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ADD 1, 1/22/21 — To lighten the tone but also so that we will not be remiss, THE PLANET shares a way to get rich fast. Take our picks to the nearest legal sports book and put your life savings these selection for the conference championship games. Thus far, we are cleaning up in the playoffs, correct with all of our wagers (for entertainment purposes only, mind you!). In 10 games, we stand at 10-0. Why, that’s almost perfect. Here’s what you do with your money:

BUFFALO beats Kansas City — Home team edge for the Chiefs not enough in a Bills upset. Patrick Mahomes coming off a concussion + coming of age of Bills’ QB Josh Allen = Bills move on to the Super Bowl for the first time in forever. Maybe they can win one finally.

TAMPA BAY over Green Bay — Lambeau Field is a tough place to win on the road, but the Bucs have Tom Brady at QB, and he sends Rogers and the Pack packing. He’s not only the G.O.A.T. but he knows how to play in the frozen tundra, given his many playoff games with the New England Patriots in Foxboro. Folks, enjoy Brady while you can. He is 32-9 in the playoffs. That’s .781 ball in the biggest games. That’s more playoff wins than all but five franchises. Brady is m.o.n.e.y. He’s won a billion division championships, been to 14 conference title games counting Sunday (9-4), and played in nine Super Bowls (6-3). This is history in the making, before your eyes. Brady’s in the same category at Boston Celtics’ center Bill Russell as the greatest winner of all time, any sport. THE PLANET can say we saw Ted Williams and Bill Russell play. You will be saying that someday about Tom Brady. He has proven he’s not just a “system” QB, which some tried to say about his tenure with the Patriots. Once in a century, if you’re lucky. That’s how often you’re going to see this kind of player.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 22-4, 2021) — The 2020 election was stolen.

We won’t fire ourselves for that statement.

THE PLANET bases this not on mail-in ballots, hacked voting machines, or anything of the sort. We say it because that’s how the presidency of the United States of Amnesia has been decided since 1948, save for a relatively clean blip here and there — especially the eight years when (1952, ’56) Dwight Eisenhower (R) topped Adlai Stevenson (D).

Big year, 1948. Boston came within one win of a Red Sox-Braves crosstown Series, Britain and America created Israel in seven days then rested, and back-room interests stole the Oval Office.  That year, Democrat Harry S. Truman upset Thomas Dewey. Pundits and polls predicted Dewey, former New York governor and crime-busting lawyer, would win in a landslide.

How is was done then … how it’s still done now.

Truman, former Kansas City haberdasher, owed his political life to Boss Tom Pendergast and his corrupt machine. Pendergast was one of Franklin Roosevelt’s top “vote harvesters” and used that leverage to get Truman on FDR’s ticket. Truman became accidental president after FDR’s death in 1945.

As president, “Give ’em Hell Harry” got into more hot water than a can of Campbell’s Soup. He dropped not one but two atomic bombs on defenseless cities; broke with the Soviets, our wartime ally, starting the Cold War; and established the CIA, giving birth to the national security state.

Up for election in his own right, citizens were eager to dump him. Dewey’s victory was all but certain, so much so that the Chicago Daily Tribune printed the now famous edition: “DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN.” However, when it was over, Truman mysteriously won. He had learned well from the Boss Tom.

———- ooo ———-

Following Eisenhower’s eight years, it’s been one snow job after another:

1960 — Jack Kennedy “defeats” Richard Nixon after father Joseph P. gets the Mayor Richard Daly Machine to rig Cook County votes. Kennedy’s margin: less than 2/1000s of a percent nationwide.

Nov. 22, 1963 — Assassins gun down Kennedy in Dallas. Coup de tat installs Lyndon Johnson, who launches the Great Society, giving the U.S. cradle-to-grave Big Government. Johnson also escalates the Vietnam conflict with disastrous results.

1968 — Nixon’s revenge. Mayor Daly turns loose his bulls on peaceful protesters at the Democratic Convention. Nixon wins a close one that would have gone the other way if not for Chicago.

1974 — Nixon resigns amid the Watergate scandal. The coverup trips him as he descends into paranoia. Gerald Ford, brown shoes to a black suit, becomes president, pardons Nixon, and bumps his head on plane doors.

1976 — Peanut farmer  Jimmy Carter — like Joe Biden (Syracuse University), a graduate of one of THE PLANET‘s alma maters, Union College — fries Ford who in a debate declares “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe.” Ford played football without a helmet at Michigan.

1980, 1984 — Ronald Reagan defeats Carter and Walter Mondale, respectively. Carter had no chance after the Iranian hostage crisis. Mondale campaigned darkly on the drug crisis, poverty, and growing budget deficits. Against Reagan’s sunny “It’s morning again in America,” it was a 525-13 electoral-vote slaughter.

1988 — Bush the First tops the Duke. Bush was a human Swiss Army Knife, having served as congressman, U.N. ambassador, CIA chief, RNC chairman, and Vice President under Reagan. Mass. Gov. Mike Dukakis popped his head out of a tank wearing a Mickey Mouse cap.

1992, 1996 — Bubba. “I did not have sex with that woman.”

2000 — Bush II, “W,” steals the election when his brother fixes Florida by little more than 500 votes. Hanging chads rip off Al Gore.

2004 — Sept. 11, 2001, Bush II’s lucky day, when he becomes “a wartime president.” Vietnam vet John Kerry from Massachusetts puts up a great fight. Comes down to Ohio. Who said dead people don’t vote? Kerry gets jobbed.

2008 — The Chicago Machine strikes again, producing a slick talker with a flair for jive. Barack Hussein Obama enjoys a meteoric rise from Illinois State Legislature to the Presidency. The GOP, playing right along, nominates a withered shell, John McCain, whose running mate is a former beauty queen who can see Russia from Alaska.

2012 — Massachusetts tries again, this time sending governor Mitt Romney against Obama. Mr. Mitt loses to a fading Obama, who becomes the first Democratic incumbent since 1944 to win with electoral and popular vote totals dropping from the previous race.

2016 — Trump over Hillary. Outsider over Insider. Trump shocks the world.

2020 — The Pandemic defeats The Donald. Kamala Harris becomes president, with Syracuse Joe Biden in the role of Jerry Mahoney.

Quite a run. As you can see, when we say these elections were stolen, THE PLANET refers to an electoral system that has been hijacked from the hands of the American people by oligarchs and Big Tech. We will get who THEY want. Don’t expect that to change in your lifetime.

Have a great weekend, everybody. Go Brady Bucs!


“One never notices what has been done.  One can only see what remains to be done”Marie Curie.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I believe that Pittsfield politics is much more conspiratorial than who won the biggest political prize – the Oval Office – since Truman upset Dewey in 1948. Truman had the status and power of the presidency over his challenger Dewey. They changed the Constitution to stop presidents from serving more than 2 four year terms after Truman was elected in 1948. Anyways, I believe that Pittsfield politics is conspiratorial because it is “All in the Family” where the Good Old Boys (& Girls) are all from interrelated provincial families who play an incestuous insider’s political game at the expense of the common good of the community, which is exhibited as “A City in Decay” by artist Gregory Crewdson’s huge photos in upscale museums and art galleries in London, NYC, and L.A. for well over one decade now. While Washington, D.C. is downright mean-spirited, Pittsfield politics is as toxic as GE’s PCBs industrial chemical waste that causes cancer and other serious health issues in local residents. While Capitol Hill and The White House is ran by Wall Street’s billionaires via corporate K Street lobbyist firms, Pittsfield politics is ran by Good Old Boys (& Girls) who serve their toxic retribution against everyone and anyone who point out their decades of failed “leadership” and disservices of always raising municipal taxes, fees, and public debts and other liabilities on working class people and small businesses, while Pittsfield’s tax base continually shrinks, along with its drastic loss in population and living wage jobs. In Washington, D.C, money and power talk, while in Pittsfield politics, being “All in the Family” and a political hack talk. In Washington, D.C., elected officials raise thousands of campaign dollars everyday, while in Pittsfield politics, elected officials live as far away from inner-city Pittsfield as possible. Mayor Linda Tyer lives in a gated community close to Hancock, and Tricia Farley Bouvier lives in a beautiful house near Lenox. In closing, I like it a lot more when blogger Dan Valenti writes about Pittsfield politics than Washington, D.C.’s corrupt power, money and war machines.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Let us look at what is going on: (a) Pittsfield is in a public health crisis with large numbers of COVID-19 infections and deaths in its nursing homes, (b) Mayor Linda Tyer is all about retribution and she and her supporters have successfully pushed Connell and Morandi off the next City Council, (b) Pittsfield politics has record high budgets, debts/liabilities, and Matt Kerwood’s +$10 million slush fund that should belong in the pockets of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, (d) the ruling elites live as far away from inner city Pittsfield while still living in Pittsfield to hold elected office. Then there is Beacon Hill where (e) the Berkshire delegation and their 195 colleagues in Boston just received up to 3 legislative pay raises this month of January 2021, (f) the Boston lawmakers are looking to raise state taxes to fund the upcoming fiscal year 2022 state budget, (g) they are hoping for a multibillion dollar bailout from Biden and Capitol Hill, (h) and over one million Massachusetts workers lost their jobs and health insurance in 2020. Then there is Capitol Hill and the Biden White House where (i) Hunter Biden is under federal investigation for his foreign business dealings with adversarial Communist countries such as China where he received millions of dollars and he allegedly used money laundering to cover his tracks, (j) Biden’s economic and financial advisors are pro Wall Street and they are all connected to K Street lobbyist firms, (k) Biden and Capitol Hill will spend trillions of public dollars that will produce a record federal budget deficit and add trillions of dollars to the U.S. national debt, (l) the Democrats and a few Republican U.S. Senators will soon hold an impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump that will distract us from the K-shaped recovery/recession where many millions of people are in at the edge of human survival, (m) foreign countries are look at our political system as falling to new lows, (n) our 3 leaders – Biden, McConnell, and Pelosi – are all near 80 years old, while Chuck Schumer is 70. Lastly, I would also like to add that the COVID-19 vaccine will change nothing except increasing our odds of not getting sick with a 5 percent chance of still getting sick from coronavirus. After people are vaccinated, they will still get COVID-19 and they will still transmit the virus to other people. We will still have to wear mask, socially distance, and follow all of the public health guidelines to stay safe.

4 years ago

Big tech in bed with our ruling leaders means that the surveillance state will become the law of the land. “Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide” will prove true for anyone who questions big government. The surveillance state will be able to hunt people down like a dog and keep tabs on everyone. Everyone must bow down to big government and their loyalty must be absolute. Reread the book “1984” to see where our country is heading and the monster we are creating. Elections were stolen in the past just like this current one was, but with big tech on their side, that will be so much easier to do now.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Saw that on Fox entainment

4 years ago

In this current election steal, the stealers convinced many people that there is a dictator in the office of the presidency and we must remove him to save the country. To insure this never happens again, we will create the surveillance state to quickly get rid of any people who try to rail against the Washington swamp. Antifa and BLM will be allowed since they are on the side of the Democrats who are in bed with big tech.

4 years ago

Joe did his first, “Come on man” yesterday when reporters asked him if the number of vaccines he was approving would be enough. He got testy. You do not question the Washington swamp. You drool over them and flatter them constantly. Whether the millions of immigrants he wants to pour into the country will be tested for disease was not asked by the media. A single virus proved so effective in controlling the population.

Jubilous Lea
Jubilous Lea
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

A person involved in a gay relationship was afraid to leave. That’s what I heard the stooge say this morning,driving home from work. Who or what is he talking about? It’s not fit for t b r radio because you can’t understand the topic. Please Mr. Serre let the music play on radio and he can start doing his show at the studio? All that money spent for his ridiculous show which no one watches? Make him travel to the studio like anyone else has to.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

My 92 year old mother-in-law has been housebound for nearly a year. She really wants the vaccine, but can’t get answers on when it will be available for her.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump did not leave a vaccine pipeline.Got to develop one quickly. He turned down 100,000,000 from Pfizer

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Please read Dr Fauci when asked this, basically said yes there is a pipeline, how do you think people are getting vaccinated

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat it is disgraceful that after 1 year we are in a worse place that we were last February. Nothing changed except Wall street got baile out 2 times in 3 years.A2 trillion tax break and another 2 trillion for the virus.Biden now want 2trillion for the states and unemployed the infrastructure to pipeline the vaccine and Republican fringe wont consider it.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Coo coo where do you get your information? I think you should reread what you type and then double check your sources

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Let’s not forget fat people. It’s not their fault because they can’t afford healthy food.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Anyone who is confined prisoners,ill,students in residential and those people who work with them are all in the first phase.This policy is well known.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

The election was STOLEN, and unless the states dump the Dominion machines and clean up their counting, every election from here on in will be suspect.

National Guardsmen treated shamelessly by the Biden administration, left to sleep in cold garage and on cafeteria floor. Why are 10,000 soldiers told to remain in D.C.? What are they afraid of? Biden’s inauguration pics look like a Chinese militarized ceremony!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Terrible treatment of those who serve our country!
“Guns for me but not for thee.”

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Dementia Joe eliminated 11,000 union pipeline jobs yesterday with a stroke of a pen. More job elimination to come.

Reply to  Come On Man
4 years ago

Gas has gone up 12 cents just since the inauguration. Joe wants to get rid of any energy sources other than windmills and solar.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Thats because Fatboy Trump tried to overthrow your democracy but you guys are all in to deep.Raise your hand if you were at Trumps insurrection…lol

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I cant believe we finally agree Dan.Trump has nobody to blame but Trump.He was going to win easily until the virus hit.When he declared war on it even I said if he does this well he is the next President.You get behind a man who says we need to beat this thing.Then in Trump fashion he split the country in two and so divided us he motivated the majority of America to vote and 8 million more voted to find somebody who would have us go down one road together.Trump can blame only Trump for his red state politics. Trump chose wrong.He then sold the lie of cheating even to you.He incited thousand to the Capital to intimidate
Republican VP and other republicans to threaten them with violence or death.The Truth of that day will not be altered by Fox media or conservative talk radio.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You were doing pretty good until you stated Trump split the country in two. You have to leave your Trump hate and see the whole picture. Dan try to give you some crumbs to think about when he talked about the DC beltway and how long career politicians who don’t want to be scrutinized nor lose their jobs fought back.

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Trump caused Democrats to have erections. Ask Chuck.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Come On Man
4 years ago

Have you see men at a Trump rally,one man told me its in his whisper talk to the crowd,its creepy to see the cowboys gettin excited

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Come On Man
4 years ago

Senile Syracuse Joe, with the stroke of his pen, eliminated 50,000 jobs by blocking the XL pipeline. This idiot move now will force the US to supplement their energy demands from RUSSIA and VENEZUELA!
Oil & gas prices will rise!
President Trump made us energy independent – China Joe is making us communist dependent!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

This idiot move should surprise no one, as Biden is owned by the communists.

Reply to  Come On Man
4 years ago

Mayor Pete was asked what he thought about those 11,000 jobs being lost in his confirmation hearing as TS , all Pete had to say, was ,“They will have to find something else to do”. On video.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

President Joe Biden’s first day in office may have been historic in more ways than one: he may have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.
Biden revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, as promised. In so doing, he killed some 11,000 direct jobs that the pipeline’s construction was to have created, and an estimated 60,000 indirect jobs in secondary, related industries.
Over 1,000 workers already on the job — mostly union workers — will be laid off as a result of the decision, even if it is litigated, as many expect it will be, in the courts.

Reply to  Dementia Joe
4 years ago

I wonder how the two of them can sleep after destroying so many lives, I guess China Joe and the San Fran Ho really care about the American people

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Hillary felt the same way with Trump leads being much lower than Biden leads.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Actually even with the cheating this was the closest election of all time, imagine if it was just a straight up election

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Not legal certified

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Yes,I saw on Fox news how Biden stole the eldction from Don Trump.It was really interesting how they said it for the 50th time today

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Did you get excited when Schumer said Trump incited his erection?

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Glad you finally heard it and agreed

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Trump/Putin lie about election.You then spread the lie.Fox news is not allowing on air liars to continue lying about Biden win because will be in court with Dominion and Dominion has a 100 % chance of proving Fox news wilfully lied.You dont get this…….Fox news went over the National Guard story every 20 minutes followed by the pipeline story.Then the please dont impeach story and the Democrats need to reach out to ted cruz stories…..Republican Qannon party

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Obviously not.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Sounds like you watch a lot of Fox news. I think you should turn the tv off and get outside. Enjoy your freedom while you still have it

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You are in the Qanumbnutz party

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Nobody agrees the election was stolen except dopey cult fringe

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You sound like a Tyer voter.

4 years ago

The police advisory and review board has announced it backs the police reform bill passed by the state. So they endorse something that is law? Do they also back the law against murder? What kind of a board is this? One can only imagine what is like to be a cop in our city. They must be in a permanent state of eye rolling.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Let us not inconvenience anyone with training.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

No one has a problem with training. And even if they do, it’s the law. Putting out paper to make it look like the board is doing something is ridiculous. They have officially declared themselves non-essential and useless if all they can do is state they support the laws of Massachusetts. Maybe Pittsfield should do more, and if so what?

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Maybe, ya think ?

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Berkshire Eagle …”Wynn said discussions about potentially increasing the length of training that part-time officers would be required to complete could affect the department indirectly.

Because many part-time officers work full-time jobs on top of policing, he said there is a chance that many would not have time to complete an extended training requirement.

“That’s going to be devastating to some of the smaller communities that surround us if that is, in fact, the case, and it’s going to have an impact on us because it will impact our ability to access mutual aid,” he said.”

This tells me that “undertrained” police facilitated charges which led to an innocent person going to jail.

Sofa King Tired
Sofa King Tired
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

There’s a computer system for reporting data & some departments, despite having paid $30k a year to be “in compliance” – the audit found department not even using it. If a person calls 911 for domestic & the data ain’t right, the wrong person gets arrested. That will destroy lives, forever ! It’s a clear injustice. Data collection in 2021 should not be an issue. Theres face recognition for example, we should have basic data issues solved it aint a difficult one, the whole country does it. One source I can offer is the Pomeroy Report from Egremont Management Study, on SCRIBD – dated March 2013. 7 years ago. Still talking about data ?

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Just read on MassLive how Northampton cops are quitting because of all the disrespect and innuendos , who needs to face that on a daily basis

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Another city near Boston had outside consultants come in who were astonished that most of the police force were scared at work, not of criminals but of being written up or losing their careers because the rules are constantly changing

Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

This board and prior one was completely made up by the politicians and company to appease the movement that feels all law enforcement officers are bad apples.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Lol ,Fox Entertainment company want Biden to denounce violent looting.Thats funny

Tor Turechambet
Tor Turechambet
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

How about the water rate looting right here in the City. Tyers and Kerwoods direct neglect to give into the regulatory authorities on the previous project without raising an eyebrow is befuddling at best. Now they have us all reeling. We might be able to salvage something if Mr. Gaetani can get a real legitimate shot at these incredible future increases also at the plant he built.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

The Big Guy gets 25% of the loot

Bikepath Barry
Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

Hey boys and girls and everything in between! TGIF!!!

So your vibrant and dynamic city of Pittsfield is going to get a lot new vibrant and dynamic with some new initiatives.

The LGBTQQIICD/DQ cabal of the city council aka the “alphabet people” has introduced a number of secret initiatives.

Ms Lampiasi has started her own “see something/say something” campaign code name “smokescreen”. She’s given friends a list of licensees that have not paid their license fees and now they can drop a dime anytime.
It’s a way to distract from the fact that she’s up to her eyeballs in deeds done dirt cheap and not on the up and up. It also protects bi-curious Yuki by creating distractions from her misdeeds.

Ms Lampiasi also has begun using the words of the #cancelculture when dealing with anyone that doesn’t agree with her. She learned that at work from our esteemed DA “nipples” Harrington or is it “wrong way” or “squeaky” or “tax title” or “no license no drivey”? There are just too many for this boy to remember!

We also now have a new homeless initiative. The city is going to install 60 two person “coffin pods” around the city. We are asking local businesses to sponsor a pod, they can paint it any way they want, add a plaque denoting sponsorship. These coffin pods can house up to two homeless patrons.

comment image

“Windproof and waterproof coffin pods have been installed in the streets of the city in order to house the homeless.

The wood and steel cabins, which can fit up to two people, protect against the cold, wind, and humidity. They also guarantee fresh air circulation.”

These are double plus good because they will also act as bike racks and tables for our city parklet program.

Each coffin pod is a real value at $32k per unit, they will be built and installed by David Carver.
In order for him to recoup his costs, the rental per night on these pods will be $79.95 which is below market rate for that square footage on most of his projects! So vibrant!!!

Have a great weekend!

Haas you ever seen the rain
Haas you ever seen the rain
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

Accessory Dwelling Unit

Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

So horrible for people with claustrophobia.

Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

Can you socially distance in them? I think they need to be re-engineered so the cost can double

Kitties Pi
Kitties Pi
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

Hope they don’t have an expensive water rate toilet? Let’s name the pods Kufflinks.

Goodbye Krol World
Goodbye Krol World
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

Does Yuki have these in the back room?

Krol’s Left Ball
Krol’s Left Ball
Reply to  Goodbye Krol World
4 years ago

That is Yuki’s “back room” it’s an ATM

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Jan 23,2021 saw another 1,000,000 people file for unemployment bringing the total number to 21,000,000….1/3 of America is is financial emergency. Still no end in sight.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

No worries. BIg government is there to make everyone dependent on it. Everyone, including illegal immigrants, will be living off of big government. Wasn’t that the plan all along with the virus? Shut down capitalism and all the success of the last few years and move us to communism.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

From a Redstate article:
Bernie wants government to go big now because of Democrats being wiped out in the midterms.

As another old socialist activist — and playwright — George Bernard Shaw famously said, “a government that robs Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul.” But Bernie? Not a good idea to entirely piss
off Peter.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Like military big or Social Security big.Like Trumps 400 billion black ops big.Do you want to make Medicare smaller Pat or cut food assistance.You also want to rid America of the Affordable Healthcare Act as Trump does.You do know police and fire are on heavily subsidized municipal tax payer healthcare.Postal and military are heavily subsidized Federal healthcare.Teachers are in heavily subsidized state and city plans.Tell me about all the private corporate healthcare please.

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Thank you buffoon Biden for ending 60,000 good paying union jobs.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Come On Man
4 years ago


Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

With that information you posted and I’m sure the politicians are aware of said numbers, why in the world would they want to add to those numbers? Doing away with jobs to create higher unemployment numbers makes no sense. Things are bad enough to begin with.

4 years ago

Still trying to figure out how Massachusetts is planning on opening things back up when the news is saying the COVID numbers are at there highest ever. This is BS. Do they care about everyone’s health or not, was it a ploy to get the right (lefty) person elected? Do they care or are they trying to rid themselves of the costliest citizens to lower their state sponsored healthcare?

4 years ago

Do people feel more unified? Or do they feel worse off right now

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Much worse. Joe Biden is proving to be a human wrecking ball just in his first few days in office. In the middle of a pandemic with financial trouble everywhere, he is getting rid of well paying jobs because he wants to destroy the oil and coal industries. This guy and his far left advisors will destroy the country in a very short time.

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

He should have had Miley Cyrus singing las Wednesday.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
4 years ago

I guarantee Baltimore doesn’t win. Because they aren’t playing. Dan, the Cheifs are playing Buffalo.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
4 years ago

love the Jerry Mahoney reference Governments are instituted among Men and women, deriving their just powers from the consent of the puppeteers.

4 years ago

President Joe Biden on Wednesday issued an executive order to dissolve the 1776 Commission. Why? Because it gives a truthful account of American history, but that’s not what they want to teach the young. Instead the left favors the 1619 Project which says that slavery and not freedom is the defining fact of American history. The forces working to destroy freedom have far greater ambitions than just destroying America, but first they need to destroy America to achieve their totalitarian future for the world.

4 years ago

Don’t prosecute the Simon’s Rock hate crime but prosecute this guy and really go after him. Why? In a word, politics.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Again, I ask why? His past record can’t be used against him. She pledged not to treat addiction like a crime. How is he any different than any other defendant who hasn’t done anything violent that she pledged not to lock up? What kind of hypocrisy is it when you declare that drug dealing which has resulted in how many overdose deaths is not worthy of incarceration? But burning a sign and being an alcoholic is?

Simon Says Huh
Simon Says Huh
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Dumboney couldn’t argue his way out of wet paper bag.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago
the smirnoff committee
the smirnoff committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Democrats love war. In their view if U.S. troops could start a union it would be democrat perfection.

Cud linx
Cud linx
Reply to  the smirnoff committee
4 years ago

Where’s the stimulus checks Nancy?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Stop watching Fox entertainment company.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Biden taking good care of unions

Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

Especially teachers unions, their frontline workers in indoctrinating youth to the far left agenda. Teachers unions are all Democrats and demand big pay increases on a regular basis and lots of vacation time in exchange for indoctrinating and with the riots this summer, the youth proved how well they were trained by letting rioters know how to avoid police presence and making sure they had all the supplies they needed.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

I feel really bad for our troops and will keep them in my thoughts and prayers

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Sponsored by act blue. Has Berkshire county EVER had a DA that is this much more interested in politics than their own job at hand? Maybe we should put on the ballot that people in government paid positions that don’t pay their own taxes aren’t paid until taxes and creditors are paid up. Many public sector jobs require credit reports to get hired, good thing she was elected and not hired. Hey, did anyone find out what she was doing the day she was driving the wrong way on a state vehicle during business hours that just happened to be primary day? Anyone else see her fellow progressive DA is also wrapped up in a driving scandal. Funny how they both have Brady policies that require you to be on the list while being investigated but they aren’t?

Trish A
Trish A
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Why hasn’t she gone after the owner of the public market for his alleged crimes? #metoo #publicmarket

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Trish A
4 years ago

What is alleged ?

4 years ago

Coffin Pods & Love is all you need.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I read a news article about Joe Biden’s Catholic faith being far apart from his political beliefs. Conservative Catholics, who I personally dislike and see as moral hypocrites, oppose Joe Biden because of his support for abortion, contraception, same sex legal rights, and other policies that the Catholic Church opposes. Yet, conservative Catholics supported the ultimate moral hypocrite since to serve in the Oval Office since Bill Clinton: Donald Trump! I believe that people are sexual beings who have a right to live their lives free of religious and political moral hypocrisy. The Catholic Church, which is led only by men, has a horrible history of sexual abuse of children, and special rules for Priests that coverup their sexual deviancy and moral hypocrisy. I believe that the Catholic Church does a lot of good in the World because of its commitments to helping the poor, education, and Peace on Earth. I do not support cultural conflict by any religious or political institution. No religion or political group is superior to others. No religion or political group is inferior to others. Joe Biden’s Catholic faith and politics coexist because he is free to believe in both the Catholic Church and his political beliefs as the 46th U.S. President. In closing, I believe religious and/or political extremists are like fascists when they believe their faith/beliefs are pure and right, while a man such as Joe Biden is corrupt and wrong.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You voted for him, hypocrite!

Dark Circles
Dark Circles
4 years ago

I feel sorry for DA. She looks like she’s been crying. I’m convinced that the previous admin left her holding a bag, she didn’t know what was in it. Let’s all come together in support, so she can do the work we elected her to do. Donate Now.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  Dark Circles
4 years ago

Da fuq?

4 years ago

Is it true John Krol has moved in to Ward 4?

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

If he did it must be near a swamp.

4 years ago

The Biden administration plans to send 4 billion dollars to Central America to solve their problems so their people won’t want to come here.

Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just finish the wall and accomplish the same thing. We have already paid for all the necessary supplies which will now go to waste.

Also, how can we be sure that the money will be spent for the purpose we are expecting. Remember what happened to all the money sent to Haiti?

Jed Whocho
Jed Whocho
Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

All money everywhere goes thru Goldman Sachs and Lehman Bros first. Then it is held for escrow interest by the Banks. We’re screwed! We are basically supporting the Banks through your tax dollars.

Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

The money will be eaten up by corrupt politicians. Ray Charles and Helen Keller can see that.

Puss Sea
Puss Sea
Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

Kansas City blows out Buffalo tonight then Blows out Tampa Bay in the Super Bowl.

Trisha A
Trisha A
4 years ago

BHS and the nursing staff and administrators at Fairview Commons infected and killed a lot of people. There should be a criminal investigation.

Dumb Waiter
Dumb Waiter
Reply to  Trisha A
4 years ago

Agreed, we know how investigations go around here.

Reply to  Trisha A
4 years ago

I don’t blame the doctors because they were kept in the dark about the benefits of the antibodies because their medical research has been hijacked by the far left who only gives out the information they want the doctors to have. This is why these life saving antibodies were sitting on shelves in hospitals just gathering dust when they could have been saving lives and stopping so much unneeded suffering in our elderly. The CDC only approved the drug for emergency use days after the election and it took some hospitals weeks to prepare for using the antibodies. Had Trump won the election, the antibodies never would have been approved for a long time. It was all political and our elderly friends and relatives died because of politics.

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

Very proud of Dylan Hicks right now.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Is he one of the one’s the dems made sleep on the cold garage floor?

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

“The virtual reception will help fund the work of the District Attorney’s office under Harrington.”

Is this normal ?

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Sounds illegal to me. Tax dollars and donations don’t mix. So if I donate and my relative gets in trouble
Will there be ac free pass.