(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 19-21, 2021) — Somehow, Bay Staters knew that when it came to COVID vaccinations, Massachusetts — the purported world leader in health care, with its vaunted medical centers — would blow it. As soon as politicians got involved, those in the Commonwealth could kiss good bye to their chances of a fair, equitable, and organized vaccination process.
If you’re a politician, a board member of a hospital, a family member of a hospital board member, a convict, a smoker, or Yo Yo Ma, no problem. Get in line and get shot. If you’re Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, even if you’re over the age of 65, you have to know someone who knows someone.
In a post sent to THE PLANET Thursday, Vaccinated, a teacher, filed a report that ties together many of the anecdotal loose ends we’ve been hearing regarding the ineptitude to be found in Pittsfield, since as county seat it drives public policy in such matters.
THE PLANET presents Vaccinated‘s piece as a guest column. It’s sure to spur reactions:
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If you want a vaccine, don’t get it in Berkshire county. The local Covid task force and public health infrastructure here is a complete mess.
I’m a teacher, I recently became eligible for the vaccine. I tried using the website, it crashed and is unusable. Then one of my friends said contact this person at the MTA, she’s a nurse who is also a gym teacher. She didn’t get me the shot, but she emailed me a list of pharmacies that were giving out the shot. She said to start calling.
I spent about ten minutes on the phone, it was easy to do. I called three pharmacies outside of Berkshire County, and I booked an appointment in Worcester County. It was for the J&J vaccine, I was given a time window, told to bring two current IDs, one had to be a current photo ID issued by the government, the other had to be proof of eligibility, in my case my current school employee ID and I brought my most recent pay stub.
I drove to the pharmacy, checked in, presented my ID, gave a short medical background and filled out a form. They had work trailers and those sheriff emergency response RVs outside in the parking lot, they told me to wait in my car and they would text me, I waited, I got the text, brought my card to the numbered trailer. The volunteer checked me in, I walked to the back of the trailer, got me shot, and was told to lay down on one of those school nurse beds for 15 minutes.
They checked my vitals, asked how I felt, dizziness, shortness of breath, tingling, tightness in my throat. Everything was fine, they stamped my vaccination card, told me to keep that in a safe place, gave me a list of do’s and don’ts.
All in with travel time and lunch, three hours and I’m vaccinated.
While I was there there was an elderly couple who came in with me. They were called by their local hospital, offered a list of locations, and their hospital set up the appointment for them at the pharmacy!
I asked the nurse what the problem is in Berkshire County, she told me two things: The local government has so screwed up their ordering for allocation, that she’s surprised there are any doses at all. That they are so poorly coordinated that volunteers and nurses who could open injection sites in Berkshire county have been turned away.
Between the hospital, Covid task force, and the City no one is doing their job. The nurse who helped me was a nurse administrator for her hospital so she sits in the meetings for the vaccine allocation. She said Berkshire County consistently has “zero order days” meaning that no one who can has placed a request for the vaccine (that would be BOH, public health nurses, designated task force staff, BHS). Local vaccination sites can request x amount and if it’s available and they have appointments, they will get their allocation of vaccine. They might not get all the vaccine they need but they at least have orders in. When she checks the system, Berkshire County, will often have zero dose requests. That means no one in Berkshire County who is authorized, has requested any doses for that week.
They all thought we had no Covid or everyone was immunized, until we all started showing up at their sites outside of Berkshire County. My nurse was shocked at how bad it was. She said probably 60% of her clients are from Berkshire County now. She said her volunteers, all medical professionals, have tried to do “contact call for appointment” into Berkshire County, but BHS via some agreement stopped that.
So if you want to get vaccinated and are eligible, find a list of CVS’s or other pharmacies providing the vaccine, and call.
Don’t wait for anyone in Berkshire County to get things going, you’ll die waiting.
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THE PLANET thanks Vaccinated for the story. We are always open to guest columns.
Have a great weekend everybody.
“There’s nothing sadder than an old hipster” — Comedian Lenny Bruce.
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What does the Lovely Linda Tyer, Tricia Farley Bouvier, Adam Hinds, and all of the other useless Pittsfield politicians do all day? Answer: Not much! Dozens of people died of coronavirus in Pittsfield nursing homes. None of the aforementioned state and local politicians in Pittsfield politics took any responsibility for it, of course. Pittsfield’s already decades-long acutely distressed local economy tanked over the past year with the loss of tourism and leisure customers. Over the next two years, Matt Kerwood will receive tens of millions of dollars in direct stimulus money, which is be on top of his +$10 million slush fund that should belong in the pockets of the proverbial Kapanski family. Where will the stimulus money go over the next two years? Obviously not to public vaccination sites in Pittsfield and Berkshire County, according to blogger Dan Valenti’s blog post this weekend. The government is supposed to serve We the People, but the reality is that the hard hit taxpayers involuntarily serve the do nothing career politicians who are a bunch of failures during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Lastly, don’t get me started on the Holyoke Soldiers Home debacle!
J. This is about as close you’ll get to a thumbs up only because of the hatred towards bliviate and the mayor.
I can’t wait to get my vaccine! I’m lucky that I haven’t come down with the covid. I thank god for these wonderful pharmaceutical companies, they are the salt of the earth. I just know in my heart of hearts that when they get together with the governments around the world, it’s a winning combination. People say they are corrupt but I don’t believe that. I’ve known all along that they’ve always just wanted to save us. Thank you Jesus
And of course if you are obese, you can go to the top of the list too! If you’re a white male who takes care of himself, you’re at the bottom.
Soon after this entry hit your blog yesterday an article hit the Eagle site seemedly to try to head off the backlash. Hope someone is able to do a deep dive into this and get an accurate accounting of what really went on. I do not trust anything the mayor says anymore and the newspaper has put a spin, twist or slant from the very beginning. The Pittsfield Covid site seems intentionally designed so that unless you really understand how to manipulate graphs you miss most of the pertinent information. The data lag is also misleading especially the death numbers which you have to hunt for anyway.
The person who wrote your guest column had no reason to make that up. The local folk however have every reason to mislead and obscure. And why not? That seems to be the MO for city operations and fiances.
The GOBSIGs panicked when they learned Dan had the scoop, so they got the boring broadsheet to do a CYA piece
My contacts in the Eagle newsroom tell me that was (is) the case. I would reveal details but the info was given to me strictly on the hush-hush. Thanks, J-99. You either have great contacts at the Eagle or you are a master logician.
Sorry, I don’t believe this. I am 74 and fully vaccinated at BCC. I didn’t know anyone or jump through hoops. I made an appointment online.
Actually, I am hearing that there are disparities in distribution. That the Eastern part of the State are getting big distributions at large clinics and shipments have dropped on this end of the State.
Maybe shipments have “dropped” on this side of the state because nobody is doing to ordering like the article said. Are you senile? You’ve said two contradictory things and replied to yourself.
Yeah I believe it because I did what the lady said yesterday and it worked. I’ve tried to get an appointment in Berkshire County for weeks. Nothing is available or there are so many trying to get an appointment it’s nearly impossible.
I called 1 pharmacy near Cooley Dickinson, got a same day appointment, single dose shot.
I’m not catholic so I don’t care about the gene line.
The same shit 2600 miles away!!
U R LUCKY! I live “out West” in an “Active Adult” community. The County is notoriously & historically corrupt. The State CV 19 website was/is useless. When local media announced there was a “Clinic” available, I stayed up all night to sign in; nada. I asked my PCP if he was getting vaccine and it was a big secret. Rec’d a phone call late at night. “Be here at this time,” fill out the paper, get the shot & go. Same for #2 shot. He took care of his own patients and I don’t blame him!
Those that showed up that were there by word of mouth were refused. Sometimes Police had to be called to intervene.
It is behooven on people to have a PCP for emergencies like this. Those without are left to their own devices.
Just finished reading the hate rag Eagle and did not see anything on this topic,but they still were blaming republicans and Trump for all that is wrong. As I was watching the news Schenectady was demanding that NY state open vaccines for everyone because they had more vaccines than people. So one has to ask WTF? Why does one area have more than they need and another not enough? I am sure the hate rag will blame Trump but it’s been 3 months when can the current administration start taking responsibility and be accountable? When does our state government start doing more for us instead of taxing us and then ignore our infrastructure? Last thought is how convenient that schools can now use a 3 ft rule and ignore the 6 ft social distancing! But people should not question our government and we should want to live in a nanny state
Yesterday BCC was the only site to get any appointments and they acted like Nicholas Cage… Gone In 60 Seconds.
The eastern part of the state had numerous sites full of appointments.
We need our not transparent mayor and council to make a statement today.This is the number 1 issue in this country.We are waiting Mayor or any responsible leader to talk.It is always about leadership.It ends up being about ego and lazyness.
Workin on the spin. She knows she can’t blow the smoke up EVERYBODYS ass but she will be happy if she gets most of them. Look for a bunch of Letters to the Editor today and tomorrow with people praising the process. (all friends and benefactors of hers) Paper editors will toss in a few deceptive buzz words and a lot of people will fall for it.
But too many people have gone through the reality and are not going to buy the lipstick on the pig rainbow scenarios coming their way.
Get ready for how the scheduled Covid vaccines have been nothing but Dynamic and Vibrant and less a few minor bumps has been fantastic due to the current leadership.
Yes. Seems THE PLANET’s feature of “VACCINATED”‘s guest column had created a quite a discussion. For that I give thanks, because if the Kapanskis of Berkshire County depended on the local media, they would not have verse and chapter. They’d only now that when they call and call and call and call and call … and call for available appointments, they are told there are none. As one of our commenters noted, if we had a REAL local daily, it would be assigning its investigative team to find out why. It’s an insult to people who are still looking for the vaccine to pretend the rollout has been “Vibrant, Dynamic, Collaborative, and Inclusive” in Pittsfield.
And let’s not forget the lefts new favorite failover of the month – equitable.
The Director of the BOH is, and I quote “overwhelmed” Egremont Zoom meeting.
It’s more urgent than ever that we get the vaccines with the Biden administration spreading illegal immigrants across the country who have tested positive for COVID. They have admitted it and they think it’s racist to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country just because they have COVID. No reporters, especially conservative reporters, are being allowed to take pictures in the detention camps. The liberal reporters are just hiding what is going on at the border. It’s a disgusting situation and President Kamala Harris, which is what Joe keeps calling her as he thinks he is the VP, should step up and take control of this border crisis.
Personally, I wish Biden would send a thousand or so to Country-Buffet’s neighborhood. She wants to get them a DL. Why stop there Trish? Why not welcome them in?
If an Orangatan gave birth to a baby in the Amazon jungle, and it had an infected pimple on its ass, Pat would find a way to blame it on a democrat. She is relentless in her cause to divide the country.
The Democrats are the ones destroying the country so, yes, they take the blame.
And No Border Biden would give the traumitized chimp a free ride in America, complete with cell phone, cash card, food stamp card, housing, heat, medical care to attend to the infection, as long as the chimp could make it to border.
Impeach the stumbling, bumbling, mumbling disgrace!
This is slightly off topic, but I am still waiting on a little information for a couple of topics.
First, can we put to bed the Helen Moon was taken out of a vehicle at gunpoint by the Boston Police? She’s full of sh!t and everybody knows it. If this truly happened, you don’t think this race-baiter would have squeezed every drop of her hatred towards the police she could? Not to mention sue. It would increase her “victim mentality” ten-fold.
Second, any word on the “houseless” problem Sweet Pete? Sweet has made many posts for a year now about the “houseless,” and how he was working on helping them. Were the signs your idea Sweet? Anything else? Or are you still “working” on it?
I am not sure Pete speaks on a subject unless he is given permission. He may have been told to clam the hell up until given some written words to read back to his audience. Somebody elses’ words.
And this is an adult male with a thirty pound head?
Which Pete? White or Marchetti, because it likely applies to both. And those two comprise Your Leadership Team on the city council. Whew!
Moon is now claiming it happened in New Hampshire, not Boston, and that’s why nobody can find the police report, because they’re not looking in the right place.
She then had a friend of hers jump all over the person who asked about it on Facebook saying why wouldn’t we take the word of a minority at face value? Um
…nothing to do with your heritage, Helen, everything to do with your credibility as a politician.
The story is the buck that doesn’t stop anywhere I swear.
Fine. New Hampshire then. The authorities there will have a records of it. But did she she where in NH? Was she specific about where the alleged incident took place?
Dan, she was not.
Any chance you saved this post?
I saw the original Helen Smollett-Moon post, in which she blamed Boston Police. I wish I had screenshot and saved it.
All Smollett-Moon has to do is give a case number to prove the veracity of it.
And as I’ve stated before, if this truly happened, you don’t think Smollett-Moon would have posted about it a thousand times by now?
Why did it take 6 months to clarify?
Sue an official. Give one example.
Today I was listening to some guys talking and one guy was saying that the vaccine was designed to drastically reduce the worlds population. One guy said that the vaccine truly was designed to protect those who take it. He said that those who take it are the ones who feed into the fear and obey authority. He said that the evil cabal intends to protect these sorts of individuals, so that, when they release the real killer plague, all those who don’t feed into the fear and obey will come down with the plague and die.
I personally think that this idea is ridiculous, because, what sort of person would think along these lines and conspire with others to make that happen? It’s outrageous
You have an appropriate surname. And in other news….President slow juice wants a piece of Myanmar.
Just got an email from the VA Leeds/Northhampton. They will be giving shots to walk in VETS who are signed up for VA CARE tomorrow from 9am to 3pm. ALL AGES. Does not see m to say which building.
Central Western Massachusetts VA Healthcare System to host a Walk-In Veteran COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at the Edward P. Boland Medical Center (Northampton) Campus, Leeds, MA
Leeds, MA — The Veteran Affairs (VA) Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System will be hosting a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic on Saturday, March 20, from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM, at the Northampton Campus. This clinic is allowing walk-ins to VA Healthcare enrolled Veterans of ALL ages.
Northampton VA Medical Center
421 N. Main St
Leeds, MA 01053
My Pittsfield Covid saga. I’ve lived here all my life except for 13 years in the Marines. I was born here, raised here, moved back here with my wife, raised three children here, buried my wife here and I will probably die here.
I am age eligible for a Covid vaccine, I tried getting an appointment. I’m older than Yo-Yo Ma and am a cancer survivor.
I couldn’t get an appointment in Pittsfield or anywhere in Berkshire county.
I tried calling the Veterans Agent, I’ve not heard back and that was in January. I tried the visiting nurse group, nada. Tried the health department, nothing. I even called the mayors office twice, I got shined on by a pleasant woman on the phone. She did try snd transfer me but she hung up. I think that’s what she meant to do.
My sister lived in Princeton, MA. She died two years ago and I own her house and have all her belongings. I kept a phone at her house for the alarm and when I was there last week I got a call. It was a Covid nurse calling to see if she could schedule a vaccination for my sister.
I told her that my sister was dead and she asked me if I was age eligible for a vaccination and if I was vaccinated. I ended up getting the shot because of a Princeton Ma VNA.
I’d still be waiting if I relied on the City or the mayor or the health department.
Thank you for this vital testimony. There’s something fishy going on in Pittsfield, I’ve heard. Your story, “Vaccinated”‘s story, and those like them are helping to build some momentum of outrage. I ask anyone else who has an experience similar to Louis and “Vaccinated” to let THE PLANET know.
Just received a very nice text from MassGeneral Brigham stating that I was eligible for my vaccine. It stated that I could go on their “patient gateway” to book an appointment in Somerville, Ma. which secured the most doses and could get the shot today, or if that was not convenient I could check for other sites in that area later in the week. This text took me completely by surprise as I had not even begun to seek out an appointment. As a resident of Pittsfield I have heard the nightmares of trying to get an appointment so I chose to wait a bit. Turns out that the reason I received this text is that my specialty doctor at Cooley Dickenson in Northampton fed his eligible patients into the website. Wonder why Berkshire Health System and their doctors are not doing the same? But then again this is why I choose to drive to Northampton for my care.
I am not sure if the media is reporting this but Bubbling Biden is the reincarnation of Gerald Ford, stumbling and mumbling, boy these are going to be a great 4 years for SNL, you won’t have to write anything just watch Bumblin
Slippin ‘ Joe not looking well. Our adversaries are emboldened. Democrats not fit to run Pittsfield, let alone the country.
This column is a huge pile of steaming horse manure. I’m not even sure a disgruntled school teacher being forced back to work, could right this malarkey.
First off, the appointment website is totally the responsibility of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The locals, i.e. Pittsfield have nothing to do with it. This web platform was purchased from a collaborative out of Maryland. Depending on who you believe, either the vendor is out of their league or Massachusetts was too cheap to buy all the modules to make it work effectively. Had you watched the inquiry held a few weeks back you would have gleaned this information. The only thing the Berkshire County Boards of Health does is input the specific information to the platform when vaccine is available to makes appointments for specific dates available in the site.
2nd, the vaccine is horribly under supplied by the Feds who can’t buy it fast enough to supply states. Also common knowledge, if you watch the press events and hearings. Feds only give the state 3 weeks notice of what’s coming and the state then determines where it goes based on 2nd doses needed, 1st doses requested and politics. The locals only know what they are getting for actual delivery less than a week before. The Gov. did have balls enough to admit that vaccine was being diverted from smaller clinics to the mass vaccination sites which are costing millions a week to fill cronies pockets. Berkshire County puts in their request every single week and the Massachusetts COVID Vaccination Program (MCVP) tells Berkshire County what they will or will not get. And don’t forget the Govs photo op at the Boston Baptist church where vaccine was also diverted to administer to the underserved. So this myth that whatever vaccine is requested is delivered, that is just not true. And BTW the MTA is grinding their axe with the gov over school reopening.
3rd, vaccine for pharmacies and VA come from totally different sources so you are mixing apples and prunes with that argument. Clinics such as BCC are reliant on the aforementioned source so the supply chain is totally different.
Last and not least, if Berkshire County or Pittsfield is so inept then why have they consistently been the leader in vaccine administration per capita? How foolish is someone to make this accusation in this column when week after week the Governor has pointed out that Berkshire County has been the running leader in vaccine administration.
It is sad that people will make this crap up just to try and discredit the Mayor or BHS or any other number of people you don’t like. The facts are the facts so stop this comedy show and get to real news.
At least the DA and Moon show has facts and behind it and is an adorable cat fight.
Just how wrong can you be?
The website is the responsibility of the state but the vaccine ordering for the county is the responsibility of the local governments or their designates.
The reason Berkshire county doesn’t have enough supply is only Berkshire county’s fault and that lies squarely with the mayor and the local department of health.
Here’s a simple question, if the vaccine is in such short supply why can people get it one county over so easily? But not here? Because each county is responsible for its ordering and we aren’t even in the game.
Flogging molly sounds a lot like Dimwit Barry.
Speaking of whom, anyone notice he’s gotten a lot fatter? Also what’s up with the lawsuit? How’s that working out for you?
That’s bullshit. Orders are being placed weekly and as I said the state decides what we get.
And despite not getting as much as is ordered we are still leading the state for vaccinations so crisis here nitwit. And no this isn’t Barry. And I haven’t seen him so I’ll take your word he’s fatter.
I know one person who got his shot due to his connection to a city hall person. This person collected names and info and preregistered a whole bunch of people for a BCC shot clinic. These “brokers” apparently get early warning and can fill up the time slots in a hurry with friends and family. Do not know who the connection was but the person who told me said he did nothing himself but just waited for a call telling him where and what time to show up at BCC.
Well they must have a good friend who doesn’t mind sitting in front of a computer fighting with the state system. There is no other way to make vaccine appts other than the same way everyone has to.
Again a complete lie.
You can call, you can be called. Hospitals outside of Berkshire County in partnership with the local BOHs are booking appointments for people by calling.
Sitting in front of a computer yes, but knowing when the registration will open up. (Ahead of the general public) And having on hand a list of people and their info which is then used to register multiples of people one right after another. If you start this the minute it opens you can get a bunch of your buddies listed before most people know it is happening.
Just so people know, this person “flogging Molly” is lying.
MA does not track doses as administered by county, the MA system tracks doses as administered by resident address.
So if you live in Berkshire County, and you list you address as someplace in Berkshire County, and get the vaccine ANYWHERE else in the world and it is reported or you self report due to travel, you are counted in Berkshire county as vaccinated.
Here are just a few examples;
If you were in Florida for the winter, got vaccinated, came back to Berkshire County, upon arrival you didn’t quarantine but filled out a form saying you were vaccinated, gave proff, and listed your address as in Berkshire County on the form, you are counted as vaccinated for Berkshire County.
If you are a nurse, work in Albany and was vaccinated there, but live in Berkshire county, you are considered vaccinated for Berkshire County.
A vast majority of our vaccinations are “out of area” vaccinations listing Berkshire County as their county of residence (snow birds, second home owners, people getting easier access to vaccines elsewhere)

Also please read the fine print on cumulative doses shipped by county.

It doesn’t include federal programs, long term care programs, or doses shipped to retail pharmacies. Berkshire county reports a high per capita shipment rate because they count long term care shipments, and other regions are outpacing us 3 and 4 to 1 on other shipment types.
It’s pretty clear Flogging Molly is lying for the current administration. It makes you wonder why it is also clear that Molly doesn’t care if he or she tells the truth and will lie about easily verifiable stats in hopes no one will look it up.
Nice try but that’s a ridiculous argument. Due to travel restrictions most snowbirds haven’t even gone to Florida and those that have are still there so the number of people who were supposedly vaccinated outside Berkshire County is negligible. And the BCC clinic has had a significant number of people who traveled from Eastern Mass because of the vaccine accessibility here.
And your argument of vaccine shipped to the county doesn’t even make sense. The data is specifically the vaccine shipped just to clinics and Berkshire County surpasses almost all other counties proving the amazing work these clinics are doing here. And the evidence is in at least 3 of the Governor’s press conferences in which he specifically calls out Berkshire County as the most efficient in delivering vaccinations with only Barnstable County a close 2nd.
Nice try with falsely interpreting the data because you have a hard on for the mayor.
Again you are lying. There are no travel restrictions that precluded anyone from traveling, most of the very limited travel restrictions were about quarantining once you arrived. Also Florida wasn’t any sort of issue for travel. Here’s a simple way to figure that out, look at all the Florida plates in the Berkshires. Look at all the articles about how people escaped to the Berkshires from NY, NJ. My neighborhood is about 50% second home owners, they flicked here, left as Covid slowed down and are now coming back to open for the spring and summer.
The comment about BCC is completely false. Even the people at BCC say, in articles, in the newspaper, they lack sufficient vaccine and don’t have appointments available.
The berkshire vaccine numbers include other vaccine doses that other counties do not include in their count. By doing so it artificially inflates the number of vaccines counted as shipped to Berkshire county. Also since we had such a horrific public health response to Covid with so many deaths in nursing homes, a concerted effort was made to ship to that patient base. We have lots of nursing homes so those numbers helped. When you have a captive audience of seniors desperate not to die, it makes dosing a lot easier
The numbers are not showing vaccination efficacy it shows how many people in a who claim residence in a county have been vaccinated, not that they were vaccinated here. If you ask for the repost of vaccination location compared to residence, you have to actual email for it. Over 47% of the people claiming Berkshire County as their residence have received their vaccination outside of Berkshire county.
A whopping 22% received their vaccination in Florida. So much for the snow birds not coming home.
All this proves, you are an absolute liar and a shill for this administration. I agree with others that you’re either Barry or one of the mayors lackeys.
THE PLANET agrees with that last sentence, MOLLY.
President Biden falling down 3 times while trying to climb the stairs to the airplane today. Didn’t look like he was going to be able to get back up the 3rd time. When he finally reached the top of the stairs, he was so wobbly, I thought he was going to go head first down the entire stairway. It was frightening. All signs of early dementia. Looks like he badly hurt his knee although the media is lying that he is fine and the wind was blowing him over. Very frail Joe Biden is not fit to be the president and big tech and the media and so many others covered this all up during the election. This is now the second time in only a few months that he has hurt himself. The first was when supposedly he tripped over his dog and sprained his ankle.
You seem absolutely giddy that this man may have hurt himself. You need to take a good long look into your soul.
According to the friendly media a wind burst of 50-60 mph came along and shook the AF1 boarding ramp violently causing him to slip and tumble a few times hitting his head also. It had nothing to do with his cognitive abilities whatsoever. To be safe though the medical team around him are recommending he wear a hockey helmet at all times for the next 3 years and 10 months only because they want to protect the injury he suffered yesterday from the wind storm. They are installing a stair climber with a seatbelt for him on the AF1 boarding ramp. Kamala’s duties will expand in the mean time, until further notice.
Good one. I have been waiting for them to blame Trump by saying he was blow drying his hair and knocked Joe over on purpose.
Biden made fun of President Trump when he was walking slowly on a slippery ramp. Who is the stupid one now Joe? Only your ramp wasn’t slippery Joe Biden. The media had a field day and President Trump didn’t even fall. President Trump was using common sense. Slippery ramp equals walk slowly, but the media was saying he had neurological problems and early dementia with no signs of that in our former president, but Joe is showing definite signs of early dementia which our China supporting media ignores and hides.
Twas not the wind, twas Trump!
Hockey helmet? Good one, J2S. Compared to Syracuse Joe, Gerld Ford is beginning to look like Fred Astaire.
Cool. Let me know when POTUS can’t walk down a ramp, can’t drink a glass of water with one hand or can’t close an umbrella.
People with Dementia can do all of those things, but they have frequent falls and their cognitive abilities deteriorate very quickly.
Agreed. Unfortunately, I know more than I would ever want to know about dementia… it’s terrible for the individual and their families. Would I lean in and listen to arguments that POTUS may have health issues? Yes. I would have done the same 45. I’m bummed that both GOP and Dems landed where they did with front-runners. IMO, we could have done better.
Ben Downing will be on TV Sunday morning. He wants to raise state government taxes on high income earners. He is critical of Massachusetts State Police Troopers who declined opportunities to receive the Covid-19 vaccination.
Masachusetts gubernatorial hopeful Ben Downing critical of state troopers passing on COVID-19 vaccines (
As for the Lovely Linda Tyer and Tricia Farley Bouvier, I believe they both care about Pittsfield, but that they are out of touch with a majority of the people who live there. The Lovely Linda lives very close to the Hancock border, while Tricia Farley Bouvier lives close to the Lenox border. I believe that the Lovely Linda and Tricia Farley Bouvier are smart not to live in inner city Pittsfield because they value their personal safety and peace of mind. They are part of the Jimmy “Rolodex” Ruberto faction of Pittsfield politics. I was disappointed in them because they took no accountability for the dozens of deaths from coronavirus at Pittsfield’s nursing homes. I see them as failed career politicians.
Anyone that buys into he wants to tax the wealthy is smoking some good old Panama Red! Since being connected himself and having been in the politics circles for sometime now he is just like the rest. Seems like you are pushing for the same thing you complain about daily on here about one party rule and the same old do nothings and yet voted or backed the same old.
Hey delusional boy. What’s the Mayor got to do with deaths at nursing homes? In the case of Hillcrest Commons her staff was having daily calls with them and DPH to keep apprised of the situation and ensure cases were being managed appropriately. And Springside hid their problems and refused to communicate.
Get back in the basement.
Ben Downing is an idiot. New York raised state taxes on high income earners, and those same high income earners fled the state, leaving Guv Cuomo scratching his head and wondering why the state’s tax coffers ran lean.
Downing’s focus as senator was to secure special privileges for transgenders.
Mandatory vaccines for police & teachers? No vaccine no job? Not! Downing has no right to take away freedom of choice. Unconstitutional!
You tell em Mr. Fritz! You’re very effective, keep at it, we’ll wear those bad guys right out!
And you’re idiot #2.
Joe Biden is our president! If he says we have to wear a mask and get vaccinated, then it needs to happen! You might not agree with Joe but you WILL respect his authority! If I see any more negative posts about Joe, I’m going to report it to the Department of Homeland Security! Wear your mask and get your shot!!!!! No more acting up!
Americans have to act with military precision against this virus, but the Biden administration is sending super spreader illegal immigrants with COVID across the country. We are trying so hard to stay healthy and avoid this virus. We are fighting not only the virus, but our own irresponsible government. Biden, who promised his strategies against the virus were the reason we should elect him, is not living up to expectations with his careless handling of the illegal immigrant situation during a pandemic. A lot of people say they are regretting their vote for Joe Biden.
I cut in line and some of the mayors-blowhards had to wait behind me? Why. Because there is no protocol even for the privileged mayors friends.
My son did codes for the military and was very instrumental in the delivery process. He’s a genius by the way? There is interference with distribution,some in the know get picked in front of all us other slobs.
The other problem is the quantity shipped to different distribution points. Held up for-whatever unknown reasons?
He should be impeached but Harris will be worse! He is seriously failing to protect our country. I’d put the army on the border and reinstate the draft for all the woke women too, to make it happen.
I agree, We are all trying so hard to avoid this lethal virus. We are fighting so hard against our own irresponsible government. Fight fight fight!!! That’s a great idea!! We we we, fight fight fight!
Actually, on second thought, while we are busy fighting, I’ll stand still, peacefully and calmly and say, thanks but no thanks. Yeah, I’ll leave the fighting to, we, whoever we is.
We the people are fighting, but our current Biden administration is doing one stupid thing after another. Stop sending COVID super spreaders across the country President Biden and fix the crisis at the border. You know we are in a pandemic and why isn’t your administration being more careful as you promised you would be during you election campaign. I’m not seeing any caution or commonsense.
Thank God, I finally got my vaccine! Jesus saves but Johnson and Johnson lets me stay.
Thank Trump.
(Sarcasm): The Lovely Linda Tyer is NOT responsible for:
* Level 5 inner city Pittsfield public schools
* Dozens of Nursing Home deaths from coronavirus in Pittsfield
* Record high municipal budgets, fees, debts and other liabilities
* Matt Kerwood’s +$10 million slush fund and other creative accounting schemes
* Pittsfield’s shrinking population and tax base from decades of job loss
* Pittsfield’s inner-city social services alley and violent crime problems
* Tax breaks for out-of-town millionaires
* Pittsfield’s very high economic inequality ratio
* Nearly 23 year old PEDA’s failures, pollution and huge unfunded liabilities
* Her political opponents facing retribution for questioning and/or opposing her agenda
* Her accountant husband suing her political opponent for mudslinging
* Pittsfield’s homelessness crisis
* Pittsfield politics’ notorious incestuous network of insiders and hacks
* Pittsfield neighborhoods complaining about stinky marijuana odors
* Supporting the settlement between GE and the corrupt EPA to cleanup the Housatonic River that puts a third toxic waste dump in Berkshire County’s Town of Lee
* Never being accountable for any and all of Pittsfield’s laundry list of problems
Tricia Farley Bouvier is NOT responsible for:
* Voting herself a 40% legislative pay raise in early-2017
* Receiving up to 3 legislative pay raises in early-2021
* Being a rubber stamp for Boston’s Speakers of the State House DeLeo and now Mariano
* Supporting the Berkshire Museum’s selling off of historic artwork for tens of millions of dollars
* Voting for casino gambling – which is yet another form of regressive taxation
* Sending her children to Lenox public schools while representing Pittsfield
* Passing little to no legislation she sponsored over the nearly one decade she spent on Beacon Hill
* Writing op-eds in The Boston Globe and Berkshire Eagle supporting state government tax increases while not offering any sacrifices to her own public pay and perks
* Pittsfield politics China-like one political party system of insiders and hacks
How dare I cast blame on the Lovely Linda and Tricia Farley Bouvier!
Hey Johnny you bring up a lot of good points.
What’s going on with Barry’s lawsuit against Melissa? Anybody know?
Please tell us what the city budget was during Bianchis’ last term, and what city budget is now. I bet it’s about 14 million more.
And there was no need for it. Squandered.
Roads falling apart but she is focusing on dog parks and bike lanes and pickle ball courts.
And all that property that Milltown bought and is only paying partial or no taxes on??? All those places might as well be off the tax rolls leaving Johnny senior citizen to pay his share. Not to mention all the free sewer work etc.
Reciditive/SORB 70+ year old Uncle got vaccinated. Brags about it.
Joe Biden belongs in a nursing home, for his own safety.
The media was horrible about the no fall of President Trump. They mocked him and said he was mentally impaired for being careful. Our media is made up of so many phonies.
I might add for our safety also. Politicians are playing a game of chicken with the puppet president. One string breaks and many will pay.
Crime map says at least ten (10) assault with deadly weapon in the last month in Pittsfield. Two armed robberies you probably did not read about in the paper as well. I guess open and honest people are watching over us huh?
These are the same people fiddling while you travel out of county to get your Covid shot.
Tired order of business keep great bond rating to borrow and pay interest on debt. What a concept. Yet when water rates were on the table she was afraid of being fined? As was the silly council. So try to save 10 s of millions wasn’t in the cards but paying enormous interest rates are ok? Guess who’s paying? Won’t be long until the budget reaches 200 m
It makes you wonder why Helen Smollett-Moon wants to defund the police?
Why not go after the school department? It’s flush with cash. Unless of course, Smollett-Moon has a job along side the Czar of Race, Shirley Edgerton, when she loses Ward 1. They can both go into classrooms and preach about racism, all while shaming the white students. They can tell tales about the racist police. The Pittsfield Police actually “locked up drug dealers,” as everybody always wants. But, those racist Pittsfield Police. How dare they!!
Not to be undone, Smollet-Moon, will tell “tales” of just leaving the Boston Symphony, when the Boston Police (not said, but understood, white guys), pulled her over for no reason, pulled her out at gunpoint, slapped her around a bit, and then they tossed her in jail for a few days. Then, they just opened the jail doors and said, “Our bad. Have a great day. Our computer system was down” Beaten like a dog. Tossed into a cage. Why? Smollett-Moon is a person of color and all cops seek them out for no reason at all.****
****A side note to this story. Smollett-Moon, now states this happened in New Hampshire. Where? It’s a mystery to even Robert Stack. We will continue to update this tale, as Smollett-Moon piles it on.
Somebody did make an excellent post the other day about Smollett-Moon. Springside Park is in her ward. Does she have a plan for the “houseless?” Or should she cut the police and make her ward even more dangerous?