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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 26, 2022) — First order of business, a housekeeping note, to the many who tried to log on to THE PLANET in the wee hours yesterday and couldn’t.

Essentially, we had a traffic backup. Forgive the use of jargon, but by way of explanation for these weird events in cyberspace, there’s no other way to jive. From our IT department:

It looks like the issue could was caused by an influx of traffic to the server. The server RAM (temporary memory) is limited and acts like a food service line. Each time a page is loaded on any site on this server, a request is made to the server to build and serve the page back to the user who requested it. This is like someone ordering breakfast at a restaurant — a service ticket is created, handed back to the chefs and, a few minutes later, the dish is produced to be handed off to the customer.

On a web server, the httpd service handles these requests, serving as the waiter. Typically, it can fulfill each request, or page load, in a matter of seconds or milliseconds. In this case, the server became overwhelmed and cut off any additional http connections. It closed the doors to the restaurant to catch up on the orders.

Typically, when this happens, the service takes a few moments to clear the queue and automatically permits new connections, or reopens the doors to admit new customers. Instead, the service shut down and caused a 10-15 minute shutdown of all sites. Restarting the service (which includes https) got our sites back online.

We thank you for your patience. As one wag commented, not a bad problem to have, too much traffic and too many hits. Our investments backstage have prevented 99.9% of these situations, but every once in a while, even the largest networks have this problem. Too much traffic for the road.

And by the way, THE PLANET has ruled out a cyberattack from the Kremlin or the White House.

———- ooo ———-

Speaking of the White House, Joe Biden going one on one with Vladimir Putin is like Michael Dunn taking Wilt into the paint. Outmatched, outnumbered, outwitted.

No one knows what will happen with the Ukraine. Putin has the troops at the borders, declares he has no intention of starting a war, and speaks of training exercises the way Jack LaLane used to exhale and inhale on his TV exercises. Meanwhile, Biden stepped into cow pie, giving Russia the green light for a “minor incursion.” The White House has been scrambling since — even Kamala, who was spotted teaching a hyena how to chuckle.

Why is this the United States business? THE PLANET gets the NATO obligations, but isn’t it hypocritical for America to knock the East’s security alliances, namely CSTO — the Collective Security treaty Organization, their NATO.

BCSTO includes Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakstan, Armenia, and Belarus. Russia is pledged to defend one and all, should the West intervene.

Whose conning whom? Each side claims the other is trying to incite a new Cold War.

Our guess? The 8,500 U.S. troops that have been put on high alert will have the opposite effect on Putin that Biden hopes.

———- ooo ———-

Last week, THE PLANET broke a story about felling trees around the Pittsfield airport. Seems airport manager Dan Shearer didn’t put in the request for funds during the FY23 budget process, so, with the mayor’s approval, tacked on an emergency request to use “free” cash — Kapanski Kash — to spend $162,400 for a consultant

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.

The council’s finance subcommittee approved the request. Gale Associates got the job. How much debate do you think the measure will draw when it comes up before the council as a whole [last night]?


  • Are the trees on private property truly a safety hazard, or did the promise of federal and state reimbursement lure the city into another of those do-nothing projects that reward privately and do nothing to help the public?
  • If this is the airport’s “highest priority” item, as Shearer contends, why didn’t he include the request in the regular budget? Don’t expect any good answers.

Two weeks ago, at the first meeting of the new session, our Right Honorable Good Friends met for 39 minutes. Last night’s agenda looked even lighter. What’s that work out to an hour? Councilors get about $400 per meeting. At 39 minutes, they worked at an hourly rate of $660 an hour. Tough work, but someone has to do it.


“Government’s first duty is to protect its people, not run their lives”Ronald Reagan



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Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Great Ronald Reagan quote.

Instead of being sent to European NATO countries, those 8,500 troops should be sent to the U.S.southern border to stop the invasion of illegal immigrants. They are needed HERE! We are being overrun!

Last edited 3 years ago by Mr. Fritz
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Recap of Pittsfield politics tonight:
Pittsfield Panel OKs Free Cash for Airport Easement Acquisition Project / – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.

Last year, 2021, Joe Biden threatened China with WW3 if China invades Taiwan, which the White House had to walk back with China. Joe Biden is threatening to tank Russia’s economy and sanction Putin himself if Russia invades Ukraine. Joe Biden called Putin a “KILLER” on the world stage last year. Let us not forget that Joe Biden voted for the U.S. Government led by Bush 2 to invade Iraq after 9/11/2001. In 2022, the tables have turned, and Joe Biden is (hypocritically) against Russia invading Ukraine, as well as China invading Taiwan. In closing, I wonder if Joe Biden is trying to start WW3 or is he just an old man with dementia in the Oval Office who likes to act with hostility against foreign military superpowers just for the hell of it?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You voted for Dementia Joe. You’re part of the problem.
We had peace through strength with Trump.
Even Rocket Man knows Biden is a weak puppet of Obama’s – as North Korea has stepped up the test firing of their missiles.
O’Biden’s foreign policy is a disaster!

Bygone Goodbi
Bygone Goodbi
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

We’ve gone through this before with Ukraine idle threats from Obama,remember?…so now it will be Putin’s personal interests? What does that say about strategy? Nothing,there is no plan. Agree one hundred percent with fritz send troops to the border and either shit or get off the pot with Ukraine.

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
3 years ago

The tree issue was communicated to the FAA by Gale Associates. There is no evidence that I was able to find that anyone from the FAA actually looked at the problem. Does anyone else see a problem here?

If it ain't broken
If it ain't broken
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

You know that money is already missing & some explanation is required – buying back packs has already been used for unexplained missing funding.

Way Off
Way Off
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

This is what happens when you have a monopoly type business. Has the monopoly ever include these Gale people in any previous projects. And I thought those tree were a berm?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

“A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, he looks around for a coffin.” H.L. Mencken

Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer elected president of Massachusetts Mayor’s ASS-ociation

The ASS-ociation’s first choice was Fall River corrupt Mayor Jasiel F. Correia. But the ASS-ociation had to settle for tyer because lowbred scumbags allegedly elected in Pittsfield are never held accountable.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Sign me up. I have 4, 100 ft. Pines on my property that I need to be taken down. Mayor Terror could that be Airport money/Covid?

Reply to  Dave Bubriski
3 years ago

So the mayor did not want to use free cash to help reduce taxes because she was saving it for special interests? Is that why we are overtaxed in the first place? To build a pot of gold for special interests? Kind of like the CPA money?

If you are young enough and smart enough you will get your ass out of the Pittsfield money vacuum. It wants every dine you have and is constantly looking for new ways to get into your packet. Go now!

3 years ago

Trying to figure out Putins logic starting a war in the middle of a Russian winter and during a pandemic (in which his country is not doing well). He has overwhelming power and no one is doubting he would eventually win decisively but something tells me there is more to this than meets the eye. I think it is a continuum of his highly successful ongoing efforts to cripple America by dragging us front and center to the stage.
And he has not even hauled out his cyber best efforts yet. Incidentally, our other nemesis, China, North Korea and Iran also excel at cyber warfare and would not hesitate to help any of our enemies from the shadow of cyber darkness.

All those fake American patriots bitching and screaming about Biden seem oblivious to the fact that if this country goes down they will go with it.
A few lines of malicious code could instantly put America on its back like a turtle. Be careful what you wish for when trashing your own government during a crisis.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Our current government seems to be the enemy of American citizens.

If Russia does invade Ukraine, bumbling Biden will evacuate haphazardly and leave the Russians billions of dollars of equipment.

Remember his “leadership” last summer?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I still remember the insurrection like it was yesterday.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Yea, Nov 3-4 2020 when America became a banana republic.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

I remember that day as well. Gas was $1.80 a gallon and the shelves in the supermarkets were full,

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

And we’re still looking into the FBIs participation and Nancy’s emails on that issue.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Guv Baker is giving 12 million of your tax dollars towards the resettlement of Afghans in the state of MA. Tyer and TFB are also committed to the cause.
Are they vetted? (right!)
Are they vaxed?
Have they been screened for disease?
Will they also be given jobs?

The last paragraph of this article estimates the costs involved to support each Afghan.

Sook Liavra
Sook Liavra
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Just send them here. That’s their motto.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Just curious, are you for forced vaccination and if not are you for Forced vaccination of immigrants? Are you for mandatory screening of
People to see if they have disease? Is this even a thing? And lastly, wouldn’t you rather they have a job?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Total bullshit and over 2 million illegals came into America last year. Biden ought be impeached or otherwise removed from office

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  JoeFriday
3 years ago

That would be worse with the brainless laughing Harlot in line to succeed him.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I’m not sure because if the San Fran Ho became President then the Senate would be deadlocked until the midterms

3 years ago

Listening (with gritted teeth) to Good Morning Joe today and little mention of the Russia/Ukraine situation, but lots of lectures about how dare people say we are done with COVID. We have over 800,000 dead in this country and we haven’t got to the permanent changes we need in this country because of COVID. Then lots of coverage of January 6th and how so many Americans just don’t realize what a threat this was to our country. They never will discuss the connections between the frustrations of COVID, the 4 year coup attempt, interference by Pelosi with not having the proper security in place, and other strange things that happened on January 6th that created this perfect storm leading up to that day.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
3 years ago

But have you ruled out a cyber attack by Let’s Go Linda or her One of her GOBSIGS?

3 years ago

Apparently the only thing Harrington and her clowns have learnd from the Judge Tyne fiasco is that you can wave around an “extraditional statement” to try to weasle out of having to comment on anything embarrassing.

“Through a spokesperson, the DA’s office declined to comment on the lapse between the completion of the crash reconstruction report and formal filing of charges against Field and Taylor, saying in an email that doing so would “would be extrajudicial and a violation of the defendants’ due process rights.”

Head Injury / Fair Trial / Dangerousness
Head Injury / Fair Trial / Dangerousness
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

DA’s administration wouldn’t recognize due process if it bit em in the arm.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto

She missed the first episode of Law & Order that was about due process and how it works.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

But it’s not a violation to say they were drag racing?? Does Dahoney think we are as stupid as he is? You failed to do your job because you don’t know how to do your job, that’s what happened.This victim and his family were abandoned by you and no campaign bandaid will change that.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

They have evidence the driver was doing 100mph off road and on the highway and they are only charging them with motor vehicle homicide, not manslaughter. I guess the DA doesn’t think there is anything reckless about racing at 100mph and killing an innocent person. A double slap to the victim’s family.

Rings a bell
Rings a bell
Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

Taylor –

Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

They should return their salaries.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  EricaG
3 years ago

Return their salaries with interest.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Happy Australia Day!

australia day – Google Search

Disaster Wah
Disaster Wah
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Caled city hall got an answering machine. Pothole blew a tire on my car at new west st. Be careful there. Also no shoveling done from starbase technology going to the lame bridge on Pecks Rd….those are sidewalks under that ice and snow now, Health Department!!!!!,, Kids go to school and some walk down there!,,,,not in the gol damn road.

Aside….A member of the police advisory committeee wanted to know about promotions yo Captain.? That’s not your preview you idiot.

Reply to  Disaster Wah
3 years ago

I hope there is some money left over from the bike lanes to fill the potholes. There are no kickbacks when filling potholes though if that explains anything.

Disaster Wah
Disaster Wah
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Ahhaaa no Curt,no Barry and no Roger,ahhhhhha. The bottom line is Pete Rose set the bar. No Pete no other Cowboys in the Hall.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

It was Trump and his followers who cyberattacked the Planet, just ask TSC………..

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Don’t forget Fox News was in on the attack also because TSC gives them credit for everything Trump.

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

And Fox (news) was and is still proud to have been a part of it.

3 years ago

Do you like the high prices you’re paying for eggs? Thank your state legislators for the new rule limiting MA egg sales to free-range only.
Me, I’ll be driving to Bennington to pick up my caged-chicken eggs!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Blame Chrome Dome, Trippy Country Buffet, Paul Marxism, Shitty & the career Mayor!

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Guess you would rather pay the high price of gas instead.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Not buying gas, business travel my friend!

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Well then pick me up a coupla dozen please.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Price of gas is as high as Hunter Biden

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Get a chicken

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

I wondered why there have been about zero brown eggs in local stores the last couple weeks, unless you by the pricey $5-6/dozen organic ones.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

And you’ll burn a small fortune in gas. How would you like to live in a cage? Did you know they keep baby cows chained in little dog houses and so they can’t walk around and then kill them as calves and that’s where veal comes from?

Reply to  SallySays
3 years ago

If you want to make yourself sick go to youtube and google “chicken processing”. Disgusting.
chicken is my favorite food and I did not need to see that

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Raise your own chicken and choke it when you have to .

Reply to  SallySays
3 years ago

So, Sally, you enjoy government control over your choices? Why do our legislators think they know what’s best for consumers? Who made them God?

I believe in the freedom to choose. You obviously do not.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

If you were a chicken you would really be thinking about your freedom. They are now going to one more inch added to their individual cages. Lucky chickens.

3 years ago

Stop the masks bullshit! Kids are dying from ODs and suicides. The science says masks do not work. Stop abusing our children. If you don’t feel safe without a mask please wear one. Live and let live.

Con Firmnoms
Con Firmnoms
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Biden will nominate a Black Woman to the Supreme Court. That’s Official.

Reply to  Con Firmnoms
3 years ago

Maybe Kamala so we can be rid of her.

Reply to  SallySays
3 years ago

She’s not Black .

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Your right but that doesn’t stop Joe and her and others from pretending. She is not a judge either and never has been.

Reply to  SallySays
3 years ago

Pocahontas wasn’t an Indian but that never stopped her either

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Abusing children? Have you noticed that not ONE word has come out of the school system about bullying or fighting since that fiasco at Taconic? It is almost like veryone was told to keep their mouths shut about stuff like that or get fired.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

That’s right Joe. Way too many Maskholes around. Get over it and live.

Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

Thank you for your concern, it’s heart warming. God willing, I hope to be around for awhile. I can’t sit by while our youth are being abused by Karen’s and Progressives. MaskHoles, love it.

3 years ago

Joe Biden is a dirty 50 year political scum bag. Give him credit for keep on keeping on. Thank god he is going through dementia. He won’t know who to stroke politically.

Meat & Pudding
Meat & Pudding
3 years ago

How fitting “The Machine”…. I was just feeling that exact notion here in Poopshit

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Who will replace Breyer? Here’s the short list. Will O’Biden nominate Commie-La to get her out of the way, paving a road for Pelosi to assume the presidency if Biden is deemed unfit to serve?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Concerning the Kylie Irving with his status of nay playing basketball road games? Because of Covid.

Dusty Springfield NetsvWishing and hoping and praying? Rent a Net?That’s really funny.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

How about Michelle Obama?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

How about Stacy Abrahms

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Moochell couldn’t run water.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Mooch could leave a room with a thousand doors……just sayin

Reply to  Koozie
3 years ago

And her ass is too big for the chairs.

Reply to  SallySays
3 years ago

Kamala’s ain’t far behind and Kagan and Soyamajor are both cows with large back nines.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

How about Shirley Edgerton?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The woman who publicly stated she hates America? Get serious.

3 years ago

Talking about the trees and the funding I want to do a shout out to Mr. Kronik on at least attempting to discuss the funds for the trees. Did not like the mayor’s response about the money, why can’t the reimbursement from the state and federal government go back to free cash? If it can’t why can’t the money come out of the airport budget if it’s just being reimbursed? The explanation doesn’t make sense. Now with some inside information it seems like a pay off to someone? If I was one of the private landowners you wouldn’t touch my trees without a large cash settlement or long court case. So again where is this all coming from and why did only one counselor ask for the Kapanski’s?

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Kerwood said when the money comes back it goes into the general fund. He said this during the finance committee meeting.

Reply to  Simon Ives
3 years ago

I wonder what Kerwoods definition of the “general fund” is. Sounds pretty vague to me.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Dan, Free Cash is an account that is certified and sealed (pardon some sloppy writing here) by the State. Operating accounts that have unspent cash are closed and transferred into that account at year end. The State then certifies it at which point, the city may no longer contribute into it. I believe one can imagine why the State place that restriction.

My hope was a device (sub-account in the Gen. Funds) that would be tied to a liability to accomplish two ends: sequester the grant money that replaces the expense to prevent it being lost and to tie the expense directly to the Airport Budget. As a CFO, wouldn’t one want to see large expense (and grant revenue) in its financial statements?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 years ago

So make an account in the ledger of the general fund for airport reimbursement and then sweep it into free cash at the end of the year

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Who owns the land? Is some special interest person getting his land cleared for free? Is this even anywhere near the flight path?
There were several houses on upper Cloverdale street taken by eminent domain for the airport upgrade. Why are they still there? Why are there people living in them?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Only benefit I get from the airport is being able to buy 100LL for off road equipment.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Congratulations to the Lovely Linda!

“Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer elected president of Massachusetts Mayors’ Association”
By Amanda Burke, The Berkshire Eagle, January 26, 2022

PITTSFIELD — Mayor Linda Tyer has been elected by the membership of the Massachusetts Mayors’ Association to serve as that body’s leader, her office announced. 

“I am deeply honored to be chosen for this position by my peers and I look forward to continuing my work with them and with the MMA in this new leadership position,” Tyer said in a news release.

The advocacy group’s Executive Director Geoff Beckwith said Tyer is “a remarkable leader in her community and across the Commonwealth.”

“She is a forceful and effective advocate on behalf of local officials and taxpayers in all communities, as mayors and local leaders promote a robust partnership with the state in our common work to make Massachusetts stronger and more prosperous,” he said. 

The Massachusetts Mayors’ Association, established in 1945, provides opportunities for mayors to network and share ideas, pursue educational opportunities, meet with state leaders and subject-matter experts, and participate in the advocacy work of the MMA, according to its website. There are 47 mayors representing Massachusetts cities.

Massachusetts Mayors’ Association (

Tyer is a former Pittsfield city councilor and clerk who was first elected mayor in 2015. Now in her second four-year term, Tyer has also served as a Massachusetts Mayors’ Association’s vice president and on its Executive Committee and Municipal and Regional Administration Policy Committee.

She will serve a one-year term at the helm of the organization, her office said in the news release, as well as on the board of directors. Mayor Tyer will also serve on the Local Government Advisory Commission.

Tyer, who was appointed during a virtual meeting on Jan. 21, [2022], said mayors statewide are “are facing common challenges and are united on an agenda for growth and advancement.”

“We are committed to working with Gov. Baker and the legislature to forge a partnership between the state and our cities and towns, so we can create a vibrant future for every community throughout Massachusetts,” she said.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Another excuse to get out of town and not so her job!

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Advocate for taxpayers? Yeah right! Getting more from the taxpayers is more like it.

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

Stepping stone to a higher office? Padding a resume for a political appointment? Will she run for state rep. as a vetted democratic puppet like Tricia?

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

No one else wanted it.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Is it true that the state of Mass. is thinking about moving its seat of government from Boston to Pittsfield due to the dynamic and innovative nature of the city? It has the best mayor, best schools, low crime, almost zero drug problems and an innovation center second to none. It also has a rotary and best of all new bike lanes.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The “voters” obviously have no option.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

So, in addition to the PPD’s always short staffing hustle [Wynn reports the department remains understaffed] and the PPD’s habitually augmented budget, or in other words, not enough cops and TOO much budget, the “new” shitty council unanimously approved another $396,000 gift for the understaffed PPD to allegedly address youth violence. It’s unclear just exactly how the cops are really going to piss away this money, and I’m sure it will remain unclear. What I am sure about is that this additional $396,000 will not prevent even one juvenile gangster from reaching his full gangbanger potential in Pittsfield’s crimes infested ghettos. The PPD cops also got $10,000 for kung-fu lessons in shime-waza.

3 years ago

Props, to Councilor Maffico for calling out the traffic tyranny on the City streets. No, input from the taxpayers or the City Council is not acceptable! Bike lanes should be on , bike trails.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Only one with any guts. New council same old same old puppets? Mayoral stooges with no self respect?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago


Councilor Guts is waiting for citizens to step up to the good podium.Two opportunities a month, only 25 minutes of your good time needed. 25 seconds gets the job done.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 years ago

Let’s talk about citizen input for a moment. Charles have you witnessed any of the citizen backlash about the North street clusterfuk? All over boards, media and letters to the editor. Most people not only hate it but think it is asinine, including business owners on North street.
So how does the mayor receive this backlash? Doubles down. Says she ain’t changing nuttin. Don’t care what people think. I hope this at least partially explains to you why nobody shows up at council meetings. But thank you for your continued efforts Charles.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago


I appreciate your point and frustration, and my position on bike lanes remains firm. The most powerful effect on the City Council are the people who show up in person at City Council and voice their complaints. First Amendment to the US Constitution:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Implied is the expectation that citizens have the desire to petition their grievances. You fail to exercise that right at your peril.

Anonymous political speech is important. It measures the freedom in society, gives comfort to the aggrieved and cultivate free thought; however, change only came from those who also stood up in public.

I want to hear your grievances. See you next time – second and fourth tuesday each month.

Last edited 3 years ago by Charles Kronick
The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 years ago

Only the second meeting of less than an hour duration for the allegedly “new” shitty clowncilors and already Charlie, you and your alleged political guts strike me as a single dingo cavorting with 10 Jackels. Do you smoke pot before the start of these farcical shitty meetings?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 years ago

Are you in person or is it zoom

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

In person at City Hall Council Chambers, second floor 6:00pm. Arrive 5 min early if you want to speak at the public portion. Read the Agenda first and look for the business that you want to speak on. City Council Agendas (

3 years ago

It’s like we’re living in a third world country already after a year of Biden. Washing machine parts are taking forever to arrive creating problems in my home. Only the elites are not feeling these problems. I heard today that 45 million households in this country are having trouble with providing food for their families because of the high prices of Joe Biden’s America. Meanwhile, they are pouring in young adults males from around the world and busing them across the country. I thought only families were allowed into the country? More lies from this administration.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Eff the families. Families or not, nobody, and I mean nobody, should be jumping the line. Send all their illegal eases packing!

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

I hear Biden has a whole basement full of washing machine parts. Never voting for him again!

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Another fizzle lie…I know you have already started to fill out all those mail in ballots for Biden 24!,

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Joe Biden will not run again. He just says that to piss you guys off. But I am mad at him for not giving his whole family white house jobs like Trump did. I guess maybe they are not as smart as Don jr and Eric.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

He already gave himself, Hunter, and Jim loot from China and Ukraine, millions in fact. They didn’t even have to work.

But Hunter can’t pay child support to the stripper he impregnated, whose raising creepy Joe’s grandkid.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

They are all federal employees.I see all of the pleading the 5th including the big butt Guilfoyl. They will not turn Daddy in.It is a must that FOX Putin channel lie to the anti American viewers who are brain squished poor victims.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Hunter makes more for the family taking bribes from Russia and China. The big guy doesn’t want to give that up.

12 gauge
12 gauge
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Dementia Joe got Corn Pop a job with the Capitol Police.

12 gauge
12 gauge
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

He needs anything to do with washing machines so brother Jim and crackhead Hunter can launder the money from Russia and China.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Charlie Herzig asked the Pittsfield City Councilors about the Verizon Cell Tower in the Shack Town neighborhood at the second City Council meeting of 2022 on Tuesday night, 25-January. He asked the Pittsfield politicians if the city doesn’t believe the doctors who said the people who live there are sick? Has asked if the city just doesn’t care?

Pittsfield city council approves police jujitsu program, hears cell tower concerns at second meeting | WAMC

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I heard there is a leader on bank row that if an employee is sick with a doctors note she bullies until they quit, just more of that liberal love

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

they reside in the old Atheneum

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Don’t mess with the PPD. They’ll jujitsu your ass.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

How many Mayors of Pittsfield politics are still alive? I think they are Sara Hathaway’s Hack, Jimmy Ruberto’s Renaissance Regime, Daniel Bianchi’s Bust, and the Lovely Linda Tyer Taxes, which makes 4, but there is also some Mayors from the 70’s such as Evan Doorbell, too. Don’t forget about Mayor McCheeseburger!

3 years ago

The Da is on another twitter rant. She’s bragging that her office doesn not prosecute “personal use amounts of illegal drugs” as if any other DA does. Her mentor Da Rollins had a policy against prosecuting possession with intent to distribute of heroin and cocaine due to racial disparaties. After three years, who can answer the question what is Da Harrington’s policy on heroin dealing? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Reply to  Al
3 years ago

Prosecute illegal activity? why would she do that? didn’t she take an oath to uphold the law? until the law has changed isn’t she breaking her oath?

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  pothole
3 years ago

Hopefully the Berkshires has had enough of her soft on crime approach for just certain people.

Reply to  Al
3 years ago

What if you rob a liquor store all by yourself? If nobody gets hurt and you just need a few bottles to celebrate your kids graduation I don’t see why that needs to involve the authorities either.

Reply to  annulgas
3 years ago

As long as you sell it to buy fentanyl that is for personal use it’s AOK.

Reply to  Al
3 years ago

All I know about DA Harrington is you get 1 year per bale of hay. She’s tough on hay crimes!

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Big story in the shitty bEagle today on a Bart charter incident. I was driving by Taconic and four five cop cars rushing over there the other

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Good one, Joe! ROFL.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Decriminalize crime!

Reply to  Al
3 years ago

Yes she is pushing her drug agenda which is nothing but crack houses with a different name. Addiction requires intervention, not accommodation. Instead of using the Kapanskis dollars to support addiction we need more free detox and treatment programs, not a shooting gallery. There is no safe way to shoot illegal drugs. Treatment, not injection sites.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  RNtoo
3 years ago

Nipples obviously doesn’t give a shit about the devastating toll addiction takes not only on junkies with monkeys on their backs but also on the families who love them but can’t stand them anymore. “There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy.” – Dante Alighieri

A Junkie’s Lament / James Taylor

Ricky’s been kicking the gong
Lickety split, didn’t take too long
A junkie’s sick
A monkey’s strong
That’s what’s wrong

Well, I guess he’s been messing around downtown
So sad to see the man losing ground
Winding down behind closed doors
On all fours

Mama, don’t you call him my name
He can’t hear you anymore
Even if he seems the same to you
That’s a stranger to your door
Go on, ask him what’s he come here for

Oh my God, a monkey can move a man
Send him to hell
And home again
With an empty hand in the afternoon
Shooting for the moon

It’s halfway sick
And it’s halfway stoned
He’d sure like to kick
But it’s too far gone
They wind him down with the methadone
He’s all on his own

But baby, don’t you throw your love away
I hate to seem unkind
It’s only that I understand the man
That the monkey can leave behind
I used to think he was a friend of mine

Reply to  RNtoo
3 years ago

I know someone who interviewed with Harrington recently who said she did all the talking and all she talked about was her trip to Portugal 3 years ago. Portugal provides drug treatment free to anyone who needs it with up to 3 years in a recovery community fully covered. There are no reliable studies that their soft on drugs approach works at all. In terms of economic prosperity Portugal ranks between Serbia and Slovenia.Why doesn’t she stfu?

Reply to  Al
3 years ago

Someon needs to investigate Harrington’s campaign contributions. She is on twitter shoving decriminalization of heroin down our throats because she gets dark money through this group that is funded by Soros.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Al
3 years ago

She seems to think personal use is safer and not as addictive as someone who uses all the time. What a dumb bitch.

3 years ago

Joe Biden is betraying the American people by illegally flying migrants across the country under the cover of darkness. These tapes reveal that even police in these cities were not told what would be happening. We can’t have the media seeing this says one of the people dropping off the migrants. Biden knows what he is doing is against the law. Where are the Republicans to stop this. President Trump was impeached for nothing while this is allowed to stand?

3 years ago

Joe Biden is illegally spreading migrants across the country in a sneaky way. It’s done at night because he knows what he is doing is wrong and the people doing this admit that they know it’s wrong and they don’t want the media to show what is happening. Biden should be impeached for this.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

FOX/Putin is the anti vaccine channel advising their viewers to not get vaxed…..The un vaccinated are dying in huge numbers….they are responsible