the corrupt media, and the far left now wanting the country to come together because they are happy because a Democrat is in the White House? Well, that doesn’t play well with many people.
The horrible treatment of President Trump and his supporters continues even now. There is little chance of the country coming together under these circumstances.
The far left has no intention of coming together. It’s all about the agenda. Even now they want to make lists of Trump supporters for future persecution. The squad will NEVER bring this country together. Neither will Pelosi or the corrupt media.
“Obviously it will be better for the country to piss and moan and whine until the next election than to try to meet somewhere in the middle.”
Yes, like the last four years.
This is a good one. Anyone remember who posted it?
“The whole clown show will end in November 2020, when Donald John Trump wins re-election.” Dec 12, 2019
Your Biden won by a very tight margin (IF he really did win at all) so I don’t think the Democrats are in a position to brag or to state like Pelosi that they have a mandate. They have a mandate for nothing.
What is the dust up in Springfield about the Morse/ Neal primary? Morse should know not to fight the power people