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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 26-28, 2021) — In our previous column, THE PLANET presented a hot link to the statement of the Pittsfield Police Advisory Review Board (PARB). In it, the board announced it signed on to the state’s new regulations regarding policing with respect to minorities. Anyone who wants the full text of the PARB statement can find it there.

Reader’s digest version is that the PARB has agreed to two basic principles or philosophic premises that will direct policing of Pittsfield streets. First, it gives minorities, that is anyone who is not caucasian, special treatment in the form of privileges that will not extend to whites. Second, it greatly restricts the ability of police to respond adequately to criminals.

In bullet points:

  • The board gives unanimous consent to state legislation that purports to fight racism by enacting racist policies.
  • The new law discriminates, giving favorable treatment on the basis of skin color. By definition and application of common sense, that’s racist.
  • African-Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, persons living with disabilities, plus “[b]lack men and boys” must by law be endowed with these privileges. The statement calls this a “great victory for representation and inclusion.” Of course it does. This pretends legislation can change the human heart. It can’t. The cure to racism lies in the human heart.
  • The law creates new commissions that will be stocked with “woke” elitists, well-meaning radicals from the loon left who always know what’s best for you — busy-bodies who fantasize their way to Utopia.
  • More commissions = more bureaucrats = more rules and regulations to make life even more miserable and unpleasant. Net result is the OPPOSITE of representation and inclusion — and that’s how they want it.

———- ooo ———-

  • The new law will restrict already-tied-up municipal police forces in dealing with dangerous people: hoodlums, gang bangers, drug dealers, deadbeats with demands.
    • From the report: “The new law prohibits the use of chokeholds, [sic, no comma required for a complex sentence] and stipulated that law enforcement [sic, compound adjective requires hyphen] officials will not be trained to use lateral vascular neck restraints, carotid restraints, or other actions that involve the placement of any part of a law enforcement [sic, compound adjective requires hyphen] officer’s body on or about a person’s neck …
    • Let this sink in, then picture a wild, life-and-death struggle of a police officer and a desperate criminal. The cop must by law regulate how he uses his body and where he places it. While the officer is thinking and holding back, the criminal, meanwhile, will do ANYTHING to the cop — chokeholds, larynx chops, and all the rest of it.
  • THE PLANET has heard from members of the local criminal justice system — three cops, a couple lawyers, and one of our moles in the D.A.’s office. They  spoke on condition of strict anonymity. First the police. We shall call them Officer A, B, and C. One from the command staff and the other are two beat cops:
    • OFFICER A — “Everyone I talk to [in the PPD] is against it. I’ve never used a chokehold, but I’ve been on calls where someone’s resisting arrest can’t be ‘talked down’. I like to know I have a full set of options if [the suspect] attacks.” Asked if he/she thought the new policy was constitutional, “A” replied, “No but it is racist.” Officer A said we were into a politically “touchy area.” He/she said, choosing words carefully, that officers have been told to be “extremely careful” in confrontations and crime scenes dealing with blacks and people of color.
    • OFFICER B — “I’ll feel a lot less safe” [with the new law]. It gives [criminals and suspects] all the leverage. It’s like taking my [service revolver] and giving it to some [crook] who’s high on drugs or have bench warrants. You gotta be kidding me.”
    • OFFICER C — “[PPD chief Mike Wynn] is in a tough spot. Can’t say much. But if it takes a tool out of the hands of my people, that’s putting everyone in danger, including the public.  Look at what happened in Detroit. Check out Detroit, Dan.”
    • THE PLANET did check out Detroit. In September a judge ruled the city’s police force cannot use chokeholds, clubs, rubber bullets, chemical agents, pepper spray, or engage in mass arrests when confronting angry mobs, unless they have “probable cause.” Terms such as “probable cause” and “reasonable force,” though, are being redefined in the courts and by local D.A.’s. Under these new definitions, the BLM riots of the summer do not meet the new standards. Cops would put their careers in danger if they responded to the mobs with chokeholds or clubs. As we saw in so many cities, police just stood by when the BLM and Antifa mobs ran in their rampages. Is that the future of public safety?

The state of race relations in America, by which we mean not just how we treat each other but also how we can talk about such issues, has gone rabid. This was posted today from wire reports: “Another school board [is] about to deal with a mic fiasco … Chardá Bell-Fontenot, the vice president of the La Mesa-Spring Valley School Board outside of San Diego, said that reopening schools was akin to slavery and an exercise in white supremacy.”

Model, actress, and and La Mesa-Spring Valley School Board Vice President Charda Bell-Fontenot. She wants you to take her seriously.

Let that sink in.

———- ooo ———-

How do we handle human relations?


Look into your heart.

THE PLANET‘s philosophy is to treat everyone we meet with kindness, show respect, and give love.

Until they reject you. Then you become Mike Ehrmentraut.


“Show me a hero, and I’ll show you a tragedy” — Writer F. Scott Fitzgerald.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Pittsfield has a big crime problem! The FBI states yearly that Pittsfield is always in the top 10 for violent crimes in Massachusetts. When one “Googles” is Pittsfield Massachusetts a safe community, the answer is NO! I feel badly for the Pittsfield Police Department because they are dealing with every socioeconomic criminal justice problem in the book. Police Officers are not social services workers. The breakdown of the traditional American family has led to many societal problems. The children always bear the brunt of intergenerational poverty and family violence. The jail and prison system is the new mental health institution of over 5 decades ago. The unholy trinity of crime and violence are alcohol/drugs, sex work, and gambling. Many poor and marginalized people need mental health services so they don’t fall prey to the aforementioned unholy trinity. Everyone in society should be treated both fairly and safely. We are in “a K-shaped” economy where the few are profiting, while the many are losing ground. The post-World War 2 middle class economy – the American Dream – is disappearing in the 21st Century. We live in a wealthy yet economically unequal country. The only growth in Pittsfield is in its underclass. Pittsfield/Berkshire County is one of the most economically unequal areas in the state and nation because of the drastic losses in population and jobs there. PAC-Man Richie Neal, corporate D – K Street, and the career political hacks in state and local government are totally disconnected from the great majority of people who live in their Western Massachusetts legislative districts and communities. In closing, there is no one fighting for the proverbial Kapanski family, who lives in Pittsfield, who has no choice but to pay for the disservices they receive from their out-of-touch and corrupt government.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Very well stated Mr. Melle but people can make a succeed even The Pitts, and of course they can grow up and move, as I did.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Not sure about the mentioning of google and the FBI. Google is a tool that is designed to enslave the entire world, so, going to google in order to get some help might not be the best idea. And I think it goes without saying that the FBI, if they had one genuine purpose in life, it would be to use their intelligence in order to root out corruption. I don’t think they’re doing what everyone has been led to believe they’re doing, do you?

The point I’m making here is that, humanity might do well to cease with the idea that institutions such as Google and the FBI have very much in the way of good to offer society.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Not too sure about the assertion you made about the unholy trinity. Those issues you brought up should be approached in a philosophical manner and your notion that they are equated with crime and violence appears, arbitrary. The matter is not objective, and, using objective language like that is not appropriate, in my opinion. There should be some well thought prerequisites established by an unbiased panel of reasonable people in order to determine when it’s appropriate for unwelcome parties to intervene in any matter. You’re “unholy trinity” remarks smacks of an opinion rooted in personal ideologies right from the start, namely, religious ideologies. Religious ideologies are not required in order to determine when someone has been harmed against their will. Maybe you’re on a fruitless crusade to remove the human nature out of humans? Probably not a practical approach

Sung Hero
Sung Hero
4 years ago

Why does [***** ****] often speak of purchasing food for the ‘shelter’? People living in a shelter, especially families with children, certainly qualify for SNAP benefits. Duplication of a well established benefit, which has already been in place for many, many years, like many other ‘iniatives” appears to be a front posing as advocacy in order to solicit funds. I have interviewed women living in shelters, they want control back of their EBT card. It’s all they’ve got. Nice try.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Justice for all?
Not anymore!
Why would anyone want to be a cop in MA and other blue states?

The OBiden regime is also selecting its team players based on skin color and sexual preference – not based on knowledge, education & experience. Welcome to the new woke!

And you think we’re coming out of the pandemic? OBiden has opened the southern border to illegal aliens. Are they being tested for covid & other infectious diseases? NOT! You, the taxpayer, are footing the bill for the migrants to be flown to cities across the country. Brace yourself for another round of illness & disease, as the Dems also try to wrestle your private health insurance out of your hands!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

No wonder the Democrats want to take the nuclear codes away from Biden. He can’t be trusted in a time of crisis and yet we are trusting him with our health, our safety, and our financial future. In all 3 of these key areas, Biden/Harris policies are leading the country down a path of destruction. A huge increase in disease, crime, and unemployment will become the new normal under this Democrat administration. The corrupt media won’t report it, but we will all be living it.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

LOL. Like everything you mention above wasn’t driven the last four disastrous years by poor leadership.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  pjmh
4 years ago

Gasoline is up 25% in price thanks to Xiden, diesel too. Food will be next

Omar Nurnt
Omar Nurnt
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

War will be next

Not So Tough
Not So Tough
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Gas prices aren’t up bc of Biden you clearly do not know how economics work! Do your homework or risk sounding completely foolish again!!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Not So Tough
4 years ago

Look at Xidens energy policy Jethro, dumb all over and a little ugly on the side

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  pjmh
4 years ago

4 very long dumb years

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago


The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Rand Paul is a Kentucky corona virus spreader because Russia funds another republican

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Xiden is filling up his cabinet with leftist deviants

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

The Biden Bunch!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Things will get so bad in this country in the next two years, thanks to Biden and his admin. that we shall see a red wave at election time. We don’t have to wait for 2024!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

In the words of the late great Rush, “I hope [OBiden] fails, as liberalism will destroy the country.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

The liberal states do better than the dopey conservative states…its a fact that will never change.

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Your kidding right? The conservative states (FL, TX, etc) are all open for business. Not hiding behind zoom meetings and keeping everything closed.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

Yeah, and Texas can’t even provide electricity to their residents. Sad!

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Yeah better because of the bailouts they get.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

Love DeSantis – he’s got a spine of steel and the guts to challenge the liberals.
Gotta keep fighting to save our country!

Water Scale
Water Scale
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Gotta disagree and I see your intent. McConnell Cruz Rubio aren’t sincere. McCarthy sincere,and Blindee.Trump in 2024.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Water Scale
4 years ago

Trumps 4 years were dumb

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Desantis is a joke Trump moron.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

We are already better

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

Too late the elections will forever be rigged by the left and corrupted MSM will pretend it didn’t happen.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Russia got Trump 13 million extra votes.Stupid cheated but not enough.

Water Scale
Water Scale
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Excellent retort fritz agree one hundred percent.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Blue states pay more money that dumbass red states

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Blue states are all broke.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Not for long. Covid relief $ bailing them out with billions that have nothing to do with real relief to those who need it. Reloaded taxpayers credit card for blue states to piss it away.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Fox news run that on a loop for morons to repeat what Fox teaches

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Red states have very low standards of living.Blue state brains help them all.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Well, Blue states getting ripped then.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago


Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

The scenario you mention, where “Biden’s regime” is doing bad things, it’s all being done on purpose in order to create a particular narrative. Biden bad is the conclusion. Meanwhile, on another front, there are those who are creating another narrative, which is, Trump is good. It’s effective, no doubt.

What’s the purpose of these diametrically opposed narratives? The purpose is clear. The people have been losing their faith, and quickly. In order to stave off a complete and total collapse of society, which would not serve the oligarchs agenda, the oligarchs need to get the people reinvested.

The hopeless people need a champion, so, a champion is going to be provided.

The first order of business is to the stress the people out, bring them to the brink. When it all appears to have been lost, the champion will emerge, and bring back truth, honor and justice. The people will cheer, and there will be much needed relief.

With the faith of the people restored, the oligarchs can continue with the implementation of their agenda, which is, complete and total enslavement of the masses.

Look for the champion to arrive on the scene, very soon.

4 years ago

Sadly, policies such as these actually promote racism.

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

I am reading the book “Prey” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Massive immigration in Europe has made women afraid to have the same freedoms they had before. Rather than integrating people into these European countries, they brought in hundreds of thousands all at once. It is seriously destabilizing these countries. Anybody who dares to complain in this country is automatically a racist. The Democrats do not care. They just want future voters. This isn’t about kindness on their part for these people. Keeping Americans fighting about race while the Democrats completely transform our country is the key to their achieving their agenda goals.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Hate lies.BLM was a peaceful protest.Rioters are rioters.BLM understands that republican Trumper will say anything to attach violence to their protest.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You could be the hood ornament of the Trump Derangement Syndrome clown car, BLM organization took in $90 million and when are they going to use money for the people they claim to represent? BLM has also been so far, ignored by the new administration. BLM wanted meetings during the transition period and now with the new administration which were promised, so far cricket’s from the administration. That burning and looted store behind you ain’t peaceful one bit,Mr. Lemon.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

When will Trump use the 450 million the morons sent this Treasonist terrorist to destroy America for Putin.Fox Russian TV has turned you guys into co co-conspirators

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Live feed from CPAC with President Trump speaking at 3:40 PM

4 years ago

Try to real in the emotions everyone. Let’s voice our opposition to this racist committee and go forward. The United States will continue to be great as long as we follow the constitution. Our forefathers created an awesome form of government and us citizens just have to keep our elected leaders focused on it. If they aren’t following it work for the person running against them no matter what party. It’s the only way to drain the swamp

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

It would be great if officials elected to office would uphold the constitution at all times.Too many are ignoring or upholding the constitution for political gains.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Creating idiotic rules for police officers now. Shows how clueless our politicians are. I wonder how these highly paid politicians would fair if they switched careers with the officers. They would not last one minute. Life is a mess. Elderly folks being told that they have to purchase a computer or IPhone to get an appointment for a vaccine, wonder how many politicians could figure out how to make an appointment without assistance from one of their aides. Oh, wait a minute, bet they didn’t have to make an appointment. Gas prices going up, wonder how many politicians gas their own cars, no they have drivers and an expense account. Look at the mess in Texas, yet Sleepy Joe has yet to visit this disaster as he states “he doesn’t want to be a burden”. His biggest accomplishment this week is sending out paper masks….”Come on Man”, Americans have been wearing masks almost year now, way to go Joe. Each day brings another politically off the wall crazy issue in this Country. The politicians are setting up these barriers for police officers, yet these very same people that are crying racism are the same people that call and rely on the police constantly and I mean constantly. Americans have been living and still heading to a completely bland life. Look, just this week this new American life has deeply effected poor Mr. Potato Head, he no longer can say Mr, after holding that title for 70 years, and the poor Muppets are being called out for stereotyping, how dare they, especially since they have made us laugh since 1955. Wow! Just think about it, when is the last time you had a really good laugh. TV is full of Covid on every station, why, because life has been stopped by political moves, there is nothing else for the media talk about. Only a month and a half in office and look how our country is headed to ruins. We must be the laughing stock of the world. Americans, do as you are told, Stay Home, Wear a Mask and do NOT pass go, but don’t forget to pay your taxes. Speaking of taxes, wonder how these folks that have felt it is better to collect unemployment than get a job (and there are jobs out there) will feel in April when they realize they have to pay taxes on their unemployment wages. Then again, Joe and his cronies will probably figure a way to forgive that too. These politicians evidently think that they are playing with Monopoly money, not even thinking where all this free cash is coming from. These same politicians do not listen to the American people, they do what is best for their political career. What a sad state of affairs or should I say sad Country we are currently living in.

Not So Tough
Not So Tough
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

The majority of Americans voted for Biden, hence him being President! This is what they wanted so you do not make sense

Reply to  Not So Tough
4 years ago

Tell us all what’s really going on

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

What difference does it make what the cop do with this bumbling idiot at the helm? Someone needs to take her access to the nuclear codes away pronto.

“The judge again calls the DA disingenuous in wanting to blame the dismissal of charges on the court and law enforcement officers. He accuses Harrington of not “standing up and telling the court the real reasons for the dismissal,” and implies that she threw the court and police under the bus. He suggests to the DA that “if the Commonwealth wants a charge dismissed, it is advisable that it simply tell the truth and the court will do everything to accomplish that goal.”

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  James
4 years ago

This is an old article. The reason is cops fabricated & scrubbed evidence the judge knew & allowed it. I need to impeach the old DA.

Last edited 4 years ago by Be The Change
Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Okay so the cops and the judge are in cahoots against a drug addict and this is something the DA is pussyfooting around? Please.

Reply to  James
4 years ago

I’d have to conclude that’s not the real story. Not the same defendant.

4 years ago

In LA the prosecutors took their new “progressive” boss to court, barring him from ordering his staff to ignore laws that protect the public from repeat offenders. The tables may be turning on accountability and these failed experiments.

4 years ago

Which East st. car dealer adds $1500 to the MSRP and then pretends to give it back to you as a dealer incentive?
Yah, that would be the one.

Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

They are crooks. When I need dealer service, I drive an hour out of town to avoid using them!

Water Scale
Water Scale
Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago

Who.?There are several. Use a euphemism.

It’s Dod non Dad
It’s Dod non Dad
Reply to  Water Scale
4 years ago

Had Dad bought his car elsewhere, he would have saved $1,500.

Reply to  Water Scale
4 years ago

The one that gets tax breaks from the city of Pittsfield. Most Pittsfield taxpayers had no idea they are subsidizing a huge profit car dealership. but they are and have been. But city hall would rather you do not know this.

Did Dun
Did Dun
Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago

Does every normal male have One? Is that the dealer? Think?

Covid Jesus
Covid Jesus
4 years ago

Can-do attitude: St. Mary’s School marks 100 COVID-free days of in-person learning

“This has been our healthiest year I can remember; no coughing, no sneezing; we haven’t even run through all our [facial tissue],” Barry said.

What a bunch of crap. My son and daughter go there. They are lying about no Covid in the school. Teachers, staff, and students do go missing for two weeks at a time because they are healthy. Why even lie about it.

Danny Socializum
Danny Socializum
Reply to  Covid Jesus
4 years ago

DOW down today. Socialism checks approved.

Reply to  Covid Jesus
4 years ago

Stick to being the janitor..

Reply to  Covid Jesus
4 years ago

The virus is in the mind, and spirit is corrupted

4 years ago

This reminds me of that jury trial I had when
5 jurors were friends of the officer/witness. Often wondered if 12 was within my right. There were only 6. You bastards got me again.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I watched Channel 5 #WCVB news out of Boston on television last night (Thursday, February 25th, 2021). This is what the news lady (Maria Stephanos) said about the hundreds of millions of dollars that was lost in the state’s Unemployment system. “We are hearing for the first time the staggering price tag from the unemployment scam hitting the state [of Massachusetts]. Nearly a half billion dollars may be gone for good. We have been asking for these numbers for months now. The state confirming that 888,000 – so nearly a million unemployment claims – had been denied as possibly fraudulent, although 68,000 people are appealing. They say their claims are not fake. Now for the money lost. The state says it paid out $687 million in fraudulent claims. It was able to claw back $252 million, but that still leaves $435 million lost.”

After watching/hearing the news that the Massachusetts Unemployment bureaucracy lost $435 million due to the unemployment scam, I wondered what people think about all of the hundreds of millions of lost taxpayer dollars? Who robbed Massachusetts out of $435 million? In today’s digital financial system, shouldn’t it be easy to track such a large amount of missing public money and catch the thief or thieves?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Just one more big scandal tainting the Baker regime, along with the state police scandals, “Gropey” Baker whose case got broomed, the never-ending covid restrictions which have destroyed businesses, Veterans Home deaths debacle and the failed vaccine rollout. This guy and his Lt. Guv should be defeated at the ballot box, if not impeached for mismanagement!

Prince Akeem from Zamunda
Prince Akeem from Zamunda
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

These thieves are cutting into our business! I want them caught now.

Day Berto
Day Berto
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You’re about as relevant as the Pct Stooge. No one cares that you watched channel 5.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Whoever the group is that is in charge of this department should but never will be held accountable. Id like to have one tenth of a percent of all the wasted money that our state and fed mistakenly gives away. Its not their money and they just dont care.

Prince Akeem from Zamunda
Prince Akeem from Zamunda
4 years ago

Heads up! You may have already experienced some potholes, but watch the craters going into Walmart off Hubbard Ave.area. Looks like a few meteorites hit and left some deep holes.

4 years ago

Teaching children that law enforcement are the bad guys will definitely affect the interaction these children will make when they have contact with enforcement.
Teaching children white people are the issues to all of life’s problems they may encounter, is just an excuse for someone else’s failures.

For example, class materials labeled police officers and white people as “risk factors” to all black people and suggested that white people inherently see all black males as threats. A teacher used a cartoon character of herself wearing a BLM t-shirt, just in case some kids did not get the point.

Kluck DeDuck
Kluck DeDuck
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

It isn’t bad guy cop. It’s trust. And even whites don’t trust cops.

Reply to  Kluck DeDuck
4 years ago

Why trust a person who has carte blanche to legally lie to your face ?

Ena Ghaddadavidduh
Ena Ghaddadavidduh
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Governor Cuomo it looks like the little head was thinking for the big head. Admit you were wrong and go away.

Ena Ghaddadavidduh
Ena Ghaddadavidduh
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Excellent Watters’ words on fox.

Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

If cops, collectively, are not consciously and actively engaged in doing good by the people, then what can be said about that situation? We can claim that they are, but then how do we explain the current climate to our children. Of course we can rightly assume that they are not bad, but does that mean that they are good? If we assume that they are good, how do we explain the current climate? If the cops are supposed to be protecting and serving the people, how are the people being served if they are subject unto transnational corporate oligarchs? If the cops for whatever reason have no moral agency, where does that leave us, and where does that leave them for that matter?

Of course we should not teach the children that the cops are bad, but the question is, what do we teach them about the cops, as we are living in a failed constitutional republic? It’s of little consolation to tell the kids that the cops are not bad. Perhaps what’s appropriate to tell the kids is that the cops are powerless, just like the rest of us, to stop tyranny, if you buy that idea.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 years ago

gas and diesel up 30% since Xiden took (stole) office

Food to follow.

Got seeds for the garden?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Re: CPAC 2021 worships Trump with a golden statue and Nazi-themed stage design

The Republican Party is getting very weird! CPAC 2021 is worshiping Donald Trump with a golden statue and Nazi-themed stage design. Please read the following news article:

Donald Trump is going to make his political comeback speech at CPAC 2021 on 3:40 p.m. EST on Sunday, February 28th, 2021. His speech will see him standing on a Nazi-themed stage design in the shape of an odal rune, which was used by Hitler’s SS elite forces. Also, there are no Republican speakers who oppose Trump scheduled to speak at the CPAC 2021 event taking place this weekend.

Why are the CPAC 2021 Republicans worshipping Trump like he is the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler? Why does Trump want to be worshipped like this? I believe I am living in the Twilight Zone. This is happening 100 years after Hitler formed the EVIL Nazi Party that resulted in the deaths of countless millions of innocent people, including the 6 million Jewish People who were murdered in the Holocaust. WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?

Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

This past summer myself and 3 of the grandkids were laying down in the backyard on the grass taking a break all looking up at the beautiful blue sky and clouds passing bye. Each one saw different things in the same cloud as it slowly passed bye. People sometimes see one thing only because that’s what they want to see it as, while there are the two wings which apparently remind them of the wings of the NAZI symbol, they don’t recognize the fact that they are going in opposite directions whereas the NAZI symbol wings all go in the same direction around the circle. If anything, the stage would’ve an ANTI-NAZI symbol. With a little rearrangement, the legs of the Democratic Party donkey logo could form a swastika. Hope & Change was used by Obama and also by Hitler. I get it that there is fringe elements which exist from both sides of the aisle but to label all the same is just nuts. Oh, I think if the Jewish folk who attended thought what people like yourself and other’s thought they wouldn’t be there. Propaganda and narrative is what every conservative/ Republican faces all the time from the far left especially in politics.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You ARE the Twilight Zone!

What party has fenced off the U.S. capitol, complete with razor wire?
What party has installed thousands of troops in the nation’s capital?
What party has opened the border to invasion and continues to ignore U.S. immigration law?
What party has launched a military attack against a foreign entity within 7 weeks of taking office?
What party has chosen to rule via 65 executive orders within 7 weeks of taking office?
Which president refuses to hold press conferences and answer questions directly from the WH press corps?
Which president waited a week before responding to the Texas power emergency?
Which president has close family business ties to communist China?

And I’m just getting started…..

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

That would be the Democrat party that wants us to become an authoritarian country.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

What poster wins for most deluded, brainwashed, Fox devotee?

A. Fritz
B. Mad Trapper
C. Pat
D. All of the above

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago
jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

That’s actually hysterical. Who knew you had a sense of humor.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago


Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Keep going. In the meantime, reinvent the GOP (good luck), get out & vote in 2024. But with the new generation of voters (those on TikTok absolutely crushed Trumps tech team) gonna be a long 4-12 years for some.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You need to ask the Jewish community in attendance at CPAC why they are there if they thought what you found on the internet bye someone who thinks like you do, was true.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

The Trump cult is likened unto the twisted and corrupted version of Christianity.

Whatever the message of Christ was, and I believe I know what it was, it certainly had nothing to do with him claiming to be perfect, or, THE son of God.

No reasonable person would live their life in accordance with an ideology which turns guilt (sin) into a virtue. And to attempt to follow in the footsteps of a man who lived a perfect life, when we can’t say that about ourselves at all. The God of the Bible is a tyrant, and this is perfectly clear. The trick is to feed the people a twisted take on a very common occurrence, namely, the phenomenon of open rebellion against tyrants.

Jesus’s message was that we all had the divine power within us, and if we would follow his example, tyrants would become obsolete. The tyrants had to make an example out of Christ, hang him up, show the people what happens to dissenters. This is the wielding of fear, as a weapon.

Finally, they twisted Christ’s message, put him on a pedestal, safely out of reach of the people, disempowering the people in the process.

The final message is, Christ was powerful, and was the one and only son of god, and as such, you are all sinners and you need to beg for forgiveness of your sins. If you do what you’re told, you’ll be safe.

Christianity was not the foundation of this country, it was the undoing of this country, because, it put a spell on the masses, took away their power, and gave it to the fear mongering tyrants.

Damn shame that people allow themselves to be pushed around by these sorts of so called humans

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Pittsfield is the hottest realestate market in the country.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Who is buying it, Rutherford ? Barnum ? Klepetar ? Scarface?

Reply to  8765309
4 years ago

New Yorkers.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Because so many homeowners are dying of Covid or just leaving a city in decay? Whichever it is don’t count on your mayor to tell you the truth because covering up is her top priority, with the help of news outlets and enforcement agencies. i.e. “Nobody got shot in Pittsfield during this mayors term, nor were there any muggings or armed robberies.” It is as safe in Pittsfield as it is in the Vactican.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Never forget 1/6/2021

it was the worst day in American history.Its the day 73,000,000 Americans found out how Germany became Hitlers fascist Germany.They hate.They fear.They support another civil war.Who thought this could ever happen again.Religion and ignorance want a battle with education and truth.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Nope, America died Nov 2020. Can’t fix things at the ballot box anymore.

Well you can fix the elections.

Last edited 4 years ago by Mad Trapper
Carrie Bacc
Carrie Bacc
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Trump got robbed. Just have that feeling. Interesting to see reaction at speech today.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Trapper,we have laws that’s why there are police. As far as rigged voting it needs to be changed. Trump said before the election it was crooked. I don’t like American terrorists,haven’t we learned anything in the last two hundred plus years? Progressives Jews Blacks Latinos, ltgbq have their say now. Time to unite. America is a great place to live.

Everyone cannot be rich and powerful,but if we learn to love one another we can live and rule in harmony. With that being said, right here in our City we have collusion,favoritism,give away from our tax donations and many many problems with nepotism in politics that directly affects the taxpayer and that’s what I don’t like. That is why Trump is Great he tried to give very American an opportunity first.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Not sure if the ballot boxes ever did anything but create the illusion of choice. Who cares wether or not the election process is fair, if both candidates are bought and paid for? Seems like a waste of time to discuss that point

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

God Bless you Mad and God Bless Donald J Trump

Hell'n Moon
Hell'n Moon
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago


worse than 9/11/01
worse than the Trail of Tears in 1838
worse than any battle during the Civil War
worse than the stock market crash of 1929 and the entire depression
worse than Japanese people being put in camps by FDR
Worse than the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings
worse than… well you get the point

what’s it like idolizing politicians. Poor AOC and Nancy Pelosi. I’m going to assume School Committee was one of those fools crying in the corner of their basement when this happened. Yet, when the “peaceful” BLM/Antifa protests tore cities and businesses to the ground quite literally they thought, “well.. at least the politicians are safe”

I would love to meet you in person. I wonder if they’d release you without the straight jacket.

4 years ago

There is an agenda in effect in which the people are being pitted against the police. Those who are driving this agenda, naturally, are driven by the ideology, divide and conquer. These crazies are known as oligarchs, transnational in scope. They are writing the rules for engagement, on our behalf.

Police unions need to be done away with.
Police should only be permitted to act when there is harm.
No more enforcement of statutes, as difficult as that would be to work out, for the time being.
No limits on rules of engagement, for the purpose of subduing non compliant, CRIMINALS.
No free pass, for anyone, regardless of political and economical status.

Short of this sort of radical reform, this society has run it’s course, and the people have found themselves on the receiving end of a sickening agenda crafted by the least among us, and as such, the cooperation of the people is no longer warranted.

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

You’re correct one hundred percent. Here’s a comparison. Proud Boys want the selfish politicians to fear them. Defunders want police to fear them. Is there a difference?

Reply to  Allthegoodwork
4 years ago

I can’t answer that question because we haven’t reached an agreement with regards to your assertions, which are really little more than your opinions. To give you an example of why your blanket assertion that defunders want the police to fear them, I enter, me, and my personal take.

I want the police to be defunded, but I don’t want or need the police to fear me. Further, my reasons why I’d like the police to be defunded are unique, to me. My approach to the matter is purely philosophical, and given the current climate, there’s a case to be made that the police are, in large part, responsible for the current problems we face as a society. But of course it not entirely the fault of the police. It’s the fault of the people as well.

Police are supposed to be there as a means of upholding the rule of law and insuring that justice is doled out in an equal fashion. This has obviously not happened, and the reasons why are many.

A police officer may enter into the work out of a desire to do good, and uphold constitution, and justice, but they also realize that it’s a career. As such, a police officer is like any other individual, trying to eke out a living, for himself, and his family. Much like a soldier, when the rubber hits the road, they must tow the line, and do what they are instructed to do. If they don’t, they can kiss their career goodbye, and this is a contributing factor which enables the systematic decay of society to take hold. It’s human nature.

There are other reasons why the police should be defunded, but I think the point has been made. Also, it’s not an all or nothing proposition, this idea of defunding the police.

A volunteer police force is more likely to not be swayed to violate people. A volunteer police force can be be smaller than their payed counterparts, because, the amount of time and energy spent on enforcement of statutes can and should be scaled way back. Enforcement should be focused on actual harm, assisting victims. Broken directionals and inspection stickers are no reason to be pulling people over, and worse, being used as a reason to search someone’s vehicle. People want to be left alone, and we all live in this world, at will, there’s no guarantees of safety, and it’s not the job of government to keep us all “safe”. It gets to be too much.

Firefighters are volunteers, and the police can be as well, under much different circumstances

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

That’s a terrible analogy. Small towns have volunteer fire departments because they can’t afford paid ones and the small population doesn’t warrant it as calls are so few and far in between. As for registration and directions, etc., it is a public safety issue and the police have the discretion to issue a warning. Anyone who thinks not having a paid police department in a city the size of Pittsfield is, well….nuts.

Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

No, the police don’t have any legitimate authority. Their mode of operation, is, arbitrary. Arbitrary is illegitimate, and so, the good graces of the people is why they actually function, and this arbitrary mechanism lays dormant, forgotten, and it remains that way right up until it needs to come to light. The police don’t “have” anything, unless it was given to them, but I didn’t give them anything, did you?
If you gave them something, when did you give it? Was it in word, or deed? Or, did you imply it, with your silence? If you implied it with your silence, are we talking, legalese? If we’re speaking legalese, and not English, who’s to say, you? So, the police have something, because, John Doe said so? That’s a really enlightening idea you have there. You should write a book about how the police should be fully funded, because Pittsfield is big, and also so they can choke people out, if they have to, and also so that in their down time, they can write tickets for statutory violations which only apply because John Doe said so. I think someone already wrote that book though, so, I don’t think you’ll get any awards for originality. Oh, and don’t forget to explain in detail to all your readers why it should be the governments job to keep us all safe. You must be one of those who’s wearing two masks, because, the government told you one was not enough lol

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Sounds like Nut got a good bag of weed. What a load of crap.

Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

Any time you’d like to offer up something of value, feel free. Maybe you can demonstrate to everyone why one man can make arbitrary claims upon another, and still call those claims legitimate. Maybe you could start by telling everybody what is meant by arbitrary, if that’s the approach you feel is appropriate, and legitimate

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

I have no time for esoteric philosophic debates. I live in the real world.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

By virtue of what empowerment? You appear to be making a claim, and not providing any evidence which would indicate a legitimate “legal” relationship between government and individuals. If I walked into a just court of law in order to defend myself, I would not expect to be be convicted based on someone’s mere claim being substituted for actual evidence. That would be like the plaintiff and the judge being one in the same, and what reasonable person would want to take part in such a scenario?

If you have anything besides an assertion, or, appeal to authority, I’d like to hear what it is. Start right from the beginning, and we can walk together. If we can’t walk together, that’s what is meant by illegitimate.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I understand. I remember that Nilan case. I think our disconnect is in the interpretation of the word legitimate. I’m no lawyer, but I believe in legal land, legitimate is equated with legal, probably as a means of convenience within that construct. My interpretation however is that if someone makes a claim upon me, and they have no evidence, then they are acting in an unjust manner, and hence, they are making an illegitimate claim, even though they are, as you would say, carrying out an act.

But if I’m caught unaware, a lawyer may make a “legitimate” claim upon me, and perhaps it may be legitimate merely because the claim is permitted within the bounds of a larger “legal” construct, and maybe unbeknownst to me, that construct is malicious and unjust, but somehow I’d still be liable for it. In that sense, my ignorance might be my undoing, and I find no legitimacy in such a scenario, and being a victim because of my ignorance may be legitimate to those who operate within that construct, it’s not just to me, and any finding of guilt shouldn’t be declared legitimate (just).

Further, according to my take on the word legitimate, and I understand yours, and the mother of an illegitimate child understands her take on the word, I’m not aware that I have a legitimate obligation to be responsible for complying with any
unjust system of rule that I didn’t sign up for, however, I do understand that if I challenge unjust powers, I’ll probably find myself dumped on my head.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I should have made it clear that my use of the word legitimate was more in line with legalese and not English. As I understand it, legitimate is legal, and legal is lawful, and one would suppose that lawful is equated with justice, in a perfect world.

I’m not naive as to the actual nature of my surroundings. I’m also not naive to the fact that the philosophical approach is most unwelcome by most, it’s just to frustrating for people, but it’ll never stop me from my ways lol


4 years ago

The problem is not, “the police”. The problem is, human nature, if you can call it a problem. Society is not best served when it’s being run by the least among us. By least, I mean, individuals who are well versed in fear mongering, manipulation, blackmail, etc..

These least among us are at the “top” in terms of their areas of expertise. So, when it comes to the cops, the cops are like everybody else. They were exposed to the same indoctrination program, have basically the same aspirations as their neighbors, etc etc.., all at the hands of those well above them.

The cops do what they are told by those who they perceive to be in charge. They’ve been told that the people are the power, but in practical terms, they understand intuitively that this is a farce, but they have mortgages like many of us, so, they wear the mask like everybody else.

This situation is a catastrophe, and it was predictable. The oligarchs know what’s going on, and if they can’t be in charge, then nobody will be in charge, they’ll burn it all down.

The hardest thing to do in life is to undo all the brainwashing that’s been done. The reason why it’s so hard is because nobody wants to admit that it happened, it’s the fear of facing oneself in the mirror, which is precisely why everyone wears the mask, because, it’s easier that way. And in the final act, the fear will result in an all out assault on those who bring the light of truth to the forefront, and they’ll say, it’s all your fault, because you can’t shut up.

It’s said that you can’t fault a child for being afraid of the dark, but what about the adults who are afraid of the light?

4 years ago

President Trump’s CPAC speech was right on target on the damage being done to this country by the Biden administration. Some of the more glaring examples are Biden forcing America to chase windmills and solar for ALL of our energy needs while his friend China is using tons of coal. Telling Americans to double mask while pouring in illegal immigrants who are not being tested for COVID or any other disease.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Illegal immigrants? According to who? Our so called legal system has nothing to do with those who cross over the imaginary border. So, calling them illegal has no real meaning. What it does do however, is, dehumanize them. Calling them illegal immigrants is cover for, I’m scared that my crazy society will get even crazier and will go off the rails if they come over into our territory, as if it was “ours”. Human beings should be free to travel wherever they wish, and if that means they travel into this area, so be it, no permission slip required. If the stupid powers that be want to give them “legal status”, and that’s what they do, then your problem is with the stupid powers that be, and not with those that many like to call, “illegal immigrants”.

There’s not doubt though, that they should be free to physically enter into this geographical area, if they so please, as a matter of basic human rights. Doesn’t mean I support the fruitloop Biden either.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Small legal concepts are expressed within the confines of a larger fictional construct. You’re attempting to define human beings as criminals, and you’re problem is that you don’t realize that the fictional construct which you prescribe to does not apply to them as they are from another geographical area, which has it’s own unique set of fictional legal concepts, which likewise don’t apply to you. Let’s take this a bit further….

The legal concepts that you’re holding fast too, they don’t LEGITIMATELY apply to you, much less them. The way it works is that it all runs like a well oiled machine based upon uncontested assumptions. The police assume jurisdiction. If you don’t challenge that assumption, then the legal language says that your silence implied consent.

Your idea that human beings who happened to traverse the rugged terrain, and crossed an imaginary line in the sand into a different geographical area, is, probably I’ll conceived and born out of ignorance. You don’t appear to be a lawyer either, so, maybe you should save the legal determinations for those who want to push that narrative. Better them than you, right?

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I think by diverting the attention into the metaphysical direction, or, by mentioning the individual who sneaks over the border, it detracts from the issue at hand.

I agree with you that illegal is a concept, and I also agree that policing is a concept. But if I understand what you’re claiming, your claiming that those concepts become legitimate due to the fact that they are concepts.

Authoritarianism is also a concept, and we don’t want to say that the enslavement of any people is legitimate just because we can agree that authoritarianism is a concept.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

The system that your defending has been in place for a long time. It had it’s chance, ran it’s course, and it devolved into the depths of despotism. There are no patches big enough to fix the systemic corruption. Blind obedience is the culprit, and it’s something that can’t continue.

This discussion we’re having, you shouldn’t misconstrue as me claiming that I think it’s best that it all becomes a free for all. I have children, and they deserve a future rooted in freedom. At this stage of the game, given the course that this country has taken, it’s appropriate to challenge, for if not, it’ll get worse.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

It’s no secret that we’re being steered in the direction of some sort of twisted technological Tyranny run by corporate elites who have no allegiance to nationalistic ideologies. Since we appear at this point to be nearing the point of no return, now is the appropriate time be asking why being run into the ground by these crazies is an appropriate thing to do.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Dan, human beings have basic human rights, in my opinion. A human being does not become a criminal by simply wandering into a far off geographical area. There’s something to be said for doing the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do, and then be still to see where it will lead. Taking a proactive approach, such as labeling human beings criminals because the general consensus is that we can’t afford to do something else, such as, treat them like humans, is a bad policy. That notion might fit neatly into a legal framework, but it falls well outside the bounds of natural law which should buy all rights support human dignity at all costs. I think the issue has become a bit distorted, in that, the beef is that they should not be allowed to gain citizenship in this particular legal society unless they do it properly, and are vetted. That’s a separate issue from claiming the right to physically bar them from the area. There’s no authority that could be called legitimate which has the authority to lay claim to such power

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

Rights are a legal concept which you have argued against…I find this conversation enlightened but with flaws

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

I know, there’s always a hole somewhere that needs to be plugged. The fundamental problems we face can be traced back to the legal system, in large part. Legalese is a specialized language and can only be interpreted by the gods, and their language is often used as a weapon upon ignorant people, and that ignorance was bred into the mix by design. There’s very little in the way of justice these days because of the manner in which legalese is used against an unwitting populace.

If someone wants to make the claim that they have just or legitimate standing in order to judge me by the means of their secret language, it stands to reason that they can’t use that language or process upon me, in advance, for the purpose of proving that they can. It can only be afterwords, if it was found through an unbiased and lawful proceeding, that they can then judge me by their standards and ideas.

This ought to be common sense now, as we are witnessing the horrendous results that have come about as a result of this system, which really, went off the rails a long time ago, and now it’s basically dragging itself along with all its gaping wounds exposed for the world to see.

The police operate within the confines of a defunct system, bringing those who they arrest into a defunct court, and the accused are no more able now to access true justice than they were decades ago. We’re riding it til the wheels fall off, and the sooner the better, in my opinion. This way here, maybe my children might get to live a small part of their later years in a new system, firmly rooted once again in justice

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

The least of our concerns is not whether or not illegals should be labeled criminals, or whether or not cops should be allowed to use a chokehold as the means for the last line of defense in apprehending a violent individual, and basing the policy around race.

The main concern that we all have at this very point in time is the trans national corporate elites, call who are essentially a very powerful and well organized mafia hell-bent on enslaving everyone. As a matter of fact, I’d be willing to argue that this police choke hold/race issue was delivered special delivery for the people courtesy of this crazed lunatic corporate elite mafia, and many other contentious issues just like it. It’s all lunacy

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I may have misinterpreted what you were saying with you your reply to my comment, if I did, my apologies. Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts on your forum.

Whatever happens in the days to come, we’re going to witness the collapse of this pedophile/blackmail psychotic hierarchical system of control which has undermined the nations of the world. The energy supports it now, for sure.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Biden is not forcing “America” to do anything with regards to the green initiative. If you’ve been paying attention, which you’re obviously not, the green movement is a world wide initiative and it’s being driven by transnational oligarchs. There are no countries, except in your mind. It’s the ruling elite, imposing their will upon the world, and Biden is not an island, he’s just a clown, and the circus is in town. Don’t allow yourself to be brought down low into the dust, and bludgeoned to death with false propaganda.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

If Trump was right on target, are we to assume that Trump is Biden’s nemesis? Biden the cancer, Trump the cure? Biden bad, Trump good?
So, who do the people get behind then, the White Knight Trump? And when the White Knight comes to the rescue, the people will cheer. Sounds really nice, in a Christian kind of way. It could hold us over until Jesus comes back