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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 5-7, 2021) — THE PLANET has been on this earth for 14 U.S. presidents and 15 Pittsfield mayors. How do we discuss so many?

The question was put to us recently at a small gathering of a secret society meeting to discuss, well, secret affairs. We thought the question original, and believe it, there’s not much we haven’t been asked.


Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush the 1st, Clinton, Bush the 2nd, Obama, Trump, and Syracuse Joe.

THE PLANET framed our response to this electric group of men in terms of legitimacy or, if you prefer, illegitimacy.

Categorized the way, we judge only five to have been “legitimate’ presidents. The other nine took the office by means of subterfuge, murder, or some other form of corrupt razzle-dazzle. This might explain the downward trajectory of the nation since 1951, the year of our interaction with the Third Stone from the Sun.

You can’t wait for the details, right? Okay.

———- ooo ———-

The bogus: Truman, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Bush 1, Bush 2, O’Bama, and Syracuse Joe.

Our reasoning:

  • Truman took the Oval Office by virtue of FDR’s death. Accidental POTUS and pawn to Missouri kingpin, Boss Tom Prendergast
  • JFK won in 1960 only because his old man and Chicago boss Richard Dailey stole the election from Nixon.
  • LBJ: Do we have to say it? The prime beneficiary of and a leading suspect in the murder of Kennedy.
  • Nixon: Without the Chicago riots and Daley again, Humphrey wins in 1968.
  • Ford: Are you kidding me? Hand-picked to be nothing, say nothing, and do nothing, except bump his head on plane doorways.
  • Bush 1: A major player, in over his head on everything only to have it finally show up in the Oval Office.
  • Bush 2: Stole home against Al Gore via Florida. His lucky day came on Sept. 11, 2001.
  • O’Bama: Chicago again. Barry’s miraculous rise from state senator in Illinois to the Top could only come from that city. Phoniest POTUS in our lifetime.
  • Syracuse Joe: Another steal of home plate, this time against Trump via COVID-19 and mail-in balloting.

How were the other five legit?

  • Ike won it the hard way, with his WWII brilliance. Warned of the military-industrial complex. Best president in THE PLANET‘s lifetime.
  • Carter. Peanut farmer (and graduate of one of our alma maters) came from nowhere. Won the election on goodness and decency.
  • Clinton. Bubba had astroturf in the back of his pickup truck. Came from Arkansas. The Comeback Kid. He earned every drop of it.
  • Trump. Laughed off when he lined up against 16 other GOP hopefuls. Won the Oval Office on sheer tenacity. What’s not to admire?

———- ooo ———-


As for mayors, we’ve been alive for 14 of the 37 in the city’s history. The long gray line includes:

Capeless, Lake, Haughey, Del Gallo, Butler, Dobelle, Brindle, Smith, Wojtkowski, Reilly, Doyle, Hathaway, Ruberto, Bianchi, and Tyer. The best among these has to be Don Butler. He was a banker, understood finances, had excellent leadership qualities, and cared — actually cared — about his constituents. Scraping the bottom of this barrel, we would find Smith, Doyle, and Tyer. The cream would be Haughey, Dobelle, Brindle, Wojtkowski, Hathaway, and Ruberto. In the nebulous middle, Capeless, Reilly, Del Gallo, and Bianchi.

Bottom — Smith: Nixed the downtown mall, grew the seeds that led to GE’s exodus … Doyle: Sent the city into receivership; barroom politics at its worst … Tyer: Afraid to make the tough decisions needed by a city in deep economic tar.

Cream — Haughey: Good decision maker … Dobelle: Dynamic, inspiring, Pittsfield’s JFK … Brindle: Pragmatic, ear to the ground … Wojtkowski: Not afraid to ruffle the right feathers … Hathaway: Excellent policy wonk. Ruberto: He DID something. It didn’t work out but at least he tried. Jimmy could also take a punch. That earns respect in a way that “thin skin” doesn’t.

Middle — Capeless: White bread … Lake … Held the fort … Reilly: Ask him the time and he’d tell you how to build a watch … Ruberto: Never found his Rolodex … Del Gallo: The only time Peter Arlos served as mayor … Bianchi: Good man who got caught up in the “Machine War.”

———- ooo ———-

With that, THE PLANET invite your thoughts on this or any issue of your choosing.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“A pessimist gets nothing but pleasant surprises, an optimist nothing but unpleasant” — Writer Rex Stout.



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4 years ago

Third stone from the sun? Lol, that’s a good one. We don’t live on a spinning ball of water and the mere idea is ridiculous.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

Do tell.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

It’s not my aim to take cheap shots at Dan by pointing out the ridiculousness of the spinning wet ball idea. It’s his and many others misguided belief, so, it’s not out of bounds to call it out. People believe that load of crap because as children they saw some images of men playing golf and ripping around on a dune buggy, allegedly on the moon, and also because they played with the little globe model in the classroom. It’s really no different than being taken in by the nightly news broadcast as they display a CGI image of a blown up covid virus. Just because someone is trying to sell you a bill of goods, it doesn’t mean that you have to buy it. Society sure bought the covid bill, didn’t it? I suppose the main difference though, is that, the spinning wet ball scam was cemented in the mind from an early age through constant indoctrination, and the virus was sold to adults via a fear campaign which was designed to break the spirit of the people, dehumanize the majority of the population. It’s always about distancing the population from truth. The worst part for Dan though is that his forum here is called , The Planet, and that’s a big hole to climb out of, would take a great deal of courage. It’s likened unto the Old lady who’s been a Catholic her entire life, old school, old fashioned, from a bygone era. It would be foolhardy to attempt to explain to her that her religion was a form of mind control and that humans are not born of virgins, unless your talking about artificial insemenation, men don’t walk on water, and you don’t have to be perfect in order to challenge the order of the day and die a martyr as a result.

Nobody who’s reasonable and intelligent and who thinks it through for a bit will decide to try to prove that we live on a spinning ball of water, because, it’s plain ludicrous and it can’t be proven, ever. All the thumbs down in the world won’t help anyone, unless of course it’s just about making yourself feel better. Most people don’t want to try to justify their beliefs, so, they wear the mask.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

Where am I?

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Where do you want to be? You wanna be on the spinning wet ball? Click your heels three times, and poof, your safe, back at home. Home is nice isn’t it? It’s nice to go home, and most never wanna leave. Why leave if you don’t have too, right? Lol

Actually, if you have questions about where you are, go get hooked up with one of those secret underground societies. Maybe after about fifty years, if you’re lucky, they’ll tell you everything.

Or, you could stop asking other people questions, and you could think it all through on your own, like a big boy.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Just imagine an airline pilot, flying a jumbo jet. He’s coming in for a landing and the runway is oriented “north and south”. The wet ball is spinning from west to east at the supersonic speed of 1000 mph, so, moving target is an understatement. The pilot is not concerned about trying to fly eastward in order to compensate for the moving target, because, that would just complicate things. Instead, he just flies straight in, textbook landing, no worries. The pilot doesn’t need to be concerned with moving runways, because, the light and airy atmosphere pushes the massive jumbo jet along at the exact same rate as the spinning wet ball. See how that works? Makes perfectly good sense.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

These are factors of velocity, all things considered.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

So, pilots landing jumbo jets on a north south runway don’t need to worry about the water ball that’s spinning from east to west at 1000 mph because of all the velocity factors that are considered? Do I understand you correctly?

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

I am not a big boy. I am interested in what you say. I am not trying to school you about any topic, merely asking about your perspective. Relativity though.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

My perspective is not unique. Anyone who wants to know wether or not they live on a spinning ball can know. Confirming that we don’t is kindergarten stuff, but letting go of the indoctrination can be difficult. The moment that you sincerely put aside the indoctrination, it all begins to fall apart. The spinning wet ball nonsense makes 9/11 look like grade school stuff.

You know what The Berkshire Eagle and Planet Valenti have in common?

The Eagle is a bird of prey, but in the case of The Berkshire Eagle, the prey is the reader. The object is to present to the locals the narrative that everything is, for the most part, on the up and up. Of course there’s always controversy, but people expect that. The Berkshire Eagle would never run any truth that would undermine the ingrained culture of corruption which greases the skids from behind the scenes. And in this way, the bird of prey denies the people a city which could be so much better, we’re the people not being kept in the dark by those in the know.

Planet Valenti does appear on the surface to be nothing like the bird of prey, and this notion is driven home by virtue of the fact that The Planet makes it known to everyone that he likes to refer to the bird as the boring broadsheet.

This dynamic conveniently sets up Planet Valenti as the good guy. But there is a problem with passing off as legit the notion that we live on a planet, or, spinning wet ball. This mind job called the spinning wet ball has got to be the biggest lie ever perpetrated upon the people, a major violation. Wether or not “Planet Valenti” actually believes we live on a giant wet spinning ball is besides the point, isn’t it? What’s the point? The point is that it’s just that much more reinforcement that it’s true. It’s all about mind control, predation upon the people. If the people want truth, they can go to Planet Valenti, except that, spinning wet balls are a stupid idea and it’s a lie through and through. So, does that make Planet Valenti good? I don’t know, what’s good?

Kudos to Planet Valenti if this one gets through to the readers, for it can be seen as an unwarranted attack. Truth is, it’s the valid opinion of Nut, that Planet Valenti is a small part of a larger net that is designed to gather intel, for its own purposes. Information is the hottest commodity on “Planet Earth” and since information is so precious to have, the people should have none, and what little the people do have should be false, so as to keep them in the dark about anything and everything, including who they themselves are, namely, mind controlled slaves.

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

Tell what? Dan’s the one claiming we’re all spinning at supersonic speed, on a wet ball, which itself is traveling at some other ridiculous breakneck speed, and meanwhile, robots are landing on Mars, and NASA is still trying to get back to the moon and the gay mafia is laughing hysterically at all the idiots walking around with shame muzzles hanging off their faces. What more needs to be said?

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

This guy deserves an Orbit just for the irony alone.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

There were NO successful Mayor of Pittsfield politics! They all failed the people who live & pay municipal taxes in “the Pitts”! A good Mayor will work with the people in his or her community to invest in the most valuable resource in the community: The People who live and pay taxes there. Look at Pittsfield politics! It has been nothing but very bad news for decades. Drastic losses in population, living wage jobs, and business. Pittsfield (Mass.) is featured as an art exhibit in London, NYC, and L.A. as a “City in Decay” via large photographs by visual artist and Yale Professor Gregory Crewdson. What do art and museum viewers see when they see the deterioration of a post industrial community with the worse economic inequality ratio in the state and nation? The winners of Pittsfield politics have been the incestuous politically connected Good Old Boys (& Girls) club, the vested interests (Big 3 public unions) who have kiss the G.O.B.’s dirty behinds, and the special interests who donate big dollars to the G.O.B.’s campaign coffers. The losers of Pittsfield politics is everyone else, especially the proverbial Kapanski family who works hard, pays their taxes, and always gets the shaft from City Hall. The sad reality of Pittsfield politics is that hardly any of the local citizens bother to vote and/or participate in state and local government. There is a dirty reason for that, which is that Pittsfield politics is vicious, and anyone who doesn’t kiss the dirty behinds of the G.O.B.’s one political party regime faces retribution. I experienced this first had when my dad was a Pittsfield area politician when I was in my early to mid-20’s (and many years after that; I am now over 45.5-years-old) from the Spring of 1996 – mid-2000 when I was over 20.5-years-old to nearly 25-years-old. It has been very painful to me to have been bullied by Pittsfield politics, which is my native hometown. I am even more saddened to read about Pittsfield politics’ downward spiral with no bottom since I moved to Southern New Hampshire since early-2004. Lastly, I believe the worst Mayor of Pittsfield politics was Jimmy Ruberto, who promised everything, but delivered the opposite. Pittsfield’s worst losses in population, living wage jobs, and business occurred during Mayor Ruberto’s 8-years in the corner office. Ruberto’s renaissance was mocked by locals comparing downtown Pittsfield’s arts and cultural venues to Paris, London, NYC, and L.A. Mayor Ruberto blamed Spice Restaurant’s closing on local residents not eating at the then new downtown upscale restaurant with menu and drink prices higher than Boston and NYC restaurants. What was he thinking? Pittsfield has a low median income, and the locals could not afford to spend a couple hundred dollars dining at a North Street restaurant. I am still upset with Jimmy Ruberto for lavishing glowing praise on his G.O.B. ally Carmen Massimiano, who was nothing but a bully who nearly everyone in Pittsfield feared and disliked. In closing, I lost faith in Pittsfield politics, and I believe Pittsfield politics will never change for the better in my lifetime.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You win the Hypocrite Award! For the past 5 years you’ve been singing Tyers praises, now she’s on your poop list? Give me a break!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Donald Trump LOST the election, but he is too immature to accept defeat. The Republican cowards in U.S. Congress are still too afraid to stand up to Trump’s bullying politics. The old Republican Party stood for small or limited government, Human Rights, and the U.S. Constitution, but now they stand for a delusional old man who only wants loyalty to himself like a mob boss or Hitler-like dictator.
As for the lovely Linda Tyer, she proved herself to be another same old vindictive Pittsfield politician who uses retribution against her opponents that has been the same old misguided toxic leadership in Pittsfield for decades. She even admitted that Pittsfield taxpayers are paying more for diminished public services, not to mention Pittsfield’s Level 5 inner-city public schools. Matt Kerwood is playing financial shell games that kicks the proverbial can of Pittsfield politics’ huge debt load decades into the distant future so he can build up his +$10 million slush fund. I have followed the lovely Linda’s political career since 2003 (or for the past +17-years) now, and she did not start off this way. Rather, the lovely Linda spoke for Human Rights, cared about the poorest people and neighborhoods in Pittsfield, and actually wanted to reform Pittsfield politics from the Good Old Boys club. But in the end, she joined the Jimmy Ruberto led faction of the Good Old Boys club that drove Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Lovely Linda didn’t join the club recently as she was always a member of the club. She didn’t get this far in her political life without being in the club. The good news for you is, you can use the thumbtack holes for your next pinup without putting new holes in your wall.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Lovely Linda is a cutie for sure. However, I am happy for Lovely Linda and Barry. I hope they have a nice life together.

4 years ago

Still waiting to hear what voting machines the city uses and if they ever test them. Should also ask if they ever had computer updates in the middle of voting

Krazee Kunspearacy
Krazee Kunspearacy
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Just heard Pete White tell pctv morning stooge two that The city always looks at affordable choices. I swear,that’s what he said.

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Krazee Kunspearacy
4 years ago

I think that was a slip of the tongue for Sweet Pete. I believe he is always looking for “affordable choices,” as he peruses the greasy diner’s menu.

Any update on your plans for the “houseless” Sweet? Or will you wait until election time, so you can hope for votes, rather than actually helping the “houseless?”

Last edited 4 years ago by Markus Aureluis
Maudlin Daudling
Maudlin Daudling
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

That should be inc

Reply to  Maudlin Daudling
4 years ago

??? Don’t see a company with that name listed with the federal election commission

Inn Sorectshun
Inn Sorectshun
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Believe me, you can do anything with the computer. Ask Trump.

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

The gay mafia is in charge in Pittsfield, so, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

And brainless.

4 years ago

Did you really ask “what is not to be admired about Trump”? You cannot find anything he messed up on? Lots of others feel the same way and I find it kind of scary.

Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Didn’t you know that Trump is down with Jesus and the high command? It’s true lol

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Trump will go down in history as one of the most accomplished presidents ever!
Because of Trump the US became energy dependent, illegal immigration was controlled, ISIS was defeated, the economy was turned around etc etc. His list of accomplishments is long. Scary is how most of us feel now under Barack O’Biden as disease infected migrants are pouring over the southern border, jobs have been eliminated in the energy sector, XL pipeline project cut, bombs dropped in Syria, and free speech & gun ownership are under attack.
And if the Dems are successful in ramming HR 1 through the Senate – it will legitimize fraudulent elections.
May the MAGA program live on!

Maudlin Daudling
Maudlin Daudling
4 years ago

Pctv is a tool in which the city can push unaffordable and unwanted projects. There were two incidents in particular where contracts were voted down and White kept pushing for reversal on the vote. One was downtown in funding and the other is the current trash issue.

Ezra Mattoefact
Ezra Mattoefact
4 years ago

Dan,I believe it was Butler who was the archangel behind what is now affordable housing. Like Riverview,Dower, et al.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago politicians are elected to spend money.So often it the ward councilors than need to ask what are you spending money on and how successful was your new spending in last yesrs effort.The schools lie about their successes but call it a new name..It is always dishonest how they deal in budgets.Just look at the history of employees over 5 yesrs then 10 years.Every new position is a healthcare and retirement obligation.Consolidation puts more proffessional people in one building.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

50 years of teachers unions along with the other unions control most politicians who get elected here.The best we get is more semi literate high school graduates (not all students) from the dough taxpayers pay for a over bloated school budget.

Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

The public education system across the country has been in decline for years. There is blame to be had from top to bottom in the educational system. I’m a firm believer that much of the problem started when educators were made to babysit students along with teaching.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

I agree, let’s sell the building that the Superintendent is in and put them in PHS. Let’s also close a couple of elementary schools due to less students. With healthcare for all school adjustment counselors aren’t needed because the students can get counseling outside of school. Put a hiring freeze and possibly put in place one hire for every two who leave. Where is the city council and the budget strings….get some backbone!!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Dan I am interested in hearing your rationale for considering Evan Dobelle & Hathaway as the “cream.”
I didn’t live in the Pitt during Dobelle’s reign but am familiar with his recent escapades at Westfield State, Univ. of Hawaii and other institutions of higher learning. I believe he was accused of fraud at those schools.
Hathaway did not impress me as an accomplished leader and I can’t remember what, if any, successes she had as mayor.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

She was absolutely useless, and called a shooting on North Street “an aberration”, and had a well earned moniker – Mayor Hideaway!

Richmond LGBTQ
Richmond LGBTQ
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

At least Hathaway had the common sense to live in Richmond while she was Mayor.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Wait just a minute here. You’re not sure about Dan’s take, that they are the cream? So, you may disagree with Dan, because, you know something about fraud? So, you’re an advocate and believer in uprightness and honesty? And part of your repertoire in describing human beings who are hurting and trying to obtain a better life, is, disease infected migrants? I’m callin BS lol

You got an inner conflict goin on there Mr. Fritz, good luck with that.

4 years ago

I agree that Obama was one of the worst presidents. The Obama/Biden administration was so bad. So many people were forced to work temp jobs for the 8 years of the administration while Biden was enriching his family with Chinese money and Obama didn’t even have work training programs to help people. Just stuck everybody on food stamps and welfare.

I was not a huge fan of Mayor Ruberto. He really heated up the whole Progressive takeover of this area. I think he was one of the worst Pittsfield mayors yet the teachers union kept voting him in.

Calais Dizmissed
Calais Dizmissed
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Ruberto third worst, then Doyle,Tyer number one. Definitely worst city council ever.

4 years ago

MayorTyer – OPEN CITY HALL!!

Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago

Good luck with that dream.

Reply to  Cigdyert
4 years ago

Especially with the nice weather just around the corner

Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago

She is too useless to do even that. I called tax office the other day and got a recording that said they were to busy to answer phone – and get this – instead of being allowed to leave a message, the recording said to call back later (which of course no one answers when you do), or send an email. What if you’re a senior like me, without email wherewithal?

She is a colossal disappointment

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

Don’t you have to have email to post on this board?

Reply to  Info
4 years ago

Yes but the point is why should a senior taxpayer have to email the tax office to get service? I just am not too email savvy. By the way, it’s been 6 days now and no one has replied to my email request. Kind of reminds me of the time I field a complaint through the useless city link about the bum living in the woods, shitting everywhere. About two years later city finally acknowledged receipt of my complaint and four years later has never cleaned up the mess.

4 years ago
Jason LaTrump
Jason LaTrump
Reply to  James
4 years ago

Sl everything we knew about Squeaky McNipple is true.


Reply to  James
4 years ago

Is moon really being targeted because of her race? Has she ever shown any proof of what she claims happened in Boston ? Sorry but it seems like she is using the times we are in to invent a claim of racism towards her instead of realizing that she is truly an abrasive person to talk to or even listen to.

Reply to  pothole
4 years ago

Racism, who cares? She offered her a BRIBE! If no one is looking into the legality or at the very least unethical behavior of this we an just give up here. The idea that we would have an DA’s office where people can’t speak freely is very disturbing.

Jason LaTrump
Jason LaTrump
Reply to  James
4 years ago

The question is are Non disclosures illegal? Honestly wondering

Moon is definitely using this and the timing for political gain as she will more than likely choose to run again. She’s counting on that woke, POC vote

Dog eat dog. Grab some popcorn people

Squeaky mcnipple is a hack and anyone who supported her should be ashamed of themselves

Give Paul his damn job back

Last edited 4 years ago by Jason LaTrump
Reply to  Jason LaTrump
4 years ago

Agree that she will be using this release of information for her re-election and also to sink the DA in her re-election bid. The DA wasn’t progressive enough for what Moon wanted and expected things to be more woke overnight. I’m willing to wager Moon has more to put out at the most opportunistic time on the DA.

Perky Nipples
Perky Nipples
Reply to  Jason LaTrump
4 years ago

Moon doesn’t need to drop press releases to win elections. Who’s running against her? She won last time easily.

Reply to  James
4 years ago

Oh i agree. I do not and did not support her at all!!

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  James
4 years ago

Berkshire county District attorneys routinely have critics and victims of police misconduct arrested. A blatant civil rights violation ” complainant shall not be treated adversarialy”
It started with Daniel Ford attacking Bernard Baran, for his treatment of alternate lifestyle people and minorities.
Nothing in that office changed, with Harringtons empty promises.

Simon Says Huh
Simon Says Huh
Reply to  pothole
4 years ago

Whose the skirt chaser?

Dohoney Trap
Dohoney Trap
Reply to  Simon Says Huh
4 years ago

Also what kid of idiot is Harrington and Andy?

They just issued a press release that disparaged a former employee!
Don’t they know you NEVER give a cause to a paper or an employee.

“We decided it was mutually in our best interest for Hellen Moon to find employment elsewhere.”

The DA is going to pay big time for that one.
“Councilor Moon never embraced the team approach, alienated herself from her colleagues, publicly undermined our work, and we came to question her honesty, including her trustworthiness with confidential information.”

This is termination for cause and if they don’t have PROOF regarding her HONESTY and her handling of confidential information, they just bought a lawsuit.
As a nurse Moon handles confidential information on a daily basis, this kind of libel could be devastating to Moon’s career.
When a DA says you are not trustworthy, to a paper, that’s devastating to a person’s reputation.

Food for thought, if Moon was so untrustworthy why did they try and buy her off?
Seems the DA would have the upper hand if they actually had proof Moon was mishandling confidential info. Why the offer of a settlement.

Also doesn’t this idiot DA know that there’s no such thing as a confidential agreement in MA? There’s recent case law on that Andrea, get it through your thick head. I’m totally with Moon on this one. She called it about “retribution” and for sure Harrington has got her claws out.


Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Dohoney Trap
4 years ago

A lawsuit is the least of the District attorneys office and commonwealths problems.
There’s a starter of facts surrounding Berkshire county District attorneys office.
My bet is Moon recorded the conversation with Harrington, and baited the office into biting.
Michelle Wu going to be next governor, Moon got Harrington elected- andrea bit hand that fed her.
Hang on folks ,its about to get real sporty. Figure out why john Krol, didn’t run for council yet 🙂

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Dohoney Trap
4 years ago

Dahoney is equally inept.

The office has alot more to worry about than a lawsuit.
Moon got Harrington elected,she is looking to gain a state office, like her or not she is a political powerhouse because she has inside information.
Michelle Wu be next governor, running on police misconduct and civil rights
Reform – she will be skipping Boston mayor bid.

Easy pickings with Berkshire county District attorneys office and local police misconduct- moon is her ace in the hole! The Democrats are cannibalistic, Cuomo learning his lesson right now.
My guess is Moon recorded several episodes of Harringtons misconduct, and will be showing the receipts.
Like Cuomo telling pretty staffer to eat the whole sausage, Harrington is too arrogant for her own good!

Moon will tease out the information until, the time for national headlines is right. She has great timing on when to drop the bomb. Like caccaviello Williams college sexual assault scandal. Karen Polito gets nuked,just prior to election.
Much like conversations capeless and Baker had about 2018 election, polito and Harrington going to prove Michelle Wu’s reforms bipartisan.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Simon Says Huh
4 years ago

Look through the pictures, which ada looks least likely to succeed? Stewart perhaps!

Reply to  pothole
4 years ago

BTW I drove West St today and guess who’s potholes were filled in

Reply to  pothole
4 years ago

She took back help from Capeless and Pieropan who worked for her opponent. She has no principles.Only ambition.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

You have to hand it to Landes for landing it. The Beagle has nothing but an empty story on the case management system used by state DAs. They should have asked our local office how much they wasted on a reporting system that it is not able to use for legal reasons. Flushed big bucks down the crapper on it. Go ahead, ask them.

Reply to  James
4 years ago

Does this suggest Moon does not trust the Eagle? Not many do but when they do come out with their own version look for the DA slant. The question “whom is in bed with whom” will be answered when the Eagle spins their web.

Kudos to Moon for finally speaking up. Whatever she is or isn’t that took courage.

Jason LaTrump
Jason LaTrump
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

The Eagle proved your theory correct when WAMC published a damning article against Jason Laforest for harassing women and abusing power. The n the eagle posted an article , and I paraphrase “he apologized”. He openly threatened and shamed someone he was inappropriate to and apologize for her skewed perspective.

They didn’t even mention the alleged HiPPA Violation from a boy named SUE

What schlock. These are the same people who openly and aggressively accused Trump and other of similar things now they get a pass because he likes the D

The Eagle and I Berkshires clearly showed their colors. Harassment, victim shaming and abuses of power are acceptable if you’re the right political party

Last edited 4 years ago by Jason LaTrump
Reply to  Jason LaTrump
4 years ago

Where have you been for the last 100 years, that has been the normal

Reply to  Jason LaTrump
4 years ago

And guess who was a big supporter of DA Squeaky?


Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

You may be right about Moon having the courage to come forward to address her firing, but I’m wondering if there was also a need for her to come out in a preemptive manner for reasons yet unknown?

4 years ago

Dan, just because some presidents got lucky doesn’t mean they weren’t good presidents and Truman was a great one. And Ed Reilly shouldn’t be lumped in middle just because he liked to hear himself talk. He was way better than that. Anyhow, I want to know who you think the top three councilors were in last say 30 years and single worst one.

Calais Dizmissed
Calais Dizmissed
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

Best three,Sam Landis,Ida LaMountaun and Ray Crow. Worst was Cynthia Betters.

Calais Dizmissed
Calais Dizmissed
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

Worst City Council collectively is this one,hands down.

Reply to  Calais Dizmissed
4 years ago

When I moved here 20+ years ago I stumbled upon the CC mtg. on TV and I just couldn’t NOT watch. Joe Guzzo… man, he could go on for days! I’ve been in leadership for +20 years, surrounded myself with some incredible people much smarter than me, sat on a few boards, have dealt with VC A-B-C round investors and PE at a very high level. The formula is quite simple, a successful company (Town-City) starts at the top with Leadership. You either have it, or you don’t.

Simon Says Huh
Simon Says Huh
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

A players hire A players. B players hire C players and C players hire D’s and F’s = Bozo Explosion. – Steve Jobs

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

If memory serves me, didn’t Guzzo always oppose improvements to Wahconah Park? Thus earning him the name “Lake Guzzo,” because of the terrible flooding of the parking lot at Wahconah Park.

Last edited 4 years ago by Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

He also led the true baseball fans in saving it from being bulldozed by The Berkshire Eagle/Grunin/ Massery/Kerwood machine. We should talk about that time in history in detail sometime soon.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

We all know he will say Arlos was one of top three and I predict he will say Bianchi was another, and Guzzo or Scapin the 3rd.

Moon For Oribit
Moon For Oribit
4 years ago

In the words of somebody famous, “Hooooooleeee $hit!”

Moon just nuked Harrington! Everything that’s been said here was just confirmed by Moon. I’ve got to wonder if she actually posted here under a fake name because even Harrington was suspicious of her.
So much of the information posted here sounds just like Helen now that it’s in print.

Running the office like a re-election campaign.
Firing an entire staff/department because they know what a legal fraud squeaky is.
That “Wrong Way high beams” fostered a work environment that is sexist and bigoted.
That she hid information from the public and refused to comply with public records law.
The racist little white girl pretending to be a progressive.

It really makes you think though, Helen just confirmed 80% of what was said here.
I think the rest of the stuff said here is true as well.
I’m guessing Andy is getting paid for a lot more than just office PR.

Somebody allegedly had audio of Harrington using the N-word and calling suspects “fooking animals”.
I’ll bet that was real too.

Andrea Harrington never embraced the team approach, alienated herself from her colleagues, publicly undermined our work, and we came to question her honesty, including her trustworthiness with confidential information. The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office senior leadership believes that the separation of employment is in the best interest of our team and our community.”
Describes Andrea “wrong way” Harrington to a T!

Moon for Special Orbit award.

Squeaky Mcnipples
Squeaky Mcnipples
Reply to  Moon For Oribit
4 years ago

Anyone who thought Andrea was anything less than a political shill is a fool. She clearly ran whatever campaign She could for whatever office she could win . Everyone was so obsessed with “progressive” and being woke and female they forgot to actually look at her character and skills, both of which she has none.

Good job progressives.. Think of how many peoples lives are ruined by her clearly political vendettas.

On the other hand. If Krol endorses them, avoid them at all costs. He’s 0-2

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Moon For Oribit
4 years ago

Sorry Moon, can’t go there. She still has to produce the police report showing she was arrested at gunpoint for a traffic violation.

I agree she nuked Wrong Way, but does this surprise you?

Wrong Way is progressive, just not a racist like Helen. Think about it, a black girl files a false report that puts the unfavorable spotlight on every white male student at Simons Rock. It was all BS from the get go. I’m sure if we ever got the true story, the girl was failing out of school and figured a racial incident will garner sympathy and help pass her. Did she get charged? No. Held without the right to bail? No. Was there any thought about all the taxpayers money wasted. No. Punishing a black female truly destroys the “progressive narrative.”

Now, sharpen your meat cleavers. A white guy burned a Xiden/Commie-La hay bail that never put lives or property in harms way. He was held without the right to bail. He burned freaking hay. Notice the police never found anything to validate this threat? Items such as a pipe bomb, hit list, when they conducted a search warrant. You know something that truly warrants him being locked up without the right to bail as a dangerous person. Not just because he’s a white male. Or because he made Trisha Country-Buffet blubber the whole way home. I’m banking it was because KFC ran out of extra crispy chicken is what brought on Country-Buffet’s tears, but I could be wrong?

Moon wanted Wrong Way to eviscerate PPD. I’m sure with the informal backing of Shirley Edgerton, Earl Persip, and the like. Wrong Way knew this would lead to a bloodbath on the streets of Pittsfield. Wrong Way may be dumb, but she’s not stupid. Wrong Way looks out for Wrong Way. Moon wanted her to push a racial issue, where there simply isn’t one. Moon foolishly went after Officer Derby and even Wrong Way knew this was wrong. Moon wanted to make PPD racist cops and thought she had the perfect puppet in Wrong Way. She pushed her chips into the middle and crapped out. So, what’s been Moon’s go to move? Racism. Problem is, its all made up in her head. She can’t produce anything to back this claim.

Plus, I’m sure when Moon posted of this “arrest,” an inquiry was made by the MSP detectives at Wrong Way’s office. This proved to Wrong Way’s office, Moon is a liar. I’ve never known a liar I could or would trust. Have you?

Helen Moon, I think your a lying racist and I’m a white male. Prove me wrong. Case number please?

Last edited 4 years ago by Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

I can tell you are a lawyer. Let’s not steer the focus to the credibility of the witness and how we do or do not like her and away from the subject at hand. You’re missing something. What Moon says or does not say is very important. After two years she still hasn’t figured out that people of color being over-arrested and over-prosecuted in Berkshire County is complete hooey. She seems oblivious to the fact that despite two years of having a “progressive” view of law enforcement, the numbers of who is being prosecuted are the same. That is because the idea of a racist criminal justice system is and was a false narrative from the start. A phony DA with a phony progressive view is not going to change the facts. Both Moon and Harrington can be forgiven in not understanding this. When you are talking about something you don’t know anything about you’re going to get it wrong.

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

I’m not taking away from the focus, E. I don’t trust Helen Moon. She loves to race bait and she’s a proven liar.

If you don’t think Wrong Way’s office checked on Moon’s claim of getting yanked out of a car at gun-point, better start resting up for the Easter Bunny.

If Moon’s claim was true, you don’t think Wrong Way would have latched onto that and she and Moon would have been in every newspaper screaming about the racist cops in MA? It’s a progressive agenda’s wet dream scenario.

The claim was checked, it was false, and the doubts about Moon’s integrity began to creep in. As I said in my last post, anybody with half a brain would distance themselves from a proven liar like Moon.

Plus, Moon wanted to go after PPD without cause. PPD aren’t racist cops. Wrong Way knows it and Moon knows it. Moon just wanted to push the false narrative and bring undue hate onto the fine men and women of Pittsfield Police. Wrong Way wasn’t playing ball.

Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

Maybe Moon is lying about her past but that’s not the point here. I’m not championing Moon. Both of them have a BS agenda and have no business working in the DA’s office..

What is it that Moon was asking for anyway – a complete itemization of how the police are spending money? It’s ridiculous to assert that anyone could say no. Maybe the same questions should be asked about how money is being spent at the DA’s office?

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Why was she looking to get into the PPD finances? She has no financial training or background. And I’m willing to bet Moon doesn’t know the laws and regulations about how grant money is spent and the purposes for it. She’s just looking to promote her racial agenda.

Why was she not looking into the teachers budget? I’m sure there is plenty to trim away from that budget.

No, she wanted to go after the false narrative PPD are racist cops.

Wrong Way might have been proven to be an idiot, but Moon has proven to be a lying race baiter. I can work with an idiot. I can’t work with a liar. They are untrustworthy.

E, since you seem to either be Helen or a strong advocate for her, tell me the people of color that were held on no-bail, what are their pending charges? I’m willing to bet it’s not shoplifting.

Bottom line, I don’t care if your purple. You criminally shoot/stab/maim another human being, you belong in jail.

Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

No one thinks if you shoot stab or maim you don’t belong in jail. Harrington campaigned on the false narrative that people were unfairly being jailed. It’s crap and she knows it, that is why she stopped saying it. At least Moon appears to believe her own racial BS. Harrington has never shown the least interest in any issue other than herself. Latest example: Berkshire County has never had a lock em up approach to addicts. The Sheriff, PD and the DA’s office always worked hand in hand with the Brien Center and other services to make sure dealers got jailed and addicts got treated. A lot of people worked hard on programs she 86d because she fired the people who ran them or alienated other areas of law enforcement. I’d like to see some numbers on the drug court participants. What are those numbers she’s bragging about here? What are the types of cases. This story is void of any info but of course it came from her newsletter which is equally void of transparency. Voters are dumb, though, so there have it.

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

We see eye to eye on this.

Simon Says Huh
Simon Says Huh
Reply to  Moon For Oribit
4 years ago

“So much of the information posted here sounds just like Helen now that it’s in print.” Maybe because it’s gd truth?

Reply to  Moon For Oribit
4 years ago

It’s all a nothing burger in my opinion. Harrington had the right to fire Moon, who is a wing nut and a Moon Bat.

Pearls & Swine
Pearls & Swine
4 years ago

Really when human rights are rescinded, we are mere animals.

Casual Connection
Casual Connection
4 years ago

Nurse + EFC + DA’s Office – Okay then.

4 years ago

One must keep in mind that in some juristictions the main function of a DA is prosecute dangerous people. And in other juristictions the main function is to make sure special interest folk do NOT get prosecuted. Just keep that in the back of your mind as you mull over Pittsfield history of crimminal non prosecutions.

Hung Jury
Hung Jury
4 years ago

How you gonna pay taxes if they won’t give you a job.

Knotperi Mason
Knotperi Mason
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

This might be the smartest or dumbest comment on this Moon firing or dismissal for leaving the D. A office.Could there be a reason other than just not signing a disclosure of forty three hundred dollars? Was she holding out for more? Why the time length of deciding to out the D A. Was and sounds like a leverage deal.

To be blunt I don’t think the two city councilors are or were happy with their assignments over at that office.

Reply to  Knotperi Mason
4 years ago

I’ll give her $6k for disclosure.

Hung Jury
Hung Jury
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Comparing two things to get a final answer – ineffective. Can’t pay taxes if you can not obtain employment. Can not become self employed if you are blacklisted – they deny your permits.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Well said Danno, with all The Covid Scam giveaways the deadbeats have a free ride for long time. Nobody paid my mortgage when I lost my job, or rent.

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Hung Jury
4 years ago

You have to put down the Xbox game, get off your parents couch, clean up, and then go look for a job. Nobody is going to “give” you a job.

Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

But with Biden you make more at home unemployed and even more if you are illegal, sorry, undocumented

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

But what a great way to keep people dependent on the government forever and ever! As long as you do NOT work, you will be given subsidized housing, food stamps, free health-care, and somewhere around 2K per month in walking around cash! And all you have to do is make sure to “sign your ballot” whenever someone comes around to collect it! You don’t even have to fill it out –
they’ll do that for you, too!!

Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

I could actually support the idea of monthly checks if (and only if) they replaced the myriad of welfare programs, tax credits and in-kind benefit programs that we have now. And since government operation artificially inflates the cost of programs providing “in kind” benefits like healthcare, public housing, and education, we could probably save money by incorporating such a simplified program into the tax code. It would also eliminate the need for vast bureaucracies to determine eligibility, and remove some pretty nasty incentives such as the severe deterrent to marriage that our current welfare policy

Hung Jury
Hung Jury
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

Depends on what “is”, is. Come on Man!

Hung Jury
Hung Jury
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

Not me…. they. Never owned a game console, & I pay plenty of taxes.

4 years ago

Harrington is the next gen racist, a slave master for the progressives. She doesn’t care one bit about the plight of people of color. They only are there to act as background actors in her minstrel show.

Hellen Moon wasn’t hired because she was qualified, she was hired because she fit an image. Same with Lampiasi, she’s as dumb as they come but she checks the lesbian box.
Edgerton is in the same boat, the only difference is she’s working her hustle so she doesn’t care as long as she’s getting paid. Being the token step snd fetch it person of color can be very lucrative.

Moon’s biggest mistake, is forgetting her place in the diversity tableau and not realizing that Andrea only cares about Andrea. Ask anyone that knows her, anyone that knew her back in college and law school. Anyone that knew her in Florida or Texas. She had one ambition, to marry rich and not work a day in her life. Law school, it was a husband hunt. Go out for drinks with her now, her husband doesn’t make enough money. She never expected to be the breadwinner. She thinks she deserves more and is ever so bitter. Her whole existence is coulda, woulda, shoulda.
Instead of being happy with the little success she’s clawed out for herself, she’s always the victim. She thinks she deserves more and the people in her life are just obstacles in the way of her success. I feel sorry for her big dumb husband, he doesn’t know 1/10 of what’s going on. Get a couple drinks in her and she will not shut up about her life and how she’s destined for greater things. She actually thinks she could be Governor.
Can I take a sec to mention that voice? She’s like Nancy Kerrigan on helium “why meeeeee?”

Moon and her claims about Boston, I don’t know if it happened or not but it could have.
There are cops in Berkshire county that would have serious crimes that would disqualify them from being police officers of departments did “slow walk” them through processing. Probably half the cops on the PPD would be disqualified from their jobs if they didn’t catch a break here and there. DUIs, assaults, drugs dealing, domestic violence, weapons charges. There’s a chief of police in Berkshire County that would have easily lost his drivers license for life if he got all the DUIs he deserved. Could BPD done a felony stop on Moon and her friends and held them without doing any paperwork? Sure. It happens all the time. Dump them in a holding cell, say the computers are down, don’t do a manual intake, you can sit for a good 24-48 hours. I don’t know if it happened, I don’t really care. I believe her when it comes to Andrea because I know it’s true.

Every citizen has a right to question city budgets, for councilors it’s actually part of their job. It doesn’t matter if they have finance training or not, they can and should ask questions. Or would you rather city councilors just fall in line and rubber stamp the budget?

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  TK
4 years ago

You had me until you said “it happens all the time.” That being Boston Police pull people out at gunpoint, arrest them, toss them in the clink, pull a “computer is down,” sit them for a day or two, and then open the jail doors and say “my bad” and let them walk?

As your ruler would say, Come on man!! Your post was really good too. That is, it was good until you tried to defend Helen’s “arrest.”

You’re also trying to tell me and The Planet: Helen-the person who tosses down more “race cards” than Matt Damon threw down playing cards against Teddy KGB, wouldn’t have sued Boston Police? Not to mention, being on every news channel. And I’m willing to bet she’d have tears streaming down her face that would rival Iron Eyes Cody, wouldn’t have tried to cash in?

Again, come on man!! Case number Helen?

Last edited 4 years ago by Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

If you don’t know that that kind of thing happens all the time, then you’ve kept your eyes closed for far too long.

Ever hear of a “drop gun”? There’s at least two police in the PPD that carry either drop guns or knives to plant on suspects. One of three of the former members of the department, all white routinely shook down local drug dealers and got sexual favors while on duty, those dealers were all people color. The Boston police are notoriously racist, it’s not even a hidden issue, it’s a blatant and well documented issue.

Kate Antonovics and Brian G. Knight
Read it and be enlightened.

Reply to  TK
4 years ago

Could you show us the case or cases in Berkshire County where a defendant claimed police planted a gun?

Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

I didn’t say it has happened, I say I know of at least two that carry weapons they’ve confiscated from criminals for the purpose of planting if need be. They’ve bragged about it at a bbq. I was there I saw it.
Not all cops are bad but there are plenty of them that are, Pittsfield has had more than it’s fair share.

Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

I dunno. On the one hand we got someone who is most likely lying to someone who is a proven liar, unqualified, aggressive and in a position of great power.

Reply to  James
4 years ago

In case you wonder what kind of power. This citizen under policies of Harrington’s “Mentor” DA Rollins would not be charged. Wait, what color is he? If black no charges if white 20 years to make up for all the racial injustices.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  TK
4 years ago

Jeanne Kompthorne saw writing on the wall,as former federal prosecutor (she got a tip)
Several others abandoned ship,prior to it sinking.

Moon has political clout and contacts in Boston. She propelled Harrington, not vica versa.
Moon has inside information, likely from ppd misconduct reports and proof of Dahoneys attempting to fix institutional criminal behavior.
Imagine her cellphone records, can place her in custody of Boston police department.

Moon is a diligent advocate for her constituents, which is much more than can be said for present crop of hacks.

Reply to  TK
4 years ago

You are full of baloney about the cops. And leave her husband out of it – he’s a good guy. And you’re out to lunch about an arrest with no paperwork.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

The U.S. national debt just passed $28 trillion!
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (
That number doesn’t include the pending $1.9 trillion stimulus bill.
That number doesn’t include the huge liabilities in the soon to be insolvent social insurance programs.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

The cattle (Taxpayers) “knowing” what the slaughter house does, will not stop the process or the fate of the herd.


4 years ago

Did I just read that the city of Pittsfield will be getting 33 million more dollars in covid relief? On top of what they already got? Being that there is almost no public accounting of where mega dollars go in Pittsfield, zero budget oversight, zero forensic auditing, one can be assured there is dancing on the ceilings as Pittsfield money handlers trip over themselves grabbing these dollars.
Money laundering 101 and pay for play in the shadowy underworld of Pittsfields leadership. But taxes will still go up as the greed knows no bounds.

Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Money laundering criminals should be in prison, not public office.!

Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Maybe it will all go pay for the sewer plant seeing how that’s where we are testing for the Wuhan Flu

4 years ago

Joe Biden’s press secretary began to tell a tale of the wonders of motherhood when asked about all of the children pouring into the country at our border. She dodged the questions about worries about spreading COVID throughout the country and encouraging families to send their children here. We need compassion for the children. Forget about the majority of the country that is still not vaccinated, many over 60 while Joe plays this dangerous game of pretending he cares about the children of the world. We know it’s about changing the face of America by creating guaranteed future voters for the Democrats and having fewer racist white people in the country.

Send them Bach
Send them Bach
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Agree but let’s not Covid be the sole reason. Legal shave to go through a process as do these refugees. We’ve never addressed that,and that’s why Trump dumped Dacia,he at least tried.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat, did you get a covid shot and what would your advice be to any over 70 folk still flailing away in Mayor Tyers city trying to get one? They keep moving the goal posts and now the teachers will be jumping ahead of the oldsters who do not have one yet. Tyer could help those of us oldsters still trying but only those with political connections seem to be getting shots these days.

Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

No, neither my husband or myself has our shots yet, but we are in the under 65 category so we still have a wait. Anyone 65 or over should be on a list to receive a shot soon. Call City Hall if you have to because they need to make sure that everyone in this age group is vaccinated. I think it’s not right that teachers are being put ahead of anyone who is over 60 years old. These people should be the priority right now because COVID is a real danger to them.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Vaccinated? Isn’t it just 15 people, a hoax and will disappear like a miracle. BTW, I totally support “fewer racist in the country.”

Reply to  pjmh
4 years ago

Obviously you didn’t get my meaning. The left considers “All” white people to be racists. Just the fact of being white automatically makes you a racist. It’s an insane idea, but it hides the fact that the real reason for all the illegal immigrants being rushed into the country is to makes sure Democrats win every election and become the only political party in this country. That is their goal.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Sounds alot like Germany in the 30’s, but don’t tell the press that! Won’t do you any good! I hear Biden has cargo trailers with little cut out holes with bars for the children invading the south.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

How did us older folks survive to this ripe old age while growing up and holding good jobs with pensions? We did all this while growing up with great historical movies, Disney, Muppets, Dr. Seus, and Mr. Potato Head, totally amazing we are still living. Just read that they are now picking on electricians, they feel that they should no longer refer to electrical connectors as male and female. What is next? If these folks thinking up all these atrocious issues held a job maybe they would not have time to create these idiotic complaints.

Thomas More
Thomas More
4 years ago

Hate to keep helping the planet with Pittsfield history but he also lived through Harvey Lake (mayor 1955-’57) – a very good man – Remo was also his own man. Pete was the thorn in his side that probably caused him losing his reelection bid.

Send them Bach
Send them Bach
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Good bless Pete! At least he had a pulse.

Reply to  Send them Bach
4 years ago

There is a Smith Stree. Which happens to be the shortest street in length in the world.

Send them Bach
Send them Bach
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Lake wasn’t a mayor he was, Thee Mayor. They named a street after him for crying out loud. Is there a Butler, Arlos,Delgallo, Haughey,street? Come on man.

4 years ago

Just read where Puerto Rico travelers who come into Massachusetts don’t need to be tested or put in quarantine. If you go to Puerto Rico’s state site they say they are stage 4 and to stay away. Why has the Massachusetts government stated it’s okay? What is the reason, seems strange