(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 8-10, 2021) — These days in fractured America, nothing is as it seems and everything seems like nothing.
Politically, both wings of the two-party body politick have proven equally capable of mob violence, although the left does it with more numerously and with greater effectiveness and duration, as we witnessed summer and fall last year. Pundits and other critics of the mob actions yesterday in D.C. as Congress certified Joe Biden as the next president professed shock that “the people’s house” came under attack. That’s funny.

© Bloomberg Demonstrators walk through the U.S. Capitol after breaching barricades to the building during a protest outside of in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021. The U.S. Capitol was placed under lockdown and Vice President Mike Pence left the floor of Congress as hundreds of protesters swarmed past barricades surrounding the building where lawmakers were debating Joe Biden’s victory in the Electoral College.
On Wednesday, we saw domestic terrorism, simple as that. We can and should be disappointed and disgusted, but not surprised or shock. Violence begets violence, and what we saw during the storming of the Capitol was an example.
At least the rabid right’s rampage was over in one day. But why is the Capitol any more or less “the people’s house” than the police departments, courthouses, and other state and federal properties torched by leftist mobs his summer?
Which leads THE PLANET back home.
About a mile past the Dalton American Legion, heading north from Pittsfield on the right, you will find hay stacks, not unusual for an area of fields, and farms. This one is unusual, however.
The bales function as a billboard for three words: LOVE, UNITY, PEACE.
LOVE = Only those who agree with you.
UNITY = Only with those who believe your beliefs.
PEACE = Unless someone offends you with an alternative point of view.
Move over, Eric Blair.
THE PLANET endorses all three words — if that’s all they’re meant to be. These haystacks, though, bear two other signatures. The word on the left is “VOTE.” On the right, a symbol of the Green New Deal. These additions turn what otherwise would be an affirmation into an admonition making love, unity, and peace political. How cynical and self-righteous.
Such hayseed propaganda art of the far-left wing has taken over what used to be a centrist Democratic Party. The party has been hijacked by a small number of woke radicals led by The Squad and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. They share as much responsibility for Wednesday’s travesty as Donald Trump. Harris, of course, called the Wednesday demonstrations “racist.”
Right. Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.
Joe Biden will take the oath Jan. 20 with Harris by his side. He’s 78, 11 years older than Ronald Reagan when the latter was sworn in amid concerns about mental acuity. Just last week, the Biden-Harris team made several interesting gaffes — or were they gaffes? Syracuse Joe made a reference to “the Harris-Biden Administration” and later, when talking about his VP, used the phrase “President Harris.” The woke one herself, whose meteoric rise in politics says much for the casting couch, referred to “the Harris Administration.”
THE PLANET wonders about the question of power. Who will be calling the shots? Has Biden been duped into figurehead status, with Harris, The Squad, and a banshee cadre at the wheel? This is probably the most vital question for Year One of President 46.
Meanwhile, the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives of the 117th Congress bears watching. It too has been ideologically hijacked by ultra-progressives. You may have missed it, but the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) added two members, both members of the Socialists of America: incoming Reps. Jamaal Bowman of New York and Cori Bush from Missouri.
Here’s something else you probably don’t know. The CPC instituted new rules:
- The CPC went from co-chairs to one chairman, Pramila Jayapal of Washington state, a “Seattle-based civil rights activists.” What else do you need to know?
- Members must now vote as a bloc. No strays allowed.
- Individual votes will be nullified if they fail to agree with the block.
- Individuals will lose membership if they fail to agree with the majority more than one-third of the time.
- Members must under penalty attend meetings and immediately respond to requests made by caucus whip, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.
The CPC hammers anyone who disagrees with their mission to foment race- and gender-based hatred in America. They think the most important issues are structural racism (not defined) and gender pronouns.
Jayapal, in remarks prior to swearing-in of Congress, said “We may have to be the wind behind the sails that helps Joe Biden and Kamala Harris deliver change through executive action, if we can’t do it legislatively.” In less polite circles, it’s called blackmail.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“You can’t teach an old dogma new tricks” — Dorothy Parker.
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To quote Obamas pal, that esteemed racist and most Reverend Jerimiah Wright, “America’s chickens are coming home to roost”. Now that it’s the radical right, instead of the black lies matter racists, who are committing violence in the name of “peaceful protests”, Cryin’ Chuck and Crazy Nancy and Sleepy Joe are up in arms about it????? But all summer long it was okay to attack cops, burn cities, shoot and kill innocent people, loot everything left in sight, burn police stations and cars, defund the police, destroy court houses, attempt to break into The White House, and tear down statues like a kid knocking down building blocks, and it was all just peaceful protesters according to the mainstream media and Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, and let’s not forget the raciss fake black, Kamala, who solicited donations to bail out those thugs responsible. All told about 2 dozen were killed. But now that it’s people on the right, who have finally had enough, enough of the Hillary Hoax, the phony Russian dossier, the crack of dawn raid on an old man, for lying to Congress, with guns drawn that the Clinton News Network (CNN) just happened to be there for, the deep state conspiracy to dethrone a duly elected POTUS, the impeachment debacle, the outright media refusal to report the truth about Lyin Biden, along with social medias’ discriminatory and totally unfair removal of first amendment speech, on the president no less, and now a stolen election, that although perhaps legal, was anything but unfair, and possibly rigged, and these “peaceful protesters” are condemned by these same useless leaders who stood silent while our cities burned all summer, and shootings and homicides reached record numbers. And they want to impeach Trump over it???? And Pelosi and Schumer want cops fired over this????? You reap what you sow, and Schumer and Pelosi brought this upon themselves. I hear one of the peaceful protesters sat in Pelosi’s’ speakers’ chair. Let’s hope they pissed on it, because after Pelosi tore up Trumps state of the union address, she doesn’t deserve to be speaker. My only wish is that one of the right wingers got ahold of AOC and knocked some sense into her. And for Biden and Harris to claim the cops allowed The Capitol to be overrun because the rioters were white??????? Come On Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right on man! Had Trump won, and it was black lies matter folk rioting to upend the certification, Pelosi, Schumer, Bine, Harris and the media would have declared they were peaceful protesters.
That’s likely the case. Had Trump won a contested election, there would be “Burn, baby, burn” in a lot of place right about now.
Totally correct…..Cities would still be burning. No doubt about it.
But he didnt win…and they’re not burning. Hypotheticals to excuse an insane Insurrection are just ridiculous. You’re on the wrong side of history and I’m done with all y’all. I’m certain I will not be missed.
THE PLANET will miss ya, Mr G!
So you are going to leave because people have a different view than you. Now I know where the kid went who took his toys and went home.
We had a kid in the neighborhood who once did this, with his football, during a pickup game because he got tackled for a loss. He went crying home and took the football. I had to run home and get my football so the game would go on. I don’t think Mr. G is of that disposition. He’s a good lad who figures he needs to cool down.
Pot calling the kettle black here, methinks.
Well excuuuuse me! That was me that went home with football that day and the reason was because when that fat kid tackled me and I fell on the ball (Yes for a goddamn loss) and some air came out of it and I went home to put more air in it. By the time I got back you guys were all sitting around smoking joints and pawing at a playboy so I left again.
But thanks for bringing it up, like I did not feel bad enough about the whole episode
Don’t let your feet slow you down.
I’m with you, Mr. G.
Cities have not burned since Nixon
Seriously?? You can’t mean this. You can’t be that misinformed about history. Just can’t. Not possible!
Misinformation is when you call Trumps coup attemp a riot.
I say this respectfully but you really are a dumb shit.
Thank you,Trumper
No? Because we were blind to what has been happening in the last four years.
Fox news liars cant man up for their overthrow at the Peoples House
Statistic is a science based on Mathematical probabilities–which is strict calculations.
Trump got 12 Million more votes in 2020 than in 2016, so that alone shows statistical ZERO probability for Biden to win!
Only using fraud Dems could have gotten Millions of additional votes
for 78 y.o. senior citizen- Biden with sex offender history even among Dems, with his son Hunter Biden under criminal investigation for China, Ukraine energy contracts.
Revolution in Ukraine happened–people stormed President Yanukovich’s Palace.–All done against the Law.
Ukrainian revolution was financed/supported by CIA and Dems.
Nobody condemned them.
Nobody condemned Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis for storming their Congresses.
Why should we condemn Americans AFTER all Legal and Lawful attempts to show Election Fraud failed?
Black Police officer shot white woman 35-year-old,
Ashli Babbitt-Air Force Veteran– in her face specifically to kill her.
She was unarmed. There were other means to stop her, but he killed her on purpose. I condemn this officer and all
those who faked Election votes.
First I heard about Biden having a convicted, “sex offender history”..Wow this is news ! Please elaborate and direct us to the cause #, case files, jurisdiction, etc.This is a bombshell. Good job.
Biden exposed himself to female secret service agents when he was VP
“domestic terrorism, simple as that“? Occupying public buildings is of course a familiar form of protest. Yeah it’s illegal, but if we are taking law and order for absolute then the Democrat Party would have been put on the terrorist list many years ago for worse incidents, and if Party members are in the cockpit everyone has a duty to act
Then why do I have to go through a metal detector and get a wand job at the local social security office. Domkoff.
I thought you could get a wand job in the back room at Meth.
Or from Kamala, rumor has it she is good with wands
Stormy said Trump had a very very tiny Wand
Were those who stormed the building after listening to Elizabeth Warren inciting a riot at the Kavanaugh hearings domestic terrorists? Of course not. They were Democrats and the msm loved it. Did anyone get shot by government agents during these anti Kavanaugh riots? Of course not they were Democrats.
Elizabeth Warren incited a riot? Seriously? What instructions did she give exactly? Were any cops killed then? This was a bigger deal. It was clearly and directly provoked by the president and his team on video. Just admit it.
Just so no one else has to waste their time, the first video is of a heckler being removed from a Senate hearing. The second video shows Warren addressing a crowd of protesters. Saying she agrees with them. Notably, she’s not instructing them to do anything. Thanks, Agent 86. That’s five minutes I’ll never get back.
It’s surprising you have that long of an attention span
Please tell us what Trump said that caused lawless behavior.
Certainly. Unlike you I wil deliver the goods.
So , post the exact words that you think caused anyone to do anything illegal.
Not surprisingly, not one word about Trumps roll in the attempted coup. His base still worships him and feels he is incapable of doing anything worthy of criticism. This kind of attitude pretty much assures that the country will remain divided and continually weakening itself.
China and Russia cannot believe their good fortune as America chews off its own leg making them more powerful without any effort of their own.
The Democrats spent 5 years systematically trying to destroy President Trump using every institution in the country to do so and they succeeded. White people are the enemy of the “woke” mob and you either become one of the ‘woke’ and join them in their condemnation of white people and their privilege or you are the enemy. Trump supporters, Christians, and others can be added to the list of those that the “woke mob” despises. They will destroy the reputation of anyone who thinks otherwise. If you want to keep your job, your nice house and your family safe, then you need to think as the “woke mob” thinks. No, we can see who is really destroying this country from within and it’s not President Trump.
China and Russia paid off Hunter and he gave the big guy his cut.
Sure did. And you were right there to see it so we know it is true.
Trump recklessly encouraged his cult and incited a riot bottom line. He lit the match. Then he tryed to take credit for calling the national guard when it was Pence. And now his damage control is to peacefully, finally turnover the White House to Biden. He should have done that 2 months ago. What an egotistical narcissist maniac. Just the kind of guy you want as the most powerful man in the world.
If Trump now offers poison kool-aid to his followers it is obvious that they are ready to drink it. He so owns them, their brains and their balls
Does not sound like you are ready to open up and listen to others opinions to help the nation come together after the big steal
“Woke mobs” have no intention of coming together. You either think like they do or they destroy you. Kamala and Joe are going to further divide this country and after 4 years of this duo, or of just Kamala, everyone will be forced to accept socialism/Marxism.
Pat, you’d come across as a more sane individual if you could objectively look at the massacre on Wednesday and admit your guy screwed up. Just this once maybe?
Yah, don’t hold your breath on that one Van. Pat is incapable of viewing Trump objectively.
After 5 years of trying to destroy his presidency, President Trump has been effected by their attempts to get rid of him. No doubt about it. His judgement is not the best on this because he should have let the courts handle the election fraud, and just left it alone, but he was so incensed by the fraud. The left wants to coddle the mental state of people on their side and we have to be so sensitive and understanding with the violence from the left, but President Trump is given no such understanding about his reaction to their torturing him and Trump supporters for the last 4 to 5 years.
Maybe we are just worried that he will kill even more innocent people? Admit it. The guy is nutso and extremely dangerous, kinda like the swastika guy.
That was a big step for you, Pat. Thank you.
Exactly what did he say?
Exactly what did Trump say?
After everything that went on with the coup attemp at the Capital by our President you felt the need to tell your readers that Vice President Harris is VP because for you she slep her way into that position. When will women and minorities get a little respect.
Unfortunately that is how she “rose” up the ranks. I find it interesting that she was introduced to Joe by Hunter and you know his history with women
You always have the most well thought out comments. How did you not get the obit?
She obviously has no talent for leadership in politics and just giggles a lot. She is a divider and will do as she is told by the woke mob.
If they do get rid of trump, pence has to pardon him. For pence own safety. Trump is an awful man,awful. What you’ll find going forward with these idiots is more domestic terrorism like we’ve never seen. God Bless our safety.. and first responders.
When they earn it. Nobody should be given a job based on gender, skin color, etc.
1/3 of America has doubts about election, sadly it seems TDS has blinded another 1/3 to what would be the obvious response. Leaving a 3rd that are too distracted or young to grasp the danger of a divided country.
Would have been better to lay out the facts, as was provided for in our constitution. IMO
JFK also manipulated an election, didn’t turn out well.
A three party system, which may result from the recent events. Would be a welcome change- forcing comprise by our supposed representatives.
Trump for all his faults, and resistance faced – did much of what he said he would.
New administration lacks commitment,
Policies they champion. Will make gas again 4$ and markets tank, bitcoin & gold prices an anticipation of crashing dollar? printing money just weakens its worth. Odumber part 2.
Been there, done that , got trophy.
2022 may see a new political landscape, long overdue . Next 2 years going to sting.
As to the Bales , the 1st amendment right to voice an opinion is what makes America great.
Lost in the boring broadsheets story, was whom instigated an inebriated person to commit the crime at the bar. The fact that DPD was made aware prior, and allowed it to occur, even after they watched gas can fall out of Perps truck onto roadway. Larry “ hit piece “ Parnass is nothing but a Pravda propagandist for rutberg.
Hat tip They got national attention they wanted with that one, news makers right and left created Wednesday events.
Fake news should be called out for inciting and inflaming the situation.
Which only happens through alternative media, like the planet – who hopefully is reaping some well deserved rewards.
Trump is dangerous to our nation and the planet and needs to be cuffed and perp walked out of the White House today. I now firmly believe this was a planned effort, with a few of the Capitol police brass and a few carefully hand picked by Giuliani mob rioters to get into the Capitol, steal the electoral vote boxes and then declare the election null and avoid. And if y’all can believe in all the Qanon bullshit, I can believe in this much more plausible conspiracy!
Heez Done!
Now that the police officer has died there are going to be murder charges. Trump may be an accessory.
MAY be?!? He invited the riot. He has blood on his hands. And I cant believe my “conservative”, right wing, law & order friends…blue lives matter…arent as up in arms on this as I am!
Exactly what did he say. He said be peaceful. That must be secret code.
Hey Globalist G – chew on this;
Did I miss the coverage of the actual inciting event? Did the press refuse to cover Trump’s actual speech? Was it on Brietbart or Gateway?
I am glad to see TSC on here – she was quiet for a bit. I was wondering if it was validating to see the whole world agree with you. I wonder if it feels good or infuriating?
I thought that Trump was a racist, bigoted misogynist carnival negotiator lout but I never really thought he was a fascist. I do now think he is a fascist. If you aren’t condemning the actions at the capital you are very wrong in your outlook. Who can believe we are all glad for Mike Pence and reasonable people of all political stripes.
Dan you are making an argument for your critics by suggesting Kamala Harris is responsible. Say what now? The viking hatted dude doesn’t look like he listens to Kamala. That is a vile suggestion and is dissembling of real responsibility. Are you saying by not condoning the BLM protests that they are complicit?
The problem with the riots at the capital is they say there is no democracy – that nothing in our country can be trusted. If you buy that argument then we are in anarchy and nothing in America about our political system matters. I don’t buy that. Shall we give up and oil up our shotguns like the nutcases out in Wyoming or Waco land?
Numerous right sided individuals have said there is no evidence of voter fraud. Destroying our entire political system over a fallacy or an un-winnable argument is not something we should accept.
Lets take a look at some of the comments posted recently by elected officials. You have a number of city council members immediately cry “racism!!” Funny, all of these local officials who want to defund the police all of a sudden realize what happens when you do that. Remember, the police are racists and criminals except for when it is a elected official scared for their life. These idiots should have called crisis counselors to the capital like they want the rest of the public to do when their family is at risk.
The other real problem is all summer long we heard from BLM supporters that they tried being peaceful and that didn’t work, so it was ok to burn down federal buildings, private businesses, and not allow any economic activity in those areas. Make no mistake, that is what directly led to this. Whether you agree with the crazy people that were out-front of the capital or not, there is a large amount of people that showed up that feel disenfranchised, unheard, and viewed as lesser then because of who they support.
I went to Tricia Bouvier’s page to see if there was any useful information on there about local happenings. Nope, mostly just pictures of a sad statue of liberty along with something about cabinet members resigning a couple of weeks before they are leaving anyway. I did find it funny she called them cowards. Tricia’s a real fighter and example of bravery, she fought hard to make sure her and the other do nothings get a fat raise and bump in their expenses. Could I ask what expenses someone incurs when they are not supposed to leave their house?
Could someone in the media ask if Senator Hinds and Rep TFB plan on accepting the raises? I hope they do, they have worked hard on post a couple of things each day on Facebook throughout the year.
Here is 11 hours of footage from the day in question. Skim through it and see the Capitol Police standing around and chatting with the demonstrators.
Because 99.9% of Trump supporters love and respect the police and everybody is well aware of that fact. The left has demonized the police for the past 2 years, but is now their friend? The left is worried about terrorism now after what happened on Wednesday, but they still want to defund police across the country which leads us wide open to terrorist attacks. The hypocrisy from the left is stunning.
99.9% of of Democrats weren’t looting or rioting this summer either. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are fringe whack jobs on both sides of either party. Unfortunately you try and paint all Democrats with the same brush. It’s your hypocrisy that is stunning.
I don’t know about the 99.9% figure, but the essence of your comment is accurate. The fringe whack jobs are the problem. Unfortunately, they have inordinate sway, especially on the left.
They do now since the republicans turned so many people off they voted for democrats.
They will be regretting that in 2 years, but the Democrats have a fix for that. Make Washington D.C. a state and then they can make sure Republicans never win any election again. Total totalitarian rule for the shifty Dems and the Washington swamp who are one and the same.
The FBI is offering a $50,000 reward for help in identifying people involved in leaving pipe bombs in Washington, DC, on Wednesday.
I’m sure they will find out that Antifa is behind it or some other violent leftist group. Antifa has been violent forever and the leftists love and encourage it.
Yah, let me know when that happens will ya?
Trump supporters are losing their jobs for just having attended the rally on Wednesday. There were families and children at the rally who took no part in any of the violence. This is what we mean by unfairness and 2 sets of justice in America. This is people being destroyed for having a a political point of view that differs from the woke mob. This is tyranny and the left wants us to call out President Trump for any part in the violence on Wednesday, but there is no chance of an apology from the left for destroying the lives of innocent people.
If someone lost their job because they peacefully attend that is wrong. However, from what I have read and seen, the people who were terminated were actively involved in invading the Capitol. If that is the case, the should be fired and arrested, just like the looters at the BLM rallies should have been this summer. Please share the people who are being arrested who weren’t actively involved.
Well stated, JD. We appreciate the comment.
You can’t fix stupid. And what kind of example does mayhem benefit children? Violence never wins Pat. Let alone do treasonous acts
So why don’t you tell that to your violent leftist friends who were burning down cities and slaughtering people in the streets over the summer?
Yah. All those people with helmets and knapsacks and Trump flags thought they were going to a family picnic. They had no idea something bad could happen, especially after listening to Trump and Juliani expouse violence. Whodathunk somebody might have gotten hurt with 20,000 goons showing up and breaking into a federal building? Its a goddamn mystery I tell ya.
Anyone else waiting for a completely irrelevant statement from wrong way tax day raising her left hand denouncing the events in Washington rather than dealing with her own office? This will be followed with statement explaining how her office, which has nothing to do with this, won’t stand for these types of actions. All the while ignoring the overdoses, suicides and school assaults she promised to fix. Look who finder her campaign!
Rest assured if there is an opportunity for our DA to put her political ambition ahead of us she will.
Do we have to look at that indentation in Bidens left nostril for the next four?
It beats looking at a guy with a dead racoon on his head.
He should get hair plugs like Dementia Joe.
I’m surprised he hasn’t, but then maybe he has and with that massive combover you just can’t tell. Supposedly he has had scalp reduction surgery to help with the hair.
maybe they accidently scraped off part of his brain in the process
or a butt plug like Donny
Hey, she’s busy ending mass incarceration. Philly homicides are up 40% thanks to the DA and his culture of disrespect for law enforcement and good people.
Perhaps Biden can do us all a favor and give her a job in Washington.
Perhaps Biden can do us all a favor and give Hinds a job running the UN, and Far Away Farley a job in some far away country as an ambassador, and maybe give Tyer a job too.
Yeah, Chrome Dome as secretary ephemeral and Farley as ambassador to Adammia.
Actually those have all gone down according to statistics for 2020. I know that’s not what you wanted hear. I’m sure you will have some spin so go for it
Why that is fantastic. Let’s see the stats and also please share what the DA did (that was not already done before) or undid to bring us such good news!
Go Trump
When the police don’t enforce the law there are less arrests.
It’s worse than that, people likely aren’t reporting crimes because they believe nothing will be done. When social morale is down nothing is done. All you need to do is talk to the police. Drug trade is booming. State police can’t keep up with proactive investigations. It’s a ticking bomb, IMHO.
Good point. People don’t report crimes for numerous reasons, but a high-ranking source of ours from the PPD says this phenomenon has gone way up in the past year. Add to that the crimes that are not pursued by criminal justice because the prosecution won’t bother, and you have a lot of criminality that simple will not show up in the stats. Keep that in mind the next time you hear someone in authority boast of the crime rate “going down.”
and the trouble makers are catching on to this. They feel like they can do what they want, so better be prepared to watch your own back unless a bank is robbed.
Hopefully when you take the law into your own hands no police write that up either
Yeah JA let’s not encourage that attitude it won’t end well. This is not Florida.
Lemme find tf out.
Is it really all that difficult to understand what’s going on?
The effort to undermine nationalism is coordinated and it’s being carried out by numerous individuals on behalf of the trans national elites who pull their strings.
These bad actors, out on the stage, are not at all powerful, and in fact, they are cowardly and weak. They are not in control of anything, and they are playing out the skit, as scripted. These individuals are not Democrats, and they are not Republicans, and they understand more than anyone that those labels are meaningless.
The drama they unleash upon the masses on a daily basis is better described as a mind war. Ideologically speaking, it’s a war of attrition.
Wether or not nationalism and “freedom” is a sustainable societal model is beside the point. The point is, the least among us, who have benefited the most in terms of worldly possessions, money, power etc, are the same corrupt group who have been steering this ship the entire time. Now, these crazies desire to upend all of the conditioning, and hence, unsustainable ideologies that they hammered into the collective minds of the people, and use fear and intimidation as a means of gaining our cooperation. As they are pulling this stunt, they are acquiring even more money and power, and they will never quit.
On January 6, Trump and his lunatic friends coaxed hundreds of thousands of people to gather, to peacefully protest, while the rest of the world watched. This was the setting up of the bowling pins. Next came the strike, the mental beat down, the nulling and the voiding of the notion of taking back your country from the corporate fascists. Just go home, in peace, your so special, and thanks for coming, while our skit plays out like you couldn’t imagine, your so special, and they screwed us over, and don’t forget that. Say bye bye to your champion, now what will you do? Nothing, that’s what
Psyops, mind war, attrition
Trump started a race ware,Trump mishandled stilll the virus,Trump turned red against blue,Trump lied about eleltion being fix and many people believed it.Trump tried to steal the election Saturday night ,Trrump attempts a coup…….Not one word from Republicans
Rudy Giuliani should get an Orbit. Or at least be sent off to Space.
Maybe trump and some on here can return to topix?
R u JMs alter ego. Obviously you don’t have a long term memory because Obama was part of dividing the races, as were others. Please take some deal breathes, everything will be ok, Americans always find a way
Obama started the war on cops, and Biden is continuing it.
Ted Kennedy had the first confirmed kill in the war on women.
Did Biden get inaugurated already? guess I missed that
Johnny, Biden is against cops having the proper equipment to do the job and actually said cops should shoot people in the leg when deadly force is justified. He’s anidiot, plain and simple, and God knows you don’t need to be inaugurated to be an idiot. Though I’m sure his idiocy will continue if he makes it that far.
Every word a lie
I just took some time to read the Berkshire Eagle. I can not believe the hate speech I read and the racist dialogue, unbelievable!! I think they should be charged with inciting racist thoughts with all their opinion writing, flaming the masses!!
The most famous day in American history where a President of the United States has incited a revolution to overturn the safest most secure election in American history and Dan writes that the vice president slept her way to her position.A 2 term Attorneys General and Senator from the 4 largest economy in the world.Our kids watched this at home because that same man did zero about virus spread.The number 1 job of President is to keep its citizens safe….Resign, be relieved or be impeached.
Why weren’t the kids in school? And this has been the fastest roll out for a vaccine. Unfortunately for us the swamp creatures are all coming out of hiding and they feel emboldened. I say sit back and watch the show
In response to the New York Times report that Nancy Pelosi called General Milley to block “unhinged” Trump from using the nuclear codes, Michael Savage posted the following;
”Pelosi just signaled our nuclear enemies we cannot retaliate! Talk about impeachment!
Talk about removing a lunatic (Pelosi) using the 25th!”
So true.
And Eric Swalwell still sits on the Intelligence Committee even after it was reported that he had a years long relationship with a Chinese spy.
It’s gonna be a very long & painful four years under Dem “leadership.”
A painful 4 years from which the country may NEVER recover. Facebook and Twitter are now shutting down voices and trying to silence conservatives. These tech giants are trying to get rid of parlor which is a conservative talk site. Free speech may never come back after 4 years of these Marxists in charge of the halls of power. People need to do what Dan has done here in Berkshire County with Planet Valenti. Start their own private talk boards and stop using Twitter especially since they have banned President Trump, but they still let China, a tyrannical communist country, have a voice on Twitter.
Poor Pat. Never has a good day. Always monsters coming after her/him. Are you going to allow us onto your own private board? Boy is that going to be an education in world events.
She’s more of an alcoholunatic.
Anonymous letter to Trump circulating on the internet which reflects my thoughts;
Dear President Trump,
I want to take a minute to say thank you. Regardless of the outcome of this election you deserve my gratitude. Thank you for not plunging my brothers & sisters into another war. Thank you for walking through HELL and back for the American people. Thank you for doing it for free. Thank you for working through the night while my family was tucked safely in bed. Thank you for standing strong and staring adversity in the face. Thank you for keeping GOD in the country I love. Thank you for not backing down when the weight of the world was against you. Thank you for putting your family in the line of fire when you didn’t have to. Thank you for standing up for women. Thank you for not being a politician. Thank you for being raw and even sometimes too much. Thank you for standing up for the unborn. Thank you for caring about the little guy. Thank you for working harder than any president in my lifetime ever has. Thank you for your service to this country. You were part of some of the greatest days of my life. Thank you. Win or lose I am a fan. You have fulfilled every promise you have made to me and for that I am thankful. May GOD always bless you and your family.
From a grateful nation,
Thank you!
Hardly any of it is true and you know it but if that makes him happy and he slinks off into the shadows I am Ok with it.
(has he left yet)?
Cuz that cop that he got killed was one of his strongest supporters and Trump did not care about him. Just like he does not care about any of you guys who think he has your back. There has to be at least 200 people he praised and then threw under the bus in the last four years. But you can’t see that. So freakin sad.
Trump gives exact evidences.
There’s a lot to digest here for sure Mr. G distancing himself from the Planet. Twitter banning Trump for life. New admin coming in DC as a state, packing the SC, defunding the coppers, Green new deal and a host of others., Think Trump said it best last summer ” you may think they’re coming for me but they’re really coming for you” This is all about the envelopes and toeing the line.
Not sure but there may be treatment for paranoia. Propaganda creates paranoia that creates dictators that destroy democracies. Putin know it and had exported it to America.
Well said sir
Today is National Law Enforcement Officer Appreciation Day. To all you left wing, cop hating, criminal cuddling, trauma informed, Black Lives Matter Loving , “peaceful protest” loving A holes out there in what used to be The Land of The Free – FU and the horse you rode in on. Don’t call us when you need us.
I really think it is a very small percentage of “left wingers” that do not fully appreciate the police. Don’t get caught up in the tucker Carlson narrative.
Tucker is tremendous. He tells it like it is, and the left can’t stand it and that’s why CNN wants him off the air.
Just read the Eagle again and I am wondering if Clarence Fanto would be banned from Twitter for fanning the flames of racism. I hope the Eagle apologizes for this and doesn’t allow him to write his dribble anymore
Did you hear Joe Biden fanning the flames of racism by saying if BLM was at the White House instead of white people, there would have been a heavy police presence? It’s going to be 4 long years or longer of white people have privileges and are bad people and everyone else is oppressed by white people.
Let’s hope the Trumpers vs the liberal idiots and don’t take the good drivers out with this new road rage here, we have in Berkshire county. All due to relaxed enforcement for the crazy driving scofflaws that are never held accountabl during peaceful times..
Rudy said Sometimes, you have to be physical, and President Trump said ‘ you have to fight’The physical part was necessary because of the pushback. The Fightm is for Freedom. The real scum are Pelosi,Cruz,Schumer, Graham, AOC,Mcconnell,consumed by power and wealth. This innauguaration should be zoomed, because they’re coming back.
Did you see the video that is being played of all the hate and violence filled rants from the Democrats in the last 4 years urging their followers to attack Trump supporters in restaurants and bars, get up in their faces, push them around, etc.
Biden is to damn old and clearly has some malady due to his age. Pelosi is eighty? They kicked my ass out at sixty five in the industry world. At eighty I’d be a detriment ? The politicians here locally don’t know how good they’ve it. Free medical,pensions. What does your Mayor do for you? Why is there a slush fund.
Why doesn’t the City Council convene in chambers?
Joe Biden could potentially start violent riots in which people are killed just by that statement alone that BLM would have had a heavy police presence if they were at the White House, but not white people. That type of thinking is setting up groups of people against each other. Should Biden be impeached and banned from social media for trying to incite violence?
Pat, your buddies who broke into and ransacked the capitol building are not done and will be back this coming week. Expect more death and destruction. Hopefully the Capitol police will not be led by a Trump fan who will allow the hoodlums into the buildings again. Trumps police friends allowed them right into the buildings last time and people were killed including one of their own.
Strangely, the more you anger people the more violent they become and now Nancy wants an impeachment. Do you think that will make people less angry? No, the leftists know what they are doing. Remember all that psychology they use to control people? Make Trump supporters livid with anger as they have done for the past 4 years and then stand back and make examples of them as rage filled people. So disgusting and evil. The left has no intention of trying to bring the country together. They want to anger Trump supporters even further to drive them to frustration and maybe even violence.
Trump made people angry and they voted his orange ass out of office. So it works both ways huh? Or did you miss the election results because you were too busy whinning all day about how bad people treat him?
Actually as the video has shown the election was stolen. Please don’t make yourself look any dumber than you sound by saying there was no cheating. If that was the case there would have been an open investigation into all the videos and sworn affidavits. I am sure cheating has been happening even in our little area. No one has answered about the machines we use here, the voter rolls and how the mayors husband just happened to have business at city hall during voting. In school they even talk how the Chicago mob rigged the 1960 election for JFK. There is a lot Biden can do to try and heal the fracture but he is a career politician so I don’t hold any hope that his administration will attempt anything.
The election wasn’t stolen. My God you are deluded. How many court cases need to be lost to prove it to you. Maybe you should do some research and google some of your cheating theories and you might understand that they’re all a bunch of hot air. If you hurry can catch the bus for the next rally in Washington.
Let’s look at the briefs. They only had time to present to a judge. The Supreme Court only ruled the states by the constitution decide how to pick electors. Nothing about fraud.
January 9, 2021
To the Editor, News Media, the People, and Patrick Fennell:
Trump said to his Nazi followers who breached Capitol Hill and rioted inside the chambers of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate: “We love you. You are very special”.
Trump is praising White Supremacist domestic terrorism! Trump is praising Nazis!
Nazis carried swastika flags and wore shirts that said things like “Camp Auschwitz STAFF, work brings freedom” and “6MWE” (which stands for “six million weren’t enough,” a reference to the number of Jewish people killed in the Holocaust) inside and/or around our nation’s Capitol building. Nazis protested in the Capitol, sporting paraphernalia meant to stoke fear and send a clear message about what they represent: hate and violence.
This is a nightmare. Trump is dangerous. I believe in free speech, but I also believe in stopping nightmarish and dangerous politicians who praise Nazis and incite hate, racism and violence. Lastly and tragically, 5 American citizens, including one Capitol Hill Police Officer who is a Veteran, died during the January 6, 2021 insurrection on Capitol Hill.
In Truth!
Jonathan Melle
Well said Jonathan.
It really was well said but the Trump crowd will get all poopy faced because they are in denial. To their own detriment they refuse to see what is going on in front of their own faces. Very sad indeed.
Oh, there’s no doubt his followers are against the Jews. He does it time after time. Yet his son in law is a Jew?
If you believe in free speech, you wouldn’t have voted for Biden/Harris. They and their party are against free speech. Biden/Harris are nightmarish politicians Jonathan and you will be finding that out in the next 4 years.
Actually, Pat, he will be finding that out in less than 2 years. By that time, Harris will have taken control.
Actually it will become evident on Jan. 21st when the reset is fast-tracked and the goons start rounding up guns and dissidents.
Take your medication JM. There were no nazis in Washington except for the ones shutting down free speech and spitting out hate speech
No one shut down Trumps hate speech that day. He said he was going to march to the Capitol with his mob but when they got there he was hiding back in the White House watching his mob on TV.
Isn’t he also the guy that got five (5) deferments to aviod going to Vietnam? Yah, he was that guy.
I thought Mike Pence was a good guy. Oh he is a conservative so hate speech is allowed against him
One more of Trump ass kissers that found a law they would not break and Trump turned on them. Just like he will turn on any or all of his followers when they inconvenience them or are not needed any longer. You Pat, would be tossed aside in a heart beat I assure you. Probably not pretty enough for him.
People continue to steal my stuff!
“The Storming of the Capitol”: America’s Reichstag Fire? The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event.
28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists
Or Steve Scalise and others getting shot by a crazy person looking for Republicans to kill. Crazy people on both sides it seems, but very little media coverage and outrage by the Democrats when that happened. Only some lucky breaks stopped it from being one of the biggest massacres of a group of politicians in political history. The shooter was a big Bernie Sanders supporter and hated President Trump. Did that cause the Democrats to turn down the violent rhetoric against President Trump and Republicans? No, it did not. It was just heating up. The Republicans especially should have used that moment to really call out the violent rhetoric in the country against them and against President Trump.
Dennis Prager: There is no example of the left – not liberals, they value free speech – no example of the left having power and not suppressing speech. It doesn’t exist. The left does not value free speech because free speech is its dire enemy. If people can actually say what is wrong with the left, it crumbles… I think we can predict there will be more and more suppression. If you read a brief synopsis of the Reichstag fire in Germany in 1933. Fire was set to the German parliament a month after Hitler took power. He used the Reichtag fire in order to start killing communists. What we’re having now, and I’m not calling them Nazis, I’m calling them totalitarians, the use of an event to suppress liberty.
True, these leftist totalitarians are using everything out of the Nazi playbook to take away our freedoms.
Are any of the four or five other patriots in here on Parler yet?
If so, please report how it is.
I have never been on Parlor. I never signed up for Twitter either and seldom use Facebook. I prefer local boards like this one. People should get away from any social media site that wants to shut down an entire political party.
I’m really sorry for going off-topic here.
But it is time for Troy Aikman to retire. I have to turn the damn sound off every time he’s on the broadcast.
My apologies again.
Please return to one of the last free discussions allowed in this country.
Who da Nazis here?
Within 24 hours of the Reichstag burning, the German President had passed the Reichstag Fire Decree, which declared a state of emergency that totally reversed every civil right the Weimar Republic had guaranteed its citizens:
Democrats calling for violence and uprisings across the country against President Trump and Trump supporters. This has been going on for 4 years.
So much for “unity.”
You must be so proud.

The fat guy with the beard and hoodie has a hammer and sickle tattoo on his left hand. I’m sure that ardent Trump supporters all have these.
Is that Pat? With the torch.
I’m thinking more and more that this was a Nazi-style set up, a scripted event. No discernible purpose. No weapons. Police let a lot of them in. One video shows police leading them around.
Plus, BLMPOSANTIFAPOS John Sullivan was inside–he filmed the shooting of Ashli Babbit, by a black cop, by the way. Senseless.
Is that Chief Wild Eagle of the Hakowees in the middle?
Kind of reminds me of the local man convicted of murder here locally who had the horns on both sides of his head.
Pat, I doubt you will even answer this because your routine is to deflect rather than stick to a topic. But, do YOU personally think this election was fair?
Keep in mind that dozens of court cases with Trump appointed judges think it was, inluding the Supreme court with 3 Trump picked judges.
Curious also if Dan thinks it was a fair election.
The Supreme Court doesn’t want to get involved in election issues. Democrats do not deflect from a topic they don’t want to discuss, they just ignore it completely. Just this weekend alone on this board, they haven’t addressed the Democrats wanting to make Washington D.C. a state, the coddled violence from the left for the past year, the threats of violence from the left to Trump supporters for the last 4 years, and the shutting down of conservative speech from Twitter and now Apple. Instead the usual reaction is to make a joke about the issue and go back to bashing President Trump.
So you DO NOT believe it was a fair election. Can we go with that?
Pat is waiting for Rush to tell her how to answer that question.
MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, as I’ve said from that first Rudy presser and my report on it.
No one who has actually examined the evidence thinks the election was legit.
Libtards and RINOs have NOT examined the evidence.
And, wait for it, no court has examined any evidence either. They dismissed the cases before evidence could be presented.
These are the same courts that allowed the fraud to happen by unconsitutionally fixing the election rules, so why would they want to rule on a case reversing their own fraud in the first place?
I wrote earlier but I have not seen it come through the screener so I thought I would send another note. I believe Clarence Fanto wrote a hate piece. He should be banned from publishing his opinions as Twitter and Facebook are doing. We should not be fanning the flames nor igniting it
Shirl, to which article are you referring ?
Read him and you should see
Clarence the low IQ Clown is insignificant.
Oh look, it’s Andrea’s mentor, holding all public officers accountable, except themselves! Sound familiar?
They both excelled in Police Blaming 101. F’ing GROSS:
“Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington, also a Democrat, questioned the law enforcement response Wednesday.
“It does seem that this is something that law enforcement and the people who protect the Capitol should have been aware of and prepared for,” she said. “It is shocking how easy it was for the — I don’t want to call them protesters, really — how easily and how quickly they were able to get into the perimeter of the Capitol and get inside.”
Speaking of crime in Pittsfield, Ma. and how the mayor likes to pretend it does not exist, there apparently was a Masked, Armed Robbery at a residence on Meadowview drive last Thursday. May not see this in the daily crime log, or newspaper but it is on the Pittsfield crime map.
(kinda like the murder not too long ago that never made the paper)
So trust these officials if you want to but consider they may not really care about you enough to warn you about danger and stuff
The swamp is in control in Pittsfield and now D.C.
Is that the one that occurred in broad daylight?
Why it is worthwhile to impeach Trump
The worst President in the history of the USA and supreme leader of the Trumpanzees
Putin is laughing at us
Jinping is laughing at us
Kim Jung-un is saying “I am no longer the most dangerous leader in the world”
Those leaders are laughing at us, but for a completely different reason than what you think. China is thinking that sending the corona virus across the world really did mess up the United States. These people are so stressed out from the virus lockdowns and deaths and financial instability that China will easily become the #1 country. Combine that with all the Chinese influence they have built up in our country from buying off our politicians to now having their friend Biden as president, they are laughing with joy. Russia is also laughing because they are working with China and they enjoy seeing us tear each other apart over half of the country wanting to get rid of capitalism and embrace Marxism.
You have on tape before the While World a Charles Manson type directive of modern day Helier shelter. It is very clear who was complicit at that rally speech. They are just as guilty and more for doing murders at the rally…..rally? Lynchmob.
By your logic AOC and many other liberals would be complicit in all the murders over the past year with BLM/Antifa.
By the time the trial would reach the Senate , Trump would be a private citizen and the U.S. Senate has no authority to put private citizens on trial. This is all a distraction to remove the focus from dementia Joe and the democrat plan to screw the United States.
We’re all screwed, Joes lost.Kammie waiting in the wings, pun intended.
Mr. X,
There are no constitutional grounds to impeach Trump, no “treason, bribery or other high crimes & misdemeanors.” Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell etc. are primarily afraid of Trump
because he has info on them which, if released, would send many of them to prison. Estimates are that 70% of our elected officials are corrupt!
Civics lesson, again.
There are two phases–impeachment by the House and conviction by 2/3 of the Senate.
This circus is worst than the first try.
Again, almost like the Capitol invasion was scripted–libtards ready with their mock indignation and hypocrisy, Nazi-style.
LImbaugh thinks the Left is terrified of what Trump knows and might reveal before he leaves–that’s why they want him out NOW.
Impeachment would bar him from holding office ever again, but not sure about your other claims. I’d have to see where it says those.
Joke will produce, and already has, more laughter than you’ll be able to handle.
What did he say the other day?
“On January 20, President Harris and I will mamboo dog-face to the banana patch.”
Social media is upset because Kamala Harris looks too white on the cover of Vogue magazine. Everyone should wean themselves off of the big social media sites because they are an insane place to go and not worth the time or effort. Make it a New Years resolution. Nancy Pelosi is tearing down the White House invaders for choosing their “whiteness” over Democracy. The left making this all about race now.
A a police Officer decorated was killed because of a fuel pored on mob by the President and others love these animals. Impeachment. How about murder. Even Charlie Manson served a lifetime in prison.
What about the fuel poured on people across the country by the far left for the past 2 years and which resulted in countless police murders fueled by the anti-police rhetoric of the far left? Where was the concern for the police then?
Wasn’t it Trump who said he could shoot someone and not be prosecuted? What about icnciting riotors and causing four deaths because of his words.
Exactly what were the words?
I would guess that those who are claiming that Trump incited the inundation of the Capitol building did not watch his speech or read a transcript of it. They are parroting what they hear on MSNBC or CNN or what they read in fake news papers like the Eagle. Wake up lemmings.
I read his speech. Here’s the link if anyone is interested. I must warn you that it is the most bloviating, lie filled diatribe I ever wasted time reading. So….basically your standard Trump speech.
Thanks for the warning. But shouldn’t you be helping to censor it?
Looking forward to those presidential speeches by Joke.
But show us the words that caused anyone to do anything.
Why stop there? Tell us the one about the terrorists actually being Biden supporters in disguise. That’s my favorite.
I know you live in a Van down by the river but what were the words?
I would say two months of lies about a stolen election, for starters, but you probably believe that story.
but what were the words that told anyone to break any law?
Harris and Biden belong on the cover of Mad magazine.
They did make the cover of TIME magazine and Trump went absolutely bananas when he saw it. He has a fake Time cover with his picture on it in the Whitehouse in the lobby.
True story
Tought you just said you did not do social media? Ya got caught.
I don’t do the big social media sites. That article came from FOX news site.
I think the Democrats should be very careful what they do. Remember after Pearl Harbor and the comment about “awakening a sleeping giant”?
No, I don’t. What are you trying to say?
What am I am saying is this. Even in these final days of Trump, the Dems will not give up going after him. Enough is enough. Stay tuned. This could get very nasty for the Dems and they may regret “awakening a sleeping giant”.
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor would reportedly write in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” Soon after democrat FDR declared on Japan and a few years later democrat Truman dropped two A bombs on Japan
I said it was scripted–complete with an actor:
You can watch Trump’s speech on Youtube or you can read a transcript of it-if you conclude that it caused any violent behavior you really have to be a special kind of stupid.
I read it. Very long. I see no violent intentions or trying to incite others to violence.
Pretending that the Trump ciup was just a riot like BLM makes you look ridiculous.
What’s a Trump ciup?
Fox entertainment like you Dan continues to describe the Republican/Trump /Putin coup attemp as just a riot. Trumps success is in his supporters race war on America.When you get branded you must win.I am waiting for the next attack by the supremacist. Our poor kids.Who knew 50 years ago that what we are learning would usher In our 2nd civil war.War is always brought on by ignorance.
Classic Trump supporters like Valenti always blame the left to excuse their own violence. Conspiracy theorists are allowed to post here, Valenti gives them credence, and this is the result. You should all be ashamed to ally yourself with these people while excusing what they did. Unbelievable.