(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JULY 12, 2021) — Like dividends on a hot stock, the Bike Mafia story keeps giving. New information keeps surfacing from the depths. It is up to THE PLANET to give it light, because Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison, no other local media will do the digging and shine the torch.
We have analyzed the evidence on both sides of this issue, carefully weighed the facts, spoken with the principals, and conclude that the bike park/pump track intended by Powder Horn of New Hampshire fronts a much larger invasion of Springside Park, possibly swallowing up the entire gem with bike trails, dirt bike slaloms, parking lots, water slides, and who knows what other hideous tourist traps before it’s through. Why else would hidden investors sink nearly half a million into a “one-acre” park.
Is that what Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski want for Springside Park? After all, it is THEY who own the land, deeded to them by the generous donations of the Miller Family in 1910 and 1938. Which leads to a hot and bothered question: Where the heck is Pittsfield’s alleged state rep, the Right Honorable Tricia Farley-Bouvier? She hasn’t said a peep. Free advice to the opposition group: Get in touch with her office and DEMAND that she share her views on this project.
Getting back to the Kapanskis, however, hey weren’t even asked about the intended rape of Springside Park, same way they were never asked about the bike track placed in downtown on North Street, the one that’s turned the city’s major thoroughfare into a hazard zone.
Both that project and the Springside pump-track project share some interesting characteristics:
- Both were the result of one person’s advocacy.
- Both are avid bikers.
- Both are “connected.”
- Both worked in secrecy.
- Both “convinced” city officials not to seek the Kapanskis’ wishes.
- Both refused to respond to THE PLANET‘s questions about their motivations and intentions.
Downtown, Nick “200 Hours” Russo got his precious bike path because of family connections, causing driving hazards for every motorist who uses the city’s busiest thoroughfare. His two-month gig earned him $33,000 cash then a job with the city at $65K + bennies in a new, make-work position related to “tourism.” Russo even had the gall to take out papers for city council. Fortunately, THE PLANET got all over that one and “200 Hours” had the good sense to withdraw.
As for the proposed Springside Bike Project, school committee member Alison McGee got it rolling. McGee’s plan was straightforward:
- 1. Meet illegally with certain city officials to get the “papal blessing.”
- 2. Work for months under the radar, dotting the “T”s and crossing the “I”s, the reverse of how ordinary citizens conduct their affairs, that is, honest and open.
- 3. Assume that by the time this came to a vote, it would be too late for the public to do anything about it.
- 4. Get out the rubber stamp, ink the pad, and mark it “Officially Approved.”
What’s not clear: Did McGee conceive of this on her own, or was she pitching for hidden interests in violation of her oath as a city official? We asked McGee for answers. You know what happened next. THE PLANET‘s phone didn’t ring. It was McGee not getting back to us. Instead, she had PR flack Joshua Rebennack send us confetti, sulphur snacks, and a racist comment.
The plan would have worked, except for the erroneous assumption in point 3. There was a leak. Word got out. The Best Friends of Springside Park then began to mount a drive to save the park as a passive nature reserve and woodland idyll.
———- ooo ———-
From late in 2020 until May, backers of this Trojan Horse worked “openly” but only in the technical sense — in other words, what’s normally called secrecy. They figured on easy sailing aboard S.S. Rubber Stamp.
But then THE PLANET got wind of the rats on board. On May 19, we blew the whistle. Since then, the opposition — Best Friends of Springside Park — has coalesced into a legitimate fighting outfit. The Kapanski’s are also on the alert, seeing in this phony project shades of the infamous Civic Authority.
Alison McGee and Co. are using “The Children” as a shield for a project they want, even though the Berkshire Chapter, NEMBA, has nine existing mountain bike parks with 400 miles of trails in its jurisdiction, including Pittsfield State Forest, October Mt. State Forest in Lee, The Boulders in Dalton, and Kennedy Park in Lenox.
———- ooo ———-
Here’s the letter the redoubtable Charlie Garivaltis, Pittsfield major domo and one of THE PLANET’s all-time heroes, sent to the commissioners. We consider it a must read. We title it, “Paragraphs from a Wise Man.”
To the Pittsfield Parks Commission and city officials,
I am a lifelong resident of Pittsfield and have been engaged as an activist for its public spaces and programs over many decades. I took part in numerous athletic activities in the city, and served as a Berkshire/Pittsfield coordinator for Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis, a School Committee member, a City Councilor, and Parks Commissioner, working with Vinny Hebert and John Marchesi, among others, to keep our parks safe and natural, for the enjoyment of children of all ages and adults.
Growing up, I took part in swimming in the summer and skating in the winter at the duck pond, as well as dances at the Springside House when people played records for us to socialize. I was a four-year football and baseball player at Colgate University, as well as a professional baseball player in the New York Giants’ organization. I love sports and athletics, but believe adding more activities like this at Springside are wrong for the park.
I am completely opposed to the current proposal for a mountain bike pump track and other constructions at the park, such as a skills course, jumps, slalom and others, no matter where they are looking to place it. Any imposition at Springside will lead to its death as a unique public resource. What is done in any part of it will affect all of it.
I believe Springside park should remain as it has always been intended, as a natural, undisturbed, free, open space for children and adults, and urge you to deny this request.
There are currently many places in the Berkshires that mountain biking is enjoyed, and if another space is needed in Pittsfield, there are many other more suitable options.
Springside should never be compromised.
I request your help to keep Springside the treasure it is.
Sincerely, Charles Garivaltis
Finally, again we quote Dr. Mike Vanderman of the Machine-Free Trails Association, one of the nation’s leading experts on the impact of mountain biking on the land:
“It is generally a clear-cut of a relatively natural area, i.e. habitat destruction. No one needs a pump track to learn to ride a bike on the street. Bicycling on any unpaved trail is environmentally, socially, and medically destructive and hence inappropriate.
“A pump track teaches so-called ‘skills’ that are appropriate nowhere. I guarantee that mountain bikers will, after visiting a pump track, treat all trails like pump track trails. A pump track legitimizes environmentally abusive bicycling.
“Everyone should read a textbook on conservation biology, because biology provides the strongest arguments against mountain biking.”
The Old Professor couldn’t have given you a more fitting reading assignment.
“How many Parks Commissioners does it take to destroy a park? — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
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I wish to share my open letter to Berkshire Eagle journalist Amanda Burke about the Lovely Linda’s $20.85 million in Biden Buck$ direct aid to the City of Pittsfield and its public school district. Please let me know if you agree with me; thank you.
July 11, 2021
Hello Berkshire Eagle Journalist Amanda Burke,
I read your news article about Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer receiving $16.2 million in Biden Buck$ plus “the several million in COVID-19 recovery grants distributed to the Pittsfield Public Schools”. Pittsfield, Massachusetts received and will receive $41.7 million in Biden Buck$ direct aid in two installments in 2021 and 2022. $16.2 million + $4.65 million = $20.85 million in Biden Buck$ was received by the Lovely Linda in 2021, and $16.2 million + $4.65 million in Biden Buck$ will be received by the Lovely Linda in 2022.
Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer is now sitting on $20.85 million in Biden Buck$. The Lovely Linda should be working as fast as humanly possible to survey the community to get the tens of millions in Biden Buck$ out to the people, agencies and businesses who were impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. I did not like it that the Lovely Linda told you that:
As of now, “we haven’t spent $1” of the American Rescue Plan Act money, said Mayor Linda Tyer. “And we’re quite a ways away from that. I would say, we won’t be seeing expenditures until the fall, based upon the community survey that we want to conduct, the other kinds of stakeholder engagement that we want to participate in. So we’re talking about the rest of the summer, really, to do that and to do it right.”
Other Mayors and public community managers across the country are working to get their millions in Biden Buck$ out as soon as possible. Pittsfield has a long-term homelessness crisis, and Pittsfield does not have a permanent homeless shelter. Homelessness is an immediate need that Mayor Linda Tyer can address this Summer of 2021 with her millions of Biden Buck$ direct aid.
Please keep up your great journalism.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
“Pittsfield gets $16.2 million in first round of American Rescue Plan funds”
By Amanda Burke, The Berkshire Eagle, July 11, 2021
PITTSFIELD — The city has received the first of its payments from the federal government’s American Rescue Plan Act money, and is ready to begin the process of deciding how to spend it. ….
POST SCRIPT: I agree with blogger Dan Valenti and Chuck Garivaltis that Springside Park should remain a nature preserve for the public to enjoy. There are 9 nearby bike parks in/near Pittsfield already.
I have a feeling the houseless problem will be taken care of pretty quickly if Springside is chosen as the final place for the Bike Track.
I hear they plan to do “bum jumps”
Donald Trump will be reinstated as President in 19 days according to Trump Qanon and the Fox entertainment channel that alot of guys watch because its blonde women advertising the lies.Fox is the playboy mansion of news for men.
That would be God blessed America
Please check in with Barry Clairmont about his lawsuit against Mazzeo’s. I hear Mazzeo’s won a default judgement of over $500k via a count suit.
I’d like to know about this one too.
Me three. Please provide details!
That is untrue. Melissa Mazzeo failed to respond to discovery and Judge Agostini allowed Barry’s Motion to Compel in February. Mazzeo has not filed any counterclaims.
Americans will never forget the Republican insurection of 1/6/2021 led and promoted by Trump to stop the red republican states from certifying the votes for Biden.A coup to overthrow Americas democracy. Never forget the threats on Pence and Pelocy.Thank God for the policemen who stopped Trump lunacy.He is going to try again in19 days to install himself as a dictator of America…..So crazybecause of the white men who support a lunatic
Dan this kind of post has to stop
It offers nothing to the discussion about the topic at hand.
I know you are anti censorship but these continued political posts well outside the topic area are, I think in some cases, a calculated response to trying to drive the discussion away from the topic at hand.
If TSC and their ilk can throw enough garbage up, it detracts from the discussion.
This goes equally for Pat and those that randomly and routinely post political garbage that has NOTHING to do with the post at hand.
Don’t get me wrong, sometimes posts pop up that are very topical to an immediate issue(local or national) and this board and members have broken many a story that’s been “off topic” but just as Melle has to limit himself to one novel a day, TSC and Pat should have to stay on topic or not post at all.
Thanks for the feedback. We shall take it under serious consideration. As you know, our default is anti-censorship, pro-free speech. That said, you do make a valid point, one that THE PLANET addresses in a preventive way. Often, our software/human moderation combo eliminates many of the type of posts to which you refer. You would believe what THE PLANET’s “Robot Army” catches that never sees the light of day.
Take a course in “scrolling past”. I took it and passed with flying colors. Now if I don’t want to read something I just bypass it by using the mouse. MT has been spewing much of his same drivel for four years but because he is a Trump guy you are not bothered.
It’s not about scrolling past, it’s about a concerted effort by a few to distract from the actual topic at hand.
I look at TSC and Pat as near equal offenders. The greatest difference is that Pat and MT will often stay on topic, then salt in random Trump posts (which are off topic) TSC seems to have gone full TDS and leads with some anti-trump rhetoric.
It seems to be absolutely calculated and posted when we start getting someplace on an important local issue.
The same seems to happen with wrongway nipples Harrington. Whenever there is bad press, her sycophants rush in, hurl personal insults, yell and scream about past administrations.
When this board broke the wrongway illegal driving issue it was overwhelmed with her supporters trying to distract from that topic.
Thanks to Concerned for recognizing that TSC, Pat and MT are equal offenders. MT, and especially, Pat, often lead with off-topic diatribes. So they are at least as guilty as TSC. Scrolling past may be the answer.
The pot calls the kettle black.
Most of my posts that go off topic are in response to others diatribes.
Or of news not posted here with links for reference.
The local “newspaper” is a little left of Stalin and Mao, and has shrunk so much it’s hard to even to start a campfire.
Here’s one for you.
Biden’s talking head PSAKI, wants people to go door to door to check if you’ve been jabbed, yet asking for an ID to vote is somehow “racist”.
But, Voter ID is very popular in the country, including with 70% of black voters.
Black voters are tired of Democrats destroying their communities.
Jen Psaki: Voter ID Laws and Absentee Ballot Regulations are “Worst Challenge to Our Democracy Since the Civil War”
But lets go back there. Ole Abe was a Republican, and the emergent KKK were Democrats. Like Bob Byrd, a good friend of Barry Sotero and both Clintons.
Now why would a 1/2 black man like someone in the KKK?
Get a life, dude. I don’t read posts from TSC but I do value Pat & Trapper’s posts because they often post info that I don’t see in my daily scan of favorite websites.
If you don’t like the posts, skip them!!
It ain’t hard to do!
I often pass over Marxist Melle’s posts as well, due to his repetitive and often “victim mentality” content.
Free speech is a beautiful thing!
Pat ant Mad post online Qanon deep state conspiracy nonsense. I believe if you allow the cheat to be stated inspite of ZERO evidence as Fox entertainment found out they could no longer promote on their broadcast.The lie is being allowed on the planet.The cheat is designed to undermine a legitimate democracy.This lie should not be allowed anywhere.If there is proof after 9 months then bring that evidence back to a State Supreme Court….
Take your meds
What sort of substance are you on today?
Agree, Concerned, but I believe the Harrington “supporters” are limited to a people she pays or is related to. By our count, her last campaign fund raiser netted her approximately $2,500, A thounsand of that was from Anrea Nuciforo. Now we are hearing she is having a fundraiser in Springfield that is $500 a ticket. One does have to ask, “Why?”
Andy’s got a nice pot shop
Her biggest donor is the guy who has big money tied up in the local cannabis trade? Curious bed fellows huh?
It is dirty money, Pointstoponder. Marijuana is a multi-billion predatory industry just like alcohol. As usual, communities of color are more impacted than others. High-priced pot shops are driving an increase in the black market which leads to more violence. Rates in youth use are rising. The idea that the DA would take money from someone who promotes drug use is something the public needs to know!es these problems by promoting increased drug use and the accompanying negative social consequences in disadvantaged c
Goodbates these problems by promoting increased drug use and the accompanying negative social consequences in disadvantaged c
Yes, agreed. There are other random people that come up and try and sideline.
TSC is the village lunatic. Those who attempt responses to him with sane posts are not at fault.
Exactly the same can be said for MT and Pat. You see TSC as a lunatic because you do not share his political views. You do not see Pat and MT as lunatics because you share their political views.
And you are just a leftist monger.
I don’t care race, religion, color, creed, gender (natural), sex prefernce if they don’t try it on children or animals, ………..
You have an agenda, and it’s not moral nor nice.
YOU belong to the militia,KKK,white Supremacist, Skinhead ,Qanon party.Of course thoughful well informed people do not support a Don Trump cheat led candidate that appeals to your fear side.We know your scared and Don promised to keep our country white european.Do not oppose Americas democracy to support a fascist takeover of a country that honors our dead veterans who fought for our right to vote…..surpress the journalist whose job is to agitate power.Billionaires need you to believe the cheat.
TSC got more than lawyers fees I can sue You for?
Incoherent nonsense.
They are usually just responding to loony TSC. Why do you think loony TSC gets to go unchallenged when he spews his lunatic nonsense. Does he have lunatic privilege?
It is easier to call names than to use facts to counter his argument I suppose. I also think there was an insurrection on Jan 6th with the intent of overthrowing democracy in America.
Feel free to label me a lunatic as well if that makes your balls swell with righteous indignation.
Insurrection? Lol
It’s been said that democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner
And a constitutional republic is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner, but the sheep has a gun
You can keep your democracy. Tyranny of the majority is not sustainable. Society must be voluntary, no intimidation and no violence in order to gain compliance, with some exceptions of course for those who cause harm
It does nothing for my balls but it shows your mindset.
The fact is TSC posts lunacy. He parrots garbage from CNN and PMSNBC. You can’t present facts to religious fanatics or moonbat liberals. Especially if they are paranoid from cannabis. Presenting facts to them is a fools errand.
Anyone who posts here and disparages Donald Trump will be labeled a lunatic or worse. TSC is one of the very few with the balls to speak out and I have great admiration for him for that. You guys can be pretty nasty after a night of getting juiced up by Tucker and Laura.
So until Dan makes this an official Trump site you might want to lighten up. His biggest supporter, PAT, is constantly speaking about free speech and the cancel culture. Does that swing both ways or not?
This not an official Trump sight, and official Biden site, or an official anything site. This is a site designed to give air and light to relevant issues local, national, and international, with the focus on local. As you know, it’s also a sight to give We The People, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, a voice and a say. All other local media have either canceled or severely restricted this privilege of full and free access. THE PLANET is and shall remain a genuine, and free, multi-way exchange.
The water guy was banned from posting as his posts were getting annoying. TSC’s posts are annoying. If he wants to practice free speech he should walk around the city like the secret tapes in Baltimore guy. Maybe he is that guy.
TSC is my blood brother.
You Lucifer?
In this era where everyone states they want to work to slow climate change, why is Pittsfield even considering this bike park in a nature preserve. This land was left so inner city kids could have clean air and a place to learn about nature. While looking at this project I really can’t figure out who will benefit besides the riders who already have other places to use. It’s not like there are long lines at these other places, so I don’t see a need. As I mentioned before there are places currently unused that would be awesome places for this endeavor. All I can think of it is being made for BMC workers so they don’t have to go far to get a ride in on a work day.
Great question, SHIRL.
I also thought maybe with Springside Park being a hop skip and jump away from all the so called “affordable housing” market rate apartments done and more being built on Tyler Street that could be also considered as to why it was chosen also. Not the entire reason just part of it.
Bears shit in the woods just like the at the bum camp. Ain’t nature wonderful?
Have you been spying on the houseless again
No need to spy, just be careful when walking in the park.
They can enhance the mud run if the bikers have their way
How about giving the Biking GOBSIGS a nice piece of PEDA land to play on? Leave the parks alone!
Yes mountain bikers, there is a “mountain” of virgin PCBs right next to morningside school.
When the bikers get hot and sweaty they can take a dip in Silver Lake.
allendale school
thanks for correction Dave
And have a mud run at Unkamet swamp behind GE Plastics/Sabic.
The place GE NEVER did much remediation on, Thanks Gerry Doyle, Devillar of EPA/GE, Dead in hell Jack Welch.
Yup. They (Doyle, Hickey, DeVillar) let GE off the hook for poisoning Pittsfield’s air, water, and soil. It would be a long shot to get the Consent Agreement reopened and GE back to the table, but it would be worth it. I’d rather take one chance in a thousand than zero chances in one. Who knows? With the right people and the right push, perhaps the odds are better than that. The point is, there’s a chance. Without trying, there’s zero chance. What would we want? Forget the Housy for now. Focus on the 52 acres of Wm Stanley Biz Park. There are still toxins underneath the concrete foundations left there. I remember at the time wondering why they demolished the buildings but left the foundations. I suspected it was the cheap way of getting a pseudo cleanup. When I voiced concern on the radio and in my column, the “powers that be” accused me of being “negative.” Right. And now these 23 years later, we still see no private, for-profit company’s wanting to foot the bill for millions in remediation before they could build anything. When Walmart came in with a proposal, they estimated it would cost them $12 million in remediation before one drop of concrete could be poured.
GE put contaminated equipment in holes and poured cement over it rather than paying for proper disposal.
A good friend worked for GE “environmental” during last days there. There is more toxins in JUST Silver Lake than was in Love Canal NY. Those are swept under the “rug”, the fabric carpet GE “capped” their cesspool with.
Things have not changed, GE got the toxic dump in Lee Ma approved with help/approval of local politicians.
Maybe name the pile after them. Mt “Smitty”?
GE is a corporation that has gone 1 mile in 25 years.GE has zero intentions of cleaning up their poisons and their diseases
Thumbs up on that TSC
There’s nothing special about Springside park. Those fields and wooded areas are no different than any other natural habit which has been strewn down for the sake of modernity, so, why make it about Springside Park, as if people are trying to chop down the enchanted forest? The underhanded manner in which public employees try to personally benefit from their corruptive practices should be enough. It’s as if by building up Springside Park, you’ll gain the extra wind needed in order to bring down the house of cards.
Non sense. It was donated to the city to remain a park.
Maybe the park is a park as defined by the city? Maybe the city has access to lawyers who would argue this to be the case? Maybe they own the legal system? Maybe this is why McGee is probably not at all concerned? So what are you gonna do?
I can say what I say. I grew up in morningside heights. I played little league on the top of Benedict road in what was then the east league, Pittsfield Pipers. I walked through there every day from Reid, through the trails to get to and from school. We would go there in the fields and fly kites. Ride bikes through the trails, so what? There’s no turtles in there lol, no wetlands
Funny people want to chase the homeless out of there after the political crazies crashed the economy forcing many to become homeless. It’s the same sort of deranged thought process which thinks it’s ok to displace millions in the Middle East, and then turn around and support the building of a wall on the imaginary southern border to keep the disadvantaged out.
This sick sense of entitlement that people have is the driving force that is responsible for the self preservation ideologies which have them blindly supporting the system for fear of what would happen to THEM if they didn’t. Fear is the motivator and that’s why you all Don the masks and get the jab, cause you’re scared to death. All you gotta do is say, thanks but no thanks, and poof, the hot air monster I deflated and the people regain some semblance of power over their circumstances, and also, how they as a whole interact with the rest of humanity
Why do you hate the U.S.? Has the pot fried your brain?
That’s what you take away from the words I write on this forum? Oh man, you’re not very bright at all lol
I love this land, and I love life. My children are going to inherit whatever the so-called adults leave for them. Is it their fault that a majority of the population has been indoctrinated to death, on auto pilot, ultra responsive to fear based propaganda which leaves them as helpless as a kitten up a tree? And I hate this country because you have an innability to interpret my words and their meanings?
Maybe I’m about 1000% more concerned about the seriousness of the situation we’re all facing than you are? And as a result, I look much deeper at the core of the problem, which incidentally happens to be ignorant people like you?
I had a friend that I went out with one night, drinking. He had too much to drink, and he started giving this black guy a problem, for no good reason. My friend and I were waiting for a cab, and this black guy was out there with us, by himself. The black guy had also been in the same bar, drinking, and while he was a bit drunk, he wasn’t giving us a problem at all, in fact, he was being nice, making small talk. Often when my friend drinks, he can be a bit of a jerk, but on this night it was a bit over the top with treating this guy bad. It became obvious to me that he wasn’t gonna stop giving this guy a problem, so I got pissed off at my friend, and I asked my friend why he didn’t just shut the F up and leave him alone I got the sense in that very moment that the black guy was relieved, because it was getting that bad, to the point where I think he was getting concerned that he might get jumped.
When I called out my drunk friend, did it mean that I hated my friend? Or, did it mean that I just needed to set him straight? My friend stopped acting like an asshole, and he didn’t say a word to me. And in that moment the entire issue was put to rest
Sometimes people need a good proverbial slap in the mouth.
In vino veritas. Your friend is a racist. You had to know that. Those with poor character associate with racists.
This country as a whole needs a good proverbial smack in the face. When I think about my kids, I think, a damn shame that there might not be a smack hard enough to wake it up out of its coma. The people have abandoned their conscious minds, and with it all the power that naturally goes along with being a fully realized flesh and blood collective soul.
Its a park so use it for recreational biking.This is 3 acres of 230 acres and all of it away from any housing.
Sounds reasonable, unless public employees or so called officials will somehow benefit from it.
Good one, TRAPPER. Hill 78. Perfect site for the project.
An “economic engine”, that would be both vibrant and dynamic!
Down the road BHS could have a boatload of new cancer patients.
thanks for an insightful article.
beyond credulity:
“Lord, we don’t want to hear rambling in some African tongue or the life story of some dead parks official so we’ll ask questions of the people who won’t do that.”
for anyone to say ‘rambling in some african tongue’ when they obviously doesn’t know the language or culture of the asanti or any other african people, is textbook racism. i live among african, asian, and global peoples and this asanti expression of a timeless proverb honoring the creator (‘nyame adom’) and mother earth (‘asase ye duru’) is revered by the people. in the u.s., a multicultural country built in part by african americans, diversity is part of our essence, and to dismiss diverse ideas and language appropriate in a public meeting dealing with the value of nature – mother earth – and springside park, is at best ignorant about people, culture, and nature.
and to refer to vinny hebert, a beloved parks director from 1950-89, and dedicated public servant honored by everyone across the country, as a ‘dead parks official’, is so blatantly vile that this quote should be made visible to all of pittsfield and by its media, showing the true intent and character of a so-called ‘consultant’ for the mountain bike proposal and industry. is this the thinking of city officials and advocates for this trojan horse?
this demonstrates his and possibly the advocates’ callousness regarding anything beyond their addiction to thrills – only for themselves, as opposed to our
reverence for nature itself, expressed supremely in springside park.
nyame adom, medaase paa; asase ye duru –
to the creator, thank you for mother earth.
Thanks, ROYAL. I too was taken aback at Mr. Rebennack’s slur of the African saying. His casual dismissal of Vinny Hebert was even more disgraceful. Anyone who knew what Vinny did for the parks system and how he did it knows he’s not just some “dead parks official.” He was the heart and soul of the parks, along with guys like John Marchese, Art Gwinnel, Chuck Garivaltis, Don Gleason, and Officer “Scotty” Leslie. Mr. Rebennack’s remark can be seen as racist and as evidence of his ignorance of Pittsfield history. In the case of the parks, it is a living history by virtue of the bequeathal of land to the city by generous people such as the Miller family in the case of Springside Park. As a kid, we practically lived at Deming Park for three seasons, especially summer. I remember what kind, avuncular man Vinny Hebert was to the kids. “Nyame adom, medaase paa; asase ye duru.” Give me such “rambling” any day.
Please email me joshua [at] .
No need to email Joshua the liar, he’s only going to lie more.
Report this racist Joshua Rebennack to the NAACP.
No thanks whitey we don’t need or want your help!
I caa as n tell you this white boy. I live in Chicago and I know your name as being a racist.
Ohhh this is funny. Pot meet kettle, the mountain bike mafia is writing about ethics.
Beware the Report Mercenaries
These bikers will hire professionals and work hard to sneak their projects in at any cost. They will lie about size and scope of project to circumvent wetland and concom review.
You are not going to like opening your inbox.
Im sorry I must have missed something.
What scumbag racist said this?!?
“Lord, we don’t want to hear rambling in some African tongue or the life story of some dead parks official so we’ll ask questions of the people who won’t do that.”
Did a pubic official say that? Did McGee say that?
Whoever said that should be bounced out of their position or fired. There’s no room for racism.
The statement was made by Joshua Rebbeneck. He’s a pro-bono consultant from Minnesota Parks who’s advising and representing those run favor of the bike park. He made it apparently after watching the July 1 Parks Commission meeting, when Royal Hartigan, who is pro-preserving the natural state of what’s left of Springside Park. Royal, who have lived among various African communities (in Africa) and is familiar with various native tongues, quoted one of their proverbs. Rebennack is not a public official. He cannot be fired. I can see how some would take his comment as racist. I don’t know him, and this is strictly a guess, but I don’t think he’s a “racist” as I understand the term, particularly as it’s so casually thrown around today. My first reaction was to read it this way, but upon more reflection, I just think he was expression his frustration at the opposition to the bike development. I’d rather see the the group referred to as “pro-parks” group instead of an anti-biking group.
Maybe reading some of the articles I have written, or actually contacting me before labeling me a racist would have given you more insight.
As my remark states, I don’t label you a racist. You did make a comment that could be called “racist,” and that’s how I first read it, but see my revisit of this. Others labeled you that way. It’s a reflection of the fact that emotions are running high on both sides.
A true “Consultant” understands the motivations, emotions and sensibilities of those whom oppose his mission and 1st strives to do no harm before applying those parameters in his diplomacy to change their hearts and minds. You sir, are no consultant and a liability to your cause.
You interject color and race where it doesn’t belong. You promote a sport that has a 1% African American participation rate. It has a 90-92% Caucasian participation rate.
You are the poster child of systemic racism. A white man coming into a predominantly POC area, acting as a white savior with ideas that are not welcome. You then tell POC how they should respond and you won’t listen to them if they don’t respond the way you want.
You need to check that white privilege.
What Two Cents says is true.
There are two levels of participation for a consultant working with a group — Facilitator and Consultant. The Facilitator acts as an intermediary, lubricating relations but adding no content based on their own bias. The Consultant lubricates relations but also adds her/his own biases (like management theories) to steer the group in a certain direction.
Two Cents is describing the role of the Consultant (with a capital ‘C’) perfectly.
Why dosn’t your organization put time/money into things that actually help people who depend on bicycles for basic transportation, rather than a luxury “sport”?
Bike racks on public transportation buses, places to lock up your bike when shopping/doing business, afforadable bike shops with good mechanics , info on doing your own work on bicycle upkeep………
I see NONE of that on your website.
You are a bike weenie, as we called them in college days. Can’t fix a flat tire.
Dan my argument is simple, he’s the poster child of racism. He casual interjects race in discussions where it doesn’t belong. He looks at race as a tool for leverage, ( it’s for the blacks, the Hispanics, the Asians, it’s for the children, it’s for the people that can’t hope to afford the equipment) he’s also ageist and callous.
He’s the worst example of privilege I’ve seen in a while.
The white savior will make comments about how he’s trying to expand the sport to POC, when he full well knows that will never happen so he’ll be left to ride on his white mountain course.
Bicycling has always been “colorful”.
There’s nothing stopping any child or adult from bicycling except cost. Thankfully there are plenty of bikes to be had for little or no cost. What kind of bikes and equipment is expensive? Mountain bikes! It’s a predominately white sport. He’s promoting a sport that’s 90% Caucasian, and where 1% are African American.
Maybe don’t come into a neighborhood, then concoct a use, and say you’re promoting diversity. Maybe ask the POC what they want for their park. We don’t need your white savior ideas. What’s next going to promote polo or fencing?
You’re also an elitist, you participate and promote a sport where the medium income for entry into the sport is nearly double that of the median income of the people in Pittsfield.
You promote a sport that appeals to men over women, at 4:1.
You promote a sport that appeals to 18-32 age group, an age group that has more opportunities for activity and leisure time than anyone else.
Yeah dude you’re a racist. You’re one of those white guys who says, “I’m not racist, I have black friends.” “I’m not racist, I write about issue and throw in token POC issues.”
You are the perfect example of systemic racism. You are racist and don’t even realize it. You are a callous, racist, white bicycle “bro” trying to save us POC by promoting something NO ONE ASKED FOR but a bunch of other white people.
I’m pretty sick of your white privilege crap.
Unless it’s Pete White.
That’s the issue though Dan. The white guy from out of town doesn’t get to come in and dictate how the discussion goes.
He doesn’t get to tell the black man (or woman) how to frame their argument.
He doesn’t get to negate the history of a region and past lessons learned because it’s inconvenient to his truth.
That smacks of good old white elitist cronyism aka systemic racism.
Hey Joshua as a black man who’s lived her for over 40 years, you need to check your white out of town privilege at the city limits. Joshua Rebbeneck YOU ARE A RACIST and you’re too white to even see it.
Dan you’re white, so it may not seem racist to you but it does to me and I’ve Ben on the ass end of racism for my entire life.
You don’t disrespect how people make their point. No white man has the right to tell a POC how to talk.
The man who quoted the African proverb is a white guy, not a person of color.
To label this guy a racist based on that one phrase seems quite a leap to me. If there is corroborating evidence that is another thing but holy cow man.
Just to be clear, the phrase in question was my suggestion that Parks Commission might have wanted to hear professional answers to relevant issues instead of persons that spent there time telling stories or quoting proverbs. Specifically, a (white) gentleman that mascoted an African tribe by quoting one of their proverbs and another gentlewoman and the aforementioned gentleman talking about how now deceased persons involved with the parks in question would have felt about this proposal. Surely the individuals they were referring to are/were wonderful people. But speaking for them (without knowing their views on the matter at hand) across an ocean or from the underworld does not a relevant answer make.
To put this bluntly, the opposition to this proposal has 2 main issues: 1) the people who have been the loudest in opposition don’t seem to know the relevant facts and rely on incorrect statements that are mixed up in conspiracies (“the entire park is a wetland and city willfully avoiding environmental law”, “this is a foot-in-the-door proposal designed to take over the park”) and 2) they have never been able to explain how other communities in other places have managed to create these types of skills parks without the issues the opponents claim this proposal will cause. Either those other places are doing something Pittsfield isn’t (in which case that should be copied) or those issues don’t really exist.
Basically, the park was left to be undisturbed so future residents could enjoy nature in the middle of the city. Suggestions have been made for opposite sites which you haven’t even looked at or discussed. Seems to us unintelligent but we’ll meaning folk that someone is trying to ram something up our collective arse!!
Thank you for contributing to THE PLANET. Your expertise as a nationally known authority adds gravitas to the debate. Thanks also for your work advocating for Mom Nature through the Machine-Free Trails Association.
It’s not just the one phrase it’s the totality of his tokenism. It’s him promoting a sport that’s 99% not African American and pretending it’s about being inclusive.
It’s about him telling others (POC or not) wether or not their opinions are valuable or good enough for the debate.
On this (mountain biking is too white), we agree. One of us wants to change that by allowing others to discover it.
What we have seen nationally is that when you have trails and skills parks close to or in urban areas, the diversity of the sport vastly improves. Its easy to point to places like Birmingham or Richmond or Knoxville as success stories. Clearly places like High Bridge in East Harlem aren’t exactly a Caucasian kingdom.
Nothing will make an activity less diverse like barriers to access. If you keep an activity out where a group of people need to have time to get there, money to get there and may have to go to places they don’t feel comfortable with the law enforcement personnel in a suburban or rural community, that group isn’t likely to do that activity. Bring that close to where those people live and suddenly the barriers fall and those people are more likely to do that activity.
Anyone can say whatever they wish during public comment periods. If a person wants to get up and sing a song about Springside, more power to them. But if that person’s goal is suggest the skills park would damage the environment and the proponent before or after them takes their 3 minutes discussing a full color NWI map showing there are no wetlands within 200ft of the proposed area, one of those people are going to get more of a hearing ear. Just sayin’.
You want to believe I’m a modern day colonial missionary come to make mountain biking rice Christians of Pittsfield, fine. But the reason I started commenting was to push back against the level of inaccurate information I see here. Its been tough and exhausting, including some crazy accusations (see article above and the comments). The thing is, I live in place that done its own version of Springside, dozens and dozens of times and keeps doing it. And result hasn’t been less diversity in mountain biking, but more. Its not been more damages to parks, its less, as parks are reborn with a new generation that comes to loves them, volunteer in them and protect them.
Five of my favorite people of all time. Art Gwinnel,North Little League,Don Gleason,a gem of Pittsfield sports folklore and his service to all city kids, Scotty was the soul of Boys Club activities in the sixties, Jonn Marchese,remember him from the Common Flea League,and of course Chuck,nuff said! Some kind of Hall of Fame stuff here mister! These guys were Givers.
North street confuses this out of towner.
Dan, how about a final interview with one of the best City Councilors retiring in the history of the city,Chris Connell. Man that ward got their money’s worth. Vote for Mr. Benoit and Karen Kalinowsky for council. At least we might be able to salvage some common sense order which Chris and Kevin tried to leave us with.
Great idea.
Vote for them and only them for at large. A vote fore any incumbent could knock them off.
Who are the special interests stacking against them? Who are the ones we need to AVOID voting for? There will be a lot of special interest money and assistance behind current and potential rubber stampers.
North street confuses me I drive it every morning between 7 & 7:15.
What’s weird is I never see any buses anymore?
It used to be a great time Thursday nights. The whole street had open stores until 9 PM. Teenage girls and guys trying to find a match.
Now it has few stores I’d frequent, and you can’t find a place to park, unless tribute to Linda is met with. And beware trying to drive the street, just get north or south, south is worst.
What’s left? Carr Hardware is solid with their own parking, local, salespeople who know the inventory. George’s shoes, a nice man who knows his craft and can fix most leather goods. The name escapes me, but the tailors across the street from George’s.
If only?
There was the Boys Club dances. That led to confrontations between schools.
I was with a bunch of south county boys, who got mouthy/racist from boys from the west side, it was uncalled for. I knew so and told them.
I spoke ,to who would listen , rather than fight, and explained “Some of my friends have really big mouths, and much smaller minds” . We both concurred, shook hands, and went our ways.
Above post
True story ~ 1976, if could thank the young black man who helped diffuse an ugly , I’d do so again. Take care.
You might read this, thank you good human
Trap, coming to North Street on Thursday night was a big deal for us kids from North County when our parents brought us which was like maybe once a year.
First place we went as soon as one of us North county kids got our driver’s licenses?
Thursday night, North Street.
Somehow on Thursday nights we always had the sudden urge to” go to the movies in Pittsfield.”
Only Thursdays in the summertime though because the rest of the those Thursdays were school nights and oh hell no!
But I think our parents really knew we weren’t going to the movies necessarily because they always set a curfew for the car to be back home an hour earlier than our curfew— challenge accepted!
Miss those days!
Those were great days, and I miss them dearly. In a car you would ‘check out North St’ by driving around Park Square north to Summer St (?) and loop around heading south back to Park Sq and do it over and over. On foot we’d hang around in front of England Bros until officer Pinky Danford came along and tell us to break it up and we’d move to someplace else etc etc over and over. It was fun.
You are sounding , Like TSM!!!!
WHoo HOOO!!!!
sorry TSM
What is TSM?
Quite a carbon footprint there.
Wasn’t North St built with Federal money? Is the city breaking terms of the grant they had to redevelop and reconstruct North St. with these crazy repainting?
Look I don’t care what people do but I don’t need some fat white guy coming into the city I’ve lived for 50+ years and telling people in the community what they need, how they should talk, and what’s actually important.
How dare you say ANYTHING about African Americans, African Heritage, or try and tell ANY POC how to talk.

For that matter, screw you for telling anyone here what they can and can’t set.

(PS the racist white savior is wearing shorts)
This is the “nature” they are trying to preserve with the pump track.

hi, no to racism, i appreciate your insights and stand for springside and the people of pittsfield. feel free to contact me at, as i can share many items with you about this invasion of springside and potentially far more. in spirit and music, royal hartigan
New question. What’s the publish dates of the Eagle? Are they doing only three days a week now?
Who cares? Parrots not fit for cat box liner and less paper to start a good fire with.
Maybe the moral of the story is, we all count on the PAPER to inform regarding projects, meetings etc., why is this NOT a big front pager, for months now. There’s a reason.
Some of us feel local media is part and parcel of the special interest ruling cabal. And I have also wondered if it was all designed this way when the paper turned over ownership. Pittsfield does not at all seem to be run to benefit the general taxpaying masses. I mean it kind of hits you right in the face if you step back and look at the overall picture.
Journalism left Pittsfield with the Miller family. That used to be an award winning publication, and not just awards from the far left news, respected organizations.
I stopped delivery late 1990s, when I saw bias and agendas. The Parrot supported the GE swindle on a clean up, of poisoning the land and people of Berkshire County.
It’s so biased now, under Rutberger, I won’t read a left/free one as it makes me sick to my stomach to read the drivel.
It’s the human condition that needs addressing. There would be no need to be discussing Springside park if people were serious about addressing the root causes of our issues. Unfortunately, most people are in no condition to be digging at the root of the problem, namely, psychology. Through psychoanalysis, it can be understood why those who are acting contrary to their own best interest are undermining themselves. In attempting to wear authoritarian shoes, one is actually crying out for help, in a complete state of anxiety overload. Individuals like McGee are in these positions as a matter of a greater symptom, which is caused by the overall anxiety in society. She is a mirror of the population, in general. So yes, when I call her a skunk, it’s because she stinks, but she stinks because she’s sprayed. The reason why she sprays is completely obvious, isn’t it? But I hate this country because I smell her stink, and the overall stink of this country? People like McGee can’t exist in a good environment
Please go back on your meds and put on the aluminum hat!
I don’t wear an aluminum foil hat, but there may be some benefit to it. Aluminum foil blocks EMF pretty effectively. It’s my understanding that EMF, or, microwave radiation, effects human biology. The cell tower dispute right there in Pittsfield is common now across the country, with lots of people claiming harm from it. I would assume that EMF disrupts normal brain activity to some extent.
These people who believe they are suffering from the effects from EMF, and they probably are, can get some relief by installing EMF blocking copper screen mesh in their homes, or, if that is cost prohibitive, they can build an EMF blocking “cage” made out of the same material in which to sleep. In essence, a faraday cage. A restful nights sleep might help to offset the effects until a long term solution can be found.
But I totally get your shoot from the hip comedy skit aimed at people who you wish to discredit, it’s called ad hominem, and it shows you know nothing about the effects of aluminum foil, fool lol
A lead hat would be more effective. You could be a lead head.
Don’t give up your day job to be a comedian, stupid
God help us all if you’re a shrink
Not a shrink, a shaman who got off to a slow start and is still making some small tweaks and adjustments, coaxing out the demon lol
Do you have a buffalo hat?
No, why, you like to play dress up with the boys? Would it have made your night if I told you, oh yeah baby?
Happy haberdashery
He’s TSC’s spiritual advisor and plumber.
Is the 2016 master plan for Springside Park the most recent one?
Probably not but you may not be allowed to see the revised one for a while. hee hee
It starts out with shutting down voices and cancelling people like the Marxists are doing in this country, but then it always ends up in murdering people who do not accept losing their freedoms in Marxist/Communist countries.
Remain civilized – it will only hurt for a moment.
Are they discussing Williamstown or William DeSantis
The select board in Williamstown also thought it was a good idea to try and circumvent the open meeting law.
Who admits to that in the paper.
Feeling a pinch, awwww…..
What did the Parrot squawk?
Off topic for the PC police here, just put your heads in the sand or move on….
Have you got the “jab” yet? Disturbing but true. More dead from vaccine than Covid-19 last week. That along with >400K “bad reactions”, so far.
“SHOCK REPORT: There Were More COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Last Week in US than COVID-19 Deaths”
How about the sports guy S A Smith saying racial overtones against Asian Major leaguer non English speaking superstar and the racial comments? He was on the air this morning.
Imagine if Trump had said something like that?
Only idiots read The Gateway Pundit.
Only Morons (You) trust MSM
This from the guy who thinks Biden stole the election.
Knows Biden/D-rats stole election.
You certainly are Mad – stop listening to Trump and Tucker.
Can we PLEASE stop these kind of taunts. Calling someone and “Idiot” or a “moron” with nothing else added contributed NOTHING to intelligent public discussion. Yeah, I’m a wild-eyed optimist for thinking such a thing can exist in the day of online communication, but THE PLANET and our “Army of Robots” are working hard to elevate the level of discourse as high as we can. Sometimes it feel like Atlas trying to hold up the blue, watery, round ball that we call earth.
Only a response Dan.
I’m sorry that people who have little knowledge of the sciences denigrate me.
Have you got the jab? 99% chance if you got covid you’d be fine.
Can we PLEASE stop these kind of taunts. Calling someone and “Idiot” or a “moron” with nothing else added contributed NOTHING to intelligent public discussion. Yeah, I’m a wild-eyed optimist for thinking such a thing can exist in the day of online communication, but THE PLANET and our “Army of Robots” are working hard to elevate the level of discourse as high as we can. Sometimes it feel like Atlas trying to hold up the blue, watery, round ball that we call earth.
You think you have it tough?
Thanks, Dan. Good work.
I’m all for elevating the quality of discussion, but when you have posters spreading lies that Biden stole the election, and linking to dreck like The Gateway Pundit, you have to call it by its name: stupid.
Ok, call it by its name, but support it with reason, facts, evidence, rationale. The comments that just hurl “You’re an idiot” and “You’re a moron” not only add nothing, they take away.
If your insurrection lasts more than four hours call TSC.
News from Texas. Nimbys and leftists can ignore
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has said that Democrat lawmakers who left the state to impede the Republicans quorum to convene a special legislative session on an election reform bill will be arrested when they retur”The Hill reports that the bill limits on early voting and curbside voting, banned round-the-clock voting centers and voting facilities in outdoor structures like parking garages, eliminated straight-ticket voting and limited the use of drop boxes.
After they fled the state, Governor Abbott said that he will have the lawmakers arrested and hold them inside the state Capitol “until they get their job done.”
If we were to have all contributors to this blog rate (from 1-5) a number of categories/issues regarding gov’t control, gun rights, LGBTQ, taxes, etc., and group the responses — the 2-3 groups that emerge would probably shock all Planet readers. We may be more alike than we are different.
But if you add the factor ‘person’, the resulting groups would change dramatically.
All I’m trying to say here is that thumbs-up/thumbs-down should be based on the content of the argument — and not on who made the comment.
I say this because there is an amazing amount of agreement between the two (?) groups on certain issues. This agreement and respect gets totally lost when people rate the speaker rather than the content.
You have an undeserved high regard of your posts and opinions. You shouldn’t question the thumbs down on your mularky.
I don’t question the thumbs-down on my posts at all. That is the way the voting runs. It is inevitable, because I am a liberal democrat. Anything I post — irrespective of content — is likely to get thumbs-down because of the constituency of this blogsite.
& that they don’t know.
Couldn’t be because your ideas suck
That’s part of it, sure. But it happens irrespective of ideas.
I think it would be interesting to know how many up and down votes there were. Just the overall leaves out a good part of the story.
Good point, PTP.
So true, Mr. K. Great point. Thanks for bringing it up.
It is a shame, Dan.
VP Kamala says rural voters are too stupid to get a voter ID. She must have met TSC.
She does bail for: Burners, Looters , and Murders too!
Is there any way we can combine mountain biking with pickleball?
Better yet. How about combining them with Pocket Pool, which is even more historic, going back to the 1791 document?
pocket pickleball all while riding a bike.
Yes! At the PEDA site. With swimming at the Lake.
You know, that’s the shame. Silver Lake could have been resorted to pristine state. A cap is better than nothing, but Doyle, Hickey, & DeVillars Et. Al. let GE off the hook.
More just in that Lake than ALL of Love Canal.
PCBs and all sorts of organics, mercury from the old electric site that used that for heat exchange. Most likely other inorganics like arsenic, cadmium, lead, ……
GE “Brings good things to life”!!!!! Just ask Jerry Doyle
Bicklballs. That’s it. We can be the Abner Doubledays of this new sport!
Richmond: where the only thing black they allow are bears.
Yeah sure city slicker the bear, for no reason, and with great caution, undid only a portion of your soft rear window and left absolutely no claw marks or damage.
Go back to the city city slicker
I believe that home on Eleanor that sold way high was owned by a city official at one time.
Now off topic again liberals… look someplace else, turn your heads or stick them in the sand
Democrats tried for 4 years to convict POTUS Trump for quid pro quo deals all false……..meanwhile Joe Biden and son was guilty of the same…
Peter Schweizer: Our Copy of Hunter Biden’s Laptop Confirms ‘Joe Biden Was a Direct Beneficiary’ of His Son’s Deals
Trapper, you wish I would turn my head or stick it in the sand, don’t you? You would love to shut my mouth. You seem to feel that the first amendment doesn’t apply to liberals.
And so I have the right to respond.
The mainstream media have got it right. There is a reason it is called mainstream. Trump committed all those crimes and is a rat of a human being, a fact that has been obvious over the past 30 years.
Trump lost the election, fair and square. Trump is such a megalomaniac that he cannot conceive of or accept the fact that he lost, therefore he believes the election can’t have been fair, it must have been rigged.
Trump led an insurrection on Jan 6th that attempted to subvert the certification of the presidential results by violence. This is the worst crime that could befall us — something that challenges our democracy and how it has always worked.
Fox, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit and other right-wing sites give a voice to the opposition, the underrepresented 30%. The goal of ALL the right-wing media outlets and talk radio is to keep the MAGA income stream flowing in by those who want to take advantage of the anger of the opposition, the 30% MAGA crowd. Cha-ching!!!
Sound familiar?
A little more…
GAI is in the process of investigating its copy of files found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Schweizer shared. He said GAI’s forthcoming reports on the laptop’s contents will expose disastrous dimensions of the Biden family.
“We’re in the middle of the investigation now, but by the end of the year it will be completed, and it will take on a far more sinister tone than it has even now in terms of what it says about the Biden family and the vulnerabilities of the Biden family,” Schweizer stated. “It’s that bad.”
God help America the commie VP takes over
News flash on the Biden corruption, folks: THERE’S NOTHING THERE!