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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 3, 2021) — Spend. That’s the word on THE PLANET today.

Spend spend spend.

Spend, spend, spend, spend.


In 2020, the federal government spent $4 trillion to provide economic relief from the hardships caused by the  COVID-19 virus. This year, a new president wants to spend $1.9 trillion more. He’s only been in office 40 days. That’s works out to $10 billion a day — $414 million and hour … $69 million a minute … $115,000 a second.

The new relief package just passed by the House is all well and good except for one small detail. A full $1 trillion in previously allocated relief funds have not been distributed.

“Is it not too much to ask what the current administration plans to do with the $1 trillion in unspent taxpayer funds, especially before we toss another $2 trillion onto that pile?” said Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.). “This is a basic question that would come up during a family budget discussion, with a lot less zeroes.”


Spend spend spend.

Spend, spend, spend, spend.


Enhanced unemployment insurance benefits are sent out weekly, in many cases enough free money to entice people to sit on their fat or skinny asses and collect the “free” cash. Employers receive “free” cash from the Paycheck Protection Program. States regularly receive “enhanced” federal Medicaid matching funds. They’ll continue getting this “free” money for the duration of the public health emergency. For taxpayers, rebates and tax breaks will be coming. No chance of fraud there.

And get this. Democrats in the House and Senate, with Syracuse Joe’s help, are floating another “multi-trillion” economic relief package.


Spend spend spend.

Spend, spend, spend, spend.


———- ooo ———-

Close to home, take a walk thorough the current FY21 Pittsfield budget. Do it only if you like horror stories.

The mayor and city finance director have been spouting about the Mighty Joe Young strength of the city finances. A closer look at the facts tells us that the finances resembles Cheetah the Chimp, long after he returned from the Tarzan movies.

THE PLANET presents a few “highlights”:

Endless, Reckless Spending: In FY1986, the municipal budget was $46,480,070. Here are the subsequent intervals — FY90, $61,699,440 … FY95 $70,115,484 … FY00 $85,607,771 … FY05 $106,023,229 … FY10 $122,705,568 … FY15 $141,239,554 … FY21 $169,537,880. Do you notice a pattern. Put it this way. From 1986 to 2021, the municipal budget rose $123,057,790. That’s a 265% increase. In the same time, the city’s population dropped by about 28%. Do the math.

Drowning in Debt: For FY21, Pittsfield’s outstanding long-term debt stood at $138,351,372. Total direct debt is $164,239,033. In other words, total debt is 97% percent of the city’s proposed spending for the year ending June 30. Ask any economist. That’s intensive care, with last rites on tap.

Foolish Capital Spending: Here’s where it gets especially juicy. Pittsfield plans to spend $213,000,000 — nearly a quarter of a billion dollars — on capital improvements between now and FY26. Included in the plans are costly outlays for a skate-board park, a dog park, a bike path for Crane Avenue-Merrill Road, construction of a pickle ball court, and (get this) replacement of the school bus fleet. In 2020, the city paid $5,293,545 interest on a principal of $7,919,647. Amazing.

Meantime, the FY21 budget cuts spending on RSVP, elderly services, veteran services, and the Council on Aging. The mayor and many other city employees received hefty raises.


Spend spend spend.

Spend, spend, spend, spend.



“Remember our humanity; forget the rest” — Philosopher and logician Bertrand Russell.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Where do all of the excessive public dollars go? The underclass is always getting larger and poorer! Perhaps that was the plan all along? Make everyone work for $7.25 per hour while at the same time being dependent on big government.

Pittsfield politics raises municipal taxes by around 5% per fiscal year. Pittsfield politics creative accounting and tax schemes are totally predictable. Pittsfield politics always defers its real debt/liability obligations decades into the future. The lovely Linda and Matt Kerwood have perfected the art of raising taxes, fees, debts and liabilities only to defer everything far into the future when they will be long retired (or memories we would like to forget about).

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

JM Massachusetts has a much higher minimum wage than 7.25. If you want to get in good with NH you should tell their government to put tolls on all the roads from Massachusetts. From what I am told the Boston folk have been running up there all year to avoid the Massachusetts rules and to shop tax free

4 years ago

How’d we get back to pickleball again??
Is that going to be part of the recreation economy we were hearing about a few years ago? You remember, right? Our entire economy was going to be turned around by some mountain bike trails, remember that one?

4 years ago

If the Berkshire Eagle would track down and interview a thousand or two of the people who have moved out of Pittsfield in the last ten years they might find out that the main reason they left was because they were onto what is/was happening financially at city hall. They could see how all that Dan speaks about would effect them and their families going forward and decided they did not want to be dragged down the drain with the city itself. Pittsfield government is a parasitic money sponge that feeds on the very people it is supposed to be taking care of. And the majority of the money it sucks up from the taxpayers that are not getting tax breaks is spent or given away to connected special interests.
The population exodus is much worse than the numbers show. Many thousands have left but several thousand have also moved in to partially replace them and not all of the replacements are hard working taxpayers like the ones that left. Check out the social services that have exploded to more clearly see that picture.
There are actually financial advisors locally telling their clients that living in Pittsfield is not economically beneficial to anyone trying to raise a family or be able to put away money for there childrens education or their own retirement. There may be exceptions to those with conncections to city hall.

People need to read the tea leaves and do the math. When thousands of people leave a city one can assume they had good reason to do so. While there are many things in Pittsfield that are not as they seem, these numbers do not lie.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Yeah, but Pittsfield is a political microcosm. A microcosm is only a microcosm in comparison to it’s opposite. Hierarchical structures work good in the animal kingdom, and this political system of hierarchy we’ve been enduring works well because those at the top think of us as animals. As long as humans act like animals, they’ll be treated like animals. Having said that though, I suppose any remedy should be sought at the local level, at the bottom, where the pains of non compliance with evil agendas are felt by our neighbors, even though our neighbors are not the enemy, unless you wanna say that ignorance is the enemy, then you can start pointing your finger at your own peril, which might actually be for the best, for what other options have humans discovered in order to put tyrants on the ropes?

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Texas and Mississippi have announced it is back to normal.They have denied the virus…..this kind of decision is mind boggling ignorant.You have to admire this kind of ignorance in the face of information.Q is their source of knowledge…… is the hottest realestate market in America

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

No, what is mind-boggling ignorant is the Barack O’Biden border crisis. They are releasing migrants into our country without testing them for covid – a superspreader event. Cities & states are locked down, yet illegal aliens carrying covid & other diseases are being released into states across the nation.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Q/Fox is their source of information on the Trump virus.Trump got vaccinated against the Democratic hoax virus as reported on Fox/ Q

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Stop being racist it is called the Wuhan virus or the Fauci

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You need a tissue?

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Both governors are heavly invested in the funeral home business.

Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

How many of the deceased were receiving government health care coverage.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

They went from Limbaugh to Alex Jones/Fox/Qanon…when your in a cult you dont know your in a cult……Where do you get your info from.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

The mirror is calling you

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Site your source for this hot market, according to Zillow Austin and Houston make Texas the hottest

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Republicans took 2 trillion in taxes in 2017 under Trump and told the 1% they should go party as Trump said dont pay your obligations.So conservatives get indignant when we try to keep 10 million home owners from bankruptcy….Thats America think today.That is disgusting.Why in hell does this Republican party cow tow to the filthy rich?Not any more.Hard working America is going to benefit from great Capitalism…Minimum wage to 15 bucks will create more wealth.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Wait what? Funny you mention some of the wealthiest people and biggest sectors in this country including big tech, Silicon valley, Amazon, pharmaceuticals, and of course Hollywood and billionaire celebrities all threw a BOAT load of money towards Biden and further poured money into Georgia. The Dems consistently outspend Republican’s 2-1 in elections and where do you think the majority of that money comes? If you need help, it isn’t coming from the working American

This 1.9 Trillion “rescue package” is just a pork stuffed spending bill with some checks so that Americans won’t question it and think it helps them. Just some of what is in the bill to help ordinary hardworking Americans through the pandemic:

A bridge in NY, an underground rail project for Silicon valley, environmental justice grants, money for planned parenthood, and funding for gender violence education. Only 1% of that 1.9T is allocated for vaccine distribution.

4 years ago

The city of our youth is gone, lost forever to the greed and stupidity of the political hacks that keep getting elected. Special interests and voting blocks like the cities unions ensure they will always have plenty of feathers for their nests by continuing to elect these fools. Case in point, look at the school system.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

Pretty sure the vote is predetermined. Nobody voted for this hag. We wanted Melissa.

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

There are no checks and balances. No oversight and the ringleaders know it which is why they are operating out in the open. Not even trying to hide huge taxpayer funded expenditures benefitting their friends.
Try getting accurate figures of how many school teachers and other city employees live out of Pittsfield. Many business owners as well know better. The place is a mine field of financial misfortunes.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

It is well known that 1/3 of all school employees live out of the City

Screaming tricycle lady
Screaming tricycle lady
4 years ago

lol, look how much the city budget increased in 34 years. My grandma always used to say “when I was your age, frankfurters were only a nickel”.

“i’m old and things used to cost less, get off my lawn.”

But at least Jon’s post didnt mention slush fund or gated mansions 🙂

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Screaming tricycle lady
4 years ago


4 years ago

The Biden administration is trying to make the dollar worthless. It’s such a joke that they want to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 at the same time as gas prices are rising as will soon happen to all gas and oil prices. These globalists/oligarchs want to get rid of the dollar and have one monetary system for the whole world. This will also tank our economy and will hurt the poor and middle class, but not the wealthy. The wealthy will do just fine and the Biden administrations knows it. The poor and middle class will have to depend on government assistance to survive like in the Biden/Obama years when so many people were forced to survive on temp jobs and government assistance, but this will be even worse because it will be permanent.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat ,look at all the wealth Trump create for you and this board.Be happy with it.

4 years ago

The window of opportunity is closing with regards to taking action in order to put a halt to their agenda. The agenda has been identified by enough of us now, so that, there’s no excuse for not putting a stop to them.

The answer is simple in theory, but difficult to imagine in practical terms, nonetheless, not impossible with some courage and conviction. The answer is for enough people to say, thank you, but, no thanks.

What does it mean to take this approach?

It requires one to recognize the fact that the “social contract”, assumed as it is, has no legitimate mechanism in effect for the purpose of enforcement. Essentially, the good graces of the people is the main reason why they are in their prospective positions. Their willingness to resort to threats, intimidation, coercion, extortion, and if necessary, imprisonment and physical violence is their mode of operation. Fear is the weapon which they use, and they wield it with impunity. Essentially, the war they wage upon us is a mind war, a war of attrition. When this war is fully understood, the fear they induced is replaced by anger, and it’s at this point in which the rules of engagement are changed, in our favor.

Becoming angry does not mean that people should become violent. The anger merely serves the purpose of assisting individuals with the very necessary act of challenging any and all “authority” which serves their interest, which is, to stay in power.

A good argument could be made that an assumed social contract was rooted in legitimacy, if that assumption revolved around conditions where the people’s best interests took precedence. Since the people are now under assault by individuals who have fallen in line with those espousing authoritarian ideologies, the assumed social contract has no leg to stand upon, and so, peaceful non compliance and direct challenge by way of lawful inquiry is warranted, for better or worse.

There’s always choice, always. Choosing to remain paralyzed with fear is a dead end road, and it’s a choice they want you to make, so, make a different choice.

The most powerful question to ask in times like these, is, are you claiming to have authority over me?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

We do not need to let the 1% control America one more day.The right wing propaganda of demeaning minorities and making light of poverty is over.The problem in America start where all the money is.1% control your thinking.

Last edited 4 years ago by The school committee
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Right wing propaganda? When you say right, do you mean, as opposed to left? You might have to walk me through that one

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You do realize don’t you that the 1% own “right wing propaganda”? I think they patented it as intellectual property through the U.N. I’ll look into it just to be sure.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Speaking of money, I received an email from TFB asking for contributions. She’s no longer my area rep. But of course I will send her a nastygram about her continued push for illegal aliens drivers licenses and tax increases. You people need to vote her out – she’s the worst rep in the state!

Peroseed On
Peroseed On
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Or nutri-system

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Spot on column Dan. The Dems’ latest “covid” bill contains less than 9% for covid! Rep. Budd is asking the right questions.
On the city side, the financial mess mushrooms every year. Kickin’ the can down the road. The school budget HAS to be cut – but of course no one wants to be the voice of reason and tackle that monster. Shutter a few buildings to start with!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Thank God for Fox/Q propaganda news loop

4 years ago

We are being pushed into Chinese capitalism. The Great Reset is control of the people and the companies by government. Companies can do what they want as long as they are politically correct. Otherwise your company will go poof and somebody else will take your place. This is government control over everything. This is totalitarian government. This is why our government is pumping so much money into the system like morphine because they know they are killing the dollar, but want you to feel good with these big so-called COVID relief packages before it all goes down the tubes and your money is worthless. Also why so many people are buying gold. Party down now because for the poor and middle class, it will be really bad soon.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Alex Jones/ Fox/ Q

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
4 years ago

Andrea Harrington was doing her part,attempting civil asset forfeiture.
4 years after a traffic stop, she sent owner paperwork that sat on her desk since l January 2020. Article in Reason magazine. Guess she have to buy her own car now,like a grown up.
Yes lieutenant Edward Culver is using his map badge to continue perpetrating crimes against the public.
Andrea ,andy ed comment?

4 years ago

Joe Biden is putting down Texas for opening up its state while his administration has allowed over 100 illegals with COVID into the country. This Biden administration is a nightmare.

Yhankey Saluggor
Yhankey Saluggor
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Ever see Aaron Boones wife?

Tew Much
Tew Much
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

And Joe the escalator should be told when you drop arsenal on enemies, make sure you protect we are protected when they retaliate.Aside….Cruz and Rubio to enter waste watchers.

Andees Pantz
Andees Pantz
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Cuomo is making people get Covid passes and cards saying you were tested before entering any sports facility. So if you have neither you don’t enter. WTH?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Andees Pantz
4 years ago

Isreal is allowing normal behavior in bars restaurants theaters to vaccinated residents who show their vaccine card .Does this really not make sense to you.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

How does Pat view Texas opening? It is these very ignorant decisions that are turning Texas blue.When you have no ideas call democrats commies

4 years ago

Your opening sentence answers your own question as to how this spending blowout came about. The economic hardships necessitating massive relief were not consequences of Covid, they were consequences of our RESPONSE to Covid. The distinction is vital and it baffles me that people still refuse to acknowledge it, even as the terrible data piles up regarding what we have done…or more accurately, allowed to happen.

With regards to spending specifically, I don’t think that the folks who embraced Covid hysteria (many of whom adopted a perverse morality and turned into rotten human beings in the process) are in much position to complain about the financial consequences, i.e. spending. As ever, the bureaucrats at the highest levels who actively fomented the panic knew exactly what they were doing on multiple fronts, and their use of fear as a lever was textbook. A spending spree is but one consequence.

The much bigger problem is that, in the blink of an eye, we allowed China to re-write almost in its entirety the global pandemic response plan that had been assembled based on the accumulated knowledge of history. Lockdowns and mass quarantines above all were in the NEVER column. Closed schools for a year or more? You’ve got to be kidding me. But that’s a whole other discussion.

Since the very beginning, the data has been crystal clear about who is at serious risk from Covid. When people have pointed that out and suggested a more targeted approach, begging people to think rationally about what we were doing to kids especially, they have been shouted down and effectively accused of endorsing murder. Including on this very board.

The shrill, superficial morality on display has been revolting, the hypocrisy stunning. 55 million kids harmed in more ways than can be quantified. One example especially sickening all by itself–Hundreds of thousands fewer reports of child abuse across the country since schools are THE most important first line of defense for abused kids and they were mostly closed. Or maybe their abusers became better parents while stuck at home?

The debate over our one-size-fits-all approach should be over. We need to turn this ship around and try to start reversing the damage as best we can. We have been lied to and frightened into behaving like monsters. Three data points say it all:

11.5% of cases and 208 deaths under age 18
50.2% of cases and 7,170 deaths under age 40
14.2% of cases and 400,228 deaths over age 65

Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

The so-called health experts couldn’t even save the most vulnerable patients, our elderly. There was no planning for the 2nd wave of the virus to protect our elderly by having the therapeutics ready for them. The very effective monoclonal antibodies were gathering dust on hospital shelves with zero effort made for doctors and nursing homes to be ready for the 2nd wave that started in November. It was all about shaming us into staying inside with masks and avoiding seeing our elderly loved ones in their final months of life, all to empower China. It was all about Democrat politicians wanting to keep the death numbers high to win a presidential election. Our elderly died alone and used by China and the crazies in this country to further a sick political agenda.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

What???? You appear to be claiming that the lock downs were all about something other than a virus, while at the same time you appear to be venting because the so called experts couldn’t even keep the elderly safe, from a virus. So what do you believe was the biggest reason for the lockdowns, a virus, or, all the other stuff you mentioned. Or, are you one of those who believe that the so called virus was legit, and the timing was just right so that it could be leveraged in order to do all the other stuff? You’ll have to be more clear about what it is you’re trying to say.

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

The whole idea of the harsh lockdowns was to tank the economy which was President Trump’s greatest strength. The harsh lockdowns didn’t save so many of our elderly, but did destroy a booming economy.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

So, you believe that sinister people took advantage of a virus, in order to tank the economy, in order to make Trump look bad?

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Oh, I thought it was to save lives… +500K and counting, our counts are down from Dec/Jan but on par with summer…but it will “disappear, it’s like a miracle, we’re rounding the curve” WTF.

Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

That was all very well laid out, very nice. The chances of this ship turning around however, while possible, extremely unlikely. This bizarre behavior which we are witnessing in a majority of the people is extremely predictable and is the result of heavy mind control. Regrettably, only a very small percentage of the population is all but immune to the mind control techniques which the ruling class appear to have perfected. The “ruling class” has played this game for eons. Collectively, they possess an enormous amount of knowledge, and they hoard it for themselves in order to ensure humanities continued enslavement. I believe they very much enjoy playing this game. They despise the people, see them as filthy useless animals. I often imagine myself amongst them, in order to listen to them, to watch them, see what makes them tick. I can understand their point of view, sick as it is, and their lavish worldly lifestyles I can imagine makes all their their efforts worthwhile. I can also imagine that if I was one of them right from the very beginning, and I never developed empathy, I might not feel as though I was out of order.

Like I said though, the mind control is strong and effective, and those under it’s spell are easily threatened by any circumstances which would appear likely to undermine their safety and stability. The small percentage of people who are hip to what’s transpiring understand that they are, on one front, under constant psychic attack by these seemingly eternal demonic scourges, and on the other front, almost shamed into silence by their friends, families, neighbors and all the rest of humanity who doesn’t want the boat rocked. The people are too weak to put up a fight, and the act of writing these things down for people to read is likely of little consequence.

The people want to be enslaved and they need to be told what to do. Like you mentioned though, it’s difficult listening to all their complaining about things, as they mindlessly throw around all the political labels which were given to them by these “elites” in order to try to sort out something they don’t want sorted out. It’s as if I’m watching people who are gleefully engaging in self mutilation, very sad, pathetic.

All the people need to do is to cease with recognizing any and all individuals who attempt to make an arbitrary claim of authority over them, for the time being, and be still in order to afford these individuals who have developed this authoritarian mindset the needed time in order to come full circle with the fact that they are like everybody else, an ordinary moe. The worst part about this suggestion is knowing that it will be called out, by most, as the ravings of a lunatic. These enlightened individuals will say, “nonsense, we must always have law and order”, while simultaneously failing to realize that law and order exited stage left a long time ago.

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

They definitely see people other than themselves as obstacles, but will use those people until they complete the agenda they want for themselves and brush them aside in the end.
These people dislike us and when you dislike someone, lying to them is no big deal. In fact, it’s easy to justify to themselves.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

If you are a Trumper you definitely have been lied to.

Hell'n Moon
Hell'n Moon
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

If you are an American you have been lied to! It’s called politics, not just Trump

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Yesterday my son told me a lie

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

As in, America; forsaken.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

Bravo, Blare. Great points!

Industry Standard
Industry Standard
4 years ago

“Science-Based Policy Means Decriminalizing Sex Work, Say Hundreds of Researchers.”
-Reason Magazine

4 years ago

The puppet-like control of Joe Biden continues. Yesterday after making comments on COVID, President Biden appeared ready to take questions from the media which he has yet to do in his presidency. He said he would now take questions from Democrat lawmakers and then added, ““I’d be happy to take questions if that’s what I’m supposed to do, Nance,” Biden told the speaker. “Whatever you want me to do.” Suddenly the White House cut the feed and the event ended. “Nance” knows Biden can’t be allowed to be spontaneous or we will see how his ability to think is impaired. They have to keep up this game of hiding Joe until after the mid-term elections or their fraud will be exposed.

4 years ago

I am wondering today why the Eagle is allowed to spew hateful lies every day and not be shut down

Peroseed On
Peroseed On
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Sounds like the morning show radio stooge.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I completely disagree. There’s no such thing as the first amendment, because, constitution is just an idea, which has been run over by a big Mack truck. Taxpayer funded bailouts may be done in the name of sustaining the marketplace, but arguing that those bailouts are the responsibility of a population which are constantly on the receiving end of unconstitutional injuries is an uphill battle. I’d argue that it’s often the other way around, and that, the winners and losers are often hand picked. The states propaganda machine does not go out of business. And try telling the moms and pops who were put out of business because of the fear porn virus scheme that the marketplace was responsible for their businesses demise. I’d like to be present for that one. Just what is it that you’re trying to sell here?

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

So what is happening on the web now where people are being cancelled

Penny lane
Penny lane
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Oh but when they spew the dribble on someone you don’t like it’s ok..Hmm

Reply to  Penny lane
4 years ago

There is hardly anyone I don’t like. People are fascinating to me and I think all opinions are fine until it is hate speech day in and day out. They would do better if the just reported on the shootings, robberies and government doings in the Berkshires, instead of retreading opinions from crazies

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

School Committee – C’mon Man, out of 45 posts, 12 of them are yours. Take a chill pill.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

To be fair, he is usually succint. Gets his point across with as few words as possible.

4 years ago

The point that Blare made is spot on. The incessant complaining on a day to day basis from individuals who do exactly what they are told is the very essence of insanity

The late George Carlin Jokingly articulated this sort of crazed line of thinking when he pointed out that it was entirely appropriate for the individual who understood that voting was a scam, at least at the fundamental control level, to be complaining about the system, and hence, refusing to participate in it. And George rightly pointed out that it was the voter, or, the unwitting active participant in the hoax who liked to point their finger at those who refused to involve themselves and say, “ it’s you Mr. non voter, we can place the blame squarely on you, because, if enough of us we’re voting for the right candidate, then all our troubles would go away”.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

I always vote, for whatever it’s worth.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

They asked the Dalai Lama what he thought about western culture and he replied,”I think it’s a good idea”. I think the same could be said for voting

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I offered my financial advice to the lovely Linda & Matt Kerwood for only one percent commission on their +$10 million slush fund, but they declined my offer because they already have Accounting and Financial Genius Barry Clairmont’s advice. I then offered my financial advice for free, but they told me to go jump in Silver Lake. I offered to treat the lovely Linda & Matt Kerwood to a couple of Teo’s hotdogs, but they said were to busy over-taxing the Kapanskis to have lunch with me. I offered to drive them around inner-city Pittsfield, but they said that they have to pick up Barry at Cumby’s at 3 a.m. and bring him back to his mansion in the wealthy gated community near Hancock that he and the lovely Linda reside in. Lastly, I told all of them that they are financial geniuses to pay mostly interest on Pittsfield politics huge debts and other liabilities that total in the hundreds of millions of dollars. They all thanked me for my compliment, but told me I was being sarcastic because they are really kicking the proverbial can down the road decades from now into the future.

Jason LaTrump
Jason LaTrump
4 years ago

If anyone gets bored here take a gander up north to North Adams for an amazing dumpster fire known as Jason “I’m just like Trump” LaForests mayoral campaign. It’s great entertainment, especially for those of us who have known him and what a scum bag he is for years. HiPPA violations, harassment of women, abuse of power and shaming victims. he has it all.

His fiancée deserves him. I mean that wholeheartedly

4 years ago

Nance Pelosi has just invested a million dollars into Tesla for electric cars at the same time that Biden has ordered the entire fleet of federal cars to be electric. Nice investment for Nance and her upper class lifestyle.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

There is no evidence that Nance Pelosi had prior knowledge of the entire federal fleet of vehicles going electric according to all the corrupt news sources on the internet trying to cover for her, but with the cozy relationship between Biden and Nance (yes, he affectionately calls her “Nance) and the way she is obviously directing him in public and behind the scenes, it’s safe to say that Nance knew exactly what Biden would do in a few weeks time at her direction so her investment would pay off big for super wealthy Nance Pelosi.

Tess Lahh
Tess Lahh
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat,do yourself a favor. Invest in electric car makers. Big boom soon in that market.

Reply to  Tess Lahh
4 years ago

Insider trading for Nancy Pelosi. I don’t have a cool million to invest or even less. I was working temp jobs during the Obama/Biden years when Biden was enriching his family with Chinese money.

Krazee Kunspearacy
Krazee Kunspearacy
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

So,the CEO was making 800 large as Head of ERCOT,the electric utility that overseers Texas City’s electricity. He also was to receive 800 g severance pay but refused it.Here’s the kicker.he’s C E O of that ‘non profit’.