ADD 1, 3/21/22 — We present two items from the Pittsfield Police Department:
On Saturday March 19th 2022 at approximately 7:44pm members of the Pittsfield Police Department (PPD) responded to the 300 block of Columbus Avenue for a ShotSpotter activation. Multiple shell casings were discovered in that area. Responding officers discovered that a vehicle and residence had apparently been struck by gunfire. No injuries were reported.
On Sunday March 20th at approximately 5:24pm another ShotSpotter activation occurred near the intersections of Tyler Street and Burbank Street. Responding officers discovered shell casings in that area. No damage was discovered and no injuries were reported.
Both of these incidents are under investigation. Anyone who wishes to provide information regarding these cases is asked to contact Detective Bertelli-Hunt at 413-448-9700 x532. Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).
On Sunday March 20th 2022 at approximately 8:00pm members of the Pittsfield Police Department (PPD) responded to the Lipton Mart gas station and convenience store located at 580 North Street for a reported robbery. Officers learned that a suspect entered the store, threatened the clerk with a knife, and demanded cash. He left with a small amount of cash and fled in an unknown direction. The subsequent investigation revealed that that the suspect is most likely a white male.
Anyone who wishes to provide information regarding this case is asked to contact Detective Bertelli-Hunt at 413-448-9700 x532. Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).
———- ooo ———-
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 21, 2022) — Welcome to spring, all.
To honor this equinoxial event, THE PLANET‘s shares this poem, taken from our new collaboration with Jerri Chaplin and Paul Kocak titled THIRD PERSON SINGULAR: 33 1/3 POEMS EACH (Planet Media Books, $15 at
———- ooo ———-
A glance.
Pants dance on a cotton clothesline.
The edges of pumpkin stems peek,
freshly chopped, from the vine.
A flit.
A towhee sits atop a frayed milkweed pod.
Fluorescent-green lichen speckles an old oak
pointing north, or so the compass-tale insists.
A peek.
Red holly berries poke out of the late snow.
A bumblebee hovers over cherry blossoms
seasons exchange a hand shake and somehow know.
A glimpse.
Water crystals skimp like eyebrows in river mists.
Candle flames flick on a red-checked tablecloth
set for repast long past due: winter for me, spring for you.
A moment
of pinecones, of seeing what never was but only is —
a heart-shaped birthmark, long eyelashes with glitter,
violet eye shadow put on with care and birds that flitter.
A gaze,
amazed that what is here and just appeared
should come our way from behind closed eyes.
A gift from heaven should so surprise.
to spring peepers, pale stones, and the sun
streaming through leaf buds, veining
the deep, rocky soil covered in vines.
to take in moments both near and far,
to the only Light by which we can see
and claim ourselves as who we are.
———- ooo ———-
Moving to items prosaic, first a program note.
If you noticed THE PLANET acting slower this weekend, it’s because we did some backstage work, adding a few technological gizmos that will help us handle our increasing volume while increasing our already beefy security measures. We thank you for your patience.
Second, the New York Times lied. The New York Post told the truth.
The lap dance was as real as the laptop.
THE PLANET speaks of the computer found in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnall’s porch at noon on October something, 2020, a month before the election. The Post reported it belonged to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. Its contents were blue and from the red-light district, replete with porn, compromising photos, hookers, drugs, crooked deals, and instructions that the illicit gains from Hunter’s “business” deals must include “10 percent for the Big Guy.”
Big Guy.
Hmmmm. Hunter Biden’s telling his handlers that “10 percent” has to be kicked back to “the Big Guy.”
Gosh, now who could that be?
What “Big Guy” could be in Hunter’s life?
Of course, the news that the Post broke sent Dem operatives into a panic followed by overdrive to get the lapdog media the party controls to discredit the news, led by the “vaunted” New York Times (“All the Lies that Fit”). The Times published without investigating for itself the Loon Left’s spoon-fed lie that the discovery of the laptop was fake news, “Russian propaganda” aimed to keep Syracuse Joe out of the White House. Twitter banned the Post for months.
The lies worked enough to rig an election.
———- ooo ———-
Now the truth emerges almost 17 months after the phony election. The laptop was indeed Hunter Biden’s, and it did, indeed, contain all of the reported contents from the smut and drugs to the graft committed by Biden, including evidence of kickbacks given to (and presumably accepted by) by the man who is now President of the United States of Amnesia.
It was beautiful that the New York Times had to publish the truth of its lies, which it did last week. THE PLANET calls this story “The Reality of the Laptop.”
When asked by the lame and tame White House press corps about this, the White House declined to comment because — get this — Hunter Biden was not a federal employee. You’d have to go to Burger King for a bigger Whopper.
Yes, it’s bad and sad, comrades, for what passes as competent in the offices of POTUS and VPOTUS. He slurs and stirs. She giggles like a schoolgirl while meeting with foreign heavyweights.
What a national disgrace and embarrassment.
Record inflation. Record energy prices. A national deficit that will hit $30 trillion when POTUS signs the 2,741-page spending bill just passed by Congress, the 2,741-page law of small print that every member read. Yeah, the one with no pork.
“An error is always more dangerous in proportion to the degree of truth [that] it contains” — Henri-Frederic Amiel.
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Speaking of Spring
My guess is the “Big Guy” is actually Pete White.
Speaking of Pete, has he ever released his plan on what he plans to do with the “houseless?” It’s been a couple of years now since he made this announcement.
For those of us who are tired of the begging at the intersections and needles in the parks, Pete, where is your “houseless plan?”
His solution is to vote for more tax breaks for the people buying up property so they can provide more Affordable/Market Rate apartments for those who are houseless. The ones where they charge anywhere from $1,200 -$2,500 a month or more.
“swans die in the Spring too
and there it floated
dead on a Sunday
circling in the current
and I walked to the rotunda
and overheard
gods in chariots
dogs, women
and death
ran down my throat
like a mouse,
and I heard the people coming
with their picnic bags
and laughter,
and I felt guilty
for the swan
as if death
were a thing of shame
and like a fool
I walked away
and left them
my beautiful swan”
_Charles Bukowski, “spring swan”
An acquired taste, but definitely a poet of first rank.
No one captures the torment of the soul better than Bukowski
So when is THE NYT(slimes) going to admit ,the fraud SELLection 11/3-4/2020, and the staged “insurrection ” 1/6/2021?
The illusion/collusion by Clintons/Pelousey/Shiffhead, the Dems and RINOs? That went on 4+ years?
Thanks for illegitimate demented bumbler you helped install NYT. And MSM, Deep State, DC spooks (FBI CIA NSC DHS), and people who voted for it!
I forgot Dominion machines too…..
Hunter Biden published his book last year of 2021 writing about a lot of his Bad Boy Behavior. The proverbial Bell has been rung on Hunter Biden for years now. This isn’t anything new, and no one is surprised by the Democratic Party and MSM’s support of Joe Biden over Donald Trump in 2020. Corrupt Career Politicians – from Pittsfield/Naples Florida to the Swamp – live double lives and put on a show for the cameras. My best friend told me at lunch two Sunday afternoons ago to never trust a career politician and their backers. They are called the Ruling Elites for a reason because we have to pay them to lie to us. K Street lobbyist firms run Capitol Hill where Members of U.S. Congress are legally bribed to do the Financial and Corporate Elites’ bidding. Boston always systemically screws Pittsfield. Pittsfield politics always systemically screws the people and taxpayers. No matter where you go in politics, it is corruption by career politicians and their backers!
Never trust a politician taking corporate bribe money
That leaves about 2% trustworthy…..
Dear Mad Trapper. You are such an angry, bitter, sad man. So filled with hatred. I truly feel sorry for you. You certainly must live a miserable life. You are the person that kids are scared of, I bet you scream “Get off my Lawn” as you live your pitiful existence. Do your self a favor, go down to Berkshire Roots, get your self some Gummy Bears, pop a few and watch some nature videos. Breathe deeply. Inhale, exhale, Ohmmmmm.
You are such a vile rectum You don’t rate a response.
This from man with the laptop that has dirt on Hunter, Joe, Brurisma, Ukraine, China, ……..
The genie is out of the bottle, you can download all this stuff from the laptop from hell on the web. Even all the sordid pictures of Hunter with pre-pubescent girls.

Let me remind everyone how long Grassley and Cotton have had this. Read my letter, then tell me you still have respect for them. Did not even have courtesy to call me until I proved he was looking at it when he and Johnson spoke about no Secret Service on Kazakhstan trip on L. Todd Wood’s podcast. I got a call an hour later. Believe NOTHING they tell you.
Worst stuff is his dealings with his Father, aka treason
Jack Maxey
Jan 31·
Anybody want to know purpose of Hunter’s first trip to Kazakhstan in June 2014 on behalf of ChiComs and using Burisma as cover? This is the trip Grassley referenced last week where Hunter did not take the Secret Service. Read carefully. the whole time they were working for Chinese Communists. That gas was going to get piped across Afghanistan as well . . . TRAITORS – FACT. PM Massimov, last head of state security is now under arrest for treason. . . .”
Jack Maxey
Feb 16··
“I actually smoked crack with Marion Barry. I swear to f___ing God” Funny how Mayor Barry went to jail for crack cocaine, but not Hunter. Pretty sure the ol’ Mayor would have been under FBI surveillance at this time too. Also, Hunter’s daddy wrote the law making one gram of crack equal to 100 grams of powder. Sent nearly 200K black young men to Federal prison. But not Hunter. Why not?
Jack Maxey
People, there are over 100K texts we are curating and 128K emails. Before almost all were hidden in archives and difficult to access without a pertinent search term. We have also found thousands of pictures he “thought” he deleted. Some stuff, I’m uncomfortable even explaining. When I say it is over – I mean it. Please pray and keep your Constitution close. Going to make sure public can crowd source the emails w/ redacted’s, bank account numbers etc. and texts less telephone numbers. Trying our best to be responsible and not bring further harm to the victims. Keep all of us in your prayers. #benotafraid #dutyhonorcountry #courageiscontagious Please be patient, we are on the wall. Big love America, all of us have devoted our lives to keeping you safe.
Jack Maxey

Jan 27·
Calling Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson. Here is Robert Savage former head of SS in LA and Dale Pupillo who was head of Biden’s detail rescuing Hunter from a crack and hooker bender in an expensive LA hotel where he “accidentally” used his father’s card to send someone $ 28,000. Remember neither Hunter nor his daddy merited SS protection after he left office. Just another day in the life of an untouchable princeling . . Note to our Nat. Security “experts” probably super stupid to have your picture in your texts. Without that Robert Savage this would have been a dead end.
Dope is for dopes, Dopey.
Something for everyone on this blog. Beautiful poetry and then we have MT who is about as elegant as a intellectually challenged rhinoceros with diarrhea.
I’ve forgot more than you’ll ever learn…..
Dude, You are seriously gonna stroke out lol. Do you also have the Secrets Tapes In Baltimore? I’ll call Jones II and make sure they have a room waiting for you Rube. USA USA USA
I’m not a “Dude”, even know what one is, I doubt it. ROFL!!!
“Definition of dude
1 : a man extremely fastidious in dress and manner : a dandy
2 : a city dweller unfamiliar with life on the range (see range entry 1 sense 3b) especially : an Easterner in the West
3 informal : fellow, guy The other girls in the program never go out, so I always find myself out with dudes from my program. — Cosmopolitan —sometimes used as a term of address”
Now I see You’re in a fantasy world, and can’t believe your own eyes, but readily are duped by MSM.
Hunter’s laptop is out on the web, do a search but get some Kleenex first, as you’ll be crying a river……
If you call Jones MT will probably answer the phone. He calls his little bunk area his root cellar.
How Liberal of you! Can’t make a viable argument so insult.
How long until I’m bigoted and racist, in your eyes again?
If your happy riding the Biden highway to hell great.
Hunter Biden’s laptop confessing criminal acts with his dad Joe Biden is real.
Ashley Biden’s diary confessing inappropriate childhood showers with her dad Joe Biden is real.
These facts are not going away.
Just don’t watch MSLSD like this clown does
Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall
By Margaret Fishback
Sometimes I wish that I were dead
As dead can be, but then again
At times when I’ve been nicely fed
On caviar or guinea hen
And I am wearing something new
And reassuring, I decide
It might be better to eschew
My tendency to cyanide.
Here Today and Gone Tomorrow
By Margaret Fishback
Unfortunately, happiness
Depends a little more or less
On undependable, and hence
Absurdly charming elements.
By Margaret Fishback
When life seems gray
And short of fizz
It seems that way
Because it is.
The most suicidal months of the years occur in the spring: April, May, and June are when suicide rates are highest.
People attempt suicide and die more often in springtime. That’s been known for more than 50 years.
The Waste Land
T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
The Burial of the Dead
April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life in dried tubers.
Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee
With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade ,
And went on in sunlight, into to Hofgarten,
And drank coffee, and talked for an hour.
Some of the best, especially T.S.
That’s how it ends.
You got any stats to back up your statement on suicide rising in spring?
“The Babylon Bee has officially drawn the wrath of the Twitter speech police with its latest headline.
On Sunday, the satirical outlet was temporarily suspended from Twitter for “hateful conduct” after it crowned Biden’s newly appointed Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine.
Obviously, the post was a joke, touching on Levine’s recent appointment as USA Today’s “Woman of the Year,” but it is forbidden to point out reality nowadays.”
We’re not deleting anything. Truth is not hate speech. If the cost of telling the truth is the loss of our Twitter account, then so be it— Seth Dillon (@SethDillon) March 20, 2022”
P.S. what twisted the twitter? BB called “Richard” Levine Man of the year
Love the poetry.
All the other stuff I can get from Tucker Carlson but seems to me there is many much more important things going on right now. But then, I am not in the information vacuum tunnel with MT.
Thanks, FIZZ.
The stuff on the laptop from hell explains a lot of what is going on in Ukraine/world now Fizzy.
But you’ve got the toilet seat around your neck, waiting for another refill from the TV provided by CNN.
Now that the dump on Hunter’s laptop is out. Besides, revelations of crooked deals with “the big guy” concerning Eastern Europe and China, there’s videos/pictures of crack smoking with hookers, there is pedophilia involving Hunter.
Is this coincidence? This week………
Watch Joe Biden’s Bizarre Speech About Naked Pictures and Blackmail
“I bet everybody knows somebody…that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then blackmails,” Biden said.
Remorse or cover?
Was there another armed robbery on North street yesterday? If so will a story be allowed for public perusal or will there instead be a story on how awesome and safe it is to go biking down the bucolic and historic (as well as vibrant and dynamic) center of Pittsfield?
“Mayor and DA plan to grunt out excuses for gun fire during press conference at 11.” Stay tuned.
She will probably say they were shooting a movie with Clint Eastwood and probably have Pete White dressed up to look like him to prove her point.
Calling Alec Baldwin
A weak on crime DA in Wrong Way Harrington and give me all that state grant money (and the dregs of society from the Boston/Worcester area) Lazy Linda Tyer, and there is the answer to why violent crimes are out of control in Pittsfield.
And to think, it’s not even summer yet. At least the toilet plungers will be on North Street for Ricky’s Rumpus, in the summer of inclusivity 2022.
David Capless > “Both Pittsfield and North Adams have woefully understaffed police departments for communities of their populations,” said Capeless. “That’s part of it. Those communities — North Adams, unfortunately, has such a poor tax base that it would be very difficult for them to try to ever achieve that. Pittsfield has repeatedly denied the request to expand it to where it absolutely should be, and that’s something that they should be doing about. If your communities aren’t inresponding, what is a DA to do?”
4 years ago the chant was the DA doesn’t have anything to do with the crime rate it’s not Paul’s fault blah blah blah. Interesting things are different now. The crime rate in Pittsfield has been Skyrocking since 2014. We have a Senator that is MIA Reps that have brought Zero jobs and so on and on we go. Gotta try something different
So DA Wrong Way Harrington’s soft on crime approach and Lazy Linda lining her pockets at the expense of the average citizen, by accepting those “grants” and the scourge that comes with it, have nothing to do with it? Interesting.
I’ve always find it funny, when you hit a progressive with facts that destroy their narrative, their go to, is to “blame the past.”You ever notice that? Trump….Capeless….
I don’t remember bums at every corner begging for change a few years ago under the Capeless regime. Not saying it was great, but I don’t remember him waving the white flag either and advocate for “heroin shooting galleries,” either Facts.
That’s WW Harrington’s answer? Give up? I’m curious if her kids became drug abusers if she’d be so accepting of her kids shooting up dope legally? A good debate question to ask her? If she tries to dodge it, it tells you what she thinks of the common person.
All correct, now to top it off we have a limp dickless DA. Any questions?
I never thought I’d be missing Capeless as Berkshire DA. But it only took a couple months.
Apparently a couple of shooting incidents as well. One on newly renovated Tyler street. Tyler is the one with the new street lights that give about as much light as a candle 30 feet in the air. Not going to cut down on the muggings in that area, even with bike lanes.
Agree,don’t put in street lights unless you turn them up to bright.North street at the Beacon is really dark and unsafe
Dan everyone knew the laptop was real unless you were suffering from TDS, or just the brainwashed North East who can not think for themselves but rely on the liberal cabal of media companies telling them, not the truth but what they must believe and repeat. Biden was on tape talkQuid Pro Quo and all the libs could say was it was the orange man??? You can go back 60 years and see how tilted the Times has been, this is nothing new to them. Just wondering why they are allowed on Twitter, FB or Meta, or any other internet company that likes to kick people off for fake news. I say have at it Comrades
The only way the media burying the laptop story makes sense is to realize that the media and far left wanted the cognitively challenged and corrupt Joe Biden to be our president. Joe and also incompetent Kamala leading our country will fulfill the desires of the far left to make America give up our power to other countries. If those other countries happen to be violent Russia and China, then so be it. We can then turn our attention to the globalists green energy fanaticism and the far left gains control over us by skyrocketing prices on food and gas to force us to give up fossil fuels and meat consumption.
It goes deeper than that Pat.
The RINOs have/had the laptop too and sat/are sitting on it. Grassley, Johnson and Cotton.
Besides the pedophilia and drug abuse of Hunter, there is ample evidence of the Bidens involvment with Ukraine and China. This should have been known by Americans before Nov 2020
I’m just as tired of useless Rino Republicans licking the establishment boots while letting Democrats urinate on the constitution and our civil rights.
We’re not gonna take it
Oh no, we ain’t gonna take it
We’re not gonna take it anymore
We’ve got the right to choose it
There ain’t no way we’ll lose it
This is our life, this is our song
We’ll fight the powers that be just
Don’t pick our destiny ’cause
You don’t know us, you don’t belong
We’re not gonna take it
Oh no, we ain’t gonna take it
We’re not gonna take it anymore
Oh, you’re so condescending
Your gall is never ending
We don’t want nothin’, not a thing from you
Your life is trite and jaded
Boring and confiscated
If that’s your best, your best won’t do
Sing it
We’re right, yeah
We’re free, yeah
We’ll fight, yeah
You’ll see
We’re not gonna take it
No, we ain’t gonna take it
We’re not gonna take it anymore
We’re not gonna take it
No, we ain’t gonna take it
We’re not gonna take it anymore
No way
Twisted Sister
Which makes it that much easier for them to make Biden do their bidding or they will expose him and toss him out.
We don’t know how many Republicans are behind this hiding of the laptop, but it can’t be as many as are on the left.
Too funny Pat. America is as close to a nuclear war as it has been since the Cuban missle crisis and Tucker has you guys all thinking Hunters laptop is the big story.
But I guess if somebody has to worry about Hunter it might as well be you and MT.
Maybe You should worry/blame who caused this Fizzy. There is a bunch in the White House and many more in Congress.
How much it cost to fill the tank this week? The grocery store? YOU helped do that!!! Nov 2020
I am worried about nuclear war. Much more than I’m worried about climate change, but Biden keeps telling us that climate change is the greatest threat to the world while we are on the brink of catastrophe from war and after millions died from the pandemic.
Nuclear war is a real possibility. It will only take one errant Russian missile one of the NATO countries on its western flank.
Or the Senile One in DC puhing the wrong button, thinking he’s ordering ice cream cones….
Tomorrows ShotSpotters forecast for Pittsfield is : Light to moderate gunfire will blanket the city. ……
Seriously. Would responsible parents allow their children to go to a Third Thursday at the COMMON In Pittsfield? There isn’t even an alley way to run for cover should some gang banger decide to pop a cap or nine. I may set up a booth at the gate selling Kevlar as my contribution to the citys economic engine blah blah.
Another terrible crime in Pittsfield was in an article in the New York Post last week. Local man was captured at the Port Authority for trying to escape to Texas after beating his infant son in Pittsfield, the FBI was also involved in his capture. Amazing that this article was in the New York Post and also in the Hampden Journal. Local authorities evidently wanted to hush this incident because after all, City of Pittsfield is suppose to be viewed at Vibrant and Dynamic.
Any chance the NY Post posted a picture of this animal? Or did it “violate the agenda,” so no picture or description was given?
Avery Pollock 28 yrs. old.
Linda Tyer, where are all the extra police you vowed to hire?
Beef up the Pittsfield Police Dept.!
Since Linda Tyer has been in office my former quiet neighborhood has turned into a race track for New York cars purchasing pot, our air is totally infiltrated with skunk odor from Berkshire Roots. Also, my street has turned into a walking cut through for all the addicts going to Spectrum Methadone clinic on Merrill Road. These addicts now are asking for money from me when I am just trying to peacefully walk my dog, I now have to walk past my home as I don’t want to let these addicts know where I live. The few times I have had to contact the PPD because one of these addicts are passed out near my home I have been told by the PPD that “Don’t worry they are a frequent flyer, they will move along”. This is NOT the lifestyle I am paying constant increasing taxes for. My neighborhood is filled with hardworking tax paying family orientated residents but our well being does not matter. We are on our second good City Councilor but the Mayor treats them as thorns in her side because they are trying to advocate for us. This Administration has turned this City into a complete shit hole and these elected officials could care less as long as their pockets are filled.
Put Nuciforo’s stinky pot growing buildings, Pittsfield’s Methadone clinic, Social Services Alley on North Street, and the rest of it next to Mayor Linda Tyer’s mansion inside of her Gated Community neighborhood within a few feet of the Hancock border. Make her lead from the frontlines.
Jon, might as well move them there, your Lovely Linda could care less about the merchants and restaurants on North Street. She took one SHORT stroll up North Street last year and that is it, just a Vibrant PR move. She also proved it last week when she Vibrantly and Dynamically spoke about the move of Third Thursday to the needle, nip, drunks and addict filled Common, so much for bringing residents to North Street to shop and get a bite to eat. Although, most people I know are afraid to attend due to the City’s ongoing crime.
Your mayor lives in Colorado
The “ill people’ at the methadone clinic should get the Tyer treatment out behind the woodshed.
Not saying I’ll do it… just an opinion, don’t sue me Barry!
They all left to work at the Sheriffs Department. Better money and better leadership.
They do really amazing work… The road details are like no other. And transporting prisoner’s and guarding them first rate until they escape.
Then we call out the National guard and Agent Gerard
I did a search: Pittsfield berkshireeagle = shooting incident on Columbus Avenue and then a dangerous downtown gas station robbed at knifepoint on North Street. I thought that something good might pop up, but instead, I see that 15 cats were abandoned, the trash-burning plant exposed workers to serious health exposures, it will cost Pittsfield residents 10 to 12 percent more this year of 2022 to do their 3 S’s, litter is out of control, potholes plague Pittsfield roads, and pot shops are all the rage. Did I miss much?
Well, despite all the hot air on the subject there is very little affordable housing around and it is getting worse by the month.
and we gots about six city councilors that are not going to be of ANY help. They tied their own hands when they agreed to the rubber stamper methodology of phony government representation.
It is clear that the Mayor and 6 CC don’t read any news source.
But each and every one of them reads this blog first thing in the morning. They know they took a council position away from someone who would have actually representative the people who voted for them. They know it and when they read here they know we know. They are not supposed to work for the mayor. They are suppose to be a check and balance on the mayor. Six of them (at least) seem to be on the dias for their own personal benefit and the people be dammed. You know who you are and so do we. They should be ashamed of themselves and I hope none of them are passing their bad behavioral traits along to any offspring.
$8 to $10 grand per year plus bennies. Plus the chance to be Barney Fife.
All things considered I think Pittsfields first responders do an awesome job. My hat is off to them considering the leadership is weaker than it has ever been.
But not too many wanna be cops are choosing this particular shithole to work in and those that do transfer out first chance they get. Not a lot job satisfaction at the end of a day of corralling nutjobs, drunks, druggies and derelicts and then coming back and dealing with the same people for the same bad behavior the next day and the day after that.
Those outside contractors are a gimmee.
They left when Wrong Way DA couldn’t or wouldn’t prosecute. See Lenox PD, etc. for names.
Maybe less crime(s), but same Left Winged Liberal DA….
More cops ain’t the answer
At least 8 people were killed and more than 50 hurt in 8 mass shootings across the US this weekend
But what about Hunters laptop man…what about the laptop huh???
Shot spotter in layman’s definition:; ability to pick up gunfire at a high rate? Solves or prevents high what percentage. Lately it hasnt even come close sometimes. Either fireworks and pop bottles or roofing nail guns. And when the spotter is activated the first thing is questioning someone if they heard itA. Where they heard it? Just junk science.,
This year we’re going to have severe mosquito uptick,they’re already out,put some money into the roads and re-visit the water rates and tax relief no matter what the state says. Do some work Councilors and drop your advocacy and political poor me social and moral issues,dancing and drinking beer is fine but that’s not what Kapanksi is suffering from.
He smoked crack with hookers, engaged in pedophilia and made corrupt deals for his father.
I hope I cleared that up for you…
Who are you even talking about? You did not mention a name so I assume you are talking about Donald Trump.
Why are you talking about Trump with all the Mass shootings?
I dunno. Maybe he was involved. He did say he could shoot somebody on fifth ave. in NYC and get away with it. So who knows for sure?
Fizzlehead… show us where the orange man touched you. I’m sure your therapist would like to know too
It was the Russians, they are staying in Fizzys mind and cellar……they do horrible things to him…….
Enjoy making an azz out of yourself?
And who knows how much he compromised national security in his dealings with the Russian underside.
Who knows indeed. But Putin has not been allowed into the Oval Office since Trump gave him and a couple of his thugs a tour of the place. Only president to ever let a KGB agent into the Oval Office but I am sure he had good reason for doing so.
“Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow…..”
Pussy is always on agenda Hunter was a loss soul.
“So, it turns out the “President” of Ukraine is a flaming gay, cross dressing, high heels-wearing bondage freak with a $40 million Florida mansion, is deeply connected to Hollywood and the establishment elites, hosts a multitude of U.S.-funded Bioweapons labs, paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars in bribes and happens to be a full-blown Nazi and was installed after the CIA and U.S. State Department effected a violent coup to oust a democratically-elected administration, before silencing and jailing opposition party leaders and turning off the real news in that country.
And, this isn’t news, why?”
I’ll add, Hunter is ears deep in the Ukraine biowar-labs, as one of his flim flam corporations (thanks “big guy”) is involved in their operations.
Maybe You should see/research the laptop from hell….
P.S. “He’s also worth an estimated $1.2B. Remember kids, the people who lied to you about COVID are the same people who are lying to you about Ukraine.”
Interesting that for 4 years all you worried about was the false Russiagate narrative. Now when the sitting President is caught in an international shakedown of foreign countries, the proof being in his son’s laptop and on TV you don’t want to talk about it. Very interesting
I also don’t want to talk about how incredibly gullible you are for believing anything and everything the far right wing nuts say. I don’t want to talk about that because it just makes me so sad that the human mind can so easily be taken over. Yes, sad is the word.
3h·️NYT Accuses Candace Owens of Advancing Russian “Propaganda”
Owens was informed by the New York Times that the outlet was writing an article on her pushing the idea that Ukraine is a “corrupt country” – giving her time to respond…
What the NYT perhaps didn’t expect, was her response bit them on the ass!
Short memory or just a blind attempt to take down contradicting opinions?

Candace Owens is awesome!
She’s a libtard’s worst nightmare!
Actually she is Black americas worst nightmare. She is largely shunned by her own community. (But Putin likes her so there is that)
Hunter Biden’s laptop confessing criminal acts with his dad Joe Biden is real.
Ashley Biden’s diary confessing inappropriate childhood showers with her dad Joe Biden is real.
These facts are not going away.
So “laptop” is the trigger word Hannity has you all blathering about today huh? What will it be tomorrow? Liptard is kind of chewed up and F Biden is getting worn around the edges. But y’all gonna line up and chant his mantra whatever it is. Good boy! Good girl!
Hannity is supporting Dementias war in Ukraine……
It is sad that you continually keep your head in your …. To be nice you keep in the sand while humming they’re coming to take me away oh my!
Ukraine is corrupt – where have our billions in aid gone? The Azov Nazis are shooting civilians.
The Dems’ O’Biden problems are blowing up in their faces. How will they get rid of Joe?
Hope not with “the laughing hyena” as replacement……
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is used to deal with “white” problems.
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Says She’s Used To Dealing With ‘White’ Problems | The Daily Caller
What if Boston Mayor Michelle Wu said she’s used to dealing with “Black” problems?
What if she said she is used to dealing with “Jewish” problems?
What is she said she is used to dealing with “Asian” problems?
Is O.K. that she said she is used to dealing with “White” problems?
It’s okay for the leftist wokesters to be racist. That’s what they mean by DIE (diversity, inclusion, equity).
I know I’m not used to dealing with “Asian” problems when my Chinese food from Tahiti Takeout gets messed up.
Stop fetishizing Chinese cuisine
Says the person who’s never met an egg roll he couldn’t deep throat.
” I recently heard a fantastic analogy about Democrats and Republicans.
Democrats are arsonists who light a building on fire. The GOP are the “firefighters” that the public runs to and tells to save the building. But instead of putting out the fire, the GOP parks in front of the entrance and blocks anyone who actually wants to stop the fire from entering.”
Pittsfield politics is the land of sky-high municipal taxes for Level 5 public schools, substandard public services and violent crime on its dangerous downtown area streets. Mayor Linda Tyer and Peter Marchetti and Bill Cameron: It would be like me charging you for a mansion but selling you a rundown shack. Boston Statehouse politics is the land of behind closed-door unaccountable state government where the career politicians enrich themselves and their politically connected backers at the public trough. Chrome Dome, Shitty Pigpen, Trippy Country Buffet, Paul Marxism and the career Mayor: It would be like me telling you to believe in American Democracy but instead I am really picking your pocket with a mask of Abraham Lincoln over my face. Swamp politics is the land of multimillionaires and billionaires legally bribing each other so that the Financial, Corporate and Ruling Elites always win, while the rest of us have to pound sand. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi: It would be like me having a credit card with over $30 trillion in U.S. national debts, but when I need to refinance it, I use the American People and foreign national debt holders as an insurance policy to cash in over and over again so I can continue to spend taxpayers’ money like a drunken Sailor on leave. The Swamp politicians use the American People much worse than Hunter Biden used crack cocaine, alcohol, sex workers, strippers, his family funds, adversarial countries such as Russia and China’s funds, his business as an alleged money laundering operation worth an estimated $1.2 billion with “the big guy” (Joe Biden) allegedly getting his 10% cut of an estimated $120 million, and Hunter Biden trying to weasel out of paying his stripper ex-partner he cannot remember ever meeting child support if not for a court-ordered paternity test. In closing, the corrupt career politicians are all hucksters from Pittsfield Massachusetts to Boston’s Golden Dome, to the Swamp no matter if they Democrats, Republicans, or another political party or a so-called Independent/Unenrolled.
What is this nonsense with the transgender swimmer beating college women in the swimming pool. It’s not fair in my opinion a woman’s sport should be a woman sport and no biological man whether he’s changed his identity should be allowed to participate in women’s athletics. Common Man.
THE PLANET is in total agreement, REAL.
I also agree. That takes acceptance a little toooooo far.
Cuomo running for Governor. Save us all.
In Massachusetts?
Killin Grannies and grabbin fannies, liberal darling Andrew.
Andrea Harrington blathering on twitter about the need for diversity in leadership in law enforcement from the great depths of her experience. Three years fumbling her way around law enforcement, three years of disastrous management including some of the court’s most cringeworthy moments. Can’t wait for her to tell us again how she stands on the shoulders of RBG. What an embarassing woman.
Why are the prez and vp always laughing at theseclatest brutal press conferences
Kavey reportedly has a new hair spray and should be at the Clowncil meeting tommorrow night
Social Not-Working
Hunter must have attended the Marion Barry School of Politics and Crack Smoking.
Something something intersectionality, etc etc
He did!!!
Jack Maxey
Feb 16··
“I actually smoked crack with Marion Barry. I swear to f___ing God” Funny how Mayor Barry went to jail for crack cocaine, but not Hunter. Pretty sure the ol’ Mayor would have been under FBI surveillance at this time too. Also, Hunter’s daddy wrote the law making one gram of crack equal to 100 grams of powder. Sent nearly 200K black young men to Federal prison. But not Hunter. Why not?”
Link above has voice mail memo featuring Hunter on “The laptop from hell”
Potent flu bug in town.
Go get another jab quick!!!
It’s been shown the jab is ineffective after 90 days, after that the jabbed are more likely to be infected with the Fauci virus, than the “unvaccinated.
Got your “X”th booster yet?
No, but as soon as they come out with a jab to protect me from whatever it is you got I am getting it. Do they have a jab for terminal ignorance yet?
Better get your next jab, as last one is effecting your cognitive abilities (blood clots on the brain), which were limited to start with.
Fully “vaxed” H-Beast has the Vid!!!!
“Bill tested negative and is feeling fine. He’s quarantining until our household is fully in the clear. Movie recommendations appreciated!” she said. – H-Beast 3/22/22
Maybe they could download some video from Hunter’s laptop……….ROFL!!!
What is wrong with politicians? Once they get in office it’s like they lose all their abilities to use critical thinking skills! Why are they trying to force an East-West train system when all the transit authorities are losing money and riders? Doesn’t this suggest spending $9 Billion on this endeavor is throwing money down a toilet with more to follow? According to one article The T and NY subway system are only running because of federal dollars propping them up and this program ends after next year. Write and call our politicians and tell them not to waste our money, put the money on our bridges, roads and potholes.
Once they get into office, the temptation of power and money is too great for most to resist. Much has to do with the reasons they covet office in the first place.
True dat. You need look no further than the Pittsfield city council to see several self servers who took the position for all the wrong reasons. And the whole city suffers as a result. We do know who you are because you are the ones with the rubber stamp tattoos.
Homeless Shelter should be built on the BCC campus with education so convenient and bus service all day.Can anyone think of a better spot.It is also a beautiful environment……City Council needs to see this as a statewide pilot project.Tyer can sell this to all the Mayor’s in every area with a state college.
Ironically, the BCC parcel was originally the location of the “Pittsfield Poor House”, small apartments for indigent families. Technically, a homeless shelter.
It’s already at the Pittsfield library.
Dems hiding documents on SCOTUS nominee which are required by law to be released. What are they hiding?
“Must be a coincidence. Hunter Biden is a pedophile. Joe Biden is a pedophile. The supreme court Nominee is soft on pedophiles.”
What will the Dems do about their Dementia Joe problem? Loose lips sink ships!
When he says “We have to lead the new world order”, Biden isn’t talking about our country. He’s talking about his globalist friends leading the new world order. This is a fight between China and Russia vs. the globalists. Would have been nice if Biden had mumbled this to Americans when he, Kerry, Obama and others on the far left, first decided to join our country in with the globalists without our consent.
I said I got rid of all the documents but I was eating cake. My face is red.
Guess where that hard to trace dark money is taking us now?
Andrea Harrington is making good on her promise to help national Soros-funded campaigners stop prosecuting 18-20 year olds such as gang bangers as adults. Part of the legislation is to keep people in juvenile court until their 21st birthday, except people facing “the most serious charges.”
What would this mean for the Berkshires?
Harrington’s fellow rogue prosecutor, the now under recall LA DA Gascón ordered a double murder case to stay in juvenile court, despite that the perpetrator was 17 years-old and only weeks away from his 18th birthday when he was arrested, which means the most he would get, if convicted, would be about seven years in the murder of the two young women.
This was the LA DA’s response.
“…Meanwhile, we remain committed to ensuring that the scales of our criminal justice system are balanced. Incarcerating youths for decades before they fully develop their cognitive skills significantly increases their chances of committing future offenses.”
So disgusting and this from the far left who calls themselves the “big champions” of women. This will encourage more violence against women just like women are being murdered and raped by violent people who should have been in jail, in all of the cities that has this far left justice reform. It goes along with their belief that under 21 doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong, but they do want teenagers to vote.
That’s the problem. If they want to say the brain isn’t formed then they should not be allowed to drive a vehicle that could be a killing machine. Also they should not be able to vote nor join the military until 21. People are living to 100 now so waiting until 21 will do them all good
Kevin Nieves, the accused shooter of Nick Carnevale, was 19 years old so his brain was not formed.
Harrington’s office is in the middle of a trial involving a 19 year old shooter and right next to the Eagle story is her face promoting kid gloving of 18-20 year olds because their cognitive abilities aren’t formed.
[T]he juvenile justice system provides a better pathway forward by looking at youth more holistically in the context of their family, school and community.”
What is it called when a district attorney uses their office to affect criminal case outcomes, promote their lenient policies and tip the scales in favor of defendants like Kevin Nieves?What charges could be brought against an activist law enforcement official? Violation of oath of public officer?
Malice ? Ineffective? Interfering? Fraud? Perjury? Conspiracy? Insurrection?
How about Neglect. What’s going on the the infant homicide?
Nothing other than vote her out. Show up or shut up.
All those sexual assaults and rape cases at Williams, well about 95%”, were committed by people under 21. I guess that’s Wrong Way hasn’t been busy prosecuting any of those cases. Yoonsang Bae missed the cutoff by a year.
Brock Turner, at the time of his arrest, Turner was a 19-year-old freshman who was enrolled on a swimming scholarship at Stanford. He’d go free too!
Joe Biden’s gives Kamala Harris a new assignment:
Editorial Cartoon: Steve Kelley | Cartoons |
Council meeting tonight. Will see if any councilors has the Jody to speak for taxpayers Kavey should apologize for his absence last week
You voted for these jackasses!
You will never see a cartoon like that in the beloved hate rag of the Berkshires
Moving Third Thursday to the Common is the Tyerfire’s way of killing off the event.
How much damage will Touch a Truck cause she’s a grass, and who will ultimately be responsible for repairing that damage?
The Kapanski’s, of course.
If this is a way to hide North Street from us, as if we do not already know how bad it looks with all the empty stores,is immature.
As for the purpoted crime on North Street, I lived on North for several years and throughout the pandemic and can honestly say I don’t see it.
And I am a small version of a human being and if I had felt vulnerable to violent crime, I would have left sooner than I did.
There isn’t much left to North Street, I think we can all agree on that but what’s really affecting the economics of the streets is insisting on putting the cart before the horse, with the market rate rents.
Bringing in market rate rents and hoping that business will follow is myopic at best.
Also myopic is us, explaining the panhandlers as a problem for the district attorney rather than as a result of this extraordinary economic event which we are all still negotiating our way through.
There are two things I’d like to see: crime stats specific to North Street,
and a follow up in the press on what, if any, progress this hub approach to social services and law enforcement is making.
Unfortunately to have a stat would require someone to be arresting the people committing crime, if you continually look the other way than you get nothing
Crime can’t possibly be on the rise Danny Boy, because Let’s Go Linda campaigned on crime against Bianchi, said she wouldn’t tolerate it on her watch, and claimed she would make it better.
Let’s not forget how many times she mentioned crime in her latest useless state of the shitty address.
She said she is not going to tolerate it on Pheasant Way. And she hasn’t, so promise kept.
SCOTUS nominee a real piece of work. Hawley & Cruz did a great job questioning her lenient sentencing of pedos….
And she refused to answer whether or not she supports packing the court (of course she does – she’s a flaming libtard!).
Some/many Swamp Republicans supported the January 6th, 2021, insurrection on and inside of Capitol Hill that was caused by Donald Trump’s BIG LIE. 5 innocent people, including a Capitol Hill Police Officer, died during the mob riot where the white domestic terrorists tried but fortunately failed to murder/assassinate then Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, and other important Members of U.S. Congress. Trump’s racist White Nationalist MAGA (alt right, Nazi, hate) political movement has caused an increase in domestic terrorist by white power hate groups both at home and abroad. The Republicans political lines of attack on Ketanji Brown Jackson overlook their own party’s leadership failures. If I were her, I would throw it all back in the Republican Party’s face! Lastly, why is it always the woman – such as Ghislaine Maxwell and not the estimated 215 pedophile men (allegedly including former U.S. President Bill Clinton) who allegedly sexually abused/raped 14-year-old girls – who pays, while the men (such as Hunter Biden and other political brats like him) walk scot-free?
What? Nothing but more ramblings from JM…
Ramble on, my friends!