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ADD #1 3/9/22: THE PLANET has heard from two reliable sources that attorney Tim Shugrue will be entering the race for district attorney. He would join Bob Sullivan and incumbent Andrea Harrington, assuming the latter decides to run for re-election.

ADD #2 3/9/22 late afternoon: It’s official. Pittsfield attorney Tim Shugrue showed up at the city clerk’s office to take out nomination papers for the office of district attorney, a story THE PLANET broke last night. Much more to come as this campaign progresses. It appears that Shugrue’s bid has taken the incumbent D.A. by surprise. Just this morning, one of her supporters left a comment on our board asking the rhetorical question of, paraphrasing, “If the current D.A. is doing such a bad job, why is only one candidate running against her.” Looks like that one went down the drain in a hurry. In an interesting aside, Melissa Mazzeo and her daughter, Mia, accompanied Shugrue at city hall.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 9, 2022) — The most important election for Berkshire County this year, and certainly Pittsfield, is the race for district attorney. There are no municipal offices until up for grabs until 2023. This year, voters will decide states races and D.A.

Prior to the present occupant, the office of District Attorney in Berkshire County has been occupied by a long, gray line — precisely what you want in an office as important as this one for its direct effect on public safety. Prior to the incumbent and within our time and coverage, we have had Tony Ruberto, Gerry Downing, David Capeless, and interim D.A. Paul Cacciavello.

Before Ruberto? No one. Berkshire County did not have a D.A.’s office.

The Pittsfield D.A.’s office was established in 1979 after splitting off from Hampden County. You could say THE PLANET has the most institutional memory of any smart-aleck scribe this side of Pike’s Peak and that side of Old Ironsides. Our thumbnails on each of our top law enforcement officers:

  • Ruberto: No-nonsense prosecutor with an eminent sense of fair play and justice. What you would expect from an old Mt. Carmel guy?
  • Downing: THE PLANET‘s high-school bud at St. Joe’s. Could talk the scales off a Komodo Dragon. High energy, willing to wheel-and-deal, but fair.
  • Capeless: Hit home runs in high-profile cases. Grumpy but so what? Lewis Lent, Wayne Lo, Adam Rosie. Heck, yeah.
  • Cacciavello: The stronger of the two candidates the last time this office came up for grabs but the weakest campaigner. That cost him and public safety.

———- ooo ———-

Don’t get us wrong. None of these guys were perfect. They weren’t Don Larsen on Oct. 8, 1956 at Yankee Stadium. Sure, they made mistakes, but these four fellows did the job. When we had to, THE PLANET raked each of the over the coals. We go by actions and performance, especially when measured against campaign promises and the usual hype, PR, and propaganda every political office produces. Our advice to the current D.A. is to own up to your mistakes when you make them and develop a tougher hide. It goes with the turf, whether you’re male, female, or none of the above.

The current district attorney won essentially by saying that the previous occupants of the office were devils because they were:

  • White
  • Middle-aged
  • Male
  • Recipients of “white privilege,” you see. Never had a setback. Didn’t have to work for a thing.

———- ooo ———-

That is the intellectual depth and the altitudinous arrogance of this immature, insecure woman. She doesn’t just play a D.A. on TV. No. She plays one in real life. With plenty of campaign cash coming in from anywhere but Berkshire County, she thinks all she has to do is waive her pretty pinkie to be re-elected in a cake walk of ribbons, unicorns, and euphoria. All is well.

She has surrounded herself with a bubble of “yes people.” Inside, “never is heard a discouraging word.” Outside, you aren’t allowed in, especially the press. Courtroom observers say the office lacks effective management, with the current D.A. sending the ADAs into court basically without direction. In most cases, it’s not their fault, but it’s also why the staff of 30 or so ADAs love that revolving door at 7 North St., the one that spins more dizzily than Don McLean’s dradle.

THE PLANET can share numerous incidents to exemplify the overall judgment in local law enforcement that the current D.A. has embarrassed the office. We present two of our favorites:

  • After Lee Police Chief Jess Roosa died Memorial Day weekend, local law enforcement attended services as a group. Sheriff Tom Bowler organized the assembly, law officials followed by politicians. The current D.A. showed up in spike heels and inappropriate dress for a funeral. Bowler made her march with the politicians.
  • The current D.A. has a standing order for all ADAs. They are under orders NEVER to refer to her by first name. She is only to be called “the District Attorney.” THE PLANET will let you armchair psychologists and head-shrinkers to explain.
  • The “jugga milk” photo-op for the homeless at Springside Park. Ouch.
  • At the recent Democratic Party caucus at Proprietors Lounge (the former ITAM Lodge), D.A. candidate Bob Sullivan approached Andrea and offered to sign her nomination papers. According to a witness to the incident, a miffed Andrea huffed and shoved her papers back into her briefcase. It was a clever move by Sully. Another fashion note: Sources who were there say that while everyone else was dressed appropriately for such an event, Andrea came in T-short and jeans. If true, not sure what that says about the district attorney, if anything.

———- ooo ———-

Anyone with an objective bone looking in on the current D.A.’s performance knows that she has been drowning in the deep end as measured by her effectiveness on the job. At the same time, as a politician, she’s remained well afloat in the kiddie’s end of the pool.


Mercy is not forgiveness. Mercy is having no need for forgiving anything” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



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3 years ago

JM will be here soon

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  FartSmeller
3 years ago


Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Ham Anex
3 years ago

At this point, this is a shit show whereby people and critics are shitting on Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington, who has served in 2019, 2020, 2021, January, February, and 9 days so far in March (3 years, 2 months, and 9 days). It is NOT rational because Pittsfield/Berkshires had the same/similar violent crime numbers for years/decades. Planet Valenti is criticizing her for her progressive politics, which is not causing the problems being alleged in Pittsfield/Berkshires because they were already there for many years prior to 2019. There were 4 middle-aged white men there before her, and there were mistakes made from 1979 – 2018 (40 years), especially the railroading of the late-Bernard Baran. The 5th Berkshire County D.A. is a middle-aged, white woman who is trying a different approach to prosecuting crime called restorative justice. She wears her heart and emotions on her job performance, which shows she cares about the people she serves. There have been valid points made about her job performance and politics. But overall, I see the criticisms of Andrea Harrington as her critics mostly shitting on her similar to people calling me out for me mostly shitting on Pittsfield’s Pot King. Please grow up and stop shitting on Andrea Harrington and the other lovely ladies who run the shit show in Pittsfield/Berkshires.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Yeah, yeah. If you or a family member (God Forbid) we’re a recipient of a perp (s) criminal action due to someone who shouldn’t be on the street because his long rap sheet wasn’t enough to keep them off the streets because of restorative justice you would whistle a different tune. You post disparaging remarks daily on who you believe isn’t up to snuff in their positions. That’s hypocritical to tell others who they should or shouldn’t criticize especially when they also feel the person isn’t up to snuff in their position (s) regardless how long they have served. That goes for male or female!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Valid Points.

Agent 86
Agent 86
3 years ago

The smart money says the Distracted Attorney is asking who ate her strawberries.

Mr. X
Mr. X
3 years ago

Lee police was Jeff Roosa not Jess

Penny lane
Penny lane
Reply to  Mr. X
3 years ago

Jeff!!! Geez

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Are you Trumpers aware the Donald Trump was recruited by Bannon to reform the United Staes of America….Job one was to undercut our entire legal system from the bottom up and to get rid of America as you knew it.His reform was for you to believe in him not your country or its institutions….you are all good with making America pure white boy again getting rid of the gain by women and minorities…….The women DA and the justice reform bill is amazing to watch you blockheads as she tears down a very old system with new ideas…..White power can only stay in charge by getting rid of democracy and 1/6/2021 and Trumps genius friend Putin is overthrowing the Ukraine democracy to keep Rich Oligarchs of Russia in power…..Fascist are on a roll

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

You make it obvious the real pandemic is how stupid people have become!

My name is Earl
My name is Earl
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Time for your meds SC. Clearly not enough Thorazine in there. Talk to your nurse

Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

Even his Nurse Ratched couldn’t take TSC any longer and left.

Linda schultz
Linda schultz
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

What are you smoking?

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Delusional drivel

School committee
School committee
Reply to  Fake News
2 years ago

Those pesky facts

3 years ago

I want to report a crime that happened in the city chambers last night. All the Kapanski’s of the fair city were just robbed by city officials. Why isn’t the ARPA funds being used only for water and sewer? It is the only project that helps all the citizens, is that not the definition of diverse, inclusive and equitable? Loved the Mayor’s response, once you spend it the money is gone. Why don’t you use this logic when handing money out to your friends to fix their houses! This has to be one of the worst administration’s in Pittsfield’s history. The roads are dangerous, the land is polluted, crime is rampant and all the citizens get is a hand coming from the city to steal more of our money!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

She is the City Councils Trump….they believe in her and defend he nonsense at every turn.They believe she is great st raising taxes on 80 year olds

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Linda belongs in creepy Joe’s cabinet along with corn pop.

Reply to  Dementia Joe
3 years ago

Who is corn pop anyway?

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago
Reply to  Dementia Joe
3 years ago

Corn Pop ain’t no Patrick Fennell

School committee
School committee
Reply to  Dementia Joe
2 years ago

She reminds us of stupid Don

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

That ARPA money belongs to Mayor Tyer and her friends and she can well do as she pleases with it. Nothing in the handout bylaws even suggest that she has to or should share it with anyone other than whom she so chooses. Stop trying to grab money that is not yours buddy. It is HER money so just drop the subject will ya?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Wonder how much of a behind the scenes bonus the Mayor gave to Marchetti last night after he stopped Kronick from further questioning the usage of the ARPA funds for the Water & Sewer taxes. Kronick caught the Mayor in a blatant lie, was proud of him when she started her usual arrogant response and Kronick spoke over her, but then as usual Marchetti immediately and rudely shut Kronick down. Wonder how Kronick likes his first quarter of serving on the Council. Every time Kronick states the actual facts, Marchetti jumps down his throat. Marchetti is too stupid to realize that he looks totally ignorant of the true facts that Kronick has investigated thoroughly.

Watched along with several neighbors a City dump truck with two City employees drive around my neighborhood today cleaning out storm drains. Instead of putting the debris in the back of the dump truck they tossed it on the homeowners lawn. Lazy jackasses!!

On the positive side, thanks to the City of Pittsfield, I found out my new car has an awesome feature. It seems when I drive the roads of Pittsfield dodging the craters and potholes, my car senses I am having trouble driving, an alarm comes on and then a message comes up that says “Suggest You Take a Break” and shows a steaming cup of coffee. Did have to laugh, but actually it is pathetic that a piece of metal know the Pittsfield streets are dangerous but our elected officials don’t seem to notice or care!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

That car feature may save your life M&B. Be sure to drive with a spare cup of coffee on long trips.

Potholes will do the good work of a hammer for some car problems. A poor man’s impact wrench.

Last edited 3 years ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 years ago

Charles, I know the ARPA money has to be spent, but before it is spent where is the money and is it gaining interest?
If so how much interest per month and if not why not?

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  Outfox
3 years ago

I think I can speak for the mayor and Mr Kerwood when I say, THAT information is none of your Goddamn business. Stop being so nosy. Everything is being taken care of without your help or input thank you.

Reply to  Back Assward
3 years ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Outfox
3 years ago

I don’t have the information you ask for today.

I wrote on the interest question last Sep/October in an oped for the BE and argued that it is good business to research carefully how to spend the fund with time being an advantage in leveraging it. At risk of leaving harmed people unserved is the counterbalance of assisting more in future dollars earned. It is a balance that would appropriately be heavily biased to current needs given the emergency nature of the fund.

As for WWS – ARPA can be used to backfill lost revenues and increase costs that happened since 3/2020, both of which happened in Pittsfield. ARPA recipients nationwide requested permission to do so, and the Treasury agreed that it is reasonable. Doing so under Treasury guidelines would abolish the rate hike until 2025. Further, the plan would only deplete a small percentage of the ARPA fund while compensating for past and future direct costs which happened since the beginning of the pandemic, and it would potentially result in a future rate hike of less significance in inflation-adjusted dollars assuming the $74 mil bond load remains unchanged. I haven’t worked that number and would be interested in other’s opinions.

I have an open mind on the matter; I believe Councilor Maffucio is absolutely correct that these times merit unusual attention to hardship and we need to work creatively to address the hardship. ARPA gives a lot of opportunity to innovate in order to protect the general welfare and it is proper that we do so.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 years ago

And Biden himself said the money can be used for the police.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 years ago

Mr Kronick You are a friend to the taxpayers and especially to the Seniors. I like to see that you won’t be bullied by the tax + spend sheep led by the Mayor and her lapdog Kerwood. Miss Kalinowski + Ken Warren look to have the tax payers best interest also. Marchetti is a failure as Council President and should step down. Every 8-3 or 7-4 vote proves my point. Council is ineffective giving a pass to the Mayor. Town should go to City Manager and scrap the Council.
On the topic Shugrue is too old to start this position and he has represented so many dirtbags it just seems this position needs a higher quality attorney as we have witnessed the failure of this unqualified + ill equipped DA

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 years ago

Yes Charles, I realize that is what the car feature is for, Issue here is it should NOT have to be working when I am trying to drive to the grocery store only 10 minutes away. Road are a disaster!! Your comment about potholes being a good hammer is NOT funny. So people of Pittsfield should not invest in a new vehicle and then we won’t have to worry about the friggin potholes? I have yet to see one of you elected officials ask Tyer, Morales, or Kerwood what the hell they are going to be doing about the roads in Pittsfield. Evidently these road conditions are NOT a high priority to you City Councillors. Maybe you should take some time and investigate what is happening to all the Excise Taxes we are all paying. Why is it NONE of you have worked for taxpayers to find these answers? Take a hard look at the CC meetings this year. Name one thing that has been done to benefit us taxpayers. What are we getting for our money?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Predictable Pittsfield politics raises it municipal taxes, fees, budgets, public debts and other liabilities, to record high levels as each year passes by. This year of 2022, Mayor Linda Tyer is literally sitting on tens of millions of dollars in city cash, including her administration’s Biden Buck$ and Matt Kerwood’s $lu$h Fund$. No Mayor in the sad history of Pittsfield politics ever sat on so much city cash as the Lovely Linda. But because Pittsfield politics is always totally predictable, Mayor Linda Tyer and her 6 rubber stamp City Councilors just voted to increase water and sewer rates by double digits. If I were in Mayor Linda Tyer’s shoes, I would ask Trippy Country Buffet and Chrome Dome Adam Hinds to tap into Beacon Hill’s billions of dollars in state government surplus cash to fund the city’s enterprise fund during a time of 40-year high U.S. inflation. Pittsfield politics is ridiculous because they charge Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski top dollar for Level 5 municipal and public-school services.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

and you live in New Hampshire?

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

What are you getting? For one thing your intelligence is getting insulted on a daily basis because this administration is playing the taxpayers (those who pay their fair share) like fools.
Do you remember the time Trumps wife showed up in Texas after a hurricane wearing a raincoat that said, I DON’T CARE? TYER has six of them and if you can’t read she will read it out loud for you.

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  Back Assward
3 years ago

Barry keeps giving me negs and it is hurting my feelings

Reply to  Back Assward
3 years ago

No way.
Her reading it out loud would mean she’s actually doing something on behalf of the taxpayer.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

If only coffee was the answer. I’ve noticed that city employees are now filling potholes with sand. There’s a hole big enough for a small car to get lost in at the corner of Wahconah St. and Charles Street. Of course that’s along with hazardous barrel obstruction in the road forcing drivers exiting Charles St. and entering Wahconah St. to drive on the wrong side of the street. I knew from the moment I saw the shitty city councilors welcoming that idiot Morales as another official problem for the taxpayers of Pittsfield that he would not be a disappointment to PEE PEE marchetti, gimpy pee pee white or Pittsfield’s shitty mayor. And of course, he hasn’t. More of Morales’ celebrated crater size potholes/failure can be experienced at the intersection from that new road connecting East to that $6 million Tyler St. round-about fuck-up festooned with more than a dozen traffic signs and as many barrel obstacles for drivers to attempt to avoid while death wish road maniacs come speeding at them from all directions.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 years ago

That’s how I mix up paint

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

learned that working at Carr Hardware. 5 miles per gallon.

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Free home improvements for people is just a joke. And why isn’t she using the money for a new police station? All I heard from her for years is how much she respects the police, and how they need a new station (and she is right, the current one is a shithole built in the 30’s).

We The People
We The People
3 years ago

Is this the place where we speak out about oppression?

3 years ago

Ruberto – responsible for railroading Baron
Downing- always a politician, talked out of both sides of his mouth
Capeless – the most competent prosecutor and the second most arrogant man I ever knew. In short, a prick.
Paul – the nicest prosecutor I ever met and the one most likely to make a deal for a
Plea bargain. Totally non political and too nice to campaign the right way. That’s why wrong way got in.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  BlueLivesMatter
3 years ago

Except for your Bluelivesmatter stance, I agree with your assessment of the unsavory egregious history of Berkshire County DA’s. Downing and Capeless were, are, and forever will be accessories to Ruberto’s crimes, in addition to being guilty of their own crimes. All of them, Unindicted coconspirators of the worst kind. Another worm to come out of Capeless is that ADA, Joseph Pieropan, who actually argued against the truth being exposed in a case of malicious prosecution. In my opinion, the corrupt DA’s office has always been a hammer, who views everyone as nail. Cops LIE, and DAs swear to their LIES on a stack of bibles, and then they take those bibles into the toilets, rip out the pages and wipe their butts. The DA’s office is, and always will be, a den of Devils incarnate.

Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

You forgot about Liz Keegan in the Baran case she totally coerced those kids ..this is why the Keegan tribe hates AH she knows the truth

Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Louie, if AH knows Baran was railroaded, why doesn’t she come out publicly, after she reviews the case with all her legal acumen, and what not, and declare he was an innocent man who was railroaded?

Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Because Baran did it.

Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

Sounds like you gots a problem with da police. Maybe just stay outta trouble.

Penny lane
Penny lane
3 years ago

This is really amateurish at best but sure to get the Echo chamber fired up. I know you strictly do this for entertainment so that said.
Really the DA’s office is told to call Harrington District Attorney? Please but funny and sure to get some likes.

Wait Dan And Tom Bowler giving Fashion advice. Speaking of Golf shirt Tom is has anybody heard from him? Last I remember hearing from him is when he was playing Samuel Gerard from the fugitive deploying the National guard because his misfits couldn’t secure a drug addict at BMC.

And you wonder why in this county only one Person has stepped up to run against her. This is exactly why people choose to not to become involved in politics these days.

Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

One of the stunts Harrington pulled that never fully came to light was her effort to have inmates at the jail released pre-trial during Covid. Her Sorus funded prosecutors group had a whole national campaign around this and she advocated for the release of several people. At least two had no safe place to go and died of overdoses. That is just one of the many reasons Bowler has no respect for Andrea Harrington.

Penny lane
Penny lane
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Dude please try to keep up. Harrington went before the SJC and won by the way to keep the real Criminals in jail. That argument will never get feet simple minds forget these pesky details. The only ones who really had covid at the Jail was Tommy and his 1st in command which was largely kept from the Public until the puff piece came out about what a brave Guy he is . If anyone at the DA’ s office contacted covid all hell would have broke loose at least on here.

hit stick
hit stick
Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

how could anyone from the DA’s office contract covid? they worked from home for the past 3 years.

Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

It’s surprising Andrea didn’t catch it at Meth with all that bar top stuff going on. Does she drive herself home?

Reply to  Penny lane
2 years ago

Harrington 2 Junkies -2 way to go.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Look Tommy has a cush job sits at home eating BLts occasionally checks on the lettuce production at the jail. They do details and try to bring the bad people to jail. Overweight bunch of golfing buddy s as employees really not many of the real cops have any respect for that office.

Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

Guess you better look for work Penny. Good luck with that.

Penny lane
Penny lane
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Republican against Democrat in Massachusetts I like my chances.

Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

Posting from 7 north street on state time again? You are a rules for thee and not for me type of democrat.

This Just In
This Just In
Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

Squeaky gets to have a primary where she can spend all her donations from far left cop haters. Better start working on your resume dude.

Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

I know with all the ballot stuff that goes on, eh Barry

3 years ago

Yeah, and with the defund the police crap most minority communities are hard hit with crime’s the ,ones these DA’S are supposedly reforming for. The ones where baby papa keeps whooping mama and the kids , selling drugs, drive bye shooting’s and instead of being in jail they are released to perform once again putting the whole community in danger again.And who told her the perps are actually innocent victims?

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Is there an “uptick” of stolen cars and catyltic converters in Pittsfield that we should be warned about mayor? Or should we just play stoopit?

the kidd
the kidd
Reply to  Back Assward
3 years ago

this may explain the ‘uptick’, Quote from DA Harrington on IBerkshires, “ We’re already dismissing the simple possessions and when we do that the case gets called, and obviously the commonwealth is not going to go forward, and then when the person turns around to leave, I always say ‘Good luck, Mr. or Miss so and so,'” she said.
“Sometimes they say thank you, and sometimes they don’t and it is frustrating because it is still a crime and there’s not a public health treatment, and so it feels a little frustrating and not very helpful. l can dismiss them over and over again but the other thing that’s hard is sometimes I dismiss their case, they walk out the door, and I don’t see them again because they overdose.”

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  the kidd
3 years ago

Instead of saying ‘Good luck, Mr. or Miss Junkie crackwhore scumbags’, Andrea should give the crackwhore junkie scumbags her home address, and the keys to her taxpayer funded vehicle so they can break into her Richmond home and rob it while she’s still in her office shopping for stiletto heels and open nipple hole bras, her official office wear. Also, appropriate wear for bumping and grinding photo-ops in the ghetto with tyer, edgerton, tfBloviate, handgun moon, dumdum dina.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Back Assward
3 years ago

Tyer is here to spend money.The council is afraid of her not inviting them for cocktails

Reply to  Back Assward
3 years ago

I heard the DA is hoping with the high cost of gas prices ,it will help to cut down the riding on the hood drive by’s in the city.

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Cost the same price if someone is on the hood or not. Unless it is a really big heavy guy.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Who is defunding the police?

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

The summer of love politicians did and are now claiming they are spending more on funding the police than prior But, we all know they are just refunding what they already cut through moving money from their pd budgets to other so called enforcement tools. Oh, the midterms are coming and citizens across this country had enough.Those defund clowns are going to pay a price election time and so now they care. F them!

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Look on the bright side, if they’re out on PR after being arrested, again, on drugs and weapons charges, they have a better chance of getting a write up in an obituary where we can all read about what wonderful fathers they were to their illegitimate spawn, who were the light of their being, the reason they got up every night, and went out gangbanging. All for the love of their illegitimate kids, the sunshine of the lives! As for the multitude of baby mamas breeding with these gangbanger drug dealing absentee papas who regularly whoop them, they’re a dime a dozen.

Last edited 3 years ago by The City I Hate
Hugh Crain
Hugh Crain
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

And the fatherless child of the Mother who raised seven babies on her own. And grandma was her rock.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Name 1 job Coakley brought to Pittsfield besides his own.He started day 1 at 78k so what does he get now

3 years ago

In addition to decimating the DA’s office of competent prosecution on behalf of the Kapanskis Harrington killed off community involvement that has been a legacy of all the DA’s – except Wrong Way. What is the name of the person we could should contact regarding help from the DA’s office with a program in the community? Anyone? Anyone? Capeless put a lot of programs in place that Harrington killed because they were “not invented here.” She promised to but never replaced them. Look up the former head of community outreah, Carol Mulchahy. Carol came up with a lot of ideas and there was something in the paper practically every week. Before Harrington, there was the life skills program in the schools, which was killed to great hue and cry. There was an anti-bullying program for every school in the county. There was an education program on diversity, cyber bullying, opioid and alcohol abuse, underage drinking and a regular program with the Brien Center. There was a seniors program with the sheriff and a great relationship there that Harrington destroyed. Capeless started the law enforcement tax force that combined efforts across state police, feds, and all law enforcement countywide. One of the benefits was helping out smaller towns that don’t have investigation capabilities.Harrington does nothing but troll for votes in the community. Backpacks anyone? There used to be a history of service emanating from the DA’s office. Harrington took down all of the photos of the previous DAs. Her’s is in the reception area. That tells you all you need to know.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  SallyForth
3 years ago

Well stated!

Penny lane
Penny lane
Reply to  SallyForth
3 years ago

Again without going into detail to he DA’s office with the school program at the time was fleecing the taxpayers to the time of 200,000 a year. Guess what happened in June to August ???? NOTHING!!!!! Except the advocates were at the Cape tending the garden, and just enjoying the summer same as the students drumroll guess who was paying for that?


Reply to  Penny lane
2 years ago

You have no clue what you’re talking about, Penny Lane!
First off they were not advocates, they were youth education and prevention specialists!
They wrote grants in the summer and attended trainings to implement the programs during the school year.
However they did use their entitled and earned vacation time in the summer as it wasn’t as easy during the school year.
Prevention casts less than prosecution and incarceration long term.
How’s AH’S juvenile diversion program, drug court and the William’s rape cases making out?

Penny lane
Penny lane
Reply to  SallyForth
3 years ago

Barf! Not true

Peter Davis
Peter Davis
Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

I’m still waiting to see the tweet that got me blocked from Andrea’s Twitter page????

My name is Earl
My name is Earl
3 years ago

The only thing more crooked than Wrong Way’s office is her smile. I always wondered how she slept at night (with people other than her husband aside), then I realized that ignorance is bliss and she’s probably one of the least stressed, happiest people around

Bull Durham
Bull Durham
3 years ago

Tim Shugrue is hosting a campaign event on April 5th, he’s definitely running. I went to high school with him and he’s a good friend – he’d make a great DA. He served as an Assistant DA before he became a defense attorney so he knows both sides of the fence.

MB Aanalyst
MB Aanalyst
Reply to  Bull Durham
3 years ago

Love Attorney Shugrue. He has the goods to be a good one.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  MB Aanalyst
3 years ago

Dem, Repub or unenrolled?

MB Aanalyst
MB Aanalyst
Reply to  Ham Anex
3 years ago

A great Attorney. He ran against Machine before if that helps you out. Frankly I’m surprised he would leave his lucrative practice.

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  MB Aanalyst
3 years ago

Do you think Helen Moon might campaign for him?

Dingo Ladingo
Dingo Ladingo
Reply to  Back Assward
3 years ago

How about Ma. Delegation cut tax on gas.

Reply to  Dingo Ladingo
3 years ago

Hell they should double the tax. That will get everyone walking and riding their bikes. Think of the quality of life our fellow citizens will have. Out seeing their neighbors smoking their pot and throwing their nip bottles on the ground next to their cigarette butts and scratch tickets. Maybe the city will have cleared their sidewalks by the 4th of July parade so it will be smooth sailing, just watch out for the motorboats with all the zebra mussels they carry from place to place! If in certain sections just do the commando crawl, just like doing your planks! After finishing your day at work you get to do it all over again in the city we all love!

Sure thing
Sure thing
Reply to  Back Assward
3 years ago

No but Melissa Mazzeo apparently is his campaign manager .. that is a death nail for any campaign geez some people never learn.

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

Why is Andrea planning to call and bully her again and then lie about it? And it’s death knell, meathead.

Who Ate My Strawberries ?
Who Ate My Strawberries ?
Reply to  BrendonK
3 years ago

Andrea is the Captain Queeg of Berkshire politics

Reply to  Sure thing
2 years ago

Well that’s false so stfu. Sure thing is Harrington’s a. Husband. B poodle flack. C. Deputy dumbo.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Back Assward
2 years ago

Helen “Handgun” Moon campaign for evil
YT? That’d be the day.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Bull Durham
3 years ago

Did he run out of babies to exploit? I wouldn’t be erecting pedestals for any snakes. Their natural habitat is under a rock, not on top.

Reply to  Bull Durham
3 years ago

Almost everyone serves as an assistant DA, it an entry level job and a farm system for law firms.

Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

Harrington not qualified to be an Ada.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  Bull Durham
3 years ago

+ for Tim

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

Both political parties suck balls!

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Patrick Fennell, are you a real person or Jon’s invisible playmate?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

He is a real person who is an Army Veteran who is a Republican and Trump supporter who lives in Great Barrington.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Ole Schmidt
2 years ago

I used to be Patrick Fennell. I had to change my name to Markus Aurelius, because he wouldn’t leave me alone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Sure thing
Sure thing
3 years ago

With this news how long before Sully drops out? Do you think he will start drunk dialing Timmy? They both are angry little men.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

What about the state legislative races in 2022? Is anyone challenging Trippy Country Buffet, Shitty Pigpen, the career Mayor of N.A., and/or Paul Marxism in 2022? I wonder how many years combined have Trippy, Shitty, the career Mayor, and Paul Marxism have served enriching themselves at the public trough? The career politicians love collecting their public pay and perks, while the people and taxpayers pound sand.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The Massachusetts State House of Representatives rejected a proposal today (Wednesday, March 9, 2022) to suspend the state gas tax of 24-cents per gallon until the price of unleaded gas falls below $3.70 per gallon. Just 6 days ago on Thursday, March 3rd, they voted for a new state fee on gas ratepayers in Massachusetts in the name of the so-called Clean Energy Industry’s wind power industry in Massachusetts.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Yes JM that is the liberal mantra that you have supported your whole life along with the rest of the Melle’s. Tax the honest hard working law abiding citizens to give it to their friends and leeches of society. When the heat turned on your family you ran to the only Republican state in New England and enjoy beautiful town of Amherst. Someday you will recognize your part in the misery we are living here in the Pitts

Seventh Planet
Seventh Planet
Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

Do you think squeaky will wear her falsies with the pokies at any debates? Does she wear them at the office?

Cali Degasgas
Cali Degasgas
Reply to  Seventh Planet
3 years ago

I would like to apologize to Pittsfield Councilman Maffuccio for the abhorant behavior of two city officials one a city councilor and the other a guest yelling from the back?

Which pretty much shut down Councilor Maffuccio’s questioning of Ricardo Morales. This was allowed to do (yelling ) which was allowed and totally out of order by the City Council President.

Keep fighting for us taxpayers Councilor Maffuccio.

The West is hoping
The West is hoping
Reply to  Seventh Planet
3 years ago

Councilor Maffuccio was correct in assuming the contract language proposed for the water plant was circumvented.

Back Asswards
Back Asswards
Reply to  The West is hoping
3 years ago

Well don’t expect Marchetti to reign in this kind of behavior. He only gets worked up if a citizen or councilor slant against her highness, the mayor. He seems terrified to slight her in any way. Why?

Hugh Crain
Hugh Crain
Reply to  The West is hoping
2 years ago

Takes Kufflinks and roundabout Ricky 10 minutes to answer a simple question.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago
School committee
School committee
2 years ago

Mayor Tyers Hobby is spending Pittsfields money…Barry plays too

Tony B
Tony B
2 years ago

Are other cities and towns using ARPA money to offset impacts of water and sewer rates? What’s sustainable about that?

Commenters here act as if no other community is seeing tax increases. If that’s actually the case please let us know!