(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JUNE 3-5, 2022) — “This is basically the end of MeToo,” Dr. Jessica Taylor, a psychologist, forensic psychology Ph.D., and author of two books on misogyny and abuse, told Rolling Stone. “It’s the death of the whole movement.”
Let us hope so.
Bring on the dancing girls! John Kiley, let’s hear a few bars of “The Night They Invented Champagne.”
MeToo, like BLM, is another of those “instant cultural-political fixes” that achieve the opposite of what they pretend to cure.
Taylor’s exaggeration came in the wake of the Johnny Depp verdict. He won $10 million. Amber got $2 million. She had already gouged Johnny for $7 million. Final score, Johnny $$$$$$$$$$, Amber $$$$$$$$$.
An even more ridiculous statement came from some talking head who somehow twisted the Depp verdict into yet another example of “systemic racism.” Even though none of the participants were black. Even though Amber through a booze bottle at him, not a bucket of fried chicken. But she/it/they/them claimed that if a privileged, wealthy, blonde, female celebrity wouldn’t be believed, what will happen to black women? Cue the reference to Black Lives Matter.
———- ooo ———-
With that THE PLANET shares a guest piece by Christopher Tremoglie as first published in the Washington Examiner, headlined: It’s time for Washington to remove the Black Lives Matter mural. Here it is:
It was meant to rile up people and advance a false political narrative. But after numerous studies debunking the claim about police shootings and multiple revelations of the fraudulent way BLM spent its donations, it is time to remove the Black Lives Matter mural on 16th Street Northwest in Washington, D.C.
———- ooo ———-
DECENT Lives Matter.
THE PLANET agrees. Your thoughts?
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you” — Walt Whitman.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
The real disease in America is the everything and anything “Racism Pox”.
The American Revolution was a religious war – Ben Franklin. The Revolution continues and fights the same tyrant.
Video: regarding the mural depicted above:
BLM has always been a terrorist organization along with Antifa. Why weren’t they held accountable for the rioting, looting and path of destruction? Instead the normal Kapanski’s of the country paid for their destruction through our insurance rates going up. It’s kind of interesting that the so called movement could always count on a black male to be doing criminal activities resulting in a response from the police and it’s interesting that all these poor underprivileged people can afford phones and know how to upload doctored film to the internet. An aside to this I read an interesting article about why the only race that can be made fun of is white. It’s a crazy inconsistent world we are all living in.
We are fighting wars on so many fronts. Don’t forget the war that is being fought in the classrooms of our schools and online where teenagers are being groomed into believing they are Trans. Activist teachers, online groups, and even medical professionals are involved in this cult that pushes teenagers to start using hormones, dangerous testosterone and eventually they have permanent surgeries to change their gender, all of it being hidden from parents until it’s too late. This is a very serious issue, but there is silence from the media.
“Where once tyrants …wished …their subjects had one common neck to… strangle…, today…all they need do… is “educate” the people so that they have but one common mind to delude.” ~
Richard Mitchell
Pat,are you really believing that their is a war on Trans school kids. Where is this war and how big is this problem?
You have a war proper usage of words
TSC you have definite homophonic tendencies.
How would you know about those things?
Extra Stupidity Perception, Gobsig can sniff out morons miles away.
Because Unlike some posters, I always passed English in grammar school
Homophonophobia? The hate and exclusion and denial of the homophone.
Why was it ever allowed? It was, and is, total bullshit, just like the entire BlackLiesMatter scam that the likes of Greylocks Pres Bissel fell for. I still have the letter he sent to shareholders, before I took my money to another bank, beating the drum about systemic racism, etc. The only systemic racism was against whites for the past 30 plus years in the form of brownie points for the blacks in college admissions and civil service tests. The rate of fatal force against blacks by police is lower than whites.
Hopefully you didn’t pick Berkshire Bank TellitLikeitis see they put up their Equality Mural yesterday by where the pop corn wagon use to sit for us all to see how woke we are.
Interestingly, I was in Greylock a few weeks ago and asked the clerk why is there never any line anymore. And he just smiled and said, “some of them are coming back”. I did not connect the two but maybe you CAN carry the wokeness too far. It can leave an uncomfortable feeling when people are suggesting that you are racist if you are not marching alongside the bandwagon. It is a real turnoff to be judged like that
Pulled my money out when Greylock put their rainbow banners up!
How is Angelo, the Maine rump ranger doing these days?
We’ve had about 30 yrs of Affirmative Action and what has been accomplished? Nothing but unqualified people in positions they don’t deserve to be in. Usually performing poorly and laughing because they know they won’t get fired.
60 years
I couldn’t remember exactly when affirmative action was made the rule of the land.
All Lives Matter
No life matters, real estate matters & money.
Black Fridays Matter
Pride Parade saturday starts at 11 a m.
I hear there will be a food cart packing and selling fudge.
Yes fudge is a priority for them.
This Trans craziness has taken over the country, but especially the schools that make every week a celebration of some aspect of being Trans and then people wonder why kids are so confused about their gender. They are just jumping on the bandwagon that it’s so popular to be Trans and they are paying a high price for their enthusiasm to be popular since many of these teenagers are not even Trans, but will go on to change their bodies in ways that are irreversible.
Democrats don’t want 18 year olds to buy guns but they want 6 year olds to change their sex
Children in pittsfield schools – very young elementary – are cross dressing and changing their identities. I wonder if parents know.
Women have worn pants to school since 1973 in
Will you be featured at DQSH? TSC
WHAT IS DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR?Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.
Read about the herstory and creators of DQSH.
Donate to DQSH
Boys are wearing dresses. Girls are identifying as boys. Teachers and principals agreeing to call these children the wrong sex and gender beginning in Grade 1??? Screwed up as that generation is, I’d go back to 1973.
Look it. You know deep in your heart of hearts Dad wanted willamina to be a Willy.
If you get a chance look up
Ayn Rand’s essay on education, “The Comprachicos.”
Wow, that is an excellent essay. I had never heard of it. She wrote it in 1970, but it absolutely applies to progressive education today. Compared to the schools of today, my time of attending school, late 1960s to early 1980s, was an unbelievably good time for getting an education, but even then, the progressive influence was creeping in. We were still taught critical thinking and that was the most important thing. Ayn Rand is on target about the progressives wanting to limit what these children learn and taking away their curiosity and questioning of everything. What is now being done with this gender confusion indoctrination and giving these young kids these powerful gender changing drugs is just plain evil.
Followed by a scooter parade?
After the parade they will meet at Dotties. After you park feel free to use the rear entrance.
Who’s in charge of the parade? Marchetti?
Keeping my family far away from that!
Will Linda be marching in the parade?
He’ll be the one with the rainbow T-shirt that says, “Free Parking in Rear”
There was a rumor of free smoked sausage too, but someplace “backdoor”, not at the Farmers Market.
That time might be wrong events start at 7 am I believe. Join us!!
Will the mayor of the city be there? Will she be speaking about how she is making the city more diverse? And will she then be inviting everyone over to her home afterwards for a real party to prove she really does care? How about Mr Earl? Will he be there? Will he talk about how he is working hard to reign in taxes in Pittsfield for his people who are poorly treated by the banks when they try to get loans? Has he ever talked to Mr Marchetti as to why black people have a hard time getting home loans in Pittsfield? And if so what did Mr Marchetti say about it?
This should disturb Americans. Biden’s Taliban weapon giveaway part deux…..and don’t forget 10% for “the Big Guy”.
“Users from Ukraine have posted several American made FGM-148 Javelins for sale on the Dark Web Marketplace, Thief Marketplace. The posting was made less than three hours ago and the seller advertised shipping available from Ukraine, specifically Kyiv. The seller is charging 30,000 USD for what seems to be just the tube. Unseen is the command Launch Unit, and it is unclear if there is a missile in the tube. A full ensemble of the Javelin usually goes for 206K USD, with the Command Launch Unit valued at around 120K USD and each missile at about 80K USD, so this posting is a steal.”
“The seller, @weapon_ukraine_big_sale also has several other American weapons systems ranging from Stinger MANPADS, Phoenix Ghost Drones, and smalls arms and ammunition. The United States has reportedly sent 5,500 Javelin tubes to Ukraine, and an unspecified number of command launch units which are needed for firing. The United States has reportedly sent 1/3 of its Javelin inventory to Ukraine in order to combat Russian tanks and other ground vehicles since the February 24th invasion.”
Your source is Atlas News lol, And if your selling weapons on the dark web would you use such an obvious username. These ruskies got you hook, line, and sinker.
Atlas is more trustworthy than CNN
Not saying much
H-Beast, DNC, and MSM have YOU hook line and sucker!
The whole Trump/Ruskie hoax was hatched by the H-Beast and DNC.
They won’t be hung for treason, as the DOJ, FBI and liberal appointed justices are all affiliates/comrades.
Ever occur to you it may be a sting?
She cried to the southern wind
About a love that was sure to end
Every dream in her heart was gone
Headin’ for a Showdown
Bad dreamer, what’s your name?
Looks like we’re ridin’ on the same train
Looks as through there’ll be more pain
There’s gonna be a Showdown
And it’s rainin’ all over the world
It’s raining all over the world
Tonight, the longest night
She came to me like a friend
She blew in on a southern wind
Now my heart is turned to stone again
There’s gonna be a Showdown
Save me, oh, save me
It’s unreal, the suffering
There’s gonna be a Showdown
And it’s rainin’ all over the world
It’s raining all over the world
Tonight, the longest night
Raining, raining
Raining, raining
Raining all over the world
Raining all over the world
The longest night
And it’s raining all over the world
Raining all over the world
Tonight, the longest night ~elo
Does anybody remember laughter?
I’ll remember Putin.
Take a look on the local front at what the false narrative BLM and “systemic racism” have brought us here in Pittsfield:
*Pittsfield city councilor Helen “Handgun” Moon, goes on social media and posts a lie about being removed from a vehicle at gunpoint by two white Boston policemen, simply for being an Asian female (POC).
*Berkshire County citizens elect a mindless, unqualified, candidate as DA, in Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington. Wrong Way vowed to clean up the “racially biased policing in Berkshire County.” Other than a Williamstown cop who put a picture of Hitler in his locker over 20 years ago, Wrong Way has come up with NOTHING after calling every man and woman who wears a badge in Berkshire County a racist.
*Pittsfield city councilor Handgun goes on record to defund the Pittsfield Police. Handgun even has PPD officers removed from the schools, because it makes children of color “scared” to attend school. She is joined by Earl “Dumpster Diver” Persip in this claim. PPD is removed from the schools.
*Mayor Flat Tyer, creates an unneeded and costly department, in the Department of Inclusion and Diversity (DIE), to pander to black people. Pittsfield’s personnel department already does what DIE was created to do, other than put on trainings to city employees to make them feel guilty for being white.
*NAACP Dennis Powell goes on record that the Pittsfield Police shot and killed Miguel Estrada, because he was a “large person of color,” before getting the facts that Miggy walked towards the police, while ignoring commands to drop the knife for 120 feet (40 yards), before being shot.
*Flat Tyer gives a $700,000 ARPA gift to her administrative assistant’s husband (Warren Dews), city employee Shirley Edgerton, and the Enchill’s from Elegant Stitching. The purpose is to help black owned businesses get started. So far, the only two businesses getting started are Warren’s: BBQ joint in Adams and a proposed pot-spa with Harmony Persip (city councilor Persip’s sister), in South County.
As you see, it’s alive and well in Pittsfield.
And when you know there is no oversight, anywhere, you can do whatever your little heart desires.
Like Sotero and Biden!!!
Some grim reminders of what has become perverse corruption in Pittsfield. Somewhere in the distance, taps is playing for a once great city.
Check the city budget and see that the DEI guy gets 90k/ year and he’s making it up as he goes.
Who are the people in charge of oversight for the $700 G’s the BEC got in funding? Who is making sure where ,how much and who is receiving funding for their business adventures from the fund? Who does Dews Shirley Edgerton, and the Enchill’s answer to, if anyone?
It’s an absolute scam. I’m sure based on their skin color, they don’t answer to anyone. And if they had to, I’m sure the “racism card” is ready to get tossed down to back off any YT’s who look for answers on how/where the money was spent.
Where is Jonathan?
I inquired a few days ago via post here as well, hoping he is ok. Dan?
Don’t know Chuckster but rumor has it he’ll be at the pride parade
I believe he is on vacation doing a body ,soul and mind rest. Hopefully he comes back with a new outlook on the things he can change and forget the things he can’t change.
Helping Harrington
You should let sleeping dogs lie.
History ,truth and compassion makes you WOKE or informed and it is the enemy of lies and unregulated power.Become informed and deal with history and have compassion for our country and its people.Truth supercedes power.
We are about to be WOKE on the truth of 1/6/2021….It will scare you how close we came to losing our democracy
Wow you are off the reservation Kimosabe. Get a grip. We lost our democracy with all the voter fraud.
Hope you will be watching the hearings on the telly. Fox will not show them of course but it will be a wake up call for those whose minds are not totally closed to only cult-thought.
Right. Sure. At least share some of what you are smoking
You will not watch it because you know it will make you feel the fool for believing all the lies. And your tender ego can not handle this truth. Put in a Bambi movie and pretend Trumps insurrection never happened.
“Niclaus Fest, the Chairman of AFD in Parliament, the biggest patriot party in Germany, and Marcel de Graaff, a member of the European Parliament for Forum for Democracy (FVD), watched the screening of ‘2000 Mules.”
The two EU politicians discussed the ramifications of the “2000 Mules” movie in America as well as Europe in the YouTube video below. Here is a portion of the transcript from their discussion:
Marcel de Graaff: The other day, we watched 2000 Mules.’ It is a documentary that shockingly gives evidence that exposes voter fraud in the 2020 elections in the United States.
How credible do you think this is?
Niclaus Fest: They are going step-by-step and checking on every potential denial of this, uh, possible fraud. And I think they made clear that there is no way to doubt that this election has been rigged. So, I think it’s waterproof.
It’s really shocking because if the leading western democracy is not foolproof if its election isn’t foolproof anymore, then we have a real problem here.
The documentary shows that voter fraud really tipped the the balance, the results of the election in favor of Joe Biden.”
“Marcel de Graaff: What are the consequences of that? What does it do to the confidence you can have in your government?
Niclaus Fest: The confidence now lies in pieces and is shattered. It’s not surprising that the Biden Administration is not doing anything. They would somehow torpedo their own government. That’s the problem with this election fraud that the party who profits from it will not do anything about it.”
I think the main problems is this voting by mail. You never know who actually filled out the form and who signed it.”
There was no insurrection. None. Stop this nonsense.
Tucker told me to tell you that you are being a good boy and that he is proud of you.
H-Beast said it’s irritating to have You up under her skirt all the time , and Huma’s getting jealous.
Nice try but wrong again, you are always are.
Liz Cheney ,
You need to watch 2000 Mules.
How about 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY? which is what is between your ears.
Your ears, are stuck between your butt cheeks.
I’m not sure if anyone is still following it but an expert who was hired for a court case found 9 ways the Dominion voting machines could be hacked. Also fraud has been found in WI and everyone knows about the cheating that happened in Georgia yet the parrot heads will all say there was no fraud you guys have been brainwashed by Trump! Although if they look these reports don’t come from Trump but from court documents and state governments.
Please take your Thorazine.
If only Nance Pelosi had security around the White House that day, but Nance refuses to comment on that. Did Nance have inside information about what was going to happen and she wanted it to happen to make President Trump look bad? All of the evidence is pointing in that direction, but Nance continues to hide her role in 1/6/21. Everything is private for Nance Pelosi. Her dirty politics, her family problems, and her hatred for Donald Trump.
If only Trump did not incite an insurrection they would not have needed such massive security. Ever think of it that way?
The was no insurrection. Get over it.
The coup started Summer 2016 by H-Beast campaign and the DNC. They continued with their Russian “Collusion Illusion” with circus ring master Schiffhead.
With the distraction of an influenza, the American system of voting was perverted and a senile demented buffoon was installed as leader Nov 2020; America became a banana Republic
To persecute those who opposed their corruption, a false flag event was staged Jan 6th 2021, with prior approval of the DNC that was aided and abetted by leftist elements of corrupt federal agencies.
WOKE – adj. A state of awareness only achieved by those who are stupid enough, to find injustice in everything, except themselves and their own behavior.
It’s time for all Americans to realize what is really going on in this country and many are seeing the light, but like a caged animal, the far left Marxists will not go quietly. Many are so brainwashed with their beliefs starting with Michelle Obama saying we are going to change our culture, our traditions, we are going to move in a new direction. The problem is that this new direction has been the road to destruction on so many levels.
Here is the reason Harrington announced her election campaign so late (long after two other candiates had announced). It’s why questions regarding her intentions where deflected. It’s also why invitations to her GB event went out to supporters the day before. Harrington was trying to get a job in the US Attorney’s Office. She tippped this fact months ago when she bragged on twitter about how long the line is to enter the building in Boston. Unfortunately for all of us here in the Berkshires, as of this moment, there are no attorney jobs in Rachael Rollins office. There are no openings listed on the website, at least. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a job in the future, presumably if someone leaves. This of course is assuming Rollins wants anything to do with Harrington after the stunts she has pulled. Should there be an opening and Harrington wins the DA’s election in Berkshire County will she resign?
I’ve said it before Squad, Road Rage Rollins is keenly aware of what type of political liability DA Wrong Way Harrington is to RRR’s political career.
Road Rage Rollins will take all the pandering and white guilt from WW, but she doesn’t want Wrong Way. Otherwise, she would have been offered a position by now.
In the world of politics, RRR is a pro at using gullible fools like WW. Harrington is just the perfect sap to not realize when she’s being used.
It would explain why Harrington punted her the case of the fentanyl nurse. Harrington is currying favor giving her a case where the defendant admitted wrongdoing – a YT drug offender.
Did you hear hand gun the other night? She mentioned 50 million in arpa funds and what her priority would be? Then she stated she had made up? ((the amount)The fifty million dollar figure. Made it up?Where have we heard that before?
Guns are everywhere because of the NRA and the Republican Party
They are TSC, especially in democRAT led cities with tough gun control.
Care to expound on how those tough gun measures are working in Chicago? NYC? Baltimore? No Republicans in those sh!tholes.
Barry Sotero and newly Selected Traitor Joseph Stolen, are the greatest gun salesmen of the 21st century.
Thanks to them, law abiding Americans will own > 400 million firearms soon!
And they’ll just give them away, if you’re a criminal……..
……”You may recall that Biden served as Vice President under Barack Obama and that administration also brought you Fast and Furious.
That scandal involved running guns to Mexico which were then lost and used by drug cartels.
One was used in the shooting death of border patrol agent Brian Terry, while others turned up at the scenes of violent crimes in Phoenix, as well as at least 11 other violent crimes across the country…….”
Fast and Furious, Obama/Biden’s ill-conceived gun fiasco. Good one.
Especially after the “peaceful protests” of 2020.
I believe Kamala was even helping post bail for the criminals too.
And TSC wonders why people who’ve worked and EARNED all of their possessions take up arms to protect it.
TSC, stick in your (bike) lane cupcake. Worry about pregnant men emoji’s.
Yeah , they come to my house and force me to buy them
Word has it, she
She has the cash.
Wish I had been there to see this one
Here is a message from a jewelry shop owner in San Francisco, this could easily come from Pittsfield and probably will soon.
“After 15 years of designing jewelry and building Margaret Elizabeth, I’ve come to the decision to close up shop! I arrived at this decision with a heavy heart, because I have loved growing this little brand and getting to interact with so many amazing people along the way (you!).
Our store in San Francisco has seen three break-ins in the past six months and maintaining an inventory of jewelry that is likely to be stolen again just doesn’t make sense.”
They’ve been broken into THREE times. In the last SIX months. It isn’t even diamond jewelry for the most part. And this is not unique.
Almost every place I liked in SF is now closed. The mayor London Breed, all the city leaders, and especially “Progressive” District Attornry Chesa Boudin are responsible for breaking one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and an American icon. Shame on them.
Kalinowski and Kronik didn’t propose a single cut to the bloated school department budget. Kronik even voted for it.
All bullshit pretent opposition to the bloated city budget adding projects and people that can not be sustained by retired homeowners. She will retire and leave in the rear view stuck with her out of controll spending because we have elected not to confront her spending disease
Barry is the accountant for the Nigerian Prince who’s trying to give his money away.
If you would like to see some horrid photography go to iberkshires and look through some of the high school prom pictures. (Way down the site) Guess no one had time to cull out the iffy ones but some kids will be living down some pretty embarrassing moments.
By the way if you check out the ones from PHS it kind of looks like the black and white people get along just fine. Lots of mixed couples with smiles on their faces.
Dirty streets, rampant crime, drugs, shootings, mayhem and murder.
In today’s episode we see this little dwarf rip off Walgreen’s in Allendale. Evidently he’s a a repeat offender, cops come out and take a report.
Nothing happens.
The manager says return the items as he’s walking out with the goods. Then the little dwarf runs towards McDonald’s and jumps into a waiting car. As he’s running away he’s yelling “the cops don’t give a shit, stop following me.”
He’s probably right.
THE PLANET’s Secret Squadron with another exclusive! Our spies and Z-Agents are everywhere. This terrific sequence by CRIME STOPPERS exemplifies why we are theeeee No. 1 site in Western Mass.
They come from out of town and rip off the outets. They park face out right in front in the handicapped space. They run out with boxes of sneakers from the Family Footwear. They think cops won’t do anything because the DA is a “progressive” who won’t prosecute. Harrington is doing a everything she can to ruin the Berkshires.
Dye packs.
This is happening daily in many Pittsfield stores.
In Iowa.
Hard at work for her anti police ACLU friends in Plmouth county .×900
in SF.×900
Harrington is good at endorsing people. Anything else?
Can I get an endorsement and a sandwich?
Ricky? Says.It’ll be close and if we don’t hit that ( 200 g in a month account ) spending? He says it will go back into retained earnings account, Ricky,don’t lose that number.
Wrecking marriages
Water guy G says they are robbing you blind at the water plants. I’ve heard the expensive trickling units have failed. Thirty million
Where is Dr. Wang?
Water Guy is CORRECT! My family home is in the desert. $192.00/yr for H2O (day to day water usage, hygiene & plant irrigation). $240.00/yr for trash pick up (2x a week) & sewer. Total $430/yr and no increase in 15 years and a discount if paid up front & we are in the middle of a drought!
Go figure, eh?
Your community probably has some oversight of its government. Pittsfield is basically an autocracy now as the city council president has abandoned his responsibility to the people he duped into electing him.. They are fucked and there is absolutely NOTHING they can do about it. Both their hands and feet are tied and no help is coming.
You voted for those democRATS, don’t worry, be happy!!!
I always look forward to your intelligent posts MT.
Only democrats were running. Are you suggesting do not vote at all?
I always see a write in choice, on all my ballots. Bad is not better than worse.
And all $itt$field have had recently, are terrible not even bad.
Waiting for Dans robot FZ………
I’m independent . I vote for the best, if only Democrats running, I do a write in ballot.
Blame Yourself AW!
Harrington brought several people to the District Attorneys annual meeting after being berated for refusing to attend on this blog. She refused to pay for attendance or lunch and there was a big scene. She did not pay. She is an embarassing classless clown.
any video?
Bet she left with a doggy bag though.
How was dinner? ROFL!!!!
Got mugged going into WalMart the other day. The lady was asking me to sign a petition for a skate park to be built because the kids had nothing to do in Pittsfield. She wanted them to be able to in-line and use roller skates. When I told ther there was already one at the corner of Springside and Benedict that I never see anyone at she told me it didn’t exist. I was going to argue and offer to bring to it but I was in a hurry. I wish people would open their eyes and know what Pittsfield does offer it’s residents. I was also going to let her know when I grew up there really wasn’t anything and I spent my time in my yard, the woods or walking to my friends to play some sort of game
There is no longer a bowling alley and no public swimming pools. Linda has destroyed North St. and Tyler St. (those new apartments are an eyesore). Shootings every week. Pot shops galore. Why would families want to be in this city? Even our beautiful parks are not being maintained under this mayor – Kirvin Park grass was knee high and unusable over Memorial Day. Potholes everywhere while the city is flush with money which is obviously not being used for city improvement. We should have a demonstration outside of City Hall to protest the Tyer administration’s failure to perform basic responsibilities.
I’m not sure when the public swimming pool closed but we do have the lakes. As for bowling that is a private business as it should be, pot is what people want I guess. Go to the school playgrounds they were all taken care of but I agree the city does not put enough emphasis on maintenance. The budget is out of balance and has been for decades. Close some schools put workers in the maintenance department and road crews and this city can start rising instead of going down the toilet!
From the New York Times, America must end its love affair with single family houses. We just have too many illegal immigrants coming into the country and that scenario isn’t going to fly. Of course, they didn’t say that part in their article even though it’s the truth. They want apartment dwelling with your noisy pot smoking neighbors to become the wave of the future. I should be the perfect far left liberal because I’m not a home owner, but I think people should always have the right to own their own home and the New York Times needs to stop their far left agenda of “You will own nothing and be happy”.
Is anyone aware of any database or information kiosk dealing with Pittsfield populations and its ebbs and flows? I keep seeing all these massive tag sales in Pittsfield where it looks like they are selling everything they own and I assume they are bailing. How many are leaving like per year for the last five years? How many are backfilling and where are they coming from? Are the middle class leaving and low income moving in to take their place? Or are we getting wealthy second home owners? What is the current REAL population? Prefer this info would come from other than a city hall person as I would not trust that.
How many students opted out last year? How many are home schooled? How many opt in?
Pittsfield has been ceded to Crime and Disorder,a new TV show starring Linda Tyer and Andrea Harrington.
That laugh at this Jim Wilusz former Pittsfield health now friend town trying to direct policy to the Pittsfield Health Board. We have a director here and don’t need an out of town person telling us what to do? Does the Pittsfield board of health Jim. By the way this was the same guy that told us not to order doubles at the all you can eat buffets, and the next time I seen this guy he look like he weighed about 300 pounds.
Can you blame people for leaving? The schools are a money-sucking nightmare and North St. is a disaster!
Most of the people who are screeching their tires getting out of Pittsfield are families with children. They are seeing things. They are hearing stories. They know local media is scrubbed of much of the bad stuff going on. And they feel their children deserve better than this place. They are quite right. Every family that finds its way out has my sincere blessing and I wish them all Godspeed and a future with actual hope. They will be heroes to their children someday when they look back at the wasteland they escaped from.
Course they’re bailing your water rates will soon be another mortgage and from what I hear Rick is really doing a number down there at the water plant cause he don’t know shit,just like the last two clowns. Now he Wants an eight wheeler to get in and out of the facility to its cash cows. Let The former water guy into plant. Before it’s too late otherwise itll be costing you a fortune.
Where are DA Wrong Way’s political endorsements these days?
When she ran the last time, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D), seemed to appear on every news outlet and talk show in Berkshire County, to talk about the “change” WW was going to bring to the DA’s Office.
We all know Tricia has important work getting illegals drivers licenses, but not one word of support yet……
BTW-thanks Tricia, because of dolts like you, we are now going to have to pay for another ID (Federal ID) to travel.
Has this woman (if she still ID’s as one), done anything to help Pittsfield?
I know she’s pretty much ruined it with her “grant money” offered to Flat Tyer and the dregs of society that come with those grants.
Even the ultra liberals realize what a disaster Harrington is but TFB will hide under the table and say “I’m staying out of it” because it’s a Democratic primary. None of them will have the cajones to stand up and say what they say behind Harrington’s back. If you look up the word spineless in the dictionary you will find every single one of our elected officials.
Which elected buffoons will be holding Harrington signs this time?
Marchetti has his parade coming up in a few weeks. The DA will probably have her supporters carrying banners. Pete was looking for people to carry banners for somebody. Not sure if it was here or not. Probably.
Is Your float sink America I’m Biden boat ready Fizzseled?
Shirley Edgerton. She needs to keep her criminal friends and their family members out of jail and allegedly earning money dealing drugs. Police are always targeting them without cause. I wish people in the Black community would stand up and say the truth.
Normalizing the use of illegal drugs just increases overdoses and death.
Your DA Andrea Harrington doesn’t want to just normalize deadly drug use, she wants to “safely” inject people and she promised she will if re-elected. Who cares what happens to addicts vital organs down the road? Who cares that there is a known increase in cardiovascular death risk, not related to overdose? Just shoot em up under tax payer funded supervision and send em on their way.
Another shooting yesterday in Philly.
More murdered with firearms, in Democrat run gun controlled Chicago last week, than at Udalve
To those R posters who rightfully want that stupid, vain, arrogant disgrace of a DA out of office, what are you willing to do given that you cannot vote her the fuck out in the democratic primary? Bitch, piss, and moan all you want about her, but unless you switch parties, however temporarily, to D, you can’t do a damn thing.
So what are you R folks going to do?
Good idea but you don’t need to switch parties. You can change your affiliation to INDEPENDENT and vote in any primary. Do it by the deadline August 17. All you have to do is fill out a new voter registration form.
You can do that right here using your driver’s license or state id card:
You can also go to your town office and fill it out.
Excellent advice.
Thanks for the link!
But can Independents, in democrat primaries, vote 5 0r 6 times like Democrats do?
I’m an Independent voter and I bet most of the bloggers on here are the same.
I’m ashamed to say I’m a registered Democrat but am switching to independent thanks to the lefty loons.
So our money that us citizens pay the Commonwealth is above projections by a billion dollars. What do you think our Democrats who run the Legislature are doing? Are they giving us our money back in the form of tax relief? How about putting it in to roads and bridges? No they are sitting on it to see where they can spend it so they can line their pockets! Yet even though our state reps and senate people don’t care about the Kapanski’s some how they always get elected in, surely is nuts in these parts!
it takes America two years just to design a bridge. Another six months to decide who is getting kickbacks. Another six months to pre-guage how much they will be able to add on for over runs (even before they know the original cost) Permitting process is another six months.
China can put up a half mile span over a 600 foot gorge in less than a year at a fraction of the cost it would in America. Countries all over the world are hiring the Chinese to build their mega projects. When I am elected president in 2024 I am going to turn over the Build-back-America program to the Chinese because we will all be dead from old age (including children) if we wait for America to get it done themselves.
You voted for SWC Clinton. He brought us, the only cheap Chi-Com stuff at Walmart syndrome.
What happened to H-Beasts good friend/donor? A boy named Hsu?
For liberals SWC = slick willie Clinton
China is corrupt, you do know that? Hitler and Germany were also very efficient, but they were monsters.
The Democrats are giving it all to friends, in return for kickbacks.
Just like US “aid” to Ukraine. BTW, what has Ms Heinz 57 been up too? He made a trip to Ukraine like Pelousey did? Or is he been in Iran?
The aid to Vice President Pence informed the Secret Service that the Vice President feared for his safety just prior to his certification of the vote declaring Bidens Presidency. Trump met with Pence the day before the vote.Trump mental state was in question at this time.Get woke to what happened.I realize this board is under Trumps whisper of his Authoritarian rule.
The mental state of President Trump was in question by the far left throughout his presidency so their sudden concern about it in January 2021 doesn’t mean anything. President Biden has been showing signs of dementia for a long time, but he’s a genius as far as the far left media and politicians are concerned. A Republican president will win in 2024 whether that’s Trump, DeSantis or someone as yet unknown, but the far left agenda will no longer be tolerated because of its extremism.
Just look at Mr Potato head the Dems illegally installed/inaugurated!!
I Awoke Nov 4th to see the greatest crime in US History taking place with MSM running damage control/narrative for the leftists coup.
Biden fears for his life coming/going from his basement stairs.
Are they going to put, escalators on “Demented One” ‘s plane?
The FOX NEWS ideology directs what male conservatives should be worried about.Now you men are going to worry about genital inspections in OHIO sporting events….its no wonder you are all losing you discernment capabilities. Republicans are fd up.
I’m worried about your Tranny hour show for 1st graders.
TSC, You are one of the “WOKE” people who claim Men can get pregnant, but are suddenly worried about “misinformation” on Twitter…….
TSC is a quart low on intelligence…
Our American Michelle Obama inspired Woke culture is turning so many of our kids into Trans kids because it’s popular. This newest Trans kids saying that if your parents don’t accept who you are as a Trans kid then you need new parents. The schools and these trans groups are destroying the parent and child relationship in order to get these kids into the Trans culture. See the video and the sexually suggestive looks that the interviewer is giving to an 8 year old child.
American Woke culture is turning so many kids into trans kids without the knowledge of the parents.
Drain plug fell out years ago…….
Even sex-change surgery, promoted by the wokest of the woke, only gives you 2 choices,
Man or Woman.
The far let is trying to build a big case against President Trump regarding 1/6/21, but they are grasping at straws because Americans are seeing the extremism of the far left agenda and how it is destroying our country and that will be the big issue for the 2024 presidential election. Whether the candidate is Trump, DeSantis, or some other Republican, the 2024 presidential race will be all about bringing our country back to sanity and away from globalism and the far left agenda.
In today’s local news, Sheriff Bowler is going to be running against Alf Barbalunga in order to remain as sheriff of Berkshire county. This ought to be interesting.
Was that Alf Barbalunga or a muppet character from a vaudeville frat house?
Alf is a big doofus but Harrington has to support him as she promised. What a maroon that guy is. Comic relief, though.
big or little Alf?
They are both corrupted…….
More attempts to turn American K through 3rd graders into drag queens. This latest attempt is by Pizza Hut. I love their pizza, but this is outrageous. This is part of their children’s book club. Last month they had a book about a boy dressing up as a girl and they are trying to normalize this for all kids when we know that just a very tiny percentage of kids are Trans.
Was THAT that TSC?………..