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ADD #1 — THE PLANET shares this breaking news from the safe streets of the city, from the Pittsfield Fire Department.

On Wednesday morning at 0842 hours [8:42 a.m.] the Pittsfield Fire Department responded to 7 Second Street for a reported motor vehicle fire. Upon arrival Engine 3 found (1) motor vehicle on fire with impingement on other vehicles. Bystanders alerted responders that an occupant was still in the burning vehicle. E3 crew removed the victim and began administering aide. Car2, Engine 6, Truck 2, and County Ambulance responded. The victim was transported to Berkshire Medical Center with life threatening injuries.

The vehicle was parked at time of the fire and not caused by an MVC. A total of (3) vehicles were damaged as a result of this incident. There was only (1) civilian injured. The incident is being investigated by PPD, MSP Fire Marshal’s Office, and PFD Fire Investigation Unit.

Will it never, will it EVER, end? Huh, Madame Mayor? Buck stops with you, as you may know.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 19, 2022) — Today THE PLANET zeroes in on three local items:

  • the latest gun play on the “safe, vibrant, dynamic, equitable, and inclusive” Tyler-Woodlawn area
  • the endless saga of the one-lane Holmes Road bridge
  • the sad state of city roads, using Ward 4 as our exemplar


Lakewood Avenue used to be the gateway to heaven, the north entrance to the sprawling GE complex that at its peak employed 14,000 people. THE PLANET will not waste photons remembering those thrilling days of yesteryear, the ones that seems today to be from a galaxy far, far away and in the dim and distant past. Ghosts be there.

In 2022, on Lakewood Avenue, that oxbow of the decaying Tyler Street, those thousands of employees going whistling to work have been replaced by a den of human scum who love guns and know how to use them — stupidly.

THE PLANET received this yesterday from the Pittsfield Police Department:


On Sunday 1/16/2022 at approximately 10:43pm members of the Pittsfield Police Department (PPD) responded to a residence on Woodlawn Avenue for a report of shots fired.  Responding officers arrived on scene and learned that an adult male and a dog had been shot.  Other evidence of a shooting was also located.  The man was transported to Berkshire Medical Center (BMC) where he was treated for his injuries, which are not considered to be life-threatening.  PPD officers attempted to transport the animal to an emergency veterinary hospital but the dog succumbed to its injuries during transport.  Several suspects are believed to have been involved in the shooting.    

Anyone who wishes to provide information regarding this case is asked to contact Detective Matos  PPD at 413-448-9700 x576.  Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).


Another shooting. Another death, and don’t tell us “it was only a dog.” A life was taken, an innocent one at that. The most troubling aspect of the case is that Several suspects are believed to have been involved in the shooting.   

Great. Just what the city needs, several turds with guns, at loose and at large somewhere in the city.

THE PLANET urges anyone with any information to contact the police.

———- ooo ———-


Having been stuck in long lines waiting for red to turn to green at the one-lane Holmes Road ridge — you know, the one that’s been in shambles and scrambles since Peter Arlos was knee-high to Jiminy Cricket — THE PLANET contacted Ward 4 councilor Jim Conant.

Our Tight Honorable Good Friend looked into it and filed this report:

The Holmes Road bridge replacement is not a city managed project.  The bridge is under the ownership of the MA DOT.  This is because the bridge span goes over railroad tracks.

There is one of hundreds of DOT bridges in the state that need repairs. We all know that Western Mass is always last in line in Boston’s view. I have been told that there is a new bridge design that has been approved by DOT engineers and funding has been secured.  The construction bids have gone out and the DOT is in the review process to award a contract.  What that all means is that construction could hopefully start sometime this year for long-overdue replacement.

The city bridge projects at Pecks Road and the repairs at Dan Casey Drive have been designed and permitted and will go out to bid.  The expectation repairs could start later this year if there are no construction delays.

“This year” likely translates to “almost never” because of what Conant correctly says about the Berkshires being “last in line in Boston’s view.” THE PLANET attributes this directly to the stellar work of our state legislative delegations, none of whom serve any purpose on Beacon Hill other than to vote the way leadership orders. First in line among the incompetents, Pittsfield’s back-bencher on the General Court, the ravenous Tricia Country-Buffet. It’s a Mad Magazine satire.

———- ooo ———-


Here’s what Conant reported on the Ward 4 roads:

This is what I have learned about road replacements/improvements.  The city has a consultant who drives around the city each Spring. They drive a car that resembles one of the Google Map cars you may have seen in the past. This car used cameras and a laser system to scan every mile of every road within the city.  Once this process is complete, city staff will be able to use this data to prioritize how we prioritize road work.

Once the consultant has completed their assessment and supplies us with the data on the status of city infrastructure, we will hold public works committee meetings and look into our PCI. The PCI or pavement condition index, is a numerical index between 0 and 100, which is used to indicate the general condition of a pavement section. The PCI is widely used in transportation civil engineering, asset management, and many municipalities including our own, use it to measure the performance of their infrastructure and our levels of service. Simply put, it is the statistical measure of the pavement across the city, which the Commissioner of Public Services and The Highway Superintendent use to prioritize streets.

Currently, the city is using 2.5 million a year for road resurfacing with the state matching. In order to properly resurface all of the streets (and upgrade sidewalks on said streets) that fall within the range between 0 PCI and 70 PCI, I was told we need to raise roughly 40 million. I am hoping with the combination of city, state, federal and cannabis funds we can raise roughly 10 million a year and get our infrastructure back up to par within the next five years, so we can then focus on maintaining instead of this continuous game of catch up.

The good news here that there is a plan to repair the roads that need it the most. I was impressed with the information shown to me.  The facts are there is not enough state funds to do more.  I was told the Feds infrastructure bill will be a big help to get more roads and sidewalks repaired in town.

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET thanks our good friend for (a) the quick response (b) any response at all (scare-dy cat councilors take notice) and (c) the solidity and specificity of the information.

It’s early yet, but Conant have gotten out of the blocks fast, faster than his 10 colleagues.

Keep up the good work, Jimbo.


I don’t much like Spartacus” — Film director Stanley Kubrick.



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3 years ago

Thanks for the road/bridge information but I am still questioning what happened to the Obama money for shovel ready jobs, which Pittsfield had a great need and why didn’t the current administration place the COVID CASH to work on the infrastructure

Buford T Justice
Buford T Justice
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

The Obama shovel ready jobs money went to the people who were to create the jobs to be shoveled but instead pockets were stuffed with millions and not a peep asked where the jobs were.

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

There is zero oversight of what goes on with Pittsfield money and it is designed to be that way. I hope that, at least partially, answers your question.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The Lovely Linda is sitting on over $41 million in Biden Buck$ plus Matt Kerwood’s multimillion-dollar Slush Fund$. Beacon Hill is still sitting on billions of dollars in Biden Buck$ plus billions of dollars in cash from last fiscal year’s surplus cash. When one totals all of the Biden Buck$ and Slush Fund$ that Mayor Linda Tyer and Beacon Hill lawmakers are sitting on, the amount of excess public dollars doing nothing during the pandemic is huge. Instead of Shitty Pignatelli writing more of his lofty yet phony op-eds in the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle), he and his state lawmaker colleagues should end their 9-week-plus taxpayer-funded vacation and put the huge pot of public cash to good use. Chrome Dome and Trippy Country Buffet openly want to raise state taxes on small businesses and families. Paul Marxism wants to help his politically connected labor union brothers and sisters. The career Mayor from North Adams is gearing up for his 1,000th reelection campaign. Berkshire County has no real political representation in local, state and Swamp politics!

Buford T Justice
Buford T Justice
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Attack Smitty and others every chance you get but you want to be off limits when your confronted.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Buford T Justice
3 years ago

My criticisms of Smitty Pignatelli are for the following reasons: (a) Smitty has been going to Boston since 2003 (over 19 years now), and he voted for two Speakers (Finneran & DiMasi) of the State House who later became convicted Felons; (b) Smitty mostly votes in favor for state legislation that comes down from the State House top-down dictators that systemically underfunds the Berkshires and other regions of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; (c) Smitty writes the loftiest of disingenuous op-eds in the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle), but he leaves out his double life as a career politician on Beacon Hill; (d) for nearly 2 decades, Smitty has openly supported closed door secretive sausage making on Beacon Hill and he has always voted against Sunshine Laws reform measures; (e) Smitty supports GE putting a proposed third toxic waste dump inside of the watershed of the Housatonic River in Lee against the protesting local citizens; (f) Smitty voted himself a 40 percent state legislative pay raise in early 2017 and he happily collected countless state legislative pay raises and public perks for many years; (g) Smitty writes op-eds about how Berkshire County has lost thousands of living wage jobs and population while state and local taxes have increased without looking at himself in the proverbial mirror as part of the problem of failed state and local political leadership; (h) Smitty is focused on giving youth criminal records if they possess a small amount of marijuana near a youth center instead of helping them succeed in their young lives; and, (i) Smitty ran on his late-father John’s name like so many “All in the Family” Good Old Boys brat politicians, and Smitty will stay in political office as long as he is able to, while the people and taxpayers roll their eyes at him and call him SHITTY!

3 years ago

News Flash Dan – turds with guns running loose in the city has been going on at least since Mayor Hideaway called a shooting on North Street “an aberration”. How many mayors ago was that Dan and what have they done about it???

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Shooting a dog suggests a new level of gang thuggery. We may not hear too much more about this one. The victim may be afraid to talk.

T Delicious
T Delicious
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Did they catch up with that erratic called in driver on north st last night? And what bat did the driver come from. Just asking.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

If they are black or brown you won’t hear from them, according to Andrea Harrington. Black and brown people are afraid to talk to the police because the justice sytem will be overly punative. Yeah, that’s the reason.

Reply to  Al
3 years ago

What color was the dog?

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

I don’t t know but if he was black or Hispanic and had Covid he would have jumped the line for treatment.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Dogs are often protecting owners and in fact shitbums such as gangbangers and drug dealers often have Pitt bulls for personal protection . But to be clear I have no knowledge of players or motives or dog breed In this situation.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Something tells me it wasn’t a poodle.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Could have been self defense if the dog was packing a heater. A good lawyer could get ya off on that.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

That reminds me, how many cases has Harrington personally won?

Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

Has she tried any?

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Yes. 1. She lost and appealed based on her being an incompetent attorney. You can’t make this stuff up.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

The dead one was probably an unlicensed Shoot tzu. As for the breed of the other mongrels…. but most assuredly all rabid and unlicensed.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

To answer the questions – 4, and zero.

Reply to  Shittsfield
3 years ago

Not true. You forgot about the shotspotter my friend.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Okay. So 20 years, 4 mayors, and how many hundreds of shootings and why are the police still not staffed, structured, budgeted or managed properly??????

3 years ago

There are not enough state funds for roads. So why does Pittsfield seem to have buckets of money to pour into its parks while the roads go to shit? And why are the roads so much worse since Tyer took over the funding? They will never be perfect but since Tyer took over they are sooo much worse. And there is sooo much more trash along the sides of them.
Does anyone know what the date the Eagle did a story on Pittsfield bad roads? I must have missed that edition. Did the Eagle farm out its delivery because it could not afford to keep up with the vehicle repairs due to the bad roads?

I hope Mr Conant does ride this issue and uses his clout to take care of that whole section off Ann drive.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fizz, you’ve been complaining about Alfred Drive for the last several years, under different aliases. Call Conant, report it, and stop yer whining!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Thank you for bringing up Alfred Drive Fritz. You are correct that that road is in rough shpae.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

City of Pittsfield Receives $95000 Award from Shannon Grant Program> news_det…

Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer to GANGBANGERS: ‘I am not going to stand down while you terrorize our neighborhoods’ – May 31, 2016

‘Major’ drug raids in Pittsfield /Local News/ April 17, 2009

Weapon charges dismissed in Pittsfield shoplifting case / Archives/ Feb 25,2019

Case hinges on police policy/Archives/ Feb 10, 2018

Alleged Ringleader in Pittsfield Drug Gang Arraigned – April 17, 2009

Capeless: Davis a ‘major figure’ in drug trade / Local News / – April 18, 2009

Shooting victims identified /Local News/ – Sept 25, 2008


Pittsfield Program Targets Gang and Youth Violence/WAMC – April 25, 2014

Adam Hinds: Youth violence addressed in Pittsfield/ Opinion/ – Aug. 25, 2014

Hundreds turn out for discussion on youth, gang violence in Pittsfield… Aug 26, 2014

Pittsfield Awarded Gang and Violence Prevention Grant Dec.18, 2014>blog>pittsfi...

Combatting Gang Activity in Pittsfield, MA/ Connecting Point/Mar.6,2019>

Combating Gang Activity in Pittsfield – Connecting Point – Mar 6, 2019, In Berkshire County, Pittsfield will receive $197,000 Shannon Grant> [PDF] 2016-2020 FIVE-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN for Downtown Pittsfield


Objecting To Calls to Defund, Chief Wynn Discusses Rising Pittsfield Police Spending WAMC Northeast Public Radio June 11, 2020 . Pittsfield Police Chief Wynn Shares Israel Experience / March 11, 2013

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Do ya think all that info had anything to do with the mayor and hubby moving to the Hancock tree line where the deer and antelope roam? You betcha!!

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

How do they even apply for grants without data ? Data tracking, right, they said they have no system for tracking this data – but grants though, hmm.
The are no grants for places that are in good order.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Heating oil is up 0.35$/gal in < 3 months, ~ 1.00$/gal in a year.

Joe Biden did that!!!

In 1942 America built a highway to Alaska through the wilderness, in 6 months, now we can’t fix a two-lane bridge in > 3 years…….thanks mASS DOT and Berkshire legislators!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

The Berkshire delegation is as useless as tits on a bull.
Why haven’t you people voted them out?
TFB has done nothing to earn her exorbitant salary & perks – name one piece of useful legislation that she has authored in her tenure as Rep? She is, however, quick to support drivers licenses for illegals, and extra taxes for MA citizens!

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

We really don’t need reps from our area at all. They get paid well to kiss the power asses from Boston and surrounding areas. Just do away with them and spend the money elsewhere.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Your buddies in China would have a brand new bridge built over that span in under an hour. I shit you not. They do infrastructure like you would not believe. Many countries actually hire Chinese firms to come in and build whole railway systems, dams, bridges and highways.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fizze, you mean Biden buddies. I avoid any and all Chi-Com products endorsed by Hunter and Joseph Stolen.

Not much getting here anyway as the pacific ports are in a cluster%#$@ thanks to traitor Joe. What’s on the ships, will be more expensive as the liberals in Commiefornia plan on fining the ships that are unable to unload, the fines will get passed on to American consumers. Prediction is goods that have been sitting for months will be 30% more expensive when they do unload.

There is a whole bunch of good paying jobs building that Holmes rd bridge, for Americans, if the mASSholes at DOT/Government were not so screwed up.

They’ve had their thumbs up their butts for years making excuses and collecting pay for doing nothing.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Lest not forget, they built OUR railroads

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

But hour later needs to be built again.

Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
3 years ago

The Chinese would use a boiler plate design, build it off site and drop it in place. In America you start with a consulting firm, then three Harvard educated architects and then fifteen politically connected contractors. Eight years later you have your bridge but by that time six more bridges have been shut down.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

There are prefab bridges in Lansboro at Unistress.

A hop skip and jump from Holmes rd.

Has Unistress not paid the proper graft money to the state?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
3 years ago

The mASS DOT closed Holmes road for ~ a year to fix/rebuild that very bridge. Not too long ago, 1980s?.

Their supposed motto is “our new bridges will last 100 years”, that’s a lie!

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

There is so little train traffic on that line that runs under Holmes . It would be better to replace the bridge with a DR crossing.

Housing Pioneer
Housing Pioneer
3 years ago

Eagle outta do a SPOTLIGHT on Craig Barnum. He is a very integral player in workforce housing and owns medical buildings in North Adams, plus now purchased wonderful things, goodwill and the Cove in G.B. many properties in Sheffield etc. How does the guy become such an overnight success. Very impressive I do say.

Fay The Clown
Fay The Clown
Reply to  Housing Pioneer
3 years ago

Not of circus fame? I ptresume.

Housing Pioneer
Housing Pioneer
Reply to  Fay The Clown
3 years ago

It’s no small feat.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Way past time for a major pushback against the socialist Dems!
Contrast these brave souls, fighting for our country and its freedoms, vs. the Marxists who post on this blog supporting progressive nutjobs like Harrington!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

I proudly support Andrea Harrington in politics. She has a good heart. The Lovely Linda is not all that bad either. Trump and his MAGA toadies on the other hand….

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Wait until tomorrow, you’ll change your mind.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Melle is a fn progressive toadie who will swallow anything he is told to as long as there is a letter D in front of a politicians name and if the politicians are female there is a bonus swallow.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

John, You deserve the government of Harringtons and Tyers. Maybe someone will rob and/or assault you and not get prosecuted.

You voted for traitor Joseph Stolen, enough said about the insurrection on Nov 3 2020, and protest on Jan 6 2021.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

But he is living in a state that’s motto is “Live free or die”! He isn’t in the bowels of where his heartthrobs are screwing the Kapanski’s

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You are not God, who is the only one who can judge a person’s heart. As a matter of fact, I think you are very inept at making judgement calls about people.

Clamiddia Jane
Clamiddia Jane
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Exactly. Like the difference between a Chrysler 300 looking like a Bentley until the Bentley pulls up.

Reply to  Clamiddia Jane
3 years ago

Could be along time till that Bentley shows up in Pittsfield.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You proudly support her in politics? Is that why she was elected? Please explain.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Having a good heart doesn’t mean productive or positive results for all. Progressives are sucked in for a few dollars more because they think they are going to get a fistful of dollars every time they hear the progressive politicians say it. Nope! Same issue kicked down the road while they keep getting voted in to kick in the wind.

3 years ago

Harrington’s twitshow has some real gems.

Consigliere @Consigliere187

So-called “progressive” DA in small MA county that is over 90% white, virtual signals while claiming the Biden-Garland DOJ unjustly indicted Baltimore DA #MarilynMosby for fraud based on …. feelings.

Glenn Coles @Glenn315

Strangely, what progressive DA’s really hate is when the justice system actually is impartial and objective. Because that means they can’t use it as a political weapon to promote an agenda.

Rev. Ducati 
Quite the conspiracy theorist, little miss DA. Got any evidence?

Dino1975 @Dino11975
This tweet is shameful @CountyBerkshire
i don’t know how ANYONE would be able to feel comfortable working for this person and shame on all of you who just let selfish idealogues like her DESTORY your profession

Zaid Jilani @ZaidJilani
Is the Berkshire DA suggesting that Baltimore’s DA, recently indicted, is being set up? It’s one thing for internet commenters to do that but DAs…run the justice system?

John Cardinal @jorica207
I was Born and Raised in Berkshire County and you are Parr for the course. You liberals hate when Justice is served on colleagues and the poor, but cheer when it is on your enemies. You’ve ruined the most beautiful County in New England. You will be voted out.

jimmy a @jimmysfotos
Folks, this is nuts! What she is saying is that because she agrees with the politics of Mosby, she thinks it’s wrong for her to face the consequences of her actions. Let justice run its course. And get Harrington out of office.

Lorenzo de’ Medici  @LorenzodeMedixi
This woman is a District Attorney. I’m guessing she’s one of George Soro’s people. This is why corruption continues in this country. Despicable & disgusting. You can’t be guilty if you’re part of the elite class.

Gus @Gus_802

Unprofessional statement from District Attorney of Berkshire County, MA.comment image

#FreeKeithDavisJr @50ShadesofKellz

Well then let her little fraudulent self come work in your office!!!

It looks like there is quite a cluster of attorneys who likely should be disbarred

MsZucc @CarmiOnTheVerge

@SirajAHashmi The Berkshires deserve better than this idiot.

Arrived just now
Arrived just now
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago


》》》 You have arrived at your destination.

》》》 You have surpassed by far your destination.

They can call it whatever they want.

Last edited 3 years ago by Arrived just now
Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

Well done Conant! His thorough explanation shows that he clearly understood the assignment.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

I wish Marchetti understood HIS assignment. He still thinks he was elected to do the mayors bidding. He will go down in Pittsfield history as one of those fake public leaders who actually hurt the people more than helped.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

He seems OK with that. Live for today and live for yourself. Take care of number uno.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

True dat, Dan & company, but what else did you expect from “Business as usual” Pittsfield politics????

3 years ago

Cleanup on every isle coming after Biden wraps his abysmal press conference. And that explains why Tyer won’t hold court about crime!!!!

Clamiddia Jane
Clamiddia Jane
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

A job not finished is the new Biden phrase. America not happy with Nancy,Chuck either.

Clamiddia Jane
Clamiddia Jane
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

She can’t be it and she knows it.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

No wonder he hadn’t had many press conferences – open mouth, insert foot!

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike
3 years ago

It’s really interesting that Sullivan or any defense lawyer in Berkshire county has not said one word about the courts being closed not one press conference letters to the editor Planet V ???
They let the people twist in the wind while they keep collecting $$ You would think that the defense bar would be raising hell. CRICKETS

Stairway riff
Stairway riff
Reply to  Ok..
3 years ago

Sit & wait

Bubble & Squeek
Bubble & Squeek
Reply to  Ok..
3 years ago

It’s covid ? Wtf do they got to do, got to do with it

Reply to  We The People
3 years ago

Just wait until the dirt comes out on this guy! It’s gonna be good . He brings drunk dialing to new level.

We The People
We The People
Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

*drunk dial sorry, my drunk fingers !

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Can’t be any worse than the shit she does sober. Imagine if she was a drunk!

Reply to  We The People
3 years ago

The people deserve a district attorney who is above politics and has the moral character to never lie or mislead the public. Harrington has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is not that person. Next.

Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

Harrington has shown voters her political pandering is more important than public safety. She needs to accept she has been a total failure and run for something else.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Like run into a wood chipper?

Judge Nuisance
Judge Nuisance
Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

I’d run but have no law degree.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Unfortunately, we are living in the age of extremist conspiratorial politics, Mr. Fritz. There is some truth to it, such as Big Tech and the mainstream media being influenced by China’s billions of dollars in investments and lucrative foreign markets; such as Hunter Biden’s alleged money laundering in Russia and China; such as our polarized politics where common ground is now where a lot of the conflicts occur in the Swamp; such as the Green New Deal propaganda on the far left and Trump’s MAGA propaganda on the far right; such as the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic; and so on.

Clamiddia Jane
Clamiddia Jane
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Blame the u s corporations like ge for going global decades ago. What was China supposed to do,not except that deal? Common Man

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You and media progressives blame any elected politician that isn’t a progressive for you name it… . No middle ground anymore or debate.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Yup! Progressive reset with power.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Pittsfield Police Chief Michael Wynn is losing Administration Police Officers and Staff while the PPD has been understaffed for a long time. He said that he had a panicked meeting about it all.

Pittsfield Police Department sees staffing shuffle amidst departures | WAMC

3 years ago

Tried to listen to illegitimate yesterday and came to the conclusion that they shouldn’t let him talk after 3pm. I had trouble following his train of thought and what he was actually saying. He exhibited signs of sundowning which doesn’t bode well for him or us. Now my question is…who is running the country? Is it Jill? San Fran Ho? Bat crazy Pelosi? Or our neighbor Chuckie? Scary times for the Kapanski’s…wondering if the brainwashed would still “vote” for illegitimate after seeing and living through the most disastrous year that has happened in my life!

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

They had a plan to never let him babble but he blew that up.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

The City Council should have cut the tax rate lower as the property evaluations of Tyers assesors went up dramatically.She got a 10% increase in taxes.Name one City that residents can afford 10% increase.Not 1 politician can explain why City streets are swept one per year in June and safety lines are painted every 10 years…..Bike lines on Elm are gone.Tyer can not maintain what we had 5 years ago and keeps adding stuff that will degrade in months….Part of spending on new projects is to tell us how it will be kept up

Last edited 3 years ago by The school committee
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

All liberal/democratic leaders think the populace loves them and wants to give them all the money the have, isn’t that how you vote? You lie in the bed you make, unfortunately my candidates never get in to office so I have to lie in the bed you and mr Melle create:(

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Maura Healey, progressive lib MA DA, threw her hat in the ring for Guv this morning. If you love Harrington, you’ll love Maura.
Restore freedom to MA! Geoff Diehl for Guv!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Please vote for Maura Healey & Chrome Dome in 2022!

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Pick your poison with any of these flaming progressives. We are getting one of them anyway. Who though?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

What is the story behind the car on fire in the parking lot of the Greystone? Apparently the man has died of his injuries. Was this an accident? Foul play? Very strange incident indeed.

3 years ago

There she goes again, not doing the job of Berkshire County DA. Yes, let’s let her record speak for itself.

DA Andrea Harrington  @harringtonforda
The mood this morning across #mapoli hearing @maura_healey announce she is running for Governor! Time for a #rebelgirl in the corner office. @maura_healey I have tix to @theebikinikill @WangTheatre for when we need a break from campaigning.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Cool. Andrea Harrington is COOL!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Yeah it’s real cool to take a job protecting the people and then not do it.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Rhymes with fool.

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Bikini Gilr is a riot girl band from the 90s that believed they were at war with men. They coined the term girl power. They liked to yell things like “We are Bikini Kill and we want revolution girl-style now.” DA needs to grow up.

Judge Nuisance
Judge Nuisance
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

You have to see this movie,it’s called Wild in the Streets,it’s a political satire about a renegade rocker who’s plot is to farm out everybody over thirty years old. Hal Holbrook plays the useless politician and Christopher Jones the Rock and Roller, wanna be President.

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Maura Healey is a rebel girl alright. She said that all rioters during the Summer of Love should keep on rioting in the poor neighborhoods to get the violence out of their systems. She and Lizzie Warren were cheering it on. As the Mass. Attorney General she is supposed to uphold the law, not encourage lawlessness. Definitely a big “NO” for her as Governor.

Judge Nuisance
Judge Nuisance
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Chris Cuomo in deep skidded.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Dr Fauci recently said we are “still in the first stage of the pandemic”

I think Americans are in stage 4, with stage 5 insight.

Pandemic Stages:

1. Pandemic (people scared of the unknown)

2. Pandemic (people concerned and learning)

3. Pandemic (people wary and questioning)

4. Pandemic (people agitated and frustrated by lies)

5. Endemic (ass whippings start. People start getting rope)

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

1/6/2021….It’s time for the press and journalist to stop denying what the Trump conspiracy was about.Trump and 7 Republican Senators had 1 to 1 secret meetings with Putin….they have asked the Trump kids to help them with what went on that day…..they are now seeking people who were in the room with Don…..Trump smoked all of you.Some angry white dudes are the easiest…..
There is always tomorrow where you can pick truth or fantasy wrapped in the Confederate flag.