(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY AUG. 18, 2021) — THE PLANET supported and still does the President’s decision to rip the Band-Air off and quit Afghanistan. Obama and Trump said they would do it but didn’t.
Someone had to have the balls. It turned out to be Biden.
It had to be done. Now the backlash.
In light of the Taliban’s return, a war veteran asked “Were all our sacrifices wasted?”
Answer: Yes. Not only that, they were wasted the moment President George W. Bush caved to the adults and declared war.
Bush Lite dismissed warnings about another Vietnam and ignored the lessons of history. Fact is, we haven’t won shinola since WWII. Reagan’s invasion of Slap Happia doesn’t count (see map).
The Constitution didn’t stop Bush. That document reserves declarations of war for Congress. He loved the ring of “I’m a wartime president.”
Obama and Trump landed in the tarpit, trapped. That ate trillions of dollars and thousands of U.S. casualties — to say nothing of the civilian count “over there.”
Now it’s Syracuse Joe Biden in the deep muddy. Biden made a speech from the White House, calling the Afghan collapse “hard and messy.” He stood by his decision to pull out, folded his papers, and took no questions.
China, Russia, Iran and others sat with the Cheshire Cat snacking on the “I told you so”s. China provided the best analysis, calling this latest U.S. failure the result of hegemon America’s foreign “geopolitical experiments.” So much for George Washington’s advice about avoiding “foreign entanglements”
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Here are some of the comments made by other media:
‘Were all of our sacrifices wasted?’: War veterans react to stunning Afghanistan collapse
1979 to now: A timeline of the US withdrawal and Taliban recapture of Afghanistan
[Ron] Paul, who had three stints in Congress, gave a speech in March 2011 in which he supported legislation advocating the U.S. military leaving Afghanistan.
“The question we’re facing today is should we leave Afghanistan? I think the answer is very clear and it’s not complicated, that of course we should. As soon as we can,” he said. “This suggests that we can leave by the end of the year. If we don’t, we’ll be there for another decade would be my prediction.”
Later in his speech, he spoke against the “perpetual occupation of a country.”
“We can’t change Afghanistan,” he said. “Even if you could, you’re not supposed to. You don’t have the moral authority, you don’t have the constitutional authority.”
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During his 2016 campaign and continuing at the White House, [President Donald] Trump said he would keep the United States “out of endless and costly foreign wars,” and this weekend, the former president took time to criticize what he perceives as Biden’s foreign policy “weakness.”
“He ran out of Afghanistan instead of following the plan our Administration left for him–a plan that protected our people and our property, and ensured the Taliban would never dream of taking our Embassy or providing a base for new attacks against America,” he said in a statement. “The withdrawal would be guided by facts on the ground.”
He added: “After I took out ISIS, I established a credible deterrent. That deterrent is now gone. The Taliban no longer has fear or respect for America, or America’s power.”
On Saturday, Biden appeared to shift the blame for any sort of Afghanistan blunder to Trump, who he said left the Taliban “in the strongest position militarily since 2001.”
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“The complete, utter failure of the Afghan National Army, absent our hand-holding, to defend their country is a blistering indictment of a failed 20-year strategy predicated on the belief that billions of U.S taxpayer dollars could create an effective, democratic central government in a nation that has never had one,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said this past week.
© Getty Images Taliban fighters are seen along the roadside in Herat, Afghanistan’s third biggest city, after government forces pulled out the day before.
The attempt to force democracy on those who don’t want it can never work. The United State’s evangelical hubris, channeled into foreign adventurism under the guise of “spreading democracy,” has been the ultimate con game. Since 1945, it has kept us on a perpetual war footing — great for the economy, military-industrial complex, and national politicians.
And for We The People?
Forget it.
“You win an argument by providing the best evidence in the most compelling way” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
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A Rock Slide. So it is said and shall be written.
Excellent read. On 9/14/01, the House voted 420 ayes, 10 not vote and 1 nay to invade. Barbara Lee, D-CA, got it right.
Afghanistan falling to the Taliban TERRORISTS is a total DEBACLE! President Joe Biden should be impeached for allowing Afghanistan to become yet another TERRORIST STATE. Thousands upon thousands of innocent people will be killed in the coming weeks. The U.S.A. is but a drop of water in the vast ocean of geopolitical politics. Hitler, Stalin, Chairman Mao, et al, killed tens of millions upon millions of innocent Peoples who opposed their regimes. The same is true with the Taliban. This is a NIGHTMARE and a HUMANITARIAN TRAGEDY. Lastly, Joe Biden VOTED for the IRAQ CONFLICT under President George W. Bush, and we are still in IRAQ, which has the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world, which is a total DOUBLE STANDARD.
Does anyone remember laughter
GREAT, I mean G-R-E-A-T, question.
I am trying to remember sanity
Mostly everyone agrees that we should leave Afghanistan, but it’s the way that Biden did it that is so insane. It’s like our troops just ran out in a panic, abandoning their weaponry, and leaving nearly 40,000 Americans and lots of Allies behind to face, no matter how nice the Taliban tries to make themselves sound, a terrorist organization that likes to remove body parts and chop off heads. It’s clear why the Afghan people were so terrified in that airport that they would rather die clinging to a plane than face the Taliban.
Our troops did NOT run out in a panic. In fact there are more coming in.
Now he’s sending some troops back in, but not when Biden did the withdrawal. He left no troops in place to hold off the Taliban because his intel was telling him that the Afghans would fight like mad to ward off the Taliban and it wouldn’t be for a while until the Taliban entered the country and that would give them time to remove Americans and our allies. Some generals, however, have said they were telling him not to leave so abruptly, but Biden ignored them.
The Afghan army and its government did not care enough about their own country to fight to the death. Why should America care?
I read that once our military left we took our intel with us and supposedly without the intel the Afghans totally fell apart. At that point they surrendered to the Taliban. Can we believe it? Who knows what we can and can’t believe from our media, but it might explain some of what looks like cowardice to us, but may have been something else.
” read that once our military left we took our intel with us and supposedly without the intel the Afghans totally fell apart”
Pat – that sounds like Pentocratic window washing. The provinces fell because the Taliban never really left and the local leaders were making deals. Our intel has a history of screwing up. They merrily watched on airport security camera each 9/11 airplane get taken over by barely armed nihilists and didn’t even run for the exits of their respective employers before those planes made contact.
The so-called Afghan army was busy with their pile of hashish and in no condition to fight for their country. We don’t need them here. There are enough layabouts sucking off the system as it is.
More hostages for Tallyban.
Re-run to Jimmy Carter
When Russia left we should have known it was a lost cause over here.
Yep, good place for sand to glass
I agree. If a bordering country with all the assets Russia had at the time could not beat them, how in the hell did America think it could effectively fight a guerilla war, half way around the world, against battled hardened jihadists and win?????? I remember thinking that at the time.
But I also remember thinking, after we left Viet Nam with our tails between our legs, that we would know better than to get involved in anything like it in my lifetime.
How wrong I was.
The Russian failure in Afghanistan should have served as our KEEP OUT sign. If you think about it, exactly why did we do it? The only two logical answers are 1.) Ignorance, incompetence, and stupidity … 2.) Wage war to make defense contractors and the Haliburtons of the world billions. I would go with 2.)
Filled the pockets of those tied to defense and gov’t contracts. Nailed it.
Yes, P. The idea of a “War on Terrorism” was and still is laughable. You can’t fight an idea. You can only fight people.
Good comparison. I support the decision to pull out. I have never supported the decades involved in getting us in and keeping us there.
Thanks to Joe Biden the Taliban Now Controls 11 Former US Bases, Approximately 174 Humvees, 10,000 High Explosive Rockets and 6 Light Attack Aircraft
Biden did.
True dat. Troops, aren’t terrified and are are currently functioning as dignified escorts for the well connected. But the intels, ambassadors, contractors, stooges: they flew out on the only existing plane on the hanger. A cargo plane stuffed with their keepsakes, trophies, and collectibles acquired over two decades of posing along a with a hundred or so guys they couldn’t shove back out onto the tarmac.
Drop dropped the troop level to under 2000.
Drop the who what?
Trump dropped the troop level to under 2000.
Former President Trump said last night on Hannity that he doesn’t care if it insults the Bush family, but he thinks it was wrong to occupy Afghanistan for over 20 years costing trillions of dollars? Wouldn’t that money have been better spent in our own country? He’s right. Our anger after 9/11 would have been better spent in some targeted bombing toward those who were responsible. Terrorist groups were taking lots of territory during the Obama years, however, and they were using it as bases to plan terrorist attacks, but we have to find other ways to combat terrorism than occupying these countries.
So you are admitting he is “former”?? Maybe you are coming out of your coma Pat. Welcome back to reality.
You have the Sellected
Selected Joe’s handlers bears the blame.
2001-2002 we should have went in full force killed Bin Laden and left scorched earth. Done.
I forgot fed Bin Laden”s remains to feral pigs then air dropped the manure back home.
And Barry Sotero:
Obama gave $5 billion and the ‘Taliban 5’ for deserter Bowe Burgdahl. These terrorists were instrumental in the overthrow of Afghanistan the New York Post reports:
Did Obama do anything good for this country? I honestly cannot remember one thing. I can only remember gas prices approaching $5 a gallon, began the vilification of the police, shipped billions of dollars in crates to Iran, etc…
and yet he was reelected even though the republicans worked hard for 4 years to tear him apart. Limbaugh ripped him a new one each and every day and Obama still somehow won reelection.. So some people thought he did something right. And back then they were not doing resurrections if one side lost. But that was a long time ago. (before Trump)
You didn’t answer my question. Name something great Obama did for this country?
He did not encourage a revolution of fools to destroy democracy. He left office when his time was up and did not cry like baby.
Funny term, FIZZ: “A revolution of fools.” Reminded us of Hugo’s Hunchback, where Quasi was elected “pope of fools.”
Really? I believe he and Xiden were spying on the Trump campaign. So you understand, they were using government agencies to spy on American citizens (FISA surveillance).
And to help you remember Fizzle, search Crossfire Hurricane.
Again, I ask, name one thing Obama did great for this country? Not what Trump did or didn’t do, tweeted or snap chatted, what Obama did?
Just admit Fizzle, coming up with something is as painful as it is watching Joe Xiden try and read his teleprompter.
Yes he was handed another failed economy from republicans and 8 years later had it all back together and gave don the best economic handoff in history and that republican made another complete failure of another right wing leader… guys will never learn. Florida Texas learning the hardway.
His legacy, is seeding race division not seen since the 1800s.
He did not hand off “the best economy” to Trump. That in itself is a joke. Remember when Obama told people, “those jobs aren’t coming back.” Talking about manufacturing jobs. Remember TSC??? Who brought them back, Trump. Not Obama.
Like I said to Fizzle, instead of giving me “talking points,” tell me something great Obama did for this country?
Now the Republicans have some leverage, but will they use it? Our allies from Afghanistan will be pouring into Texas and other states by the thousands so we can’t have open borders on top of this situation. Republicans need to declare this a crisis and open borders are unsustainable at this time. We should take in these refugees that helped us over there, although I think Americans over in that country should be the top priority as well. Do the Republicans have the spine to do what needs to be done?
Unfortunately most politicians tell us they have spines and seem too walk upright when campaigning only. Afterwards they slither around like the rest.
Love this one, J.
RINOs will do D-Rats bidding. Ask Mitch and Lyndsy.
Trump killed it in his interview last night. Clear, very little rambling, articulate(for Trump) and looked strong. As usual i hated our choices for president but if there were an election today Trump would win by 20 points.
If the election had been fair and honest in November 2020, he would have won by 20 points.
It was fair and he lost by millions of votes. There was no fraud. There was no conspiracy. It’s over and it’s been over since November 2020.
”Dementia Joe” beat your guy.
It was not even close to fair and fraud was rampant on the dem side. Trump won and we all know it.
Except, there is no evidence that Trump won. Didn’t the pillow guy say Trump would be reinstated on 8/13/2021? How’d that work out?
Pillow Guy just presented almost a weeks worth of evidence the election was rigged cross country. Leftist MSM didn’t cover it.
No, he did not. Lindell is a fool as is anyone who listens to his garbage.
Yup he did .
Most compelling.
Your ASSHAT was ignorant.
You can view the whole load.
There is plenty of evidence Trump won. Everywhere.
Really? Then show us.
YOU , are def, dumb, and blind…..
Over 70,000 ballots cast in AZ, of non-registered or dead voters. Xiden wo..I mean stole, the election in AZ, among other states.
Not buying the ‘bandaid’ metaphor. It’s more like surgical dressing, cast and rods/pins all at once being ripped out.
Now we are relying on the so-called kindness of a terrorist group to get our people and allies out of Afghanistan?!? This was the plan?
Maybe we should send some of our insurrection enthusiasts over to help out?? Your buddies?
We are. You know, the exact same “terrorist group” our former administration wanted to invite to Camp David on 9/11, do a deal, and then hand them the keys on 5/01. Those guys. Right, left, left, right… stop. Both, and all, failed.
Since senile Joe is importing thousands of these people/refugees (all adult men) the women and LBGT crowd should be giddy!
“Taliban fighters shot and killed a woman for not wearing a burqa in Afghanistan Tuesday — the same day the group pledged to usher in a new inclusive era in the country that honors “women’s rights.”
A photo emerged of a woman in Takhar province lying in a pool of blood, with loved ones crouched around her, after she was killed by insurgents for being in public without a head covering,…”
P.S. 9/11 coming up ……..
Don’t forget, this is a dog and pony show, for what is being done to America right now here.
Don’t forget the selection Nov 2020
Now the intel community is fighting back and saying they never told Biden to leave as abruptly as he did. Some Generals have said the same. That Biden ignored their advice. Who is telling the truth?
Not Joe’s handlers, he’s not running America. Kommieala either………
Who fixed the SELECTION Nov 2020?
Now that Tallyban have 50K + American hostages, what is D-ementia Joe going to do in his basement with Jill?
Oh! I forgot he’s importing unvetted terrorists right into the USA!! Air mail, besides the porous southern “border”…
It would be easier to count the stars underneath the night skies than finding any truthfulness coming from Washington.
If we nuked DC while both houses were in session………Americans might have a chance.
I think that a majority are understanding that no one is telling the truth to anyone.
It’s about time we left Afghanistan. I do believe that the way it’s being done is a shit show.
We never should have been an occupying force to begin with. Most Americans didn’t even pay any attention to that war, opting to concentrate on more important things such as the next new cell phone coming out. In addition, most Americans don’t even know anyone currently serving in the military, which is no surprise, as less than 1% of the population serves in our all volunteer force.
If our government wants to have an occupying force engaged in combat then enact the draft, and then you will quickly see and hear from the American people. When everyone’s son, uncle, brother, cousin, friends……..get called to share the burden of our country’s wars everyone pays attention.
Maybe so Dan. But Taliban Joe failed to have a pullout plan, or failed to assure a proper plan was executed.
Taliban Joe? Who invited the Taliban to Camp David?
How many names you got anyway?
Have you ever heard the saying “keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” BH?
What’s wrong with trying to talk and reason with them in good faith? Nothing bad could come out of it?
But to pull out like a high school couple who’s parents arrived home sooner than expected, is an absolute failure on Xiden’s part.
“Xiden”? Puerile pet names do nothing to advance your argument.
Trump had a deal to have the U.S. out by May 1, 2021. If Trump were still in office, you’d being singing his praises for the withdrawal, sloppy as it may be.
President Trump would have re-evaluated the situation if it deteriorated like a true leader.
Trump had the Pakistanis release the guy who is now the head of the Taliban.
Yeah, Trump is quite the leader.
It was Barry Sotero who traded 5 high ranking Tallyban who were in Gitmo for 1 American traitor, Bergdahl.
The creep who ran away to the Tallyban instead of doing his duty. American soldiers got killed looking for the deserter.
Bergdahl should have been shot.
Bleak House has his own misguided false sense of history
Bleak is always getting the facts mixed up, just like Biden.
I propose we trade Biden for the thousands of American citizens left behind in Afghanistan.
Biden’s arse ain’t worth anything.
Your posts are devoid of any facts whatsoever. It’s really quite stunning that you fall for obvious lies.
Well , Bleak, who did Barry Sotero trade for Bergdahl?
One pos/deserter that should have been given 1 bullet, or FIVE major Tallyban in Gitmo!
double post-disregard
Trump woiuld have taken the plane hangers on his on aircraft. But first he would have made SURE. The aircraft was cleared for takeoff
Kinda like he reevaluated going to Viet Nam and got five deferments for “bone spurs”? That kind of reevaluation?
Traitor Joe had more deferments fizze
Excellent Point
You go from “Untrue” to “Wrong Again” to “Glinda” to “Sean Sullivan”?
Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David. He demanded that the Afghans release 5000 prisoners, who are now back out on the battlefield.
Spare us this “excellent point” backslapping nonsense.
Dan Valenti explicitly told you to knock off this “Matt” nonsense. And don’t pretend you’re not posting under several different names. I know you are.
There is something really wrong with you.
And you’ve gone from “Floggy Molly,” to Bleak House, Bare Bare.
No, I have not. You are always wrong.
Xiden ! Nice, well done
It would be well done on Romper Room. Or the Muppet show.
That would be way over Xiden’s mental capacity…..even with a prompter!
Same amount of names as any other fourth grader.
Fair comment, that.
Tallyban just gavethe USA ultimatum:
Taliban Tells Joe Biden to Withdraw All US Troops from Afghanistan by September 11 – The 20th Anniversary of the 9-11 Attacks
Glad we have a strong leader …………..
Wait until you see the new gadgets for our military currently being developed. Drones that go into caves and tunnels and will fire up to a million rounds a minute. These tunnel rats won’t now what hit them. Armed services space wars all high tech and will keep our soldiers out of harms way as well as our allies. It’s real.
I’m sure Traitor Joe would have given those, if they existed
Can’t fight a war without occupying territory.
Joe’s balls fell off after he sired no 1 Son crackhead/stripper impregnator Hunter.
Or Jill might have snipped them….he’s a nice dHimmi!!!
Traitor Joe’s…
“Women cry and plead with US soldiers to let them in the gate at the Kabul Airport.There are from 10,000 to 40,000 Americans still trapped inside the country today.
The Taliban is attacking people lined up at the Kabul Airport.
The 21st Century barbarians are searching homes at the Shahr-e-Naw area of Kabul. The detainees were reportedly taken to an unknown location.”
Dan, what is up with Biden?
Giving him a 1/2 pass as he’s SU alum?
He’s the centerpiece piece of manure fertilizing the demise of America.
Maybe the SU bit factored in a tiny %, but no matter who pulled the Band Aid off, it was going to hurt. Biden did a presidential thing. It doesn’t look like it considering what’s happened, but after so many years of propping up the country, we had two choices: perpetual enabling or exit. Syracuse Joe chose well.
Dan, a person can use a restroom and go take a crap. Or you can fall down in a stupor and crap your pants.
Biden did the latter, and he is still rolling around in his own diarrhea, wallowing in the mud.
Thanks, TRAP. I thought the stink was coming from our local politicians!
Dan, they all stank!!! Re-elect NOBODY!!!
I’ve long argued for a “( ) None of the Above” option in every election from dog catcher to Prez. If somebody changed their name to “None of the Above,” they’d win every election.
they ALL got changed to BIDEN!! NOV 2020
I forgot, in the former you can just flush with a clean arse.
I do agree it was time to get out of Afghanistan. It was costly in both terms of lives and dollars.
But I do have to ask, why did Xiden flee Afghanistan like somebody trying to skip out on their last months rent? He left behind military helicopters, armed drones, numerous other weapons, and a lot of ammunition.
And don’t give me, “Xiden was just following the agreement Trump signed.” That didn’t seem to matter when Xiden ended the Keystone Pipeline, keeping prescription medication cheap, the crisis on the southern border, and on and on….
Unfortunately we are not even one year into Xiden/Harris term and it just keeps getting worse and worse. During the Trump presidency, we did not have one new war started, nor did we have any radical Islamic terrorist attacks on US soil. I’m certainly not hoping for another 9/11, but with the weapons cache left behind and ISIS seeing how weak and inept the Xiden administration is, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. It doesn’t look promising.
Great point. The pullout decision was the right one. The preparation for the pullout seems non-existent. Real problem: The military hardware we gave to the Afghans are now in the hands of the Taliban. When will the U.S. learn: We are not the world’s savior, shining beacon, cop, or anything else. We are a sovereign nation, just like the other 194 countries. Nothing more, nothing less.
If we are a sovereign nation how come we don’t have borders anymore?
We don’t even have a government so why do we need borders?
You voted for the selection Joe , fizze
While I agree with you, Dan, that we should never have set boots in Afghanistan, the WAY no-balls Syracuse Joe’s admin. pulled out without a plan and gave an airport, embassy and all kinds of military equipment to the bad guys absolutely reeks of incompetence. Thousands of Americans left behind. This exit smacks of Barack Hussein O. who has been undermining the U.S. for years.
If anyone thinks Syracuse Joe is running the country, think again. He is nothing more than Obama’s sock puppet.
Now the plan is to bring thousands of Afghan refugees into the country, people who will not easily abandon their ideology and will further drain social services. Sound familiar? Obama opened the floodgates to the Syrian refugees. You can bet Tyer is already in line begging for her share of Afghans.
Impeach Biden!
Thousands of lives are in peril in Afghanistan and the most important thing for some people is to participate in political trashing. Try, for one minute, to think about the seriousness of this situation. Then you can trash the man for the next 3 and one half years, every hour of every day of every week of every month. But for a couple of days hope things go well for those in danger.
Like the way you trashed Trump for 4 years?
Trump was lying about a virus that was killing 30k Americans a month and then he lied about his election where he was beaten to a pulp then he tried to insert himself as a dictator……worst leader ever.Biden is so superior to Spoiled Don its ridiculous to speak about them together.
I thought you were the nut in DC today with the bomb threat
That idiot was upset that Trump didn’t win. You really need to get out of the Trump cult while you still can.
“Try, for one minute, to think about the seriousness of this situation.”
You think Traitor Joe did? If so you are a bigger fool!
“But for a couple of days hope things go well for those in danger”
And then what? The pictures from the airport suggest that there is not much hope for women and children who are in danger. I didn’t see even one in the filming. It is nice that they can enjoy our hope and goodwill while it lasts though.
“Thousands” of the Afghan refugees worked side by side, in the trenches, for + years with our soldiers and allies. Many as guides and interpreters. Dangerous job with obvious, potential awful consequences. Their cooperation = US visa.
And many were untrustworthy and ratted out to the Taliban.
Fatal blow to the New World Order?
Interesting perspective!
A very insightful intellectual look at a 20 year old mistake.We have our hands full keeping our own democracy.After 1/6/2021 we could no longer pretend we know how to keep it as the opposition party in America has show it would rather live in a Authoritarian dictatorship under Trump than a goverment that no longer is run by white Europeans……
Thanks, TSC.
We lost America Nov 3-4 2020
The Lyin’ Biden administration is a complete disaster after 8 months! Impeach Biden and fire Sullivan, Blinken & Milley! Losers all!
Today Biden’s addressing the nation on COVID! What about the American citizens stuck in Afghanistan, Joe? How ya gonna get them out?
Another booster shot to increase antibody 10 to 20 fold. Hog Crap!,
Austin should also be fired
Milley should be fired. He was so busy promoting CRT & sex change surgeries in the military that he forgot to hammer out an exit strategy for Afghanistan. Loser!
G. E stock Quote 101.41…just sayin
Milley is looking to get his kestetr greased regulaly
Let’s see. You’re hoping that a decorated veteran like Milley gets raped in prison?
Your posts are depraved and unpatriotic. Disgusting.
Just watched Bumbling Biden’s latest speech, not one mention of Afghanistan, how much more pathetic can he get? Watched last night as he landed at the White House, he had no idea where he was. Secret Service had to once again guide him to the door of the White House. Sorry to hurt your feelings Dan, but, I don’t think Joe even remembers going to Syracuse. The scariest part of all this is if he steps down, it will be worse with Kamela stepping in. If she fails which with her response to the border crisis, I have absolutely no faith in her, we then end up with complete nutcase Pelosi. Believe this was Pelosi’s idea all along! God help the USA.
Pelosi, Schumer, and all the far left politicians are an embarrassment to this country. The Squad members, Rashida and Ayanna, were just caught raking in huge amounts of money from rent payments while telling the rest of the country to not pay rent to struggling landlords. Another example of “Do as I say, Not as I do”.
Hasn’t taken long for the Squad as fairly newcomers to take advantage of being elected officials and the perks that come with it. Throw bs and not be held accountable .
Glenn Beck is having his audience help fund the huge amount of money it will take to send a group over to Afghanistan to rescue Christians because the Taliban is going from house to house and specifically targeting not only anyone who aided Americans, but also Christians. This rescue mission is to specifically help Christians although I’m sure they will help anyone who needs escape from that area because if this crisis has shown us anything, it’s that the Biden administration is useless.
Kind of like what Sotero let happen in his tenure. Syria, Iraq,……
Here the most persecuted were the Christians during this Covid hoax.
It’s worse up north in Justina’s Canada
Taliban and China forming an alliance as we speak. W T F?……
Planned by Hunter and Joe
Hunter gets free drugs………
Glenn Beck hhmmm…how many and how much.
Nearly 12 million dollars raised so far and counting to rescue Christians in Afghanistan.
TSC is raising money for bike lanes in Kabul
I see the Uk has paratroopers in trying to get out its people. What is America doing?
Sleepy D-memted Joe, thinks more American hostages are great!!!
It distracts what NWO and liberals are doing to America, NOW!!
Never let a crisis go to waste.
Glenn Beck is close to raising 20 million dollars to get Christians out of Afghanistan. His very generous audience already gave 12 million dollars in just over 24 hours to send a rescue mission over there.
Lol. Nikki Haley all mad and tweeting that “negotiating with the Taliban is like dealing with the devil”… you can’t make this shite up. Who is going to tell her ?
The scraper from Scranton may have a chance to edge out James Buchanan as country’s worse president in history with his bumbling leadership talents.
If Biden and the Democrats in the Swamp don’t turn things around soon, then the 2022 midterms will be a gift to the Republican Party in the U.S. House & Senate.
The far left doesn’t seem worried about the midterms because they plan on changing voting laws to their advantage just like they did before the presidential election.
They are planning on it? But the republicans have already done it all over the country. They found out the hard way that they could not win a fair election and have to resort to more dirty pool.
Only took 6 months, Biden is far worse
Trump leadership in a pandemic is number 1 at this point.Don had the re election handed to him on a silver platter.I said Trump is the next President and as soon as that thought came the dummy President went off the rails allowing America to see what a moron president does under pressure.
Edgar Buchanan would be better than Biden.
That’s uncle Joe , he’s movin’ kind of slow his brain has no function.
Petticoat Junction. Hooterville.
China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are watching very closely as America is taking hard punches. And they are enjoying it very much. They would be very pleased if America was kept in a weakened position. They will never have a better opportunity to pile on either openly or behind the scenes. While so many Americans are focusing on attacking their own leader, these folk may be coming up behind us with bad intentions.
These countries wouldn’t be ready or able to pile on us if we had a strong leader. It’s all connected, don’t you see? A strong leader would keep these wolves from our doorstep.
Bad intentions that they wouldn’t even consider if we had a strong leader.
Well you just keep helping them out with you incessant bickering and tearing the country apart from the inside. They truly appreciate You Pat and your contribution to the communist party.
How about if you do not wish to be part of a solution to fix America at least do not add to the problem? Please? Just for a little while?
Wake up Points – the communists are already inside the WH.
Pat is right.
Con Air Biden. Yup,didn’t know Taliban would take over so quickly? Ok Joe.
And latest Fauci news. The Booster shot will increase the immune system ten fold and as much as twenty fold. Now that’s some exact science there mister.r.
Fauci was a Chi- Com plant back to 2017
Dissent is only patriotic when democrats dissent.
What kind of leader did we have that let a KGB agent right into the Oval Office?
That was roped dope. T had em all fooled.
Clintons both of them , Sotero, and Biden…….maybe Kommieala is next……
My little head has more than yours up top!
Trump has 2 choices.Become a dictator or face jail.Trump needs angry white men to destroy America to save him.Keep whats happening simple.Trump has his whisper on.
Navigate to Pittsfield to see how dynamic your city is..just keep hitting continue till you get a map
Biden is full of Kabulshit!
Con Air.
I think I can speak for the mayor when I say, “Thank god that Valenti crowd stopped talking about my coming adventure at Springside park. Now onto the business of ripping mother nature a new asshole.”
Maybe not talking about it now, but not forgotten. I couldn’t believe this sentence. Yeah ok, Something this important and they couldn’t get it right? Honesty my Azz!
Both city staff and DeMartino assured the group that missing the supposed communications was an honest oversight and they will be included on next month’s agenda.
Not good…..
Where else do complaints of malfeasance get handled by the perpetrators of said malfeasance.
People with complaints are told to go to Helen Wait in complaint department.
Regarding the closing quote from The Hill, “The complete, utter failure of the Afghan National Army, absent our hand-holding, to defend their country is a blistering indictment of a failed 20-year strategy predicated on the belief that billions of U.S taxpayer dollars could create an effective, democratic central government in a nation that has never had one”
What another worn out rag of a cliche. Ben Franklin and Madison et al did not have a fine old Democracy, outside the Magna Carta, to build a representative government based on Federal and State interests with the capacity to repel regional war between NYS and Virginia. Back then, all bets were off and the odds were even. VA was solvent and had marksmen. NY had water commissioners and wet powder. Later on, a few generations hence, we did fine in Japan and Europe – such specimens of weird milito-democracy in Prussia, and Korea (yes it really did take 50 years for them to schedule their first election). Maybe, it is possible that the problem here is that after we drove out the Taliban, we appealed to the Afghan’s leadership council (jirga) for suggestions and kicked off their favored option, a proposal for a modernized Constitutional Monarch, old school and already ready to roll, and instead Washington’s* bozos just turned the job over to Lawrence of Arabia, Haliburton and the native grifters? Haliburton: The Maker of Nations and sewage plants.
Fizzle: This does have local resonance, doesn’t it?
*I hate using G. Washington’s name in this context. Maybe we should rename the Capital after something more relevant. Baptist Bootleg, DC.
Intelligence 101, protect your air runways. Geesh!
I’m guessing that cargo plane which departed a few days ago was topped off with persian carpets and regional novelties. Who needs to be carting helicopters, drones, etc… around like shells on a tortoise? Leave ’em for the enemy to dispose of.
Joe has cobblestone for brains
Good material for building stuff at home.
That’s an insult to cobblestones
Just arm the Afghans with weapons and unleash them on the Taliban at the airport. Common Man!
The Monument was struck by lightning/There were explosives found in DC – Some reason they want The Capitol closed down.
Airport taxi anyone?
The 1/6/2021 coup investigation is just starting and will reveal the reason Trump planned the lie as he knew he was losing so he fed the vulnerable if I lose the winner cheated LOL that people actuality buy nonsense.