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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY FEB. 28, 2022) — Welcome to the week, an uncertain one at best given world events.

Buy our book! Then buckle your seat belts as we break some big local news.

THE PLANET begins with this blatant plug in the form of a reminder — Third Person Singular: 33 1/3 Poems Each, THE PLANET‘s new book, is available at Third Person Singular — our collaboration with Jerri Chaplin (Charleston, SC) and Paul Kocak (Syracuse, NY), two of the country’s best contemporary poets — has had a successful opening and is just now hitting its stride. We invite you to enjoy poetry as a home remedy to those larger global ills that have induced so much suffering and sleepless night in recent days. Poetry can calm, soothe, and even if it provokes, still serves the relaxing function of slowing one down and inviting reflection, kinda like smoking a good cigar or slowly savoring sipping a fine whiskey or brew. Third Person Singular is like getting three books in one, providing a cross-section of today’s literary scene. Three sections of work exhibit the distinct styles: Valenti’s word riddles, Chaplin’s emotional openness, and Kocak’s imagist cameos. $15 bucks, cheap, as Mad Magazine used to say … best deal on THE PLANET. What the world needs now is not more war but more poetry. Every purchase of this book sticks a middle finger in the face of the warmongers.

———- ooo ———-

And now, in our best Walter Cronkite tones, the news. Give the situation in Ukraine, the story piddles. Put into a local and regional context, however, it’s big, as in Barney Fife BIG.

This weekend, THE PLANET stumbled on a story that will shake, rattle, and roll Pittsfield’s economy (and the county’s). We heard from reliable sources that Baystate Care in Springfield is in negotiations to purchase/subsume Berkshire Health Systems (BHS). Eat it up, gobble it, friendly/hostile takeover, big fish eating little fish. Call it what you will.

First, though, an important point we stress:

THE PLANET has not officially confirmed this news.

That said, we have it from sources with reason to know. Based on what we have learned thus far from our investigation, we believe the story to be accurate and the deal will be consummated, likely by late spring of 2023.

The details of the deal remain unclear. How does one non-profit take over another one? Is there money involved? Something else? We’ve been on the inside of how the corporate world handles it, notably when GE Plastics purchased Borg-Warner Chemical in 1988 for $2.3 billion, cash. If the deal goes through, and we’ve been around long enough to know that Yogi was spot-on when he said “it ain’t over til it’s over,” the question “why” is of more interest than “how.”

———- ooo ———-

As to “why,” it helps to go into inductive mode and assemble the clues.

  • Phelps to Leave — In mid-December, David Phelps announced his retirement after 28 years heading BHS.
    •   “After engaging in thoughtful succession planning with the BHS Board of Trustees (BOT) for the past three years and with the confidence that we now have a full complement of experienced executive leaders in place at BHS, I know that now is the right time for making this transition.” That’s how the press release put it.
      • The question arises if Phelps is retiring because of ill health — in other words, the BOT got sick of him. All BHS says about the date of Phelps’ exit is that it will be “early 2022” and that he will be available during the transition to new management. It appears that “new management” will be coming from Baystate. Phelps said in the release statement it is a “very challenging time in health care.” Read between the lines.
      • BHS has been noticeably reticent to offer other details, including the specifics of Phelps’ retirement, the transition to new management, and finally the makeup of the new interim management team itself. This makes it reasonable to assume they haven’t done it because whatever takes place in the top echelons between now and “early 2023” has been taken out of local hands. It’s also reasonable to conclude that the BOT will do no more than install a placeholder team to fill the top spot until Baystate takes over.
  • Quality Issues — Sources say BHS faces several quality issues, which likely have a direct bearing on the situation:
    • Contracting out of services, for example, procedures relating to cardiology, which Berkshire Medical Center (BMC) farms out to Baystate.
    • Loss of certification in some areas. Has BHS lost is position as an accredited teaching facility? An industry source told us it has.
    • Overall decline in patient care stemming from BHS’ inability to reach accord with its staff, primarily its nurses. Staff nurses say they are overworked, underpaid, short of help, with management deaf to its concerns. You would think the bean counters calling the shots at BHS would at some point realize that its nurses ARE the heart, soul, and core of any hospital.
    • Baystate has a better perception in the industry for patient care. It also has the region’s only Level 1 trauma center. It also seems to treat its staff better.
  • Finances — This is where the depths get murky, with poor visibility, with a high risk of the bends. During FY2020, the hospital reported an overall surplus of just over $9.5 million. Yet some industry insiders say the bottom-line financial health of BHS is shaky, about in the same shape as when the BOT hired Phelps as CEO in 1993. Is BHS in debt? If so, why? How would that be possible if the information made public about its financial are on the up-and-up? What has senior management kept from the BOT, if anything? A reasonable and fair question is how can a non-profit institution be in bad financial shape, if it is, and yet generate yearly surpluses in the millions? Where is the money going? Would the BOT investigate? Does this question have anything to do with the potential acquisition by Baystate?
    • To be clear, none of this is to suggest any financial impropriety has occurred. To date, no evidence of that has emerged. The talk of acquisition, however, does raise certain financial aspects that would be germane to the story.

———- ooo ———-

Another burning question. What will be the economic consequences if Baystate swallows BHS whole and the latter becomes Baystate Berkshire Health (BBH)?

  • Elimination of Redundancy — In plain English, jobs will be lost, mostly administrative functions. Why would BBH need two fully staffed HR departments, marketing and communications departments, finance departments, two CEOs, COOs, IT departments, and so on? Medical staff would appear to be safe. Everyone else should start working on their resumes, just to have a Plan B.
    • Baystate employs about 4,500 workers, BHS about 3,000. What invariably happens when one company takes over another is that the directors of the former will search thoroughly for ever area of duplication and eliminate them. This isn’t the Pittsfield School Department. This is the real world.
    • The positive would be a stronger, better-managed medical facility for the city of Pittsfield.

———- ooo ———-

There. We’ve sniffed it out, though we’re not exactly sure what “it” is. THE PLANET is convinced, however, that something MAJOR is in the works regarding BHS. We hope others in the local/regional/state media will probe further. THE PLANET’s just one little guy with his finger in the dyke. We’ve set the table. Now let’s see if others do the cooking.

Meanwhile, we note this statement from U.S. Rep. Richie Neal, our district’s fearless representative on Capitol Hill.

Neal praised Phelps’ “level hand” through a rocky time. Again, read between the lines. Looks like he’s saying it without saying it.

“Berkshire Health Systems has had a terrific leader for over 30 years with David Phelps. A level hand through this pandemic and a staunch advocate for Berkshire County’s unique health care needs, David has never wavered in his commitment to the community he serves.”

Right. Which to THE PLANET sounds like the owner’s endorsing the head coach of a football team a week before he fires him.

Yes, the dreaded Kiss of Death.


I learned everything I know about medicine from Richard Chamberlain and Vince Edwards” — Dr. Vinny Boombahtz.



(c) 2021 By PLANET VALENTI & EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All right reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all rights to those comments. They remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.



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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

What about the ARPA Biden Buck$ that are supposed to go to hospitals such as Berkshire Health Systems? Massachusetts spends 56 percent of its fiscal year state budget on public health. That is tens of billions of state government dollars each and every year. The Federal Government spends over 34 percent of its fiscal year budget on public health. That is trillions of federal government dollars each and every year. I do not understand why hospitals have financial problems given all of the taxpayer dollars that go to public health. North Adams State Representative John Barrett III proposed splitting up Massachusetts largest state government bureaucracy – Public Health – due to the Nursing Home crises during the Covid-19 pandemic. Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli writes lofty op-eds about his healthcare reform proposals, but he knows the insurance companies and their greedy lobbyists will never let it happen. PAC Man Richie Neal is known by K Street corporate lobbyist firms as the Insurance Companies go to man in the Swamp. Rural areas in America such as Berkshire County get the shaft when it comes to state and federal funding for Public Health.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Never forget…Trumps failed attempt to blackmail President Zelenskyyfor a statement that the Ukraine was investigating Biden.He told Zelenskyy the investigation did not have to be real and he could just lie about it.In exchange he would release the already approved 400,000,000 million in defensive weapons he needed against Russian threats to invade…..Trump loves Putin and calls his plan genius…..Putin/ Trump are very dangerous

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Quid Pro Quo – J. Biden

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

“If you don’t support us fracking, drilling, and opening up all pipelines so we don’t have to buy oil from Putin – you’re the Putin puppet.

If you support a green energy solution where we still have to buy our oil from Putin – you’re the Putin puppet.” – Catturd

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Gas will be given away when the stupids figure out alternative energy Makes gas cheap

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

All the solar panels come from Hunter’s buddies the Chi-Coms.

And if your statement was true energy prices wouldn’t have doubled since Traitor Joe took office.

My alternative is firewood as heating oil doubled since last winter.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

So you believe this has happened.Hello

3 years ago

Ever since Romney/Obamacare took hold many small hospitals have closed. During the pandemic those beds would have been helpful and the craziness would have not reached the high levels it did. The government does not pay market rate for services rendered and they push patients out before they are ready. You can see it across all parts of health services. Even though people were warned about what would happen with government healthcare the “intelligent ones” pushed us to this system. If I was in Fairview Hospital I would definitely start looking for another job because they do not have the patient count needed to stay open.

3 years ago

Red Alert scramble at Clock Tower

3 years ago

Well gee, that’s not good news about the merger, if true.

My family has always received outstanding care at BHS & Fairview.
Recently a close relative landed in the ER at Baystate, was misdiagnosed & sent home only to return to BHS a week later where he received a proper diagnosis, immediate surgery, and lived to see another day. Friends & relatives in Springfield generally avoid Baystate in favor of CT hospitals.

BHS is a gem here in the Berkshires. I have no idea about their financials, but quite frankly it has to be a challenge treating so many citizens and illegals without health insurance, and with low paybacks from masshealth and medicare.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I have had good and not so good. Last year had an emergency room nurse who did not know how to raise the bed. Not sure what day of training you learn that but she must have been out sick that day.

3 years ago

Biden will not let go of his climate change agenda to get rid of fossil fuel in this country even though this is a big part of what is causing the current crisis with Putin in Ukraine. The followers of this climate agenda, who have made it into their religion, don’t even follow the rules themselves of trying to save the climate with their jets and building sea walls on their property, but it’s what the elites will use to get control over us just like in Canada with Justin Trudeau who is pulling the control ever tighter around his citizens. The Ukrainians would never tolerate this level of control which is why they are fighting like mad to retain their freedom.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Does not matter how important a subject Dan comes with. You gotta work your divisive rhetoric.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Can we just all agree that whatever goes wrong in the world for the next three years is Bidens fault? Then maybe we could discuss constructive things they we can actually do something about. There seems to be a constant whinning, droning in here that could probably be helped with some out-care treatment instead of blah, blah blah Biden day in and day out. We get it. Ya hate Biden. But you sound like Melle repeating the same basic point until we are blue in the face for Gods sake.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

It’s only been a few days now, and according to MSM, 14 months of spiraling prices are all now Russia’s fault, and Covid is a fading memory……

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago


Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Sure TDS as long as you don’t say anything about or blame Trump for the rest of your life

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Stick to cutting hair, Pat. You are completely clueless about everything else.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

PAT,you will never understand global warming.Alternate energy makes gas oil cheaper.Not dealing with alternate energy is just an ignorant death wish.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

TDS you won’t either, it’s called climate change now!! It’s been happening since the earth evolved. Humans have always been intelligent enough to make it here but reading your comments makes me think we may be near the end of the line.

3 years ago

I do wonder if the merger is coming, what cutbacks will be happening in the BHS umbrella.

3 years ago

Good scoop, Dan. It is certainly of more importance than the front page news that the anti-white male Megan Whilen is leaving the Berkshires. Hopefully the people who are getting her understand that anyone can run for office but few people can do the jobs. Examples of Whilden’s “work” include Linda Tyer, Andrea Harrington, Tricia Farley Bouvier.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Don’t forget Moon and Limpiasi, both bumps on the log do absolutely nothing.

Iggy Nore
Iggy Nore
Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Absolutely two of the laziest City Coucilors in history. As now Lampylousy makes sigh faces whenN Councilor Kronick speaks. Great job on the roads Moon at oak Hill and Partridge. They aren’t drivable.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Conant is proving himself to be a lump on a log as well.

Reply to  Simon Ives
3 years ago

and NO ONE is surprised by that

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Simon Ives
3 years ago

Not surprised at all. He has been up Tyrant’s butt for years. Sherman hasn’t done anything either. Another Tyrant puppet. The only accomplishment in their minds by this new council is going to be higher taxes for the residents of Pittsfield. The majority of the CC is NOT working for the voters they are working for the Mayor. Unfortunately, the two or three councilors that are trying to advocate for us are in for a long unsuccessful ride. Mayor Tyrant has her hand picked council and none of them have to guts to cross her as she known to be very vindictive.

Wonder if any of them will speak up at the next meeting about the condition of the roads? All the potholes that were filled by Barbarotta have already washed out and grown bigger. How much monies did the City waste on his brilliant idea that graced the front page of the Eagle?

Drove down North Street yesterday and could not believe the snowbanks that were left from that little storm we had on Friday. The “perfect storm” that once again graced the front page of Eagle. There was a snowbank 8 foot high in front of the Latin Supermarket. It was cleared up this afternoon but why does a merchant have to wait a whole weekend for customers to gain access to their store. Large snowbanks in front of most stores still today, yet our City workers spent the day putting Morales’s orange toilet plungers back up.

Also, heard that the Proprieter’s Lodge’s hearing for boat access has been postponed until August 22, 2022. How convenient for the City! Let’s wait until a week before Labor Day! Why is the City giving them and the Rusty Anchor such a hard time? It seem’s that this Administration prides themselves in ruining businesses. Why?

Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

But what about Yuki Cohen’s legacy?

Reply to  EricaG
3 years ago

Yuki is queen of the air heads

Sure thing
Sure thing
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Yeah Bro! You tell these women. We should be in charge Bro .. High five guy. Back to the kitchen.

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

They made it about women, not me. Watching Andrea Harrington brag about being the first woman district attorney in Berkshire County is vomit-inducing for everyone, man, woman, transgender, sis/bigender, gender binary/fluid or in transition.

Sure thing
Sure thing
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

They made it about women ? Huh
Love that the Bro club was broken up.i would brag about that as well. Love that this makes you squirm.

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

Actually you made it about women. When I read it I thought it was about incompetence

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Is Megan getting a nice separation check and a parade? Is that what all those fireworks were about the other night? Either way…….it will be nice to see her self serving ass in the rear view mirror. What time does Tyers bus leave?

Iggy Nore
Iggy Nore
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

You’re one little guy who happens to do a helluva job! Damn straight. With that being said does it really take an effort to out class that rag?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Iggy Nore
3 years ago

Another day, another blog poster picks on Jon Melle, along with the lovely ladies who are serving in elected positions in Pittsfield politics. How predictable.

I know I am repeating myself, but the Jimmy Ruberto “Renaissance” did not work, and Megan Whilden understands it was all a ruse, especially after Jimmy Ruberto led the campaign to sell off the Berkshire Museums historic artwork – including 2 Norman Rockwell paintings donated by the artist himself – for tens of millions of dollars.

Jimmy Ruberto is still calling the shots in Pittsfield politics via Mayor Linda Tyer from Naples Florida. He is the WORST Pittsfield politician after Pittsfield’s Pot King EVER!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Way to tell it like it is Johnathan! Renaissance Ruberto was a charlatan, that coasted in on the heels of Mayor Hideaway, and pissed away millions to the GOBSIGs and raised taxes exponentially after campaigning on tax relief.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

You got that right. Is he still on the Museum board watching over all the Rockwell painting sale money?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I was once lost in Florida. Took a wrong turn in Fort Myers, next thing ya know, I’m driving down a main thoroughfare with palm trees and Porsche and Maserati dealerships, etc all around and cars like that were literally blowing by me. Soon, I realized I was in Naples. Land of Suitcase Jim.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon, you have just discovered your next topic for one of your letters.

Here you go, I’ll start it for you:

“Dear Patrick Fennell,

Another day, another blog poster picks on Jon Melle and the lovely ladies,
This has been going on, well, since the 19 eighties…..”

Now finish up…..

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

So it’s okay for you to criticize Pignatelli, Ruberto and others you hate, but not okay for anyone to criticize your opinions?
Look at all the thumbs down Jon, and take a hint!

Iggy Nore
Iggy Nore
Reply to  Iggy Nore
3 years ago

And Megan Whilden. You will only be missed by those who you took direction,got you that easy paying gig and the third Thursday Malays which occurred under your watch. In other words you Won’t Be Missed by me. Osier my ass. Who did that serve? Not Joe taxpayer.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

That is the sad part of the Eagle. There are probably great stories they know about but are not allowed to put to print. That is the downside of being tied up by special interests I guess.

Hey, next week you can honor your favorite raccoon by putting its picture in the paper for only $75. Don’t be the only one not doing it man.

Iggy Nore
Iggy Nore
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Guess what country has the second biggest natural gas reserves in Europe. I’ll give you a hint. They are currently under siege of armed invasion.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Iggy Nore
3 years ago

I think that the story of the year – or the 21st Century thus far – is Putin’s threat to Nuke the world. If BHS is taken over and then the world is vaporized then it won’t really matter!

Sure thing
Sure thing
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

How about the People of Housatonic and the brown toxic water coming from the taps?
No Smitty? No Hinds? Seriously why is this not front page news every day. This is a really awful they are not held accountable. Please help the Eagle won’t.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

Shitty & Chrome Dome are too busy voting for and happily accepting all of their countless state legislative pay raises and other public perks to be bothered to respond to the brown toxic water coming from the taps in Housatonic (Great Barrington) Massachusetts. It must be difficult to do nothing all day all year long and get paid 6-figure public salaries plus public perks, while the people they supposedly represent in Boston get shafted by Smitty Pignatelli & Adam Hinds. I get too upset by politics, so I am going to sign off now to calm myself and be in a healthy mental health mood.

3 years ago

Big headline in the Berkshire Eagle is that “Ukraine War is Causing Berkshire County Gas Prices to Soar”. This war is playing right into the hands of the far left who wants to get rid of fossil fuels. They were high before this war, but they can now up their rhetoric that they need the electric vehicles really quickly. Amazing how every crisis just gives them another excuse to get what they want almost like they planned it from the beginning and knew that what they were doing with fossil fuels in this country would encourage Putin to go to war.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

United States is buying 60,000 barrels a day from Russia. We are helping finance there war. WTF. Comon man. Is the Russian and Irag oil green? Time to open the keystone pipeline, start drilling again in the US, let’s really hit Putin in the wallet.

Iggy Nore
Iggy Nore
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

How about this shit Ricardo uses on our roads getting into the ground water?

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
3 years ago

Congratulation on your new book Dan !! A preview of Presidents Biden’s State of the Union address, ” I’m going to get in trouble for saying this but the state of the Union isn’t Strong “

Iggy Nore
Iggy Nore
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
3 years ago

Oligarchs will take Putin out and it won’t be for dinner.

Iggy Nore
Iggy Nore
Reply to  Iggy Nore
3 years ago

Forty mile long convoy. Putin isn’t stopping. Better intervene soon,then put your nuke umbrella on,he’s all in.

Klass Izout
Klass Izout
Reply to  Iggy Nore
3 years ago

Looks like the Stooge is losing his grip over at pct. But if your going to commandeer a kids forum you have to do it from the studio. Zoom is only convenient for the lazy politicians.

Reply to  Iggy Nore
3 years ago

He is mad and about to vaporize parts of Ukraine. Hard to watch.

3 years ago

With Russia taking over Chernobyl I got to thinking about our own poison in the ground. I looked it up quickly and saw the half life is 30 years. Does this mean the soil is fine now? I am asking because originally I thought the half life was at least 100 years. If any knows I would love a response

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

You would think someone in the Pittsfield government would be keeping track of such things but my guess is you would be wrong. But if you ask about bike lanes six people from the mayors team will be happy to sit down and discuss it over a glass of red wine.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Trump wont call out Putin.He called out America and NATO…..I know why and Trump addiction is a brain disease…look up cults Trumpers.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Hunter is the addiction poster boy, and his Father and the crooked Dems are scared the shady energy deals they did with cover from Sotero and his DOJ are going to come to light

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Oh fuzzy fizzle I thought you agreed not to blame Trump for anything the rest of your life

3 years ago

In other propaganda, here we have the fake flake DA schilling for state run illegal drug shoot up rooms when what is needed is real long term care for addicts and holding heroin and fentanyl dealers accountable. Forget bothering to study or document the failures of these projects in SF, Canada , Seattle where there is trash everywhere and people openly shooting drugs. Let’s have a presentation and news story featuring the DA as we hear from the drug legalization promoters. Make no mistake, Andrea Harrington is hell bent on launching Berkshire County drug consumption sites. This plan will: 1. keep drug dealers very happy and bring lots and lots more drugs 2. keep addicts in full blow addiction comfortably sick and their families in a special kind of hell 3. Implement an agenda created by other pro-criminal Soros puppets Harrington is beholden to without regard for the Kapanskis. When we wonder will voters hear this story?

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  RNtoo
3 years ago

The war on drugs has been a complete and utter failure period. The county has a big problem with drugs this didn’t start with Harrington. David Capless learned this hard way crime and drugs have been increasing at a steady rate since 2000. Time to try something new the voters heard that message this is why she will be elected again like it or not.

Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Facts, why do you never seem to have any?

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Facts? Really here in the Echo chamber?

Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

I would like to know where Andrea Harrington’s support comes from. I would like to hear Sen. Markey, Smitty Pignatelli, Adam Hinds, Tricia Farley Bouvier and anyone in law enforcement, community leaders in healthcare, eductation etc stand up and tell us why they would continue to support this disastrous DA? Admitting you are wrong instead of denying the truth would go along way in our community right now.

Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Experiment on your own family.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Conclusions no facts why don’t you know how to use punctuation?

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Bro , I’m not as smart as you Amed

Peter Davis
Peter Davis
Reply to  RNtoo
3 years ago

Andrea Harrington blocked me for no reason on twitter. Is she trying to hide something?

Reply to  Peter Davis
3 years ago

She makes up her own laws. It may well be illegal. Contact the Civil Rights Division of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office to file a complaint and/or get advice.

Peter Davis
Peter Davis
Reply to  EricaG
3 years ago

The funny thing is I have friends who screenshot her every tweet and text it to me.

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  Peter Davis
3 years ago

She blocked me on Twitter
No! Like oh my God that is crazy

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

FACTS, over five months, 48 contributions, 12 with a local address. Oh, no, she forgot her constituents!

Last edited 3 years ago by Al A. Bye
Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Facts: speaking of local addresses.wink wink
God I can’t wait until the dirt comes out get the popcorn ready. It’s gonna be good.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  RNtoo
3 years ago

Have you been to Seattle? They’re smoking fentanyl “blues” on the buses, shooting are rampant and drugs a complete free for all. They have completely wasted that beautiful city and it was allowed to happen by govt.

Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Will pregnant women be allowed to minimize harm?

3 years ago

I’ll tell you who will not get my vote for AG is Andrea Campbell. All the far lefty loon pols are lining up behind her regardless of her qualifications. Are you effing kidding us with this background? This is how we got stuck with Andrea Harrington.

“After finishing law school at UCLA in 2009, Campbell worked for a year as a staff attorney with the EdLaw Project, helping Boston Public School students and parents. She spent two years at the Proskauer Rose law firm advising employers on labor relations and employment law in Boston and New York. She did a three-month stint as interim general counsel for the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, which services the Boston Metro area. Then, was a deputy legal counsel to Gov. Deval Patrick for a year.”

3 years ago

Reporting live from SF, coming soon to Pittsfield, Massachusetts!

Michael Shellenberger

San Francisco Mayor @LondonBreed said the solution to open drug use was a “supervised drug consumption site” in a new “Linkage Center” downtown.

But when I visited on Friday, I discovered hundreds of addicts & dealers partying & using drugs next to it


Michael Shellenberger  @ShellenbergerMD
And it wasn’t just during the night. I also visited during the afternoon. The sidewalk between the “supervised drug consumption site” and the elevator for disabled people to get to BART was so thick with addicts smoking fentanyl and meth, I could barely walk by

Michael Shellenberger  @ShellenbergerMD
“Supervised drug consumption sites” around the world attract addicts. Many don’t bother going inside, and just use their drugs outside of it. The dealers follow

The only change I noticed this visit were the new green signs preventing people from taking photos of the drug use

Michael Shellenberger  @ShellenbergerMD
San Francisco’s open drug scene has taken over the city’s once vibrant theater district. You can see the Tony-winning @ACTSanFrancisco across the street. Would you like to take your family to see “Oklahoma!” in San Francisco?

Michael Shellenberger  @ShellenbergerMD
According to “advocates for the homeless,” these men are passed out because they can’t afford the rent. It has nothing to do with the fentanyl they smoked or the fact that SF allows this because “homeless advocates” demand that laws not be enforced.

comment image
Michael Shellenberger  @ShellenbergerMD
Everything San Francisco’s progressive rulers say about homelessness is a lie. They are destroying human dignity in the name of saving it. They are killing addicts & the mentally ill in the name of saving them. They ruined our greatest city in the name of restoring it.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Look at it for what it is, Dan, a much more effective way for drug dealers to target their customers. The irony is that it is our clueless disaster District Attorney, the supposed chief law enforcement officer who is supposed to protect people, is the one attempting to make it a reality in our community.

3 years ago

Gas prices are rising. Some way more than others. should be taking some time to use up what is in storage so some stations are gouging. Usual suspects.

Ann Tetrump
Ann Tetrump
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Is is important whether Putin is insane or not. Bombing children and women is insanity.,Time to stop this monster

Reply to  Ann Tetrump
3 years ago

Nobody gives a flack about women and children

3 years ago

If Basement Biden had any balls he would order a squadron of A-10’s to strafe Putins 40
Mile army convoy with their tank killer guns and knock out all the tanks in less than one hour.

Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

Is this worth WWIII Johnny?

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

You bet your ass it is. It’s already started and the sooner we finish it the better. Are we gonna let him wipe out the Ukrainian population and not do jack like we did Jack when Hitler wiped out millions of Jews?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago
FARRELL: More Biden-Ukraine Corruption and Judicial Watch Sues CIA!

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

The US has a much stronger case and stronger moral obligation for coming to Ukraine’s aid with military force than we did for invading Iraq and Afghanistan combined! In fact we ought take out Putin himself.

Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

I hope he strafes that one coming into DC.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

He should strafe the invaders streaming across the southern border trafficing drugs and humans.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

That too

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

The only speech Biden should be making tonight, is his resignation speech.

3 years ago

From the Robert Sullivan for District Attorney Facebook page
I have taken several opportunities to point out the long list of problems with the current DA, but what would I bring to the table as the next DA? What values do I believe are integral to the proper leadership of such an important office?
I believe in competence, compassion and common sense.
Competence means having the intelligence and experience to try cases and to lead and train a staff of prosecutors so that they can do the same. I have that experience. I’ve been in a courtroom, arguing motions and trying cases in the District and Superior courts of Berkshire County, as well as the same courts in Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, Middlesex, Essex and Suffolk, for more than a decade and a half. I had more courtroom experience as a law student intern than the current DA has in her entire career.
Competence also relates to compassion. It involves the awareness and fortitude to prosecute and try the violent crimes that plague our community. It involves the compassion to recognize that some offenders need help. Most importantly it involves the ability to distinguish between the two. Not only has the current DA not taken violent offenders off our streets, but she has also sold the residents of Berkshire County on diversion that doesn’t exist. We have a drug court that needs work. We do not have diversion for those that suffer from the perils of mental health. We do not have diversion for the veterans who we ask to risk their lives but do not take care of when they return home. For those that need help, I will establish real diversion for those offenders. I won’t just mention it in political rhetoric.
And then there is common sense. The sole responsibility of the District Attorney is public safety. False claims of “restorative justice” and “progressive prosecution” are meaningless when the DA cannot use common sense, in connection with the required competence and the ability to show compassion, to ensure public safety.
I hereby commit to using my experience to make competent decisions to prosecute violent offenders and create meaningful diversion with compassion, and to make that distinction with one goal at heart: the public safety of the residents of Berkshire County. Politics will never play a role in those decisions should I be honored to be elected as your next District Attorney.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Bullshit! This buffoon Wanna-Be lawyer won’t change jack shit in Berkshire County. Blah blah blah blah. Pittsfield and North Adams were in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for decades prior to 2019 when the progressive Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington took over the helm as the county’s chief law enforcement officer. Robert Sullivan sounds as realistic as Jimmy Ruberto sounded 2 decades ago about fighting violent crime in Pittsfield. Mayor Linda Tyer lives in an $800,000 mansion in a Gated Community within feet of the Hancock border. Until Robert Sullivan or Jimmy Ruberto or Linda Tyer live in inner city Pittsfield, then I will never believe one word they say or said about fighting violent crime in Berkshire County. Why do these buffoons say the same things year after year, decade after decade, that are totally unrealistic? At least blogger Dan Valenti tells it like it is in Pittsfield politics and the beautiful Berkshires!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You realize having a loon like you on her side is painfully detrimental?

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Anybody who has been in court knows this clown is always late disheveled and on the edge of a breakdown . At least it’s not the traditional 3:00 am post

Reply to  Ok..
3 years ago

That is all you have? He would have to be pretty bad and still he will get my vote over your boss who attacked a judge.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Sorry dude, I’m sure you want the money she managed to fool the public into getting for you so I understand your desperation. But she’s begged for an opponent and she is going to get one. Andrea Harrington is the worst elected official in the history of Berkshire County.

“On some level, the DA’s missteps are surprising. After all, anyone in a position of such power should have a better understanding of what’s appropriate and how her actions might be interpreted.”

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Mayor Linda Tyer stands with the people of Ukraine

Pittsfield Mayor Tyer Issues Statement On Ukraine (

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

State of the Union: Dumpster fire!
Will Joe be able to stand up for the whole speech?
How many words will he stumble over?
Will he whisper or yell out in anger?
How many lies will he tell?
Will he promise to resign?
Stay tuned!