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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 11-3, 2022) — Race and gender exploded over Tuesday’s meeting of the Pittsfield city council like a rain of cheap fireworks.

Problem is no one, including THE PLANET, has a way of getting into someone’s heart. That’s the only way to honestly judge the intent of the speakers and, by their silence, those complicit in the exchange. Getting into the head? Yeah, we learned and perfected that art long ago. The heart, though? That’s a whole new ballgame.

The principals in the exchange were newbie Ward 2 councilor Charles Kronick and at-large Earl Persip III. They tangled over the hiring of rookie North Adams city councilor Michael Obasohan to head Pittsfield’s newly created Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Germane to this story, though it wouldn’t be in most all other contexts, is Obasohan’s race. He’s black. So is Persip.

The creation of the DEI office raises a boatload of questions, not the least of which is why the city needs it.  The previous edition of the council ignored that question when they voted to fund the two new jobs for six months at $99,760. Obashon will make $51,610. Not bad for a six-month gig. For a full year, it’s times two.

Kronick argued against the need for the office. He’s right. Pittsfield doesn’t need it. Persip said that was a moot point, and he’s also correct.

The issue of the office, like it or not, has been settled — a key point for all involved in the council tempest. The office exists.

The council voted 8-2 with one abstention to hire Obasohan. Kronick and at-large rookie Karen Kalinowski voted against. Ward 1’s Ken Warren, like Kronick and Kalinoswki newly minted, abstained. More on that in a moment.

———- ooo ———-

Here’s the key exchange:

KRONICK: I am not in favor of filling this position because this is a position that’s going to do absolutely nothing for the city of Pittsfield but soak money from much-needed public projects and raise our taxes. It will do this by expanding and establishing a new bureaucracy in the city of Pittsfield and secondly, I want to say that the HR department is the proper area for dealing with issues that they are describing. Now we’re talking about diversity, equity inclusion, as the reason for this position, there is actually a much simpler way to say this: ‘fair hiring practice’ fair hiring practice is demanded by federal labor law.

PERSIPI’ve heard some things in this these chambers before have shocked me, this is probably number one. To say we don’t need this position from a lens of a white male, I kind of understand a little bit, but as a person of color, who’s experienced this city in a different way and a person who has had highs and lows in the city, some of it because of my race and my name, to say we don’t need something like this, yeah, from your view you might not think we need something like this how you experienced this city, there are many people of color who have experienced it differently, who have had troubles finding a place to find a job within the city or kind of policies within the city that don’t represent them and there are plenty of people out there that this job, in this position, will help put them in positions to be a voice in the city, that they didn’t have before.”

KRONICK: [You’re being] sanctimonious. I have lots of identities that I can pull out of my sock. We have a diverse workforce. Is it 50/50? No, but it’s proportionate. But let’s just skip to the crux of the matter. What do the people of Pittsfield want? My constituents don’t want this position filled. They don’t want to pay for it. It’s their tax dollars, not a Fortune 500 company that wants to look good on print. They don’t want to pay for it. I represent them.

Kronick did not respond to our requests for comment.

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET contacted Persip, and we had the following exchange:

PLANET: With respect to your remarks last night to Mr. Kronick, can you clarify please? Were you or are you saying that the Ward 2 councilor is racist because of his remarks against the need for the two [DEI] positions. I happen to agree with Mr. Kronick, that these positions are unnecessary expenses for already-burdened taxpayers. In your view, does that make me racist? It seems to me another redundancy, especially given the mandates of the HR office. In my view, it has little if anything to do with race and everything to do with wise use of public funds. If I have misunderstood your logic, I am happy to have you clarify. FYI, I am copying Mr. K in on this and invite him to comment as well.

PERSIP: I did not call Councilor Kronick racist. I said, he sees the world through the lens of a white male. So he couldn’t understand how people of color feel or experience the city.

PLANET: Is that the extent of your comments? I’m wondering if you mean that no white male can “understand how people of color feel or experience the city.” In other words, do you feel the same about Mr. White, Mr. Marchetti, Mr. Maffuccio, Mr. Warren, Mr. Sherman, or for that matter any white male? Is skin color and gender to determining factor? This is a chance to get into that dialog.

PERSIP: I think people of color experience the world differently than white people do in general. If you are a white person, it can be hard to imagine that your neighbor, coworker, or friend of color is living a completely different experience simply by their race. Through the eyes of a white person, they may not see the need for the DEI position. A lot of people of color in this city see the need and say it is about time. To suggest that this $50,000 job will hurt the tax payer and make it so people will have to move out of their homes is ridiculous. That amount of money is a fraction of a cent to the tax bill. Last night was on the appointment of the person, not about if the position should be funded.  I hope that clears up my position to you and Councilor Kronick. I will say it again, I was not saying Councilor Kronick was racist. I barley know him.  I wouldn’t just throw that around. Challenging him on his remarks and opinion is part of the process of government and that why there are 11 of us. To get different opinions and thoughts.

PLANET: Again, thanks. This helps my understanding a lot. Appreciate your willingness to engage in dialogue. Good man.

PERSIP: Thank you! I know we may disagree on issues, but I will always take the time to give my view. I will also take the time to hear opposing views. Thank you for taken the time to hear my side.  Appreciate it.

———- ooo ———-

Several points:

  • THE PLANET and Persip have agreed on some issues and disagreed on others. We have always found him responsive to our queries, and — during “The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich” incident — we have found he can take a joke. Not many pols in this area can.
  • Our exchange is an example of how this kind of issue should be settled, with respectful, honest exchanges.
  • Persip neatly ducked when I asked him if he means that “any white male” can understand “people of color.” If that’s the case, what of the white, male councilors who agreed with him?
  • Fair questions for Obasohan:
    • How do you expect to fit in your work in the DEI office? You are a new city councilor in North Adams, you sit on a million and one boards and commissions. From his campaign website: “He serves on several boards and advisory committees in the community for organizations including Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, Roots Teen Center, the Mass MoCA Commission, and City SPIRIT.” Including but not limited to?
      • And what is your job at DEI, exactly?
      • How is it different than the responsibilities of HR director Michael “Just Received Huge Pay Raise” Taylor?
      • Is your hiring a testimony to Taylor’s failure in office?
  • Councilor Warren abstained, saying that after checking with city solicitor Stephen Pagnotta, he believes the position was not properly created through the city’s ordinances. That’s a large issue that needs arbitration before Obasohan can start drawing a salary.

———- ooo ———-

Everyone who spoke from the dais Tuesday had a case. Some argued better than others. How do YOU see it? THE PLANET welcomes your views. PLEASE KEEP DISCUSSION HARD HITTING, ON POINT, AND RESPECTFUL. DON’T ABUSE THE PRIVILEGE OF FREE SPEECH. OUR FUSE IS SHORT ON THAT ONE.


“Yeah, I love being famous. It’s almost like being white, y’know?”Chris Rock.



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3 years ago

How many it’s only 50k jobs/projects do we fund before Earl realizes it’s real money that could be better spent?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

If memory serves me right the Planet has listed many times the highlights of Pittsfield’s foolish funding practices.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hell Toupee
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

How long has Mr Persip been on the council? Has he introduced any noteworthy petitions affecting Pittsfield residents? How many times has he voted against a mayoral petition or project? Has he ever spoken out loud against anything the mayor has wanted to do?
What is his position on a long overdue forensic audit of the city fiances. For or against and why?

Mr. X
Mr. X
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

Absolutely spot on Sir Gobsig

Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

And better spent by the minorities forced to pay taxes from their labor too…don’t think many of them think of dollars as “fractions of a cent” in the tax rate, that’s more like the perspective of someone who views people as property

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

Does anyone know what this new guy will be doing that the personnel department doesn’t already do? Is it a 40 hr. A week job?

Last edited 3 years ago by 12 Gauge
Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

My questions as well.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I believe BCC has added the same position.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Well if you are a straight white male, you need not apply.

Blate Tenlee
Blate Tenlee
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Diversity on every corner except the high end streets and mountain top homes.

Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

Agree, 12 Gauge. Isn’t this the job of the Personnel Dept.?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

100k and next year a Secratary and a assistant.

Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

They’ve been nickel & dime ING and 50King us for too damn long in this city.

Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

It’s 100k per year, and they are hiring two of them – school department and city side. Then there are offices and admins etceffingcettera . And it’s all totally unnecessary and blatantly discriminatory. And your taxes are supporting these positions in colleges everywhere including in Berkshires

Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

I think his point is that it is not HIS money so who cares.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

My opinion of the 8-February-2022 Pittsfield politics City Council meeting is that (a) systemic discrimination in the city government and public school district should have a public manager who ensures equal opportunity whereby everyone is treated both fairly and safely, and (b) Pittsfield’s taxes (and fees and debts/liabilities) are excessively high for an economically distressed area with severe economic inequality. I also wish to add that Mayor Linda Tyer has always stood for human rights and civil rights since I first saw and listened to her in 2003 when she was running for Ward 3 City Councilor back when I lived in Pittsfield. I believe that Linda Tyer is sincere in her commitment to rooting out systemic discrimination in Pittsfield. As for people being “a white male”, I believe that City Councilor Earl Persip should not have said that towards fellow City Councilor Charles Kronick. The reason is that white males sometimes unfairly experience reverse discrimination and labeling from minorities and/or women. We are all supposed to be equal, and human rights and civil rights are the same for both Earl Persip and Charles Kronick. All Peoples and people should ally themselves to each other’s just causes for equality. Men and Women should work together for equal rights just as much as black males such as Earl Persip and white males such as Charles Kronick should work together for equality. In closing, Pittsfield Massachusetts is one of the most economically unequal areas in the state and nation, and ALL INEQUALITY should end through the government and the like investing in the people who live in Pittsfield instead of fighting each other for money and power.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Do you have evidence of anyone being treated unfairly?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

Yes. Linda Tyer is being treated unfairly because Pittsfield had the same socioeconomic issue prior to 2016. Yes. Andrea Harrington is being treated unfairly because violent crime, drugs and gangs were problems prior to 2019. That said, Linda and Andrea haven’t really improved things in Pittsfield and Berkshire County.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

So is this 0bashon guy gonna take care of these delusions?

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Linda and Andrea haven’t really improved things in Pittsfield and Berkshire County? Is it because they are treated unfairly or not doing what they are supposed to do?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Ms. Tyer broke the glass ceiling while thinking out of the box to become the first woman of size to serve as mayor.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Is 22 a record?

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Quite an honor and its only Saturday.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

Absolutely useless position. Should be eliminated now by special act of city counsel. Prediction, in a year this position will have accomplished nothing tangible to show.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
3 years ago

Councilor Persip made a motion at the Finance Committee meeting last night to lower the proposed water and sewer rate hikes proposed by the Mayor. That makes him okay in my book.

Kronik appears to not be all there. Racist? Probably.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
3 years ago

Mr. Persip baffles me. I saw him asking some really great questions when the airport guy came before the finance committee but then he goes off on a rant because a few other councilors because they want to save money.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
3 years ago

That’s what is called a fake request, look good by asking for your constituents, the whole time everyone knows it won’t pass. Everyone was probably in on it

3 years ago

Any project or hiring appointment that uses the far left buzz words “Equity” and “Inclusion” will not be good. These buzz words signal the coordination between these one world government and far left factions that are seeking to dominate, not just in this country, but the world. When a terrorist organization that has taken over Afghanistan starts using the same buzz words to show their solidarity with this movement, you know it’s not good.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Republicans got us into 2 wars and ruined the American economy as BUSH left office.Democrats always clean up Conservatives mess.We are doing it again in 2022 and for the 1st time we are publicly finding opposition at every turn as if Corporate Power sees they need chaos to try and defeat democracy this time….Putin loves his role and he can’t believe his influence with Republicans

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

That republican LBJ loved Vietnam

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Biden’s doing a great job of cleaning up the supermarkets after trump had them cluttered up with product.

3 years ago

There are many areas the city government can improve in. I will write about two of them, one of them is race relations and another is transparency. If the city would list all positions and who is in these positions the voters could see how the city works and who to contact when you have a question. Looking at the current city census it says the black population makes up 4% and the white population 86%. Hispanic, Latino, Native Americans, Asians and others finish out the last 10%. Seeing how race seems to be the new litmus test for hiring, how does the employee list look in comparison to the latest census? How would the government know the percentages are correct seeing how everyone knows one of our Senators stated they were Native American to get a job, but I guess it should be close enough to make it our starting point

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Looking at the city census how many of Pittsfield municipal employees are related to each other?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Sarcasm: All of them!

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

We all know that regardless of race, sex etc if you’re not connected to the gobsig network you’re outta luck chuxk.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

First, thanks for the short fuse comment Dan. This blog has a tendency to veer way off track at times and it’s annoying.

I agree with Persip that black and white people do experience the world differently. That’s just a true fact.

But, it has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the position. This is an HR job. Persip suggests it’s a person of color’s job, to save all the other POC in the city.

The fact is, it’s a job designed to perpetuate the great white savior persona – a theory that only white people can save black people, from themselves and others. The white administration is using their white power to create this position to save the city’s black people, instead of genuine equality and fairness already being an intrinsic part of the administration’s policies.

One final note, Council Warren’s addition to the council is a refreshing change. It is hard to argue facts and legalities with someone who knows the law and procedures. He stumped the mayor more than once and his challenges to the legality of the way the administration conducts business is going to be very helpful in exposing potential corruption or misconduct.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Maybe the city needs a Chief of Pieces Of Shit (POS), which would be charged with cleaning up the city, starting with the bums on every corner, then moving on to the the parks and housing g projects, both also loaded with shit, human and other.

Reply to  Shitsfield
3 years ago

and maybe they could meander into city hall and see if there is any waste product in there as well.

My name is Earl
My name is Earl
Reply to  Shitsfield
3 years ago

They already have a POC (Piece of Crap) they just hired. Milleniums need to stop changing acronyms. I’ll just yeet myself out of here

3 years ago

Mr Kronick is spot on. There is a Department already in place to do this job. If people feel they have been ignored or mistreated in a hiring process there are mechanisms and laws in place to address this. I would look at recent hires in the PPD there is no discrimination there. People like Persip + Powell like to scream Racism but do they have concrete examples of a qualified minority who was bypassed. We never see the people who were supposedly bypassed complaining, only the barkers who use race to divide. This City does not need 2 of these positions period. If it ends up costing 200k a year not counting benefits that is equivalent to 50 homes paying 4k tax to the City. That is no fraction Earl. Sherman comparing this City to a Fortune 500 company was more than laughable. This is politics plain + simple. This is driven by the Left and for all the Loonies out there how are the Lefty policies working for our Country right now? Kudos to Mr Kronick and Karen K. it looks like they are the only 2 with the taxpayer in mind. Marchetti with his new council still holds his 8 sheep yes votes and 3 no for the taxpayer assuming Ken W steps up. There is No Hope for the taxpayer.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Sonny
3 years ago

Sarcasm: Just get it over with and sign your financial lives over to Mayor Linda Tyer!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

There are many variables that played into this exchange at the meeting. First, the previous CC was basically a do nothing, rubber stamp in hiding CC. The whole ZOOM process was utilized as a cop out to have to face the taxpayers. Secondly, it would seem to me that the newly elected should be mentored better by Marchetti and White. If the new councilors were told that they could not voiced their objections this exchange would not have happened. These councilors could then have voiced their objection in a different manner such as stating that they would not have voted for the position last year due to their constituent wishes. Thirdly, why is it that Marchetti has a timer on taxpayers at open mic and shuts them down rudely when they are a second over their time limit, but he can’t seem to control the councilors. Also, would suggest Mr. Persip take the time to watch a few of the replayed CC meetings. Possibly he does not realize how angry, fed-up and bored his expression portrays to the taxpayers. Lastly, Mr. Kronick was very boisterous a few days ago on this site, find it strange he has not responded. Maybe he now understands the feelings of taxpayers attending open mic. Hope is all gets straightened out and we can somehow have a CC that works for the people and not the Mayor.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

I would rather Marchetti did NOT mentor the new councilors. Based on the mentoring he did with the others I hope he stays as far away from the new guys and girls as he possibly can. He has nothing to offer in the line of doing the work of the citizens. He should be on a stool in the corner until his term is over.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I guess I missed the day he was going through the motions.

Rule 27
Rule 27
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

The motion of banging his gavel?

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Peter needs to check his political expiration date. He’ll be very surprised. Biggest mistake was hitching his wagon to the worst mayor in Pittsfield history.

Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

That is true. But his job is to make sure the mayor does not go rouge. He has done the opposite and actually helps her run amok. He consistently sells out the very people who trusted him and voted for him. What does this say about this banker guy?

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

and the motions he is going through are the motions the mayor orders and directs him to go through. He has abandoned any principles he may have once had

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I have to agree with Councilors Kronick and Kalinowski on this position. It’s not needed.

Looking back through the history of Pittsfield, I can only come up with one case of a person suing Pittsfield for racial discrimination. That person being former PPD Officer Walter Powell. Powell was discriminated against and won in federal court. He soaked the city good too.

The problem, this took place over 30 years ago.

Nothing sense then. I know a few sued the city for wrongful termination (Officer Dale Eason) and won, but that was not a racial discrimination case. This was a case of a sloppy police work and a poor internal investigation in a rush to fire Eason.

So, I ask again, why was this position created? Pittsfield doesn’t have a history of racial discrimination in it’s hiring practice. This is nothing more than identity politics. We see how well this works when we go to the grocery stores or the gas pumps.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Is the word quota in the job description?

3 years ago

While I was initially upset with Kronick’s comment, after some reflection I think he is right. It’s just liberal optics, by a liberal Mayor to keep the votes coming. In 2 years Mr. Kronick’s comment will ring true. 100k out the door with nothing in return.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  UAlbany
3 years ago

Exactly. Like the $59,000 per year we are paying the city’s “Crime Analyst”

Wonder that the return on that position is.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

That is a lot of money to pay someone to bury crime stats

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

But crime in Pittsfield has dropped more than if we had Batman and Robin because of the analyst .

3 years ago

“I think people of color experience the world differently than white people do in general.”

OK, and I would submit that many of the citys elderly living on fixed incomes are experiencing the world differently than those living on Blythewood drive. What is the city council doing for them?
We can find disparities everywhere we look if we want to. The world is not perfect and nothing is ever going to make it so. I actually think a lot of the efforts to make thing perfect are making it worse. MUCH worse.

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

They no sun burn so much

3 years ago

Is anyone having a difficult time understanding why Lenox PD is patting itself on the back when they got called to the scene of a large amount of weapons and drugs and now they can’t find the guy?

“This was a nice piece of police work, to get that amount of drugs and weapons off the streets.”

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

I thought it said he was released with a summons. Has a pretty bad track record of felonies too.

3 years ago

In my mind this is a do-nothing patronage job on taxpayer money. Outrageous.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Linda
3 years ago

Total symbolism over substance.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Why do people start at100k.This rate of pay is a terrible start for our new watchdog council.Marchetti is a banker and he shows zero discipline regarding money.They must all be doing very well.They just raised taxes 10%. And that’s insane…….Allendale School is sitting on top of a cancerous swamp .It was a gift from GENERAL ELECTRIC to Pittsfield for a school site.Spending 100k on new positions is absurd knowing 400 staff and kids live at Allendale 8 hours a day.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Yes. &, please don’t forget that the neighborhoods who live behind Nuciforo’s pot growing buildings on Dalton Avenue wake up each & every morning to his dead skunk-like pot growing odors with no help from Mayor Linda Tyer & company because Pittsfield’s pot king is a Good Old Boy. Pittsfield politics = PCBs abutting an elementary school & dead skunk-like pot growing odors stinking up neighborhoods in return for homeowners’ municipal tax dollars. Thumbs down!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

It’s plain skunk odor not dead skunk

Popsicle Lips Now
Popsicle Lips Now
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I love the smell of skunk pot in the morning. It smells like tax revenue. And of course the Big Guy gets his 10%.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello Dan, In the first time in about 20 years, Pittsfield and Berkshire County will have a working Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). I remember when you wrote that the last working CEDS was when Sara Hathaway was Mayor from 2002 – 2003. It is indefensible that there was an about 20-year gap. Now, let us see if CEDS will bring real economic development (i.e., Investing in working class families to be able and willing to work in full-time living wage jobs) in Pittsfield and Berkshire County. Good job Mayor Linda Tyer and other Berkshire community leaders!

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission Gets Economic Development District Designation / – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.

Jon Melle

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

A city such as Pittsfield and a region such as Berkshire County needs to start investing in the people who live there instead of electing the “business as usual” political hacks who serve their corrupt political masters in Boston and beyond. Mayor Linda Tyer has it right when she says that she works to invest in the people who live in Pittsfield. But where was Jimmy Ruberto (2004 – 2011), Dan Bianchi (2012-2015), and even Linda Tyer from 2016 – 2021 on CEDS? The people who live in a community (and county and state) are the ones who work, shop, pay taxes, invest in their families and personal properties, send their children to public schools, and pass on their lifelong investments to the next generations. The Ruling Elites are DISCONNECTED from the people they serve in government. Career politicians are only interested in money and power so they can sit on their fat asses (and do nothing: see Trippy Country Buffet’s past decade – 2011 to 2021 – on Beacon Hill) in elected office for several decades before they retire and collect their public pensions and perks on top of becoming greedy registered lobbyists or predatory marijuana businessmen. In closing, I believe Mayor Linda Tyer means well in her commitment to invest in the people she serves in City Hall; at least she says things that I support in government.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

What people’s of Pittsfield has the mayor invested in? With her higher tax rates she actually has disinvited from the majority of the citizenry! Only people making out are her friends

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Mr. Kronick’s comments were spot on. There are federal laws governing fair and nondiscriminatory hiring practices, making this whole “department” irrelevant. Kronick and Kalinowsky did the right thing for the taxpayers in voting against this appointment.
Kudos to Warren for questioning and challenging the procedure used to bring this appointment up for a vote! Three people with common sense on the CC!

Wasn’t it a few years ago that Shirley Edgerton was given grant money for a trip to a black college in NC to recruit black teachers for the PPSD? How’d that turn out? How many were hired and how many stayed longer than one year? How many of those black teachers had the appropriate state credentials to teach?

Talk about racist hiring practices!

Cold Crawfish
Cold Crawfish
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Well said fritz. But the bottom line is the puppets got their agenda in and the gentleman was hired.

Smeone in ward six should look at the Inersection of Columbus Ave ext. and Albro Street. D P W needs to address that road mess. Why isn’t Hillcrest squawking about that?..

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Couldn’t agree more. On a side note Biden is breaking those laws by saying he’s only going to nominate a Woman of Color for the Supreme Court.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Don’t worry. Trump and all the FOX news talking heads are encouraging the truckers to fix everything in America by jamming up the roads. Stayed tuned. (this will not effect Trump supporters)

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Will this have any effect on bike lanes?

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Trump, you talkin bout Trump! What does Trump have to do with Canada? Not to mention what does Trump have to do with the USA? Bumbles Biden is the leader of the greatest Country in the world. If you voted for him your a jack ass.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Republicans introduce ‘HUNTER’ Act to ban taxpayer funds for crack pipesEXCLUSIVE: A pair of Republican lawmakers authored new legislation to ban federal taxpayer dollars from funding crack pipes, needles and other drug paraphernalia, following a firestorm over a viral report that alleged the Biden administration would be funding crack pipes for addicts.

“In the name of racial equity……” -J Biden

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I guess some people/liberals are OK with, Biden renigging on campaign promises (remember those?), of student loan forgiveness and free community college tuition, but free crack/meth pipes, needles and shooting galleries are fine

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Saw a great sticker on a gas pump as I was driving across this great land. It was Kamala saying this is how she is repaying us for our vote, and her hands were under the price of gasoline….priceless

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Biden did that.

Pelousey helped.

Kamala just sucks

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Annul , Trump is living for free in your small head. He is no longer the President. Bumbles is kinda in charge. The truckers in Canada are protesting Vacs mandates in there Country. No need to have a vac mandate, for a experimental jab. Live and let live.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

That’s RACIST!!!!

But the IM-POTUS is a racist……..

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

But it was an economic engine for Pittsfield.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
3 years ago

The diversity and inclusion industry is waste of time and resources not to mention complete 1990’s bullsh!t. They were only ever intended to avoid lawsuits until they devolved into useless jobs that piss everyone off. If you want people to be motivated to make jobs more available to POCs, women, seniors, veterans etc. there are two things that work and are widely employed in the corporate world. Mentoring and recruitment bonuses. Do that.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

If Massachusetts’ state government and beyond are going to continue to break financial records on predatory lotteries and casinos, alcohol and tobacco sales, marijuana dispensaries, strip clubs and adult erotica stores, and possibly in the future Red Light Districts where adults could legally purchase sex workers for sex, then the state should be educating the people who consume these predatory products and services that the financially illiterate, addicted, young adults, mentally ill, sexual deviants and those who don’t understand the difference between sexual fantasy and healthy sexual relationships, and so on, are the ones who are being exploited for the Ruling Elites and their corporate donors’ record profits.

The government should NOT be about K Street’s top corporate lobbyist firms bragging about their record earnings in 2021 in the Swamp. It should NOT be about the Military Industrial Complex and the U.S. Government’s number one non-farm export being arms sales to the World, which has humanitarian crises around the globe (Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and elsewhere). It should NOT be about voluntary regressive taxation via the lottery and casinos, booze and cigs, pot products, jerkoff magazines and videos, strippers receiving big bills for naked lap dances on the proverbial Hunter Bidens who fathered a child with a stripper lady half of his age and tried and failed to weasel his way out of paying for it, and dudes receiving Happy Endings or more from sexually exploited sex workers.

I don’t know how the Swamp became one of the wealthiest (and unequal) regions of our country. I don’t know how Beacon Hill became a proverbial brothel. I don’t understand why politicians are all about money and power, while the most vulnerable people among us are unfairly being exploited for the Ruling Elites’ record profits.

I give up! I am going to enjoy Super Bowl Sunday with my 77-year-old father and our three dogs.

Jonathan Melle

Cold Crawfish
Cold Crawfish
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon,Tell Bob Rams win easy.

3 years ago

Glenn Beck explains the Great Reset and the reinventing of Capitalism into “Build Back Better” which are buzz words for the Great Reset. Biden didn’t invent this slogan. He picked it up from the fascists in Europe. Listen to everyone from Justin Trudeau to leaders throughout Europe saying we must “Build Back Better.” It’s fascism. I didn’t vote for this. Did you? It’s the extremely wealthy global elites who are behind this and they want even more money and power.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Joe Biden spent well over $10 trillion in his first year as U.S. Prez. Where did all of those federal dollars go? I believe the wealthy global elites got most to all of the Biden Buck$!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

There were three (3) economic relief payments of near $6000 that went to most Americans. Did you send yours back because you thought it was a bad idea? Or did you snatch it up just like the rich snatched up their huge tax breaks?

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Of course Americans kept their government relief payments, as Biden knew they would, but why did working Americans receive this money? See Glenn Beck’s utube video above, but it’s like Joe wanted to bring on this inflation to steer out economy even further down to make way for the Great Reset. Just like now he seems to be steering us toward war to take the attention off of his disastrous administration. Everything is calculated by Joe and the people working with him like Obama, Kerry, and all of these globalists.

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Why wouldn’t Americans keep the money, but was was it given in the first place to working Americans? To bring on inflation? Everything seems calculated by this Biden administration like trying to go to war to get the attention off of Biden’s huge problems in this country and his sinking poll numbers.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

How’d you weasel $6000 Anal?

Checks were $1200, $600, and $1400. You got two SS #s?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

ooops…just between you and I OK?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

But yet you voted for him and continue to call Trump a Nazi.

You need the same advice I gave to a young couple in Stop and Shop the other day.

They were complaining about the lack of potato chips on the shelf. Of course, using language that would make Sam Kinison blush with elderly people around. These two had purple hair, piercings everywhere on their faces, tattoos everywhere. Just a couple of your average ANTIFA supporters.

I told them Jon, as I’m about to tell you, “Be proud, you voted for him.”

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Thank you for all of your criticisms of me, including my Veteran status. Despite it all, I wish to write to you that I respect you, your views, and I always wish to thank you for your honorable military service.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Just be thankful you weren’t one of many who got spit upon returning from NAM!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

1 year later….

Nothings built

Nothings back

and Nothings better

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

We still have our democracy hanging by a thread because of FOX views support anti democratic causes all over the world.Dopey America now is Anti NATO and pro Russia……Never ever thought I would see Republicans side with Putin against American democracy…..Explains all the raddical rights Senators trips to see Putin

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

One year later and still citizens being held in DC gulag for basically trespassing. I hope Massachusetts followed suit with their recent “insurrectionist “ come to think about it what happen to the insurrectionist that stormed the Supreme Court several years ago….are they still behind bars awaiting trial?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Meet Sam Britton, a gender queer drag queen into BDSM who has just been appointed by the Biden admin. to oversee the U.S.’s nuclear power plants. Scared yet?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

A truly sick and demented individual, fits right in with the rest of Biden’s appointees.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Deranged Don has his finger on the nuclear button and we were scared during his overthrow of my country.That man went on to his Florida Mansion with stolen secrets for his buddy Putin.This anti American closely associated with Putin should have been arrested 1/7/2021

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Hilary made the Russia stuff up

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

The Biden crime family got money from Russia and Ukraine

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

May Hilary Clinton spy on your computer and your female relatives date Slick Willie

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The Berkshire state legislative delegation – Trippy Country Buffet, Shitty Pigpen, Paul Marxism, the career Mayor, and Chrome Dome – all openly support Trippy’s bill to give driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants in Massachusetts, which the State House of Representatives in Boston will vote on next week.

What about Senior Citizens, the disabled, Veterans, children, low to moderate income families, and so on, struggling to survive during the ongoing pandemic, 40-year-high 7.5-percent inflation, heating bills costing around 30-percent more than last Winter, and so on?

Trippy Country Buffet has been a Pittsfield State Representative for a little over one decade now, and she has accomplished nothing in Boston except voting for and accepting her own countless public pay raises and perks. Governor Charlie Baker said he will veto Trippy’s bill because it is difficult to verify if undocumented immigrants are who they say are. What if some of the undocumented immigrants are terrorists, gang members, violent criminals, drug dealers, sex traffickers, and so on, and they use fraudulent documents to obtain driver’s licenses in Massachusetts? There is no way to know for sure because they are not here legally.

7 U.S. Marines Veterans were killed in Randolph, New Hampshire by a Massachusetts driver whose license was supposed to be suspended by the Massachusetts RMV, but they did not have proper management and oversight in place. If the RMV couldn’t do its job, which would have saved lives, then how are we supposed to trust them to protect the public from undocumented immigrants who are difficult to verify who they say they are.

Jonathan Melle

Cold Crawfish
Cold Crawfish
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Dan. Looks like my Mascot name was disregarded for the new High School. It’s down to three. The Rockets. The Thunder. The Titans. My suggestion was The Taconic Burden.

Reply to  Cold Crawfish
3 years ago

Since the school is on Valentine road, why not the Taconic Valentines?

Dam Natural
Dam Natural
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

The Contingencies..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Cold Crawfish
3 years ago

The down and outs.

Reply to  Cold Crawfish
3 years ago

How about the Screwyous, because A. It will be a vocational only school in 5 years, and B. They screwed us Kapanskis in building it.

Thomas More
Thomas More
3 years ago

Did you see Chet Bury died. He was one of the legends that tormented our city in the early ’50’s. Chet was a starting forward as a sophomore on the Adams team that went to the New England finals in basketball. That team featured the Koczela brothers and Ronnie Bard. They’re all gone now.

3 years ago

How’s this for short Dan? FU Linda.

It’s an effort to discriminate against white straight males, plain and simple. Blacks were getting preferential treatment 30 some years ago. When does it end, and where?

Reply to  Shitsfield
3 years ago

Yea but what about women? Why not fire half the cops and firemen and replace them with women in the name of equity? Same for city blacktop laborers. They all seem male to me. Where is the equity? And let’s fire half the pretty female elementary school teachers and let men teach kindergarten. It’s all shut bullshit!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Shitsfield
3 years ago

Very true. Under Bill Clinton’s affirmative action programs in the 1990’s, in addition to hiring and promotional preferences, Blacks were also admitted to college, law school, and medical school, with lower testing standards than whites or Asians.

Hey Helen “Handgun” Moon, did you read that last sentence I wrote? How would you feel as an Asian woman, who grew up in middle class (not the slums as you like to pretend), and had dreams of being a medical doctor. You score very high, but don’t get chosen, because a black male scored much, much, lower than you.

Do you still feel YT did this to you Handgun? If so, you’re an idiot. This program was set in place by a democRAT president.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Sarcasm: I thought that Bill Clinton (along with Bill Gates and the UK’s Prince Andrew and an estimated 212 other rich and powerful men) allegedly gave preference to 14-year-old innocent virgin girls on Jeffrey Epstein’s pedo-island. FACT: Bill Clinton has 26 flight log entries on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet. But only Ghislaine Maxwell has been charged, indicted and convicted in a biased federal trial by jury, while the aforementioned men all walk free. I would say that is discrimination!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I am amazed how really dumb America is in 2022.The acceptance of Trump is astonishing unless you believe he’s saving white guy America…..come on planet commentators, raise your hand you secret KKKers

Reply to  Shitsfield
3 years ago

It has been 60 years of preferential treatment almost tying it with the length that the USA had slavery. My question is are they waiting until the years are equal?

3 years ago

What is so amazing is that this Great Reset is progressing everyday, but not a word from Republicans about it. They can’t be in the dark about this. Are they too selling us out to the globalists?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Yes, RINOs are members of the NWO uniparty.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

The Republicans should be talking about this everyday and trying to stop it. Just because Biden and his globalist elites are ignoring the constitution of our country, doesn’t mean the Republicans just go along to get along. The wealthy globalists want to bring on massive changes to our country and very soon and nobody is talking about it except Glenn Beck. Nobody is questioning this “Build Back Better” phrase and just what it means. The lack of curiosity of so many in this country is just stunning.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Glenn Beck is the new messiah…he will carry the heavy load that the Trump clan carried for us. Blessed be the Beckster…so it shall be and praise the lord stuff

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Enjoy the View

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Beck Corporation is now worth 150,900,000 selling SURVIVAL from democrats.He also called OBAMA a racist for 8 straight years everyday in office as did all of FAKE FOX the KKK Channel

3 years ago

The Fake DA is blocking people from the official Berkshire DA social media accounts which is, wait for it….illegal!

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

File a civil rights complaint.  Contact the Civil Rights Division of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office to file a complaint and/or get advice. It’s the least they can do for us after sticking us with this bozo.

Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

Very funny

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

mASS AG is another one beholding to Soros

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Not illegal if the law is not enforced

My name is Earl
My name is Earl
3 years ago

The best part of all this is how white men can’t see through the lens of a POC, but Earl can see through the lens of a white man and tell them how they feel/perceive things.

I wonder if he experienced his wife’s childbirth pains as well. This city needs DEI officer as much as it needs Linda for a 2nd term. The position isn’t going to do jack shit and you are right, why isn’t this falling into the lap of HR? Michael Taylor is a useless politico who spends more time spewing his liberal hatred online and trolling people who speak out against the administration.

By the way, I didn’t realize Earl was black. Poor him, he’s lost jobs because of his skin color and family name? Sure thing Earl, you suffered all the way to the helm of the YMCA and now The Mount.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

Overdose deaths are up 44% in Berkshire County. How many drug treatment professionals could $200k pay for instead of having 2 entry level people doing jobs that have never been done before while we in a crisis?

Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

We really should not be talking about overdose deaths in Pittsfield. There are a lot of new people who moved here from NYC and other big cities as a result of the pandemic and they do not know about Pittsfield being a drug hub. The mayor would like to keep it that way. So please do not talk about Pittsfield and its apparently uncontrollable drug problems. If it was not for the Narcan the city would be much less crowded.

Cliff F P
Cliff F P
Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

Incredible what the Councilor said of Mr. Kronick. He knows what Mr. Kronick was thinking because he’s a White man. That is shocking. So you don’t give a man or woman the benefit of the doubt, just label them? I heard it was a waste of money and improperly done by Councilor Warren.Maybe the current accusations should have been this clown should have been directed to the mayor and her appointee at h r ? Persip should resign.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I had Saturday brunch with my dad today (12-February-2022), and I ask him about next week’s vote in the Massachusetts State House of Representatives legislative chamber giving undocumented immigrants driver’s licenses. My dad said that if he was a Massachusetts State Representative representing the beautiful Berkshires and beyond, he would vote in favor of the bill. My dad said that these people will drive regardless of whether or not they have a Massachusetts driver’s license, and at least the state will be able to track their driving records. I asked my dad about the Western Massachusetts driver who has a history of drug and alcohol use, including in his driving record, and that if the Massachusetts RMV did their job and suspended his driver’s license then the 7 U.S. Marines Veterans on riding on their motorcycles who he killed behind the wheel of a truck in Randolph, New Hampshire would still be alive. My dad told me that the RMV had piles of envelopes of Massachusetts drivers who should have had their driver’s licenses suspended, and that after the aforementioned accident, the RMV reformed itself with an online database so it wouldn’t happen again. I asked my dad if the RMV couldn’t check the aforementioned driver who is still behind bars in New Hampshire as he awaits his NH trial by jury, then how will the RMV effectively check the thousands of undocumented immigrants who the state (of Massachusetts’s Governor Charlie Baker) says it is very difficult to verify who they say they are? My dad said that the RMV’s online database will help, but that I made a valid point. I then asked my dad about citizens who have suspended driver’s licenses for OUIs, failure to pay child support, and other legal reasons, then how do we know about the legal backgrounds of the thousands of undocumented immigrants who will apply for driver’s licenses in Massachusetts? If citizens of Massachusetts have to follow all of the state and federal laws to have the privilege of a Massachusetts driver’s license, then so should the undocumented immigrants! Equal Justice Under Law. My dad said that it is true, and that there needs to be a way to verify all of the legal records of the undocumented immigrants (which is very difficult). I told my dad that I respect his opinion on the matter, but I disagree with him on the issue. I felt that we both had valid views on the subject.

Jonathan A. Melle

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

Higher, stronger, faster, is what competing in the Olympics used to mean. Every four years the best athletes in the world would compete for their countries and individual medals. How in the world did a farce like curling get in there? Curling reminds me of hopscotch, jump rope, flipping bubble gum cards. That is, it is something kids used to do for fun, but they are not sporting contests. The curling position of bent over, knees on the ground, and butts being prevalent in the rearview used to be called a lot of things but never a sporting event.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

They should use curling stones for hockey

Dull Century
Dull Century
Reply to  Ham Anex
3 years ago

This could win me the orbit but will Putin pull some shit on Super Bowl

Joah Coolah
Joah Coolah
Reply to  Ham Anex
3 years ago

Why not. Rumor has It they’re going over to Trumps toilets and unplug them with Nancy Pelousys head.

3 years ago

So The Boring Broadaheet has a nice puff piece about city filling 1,000 pit holes with 1,000 more to go. It begs the question the Eagle ain’t askin – how could our fearless leader of our dynamic and vibrant shitty let the roads get so bad to begin with?????

Reply to  Shitsfield
3 years ago

What, you’d got a problem with 2,000 infilled pot holes? It’s that time of year for Pete’s sake. How dare you blame The Lovely Linda. Now you will stir up Mr. Melle who will come to her aid with a barrage of reasons why nothing is her fault, she inherited the mess, etceffingcetera!!!!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

I believe that “Blame Linda” goes too far, but some of the criticisms are valid. Prior to 2016, Pittsfield was still Pittsfield!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

JM you forget she has been involved with city politics as a ward councilor, clerk and now mayor for over twenty years. She is part of the problem. In this whole period I have never heard her mention tax cut or help the Kapanski’s once, so alas he is part of the problem. Now she is in the top spot and is still doing nothing but helping her friends, again she is a big part of the problem!

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You run for with the promise to fix things not make them worse or leave the crappy stuff crappy.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon – Just curious. Have you ever met Linda Tyer or Andrea Harrington in person or are you stating your accolades for them just by reading the Berkshire Eagle? When is the last time you paid a visit to Pittsfield to actually observe in person the terrible condition the City is in under their Administrations?

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

I’m surprised that Tyer didn’t try to fill them with dollar bills

Reply to  Shitsfield
3 years ago

Too funny… the mayor trying blame this “harsh winter.” The truth is that the roads have been largely abandoned during her tenor. No idea where all the road money has been going but past practice was to tear down and rebuild each road every so many years so that its base was not falling apart underneath. So right now, due to massive negligence, a super large number of Pittsfield roads simply have no solid base to hold the road together. And filling potholes is a continuing and very expensive band aid approach to a serious problem.
How could the head of a city with the expertise of their city council president, be so clueless as to how to maintain what is probably its most important infrastructure? Is she hoping she could kick this can to the next mayor because we are talking about ten million dollars to bring these roads up to speed as they are dissolving before our very eyes as we knew they would.
The Eagle is trying to divert attention by doing a big story on a pothole up at the Lanesboro mall. Look over there, not over here in Pittsfield!

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

The road at the bottom of Charles Street on Wahconah Street is literally falling apart. This is right next to BMC. Its’ a major busy roadway. Ambulances must bump their ill patients all over the place trying to get them to the hospital. I can’t imagine any vehicle going at even a normal speed over that stretch of road because not only is the road falling apart, but 2 super large and deep potholes are also at the bottom of the street. This same situation is happening all over the city. They want to blame climate change, not their own neglect of these roads.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Editorial Cartoon: Gary Varvel | Cartoons |

Joe Biden appoints his son Hunter Biden as his Crack Pipe Distribution Czar!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Great cartoon. Biden has been known to say, “Are you a junkie?” Obviously thinking of his own son.

3 years ago

This is such nonsense it makes me want to puke.
The woke needs to be pushed off a cliff.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The Dirty Bird had an editorial about how a lot of people on MassHealth (Medicaid is administered by the state government) are unable to receive dental care. While Trippy Country Buffet, Shitty Pigpen, Paul Marxism, the career Mayor, and Chrome Dome are voting for undocumented immigrants’ interests, they are doing nothing about MassHealth’s huge gap in dental coverage. The Dirty Bird said that Shitty Pigpen has a bill (H.1180) in Boston to allow dental hygienists and assistants to perform more basic dental services, but the fact is that Shitty Pigpen is doing nothing about MassHealth long history of underfunding dental payments to dental providers for patients on Medicaid, which is administered by the state government that Shitty Pigpen has been in since 2003, which is over 19 years and counting.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Why should my effing taxes now pay for layabouts dental care???? Get a effing job and pay for it yourself. Get two if needed. There are 168 hours in a week. Work 68 of them if necessary. Nobody is subsidizing my overpriced dental care with all the Covid surcharges added on.

3 years ago

Okay so it’s now Super Bowl Sunday. Can’t sleep, tossing and turning wonderin how I’m gonna pay Tyers high taxes. Need a diversion Danno. What’s your Super Bowl prediction by score?

Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

42 to 14. Cincinnati.

Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

Rams win easy. Twenty One straight picks .

Jan Inadrumm
Jan Inadrumm
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Just got back from Rivers 25 g on rams laying four. Also have the coin flip tail for ten. Tails.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Tyer ran against Bianchis financial mishandling of the budget.My buddy asked her if she could or would cut just 1 dime from Bianchis budget.She said she would…..she is terrible at handling the future.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Truck Trudeau and Truck Biden!!!!

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Truck Frudeau

3 years ago

POLL: Most Voters Support Removing Radical Left-Wing Prosecutors

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
3 years ago

From Pittsfield’s web site. Doesn’t this cover it all?

The City of Pittsfield’s Human Resources Department is committed to a broad range of personnel services and benefits designed to develop and maintain a high quality workforce, while also meeting the needs of our community for excellence in municipal services.

Human Resources serves as the official custodian for all municipal personnel records, and is ultimately responsible for managing the City’s recruitment and onboarding processes, which often involves the maintenance of Civil Service requirements under M.G.L., Chapter 31.

In addition, the department is responsible for negotiating, drafting, and interpreting collective bargaining agreements, as well as drafting, implementing, and enforcing City policies such as but not limited to: Affirmative Action, Family & Medical Leave, Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence, Drug & Alcohol, and Internet & Social Media policies.

The Human Resources Department also works to ensure compliance is maintained throughout other departments as it relates to collective bargaining agreements, public safety rules & regulations, and City Code, Chapter 16, Human Resources Department.

The Director of Human Resources serves as the coordinator for the Personnel Review Board. This board acts as an advisory board to the Mayor and City Council in connection with the creation of new positions and upgrades. The director also serves as the ADA Coordinator for the City and facilitates resolutions to any complaints related to handicapped accessibility to City owned buildings and property.

Benefit and retirement plans are administered and maintained by the Treasurer’s Office and Retirement Board, respectively. They are not handled by the Human Resources Department.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Ham Anex
3 years ago

Persip and White were bullies at this meeting.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

Reply to Thomas More. Good memory, Thomas. Chet played in the early 1950s. I do indeed remember Chet Bury. In addition to basketball, Chet played football and baseball. He was outstanding in all 3 sports. I rate him as one of north counties greatest athletes – that includes the 1900’s to 2022.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

He was one of the best. He played varsity for three years on all three teams – football-basketball & baseball. They didn’t have curling then or he might have excelled in that too. On another sad note, Ron Codella died a couple of days ago. He was 90.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Thomas More
3 years ago

Sorry to hear about Ron Codella. As a flaming redhead, he stood out. He was a fair pitcher in the late 40s and early 50s. Nice guy, a good teammate, played in the old park leagues and summer ball when Pittsfield was a national factor in baseball. Think American Legion baseball, and Brass Rail and Majestics. No, there was no curling in those days, but there were marbles, a game most youngsters played and took as much skill as curling.

Blate Tenlee
Blate Tenlee
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

Will take your word Bury was great. But come on man no one remembers him why not bury the past.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Blate Tenlee
3 years ago

No, Blate, you don’t want to bury the past. We build on it to become what we are today. Think of Joe D., Williams, Babe Ruth, Mark Belanger, George Washington, John Kennedy, etc. That’s us. We build on the past to become a better country and better people. Chet was a great athlete, and I knew him a bit, he was a good man and Adams is proud of him. The past is important.

Blate Tenlee
Blate Tenlee
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

Check out the finance last meeting. HO G W A S H

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

I thought the 71 m at the plant went down to 50. It doesn’t matter if a rr p a funds are applied at this point,they’re no good at sewer and going forward you’ll pay higher rates anyway because there will be increases in these two projects. They’ll find them.

Jan Inadrumm
Jan Inadrumm
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I agree Charles would have swept up the competition. But I wouldn’t consider someone as Talented as Chuck being good at this, a city janitor would be good at it also.Cincinnati gets buried tod

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago


I agree. I think curling would have made me a star. Maybe better than a marble player, however, I’ll take marbles as a more difficult game to excel in. Many times from Briggs School I arrived home with a pocketful of marbles my mother made me leave outdoors.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

MARBLES (pures) was great but now we couldn’t get back up.

Reply to  Thomas More
3 years ago

Dumb ass taxpayers are funding phantom projects at the water sewer and water plants. Big Dig at water plants.