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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY FEB. 9, 2022) — Monday, THE PLANET presented a column on the power, use, and misuse of words. We begin today with the same topic. This while YOUR city council sets into motion a devastating 12% hike in water and sewer rates, one that will hammer Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski not into power but into powder. See the difference one letter can make?

First, we share news about the revival of our book career by announcing the publication of Third Person Singular: 33 1/3 Poems Each. Yeah, this is a blatant plug, but it’s important news to share with readers who love poetry, support local arts, or, more likely, may want to see another side of THE PLANET, the side that produced the seed from which all our other literary and verbal accomplishments stemmed. We’re talking poetry, the highest literary form, the easiest to write poorly, the hardest to write well.

We worked with well-known North Carolina poet Jerri Chaplin and New York author Paul Kocak, whose books have won high critical acclaim, including the classic Chasing Willie. Thing is, the three of us never met once — in person, by phone, via Facetime, or with mind monitors, which have yet to be invented. We did it virtually, a key aspect of the experiment, using the anti-human, distancing aspects of high technology to produce a product that affirms the HUMAN side of life.

The book is available to order now in e-book or paperback at Amazon. Check it out.

By early and often!

———- ooo ———-


Diva Oprah Winfrey, long past the expiration date and now famous for being famous, got kicked off the set of The View for  comments she made Monday about The Holocaust.

“Effective immediately, I am suspending Whoopi Goldberg for two weeks for her wrong and hurtful comments. While Whoopi has apologized, I’ve asked her to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments,” Kim Godwin, President, ABC News, said in a statement. “The entire ABC News organization stands in solidarity with our Jewish colleagues, friends, family and communities.”

Right. Goes without saying.

The panel was discussing the recent banning of Maus, a graphic novel about the Holocaust, by a Tennessee school board.

Goldberg stated, “The Holocaust isn’t about race. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man…These are two white groups of people.”

The outrage poured into ABC, which folded like a cheap accordion. Next thing you know, Oprah is apologizing  on Twitter. That apology didn’t calm the snowflakes.

Look, this isn’t about endorsing or condemning what Oprah said. It’s about (a) her freedom to say it and (b) acknowledging that free speech must include language that “offends.”

———- ooo ———-


Eric Lander, the White House’s top scientific adviser, resigned Monday, telling the President he had been “demeaning” to subordinates.

Lander, the director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, is the first member of Biden’s Cabinet to resign. Lander’s no lightweight.

He’s one of the leaders Human Genome Project and former head of the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard. He had been in charge of Biden’s cancer “moonshot” initiative, which the White House last week announced it would be relaunching.

Lander was known for his straightforward, blunt style, a man who didn’t suffer fools. That led to complaints about “bullying” and him using harsh language.

“The president accepted Dr. Eric Lander’s resignation letter this evening,” White House press secretary Jennifer Psaki said in a statement. “He knows that Dr. Lander will continue to make important contributions to the scientific community in the years ahead.”

Yeah, after ruining his career because of his no-nonsense, “let’s get it done” style.

Seems that part of the execution was a non-negotiable insistence that Lander out himself in front of the world: “I am devastated that I caused hurt to past and present colleagues by the way in which I have spoken to them,” Lander wrote, adding that “it is clear that things I said, and the way I said them, crossed the line at times into being disrespectful and demeaning, to both men and women.”

He didn’t butcher anyone. He didn’t use ice picks to poke out eyes. He “said things” the wrong way.

Following the news of Lander’s behavior, the American Association for the Advancement of Science disinvited him from its annual meeting next week.

———- ooo ———-


Finally, this from La-La Land.

Actress Sydney Sweeney told Cosmopolitan magazine that her topless scenes in the HBO hit series Euphoria seemed to have “hindered positive acknowledgment” in the industry.

“I don’t think as many people took me seriously in Euphoria because I took my shirt off,” she told the magazine.

On Twitter, she said: “I think it’s really important for people to see how words actually affect people.”

THE PLANET wonders if Sweeney considered the possibility that she may have gotten the role in the first place only because she was willing to show the tatas?

She’s right. Words affect people. She left out a huge “however,” however.

Each of us can choose how words affect us. We don’t have that luxurious choice with a club, a bullet, or a bomb.

Don’t liken words to weapons of mass destructions.

Sweeney chose to go topless. Meanwhile, the thought Police’s their disdain for free expression is bottomless.


Russia? Sure. They make great salad dressing” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



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Deeds Unknown
Deeds Unknown
3 years ago

Maybe City Councilor Krnick will have a few choice words concerning the remarks by another city Councilor on the reason for Mr. Kronick no vote on the new Diversity Director job?…..The numbing response by Councilor Persip should be put up for review at best. He should resign.

Reply to  Deeds Unknown
3 years ago

Well, if Mr. Kronick voted against this blatant waste of money, which would actually promote discrimination, then I applaud him and nominate him for the Planet’s Balls of Steel Award!

Tax Hiker
Tax Hiker
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

Councilor Kalinowsky also voted no. O N T H E DIRECTOR position only. Persips remarks were appalling.

Reply to  Tax Hiker
3 years ago

Go Kal!!

Reply to  Deeds Unknown
3 years ago

Could you summarize the response ? I missed it. I am not a fan of Earls. He is as phony as they come and somehow he skates along pleasing enough people.

Tax Hiker
Tax Hiker
Reply to  Pothole
3 years ago

Mr. Kronik should address it. It is his reputation. The remarks were not called for and very racist in my opinion. Also, where was the President during this exchange.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Tax Hiker
3 years ago

Racist? Kronick’s attitude is what’s racist.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Nothing at all about Kronick is racist. That’s a fact. Stop playing the race card. This new position is a joke. Anyone who disagrees with that is racist

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Your ridiculous fear of a black person having this position is what’s racist.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

No try harder felon. It’s a job that has no reason to exist

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Like you.

Gus Stoppeau
Gus Stoppeau
Reply to  Pothole
3 years ago

Councilor Persip said it was the most shocking statement by Kronick that he’s heard at City Council chambers. No,the most shocking thing is what you said last evening at council chambers. At the lens of a white man? Damn?

Ex Lax Lounge
Ex Lax Lounge
Reply to  Gus Stoppeau
3 years ago

Persip is a racist

Reply to  Deeds Unknown
3 years ago

A big thank you to councilors Kronick and Kalinowsky for voting against the addition of this position.
How about hiring on the basis of qualifications instead of race, gender and sexual orientation?
This is outrageous!

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

So if I play the transgender game I jump to top of line, or if I’m a flamer queer, LGBTGQUIA, or a BIPOC???

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  JoeFriday
3 years ago

I’m a proud member of the LGBFJB society, does that count?

Reply to  JoeFriday
3 years ago

Yes sir. It’s the position of Chief of Exclusion and Inequity against straight white males.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Deeds Unknown
3 years ago

There was / is no need for that job. HR can do it. Waste of money.

3 years ago

Oprah or Whoopi?!?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Why is Pittsfield politics, under the out-of-touch leadership of Mayor Linda Tyer since 2016 through February 8th, 2022, and counting into the future, always raising municipal taxes (and fees and debts/liabilities) to record high levels? She is sitting on tens of millions of dollars in city cash, including over $41 million in Biden Buck$ and millions more in Kufflink$’ $lu$h Fund$ (that should belong in the pockets of the proverbial Kapanski family). The lousy returns on taxpayer dollars in Pittsfield Massachusetts are Level 5 inner city public schools, over 650 students opting to go to neighboring public school districts, the city always being in the top 10 cities throughout Massachusetts for violent crime, according to the FBI’s annual reports, a downtown that is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” with dozens of empty storefronts on North Street, and the inner-city neighborhoods that surround North Street are sarcastically called “The Ring of Poverty”, the nearly 23-year-old polluted PEDA debacle that has millions of dollars in ever growing liabilities, neighborhoods behind Pittsfield’s pot king’s Berkshire Roots who wake up every morning to Nuciforo’s dead skunk-like pot odors from his marijuana growing buildings, Allendale Elementary School abutting Hill 78 and a nearby second capped toxic waste dump both full of GE’s industrial chemicals called PCBs. which have caused cancer, learning disabilities and other illnesses in thousands of local residents over the decades, and a city government ran by a failed Mayor of Pittsfield – Godfather Jimmy Ruberto – who calls the shots from Naples, Florida. In closing, I recommend that if Author Dan Valenti writes a dystopian novel about a post-industrial and corrupt city government, he could call his book “Pittsfield politics: The Worst municipal government in the 21st Century”!

Ex Lax Lounge
Ex Lax Lounge
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Can I invite you to a cruise on Silver Lake?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Oue reps,council,DA,our mayor ,Dr Cameron,Dan Elias ,Joe Curtis, EPA,….Im beating a dead horse know Allendale School is built on GEs chemical dump filled to the Max with CANCER…..This is Pittsfields Number 1 SIN against children.The people above “do not care”….Allendale School is GEs curse …..We need to get GE to close Allendale and build a new school somewhere on pristine land…The School committee need to lead.This is Dr. Cameron responsibility now.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

All Liberals, You support liberals TSC.

At time of the GE swindle, that was championed by liberals Doyle

(remember Gerry? quote The Planet- “They know full well that Doyle, Tom Hickey, Peter Larkin, and company, from Pittsfield screwed over their own city by supporting the horrible 2000 Consent Decree with GE and the corrupt EPA.”)

and DeVillian of the EPA, who later took a job with “the company that brings good things to life”. The EPA itself was full of Slick Willie Clinton appointees.

The Left Winged Parrot also championed the consent decree with numerous plugs and editorials.

How many years of liberals running, and dollars flushed into the black polluted hole GE left Pittsfield, by the PEDA board?

The liberals then built the new Taconic High School, on top of a PCB dump, “for the children”……..

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Trapper this is the very power of corporations you support.No responsibility and no regulation.Blame the corporation as the moronic supporters of conservatives clearly don’t understand these people dont support kids or communities… will never get it.You are a man patriot conservative…so so uninformed

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

And instead of the promised free college, they are getting free crack pipes from the liberals………

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Life is so simple for the simple.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

You would know

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

With her heart in the right place and her compassion you always mention, how can it be that she is leading as you claim?

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
3 years ago

So are Whoopi and Ophra one and the same now? Where are you going with this?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Milt Plum
3 years ago

Also confused here.

Reply to  Milt Plum
3 years ago

They are one and the same both have obesity, both look the same. That is not to say all blacks look alike.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  JoeFriday
3 years ago

They have both water buffalo and hippos in their ancestry.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

What racist bile you post.

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Are hippos and water buffalo a race?

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

Comparing black people to animals is a well worn racist trope.

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Can we call Tyer a cow who shops at the Emmet Kelly factory outlet?

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

If you want to be an immature bore, sure.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

But Matt it’s true. But she is not a felon

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

But it’s accurate

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Poor Moose Cholack.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

What about comparing thieves and felons to animals

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Comparing HT to an animal is an insult to animals.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

All the sport teams with animal names are racist.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Simon Ives
3 years ago

No, they’re not.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Oh clearly they are, especially the Falcons, the white power group of the animal race.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

You’d know of white power groups, Sean, HT, Fake News, Tax Hiker.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

Just ignore him. He can’t make a valid point so he plays the race card. Sign of a weak mind

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

My what a thief you are. Nothing racist about it. This job was not needed

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Sure Sean, Bob.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Who Matt?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago


Reply to  Milt Plum
3 years ago

Yes, Dan, are you asleep at the wheel today?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

February 8, 2022

Hello Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle),

My parents – like myself (Jon Melle) – were born and raised in Pittsfield Massachusetts. My mom, who is 75 years old, has had cancer in 1990, 2006/2007, and 2021/2022, which is now at Stage 4. My dad, 77, who served on the Pittsfield School Committee and many years later as the last Chair of the Berkshire County Commission, has Prostate Cancer. I have known many Pittsfield residents and heard of thousands of others who have suffered from and/or died of cancer due to GE’s industrial chemicals called PCBs that polluted and still pollute Pittsfield/Berkshires. GE once employed 14,000 local residents of Pittsfield/Berkshire County during the post-WW2 generation, but now GE employs 0 local residents, and GE has tens of billions of dollars in debts and may go bankrupt over the next decade. GE has made no financial commitment to a probable $1 billion so-called cleanup of the Housatonic River project from Pittsfield to Sheffield that will take an estimated 15 years to complete once it starts after decades of secretive negotiations and litigation in court. The capped pollution in Pittsfield, and proposed capped pollution in Lee Massachusetts, is only a temporary solution because caps don’t last forever. Pittsfield’s PEDA entity is still very polluted, and it has millions of dollars in debts that are growing larger as the years go by since its inception in the Summer of 1998 – 23.5 years ago. The corrupt EPA is run by K Street lobbyists and industry insiders who only care about industry profits instead of a healthy environment. I despise the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) for always praising the corrupt EPA and GE, who are in league with each other instead of protecting the environment in Pittsfield/Berkshires on south through Connecticut down to the Long Island Sound.

Jonathan Alan Melle

3 years ago

Which city department is responsible for maintaining the sidewalk around Park Square? It’s been an icy mess for a month. Does some elderly person have to fall and get hurt before something gets done? I guess bike lanes are the priority.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Gadfly
3 years ago

I noticed that too. Funny that they wanted you to stay away from the tree lighting because of vivid but its OK to fall and break your ass and no one gives a flying flick.

Reply to  Gadfly
3 years ago

The city made a deal with the beggar brigade to take care of that ice buildup in exchange for the rights to post up on the square circle. City probably getting ten percent of the daily take as well.

And I am pretty sure I saw the ticket person handing out parking tickets during the last ice storm. It is insane.

Debb Bunaire
Debb Bunaire
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Don’t like the trend happening here in Pittsfield. City officials working and living out of town,offials in other city’s working in other city public sector? No conflict of interest let alone tax revenue to another community.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Why doesn’t empress Tyer enlist the begging bums found on every street corner to shovel snow/sidewalks in exchange for food?

1) bums don’t want to work, and they want cigs/booze/drugs not food

2) Tyer enjoys punishing the elderly who can’t/can’t afford to shovel walks in front of their over taxed homes

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Every sad case absolutely drives you batty but Trump is your leader.He overcame his struggles.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

But he lives rent free in your skull!

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

The big guy gets his 10%

3 years ago

Did anyone question the need to raise the sewer water rates? Also did they ask why weren’t the ARPA funds used completely towards water and sewer seeing how that would benefit and be used by all races, colors, genders, creed,etc, in other words the most equitable and diverse use of so called ARPA money. This city government should all resign immediately seeing how all they are doing is harming and bullying the citizens of the city. Isn’t that what their leader illegitimate is doing in DC?

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

The city is flush with money, so they decide tax us to death w/o using the surplus!
Robber barons, and the CC went along with it!

Ex Lax Lounge
Ex Lax Lounge
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Tyer thinks the money is her slush fund happy money

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

There is a red state war on women and minorities and Dan I am sure you see the supression of their rights by the Raddical Right white men is not to be tolerated.Trump is normalizing Coup attempt to overthrow the American hard fought right to have choice weather it be to vote have sex have a baby or say a word.The right to say a word does not ever mean there is no repercussions from saying what you feel is important……If you want to express your attachment to publicly describing your neighbor American citizen as a N word to best describe what you believe is your best description of that person and then walk away without understanding repercussions then I beg you not to use a word you do not understand.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

WHY not speak to other rights being band by the right.You have made your point many times here on how important the N word is in describing people inspite of its meaning.Where do you stand on the right to use your vote or talk to your doctor about a procedure and how about should you have the right to have sex.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

How about the right to choose what you put in to your body? Didn’t the Greeks say your body is your temple? Where do the rights of the individual end and the rights of the government take over? BTW I am connected to the South and they don’t appreciate being talked to the way you are painting them, they say you are a lying yankee

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

“nigger” “when someone uses it inappropriately”

Unlike this appropriate affectionate use in a moral sense by the negro artist, of course.

Suck a Nigga’s Dick Pt.II -Three 6 Mafia

Suck a nigga’s dick
Suck a nigga’s dick
Suck a nigga’s dick
Suck a nigga’s dick, take a lick bitch

Some silly slut bitches be itchin to this, cuz my nigga snitched
All of the fellas be numb when they be lick-ity lickin up under the dick-ity dick
And you mad ho, cuz we told, let your tounge up booty hole
Suckin on the niggity-nuts, gettin that pimp stick their butt
Them Kim and them Kiki freaks, love to taste the dick meat
Nasty trashy hoes that got that nut piss on their cheeks
Don’t forget one named Kim the other Kiki
Triflin ass sluts that love to taste the pee pee
I heard that the hoes had start smokin coke
Garglin on the sperm like a motherfuckin
Flirty, dirty, hoes that slurp thee dick
Kim and Kiki pullin in the nut, they don’t spit
Goddamn them some filthy ass tricks
The hoes too ugly for fuckin description
Them hoes greedy with the dick, they don’t take turns
The hoes got third degree knee carpet burns
You wanna know, Lord Infamous said so ho………….

Ex Lax Lounge
Ex Lax Lounge
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Ted Kennedy had the first confirmed kill in the war on women

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Ex Lax Lounge
3 years ago

It was the Buicks fault!

Lady Killer- 1) noun slang – a man considered attractive to women

2) noun literal – used to describe certain liberals ex. – the lady
killer drowned his mistress and got 47 years in the

Gus Stoppeau
Gus Stoppeau
Reply to  Ex Lax Lounge
3 years ago

Technically No,Hitler was first.

Ex Lax Lounge
Ex Lax Lounge
Reply to  Gus Stoppeau
3 years ago

Perfect, old man Kennedy liked der fuhur

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

TDS you should be thankful that Dan continues to allow you to post. Your post are continually non fact base drivel and a constant unhealthy obsession with Trump. Again who is Ray Epps? What did the FBI have to do with 1/6 in DC that they would not answer any questions. What was the reason that Pelosi did not bring in the National Guard after the President of the United States requested it? Why wasn’t the black Capital policeman charged for shooting an unarmed white woman when she was near other police that weren’t reacting to her at all? Start looking at this day outside of the MSNBC/CNN/The View/Democrats view. Everyone has the right to vote, show up to your polling station and cast a vote. Hopefully all states will implement ID laws, seeing how that they are forcing everyone to have a COVID card to dine and there aren’t any complaints, the press is actually demanding it.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Those are facts. TSC will conveniently disappear from this discussion.

It’s from the Wrong Way Harrington playbook. When asked for facts to back up the nonsense you spew, or confronted with facts that prove you wrong, do what all “Progressives” do best, run and hide your problem(s) away.

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Yes,because without progressives you could have stood still in 1959 and continued to say whatever the goverment thought was enough

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

I’m surprised he does allow my post.If I don’t you guys can have a great conversation about FOX and why you all support Russia and how much the N word means in dumbass white guy language

3 years ago

I’m with you Dan. I love words which is why I read and write every chance I get. Listening to audiobooks is also great for people, like myself, who don’t have a lot of time to read all the books we want to read.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

Councilor Persip wants to be seen as the champion for the black and brown population but he is really a fake. He is down deep with the white establishment and has very little connection – literally or philosophically – with the struggles of the black community. Mr. Persip serves as the token black person on a very UN-diverse city council.

The Berkshire Eagle article notes that 91% of the city’s 473 employees are white. How is that shocking in a city in which 86% of the population identifies as white. This is not some conspiracy to completely disqualify people of color. It’s a white Massachusetts town. You don’t have more people of color in city government because there are very few people of color to start with (relatively). This isn’t New York of Detroit or Atlanta. Let’s be real here.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Only 4% as black

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

What is the percentage of managers? 6%?

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

What is the percentage of minorities at the Eagle? In management?

If therethere
If therethere
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

-2 I’ve been to b m c a hundred times and haven’t seen a black person patient or employee.Where’s Charles Kronick today?

Reply to  If therethere
3 years ago

look in the emergency room

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

My question is … if they just gave the director of personnel a fat raise and if he can’t figure out how to handle personnel without discrimination, do we really need him. Get rid of him and let the new guy do the job.

3 years ago

Do we dare hope that the new diversity officer is more effective than the police oversight board?
Michael Rose, this week’s (alledged) murderer, had a lenghty record of drugs and violence and was out on a pending domestic violence case.
The problem in Pittsfield is not violence or drugs. It’s diversity. Okay.

Debb Bunaire
Debb Bunaire
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

The Berkshire eagle has a piece on the debate at council last night but they conveniently left out the gist of that debate, and conveniently left out the crux of Persips comments.

Reply to  Debb Bunaire
3 years ago

Maybe Marchetti has editing rights as well as the mayor when the lights shine negatively upon them.
And I hope more councilors get in Marchettis face and get his blood pressure up. If he is going to work for the special interest mayor instead of the people who elected him he needs to be challenged. This fake city representative has gone unchallenged for far too long. Big damn gas bag traitor to his electorate.

Gus Stoppeau
Gus Stoppeau
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

He’s no match for Warren or Kronick. Smart and polished.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Dysfunctional generational violence! The early years, 2000 – exposure to drugs, guns, violence,… 2019- mayhem, 2022-murder. 2017 – “Rose reached into the car to give his child a fist-bump and, with his other hand, struck the victim in the face with what appeared to be a set of brass knuckles with a blade attached,” Rose savagely attacked his victim in front of his own young child. 39-year-old Rose pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, received an 18-month sentence, and thanks the judge for giving him a second chance to become the successful murderer he always knew he was. While incarcerated Rose received his court ordered counseling and education, and was voted most likely to succeed with his inherited goals. If I’m not mistaken, Rose is the brother, or nephew, or maybe, the brother and nephew of a convicted pistol packing drug dealing felon who allegedly turned his life around by successfully bypassing others, over the objection of some of them who allegedly scorned higher than the convicted felon on an exam, thus securing a coveted position with the fire department, thanks to linda tyer, an affectionate friend of the negro.

3 years ago

Dan, congrats on another book. Perhaps this once fair city can hire you to own its obituary!

3 years ago

Dan, how many g’s for you to co-write my memoir and how does that work? There is no way all these people like former presidents etc are writing their own autobiographies. Do they just sit down and tell somebody like you their story, and you write it up, and they give it the once over?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Unbelievable and WOW! The performance by our elected officials at last night CC meeting was a complete verification that the City of Pittsfield is totally mismanaged and in desperate need of a forensic audit.

Want to also thank Kronick and Kalinowsky for their input about the appointment for CHIEF Diversity Officer. While listening, could not help but think about the HUGE raise given to Michael Taylor, Director of Human Resources last year, what was this for?

Kudos to Councillor Warren. He had Tyer, Kerwood, Marchetti, Morales and Pagnotta bumbling and stumbling over their words. Showed what a lack of knowledge these paid officials have. When asked legitimate questions, they all were unable to give an answer and became angry for even being questioned. Should have kept track of how many “I don’t knows” came out of these elected officials mouths. The more questions the Mayor received, the LOUDER she got. Kerwood blatantly admitted he just “fills in the blanks with any number to make an application for funds process. He then claims it can be finagled later. What? Is this how all the applications for funding are filed for Pittsfield? How the Mayor could stand behind him and hear him say this blew my mind. When Councillor Kronick questioned Morales about a potential bus stop in his Ward, Morales stated the “maps were out of date”. Kronick asked if taxpayers will be notified about the placing of these new bus stops, Morales became snotty with his answer. Why was this petition filed if the maps are not updated? Pagnotta’s lack of knowledge and total confusion to Warren’s questions about legality of issues in the Charter was scary. What does the City pay this lawyer? Why would the City even have to consider having to consult another lawyer to clarify the answers from Pagnotta?

Marchetti completely loss control of the meeting. He basically was throwing hissy fits and being rude and arrogant to other councilors. As President for so many years you would think that he would be mentoring new elected Councillors not berating them angrily over and over as he did with Councilor Kronick? It was Councilor Warren that suggested a brief recess to straighten things out.

Total embarrassment for our City.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

There were many assertions made by Persip, none of which were proven. If true, why haven’t we heard about it (names, etc.). Unfortunately we have a few troublemakers in this city and this concerns me. Again, I want details!

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Sounds better than reality tv! Can this be viewed somewhere online?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Auto Phil – They will keep showing it until the next meeting. I just watched it again and it just made me even angrier. Last night I missed Persip’s attack on Kronick. Kronick should report him to the State Ethics Board. His comment was totally uncalled for!!! It is going to be a long…..two years!!!!

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Thank you Mr Warren and others who stood up for the people. Maybe you all can get citizens hopeful once again if they see councilors actually doing their job. Not talking about those attached to the mayors cheeks. But they sure know who they are and we be gonna call you folk out going forward.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Not fan of Kenny Warren, Kronick is looking good and Kalinowski has grown a set since I knew her back in the ’80’s!!!

Reply to  Ghost Rider
3 years ago

Give Kenny a chance. We need a legal mind on our team. He may surprise you.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

How exactly Dan? Can someone summarize?

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Marchetti did try to mentor them. He got them knee pads and chapstick so they could kiss the mayor’s ass. I guess they left it at home. Tyer, Kerwood, Pagnota and McGrath didn’t like being questioned last night and it showed. Earl man up and leave the chapstick and knee pads at home next time.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Dan, congratulations on your book. Don’t know where you find the time to do all you do. Thanks!!

3 years ago

Just finished reading the hate rags report on the council meeting, ha,ha. Also read the letters written in to be printed. It still amazes me how skewed the southern Berkshire liberals really are, this new person tried to say Gore took his loss t W and went quietly home. Nothing about taking it to the Supreme Court or spending the next 4 years talking about dangling chads or attacking Florida. Also the writer wrote a fluff story about the 60’s election which the Chicago mob admitted to fixing. Oh boy the brainwashing has really worked!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Sore/Loserman 2000

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Several organizations went over the results and none claimed Gore won the contested Fla votes

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Gore was legally fighting in one state that was so close it was called for Gore.They were fighting over every legal chad.It was followed by the world……Gore stopped his fight for the good of the country.The final vote had Gore winning by over 100k.Always a problem when democrats win…..Not even a close loss for Trump.He got his ass kicked to the curb.He sent Pence and his thugs from his 2pm rally to stop the Biden certification by any mean nessary with 145 police wounded and 5 dead……Trump did not allow Biden team in the White House and delayed everything 10 weeks…..Trump is not an American

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Stop watching the view

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Just wait until the 2024 election and if a far leftist doesn’t win the presidency, then Pelosi and Schumer will call out their violent rioters again. They will protest any loss as being stolen from them.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Do you think they will attack the Capitol building and threaten to hang anyone Pat?

Ex Lax Lounge
Ex Lax Lounge
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

They’ll just bring in the Bernie supporter who tried to kill the republicans at that baseball practice. He’s a good democrat.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

They may try to burn down the capitol church like they did last time (they really don’t like religion), attack more federal buildings, and police stations. Kamala will bail them out and it will all be deemed necessary and not violent at all because they are fighting for a cause. Just like the hypocrisy we saw during the Summer of Love when America was burning and looters and murderers roamed the streets.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

BLM’s “summer of love”. The democrat progressives party is a joke and theater day of self proclaimed victimization rings more hollow than the space between Joe Biden’s ears.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

The democrat/liberal rioters, er “peaceful protesters”, will be busy “shopping” at the liquor marts, Nike stores and practicing making campfires in buildings

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Everything is game in the store’s they loot except for work attire because it is worthless to them and they can’t sell it to their peers.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Isn’t that the BLM discount? I’m confused because these stores support BLM so why are they complaining when they use their coupons?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

They are planning the steal part deux, for fall 2022

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
3 years ago

What reason could Andrea Harrington have for making this video from the office announcing an arrest by PPD other than campaigning? Is she available to take questions from the media? Didn’t think so.

Last edited 3 years ago by gotcha22
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Even a squirrel finds a nut.

Crib Thinks
Crib Thinks
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

I seems like the current hro here isn’t doing the job and has to have a diversity officer to tell him who to hire? That’s what this says to me. I was always for the minority side of racial profiling because there was profiling,especially by police,which in all-probability was another reason to help morph into B L M. But think about it? Isn’t the fact that a black diversity offer going to be the same as if this was white profiling?

We all know what the Councikor said .

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Get ur f* hair outta you face. Stop trying to be cute. You had zero to do with any law enforcement, ever.

Last edited 3 years ago by 1
Phone Chech
Phone Chech
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

The most surprising story on here is Councilor Kronick not responding to last nights comments from the meeting last night?

Reply to  Phone Chech
3 years ago

Sounds like he said what he had to say, at the meeting. I applaud him. And Karen too.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Trust me, it’s better all around if she sticks to her slacktivism.

Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

Slactivism! tweet, retweet, like. LOL ROFL. Stealing this.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Pittsfield senior citizen absolutely BURIES Berkshire County’s rogue prosecutor.

Via WNYT NewsChannel 13.
“Berkshire County’s district attorney says a DA’s job is not just to lock people up. She says it’s about focusing on the social issues that lead people to commit crimes.”

June E. Lucido
I didn’t know that “looking at the social issues that lead people to commit crimes” is part of your job description! I thought your job is to investigate the facts, the law and prosecute if and when facts indicate a crime has been committed by a person or persons. Your job is not to judge the guilt or innocence or if mercy should be extended. If you want to focus on the whys that crimes are committed, I suggest that you pursue a different career in social services and/or mental health. I agree that the prosecution of individuals has not always been fair and equitable. It often is/has been dependent on race and socio/economic status. That is also wrong. It is your job to prosecute an individual for the crime and the belief that he/she is responsible. Not your job to check their race, ethnicity, or socio/economic status. If it is a question of mental heath then the court should order that exam. I do want to commend you and your staff for investigating and prosecuting crimes that in the past, because the victim/s were not high profile may have been left in a pile to gather dust. While I am at it, there should be NO bail for violent crimes or crimes when guns or other weapons are involved.

Pittsfield Sentinel on Facebook

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

I do want to commend June. However, what crimes are these, though, June? Could you give one example?
“I do want to commend you and your staff for investigating and prosecuting crimes that in the past, because the victim/s were not high profile may have been left in a pile to gather dust.” 

3 years ago

Kudos to Warren questioning the 2 current employees now sharing 1 position. FYI both are still eligible for city benefits and insurance. this is costing the city!

Reply to  SMH
3 years ago

There may be three renegade councilors called into the corner office woodshed fer a “talkin to.” There is no place for one uppity white city councilor in Pittsfield never mind three and there are a few that have tried it and failed. But god bless them for trying and they might find they have a lot of support if they can kick start the engine. In the meantime though, the machine is gonna start pounding them into the ground and I hope they will tell us all about it when it happens. Try to ignore the hot air from the head table though. He is big but mostly full of shit.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

McConnell,Romney Graham and Cheney have moved away from the lie by Trump.Good luck running on Trumps white supremacy and anti minority positions of your KKK Christians

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Dan again hate speech by this poster. Think they should be given time off, and don’t forget his other names

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Did you get your free crack pipe from Dementia Joe yet?

If therethere
If therethere
Reply to  Come On Man
3 years ago

Mr. Kronick?

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  If therethere
3 years ago

Did you get your crack pipe from Joe?

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Pop a top again

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

We may have a couple of councilors working for the taxpayers but we will NEVER EVAH EVAH get the Berkshire Eagle to help us out. They LOVE taxes especially on Pittsfield people and if you do not believe me go back 20 years of their papers and find me one goddamn article standing up for the beleaguered taxpayers. Just one!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

High municipal taxes for Level 5 public schools, violent crime and unsafe streets, a state and local one political (Dem.) party that dishes out retribution against anyone who speaks out about it….

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Eagle is the puppet master buying up properties under corporate identities.

Reply to  2
3 years ago

Berkshire Eagle the once great newspaper is dying a slow death. There just try to hang on long enough to get government subsidies to help publish there rag. Unfortunately, it just might happen if the progressives keep pushing there socialists agenda. It’s bad enough taxpayers are paying for NPR and PBS.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Charging people up to $70 to “honor” their pet by putting a picture in the paper? Seriously? Did anybody fall for that? Are they that desperate?

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

How much did they take in with the Corona cash scam???

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Thanks for the link

3 years ago

I read today where Massachusetts had there own insurrection yesterday. I was wondering if these terrorist were arrested and put away until their trial, which may take over 2 years to start? What say you Melle, TSC, TDS, Fizzlehead, and all the rest?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Did it result in overtime ?

3 years ago

The BIG DUMP persip is a race card carrying negro who wants to mark his stain on everything YT. YT wife, YTs job, YT $450,000 mcmansion in YTs neighborhood, far from his roots in the ghetto, all this while he behaves like a cannibalistic Headhunter straight out of the jungle. He’s a nasty piece of shit! And as for that Michael Sharpton/Edgerton-Obasohan diversity officer from NA, if he had any integrity, he’d resign rather than accept welfare funded by the Pittsfield taxpayers for bamboozling them with this fake BS position.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

city council needs to vote to eliminate that job ASAP

Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

No oversight. Zero. A cabal run amok. It is Venezuela in Pittsfield. Get out if you can. Let the Covid New Yorkers have the damn place.

Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

Absolutely! They should do it retroactive, before Michael Sharpton-Edgerton-Obasohan collects and cashes his first welfare check funded by unwilling Pittsfield city taxpayers. The BIG DUMP persip is a race traitor, in addition to all of his other defects. He made it violently clear that everyone better go along with the corrupt shitty council or face the wrath of the BIG BROWN DUMP, a reluctant black man in the evil white man’s world. I read his whiny BS about being saddled with the reputation of his name, and in my opinion, the race traitor BIG DUMP shitty councilor is sullying the Persip name more than his convicted felon father (RIP) or his violent knife wielding road rage half-sister ever did.

Chesty Puller
Chesty Puller
Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

Gee Danny, Glad you are letting the Racists comment on here. I bet this rube is a card carrying member of the Aryan Brotherhood. I’m sure your censors won’t allow this comment!

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

And your rampant racism knows no bounds. You assuredly believe Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii.

It’s a good thing that Dan allows racist bile like yours to be published. That way, we’re assured that racists are alive and well in the Berkshires.

3 years ago

She decides who is/isn’t a victim of rape/child abuse based solely on her highschool friendships. Rapist/abuser went to high school with DA/ADA – he gets a free pass & the keys to west stockbridge plus a prestigious connected appointment as an inspector. A nice gazebo & a free led billboard hard wired at no cost to the Town – let’s us know the transfer station will be closed & that there is an injustice in front of your face. Can he get a witness – no because he blatantly admitted to what he did. It’s in the police report & she still don’t prosecute. I was told the DA would retaliate against me & this is precisely what Niggar MEANS – BACK A THA BUS BITCH. 0 law enforcement. This county is a underground n farm. Making slaves to get rich.

3 years ago

Those two bails of hay in Dalton were victims of a horrific hate crime. She’s already proven how tough she is on Hay Crimes. Anyone but Harrington.

If therethere
If therethere
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Councilor Chronick?

Reply to  If therethere
3 years ago

Sorry to disappoint. Just Joe. Like to also thank fake Republican Chuck Baker for ending the face diaper mandate at the schools. Can you imagine, letting the student and parent decide if they want to continue to wear a mask or not. Crazy. Barry?

Reply to  If therethere
3 years ago

I wish I had the balls to speak out against the woke crowd and there token hire. Thank you Councilor Chronick. Shrinking City population, yet continue to grow the government. I don’t know the nominee, but if his a good hire , lay someone off.

3 years ago

This crime was committed in what town, Roy?

Last edited 3 years ago by gotcha22
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

I’ll tell ya, it was not Alford Road.

3 years ago

Radical truckers may try to convoy fuck the super bowl. I hope someone lays out about a mile of spike strips and flattens the tires on the first fifty trucks. Then gas the bastards.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fuck the Super bowl

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Maybe your gun toting Bernie supporter and the itchy trigger finger cap cop will be there to take care of business for you democrats.

Burnt Ends
Burnt Ends
3 years ago

How many ° of separation exist between kraft macaroni and cheese and berkshire county judicial branch?

Reply to  Burnt Ends
3 years ago

That’s the first good question I heard tonight.

And, you’re not even going by gadfly.

3 years ago

Biden is spreading crack pipes across the country, often in the poorest of neighborhoods, to worsen the drug crisis in this country. He’s not worried that many are ingesting fentanyl in their drugs thanks to his open border policies, but that they might get an infection. This is part of the far left plan to turn this country into a nation of dependent drug addicts. Just keep voting far left candidates into office and we will keep you supplied with drugs is the message coming from the Biden administration to these addicts that they are creating more and more of everyday. Addicts can be controlled by these far left elites and the elites are all about control.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

It’s all in the name of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equiry – DIE . And that is exactly what will be facilitated by government – death due to drub abuse.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

There is some truth, Pat. There is no actual pipe in the “harm reduction” kit, just a bunch of stuff to make it easier to smoke crack or meth without consequences. It’s a nfw from me. I wish Biden would tell these people to step back. No one wants this crap.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

If I’m elected ! I will have free access to exhaust pipes for all Crack Heads available! That will end the addiction.

Not neatherland
Not neatherland
Reply to  Fido Beto
3 years ago

I’ll pay taxes so Jon can live free for the rest of his life but am really struggling that my tax dollars that go to crack heads and junkies to get free juice and hand outs?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

iBerkshires – Feb.10, 2022

State Police ‘Crime Cards’ Feature Four Berkshire Unsolved cases.

Not included is the still unsolved July 4, 2015 Linden Street Pittsfield MA massacre.

“Multiple shooters were involved, five people were wounded, one fatally”

Pittsfield Police Chief Michael Wynn has long expressed the need for community action, …

and went on to whine that overpaid and unworked PPD cops can’t be everywhere……

On the sad tragic still unsolved July 4, 2005, murder of 20-year-old Anthony Colucci, I once read that this young man was last seen with a convicted sex offender who has a connection to the PPD. Anyway, that’s what I read. And there’s no reason for me not to believe it.

The PPD solves the crimes they want to solve and ignore the crimes they want to ignore. I would even go so far as to state the PPD actually fabricates/suborns crimes that never happened.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago has 2 High Schools with 500,000 Square feet with 2 Gyms boilers cafeterias library’s principles Vice principal for 1500 kids.A 5 year plan to close PHS saving million must be in the works for Pittsfield residends.It is now beyond ridiculous to keep both open at great expense……PHS air quality could not be worse.Build a new academic building at Taconicwithin 5 years and sell PHS…Our City council tax approach is squeezing SS homeowners.