(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JULY 27, 2022) — As a lad, from the moment school let out in June, we and the gang practically lived at Deming Park in summer. “Sandlot” and the infinite varieties of baseball, all dependent on how many guys showed up, dominated, with park-directed activities second.
It became such a fun experience that years later, during one summer’s college break, THE PLANET served as a park director, our second time as a city employee, the first being official scorer of the Deming’s Babe Ruth League.
We will not, however, wax dreamily in prose-poems about “those the thrilling days of yesteryear.” We’ll leave that for Clayton Moore. Plus, it might ire certain constituencies, particular those in or around Pittsfield’s lame seats of power. They don’t like reminders of goodness. Hits too close to home because it shows up the city’s current slum-‘n-slump condition. This in turn reminds us that communities with good government can and more importantly do exist, providing 2022 equivalent of Pittsfield’s “good old days.” Look up your municipal reports on Lebanon, NH; Skaneateles, NY; or Newburyport, MA for examples.
———- ooo ———-
Enter (FANFARE) the suckups and stuckups on the Pittsfield Parks Commission (PPC), also known as Flat’s Brain Injury Group. On the PPC van, a bumper sticker reads “Will Brake for Hallucinations.”
They’re not retarded.
They’re “special.”
Who might they be?
Park Commission Contact Information: (413) 499-9368
Simon Muil … Anthony A. DeMartino … Michele Matthews … Clifford J. Nilan … Chair Paula Albro.
Oh, and THE PLANET would be remiss not to include (DEEP BREATH SO WE CAN GET THE TITLE OUT IN ONE TAKE) Park, Open Space, Natural Resource Project Manager and Boys and Girls Club Towel Boy James McGrath.
Whew, what a mouthful (in more ways than one).
After wasting millions screwing up Clapp Park — $65,000 for a consultant; millions for underground field irrigation that doesn’t work; and the Common, $6 million to destroy the large playing field; a water-spray that, when it’s working, is managed by a giant bacteria named Edward E. Coli — the PC idiots want to finally put the sword to dear, dying Deming.
Oh, Bartleby. Oh, humanity.
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET won’t bother you with the details. If you want a bullet-points version of those nasties, here they are.
Basically, commissioners want to
- Add more clog to the clogged parking lot
- Move another baseball diamond
- Give the PRIVATE SLL more of public land at Deming not already under its control
- Shave the little that’s left of the vanishing open space.
Crime Dog McGrath says Deming has had a parking problem for 60 years. Hmmmm.
That takes us back to “those thrilling days of yesterday,” 1962 to be exact, or one year before I joined the SLL and became an All-Star for M-A-C Finance coached by Jim Bridges. No, Dog, there wasn’t a parking problem back then. Kids rode bikes to the park. Extended families stayed away, realizing the importance of letting kids play without 10,000 obnoxious adults HAVING to “show up” for the game or risk the fate of Themistocles, Greek hero of the Persian invasion. Dude was ostracized. Same as Adam Cartwright from the Ponderosa after Paw found him in the kitchen cupboard playing with Hop Sing’s chopsticks.
You don’t know the details of the pending Deming destruction because Flat doesn’t want you to know. Last winter, she gave the OK for public works to hire a — you sittin’ down? — consultant to “study” and “look at” a “number” of “ideas.” How much did they pay the consultant? They didn’t say.
Right. You’re shocked.
Silly us. We thought that’s why cities have park commissions in the first place, to make those decisions via direct local input?
Naturally, the commissioners subscribe to Flat’s idea of transparency.
Deming abutters received no notice of the proposed changes.
Taxpayers can rest assured, however, that to the best of THE PLANET‘s knowledge, the consultants did not include the husbands of Roberta “Yabba Dabba” Dews or Helen Moon, you know, Linda’s buddies.
Cheer up, though. It’s only 440 days till citywide elections in November 2023.
But who’s counting?
“Does one have to go through a catastrophe to arrive at a vision?” — Niki de Saint Phalle.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
I have studied predictable Pittsfield politics for decades of my 47-year-old life. I understand that blogger Dan Valenti’s knowledge of Pittsfield politics is much greater than my own. Basically, the same group of one political (Democratic) party provincial state and local insiders pull the same crap year after year. Municipal spending always increases by 5% every fiscal year. Municipal debts/other liabilities total in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Public financial management in Pittsfield is secretive, and the books always get cooked. Over the past 50 years, Pittsfield’s tax base has greatly diminished due to the loss of thousands of living wage jobs and population, but Mayor Linda Tyer and her failed predecessors continue to charge taxpayers top dollar for Level 5 public schools and substandard municipal services. The people and taxpayers have no real voice in City Hall because everything is always a done deal behind closed doors. When one speaks out, they face retribution. Less than 1 in 5 eligible Pittsfield voters vote in local elections, and mostly wealthy Ward 4 always decides the winner of every citywide election, which means that the other six Wards don’t really matter in citywide elections. Inner-city Pittsfield is very dangerous with very high levels of violent crime. Mayor Linda Tyer called the ongoing shootings there “an immediate crisis”. In closing, the Ruling Elites do NOT really represent the people who live in Pittsfield because Mayor Linda Tyer and a majority of the City Council Members and School Committee Members are all totally disconnected from the issues the community is trying to deal with while everything in Pittsfield always goes from bad to worse on so many levels that it would take many books to write about it all.
The truth is that once you figure in what happens behind the scenes, democracy, as in democratic elections, is a myth. The end result, as to how it effects the true power structure, is always highly predictable and it ALWAYS leaves the common man/ taxpayer/voter feeling helpless and hopeless. It is really not an exaggeration to say that local elections are a sham because the deck has been stacked to the point where there is no chance (zero chance) that you will get a government that puts the people over the special interests. The special interests have an iron grip on what goes on. My guess is that they also dictate the tax rate so that their greedy hands are always flush with plenty of cash.
Yes. The shame of it as well as the hypocrisy is that the word”democracy” provides cover for the scoundrels. At least in honest totalitarianism, people know what they’ve got.
NO ONE ELECTED THEM!! Do not blame Ward 4. They are WEF /CCP agents paid and blackmailed to install Agenda 2030. “You will own nothing and be happy”. They drove hard the fake plandemic which was SUPPOSED to kill off 85% of the population with the vax and killer vent protocols. But…. somehow the Pittsfield citizens were not that stupid and at least half refused to become sheeple, fodder for their death machines. Some small businessess actually survived despite intense attempts to destroy them all. If you would only just WAKE UP and throw the bums out. All would be well.
Charles Kronick’s radio interview link:
Kronick reflects on chaotic start to Pittsfield city council tenure, claims he’s been the target of anti-Semitism from the body | WAMC
July 27, 2022
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
Charles Kronick alleges that he has been the target of anti-Semitism on the Pittsfield City Council. But Pittsfield City Council President Peter Marchetti denies Kronick’s allegations. Charles Kronick is accused of making transphobic comments; never mind the homophobic smear campaign the Boston state Democratic Party used against Alex Morse in 2 years ago when he challenged K Street’s PAC Man Richie Neal in the 2020 primary election. Charles Kronick dissented about the issue of the city’s diversity officer. Charles Kronick dissented about the fiscal year 2023 “Pickleball” budget. Charles Kronick raised questions when he referenced the Holocaust during his open mic speech. WAMC journalist Josh Landes calls Charles Kronick Pittsfield’s most controversial civic leader. Charles Kronick has been the target of criticisms from the news media in Berkshire County, specifically by the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) and Charles Kronick says that he has been singled out, especially by Peter Marchetti.
What do you, blogger Dan Valenti, make of all of this? I am interested in reading your written thoughts on your blog:
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
Kronick is a free thinker, Class A. He’s dared to run, dared to win election, and dared to propose measures guaranteed to roil the establishment aka status quo … the gravy train … the perpetual honeymoon enjoyed by a political system that masks a nepotistic oligarchy with an alleged “representative” “democracy.” Anti-semitic attacks on him as well as unfounded allegations of gender and racial bias are merely signs of desperation on the part of the spineless, corrupt weasels on the dais with him as well as same from other seats of governmental power. They are terrified that he might be the spark that lights the dry powder keg that is the (currently) overwhelmed, defeated, dejected, hopeless, and understandably apathetic Pittsfield electorate. Any chance of that, however slim, will draw attacks from the Loon Leftists and other so-called “progressives.” They’ve got quite the con game going, and when they perceived any pushback … well, the actions speak for themselves. We don’t know Kronick well enough to definitively say whether he can survive the assault, but our instincts tell us he will prove to be tougher than they imagine. Thanks for the question.
Dan – so long as I can improve, I’m going strong. By the looks of that, I’ve a long road ahead before I’m out.
I really don’t think that I’m the controversy. That would imply that there is a great deal of dispute where there is less.
They are simply referring to instances where I point out behavior and policy that are disputed by majority leaders and particularly the ‘controlled delusions’ that drive them.
This sounds like another Handgun.
Bear in mind the fact that I am answering the questions, not making them, and thus the content is the conversation. I’ll be happy to explain my argument otherwise if it is unclear.
I suspect that Councilor Moon would be equally surprised by the comparison. Curious – when did she object to gross spendings, heavy borrowing, rate increase, and gratuitous hirings that offended thousands of her constituents?
I think the comparison Billy is trying to make with you and Helen “Handgun” Moon, is claiming to be called racist/anti-Semitic names.
The difference being, you went on record with this claim to the press.
Helen, on the other hand, made her claim on social media. During the height of the BLM/Antifa riots, not wanting to feel neglected, she posted about being taken out at gunpoint and arrested by two white Boston cops, simply for being an Asian female. When Helen was asked for verification of this outlandish claim (case number/Boston PD report), deleted the post.
As you can see, clearly different circumstances. You care about the taxpayers. Besides being a person of low character and no integrity, Handgun only cares about Helen.
People disagreed with you and criticized you. So unfair! Must be because you’re Jewish. OK, Handgun.
“Handgun” sounds better on me than on Moon anyway. Great – I insist you address me as Handgun Charles! I just won the CCW vote. 🙂
Deming needs a parking lot simply because the neighbors are insulted that normal people living good lives want to attend a ballgame without harassment from the neighbors on the street surrounding the fields who do not like that they bought or rented next to the public park.I grew up in deming and the basketball court is 60 years old with not one change to what we played on.Clapp is filled with kids having fun and Pellerin field has never been so nice with scoreboards and bathrooms for players and users.The Common is the nicest thing on 1st street and worth every penny.It was a dump prior to the investment.Deming is a baseball park and it produces some of the best ball players in the state of Ma.Having crappy old facilities is just ridiculous.Pittsfield is blessed with parks.Every other town in the county is lucky to have 1 or 2 parks and we have 26 extremely well used parks.
Oh yea? Well let me tell you mister – they are used for sure, and they could be gems again but many have been let go – Springside and Clapp are littered with all kinds of trash including human, alcohol garbage, and drug packaging material. They are both disgusting in parts and the city literally let people shit in them.
Now you know why it was nessassary that youth leagues adopt parks.The city right back to 1980 did not care for them
Now we know where all the empty nip bottles came from.
In my new documentary to be aired at a later date we discuss both money laundering AND public parks. And we go into great detail explaining that the two have NOTHING to do with one another even though, to the inexperienced eye, occasionally the two seem to overlap.
Way to bring to light the dirty behind the scenes corruption of this city. I have no faith in the elections, the same scum continue to be elected. Don’t ask questions or propose an alternate view or you will be forced to wear a crimson letter so the scum will know who you are. I have found it amazing how Deming park was taken over by a private entity who control it. I notice they aren’t including inclusive and equitable park equipment for the downtrodden nor handicapped. I am not sure why they don’t make the driveway off of Ontario St and make the field there the parking lot while bringing the current parking lot up to green standards for parklands. Can I get a consultants fee now?
Big government knows best and it will only get worse as voters insist on giving them more power. I noticed that the mail-in ballots (before I threw it away) allows you to put in a new address for the name on the ballot and no phone number is required. What prevents anyone from forging the signature of the person on the ballot and mailing it back. No phone number required to verify identity of the person.
Sorry off subject but—-did you see the guy they got it like $100,000 parking ticket because of a computer glitch the ticket should’ve read I don’t know $10 but the computer broke down and when they rebooted it that’s the number that came up with a ticket. Didn’t they have that same issue in Georgia remember when they were telling me about they had some kind of a computer stoppage I’m wondering?
The other one is when they send you a ballot here in Massachusetts there’s a box for you to put if you’re a democrat public and other for mail in votes? Why is that required
State run election fraud has arrived to the Commonwealth. Goodbye, John Adams, hello Bulger and Soros!
This post deserves to be bumped up. It’s incredible on so many levels.
Please call the local media when you file your complaint and let them know of this outrage.
Andrea is an idiot
13 hours ago
I own a house with a lot of road frontage on a well traveled road. Idiot Harrington supporters came and asked if I would let them put up signs.
I told them no.
I also have cameras that record the street, my property, a view from the mailbox of the .
They came back and offered to pay me if the could put up 4 signs. Again I told them no.
A day later the signs were up. I took them down. I reviewed the video footage, it was the same to people who asked me and were told twice no.
So then they came to my door again and asked if I took their signs because that is stealing.
I told them yes I took them down because they were on my private property. Idiot woman one tells me how Andrea told them they only had to ask “as a courtesy” but they could put the signs up because they are putting the signs in the right of way.
I guess Andrea knows as much about real estate law as she does about criminal law.
The “right of way” only applies to municipal uses, any easements are for the power company.
I will be filing a complaint and I hope to get a trespass order
Andrea you boney assed shrill bitch get the fuck out of office
I’ve heard some stories about campaign signs but this one takes all.
next time just burn them too.
Not if he’s a white male. He better not burn her signs. He’ll be bunking with Lonnie Durfee, questioning how non-violent white guys get punished to the fullest extent of the law, but violent, armed, career criminals, like LaQuan Johnson and David Moody, who happen to be black men, are treated with kids gloves by DA Wrong Way’s Offie.
Harrington made it about race. Don’t take the bait. She’s not effective at prosecuting anyone because she is not running a prosecutors office. It is a political launching pad for Harrington’s career, run with a playbook created for her. so she can have a job. In return, she parrots for the “Fair and Just Prosecution.” Harrington was never really employed before this. She worked part time. She never made more than 20k a year as a lawyer with a poor record. She worked the deli at her family’s store, which btw you should feel free to shoplift. Nothing will be done about it. Go on in and take a 6 pack home. You’re going to need it.
Harrington can’t get people to take her signs without breaking the law. Isn’t it ironic, dontcha think?
Local media just writes up press releases.
It’s nice that Dan lets you have time in the sand box. Grow up! Seriously Dan I thought you were controlling this nonsense.
Can you explain my example? Why is DA Andrea Harrington soft on crime for black people?
LaQuan Johnson, David Moody, JC Chadwell, black female (Simon Rock racial hoax), Daquan Douglas, and Christopher Frazier, are just a few examples.
Because it fits the narrative she sold the public — that Berkshire County law enforcement goes after black people. That bill of goods was just one of her many lies. Andrea Harrington is a liar and she can lie about and prosecute you if she wants to.How do you like them apples?
So you’re saying they made it up about the signs, DA had no involvement. What a pack of lying jackals.
Start packing Bum.
This is on Crofut street. One day there were about 4 Harrington signs. Now there are 6 Shugrue signs.
Geez can I get one of those Shugrue signs?I’ve been waiting for mine for a while. They’ve sold out three times.
The Pittsfield Parks Commission will always claim, they want citizens input into projects with some meeting and hear ideas, but won’t listen anyway because it is just a formality because they will do as they are told anyway. You have to give the powers to be some credit because when they F something up they really go all in and F it up !
Cliffy has been there about 10 years too long! Hell he was there back in the days of the civic authority conspiracy try.
One wonders why this guy still works. Why not retire and get the hell out of Pittsfield? Or does he have so much vacation time he does not need to retire?
The energy and time spent on the Trump conspiracy of lies is said to be the biggest waste of time money and energy in American history.Trump insurectionist Alex Jones said he is being railroaded like the ahole Bannon and the fascist Trump
Glug, glug, glug.
While people are distracted with the perversion of one of the city’s oldest and most successful parks, plans will be revealed Thursday night on proposed configuration changes to Wahconah Park, so city officials can flush those memories and history down the toilet as well.
Oh, BTW….The hiring of a consultant will be among the 1st matters discussed. Good work if you can get it
Why does it seem that there is an inordinate amount of automobile accidents in Pittsfield? Is it that half the folk are stoned? On their phones? Just spaced out Pittsfield people? No traffic control? Minimal fear of punishment for speeding or running stop signs or red lights?
Are insurance rates for Pittsfield higher than other cities because of the high accident rate?
And how many school bus accidents have there been in Pittsfield in the last six months? Does anyone know how that person on a bicycle is doing that got hit by a school bus last week? I thought it might be in the paper just to kind of alert people that they need to be more careful but did not see it. But then bicycle accidents are probably on the DO NOT PRINT memo from city hall to the media. Anyway, I hope that person is doing well cuz early story made it sound kinda bad.
Because your current DA drives the wrong way on a one way with a suspended license or jumps curbs enough to be towed in a state vehicle – no one cares about motor vehicle law when this is your top prosecutor. Who paid that bill, where is the follow up story on suspension notice, emails from Wynn?
Harrington does not prosecute driving with suspended license!! WTF.
Wahconah Park Commission has its inaugural meeting tonight (Wed) at City Hall. Worth showing up for or watching on PCTV.
The verdict is already in and it says,done deal. The Commission is just window dressing
Five million ARPA bucks for starters, then 20 million taxpayer dollars (before cost overruns) site moving to special interest abandoned property. It will be the same as Waconah Park with most of its use being to set off fireworks. aka Money up in Smoke which could actually be its new name. MONEY UP IN SMOKE STADIUM in historic Pittsfield where baseball was invented (as well as alternative facts)
Let’s have a contest renaming Columbus Ave and Wahconah Park.
What time is it on?
Got the wrong day (my bad) – it’s Thursday Second floor RM 203 6:00.
SKM_458e22072608430 (
Sorry about the incorrect info
All relevant docs I have to date:
Park Renovation Proposal, Agenda, Appointments
Just remember kids
“ Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington drove with suspended license, says she was unaware of license status”
Those aren’t marbles in her bra

The blank gaze, wafting off into the distance, comprehending nothing.
It was the lying about the notifications that was so gauling. Local media could have followed through and shown everyone that she was of course lying but they didn’t. A lying district attorney is a threat that can’t be ignored or forgiven.
Tyer brakes for hallucinations and consultants with crappy advice
Isn’t the ol ball yard under historic preservation pickpocket monies?
I wasn’t born yesterday when the subject is Wahconah Park, and I believe I can speak of Wahconah Park with some knowledge. It may have been September, 1944, at Deming Park, I saw St. Joseph High halfback Frank Koldys return an intercepted pass 101 yard for a game winning touchdown. Final score 7 – 6 for St. Joseph.. Fran Ferris kicked the winning extra point. and Jimmy Gallagher was outstanding for St. Joe’s defense. There were 5000 fans in attendance that Saturday afternoon. After the game there was a St. Joseph High School snake dance from Deming Park to North Street. Now we brag if 10 kids show at Deming on a Saturday play a game. Less I forget, hundreds of fans tore the goalposts down after the game. So many good athletes from Deming. Two of the best were Larry Bossidy and John Perrone. At Clapp Park Donnie Troy, Fred Broaderick, Rit Arpante, Cy Gorman, Buddy Sheran was often at the park.They were maturing and developing their athletic skills. Now at the Common Park there was no end to developing great athletes. I saw Joe Zavaterro, Tommy Caliento, and others who added to Pittsfield greatness as state and major league stars. Who can ever forget the old city league? Games played at the Common. Mark Belanger and Tom Grieve were often at these parks.
Of course, I know parks are meant for all youngsters, athletes or not. That’s why we had swings, Softball space, monkey bars, teeter saws, and shootie shoots, to name a few. At the rear in the Clapp Park woods there was a spot called The Cinders. Skinny dipping took place here. Guys and gals played together, and many received their first kiss before or after a ride on the shootie shoots.
Now we have parks chopped up for the benefit and pleasure of adults. I think it would have helped a lot of people if they had skinny dipped with us at the Cinders. We knew one thing for certain, parks are, or should be, for youngsters. And it makes no difference how pretty the landscape is. All we needed was safe open space to play and run in – without worrying about autos. Now we have to worry about adults ruining the safe open spaces, with fences and tar. And now we are worried about adult parking. I didn’t think youngster bicycles took up much space.
I agree Chuck.
I remember when the Common was teeming with kids playing in the football leagues. In the winter there was an ice skating rink set up, maintained by city employees – perhaps the Fire Dept.
Now the Common appears to be a place for adults to hold farmers markets and special performances. Sad.
So true, Mr. Fritz. I used to skate there. Clapp had a rink, too, but much smaller than the Common.
There was skating at Deming Park, also.
Excellent post Charlie. The current parks commission is lacking voices like yours and what you brought to the commission 15 – 20 years ago. The commitment that the parks are for everyone, not just special interests..
Manchin has caved to the far left crazy control freaks. This is supposedly a much reduced bill and will not be called Build Back Better, but The Inflation Reduction bill. Nearly half of a trillion will be spent on climate change. Fossil fuels will continue to be attacked. This is going to skyrocket inflation even more not reduce it. Did they promise Manchin a huge stock deal? Getting in on some of Pelosi’s insider trading deals? Such corruption. I will not vote for Manchin if he runs for anything in the future.
He never caved. He is trying to gain personal political swagger in the Dem. Party. Switching to R would end the BBB and border crisis.
No need to worry about parking lot expansion at the parks, as the WEF wants an end to car ownership!
Many of us saw this coming. Just like public transportation killed so many people during the COVID pandemic. Now the far leftists want to make this health hazard permanent with no private vehicle ownership. They are coming for private home ownership next because this is what Fascists do.