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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 4-6, 2-22) — President Biden’s SOTU address Tuesday failed to perform the “reset” for which he had hoped. That’s a political consideration, one that doesn’t interest THE PLANET in the least. There were, however, several specifics of the address that troubled us. We’ll give you three:

  • Biden’s Incoherence — Perhaps the most troubling. He slurs words, skips over words, and substitutes words he’s thinking for words he’s reading (“the Iranian people” and not “the Ukrainian people.”). Elocution, body language, and sense of general awareness display an old man who appears to be rapidly failing with respect to the magnitude of his office.
  • Tipping Your Hand — Telegraphing to President Vladimir Putin that the United States will not send troops the Ukraine. You never want to reveal your strategy to an opponent. Take troops off the table, but don’t tell Putin. Make him think it’s a possibility. Talk about letting the other guy see your cards.
  • Nuclear War — This is the biggest risk of all. It’s not difficult to envisage the scenarios.

On Thursday, Putin called French President Emmanuel Macron. After the tense, 90-minute call, Macron gave the chilling summary:  “The worst is yet to come.”

While we still have a planet that’s not cindered, each of us must try to understand what’s happening. Ignore the developments in Ukraine and, as individuals, each of us loses just that much more of the information that wisely inform the directives — physical, moral, ethical, spiritual — by which we decide to live our lives. THE PLANET doesn’t subscribe to the view that “one person doesn’t matter.”

We’ve been combing a lot of sources for information. Here’s one of the best roundup pieces we seen. THE PLANET shares it as a public service. It was compiled by Conor Friedersdorf  of The Atlantic. The predominant theme is to provide perspective on the real risk of the war jumping out of containment and going nuclear.

———- ooo ———-

“There are decades where nothing happens,” Vladimir Lenin purportedly said, “and there are weeks when decades happen.” Throughout the West and beyond, governments are nervously reassessing aspects of the global order that have prevailed since the end of the Cold War, or, in some cases, the end of World War II.

With Vladimir Putin’s invasion ongoing, provoking fierce Ukrainian resistance, fleeing refugees, and stiff sanctions from Western powers constrained by the threat of Russia’s nuclear arsenal, many wonder: What can we see through the fog of war? And what should we do next?

In the Kyiv Post, Diane Francis spells out the dark future she expects for Ukranians:

The world will now watch, in real-time, the destruction of an innocent, democratic nation, abandoned by the West as a result of 30 years of appeasement and collaboration with Russia by Europeans … Bombs will rain down on beautiful cities, apartment blocks, schools, hospitals, churches, and squares. Footage will once more show European families fleeing, children orphaned, defenseless elderly people, and a culture torn asunder. Casualties could be catastrophic and it’s more likely that 10 million, not 5 million, Ukrainians will flee to Europe, creating a humanitarian disaster lasting years. There is no justification for the invasion, and no excuse for the United States and the United Kingdom to have reneged on defending Ukraine from the Kremlin as promised.

Watching Russian forces slaughter Ukranians is causing some journalists to muse on U.S. intervention. “A massive Russian convoy is abt 30 miles from Kyiv,” NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel tweeted. “The US/NATO could likely destroy it. But that would be direct involvement against Russia and risk, everything. Does the West watch in silence as it rolls?”

Zack Beauchamp writes: “This is a catastrophic idea. Stripped of cant, the US announcing a no-fly zone in Ukraine would be an American declaration of war on Russia—the first major conflict between the two nations that, put together, control 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons.” Robby Soave adds at Reason, “The U.S. cannot attack Russia because Congress has yet to declare war on the country … A direct attack on Russian forces by either the U.S. or NATO would be an act of war,” creating “favorable conditions for an all-out nuclear war.”

Glenn Greenwald worries that a reckless escalation is more likely because of “war propaganda.” “Any war propaganda—videos, photos, unverified social media posts—that is designed to tug on Western heartstrings for Ukrainians or appear to cast them as brave and noble resistance fighters, or Russians as barbaric but failing mass murderers, gets mindlessly spread all over without the slightest concern for whether it is true,” he writes. This media, he argues,

provokes a surge in tribalism, jingoism, moral righteousness and emotionalism: all powerful drives embedded through millennia of evolution. The more unity that emerges in support of an overarching moral narrative, the more difficult it becomes for anyone to critically evaluate it … When critical faculties are deliberately turned off based on a belief that absolute moral certainty has been attained, the parts of our brain armed with the capacity of reason are disabled.

Tanner Greer argues that, so far, Western responses to the Russian invasion have been

“natural, proportional, and even predictable”—for example, Western leaders, including Joe Biden, have rejected Ukrainian requests for a no-fly zone—but warns that “failure to slow down and examine the assumptions and motivations behind our choices may lead to decisions that feel right in the moment, but fail to safeguard our interests, secure our values, or reduce the human toll of war in the long run.” He is worried that the West will err in part because of the structure of this conflict:

This rush to act while action is still possible means that all slow paced proceduralism will of necessity be suspended … those in high places will be forced to rely on snap judgements and emotional responses to guide their decisions … Without risk of nuclear escalation NATO’s ability to prevent Ukrainian defeat is limited. This is a humiliating position for the most powerful statesmen in the Western world … Our emotions will demand that we do something if only to prove to ourselves that we still have the capacity to act. This sort of moral resolution is not inherently bad. It is the only wellspring of daring or fortitude. But our daring must accord with the outcomes we desire!

Rod Dreher has similar concerns:

The Russians are bringing in the big guns, and are going to unleash hell on those poor people. It is despicable, and yes, the Russians should be made to pay a price for what they are doing. But keep in mind that the most important thing in front of Western leaders now has to be preventing the war from becoming a world war. Nobody wants to talk about this now, because Russia is behaving evilly in Ukraine, and to reflect on how the world got to this point feels like breaking faith with the suffering Ukrainians. Resist that urge: it’s the same emotivist mistake that people like me made post-9/11, when any questioning of the proposed war on Iraq felt like breaking faith with the 9/11 dead.

Underscoring these concerns and the importance of airing and heeding them, Alex Tabarrok notes that, in the estimation of many subject-area specialists, nuclear war is alarmingly likely, with a small chance of occurrence each year adding up to a high likelihood of it happening in one’s lifetime.

———- ooo ———-

This story changes by the minute. Stay tuned, and try not to get all your information from one source. Balance it out.

Macron, the lone Western leader who is still in frequent touch with Putin, put it best:

“Maintaining dialogue to avoid human tragedies is absolutely necessary. I will continue my efforts and outreach. We must avoid the worst.”

Have a great weekend, everybody.


No to war!” — Ukrainian sign.



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Big Lee
Big Lee
3 years ago

Time for the Dirty Dozen to be reactivated. I’m praying to be wrong but unless Putin is taken out this is not going to end well.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

The U.S. Dept. of Defense has been funding & jointly operating at least 15 gain-of-function bioweapons research labs in Ukraine, of which 8 are operated exclusively by the U.S. The labs are co-run by Fauci’s EcoHealth Alliance.

Is it possible that Russia’s military mission is to secure/destroy these labs? Video run on TV news reports show “civilian” buildings being shelled but no mention of what those buildings are used for. Few Ukrainian citizens have been killed.

So before we rush into World War III, let’s consider all the evidence. The Bidens have been paid well for their “involvement” in Ukraine – for what, exactly??

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Joe Biden, Xi & Putin need to STOP the threat of nuclear war now before it will be too late, and the world is vaporized by nuclear weapons, and everyone is dead except the few ELITES who live deep insider of their mountain nuclear shelters. Joe Biden humiliated Putin on the world stage last year of 2021 by calling him a “KILLER”. Joe Biden threatened Xi with WW3 last year of 2021 over China’s threat to invade Taiwan. The threat of nuclear war is real, including from the sitting U.S. President’s hostile language against Putin and Xi. We are living in a lose-lose dystopian period. I told my friend yesterday that the neoliberals on Wall Street, K Street corporate lobbyist firms, and in the Swamp – Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton & Nancy Pelosi – are making a lot of money off of this nightmare, while the rest of us are paying for 40-year high U.S. inflation and living in fear of being nuked. The only thing that matters to the ELITES is power for the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR! Human life means nothing to the ELITES if we stand in the way of their money and power! This is the sad and scary state of the world we are living in in the year of 2022.

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon Melle, the man, the myth the legend!! And the man who raised the open letter to an art form.

Freda Putins
Freda Putins
Reply to  Rule 5
3 years ago

We heard this morning that the U S is afraid sanctions to Putin will make him lash out? Seriously? America and the rest of theWorld is watching while Putin lashes out? Nukes are next.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Rule 5
3 years ago

The Green New Deal is pure propaganda because the Pentagon produces more greenhouse gases than 140 countries combined. The U.S.A. is the number two polluter of global warming emissions behind China, whereby the two countries produce nearly 50 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases. The U.S.A. and China both have large military industrial complexes. There was no valid reason why Joe Biden killed tens of thousands of American energy jobs other than politics. John Forbes Kerry, who is a billionaire, had tens of millions of dollars in personal investments in energy stocks one year ago prior to Joe Biden naming him to be his Climate Czar. The neoliberals in the Swamp are making a financial fortune off of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, which means there will be more global warming emissions in 2022 than ever before. Joe Biden may have wanted hostilities with Putin and Xi to bolster the U.S. Government’s military industrial complex, and also to distract the American People from his failed presidential administration. The only drawback is an unstable world is the very real threat of nuclear war, but what do the ELITES care so long as they have all of the money and power?

Jon Melle

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

The bigger problem, when Trump runs in 2024, JM will vote democRAT again.

And yes, we get that Trump was a billionaire playboy Jon. Trump is not a career politician.

Jon, this is where you have to do some critical thinking and make an informed decision.

Ask yourself, did your monthly government assistance go further with Trump in office, or since Xiden has “taken” office? Be honest with yourself.

Your money (assistance) went further with Trump in office. This is where you develop your critical thinking skills. Look past what the media tells you Jon, and think for yourself.

Voting democRAT and then coming on here and bit*hing and complaining about how bad Xiden and the D’s are doing, makes you look uneducated and foolish. It gives the reader the impression that you don’t know your head from your a$$.

Please heed this friendly advice…..this time Jon.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Gee I guess I missed the day Trump stood up to Putin. Can you tell me when and where that happened so I can see for myself?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I served our country honorably in the United States Army, and I earned my VA benefits; thank you. I am very grateful for your honorable military service, including your combat duty, and for you paying federal income taxes through your hard work. I tried to be independent, but my mental health condition(s) disability and the unusual circumstances I experienced in my life, such as during and after my father was a Pittsfield area politician when I was a young man, left me at risk of homelessness and other socioeconomic risks. I finally have a little peace of mind in my life, but you repeatedly criticize me – I will turn 47-years-old this Summer of 2022 – for finally being healthy and secure in my life. What the Hell do you want me to do? Should I shit on North Street, and then wave to Mayor Linda Tyer when she would drive by me on her way to and then from Pittsfield City Hall in her Lexus luxury car? Thank goodness I am finally O.K., but if Putin deploys his nuclear weapons against us, then I will be vaporized along with everyone else out there. Then you wouldn’t be able to post anymore about Jon Melle receiving his VA benefits, which you say is government assistance, because you and I would both be vaporized in a horrific nuclear war. I hope that you are able to keep criticizing Jon Melle, and that there will never be a nuclear war.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I apologize Jon. They are VA benefits and not government assistance.

You are correct and I apologize.

But please, think about what I said. Look through the forest, beyond the trees. Vote with your brain in the next election.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I knew right after you posted a response to JM ,Our Jonathan Vindman would quickly point out his military bona fides; he does so in just about every comment he utters on any subject, while
taking pains to remind you he is the only one with issues in life that hold him back from being a contributor. Posted him long ago my son had a major brain issue from an accident and through years of hardwork along with rehab, family tears and his strength he has become able to work in a small capacity and he has inspired us and others you can succeed. He has a poster in his room in our home that says, “One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor.” Our family favorite hanging in his room is, “The issues those face in life remain obstacles only when you bow to them and let them remain

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

I am very proud of your disabled son for his healthy path of recovery. You are a wonderful parent. Thank you for sharing your story. I am grown up enough to take it, but it is easier said than done for me, of course. Your son is a better man than me, but please note that I tried to be gainfully employed and do better many times throughout my adult and post-military life. I have volunteered my time at the Manchester NH VAMC and the Animal Rescue League. I take care of my 13.5-year-old dog, who is my official Emotional Support Animal. I am a peer with my fellow Veterans at the VA. I am a good neighbor and law-abiding citizen with no criminal record. I hope that I am not all that bad in our society whereby almost everyone is out for the Almighty Dollar for themselves, while Putin is threatening to vaporize us all with his nuclear weapons. I would rather blog posters criticize Jon Melle everyday than Putin starting a nuclear war. You may call me whatever sarcastic name you wish in your blog posts, but I ask not to be called Jon Putin, please; thank you.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

My son or anyone else is not better than you. Just saying that some complain and remain and nothing changes for them and they wonder why. I can’t remember last when he used his situation as a reason or excuse for not trying pretty much anything he wants to do. The only thing he reminds us about ,is to stop calling it a disability he has when
discussing his situation.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Well they bombed a monastery, I am sure those monks were making viruses, bombs and leading the resistance

3 years ago

Consideration must be taken that Russia is not our only enemy in the world. Iran, North Korea and others (possibly China) could jump in against us either with manpower or weapons. It could become a firestorm in a heart beat. And I guarantee you Putin has his hackers all lined up ready to show how much havoc they can create with a few key strokes.
Putin is a master strategist. I am sure he and his advisors went over and over any and all counter measures we may take against him. Would not be surprised if he has a thousand saboteurs within America right now awaiting orders. Russians own a tremendous amount of real estate in America and who know what is stored there.
I believe our government knows him very well and will give us our best chance to survive his insanity.
Unless of course, as Putin hopes, we remain divided and continue to destroy ourselves for him while he laughs hysterically from his fortress in the mountains.

Chesty Puller
Chesty Puller
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

And those thousand saboteurs all wear MAGA Hats Rube…..

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Russia is the enemy of democracy.Domestic terror is the number 1 enemy of this democracy. Trump is a great friend of Putin.Surpression of votes in any capacity is anti democratic.

3 years ago

I don’t believe that the UN, NATO nor the US are handling Putin correctly. It is like watching a modern day Hitler and everyone is appeasing him. Guess what? He won’t stop at Ukraine. In one form or another he will always be conniving and fighting, this is all he knows. Until the oligarchs around him take him out, which will eventually happen it seems the world will just let this madman do whatever he wants.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

I am thoroughly annoyed by the political postering seen on social media, especially that of our local administration’s Statement on Ukraine from Mayor Linda Tyer.

Before these last couple of weeks, I doubt Linda Tyer could find Ukraine on a map, let alone have any deep sentiment toward the vitality of their country or its people.

Anyone who thinks blazing blue and yellow lights across America in solidarity with Ukraine is going to have any sort of positive impact on the conflict, on Putin’s intentions and actions, is an idiot.

Especially when it’s an arbitrary and superficial show of support for a country no one ever thought twice of before this conflict.

Either we support the cause with real action (which could have detrimental outcomes) or we let them work it out themselves. Teasing the bully but not willing to fight back is a meaningless strategy.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I’m still pledging allegiance to the Flag. You know the Red, White & Blue One. no [blue] purple, no yellow. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!!! Okay some blue…..

Last edited 3 years ago by USA FOR USA
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

The mayor found another reason to dip in to the taxpayer money for more feel good PR. Someone got “administrative costs” of ten percent for opening the safe.
How many tens of millions is she going to dump into making Pontusoc Lake a resort destination for people who do not live here at taxpayer expense?

3 years ago

“Because of insufficient evidence…” What do you call it when you have a prosecutor who can’t prosecute someone who molested a 92 year old woman?

We The People
We The People
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Insufficient. Why bother even talking about that useless story ? It’s ridiculous now we all gotta think about that UNRESOLVED ABUSE – stinkin idiots

Last edited 3 years ago by We The People
Reply to  We The People
3 years ago

Why would anyone go forward with a case while telling the family to brace themselves for a loss? What the actual eff? Either it happened and you have evidence and can prosecute or you don’t.

We The People
We The People
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

They wouldn’t recognize evidence if it bit their arm.

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Someone should verify names of the defendants in the Court related articles, they’re prolly actors.

3 years ago

So many in Washington knew even before the election just how bad Biden’s mental faculties were and they decided that’s who they wanted. What better person to take down a country and then blame it all on his failing faculties rather than it being part of their plan to make us a very reduced country on the world stage. The choice of Kamala was part of it too. No way 2 such incompetent people are the most powerful people in our country right now by accident, no, it was by design. Just like the dumbing down of the kids in the schools to give themselves control over us. Intelligent people would want to do something to fix the problems in this country and the world and that’s exactly why they had to get rid of Donald Trump. He was too smart to allow their plans to go forward. He was a threat to the globalists plans to destroy our country.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
We The People
We The People
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

That would never happen with Pittsfield politicians. Especially not the DA.

3 years ago

Joe was intentionally kept hidden from the public before the election with COVID as the perfect excuse. Just yesterday, his wife Jill was pulling him away from reporters, afraid of a repeat of his incoherence during the State of the Union speech.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

America added 678,000 jobs in February, smashing forecasts

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

I say declare no fly zone. And if Putin blinks then attack his ass.

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

I guess jobs scare some people. Sorry for bringing that up folks.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I still believe the ultimate democRAT plan was to have Kamala take over for Joe Xiden, just prior to his two year mark in office. This would have potentially allowed Kamala to stay in office for 10 years.

The democRATs needed an absent minded, do nothing, dolt, like Joe Xiden, just to get in as President. Barry Obama knew Joe was a political lightweight. They hid him during in his basement and Xiden was given the questions ahead of the debate with Trump. If you remember, Xiden was wearing an earpiece, so they could give him the answers to the questions. Xiden’s family knew, as long as the investigations focused on Trump, Xiden’s family was safe from their criminal activity when he was VP. Xiden just had to “play ball.” And boy was he ever just playing “president.”

The bigger problem, Kamala Harris. Kamala was just as big, if not a bigger liability than Sarah Palin was to McCain and the R’s. Barry Obama didn’t see this. This is what happens when you play “identity politics.” The unqualified suddenly become “qualified,” to lead. In this case, unfortunately it was our country.

If Harris had worked out and ascended to President, that would assure Barry of more years to destroy America. He’d do it under the guise of his continuing the race war, by keeping the “white boogey man” theory rolling. Idiots like DA Wrong Way Harrington and Helen “Handgun” Moon, believe every bit of it and love to spread the hatred. I’m curious if either of those two know what the leading cause of death for a black male 16-34 is? I’ll give them the answer: another black male.

I do not believe we are headed to nuclear war. I don’t think China would allow Russia to take it that far. Putin is crazy, but I don’t believe he is that crazy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Lol. Your not that far off. Maybe D A …. When is the Tuckers Trial?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

There is a war going on in the world between Putin and Russia who is fighting against the globalists and the globalists who want fascist world control. We, the people, are caught in the crossfire of these warring elites. Neither side is good. They both have high opinions of their plans for the world and think they have the moral high ground. Putin wants power, but also thinks he is fighting some spiritual battle. The globalists think they are a bunch of know-it-alls, but both of these warring groups want total control over the people of the planet with no more freedom for anyone. The globalists occupy our White House right now and are in control. This is a really terrible situation that we and the world are in right now. The Republicans should start impeaching, first Biden and then Harris, and Pelosi also needs to be replaced.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Just topped my gas tank off on Merrill Road. Gas attendant told me the price increased 5 cents late yesterday afternoon and another 20 cents this morning. It has only just begun! Vindictive Biden can’t admit that he should not have stopped the Keystone Pipeline the first day of his presidency, his arrogant ego is more important than the welfare of the American people. So many of our arrogant politicians need to take a damn long look at President Zelenskky of the Ukraine, he is a man that cares about his Country and the citizens that live there. His ego is the last thing on his mind.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Yeah and excise tax mailed to us today,a fking joke tax.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Merry, please do a little checking and you may find that a lot of the Keystone oil and gas was being shipped overseas. I remember reading way back when that that was the original plan because they could get much more money for it. The whole “energy independence” mantra was a croc of shit so they could get the pipeline approved in the first place.
By the way, a lot of Texas oil is shipped overseas as well. It is a shell game with American “energy independence” oil being sold to the highest bidder. Gasoline in Saudi Arabia is dirt cheap for people of that country because they take care of their own people first. America takes care of its pocket book first

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

More supply worldwide = lower prices.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Yes Thank you Brandon and the ball washer! $4 a gallon! And my EV only goes half as far in the cold!

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

We just topped off at BJ’s a few hours ago $3.87 a gallon versus just a couple days ago when we actually filled up @ $3.37. There were many in line waiting.

Back Asswards
Back Asswards
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Wer you the son of a bitch in front of me that took twenty minutes to fill that huge gas guzzling pick up?

Reply to  Back Asswards
3 years ago

Nope, Jeep Wrangler.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Off topic; the MA HOUSE just voted & passed a bill which would add new fees on natural gas customers and weaken the “gas cap” protecting ratepayers from high prices for offshore wind.
Your local Rep., Tricia Buffet Bouvier, voted in favor!
Bill now headed to state senate.
People, vote this asshat out of office!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

I think all of today’s nonsense is from Woody Guthrie pages o& poor me’s.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Ah yes another back door fee.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

I remember when she was on the Pittsfield city council and I recall wondering why Pittsfield could not get better councilors than her. Next thing I know she has been recognized as puppet material and she got promoted to state rep. No way they are going to let go until she wants to leave herself. she is too valuable to the machine as a rubber stamper just like she was on our city council.. (by the way that looks real good on your resume Mr Marchetti if and when you want to move up the chain) Do as you are told and keep your head down and a promotion will be awaiting in the wings for you.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

I looked up the vote:

Bill H.4524 (

The entire Berkshire state house legislative delegation – Shitty Pigpen, Paul Marxism, Trippy Country Buffet, and the career Mayor – to Boston voted for the Green New Deal bill, which passed by a 144 to 12 margin on Thursday late-afternoon of 3/3/2022.

The Green New Deal is a lie. It is raising energy prices and killing tens of thousands of American energy jobs. The U.S. sells a lot of its energy to foreign countries. When Biden used the strategic oil reserve, the oil was sold to China and India instead of used in the U.S.A. If the U.S. energy industry didn’t sell a lot of its energy to foreign countries, then U.S. energy prices would be at least 50 percent lower in the U.S.A.

The U.S. Government’s number one non-farm export are arms sales. The U.S. Government imports energy from foreign countries so that they will have more money to buy military weapons from the U.S. military industrial complex. When the Soviet Union disbanded and the Russian economy collapsed 3 decades ago, the U.S. Government took over Russia’s market share in arms sales. When Bill Clinton was the U.S. President in the mid-1990s, the Stock Market boomed from his administration’s record high arms sales to foreign countries while Russia was rebuilding its distressed economy.

The Green New Deal is really about the U.S. Government’s military industrial complex and its profitable selling of arms to foreign countries. Remember, the Pentagon emits more greenhouse gases than 140 countries combined, and the U.S.A. is the number two polluter of Global Warming emissions behind China. Combined, China and the U.S.A. account for nearly 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the world due to their respective huge military industrial complexes. The Green New Deal is really a SHELL GAME for the military industrial complex and arms sales.

Jonathan A. Melle

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

House pushes for Massachusetts to become the center of U.S. wind production (

Shitty, Trippy, Marx, & the career Mayor all voted for new fees on gas ratepayers in Massachusetts on Thursday, 3/3/2022.

3 years ago

Burning a political sign (to wit, a hay bale): 1 year
Heroin trafficking with at least four previous drug convictions, 556 bags of heroin, $2,503 in cash, some of which was marked by the task force and used in controlled purchases of narcotics: 3.5 years.
Press release! Winning!,

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

You forgot the most important element of burning a political sign, it offended the weak minded. They could careless about burning an American flag. They’d walk right on by the burning flag, probably texting on social media how evil YT is.

If you dare burn a haybale promoting Xiden/Harris, or any other “social justice,” cause, you get punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I think the focus needs to be that drug dealers are predators that the public must be protected from. This DA is purely political and is not doing the job. DA has to go.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

They aren’t protected from armed robbers at the Subway so…

Fuck off
Fuck off
Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

My Mom’s smoking Crack & I can’t help my disabled Dad. The bureaucracy is gone FUCKING FUCKING MADDDD JESUS CHRIST PLEASE I LOVE

Last edited 3 years ago by Fuck off
Consider it done
Consider it done
Reply to  Fuck off
3 years ago

It’s real there’s no help for abused people. Thumbs down all day.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Fuck off
3 years ago

You must be breathing in her second hand smoke.

Fuck Off
Fuck Off
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

You’ve read all the Audits but you don’t care about individuals. You care for the country but not the people?

Abuse is awful to live through

No crack dude, but I have a cigarette you can bum.

Phillip Morris
regular OR KING SIZE !

Last edited 3 years ago by Fuck Off
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Fuck Off
3 years ago

I don’t read code or your mind for that matter.

First off, I’ve never read an audit and in my military and work career, I cared for and helped many people.

Abuse is awful to live through. You’ll get no argument from me about that.

I quit smoking almost 30 years ago, so I’ll pass on the lung dart. You go ahead and enjoy it for me.

Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

It is sad our current DA needs to be reminded constantly that her job is to protect citizens from criminals. Not to protect criminals from the
consequences of their actions.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Speaking of weak minded it is the Berkshire Democratic Brigades, Sherwood Gurnsey, Tricia Farley Bloviate and a very small minority of outspoken people who have been driving the pathetic voting public. Now maybe we will see some people who have felt powerless as a crime victim and who don’t feel safe among brazen robberies and drug deals have their say. Maybe.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

True dat, BUT Pittsfield was always in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for VIOLENT CRIME well before the lovely ladies ran the shit show in Pittsfield politics with Sherwood Guernsey operating behind the proverbial curtain in the wonderful land of Oz. Things only got worse for Pittsfield as the years and decades pass us by, but what would you expect, regardless of the out-of-touch ruling elites who live in an $800,000 mansion in a Gated Community, in an upscale Naples Florida condo unit, in a $690,000 home in Amherst, Massachusetts, in a Pot Kingdom, in K Street’s sleazy corporate lobbyist firms, in a wealthy Chevy Chase, Maryland suburb, and so on? The people and taxpayers who live in Pittsfield have no real political representation, which has been the case in Pittsfield politics for generations of “All in the Family” corrupt provincial insiders who sold the city out time and time again for their own gain. GE Lobbyist Peter Larkin will sell you a parcel of the PEDA debacle if you want to find it out for yourself.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

What is the common denominator???

Reply to  EricaG
3 years ago

From your lips to god’s ears. Unfortunately, they don’t call us MassHolers for know reason. The Democratic AHoles will keep winning. Look around at all the d bags wearing masks by themselves, to many sheep.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Has been a lot of improprieties in the 2020 Wisconsin voting. Do you think they learned from the gerrymandering mass holders on how to fix the vote? Funny you aren’t hearing about it in our award winning hate rag

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  EricaG
3 years ago

You are 100% spot on Erica. I think any of these candidates would be easily beaten, if they had the financial resources to do it. It would end up being a very expensive, more than likely self sponsored, run at one of these positions.

Take Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D), for example. I don’t know how the woman could win any debate. Simply ask the question, what have you done meaningful for the voters of Berkshire County, since you’ve been in office?

Her track record is abysmal. I’d love to know a rough estimate of illegal aliens living in Berkshire County. 500-1000? Maybe? So, her getting illegal DL’s does very little for the rest of the voters. What else has she done?

The problem with Farley-Country Buffet (D), is she has the progressive backed money from Boston. Give up all the grant money she helps Pittsfield get? She’ll look the other way when those grants come with strings attached. What’s a few felons or junkies from a Worcester or Boston half-way house? Most are probably POC, so it adds to vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive, feel of Pittsfield. Those grants helped bring us Ricky’s Rumpus.

The leaders in Boston know Trish is a lightweight (politically speaking) and a lapdog. They don’t want her gone. She’s to valuable to them.

That’s the trouble trying to beat her.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Burning shit is fucked up. But Crack is whack

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

The irony is the person who burned the hay bales is the person the Democrats say they are protecting. This individual sorely needed mental health counseling yet they threw the book after him even after the owner of the hay bales stated he didn’t want to press charges. This could be a reverse Alice’s Restaurant song, what’s say Arlo?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

And to think I was once arrested for ripping the tag off my mattress. But then again I’m a white guy, so I was born guilty.

Last edited 3 years ago by J2S
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

With a condolence letter to the mattress company to boot.

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

A buddy of mine and myself once threw a king size mattress out of a fourteenth story window in NYC and it landed on a police cruiser. Some disgruntled asshat saw us and turned us in BUT, it STILL HAD THE TAG ON IT so they had to let us go with a misdemeanor litter charge.

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  Back Assward
3 years ago

and we got in more trouble later in the day trying to stuff it down a storm drain, but, tag was STILL on it. Misdemeanor mischief charge. Homeless guy finally took the mattress off our hands but unbeknownst to us pick pocketed our wallets in the process……no good deed goes unpunished…

3 years ago

Weekend change of subject. Monument Spartans lose to 26 seed at home in boys state tournament. Shocker , not the team they played Blackstone Valley has a enrollment of 1,200 students. The MIAA (incompetent and profiling)give vocational schools special treatment. Essential saying vocational students are not as athletic as other students, there fore letting those schools play down two divisions . (Taconic)

3 years ago

Dan , wondering if your interested in the MIAA profiling of urban and vocational schools. They traditionally go by enrollment of male and female students, to decide divisions.Unfortunately they have waivers and down grades for schools they feel aren’t athletic enough, even know there enrollment numbers are more than adequate. Pittsfield High plays 2 divisions above Taconic, a school with 200 more students. Something is wrong.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Back n the Tommy Grierve day Pittsfield had the enrollment. PHS down to 600 going down

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Can we say combine? With flexibility and brains the school committee could easily combine the 2 High Schools. They could also close at least 2 elementary schools while they are at it

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

No word yet on another serious Pittsfield gun shot victim being treated at BMC a couple days ago? Did the shotspotter not notify the proper authorities?

Back Asswards
Back Asswards
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Has the shooter already been released on personal recognizance?

Reply to  Back Asswards
3 years ago

Maybe it was an explosion

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Are we still paying for that thing? Another useless item the citizens of Pittsfield are paying for that does not deliver any results

Back Asswards
Back Asswards
3 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle had an Our Opinion Friday, Mar 4th, piece discussing the pathetic state of Pittsfield, Mass. roads. I think they may have been trying to catch the attention of Barry and the mayor who apparently are unaware of the situation. The writers feel that Milltown deserves better roads because of their investment in the city. (no mention of their more than generous tax breaks or the fact that other business s and citizenry need decent roads as well.

Glaringly missing from the article was any discussion with the people in charge of the roads or road upkeep or any serious plans to mitigate the horrendous conditions of the roads while spending millions on park and lakeside improvements as well as bike lanes and other less immediate needs.
But, in my opinion, the condition of the roads is front and center testimony to the wholesale ineptitude of the mayor for allowing them (over the course of many years) to deteriorate almost beyond rehab.

But thank you to the Eagle for at least showing some courage to sheepishly bring the subject up in the first place. Maybe someone who has the mayors ear and is feeling brave will drive her around or at least show her some pictures as she probably cannot see the road scape from the tinted windows of her spiffy ride.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Back Asswards
3 years ago

Lazy Linda has found Ricky’s Rumpus to be so vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive, that she’s decided to spread the wealth around the city.

We need to get new signs as drivers enter Pittsfield.

Basically the same sign as as now, but under Pittsfield, add “Home of Ricky’s Rumpus.”

Back Asswards
Back Asswards
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

The fault of the roads lies entirely with the mayor. she has been around much longer than he has and she controls the purse strings. Can you spell “colossal failure”?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Back Asswards
3 years ago

I fully agree with you. The condition of the roads are pathetic.

If Lazy Linda cared about Pittsfield and the roads as much as she cared about pandering to POC, by an creating an unneeded $100k a year position like the Director of DIE, the city would be vibrant, dynam….you know the rest.

In Linda’s book, her 2022 is complete. She recognized and fulfilled an “identity politics” hire. Just like her hero Xiden.

Reply to  Back Asswards
3 years ago

Our good ole Ricky “Rumpass Ride” Morales has stated he wants traffic to slow down and pollute the environment more. The potholes not only bring in more obstacles for his riding game but everyone has to drive 5 miles an hour so they don’t destroy their vehicle. The green deal politicians love this because people will be so aggravated they won’t drive

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Buchanan, Trump and Putin all seem to think alike. Interesting.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Please do give us your in depth thoughts on this article.

Reply to  Agent 86
3 years ago

I just did. Concise and to the point.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Wow, you are a deep thinker- clever too.

Back Asswards
Back Asswards
Reply to  Agent 86
3 years ago

and you, apparently, are not.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

I agree. The rules of NATO don’t make sense. Putting 2 nuclear powers into war against each other is so dangerous. The globalists could pull us into a world war if they think it serves their long term agenda. Same with Putin.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

This old quote comes to mind with NATO and many other alphabet worldwide organizations that have powers.

There are few things more dangerous than people with power who pay no price for being even horribly wrong.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

So true!

3 years ago

I’m choking on my Cheerios. Aggressively prosecute? Then why wasn’t he charged as a subsquent offender? Three years for a career heroin dealer from the Bronx? Wow what an achievment and invitation to his replacement At least four prior drug convictions? Three years freedom awaiting trial, why? How many others like this has the DA and judge agreed to let off easy? How many people have they killed that we don’t even know about? Why doesn’t the Eagle get the public those numbers and death certificates? Too bad we don’t have a newspaper to ask questions.

Cops found the heroin in 2019. This week, a jury delivered a verdict in aging North Adams case

PITTSFIELD — Three years ago this month, cops searching a North Adams apartment pushed up a ceiling tile and found 556 bags of heroin. This week, that evidence helped persuade a jury to convict an Adams man of drug trafficking.
Christopher Gaynor, 40, will now spend three and a half to four years in state prison, following his sentencing Wednesday by Judge John Agostini.

Christopher Gaynor told police at the time of his 2019 arrest that he was serving as a caregiver for the woman who lived in the North Adams apartment where drugs were discovered.

When North Adams police and members of the Berkshire County Law Enforcement Task Force executed a search warrant March 17, 2019, they found not only that bathroom ceiling stash, estimated to be worth up to $7,760 on the street, but $2,503 in cash on Gaynor, who had been the subject of an investigation for three months, according to a criminal complaint filed at the time.
Gaynor told police at the time of his arrest that he was serving as a caregiver for the woman who lived in the Union Street apartment. The resident, who herself was found to be in possession of seven bags of heroin, confirmed that Gaynor worked for her and said she had received drugs from him in exchange for giving him a place in North Adams from which he could sell drugs in the city.
Adams man charged with dealing heroin
The 2019 search of the apartment’s drop ceiling also turned up a bag containing 8.4 grams of cocaine, police said.
The Berkshire Superior Court jury convicted Gaynor of single counts of possession of a Class A substance with intent to distribute and possession of a Class B substance with intent to distribute. He had been convicted before of at least four drug-related offenses.
In a statement, Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington said that while she continues “to advocate for public health approaches to those who struggle with problematic substance use,” she plans to aggressively prosecute “those who run distribution operations.”
Gaynor’s sentence was recommended jointly by prosecution and defense.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I believe Honey’s public health plan is to corral them in a neighborhood near you for the convenience of dealers like Mr. Gaynor so they can be injected by our abundance of healthcare professionals. Never mind BMC has shut down the blood draw station in Lenox due to the staffing shortage.

Bumbs Rush
Bumbs Rush
Reply to  RNtoo
3 years ago

So,nato is going to wait until the last minute and see how many put and will destroy. What a country. Bring back Trump as fast as we can.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  ZZtop66
3 years ago

Didn’t Andrea send him to pharmacy school as part of his rehabilitation?

Bumbs Rush
Bumbs Rush
3 years ago

Dear progressives. Thank you for keeping oil prices high. Half tank of gas was 14 today it was almost 30. Brought by Biden Progressives and all the other fruitcake greenies out there.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

March 5, 2022

Hello Patrick Fennell,

The U.S.A. is in an energy supply crisis. Biden’s disingenuous Green New Deal killed tens of thousands of American energy industry jobs, and the American consumers and small businesses are paying very high prices for gas, home heating energy, and so on. Biden’s 40-year high U.S. inflation is worse than any federal tax on small businesses, the middle class, the working class, and the underclass. If I drew a picture illustrating the U.S. economy, I would put the ELITES on clouds floating above the rest of us, the middle-class treading water, the working class in a ditch, and the underclass standing on the edge of a cliff (Nilan). If Putin uses his nuclear weapons, I would have drawn a picture of the ELITES living deep inside of mountains in their nuclear bomb shelters, while the rest of us are vaporized (dead). Putin is still making threats against the U.S.A. and our allies in Europe telling us that our actions would be considered as an Act of War against Russia if we interfere with his invasion of Ukraine. I am scared, but I also hope that there will never be a nuclear war that will kill us off. I am most scared for the children and young adults who haven’t lived their lives yet.

Smitty Pignatelli wrote yet another one of his proverbial one million lofty op-eds this past week. He wrote about his proposal for train services from Western Massachusetts to Boston. On the Commonwealth website, readers’ responses said that the MBTA has low ridership, tens of billions of dollars in state government debts, Boston’s “Big Dig” cost tens of billions of state government dollars, the expansion of rail services should have electric rails and trains, Western Massachusetts will have low ridership numbers, and so on. The one reader’s response that really stood out to me is that Smitty should be increasing funding for the deferred maintenance of the state and local roads and bridges before Smitty spends billions of state dollars on train services from Western Massachusetts to Boston. Smitty did not address any of the readers’ comments about his latest op-eds. Smitty is always full of shit!

Smitty blocks all of my political emails, but what else would I expect from a career politician who spent nearly 2 decades in Boston enriching himself at the public trough, while writing his phony op-eds in Western Massachusetts’ newspapers! Paul Marxism and Trippy Country Buffet also block all of my political emails, but what else would I expect from Smitty’s fellow career politicians who spent the past one decade in Boston doing nothing but voting for their own state legislative pay raises and public perks while openly supporting raising state taxes on the struggling working class they all do DISSERVICES against. In closing, please tell Shitty Pigpen, Paul Marxism and Trippy Country Buffet to please take a train to New York State and/or Canada and stay there for the rest of their lives!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hey Dan, will you be eliminating this pen pal letter? Please!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Hey Dan, will you eliminate Mr. Fritz’s predictable posts with his links to right wing websites? Please!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Fritz like most others stay on topic and keep it shortened. We all go off target at times, but you are over the top on continuing to do what not asked to do.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Just curious, does Patrick Fennell ever answer you?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

I think he’s Jon’s imaginary friend.

Rite Weng
Rite Weng
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

That is a good one .

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

JM said he understands why Dan redacted a partial post at the very beginning of this thread. I don’t think it is a understanding issue as much as it is, he will do what he pleases until Dan goes Ted Williams out of the park with him so he really understands.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

I respect blogger Dan Valenti, & I enjoy reading his blog, especially when he writes about Pittsfield politics!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Yes. Patrick Fennell, who is a Republican and proud Trump supporter (I will never support Trump in American politics and government), answers some of my political emails, and I reply to his political letters to the Editor. He is an Army Veteran, too. He lives in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and he is represented by Elizabeth Warren, Maryland Markey, PAC Man Richie Neal, Chrome Dome Adam Hinds, Shitty Pigpen, and Town leaders who honor the late-Communist W.E.B. DuBois, who personally befriended and praised two Communist Dictators named Stalin and Chairman Mao who killed well over 100 million innocent people and Peoples, which is over 6 times more innocent people and Peoples that Hitler killed (17 million), including in the Holocaust (6 million Jewish People and millions of other people and Peoples). Housatonic, which is part of Great Barrington, has cancer causing toxic brown tap water with no remediation in sight. Patrick Fennell and I enjoy writing to each other political emails to complain about the misguided neoliberal federal, state and local career politicians who systemically screw over and lie to the people and taxpayers they supposedly represent in American government. Lastly, the Town of Great Barrington is one of the most messed up municipal governments in human history for supporting W.E.B. DuBois, who openly hated both Great Barrington and the United States of America! Go figure.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Now we know why Jon got booted out of the army and can’t hold a job – he can’t follow simple instructions!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago


Rite Weng
Rite Weng
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Or Orders.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Nincompoop Marty Walsh, Sec. of Labor, thinks increasing electric charging stations for autos is the answer to O’Biden’s energy crisis!

He’s almost as bad as Sec. of Transportation Butthead Buttigieg

We have complete idiots running our country!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

O’Biden’s belief in “climate change and environmental justice” is preventing the country from resuming our energy independence.
Open ANWR for drilling!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Even Musk, maker of electric vehicles, sees the handwriting on the wall!

3 years ago

I’m surprised more people are not running for District Attorney. Maybe they don’t know this? The job answers to no one for four years. That’s $764,000 and a car, so basically a million dollars and you can whatever you want. Sweet!

Judge John Agostini: $184,694
Judge Jennifer Tyne :  $151,709
Sheriff Thomas Bowler:  $151,709
Det. Sargeant Pittsfield Police $176,542
DA Andrea Harrington: $191,000 plus a tax payer funded car

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

She would be in it deep knee’s if a qualified minority were to run against her who won’t push the restorative justice crap and hold criminals accountable for their actions. Someone like Virginia’s new LT. Gov.

Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Anyone but Andrea

Liv Lmundjoy
Liv Lmundjoy
Reply to  Policereporttwo
3 years ago

ABANDON. Anybody but Andrea Democrat or not.

Reply to  Liv Lmundjoy
3 years ago

Anyone with any honor knows they would have to do the job correctly or they couldn’t live with themselves. Anyone but Andrea, that is.

Liv Lmundjoy
Liv Lmundjoy
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Defund and help the poverty stricken Ukrainian,.

Hugh Zeddedyaflominga
Hugh Zeddedyaflominga
Reply to  Liv Lmundjoy
3 years ago

BLM. Police aren’t wanted anymore by Citizens and want Peacemakers or Social Interventionists.

Reply to  Sal
3 years ago

Windmills on the PEDA property? Owned by the taxpayers? How soon can we do it? Can we face them towards city hall so they can blow the stench all the way up into Vermont?

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fizzle I love the idea. We already have solar. If we added windmills with the natural gas and garbage burning to electricity Pittsfield could supply MA with all its energy needs!! I wonder if we have a couple of dams we could tap into as well

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

So you do or you don’t agree with the far left plans of getting rid of fossil fuels for America and running the country on windmills while China and Russia pollute the earth with fossil fuels?

Bird is the word
Bird is the word
3 years ago

These might be the outcome of the audits Marcus A. [from the Service].

Same actors. Promises to protect people better.


It’s unclear, how does one access this collaboration of resources? Is it before institutions/ hospitals/ death, er no?

Last edited 3 years ago by Bird is the word
3 years ago

China and Russia are laughing at our plans to run America on windmills while we sit on a ton of oil. Biden has stopped our oil production in this country for his green freak globalist friends which is emboldening Russia to take over oil production and attack Ukraine. How long before they want our oil supply that we are foolishly not using under Biden while Buying it from our enemies which is paying for Putin’s war? The incompetence from this administration is mind boggling.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago