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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 25-7, 2022) — There is only one story right now: Ukraine. News and commentary in cyberspace is never more overwrought than in moments such as this. The internet allows instantaneous updates faster than humans can give them. The analyses will be largely unreliable, as the “stakeholders” go into overdrive to spin the tale to their favor.

Are the comparisons being made the West justified, that what Russia’s mirror the events leading up to World War II, or does the East’s version make more sense, that says Vladimir Putin acted responsibly and defensively in aiding the eastern-most region in Ukraine, which asked for Russian assistance? And is any of it in America’s geopolitical interests?

THE PLANET doesn’t know. Neither does anyone else, including the two warring factions, each of which possesses only information it wants to issue and only a fraction of news it doesn’t want to hear.

We see no use in judgment at this early phase of events. Actually, we join ourselves with a statement issued by China: “We still hope that parties concerned will not shut the door to peace and engage instead in dialogue and consultation and prevent the situation from further escalation,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Thursday during a regular press briefing in Beijing.

THE PLANET‘s most immediate concern? The current occupants of the White House. The Biden-Harris administration, which up to now had been driving America into the ground, seemed at least protected by the loyal opposition. Now, what choice does the GOP have but to back American action? For Biden-Harris, the tactical political “victory” of a “unified U.S. front” seems to be the extent to which they are able to see into the trap into which they have fallen.

Do you rest easy with how far Putin has outmatched, outmaneuvered, and outfoxed Geritol Joe and Gigglin’ Kam? Before this current mess:

  • Inflation has skyrocketed
  • The border crisis with Mexico has worsened
  • Crime has risen sharply with the implementation of “restorative justice” practices.
  • Iran is less than a year away from possessing its own nuclear weapon(s)
  • The spending of countless trillions of paper money, driving the national debt and the economy over the falls in a barrel.

THE PLANET could go on and on.

Consider the Tale of the Tape: At the helm in Russia, a former KGB leader with ice in his veins. In America, a D.C. career politician, a flub-a-dub guy with more flip-flops than Daytona Beach during spring break and a clueless, giggling Veep who sucked her way up to the highest echelons the old fashioned way.

From Joe Battenfeld in the Boston Herald: “Biden already had botched the crisis months ago by appearing to give a pass to Putin for a ‘minor incursion’ into Ukraine and has been in damage control since.”

After the Ukraine situation reached the point of no return, Biden “threatened” Putin with “sanctions.” China will make up for most of the loss. Meanwhile, the U.S. buys much of its fuel from Russia. Can you say $5-a-gallon gas? Putin will take that deal any day of the week, including Doris Day. Biden threatening Putin is like the mall security cop threatening to press the squelch button against a teen thug who just shoplifted the booty.

Anyone missing Trump yet?

Trump’s a bully and a bullheaded businessman. He was and is a non-politician, never part of the petrified, poisonous atmosphere inside the D.C. Beltway. He was a rouge and a renegade — the type of guy who could do business in the new strategic realities of globalism and global politics. Exactly the kind of guy who could look Putin and Xi Jin Ping in the eye (of Kim Jung Un, for that matter) and deal. The message: “Let’s work together for the benefit of each of us, but whatever you do, DON’T FUCK WITH US.”

Anyone missing the Orange Man yet?

What? You decry the death of “democracy” and the rise of authoritarianism?

You’re decades too late. America chose its fate after we vaporized hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians — mostly women, children, and elderly — in two cities that were not military targets against a nation that knew it was defeated and was prepared to surrender because all was lost.

All THE PLANET can say is wait ’til November.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


All we can know is that we know nothing. And that’s the height of human wisdom”― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace



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Fido Beto
Fido Beto
3 years ago

Biden can’t decide if he wants oatmeal or cream of wheat never mind making a critical decision!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Fido Beto
3 years ago

he can’t handle the stairs without handmaiden Jill……..Putin is laughing at D-Americans…..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I’m laughing and crying at same time too……….thanks DemocRATS!

Potable Pootin
Potable Pootin
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Better discussion from m t lease Dan. We are talkining about a so called genius. I’m with the est of the world and call him a murdering piecev of shit.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Potable Pootin
3 years ago

So was Stalin Mao and Hitler.

The left in America are emulating them all.

3 years ago

It’s crazy that we buy oil from Russia, Iran, and other countries while refusing to use our own immense oil supply right here in this country in order to appease the likes of climate alarmists John Kerry and Obama to make them feel somehow morally superior to other countries because we refuse to produce our own oil here. We could have potentially avoided this current conflict if we had stayed energy independent. We are funding Putin’s war.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Just buy an electric car, make Traitors happy (Johnatolla, and Barry), then wonder why there is no electric service………since they shut the coal plants down…..

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

John Kerry worries that the situation in Ukraine will take away from his climate change agenda. He says that situation in Ukraine will work itself out, but not climate change. Because a superpower attacking a country always works out fine in Kerry’s mind. He is obsessed with getting rid of fossil fuels in this country no matter the cost and loss of life and Biden is taking his marching orders from Kerry, Obama, and the other climate change fanatics.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

China is Joe’s leader…… besides Jill.

It’s 9 oF in the bizerkskires, and fuel oil is going up…..thanks democRATS!

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
3 years ago

Who says media and governments can’t work together?) Some media is forced to work for the governments , and some are pretending they work just to inform the people without government intervention. Ours unfortunately many times picks and chooses on their own what the the messaging should be on any given to issue.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago
Last edited 3 years ago by Mr. Fritz
Fido Beto
Fido Beto
3 years ago

Washington is the trailer park of politics and the critters currently scurrying around the place and those from the past didn’t or won’t allow anyone in that wants to disinfect and rebuild it into a place. Just sickening !

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The Pentagon uses more greenhouse gases every year than 140 countries combined.  Nearly two decades ago, Joe Biden voted for Bush 2’s Iraq War, which took over around 85% of Iraq’s oil reserves, which are the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world.  Biden, Maryland Ed Markey, the Squad, and the like, ran on their Green New Deal propaganda (lies) in 2020.  Joe Manchin played the bad Democrat role very well to kill the Green New Deal – not a coincidence but a conspiracy!  Biden is selling military arms to the world at record levels, which is all that matters to the Swamp.  Putin has a lot of oil and natural gas reserves, while the U.S.A. is in an energy crisis.  China wants to buy Russia’s energy supplies.  China allied themselves with Russia, which is the worst possible scenario for Biden and future U.S. presidential administrations.  Putin cuts off Germany and the rest of Europe’s energy pipelines and sells it to China and other Asian countries to fund his war machine.  Putin invades Ukraine and installs his satellite puppet government there.  Putin runs his energy pipelines through Ukraine, which he will control, and Europe will be dependent on his energy supplies.  Putin’s has Russian energy control of Europe, while China is his military ally against the U.S.A.  Biden and the Democrats push their Climate Change pseudo-science to the world, while the U.S. Government will be outflanked by Putin and Xi.  Biden turns 80 around Thanksgiving of 2022, Putin turns 70 around Columbus Day 2022.  Biden leaves the White House well before Putin leaves Moscow.  The U.S.A. will be weakened by Biden’s failed leadership, propaganda and lies, while Putin will be very powerful militarily with Xi, as well as his vast energy supplies sales to Europe and Asia.  Obama will live in his beachfront mansions in Hawaii and Nantucket.  Billionaire John Forbes Kerry will live in his mansions on Beacon Hill, Nantucket, Georgetown (the Swamp), Pennsylvania, and Idaho.  Joe Biden will be living in his Delaware mansions if he lives well into his 80s.  The Democrats will be cashing in on their failed agenda, while Putin and Xi will be wringing their hands together as the world’s new Superpowers.  In closing, I hope that the Democrats STOP with their Green New Deal propaganda that is giving Putin fertile ground to grab power, while John Kerry, Barack Obama and Joe Biden are living like Kings in the castles while the American People will soon pay over $7 per gallon for gas!

Jonathan Melle

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Al Gore and John Kerry aren’t far behind the Pentagon.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Biden should be tried for treason! He killed the construction of the xl pipeline and now refuses to resume drilling….

Popsicle Lips Now
Popsicle Lips Now
3 years ago

If your father fought in WWII you might not exist if the bombs weren’t dropped on Japan. Your fathers and grandfathers would have been forced to be part of an invasion of the land of the rising sun. Let us not forget that Japan Murdered at least 12 million Chinese. 12 million Japanese did not die in those two cities. The Bastards got off easy. There were no innocents in Japan or Germany except the unborn.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Popsicle Lips Now
3 years ago

Dropping two atomic bombs on two Japanese cities was to show the U.S. Military’s power to hurt Japan’s innocent civilians. If Japan did not surrender when it did, then Stalin would have taken Japan over and it would be a Communist country instead of a Democracy and Capitalist country. Truman showed Stalin how powerful the U.S. Military was, but Stalin ate Truman’s lunch thereafter. Stalin didn’t die until Ike was the U.S. Prez in 1953.

Popsicle Lips Now
Popsicle Lips Now
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

What about the innocent Chinese you obtuse quackerwodger?

Last edited 3 years ago by Popsicle Lips Now
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Should have been handled by McArthur, Johnny boi.

Thank Jesus IKE kept armageddon away……..

Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

The day’s not over with yet.

2 + 2 = 5

Bleak house
Bleak house
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Inflation is not Biden’s fault. Your Howie Carr redux needs some work, dan.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak house
3 years ago

Actually it quite easily is. Try Harder

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Bleak house
3 years ago

Biden and Trump are both responsible for inflation as well as the Federal reserve system. Both parties are missing a leader that people can believe.

Popsicle Lips Now
Popsicle Lips Now
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people. The Japanese killed between 12,000,000 and 14,000,000 Chinese. Tell me again who committed the war crimes? Only Mao killed more.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Respectfully Dan I think your opinion of Truman is way off bae. The A Bombs saved thousands of lives on both sides. We would have had to invade Japan and it would have been way worse than Dresden. I think Truman was best President since Lincoln

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Eye roll

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

My dad and uncles lived into their golden ages because they nuked the Japs.

Otherwise all would have left liberating 1/2 of Europe (Dems/Truman/Rosevelt gave Commies/Stalin the other half), on a ground war in Japan.

I agree with IKE getting USA through the most difficult times and not into WWIII.

Speaking of “scientists”, how is Falsey/CDC/FDA doing? 5th Jab on the way?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hiroshima was bombed for the same reason Allies bombed Munich. Both were strategic military manufacturing sites, and they needed to be removed. It was their war, and the civilian deaths, human shields, were their crimes. Germans (and Japanese too probably) continue to conjure those decisions so as to apologize for their parents’ behavior during WWII. So what?

Reply to  Popsicle Lips Now
3 years ago

Way to tell it like it is Pops!

Popsicle Lips Now
Popsicle Lips Now
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Thank god he didn’t have to invade Japan.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

There are those who push both arguments. I suspect the truth is somewhere near the middle.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

My dad was 8th Air Force, covering your Dad’s A$$ Dan, in Arden forest. He was more likley to die than ground troops.

The fire bombing of Dresden, killed more than the Japs from either nuke. I’m glad Dad did so. Sorry for innocent Germans that were colateral.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

But not Japanese civilians who were vaporized in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

I’m 1/2 Polish ancestry, The little Bohemian in me , hates Hitler too so dead Germans are fine with me, should have nuked them too, too bad the bomb was late, Stalin could have got one.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Paybacks a bitch

3 years ago

Dropping the bombs was best decision Truman ever made and saved countless American lives including likely my father’s, who was AFI in PAC Theater at the time. Even after first bomb those crazy and evil Japs wouldn’t surrender Dan and let me tell you, thanks to Biden and the pussification of America, Putin just started the big one, as in WWIII. This time, women should be drafted, and Mr, Melle too!

3 years ago

NATO is an absolute joke, kinda like what PEDA is to Shitsfield. An empty shell. God help the Ukrainians. Nobody else will.

Reply to  Shitsfield
3 years ago

Well, on the bright side Shits, Pissfield is no longer on Russias target list, because there’s nothing left to bomb.

Reply to  Pissfield
3 years ago

by the looks of the roads they were already here

Reply to  Pissfield
3 years ago

And if they do, Tyer will have something to blames all the craters in the roads on.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shitsfield
3 years ago

Polacks would, most of Ukraine was once Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Poland has been screwed so bad by Rus Turks and Krauts…..and western Europe……they saved Europe 1683…..

Screw NATO, and get USA out of UNO, get UNO out of NYC/USA

Hugh Craniah
Hugh Craniah
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

PLO. That’s polacks.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Hugh Craniah
3 years ago

I’m Polack

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Half Polack half Jack Ass

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

You’re100%, A-hole

Bleak house
Bleak house
3 years ago

Miss an incompetent un-American stooge like Trump, who is out there praising a thug like Putin?

No, Dan. No rational person misses Trump.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak house
3 years ago

All real American miss trump. You are a disgrace McDonough.

Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

If trump burned two newborn babies in a fire pit and cooked shis kabob over their toasting bodies you would still love him no turning back for you guys is there

hook line and sinker…minds gone forever

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Nah I love steak

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

buy steak on sale!

liberals buy burger or tofuki crap at >$2 more/lb

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Democrats would call that a woman’s right and sell the dismembered body.

Reply to  Acute Angina
3 years ago

Ha! The death of a beaten metaphor is fun to watch

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

Sorry for you loss

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

This is a statement from a very sick mind, please go get help I think you really need it. Your road to sanity will be in my prayers

Bleak house
Bleak house
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Trump is an unpatriotic p.o.s.

But, widdle Bobby called me name! You gonna keep barking, or are you gonna bite?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak house
3 years ago

Who is Bobby? Give us a last name McDonough. Oh yea not man enough I forgot.
Trump always looks out for the country. Joe Joe looks out for coke head hunter

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Sure, BB.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Who ? Tell us. Please. Or you dont know

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Bleak house
3 years ago

We can understand why you don’t like Trump after all of this. Trump and the GOP are against stealing from others.

Xiden and the “progressive” dim-wits are for “restorative justice.” Theft falls into that category. It’s crystal clear why you side with Xiden.

You stole from your clients, because you: (a) felt you weren’t getting paid enough by your bosses, so you (literally) took matters into your own hands, (b) you are a POS thief, (c) all of the above.

I choose C Bleak.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I enthusiastically choose C

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Notice how he can’t and won’t answer

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Never does.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

You trolls are keyboard warriors.

I’ll be in Pittsfield this Tuesday. Why don’t we have this conversation in person?

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

These craven poseurs will do nothing other than hide behind their keyboards while they wait for TGP, The Federalist Society, Zerohedge, and Tucker Carlson to feed them their latest delusions. All why they libel and lie about others.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Sure McDonough. Maybe you can have Carl from Pittsfield take a picture of you

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Time and Place, Bob.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Bleak house
3 years ago

Why miss Trump when ya got tapioca Joe?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Bleak house
3 years ago

Rational person is left wing code for a moonbat democrat

3 years ago

Sanctions, did somebody say sanctions? What a joke. The UN is a joke too. And NATO. And Basement Biden, and The Cackling Kamala, and AOC, Clinton, Kerry, Eteffingcetera!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
3 years ago

Democrats “voted” for it!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Time to stop worrying about how many genders we have, getting rid of police, and spreading windmills across the country. America needs to grow up and start making decisions that protect lives in this country and across the world.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Pat, guess which state has the most windmills? TEXAS!! Big republican controlled, no abortion, religious right, oil rigs everywhere TEXAS. Republican Texas spreading windmills across their state and building more every day. Why? Are Texans anti American? Are they ruining the fossil fuel industry? What could possibly be the explanation for this insanity?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

That worked out great when they had that ice storm. Too bad they gave into PC BS.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

You should take a break from choosing you preferred pronouns and put up a windmill to heat your home. It should work for you and your EV.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

The windmills in Texas only provide a fraction of the power they need and they aren’t that reliable. Not sure why they have so many, but they are far from being their main source of power.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Well, smart Texans, (like Ted Cruz) head for the warm beaches of Mexico when the power goes out. Then he comes back and bashes Mexico. gotta love these two faced morons

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

there are 2 genders, and 33 types of queers

Reply to  ComeOnMan!
3 years ago

The Woke A Holes are now in for a rude awakening. AOC and her ilk are done. The green new deal is toast!

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Actually, America is toast….if you live in America you are probably toast as well….enjoy the newness

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Pass the butter

Reply to  ComeOnMan!
3 years ago

This convo is starting to feel like a Trump rally. Only thing missing is the MAGA hats.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Why don’t you take your hat and jacket off?

Reply to  Acute Angina
3 years ago

Maybe I will, but that’s it Bud. The pants are staying on. Don’t even ask.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

True, if it were a Xiden rally, we’d all be on zoom wearing a mask while sitting at our computer alone.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

oil is > $100/bbl

fizzy TSC and bleak approve! FJB they love.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

How you heating the home next year?

I’m chopping wood, it’s good, but democRATS want to ban that too………..when they get cold and hungry, I’ll just say Barry and Biden!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

When I was a teenager I was a big fan of Alfred E. Neuman and Mad Magazine.

I like your stuff too.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Stuff was satire.

You have read: “Brave New World” and “1984”? That’s NWO/ democRATS

You are a fan of Biden/Barry, You’ll have to live with that.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Isn’t your stuff satire? It reads that way

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Yous’S is ALL BS!

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Got that last line right.

Alfred E. Neuman would fit right in with todays world, especially the politics. The satire he did in the 60s is normal for today. He must have seen the wokeness coming.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Fizz, it’s a gas.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Thank goodness to DV and the Planet!!!!

I grew up reading everything. News, even THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE, printed it.

That stopped, …….now we have THE LEFT WINGED PARROT, run buy the Rutberegry. Cat won’t crap on that!

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Great stuff Fizz! Loved ’em both. Do you recall the ’70’s edition Mad Mag. calling out the fatal flaw of Star Wars? No battery known to man could power a light saber fight without extension cords. Mr. Vader had an obvious advantage over Mr. Kenobi; nothing to do at all with magical powers.

Hello Newman
Hello Newman
Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

The MAD MAGAZINE board game… stand on your head and make like a chicken.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

When I was teenager, I chopped wood. delivered it , $35/cord 4 X 4 X 8′

Who did You suck back then?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

. Yu?When I eas a tenneger, I worled

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Think you might be working on a bottle of Russian Vodka huh? Either that or your keyboard has covid.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

It was a Russian spy, seeking to demine America

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Trump was going to give the democratic country of the Ukraine to Putin as he made Trump his asset,now that is what I call being overmatched.Putin also had Trump weaken NATO for him.Now that’s what I call TRUMPS his bitch.Trump got to the WHITE HOUSE as a racist Republican and now his fascist party of America now supports Putin….I wonder how Trump did this.We now Dan understand the Russian influence on stupid Dons election.On his way to the White House stupid Don screwed prostitutes and abused women because he could.His VP Pence also knows he is a threat to democracy everywhere.Putin is not playing Biden as he is the democratic leader in the world.Putin plays his asset Trump for 4 years.Conservatives don’t believe in the peoples right to vote.You support the surpressin of votes in the United States of America that your family fought for in WW2.Fascism creeps into your thinking with propaganda and repeated lies and then you are the enemy….

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Fake News TDS

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Did Trump weaken NATO by making member nations pay their agreed upon share?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I would like to add.

I believe NOTHING on MSM news anymore, after 11/3-4/2020.

God bless You.

Potable Pootin
Potable Pootin
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Understand about snow storm Ricardo,but don’t you still have to plow,cars flying off the road.

Hirelda Mayshawe
Hirelda Mayshawe
Reply to  Potable Pootin
3 years ago

The Perfect Storm.!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Snow Friday wouldn’t close schools 1960s, but the potholes in PITTSfield roads NOW would.


3 years ago

Pardon the interruption but we have another local homicide. Andrea Harrington needs to stfu with the heartfelt BS and let someone competent do the job. She is better suited to the position of Minister of Condolences.

“I send my heartfelt condolences to the Bernardi family and wish them the best in this difficult time…” Because they won’t be getting it from her office

And the Berkshire Eagle needs to do its job. Someone’s father brother friend is dead and this article is all about the mental illness of the accused. “It’s an illness,” she (the mother) told Eagle reporter Amanda Drane, referring to her son’s struggles. “It’s no different than any other serious illness.”
What other illness results in the death of another person? This guy ran away and knew what he was doing.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Deceased appears to be involved in multiple property sales so maybe a rent dispute?

Agar Sittual
Agar Sittual
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

She might have told Anandamide Drane but Drane a reporter?

Reply to  Agar Sittual
3 years ago

I always confuse her with the court reporter who never shows up in court.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Does Putin send all this stuff right to your email every morning?

Seventh Planet
Seventh Planet
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Does Dementia Joe or Hunter get the checks from Vlad?

Reply to  Seventh Planet
3 years ago

I hope so. Trump built most of his golf courses with oligarch money so the Bidens deserve at least a pittance. Of course, Trump earned his checks.

Seventh Planet
Seventh Planet
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

That answers the question of who gets emails from Putin.

Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

“We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
Till the blue skies drive clouds far away

So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them I won’t be long
They’ll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song”

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

i think we can all agree this is Barry Sotero’s 3rd term. If you think back to his last year or two in office, the Chinese and Russian military were flying close and/or over our naval warships in an act of aggression. This is basically a big F U from both countries to Barry.

The Russians and Chinese knew Barry was weak militarily and had no balls. They pushed and pushed and what did Barry do? He sent pallets with billions in cash overnight to Iran, so they could build their nuclear program up. Oh yeah, he also began the war on cops (beer summit).

It just screams tough leadership, doesn’t it?

None of this happened during Trump. In fact, fools like Bleak, TSC, Jon Melle, and the left, were criticizing Trump, because he held meetings with Kim Jong-Ung, of North Korea. It shows their lack of awareness and how to conduct business as a world leader. As Trump said at the time, “you keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

No wars during Trump and he all but crippled and stopped ISIS in their tracks.

Now we fast forward to today: Russia invaded Ukraine, North Korea started missile testing, Iran continues to develop nukes (thanks Barry), China and Taiwan situation looms, gas approaching $5 a gallon (and rising), empty store shelves, southern border crisis, Afghanistan and ISIS are building up again, violent crimes at record levels in democRAT led cities, known terrorists on the watch list being apprehended at the southern border. How many got through?

All of this and then some, but yet Xiden and Harris still believe the biggest threat to America is white supremacy.

So Bleak, TSC, Jon, anything you’d like to add to defend your hero Joe Xiden? You are among the 37% of people who approve of Xiden’s presidency, please help me and others understand how and why you approve? And spare me and the Planet of “Trump is bad.” Xiden is entering his second year of office. Time to move on and focus on the present and the future and where we are headed as a country.

John Kerry is an absolute POS. You have to wonder how much money he has tied up in climate change? With everything going on in the world, it shows how out of touch John Kerry is with the American people.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Why do you hate me? I am a Veteran who served honorably like you are. I am upset by what is going on at home and overseas, too. It is true that I will never support Donald Trump in politics and government because he is the leader of the racist White Nationalist (alt right, Nazi) political movement in the U.S.A. Mike Pence is a religious extremist, and homosexual and feminist groups send me political email that say he is a threat to their well-being. I wish we had a better U.S. President than Joe Biden, and I think his son Hunter Biden is a horrible man with most likely allegedly illegal business ties to adversarial countries such as China and Russia. Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist on national television, but now she is his loyal Veep. Lastly, Putin is a straight up ASS! What the Hell is Jon Melle supposed to do about it all except pound sand?

Agar Sittual
Agar Sittual
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Out on the right side of west street near one of those mansions before fort hill Ave a plow left a mound of snow in the road and I spun out into the other lane,close call. Plow it Don’t dump it and leave it in the road

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

His Jewish grand kids are Nazi led? You are nut’s for sure. Stop complaining no one likes you as you bring onto your self.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Stop playing the victim card. When you post your opinions, you will get opinions thrown back at you.
Plus the fact you are like a candle in the wind – you voted for Biden, professed admiration of Kerry and the fake indian, etc etc and then you think you can get away with changing direction without blowback.
Grow up!

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

He never leaves home with out it

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon – Did you ever watch some of the men and woman that speak for Tunnel of Towers. Veterans who many lost both legs and an arm. Soldiers that came home to a spouse and children. They are moving ahead in life, not stuck in the past. They are flourishing in jobs and in sports/hobbies. Do yourself a favor and look to the future. Hashing over the past just hurts you. Life is not easy and it is full of peaks and valleys, you have to advocate for your own well-being. I am sure everyone on this blog has suffered something in their past that hurt and knocked them off track, but they chose to move ahead.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Ever notice the real heroes only mention they served when asked and hardly talk about their service when they returned. Jon brings up his partial service daily.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

As I once posted to him – you’re either a victim or a victor, your choice. It’s not what happens to us so much as how we respond to it.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon, I don’t hate you. I’ve never said anything hateful about you.

But, I’m not going to explain to you why I lump you in with TSC and Bleak. I’ve explained to you many times before. You fail to listen.

The last time I offered you friendly advice, a short time later, you posted another “Patrick Fennell letter.”

Dan even asked you to heed my advice, but you didn’t.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

JM have you ever thought the “organizations “ that are sending these emails are the extremists themselves and not sending factual information your way? You continually spout “ideas” about people without any facts to back them up. Hope this constructive criticism helps you on your path in life

Agar Sittual
Agar Sittual
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Kerry used to dock his yacht in Rhodesia island to avoid tax,that’s really scum tactics

Bleak house
Bleak house
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

You completely missed the point of “The Godfather.”

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak house
3 years ago

No he did not. Thieves get shot don’t change the subject

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Bleak house
3 years ago

No, I didn’t Bleak.

As Tony Soprano told his son AJ, after AJ attempted to get back at Uncle Junior, “It’s only a movie.”

I listed present day, real life, facts.

So, I’m waiting, what has Xiden done to earn your approval?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

He has no response

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

It wouldn’t shock me if some of those NATO missiles wound up being fired at American troops by ISIS or others in Afghanistan.

Some of those NATO leaders like Xiden, or former leaders like Clinton, both Bush’s, Sotero, have no shame in selling out their countries to enrich their families. What’s a missile or two amongst terrorists?

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

You hatred for America is palpable. Did Putin or his agent Carlson write that for you? Can you tell me when was the last time FOX “news” said or did ANYTHING to promote unity in America? Everything they say, day in and day out, is divisive. Ask yourself why they would continuously lay out a mine field of divisiveness.
The only and obvious answer is that they want America divided. Why? Who else wants America divided? Iran, North Korea and of course Putin’s Russia. FOX news is nothing more than a Russian misinformation campaign and it is very effective. You are a prime example of that. If America goes down, you will have assisted in its demise. All these people tearing America apart surely are not thinking about the chaos and destruction they will be leaving for their children and grand children. And that is the part I have the most difficulty understanding.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

No my friend, myself and others who align with the right, are only reacting to what Barry Sotero started and Xiden/Harris continue.

Take a stroll down Barry’s best moments of dividing the races: beer summit, “if I had a son, he’d look like…,” and offered his “Presidential” opinion on the police and black people during the Michael Brown incident, prior to his DOJ finding Brown’s DNA in the officers vehicle, showing Brown was inside the driver’s side window attacking the officer. Nothing like a president waiting on all the facts. Just speak from conjecture. It screams “presidential” doesn’t it Fizz?

So, again, I’ve listed a few verifiable facts. I’ll await your facts about Trump igniting the race war. And I want examples. Not garbage opinions that TSC or Jon Melle post daily with no references.

As I posted last week, Bill Clinton enacted affirmative action programs in the early 1990’s, that hired/promoted/advanced blacks simply based on race faster than others, granted easier college admissions to under grad/law school/medical school, etc.

Those policies were enacted almost 30 years ago.

That’s not divisive Fizz? How much longer do they need a head start? And why is it only the black race that expects advancements and hand outs? And what about the pink elephant in the room: black on black crime?

I’ll await your answers to those questions.

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I actually agree with some of the things you just said. But what the hell does that stuff have to do with what I said? I am talking about what is going on today and you are talking about 3 presidents ago??/ wa waahhatttt?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

See, you have that same process as a “progressive.”

Either I agree with you, or I’m wrong and ruining the country. Very similar to CRT’s teachings. Either you agree that white people are born racist, or you grew up to become a racist. No middle ground.

The problem, I listed all verifiable facts that the Xiden/Harris have done to the American people. In fact, I asked you originally for examples of what Xiden has done so much better than Trump, to help the American people.

You just responded with a better worded Jon Melle-type response. “You must write for Tucker Carlson……” Really Fizz?

Come on man, we want facts.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Unemployment is the lowest it’s been since 1970. Biden had nothing to do with that?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

McDonough it doesn’t include the number of people that have stopped looking for work

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

So, it doesn’t include you.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

You may not be aware of it due to your limited and restrictive news sources but Biden is actually TRYING to unite the country. But, like Obama, he has the pit bull republican party trying to pull him into the abyss. They do not want him to have even a small success even if it is for the betterment of the country. Biden may not be John Kennedy, but if he got even a little help from he other party all of our lives might be better. The republican machine is not interested in if he can help the country. They are even going to give him or the country a chance.
Biden is a decent man and even you would admit you would rather have him as a neighbor than Trump.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Xiden is clueless

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

How did Trump protect and defend the Constitution on January 6, 2021?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Constitution didn’t need protecting from that peaceful protest. Guess if they had terrier groups like Antifa and BLM there you would have though differently

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Terrier groups? That G.E.D. Is doing you no favors.

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Told people to peacefully protest, believe that is in the Constitution. What did the FBI and Pelosi do to protect and defend the Constitution on that day?

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

You lie for Trump on a daily basis.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Way to tell it like it is Marcus! I’ve heard your name before. We’re you some famous Roman back in the day?

3 years ago

Beware, the roads are awful.
City of Pittsfield, did you run out of salt??

Agar Sittual
Agar Sittual
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Speaking of shit. China and Russia have a de facto alliance right before sleepy Joes laughs and smirking .

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

So the reason Russia invaded Ukraine was because the U.S. warned that it might happen? Well that sounds like a pretty good reason to me.

Hugh Craniah
Hugh Craniah
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Thought you were talking about potholes. A friend of mine blew a tire and oil pan tore off on new west st.

Reply to  Hugh Craniah
3 years ago

Now if he had been the mayor or Barry or a city councilor he could have taken that damaged vehicle right to the city yard and had it fixed for free. Which is why some of them could care less about the roads.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

They will have to ask their contractors to bring some salt back they loaded up for their personal use the city taxpayers supplied for them.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Fido Beto
3 years ago

Dave Pill wrote a letter pointing out Pittsfield’s deferred maintenance of its roads, while Mayor Linda Tyer is sitting on tens of millions of Biden Buck$.

Jon Melle


Letter: “The only real solution to Pittsfield pothole problem”
The Berkshire Eagle, February 24, 2022

To the editor: Every spring, The Eagle prints pictures of crews filling potholes and explains how they form. (“Pittsfield’s highway department fills more than 1,000 potholes in one day, barely putting a dent in one of the worst winters for city’s roads,” Eagle, Feb. 11.)

And the past several winters, we enter “pothole season” earlier and earlier. It is presented as a fact of life, as certain as sunrise and sunset. Except it isn’t. While the freeze-thaw cycle may tear the roads apart where there are cracks and gaps, the real culprit is political. Each year, no one wants to bite the bullet and rebuild the amount of street mileage necessary to ensure that the streets remain relatively intact long enough not to break up on a wholesale level. A mill and pave probably lasts 10 years. On streets with little traffic, maybe things last longer.

Fourth Street from East Street to Fenn Street was last done in 2008. That is 15 years ago, and it has been a moonscape for about three years. East Street from Park Square to Fourth Street was last done in 2003. Nineteen years is a long time, and folks have been breaking front-end parts for seven or eight years at a minimum each late winter and spring season. Holmes Road was done probably 15 to 16 years ago has been coming apart in some spots for about five years.

There is a pattern here. In order to rebuild 280 miles of street that Pittsfield has and keep the main streets done every 10 years and side streets maybe every 15, you need to rebuild 25 or so miles each year to do the entire city. That costs money. Patching potholes is a Sisyphean task. A few years ago, the former DPW chief put together a plan — and was ridiculed. Now we are further behind.

We have a ton of ARPA money. There are a lot of needs out there. But roads are used by everyone daily, so we need to catch up, because if we don’t, the day will come that all 280 miles will need to be rebuilt all at once. We are close to being there. Bad roads are a quality-of-life and economic development issue. If you drive through a town that looks like Basra, who wants to invest where it looks like there is no end to the needs?

Only the mayor can make this decision — and we should all urge her to do so.

Dave Pill, Pittsfield

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I agree. I have never seen such dangerous roads in my many years of living in this city. Only the streets that were paved in the last few years are doing well. Do they think it won’t be long until cars are banned and we are all on bicycles, except even bicycles would have difficulty navigating these roads.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I agree. The roads are horrible except the ones that were paved in the past few years.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

and Dave Pills poke for thousands of Pittsfield residents. Pittsfield has nos real leaders. A forensic audit would change all that in a hurry. And this mayor gets the trembles when she hears the term forensic audit. Kerwood as well.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Pill was right! It is more political the reasons for the shape of the roads than anything else. Where is the Black Top Machine that was going to help with the roads?

Reply to  Fido Beto
3 years ago

That money may be earmarked for special interest pockets. Screw the roads. Lots of the business that the mayor is trying to get to come here are saying that if she fixes the roads they are NOT COMING! So good business move on the mayors part.

Keye Ev
Keye Ev
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Something like that

Reply to  Keye Ev
3 years ago

Yah, cuz if new business s come she will have to give them more tax breaks which the little guy will have to make up for. (and build them sewer lines). and she knows we are in a bad mood about that so she is discouraging new business s from investing in Pittsfield by making it almost uninhabitable.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Milltown/Bousquet got their water/sewer taxpayers fix and you watch, Milltown isn’t done yet.

Keye Ev
Keye Ev
Reply to  Fido Beto
3 years ago

Silver Lake.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

And she could use some for public safety too and hasn’t. She has been a total and complete failure as a mayor, by any objective measure.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

His bookkeeping is so creative it could take the place of the Rockwell paintings.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

The mayor and many on the council along with others suck up to Milltown.

Keye Ev
Keye Ev
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Kufflinks middle name is differed. Unless it involves the good ol boys.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

It’s part of “Ricky’s Rumpus.” Toilet plungers in the road and no salt for icy roads.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

It is probably only a few bucks more for heated toilet plungers which could melt all the snow in the area. Mayor???? Don’t worrry about the cost….we don’t care.

3 years ago

The far leftist media in this country, which is the majority of our media, is calling Trump a “pig” for saying that Putin is smart, but Biden just said the same thing in his speech yesterday. Saying someone is smart doesn’t mean they aren’t evil. Evil people can be very smart. Their intelligence is used for terrible deeds which is what Trump meant and I assume that is what Biden also meant in his speech.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Donald Trump never called anyone any bad names. Kudos to him for that

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fizzy, you are the genius of the Planet . You are just so clever.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Pat do think it would even be possible to count the number of woman who think Donald Trump is a pig? Serious question. How many sexual assault cases are still open against him? What? I can’t hear you.

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

I’m a woman and know that there are no legitimate sexual assault cases against him. Did these same women vote for Biden whose own son is hardly a good example of how to treat women?

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

How about when creepy Joe comes out around the younger females

Keye Ev
Keye Ev
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

How about laughing before serious wartime press conferences?

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Sorry, but I don’t buy it. Donald Trump is not a sexual predator. USA Today has gone far left.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

The current 2021 – 2022 U.S. Supreme Court has 7 Catholics and 2 Jewish People; 6 men and 3 women. Joe Biden’s public record is one of racism, especially against the Black People. His nomination of a black woman, who is very well qualified for the job, goes against Joe Biden’s past racist public record in the Swamp going back nearly 50 years. I hope Biden’s pick will receive a fair hearing before the U.S. Senate, and she will be a great Supreme Court Justice for the decades to come.

Joe Biden should not have threatened China with WW3 last year of 2021 over China’s threat to invade Taiwan. China is now allied with Russia against the U.S. Government, which is the worst scenario for the U.S. Government. Joe Biden should not have called Putin a “KILLER” last year of 2021. Joe Biden has China and Russia against him, while the world is rolling their eyes at his phony Green New Deal because they know that the Pentagon pollutes more greenhouse emissions than 140 countries combined. Lastly, Obama should not be living in 2 beachfront mansions in Nantucket and Hawaii, while billionaire John Kerry is flying around in his private jet lecturing world leaders to stop sea level rise caused by global warming, and then going to home to one of his five homes in Nantucket, on Beacon Hill, in Georgetown (the Swamp), in Pennsylvania and Idaho.

Jonathan A. Melle

Hugh Craniah
Hugh Craniah
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Way off today,Jon,must be the snow. Biden has more pressing problems. And Joe,stop coming to press conferences grinning,what the hell is that? You do realize people are being slaughtered while you watch?

Reply to  Hugh Craniah
3 years ago

Not his fault, it’s the meds. kicking in. Without them he couldn’t keep up right and soil free.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

2022 U.S. Supreme Court has 7 Catholics and 2 Jewish People; 6 men and 3 women. “

That’s court packing for you.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Is anything more racist then hiring someone because of their race?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Acute Angina
3 years ago

What about the black woman’s first-rate qualifications to be a Judge on the U.S. Supreme Court? Everyone is entitled to equal opportunity!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

Please give Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson an equal opportunity to be approved by the United States Senate for the position of Judge on the United States Supreme Court. U.S. President Joe Biden has the sole authority to nominate whomever he wishes to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. I am not a fan of Affirmative Action, but I do believe that everyone is entitled to equality of opportunity under law in the workforce and in society. Human Rights and Civil Rights are for ALL people and Peoples, which is the foundation of the U.S. Government, despite a majority of the Founding Fathers owning Slaves and other unequal laws they ruled under. I hope that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will do a great job as a Supreme Court Justice over the coming decades. History was made today. My praise goes to U.S. President Joe Biden for nominating the first black woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Jonathan A. Melle

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Or we could hope that Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Delusion (DIED) takes hold in the near political future and truly dies die. Isn’t this the job of Human Resources?

But let me guess, that person in HR “didn’t look like you,” so we create an unneeded position to pander.

And I’d remove the middle D, and just call Pittsfield for what it currently is, Vibrant and Dynamic (VD)-and a bad case of it too.

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Why not just use VD?

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Love it Dan!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Of course she’s your kind of candidate, Marxist Melle – she’s pro-abortion, pro-LGBT and an anti-religious liberty radical. No wonder you love her.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

She’s qualified to be on MSNBC

The Guess Whom
The Guess Whom
3 years ago

What is the mgl re: eeny, meeny, miney, mo?

3 years ago

Mayor Tyer the roads are in awful condition!
Dalton Ave, North St, East & West Sts – all still snow covered. Where’s the salt?!

Hugh Craniah
Hugh Craniah
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Where’s the patch also Mayor. Putin was just heard saying ‘We don’t need no stinking masks’ when asked if his troops were Covid protected.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

You can walk down Pheasant Way in your bare feet right now. After they salted it they came back and dried it with bath towels.

Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Comrades, the crummy shitty mayor has a master plan for the removal of snow from snow filled city roadways, its code name is SUMMER. YES, comrades, you paid for a highly paid consultant to come up with this master plan. But SUMMER TOO is going to come as an added COST TO THE TAXPYERS. Not surprisingly THIS TOO WAS APPROVED BY THE NEW SHITTY CLOWNCILORS, especially the UPPITY BIG BROWN DUMP. Taxpayers can’t really expect Snow free city streets in JUNE/SUMMER if they they’re too cheap to pay for it. As for the citywide of minefield roads, taxpayers should expect NOTHING in return for our extortion rate taxes from the same old crummy shitty mayor or her new, same as the old, shitty clowncilors. Certainly not safe minefield free roadways year after year after year. The crummy shitty mayor is as crummy as the crummy minefield city streets. Despite our ever-increasing taxes, in addition to that added pickpocket tax rammed down our throats, the lives of taxpayers are endangered everyday by unsafe city roads while OUR TAX DOLLARS are diverted to selected homeowners for new roofs and home improvements they can’t afford on their own homes, and even more unbelievable, a NEW ROOF, on a f**king CHURCH. The CPA/pickpocket tax should be rescinded retroactive to it being rammed down our throats.

Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

CPA should be put up for another vote. Now that the citizens see it’s just a tax increase for special interests.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Agree Joe,
The powers to be will fight tooth and nail though from it being brought up for repeal. They sold this like the pharmaceutical companies do their medicines that shows everyone happy and living the dream. Then they speed through or put the side effects in such small print on what might result if you take it.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago


Hugh Craniah
Hugh Craniah
Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

Trump fruitcakes will love this one.The ‘GENIOIS’ is advancing, just took out some kindergartners sight.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

Trivia Friday

Who am I?

I mail out municipal tax forms to second owners who live as full-time residents in far off places like Florida for over 6-months a year with second homes in Pittsfield Massachusetts asking them to inventory all of their furniture, china, gold and silver and other jewelry, appliances, and the like, so I can tax them for every cent I can squeeze out of them under the direction of Mayor Linda Tyer.

I play Creative Accounting (Cook the Books) games whereby I shuffle public funds around various municipal accounts to build my multimillion-dollar $lu$h Fund$, but the downside is Level 5 failing public schools, understaffed public safety personnel, deferred maintenance of city roads and other infrastructure, and so on.

I advised Mayor Linda Tyer to shutout the public from her administration’s spending of over $41 million in Biden Buck$.

I continue Pittsfield politics’ decades-long tradition of raising yearly municipal spending by 5 percent, adding double digit percentage fee increases, and deferring well over $100 million municipal debts and hundreds of millions in other municipal liabilities into decades into the future.

I like to wear a bowtie and my critics call me Kufflinks. I have come to symbolize everything that is wrong with Pittsfield politics’ municipal financial management, but I am a provincial political insider who is untouchable, so I get to pull the same shit and get paid a 6-figure with public benefits municipal salary to do so.

Mayor Linda Tyer’s millionaire CPA husband Barry Clairmont praises my so-called financial genius, but Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski dread their quarterly municipal tax invoices and excessive municipal fees.

I like all of the marijuana revenue that flows into my municipal coffers, but it won’t stop me from soaking Pittsfield’s tax and fee payers for every dollar I can take from them.

I have served on the Pittsfield City Councilor, and I was a Town Manager for upper class Richmond, which is where former multimillionaire Governor Deval Patrick lives in his mansion on Sweet P Farm.

I have also been called “Little Eddie Munster”. I despise blogger Dan Valenti for always calling me out about my failed legacy as a provincial big fish Local Yokel in provincial Pittsfield Massachusetts.

Answer: Matt Kerwood.

Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Fruitcake whiner jon melle! Your whiney ass never should have been allowed into the military. But once the military recognized its colossal mistake, your retarded whiney ass should have been dishonorably thrown out of the military.

Keye Ev
Keye Ev
Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

Not after that post. Common Man?

Keye Ev
Keye Ev
Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

Excise pot,assessments, pickpocket,should be plenty to handle our roads. I could have sworn a city councilor say 41 million dollars isn’t that much? I’m hoping I didn’t.

Keye Ev
Keye Ev
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

That’s because Hancock treats it’s taxpayers like royalty.

Tony B
Tony B
3 years ago

No one is missing the orange man, and if they are, they need to seek therapy and move on. Anyone catch his ramble on Ingram the other night? Both are a joke.
Romney was pretty spot on about Russia and I hate to give that guy credit for anything.

Reply to  Tony B
3 years ago

I heard Biden call Putin smart in his speech the other night, but the media hasn’t exploded in condemnation of that remark. I also heard Biden say that he knows the sanctions will not work against Putin which is an acknowledgement of failure because long term solutions are not helping the Ukrainian people right now.

Joe SnowBlow
Joe SnowBlow
3 years ago

Incompetence at its finest.
These guys are running snowblowers and blowing snow over and across pavement that was already cleared.
If they were competent, they’d work outside to inside from the curb in.
That way they’d be throwing snow over snow, not cleared sidewalk.

comment image

Keye Ev
Keye Ev
Reply to  Joe SnowBlow
3 years ago

Thank you mr. Barrett

Reply to  Joe SnowBlow
3 years ago

Saw a city truck with a plow driving up the sidewalks plowing ignoring the road that was in terrible condition

Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

Jan. 11, 2022 – Dalton, Mass – Berkshire Money Management Welcomes Marketing Specialist –

Berkshire Money Management (BMM) welcomes Kameron Spaulding as Marketing Specialist. CEO Allen Harris had this to say about Kam, “Kam has a history of aligning solutions to problems. That is a perfect fit for a solution-oriented firm like BMM.”

Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

Stealing from an organization that is trying to help people. How does that compare to burning a hay bale?

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

Embezzlements get a plea deal and a CWOF unless the DA gets caught. Then it’s one of the junior ADA’s fault. The ones she left high and dry with no leadership after chasing away the talented, experienced and ethical ones.

Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

We have plenty of evidence Allen Harris is a terrible judge of character.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

I found it strange that the Ukraine President ordered all males 18-60 to stay and fight while letting everyone else leave. Did he not see how Afghanistan fought Russia? You have to prolong the fight. He should have kept the aged and asked Biden to fly our Southern illegals into Ukraine. Then he could have given Russia a death by a thousand cuts. I would have sent Antifa and BLM over there to, it would be a win-win for everyone!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Wow. Bullies always back down when faced with strength. So many people hate strength in their leaders, especially women, but it keeps evil from getting the upper hand.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

The article says “allegedly”. Believe what you wish but don’t present this as evidence of anything.

Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

Take My True Love by the Hand / The Limeliters

Times are getting hard boys
Money’s getting scarce
Times don’t get no better boys
Gonna leave this place

Take my true love by her hand
Lead her through the town
Say goodbye to everyone
Goodbye to everyone.

Had a job a year ago
Had a little home
Now I’ve got no place to go
Guess I’ll have to roam.

Take my true love by the hand
Lead her through the town
Say goodbye to everyone
Goodbye to everyone.

Every wind that blows boys
Every wind that blows
Carries me to some new place
Heaven only knows.

Take my true love by her hand
Lead her through the town
Say goodbye to everyone
Goodbye to everyone.

Times are getting hard boys
Money’s getting scarce
Times don’t get no better boys
Gonna leave this place…

Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall / Bob Dylan – 1963

Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, where have you been, my darling young one?
I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
I’ve walked and I’ve crawled on six crooked highways
I’ve stepped in the middle of seven sad forests
I’ve been out in front of a dozen dead oceans
I’ve been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, and it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.

Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, what did you see, my darling young one?
I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it
I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin’
I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin’
I saw a white ladder all covered with water
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.

And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?
And what did you hear, my darling young one?
I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin’
Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world
Heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin’
Heard ten thousand whisperin’ and nobody listenin’
Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin’
Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard it’s a hard
And it’s hard rain’s a-gonna fall.

Oh, who did you meet, my blue-eyed son?
Who did you meet, my darling young one?
I met a young child beside a dead pony
I met a white man who walked a black dog
I met a young woman whose body was burning
I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow
I met another man who was wounded with hatred
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall

Oh, what’ll you do now, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, what’ll you do now, my darling young one?
I’m a goin’ back out ‘fore the rain starts a-fallin’
I’ll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest
Where the people are many and their hands are all empty
Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters
Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison
Where the executioner’s face is always well hidden
Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten
Where black is the color, where none is the number
And I’ll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it
And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it
Then I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin’
But I’ll know my song well before I start singin’
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.

Keye Ev
Keye Ev
Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

Tangle wood is closed.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Keye Ev
3 years ago

THAT’S raacist!
thea tlawn is just green,,,,,,,,

And why is the sky just blue, grey??………….

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Dr. Strangelove
3 years ago

Shouldn’t you be betting on the ponies, Dio/LBA?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Putin threatened to Nuke the World to achieve his political ends!

Putin waves nuclear sword in confrontation with the West | AP News

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Putin has many republican friends in American government. Does he have a plan so that his nukes will not hurt them? Is there a nuclear radiation that can somehow avoid hurting his republican backers and friends? Will Donald Trump and his family be flown out to Moscow before Trumps starts pushing buttons?

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Fake TDS information

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

breaking news….

France has just surrendered.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

And they haven’t even lost yet.

Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

Macron is calling around finding out who will accept his surrender terms,

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

For Jill…..tell Joe it’s Saturday, get up, you Are Joe……

Hot Celiings
Hot Celiings
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Joe yelling to his babe from the shower.Need a towel Jill, and the depends…

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Hot Celiings
3 years ago

he $#it s himslef before waking/ apperanceas

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

How old did you say you were?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Got your depends stocked up?

It’s worse than the TP run coming up thanks to Joey!!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

“Seriously…. don’t believe everything you see about Ukraine/Russia.

I’m seeing major news networks (NBC, CBS, ABC) sharing “BREAKING NEWS FOOTAGE” on their social pages showing some super scary jet flying around.

Guess what? I’ve seen some F-16s in those clips. Russia DOESN’T FLY F-16s!!!

3 years ago

Just enjoyed another version of Ricky Rumbles or Morales Maze, Ho, Ho!! Now who do I send the bill to for all the damage my car received?

3 years ago

The Ukrainian people are fighting hard and seeing a country that values its freedom and loves its country is a lesson to all of us. Bill Clinton convinced Ukraine in 1994 to give up its nuclear weapons and Russia agreed because it would make Russia feel safer. I think Putin would have thought harder about attacking Ukraine if they had nukes and other powerful weapons which Clinton also convinced them to give up in exchange for us protecting them in any conflice.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

I am seeing hard evidence that Biden (along with his rascally son) collaborated with the Clintons, Obamas and the Soros brothers to wipe out the dinosaurs four million years ago. A FOX news reporter just stumbled upon a time machine that they have been using to go back in time and start shit (for no reason I might add). There are some embarrassed and pissed off paleontologists right now let me tell you. So when your kid says “mommy, I want to see a real dinosaur” you can tell them about these assholes who were apparently only (as usual) thinking about themselves. Probably don’t even like kids for all we know.

Seventh Planet
Seventh Planet
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Hunter got the dinosaurs smoking crack and the big guy got 10%

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

He does look that old…I think you may be onto something! Write a book I am sure it would bring you millions!

3 years ago

Clinton convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes in 1994 in exchange for us protecting them in any conflict.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Did Slick Wile Clinton, “use protection”, with Moninca?


Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

Remember when a snow storm of 6-10 inches was called, well, winter weather?

It was usually 12+ inches forecasted that gave people a pause.

The plows plowed, people shoveled. People with places to go (work, appointments, wherever) knew they needed a little more time and a few drops of courage. Life went on. It’s WINTER.

Now, a 6-10 inch snowfall is cause for a City Wide Snow Emergency.

Local places close, the courts close, an emergency is declared.

Why, you may ask.

Well, the jig is up. Turns out the city has discovered that the best way to deal with their inadequate snow clean up abilities is to just call it an emergency, expect everyone to stay home, and not have any of the roads cleared for the morning commute.

Friday morning between 6-10, all of the city roads were awful. In the early morning, barely anything had been plowed. The city of Pittsfield is really forcing their stance that they don’t have the ability to clean up snowfall adequately and moreover, they don’t have to.

Just stay home. It’s an emergency.

3 years ago

Clueless Clarence is at it again in the hate rag this weekend. He talks of Democrats in West Virginia having to hide their party affiliation and how terrible it is, does he know what goes on in the Berkshires? Why isn’t there a Republican Party…they have to hide so they can live amongst their neighbors! If they don’t they would be constantly harassed by the brainwashed BlueQanon!

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Well, looks like they will always be welcome here. Come on in out of the cold guys. Show us all your wisdom. Give us your best thoughts on how to fix America.
(preferably without destroying it first)

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

As noted in many replies to you the true facts seem to get in your way. I believe you are I lost brainwashed cause, sorry

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Don’t be sorry. You could not help it. I forgive you.

3 years ago

President Trump supplied the “stingers” that the Ukrainians are now using to fight for their lives against the Russians. He supplied other powerful weapons as well to Ukraine and this is why they are able to hold out against Russia, while in comparison, Obama gave them blankets. If Putin starts using the heavy air power, however, the country could be leveled quickly with a great loss of life, but the Ukrainians do need the heavy duty weaponry and supposedly more is on the way from our country and others. Hopefully Russia doesn’t use more powerful weapons.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Agree with facts and everything you say Pat. I also believe Putin is all in here. And that includes the Nukes. Hope I am wrong,dead wrong.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Kinda reminds us of the time Trump was tossing rolls of paper towels to Puerto Rican hurricane victims. That guy could really come through in a tough situation.
(Pat does not remember that though)

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Pat are you saying Trump is on the side of the Ukrainians? And if so why is he cheering Putin on? Is he a double agent?

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago


Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago
Fido Beto
Fido Beto
3 years ago

I was reading some articles and one of them makes a good point on why Biden is and has been holding back on doing much on Russian invasion. The Russians probably have some great material on Biden and Hunter’s activities stored and might expose it.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Letter: “Litter is out of control in Pittsfield”
The Berkshire Eagle, February 26, 2022

To the Editor:

Recently, I walked in Pittsfield from Big Y to 24 Park Street and back along a different route.

Our streets are absolutely filthy – absolutely, disgustingly filthy. As a lifelong resident, I am totally ashamed.

Bob Kerwood,

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Looking back on the Trump Putin relationship and the embarrassing way Putin played him and the 20 Republicans who met with him make me think how close America is to having Trump be our Putin….you protect every humans beings right to vote or you surpress the right to vote to control them.Surpressing is the road to Russia….Republicans surpress votes.If you hear Trump talk he is on the road to Vladimirs house

Last edited 3 years ago by The school committee
McDonald Trump
McDonald Trump
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Very fake TDS.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Trump asked for the stupids to vote for him.They did and the base of the Republican party is formed

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

The really smart people voted for creepy joe and his wonderful policies that caused empty shelves, high energy prices which filled crazy Vlad’s war treasury.

3 years ago

Some of the members of the Pittsfield city council put up a valid fight in last Tuesdays meeting and it was impressive. I hope we can go over this Dan so that they know we are behind them and that their efforts are appreciated.

(Persip was not one of them as he feels the mayor should be able so spend at will)

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Amandawell posted this for you Wednesday. The Eagle had a write up that seems to have been lost but apparently the new guys made some big procedural moves concerning the charter. Might be worth a going over as some big shots were taken back a bit. Please follow up so that those who spoke up for the taxpayers can get some credit and incentive to continue.


4 days ago
Council Grades :
Maffuccio A
Kronick A
Warren A
Guiel Lampiasi F
Persip D
White D
Sherman C
Conant F
Kavey A
Kalinowsky A



Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

hacked dan?