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ED NOTE: Nominees for The Coveted Orbit Award have been arriving. The list thus far includes Mark and Lisa Tully, PLANET correspondent The City I Hate, city councilor Chris Connell, PLANETeer Jonathan Mele, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, and Merry & Bright, another PLANETeer. Do you have a nominee? Send it in before Dec. 20. We shall announce the winner sometime after Christmas and before New Year’s Day.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 6, 2021) — When you look at the money being wasted on incomprehensible road projects, it makes every  bump, lump, crack, and crumble of Pittsfield roads seems that much more damaging. This causes citizens not only wheel misalignments and broken axles but attitude misalignment and broken morale.

“Morale.” Reminds us of Morales.

Ricardo’s the highway boss, and he’s not saying squat to our questioning of North Street’s lane debacle, Tyler Street’s roundabout, or Elm Street’s swollen sidewalks and The Incredible Shrinking Traffic Lane. THE PLANET has now twice sent Ricky questions, and twice we have heard crickets. Can’t blame the guy. Think about it: Would YOU like to be the front man for this mess?

Ricky should count his blessings. We haven’t even asked him about three bridges that don’t bridge anymore, on Holmes Road (under repair since Oliver Wendell Holmes picnicked Melville and Hawthorne), Barker Road (in disrepair since Bob Barker hosted Truth of Consequences ), and Peck’s Road (lame since Peck was a good boy).

With that, let’s look at the three.


Every person entering a rotary thinks he or she has the right of way. That’s the main difference between street intersections and rotaries. Actually, it’s simple geometry. The angularity of regular intersections forces cars either to stop or slow down. The circularity of a rotary gives each driver equal entry. Both road constructions cannot protect the innocent against suicidal drivers, of course, but all things being equal, angular intersections provide greater safety. Rotaries turn the merely bad driver — road hogs, the angry, distracted, oblivious, and texters — into lethal weapons.

Why do you think other municipalities are GETTING RID OF rotaries? Not Pittsfield. Tyerville knows better. It’s ADDING them.


Three times that I went through the rotary cars coming around speeding. They seemed to think that because they had the right of way they could do so as fast as they wanted. So if I see a car even entering the roundabout from the opposite direction, I better stop lest it be upon me in a split second, severing my vehicle in two and dislocating my neck with the air bag explosion. Word to the wise. Be careful entering the roundabout because the same nutcases cutting you off in traffic or running red lights are whipping through there like they are the only people whose lives matter.

———- ooo ———-


THE PLANET has already conducted the autopsy on this piece of roadkill. We can’t remember a city project that’s come in for as many raspberries as this one. No one likes it: drivers, pedestrians, business owners, universal in their condemnations. The bikers might like it if there were bikers.

———- ooo ———-


You’re driving on Elm Street toward the East Street intersection. You pass Newell Street on your right, then JoAnne’s Diner, and approach the curve near the former Friendly’s. You enter the curve. All is well when, with no warning, the lane narrows precipitously and where you expected roadway, you now hit a double wide sidewalk — yes, it actually protrudes into the former driving lane! You brake, check to see if there’s an approaching car doing the same thing, and steer left to avoid blowing out your tires or worse.

If you’re lucky.

Welcome to Tyertown’s latest brainstorm.

Morales & Co. have widened the sidewalk in front of the former A&P/Harry’s Supermarket even though there are hardly any pedestrians. The widening vaults the sidewalk exactly into what used to be negotiable roadway for drivers.

What could go wrong?

Morales admitted he did it to slow traffic. Why? (a) to make it “safer” for pedestrians and (b) to appease the bikers. What you might not know is that this stupid project includes elevating the bike lanes.

The Bike Mafia strikes again.

Ricky’s lone comment to the press on these projects? — “Pittsfield is poised to great success with these projects that will bring access and enhance access to the region.”

We shall leave it at that.


“Three into one won’t go” – Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



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Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

I nominated Pat for the Orbit Award over the weekend – please include on your list of nominees.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Yea, yea, yea, and let’s not forget Johnathan Melle was nominated too.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

As was Dan the man himself. By the way Dan, nice ball cap you are sporting in your new pic.

3 years ago

I’m a cyclist who lovees the safety of the bike lanes, but feels the cost is too high. I am against them because they are costing us too much money in terms of local businesses who are suffering, a couple of which are owned by my friends and neighbors.
And the potential cost to the city from lawsuits from the accidents I have witnessed and the near miss accidents I have witnessed here on North Street due to the flexi-poles, those lawsuits will bankrupt us quicker than the pension funds will! I really think it’s just a matter of weeks before we hear about the first lawsuit being filed.
Also, whoever is looking in the mirror and saying Deanna’s name three times to summons her, please STOP.

Little Fikul
Little Fikul
3 years ago

How about the right turn slaloms on fenn and north. Just a matter of time.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
3 years ago

Lisa Tully? The one termer that slept thru her entire term and contributed nothing. Her husband knows he can’t win so he used her to feel like he was a councilor. And the best he can do is travel around Pittsfield drinking free beer with Mike ” Bash Pittsfield Tonite” Daly. This would as funny as rerun Melle.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
3 years ago

How does it feel to be Linda’s boot licker ?

Little Fikul
Little Fikul
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

STOOGE is the designated boot licker.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
3 years ago

So how do you feel about the rest of the councilors whose mouths are unsanitary from getting too close to the mayors sphincter?

Reply to  Flogging Molly
3 years ago

I’m pretty sure that it’s not a popularity contest, and us Planeteers can nominate people, but it Dan the man, and his committee of one, who is the sole determiner of the winner of the coveted Orbi award.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
3 years ago

Yeah that one eyed stare was really creepy.

School Daze
School Daze
3 years ago

Ricardo is an artist much like Picasso. Looking at either’s work leaves the viewer to think WTF?

Little Fikul
Little Fikul
Reply to  School Daze
3 years ago

I nominate whomever came up with NON.

Reply to  School Daze
3 years ago

This mayor seems to like clown shows and so surrounds herself with clowns. Just wait a couple of weeks till the new Taco Bell opens up and you will see the traffic clusterfuck of the century. Pittsfield drivers have been conditioned to believe that it is OK for the next five cars to go through a traffic light which has just turned red. And at that intersection with cars trying to both enter and come out of Taco Bell (which has rather narrow entrance) you will see there has been a total lack of due diligence on the part of traffic engineers who approved this. And once you have that fender bender in the middle of the intersection, and police, ambulances and fire trucks on the scene, you will traffic backed up to Hinsdale, Hubbard ave to East street and Pittsfield to Dick Moons.
Just in time for Christmas.

Waylund Gennings
Waylund Gennings
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Taco Hell.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Re: Open letter to blogger Dan Valenti – 5December2021

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

One of your blog posters wrote: “True with what JM tells us about social service alley, the offspring end up in schools here in Pittsfield. It is well known that the people who live off social services come to Massachusetts because of the benefits they can get. Unfortunately the government hasn’t realized that then the schools need the resources as well to handle the children. These children need more not less. But that is only part of the issue. The break down in societal norms would be number one in my book.”

My response as to why I criticize downtown Pittsfield (Massachusetts)’ sarcastically named “Social Services Alley” is that it shows the failure of state and local government to invest in its most valuable resource: The people who live and/or work in Pittsfield. The best example I can give is the 1946 Christmas classic movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” whereby George Bailey invested in the working-class families who lived in Bedford Falls, while Henry Potter used them as chattel for his own personal and business profit. George Bailey saw the role of economics and finance as a means for working class people to own a home and be valued members of the community. While Henry Potter saw them as a means to have himself be the wealthiest man in the community. Please note, I understand these are two extreme opposite illustrations of public and business management.

In downtown Pittsfield, “Social Services Alley” is NOT investing in the underclass and/or working-class families who live in the “Ring of Poverty” around North Street. Instead, Pittsfield politics is using “Perverse Incentives” to take in as much Social Services and (Level 5) public education federally-funded and state-administered dollars as City Hall can get is greedy and corrupt hands on. Past administrations and now Mayor Linda Tyer, who lives in a mansion in Pittsfield’s exclusive millionaires-only gated community within feet of the Hancock border, use these funds not as a means to invest in the people, but rather, as public revenue sources to always keep the vested and special interests happy year in and year out. After the politically-connected cronies all get their huge cut of “Kapanski Ka$h”, “Kufflinks” Matt Kerwood shuffles the public funds around various city accounts to build and add to his excessive Slush Funds that should be in the pockets of the very people who are NOT being invested in by City Hall.

Another example of the government NOT investing in the people is the Massachusetts State Lottery, which reported its record year for state lottery profits after June 30, 2021 – after the end of the state’s fiscal year. The lottery is nothing more than a financial scheme where the mostly financially illiterate underclass/working-class pay voluntary regressive (state lottery) taxes so that the aforementioned politically-connected vested and special interests, the mostly Boston metro area’s politically-connected big businesses, and the wealthy residents all get tens of billions of dollars in tax breaks each and every state government fiscal year.

Career Politicians turned Greedy Lobbyists, such as Daniel Bosley, tell the people who live in poor communities such as North Adams that the state lottery is fun, and that the profits go to public education and local aid, which is sort of true, while they don’t tell them that it is also regressive taxation – that mostly benefits the wealthy and politically-connected few – that most of the underclass and working class are unaware of when they buy their state lottery tickets with their limited financial means in hopes of winning “free” money. Over the past couple of decades, I have written to Dan Bosley about this issue, but it is always business as usual for the proverbial Bureaucrat Bosley, which makes him a wealthy guy whose political connections have paid off handsomely for him.

In closing, I was taught that the government is there to serve the people by investing in the people as the government’s most valuable resource, but the reality of government is quite the opposite of those lofty ideals that were conveyed to moviegoers in the 1946 Christmas classic movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

JM let’s delve deeper into your comments? Who makes money from other states unemployed coming to Massachusetts? Can we say apartment owners/real estate people? Section 8 apartments are golden the money just keeps rolling in even when the eviction order during the pandemic caused private apartment owners to struggle because renters stopped paying (even if they continued to work) and the government stated they could not do anything about it. I know and have heard how “well” people are doing on the government’s dime as well, vacationing all over the country without much concern about finances. There really needs to be a forensic audit on what is really going on with the tax dollars going in to fund this program.

Dockter Shriink
Dockter Shriink
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Shirley, I am going to have to ask you to refrain from using that ugly term “forensic audit” on a forum that the mayor reads faithfully every morning before she has coffee. It is causing great bouts of stress related anxiety which manifests in shitshow traffic realignments on city roadways. I am sure you are as concerned as I am in this matter. Thank you ahead of time for your (and others) cooperation during this difficult time.

Waylund Gennings
Waylund Gennings
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Dan has the Sam Elliot look going on and I’m jealous !

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The purpose of government is to protect its people, not to provide for their every need.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

The reality of government is 2008 – 2009 trillions of dollars in federal government bailouts to Wall Street, plus hundreds of billions of dollars of federal government bailouts to foreign banks in Europe and Asia, which was after Wall Street and the foreign banks treated institutional investing like a casino and lost their collective shirts doing so, which then makes the federal government a casino with its nearly $30 trillion U.S. national debt. I wish people would understand that the government moves huge sums of federal dollars from the Federal Reserve to Capitol Hill to Wall Street to foreign banks and back and forth again and again. The last thing that government does is to provide for the people’s every need. The Elites get most of the economic, financial and income gains, while the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family feels fortunate to either save a little money or cut even so that they do not fall into our country’s growing underclass.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

That’s why we need to insist taxes be cut. The people who are in government chase the dollars instead of worrying about the citizens that elected them. This is also the reason voters should show up to vote and present an ID. With money corruption is sure to follow and the citizens have to protect against the corruption.

Buffet Buffuner
Buffet Buffuner
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

And the purpose of the open Mike is to get behind any citizen crying foul fritz.Not just those you favor. And have you’ve ever noticed this mayor who is probably ranked one in the cities history in homecides as acting mayor of Pittsfield.Never ever addresses an apology to a family of a victim at any city Clowncil meeting?

3 years ago

Dan I am glad you survived your trip back in to the unfriendly city! Hope you made it without any incidences. I am glad you mentioned the expansion of the sidewalk on Elm, that is where I almost was hit. I to wondered where the bike lane went once you passed Greylock Federal, it just disappeared, are they going to play bumper cars with all the traffic? Another question is who will shovel the expansive sidewalk which is used by students? I can tell you the city has a poor history in clearing off sidewalks on their property from this person’s perspective. My automobiles do wish the potholes would have been filled in as well as the cars driving around me as I avoid the holes. I find it funny that they could create a sidewalk where one isn’t needed but ignore the places that are in dire need. I almost hit someone on Dorchester because the sidewalk just ends and they walked out into the street. Why doesn’t it go down the whole street is weird, don’t school kids have to walk that street?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

What a nice surprise, thanks for the nomination. I enjoy the camaraderie of all on this blog.

Had been hearing of another Morales bike lane creation on Kellogg Street. Decided to see for myself. Admit that I am a graduate of ole Mr. Reynolds Driving school, but he did teach me well to pay attention to the rules of the road. If I understand Morales road markings on Kellogg Street, I guess I should stay off that street, because I am not a weight lifter. The road markings make it seem that a driver will need to stop their vehicle on the corner by Pittsfield Furniture, get out, then pick your vehicle up and carry it on your back for about a block and then you place your vehicle on the road (if you survive) then drive the rest of the way in a very skinny lane to give room for the bikes. Seriously, is there not a “rules of the road” manual that needs to be followed legally? Where does Morales get these ideas, and why is there not some sort of zoning board that reviews and approves his ideas?

There also was a pedestrian/dog accident on Tyler Street last evening not too far from the rotary. Thankfully the person was not killed, he is hospitalized with injuries and dog is alright. I travel this road very often and most of Tyler Street is very dark, many street lights burnt out and or missing. Ever since Pittsfield decided to remove Eversource from owning the streetlights, the City streets are getting darker and darker due to the lack of the City maintaining the lighting. Where is and who is responsible for maintaining the street lights? What department head is responsible for assuring tax payers that these lights are repaired? Is it the same department that never replaces traffic enforcement signage? It is bad enough that there is almost no traffic enforcement by PPD, but the lack of lighting of the roads is more than dangerous. Is there any well run department in this City Administration? Exactly what are our taxes being used for besides bike lanes?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

I believe your tax dollars are partly being used to support the latest round of Afghan refugees into Pittsfield. Jewish Family Services just announced that they’ve hired a refugee coordinator for your area. Ask Linda how many are being imported to the Pitt.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Maybe the new traffic designs have been made to accommodate the way people drive in Afghanistan.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

The area is being renovated to enhance the residential experience. The low lighting is a new way to thwart muggers who will now have a harder time seeing their victims who are already sad about paying market rate rents.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Of all the places that should have a bike lane, West St, so the college kids could bike to classes, has nothing. Is there a plan or is just put them where they can make the most citizens mad? If they do send one out to BCC maybe it can veer into JM’s favorite gated community!

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Interesting observation. Maybe she does not want to encourage people who might enjoy the scenery and venture past the college and wind up near the sacred protected Pheasant Way area. She may like the bicycle crowd as long as they stay the hell away from her own turf.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

True,turn up the lights.You can’t see the people crossing at the movie theater….that building needs lights outside.Fix what we got councilors.First street needs sidewalks ,lights ,benches and trees trimmed…..get to work Mayor…no more cocktail hours…get it done.

3 years ago

Does Harrington not know she is law enforcement? Should someone tell her this not a campaign opportunity?
“My office will continue to work collaboratively with law enforcement and community members to address and prevent gun violence.”

Man found in Pittsfield State Forest was shot to death, officials say
A 32-year-old man who was found dead in the Pittsfield State Forest on Saturday died from multiple gunshot wounds, and his death is being investigated as a homicide, Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s office said in a statement Sunday.
The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner identified the man as Reymon Delacruz-Batista of Pittsfield, the district attorney’s office said.
“I send my condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Delacruz-Batista, who was a beloved father of three young children. Law enforcement is diligently working to identify the person or persons responsible for this murder,” Harrington said in the statement.
Hunters found Delacruz-Batista’s body in the state forest around 5:10 a.m. Saturday, the district attorney’s office said. The Pittsfield police and fire departments responded, and paramedics pronounced Delacruz-Batista dead at the scene. State Police and the Berkshire County Sheriff’s office also responded, the district attorney’s office said.
Investigators are asking anyone who lives in the area with a home surveillance system to share recordings from Friday night into Saturday morning with detectives. Anyone with information can call the Berkshire State Police Detectives at 413-499-1112 or the Pittsfield Police Department Detective Bureau at 413-448-9705.
“My office will continue to work collaboratively with law enforcement and community members to address and prevent gun violence. We ask that anyone with information about this shooting support our efforts by reporting what they know to law enforcement,” Harrington said.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

What the hell has she done to prevent gun violence???

Waylund Gennings
Waylund Gennings
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

Simple. Don’t talk about it, just goes away”

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

She’s busy ending the scourge of racial disparities in our justice system.

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

When you factor in the amount of crime committed by blacks, the fact is that not only is there no disparity, white cops use force and at a disproportionately higher rate against other whites – not blacks. Blacks commit about half the homicides in this country and most of the victims are BIPOC and black lives matters could care less.

Waylund Gennings
Waylund Gennings
Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
3 years ago

Think about it. A few years ago ppd fired shots and have killed and injured white men right here in the city. Dont ever recall a man or woman of black ethnicity being shot.

Waylund Gennings
Waylund Gennings
Reply to  Waylund Gennings
3 years ago

And don’t say it didn’t happen. One in particular was off South St.another off Williams and the one at Springside Ave. To name a few.

Kille Dare
Kille Dare
Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
3 years ago

Bottom line as far as police killing of blacks vs white almost double killings of whites vs blacks. More whites killed by police vs blacks. W L M

Kille Dare
Kille Dare
Reply to  Kille Dare
3 years ago

Patriots Tampa Super Bowl? Kentucky Derby winne(.( Medina Spirit) drugged) by his trainer Bobby baffart dies in a workout

Reply to  Kille Dare
3 years ago

Send Baffert to jail and revoked his licenses to train for life

Been There Done That
Been There Done That
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

The last time she ran she could say anything she wanted and people believed it. Hopefully they now realize it was all lies. Now that she has to run on her history she has to make everything a campaign speech to deflect from what she has really done – which is make a mess out of the DAs office. Say what you will about previous administrations, none are perfect, but at least they could investigate a case, hold a trial with actual witnesses and see a case through to a guilty verdict. Those days are over with this one in office. She cares only about herself.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

More like law enfarcement .

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

What happened to the BARC president that got caught funneling cash for his benefit and his wife.Were charges brought and does he still work as head of BARC….when people are not transparent they are stealing money.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Which is why there will never be a forensic audit in Pittsfield. No oversight. Regular audit is lipstick on the swine. Do NOT look behind the curtain in Pittsfield. Get out if you can.

3 years ago

I have two nominations for the Orbit
1. The forensic audit
2. The bike lanes

Reply to  Outfox
3 years ago

Well, if you are going to give an award for issue of the year, then I nominate the issue of bums on the corner as my top pick.

Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

I saw a Newyorker the other morning, stop and give two bucks to one of the bums. Wanted to rear end her ass.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Here’s hoping a tribe of uncivilized maumaus rear ends you. Pittsfield’s schitty corrupt ass clowns just pissed away another $140,000 on two New Yorkers who couldn’t stuff Pittsfield taxpayers $$$$$$$$$$$ into their own greedy pockets fast enough. It’s unlikely the $2 the New Yorker gave away to the bum came out of Pittsfield taxpayers pockets.

Last edited 3 years ago by Maumausmatter
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago


Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

I nominate the landlord who engaged in blockbusting by hiring the homeless to be nuisances around his properties.

Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

Mine would be the bums in the corner office.

3 years ago

I nominate Terry Kinnas to be recognized for his many contributions in the real world. He should have received an Orbit by now.

Second That
Second That
Reply to  Clem
3 years ago

Great choice I’ve seen with Merry and Bright,maybe co winners Dan. Terry went to bat for us on a personal level have nothing to do with Pittsfield with a great result.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I nominate my pen pal Patrick Fennell for the Orbit award. I like him because he tells off the Berkshire County area state and local politicians as a voice for the proverbial Kapanskis. I always enjoy reading his political emails and letters to the editor, too. 50 years of worsening economic inequality, living wage job loss, population loss and political corruption in Massachusetts politics, and the beautiful Berkshires always get more of the same business as usual. Thank you, Patrick Fennell for your political advocacy for the little guy.

3 years ago

Just read the hate rag for a morning laugh/cry. I can’t believe people actually think and write the way they do. A couple decades to leave the COVID-19 hot spot Pittsfield to visit another hot spot NYC for 3 days and they feel safer in NY because everyone has to show they have been vaccinated. I now don’t feel safer knowing people are doing this and becoming transmission devices for the virus, but I am glad they feel safer. Then Ms. Bass starts with her hateful drivel that she has been doing for years and these are some examples of why subscription numbers are tanking. For a supposedly smart person the judge doesn’t seem to get it.

3 years ago

I nominate the first city snow plow driver who volunteers a discreet interview with Dan regarding plowing Pittsfield streets.
(They will all be cautioned this morning as to whether they would like to keep their jobs if they do such an interview)

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

No inside scoop on Pittsfield’s latest murder? Where is Police Report? PR – what’s the word? Is this another case of turned state’s evidence gone wrong?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Two Pittsfield Men Face Drug, Gun Charges Following Raid – June 19, 2015 iberkshires,
Police met with armed suspects, fortified door in Pittsfield raids/ June 19, 2015 Berkshire Eagle.

Illegal DRUGS and illegal GUNS, armed suspects behind fortified doors!

So while EVERYONE was uninvited to the lighting of the Christmas tree in Park Sq. while the grinch and her 3am troll were getting liquored up across the street from the park, EVERYONE will be invited, if not mandated, to attend the candlelight vigil for the deceased violence dangerous offender, hosted by those deviants tyer, nipples and the ginormous butt twerkers.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

The 32-year-old dead guy, father of three, was sentenced in 2016 to up to 4 years in prison on gun and drug charges. One less dangerous violent lowlife! I think its obscene that this live by the gun, die by the gun violent lowlife is memorialized on when the 36-year-old distraught over losing his job father of two who was murdered by the cops on September 1, 2017 after being shot multiple times by a trigger happy cop, with a history, is not memorialized on Lost to Gun Violence. In 2010 the same trigger happy psycho cop shot an unarmed 36-year-old Dalton man multiple times, no doubt with the intent to murder him.

Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

You’re full of lies pal. That cop saved a bunch of lives that day. Trust me I know. He should have been given a lifesaving award.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Here’s the inside scoop. The war on drugs was ruining people’s lives, fueling mass incarceration and targeting people of color. So we stopped the war on drugs and let our drug dealers work things out for themselves.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Haha! Let’s Go Brandon store opened in North Attleboro.
F#+$ Charlie Baker store is also what we need. Geoff Diehl for Guv!

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Diehl is a clown who has not shot at winning whatsoever.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

So who are you supporting and why?

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Herb Pease
3 years ago

Whomever the Democratic nominee is will win.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

This “Let’s Go Brandon” nonsense reveals the immaturity of every Trumper.

Grow up.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

but i suppose the Tuck Frump tee shirts and hats were perfectly acceptable. Hypocrite (but we knew that)

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

How much of a dolt does one have to be to read Zerohedge? It’s Russian propaganda run out of Bulgaria. Seriously. It is the height of stupidity to even link to its garbage.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Mayor Tyer,Do not spend our money in secret anymore.Denna Ruffer do not spent our money in secret anymore ,not 1 penny.City Council please do your job as oversight of these 2 people are not Transparent. Mayor begging you to trust the taxpayer knowing everthing you do..

250,000 on 4 apartments at the firehouse….why ?why? why ?….Councilor White must know the answer.We bought the brewery equipment for a Brewer and 250 k for the 4 plex…..Pittsfield councilors can’t do simple math

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

These people know there is zero oversight. They know they are untouchable. We cannot change this. Cut your losses and get the hell out of dodge. Your lot in life will never improve in Pittsfield. Give your family the chance they deserve and move elsewhere.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

SC, first time I actually agree with you . Broken clock right twice a day. What’s going on in Pittsfield is a direct effect of the vote on the revised Pittsfield Charter. The Mayor now has 4 year term. Plunger doesn’t need us, she can plunge where ever she wants. Time to fix this problem and go back to 2 year appointment.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 years ago

It’s time for a paid Town Manager. Get rid of the Mayor position. It is corrupt.

Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
3 years ago

I second that motion!

Sabin Winz
Sabin Winz
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
3 years ago

It’s time for that movie quote Well, Do Smething!,,,,

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Why do we have so many plungers? Where did they come from and what can they be used for? BTW where did those little greenhouses go that dotted North street during COVID

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Also SC , it’s about greasing her supporters. Do you think if Scott Graves was a supporter of Mayor Plunger, he would be refurbishing the Tyler Street firehouse? I think he would. Also Milltown capital and Allegrone, follow the money. Time for a change.

3 years ago

So anyone know the status of Spacely Space Sprockets, which received a space test chamber courtesy of taxpayers? Have they received any more handouts?
The owner lives in a $450,000 home and drives an Audi.
Why are taxpayers subsidizing his business?

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

I would venture Mr. Spacley is a major supporter of Mayor Plunger.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Pittsfield has bragged about all its millions of dollars in new growth in the last couple of years. What they are NOT bragging (or talking out loud about) is that all these folks are being subsidized by you the taxpayer. YOU are paying a large portion of their taxes FOR THEM and will be for many years to come. THEY however, are keeping ALL THE PROFIT from their ventures. And YOU, not THEM, just had your taxes bumped almost to the maximum amount. Now, if THEY, were paying their fair share, YOUR taxes would NOT be going up. But that is Tyers and Kufflinks methodology and ain’t nuttin you can do about it.
And this is why they are fighting any forensic audit tooth and nail because all this shell game stuff would be put out on the table in front of everyone.

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago
Pittsfield City Council Approves Economic Funds for New Brewery
The City Council last week approved a $140,000 allocation of the city’s economic development funds for a new brewery in the Onota building on North Street. Learn more at the link

Fizzle says, take that ya stupit taxpayers, ain’t nutin ya can do bout it…haa haaaa

Seedie Realty
Seedie Realty
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

The This is a tough one. My first nominee would be the City I Hate. Or right there with Merry and Bright or Terry Kinnas. Because of Covid Dan let’s consider all three. Please. Pat, Nota and Mad will understand. Although Nota came up with the infamous N O N. A classic.

Seedie Realty
Seedie Realty
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Again. Where was shot spotter at this latest shooting?

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

For the same reason they are subsidizing Milltown capital, Allegrone et al.

Tampexy Hall
Tampexy Hall
Reply to  Two Cents
3 years ago

Is the dum dum city Clowncil meeting tonight?

Tampexy Hall
Tampexy Hall
Reply to  Two Cents
3 years ago

Just pay your taxes. And shut the hellup.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Why are we subsidizing his business, my guess would be so he, the owner, can move out of his shabby $450,000 dump and into a $750,000 plus mcmansion next to the mayor on Pheasant Way. So, I went to schitty hall yesterday to pay my water & sewer bill, and what to my surprise did I meet, but a fairy wonderland of lights, trees and sound. That, of course, was when I finally located the only unlocked entrance/exit into that shithole. The Main entrance is , and has been, dangerous for years now. The rusty decrepit dangerous Fenn St. entrance is, and has been decorated with tattered crime scene ribbon for a long time. But, the taxpayers, from the pick-pocket-tax I didn’t vote for, did replace the roof on a church on First St. and the ornate wrought iron fence at St. Joseph’s church on NON.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

And Audis are money pits.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

December 7, 1941. A date which will live in infamy. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

“No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it. There can be no appeasement with ruthlessness. There can be no reasoning with an incendiary bomb.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Chris Connell
Chris Connell
3 years ago

Hi Dan, I’m honored to be nominated. That said, I feel there’s more deserving individuals. I have only been doing my job that I was elected to do. Thanks

Reply to  Chris Connell
3 years ago

Chris as a Ward 4 resident, I think you are more than deserving. You have always been there to listen to my complaints and suggestions. Other councilors couldn’t carry your lunch pail. Wish you good luck on your next chapter.

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 years ago

I nominate Moon bat and Caccomoron. By not running again they are doing a great service for the city.

It’ll fun to read about Mumbling Nick screwing up Williamsburg.

Know Yorbrane
Know Yorbrane
Reply to  Benigno Numine
3 years ago

White said no brainer on the new love and peace bar as was Persip in affirmative. Guess White is a big beer drinker.I give up with this council? It isn’t about your beer liking White,it’s about the taxpayer and jobs from the PEDA funding. No brainer.And how the hell did White win an Orbit?????

Know Yorbrane
Know Yorbrane
Reply to  Benigno Numine
3 years ago

Them and a few others,only orbit them somewhere but here.

Know Yorbrane
Know Yorbrane
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Chris tried but never followed through.Rest easy Chris the torture is over.

Chris Connell
Chris Connell
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Thank you Joetaxpayer

Sabin Winz
Sabin Winz
Reply to  Chris Connell
3 years ago

Yuki literally sat on that city council and did absolutely nothing for two years.