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ADD 1, 1-25-21 THE PLANET shares this release from the Pittsfield Police Department (updated):

Earlier today, 28 year old Pittsfield resident Patrick Sheerin was arrested and charged with five counts of armed robbery.  Sheerin’s charges stem from four incidents in Pittsfield and one in Lenox that occurred during the past 24 hours:  

  • Armed Robbery at Lipton Mart, 460 South Street Pittsfield (1/24/2021 at 6:51pm) 
  • Armed Robbery at Lipton Mart, 426 Pittsfield Road Lenox (1/24/2021 at 7:04pm)
  • Armed Robbery at Palmer’s Variety, 221 Elm Street Pittsfield (1/24/2021 at 7:16pm)
  • Armed Robbery at Cumberland Farms, 885 Dalton Avenue Pittsfield (1/25/2021 at 2:31am)
  • Armed Robbery at Convenience Plus, 115 Dalton Avenue Pittsfield (1/25/2021 at 8:29am)

Sheerin was arrested without incident by members of the Pittsfield Police Department on the morning of Monday 1/25/2021.  He is expected to be arraigned in Pittsfield District Court on Tuesday 1/26/2021.  The investigation into these incidents is being conducted by the Pittsfield Police Department, Lenox Police Department, and Massachusetts State Police.  Other charges may be forthcoming.  If you have information on any of these robberies, please contact lead detective James Losaw at 413-448-9700 x572.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 25, 2021) — The greatness continues. On Sunday, Tom Brady did what he has done more often than anyone in NFL history. He won, defeating the Green Bay Packers at Green Bay and moving on to his 10th — count ’em T-E-N — Super Bowls. Brady’s a winner, unlike Pack QB Aaron Rogers, who dropped to 1-4 in Championship games. One’s a winner, the other a loser.

Today, THE PLANET does do some house cleaning, leading off with a matter showing sometimes the city does its job, and a good one at that. Then we move on to a couple of national political observations.


Last week, a teacup emerged from a tempest after Pittsfield Police Department Lt. Bradford Trattoria notified the licensing board about Trattoria Rusticate on McKay Street. On Jan. 9, Bradford found when restaurant open and serving alcohol, even though it had not paid its licensing fee, which was due Jan. 1. THE PLANET reached out to Lt. Bradford, the city, and restaurant owner Michael Govid.

BRADFORD: “Thank you for reaching out and allowing me to comment on my involvement with notifying the Licensing Board that a particular business was open and operating.  The short answer is that our department was notified by the Licensing Board that one or more local businesses should not be open.  We were asked to notify them if, while on routine patrol, we saw them open.  While patrolling the McKay Street area, I saw that one of the businesses was open.  I spoke with the owner and listened as he explained the situation and his frustration.  I encouraged him to contact the Licensing Board and explain his position.  I also told him I would be submitting a report to them. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged all of us.  I am acutely aware of the personal and financial struggles many members of our community have endured over the last year.  Balancing the requirements of my job, with the empathy I feel for my community, has always been something I contemplate.”

THE CITY: Licensing Board clerk Sabrina Gogan forwarded our request to city clerk Michelle Benjamin and Tom Campoli, Licensing Board chair.  “The license fee was paid in full by Trattoria Rustica on January 13, 2021,” Benjamin said. “This matter is currently under investigation and will be taken up by the Licensing Board at the January 25, 2021 meeting.”

TRATTORIA: Owner Davide Manzo did not reply to multiple requests for comment. Obviously, he had more important artichokes to fry.

THE PLANET commends Lt. Bradford for doing his job, and also for the city in granting Manzo some leeway. In addition to serving alcohol without a license, Manzo was also delinquent on the inspection of his sprinkler system. Building commissioner Jeffrey Clemons and the city granted him a temporary 30-day extension. Anyway you look at it, from the PPD to the licensing board to the city clerk to the building commissioner, Pittsfield acted in a fair and decisive way. Critics of the city in this case were way off base.

———- ooo ———-


“Though Democrats took the reins of the Senate this week, they have been unable to reach a power-sharing deal with Republicans, leaving the chamber partially frozen, The Washington Times reports. Democrats hold the gavel in the chamber itself, but GOP lawmakers are still the chairs of committees. Cracks are already showing in Democrats’ push for quick action on President Joe Biden’s agenda. His demands for passage of a nearly $2 trillion coronavirus package were meeting objections from Republicans; only one of Biden’s Cabinet picks has been confirmed; and they face a looming impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump as they await Speaker Nancy Pelosi to transmit to the Senate an article of impeachment passed Jan. 13 in the House.”


When you lose an election, infighting occurs. We saw on display when GOP House minority leader Kevin McCarthy blasted his party’s conference chair, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), for not telling him in advance that she would be voting to impeach Trump. Inside the Beltway, any sign of independence can get you killed. “She has a lot of questions to answer to the conference,” McCarthy said. Shades of McCarthy? And we don’t mean Kevin McCarthy, star of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. God forbid someone votes without clearing it first with the bosses.


THE PLANET hates all taxes. We pay them, lots of them, but derive no joy from it. THE PLANET holds to the quaint notion that money in private pockets gets put to better use than that same dough in Big Government’s treasury. We even question why taxes, especially at the present ruinous rates, are necessary. High taxes feed fat government and reward officials, bureaucrats, and politicians. They also kill households and small business. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski have see it nearly ruin the once model small city of Pittsfield. Taxes also drag down America, whose debt has hit $27 trillion. Now Syracuse Joe wants to add $1.9 trillion in a stimulus package. How’s he going to pay? New taxes, and example of which is the idea of taxing Americans on the basis of annual miles driven. Currently, gasoline (18.4 cents a gallon) and diesel (24.4 cents) feed the Highway Trust Fund. The rate of government spending, however, as Biden correctly points out, exceeds money coming in. Instead of lowering costs, though, he aims to increase income via the new tax on miles. The money generated would exceed, possibly far exceed, the current gas tax revenues. It might have a beneficial effect on getting people to cut down on unnecessary travel, but what would the costs be, for example, to those in rural areas or the many who have long commutes for work? Be. Ware.


“Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth”Henrik Ibsen.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

If/When Matt Kerwood gets his hands of Biden’s would be bailout dollars, then Matt Kerwood can build on his +$10 million slush fund, while taxing Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski for all of the money Matt Kerwood can get his greedy hands on for Mayor Linda Tyer and the Pittsfield City Council to spend.
Then there is NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo who told Biden that if he doesn’t receive $15 billion (or more) in bailout funds, then he will have no choice but to raise state taxes on the Kapanski’s cousins points west of Pittsfield (Mass.) That is how I would do it, too. If I were Governor of New York State, I would ask President Biden for $15 billion (or more) bailout funds, too! Why not?
Lastly, the U.S.A. was founded on a bailout request by a bankrupt Massachusetts to King George III, who rejected giving away his royal funds to his colonial subjects, and instead he told Massachusetts to raise taxes instead. The Founding Fathers, who mostly owned Slaves, objected in the name of classical Liberty by saying “No taxation without representation”. Now we are back to square one with everyone – especially Andrew Cuomo – once again wanting bailouts, but now from Capitol Hill and the Biden White House instead of the King/Queen of the United Kingdom!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I question your education on colonial American history.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

I agree with you. I am not an expert on colonial American history. I do find it ironic that the Founding Fathers owned Slaves, but fought the King of England in the name of Liberty.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Not all owned slaves and unfortunately slavery was worldwide during that time period

Hi Anlois
Hi Anlois
4 years ago

Maybe I misread it but is the restaurant owner responsible for the sprinkler system? Does he own the building?

Board of Wealth
Board of Wealth
Reply to  Hi Anlois
4 years ago

Yes, 30 day extention was granted on the system.

Last edited 4 years ago by Board of Wealth
4 years ago

Once again a tax that will hurt the majority of people and pretty much have no effect on some. So much for the living wage and minimum wage language the politicians are always spewing to these same people about. Now that they have your vote, your still going to be barely getting bye after the taxes you will pay. The politicians give some and take even more.

Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Biden is so far walking back his promise of a federal $15 minimum wage although he wants it to take effect 2025. Biden does want a $15 minimum wage for federal workers though now.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Trump walked into office and told corporations and the wealthy they were given a 1.9 trillion dollar gift.

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Enjoy your Biden bonus at the gas pump and in your oil tank.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  Come On Man
4 years ago

Proposed Country Wide tax to fund Pelosi’s hotels for homeless in San Francisco: 18.4 cents per miles driven. In a year the average family drives 13,474 miles. That equals $2,479 and change for the average family per year (diesel is more) to fund a pet project. I guess the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many…..can you say SOCIALISM???

Reply to  Ghost Rider
4 years ago

That’s just for the hotel rooms.Wait until they add in room service costs.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Nothing new as big corporations and Wall Street have benefited from every administration. Even though every administration makes them the focal point of being bad to get into elected office. Wink wink!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

As a country we are in deep, deep guano with Senile Joe….

Totally enjoyed the playoff games & looking forward to Mahomes vs. Brady.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Guano …. yikes.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

I wish someone would hand him a piece of paper admitting he cheated.

4 years ago

My earlier question disappeared so I will try again.Currently there are 2 independent, 48 democratic and 50 republicans in the senate, why does everyone say it is divided 50/50? And why do the Democrats control the senate

Hi Anlois
Hi Anlois
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

S N the two independents Caucasus with the democrats

Hi Anlois
Hi Anlois
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Caucus, but your right about the designation. 50 48

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

This brings up another issue how does Bernie run for President as a Democrat but Libertarians run under their party designation

4 years ago

I wouldn’t say Trattoria got more of an even break from the city. I believe you could make that argument for places like Methuselah, not Trattoria. I would have been the first to pat Pittsfield on the back if they dropped the licensing fees in a year where restaurants were required to be shutdown or operate at reduced capacity. Even with those reduced capacities, bar areas were still closed and alcohol not allowed to be served. It is clear that the owner didn’t just decide not to pay the fee, he didn’t have the money and it ended up being covered by a grant.

“I had no money, I am doing 25 percent of business I had no money at all,” he said. “You know me, everybody knows me, I am a one-man-band, I try the best I can.”
Thankfully, Manzo received grant money that made him able to pay the fees, but he said he has remortgaged his house and is doing everything he can to stay afloat during these unprecedented times.
The restaurateur also said he is doing mostly takeout sales for which alcohol is not offered.

It also appears Manzo really had no responsibility as far as the sprinkler inspection goes. I will however commend Bradford for quickly responding to clarify his version of the events, I imagine having to go into small businesses to report back to the licensing board is the last thing he wants to be doing during a pandemic that has seen a number of businesses close and many more to come in Pittsfield. I would be interested in knowing what other businesses did not renew this year, that could be quite an indication of things to come.

Last edited 4 years ago by Hendrix
Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Out in Egg re Mont we’ve got “Woodstock Herb and Spice”, really people can do what ever the f* they want. Check Facebook, SOC Corporate Database – “Woodstock Herb and Spice – that ain’t a profile of chimmichurri. It’s Cannibis.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Lt. Jeff Bradford is an outstanding Police Officer. We are very fortunate to have him.

4 years ago

We need to reimagine taxation so that it is far less than what we currently are paying.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Would also include reimagining Washington’s problem of spending money like it is from their own pockets.

Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

They are always touting creativity, but what do they actually do that uses creative thinking? Actual creative thinking could help with someone diagnosed with COVID. Zinc, vitamin C, famotadine, not keeping patients lying down as this is bad for the lungs, but hospital patients are not kept sitting up in bed, the list goes on and on. Simple things, but done together might help some people suffering from COVID. Instead people are being told to accept a dark outcome.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Also, vitamin D3 is recommended.

4 years ago

This newest impeachment attempt is such a joke. It shows the far left could care less about unity, the virus, and the economy. It’s all about power and preventing Donald Trump from ever running for president again. He wanted to take care of America first, but the far left wants our country to be part of a global totalitarian government. America must no longer be an example of freedom to the rest of the world. This is why they want to portray us as evil racists. Once America falls, the rest of the countries of the world will topple like dominoes, but they need to take down our country first because we stand in the way of their global ambitions.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I agree Dan. Why do it at all? They want something out of it that benefits and protects their agenda. Donald Trump and his supporters still pose a threat to their agenda.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Yes,Let Trump go free.He wont be back. Democracy was saved and only 5 people lost their life.

Hell'n Moon
Hell'n Moon
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

The swamp is afraid he’s going to round up support and make a comeback in 4 years.

This is all worthwhile towards their goals

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

The 2nd impeachment attempt is unconstitutional as Trump is no longer in office.

Thee Outcome
Thee Outcome
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Fake news.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago
4 years ago

Lizzie Warren warned us all that their agenda for our country will not be easy which is an unbelievable understatement. They know that their tanking the economy and making us all dependent on big government will not be something most of us like. Only union workers and government workers will be protected during the upcoming upheaval they are planning. They don’t want Donald Trump as a beacon of hope for the country when we all see just how terrible their plans are for this country. This is why they must destroy his chances of running for president again. We can’t allow them to succeed.

4 years ago

Now Biden is saying that nothing can stop COVID’s dark winter. So many are doomed. What happened to his message of saving people? What about the monoclonal antibodies that ARE saving people and trying to spread those across the country? It all comes back to they need to bring this country to its knees. They don’t want hope coming from any direction.

Faree Yookfrom doe
Faree Yookfrom doe
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

I was watching the News Hour with the Water builder, and he states we can save upwards to 40 plus million on the water plant? Why aren’t City Councilors promoting this gift?

Me and my relatives haven’t even paid the approximate future costs(water rates) on the sewer plant which I’ve heard is a Disaster? The city should keep us informed on that process as it has already cost the city needless ten of million and higher water-bills which haven’t even fractionally increased? By the way the mayor didn’t lift a hoof challenging the edict,by the state?

Let’s pray the the Mayor and these Councilors on the fence come to their senses and see what we can to do save ourselves paying what will essentially be another mortgage for most homeowners. Let the builder of the water plant have his say. The water taste great? And there is plenty of water to fight a fire. Unless you have thirty fires going on at once and it that case don’t worry there aren’t enough fire fighter to fight them any.Sic.

Thee Outcome
Thee Outcome
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Could have saved at the sewer but the lazy mayor gave into a company that has no interest in the welfare of its residents. The water project is different. The G man also has support this time. Unless Donna comes back before spring.

Sin Cerrefoto
Sin Cerrefoto
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Look,why is Guiel Lampiasi not recusing herself at the current license board meeting? She should not be privy to the current examination concerning Yukie bar. She is in Direct Conflict. And why aren’t these photos being shown to the public. And why are Powell and DICK advocating for the bar owner?

Reply to  Sin Cerrefoto
4 years ago

Sounds like Powell and Dick feel the violations aren’t as important compared to how the violations were brought to light.

Sin Cerrefoto
Sin Cerrefoto
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

The license board listening to the Yuki lawyer is absurd,as she is spewing nonsense? Isn’t the city board or no boards supposed to be behind city inspectors? This inspector has nothing to gain by accusing Yuki of violations. As stated before,Yuki has been fined let her off the hook. Her next violation will be her last,or maybe she’ll sell the stupid bar.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Sin Cerrefoto
4 years ago

Shame on Judith Knight – piece of garbage too.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

I will explain my comment – JK sold her soul to the Democratic machine a long time ago. She doesn’t do nada without the sign off of the party honchos and glad handers. If she shows up you can be sure she is there to help (Yuki) or to sink (AH, The Lee toxic waste dump opponents.) Her position varies depending on what she is told to do. She is a snake in golden retriever clothing.

Thee Outcome
Thee Outcome
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago


4 years ago

I have to disagree with Dan V as he sarcastically writes about Cheney not clearing her vote with the higher ups. Carbon County Wyoming censured her 45 to 0 for her DJT impeachment vote. These are the people she should clear her vote with because they represent the people who sent her to DC. These swamp creatures forget to even ask what their constituents opinions are. Is there a normal person who thinks Biden has made 1 decision that you agree with and think it benefits the USA? Warren and Markey are so far out in Left field if it wasn’t so serious it would be comical. They do not represent me whatsoever. My ward councilor is a far Leftist. I needed her to help with a dead animal and she did an outstanding job, but 99% of her Council positions i disagree with. It would be nice to poll the Ward on major issues and then act with the majority. That would be real representation. To recap all politicians should represent their voters views, they do work for us.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
4 years ago

So bummed out by the councilmen deciding not to run, especially Morandi. No dissent allowed.
Persip was wrong too about the Irish comment. If he were an educated person he would know that anti Irish discrimination is still a real life matter in parts of the world – Good Friday agreement and all. Dumb ass jerk.
The DA and her good squad are just as bad as any other good squad. Maybe the councils were right to pack up. Who will be left?

Leave The Room
Leave The Room
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

The process at the license board was flawed yesterday concerning a bar owner. A member of that board should not have been present at the examination and questioning of either city employee. Period. She did recuse herself when voting.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Leave The Room
4 years ago

I meant to write DA’s goon squad. Yes, it would be shocking if it wasn’t Pittsfield. Dina is a corrupt piece of garbage. I hope she owns it.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Meanwhile in Florida and other parts of the country Restaurants and bars are going strong no masks etc.. But here in Pittsfield we have the little green men sneaking around taking grainy pictures hoping to catch someone taking a bite of french fries and grocery stores gone wild google that! get out of the woods and wake up.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Dana
4 years ago

In other parts of the country they do contact tracing but they aren’t incompetent in Pittsfield – Also bars aren’t open most places, nice try
Restaurants could be but the mayor wants to punish Mazzeo. Funny how he had records of everything and Yuki has no records. She could have a camera too, stupid woman …

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Excellent point on how one business had a good trail of records to present if needed. Almost feels like they knew they would need them.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Please with the contact tracing yeah if it’s a large gathering and someone comes down with covid then sure.Sorry just do a simple google search and you will find life happening around the country does it make it right? no but here we mask shame the restaurants right out of business. Do a simple live shot from Miami beach they don’t have creepy people taking pictures of each other

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Dana
4 years ago

The creepy mayor wanted to blame a businesses owner for breaking rules who had cameras. Most bars and restaurants that pull good money have cameras, cash business like bars almost always do. Probably Yuki does too. Don’t know what universe you are from as this is common. But please do go fly to Florida and hang out in a bar without a mask with all the other Pittsfield school teachers. You can probably zoom from Bocca. Maybe Yuki fans should become Republicans as all the Red states are open. Oh shit, I can hear Sherwood yelling at JK right now ….

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Dana
4 years ago

also on that theory they should open schools

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

We should lock everything down nobody can go out for 4 weeks you swayed me thanks. Oh wait can we still go to home depot and Walmart? maybe take a picture of the cashier or customer with the mask just below the nose of course that doesn’t happen and all the cooks have N95 masks on when they are cooking your burrito.Yup wink nod

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Dana
4 years ago

I’m not arguing for a lockdown. Open the schools before the bars though.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Dana
4 years ago

you mean like at Yuki’s bar? The super spreader? lol

4 years ago

Glenn Beck reporting today how Bank of America is asking people they are loaning money to what should be the main focus of the bank. Should they focus on mental health, sustainability or social justice? As Glenn said, how about they focus on banking since they are a bank. The banks are no longer worried about making profit. If they need help they will get it from the Fed or the Treasury. More proof of the cozy relationship between government and so many corporations. The wealthy elites are running the country. This is why they desperately needed to get rid of President Trump. He wanted the people in charge of the country.

Leave The Room
Leave The Room
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

If Judith Kingiht is the a typical lawyer representing the guilty then all lawyers are untrustworthy. The thing is, all the bs she was throwing worked. Two-day suspension with previous violations? Surprised she didn’t offer receipts mo he to charity like last violation.

Did you see Biden looking for a pen in his suit pockets then realized there were fifty pens in front of him on the table? WOW

4 years ago

I agree with Dan on how the city handled the restaurant. They told the owner the severity of the law he was breaking but they let him fix it. That is how it should be handled. It is the repeat offenders that need to be fined and closed

Whater Wercs
Whater Wercs
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

That’s not his license requirement. That’s a state safety-fire ordinance to have a sprinkler system. No sprinkler,no license. Because he has no authority on fixing the sprinkler. That’s on the building owner.

Whater Wercs
Whater Wercs
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Here’s a few quips at the Silly Clowncil meeting tonight. Affuccio quoted Dr. Kimg and Persip quoted,are you ready? The Stooge. Yes the useless morning radio guy at PCT. Another good quip was Kufflinks who stated taxpayers don’t like debt unless it useful? So the water sewer plant taxpayer debt was useful?

silent Tipe
silent Tipe
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago


Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

It’s refreshing when the owner wants to try and work to fix a problem too.