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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY FEB. 21, 2022) — While the greed mongers who have ruined the wonderful sport formerly known as baseball argue over how to split the billions they milk from suckered fans, THE PLANET has far more important things to mention. Allow us to mention three, two of them local, one global:


In Pittsfield, what passes for public education stands as an insult to every cash-soaked taxpayers. The school committee is a joke. The teacher’s union wields too much power over Spongebob politicians. The classrooms are unruly daycare centers for a few little monsters who are spoiling it for the majority of good kids. It should come as no surprise, then, to learn Berkshire County ranks 3rd among 14 counties for “least educated.” That’s 86th place out of 100.

But wait. It gets better. When you factor out all other county school districts and calculate only Pittsfield, guess what? The city rises to #1.

Congratulations, Pittsfield. You know pay well north of $100 million each year to produce the dregs, yes, the worst in the entire state.

———- ooo ———-

#3. Berkshire County (#1. if only Pittsfield is considered)

– 33.6% of population 25 years and over with Bachelor’s degree or higher

– Less than high school diploma: 8.6% ($22,591 median earnings)
– High school graduate: 29.4% ($33,259)

– Some college or Associate’s degree: 28.4% ($36,410)
– Bachelor’s degree: 18.7% ($46,304)
– Graduate or professional degree: 14.9% ($60,634)

The information is taken from the U.S. Census.

———- ooo ———-


Do you believe what the Brandon Administration is telling us about the Ukraine?

  • Kennedy was shot by a loner acting on his own (Nov. 22, 1963)
  • Jack Ruby killed Oswald because as a patriotic American, JFK’s assassination left him heartbroken (Warren Commission, 1964)
  • Gulf of Tonkin incident (1964)
  • LBJ: “We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves” (1965)
  • Richard Nixon: “I am not a crook” (1973)
  • George H.W. Bush: “Read My Lips” (1988)
  • George W. Bush, Colin Powell: “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (2003)
  • Joe Biden: “The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!”

THE PLANET has lost track of how many times, with specific dates, the Brandons have been telling us “with certainty” that Russia — you know, the Evil Empire — will invade Ukraine.

We asked ourselves: What does Brandon know that we don’t? Then it hit us: Of course they’re certain Putin will launch an invasion. They are trying to goad him into doing it. The only reason it has not YET occurred is that Vlad is keeping his powder dry, open to a diplomatic solution. You might not want to hear that, but that’s our reading of it.

We’re here to tell you all to relax. Brandon sent the VP to Germany to issue a “stark warning” to Russia. Harris — the female, of-color Veep who got second spot on the ticket on her own merits after she called Joe Biden a racist in a Democratic primary where she couldn’t snag one, count em one delegate — showed a lot of concern for the Ukraine’s eastern border. Too bad she doesn’t give a shit about what’s happening on America’s southwest border.

In any case, do you have the sinking feeling that the hysteria over Russia and Ukraine has little to do with Vladimir Putin’s intentions and everything to do with the Administration’s desperate attempt to start a shooting war? That’s how desperate Biden, Harris, and the Democrats are over their plummeted “popularity.” They figure their only shot in November is for Biden to say: “I’m a wartime president.”

The Ukraine’s eastern provinces speak Russian, not Ukrainian, and, like Belarus and Moldova, they want to align with Russia, not Ukraine. Moreover, how is this not a Russian matter? Rather, what business does the U.S. have other than an outdated agreement with NATO? We threaten Putin with “severe” sanctions if Russia invades, ignoring Russia’s hands on the spigot that controls almost 30% of Western Europe’s natural gas. Some 80% of the pipelines run through Ukraine. Connect the dots. Do the math.

———- ooo ———-


Earlier this week, THE PLANET reported, exclusively, on the latest brainwashing undertaken by Pittsfield school supt. Jumpin’ Joe Curtis. It takes the form of a series of meetings and sessions on — brace yourself — Diversion, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE). As you know, THE PLANET prefers the DIE acronym over the the official DEI.

DEI is Latin for “God.” DIE much better describes the effect this idiotic policy is having on the education of Pittsfield students.

Our spies and Z-Agents have dug out information the city has not publicized and that no other media outlet has reported.

  • There will be six DIE meetings in all
  • Three have already been conducted
  • Each meeting is “led” by two outside “consultants, Schmitz and Adams (sort of like Schultz and Dooley in the old Utica Club commercials)
  • The consultants receive $2,500 per session
  • This totals $15,000

Granted, 15Gs won’t break the bank, but it does exemplify the staggering level of waste and fat in the PPS budget. Don’t worry, though. Everything is not only DIE but “vibrant and dynamic.” We still have a suck-up council that doesn’t care whatsoever about Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.

THE PLANET thanks our spies for their good work.


Although your mind’s opaque, try thinking more if just for your own sake” — George Harrison, The Beatles, from “Don’t Bother Me.”



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Fido Beto
Fido Beto
3 years ago

I believe there is much more to it and puzzled me why they decided to not release anything on it as the time and date came and went.

Reply to  Fido Beto
3 years ago

Watch WallStreetcrash now. Aren’t Americans sick of War?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

What are Pittsfield taxpayers paying record high taxes and fees for in 2022? Answer: Level 5 public schools that are the WORST in Massachusetts!

Mayor Linda Tyer’s record high municipal taxes, fees, debts/liabilities, and fiscal year municipal budgets are crushing Pittsfield’s shrinking working-class households and small businesses. She is burning down the proverbial house to cook the proverbial pig!

On Joe Biden, he should not have called Putin a “KILLER”, threatened China with WW3 over their threat to invade Taiwan, killed thousands of energy jobs, spent well over $10 trillion federal dollars in his first year as U.S. President, blamed big business for big government’s printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, and put the next generation and beyond of children in debt to say that he wants free childcare for American families.

Lastly, Putin is a straight up ASS! The Russian People and the surrounding countries deserve Democracy, Human Rights, the Rule of Law, and peace and economic prosperity instead of his dictatorial strong-arm tactics. I wish someone went up to Putin’s face and looked him in the eyes and said to him: “You are a straight up ASS, Putin!”

Jahonnie Moaste
Jahonnie Moaste
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

We watched as Trump fiddled with Jong and now Biden diddling with Putin. Oak Hill to Partidge worst road in history

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jahonnie Moaste
3 years ago

You’re kidding right?

When Trump was President, North Korea stopped all missile testing. With Xiden in office, testing started right back up.

You missed my post over the weekend, so I’ll say it to you again. Because you voted for Joe Xiden, I want to say “Thank You” and “F**k You.”

Jahonnie Moaste
Jahonnie Moaste
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Say that to my face, At Dunkin every morning on and Ave 9;sharp a-ho

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jahonnie Moaste
3 years ago

You sure you don’t want to make it at Cumby’s on First Street, at 3AM tough guy?

Doe Boyes
Doe Boyes
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Even I’m Afraid at cumbies

Reply to  Doe Boyes
3 years ago

Barry and his half wit side kick have your back.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Jahonnie Moaste
3 years ago

Did you show Biden how to beat up Corn Pop?

Reply to  Agent 86
3 years ago

Assuming the story has any element of truth, a longshot beginning with the name, what could Biden actually have said to get him into a rumble? Without draining the pool, saying “Get out of the pool” wouldn’t work. Pop would just invite him to jump in and make him.

I never get why these pols keep making up ridiculous stories. That one goes in the same rubbish bin with Hillary, accompanied by her court jester and daughter, dodging sniper fire in Bosnia. (There are more Clinton fictions, but I shall self-censor to avoid being called a conspiracy monger.)

Last edited 3 years ago by levitan
Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

I like the one where Trump says he could not go to Viet Nam with everyone else his age because he had a sore foot. Talk about your jesters huh?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You voted for Biden! You’re part of the problem!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

Please write and/or tell the Town of Great Barrington, Massachusetts that they are WRONG to honor W.E.B. DuBois because he sided with mass murdering Communist Dictators. Stalin murdered more innocent people and Peoples than Hitler. Stalin’s total is 23 million (probably more like 60 million), while Hitler’s total is 17 million, including the Holocaust. Chairman Mao murdered more innocent people and Peoples than Hitler and Stalin combined; his total is 78 million.

As I write, China and Russia’s current dictators are allying themselves against the U.S.A. China is threatening to invade and take over Taiwan. Russia is expected to invade Ukraine this week. China and Russia combined military forces are more powerful than the U.S.A. U.S. President Joe Biden knows that he cannot challenge the two Superpowers and win. Biden’s threat of economic sanctions would hurt the U.S. economy as well as Russia and China’s economies. Gas prices are predicted to top $7 per gallon by the end of this year of 2022. U.S. inflation is going to be over 10 percent by the end of this year of 2022. Biden’s failed presidency is crushing the working-class and the underclass, which is a majority of American Citizens. In closing, we need less W.E.B. DuBois and Joe Bidens in our country!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

comment image

Out of town researcher
Out of town researcher
3 years ago

What is the name of the Pittsfield mayor who oversees these always failing schools? Does your city have a school committee? If these schools have been failing for so long why can’t these school committee members seem to get a handle on it? Is it because too many of them are embedded hacks who are just there to push for budget increases? And if so what are their names?
Is this Pittsfield school system also the state leader in opt-out students which is the attempted state solution to get students out of poor school systems and hopefully into better ones? Does your mayor see any of this as a black eye on her job performance along with also possibly having the states worst roads as well, or is she the la-tee-da type who tries to divert attention away from such things?

Are there any accurate statistics on how many people have moved their families out of this apparently failing city since this mayor has taken office?
Thank you for any replies

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Out of town researcher
3 years ago

Not sure about families that have moved, but the Pittsfield Public Schools Annual Budget gives the data on how many students in the district have opted to go out-of-district for their education.

3 years ago

Dan are you trying to inform us that the city or school department created a committee that did not post their meetings, include the public or let anyone know what was going on? I find that hard to believe in this transparent vibrant and dynamic administration

3 years ago

I’m seeing this ‘invasion crisis’ as a simple money laundering gambit that the reanimated plagiarizer paid someone to cook up. Everytime Biden’s in office, Russia gets a piece of the Ukraine and Hunter gets to refresh in some Uzbek rehab pad.

The money transfers are happening as I type this.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

Your conspiratorial gobbledygook knows no bounds.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Just like your ability to distort facts. No wonder you never made partner

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Here you are again to not make a point or to be taken seriously.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Nobody takes you seriously, trust me.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

Sure, HT. You’re baselessly calling me an antisemite.

Your teachers handed your tests back to you face down, didn’t they?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Not baseless you have proven you are an anti semite

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Just can’t form an conventional objective consistent with regarding the wasteland of landlocked Ukraine that merits a European revulsion to the Soviet empire which stretches from St Petersburg, Karelia, Black Sea and on to the Pacific. I think the conspiracy is a simpler model, but maybe you’re right. Whatever today’s headline announces is the news. Even when it changes 90 degrees by the hour.

However, given the pervasive corruption that runs Ukraine, it attaches itself easily to conspirators who already have proven their stripes.

Go grab a book, a bar of soap, and let’s debate!

I tell you what, I meet you halfway and skip the ad hominem. When the war’s over, the zombie will utter, “It wasn’t much of a war but it’s the best we could find.”

Last edited 3 years ago by levitan
Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

aren’t you one of the ones who bitched when Biden got us out of Afghanistan?

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

(he thinks tucker carlson is Jesus reincarnated)

Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

Incredible. At some point you will realize this Ukraine thing is no joke. There is great possibility for collateral damage in the USA. Putin has threatened to use his cyber capabilities if NATO uses sanctions on him. Climb off the hate train for a short while and take a good look at the real world. Please.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

“In times of perturbations and devaluations, the sausage maker never loses.”
-The Survivor from Babi Yar, A. Kuznetsov

Ain’t nothing more real than Babi Yar. It’s not a joke, but I may exercise my G-d given right to laugh at the inevitable.

Last edited 3 years ago by levitan
Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

And you’ve mentioned one of the worst Nazi massacres of WWII why, exactly?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

You are an anti semite that’s why. Why are you an anti semite

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

You just lie with impunity. I’m no antisemite.

Unlike you and your ilk.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

I heard from very reliable sources as well that you are.

3 years ago

How a director of VD? With a nice fat salary and big office and only job is to pass on all the VD BS Tyer spews!

3 years ago

In regards to Pittsfield Public Schools, may I recommend parents start checking their kids’ teacher’s & counselor’s social media to see what political bent they are promoting.

My name is Earl
My name is Earl
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

If they were worth their salt, they shouldn’t be promoting anything but neutrality and discourse. Doubt that happens

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
3 years ago

How many it’s only $XX.XX has Pittsfield had in the last 20 years?

Reply to  Hell Toupee
3 years ago

Good point. They always say its only a drop in the bucket , but they fill plenty of buckets.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Biden is spending his time antagonizing Putin into war. Meanwhile, he is totally ignoring ALL major issues in the USA. Every time Kamela is given an assignment she screws up. The way things are going it won’t be long until they have a Civil War in their own Country. Hope the people that voted for them are proud of themselves. Has always baffled me how these people could not see the writing on the wall before the election. Evidently their hatred towards Trump was too deep. Now all of us are paying the price. Realize Trump has his issues but at least he has a brain.

Also, blew my mind that Biden named a “fluid” drag queen to look over and monitor nuclear waste. Don’t know whether to watch the news or shut it off, I cringe every time Biden or Kamela open their mouths to speak. USA has to be the laughing stock of the world. The anxiety and stress of Biden being in control of the Country is becoming worse than the last two years of fear mongering about Covid driven by the politicians, same politicians that don’t abide by the mandates themselves. What’s next?

Ma Rammdin
Ma Rammdin
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Biden in 24 !,

Reply to  Ma Rammdin
3 years ago

Your right. Biden 24 hr. health care, to keep him up right and soil free.

Ma Rammdin
Ma Rammdin
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Biden is the Cool Hand Luke of Presidents. And sexy as hell

Reply to  Ma Rammdin
3 years ago

I still say more like Jim in Taxi.

Doe Boyes
Doe Boyes
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

That’s no way t talk about Broadway Joe

Reply to  Doe Boyes
3 years ago

Would never talk about Joe Namath that way.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Ma Rammdin
3 years ago

And he beat the shit out of corn pop.

3 years ago

There’s a book about the Kennedy assassination called Mortal Error, that makes a really convincing argument that the President was killed by friendly fire, specifically the Secret Service. One of them accidentally discharges his weapon as he is standing up on the back seat of the limousine and turning to look towards the Texas School book depository at the same time as the motorcade accelerates.
The acceleration causes the agent to fall back, as he is off balance and as he was falling he pulls the trigger because he was preparing to shoot back at whoever was shooting at the motorcade.
If I recall right the man who wrote it is like a gunsmith type guy and was familiar with the m1 carbine that Oswald is alleged to have used, and says there’s really no way that the rifle is powerful enough to make the shot.
He also points out that Oswald shooting ability, marksman, was the lowest grade of shooter in the military, at least at that time.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

What about the newest twist in the ongoing Jeffrey Epstein story? Jean-Luc Brunel was recently found dead in a French prison cell…. How big was/is the sex trafficking ring of the then-14-year-old and older girls/women who were raped, sexually abused and sexually exploited by Jeffrey Epstein and company? What about Bill Clinton’s 26 flight logs on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet? Bill Clinton is already a twice over Convicted Felon (for Perjury and Suborning Perjury). Talk about CONSPIRACIES! Lastly, why is only the woman, Ghislaine Maxwell, in prison, while the estimated 215 men walk free? Will she survive this in the months and years to come, or will she be “Arkansas-homicided” in the false names of Hillary and Bill Clinton?

Jon Melle

Post Script: Smitty Pignatelli (Shitty Pigpen) and Paul Mark (Paul Marxism) both blocked my political emails just like Tricia Farley Bouvier (Trippy Country Buffet) has done to me for years now.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

TSC saw Elvis being buried under Alendale school.

Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

And come out as the orange man

Doe Boyes
Doe Boyes
Reply to  Outfox
3 years ago

Really don’t care to much decades later

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Outfox
3 years ago

Oswald used a Carcano mil surplus Italian rifle. The conspiracy if any was to cover up intelligence agencies who blundered on Oswald.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

W does one end up with powder residue from firing A long gun? A revolver I could buy that theory? Authoritarianism predated the end of the JFK era. Lincon, Wilson and TR were there with the best of them and FDR wasn’t far behind.

here nor there
here nor there
Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

I cobbled together a muzzle loading .45 cal extended barrel handgun out of spare parts when I worked for Johnny Gunsmith back in the day. Still got the pictures I took of the powder burns on the first camel I took down while on a photo shoot in the Gobi desert. The whole head looked like it had been caught in a chimney fire. It has since been modified to use smokeless powder and as a wildlife lover I no longer shoot the two humpers.

Reply to  here nor there
3 years ago

Garden tools can make fine firearms. You are ready for any coming perturbation and devaluation.

Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

If Oswald used an Italian milsurp, wouldn’t he struck himself in the groin with the foreign body? I have doubts about the gun.

Last edited 3 years ago by levitan
Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

Where is the outrage over the CDC deliberately withholding information and data regarding covid and the vaccines because it didn’t suit their narrative?

They have been deliberately withholding information that told a true picture of what’s happening on the ground – that is, most people were still susceptible to Omicron regardless of vaccination status, and most people were never at risk of severe death or disease, regardless of the vaccines.

Deliberate withholding, also called pure DECEPTION in the name of bolstering their vaccination campaign in cahoots with Pfizer and Moderna.

They should be ashamed for the havoc they have wreaked on this country. The lies will all be revealed, over time.

And meanwhile, Biden has extended the national emergency so as to continue the illegal powers his administration is abusing while also relying on EUAs to spread his failed vaccines and incompetent test kits.

A perpetual state of emergency. He is a criminal. He should be impeached.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

True. Focusing only on vaccines while ignoring therapeutics that worked against the virus. There are so many reasons why Biden should be impeached. The main one is that he is NOT protecting Americans, the first duty of government. Open borders, out of control crime because of the defund the police movement and George Soros appointed district attorneys with their justice reform, and incompetence with COVID.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

and for all we know Pat he might even be planning an insurrection on American democracy. Prolly working up the plans as you and I speak here. It is awful, just awful

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

This is fake. How many times are you going to get played by TGP?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

It’s not fake

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Not fake

3 years ago

The federally indicted “progressive” District Atty Marilyn Mosby – yes, the one Andrea Harrington attacked the integrity of the federa justice system in support of – has thrown her husband under the bus and it’s really hard to tell who is more corrupt.

Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

Planet. Today is 2 22 22 and tonight military time with date will be 2 22 22 22 22 22 seconds.

Reply to  AmandaWell
3 years ago

This week is considered palindrome week

Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

Oswald fire the shot that killed J F K , no doubt. But had he missed it would have been just as important thus Jack Ruby killing him. Insider job for sure. Johnson directly involved no. But very important to the Louisiana Mafia.qAsid. Biden thinks he’s in Putinsc mind.

Reply to  AmandaWell
3 years ago

Biden is not in his own mind.

Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

And Dan? Who is this sexy diva in the pic. First I’ve seen it. Classy !!!!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

all legal strategy

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

When Marilyn did this, she sunk her, “proud, smart, woman,” status. Now, you’re just a sap honey.

Can’t have it both ways. Progressives haven’t figured this out yet.

Senator Lincolncould
Senator Lincolncould
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Please stop the evil ways. Republicans won’t exist with
Nonsense comments and frustrated dilemma hyperbole.

Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

A predictable move from America’s favorite “progressive” federally indicted, prosecutor. I wonder if @harringtonforda is vacationing in one of Mosy’s homes in Fla. that she falsely claimed Covid hardship to get money for?

3 years ago

Attention!! Anything Biden does to Russia financially will also affect us monetarily and inflation wise big Time. Didn’t Trumps main theme mean anything? Make AmErica Great Again. Not at the expense of involving foreign countries policy towards one another.

Reply to  AmandaWell
3 years ago

Speaking of making America Great Again, is it just a coincidence that there is a large trucker convoy decending on Washington DC with the intent of shutting the city down, AND at the same time Trumps new media company is opening up so he can communicate with all his followers?

UH OHHHHHH deja vue all over again????????

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Remember, any protest not organized by the left is an insurrection. Even if they don’t burn down businesses, kill people, take over city blocks and cause millions of dollars in damage. Oh, wait….

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Don’t worry we have bike lanes

3 years ago

Trump Blasts Biden Over Ukraine—But Sidesteps Criticizing Putin

Senator Lincolncould
Senator Lincolncould
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

The Mayor is setting the water rates tonight.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Biden is helping Putin to finance this war. Putin is a bad guy taking advantage of a very weak Joe Biden. Biden is slowing oil production and drilling so we can chase after windmills and this is a green light for Putin to invade. Biden wants war to bring on the Great Reset and to take the focus off of his incompetence, but this still makes him weak to choose his globalist buddies over all of the people that will die from war. I won’t listen to any of this war news because it is all so depressing and didn’t have to happen.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Pat do you think Biden will invite Putin into the Oval office like Trump did?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Oh yeah, back in the day when Putin wasn’t pillaging villages in Ukraine

3 years ago

Five adults died from what they thought was crack (not good either), but it was full of fentanyl. No drugs are safe now. The cartels are infusing all of it with Fentanyl at the same time that Joe is spreading crack pipes across the country. This open borders policy is a field day for the cartels. Every week we hear of more and more people dying from Fentanyl and many of these are teenagers.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The British Consulate in Boston plans to meet with Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer later this year of 2022 to talk to her about economic development organizations to understand prosperity in postindustrial towns. What will the Lovely Linda say to him about Pittsfield’s distressed and severely economically unequal economy? I wonder.

Massachusetts Gateway Cities teach UK about prosperity (Viewpoint) –

3 years ago
3 years ago

Press Release

Nicholson enters not guilty pleas on gun charges

29 year old JAMEL L. NICHOLSON had not guilty pleas entered on his behalf on one (1) count of ARMED CAREER FELON, one (1) count of ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF A FIREARM, one (10 count of ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF AMMUNITION WITHOUT A FIREARM IDENTIFICATION CARD. Judge Mason released him on personal recognizance.

Senator Lincolncould
Senator Lincolncould
Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

Ricky where’s the money you spent?on the water plants? Rickeeeey

Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

While out on personal recognizance, since 2018, and awaiting his day in court, ARMED CAREER FELON, 29-year-old JAMEL L. NICHOLSON, apparently made the most of his free time in a constructive way.

February 22, 2022

Suspect Arrested in MURDER of Man Found in Pittsfield State Forest
Pittsfield, Mass. – A suspect in the murder of Reymon Delacruz-Batista was arrested on Sunday by Pittsfield Police.

Jamel Nicholson, 33, was arraigned Tuesday in Central Berkshire District Court on single counts of murder, kidnapping, and use of a firearm during the commission of a felony.

The DEAD BODY of 32-year-old Delacruz-Batista was found in Pittsfield State Forest on Dec. 4, 2021. The medical examiner determined that Delacruz-Batistas’ death was a homicide as a result of multiple gunshot wounds.

Less than a week ago 33-year-old ARMED CAREER FELON JAMEL L. NICHOLSON, had his day in court on his 2018 arrest, and was acquitted of all gun charges related to his 2018 arrest.

July 28, 2017 – Alleged members of Pittsfield drug ring charged with buying cocaine at Holyoke Mall

On July 21, state police trailed Davis and two of his alleged lieutenants – Jamel Nicholson, 28, and Devin Newman, 28, …….

April 12, 2013 – Pittsfield man denies alleged stabbing …
Pittsfield Police said at around 5:20 a.m. Thursday they found a naked Jamel L. Nicholson, 24, on Dewey Avenue with a bloody towel….

Jan.17, 2012 – Grand Jury Finds Wellington Ave. Shooter Acted in Self-Defense –

Additionally, Jamel Nicholson, 22, of Pittsfield was charged with interfering with a criminal investigation….

April 22, 2009 – Son beaten, mother spat on in local melee – The Berkshire Eagle

Two men charged in connection with a West Side beating …. Attorney’s office requested that defendants Jamel L. Nicholson, 20, ……

June 19, 2015 – Police Met with armed suspects, fortified doors in Pittsfield raids
Delacruz-Batista was arrested on charges of possession of heroin with intent to distribute, trafficking of cocaine, illegal possession of a firearm……

Last edited 3 years ago by Maumausmatter
Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

Now had he burned a bale of hay………………

Senator Lincolncould
Senator Lincolncould
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Kufflinks is humminaing it tonight.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

This board is 100% informed by FOX entertainment.Trump tried to destroy NATO for Putin to move into the Ukraine.This board does not acknowledge Trumps overthrow of America’s democracy.Trump fascist were going to murder the Vice President of the United States and the Speaker of the House.They escaped by only minutes.Most of male America are products of drive time conservative radio.Scared depressed and ignorant.Not one one of these Trump supporters could pass a history test at PHS. 73,000,000 million American voters are so scared of minorities we are close to civil war.Trump is an ahole traitor and you guys think this dink is a hero.Nothing can help you.