(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JULY 28, 2021) — We thought today to give everyone a break from reading, seriousness, and all that up-tight stuff. Instead, THE PLANET shares some random photos. In honor of Modeste Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, and the late, great Dr. Mort Wayne, we call it “Pictures at an Exhibition.”
THE PLANET presents these in the spirit of fun. Taken them that way.
Other than that, we open the Comment Line up to you. And for the umpteenth time, jeeeez, do more than name calling, eh? It’s a long, hot summer we realize, but lately there’s been too many of the “Did too/Did not” and “You moron/You jerk” type jabs. Try from friggin’ substance, woan cha?

The Generalissimo. He a-love Peessfeel. He tink he take over. In Honduras now take many bribes. Fit right in Peessfeel.

Heisman Trophy winner and member of the National Champ Syracuse Orange, The Great Ernie Davie breaks through the line.

Again Ted. This life-sized cutout used to occupy the left window storefront at the fabulous Dick Moon’s sporting goods on Fenn Street. Tony “Leggy” Lagroterria and THE PLANET used to walk there many afternoons after school to gawk.

THE PLANET with SU Chancellor Kent Syverud prior to a talk in the chapel on the Quad. Keynoter. So dere.

MRS. PLANET shooting her scenes as a stand-in for the film “The Ultimate Playlist of Noise.” She’s not a neurosurgeon. She only plays one in the movies.

Hammerin’ Hank. He ranks up there with Jackie Robinson, Larry Doby, Monte Irvin, Sam Jethroe, and Pumpsie Green for what he did to bring authentic equity (not the cheap political kind so fashionable today) to baseball. Quiet, forceful goodness.

Jim Taylor rips through the Giants line in the 1962 NFL Championship game. Sam Huff (70), Tom Scott (82), Rosy Grier (76), and Andy Robustelli close in. Pack won 16-7 at frozen Yankee Stadium. Pure football.

Heap Big Red Asphalt Eater from North. Not Pittsfield’s though. How do we know? It’s actually being used.

Finally, in breaking news, this house at 16 South Atlantic Ave. went up in flames at 12:35 p.m. Thursday July 29. Sadly, one dog died in the fire. No other injuries were reported. Deputy Fire Chief Dan Garner tells THE PLANET that “Police were [already] at a neighboring house when they were notified of the fire.” Most interesting. What could that indicate?
“If a clock strikes 4 p.m. and the weeds are too high, might you risk getting run over by the mass exodus on Allen Street in Tyertown?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
(c) 2021 By PLANET VALENTI & EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
I was hoping for a photo of the Scambino:(
Might as well knock this out of the Park on the Tyertown photo. Night of the walking dead.
We’ll scan our wire services to fine one.
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — A city council subcommittee rejected two petitions put forth by Councilor at Large Barry Clairmont on Monday night.
The Ordinance and Rules subcommittee is recommending filing a petition that would have restricted a mayor from working for another employer during City Hall hours and is recommending denial of a petition that excludes city councilors from being charged for public records.
The first was posed by Clairmont in the wake of accusations that current Mayor Daniel Bianchi works as a salesman for Global Montello on the side. Bianchi says he puts in minimal hours but Clairmont is accusing the mayor of working on outside interests when he should be overseeing City Hall staff.
“The current mayor said he would give up his second job when elected. We all know that that hasn’t happened,” Clairmont said. “It does set a bad example.”
What’s going on with the lawsuit?
Looks like Linda the Tyrant turned Barry’s hair white!
Laurel and Hardy with the Andrews sisters.
Beard also. If she had shoe polish on her face you’ll know why.
Who are the manure heads with them?
At least the bed bugs are vibrant and dynamic.
PITTSFIELD — The Pittsfield Housing Authority will begin quarterly bed bug treatments of every apartment at the Columbia Arms building after employees found bed bugs in the building’s offices and a handful of apartments last month.
Members of the Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday during a meeting at the building to implement the treatments at a cost of $15,000, as well as purchase every Columbia Arms tenant a protective mattress cover at a cost of $3,000.
Columbia Arms is home to 91 low income and affordable housing units for elderly residents and residents with disabilities.
The board also approved the distribution of a bed bug fact sheet to every PHA resident.
“It’s like whack-a-mole, you get ride of [the bugs] one place and they put up in another,” Board Chair Mike McCarthy said. “As a board, I think all we can do is support [Housing Authority’s] efforts the best we can, cheer you on and confirm that we want you to be aggressive and forward thinking about this problem.”
Trouble began when employees reported to seeing two live bed bugs in the Columbia Arms administrative offices on June 30. The offices received the standard three pest treatments from Braman Pest Control and resolved the bug problem in that portion of the building.
But when the Housing Authority asked Braman to return on July 8 with a dog “specifically trained to sniff bed bugs,” bugs were discovered in four additional apartments and a 10-foot section of one of the hallways.
I bet there are no bedbugs at the jail. Plus three meals, a library, video surveillance in case there’s trouble, medications. Our society sure is great.
WTF. You can buy a bed bug mattress cover for $20 at Walmart and/or Amazon. Maybe a suped up one could reach $100. Also, 15k to spray the hallways? For that amount of money they should rip out the carpet and get new beds for people.
Its amazing all the graft in the social services programs. Whose brother in law has this contract? What sleezy lawyer represents them?
Democrats love bed bugs!
Or to put this another way, democrats are an infestation of bed bugs, AND, they have cootie bugs. They’re infested with them!
NOTE: My political email letters are now blocked by Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer; (as well as by Trippy Country Buffet and Ed “Maryland” Markey). Mayor Linda Tyer does NOT want to hear from anyone who doesn’t tell her how great she is because she is similar to all authoritarian government leaders throughout human history. I was wrong to believe Linda Tyer’s lofty ideals of democracy and listening to free speech for ALL of the people who care about Pittsfield politics. Here are my thoughts about it all.
I may have been wrong about Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer. She – like [Trippy Country Buffet and] Ed Markey – blocked me from sending her my political email letters. I thought she wanted to hear feedback from the people who care about Pittsfield. She may be yet another typical politician who only wants “yes men” and “yes women” to tell her how great she is all of the time. Politics should NOT be all about the politician’s ego. I am disappointed in Linda Tyer. I have written my disagreements with her mayoral administration over the years, including her record high municipal taxes, fees and debts/liabilities, her huge tax breaks and giveaways to out-of-town millionaires, her multimillion-dollar slush funds, her sitting on $20.85 million in Biden Buck$ direct aid to Pittsfield meant to help people, agencies and small businesses impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, her living in a millionaires-only gated community near the Pittsfield/Hancock border far away from the working and underclass residents of inner city Pittsfield, her being out-of-touch and inaccessible to her constituents, her many praises of Jimmy Ruberto’s so-called arts and cultural renaissance that failed to revitalize Pittsfield’s decades-long distressed economy, her lack of leadership during the Berkshire Museums sales of tens of millions of dollars in historic and valuable artwork, including two Norman Rockwell donated paintings, and so on. People can have disagreements and should be able to tell a politician why they disagree with them without the politician blocking them from contacting them. If I was a politician, I would appreciate feedback from my constituents and people who are interested in my work on behalf of the public, even if it was in the form of disagreements with my administration. I saw Mayor Linda Tyer dish out retribution to City Councilors Chris Connell and Kevin Morandi by taking away their City Council Committee and Subcommittee assignments, and allegedly harassing them so they wouldn’t run for reelection in 2021. I should have known that Mayor Linda Tyer is not interested in democracy where everyone has an equal voice before their government. When one reads about governments throughout world history, it is always the case that authoritarian leaders only want to hear from those who will follow their orders whether it is right or wrong. While U.S. President Abraham Lincoln had his flaws, his administration had “A Team of Rivals” where he at least listened to different opinions during the Civil War. Back to Pittsfield politics, which is a provincial and insiders only one political party (Democrat) operation where one either has to kiss the dirty behinds of the corrupt state and local politicians or be blocked and blacklisted because the people know all to well in Pittsfield that they will face retribution until they give up on free speech and democracy. I have a vomit-like feeling in my throat right now when I think of Mayor Linda Tyer. Once again, I cannot believe I am so goddamned STUPID to believe that Pittsfield politics and the corrupt state and local politicians who run the show there mean well for the people and democracy. I hope I won’t be fooled ever again. My native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts is worse than authoritarian Communist China because at least everyone knows where the Chinese government stands, while Pittsfield politics makes a mockery of democracy, free speech, and listening to the people who live in and/or care about Pittsfield.
In Truth!
Jonathan A. Melle
That’s a lawsuit. If it’s an official city page or account on social media, you’ll win big.
I don’t want the money! I want democracy, free speech, and politicians who listen to the people that pay their public pay and perks!!!!
Jonathan – second class citizens do not have rights.
Politicians show your post to be true especially after them being elected, before elections not so much.
Neither do non voters from different states.
1st amendment violation
“Congress shall make no law preventing the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”
District attorney Harrington, ( the reason jeanne Kompthorne fled)
Dalton Selectman and police department also violate the civil rights of residents.
Like cuba, Venezuela or china tyrants silence their victims, nothing new.
Massachusetts has been a 3rd world banana republic for decades, unfortunately now America seems to be accepting the loss of civil liberties.
I often wonder why the planet did not file a lawsuit, when the commonwealth silenced him to protect a politically connected meridith Nilan from prosecution.?
Seems an epidemic of judicial illiteracy and malfeasance, but obviously provable negligence by court administrators, no absolute judicial immunity for administrative acts or negligence and dereliction of duties Garcia vega should of been immediately disbarred for violating the planet’s civil rights in conspiracy to conceal and compound a felony-
Cash for kids case sets the precedent for prosecution of criminal judges- 17.5 and 27.5 year sentences and nearly a billion in restitution- some 70 court staff , attorneys and law enforcement were also convicted.
When a judge slapped a temporary, ex parte prior restraint order on THE PLANET’s coverage of the Nilan-Moore case, one that included taking down all previous coverage, we complied. At the full hearing of the case, we fought it and vigorously, basing our defense primarily on the First Amendment’s free speech and free press stipulations. At the hearing we triumphed. The court sided with us. We had fought and won a major and precedent setting case. That was all the legalism required.
YOU are the man DAN!!!
What are Nilan and criminal spawn up to these days?
And remember the cushy job another Squiggy deciple received lottery winner Chris Sparanzo.
Nilan’s crimal daughter sh0od have beeb prosucted
Was this deliberate?
It wouldn’t surprise me if the mayor of tyertown is discriminating against you because you’re mentally ill, and you’re not black. Perhaps you should test this by asking her for a taxpayer subsidized forgivable loan that you can use for psychiatric treatment for your many mental disorders. If she refuses your request you can be sure she’s discriminating against you.
You’re wrong about a lot of things.
Can’t say I blame them for blocking your “emails” – you don’t even live in their jurisdiction.
Why don’t you focus on NH politics? Write letters to the people who represent you?
Amherst, NH is a lot closer to Pittsfield, Mass than Naples, Florida.
That makes no sense.
Former Pittsfield Mayor Jimmy Ruberto lives in Naples, Florida. He is Linda Tyer’s political boss.
He has a home in Lenox. He lives here in the commonwealth. He pays taxes.
You do not live in our state. You are a grown man. Grow up, get over your hate for our local officials, forgive them, move on and do something positive with your life.
Jimmy should be under the cap put on silver lake, along with Doyle
Jimmy Ruberto lives full time in Naples, Florida. He signs his letters to the editor of the Berkshire Eagle from there. He has a Summer or part-time residence in Lenox where he purchased a $490,000 condo unit there. The irony of it all is that he promised the world to the voters of Pittsfield from 2003 – 2011, but he didn’t even believe his own snake oil sales pitch! Pittsfield public schools are rated Level 5, which is the lowest rating by the state. Downtown Pittsfield is called “Social Services Alley” during business hours, and is crime-infested after hours. Pittsfield’s municipal taxes are excessively high, while city services are lousy. To cut to the chase, I would live in Naples, Florida and Lenox, too, after I ran Pittsfield further into the proverbial ditch for 8 years as its Mayor from 2003 – 2011. To Mad Trapper, Jimmy Ruberto’s Rolodex can be found under the cap put on Silver Lake, along with the late Gerry Doyle’s barstool. Pittsfield politics needs to move out of the Good Old Boys’ shadow.
Many who knew him said his breath was awful.
I have a cozy picture of the former Mayor drinking cocktails. Sent it to the Planet didn’t put it in.
The perpetual victim Johnny “Section 8” Melle
If you only knew about my history with the 4 foot tall stinky marijuana former state senator then you would understand why I am a perpetual victim of Pittsfield politics!
Ditch the victim mentality and move on with your life.
Do something positive in your state.
Nuciforo IS a certified POS John, not his dad
I agree, Mad Trapper. Dan Valenti won’t allow to write about it all anymore on his awesome blog.
His blog dummy
Very very true.
One of the worse POS in Berkshire politics. His father was an honest man, as I knew.
But but but, her heart is in the right place and she is LOVELY. Many gave her a chance to fulfill at least some of her campaign promises which were many and pretty much got zip in return. If you were a connected person or have the cash you would get a private audience with Queen Tyertown and wouldn’t have to write her.
I want to know what went down at d c f with that little girl plunkett st. Been awhile.
Exactly what always happens to those monsters at dcf for their malicious depraved crimes, including their crimes of protecting innocent children to death, NOTHING HAPPENED TO THEM! Unless you want to count the promotions of those directly involved in the failures of dcf as something that went down at dcf. Despite the facts that 11-year-old Hannah was living with, and died with, her deceitful mentally unstable unemployed drug addled/junkie/ alcoholic suicidal father, no one, not the cops, not dcf, and not any of the parents of her many friends bothered to check on the child. This was a child that was known to a lot of adults. I’ve read that many of them knew there were problems. Yet no one bothered to check on the wellbeing of Pittsfield’s obvious poster child for at-risk children for well over a month. So little Hannah’s corpse was allowed to be ravaged by maggots, blowflies and rot away from sometime between late June, through the entire hot month of July, and into the 1st week of August, without arousing concern for the child’s safety from everyone whose job it is to know when children are at-risk. AND NOTHING HAPPENED TO DCF! However since the avoidable horrific death of 11-year-old Hannah, DCF has managed to protect 10-month-old baby Kristoff to death. AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO DCF AGAIN! Unless you count promotions as something happening to THEM!
Flip Flopper.
True. I flip flopped about Linda Tyer in Pittsfield politics. She blocked me. I guess I don’t count in her book. I should’ve known better, but I tend to think with my heart instead of with my rational mind. I would NOT make a good leader because I believe the lofty words that snake oil salesmen and saleswomen peddle to obtain and retain power. Please don’t make fun of me for my psychiatric condition/disability. I am a peer support to the human beings with mental illness. The alternative to mental health is self-medicating, abuse and isolation. I served our country honorably in the U.S. Army, and I am a respected service connected Veteran by our grateful country. Politicians will never silence me from speaking out on their corrupt public records. The Berkshire legislative delegation – Chrome Dome Adam Hinds, Trippy Country Buffet, Shitty Pignatelli, Paul Marx, and the Mayor John Barrett III – and PAC Man Richie Neal, and Ed “Maryland” Markey are all political hacks who only do disservices against the people they supposedly represent in Boston and in the Swamp. I have respect, while the aforementioned ruling elites only have power.
“Politicians will never silence me from speaking out on their corrupt public records”
Try pissing off Hillary and see what happens!
I know Chrome Dome has done this to a constituent who sent one critical FB message to him. Funnily enough it was about Sen Hinds having his ugly face on his feed on International Woman’s day instead of maybe … I don’t know … some inspiring woman. Dunno though, maybe Chrome Dome thinks he is a woman, so confusing in Berkshire County …
I think saying Pittsfield is like Naples is the way to look at it. It’s pay to play and political messages are theater. The bosses know some voter like progressive ideas so they spam you while while enriching themselves (or Trump type-voters like anti immigration or the flip of progressive politics and their candidates in their parts of the world do the same self enrichment.). Joe Public is up a creek.
(BTW, god father quote above if you don’t recognize it. The question is which family is Linda working for?)
I agree with you. PITTSFIELD POLITICS = DISSERVICES to Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski while the Godfather’s loyal family gets richer and richer with their pay to play schemes. Jimmy Ruberto plays the role of Godfather perfectly in good old Pittsfield, Massachusetts. His lovely ladies – Trippy Country Buffet and Linda Tyer – serve their Godfather well in Boston and Pittsfield, respectively. Don’t criticize the Godfather or his Mafia or they will block you. If you criticize the Mafia, then you must hate Pittsfield. My question to all of this crap or political theater in Pittsfield is WHY? It is 2021, not the 1950s. Shouldn’t we all have moved past the Italian neighborhood, the Irish neighborhood, the Jewish neighborhood, the Polish neighborhood, the (fill in the blank) neighborhood? Shouldn’t we all be integrated and work together for our mutual benefit for the good of society? My brother tells me that every area has provincial political insider’s Good Old Boys and Girls proverbial family and friends networks. I respond to my brother that he is probably right, but that Pittsfield has it in SPADES! Pittsfield is stuck in another era that should be in one of the trash bins of history. People who came from Pittsfield always say that there are a lot of “Pittsfields” out there, but I still think that our Pittsfield is the most backwards place in the known Universe. The Boston Globe wrote that Pittsfield and the working and underclass areas of northern Berkshire County are “Service communities” to the tourist areas in southern Berkshire County. My mom, who is now in her mid-70s, told me that Lenox and Stockbridge always looked down at the working class people who lived in Pittsfield. The New York Times recently wrote a few years ago that Berkshire County’s real estate market is hot, but to avoid Pittsfield. Gregory Crewdson shows large artistic photos of post industrial Pittsfield as “A City in Decay” in upscale art galleries and museums in London, England, New York City, and L.A. In closing, everything is falling apart in Pittsfield, but the one thing that remains intact is the Godfather’s 1950s-like Pittsfield politics Mafia. It is so STUPID!!!!
I’ve always especially enjoyed the work of photographer Diane Arbus whose photographs brought out the disturbing beauty of marginalized people. There’s nothing derogatory or insulting in her photographs. Her sensitivity to her subjects is always evident. Its certainly better that her photographs exist. The same can’t be said for the photos you chose for your Picture Exhibition. Most of the pictures you chose to exhibit are innocuous. So your request to abstain from name calling is easily attainable. But THEN, you had to go and throw in those photos of the mayor of tyertown. I hope this doesn’t rise to the level of name calling.
As to your final sentence: As edited, no it does not rise to the level of name calling. As written, our Army of Robots thought otherwise. BTW, THE PLANET shares your admiration of Arbus’ work.
She is a worthless piece of manure, and her Hubby
I really like the one of the Generalissimo. I may petition the city council to have this painted as a mural on the side of the city hall building. Yuki may want a large copy behind her bar and I heard that Marchetti has one on his work desk.
If it were a statue the BLM crowd would tear it down
Anyone get a photo of United States Olympic event,
B M X Bike crash that almost killed the highly skilled Bicyclist. Same kind of format at Springside I believe. Better have insurance if this is adopted. Oh,I’m sure helmets are required but it didn’t help poor Connor. There is a photo Dan.
Deaths, serious and life altering injuries, broken bones, severe head trauma, and more are a daily occurrence in that kind of cycling. Pittsfield will approve the biking development at Springside Park because the fix is in; nonetheless, it is a bad idea and in violation of the intent for the park.
Not sure if you have seen or heard, but you were referenced in this.
I wasn’t aware of this, J2S. Thanks for sharing.
Do a screen shot. I stopped wasting money on THE LEFT WINGED PARROT 20 years ago
and hopefully that exposure will introduce a whole new segment of the uniformed population to this site which often reveals secrets the city would rather people not know about
Its not just that kind of cycling that causes serious injuries and death. 77-year-old former Senator Mike Enzi sustained serious injuries last week while riding his bicycle near his home and he has died as a result of his bike accident.
There was one biker that was coming down Churchill taking a left to Da Casey, flying older man,went into my lane and almost hit me? He would have lost that one,lucky I was stopped or he would have been seriously injured. Haven’t seen the dude lately, he must be avoiding that stretch with all the duck poop on the road.l”
One hundred percent correct! Daily I save a biker from serious injury. Sometimes I don’t realize they’re in my lane.
And replace it with a watermelon and a fried chicken.
Yes, and we got this cable from Honduras: “Deh Generalissimo he tank DES PLANET for make me look so Coemanding. After we get true weeth our work down here hope to bisit da Peesfeel. But kickback an bribes talk long time specialy in Honduras which remine me lot like Peesfeel.”
I might suggest to the General that there may a lot more keekbaks to be had in peesfeel. Get em while they last. There is a dog-pile going on as one can plainly see.
Well, we don’t know about “kickbacks” in “Peesfeel.” We do know that The Generalissimo is a long way from exhausting the supply in Honduras.
Stooge will accept camp if money isn’t available. Theater tickets work also. Is that illegal working at a public radio station?
So it’s settled then….
Those in “law enforcement” have no moral agency.
So the question is, is it a good idea to give people with no moral agency,…. a hand gun, tazer, a badge and a radio to call for backup, while simultaneously telling these people that they have power over others?
I say no, not a very good idea
Moral agency is cornerstone, because, without it, an immoral society will flourish, right up until it collapses
For society, “crime” is a legal concept more than a moral one, although if you trace back the origin of many laws you’ll find a moral agency or charter. I fully agree with your last sentence.
I understand.
It’s worth the effort to unpack these terms, loaded and misunderstood as they are.
Legal is an idea, and it’s distinguished from lawful. Sometimes the terms legal and lawful can be interchangeable, but they are certainly not synonymous.
Crime is also an idea. In this society, usually, it is said that a crime is committed if someone does something illegal. But what about the acts perpetrated upon people which cause harm, which acts also can’t be prosecuted because they are legally permissible?
This society’s “law enforcers”, are not enforcing law, because, what law is it that they are enforcing? Natural law? Common law? Martial law? Law of the land? Maritime law? Constitution?Calling them law enforcers is misleading, and, thinking of them as law enforcers is presumptuous and even ignorant.
The boots on the ground are and always have been, the police. When it comes to taking measures to insure that society is just, and stable, individuals who are committed to something higher are needed, in order to intervene when harm is done, on the behalf of society at large. Individuals who have no moral agency, have immunity from prosecution if they cause harm to someone, who have guns and tasers, and are repeatedly told that they have power and authority, are the very lazy sort of individuals we need on the front line. These sorts of individuals ultimately end up supporting a wicked and sick society which they can scarcely understand.
These individuals swear an oath to constitution, but don’t they do this in ignorance? What about referring to these individuals as statute enforcers? What do they enforce more, statutes, or, the law? Again, what law would we be talking about? If the constitution is supposed to be the supreme law of the land, where did it go? See, the constitution is gone, but the police are still there, right? So, what about consent? What about citizen? Are we to believe that as the constitution is gone, left in the dust, that the police have any legitimacy? If yes, where does the legitimacy stem from?
This society is on auto pilot. It’s in the final stage of it’s useful life, and people are scared to death because deep down, they know, this ride is over.
The terms crime and legal, they are, at this point, evidence of what went wrong
I think I may agree with the suggestion that this society is in its final stage of it’s useful life. If the last three years have taught us anything it is that the brains of humans vary wildly in their interpretations when presented with the same stimuli. I do not know if it was always this way but now it seems to have pitted humans against each other more than ever.
And quite frankly, if the human race killed itself off, would that be such a bad thing in the opinions of the rest of the animal world? We have not been so kind to them have we?
I’ve had lots of pets, worked on farms, and loved ALL those animals.
You probably loved the sheep most of all…….. when no one was looking
And yuo wth pigs, your sisters and Ma among them
Not good trap. Never share farm animals stories
Fishead can tell you lots of animal/human sex stuff.
True, we have not been kind to the animals
What you say here is very important to remember, but many do not. I’m guilty of believing that the puzzle I’ve been putting together for the last twenty years or so is mostly complete, but of course I’ve only been able to rely upon my own personal interpretations, which interpretations of course rely upon my own personal powers of perception.
But what happens to ones interpretative abilities when they are thrown for a loop so to speak? What I mean is, what happens when you open your mind to new information, and as a result, you discover something that leaves you reeling? When you live 45 years, and then you discover that you don’t live on a supersonic spinning wet ball, like you’ve been told, it really does something to you. It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that you could have bought such a big lie, in fact, it’s a bit embarrassing when you really get right down to it. But then there’s the other side of it, the fact that there are those in this world who are able to pull off such a monumental lie, and, it’s really amazing that they could do it, nothing short of incredible. But then there’s the psychological makeup of such manipulators that you begin to get curious about. You begin to try to put yourself in their shoes, to see the human race as they do, and begin to understand their motivations, and that’s when your interpretative abilities change, and you become the minority, the crazy one, simply because you became the practical skeptic.
You tell em Numb.
Unbelievable but you used what I was going to say to you towards someone else, before posting make sure you are off your acid ride because you are for sure giving us nuts a bad name
Ok, so those in law enforcement have no “moral agency.”
Explain to me Helen, (1) black on black violence, (2) the cultural acceptability of being a gangsta, dealing drugs, or criminal activity of the black community, (3) when a black male/female student excel in academics they are often ridiculed by the same black community?
Oh, and Helen, if your going to post under your true name “Nut,” you should work on your vocabulary a bit. Moral agency is nice term, but when I google search it, the first thing that popped up was “moral agency in nursing.” Remind me again Helen, what do you do for a living?
BTW-can you post that case number already? You remember, the case in which you got “arrested at gunpoint” for a simple traffic violation?
You must be hard at work with Sweet Pete White? He’s still working on the “houseless” problem. It’s been well over a year now…
NUT! You obviously are someone with a great deal of medical expertise. So perhaps you could find it in your moral agency heart to diagnose this illness. What is it called when a pathological liar shakes down a sociopathic narcissist for $150,000? Would it be safe to conclude that both the pathological liar and the sociopathic narcissist were born without moral agency?
Shaking people down and telling lies has very little to do with not having any moral agency.
Especially if it benefits you Hele….oops, I mean “Nut.”
Yeah,medical expertise and quack
How to cover-up a lot of dirt – buy a gazebo & hard wire it – everyone will have so much fun. Heartwarming ❤
Now here’s an image!
It’s for the children! And so are the schools. Look how that turned out in Pittsfield. The kids don’t want to go to them and they can’t find enough teachers who want to go home from work each day feeling hopeless and helpless. Despite the enormous money they are throwing at them they can’t get enough people. And you can’t spin your way out of this problem without looking really foolish.
Brought some new traffic our way!
And you don’t have to follow a screwed up traffic pattern to get here.
Nobody is saying biking is bad, nobody is saying people shouldn’t mountain bike.
What people are saying is that if you’re honest you don’t have to do backroom deals to sneak this through.
If you’re honest you don’t lean into “it’s for the kids” and especially “it’s for the kids of color”.
If you’re honest and care about the environment you don’t try and sneak it through by under reporting the scope of the project to slink under concom review.
If you’re honest you don’t higher lobbies/consultants and have them lie.
If you’re honest and and want this to succeed you have all the plans out in the open, including long term management. You don’t wait and then say there’s no funding so Milltown will have to takeover and the city will have to hire someone to help manage the park (the real plan all along).
If you’re honest you don’t try and circumvent MA law with regards to bidding.
Bull Hart is none of these things.
All this tells me, Bill Hart is as dishonest as he can be. They are scared of the impact and sway of the planet.
that is how I read it
Got to get up pretty early in the morning to fool the Planet.
I’m beginning to wonder if Dan even sleeps. The man seems to be going 24/7 with blog, writing, investigative sleuthing and family and who knows what else etc..
A genes thing. And James Bond good looks to book
Well stated. We thank you.
I’m sure Bill Hart would love to have all Pittsfield’s little deprived at-risk coloured kids bussed to Dalton so they can bicycle around his neighborhood. Maybe he should foster a couple dozen of them for the summer at his home. I’m sure if Bill turned his backyard into a shooting range that would really appeal to Pittsfield’s deprived coloured youths. Bill could invite officer Miles Barber’s daughter to give the coloured children gun safety classes.
I’m still curious about the results of the supposed survey that was going to be sent out to those who live around the area and others. Did the survey ever go out and did anyone from the media follow up on it for results or why it wasn’t sent? They need to check with the lady who made the statement AM.
When I was a kid someone wizzed in my water bottle,also had my chain removed off the sprocket. So it isn’t all hunky. dori.
Mike Enzi was 77-years-old when he died as a result of a bicycle accident while riding his bicycle near his home. But digress, to your support of the Pittsfield tax payer funded destruction of a Pittsfield city park for daredevil bicyclists, aren’t there any parks in the town of Dalton that can be defiled in the interest of bicycle accidents and deaths?
Seems BMC is getting in on the fear mongering. Stating false facts regarding Covid. Roughly 330 children have died from Covid during the year plus pandemic. All of the children had serious illnesses, many Cancer. No healthy children to date have died from Covid. Yet on I Berk. site BMC stated children were dying. In that time many children have committed suicide , roughly 25 times the Covid rate for children.Protect the the sick and elderly, at all cost. The rest of us have to live our life’s. If wearing a hazmat suit makes u feel better do it.
Fake info on your part
Sorry look it up. You should be able to find the information. If you can’t I’m willing to help. Let me know.
The COVID infection rate is increasing because Biden is allowing infected immigrants to just flood into the country during a Pandemic. The border states are suffering first from the invasion, but soon the rest of the country will also be under siege from the virus as the untested and unvaccinated immigrants are spread across the country. The Democrats want the voters. Their last concern is for the people of this country. Whistle blowers are reporting how COVID has been running rampant among the immigrants and infecting hundreds in several difference locations because Biden is squeezing them all together in tight living spaces.
Agree with you about the open borders. Just wanted to call out our largest employer, BHS stating false facts to scare parents and teachers. They should look at the CDC site. Agree all high risk teachers and students should not be inside schools.
Blame whomever you want Pat but the people with their heads in the sand are about to get the shock of their lives by next week or the week after. It’s coming baby and it’s coming for all of us this time
What’s coming? More false stories and information. Chicken Pox pandemic?
Geekers buddy, I hope I don’t wind up next to you in the ICU. You sound like a rather annoying sort of fella.
All ready had the Wuhan flu. When I tested positive the doctor told me not to worry, it was just going to be like a cold. After 2 days of coughing and fever I ran the next 13 days on the company dime. 39 million have already gotten the Chinese flu, they all have more immunity than the vaccinated. I guess that’s why vaccinated are more infected ( PTown) . Hopefully you are not headed for ICU or have blood clots. Praying for you.
Glad you made it through Joe!
No attention is given to the people who have natural immunity because they already had COVID and had such mild symptoms or even no symptoms that they didn’t know they had it. Before getting a vaccine, people should get a simple blood test that would let them know if they already have the antibodies. If they do have the antibodies, that is better than or as good as the vaccines. They wouldn’t need a vaccine. Again, the CDC is so behind in doing this basic thing that would give peace of mind to so many people.
Spot on, Pat.
Looks like many on this blog are believing the falsehoods put out there by the weaponized agencies of the Biden regime.
True, and why is no attention given to those who now have natural immunity because they already had COVID? A simple blood test would let people know. The CDC should be on the ball for this, but they have failed again.
Will you sign a document promising not to take up a hospital bed if you get the virus Pat? You sound like someone smart enough to deal with it at home by yourself.
The sad thing is that what I’m saying is just common sense, but Americans are just hanging on every word of the CDC which has been so wrong in the past and continues to be wrong on so many things. The CDC didn’t concentrate on finding medicines that actually worked once people had COVID, Fauci told Americans NOT to wear masks, not because he thought they didn’t work, he knew they did, but because he was worried about a shortage of masks for health care workers, not knowing or caring that sturdy cloth masks could protect many Americans. The list goes on and on of CDC bad science.
Viruses are so small masks are a placebo.
Trump promoted chloroquine, but MSM, DEMOCRATS, and Facci nixed that. So many died as a result , there is a place in hell for Fauci and them.
I guess the good science was when Trump told people to drink three ounces of bleach and call him in the morning.
Please show us that remark. A link to a clip of it. Cite us a document of that. It does not exist in any form period. No one ever told stated or claimed anyone should consume bleach.
If you can’t provide a date of statement a video link or any other proof than please publicly admit you just did what you accuse Trump of. You lied to the public.
Fishead ever had a day of science or math in High School?
Fizzlehead, will you sign a document promising to tell the truth and not make stuff up? A pledge of sorts and since your credibility is in serious doubt provide citations? IE 3 ounces of bleach
It is right in his executive order proclamated on April 1st 2020 and filed in the Library of Congress which allows public access. If you are unable to get to it just call him at Margo Largo 313-277-7878 and ask for “the Donald.” He is always happy to discuss it and will sell you his own brand of bleach at four times what he paid for it if you are one of his cult followers.
Fizzlehead once again you lied no executive orders signed that day. You are a serial liar making stuff up you have zero credibility.
Federal Register :: Executive Orders
Will you sign a document promising not to take up a hospital bed if you get AIDS from one of your backdoor adventures to P town?
Data is all over the place. Massachusetts is referred to also. Long article but worth the read.
The second data point comes from a small outbreak cluster in Massachusetts and is found in a report the CDC just released this morning. This report shows that the…
The P town cluster information is out there, more than 70% vaccinated got Covid. The other number 39million already have the virus in there bodies they don’t need the vaccine. The extra vaccines should be given to Central America.There coming here anyway, vac them.
Are you related to the Alabama doctor who posted a false Facebook post that was picked up by Masslive? Good job, they kept it up for a week, even know they knew it was false.
Are you related to the Florida governor who does not believe in wearing a mask and presides over the state that is now the epicenter of the Delta Covid virus? Or is some bad person making up false statistics to make him look bad?
Are the illegal immigrants wearing masks? Are they being vaccinated and tested? The answer is NO. Biden/Harris just releasing them into the country, but Americans are the problem according to Biden/Harris? No, we know who is releasing the super spreaders across the country.
HARRIS has been a super spreader for many years now, ask ex-SF mayor Wiilie Brown.
Mayor Brown at the time, was married. Ain’t that a sin?
Wearing a mask, is like wearing a diaper so piss don’t come out.
How is BIDEN’s release of thousands of un-health checked into the USA going? TB, AIDS covid………..just let them in!!!!!
If someone is playing with the data and putting in bad data this would be the second time it happened. Someone lost their job and is facing criminal charges for doing so the first time. Why can’t they just let the results be what they are without manipulating them?
Yup, yup ! Spreading we don’t want.
Roll Tide!
CNN)Emergency medical responders in New Orleans have been hit so hard by the resurgence in Covid-19 cases that the city doesn’t have the capacity to handle 911 calls, the mayor said Friday as she announced a new mask mandate and a contract to increase EMS resources.
Pay is so low for first responders in the Pitts that it is very difficult to have ambulance service here, Wuhan doesn’t matter
The Tide has put out some great ones. Bear Bryant is looking down and must be pleased with the tradition of what he did.
nuke them
Dan, nice “change of scenery” with all the pictures, had some good laughs, thanks.
In looking at the pictures I have been trying to figure out if the Mayor of Tyerville is trying to mirror Morticia Addams or Cruella de Vil, either way she is not succeeding.
Speaking of the Mayor, she evidently has no clue what her departments, boards and commissions are doing within her Administration, or she just does not care! Was sick to my stomach by the bull crap that Bart Raser of Carr Hardware was just dragged through by the Zoning Board about his store windows. This whole scenario was uncalled for bull crap by the City. One of the few stores left on Vibrant and Dynamic North Street that taxpayers still frequent and she allows this bull crap to take place. It’s bad enough that Mayor Tyerville’s Meter maid sits out in front of his store waiting to ticket a customer and now this. An attentive Mayor would have stopped this issue in it’s tracks! Not Mayor Tyerville!!! She allowed this long time business man to be put through hell for his windows, but evidently does’t seem to notice the drunks, drug addicts and vagrants pooping and peeing out in the open on the street. Since the fire on White Terrace in September of 2017, the City has allowed this unsafe building to stand for almost 4 years, the owner seems to be utilizing the back lot as their personal dumping area. It is now a major hangout of drug dealers, drug addicts, prostitutes and homeless. Why is the Mayor, Health Department, Police Department, Fire Department, Wire Inspector, Building Inspector and Zoning Board ignoring this building? Take a look at the windows on that building! Mayor Tyerville must find these conditions on White Terrace more welcoming than a nice window front. Seems that she and her Administration are doing anything possible to completely ruin what is left of North Street. Worst Mayor ever!
Between her unattractive pasty skin, her deep crows feet, and those thin wrinkled shriveled up pursed lips, as if she’s savoring a mouth full of schitt, death warmed over would easily win the beauty contest.
Well that’s a bit gruff but she is clearly a plain looking women. I wouldn’t want to be a women having to do makeovers and make up up everyday. Where do you get the time to do that?
Sorry if I offended your delicate nature. Please allow me to amend my truthful gruff commentary of her by softly saying that her ghoulish charms shines though her pasty complexion.
Actually that’ll do! But never not be harsh with the local d c f flunkies.
Notice those looking to make trouble for the Raser’s backed the train of stupidity up after he stated something like 30 other businesses were in conflict of the same law they were busting his chops for? Tells me those in charge were singling them out and turned a blind eye to some who might know somebody in their little world to prevent harassment.
We’ve been getting some info on the ordeal the city made the Rasers go through, all unnecessarily. That goes hand-in-hand with the harassment to businesses like Seven Valenti’s Clothing, RJ Stohr Jewelers, Dotties, and Paul Rich furniture. It reads like science fiction, how the city seems to be purposefully destroying the few anchor businesses in struggling downtown. I wonder if Dennis Quaid will get into that during his $$paid$$ informercial?
Who’s Dennis Quaid? Lol
Let’s see, we used to know that one. Oh yeah. His father is Henry Mitchell, mom is named Alice, and he lives next door to George and Martha Wilson.
Mortica was hot!!!
Tyer is FUGLY!!!
Thank you for posting that. The other obvious difference is that unlike the amoral ghoul of grimy dilapidated schittsfield, Morticia was born with moral agency.
I’d of hit Morticia twice. Only stoop who would hit on Tyer is Barry.
I was thinking she is more the Lily Munster type, you know a pasty skin undead vampire with a husband who likes to troll Cumby’s at 3:00 am..
Texas is trying to protect its citizens from Biden’s COVID super spreader immigrants, but Biden doesn’t believe that his first job is to protect the people of this country, instead his first job is his party’s far left agenda. This is why the massive influx of immigrants into the country, many with COVID, must continue and Biden will portray Americans as being stupid for not wearing masks, not getting vaccines when his administration is not using any kind of logic during a pandemic. He is now bringing a lawsuit against Texas because Governor Abbott wants to stop potentially infected immigrants from spreading COVID across his state.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Thursday signed an executive order prohibiting cities and other government entities in the state from enacting vaccine requirements or mask mandates to protect against the coronavirus, even as the virus’s more contagious delta variant drives another surge in cases in Texas.
Nobody should be forced to do anything. Is that why Biden is spreading the COVID super spreader immigrants across the country? So that government can force people to take a vaccine because of a horrible situation created by government?!? The original plan was that once enough people were vaccinated, herd immunity would begin, but with stupid Biden streaming tons of people into the country, we will NEVER reach heard immunity. Are Americans unable to see what corrupt Biden is doing?!?
“Dishonest CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Lies – Refuses to Admit Illegals Bringing COVID to America are an Issue (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft“
Unless you have an N95 properly fitted your mask is a joke.
It’s not just covid, but drug resistant TB, AIDS, and a slew of other 3rd world diseases.
Texas is fighting with BIDEN DOJ to STOP, transporting the border criminals , who have no heath records.
The one good thing about this Covid virus pandemic is that now it is moving in on the really stupid people. And I am OK with that right now because they are the ones making it worse for everyone. Go get em Covid!
Horrible thing to say. You do know that even some vaccinated people are dying from COVID?!?
I think it is kind of horrible for you to blame Biden at all. Trump laid the ground work for this to be a much bigger disaster than it needed to be by denying that it was even a problem. And his talking heads like Carlson and Rand Paul are making it even worse by the day. As long as people like you keep spreading misinformation this virus will never go away.
Do you really agree with Texas Gov. Abott about not getting the vaccine or wearing masks Pat cuz if so you are part of the problem
Fizzle is getting fuzzy again. Trump was the one in Janthat stated stop all planes out of China only to have Schumer and Pelosi call him racist. They were the ones that also told everyone to party without masks at Marci Gras and during the Chinese New Year. Hope this helped put a little fizzle in your fuzzle
The idiots on this blog blamed Trump for everything except their constipation. Now you think its horrible to blame dementia Joe. Get real clown.
Do you agree with illegal immigrants not wearing masks or getting vaccinations or even being tested for that matter? Gov. Abott’s point is that people in this country are doing the right thing, but every time we take a step forward out of this pandemic, we need to take a step back due to the pouring in of infected illegal immigrants who are just being spread across the country. The burden is on us to do everything right while Biden does everything wrong.
21,000 new cases in one day in Florida Pat. Stupid governor does not believe in masks. So you see, it IS the stupid people killing us.
Florida is on the border. Immigrants are surging into Florida, Texas, and California, all of the hot spots right now. California has been enforcing masks and vaccines for months and are very strict, but they are still having the surge, immigrants are the reason.
Actually the biggest cluster was Orlando, now what is in Orlando and who goes there……
Goofy and Mini were the super spreaders there.
All the more reason for Florida to vack
I doubt Californians all vacked. Dense population also skews the numbers. Must vack in Florida,maybe to late.
Masks don’t work. Wash your hands and don’t touch face with un-washed hands.
Same as small pox and polio 60 years ago
If you have been with other people, wash your face after hands
Azzwipe, a virus requires a filter 0.02 micron filter.
You don’t know, what a micron is.
That is the mask farce was a fraud. Masks don’t work. Washing hands, not touching face, do work Moron
But the Biden Talking heads such as yourself are doing what? parroting talking points? well that should help for sure. At least others provide citations to support their claims. You never supported your claim that Trump told people to drink 3 ounces of bleach once again please provide a clip of video a transcript from his speech or press conference something to support your wild claim. Admit it you provide nothing of value but just dislike Trump etal so deeply you foam at the mouth and are unable to think.
Had it. 3 Days head ache, 3/2020
I’m immune and no jab for me EVER!!!
YOU are now a GMO!!! ROFL!!!!
Fizz you better be careful. You would be first on Covid list going by your criteria. News flash, if your under 65 and are healthy you have a less than 1% chance of dying from Covid. Sorry to disappoint you. #BidenButWipe
I could certainly go any day from that something else but I have a better chance if the vaccine deniers and mask refusers go first. They are the ones killing people like me who is actually taking the whole thing seriously and trying to do the right thing. Not being a big baby about having to wear a mask.
If your healthy Fizz your going to be okay. PS face diapers don’t work. If you are serious and want real protection, go get fitted for a respirator. They will actually protect you. There is a place in Pittsfield that does that. I have one for work.
I’m sure Y0u are a fishhead being , with cranium up rectum
I will run your commnet by my people in charge of the psyche ward and see if they can decipher it.
My non professional opinion is that you got a hold of some bad acid
Pull it out of your AZZ!!!
Yea like you have people Fizzlehead You most likely have voices in your head I will cede you that point but people and to wildly claim people who are in charge of the Physe ward? another unsupported claim adding to your all ready high pile of outright lies
Don’t get covid in a Provincetown macho room Fizz..
The original plan was to reach herd immunity after ENOUGH people were vaccinated. At that time not everyone needed to be vaccinated, but with Biden pouring in the immigrants, it will be IMPOSSIBLE to reach herd immunity so the push for mandatory vaccination has begun thanks to Biden’s open borders. I don’t know how far it will go, but was this the plan all along by corrupt Biden? Pour in the immigrants, herd immunity never reached, more power for government with them forcing vaccination? Americans need to wake up to their devious plans for this country.
Bidens telling what China and local U S pharm wants to hear…government payed for future variants scam.
The variants seem to be real, but could also be driven by the huge influx of people coming into this country during a pandemic. They are coming in from all parts of the world and spreading God knows what. In the near future, even the vaccines and possibly natural immunity will not be able to keep up with the spread of so many different mutations of this virus. Keeping our border closed would have slowed down the virus exposure. No president in their right mind, and we know Joe isn’t in his right mind, would allow this kind of open border situation during a pandemic. Most countries are locked down right now.
It’s a conspiracy Pat.
I bet you have a big poster of Tucker Carlson hanging above your bed right? You are a Tucker echo chamber.
Nancy Pelosi posters above the beds of the far left?
I hope in her better days!
I’ll bet you have a Karl Marx life size blow up doll.
Holy crap!!! Call the person racist too, you Moron!
FU with JOE, his mask mandates and the D-Rats
I was not kidding when I said Delta was coming for the stupid people. You can even buy a grave marker ahead of time now that comes pre etched with the word “DUH?”
Delta is highly communicable but much less lethal in the first world. So most of MA is ok. Pittsfield is screwed as it’s a second or third world city.
Any place that goes after Carr Hardware for putting up graphics of products they don’t even sell, while there’s so much else really wrong in the city, is screwed.
Fattie Tyer and Tits on a bull Barry take heed.
why can marketplace cafe take up the sidewalk in front of their restaurant and yell at people trying to use the actual sidewalk? North Street bums unite and take that place over.
Final word:

I’ve got a shovel and a place out back when you kick from covid. It will be a place to pee
Sounds good. It’s not too close to where you and your sheep Dolly get all cuddly though is it? I don’t want to have to listen to the poor thing BBAAAHHING when you “tuck her in at night.”
just to pizz on your head. I never raised your “wives” ROFL!!!
Fizz apparently doesn’t believe in science and facts.
MT, I will give you $5 if you do not wear a mask for the next two weeks. Also have $5 for each of your friends and political allies Easy money. Do it for Trump[. come on man…$5.
You can’t buy Trap.
Love it but I think I need more to fully comprehend what is going on in Washington
Biden is an embarrassment!
Scary part is……Harris is next in line for the presidency, followed by Pelousy!
That IS….very scary…
I thought Trump was coming back any day now. He was telling the truth this time wasn’t he? I mean, he never lied before so why would he now?
Well it August 1st and today is when Qanon President Don Trump is legally being assigned as President.Qanons are leading the Republican party now with McConnell and Romney supporting their QanonTrump.Putins Russia is the group behind all the nonsense of the Qrepublicans…..This party is now 100 % out in space.Just watch and listen to what the group says on this board.They are anti public education for 30 years now.Anti hike in minimal wage.They all follow FOX news anti vaccine advice.They are definitely not the best and brightest……Cults dont end well.It is a mental illness on America…..anger and ignorance feed the Qrepublicans and they are in charge of this fear.Russia has 70million Americans not trusting their system of democracy because of the Dope we had in office for 4 years……his anti America attempted Coup is on today.Our poor children….
When Jason Cianciotto and his husband signed up their newly adopted son for the Albert Shanker School for the Visual Performing Arts, they thought it seemed like the perfect fit for him.
“Shortly after coming home with us, he came out to us as gay,” Cianciotto told Insider. “So we thought that there was also a good chance that a school that focused on the performing arts might also have other students who were out or, at the very least, it would be a safe and welcoming environment for kids like my son.”
They were mistaken.
Yeah two gay men just happen to adopt a gay tween. Nambla thy name is sin.
Wish I was fast enough to take a picture and knew how to send it to you Dan but on was up on “Nowhere known North “ when lo and behold a car flies by me in what use to be the right lane. Police car went by me on the other side of the street and either didn’t see it or recognize the infraction. Maybe Tyertown clowns are just creating a speed zone so whoever feels lucky can get in it and drive 60!!
I try to avoid Nothing on North as much as humanly possible. I have know driven it one time without seeing either a gross violation of the new lanes or a near-miss dangerous accident–or both.
FU with JOE, his mask mandates and the D-Rats
Flashbacks to Topix…
Well it is topix free weekend,one talks to the other them himself. Or is it just himself ?
The fix is in!
“Van Der Kar, speaking with The Eagle last week, said he didn’t expect the course to encroach on the wetland area.
“There’s really nothing — as far as this project goes — that really raises red flags with me from a wetlands conservations standpoint,” Van Der Kar said.“
“Other than that, we open the Comment Line up to you. And for the umpteenth time, jeeeez, do more than name calling, eh? It’s a long, hot summer we realize, but lately there’s been too many of the “Did too/Did not” and “You moron/You jerk” type jabs. Try from friggin’ substance, woan cha?”
I guess the request didn’t work, eh?
Don’t get the jab!!!
Key Points
We lose the Planet,we’re screwed.
Great Qanon church advice to the cult,but bad advice to everyone else.
Get the jab or you will go the hospital or die. Vaccinated woman gets sick, unvaccinated man near dead. This is mot going away and if you add season flu its bad news for the unvaccinated.
Personally I would boycott an eatery that would hire a convicted child rapist [multiple counts of oral and anal sex with a child]. I wouldn’t let him touch my food or be anywhere near any children. But, of course, that didn’t stop DCF from giving a baby to his “glowing” family members.
The rule to abstain from name calling has officially been canceled due to a lack of participation.
To Jonathan:The wise man said: Do not take revenge,the rotten fruits will fall by themselves.
Look at the clown that stole four million from the g e credit union No Time,which was originally a G E workers credit institution which turned into administrative payday for the Angies and Bissells and who knows who. Common Man?
Giving Stanley the freedom to buy movie seats from his company.
What’s Going On With the little girl that d c f flunkies failed and she was found in a carpet?
A successful dentist getting Covid money? Common man.
Ever notice lately the players that are involved with the secretary.
Yeah, this clown who was supposedly dying so the judge didn’t charge him. Guess what folks with day in the middle of the night one of his family members removed him from his dying bed at the “nursing home” and he is now living the good life in Myrtle Beach. Bet us taxpayers are paying most of his bills.
within a day
They call it convelising M B
Stating facts can be more deadly as name calling. Which the Planet has succeeded in splendidly . I know he doesn’t like to here it,but The Planet is the Best? The best what you ask? The Best there is!
Speaking of abstains,where the Hellas Kufflinks been?….
Probably enjoying the good life on the taxpayers’ dime. I’ve never seen City Hall in such bad shape. No one’s minding the store.
Notice how the variant mysteriously came to Massachusetts when our good folks at city hall and the schools had to return to work…what a coincidence
I’m not sure why but I read the hate rag again, way to wreck the morning because they didn’t disappoint. The school department’s hr and diversity person were upset because they couldn’t find candidates for the openings they have. If you read further into it the article infers that they had enough candidates but not the diverse kind they want. When did qualifications disappear and race become the only standard? They do realize school starts in a month, don’t they? They also have a new section started this weekend but already with written comments, don’t know how they got there so fast. None of the writers said pay off the sewer plant that the city decided to build, save the taxpayers!! The owner was mad and wanted Barker Road paved over because he has had to replace some tires. In this day and age not sure how you lose a tire in one pothole but I will offer several remedies; don’t drive Barker Rd, move next to the Eagle in the condos, telecommute or ride a bicycle!
One time a woman was wrongfully convcted incarcerated & she had 1 shot to see her children. The dcf worker transporting her children for visitation projected whooping cough upon….& Mom, wow, never saw the children ever, ever again. Good times.& they all lied happily ever after.