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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 25-7, 2022) — There is only one story right now: Ukraine. News and commentary in cyberspace is never more overwrought than in moments such as this. The internet allows instantaneous updates faster than humans can give them. The analyses will be largely unreliable, as the “stakeholders” go into overdrive to spin the tale to their favor.

Are the comparisons being made the West justified, that what Russia’s mirror the events leading up to World War II, or does the East’s version make more sense, that says Vladimir Putin acted responsibly and defensively in aiding the eastern-most region in Ukraine, which asked for Russian assistance? And is any of it in America’s geopolitical interests?

THE PLANET doesn’t know. Neither does anyone else, including the two warring factions, each of which possesses only information it wants to issue and only a fraction of news it doesn’t want to hear.

We see no use in judgment at this early phase of events. Actually, we join ourselves with a statement issued by China: “We still hope that parties concerned will not shut the door to peace and engage instead in dialogue and consultation and prevent the situation from further escalation,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Thursday during a regular press briefing in Beijing.

THE PLANET‘s most immediate concern? The current occupants of the White House. The Biden-Harris administration, which up to now had been driving America into the ground, seemed at least protected by the loyal opposition. Now, what choice does the GOP have but to back American action? For Biden-Harris, the tactical political “victory” of a “unified U.S. front” seems to be the extent to which they are able to see into the trap into which they have fallen.

Do you rest easy with how far Putin has outmatched, outmaneuvered, and outfoxed Geritol Joe and Gigglin’ Kam? Before this current mess:

  • Inflation has skyrocketed
  • The border crisis with Mexico has worsened
  • Crime has risen sharply with the implementation of “restorative justice” practices.
  • Iran is less than a year away from possessing its own nuclear weapon(s)
  • The spending of countless trillions of paper money, driving the national debt and the economy over the falls in a barrel.

THE PLANET could go on and on.

Consider the Tale of the Tape: At the helm in Russia, a former KGB leader with ice in his veins. In America, a D.C. career politician, a flub-a-dub guy with more flip-flops than Daytona Beach during spring break and a clueless, giggling Veep who sucked her way up to the highest echelons the old fashioned way.

From Joe Battenfeld in the Boston Herald: “Biden already had botched the crisis months ago by appearing to give a pass to Putin for a ‘minor incursion’ into Ukraine and has been in damage control since.”

After the Ukraine situation reached the point of no return, Biden “threatened” Putin with “sanctions.” China will make up for most of the loss. Meanwhile, the U.S. buys much of its fuel from Russia. Can you say $5-a-gallon gas? Putin will take that deal any day of the week, including Doris Day. Biden threatening Putin is like the mall security cop threatening to press the squelch button against a teen thug who just shoplifted the booty.

Anyone missing Trump yet?

Trump’s a bully and a bullheaded businessman. He was and is a non-politician, never part of the petrified, poisonous atmosphere inside the D.C. Beltway. He was a rouge and a renegade — the type of guy who could do business in the new strategic realities of globalism and global politics. Exactly the kind of guy who could look Putin and Xi Jin Ping in the eye (of Kim Jung Un, for that matter) and deal. The message: “Let’s work together for the benefit of each of us, but whatever you do, DON’T FUCK WITH US.”

Anyone missing the Orange Man yet?

What? You decry the death of “democracy” and the rise of authoritarianism?

You’re decades too late. America chose its fate after we vaporized hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians — mostly women, children, and elderly — in two cities that were not military targets against a nation that knew it was defeated and was prepared to surrender because all was lost.

All THE PLANET can say is wait ’til November.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


All we can know is that we know nothing. And that’s the height of human wisdom”― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace



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Bethany mf Trudeau
Bethany mf Trudeau
3 years ago

When I was 15 a man bought me a remastered box set Led Zepplen Greatest Hits on ….disc. This is criminal behavior.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Bethany mf Trudeau
3 years ago

No, it’s what you did after you got the gift, that criminal activity could have take place.

But save that part for the “social justice warrior” DA Wrong Way Harrington. None of us care.

Bethany mf Trudeau
Bethany mf Trudeau
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

He shoulda got 1973 Earls Court, that’s all I meant MA.

Last edited 3 years ago by Bethany mf Trudeau
Havard Sqewedgas
Havard Sqewedgas
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Fritz give it up your boy can’t do nothing until 2025 if he gets elected if he even runs.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

The dirty Bidens in Ukraine……..The crook and family should have been prosecuted years ago

Hugh Cranianrabbulrouser
Hugh Cranianrabbulrouser
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Wo7ld be suprised if Putin and zelensky are cohorts to get billions?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

What does it mean that Russia’s dictator Putin put his nuclear forces on high alert? Has a nuclear power head of state/government ever put his or her nuclear forces on high alert before this weekend if February 26/27, 2022? Is Putin only making a threat to nuke the world, or will he deploy his nuclear arsenal on the world if he deems it necessary to achieve his military and political ends? What are we all supposed to think and do about this scary situation? Is there any way to stop Putin now, or will we be stuck with him and his nuclear forces being on high alert for the years to come? I am saddened by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and the devastation he wrought on the people who live there. I still believe that Joe Biden should not have called Putin a “KILLER” last year of 2021. I still believe that Joe Biden should not have threatened China with WW3 last year of 2021 over China’s threat to invade Taiwan. Joe Biden should not be provoking his adversaries Putin and Xi with his hostile and threatening words. Due to Joe Biden’s hostilities, China is now allied with Russia, which is the worst possible scenario for Biden and future presidential administrations. The U.S.A., Russia, and/or China cannot directly fight each other without risking nuclear war, which would end life on Earth. Biden, Putin and Xi need to be the adults in the proverbial room and stop this madness before it is too late for humankind.

Co Vic
Co Vic
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Just keep out of Los Gatos Vlad.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

All three Superpower Heads of State/Government in the U.S.A., Russia and China need to grow the Hell up fast. Joe Biden has Putin and Xi allied against him/the U.S. Government. Joe Biden did not help matters by humiliating Putin on the world stage last year of 2021 by calling Putin a “KILLER”. Joe Biden should NEVER have threatened China with WW3 last year of 2021 over China’s threat to invade Taiwan. Joe Biden should not have killed tens of thousands of American jobs in the energy sector. I never read about or witnessed a U.S. President who killed so many American jobs prior to Joe Biden’s Green New Deal LIES. Despite our country’s failed and outright hostile-mouthed U.S. President Joe Biden, the world is on the brink of nuclear war. There are many countries west of Putin who are fearing Russia’s military threats, including Finland and Sweden. There are many countries who are asking if they will be next after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Putin needs to STOP his military invasions and nuclear war threats before it becomes too late for the world.

Tulsi Gabbard’s speech yesterday (Saturday, 2/26/2022) at CPAC in Orlando, Florida pointed out that the neoliberal Democrats, such as Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and company, have fanned the flames of foreign conflict with Russia and China. Wall Street, K Street, and the neoliberal Democrats in the Swamp are all profiting off of the military industrial complex. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is said to be worth around one-half-billion dollars from her Pentagon-related stock holdings. Tulsi Gabbard said the Elites are to blame for the military crises in the world. Unlike Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, Tulsi Gabbard is a United States Army Veteran who served in the U.S. House of Representatives. Tulsi Gabbard is basically telling us all that the neoliberal Democrats in power in the Swamp are lying to the American People, including by bashing Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Tulsi Gabbard is a Democrat, which means that she is going against her own political party to stop Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and the other neoliberal Democrats who are tanking our country and placing our world into escalating hostilities with Russia and China for their own financial and political gains.

If I were in Joe Biden’s shoes, I would say that the U.S. President, Putin and Xi all need to stop this madness by being the adults in the proverbial room to bring the world back to peace and prosperity for all people and Peoples. But according to Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Biden is doing the opposite of that, and Joe Biden’s hostile words have proved her point.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Don’t you have a way to contact Patrick Fennell personally? Spare us , will ya. WTF!

Co Vic
Co Vic
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Fennel goes with sausage.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Co Vic
3 years ago

She’s holding me hostage, not me sausage!

Funnel Fennull
Funnel Fennull
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Exactly and why the free press for Fennell anyway,who is he to begin with and why do you torture humility with your boorish idealogy.

Shane Joe
Shane Joe
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Just got back from Detroit Mi. For a bereavement. Drove. The worst pot – holes we ran over were the ones right here in the city. Awful. Now they’re rolling me Megan Wilson is leaving? It can’t get any worse.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Wasn’t John Galt a respected Pittsfield Optometrist ?

Don Putinking
Don Putinking
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Maybe you’ve never seen Ali vs Frazier?

Shane Joe
Shane Joe
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Three was awesome as well Dan. Good choice on both.