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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY. FEB. 1, 2021) — One of the areas Syracuse Joe Biden and the Democrats hammered President Trump was Trump’s handing of the pandemic. Biden called it “dismal” and promised to hit Day One with a plan ready to go and go smoothly.

The President did come in with a 200-page book pertaining to COVID-19. Promise made, promise kept. As he probably knew would happen but wouldn’t dare admit in the campaign, the plan has run aground. It reminds THE PLANET of boxer Mike Tyson’s quote: “Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Perhaps the biggest concern are missing doses of vaccine. More than 20 million doses have vanished, unaccounted for and no trace. That’s not in Biden’s playbook. The Administration blames part of the loss on “lags in data reporting,” but those familiar with the supply-line logistics say this could only account for 2 million doses, max. Where are the other 18 million?

It doesn’t take Mickey Spillane to suspect (and likely find) organized crime’s fingerprints. On the black market, doses go for anywhere from $200 to $1000. This compares with the actual cost of the vaccine, which ranges from $3 to $37 dollars, depending on the manufacturer and dose. For example, Moderna’s two-dose system ranges from $32 to $37. If only 10% of the 20 million missing doses have been cornered by the black market that’s two million times the going price. Not a bad haul.

For Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the Administration said the federal government would pick up all costs. It’s what Big Government calls “free.” That’s not how it’s turning out. From abc7news: “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website’s FAQ section says everyone gets the vaccine at ‘no cost,’ but keep reading deeper and you’ll find this: ‘providers will be able to charge’ for their services. Digging through government web pages, it appears health insurance companies will be required to pay for vaccine expenses picked up by the federal government.”

Hang on to your wallets.

Another issues has been sporadic reports of placebos in the supply chain. There are a number of ways this could happen, but it essentially works like it does with all counterfeit goods such as the cheap knock-offs of Gucci, Luis Vitton, and Rolex. You manufacture, package it so that it looks like the original’s twin, and rake in the profits.

Another mystery relates to the national stockpile of the vaccine. Wire reports say the supply is “almost empty.” Where did it go? Then there are the new and troubling mutations of the virus. New strains pop up, and it’s too early for science to determine the level of risk. Researchers fear a mutation that will prove resistant to the current vaccine — and perhaps all vaccines.

The waiting lists? Don’t ask. Politicians, jailbirds, smokers, and hospital board members and their families got it first. The elderly? The sick? Grab a ticket and wait for your number to be called — and make yourself comfortable.

Syracuse Joe promised daily briefings on the pandemic to keep the process open and transparent. While the meetings have happened, they have been vague and lacking specifics. Biden’s C-19 czar, Jeff Zients, is not a doctor or a scientist. He was President Obama’s assistant director for economic policy. The updates haven’t shared details of what’s going on, and we know where the devil usually hides. They make fuzzy references to things “not going as well” but leave America in the dark about what, specifically, are the problems and how serious. Zients, a “big picture” guy, seems to have little knowledge of how the insanely complex distribution channels work for getting the vaccine into the right arms.

None of this bodes well.

A profile by ABC News two days before the inauguration shared this tidbit: “The logistical hurdles of ending the pandemic will undoubtedly be the largest challenge of his career, which Zients faces with no direct experience in public health. As a product of elite private schools with wealthy friends, his actions will be closely watched by advocacy groups who say the pandemic response must address decades-long health disparities seen in Hispanic and Black communities.”

This all comes as Bay State Gov. Charlie Baker opened up the known hot spots to the public again, caving in to pressure from special interest. This type of spineless action, combined with the stupidity of so many people, probably means the virus will be with us for a long time to come.

Feel as you will about the soon-to-be impeached ex-president, but you can’t deny Trump cut the red tape to enable the development of the vaccine in record time. What would have normally taken years, perhaps a decade, was accomplished in seven months.

Now it looks like we’ve lost those seven months in just one.

THE PLANET hopes we are wrong.


“Old age is the right to be absolutely ourselves” — Writer Jan Morris.



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4 years ago

So much politics involved with the handling of this virus that it boggles the mind. Holding off the life saving monoclonal antibodies being available for emergency use until AFTER the election and making sure that even doctors didn’t know how well they worked against the virus due to a lack a reporting about their potential to stop the virus from killing our elderly. States like California now opening many of their businesses even with the virus raging in that state because the election is over. Same with Charlie Baker opening hot spots in Massachusetts while schools remain closed. Children are not eligible to get the vaccines because it was never tested on children, but some teachers are refusing to return to the classroom until the children are vaccinated. They tell us to listen to the science, but don’t they know the science? That children can’t receive this vaccine?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Why did Trump not allow Biden Access?

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

of corse that be true

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

But, if you remember Biden’s TV ad’s, he had all the answers. In addition to unity, he had the “science” and the answers to end the pandemic.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Have no fear Biden will invade Myanmar. War is peace.Freedom is slavery.Ignorance is strength..

Last edited 4 years ago by Eric Blair
Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Maybe the “race czar,” Shirley Edgerton.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago


Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Our politicians are enriching themselves and their wealthy donors on Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill, respectively. Dan Bosley, Peter Larkin, Stan Rosenberg, and many other retired Beacon Hill lawmakers are still there as registered lobbyists who all make over 6-figure per year salaries on top of their taxpayer-funded state pensions and public perks. Smitty Pignatelli has been on Beacon Hill for nearly 2 decades now, and his public record shows him to only care about enriching himself by serving the state leaders with banal loyalty who shut We the People out of Beacon Hill’s legislative deliberations.

Mayor Linda Tyer is going to give her Pittsfield politics “State of the City” address at 12-noon on Monday, February 1st, 2021. What is she going to say to the poor and suffering people of her community? “I am your Mayor who lives in a wealthy Gated Community very close to Hancock. Many local people died in Pittsfield’s nursing home COVID-19 debacle. I took zero responsibility. Instead, I blamed the little guys for not following pandemic guidelines. My chief bureaucrat, Matt Kerwood, sits on a +$10 million slush fund, while my municipal administration has passed record city and school budgets, along with the hundreds of millions of dollars in public debts and other liabilities that Pittsfield hides through Matt Kerwood’s creative accounting schemes. Some of Pittsfield’s inner-city public schools are ranked at Level 5, which is the worst possible ranking, but I plan to ask city taxpayers to plan for future tax and fee increases. Pittsfield is always in the top 10 for violent crime in Massachusetts, according to the FBI’s annual reports. Pittsfield is one of the most economically unequal communities in the state and nation, and our downtown former business district is now known as Social Services Alley. Lastly, when I retire someday in the future, I will be receiving a 6-figure taxpayer-funded city pension.”

“PAC-Man” Richie Neal is the WORST Member of U.S. Congress for serving corporate K Street lobbyist firms instead of We the People. President Joe Biden’s troubled son Hunter Biden is being investigated by federal law enforcement for his lucrative business dealings with adversarial foreign countries such as Russia and China, along with his alleged money laundering. The Biden “crime” family are all now worth tens of millions of dollars each without reasonable explanation. Our national debt is nearly $30 trillion, and our country is in a “K-shaped” economic recovery (for Wall Street) and recession (for Main Street).

Remember how Hitler rose to power in Germany? The people were scared because Germany was experiencing hyper-inflation and mass unemployment. Hitler promised the people of Germany that Communism and Capitalism would not do in the people of Germany, but the people did not understand that Hitler stood for fascism, violent racism (the Holocaust), and war. I believe we are in a similar situation now. Our political Salons are enriching themselves and shutting We the People out of government.

People are now in a mental health crisis where we are scared of our politicians who are letting us starve and die of COVID-19, while the political Salons are getting even richer and more powerful (K-shaped political economics) at our expense than before the COVID-19 pandemic. In closing, I wish we lived in a real democracy where We the People elected good politicians who respected the common people instead of cashing in off us!

4 years ago

And terrorist at Guantanamo Bay like 911 mastermind Kaleh Shek Mihhamad were in line to get vaccine before Kapanskis. Absolute bullshit, and glad to see you call a spade p, a spade Dan. And how about those teachers, too scared to go into classroom?

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

President Biden was not allowed access to anything.He is in office only 10 days.The access to the the President elect is 70 days before being sworn in.Dan you’re turning into Fox propaganda and the Rush Limbaugh trying to make Trumps Presidency normalized.America has never seen anything like this.Your skipping the fascist coup attempt of Jan6th,2021 the 55 court tested attempts by Trump to show evidence of even the slightest discrepancies in voting in Republican states and republican judges.Your story about vaccines should start with Trump blocking Bidens team to protect American citizens. If there is organized crime involved as your sources say.then Trumps family is definetly involved……

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

What TSC say be true. r-winggers on this sight have no clue. knee-flex reaction always in the wrong direction. MSM actually speaks truth. followers of Hanity-Limbagh-Karlson cabal cant see or tell truth. A bunch of reactionaries express anger and looking for an outlet to express negative emotion. get real, kidz.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

We should only deal in truth after 4 years of lies and manipulation by Fox news.The Trump administration has no tracking ability after delivery of vaccines and of course no policy on anything because he surrounded himself with criminals.This should be Day 80 of Bidens team and the pandemic.Trump cost America lives until the last day.This puts Biden team out to April 1st what should have been Jan 21st.Trump surpress even this.Sick Man.Still in charge of the insurgents.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

See Jones still has not found you! Good job you don’t have TDS no matter how you sound

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Take your meds and leave us alone please.

School Commie T
School Commie T
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

We are glad to have an”honest” politician like Biden

I feel dirty even typing that sentence

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

TSC, as usual, nails it.

Mr. X
Mr. X
4 years ago

Trump dropped the ball from day one on this virus. First he tried to hid it because he didn’t want to cause a panic. Then he said it was under control and going away. Then he mocked people who wore a mask. Then he claimed to be smarter than scientists like Dr. Fauci. Then he said he had the vaccine all ready to go, Operation Warpspeed, to be handled by the military. Then he decided that golfing was more important than making this virus a top priority, meanwhile we were having a 9-11 everyday with 3000 people a day dying. This country is at war with a virus, he then decides to leave it up to the states to win the war. The one time you actually want the federal government to take control of something they don’t. Israel implemented a vaccine program where they started with elderly people and went down the line by age, 70’s 60’s etc. Right now they are in the 40’s and expect the whole country to be done in July. Now before all you Trumpanzes get your panties in a bunch, I know you can’t put all the blame on him. However, his greatest mistake of his presidency is that he didn’t make this virus a top priority, and didn’t take control of this this from day and be the leader of the nation he is suppose to be. Now 2020 stands as the worst economy in 75 years.

Reply to  Mr. X
4 years ago

President Trump was mocked from the very beginning of this virus outbreak by being called a racist when he shut off travel from first China and then Europe. Now Biden is also shutting down some travel, but no cries of racist are heard from the Democrats and media. There were daily updates/news conferences from President Trump on this virus, but zero news conferences from either Biden or the CDC on this virus now. Mask wearing has done nothing for California and they were one of the first states that pushed it. Same with Massachusetts. Here in Pittsfield, everyone wears a mask, but that hasn’t stopped the high rate of death of the elderly in our nursing homes. Getting therapeutics that worked would have saved our elderly, but the CDC and news media made that political so our elderly died due to politics.

Mr. X
Mr. X
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

To say masks do nothing to stop the spread is irresponsible and this is why we have a pandemic out of control. The Trump administration has spent $15 billion on a border wall but decided against spending money to ensure a larger supply of vaccines would be available to protects millions of Americans. They declined repeated offers from Pfizer to lock in hundreds of millions of additional vaccines. At the same time they moved forward as fast as they could to buy land and pay contractors to build a southern wall that analysts view as “unlikely to reduce illegal immigration or save any American lives”. A wall, by the way, Trump said that Mexico would pay for.

Reply to  Mr. X
4 years ago

We are wearing masks in Pittsfield, at least most of us are, except for the politicians, but that didn’t save our elderly. We sacrificed seeing our elderly for almost a year during a time when they really would have loved to see and be hugged by their family, but many of our relatives died anyway. For those of us who lost elderly loved ones, it’s like we did it for nothing. They were doomed to die from this virus. The nursing homes couldn’t keep out the virus. The hospitals didn’t have the lifesaving antibodies because the CDC wasn’t on the ball and wasn’t prepared for the 2nd wave of the virus due to politicians on the left and Democrats in the CDC holding back the antibodies until after the election. So disgusting.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Bars and Halloween parties without mask created a huge outbreak

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

He had America behind him Pat.You are not being honest but in a mattef of weeks wanted life to return to normal and his war on the virus stopped

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

yes to what TSC said.

School Commie T
School Commie T
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

He probably got sick of people like you demonizing him with your emotions and figured you’d be better off dead. Can’t argue with that

The man could have cured cancer and you’d still complain.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  School Commie T
4 years ago

He is the greatest narcissist of all time but a failure at everything excrpt being Putins asset

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump mocked because he is a unpatriotic fool and deserves to be mocked.

Reply to  Mr. X
4 years ago

Medical ships were brought in (which Governor Cuomo ignored and sent the sick elderly back to nursing homes to infect other patients, almost like they were trying to spread the virus) and field hospital were created by President Trump with thousands of beds, ventilators were put into mass production so that we will never have a shortage again as we did during the Obama years, but still the far leftists have NOTHING good to say about President Trump fighting against the virus. Not even a thank you for the unprecedented speed of getting a vaccine for the virus which it seems the Biden administration is now doing a poor job of distributing it to the country (is this to continue to make President Trump look bad at the expense of our elderly?)

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump and co deserve kudos for this and for making admirers happy, but for very little else.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump had months and months for the federal government to plan a cohesive strategy to vaccinate the masses. I’ll give him credit for Operation Warp Speed, just like other European Nations quickly rolled out a vaccine, but having a vaccine does no good without a plan to distribute it. And now, after Biden is on the job 11 days you want to blame him for the poor job of distributing the vaccine? Hell, they’re still looking for it because the Trump crew lost track of it. You are borderline delusional.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Perhaps, but you can’t distribute what you don’t have.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

He was denied the opportunity. Dan talk about that monumental obstruction tha is costing lives.That alone in impeachable.The Trumpers here need to say what he accomplished besides chaos for Russia

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Yes ,Trump steeredthe ship.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Mr. X
4 years ago

If Saint Fauci listened to Saint Obama and stopped the very dangerous research we wouldn’t have this China virus.

Reply to  Mr. X
4 years ago

what X yes Mr. said.

4 years ago

What a Debbie Downer way to start the week. Didn’t you read our Governor’s budget where he was surprised he didn’t have to raise taxes because the cost of MA Health declined, or in government speak didn’t rise as much as they thought. Do you think this had something to do with all the elderly, who are on MA Health and use the healthcare system more, passed away due to the China Flu? Seems like a trial run for government healthcare!!

Mr. X
Mr. X
4 years ago

This virus will not be going away for a very long time. I hope that ends up being not true but as long as dumb, selfish entitled Americans continue to travel and fight wearing a masks I’m not so sure. There are parts of this great country where they still believe this whole thing is fake. How sad is that. We are quickly approaching 500,000 deaths. People are dying from something!

Darque Past
Darque Past
Reply to  Mr. X
4 years ago

Most on here didn’t think the virus was a big deal when I called it a pandemic including the Planet. Well now it’s here and it is killing us. We need to wear masks,social distance until vaccine is administered. Dan,I see many instances around here where that attitude just doesn’t happen. I blame this on the current admiinistration. That photo of the dancing was a hideous example of leadership.

Reply to  Darque Past
4 years ago

It sure was hideous, in more ways than one.

Reply to  Mr. X
4 years ago

Mr X is absolutly correct.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Fox entertainment is anti democratic and anti Clinton Obama Biden.They are a pro fascist pro Rusdian.Their model government is Trump family for life.They report then you ….have to go to confession

McDonald Trump
McDonald Trump
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago


Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

you got it right TSC.

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

We had a good run.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

yes you did.

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
4 years ago

I’m watching Tyer’s state of the city. Is that a Barry on the throne statue on the shelve behind her? Does she ever speak without reading empty words?

Puhrivet Bilder
Puhrivet Bilder
Reply to  Benigno Numine
4 years ago

That was the state of her mind. And we’re in trouble. Had nothing.

Pul Vorize
Pul Vorize
Reply to  Benigno Numine
4 years ago

She thinks that works. Covid,grants history?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Benigno Numine
4 years ago

Had to change the channel when she started tooting her own horn about how much she cares about the homeless people of Pittsfield! What a blatant lie! Did anyone hear any explanation as to what her Administration is doing with our tax money? She basically spoke of all the grants she has received. Did she explain what she is doing with all the profits from the Pot stores? Very tired of full of hot air politicians that spend their days thinking they can bullshit taxpayers. Although, hardworking taxpayers of Pittsfield, don’t forget to pay your taxes to her today, she needs the money.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Tyer tell no one about money or her department spending.Joe Curtis is going to pilot program Pittsfield into heavy taxes.He was trained by Eberwien to change the names on programs that never worked and call them something else.Nobody knows what hes doing except Cameron and hes always on board.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago


Janies got a gun
Janies got a gun
4 years ago

And in other news – Andrea Harrington still sucks!

School Commie T
School Commie T
Reply to  Janies got a gun
4 years ago

The answer is she sucks, the question is who lately?

Penny lane
Penny lane
Reply to  School Commie T
4 years ago

Welcome to Topix

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  School Commie T
4 years ago

How liberal of you!

Simon Says Huh
Simon Says Huh
Reply to  Janies got a gun
4 years ago

ROFL. More trouble for her mentor DA Rollins in Boston going at it on twitter with some guy named Dave. Bitching about racist Fenway can’t be a vaccine site. Huh?

Reply to  Simon Says Huh
4 years ago

Did she lose her Twitter account and Facebook

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Janies got a gun
4 years ago

She thinks all Berkshire county cops are racist. Go look at her official FACEBOOK Facebook page.

Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

It appears Harrington thinks all judges are racist, too. They are the ones who set bail. Her evidence is badly flawed. Example: “In Berkshire County in 2015, Black defendants were detained pre-trial on five times greater bail amounts than their white counterparts.”
Someone needs to stop her nonsense and ask the right questions. How many were Berkshire residents? How many had prior records and defaults? Those factors are what determines how a judge sets bail. Not color. An impartial party has said you have a guy who needs to be held. To me, that means our cops were targeting the right people, at least in 2015. God knows what is happening now.

Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

WRONG!!! nobody kept track in 2015 of anything at that office. Well known fact the office was in the dark ages hell not even lap top for the ADA’S to keep track of anything that is fact.The only that that office was good at was was moving for a new trial date because they were unprepared hense the horrendous back log that is fact. Vacation pay?hmm

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

Is Covid-19 code for – failure to uphold the Constitution ?

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

Rachel Rollins took measures to fix a flawed conviction – Andrea Harrington knows about injustice & she’s only concerned with gofundme.

Agent 86
Agent 86
4 years ago

TSC saw his shadow this morning so we’re going to have six more weeks of TDS.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

TSC saw ITS shadow (use PC gender neutral pronoun under Xiden), so 6 more YEARS of TDS.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

When Trump is convicted of treason you will see how much you love the Trump Royal Family

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Donald dances in your head and in your dreams. Enjoy your Biden energy cost bonus.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker failed the 78 Veterans who died of coronavirus in Holyoke Soldiers Home. I believe Baker’s failed leadership should mean that he should resign his office in disgrace. After all of the tragic deaths, along with the botched vaccination program, Baker has not yet changed anything because he is more interested in politics than governing.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo intentionally sent COVID-positive patients back to his state’s nursing homes in the early days of the pandemic. As a result, New York has a dismal record on nursing home deaths, even with a reporting system that doesn’t include LTCF (long-term care facilities) residents who die in hospitals in their totals. New York State has the second-highest death rate per capita in the country

Does it surprise you that state governments put convicted felons in state prisons first to receive vaccinations for COVID-19, while Veterans, seniors, and other at risk law-abiding citizens are still dying in large numbers? If you are an illegal immigrant, you are put ahead of Veterans, seniors, and other law-abiding citizens who are struggling to survive during the “K-shaped” economic recovery (for Wall Street, K Street, ruling elites) or recession (for Main Street). What happened to our country?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Was there some reason they needed to let so many elderly die? Is this to make way for the new government paid healthcare and they knew they couldn’t afford to pay for healthcare for illegal immigrants and the upcoming elderly baby boomers? It’s a dark thought, but nothing will shock me when it comes to the current attitude of our federal and state government?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

The military ship were originally intended to treat patients without COVID to make room in the hospitals for patients with COVID. That later changed and they started putting some COVID patients on the ships, but the medical ships were NEVER utilized to their full capacity. Cuomo continued to send elderly back to nursing homes to infect other elderly when he had so much room in so many other areas to put these COVID patients. It never made any sense except that they wanted a purge of the elderly to make way for aging baby boomers and illegal immigrants in the healthcare system and current elderly were simply living too long and using too many financial resources. When government foots the bill, government decides who lives and dies.

4 years ago

Let’s talk facts, Dan, not fiction. The Trump administration said there were “millions of doses in reserve.” Fact – there were none. As to the Biden administration’s handling of distribution of vaccines in the 12 days in office, I would refer you to the Republican governor of Arkansas’s statement that it has been terrific and seamless. So, let’s just cut out the partisan carping and crap and get on with pulling in the same direction. Leave the BS and whining to the idiots you elected in Pittsfield. If I want baloney, I’ll Tyer’s office.

Reply to  truthsayer
4 years ago

The Biden administration and the states have lost or “misplaced” or destroyed by not refrigerating them properly, thousands of doses of the vaccine. President Trump wasn’t in the labs creating the vaccines so the number of doses available is the responsibility of the companies. That would be a question to ask these companies producing the vaccines.

Reply to  truthsayer
4 years ago

What happened to 20 million doses of the vaccine during the Biden Administration? Lots of people doing bad things with the doses and lots of politicians want the vaccines first for themselves and their families.

E Lectrick
E Lectrick
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Tesla three….. 158 highway….. 148 city.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

I heard Biden say not to worry by the end of summer early fall he will have enough vaccines to vaccinate 300 people, hee,hee I guess his million a day promise is out the window…where is W when you need him,ha,ha,ha

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  truthsayer
4 years ago

Stop reading and watching fake news.