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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 7, 2022) — THE PLANET opens with a couple notes on crime, followed up by another note on crime. Got the theme?

From Lt. John Soules, Pittsfield Police Dept.:

On Thursday March 3 2022 at approximately 2:24pm members of the Pittsfield Police Department (PPD) responded to Berkshire Medical Center (BMC) for a reported shooting victim.  The victim, a 34 year old male Pittsfield resident, sustained a serious but non-fatal injury.  The ensuing investigation revealed that the shooting occurred at a residence on West Street where PPD investigators located ballistic evidence.  Investigators developed information that 42 year old Pittsfield resident Terrell Ortiz was the shooter.  Ortiz and the victim are known to one another and investigators do not believe that this was a random act.


On Friday March 4 investigators applied for and received an arrest warrant charging Ortiz with Assault and Battery by Discharging a Firearm for his role in the shooting.  On the morning of Sunday March 6 police officers with the Trenton New Jersey Police Department arrested Ortiz in Trenton NJ. 

Anyone who wishes to provide information regarding this case is asked to contact Detective Losaw at 413-448-9700 x572.  Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).

Second, from the NY Times, March 6, 2022:

So far in 2022, murders in U.S. cities, including New York, Chicago and Philadelphia, are up even more overall, according to the crime analyst Jeff Asher. Elevated levels of violence may not be a pandemic-induced blip.
Americans seem worried: 51 percent of adults in 2021 said they believed more crime was happening in their area, up from 38 percent in 2020, Gallup found.

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET shares these items, and the following, because we harbor the seditious notion that crime in Berkshire County has been not just on the upswing but that the swing has jumped the top bar, once around, throwing public safety to the ground and elevating brazen criminals to the seat of honor. We brand this notion heretical because it goes against the fairy tale offered by the county’s current occupant of the district attorney’s office. Her interpretation of “resorative justice” has restored criminals’ their rights at the expense of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.

Come November, voters will have something to do about one of the largest, most damaging electoral mistakes in county history — by installing a new district attorney. THE PLANET has no doubt that as long as a credible candidate runs for the office, and as long as the voters do their job of educating themselves, the criminals on this neck of the woods will no longer be in control.

The campaign season has a long way to go, and this race will be one that will draw heavy coverage from this site, an effort that begins today.

To that end, THE PLANET presents to you Robert Sullivan, Esq., Officer of the Court, Barrister, and attorney.  He appears to be that credible candidate. Unlike Wrong Way, Sullivan has tried countless hundreds of cases. In actual court, a room that the current D.A. hasn’t sniffed since Peter Arlos was in knickers. Sullivan has been a prosecutor and a defense counsel, which he presently is, in private practice with offices at 85 East St., Suite 7, in Pittsfield, and 100 Saratoga Village Blvd, Suite 36G, Malta, NY.

THE PLANET presents the following statement taken from Sullivan’s campaign website,  Anyone wishing to visit the current D.A.’s campaign site merely needs to contact the district attorney’s office, now serving as the D.A.’s personal campaign HQ, according to Jeanne Kempthorne.

———- ooo ———-


I believe in fate, and there’s a reason why a man who was born and raised in the Boston area, who finished law school during a state hiring freeze, applied to be a prosecutor with the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office fourteen years ago.

All signs pointed towards me starting and working in either Essex or Suffolk county because of my internships there with the Essex County District Attorney and the Attorney General’s Office, but life has its surprises. Despite being fortunate enough to travel much of the world and attend college in Miami, Florida, western Massachusetts was a land less travelled for me. However, I committed to being a prosecutor in the Berkshires and despite leaving the District Attorney’s for private practice, the Berkshires have been my home for the entirety of my career.

I have now been an attorney with a primary presence in Pittsfield for almost a decade and a half. I have come across all walks of life and have enjoyed every moment of it. Now my county needs a change. It needs a chief prosecutor that doesn’t follow the trends of politics that reach far beyond our county, but rather focuses on the needs of the residents of Berkshire County. It needs a chief law enforcement officer who puts community safety and accountability over the false rhetoric of a certain political caucus or movement.

Crime is on the rise, including gang and gun violence, drug trafficking and its impact on overuse and overdose, and the county needs a prosecutor that isn’t a politician. The District Attorney is ignorant of this fact and I will not stand for this increase in crime and its impact on our community, family and friends. Left or right, red or blue, the obligation of the District Attorney is to be the chief prosecutor for the county and that means doing everything possible to create a safe community. The current administration has not and will not address these issues.

Why are shootings and stabbings on the rise? Why is the opioid epidemic on the rise at a higher rate than any other county in Massachusetts? I submit to you that it is the result of a lack of competence, aptitude and awareness on the part of the current District Attorney. She has run her office like an endless campaign and lacks the awareness and experience to address these problems. Her priorities are political, her cases are mishandled, and when pressed as to why, she has no legitimate answer.

She has no trial experience and therefore cannot lead and train her staff on an essential and fundamental prosecutorial skill. She wants to be involved in national political issues. I don’t.

  • I want safe streets, safe homes, and a community that represents the best of what Massachusetts has to offer.
  • I want an end to illegal firearms. I want an end to shootings and stabbings and the injuries and deaths they cause.
  • I want an end to the dealing and trafficking of deadly drugs that so dangerously position our community for overdose.
  • I want an end to the campaign culture in the District Attorney’s Office.
  • I want an end to corruption. I am prepared to do anything that is proper and necessary to achieve these results.

Berkshire County does not need policies that pretend to tout progress and reform yet come at the expense of public safety and effective prosecution. The County needs a District Attorney that can understand and adapt to the progress of our society, consider changes that may be reformative, but be dynamic and intelligent enough to make such decisions only when it is consistent with the safety of our community.

I’m ready. Are you?

———- ooo ———-

If you agree with THE PLANET that Berkshire County needs a broom to sweep out the current D.A., consider Bob Sullivan. If you want to do something about it, don’t wait until election day. Contact There are plenty of ways to get involved.


Riddle me this: What do Putin and Rasputin have in common besides ‘Putin?‘” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath



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Agent 86
Agent 86
3 years ago

Let me take a wild guess that this isn’t Mr. Ortiz’s first involvement with an illegal firearm.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Agent 86
3 years ago

No, I believe Terrell is a frequent flyer with PPD and BCHC. I could be wrong, but I believe he went to prison years ago for dealing drugs in Pittsfield.

I still can’t believe the Berkshire Eagle never reported on this all weekend long. It really shows the power Lazy Linda and Co. have over Freddie and his Eagle.

So much for public safety. Or tips for that matter.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

How many years/decades have we heard the endless number of useless Pittsfield politicians campaign on the issue of violent crime, drugs and gangs in Berkshire County? In 2003, Jimmy Ruberto said he would fight crime in Pittsfield. How did that work out? In 2022, Attorney Robert Sullivan is doing the same as the Godfather of Pittsfield who lives in Naples Florida. To Attorney Robert Sullivan: I say BULLSHIT! If Sullivan wins the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office and serves there from 2023 – 2026, I would bet the proverbial farm that the FBI will report annually that Pittsfield and North Adams will still be in the top 10 cities for violent crime per population in Massachusetts, just as it has done for many years/decades now, including before 2019, which was the year when Andrea Harrington assumed the elected office of Berkshire County District Attorney. I am so tired of blogger Dan Valenti and many of his blog posters blaming Andrea Harrington’s progressive politics for Pittsfield’s decades of decay. Andrea Harrington has served as Berkshire County D.A. in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2 months and nearly 1 week so far in 2022. To blame Andrea Harrington for Pittsfield’s decades of decay is NOT even rational given the facts about Pittsfield’s long history of violent crime.

Pittsfield Massachusetts is an economically distressed post-industrial city with severe economic inequality whereby the one political (Democratic) party state and local provincial ruling elites are totally DISCONNECTED from the proverbial household and/or small businesses of the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Pittsfield’s population has diminished in numbers for decades. Pittsfield’s living wage jobs for the average working-class family are about as real as Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and an honest career politician. In fact, Pittsfield and Berkshire County have lost well over ten thousand living wage jobs since the post-WW2 era. Pittsfield has Level 5 public schools. Pittsfield’s downtown is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley”, and the underclass and working poor neighborhoods that surround North Street are sarcastically called “The Ring of Poverty”. Large photos of post-industrial Pittsfield have been exhibited in upscale art galleries and museums in London, England, U.K., NYC, and L.A. as “A City in Decay”. In closing, I ask how realistic is Attorney Robert Sullivan being about fighting violent crime in Pittsfield? We all know that he is full of SHIT, SHIT, and even more SHIT!

Jonathan A. Melle

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

If the knuckleheads running around Pittsfield suffer no consequences from carrying illegal guns they will continue to do so. Harrington bargains away charges Jon. It’s time for her to go. By being kind to the cruel she is being cruel to the kind and gentle folks of Pittsfield, many who live in the same neighborhoods as the knuckleheads.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Agent 86
3 years ago

You made valid points about D.A. Andrea Harrington’s public record. Thank you. I understand that over 9 out of 10 criminal cases in the U.S.A. end in plea bargains. Just so you all know, I still root for my native hometown of Pittsfield Massachusetts after all of these years. I think blogger Dan Valenti does a good job covering Pittsfield politics, despite some of my disagreements with him about the lovely ladies who run the shit show there.

Whatever happened to the ruling elites investing in the people who live and pay taxes and shop at stores in their communities? I guess they moved to mansions in their gated communities a long time ago now – over 50 years ago. While I still enjoy following Pittsfield politics, it is a lost cause for me on a personal level. Most of the career politicians are part of the problem in Pittsfield and beyond!

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Completely agree, Jon.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You are the one full of sh%t!
Harrington is more concerned about politics than keeping the citizens of Berkshire County safe. You love her because she’s a radical leftist social justice warrior – the only yardstick you use to assess candidates for office – just like Linda Tyer, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren etc etc., candidates you have supported in the past.
Throw her out, voters!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Thank you, Mr. Fritz. I am surprised that you did not put a link to one of your right-wing websites this time. You are being forgetful!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Setting new thumbs down records, aren’t you Jon!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I read the article a couple times Dan wrote today and couldn’t find where Dan blamed the current DA for decades of crime in Pittsfield as you claim. I believe people are wanting to hold her accountable and responsible for the outcomes from criminal actions being committed since being sworn in.

My name is Earl
My name is Earl
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

let’s start with her own crimes shall we?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Not to mention, prior to the Xiden administration realizing that “defunding the police” was probably one of the worst policies to ever get behind, DA Wrong Way Harrington made numerous references to “racially biased policing in the Berkshires.”

DA Wrong Way Harrington for the first few years of her term despised the police. She had a front page article about “Brady List” police officers in Berkshire County. She’s called them racist, without a sliver of evidence to back it up. Recent murders, shootings, aren’t reported any more. I never saw anything about Thursday nights shooting in any Berkshire newspaper. I saw a mention of it on the Planet, but nothing from the Eagle. Major case (shootings, stabbings, armed robberies, etc) updates are far and few between. Is the public in danger? Is there any person or people we should look out for? The police are always asking us to call in information. I get that, but it works both ways too. DA Wrong Way’s Office needs to give case updates. Even if it’s in the form of a press release. The problem, the people doing the shooting and robbing are POC. The same people Andrea and her Soros based “progressive cause” advocates for.

If any one of these progressives ever took an intro to sociology class, they would learn that a group of people who do not obey laws, rules, and/or regulations, when they are even moderately enforced, will act even worse and more out of control, when those same laws, rules, regulations, are not enforced at all. As we witnessed during the summer of love in 2020, it becomes a “mob mentality.” We all saw what happened during those progressive led “peaceful demonstrations.”

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

The first name on Nipples’ “Brady List” should be wynn. I believe the year was 2009, the month April, that wynn dressed up in his little Rambo costume announced the eradication of the drug dealing GANGS of PITTSFIELD. Pittsfield’s Lincoln Street kingpin drug dealing gangbanger had been arrested. Illegal GUNS, well, one illegal gun, had been seized, and wynn, aka little Rambo, declared Mission Accomplished on his impotent farce on the drug dealing, pistol packing GANGS OF PITTSFIELD. As for the cops calling on the public for information, this is another fucking cop lie. Why bother to turn over actual evidence of crimes, violence, death threats, property crimes, vandalism, home invasions, thefts/robbery to the cops when, not only are they going to ignore the actual evidence, but they’re also going to harass you, fabricated false narratives, and lie to you. If anyone chooses to provide the cops with evidence of criminal activity, make copies for the cops, and keep the originals for yourself in a safe place, away from the corrupt cops. Personally, I really don’t give a shit if POC want to annihilate POC. As long as POC limit their violence and annihilation to POC.

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

The DA never ever called the Police racist that is totally not factual
Whatsoever. Please correct this.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Then what’s “racial biased policing in the Berkshires?” She was going to put an end to it and expose it. Remember, early in her tenure as DA, Andy? I do.

She’s never produced a sliver of evidence that any cop in Berkshire County used race as a determining factor. And a Williamstown cop who hung a Hitler picture in his locker 20 years, or two decades ago, doesn’t really count in my book.

And while were at it Andy, explain why in Andrea’s first couple of years in her “condolence letters” or press releases, she NEVER mentioned the hard work the police did. Now she does. Why the change Andy?

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

One more Andy, when will you guys release the investigation documents about the Simon’s Rock fake “racially kidnapping” hoax?

I’m curious why the black female wasn’t criminally charged? Doesn’t Andrea “fight hard for victims?”

Wouldn’t every white male in the school be considered a victim? I’m sure thye were uncomfortably questioned by state police detectives and looked at by staff as potential criminals.

Do white males not qualify as “victims” under DA Wrong Way Harrington’s playbook?

We know what punishment burning haybales got a white guy.

I don’t remember Andrea writing a “condolence letter” to all of the white males who were made to feel something they weren’t, falsely accused racists.

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
We The People
We The People
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

What was the date on that breaking news ?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

As I’ve given you your 36th thumbs down, I believe you are two away from your personal record of 38.

Dan, any chance JM can get a “Raspberry Planet Award?”

Every reason or excuse he listed has been addressed by you, me, and many other Planet contributors, as to why DA Wrong Way Harrington and her policies are wrong for Berkshire County.

He either chooses not to read them, doesn’t understand them, or is trying to hard to impress Patrick Fennell with his long winded messages, but Jon has truly “earned” these thumbs down.

If there is a secret committee or star chamber on award decisions, please pass this on and consider.

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Jon Melle does NOT receive Christmas/Holiday Season card from: Pittsfield’s Pot King, Shitty Pigpen, Trippy Country Buffet, Paul Marxism, Maryland Markey, and a bunch of other neoliberal career politicians. Jon Melle is honored.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Name one DA anywhere at anytime in the last 100 years that prevented addiction and crime.There is a move on to try something different and I say let’s try something different.Trumpers like their kind of failure.Liberate your thinking as you can always go back to crazy FOX philosophy of white failure is the best kind of failure,just look at Trumps overthrow of our goverment.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Reminds me of Attorneys General William Barr.He redacted Trumps crimes.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

The point is that the DA has little to do with the crimes committed.We do know that reform of this failed system is going to happen.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

May I suggest you take an intro to Criminal Justice class TSC?

The DA’s Office has a lot to do with “crimes committed.” The DA’s Office makes charging decisions on defendants, make recommendations for bail or no bail, and whether to seek the death penalty or life in prison, in death penalty eligible states.

These are just the basic tasks of the DA’s office. They also represent the state in criminal and civil trials.

You know, that step people go through, before heading off to prison, if they are found guilty, TSC?

The DA’s office is not to decide what laws to enforce and what to ignore, simply based on a political agenda.

TSC, I’m going to help you see the forest through the trees. Jon Melle is unable to. Here it goes:

DA Wrong Way Harrington touts that her office doesn’t charge simple drug possession charges. Seems fair on its core.

But dig deeper, how do these addicts, who get caught (hence the possession charge) by the police with heroin/meth, get the money to buy their dope?

They rob, shoplift, break into: cars, houses, office buildings, looking for items of value. They cause financial hardship FOR OTHERS, simply to feed THEIR addiction.

This isn’t simple marijuana possession charges. These are hardcore drugs.

Understand TSC? It’s her job to enforce all the laws enacted by the legislation, and she took an oath to uphold, wether she likes it or not.

3 years ago

Certainly Sullivan has my vote if he is only opponent of ABA, because, let’s face it, Anybody is Better than Andrea. But, why aren’t other, more serious candidates coming out of the woodwork to knock ABA into next month. I don’t get it.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Why aren’t other candidates coming forward? Indeed. Does anyone know? I would like Mr Sullivans opinion on this as well.

Told you
Told you
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Sullivan is probably the next crowned successor. Pretty sure the previous administration didn’t go too far. Fixing flawed convictions would not look good for retired law enforcement/ justices….. they gotta have someone who will be on board with the machine

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Because most of them have big egos and are lazy ..Geez look at Tim Shugrue when he ran against Capeless couldn’t even get his signs out of his garage

Rule 27
Rule 27
Reply to  Ok..
3 years ago

I hear that Harrington is only putting signs on one way streets.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Rule 27
3 years ago

Backwards, so only her supporters will be able to read them.

Reply to  Rule 27
3 years ago

And which way is she driving up the streets? The wrong way!

Rule 27
Rule 27
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

There are lots of lawyers in Berkshire County. Ask them why they won’t run. Why would you expect someone running to answer your question?

Reply to  Rule 27
3 years ago

OK. Why are there not more people interested in running for the DA position? Have you considered it at all and if not why not?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

I would venture a guess and say, most lawyers who have lived in Berkshire County for longer than 14 years understand Mr. Sullivan’s lofty aspirations are rooted in naïveté without a clear understanding of the history and root problems if our community. The law enforcement aspect is a losing battle.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

I think you are mistaken. Harrington has destroyed the district attorneys office. Rebuilding it – its credibility, staff, training, operational effectiveness, community involvement – all of that is a monumental task. Why bother when you can reap the benefts as a defense attorney? She has done more harm to this community than any elected official past or present.

3 years ago

Dan, I doubt Sullivan has tried even 100 cases. Most are pleas.

Reply to  JoePesci
3 years ago

and so how many of them are more than Andrea?

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Harrington tried only 1 and lost, then claimed client should be granted a new trial, on appeal, due to ineffective counsel on her part. You can’t make this stuff up. And I am by no means disparaging Sullivan rather just telling the truth. There haven’t even been thousands of trials in Berkshire County in the last decade.

Reply to  JoePesci
3 years ago

Always late to court disheveled to name a few ..Ask people who know him a time bomb major personal issues

Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

He can buy an iron and an alarm clock. Harrington can’t grow a brain she’s a dipshit.

Strange Days indubitably
Strange Days indubitably
Reply to  Policereporttwo
3 years ago

Harrington & Davis ate at the Richard Stanley BBQ joint. The People were hand selected to run a bbq joint/other ppl were not. How is this [insert legal term]? Do other ppl pay rent ? Do these ppl ? What’s the qualifier? What is going on. What about….. Equal treatment

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Andy do you wear knee pads at work on state time while you post here?

Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Gee, wonder why more local attorneys don’t want to run? Crap like this. A time bomb? Personal issues?

3 years ago

My gumshoes tell me Harrington hasn’t filed yet because she thinks she is worthy of higher office. How about attorney general perhaps?

Reply to  007
3 years ago

Are her backers planning to sneak in a ringer knowing she has a tough road ahead?

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Ringer or not the papers need to be taken out and the signatures have to be obtained.

Reply to  Ham Anex
3 years ago

It’s very interesting. I went looking to see what races are happening in Berkshire County this year and I could only find results for 2021. Even the state website was terrible. In this day of the internet you should just be able to do a quick search on your topic and presto you have your information. Especially government functions, everything should be out as soon as possible.

Reply to  007
3 years ago


My name is Earl
My name is Earl
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

she ran for higher officers initially and lost to Adam Hinds and god knows who else. Something of that sort at least

Reply to  007
3 years ago

Has she taken out papers?

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  007
3 years ago

She be good dog catcher.

3 years ago

Dan, it can’t be that crime is on the rise because Tyer wasn’t going to stand for it, blamed Bianchi for it’s rise, etceffingcetera.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

Does Tyer’s association with Harrington and or the police chief have any effects, good or bad, on crime in Pittsfield? Do Pittsfield residents have any idea how many actual muggings, stabbings, rapes or assaults have happened in Pittsfield just in the last year? Is there an actual log of all such crimes without any efforts to obscure the overall dangerousness of the city? What was the most driving factor in the mayors choice to move to the far edge of her city, away from the actual daily life experiences her constituents face?

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

These are great questions. It used to be the police log was in the paper daily so us citizens could read what was going on in our city. Now it is well hidden even in this day of instant information through the internet. Why are all government connected citizen paid for groups kept behind closed doors with the key hidden? Everything this city does should at least be posted on the city’s website. Instead citizens have to hear it through the rumor mill. For a mayor who ran on transparency and fixing blight she sure has failed miserably.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

The selection in the local paper was limited. It was more like dragging the names of certain people through the mud. You do know that the 911 Pittsfield Police Log is posted almost daily online. I always wonder about the days that they exclude. Certainly, we know that something happened on those days. Even so, I believe the allegedly official police log is altered. A short time ago the police log actually included the names, addresses, and the nature of the calls. One call from the ghetto included an incident that involved someone finding that feces had been smeared on their door. Very disturbing!

Told you
Told you
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

1. Their paycheck comes from the same place.

Read the Globe

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Here are your answers, Fizz, No, no, yes, and because her hubbby had the home already.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

So hubby, with his connections to law enforcement, knew that the farther away you got from the center of the city the safer you are? And the mayor liked being safe?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

I believe the rumor was that tyer had/has some sordid connection to wynn, something filthy no doubt. If I’m not mistaken, the sordid rumor about the 3 a.m. nightcrawler involved some unsavory connection between the 3 a.m. nightcrawler, a dentist and that lowlife creep, Lothrop.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

These are great questions. The Eagle has a data and records reporter who has been focused on Covid. Now that the pandemic is over a re-direct might help the public know more about what is happening on the streets and in the courts and DA’s office. Would that be too much for hope for?

Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

They have recently been forced to say bad things about Pittsfield horrendous roads because even special interest folk are getting upset. But despite other glaring deficiencies in her rule as mayor of Pittsfield, she gets very little negative critique. There is obviously a cloak of protection over her and her administration.


Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Mytown wants paving done first where all their properties are located.

Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

You would have to get records from the DA'[s office and Harrington already broke state law over that. She does whatever she wants with impunity. She caused a highly experienced and respected attorney and whistleblower to resign over her refusal to cooperate with records requests. Then she tried to quash the story and refused to speak to the Eagle and continued to lie about complaints that were made. 8 public defenders signed a complaint letter. This is the kind of person who should be DA??????

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Usually when the newspaper “rises to the occasion” it is because it benefits them. They sure as hell have never rose to the occasion for the taxpayers. EVER!

3 years ago

Hey Linda,

How’s dem damn roads????

Get outta your basement and do something . Let’s Go Linda.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

Her answer…what’s in it for me?

Mr. X
Mr. X
3 years ago

Another big elected position will coming up for voters. Alf Barbalunga is testing the waters, again, for Sheriff against Tom Bowler. Great. Another has been wants back in. Remember his train wreck as head of the school committee?

My name is Earl
My name is Earl
Reply to  Mr. X
3 years ago

Tell him to go back to Melmac

Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

What’s that?

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Pittsfields number one problem is the denial of Allendales elementary school located on top of GEs former toxic swamp.The schools Health and safety officer needs to address this emergency to Tyer,Marchetti Cameron and his immediate boss Curtis….When you are in the business of education you must educate yourself to problems.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Trump admires Putins invasion strategy so much he calls him a genius.Trumpers admire Trumps opinion of Putin so much they call Trump a genius….Republicans poisoned by FOX fascist propaganda…..Trumpers want what they cant have just like Putin.Trump will never lead you to a white America.Stop admiring Putin and stop surpressing democracy.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Fake News and TDS

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Fake News
3 years ago

100% agree.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

You agree with yourself. What a surprise.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

I have a long comment, so bear with me. Hopefully not JM long, but there’s a lot to unpack here.

AH’s perceived incompetence aside, Sullivan’s position is naïve and unrealistic. A 14-year long career doesn’t even scratch the surface of the history of drugs, violence and the culture of being a poor, hopeless community. And a pivot from prosecution to private practice somewhere in those 14 years leads one to believe he has already experienced the disenfranchisement of the state’s side.

Pittsfield is poor. It is hopeless. It has ignored the need for success of future generations instead to focus and invest in old people and dying cultures (arts, “up street”, etc.)
During the last 30 years, time moved on and Pittsfield stayed stuck in an outdated, technologically-delayed, old-fashioned place in time. When people have nothing to live for, be excited about or proud of, there’s no motivation to do better. This is why generations have turned to drugs and violence.

I can guarantee you there’s not one criminal or drug addict or gang banger out here that spends even 30 seconds on considering the prosecutorial policies of the DA’s office in their choices to commit crimes. People didn’t care when we had Rockefeller-era mandatory sentences and they don’t care now. Getting caught, getting prosecuted doesn’t weigh into the lifestyle choice. A life of drugs and violence is one of desperation and hopelessness. It goes hand in hand with the social ills of a poor community.

Those social ills don’t change with heavier prosecution or locking more people up.

The recent shooting highlighted at the beginning of this article was a domestic dispute between family members that was settled with a gun instead of a fight. Another example of a person who had very little concern for consequence. Desperate. Hopeless.

The post above this one refers to the atrocious condition of the city streets. It is disgusting and unbelievable how they have been allowed to become so deteriorated. Poor leadership and infrastructure maintenance aside, it is a perfect example of how we live in a community that very visibly just doesn’t care. They don’t care about our environment, they don’t care about our finances and economic struggles, they don’t care. Period.

So why would anyone living here care either.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

The condition of the roads and the garbage that is all around them is the poster child of mayor Tyers tenure. It says all you need to know about how little she cares about the city she begged to take leadership of.
I wish there were someone with some clout that could get a forensic audit done in Pittsfield. A deep audit of the last ten or fifteen years might answer a ton of questions as to why the tax rate in Pittsfield spirals out of control and no one with any power seeming to want to find out why. This mayor shuld be and advocate of one as should the city treasurer. They are not. Why? Money is not the problem so what is?

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

My friend’s death was ruled a suicide although he was undoubtedly murdered. How does one overcome such injustice? Just like you said.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Well said Phil. The DAs job is to prosecute not make the laws, but enforce them and they can be tough on crime but they are neither responsible for, or have the ability, to lower it directly. That can be done however via a mayor with steel balls and a police department given the resources and a prosecutor who prosecutes instead of coddles, but it takes a sustained effort across time, and there is a limit to how much it can be reduced. Your city fathers and mothers let the city go to hell in hand basket and it’s too late to turn it around fully.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I agree. Jon Melle should write shorter posts. There are many valid points expressed on this topic of violent crime in Pittsfield/Berkshire County.

3 years ago

Speaking of the DA, she may want to look at price gouging at the gas pump. When has our gas ever been priced higher than gas in NY state? According to the news this morning several of our gas stations are at least 10 cents a gallon higher….I find this very disturbing!

Told you
Told you
3 years ago

Dr. Clarke the medical examiner / inmates physician at Berkshire County House of Corrections – ironically this was Dr. Clark’s office years ago Lewis Avenue Great Barrington.

3 years ago

Our country is trying in many states to get rid of these far left Soros appointed District Attorneys because people are finally realizing that they have a dangerous agenda.

Pull Leez
Pull Leez
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Will someone pull the plug at t b r radio on this stooge and guests like this hag Kate has been. I don’t care about how great they are because I don’t give to shits about lamenting and performing actors or plays. I like music on the radio. Don’t care about how great these actors are,really. I’ve done my part by not tuning on the pctv show- shows but would really like to hear music on my car radio going to and fro to work.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Harrington doesn’t even care about any of their “issues,” like racial disparity. It’s a campaign fundraising opportunity for her and it’s working. Not a bad gig for someone who barely made any money as a part-time attorney.

Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

Too well fed, too well paid and too trained to go against the plantation master and DO HERJOB!

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Crime being on the rise is not the point so much as that the response to crime has gone down. Way, way down. If you can’t get a conviction because you are not competent you have more offenders out and about. If you have lots of pleas to lesser charges you have offenders out and about sooner Short sentences in the name of “decarceration” despite incarcertation being lower than in history means more offenders out and about. Police get frustrated, leave, stop bothering. Pretty soon you’re Holyoke, then Minneapolis

3 years ago

Actually Harrington is genius. She’s achieved the Soros goal of decarceration by failing to work effectively with her counterparts in law enforcement, being incompetent and sitting on her ass doing nothing. Brilliant!

Drowned in Water Bill
Drowned in Water Bill
Reply to  EricaG
3 years ago

Yes it last city Council meeting up at the project came in under 14 million dollars yet when you have changeovers and Now are adding a new lab? over there for testing,who do you think is gonna get the increase,the consultants,the engineers,as far as I know you don’t even need a laboratory,most of the time they sendthe stuff out to be tested to another lab,what a screw job city residents are getting,on this water taxes,and never mind about changeovers when the consultants telling you how much they need, they’re the ones making the money. Maybe on those changeovers we might be able to save a few million dollars,I doubt it though.

Boston Golbe Excerpt
Boston Golbe Excerpt
3 years ago

“We’ve all seen cases that come in and look like a straightforward drug overdose. And then you do an autopsy and find out this person was strangled,” said Dr. James Gill, Connecticut’s chief medical examiner and a past NAME president. “That’s the nightmare scenario. That’s what you don’t want to miss.”

Back Asswards
Back Asswards
3 years ago
3 years ago

I cannot support a DA who employed &enforced progressive policies, ran around the country on political junkets, rebuked a sitting judge, expressed support for indicted Mosby, and whose actions suggest she feels she’s above the law (late tax payments, suspended license, driving infractions).

I will be voting for Sullivan for DA.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

You may want to move to a red state such as Tennessee then. Attorney Robert Sullivan is making the same promises on criminal justice reform as countless other Pittsfield politicians and wanna be’s for many years/decades. We have heard it all before, yet violent crime in only getting worse in the beautiful Berkshires and beyond. The authorities say it is like playing whack-a-mole because when you arrest one bad guy, three more pop up in an endless cycle.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I’m not moving anywhere and I’m certainly not going to take any advice from you.
I believe in staying & fighting radical leftists like yourself. The policies you advocate for – are destroying my country. May Sullivan win in a landslide.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Well said, Lenny, anyone who signs Harrington’s papers needs their head examined.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago


The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

The town manager of Lenox Ma. has cheap taxes by half of what Pittfield has.Lenox is a very well managed town.They use Pittsfield tuition to balance their bucks.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Yeah and your current state reps kid went there. You can’t make it up.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

And they rob Pittsfield’s water and sewer for pennies

Holy God
Holy God
3 years ago

Medical Examiners in Mass. Often Use Photos, Not Bodies, To Do Autopsies
Nearly 1,200 times last fiscal year — or roughly 1 in 7 cases — a medical examiner did not examine a body in person before identifying a cause of death, The Boston Globe reported. That nearly doubled the number of so-called chart reviews from the previous year, the newspaper said. It’s all part of an effort to work faster and reduce a backlog of cases.

Just the facts
Just the facts
3 years ago

So four years ago it was the DA doesn’t make the crime rate go up now you are changing the narrative ahh. I would suggest you look at the years 2014 -2018 crime was skyrocketing blame Capeless?

Look at 2019 Major crime is way down. Praise Harrington? Take out 2021 and 2022 due to covid. The narrative crime is going up is Absolutely false. Data shows that. Sully is the Republican and is endorsed by
The party. You may not like Harrington but it’s gonna be a landslide in November , to many big Dems on the ticket.

Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Fake news, not a republicanTrumper. When law enforcement stands up against Harrington and they will she should start packing her boxes.

Reply to  James
3 years ago


Reply to  James
3 years ago

Paul made the same mistake. Who is advising this train wreck

Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Some very pissed off cops.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

America has 1 billion guns.We need to do a criminal check on gun buyers.

Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Dan please note this post contains information known to be false.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Which crime has gone up I’m Pittsfield? That’s false news and fact

That the Berkshire Republican association held a event for Attorney ” I’m not political” sorry bud he owns that that is fact.

Harrington gets beat up in here all the time with fake news..Sully needs to get some nads if he is gonna run.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Where is it, where is the false info about Harrington?
Harrington didn’t attempt to unseat a judge?
Harrington doesn’t get most of her campaign funds from the Soros nework?
Harrington didn’t lose the only criminal case she ever tried, a layup that put a murderer back on the street?
Harrington didn’t publicly support a federally indicted prosecutor
She didn’t lie about her license.
She didn’t try to get away with a cwof for embezzlement?
Harrington didn’t block the release of public records about a fake hate crime and lie about it?
These are all fake news? All of it. Bruh. Harrington works hard for every beating she gets and more people need to know about it.

Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Bruh ( Sully) you show me one dime she received from Soros please I’ll wait. Dan me crying that is fake news. You have to actually live in Berkshire county to run for DA wink wink more on that later ..Bruh will be done before June lots of skeletons.

Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Who paid for Harrington’s trips to Portugal, Selma. LA etc? Who gave her the playbook she’s shoving down our throats? Who are all those bundled contributors? You can run but you can’t hide from the truth!

Reply to  Louie
3 years ago
Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Oh, Louie do tell. Waiting until June? Now Sullivan knows you creeps are going after his personal life. So oppo of you. Stop making the frat boy innuendos. Let’s talk issues.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Harrington like Yuki Choen is a joke. The only thing left for Harrington is to dance on Yuki’s bar.

Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Have you already discovered election fraud in case Andrea loses? Sounds like you are going to go all out to make sure she stays in place.

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Show me a donation from Soros? Or is this the best the bro club has?

I do see many donations from outside of Berkshire county for Sully ,,Trump supporters I assume. See how that sounds Bruh?

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Your district attorney who has had the job for 3 years has like 75 donations from outside the county and maybe two dozen local. She is radioactive. Eveyone in local politics tells dems who come here to stay far away.

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

The event was not for Sullivan. I invited Harrington to attend on this blog as well and we know that her people monitor the planet. She could have told us of her many accomplishments but she was a no show. If she would like we can arrange for her to speak to area republicans.

Reply to  Dave Bubriski
3 years ago

Sorry Dave his name was on it with the other Republicans it was for him. Just own it.

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Like I said we would love it if Andrea spoke to our group. Whoever this is can contact me through Dan.candidates should be willing to speak with all voters. Don’t you agree?
Will Andrea engage in a discussion with her challenger on PCTV hosted by Dan?

Reply to  Dave Bubriski
3 years ago

Maybe the police chief could sit in on the discussion and tell us where he is at on crime in Pittsfield. I would think his inside perspective would be very important to both sides. He could shed more light than anyone in the game.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Oops, so why is that a bad idea?

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  Dave Bubriski
3 years ago

This was a Republican meet and greet event plain and simple.Harrington is a Dem. The optics are clear. They will have debates Did you invite Hinds Healy etc? Did they show ?

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

We would love to hear from them. Adam has refused other invites.

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

We would especially like to hear from Andrea so she can tell us of her accomplishments. Can you arrange it?

We The People
We The People
Reply to  Dave Bubriski
3 years ago

1. Get elected under false pretenses [check]

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Crime rate goes down if crimes aren’t charged but in realville we know there is more crime. Only buffoons and communists endorse Harrington. Which one are you?

Reply to  Hell Toupee
3 years ago

Uh yah, For instance did anyone get mugged in Pittsfield in the past year and if so is there a police record of it? Did any local news outlets report any muggings or do such things never happen in a city overrun with drug addicts and desperate homeless people?
And if I run a city would I be inclined to tamp down any open discussion of crimes that might effect tourism or visits to my city?

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

This Harrington flack thinks only far left loons should vote.

Last edited 3 years ago by Simon Ives
Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Maybe creepy Joe will stump for the dems.

Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

No one likes Harrington except Meghan Walden. Literally the only person to say a positive word about her in 3 years. Eats , shits and leaves.

My name is Earl
My name is Earl
3 years ago

You could run a turnip against Harrington and I’d vote for the turnip every time.

Anyone who says they voted for her based on her resume and not her being female and progressive is a liar.

Earl Parsnip
Earl Parsnip
Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

How about a parsnip?

Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

In all fairness we should be listing MRS. Harrington s positive points as well as the not so positive ones. I will start.


Holy God
Holy God
3 years ago

I’m confused as to how Massachusetts supplied a live streaming Covid deaths ticker for 2+ years if they’re not doing autopsies. Same w/ opiate overdoses? Someone please explain how it is possible.

3 years ago

The position of DA should not be party affiliated. It should be a position to enforce laws that are on the books and prosecute those who allegedly broke the law. Period. Why does a potential candidates political party matter. Take the politics out of law enforcement. Of course you have to run for the office publicly but loyalty to a political party will always lead to favoritism depending on who favors are owed to. This should not be the way our laws are enforced and our criminals prosecuted. OR NOT AS IS THE CASE WITH OUR CURRENT DA. Maybe if two candidates ran for office without disclosing a political affiliation, the better candidate would win and not just a democrat because we live in Mass

Reply to  pothole
3 years ago

It never was that way in five DAs until Harrington destroyed that public trust.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  pothole
3 years ago

Totally agree pothole. The one thing I used to respect about city politics was that it was intentionally non-partisan, which is why mayoral or council candidates do not have a D, R, or I next to their names on the ballot. It made sense. The focus of those elected should be on the needs of their constituents in Pittsfield, not how to advance their national party agenda. Now, party agenda is the only thing city politicians care about. See office of equity, diversity and inclusion.

Reply to  Two Cents
3 years ago

Do city councilors really have to sign a NDA to represent Pittsfield? Most of them seem pretty tight lipped when it comes time to ask seemedly relevant questions.

3 years ago

Regarding the drug court Harrington campaigned so hard on…how is that going? Harrington arugued hard for drug court and claims it is a main tool in her office’s response to opioid addition. Turns out her primary benefactor does not like drug courts after all. They don’t want any punishment for drugs including being found guilty and sent to drug court. They didn’t realize you have to have conviction and can’t be a repeat dealer to qualify. All of sudden “helping people” is a bad idea. So what’s the status?

See “Why it’s time to abandon drug courts.”

Moore Thathat
Moore Thathat
Reply to  Teedoff
3 years ago

Dan,it’s time to ask you to get down and dirty with the goings on at the water plants and the unavailability of the mayor to give some answers concerning thism monstrosity, with the consultants getting more and more with conigencies also adding to the bill. I’ve been told the 14 million was a never was? And the lab was reintroduced but clearly not articulated with this non needed 9 million dollar water checker? Common Man ! (City Council) let’s get a better opinion on the water plant expenditures before pouring tax dollars into consultants pockets. Don’t reduce the water rate payments reduce the damn project!

Moore Thathat
Moore Thathat
Reply to  Teedoff
3 years ago

Severe thunderstorm warning tonight. Of course the city hasn’t left a message on your phone. Probably to busy covering up the water rates nonsense because they dropped the ball. The bottom line is if you don’t need projects to line consultants pockets you’re not kicking the can down the road, And when you don’t need big dig projects rate raises are non existent and that payment is never kicked down the road. The bottom line is the water plant doesn’t need a 70 plus upgrade.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

Gas was up to $4.29 9/10 at midday. The city-wide pothole roads are unsafe and in horrible condition, and yet, Excise Tax bills are due. Water and Sewer bills were due today. The closed off crumbling rusted Fenn Street entrance to SHITTY City Hall continues (for years now) to be festooned with tattered caution tape, The Federal Street hazardous SHITTY Hall courtyard is blocked off with safety cones, and there’s probably 50 piles of dog shit, unless its human shit, all over the green space outside SHITTY HALL on the Fenn Street side. The sidewalks around SHITTY HALL are littered with garbage, coffee cups, paper, nip bottle, face masks. But scary barry came out of the mayor’s officer today with a shit eating grin on his face. He had a look on him that suggested he just popped in for a water and sewer rate due day celebratory quickie with the crummy mayor. What other reason would she be in SHITTY HALL.

Moore Thathat
Moore Thathat
Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

Good post City. How about this one Putin. Wanted…Dead or Alive….

Moore Thathat
Moore Thathat
Reply to  Moore Thathat
3 years ago

I don’t know about Barry. But there on fenn street side was garbage,a used rubber and the cones on the other side and shit also. You’re right.

Hi Geare
Hi Geare
Reply to  Moore Thathat
3 years ago

I drive my truck down oak Hill to lanesboro everyday and without question one of the worst pot hole trips in the city.

Hi Geare
Hi Geare
Reply to  Moore Thathat
3 years ago

Don’t drive by Grove at Tyler Street unless you got your scuba gear in your car

Reply to  Moore Thathat
3 years ago

This would not happen if Meg Whilden was still in charge. People use to leave their rubbers over in the Cumbies lot where they belong.
(unless someone left Cumbies at 3AM and dropped it on their way to city hall)

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Barry gave me the first neg

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Moore Thathat
3 years ago

What more do you need to know than that the crummy mayor’s nightcrawler trolls cumbbies at 3 a.m., creeps around in the clerk’s office, and tells lies about how safe it is in this shitty city. On the piles of dog shit all over the green space outside shitty hall on the Fenn Street side, some years ago a fat lazy slob/ex-city employee would tell stories about how he would take his dog to shitty hall so it could take its shit everyday.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Did you read the news article in the Eagle that on/after April 1st, 2022, the state will no longer provide free, asymptomatic COVID-19 testing at the Stop the Spread sites in Berkshire County? Other regions of Massachusetts will not have to pay, but unless Berkshire County residents drive to Springfield and points east, they will have to pay either out of pocket or through their health insurance plans, if they are insured. The Stop the Spread sites in Berkshire County ran from December 2020 and will run through the end of March 2022. The state will still provide at-home rapid tests to municipalities to distribute to its residents, and anyone can receive free at-home testing kits from the federal government through the U.S. Postal Service at Over-the-counter tests, though less accurate than lab tests, typically cost $10 to $12 each.

Credit: Danny Jin, The Berkshire Eagle, March 7, 2022

3 years ago

What about the shit show that is the Williamstown PD and the North Adams district court?
Even though the state has instituted text message reminders for defendants of the time and date of their hearing if a defendant calls North Adams district court to find out that info they are told they have to come in in person and show photo ID verifying their identity before being given public docket information. Because, you know, some random person might take it upon themselves to show up in the defendant’s place??
WPD, not only displaying the photo of Adolf Hitler for decades but also surveilling Jewish families and refusing to do investigations that involve Jewish people unless “ordered to by a judge.”
Judge Vrabel in Northern Berkshire district Court handing the Ada her ass for not even attempting to present cases but instead allowing people’s personal attorneys to present, AND the ADA not even knowing what the case was about.
DA’s office then sends in Dohoney, who does nothing on behalf of the state in presenting the case, steps aside and allows somebody’s private attorney to present it AGAIN. Again???
All of this happening in front of the judge who was not unseated, who is encouraging this, and now the friends and extended family of the family involved in this case have now gone to Rachel Rollins and the AG’s office to try and find some kind of relief from the insanity that is Williamstown and the Northern Berkshire district Court.
Had a proper investigation been done the local court wouldn’t even be hearing any of this and now it’s going to cost ushuge amounts of taxpayer dollars and probably people’s careers.

We The People
We The People
Reply to  Outfox
3 years ago

That tax dollar though. End goal.

Reply to  Outfox
3 years ago

Sounds bad but bottom was hit when Harrington’s office let the attempted murder of a baby slide because they couldn’t get the case together.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
3 years ago

What is the status of the exploding pot cook?

Hi Geare
Hi Geare
Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Is the infants deat case still in the works

Hi Geare
Hi Geare
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago


Hi Geare
Hi Geare
Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Do any cars get eighty miles per gallon. If you see one for sale please let me know on here.

Reply to  Hi Geare
3 years ago

Might want to look at mopeds!

3 years ago

After reading the posts on this site I got to wondering what does constitute a crime anymore? Outside of burning hay bales, it seems like anything else is fine. People rob a Subway and are let go. Government greases the favored ones hands, nothing is done. Someone is spray painting private buildings and nothing is said. So I ask what is a crime these days?

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Well you can’t burn cow food for one thing.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

When Smitty Pignatelli and company vote for new state taxes and fees, or they vote to increase them, then they should lead by example by voting for a proportional cut in their own public pay and perks to show the people and taxpayers they supposedly represent that they too will pay more into the state government’s overflowing with cash coffers, which still has billions of dollars in cash in state government surplus funds. It is NOT even rational anymore! Please let me know if Smitty writes another one of his endless lofty op-eds saying he voted for a new fee on gas ratepayers in Massachusetts on Thursday, March 3, 2022. Lastly, Sunshine Week will run from Sunday, March 13th, 2022, to Saturday, March 19th, 2022, which means the Vampires on Beacon Hill such as Smitty will be hiding behind closed doors while they continue suck the blood out of state tax and fee payers.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

3 years ago

Off topic but didn’t Krol and Barbalunga support Harrington? rumor was Krol was very close to her. I wonder if they will try and distance themselves from her now?

Back Assward
Back Assward
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Who are they lining up for mayor in case the current one does not get to spend the whole 43 million?

Peter Davis
Peter Davis
3 years ago

Why does DA Harrington block people on Twitter? What is she hiding?

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  Peter Davis
3 years ago

Probably like anyone on Social media … Duh! Let me guess you want to tweet something rude or demeaning or already have

Peter Davis
Peter Davis
Reply to  Just the facts
3 years ago

Check my tweets and get back to me with any offending tweet

Reply to  Peter Davis
3 years ago

You’re not missing much. It’s infantile self promotion. Here she’s laughing her ass off at the gullibe voting public.
Went to the convention – you have to be 16 years old.
School committee Richmond – FAIL, a no-show.
Ran for Senate – FAIL.
Elected DA, ROFL!!

DA Andrea Harrington  @harringtonforda
Replying to @hjessy_ @EricLesser @cdempc
Congratulations!! That’s how I got involved in politics- delegate to the MA Democratic Convention in 2014, senate candidate in 2016, school committee member in 2017, then elected DA in 2018.

3 years ago

FYI Harrington took papers out long ago. Almost done with obtaining signitures.
Why don’t you ask her?

Reply to  Ok..
3 years ago

If you signed Harrington’s papers please provide a reason here.

Penny lane
Penny lane
Reply to  Kimmer
3 years ago

Ohh Pick me. For one I worked in the

DA’s office and have for 15 years. I was skeptical of Andrea taking over.
However she respects the employees much like Paul did. David Capless was Always Always a grumpy man couldn’t bother to even say hello to anyone in the office. The affairs that took place in the office were disgusting one Attorney in Particular had affairs with at least 3 or more married men. The morale has never been better. Sorry probably not what you wanted to hear

Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

Sugar is sweet just like Splenda but Splenda is phony.

Reply to  Penny lane
3 years ago

What kind of a mental midget bases the quality of the chief law enforcement official, the district attorney, on whether they say hello to an overpaid deadwieght? There are guns and drugs everywhere and the office can’t win cases. What’s important here is who says hello to you and who’s zooming who? I’m guessing you never should have had a job under any DA and no one respects you.

3 years ago

Kronick is brilliant tonight. Tyer and Kerwood caught in big time lies. Or maybe they’re just stupid.

3 years ago

Marchetti is proving himself a buffoon and White is Obtuse.

Rubb Aflubbdub
Rubb Aflubbdub
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

Pay the new water rates. Like it. And shut the f, up.The G man tried and sends his regards from the French Riviera.

Rubb Aflubbdub
Rubb Aflubbdub
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

Anyone hear the Mayor yelling in the background and lumpy lousy up interrupting while Maffuccio was speaking.Then Marchetti shuts Maffuccio off just before Ricky was stepping into a bucket of shit.

Missoula By
Missoula By
Reply to  Rubb Aflubbdub
3 years ago

And what about White saying he’d rather be at this bar and watching a band? Pay the rates or move out of town,that’s my remedy,can’t afford it. If Connell had run they had the votes the other way?

Missoula By
Missoula By
Reply to  Rubb Aflubbdub
3 years ago

Again this is Not, the mayors meeting.But does it matter? she has thePresident in her pockets. Maffuccio should file complaint with,um with,uh? Aw never mind.

And this added multi million dollar lab? Is because workers were getting sick?Really? First I heard of that? Anyway it has gotten to this point,four long years and the rates (needless rates) are here. Pay em.

Lame Hiway
Lame Hiway
Reply to  Missoula By
3 years ago

Those folks over on oak Hill rd must be stupid. They pay water rates and high property,excise, pick pocket tax, and that road looks like shit. Didn’t a resident over there say who cares, it slows the speeding down? Yeah that’s the answer.That road is AWFUL. Might be one of the worst,even cones are in the gutter.