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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 8, 2021) — There’s a crisis at the nation’s southern border, Uncle Sam’s “leaders” just released an unaffordable $1.9 trillion freebie, and a full Moon over Harrington has eclipsed the any remaining semblances of semblance at the D.A.’s office.

It ironic that when WAMC‘s Josh Landes got Helen Moon on the record, it came as a surprise to everyone — everyone except readers of THE PLANET.

From the moment Harrington fired Moon in late June last year, we have had the story come out in dribs and drabs — drabs, mostly — as a kind of running soap opera in our Comments section. Our sources were accurate about the firing, meaning we either had it from the horses’ mouths or we rival Nostradamus for fathoming out the past’s future. Did our sources include Helen Moon, Andrea Harrington, and DA flack Andy McKeever?

As you probably know, THE PLANET never reveals the identity of our commentators.

———- ooo ———-

Now that Moon and Harrington are involved in a heavyweight cat fight,  it’s interesting to recall the D.A.’s initial public comment after the Moon landing.

“Our community should be tremendously grateful to her for that work,” said the DA. “And I really am looking forward to seeing what Councilor Moon accomplishes as she continues to serve on the city council.”

We wonder how “tremendously grateful” Harrington is today? She said she was “really looking forward to seeing what Councilor Moon accomplishes.” Harrington got her answer.

For those just tuning in, here’s the score:

Harrington says Moon is dishonest, untrustworthy, a traitor, lazy, hostile, and doesn’t help little old ladies cross North Street in front of Newberry’s. Moon says the same thing prosecutor Jeanne Kempthorne said when the latter resigned, that Harrington is all about Harrington, interested only in her re-election and political advancement. Both say she runs the D.A.’s office with little concern for prosecutorial justice and that the resources of the office are about promoting Candidate Harrington. Both also talked about an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

Usually with dueling banjos, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. You take the worst of the fusillades, divide by two, and you have something close to the truth. In this case, sources close to the scene tell us, the math is different. To reflect the hostility and poison now threatening both women, multiply by 10 and add two. It’s that bad, likely to get worse, and it’s unlikely that either woman knows how dangerous be the political and personal wastelands into which they have trod.

Moon isn’t through with Harrington. She got the lay of the land in the D.A.’s office and took notes. Sources say Moon has hard evidence but will not specify. We doubt Harrington is going to let this drop, either. Does she have evidence that Moon was fired with serious cause?

THE PLANET has predictions for the Moon-Harrington tale of the tape, although it seems that one or both of these lives will be ruined. That’s a shame, because each has an office whose effectiveness has been buried by the dueling Imps of the Perverse.

Our council to each is simple: Don’t escalate. Cool off. Find common ground and forgive. There’s not enough time to hold on to this kind of bitterness. Call a joint press conference. Make up. Then move on.

We lament the harm that’s been done to the public trust — what’s left of it. Everyone is getting hurt, and, speaking of justice, that’s the most unjust cut of all — What it’s done to Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.

DoHelen Moon and Andrea Harrington realize this? If so, they they care?


“Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit” — Writer W. Somerset Maugham.



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4 years ago

Moon was an at will employee, meaning she could be fired for no reason, just like Harrington canned all the good victim / witness advocates when she took over. Moon has nothing to complain about and kept quiet for a reason, and she didn’t really say why she came forward now, but there is a reason.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

What we do know is that drug and alcohol addiction is a huge business and trying to change how we deal with it is a long process.I think both wanted the same thing but the timetable in reality goes slow.

Dirty Ceiling
Dirty Ceiling
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

And the stooges show lives on,bootlicking at its best. Today,good Old Kate. Back to the studio Billy boy.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

The Coup by Trump will be exposed in time.The darkest day in American history is 1/6/2021.What whites believe is the Potatoe head version of America.Fox propaganda sells a version of America that make white people seem superior.The truth is white people would rather live under a dictatorship of Trump than a democracy under minorities.Do the lies of Trump America win or does the dream of America win.Republicans are now putting together white racist voter suppression laws in TrumpAmerica.Stop republicans from stealing your right to vote.Republicans want to cancel America’s democracy by law or by the violence of 1/6/2021

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

It is bad enough that you post TDS driveling sheet daily , but worse is you don’t even try to remain on topic, even a little on topic would be wonderful and contribute. Once in awhile it is understandable things go off the topic at hand.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Im all about Trump and what he conspired to do on 1/6/2021 and the Fox news viewers want to talk about councilor moon rather that the overthrow of Americas democracy

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

No wonder Pittsfield is such a mess and population is declining. Immaturity of our elected officials is running rampant. This latest cat fight between Moon and Harrington and also the Cat Fight City Council Zoom meetings are totally pathetic. These folks are acting like they are in nursery school. Buffet Bouvier, Harrington, Moon, Ruffer & Tyer have all given hard working taxpaying women a really bad name. You can’t trust a word out of their mouths. What have ANY of them accomplished? What has the bullying CC accomplished? They need to be reminded that their salaries are paid by us taxpayers! Any business looking to relocate to Pittsfield just has to pick up a newspaper, read a blog or watch a ZOOM meeting and say forget moving to that City. A complete clean sweep of these elected positions and a forensic audit is needed as soon as possible. This is the only way Pittsfield has a chance of coming back. Especially need to clean sweep the Councilors at Large. They are useless all 4 of them.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

I agree with you. The sad part of all of these political dramas is that Pittsfield is still losing population, living wage jobs, businesses, and the like. Matt Kerwood is going to receive tens of millions of dollars in new stimulus funds soon. What will he do with the financial windfall? Will he lower municipal taxes, fees, debts/liabilities, or will he build upon his +$10 million slush fund at the personal expense of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski? I don’t think it makes a difference if the leaders of Pittsfield politics are men or women! They have all failed to change Pittsfield for the better. There is only one political party: The career politicians who are also known as the Incumbents. If one adds up the many years PAC-Man Richie Neal, Adam Hinds, Tricia Farley Bouvier, the lovely Linda Tyer, and the other career political hacks served in elected office, you would go back to when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. PAC-Man Richie Neal really represents K Street corporate lobbyist firms, Adam Hinds and Tricia Farley Bouvier both voted for their own 40% legislative pay raise in early-2017 and now they are both on the public record supporting state government tax increases, and the lovely Linda Tyer passed record high municipal budgets while the city government’s tax base is shrinking. In closing, all of Pittsfield politics (area) career political hacks produce are disservices to the people who pay for their large public salaries and generous public perks.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I think you might be getting paid to leave your posts. You’ve been literally leaving the same sort of posts for years. If you’re not getting paid, what is it that you’re trying to accomplish?

The Downtown Umbrella guy
The Downtown Umbrella guy
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

It’s early onset dementia

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Why call yourself a taxpayer? The illegitimate manner in which we are taxed is tantamount to theft. The money is taken from us, and we can’t say no. This likens the “taxpayer” to a slave.

Your sentence should have read, “ they need to be reminded that their salaries are paid by us slaves”. Putting it in plain terms like this seems pointless doesn’t it? It’s not a secret what’s going on. It’s ok to point out that we’re all economic slaves, but let’s not put it in terms that suggests they have some sort of an obligation to do right by the slaves. Slaves are slaves, and the boss doesn’t need to be reminded of this.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

So, change out the puppets? What about the puppet masters? Should us slaves, I mean, taxpayers, leave them in? Tell us what to do.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

True and I thought women were going to save the country. Looks like they are going to destroy it very quickly with their pettiness, childish behavior, and unbelievable lack of intelligence.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pettiness? Have you heard about the guy who is going to travel 5000 miles to Alaska to get revenge?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

YOU should look up what the man Trump did.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, as good as your idea is, clean sweeping out these “elected officials”, it’s in no way shape or form going to do anything meaningful to right the wrongs. The perceptions that you have are counted upon. It’s all about perceptions.

I told my kids when they were little, when we were at the ocean, they were only allowed to go into the water up to their waists. When they asked me why, I told them that there were monsters in the ocean. Of course from their perspective, I had to be wrong because it looked fine from to them and there were plenty of people out further in the water having fun. What’s on the surface is on the surface, but what lurks beneath is something different.

Changing out the so called elected officials is like thinking that if you stay on your boogie board you’ll be safe from the sharks. It’s the sort of idea that is not worth considering

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

At this late stage I think it’s reasonable to assume that in all likelihood posts such as this one here are planted.

If so, the purpose would be to attempt to keep people invested in the game. The term “taxpayer” is legal speak and I would say that it’s not a good idea to give yourself that label, because, by giving yourself that label there are many implications that are not easily recognized, many of which are undesirable when you are striving to free yourself from bondage.

Additionally, as deeply corrupted as the political juggernaut has become, attempting to convey to others that the only way out is to change swap out via elections those who are on the front lines, is again, I’ll advised. It is however a good way to kick the proverbial can down the road.

Also suspect is the 12 thumbs up and zero thumbs down. Good ideas which are not at all viable are not deserving of that sort of statistical outcome, unless we’re living in fantasyland, which is always a possibility.

4 years ago

One or both of them is going to have to act like they have a piece of brain stuck in her head in order to bring this to a close in a manner, that doesn’t do anymore damage to a already bruised outlook some have of the city of Pittsfield. Unfortunately political porn won’t be going away anytime soon.

Last edited 4 years ago by J2S
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

If one or the other or both are poison to the city, and this conflab gets it out into the open, I think that is a good thing. The top dog seems to be failing on many levels and if this prevents her from getting elected to congress it will be a good thing. She may need to be declawed.

The Downtown Umbrella guy
The Downtown Umbrella guy
4 years ago

Is it at all possible we get some blue collar Jane/Joe Doe types on our city council? I mean scandal after scandal with these silver spoon types is embarrassing to our local government.

Liquor License board W6 / Yuki-gate AL / Persip Dumpster signs AL / Moon firing W1 / Connell’s residency (the whole darn council).

Enough is enough.

Reply to  The Downtown Umbrella guy
4 years ago

The people who benefit from having rubber stamp council persons, and donate the big bucks to campaigns, are not going to give Johnny blue collar an effing dime to run unless he or she comits to taking explicit instructions on how to vote. Just ask Pete about that.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

I am going to apologize for being long-winded here, but let’s face it, when it comes to Harrington, it’s going to take a lot of ink to lay out her short time in office fumbles. 

She takes a bid at the Senators seat and fails in that election to someone who left their previous political gig under questionable circumstances. Don’t forget her previous Facebook heading “I ran for office before it was cool to run for office”. 

Then, she announces that she is a candidate for District Attorney on Krol’s show. Must we forget the rumors of that relationship. If you speak to any attorney that worked with her prior to this, both in the civil and criminal world, Harrington is described as a disorganized nitwit that doesn’t know the first thing of what she is doing. Remember Berkshire County, you elected a DA with 7 district court appearances and 0 superior court appearances. In one appearance where her client was found guilty, she appeals the verdict calling herself incompetent. Hate to break it to ya but she didn’t get anymore experience after that before becoming DA.

Then, she takes Judy Knights agenda, injects it with steroids and calls it her own. Got to wonder who’s setting policies in Berkshire County, Andrea Harrington or Rachel Rollins? Then she says she is going to make astounding changes in the office, drug diversion, veteran diversion, on call ADA’s. Guess what Andrea, any attorney with half a brain knows there is drug court, the valor act and on call ADA’s already long in place. Only incompetence would know different. 

Then, she gets her friend and his yelp review threatening ratchet partner to play the victim card when someone simply indicates that they will no longer be going to their restaurant. Cause who couldn’t twist those words and no one likes a victim better than this current climate. Except, Andrea will point out every past offender unless it helps her cause. Jason LaForest, that money management guy, hack attorney from Lenox just to name a few.

Then, don’t forget the infamous TFB phone calls to Knight looking for her to drop out. And, 2018 is the best time to call previous administrations out for not following up on sexual assaults at a college campus. You’ve had over two years Andrea to bring a case, yet you haven’t brought a single one forward. 

Fast forward to inauguration day, the day she’s been dreaming of when she gave voice to the slogan of “I ran for office before it was cool to run for office”. Would the real Andrea Harrington please stand up and raise your left hand!

Then create a juvenile diversion program that in all accounts is a great idea. However, my sources are telling me that she is simply concerned with showing numbers. When a juvenile gets Cheech and chong blazed and mows someone down in the middle of the road, Andrea, lets not even arraign him or send anything to the registry, I need the stats, forget about the victim!

Just before taking office, make sure you fire all of the experienced prosecutors; the ones that are so bad they are all promptly picked up Hamden County. And, you are so into community organizations that you completely disband the entire community outreach team because they wanted your opponent to win, but you’re not petty or anything. A move like that definitely screams that she has the integrity to run a DA’s office. Don’t forget to fire all of your victim advocates while you’re at it. But keep Capeless on as a special prosecutor so you don’t lose the appeals of the biggest homicides in the Berkshires. Thank god a now private attorney that used to run the internet safety courses from the DA’s office for kids took it on his own to keep running that program. Because, stroking her own ego was more important than outreach programs. 

Then, start hiring all of your friends, even when a lot of them wouldn’t come close to passing a normal background check, but that can all be overlooked right. I mean seriously, everyone outside her office should follow a Brady policy, but definitely not from within. Hire Pittsfield’s City Solicitor who is the only attorney in the world with less criminal court experience than Andrea to lead all of your district and juvenile courts. PPD was doing cartwheels when they heard he was stepping down as solicitor, until they learned where he was going. Just another political hack name to add to your list. 

Then take all your political buddies, round up the poor homeless folk for a photo op to try and get a friend into office, so you can move up the ladder. Don’t forget the out of country, out of state political functions she’s wasted her entire budget on. Out of state political talks while a tiny office is struggling for prosecutors. Karen Bell runs the office, Andrea is just the face of it. 

Don’t forget she was going to save domestic violence, overdoses and suicides.  How are those numbers doing?  Her first homicide she showed up at the scene with coffee and donuts, because she didn’t know what else to do there. Remember the stark difference when Paul was on scene and offering guidance. Andrea was busy asking for shell casings (not projectiles) to be removed at autopsy. Wonder how the domestic violence homicide rate is going? Suicides, overdoses, those numbers?

Then, she loses a homicide case that was decided by a jury. And instead of taking the system of your peers and accepting the loss, she comes out and blasts the jury and the system and the lack of justice. Hate to break it to you, but you lost. 

But, when something high profile does come up, Andrea will show up for the arraignment (the easiest part) for the photo op, to show her voters she’s right in the thick of it. Beyond that, still incompetent. Judge Vrabel ripped her apart in North Adams on a case she tried handling, shocking that the waste rag eagle didn’t pick up on that. 

She forgets to pay her taxes to the point that she makes it in the paper. Instead of fixing the problem, she contacts the clerks office and blasts them for publicizing it. Does anyone know how many notifications you have to get before that gets published. Another sign of great integrity Andrea. 

Then, she gets caught, on primary day, driving a state vehicle the wrong way down a one way street with a suspended license. She’s such a flake that she forgot to pay a ticket that she received while working but travelling in another state rather than spending time in her own county. She got notifications from both New York, Massachusetts and even her own insurance company warning her of such suspensions. But, that was everyone else’s fault but her own. She didn’t even go to a reinstatement hearing like the rest of the commonwealth would have to, she took care of that over the phone. Too bad that rag Eagle was too dumb to formulate a full sentence or thought to write a legit complete article on that. Instead, they piecemealed together exerts from this blog as a story. But, another sign of a lack of integrity from Andrea, instead of owning up to her mistakes it was everyone else’s fault. Another sign of her lack of integrity. 

Better quickly make up a brady list to draw everyones attention away from your own misteps. Don’t put yourself on there though for the same things everyone else would make it on for. How many people in her own office would make her list of requirements? 

What exactly was Jean Kemperthorn referring to material that should have been released subject to FOIA requests? Was it this political report that would knock the socks off of Berkshire county if it got out that she is hiding for political allies? Who knows the truth. But if you look, an awful lot of people have fled that office since she took over. And there is an awful lot coming in that make very open political statements on social media while working in the one office that is supposed to have the most unbiased opinions. The bottom line coming out is, either get on board with her political agenda (and not right or wrong but best headline grabbing) or get out of the way. 

The problem with Moon coming out though is what did she expect. Anyone with half a brain saw right through Andrea, right from the start of her campaign. And, don’t forget Helen’s gun blazing pencil stop, that was never proven and quickly removed. Both are hacks and simply out for political gain, but the one thing that remains; Andrea Harrington and her lack of integrity is the biggest threat to public safety in Berkshire County.  

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

In other news i think they just replaced the notorious Rob and Many more / Dana couch yuck!

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  Just the facts
4 years ago

What’s that have to do with the price of tea in China. Every office has them, including the current. At least the previous could manage a courtroom and a budget! The previous at least attempted to maintain the scales of justice and didn’t use other people’s lives as a stepping stone, popularity contest or headline grabber! At least the previous DA was never embarrassed for incompetence in district court!

Last edited 4 years ago by Juan Alvarez
Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Maintain the scales of justice??? ba ha ha ha really.

Reply to  Just the facts
4 years ago

Yeah, seems unlikely given the current climate that you would have very many people in positions of influence who would be trying to maintain the scales of justice. It’s understood by most in these positions that going rogue so to speak is not gonna be tolerated for very long. Justice is a four letter word amongst those behind the scenes. If the system was built upon the bedrock of true justice, the idea of maintaining the scales would be unnecessary. There’s no scale, so, it’s better to not think along those lines because that sort of thinking becomes an impediment to rooting out the cancer.

As much as people don’t want to hear it, the only problem that needs immediate attention revolves around fear based mind control. If everyone were to take off their masks and say, thanks but no thanks, all the power they had over us goes up in smoke, immediately. It’s at that point that they instantly become very concerned, because, they are nothing without their power and control.

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Previous administration still pulls the strings in that office. Someone might question the Judicial. And she got the seat because they know she is frail – previous can’t risk having an intellectual in there. Does Karen Karen know David at all ? Correct. More of the same. You think he would allow her to be a success ? No way. She has no idea & no actual say.

Reply to  Polly Pocket
4 years ago

You got three thumbs downs for that comment, but I think what you say is probably close to the mark. Those behind the scenes favor someone who is weak and will tow the line. On the flip side though, they don’t want someone who is over the edge stupid and incompetent, because, the damage control gets to be to much to deal with.

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

Surely, there is a plan, it must be that she gets removed. They are seriously up to something big. A major cover-up for prosecutorial misconduct. The officials are the racists & projecting their shit onto We. I’m just waiting….

Reply to  Polly Pocket
4 years ago

I think maybe if you replaced the word intellectual with honest it would have been a better fit. Sounds like she’s probably neither, but the point is, intellectuals are ok as frontmen for agendas that are run by people from behind the scenes, even when those agendas would not meet the approval of the people were the people to know about them.

Honesty is a different story though. You could be dumber than dirt, but honest, and you’d be extremely dangerous to certain types in power.

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

I cannot tell a lie, it’s awful.

West Elm
West Elm
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

This is spot on. This is a good source. Impressive.

Moon Child
Moon Child
4 years ago

I think what Moon did was extremely important. She has show a light into a very dark and powerful place.

The DA is absolutely using the resources of her office for her re-election hopes.
Her trip to Portugal, her trip to Selma, her junket where she she received a speeding ticket (Somebody should pull that ticket and the officer report… it’s a doozy) all just the theater of politics.

How many cases has DA Harrington tried, in her life? How many cases has she tried in the entire time she’s been a DA. How many convictions has she personally secured? Not pleaded but by trial?

Also let us not forget that the former head of the MA Ethics division QUIT HER JOB working for Harrington because Andrea was so ethically and legally corrupt.

Another thing to remember about Moon, she made that felony stop claim AFTER she was fired, and only after Harrington got pulled over and let go for diving while suspended.
Anyone else, you can see for yourself.

MA State Trooper at a stop for an obscured license plate.
comment image

What a lot of you are forgetting, this isn’t drama or a black eye on Pittsfield, DA Andrea Harrington is a STATE employee and works for the citizens of Berkshire County. Her corruption should be exposed. The one good thing about this, at least two more people in the DA’s office are ready to tell tales. One is in the process of securing another job and should be ready to talk in a month, the other maybe as soon as two weeks. I’m told they have documented photographic evidence of campaign materials on the copier in the office as well as other photographic proof that campaign meets or “pow wows” as someone called it, happened in the DA’s office.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  Moon Child
4 years ago

Do you think any of this adds up to an ethics violation, if so, has Moon, Kemperthorn or any of the others that saw through her BS filed a complaint. Too bad we don’t have a real local investigative reporter in the Berkshires to look.

Megan Mearcull
Megan Mearcull
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

We do. Maybe you’ve heard of him? His name is Dan Valenti. The best one we’ve got.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

The answer to timing is Ben Downing,announcement of gubernatorial run. Moon going to paint Harrington and Ben as enabling police misconduct.Riding the BLM and implied immunity civil rights bus to governor mansion and city hall.
Two birds one rock.
Very frugal use of political capital, and it only helps Moon discredit Tyer in her upcoming bid.
Krol be piling on next- in about a month or so.
Posted 4PM 3/9 – seems I get delayed for some reason

Last edited 4 years ago by Thomas Betit
Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  Megan Mearcull
4 years ago

Totally agree and sorry I misstated there. My point was referring to mainstream print.

Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Excellent thought! Sure sounds like an ethical complaint was earned and no one seems to want to report.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

All public employees are required to take the ethics exam!

Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Thank you Geraldo Rivera. Geez you sound like teenager in between lockers.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

How do? I think ethics violations of what should be the office with the highest integrity is valid?

Mind On My Money
Mind On My Money
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Apparently, they got $$ to NOT complain.

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Moon Child
4 years ago

I’m not following you on Moon, “she made that felony stop claim AFTER after she was fired.”

Because she got fired, that gives Helen Moon a free pass to lie and bring shame and discredit to the Boston Police? How? What does her getting fired by Andrea Harrington have to do with posting a bold face lie? And if it’s not a lie, why did Helen take that post down? She seems to think she a victim of racism. Why not leave that post up as a sort of “badge of honor?”

Helen did it to try and play the victim card and gain sympathy. She wasn’t smart enough to realize this isn’t the 1980’s. Today, people can google search these claims in minutes and get the results.

Look, I’ve said it from the get go. Harrington is a fraud. This doesn’t come as a shock to me. When Kempthorne resigned, that sealed it for me about Harrington. Kempthorne has a proven track record of success in the legal community. Moon and Harrington are just two political shills.

Not to mention, this really speaks volumes of Helen Moon. She hates the police, but works at the prosecutors office?

Deaf Errs
Deaf Errs
Reply to  Moon Child
4 years ago

If Moon commented on the thing, I might reconsider – however, the silence on that is building a wall.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

White Fox/ Qanon entertainment is all over the Potatoe Head non story.Trumps have been taught the real story is the Potatoe story. MSNBC is light years superior to the knuckleheads on Fox/Q/Russian overthrow channel.Learn how to ctitically think on MSNBC if all your brain cells can still work.Fox news is the mega wealth Channel and viewers csnt figure it else.

4 years ago

We need decent people to step up and run for office.

Here are some fairly common-sense thoughts on running for office in Berkshire County or anywhere. 

As a general rule, if you are going to do things to embarrass your family, do not run for public office.

If you have no relevant experience and are unwilling to listen or admit when you are wrong, stay out. Don’t run if you have to manufacture your resume or live by “fake it til you make it.”

If you can’t deal with the media without whining about being targeted don’t bother running.

Don’t run if you need the money or get off on the idea of perks.

Don’t run to preach your gender or race. 

Don’t run if you get bored by mundane details and just want to be “the face” of anything. 

Don’t run if you’ve repeatedly shown poor judgment. If you can’t be a good example don’t run.

If you tend to promise the people in your life things you don’t intend or can’t possibly deliver, please do not run.

If you thrive on people telling you how great you are, again, do not run. 

If you are going to outright lie or play loose with facts stay out. The country has had enough of that.

If you are a catastrophizer don’t run. For example, “We must end the scourge of racial injustice that has led to incarcerating people of color in Berkshire County.” 

If you are going to refuse to do any aspects of the job don’t run.

Finally, if you insist on picking fights or destroying cooperation and/or relationships between yours and other entities that must work together for the public good you should stay far away from public office.

Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Once again. The people who benefit from a shady governement are not going to financially back candidates with ethics that may not play the game. And you cannot win against the big money candidate in Pittsfield.

Megan Mearcull
Megan Mearcull
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Exactly. And the media and clowns like Stooge. Maffuccio was called out by the stooge this morning for Maffuccio not siding with the council gang on a recent issue. This stooge ie bootlicker, clown, should have his show cancelled. He has an opinion but has no opinion when taking political sides locally nor to call out a sitting City Council member because of his or her stance on a position. This stooge also cow-tows and bootlicks to certain officials and school offiicials also, wonder why?

The taxpayer need not to put up with his (stooge) and his segregated allegiance for the silly show he’s doing, whether from his basement or at pctv studios.

The stooge is not an essential worker and either get back to the studio or shut down the zoom immediately. Last count he had less than ten viewers. And certainly none on the Planet.

Reply to  Megan Mearcull
4 years ago

Pittsfield needs to wipe a clean slate on the City Council. This has turned into a fisco split down the middle with warring factions. The whole bunch need to go.

Muted Success
Muted Success
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
4 years ago

Believe me,you won’t even know some of them are gone.

Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Don’t forget…

Don’t run if you know the entire system is compromised and not capable of supporting good honest people

4 years ago

So does anyone have any advice on how a senior can get a covid shot? Council on aging does not answer phone. On line is a joke. But I know people who know people who are getting shots. If you have city hall connections she gets you in the front door I hear.

Manny Injectore
Manny Injectore
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Call the health department or senior center. Mayors friends come e first.

Manny Injectore
Manny Injectore
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Stooge called Maffuccio a ‘Dude’ today on his insidious show also.

Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Liz Marino – Egremont Forum.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

I’ve been trying to get a appointment since phase 2 opened for my mother. I’m very tech savvy and have had no luck….like looking for a unicorn.

4 years ago

Did anyone hear of the kid that took all CWOFS for defacing Great Barrington and Stockbridge Police Departments during this summers BLM movement. But burn the hay bales of Democrats and he belongs in jail for a year!

Actors Deface for Political Agenda ask Fred
Actors Deface for Political Agenda ask Fred
Reply to  Janie
4 years ago

What do you mean by kid ?

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez

I think he was around 22. Used “kid” in the wrong context.

4 years ago

Can you say bribe anyone?

To the editor: Pittsfield City Councilor Helen Moon reportedly told a WAMC reporter that Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington offered her “the equivalent” of $4,200 or $4,300 in exchange for a nondisclosure agreement as she exited the DA’s Office.
Moon said she declined the offer.
Assuming this account is accurate, one wonders: On what legitimate grounds does a public official try to extract a vow of silence from a terminated employee? Where is the public interest or benefit in such an exchange? From whose pockets would this proffered pay-off be paid? The taxpayers’? Campaign contributors’?
Two people benefit from such a deal: The public official looking to evade public scrutiny of bad management or worse, and the departing employee, in this case the district attorney and her former campaign manager, then and now herself a public official, who was also, not coincidentally and by her own account, a close friend and virtual family member of the district attorney.
What does the district attorney’s offer say about her personal ethics and her understanding of the line between the public interest and her own ambitions?
Jeanne M. Kempthorne, Pittsfield
The writer resigned in January 2020 from her post as general counsel and public records officer for the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office.

Reply to  James
4 years ago

I always thought that all disclosure agreements were documented by a third party?

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  James
4 years ago

Couldn’t agree more. Could totally see Andrea offering this and if so, from what funds. Only thing that concerns me, Moon’s credibility sucks thanks to the gun toting pencil felon!

Reply to  James
4 years ago

Wow wow wow. Dan first In again on a story. Eagle is reporting an Andy e Mail with the d a office Moon was looking at 150 g? This was blogged last couple days ago by a Planet reader, and did this out the recent story released an hour ago on the Eagle pages?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

You also missed Bob Dillon, without whom Remo probably never would have been mayor,

Reply to  MaineTalent
4 years ago

Dan was piloting the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM), that landed on the Moon for exploration well before the BB and others even thought about going to the Moon.

Open Contarct
Open Contarct
Reply to  James
4 years ago

I’ve smelled a rat hear from the beginning. They’re probably in bed together ( figure of speech ) Something doesn’t jive here?

Jason LaTrump
Jason LaTrump
Reply to  Open Contarct
4 years ago

Figure of speech my trump hating Rump

Squeaky gets around, she gets around, like a beach boys hit

Open Contarct
Open Contarct
Reply to  James
4 years ago


4 years ago

I’m going to give you guys a little scoop.
The Eagle has photos, the Eagle has video and audio recordings, the Eagle has a number of people ready, willing, and able to tell all, and there is A LOT TO TELL!

Some of the pictures allegedly include campaign materials in the office, at least one picture shows a receipt bill for printing to the DA’s office for campaign mailers.
There is an alleged recording of the DA discussing things that the person in the meeting thought was illegal so they recorded it as a “whistle blower”. Two party consent isn’t an issue when criminal activity is alleged.
A number of former staff have horror stories to tell, some were old guard and some were new guard.
It is alleged that a number of former employees recently filed ethics complaints and well as sent a group letter to the AG asking for an investigation into the Berkshire County DA’s office.

Someone mentioned that two employees were planning on leaving and had some sort to dish, I can assure you that is true. People don’t even care anymore. As one person put it, “What can she do to me when she is disgraced and disbarred?”

Fair warning Andrea, you’ve run that office like your personal campaign piggybank and have infuriated so many former and current employees, no one except Andy has your back.

Reply to  AIH
4 years ago

If this is even half true Harrington will need to resign.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  AIH
4 years ago

Does Freddie have the guts to print it? And, can they accomplish a complete investigative report?

4 years ago

In my time reading the Eagle I haven’t noticed any crime in Pittsfield or the Berkshire’s so why do we have a DA’s office at all? To boot is the court even open

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Shirly, that’s because Mr. & Mrs. Mayor Tyer state there is NO crime in Pittsfield. Funny though, several times lately have heard on the scanner that Pittsfield Police has needed to ask bordering town police departments for municipal assistance since they were so busy. If there is no crime, wonder what they were doing? Definitely a cover up by this Administration. Then again, our famous ZOOM City Council did vote to defund our police. It is also ironical that the CC councilors that have been playing victims lately, Cohen, Lampiasi, Moon and Persip all voted to defund them. Just another day in happy land.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

In the interests of making Pittsfield seem to be a nice place to visit during tourist season media outlets have been strongly encouraged not to discuss shootings, muggings or other forms of violent crime until further notice.
Please talk about all the rainbows, unicorns and beautiful sunsets instead even if you do not see them. Do your part to paint a beautiful mirage.

4 years ago

DV, common theme here at The Planet recently… overall lack of leadership and its short and long term consequences. Good stuff.

Off topic, Jamal Ahmad Khashhoggi. Trump looked the other way. Biden declassified and leveled sanctions against lower level officials, but not “heads of government.”

As a journalist working in turbulent times, what are your high level thoughts on the assassination of Jamal Ahmad Khashhoggi?

Thank you.

Open Contarct
Open Contarct
Reply to  pjmh
4 years ago

Can a Mayor and or D A be recalled?

Reply to  Open Contarct
4 years ago

Sickening what has happened here. Let’s not forget who is responsible for voters being duped. Bouvier, Hinds, Tyer, Sherwood Peabody and the Berkshire Brigades. Warren, Barrett, White, Marchetti, Healey and Neal. Will any speak on record as to the ethics of the DA and what is to be done now?

Reply to  Open Contarct
4 years ago

They are starting a petition to recall this DA in CA. I can see why by surfing through the article.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

I think we can all agree that Harrington is in way over her head, compensates that by doing shady things and then lying about it. But Helen Moon asking for a 150,000 pay out from a public job to leave. If she really wants to be woke as she is and stand on her high horse calling out Harrington; lead by example, time for pencil felon to step down from public service and quit. You were a political appointee in a position you had no business being in and then asked for a ridiculous hush fund, GTFO.

I still stand by my thought that Andrea Harrington is the biggest threat to public safety in the Berkshires and also needs to be reported to the ethics commission and step down!

Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Sadly, everyone thought the problem was she didn’t have the experience for the job. Now it’s turned out she is self-serving, vindictive and has no moral compass. That’s not something that can ever be fixed.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Re: Open letter to GREEDY lobbyist Daniel Bosley

March 8, 2021

Dear Registered Statehouse [GREEDY] Lobbyist Dan Bosley,

Thank you for explaining that K Street corporate lobbyist firms’ favorite PAC-Man Richie Neal finally agreed to stop surprise medical billing. I did not know that surprise medical billing will last until December 31, 2021, until I read your op-ed today in the Daily Hampshire Gazette online website. That is a long time for people to wait for surprise medical billing to finally end.

I wondered if your being a registered Statehouse Lobbyist on Beacon Hill has anything to do with all of your glowing op-eds supporting PAC-Man Richie Neal. Do you do lobbyist work on behalf of the Springfield (Mass.) Congressman to enrich yourself as a registered lobbyist who also collects a taxpayer-funded state pension plus all of your other public perks? As I believe you are a greedy lobbyist in Boston who takes home a 6-figure lobbyist salary by serving special corporate interests on Beacon Hill, is your glowing praise of PAC-Man Richie Neal paying off for you? I bet it is!

When you were a North Adams (Mass.) State Representative on Beacon Hill, you opposed casino gambling on the grounds that it would cut into the state lottery’s huge multi-billion-dollar profits. Of course, the Massachusetts State Lottery is really a regressive taxation financial scheme so wealthy corporations get to pay less in state taxes. You understand this, while most of the people who live in North Adams do not. Also, the Boston Globe wrote many years ago that you slipped a secret rider into state legislation to give offshore multinational corporations multi-billion-dollar tax breaks without public input, knowledge, or hearings. The Boston Globe derided your failed corporate-friendly giveaway rider as “The Bosley Amendment”. You were a loyal bureaucrat to convicted Felons Boston State House Speakers Tom Finneran and Sal DiMasi. When you were a Beacon Hill State Representative, you were known in Boston as a shakedown artist who held over $100 per plate dinners with Beacon Hill lobbyists at the fanciest Boston restaurants.

You do NOT fool me, Daniel Bosley. I have known you far too long to believe that you mean well for the people who live in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I believe the real reason that you write op-eds in favor of PAC-Man Richie Neal is because it makes you a lot of money as a greedy registered Statehouse lobbyist! In closing, you are PAC-Man Richie Neal are two peas in the same pod of corporate-friendly corrupt politics that sells out the people who live in Western Massachusetts.

In Truth!

Jonathan Melle

Liar Slayer
Liar Slayer
4 years ago

Kempthorne and Moon expressed the same basic description of Harrington’s operation. Kempthorne is a retired federal prosecutor and former head of ethics. Do we put our faith in Moon and Kempthorne? Or do we put our faith in John Barrett’s trained Chihuahua, Legally Bottle Blonde Harrington?

Every day, Harrington has proved herself to be a vindictive, unqualified shrew.

The Downtown Umbrella guy
The Downtown Umbrella guy
4 years ago

The state just gave us 1 Mil to dump into the vacant lot shaped toilet at the corner of woodlawn and tyler. Everyone on the zoom call was breaking their wrists to pat themselves on the back.

Breaking News
Breaking News
4 years ago

Breaking news:
Berkshire county DA under investigation for ethics violations and campaign finance violations. Complaints have been filed.

I hear there’s going to be a meeting on Thursday or Friday between a couple VERY respected former and/or soon to be former employees and the AG.

Jason LaTrump
Jason LaTrump
Reply to  Breaking News
4 years ago

Link or source?

Jason LaTrump
Jason LaTrump
4 years ago

It’s a good hung our DA isn’t a bimbo and is focusing on the pressing issues of our time

Reply to  Jason LaTrump
4 years ago

These Progressives want to take down the monarchy and have wanted to do so for some time. What better way than to make up stories about racist persecution because the royals are all white. Andrea Harrington is such a political George Soros hired individual that she has her hand in every far left cause out there.

4 years ago

Progressive climate change fanatics also want to limit air conditioning in the future. They will start by fining businesses that are using too much energy on air conditioning. They will then go after the private sector. They want us to get used to a much higher temperature because sweating can be good for us. They want us to plant more trees that will eventually fall on our homes. Actually I think that some office buildings do keep offices too cold in the summer, but I always keep my home air conditioner at a lower setting in the summer just to be comfortable not frigid, but I will NEVER allow government to force me to get rid of my air conditioner.

Pam Pandemuck
Pam Pandemuck
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Can anyone tell me why we are funding shot spotter. Who sold this bill of goods to our city? For one it does actually Nothing,even when it’s working.

Pam Pandemuck
Pam Pandemuck
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Of course a petition is waste water concerning the water sewer project tonight at C C Aecom has gotten the water project yet?