ADD 1 FRIDAY 6/17 p.m. — Updating information for today’s story. Needless to say, THE PLANET has had enormous interest in the article judging by the page views and private communications. We’ve been hearing from sources left, right, over, under, around, and through. Sorting through the usual political mind-bending attempts, plus the efforts to changed hearts and minds, we can present these addendums:
- Kronick’s CO, unfortunately, doesn’t affect the $16 million or thereabouts for the capital spending plan, the free cash order, the capital plan for water and sewer. Those were passed and are approved.
- Sources (non-legal but familiar with the budget process) claim the mayor’s proposed FY23 budget is automatically approved because the council didn’t vote on it within 45 days. It’s not clear which version, though: the 5/10 plan or the 6/14 version. Previously, they contend, “in the old days (pre-new charter),” if councilors couldn’t agree on a budget, the previous (approved) budget would go into effect on a month-to-month basis until a new budget could be reached (the “1/12 budget”). THE PLANET‘s legal sources cited in our column (both not in municipal law) say the FY22 budget will be in effect as of June 24 until the council arranges a special meeting.
- We heard from administration sources. They are not happy campers, though defenders of the mayor say she got what she wanted. They think Sir Charles didn’t think through his objection. They claim Kronick needed a second objection to avoid a special meeting to approve the budget. Counter sources say Maffuccio provided just that. Pro-Tyer people deny that her FY23 budget submission was a political scheme to affect lowering the FY24 budget.
Now on to our regular The Weekend Edition, which has been called everything but “total fiction” to “the most revealing expose about how city politics operate ever published,” from a “ball buster” to a “blockbuster,” from the product of a “muckraker who spends too much time in the muck” to “a declaration of relief for the Kapanskis.” As for THE PLANET, we just print the facts as best we can and on the judgment calls, keeping the plate dusted at all times.
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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JUNE 18-20, 2022) — Ward 2 councilor Charles Kronick’s invocation of council Rule 33, Charter Objection (CO), has furnished us with the type of moment that used to be routine in the days when the city council didn’t play suck-up to the mayor but actually did its job as a separate and counterchecking branch of government. All that’s been lost.
Those were the good old days.
Kronick had both the stones and the wisdom to raise a CO to the mayor’s criminally wasteful $205 million FY23 spending plan ($188,706,018 + about $16 million in capital projects involving additional heavy debt). The move stopped Flat Tyer’s spending plan, aka, The Pickleball Budget, flat with no spare in the trunk. That was the best part. The second best part was how it pissed off the right people, something THE PLANET has made a career in doing and a lucrative one at that.
We are in new territory. Rule 33 has never been used on a municipal budget, which leads to the third best part (for some, it will be the first). Kronick may have just saved taxpayers $8 million. Let’s work it through.
- Tyer submitted her FY23 budget on May 10.
- The council then did its embarrassing circle jerk, jizzing the document so much that it looked like Marky Maypo’s oatmeal.
- The “council-ized” version came up for a vote Tuesday night.
- The CO halted the vote on the mayor’s budget.
- The action temporarily placed into effect the FY23 budget she originally submitted in May. That’s where her flunkies claim the CO has cost taxpayers.
- The budget deadline is Jun 24, four days after the council’s “next regular meeting,” which would be June 28.
- Obviously, that vote can’t legally take place on the 28th.
- Therefore, the budget that takes automatic effect on June 24 is Tyer’s FY22 budget, since that was the most recent budget officially voted upon and approved by the council. That’s according to legal sources.
- The FY22 budget was around $181 million. The FY23 budget came in at about $189 million. Do the math: $8mm in savings.
Prediction: If that takes place, and assuming the city doesn’t break the law and pull a fast one (a most generous assumption), Flat and her Crips will later in the year impose financial burdens on Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski that equal or exceed the “lost” $8 million.
———- ooo ———-
Kronick’s courageous action also foils Tyer and Kufflink Kerwood’s political scheming for next year. Inside sources tell THE PLANET that their Nixonian plan was to lard the FY23 budget to fund what they actually want for FY24. Since the FY24 budget comes in an election year, the plan was then to cut back the FY3 budget and present in 2024 to make it look like Flat and Kufflinks were actually lowering the cost of government. The CO throws that into the porcelain commode.
The Ward 2 councilor’s maneuvering calls to mind the chess Peter Arlos used to play to everyone else’s checkers. That’s also was “pissed off” the Administration and its toadies — being shown up in political smarts by a rookie councilor from the city’s most ignored and (by vote) uninvolved precincts.
Of course, the mayor’s sycophants, pipe packers, suck-ups, slipper fetchers, boot lickers, apologists, and other assorted Gunga Din(a)s reacted as if Kronick circled the square, invented cancer, and gave Ricky’s Rumpus one of Bruce Collingwood’s bowel-cleansing sessions.
The truth is nothing of the sort.
These arrogant muffs reacted as they did because either (1) they don’t understand budgets, (2) they don’t grasp Rule 33, or (3) they wear their faux ignorance as a mask to hide their absolute disregard for ordinary citizens, the ones who keep their nose and yards clean, pay their bills, send in their taxes on time, and work hard only to be pissed on by the corner office, the finance department, the public schools, and so many others.
When Flat presented her FY23 spending plan to the council, it resembled a clogged toilet in a seedy-but-popular Mexican restaurant, shit stains and all. You know the kind of hole. It has a doorman. His name is Steph A. LaCoccus.
Warren, Sherman, Conant, Kavey, Lampiasi, Marchetti, White, Persip, and Kalinowski took this smelly, fly-infested masterpiece and adding a few running, brown streaks, putrid in their liquidity.
If Kronick does nothing else for the remainder of his term or subsequent terms for the rest of his life, his CO maneuver earns him a commissioned statue in Park Square. THE PLANET has contributed the first dollar. Everyone else? Kick a buck.
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At the Tuesday meeting itself, the best moment came after Kronick did his Buzz Lightyear thing. To watch the bovine mouths of department heads, the special interests, and the mayor catch flies with their yappers shall stand as a prized moment in city annals, sort of like our version of Joe Rosenthal’s photo of the Iwo Jima flag raising. The craw-agape moment should be put on stamps, U.S. treasury notes, and the gender-neutral door at Methuselah’s.
Chaz caught them with their pants down. Discretion prevents us from describing the action in which they were engaged. We leave that to your imagination. You might say they were “doin’ their own thang.” Pulling the pud. Yanking the whang. Until Rule 33 lowered the boom.
Roll call, please:
- Warren: Mentally went back to the recent past, where he stood in freezing rain at the “Full Service” pump on East and Lyman, practicing gasoline law.
- Kronick: Present and accounted for, standing tall.
- Sherman: Cleaning up Mr. Peabody’s fresh logs, which he mistook for the mayor’s calling card.
- Conan: Trimming grass with a fingernail clipper.
- Kavey: Searching for The Lost Haircut.
- Lampiasi: Contemplating a sex change while getting her gender pronouns done.
- Maffuccio: Like Kronick, present and accounted for. in seconding Kronick’s action.
- Marchetti: Sticky-ing up the pages of Playgirl.
- White: On a play date with a Tinkle.
- Kalinowski: Watching a rerun of Deliverance.
That’s what passes for Flat’s checks and balances.
Pete White, who also may have had a few dueling banjos in his past, posted on Facebook the Berkshire Eagle‘s fawning and amateurish coverage written by a little girl newshound late of the Jawbone Star in Mooseup, MN.
Some wise guy named Dan Valenti countered White’s post with a sane and factual comment. Valenti’s prose elicited a flood, including reactions from Brian Andrews, he of the $lucrative$ city ambulance contract, and Mark Charland, jeweler to the stars (as for THE PLANET, we prefer the better service, quality, and selection at R.J. Stohr’s on East Street). They both wanted that Valenti to be censored. They both cherish the First Amendment and free speech, as long as that free speech agrees with them. White answered this way, replying to Charland:
Charter Objection – On the first occasion that the question on adoption of a measure is put to the city council, if a single Councilor present objects to the taking of the vote, the vote shall be postponed until the next meeting of the city council, whether regular or special. If 2 Councilors present object, such postponement shall be until the next regular meeting. If it is an emergency measure at least 4 Councilors must object. This procedure shall not be used more than once for any specific matter notwithstanding an amendment to the original matter. A charter objection shall have privilege over all motions but must be raised prior to or at the call for a vote by the presiding officer and all debate shall cease.
Kronick’s brilliant parliamentarian maneuver has temporarily prevented the looming, still inevitable fiscal disaster. In addition to the $189 million operating budget, the debt- and tax-happy duo of Flat Tyer and Kufflinks Kerwood want the council to authorize:
- $9,327,000 in new debt for capital expenditures.
- Steal $4,255,000 (Enterprise Fund) for additional capital projects.
- Lift from the Community Pickpocket Act (FY22 & 23) $2,463,233.37 for God knows what (a secret slush fund? more scooters? Ping Pong balls?).
- Get this: $202,000 for “parking related expenses?” !!!
This adds $16,045,233.37 in “other spending,” putting Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski on the hook for $204,751,251. This doesn’t include half a million for …
———- ooo ———-
On Thursday, Kronick explained in depth his reasoning for invoking Rule 33. He told THE PLANET that citizens “need to know the truth [about the council’s budget deliberations], which is that [the] ‘hard work’ did not happen. Easy questions were asked, and the tax dollar spigots were turned wide open. By easy questions, I mean strictly informational questions which are not directed towards fiscal responsibility. And worse, the warnings and recommendations from the 2021 audit were completely disregarded. Waste of $100,000 for an audit?”
- iBerkshires in print calls me trans/homophobe.
- Berkshire Eagle calls me irresponsible and ignorant.
- Derogatory speakers summoned to the open mic to issue calumnies which the council president invited with his tolerance. Heck, he even welcomed taunts and hoots from the mob sitting there. He should have shut that person down as he had done when Gilardi engaged in public berating of the city attorney.
- Councilors — several including Marchcetti and Persip — took the liberty to verbally and directly insult me during the debate.
- Probably more, just haven’t been listening to it.
“Those tactics do not persuade me and thus I must rely on my own judgement.”
- Gentleman on Tyler Street Extension: “Thank you for doing the right thing. That budget was [awful]. You’re doing exactly what I hoped you would do. Keep up the great work.”
- Downtown Morningside resident: “I totally support you”
- “Good morning. I just wanted to tell you that my family and I just read the paper and we just want to say congratulations on the objection. You are doing an excellent job and we truly appreciate all your efforts and everything that you do. Keep up the great work!!!!”
- “If I’m reading the rhetoric correctly, the mayor will end up with her lesser budget and not the more inflated budget prescribed by your city council peers. All and [sic] all a shrewd move I think, especially given your objections to date.”
- Former councilor (not naming): “[!!!!!!!]Oh man, Charles, that really makes my day. It’s been a horrible day but this makes it all good … I wish I knew one could do that!”
- Resident of Windsor Avenue: “Thank you so much for defending the people.”
———- ooo ———-
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Hope, in reality, is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of humankind” — Friedrich Nietzsche.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Hat off to Sir Charles. A man of steel balls. I applaud you Charles.
Pete White has been brushing up on law. Tomorrow he’ll be posting about coleslaw.
Sir Charles. The Celebrated Mr. K. The guy’s got some new monikers.
Sooner or later, the scooters are going to end up in the river like the shopping carts . Just sayin.
Good work Charles.
I second Dave Bubriski’s praise. Job well done, Charles Ivar Kronick! Predictable Pittsfield politics always increases municipal spending by 5 percent every fiscal year going back over 3.5 decades. Pittsfield always increases its municipal taxes, fees, public debts and other liabilities by millions of dollars every fiscal year, which Mayor Linda Tyer and her multimillionaire CPA husband Barry Clairmont know full well is financially unsustainable even with Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood’s secretive Creative Accounting and Slush Fund practices. We are heading into the Federal Reserve’s hiking interest rates and Joe Biden’s 4-decade high U.S. inflation induced recession in 2023 that will pummel the fictional/proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family’s personal finances. Pittsfield should pass the fiscal year 2023 municipal budget that reflects the dire economic and financial hardships that the people, families, small businesses, and taxpayers are facing in 2022 and will be facing in 2023. Lastly, where are Chrome Dome Adam Hinds and Trippy Country Buffet on Beacon Hill lawmakers sitting on a little less than $7 billion is surplus state government cash plus $2.3 billion in “Biden Bucks”? Shouldn’t Chrome Dome & Country Buffet be working to increase state aid to Pittsfield and beyond instead of Boston still sitting on around $9 billion in state cash?
Baker: Tax revenue collections put Rainy Day Fund to an all-time high | National News |
You voted for Biden. Stop bitching.
Chronic demonstrated that he actually has balls. His public showing of them emphasized the fact that PEE PEE marchetti and his wee wee hemorrhoid white are balless limp noodles flexing their flaccid dicklets in the faces of the overtaxed taxpayers. As for BIG DUMP persip, he’s throwing his gluttony in the faces of the taxpayer as a show of his contempt for them. Sherman, Kavey, lousy louse dina, warren and Conant are a waste of oxygen. I hope Chronic doesn’t wake up with a decapitated donkey head in his bed, or gets snatched off the sidewalk by the gay mafia and tortured with feather boas until he gets his mind right after he actually did the right thing. As for the backwoods hillbilly cop, let’s hope that even if she can’t bring herself to do the right thing for the taxpayers, she’s just too much of a cretin to do too much harm to the taxpayers.
I’ll kick in a dollar for that park square statue.
I believe someone on here asked the question about a charter objection,way before Charles did it.
We got two bucks. Anyone make it three?
$2 bucks from the fizzle and I will polish it every election day
By far the best read I have ever had here Dan. Mega kudos to you and Charles.
There will be scorched earth backlash from the spoiled children for sure. And maybe that will stir up the peasants enough to revolt. Don’t believe everything you read in newspapers who run cover and are sometimes a big part of the problem.
Thanks, GAS MAN.
I don’t think Chuck’s move saves $8 million. Doesn’t the Mayor’s submitted budget automatically pass, not last years budget?
The legal opinions we sought thought the FY22 budget would take place, since it’s the most recent budget the council formally examined and approved. That did not happen with the June 14 FY23 budget. No vote on it, per Rule 33. Between now and June 24, the May 10 version provisional funding will come from the 5/10 budget, then then FY22 budget goes into effect. In other words, it appears that Pittsfield will have a freeze on all spending, to last year’s level. This is new territory, to be sure.
It is refreshing to see a city counselor that did their job. Not only did he do his job but can explain why he upset the apple cart. Congratulations Mr Kronick, Pete would be proud.
Trump told Pence hours before the ceremonial certification of Biden that he could illegally throw it out sending the country into chaos whereby he could declare Marshal law.Trump does not to this day believe in democracy in America…..Pence was told by Trump to overthrow our goverment and as usual want somebody else to do his dirty work…The Trumplicans are supporting a crazyman.WHY?…Trumplicans Dont want minorities and women moving into power. Trumplicans need Donald Punk to do their racism and anti feminism for them.Proud boys are about ignorance as are the Oath keepers….Denial is ignorance.You all fell in love with the Great White Wisperer Trump
Dan, can you get this guy to stay on topic.
Chaos was the fraud the night of Nov 4th 2020.
Treason is a capital offense.
Exactly. And since TSC can go off topic so can we. There was no insurrection. It was a much more peaceful protest then what will happen when the Supreme Court decision reversing Roe comes out next week.
Or the whole “summer of love” 2020 endorsed by liberals/progressives.
Where is is the summer of 2020 hearings, Democrats?
Next summer. Effective 1/22/23 the sham January 6 committee will be over
cnn enough said. there was no insurrection.
Is it Clinton, or Communist News Network?
Depends on the day
For your enjoyment Fizzie
“Sums up the Biden presidency’: Joe Biden takes a spill off bicycle”
“He went down almost as fast as the economy under his administration.”
Pete White thinks he’s smart because he says yes to any idea that needs his brilliant yes vote.Pete White could not sleep nights if he thought he offended the cocktail political group of nip bottle drinkers.Alcohol has always run Pittsfield politics and the irresponsible budgets these idiots say yes to.White thinks Anne drive residents have unlimited realestate cash for his spending.This spending is now getting very serious so much so that the Anne Drive residents need to intervene in his delusions….The Mayor is damaged beyond reason and Marchetti is a lousey banker who has also offended Anne Drive residents. Pittsfield has 3 schools that need to be torn down.PHS,Crosby,and Allendale….What will Pittsfield become when the economy does not cooperate with Anne Drive finances.Put you foot down on our disaster now……This budget is fully supported by disaster councilors on the backs of Anne Drive and we have nowhere to go from here….Pete and Pete should explain what we will do next year…Deborah Ave has a huge depression from utility road work…so does Egremont Ave by the entrance….We can’t even get contractors to put the roads back like new….East New Lenox road needs sidewalks…They pay taxes too
You clowns on Ann Drive have the bucks.
The clowns OVER the peak of Ann Drive have the bux and all of the streets feeding into/out of Ann Drive have the vig, too!
Thank you Charles Kronick for saving us bedraggled taxpayers millions!
Thank you Dan for running the true story of what happened at the council meeting!
Lenny, what are you even talking about? What “millions” did he save us taxpayers?? Please explain
What a BS spin on an idiot move by Kronick.
They will just do gap funding, underfund the roads by $8 million, deficit spend and make it up next year.
Then they will seek emergency financing, and that vote, and the short term borrowing will cost the tax payers $10 million instead of $8 million.
Kronick will be blamed for underfunding every critical program for the next year. He’s lost and he doesn’t even know it.
Thanks for the views. You have your heroes confused. Kronick did HIS job for taxpayers. You are correct, though, when you point out how the gangsters who run the city as well as the Special Interests will punish taxpayers and try to make it look like The Celebrated Mr. K did it. That’s the cynical game they play when they’ve been met with the force of honesty and goodness in government. Watch also that they mess with the charter and Rule 33.
If he did his job he would have debated in public why the spending was wrong. All he’s done is allow them to do whatever they want. He’s been outplayed and he’s too stupid to even know it.
You are full of Donkey Doo. Kronick can talk till the cows come home but any vote is 9-2 or 8-3 if Warren could use the little sense he has left. This Council is a Cabal. They are led by an increasingly pompous phony who has become an irritating lap dog for Barry Tyer. Persip is drinking too much kool-aid, really sad what he has become. He talks about what the Community wants. He doesn’t have the IQ to understand as the price to live in this crime infested town rises he prices out the people he claims to represent. Guiel, Conant, and the guy with the pompadour are pathetic statues. Bennies must be good for being a sycophant to this failed administration. This city is a microcosm of the Country. We would have been much better off with Mrs Mazzeo as we would have been so much better off with any Republican leading this Country. You are a man amongst boys + girls Mr Kronik. You are in a rigged game and you Tried to do something.
The mayor, because of help from Marchetti, HAS ALWAYSDONE WHATEVER SHE WANTS! Name one time she was seriously challenged by a council member and DID NOT get what she wanted.
So, if she does whatever she wants now nothing will have changed. She is a bull in the china cabinet as far as budgets and finances go and neither Marchetti or Kerwood seem to have the slightest concern. Even Kim Kardashian takes a spending break once in a while.
Ok Barry
FINALLY, some good news for the taxpayers from a $#!tty clowncil meeting!!!
I bet residents would elect him Mayor.
Charles is going to need to hire a private snow plowing firm for his ward. The mayor is not going to let a city snowplow within a city block of his ward. Hope there is no scheduled roadwork for that area either. They may see vindictiveness at its dynamic zenith. Nothing like a woman scorned on her budget. Would love to have access to the emails flying back and forth or the planted microphones in Yukis bar.
The residents of Ward 2 are already well accustomed to being ignored by Liar Tyer. She was vindictive toward Kevin Morandi as he also tried his best to fight for the taxpayers. Our Ward continually endures the odor of Berkshire Roots and also constant out of state cars getting their pot fix. Over 650 addicts daily going to the Spectrum Methadone Clinic on Merrill Road, stupidly placed across from the main gate of one of our biggest employers, General Dynamics, another stupid move by this Administration. Many of these addicts do not have vehicles so they just cut through our yards. Those that do have vehicles are constantly causing vehicle accidents on Larch and Merrill Road as their daily dosage seems to affect them seeing traffic lights. Roads are a total mess, filled with potholes, garbage and missing hand hole covers, all reported and ignored by Liar Tyer’s Vibrant and Dynamic PITTSMART! We will survive, and thank you Charles for doing your job as an advocate for us.
Let’s give Ricardo his due and call it PITTDUMB .
This is worth reading twice.
To the editor: The article concerning the Berkshire County District Attorney’s race and incumbent Andrea Harrington mischaracterizes her record. (“Andrea Harrington says she’s not concerned by fellow progressive DA’s recall in California. Her rival thinks she should be,” Eagle, June 15.)
A progressive is a leader who examines the landscape to implement positive change for the betterment of society. Ms. Harrington and her ilk are pro-crime zealots who have contributed to the rising homicide and shooting rates in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Pittsfield and dozens of other American communities. A district attorney’s responsibility is to protect citizens of their community.
As a two-year resident of Berkshire County and daily, avid reader of the Eagle, I can testify that Ms. Harrington has done nothing but destabilize the community while aiding and abetting criminality. A change is needed for the safety of all.
Dan Rosenfeld, Lenox
Way to go Mr. Kronick. Refreshing to hear that there’s a man in the Pitt with the kahoonas to vote his conscience. I love it when the pot gets stirred in that corrupt city.
And my rebuttal to the Nietzsche quote is “hope is the best medicine.”
The roundabout on Tyler stree was mad wrong.
They installed a secondary road roundabout meant for small neighborhoods that are weight limited and won’t see large trucks.
They were supposed to install a “main thoroughfare” or “primary” sized roundabout to accommodate large trucks.
The DOT engineer was out today and stopped most of the work on the project. They might have to rip it out and redo it.
The fault looks to be Ricky Ricardo’s he applied for a grant and since funds were not available for the larger correct one, he applied for the other one knowing that it was the wrong one.
Someone mentioned that was why they did all those “improvements” to Tyler street to make it more like a secondary road but the DOT guy said that they have to apply for a raid designation change. This is quite a screwup.
Seriously? Cuz I think they have to redo TAmarack road as well due to, uh, uh, INCOMPETENCE.
Let us be totally real here. Stooge has more political power and influence than the Planet.And that is Sad. Very Sad.
I look forward to hearing the buffoons he puts on everyday. I can’t make a move unless I hear about him being all over the world with Willie Nelson Mandela. They have BS all over the world. Smells the same even with a different name.
Remember “The Liers Club” on SNL w/Jon Lovits. Stooge is Lovits: “Have you ever been to South Africa?” (Pin drops) “OK, I can speak freely!”
Who does he influence? THC and Fizzy?
Looks like someone from city hall trying to change the subject in a hurry. Does anyone have more information on this rotary design? Barry perhaps? He certainly knows a lot about things that go in circles.
Another beautiful piece of work just like the Elm St. debacle.
This is either big news or a completely made up story. I’ll believe it if Sir Charles confirms it. It’s his district.
What does this mean?
Andrea Harrington Thanks to Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier for her leadership in passage of this important legislation.
Tricia was targeted by dark money over her support for this legislation in the past but she did not let it stop her.
It’s all one big grift
Dark money targeting Trish? She IS dark money!!
Great article Dan!! May I be the first to nominate Charles Kronick, for the brass balls award? We read and listen to many “up and coming” Pittsfield pol’s talk a good game. They are either bought and paid for like Pee Pee and the Food Critic or they just pack up and set sail.
I forgot to add, they also lie on social media like Helen “Handgun” Moon, but I’ll save that for another day.
Charles Kronick heaved and made an 85-foot, full court shot, as time expired, winning for the taxpayers, 2023-2022. The way the special interests acted is beyond belief. I do believe Flat Tyer wants to make her (or her selected one’s) budget “taxpayer friendly” for the 2024 election year. I also believe a few people are going to be left empty pocketed. Didn’t Charles stop most of the department heads from getting 7%+ raises? If so, that’s a win right there.
And for the Uh Oh’s, or Barry, or anyone else complaining, just remember these dollar amounts from Flat Tyer’s taxpayer handouts, also known as, the ARPA Awards. Here are some numbers:
Berkshire Museum $250,000
Rites of Passage and Empowerment (ROPE-led by Shirley Edgerton) $500,000
(A non-existent company) Berkshire Black Economic Council (Warren Dews and Shirley-again) $700,000
Barrington Stage Company $125,000
Berkshire Immigrant Center $80,000
Goodwill of the Berkshires $200,000
(another non existent company) Second Street Second Chances $700,000
Mass MoCA $100,000
Just a quick calculation shows, that over $2.6 million dollars could have gone to lower taxes, instead of grifters, race baiters, and private businesses.
Out of curiosity, how in gods names, was Shirley Edgerton ever allowed to receive $1,200,000.00 between her two ARPA gifts as a city employee? Over ONE MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS went to Shirley and Shirley’s group.
Bravo Marcus! Standing O for your analysis!
Our Current Pricing
5.40 Fuel/6.75 Kero volatility and may not be updated until next day ..
5.35 Fuel/ 6.70 Kero
Clifford Lenox Ma
Current Oil Cash Price:
$5.39/Gallon (125+ gallons)
***300 Gallons or more: Please call office for special rate!***
500 Gallon or larger:
Customer Owned Tank: $2.79/Gallon
Company Owned Tank: $3.04/Gallon
You can make your own heating oil by adding Kens salad dressing to tap water. Ratio is 50:1 same as your Echo chain saw. Just do not use the low cal dressing as that changes the ratio and requires an abacus to determine
(and if you buy the 16 oz bottle of salad dressing you will save even more)
you’re welcome
You can use Ken’s dressing for Your bedroom perversions.
My congratulations to Charles for a very shrewd and gutsy move. I wish I had been there. It’s a shame that tactics like this have to be used but when you know you are going to be outvoted while doing your best to help the residents and the city you sometimes have no choice. I had used the charter objection to stop the vote (although only on a temporary basis) on the 74 million dollar upgrade to the the waste water treatment plant as well as the mayor’s at home project using money out of the GE fund. I never thought of using it for the budget. What a great move. Thanks Charles and keep up the good work.
Coming from the council’s MVP two years running, this, I’m sure will mean a lot to Sir Charles & the Kapanskis. It certainly does to THE PLANET! Nice to hear from you.
The Eagle, OUR OPINION column (which is always anonymous by the way) has dropped its first hit piece on the charter move. No one is surprised by that as they never met a tax hike on its customers that it did not like. Look for more connected media attacks in the near future.
Chris we miss you in ward 4!
Hope all is well with you!
A great move? How so? Just pushes the mayors budget through without debate.
As Chris Connell said, it is unfortunate that parliamentary maneuvers are required. A logical and informed process would have achieved even more: a reduced budget that addresses the insolvency of the City’s pension funds and respects the taxpayer’s dime.
The takeaway is that malevolent rebuttal shall not prevail when even just two councilors stick to honest principle, and debate for reduced spending should become more attractive in future sessions. Even if I represent a minority which is highly unlikely given the feedback, I remind skeptics that we have rights, and the ability to protect and defend them is the hallmark of representative government.
I promised to the voters that I will not “I will not accept decisions that are
poorly researched, poorly evaluated, and lack transparency and accountability. ”
I refuse to subsidize irresponsibility.
Sir Charles, you just summed up the Linda “Flat” Tyer administration in your final sentence:
“decisions that are poorly researched, poorly evaluated, and lack transparency and accountability.”
Counselor Charles, any comment on the Tyler Street rotary accusations?(see comments above)
This has been a good first salvo in trying to get the city government back to being a government for the people. Unfortunately the people running the government will figure a way around this blip in their thievery. The citizens have to now start standing up at the microphone and ask, I mean demand our government start working for us citizens and not the special interests. Start asking for accountability and for the government to get smaller and stop stealing the Kapanski’s cash. Get that forensic audit, follow the consultants ideas to improve the efficiency of how the city runs. Maybe the government will start to be transparent. But people need to get out and start informing their neighbors, don’t be afraid, let everyone you see know what the city is stealing from the Kapanski’s!
Agree 100%, SHIRL.
Shots fired on Tyler and connected.
What if a councilor petitioned for a forensic audit and forced the Petes and associated sycophants to discuss it openly? Let them vote it down and give their asinine reasoning publicly. Might be comical to see Kerwood at the mike blithering and blathering as to why no one should see behind his closed doors.
Letter writer Dan Rosenfeld’s attacks against Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington states that she is a pro-crime zealot who contributed to the rising homicide and shooting rates in Pittsfield and beyond to other inner cities throughout the nation. He writes that she destabilized the community while aiding and abetting criminality.
Did Pittsfield’s violent crime problems suddenly change over the past 3 years, 5 months, and 17 days that takes us back to the beginning of 2019 when Andrea Harrington became the first woman District Attorney in Berkshire County, Massachusetts? If not, of course, then Andrea Harrington is the newest woman scapegoat for Pittsfield’s violent crime and related socioeconomic problems that have been the case in Pittsfield with decades of poverty, economic inequality, a very distressed postindustrial economy, and Pittsfield politics’ corrupt state and local leadership that left the people and taxpayers in the proverbial ditch without a proverbial ladder.
This guy belongs in a mental institution. Get this idiot out of here. The board is much better without him.
She’s not a scapegoat Jonathan. As a globalist George Soros follower, she is part of the plan to destabilize our country by allowing crime to get out of control in all of these areas controlled by these far left appointed District Attorneys. Just look at how California recently ousted one of their far left District Attorneys because crime was skyrocketing due to his lack of prosecution of so many crimes. Other cities are going to do the same.
3 years, 5 months, and 17 days has been much to long enough to prove her reformist law
enforcement ideas don’t work in keeping law abiding citizens safe here. Bad enough criminals are committing crimes to begin with, but we don’t need the same criminals walking the streets doing them over again. FU Jack Wagon with the socioeconomic is the excuse. There are many affected by poor economics for whatever reason who aren’t doing these crimes. She’s got a big L on her forehead just like you!
So here we have a DA who claims to be watching 35 domestic violence cases for escalation. Who claims that past district attorneys did not take domestic violence seriously and that SHE, with zero experience in law enforcement and social services of any kind, has a better idea. Prior incidence of choking is a risk factor among domestic murder victims (imagine that) and so Andrea Harrington “aggressively redirected office resources” to tackling domestic violence and keeping Berkshire County safe. Cases like Joanne Tatro in which there was a prior case of strangulation for which the defendant did time. Nationwide there is a rise in domestic violence cases due to covid, yet the reports of such crimes have gone down in Berkshire County. Why would that be? Keep in mind that Mass. law takes away from police any discretion as to what to do. If there is a report, they arrest. So what does that mean? Well it’s hard to believe the incidents have gone down. Why would we be any different than elsewhere? The reality is no one feels confident to report domestic violance any more and you can go over to court to see why. This DA has been dropping cases left and right. Word got around fast. They’re not going to do the job. With a DA’s office that is doing nothing to help people squarely in the bullseye of their target cases (prior cases, strangulation involved) and a record of dropping cases it follows that people are not reporting domestic violence in the Berkshires. Anymore, Well done. Give that woman a backpack.
Huge police presence on Tyler Street last night. What happened? Nothing about it in the news this morning. This is becoming a trend of not hearing about what is going on in the city in regards to crime. Is this because the election is coming up for District Attorney?
Juvenile shot. Resident: “I don’t want to live here anymore, I lived here 26 years and when I first moved, I could sit outside on the porch. Not anymore,”
There are 14 pending homicide cases. 26 years ago when there was a DA there were not 14 total homicides. They prosecuted drug dealers and DV. What goes around, people.
That’s just it. The lack of prosecution of drug dealers as preached by the far left District Attorneys. The lack of prosecution of so many crimes is destroying our society.
This should be a top story to warn locals of the danger. When District Attorneys let this happen from lack of prosecution, this is the result. I’m sure these shooters weren’t using assault weapons. Probably just regular hand guns, but it’s all guns that the far left wants to confiscate and allowing crime to get out of hand in our cities is part of their plan.
it is almost as if mayor Tyer and that Barry guy knew all this violence was coming when they bailed to the city limits and left everyone else to fend for themselves. And a lot of it never makes the news so what you actually see and hear about is just the tip of the iceberg. She is not only out in the boonies but has gates around her home so take it from there as to how safe her city has become under her watch.
And that resident was talking about the part of the city (three shootings since FEB 1) that is not even the worst area. Guy from the west side said pretty much the same thing a few weeks ago.
Predictably, last weekends edition the local BIRD SPIN cobbled together a word salad headlined, “To me, it is the most famous place in the world”, and talks about a Pittsfield native reflecting on his childhood in Pittsfield. What is does NOT SAY is if this individual would ever move back here or even visit for a weekend, given the moral decay of the place since he moved on.
And if anyone has the numbers, could we see just how many local kids who graduated Pittsfield schools in the last ten years, and went on to college, and then returned here to live? And how many said NO THANK YOU, and chose to live elsewhere in the country?
As always, when reading any article about how good or bad a place Pittsfield, Ma is to live, consider your sources. There are those who benefit from an OZ like image and may not accurately describe the reality.
400 block of Tyler Street, 10:09 p.m. Multiple shots fired. A juvenile male shot and taken to BMC. Investigation ongoing.
Juneteenth isn’t literally a day. As a word, it makes no sense except as ideology. It doesn’t even celebrate the Emancipation Proclamation. I get the occasion as well as the celebration. It should never have been proclaimed a federal holiday. Biden made it one recently in a blatant (and failed) attempt at political pandering. Also, can a defender of Juneteenth as federal law explain why it isn’t racist. Serious question.
I’ll go with Happy Father’s Day.
From another blog:
“Fathers: Your presence is invaluable.
Teach your sons what a God-fearing, hard-working, protective father looks like.
Teach your daughters how a man should treat a woman, protect and provide.
Teach all of your children what a marriage looks like by the way you treat your wife.”
Things are so out of control!!
Berkshire Eagle:
PITTSFIELD — A man broke into PhoneBros on West Housatonic St. Friday at 7 a.m., stealing roughly $8,000 in cash and shoes.
“We’ve been robbed four times. But yesterday, was probably the worst one unfortunately,” said Jeremy Hecht, owner of the store, that has been open for four years.
Hecht posted a video on Facebook where a man is seen loading up a car in front of the store. While the alarm goes off, the man enters the store three times, returning with shoe boxes.
Hecht said the man first tried entering through the back door. “Then, he broke through the front door, stole the register, ten to fifteen pairs of shoes worth about $5,000 and about $3,000 from the register,” said Hecht. “Some boxes he took only had one shoe inside.” Hecht said he has been looking at social media to see if someone was selling the stolen shoes, but he doubts he’ll be able to find them. He believes the person in the video is the same one who stole two PlayStation 5s in January. Fortunately, PhoneBros is insured against robberies. “It sucks. I’m just trying to feed my family and make an honest living, but things happen,” Hecht said. “He needed [them] more than I did, obviously, but it’s not a great feeling. I’m just happy he didn’t break my window this time.”
Appreciate the info, J2S. Another great leap forward in public safety.
Do they repair phones or sell shoes?
There are always new shoes for sale on the Berkshire Tag sales every day it seems.
Why do the pictures suck so bad? Get better cameras. Why does a phone repair company sell shoes?
How does the psychic on the corner of South and West Housatonic stay in business? Something seems fishy.
another police and ambulance presence on Tyler late this afternoon. Maybe just somebody’s parakeet chirping too loud, I dunno
George Soros is now getting involved in buying a radio station to influence Hispanic Americans to vote for the far left. Recent polls have shown that the Hispanics heavily favor Donald Trump and globalist George Soros is taking action against that trend. Just as he has done with spreading far left district attorneys across the country to spread crime, Soros is getting involved in the media of our country to further the globalist takeover of our country. I’m sure that the Florida station isn’t the only one that he is interested in purchasing.
Cowards to a one except for the Border Patrol Agent
“ Two Uvalde cops passed up a chance to take out the gunman who killed 19 kids and two teachers at a Texas elementary school before he entered the building, according to a report.
The officers worked for the city, and one was armed with an AR-15-style rifle as the May 24 massacre at Robb Elementary School unfolded.”
Dewey and John fifty sixty people fighting
A peaceful gathering?
Can you imagine if the weather was nice?
Haven’t seen this in the news….are you sure it happened?
Only this blog would label Krony’s move as “brilliant”. LOL
And only this blog would print a comment like this! THE PLANET appreciated the push back.
There was truly nothing brilliant here. All thats happened is that he pushed the Mayor’s budget through without the requested additions – which wasn’t all that much and HE actually added some himself. He’s hardly the hero you’re attempting to make him out to be. Sorry.
Yes. I agree. You are sorry. I also am disinclined but am conscience-bid to tell you as a good friend that what you say about “all thats [sic] happened” concerning Sir Charles’ CO isn’t by far “all that’s happened.”
Only get the truth here, sorry it hurts.
Desperate times call for desperate measures….at least it got some gobsig attention. They may lash out and make it even worse
You mean the way they did after citizens sent the Civic Authority junta down to defeat. THAT’s when the true corruption began.
Yes, when the Civic Authority got stomped down, the parasitic power brokers decided to change the city charter instead, giving them almost the same powers as they would have under the Civic Authority. A large portion of the current Pittsfield population were either born since or moved here and have little or no idea how local politics manages their lives. I would not be surprised to find out that sixty percent do not know what a city councilor is, or care. Do local schools teach children about their local government and that they should get involved in it? I doubt it. This type of cabal thrives on the ignorance of its citizens as to how it operates. Most of the best and the brightest move away once they see the light and what is left has neither the numbers or the will to try to change the place. needs a new police station.That new station should be built on the old jail property on 2nd street in the hood.The sherrif was going to turn this property over to the city.Lets get that done for a new police station now.
The democrats made 2nd st a “hood”, TSC. Neighborhood was nice 40 years ago.
and back when the earth was still flat all the ships that went over the edge were guided by democrat captains. We know this because Hannity said so
How much was gas gal/dollar this week?
And now who is Joe Brainfart blaming now?
Must have been the bike seat manufacturers’ fault.
Are we a great country or not? A company declares bankruptcy and its stock rises. A news story today headlines Revlon declares bankruptcy. After that Revlon’s stock price rises almost 4 points to over $91.00 a share. A company declares bankruptcy and its stock rises. Now, how about that? I know Revlon and I follow their progress. I was there when founder Charles Revson ran the company. No nonsense then. When Revson died leaders who took over were more interested in the availability of its models than in selling its products. Who’s in charge now? Well, it is the daughter of the past president who ran the company into the ground. I guess if you are a multi-millionaire and run a cosmetics company into the ground you can get away with it even if you are more interested in its models than the bottom line. It appears similar characteristics and lack of ability have infected our political system. We have much to worry about.
Yes, I read about Revlon and immediately thought of you. The moral tale you draw out of Revlon given your history there when it was a COMPANY gives us all more reason to see why this country is in free fall. Breakfast soon?
Dementia Joe fell off his bike today in Rehobeth, DE.
Time for a tricycle, Joe!
It’s Putin fault.
Come on man. It’s the republicans fault.
I give the guy a lot of credit for riding a bike at his age. More cardio than golfing all day. He is not the first guy to fall off a bike either.
How common are bicycle accidents?
Overview of Bicycle Accidents in the United States
In 2015, there were 45,000 reported bicycle accidents in the United States, down from 50,000 reported accidents in the prior year. However, the number of fatal accidents increased by more than 12 percent during this same time.Dec 1, 2019
Fizz the guy can barely walk, much less have his feet in toeclips on a bike. I think his own staff are trying to kill him. They probably clipped in his shoes and directed him to the freeway.
Good thing he’s not too damaged. Otherwise the next in line bumbling idiot would take over.
Was it the left or right training wheel that caused him to fall?
Good one!
Trump had to be squeezed into his super-sized golf car…He had no color from golfing….Trump is pasty white and rambled for over 1 hour on how the world is lying about him…sick man
Trump led Russian coup.
Let’s ban senile old men on bicycles!
You can thank Trisha Farley Bouvier and the Dems in the statehouse for this stupid move which makes us citizens less safe!
I have to wonder how successful I’d be at getting funding from tyer, wynn and their junta to create a downtown mural masterpiece that not only realistically but truthfully represents Juneteenth, the 4th of July, and every day & night in Pittsfield Ma. My mural would be a work in progress. Visualize if you can, I’d start by painting the facade of every building on NON a solid BLACK. I’d then use a paint ball gun, locked and loaded with blood red paint, which I’d pepper over the solid BLACK background. Every time blood is shed, in yet another, vibrant isolated shooting in the jungle of Pittsfield, MA, I’d add to my masterpiece. I seriously doubt MY artistic project would qualify for continuous funding, but I’m sure if one of shirley sharpton edgerton’s gangbanger Mursi tribe relations applied for funding, they’ll get all the funding they ask for, plus a whole lot more. No questions asked. I’d be willing to self-fund for the privilege of pepper balling ‘Black Abundance’ and ‘Walk With Her’ to give these unrealistic murals some Pittsfield realism.
Interesting proposal indeed
…Pittsfield has/had a wall with the painted faces of the boys who died in Viet Nam. Very nicely done. Sad but real.
Is there any reason Pittsfield’s shooting victims cannot also have a wall of their own? Should we not remember them as testimonials to the hardships and violence they faced in Pittsfield? With the somber occasions of Juneteenth and the Fourth of July at hand this might be the perfect time for one of our city leaders to step forward and propose such a wall. A city with $500,000 startup money for pickle ball courts (that would cost a fraction of that in the real world) should easily be able to afford such a commemorative art piece. In fact, it could be the backdrop to the pickle ball courts, drawing players from around the world to play in tournaments and at the same time pay homage to the dead. Of course the wall would need to have expansion room as inevitably more and more victims of violence are added as we go forward.
Because the jungles of Pittsfield are so rich in abundance with gun violence, I could paint the town. I would have to come out of retirement with such an abundance of material with which to create my never-ending mural. Of course, that won’t happen because my art project doesn’t jive with the false narrative liar tyer pants on fire continuously bamboozles the corrupt press with. Liar tyer pants on fire infamous 2016 speech to Pittsfield’s gangbanger pistoleros ‘I am not going to stand down while you terrorize our neighborhoods’ has become as famous, if not more so, than MLKs speech about some silly dream. And who can forget goat testicle recipient scary barry’s testimonial about how safe the city-wide ghetto streets of Pittsfield are at 3 a.m. Yesterday while sweet little Rainbow Ruby, promenaded the boulevard in search of MLKs illusive dream, somewhere in the jungles of Pittsfield others were probably dodging bullets. Not a mile away, Hutus were restless at the 300 block of MLK Boulevard, aka Columbus Ave, the scene of several violent bloody murders, some still unsolved, and none prosecuted. If Liar tyer pants on fire even acknowledges yesterday’s rumble in the jungle, you can be sure she’ll frame it as a vibrant and dynamic pre-celebration to Festive Juneteenth. Also, why wasn’t race traitor Earl Persip, his YT wife and little zebra at the unveiling of Rainbow Ruby? Doesn’t he take his YT family slumming in his old Kunta Kinte stomping hood so they can learn about his roots from people who look like him.
Eagle in typical fashion celebrates painting a rip off mural with the rainbow flag, like it’s the Sistine Chapel.
Then has the celebration about the new made up Juneteenth “holiday” written from the perspective of people who are not black. Nice try eagle but Hispanic reporters are not black, why didn’t you get one of your black reporters to write it? Oh there are none?
But there nothing about Father’s Day, makes sense when the celebrate a community that’s historically chock full of deadbeat dads.
Why ask why! First Palm Sunday was hijacked by Miggy Sunday, and now Juneteenth has taken a big brown steaming dump on YT Father’s Day.
Happy Father’s Day, guys
Yes, Dan, breakfast very soon. I’m looking forward to it. Driving longer distances now.
Pondering on my day off for Juneteenth, wondering why it’s not celebrated on Jan 31st but who am I to tell others when to celebrate the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Thoughts then swirled to the Federal dollars that our mayor bestowed upon her followers. Should Pittsfield get Federal prosecutors involved for this crime? Seems appropriate in my eyes but again who am I but a soul who has to send all my money to the government so they can spend it for me while telling me to shut my mouth and be happy! The smart ones are doing everything for me and my life is wonderful, if not than obviously the government isn’t taking enough from me. They then tell me that a multibillion dollar choo choo train won’t destroy the environment, will be good for me, will be cheaper to run and the government agency they create will also make it more efficient and I will be able to keep my insurance and doctor….oops wait that was another government program that passed and made everyone better off. While before I take my nap that the government is telling me to take I will wish everyone a happy day from me and our dictator in charge illegitimate Joe and of course his San Fran ho
Yeah they want John Q Public to give up his guns and car, take public transportation, and limit his movement thru the country.
Try buying a car these days – no new ones available while the car mfgrs switch to electric vehicles which are not practical, especially in NE with cold weather that depletes car batteries faster.
Trump 2024!
The aging grid can’t handle a total switch to electric vehicles. It can’t even handle demands now during heat waves.
You don’t leave the cars plugged in as you drive down the road you moron. Jesus!
How’s the $/gallon ,Fizzled? Still stumping for senile Mr Potato head!
How is the electric car going to get charged when grid is down? Everybody going get a diesel at home generator? What if you are miles from home and the electric POS can’t find a plugin with power? With a POS electric pickup you could haul a generator and fuel tank in the bed.
Bold robbery yesterday at Target in Lanesboro. A couple who look to be in their late 40’s or early 50’s boldly went into an unlocked car in the parking lot and stole a credit card. They then went shopping in the store and used the credit card. They didn’t seem to buy a lot in the store, but will probably use it in other stores. Are they taking advantage of the Justice Warrior philosophy in this area of being able to steal a certain amount and get away with it because of hardship? Breaking into a car, however, I think holds a violation, but who knows with our far left District Attorney in charge and the changes made to what constitutes a crime.
Who leaves their car unlocked with credit cards inside?!
Did they catch the thieves?
Not yet. There’s a picture of them entering and leaving Target on the Berkshire Eagle site and they are asking people to identify them. Maybe they aren’t even from around here.
I guess according to the leftist left of left wingnuts including the Berkshire Eagle and Andrea Harrington, “harm reduction” does not include “doubling down” on drug dealers and treatment programs. “Safe injection sites” will prevent overdoses today, according to the editorial. Will this do anything about people breaking into cars and phone stores to get money to buy their fentanyl? All the other negative effects of drugs use on the invividual and the community are still there and will eventually catch up with everyone. But who cares, this will make the leftist wingnuts feel better about themselves. I think they call that elitist guilt assuaging policy.
Just like buying “dirty oil” from countries like Venezuela and Iran makes the far left feel better that our country isn’t polluting the environment (which is a joke since we have the cleanest oil production process) while we encourage these other countries to increase their oil production for our needs. Nothing they do makes any logical sense.
Ever notice the baby mom unknown dad in ward six never wants it ‘political ‘yet everything about her IS political’.
Yeah, HAVIN’. Funny, dat.
I think Pete White was the donor
Apparently, Nipples harm reduction free supervised shooting galleries for junkies does not extend to the families loosing the battle to save their addicted loved ones from self inflicted harm. Why should junkies listen to the people who love them and care about whether they ever get clean when the DumbAss DA is their new supportive drug pusher ensuring that junkies never get that monkey off their backs. Long Live JUNKIES, FOREVER!
Gun violence is a symptom of the breakdown in traditional family values and traditional home life.
Children need a father and a mother, both who are productive and engaged in their children’s lives.
Thes bi/trans/gender fluid and mentally defective parents are making things worse, as are divorced parents. The epidemic of gun violence in the black community is directly related to the epidemic of black children growing up without fathers.
The average U.S. household annual income is $74,949, but $61,344 of it is used for monthly expenses, which leaves $16,615 per year for discretionary spending and savings (as if deferring one’s income is even possible in 2022 with 8.6 percent U.S. inflation). Broken down in a monthly budget, the average household income is $6,245.75, the average household expenses is $5,111, and the average discretionary spending and savings (if possible) is $1,134.75. In 2023, a hurricane recession is being predicted, which is currently being caused by the Swamp’s increasing the Federal Reserve’s interest rates and Joe Biden’s excessive federal spending linked to 41-year high U.S. inflation. Currently, U.S. households have a lot of debts with little savings. In 2023, the Swamp-caused hurricane recession will put U.S. households into a neutral to negative income with monthly/annual expenses being either close to or above monthly/annual incomes. The outcome of the Swamp’s financial policies will be a flood of personal bankruptcies and shuttered small businesses. We all understand what is happening now in 2022 and what will most likely happen in 2023. The question is: Why is the Swamp raising Federal Reserve interest rates and still spending so many trillions of federal dollars per year instead of helping U.S. households get ahead financially?
Money Matters: Budgeting for big new expenses | News, Sports, Jobs – Daily Herald (
Realize I am showing my age, but Biden’s bike accident reminded me of the old man on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In Show. There is definitely a similarity.
Tyer is installing pads in the bike lanes in case dementia Joe visits Pittsfield