(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION AUG. 26-8, 2022) — As Campaign ’22, sheriff and D.A., comes hits the stretch, it will be interesting to watch candidates make the final push. Who has “kick” left?
As far as THE PLANET is concerned, it’s been a good campaign, including record traffic here and launching our new video channel, PLANET VALENTI VIDEO. Another key indicator is that we’ve pissed off the requisite number of Suits, wannabes, supporters, family, friends, enemies, hangers-on, dilettantes, suck ups, and true believers you find in any campaign.
We are lovingly living the Confucian wish: May you live in interesting times!
All that said on this late summer weekend, let us move on then, you and we, like patients etherized on a table (nod to TSE).
———- ooo ———-
Most of you know what THE PLANET thinks of political endorsements.
When a politician endorses another politician, it’s usually more irrelevant back slapping and kissing up.
In the case of the police unions in Berkshire County’s only two cities, however, it’s different. Both came out in strong favor of attorney Tim Shugrue for district attorney in the Sept. 6 election. There are no Republican candidates, so the winner takes all. It’s not so much the endorsement itself, though. Rather, it’s the strident language both unions used in recommending Shugrue and especially how each went out of their way to blast the incumbent D.A.
Read for yourself:
Massachusetts Coalition of Police Local 382 (North Adams) Announce Endorsement of Tim Shugrue for District Attorney
In announcing their support of Shugrue, the North Adams police union offered a sharp rebuke of the current District Attorney: “We refuse to sit back and let DA Harrington’s flawed policies allow criminals to continue to victimize the residents of Berkshire County.” They also highlighted the surge in juvenile gun and narcotic activity in Berkshire County while the sitting D.A. does nothing.
The N.A. union writes: “Must we wait for those firearms to continue to be used in our neighborhoods before they actually become a priority and the perpetrator is held accountable?” Local 382 also strafed the D.A. for her “soft stances … on drug possession, larceny, and breaking and entering.”
Earlier this week, THE PLANET reported Pittsfield’s police union endorsed Shugrue.
The International Brotherhood of Police Officers Locals #447 and #447S (Pittsfield) unions also cited their concerns about increased gun violence in Pittsfield: “Tim pledges to hold accountable perpetrators of gun violence and drug dealers that are especially plaguing the City of Pittsfield, many of whom are young repeat offenders. He aims to seek justice for the victims of crimes and accountability for the offenders.”
This confirms what we’ve been hearing all along from our sources among law-enforcement: the cops can’t stand the current D.A. for making their jobs almost impossible.
———- ooo ———-
In the D.A.’s race in Suffolk County, uber-woke Dem candidate Ricardo Arroyo is fighting for his political life over accusations that he sexually assaulted two teenage girls years ago. According to the Boston Globe, the Boston Police Department confirmed reports of the two cases as authentic.
What is it about dudes named Ricardo? Maybe we should ask Rickey’s Rumpus (D-Roundabout).
Point is, previous endorsees, including former congressman Joe Kennedy III, have pulled their support for Arroyo, once the darling of the Loon Left. Reminds one of the way former backers (Guernsey, Kempthorne, Tyer, Krol, and droves more) have dropped Harrington like she’s Wile E. Coyote going over a cliff.
Michelle Wu, one of Arroyo’s biggest backers, said “It is of course troubling to learn of this type of allegation no matter how many years ago” (shades of “Gwendolyn?”). It’s like pulling a rug from under a house of cards. As reported by Joe Battenfeld of the Boston Herald, Kennedy said of Arroyo: “Those allegations are incredibly serious and undermine the foundation of an effective D.A.’s office — trust and accountability.”
Trust and Accountability?
Ask yourself : Has Harrington has earned enough trust and shown enough accountability to deserve another four years?
———- ooo ———-
The D.A.’s election will determine the future of public safety in Pittsfield, North Adams, and 30 other towns. Re-elect Andrea Harrington and watch a bad situation deteriorate and hit bottom. Elect Tim Shugrue, however, and give decent people a fighting chance against the criminal forces that have an entire area under siege.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“There is a loneliness in being uber-connected” — Jennifer Egan.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
And hang on to those catalytic converters.
Weird that the wife of a Lenox cop threw a meet and greet bash for Wrong Way.
I wonder if he was the cop who let her call a ride?
My question as well.
The house party was 8/15
This ought to be Page 1 Boston Globe. Wow.
“We refuse to sit back and let DA Harrington’s flawed policies allow criminals to continue to victimize the residents of Berkshire County.”
Are you referring to the uber liberal BG that is owned by the lying NYT? I don’t think they will publicize how the policies they back are complete failures. I would suggest to stop paying for any newspaper because you are only supporting the policies that are destroying this great nation
You should see what she did to my family.
Same. Frivolous, months long attempted prosecution of a family member, based on erroneous information that was never investigated.
Caused this person to have to quit school, to which they had just returned to and paid out of pocket for the one prerequisite they needed to move forward in their major.
Wed really love to see BDAO make restitution to our family member for their school fees.
Our Opinion: The Eagle editorial board endorses Thomas Bowler for Berkshire County sheriff
Managing the Berkshire County Jail and House of Correction, along with its workforce. Supervising and caring for an inmate population with evolving needs. Maintaining critical community connections as an agent of public safety, criminal rehabilitation and outreach.
Thomas Bowler: ‘I want this to be a stronger, safer community’
Any one of those tasks is not just tough but relevant to the quality of life and correctional success for our entire county. All are part of the job of leading the Berkshire Sheriff’s Office. Experience is a crucial advantage in all those roles, and we see value in Berkshire Sheriff Thomas Bowler’s 12 years’ worth.
On the campaign trail, Sheriff Bowler has touted his record.
Indeed, there is much one can point to over his two terms: healthy emphasis on education and workforce training for inmates; expanded services addressing root causes of crime like mental health crisis, addiction and trauma; collaborations with other organizations that simultaneously allow inmates to derive purpose and build skills in ways that positively impact their community.
These developments under Sheriff Bowler’s watch indicate a strengthening of the mission and performance of the Sheriff’s Office and jail that are worth noting — and continuing.
Alfred E. ‘Alf’ Barbalunga: Current sheriff’s office ‘flawed on multiple levels’
Alfred E. ‘Alf’ Barbalunga: Current sheriff’s office ‘flawed on multiple levels’
The challenger in this race points a more critical finger at the incumbent’s record. Alfred E. “Alf” Barbalunga, chief probation officer of the Southern Berkshire District Court, has sought to portray the current sheriff’s administration as ineffective, fiscally irresponsible and less than transparent.
Efficacy and transparency of public offices and officials are top of mind for us, too, but we have found Mr. Barbalunga’s attacks — on the trail, during debates and on social media — to be more scattershot than substantial. For example, it’s certainly in-bounds to critique the size of some executive salaries and argue to spend the budget differently; it’s another thing entirely for Mr. Barbalunga to level shadowy charges of corruption and nepotism with little to no evidence supporting these allegations. The tenor of this race has been meaner than we had expected or hoped. In our view, that has stemmed in large part from Mr. Barbalunga’s tendency to rely more on innuendo than fact.
To Mr. Barbalunga’s credit, the most substantive plank of his platform underscores a worthy consideration: Where should we house Berkshire women inmates? The county’s women in pretrial detention and serving jail sentences — there are currently just over a dozen — are sent to the Western Massachusetts Women’s Correctional Center in Chicopee. That facility gives women inmates more freedom of movement and program availability at the expense of being farther away from their families and legal counsel. Bringing women back to the Berkshire jail would close that distance, but the dearth of regional providers would hamstring the provision of key services that help inmates reenter society and resist recidivism.
Sheriff candidate Alf Barbalunga says reopening the female pod at the Berkshire jail won’t be that hard. Here’s how he’ll do it
Sheriff candidate Alf Barbalunga says reopening the female pod at the Berkshire jail won’t be that hard. Here’s how he’ll do it
Mr. Barbalunga believes Berkshire women inmates should be brought back to the county jail. Sheriff Bowler believes the Chicopee facility provides women with the quality services that could not be provided locally without incurring significant expense. While we don’t presume to have the right and definitive answer to this complicated question, Mr. Barbalunga gets credit for raising awareness and discussion of an issue worth further examination.
Still, Mr. Barbalunga’s framing on this has been troubling.
In order to generate press around the core issue of his campaign, Mr. Barbalunga last month prominently raised the case of a Pittsfield woman who died while at the Chicopee jail. Again relying heavily on innuendo to muddy the waters on a sensitive issue, Mr. Barbalunga said the death was part of “a pattern of what happens to Berkshire residents who find themselves in state or county jails” — despite the fact that Hampden County Sheriff Nick Cocchi said a medical examiner ruled the inmate’s death was the result of natural causes related to a preexisting condition.
A Pittsfield woman’s death at the Chicopee regional jail becomes campaign issue in sheriff’s race
A Pittsfield woman’s death at the Chicopee regional jail becomes campaign issue in sheriff’s race
Sheriff Cocchi, who oversees the Chicopee jail, issued a sharp rebuke of Mr. Barbalunga’s misleading statement, calling it “disgusting that someone would attempt to use a family’s sadness and circumstances for personal and political gain.” The late woman’s father seemed to agree when he told The Eagle that Mr. Barbalunga, who did not publicly name the woman, did not contact him before or after making his daughter’s death a focal point in the Berkshire sheriff race: “I really didn’t like him using my daughter as a stepping stone in his campaign” — a sentiment we certainly understand.
This wasn’t the only instance of Mr. Barbalunga bringing more heat than light to this issue. During a meeting with The Eagle editorial board, Mr. Barbalunga claimed one reason Berkshire women should not be sent to the Chicopee jail is that family visitors are “strip-searched.” When members of the editorial board expressed disbelief, he merely replied “fact-check me.” However, Mr. Barbalunga later admitted his remark was completely false after consulting with a state Department of Corrections official — a step he should have taken before throwing out such a claim on the record. Such sloppiness with the facts on an issue he highlights as important signals a lack of seriousness and a disregard for basic truth that is unfortunately becoming all too common in politics. It is not up to what is ethically required of the county’s highest corrections office.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Bowler has largely stuck to marshalling the facts, though most of them are available right on his resume. Initiatives kick-started during his tenure elegantly address real community needs like nutritional insecurity while letting incarcerated folks build life skills, from the Second Street Second Chances medically tailored meals program to the jail’s pioneering aquaponics program for inmates. His management skills have been tested in tough times — from keeping inmates COVID-free for 19 months in the thick of a viral pandemic to his team’s ability to step up when municipalities need an assist from the Sheriff’s Office and its resources.
And, crucially, he’s demonstrated he can change his mind on weighty issues if the facts and the situation call for it. Previously, the sheriff opposed giving anti-addiction drugs to inmates struggling with substance-abuse disorder. Meeting with families hit hard by the opioid epidemic, however, made him reconsider the jail’s former abstinence-only approach. Now, Berkshire inmates have access to medically assisted treatments like suboxone and buprenorphine that reduce opiate cravings and give inmates an evidence-based leg up on the road to recovery.
All of that makes it believable when Sheriff Bowler says he’s still passionate about doing this job because he has the experience, he cares for these inmates and he loves this community. Those are three good reasons to return him to the Sheriff’s Office.
yeah, but no, the eagle predictably endorses bowler and shugrue, bowler’s sister is an eagle alum and still tight with them, and of course the eagle ceo hates harrington… barbalunga got that wrong about stripsearches, true, but the male guards in Chicopee were videotaping strip searches of female inmates over there and there was a class action lawsuit and a judge shut it down, that’s fact, he was close though, too bad his intel was off. the death thing, that was insensitive of the eagle to even run that story, but deaths in prisons around the country are often kept secret, it’s a big problem, negligence is common, in hospitals, nursing homes, it’s worse in jails, i don’t blame barbalunga for talking about it if the sheriff kept it secret. the opiates, the sheriff himself said federal law forced him to end his cold turkey policy, the eagle gave him a big pass on that. and alf released the sheriff’s education audits the other day on facebook and the sheriff pretty much failed them in 2019. that opinion by the eagle is about as biased as it gets, that said, if it went the other way, it would have been seen as biased, if the eagle wants more of the same for the next 6 years, in the jail, and something different for da, i guess that’s their opinion. it’s late and i don’t want to type caps
That’s not it’s kid.
Gay pride = grooming pride
Sexual abuse.
I see TSC is back to saving democracy.
you do realize kids nurse at breasts don’t you, you are the one sexualizing that photo, the kid isn’t. breasts are for breast feeding, not all cultures in the world think sex when they see breasts, in fact many ignore them during love-making, and some don’t make women hide them in shame because men can’t control themselves. focus on real problems.
Darcie is the new Karen
Nursing is obviously an incorrect analogy, JS; you know that has no place here. She’s naked. He’s in grammar school.
Name me any culture where people are so perfect they don’t need to have taboos or other boundaries.
europe. you ever go to the park in germany? a beach in france? a spa in norway? breasts are everywhere, no one loses their mind
Are they model global citizens? No drug abuse, cartels, prostitution, heavy crime?
Should we aspire to be more French or German? Oh but the Norwegians. They are very chic. Since when are spas compared to public debauchery?
Being a friend of the environment I do not take planes to far away places because of the destruction it does to the environment. I do read about all the unrest in Europe however and friends who live over there also tells me of the unrest. I am not sure where you get your information. I hope you also are a friend of the environment and use only your peddle bikes.
My response got truncated:
I generally like your commentary and often find it a good challenge. So I simply disagree with your argument here – that’s all and not personal.
Two points that did not get saved in revision:
Many in France are unhappy with the infiltration there of our current teaching that now predominates our institutions and government. The image above follows directly from current academy that prevails here. (‘Tough shit,’ I say to them. They wrote the crap in the first place. Reap what you sow.)
2)There are no models for human behavior or moral code to be derived from the beaches and spas of Europe. That sexual boundaries are weak in Europe is likewise well documented and known. Their broken boundaries do not correlate with good outcomes. Rape, human trafficking, war, slaughters, mass graves (mostly East Europe), and child molestation are just as much the rule there and more so than here if you count the mass graves. We don’t have those here – yet, but don’t bet the house they aren’t coming. No one losing their minds means they are a comfortable people, but are they a morally reliable lot? Historically, the answer is doubtful.
Last, bringing Germany into a moral argument, especially if sexual boundaries are the point is a doubtful practice. Their socialists, past and present, make terrible examples of moral integrity.
Have the police arrested the catalytic converter thieves?
In public forum District Attorney and Sheriff candidates address issues of racial justice – The Berkshire Edge
Ah yes the BLM and reform justice troop members, teaching us all another CRT lesson in a so called debate.
It’s to bad Gwendolyn Hampton VanSant must have been doing “activist work,” instead of paying attention in her ethics class. Gwendolyn thought the class message was f*ck as many students as you can.
Having sex with a minor student under your purview as a teacher, is the definition of sexual abuse. It’s power and control. Having a child from that abuse just shows the lack of morals and character of Gwendolyn.
And Darcie, I don’t give a damn if the age of consent in MA was 16. Gwendolyn was that boys teacher. End of story.
As I said yesterday, I’ll 100% guarantee if it was a 25 year-old male YT teacher abusing a 16 year old “black or brown” female, you’d be singing a different tune.
Markus, Here is a deposition that Ms. Hampton Vansant gave for a civil suit that was brought by the pupils parents. The suit was quashed because earlier the parents had signed something absolving The John Dewey Academy of any wrong doing. Its a very interesting read. She discloses she had a child with a maintenance worker at the school too.
Sounds like the maintenance guy was just doing scheduled routine maintenance that was requested.
Vansant seems to be without morals, scruples, or able to keep her sexual urges under control.
Not someone who should be working with adolescent education.
For the sake of Pete White’s pronouns please stop.
Sidewalks in ward 3,trucks and backhoes stored on Gravesliegh Terrace ,Taconic 130 million dollar building sits next to a unsafe track that needs to be shutdown ….point is …where are the Ward Councilors who want to do ward work…..They all want to be MAYOR….get to work ward 3 and 4
They are mostly democrats TSC. They don’t care at all about their constituents.
Look at me now young boy.
“Writ large, we are changing the trajectory of this county” -Harrington
Not the best choice of metaphor.
Harrington also said she wants to continue her Restorative justice plan in another term. It is a model that focuses on bringing both the victim and defendant together to understand and work through the impact of the offense. Really? In some cases that would be hard to do for her when the victim(s) are dead.
Yeah, that should work. Let them work it out. What could go wrong? Like – the victim and perp are on equal footing now, right?
Fly on the wall in the four way conference room:
Perp (to victim): So, we’re all cool now right? Tell them it’s all good now.”
Victim: “It’s all good now. Just a misunderstanding. Can I just go home now?”
Oh, the goal is educational? Even better. Criminals are a confused bunch and need instructionals.
Perp: “Oooh I see. So when I smashed in your door and stole all your stuff, you got kicked out of your apartment and are now terrified of strangers. So next time, I should just pick the lock and not take cash because you need that for rent. Would that be better? Yes? – ok I get it now. Man – I’m really sorry!”
They are more cooperative when dead and they can still vote democrat.
Finally, Wrong Way makes a true statement. She’s “changing the trajectory” no doubt. It’s going Mach 2 heading straight into a 12-foot thick concrete wall.
And Maura remains happy to endorse her. Burning cities is growth according to her.
Imagine Maura as governor. This will be interesting. Fortunately, Mass govs have no power at all. Far less than a corrupt AG.
Maybe Ms Healey should hold back on endorsements. She endorsed Monica Cannon-Grant who started a non-profit, Violence in Boston out of the BLM movement. Ms Cannon-Grant and her husband were arrested and charged with diverting money from the non-profit for her own personal use, as well as scamming the government out of Covid money. Ms Healey’s judgment seems a bit off.
Ms. Cannon-Grant is not buried in Grant’s Tomb. She be buried in a tomb of her own hewing.
It’s all over but the laughing and the scratching
What’s up with these facebook cheerleaders on the local gossip groups? There’s one lady who is pro Alf, but also pro Andrea. What mental gymnastics to say change is good one way, but not Tim for DA. Wild!
Well Guy, Darcie Sosa does “digital marketing, social media, and brand strategy” and someone named Kelsey Chesney exists solely on Facebook saying things like :
Thank you DA Harrington! We finally have a DA’s office that is fully transparent!
They appear on the same post alot. Isn’t that so clever?
Says it all:
NAACP is listed as one of Sosa’s clients. She puts out shrill instagram messages like “only two candidates were able to make the dates we proposed work and that speaks volumes.” (Remember Tim Shugue already attended an NAACP sponsored event on Aug. 3.) Then she uses fakes accounts to scream “Racist!!” What a nice business partner to have on your team!
In this “shrill” world, everyone and everything is “racist” — people, trees, rocks, catalytic converters, scooters, paint, paper clips, and everything else. The only one’s who are not “racist” are the actual racists, who vomit on the legacies of ML King and Malcolm X.
Catalytic converters have endorsed Harrington and so haven’t North Street bump outs.
Are they transgender catalytic converters?
Hmmm. Don’t know. Do they work on gas engines and EVs? Do EVs even need them?
Homogeneity is now white supremacy. Better make sure there’s no signs of homogeneity in your crowds.
White Supremacy
Not a problem for institutions and governments, Captain. They can rent properly vetted minorities with properly certified non-homogeneous titles such as Director of Inclusion who will attest to your department’s compliance.
I want to thank you all for the Berkshire county chapter’s of Karen’s endorsement.This is the biggest endorsement yet to my campaign. Let’s go Karen’s!
It’s just a coincidence. That’s all it is. A coincidence. Get it? A coincidence.
DO NOT contact her for consultations and directions to the nearest Shugrue Rally.
I am finding that there are a lot of homes with both Alf & Andrea signs on their yard. It appears deranged progressives/Karens support the duo. No mental gymnastics just wrong socialist thinking.
They’re people who have no idea what is going on. Someone who seems nice comes to the door and asks and they agree. Later they will be embarassed, then feel burned but eff them stupid citizens.
and i have seen them with shugrue and alf signs, but no bowler and harrington signs, and i’ve seen bowler and trump signs. i think alf leans left of center, and bowler right of center, kind of explains it, no bowler supporter will support andrea
I feel your frustration.
You mean like this one?
Cathy Foster
Ok, sure, Carolyn. Vote for racism.
Writ Large… who told you to say that!
“Replevin” is a process whereby seized goods may be restored to their owner. In a replevin case, the Plaintiff claims a right to personal property (as opposed to real property/real estate) which has been wrongfully taken or detained by the defendant and seeks to recover that personal property.
a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory an upward career trajectory.
She’s gone high falutin after her house party among the Millionaires. It’s like saying “Sous Vide” instead of boil-a-bag.
They were not discussing this at softball –
Civil liberties are:
The freedom of speech
The right to a fair trial and a jury of someone’s peers
No illegal search and seizure by law enforcement
The right to remain silent
The right to not testify against yourself
The right to assemble and protest
The right to privacy
The freedom of the press
The Right to a Fair Trial is granted by the Sixth Amendment. This civil liberty ensures that someone will be able to be tried fairly by a court of law. It provides the opportunity for someone to appear before a jury of their peers that will not be biased against them, as well as the right to a speedy trial. For example, if someone receives a speeding ticket and they do not believe they were speeding, they do have a right to a fair trial, and they also have a right to know who their accusers are. During a fair trial, a jury or judge will weigh the evidence for or against the accused person. The right to a Fair Trial also means that someone has the right to have an attorney represent them, whether or not the person can afford to pay for the attorney.
Civil liberties protect citizens from governmental tyranny.
You forgot the right to bear arms
“The said Constitution [shall] be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.” — Massachusetts` U.S. Constitution ratification convention, 1788 – S. Adams
The Constitution preserves “the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation. . . (where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.” — The Federalist, No. 46 – J. Madison
“[I]f circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights and those of their fellow citizens.” — The Federalist, No. 29 – A. Hamilton
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – B. Franklin
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
– Thomas Jefferson
Does the FBI investigate graft and corruption in local government and in state and local police departments?
Yes. The FBI uses applicable federal laws, including the Hobbs Act, to investigate violations by public officials in federal, state, and local governments. A public official is any person elected, appointed, employed, or otherwise having a duty to maintain honest and faithful public service. Most violations occur when the official solicits, accepts, receives, or agrees to receive something of value in return for influence in the performance of an official act. The categories of public corruption investigated by the FBI…
Not in Blue states and they make them up in red states so I will have to disagree and say no they do not do follow their rules of existence but they do make up alot of neat stuff
Seems they are more directly involved in graft and corruption.
This pretty much wrote itself thanks to DA Harrington and her “sloppy” “woeful” and “unethical” behavior. Kudos to the Eagle.
Our Opinion: The Eagle editorial board endorses Timothy Shugrue for Berkshire district attorney
When Berkshire voters go to the polls to decide who should run the District Attorney’s Office, they’ll have a stark choice: an incumbent who has spent four years viewing herself as the county’s minister of justice as opposed to being a careful and competent chief prosecutor vs. a seasoned challenger with considerably more trial experience and a clearer understanding that the county’s top law enforcement official has responsibilities to every segment of our community. The latter is the obvious choice to bring some effective leadership to a DA’s Office that we and others have consistently noted is sorely lacking it. For that reason, The Eagle editorial board is endorsing attorney Timothy Shugrue for Berkshire district attorney.
Mr. Shugrue’s legal resume is lengthy, featuring familiarity with both sides of the courtroom — prosecution and defense. What’s more, his multifaceted background in prosecutors’ offices, private practice and co-founding the nonprofit Berkshire County Kids’ Place gives him a wide regional network of leaders in law and advocacy. Mr. Shugrue has received some weighty endorsements from people who understand the workings of the District Attorney’s office (some of which have appeared on these pages in the form of letters and op-eds), while District Attorney Andrea Harrington has boasted of being endorsed by high-profile but far-flung figures who show little or no direct knowledge of the issues emanating from the Berkshire DA’s office. More importantly, Mr. Shugrue’s extensive experience equips him for the task of building and maintaining an effective Berkshire DA’s Office capable of consistently accomplishing its crucial mission of seeking out justice on behalf of the people of Berkshire County.
A similar task fell to District Attorney Harrington when she assumed her office, because she chose to clean house of many dedicated staffers who worked for her predecessor and were deemed insufficiently loyal to the new leader. She has failed to meet this task, and we are not alone in being troubled by the resultant high staff turnover and reliance on outside prosecutors in key cases. Unfortunately, her ill-advised choice set a trend of sloppy mistakes and poor discretion.
This critique is not just ours. Consider the accounts of the DA’s job performance and leadership style from those who were once prominent supporters.
“Her office’s performance on the nuts and bolts of its prosecutions has been woeful,” wrote former federal prosecutor John Pucci, who donated to and backed District Attorney Harrington’s 2018 campaign.
“The office runs like a campaign. It is a culture of making sure that Andrea gets reelected in 2022,” said Helen Moon, who managed the 2018 campaign and then served as director of special projects in the DA’s Office until her abrupt departure in 2020.
“Leadership meetings focused as much on enemies and the press as on the difficult challenges the office faced in accomplishing its mission. … Harrington simply does not have the necessary skills and experience for the job and she has demonstrated little, if any, interest in acquiring them,” wrote Jeanne Kempthorne, whom District Attorney Harrington hired as her chief of appeals and public records officer. Sadly, Ms. Kempthorne felt obligated to resign in early 2020 when the DA blocked the release of public records in a politically fraught case. That courageous resignation earned Ms. Kempthorne the New England First Amendment Coalition’s Orfield Citizenship Award.
Judge faults Berkshire DA’s handling of case involving foster child’s death and dismisses charges against Adams couple
These accounts from within the DA’s Office are telling, but similar signs of questionable priorities and prosecutorial dysfunction have been all too readily visible from the outside, as well. Legal organizations across the state rightly ripped District Attorney Harrington’s egregiously misguided attempt last year to oust a District Court judge over rulings she didn’t like. Earlier this year, a Superior Court judge dismissed the indictment of an Adams foster couple on negligent manslaughter charges in the death of an infant in their care, issuing a rare rebuke of the DA’s handling of the case as “not the standard of conduct the court expects from the Commonwealth in grand jury proceedings.”
District Attorney Harrington dismisses substantive criticism out of hand as simply slings and arrows aimed at a reform agent. Claiming the title of reformer to deflect real concerns about the performance of an office with a monopoly on prosecuting public justice gives a bad name to the important work of implementing sensible criminal justice reform. Worse, it undermines reform by associating it with the sloppy and unethical behavior.
Yet ignoring all the evidence cited above, District Attorney Harrington told The Eagle editorial board that “based on any metric, my office has excelled.” Curiously, though, the district attorney declined to answer questions about individual cases that her office has prosecuted, including ones that are concluded. If the DA’s Office is excelling at its primary duty, why refuse to talk about it in detail on the record? And what does that say about the DA’s pronounced commitment to transparency?
Mr. Shugrue, for his part, seems to recognize the need for more transparency and, above all, competence from the county’s top prosecutor. He said he would resume public releases detailing all Superior Court rulings — a regular practice during previous administrations that District Attorney Harrington ceased. If elected, we’ll hold him to that. Beyond such relatively simple measures to upgrade the office’s transparency and competency, Mr. Shugrue also recognizes the nitty-gritty work and complex realities behind the news conferences and press releases that a quality DA’s Office must confront. That means actually using the great discretion granted to district attorneys to actively balance justice and compassion, not just dismiss certain low-level offenses to match a sloganeering blanket policy. And it means putting together, training and leading a roster of assistant DAs, victim advocates and other staff that can inspire the sort of trust in the county’s top law enforcement office that has been eroded among some in the Berkshire community.
Mr. Shugrue is ready, willing and qualified for that job. He is considerably more qualified and experienced in the courtroom than the incumbent DA was when she first ran or, for that matter, than she is now after one term. Courtroom experience is essential to the task of evaluating cases and training younger assistants, and Mr. Shugrue promises to build the “best law office in Berkshire County” to serve the entire community.
Given District Attorney Harrington’s widely recognized poor performance, we enthusiastically support Timothy Shugrue for Berkshire district attorney.
Its over.
Six feet under.
Must admit….That is the best and most truthful thing I’ve read in the Berkshire Eagle in a long, long time. Amen
It was evidence based.
My sources tell me she locked herself in her office this morning and is crying still.
Crying over possibly losing the election or crying over the loss of a good income and benefits she made for having no clue?
The later
“ minister of justice” LOL
I thought she saw herself and also claimed to be an Office Mgr.of the da’s office?
Doesn’t shugrue defend drug dealers, etc.? Im not saying he isn’t the better choice, but what’s his record on getting criminals released that current and past DAs tried to lock up ?
That’s just it. The DA doesn’t try to lock up drug dealers. If she does, and her ADA’s go up against Shugrue, he mops up. Andrea is simple too incompetent, too inexperienced, too lacking in self-confidence to lead such an office. That much has been proved in these past 3.5 years.
Has anyone put out a fresh list of streets and business s that got hit by the catalytic converter thieves last night? The mayor does not want to talk about it but someone needs to keep this front and center to keep people alert. It is a big problem whether the mayor thinks so or not.
Now via organized crime.
Cat Burglars
They sent out another cyber virus a few weeks ago.
Things are running s l o w w
Apparently they know the outcome of civil liberty complaints is more grant money, so they keep doing it.
Watch, I’ll report a cyber crime today & next week you’ll all be mandated to wear masks again.
Virus/Virus…. the people will never know the difference.
One particular line stuck out to me in the Andrea Harrington story.
In that story, DA Wrong Way stated, “I don’t think that it’s necessarily, you know, a healthy thing for the district attorney and the police to be hand in hand because I don’t represent the police. I represent the voters of this community who elected me.”
To remind DA Wrong Way of the definition of a district attorney, this from Collins Dictionary:
In the United States, a district attorney is a lawyer who works for a city, county, or federal government and puts on trial people accused of crimes.
Once again you have failed at knowing your job DA Wrong Way. You are the chief law enforcement officer in the county. You are supposed to work hand and hand with the police to prosecute criminals and protect victims. Remember those people you supposedly champion. Your job is not to appease special interests, race baiters, or grifters.
Instead, you have politicized the DA’s Office. You job is to prosecute crimes, regardless of race. Instead, you pander to Shirley and Dennis, and allow young POC’s to gang bang, drug deal, and shoot the city up.
One last question for you DA Wrong Way. I noticed a lack of “black and brown” people at your Lenox wine party. Why was a male member of the upstanding Edgerton family not there? Were none invited, or did none show up?
I noted her comfortable table with wine and plate of food too. Job pays well. She is consistent: she stated first time that the DA will not prosecute crimes (no go working with police or judge there) but be a strong ‘Democrat’ politician. Nothing changed. And that outspoken rejection of the responsibilities of her office is why I hold in low regard her current detractors that prior worked for her or assisted her campaign four years back.
Keep the message, but yes, by all means shoot the messenger.
Why was a male member of the upstanding Edgerton family not there? Were none invited, or did none show up?
The Karen’s will use the scheduling conflict thing.
Did you see any women of color at all at that Lenox party?
All white and uptight.
Gaggle Of Karens
Klutch Of Karens
Terror Of Karens
And then they gave me a budget of five million and I bought this outfit!
remember bowler is driving around in a state funded luxury suv with a housing allowance and a gas card and a nearly $200k salary, a twenty million budget, glass houses and all that. it’s government, it’s all out of control.
Alf’s granny taking a swing at Bowler
You’re right too the spending is a sign of real rot.
Just I wouldn’t cross those wires on sheriff and DA.
Same for any MA sheriff. The legislature passed it not Bowler, Darcie.
That dress looks like prison-issue wear in the women’s jail.
If you’re thinking about a career change I recommend running for Berkshire DA – no experience required!
Oh girl, now way. You too? That’s how big John told me his “legal-member” was.
After I “inspected the evidence,” it was much smaller than advertised.
But you know how guys lie, girl. Anymore wine?
“So I was going to wear sandals, but then I heard the judge doesn’t like them.”
Why in the face of these abysmal examples do people still support her?
Are they that arrogantly blind? Willfully stupid? Harrington has nearly destroyed the Berkshire DAs office. She must be stopped before more victims are injured, stolen from, or killed.
She said she’s going to win.
Justice should win, not Andrea Harrington.
Oblivious Karens
What an awesome day for Senator Warrent to visit North Adams. I wonder if anyone showed her the Berkshire Eagle editorial? I wonder if she will be clued in to Harrington’s idiotic fuc$kery.
That type of news doesn’t concern Lizzy. She has tribe biz to take care of.
How is it that Elizabeth Warren can lie about being Native American, and even gain employment from that lie, but that’s not racist?
Of course the two YT Boston cops who pulled Helen “Handgun” Moon out of her car at gunpoint, simply for being an Asian female who grew up in the upper class suburbs of Boston, now that’s racist.
What’s the theme of both of these women and their horsesh!t stories? Both are proven liars.
Lieawatha was in town?
Did she travel Rt 2 and stop by Mohawk campgrounds?
I can’t imagine an endorsement by Warren helping anyone’s campaign. If anything it might give the independents an incentive to vote who might have otherwise stayed home.
Being that only current law enforcement officials are listed on tge BDAO BradyLIST, how does one seek redress for flawed convictions?
So are people watching the parking lots at night so catylitic converters are not stolen? Places like Barrington Stage or Colonial theater? Would not look good for tourism if people could not visit without having their vehicles vandalized. Sure hope someone tells the mayor about it so she can get a consultant to formalize a plan she can implement to deal with it…someday.
Please – the consultant is sarcastic right? I’d have Wynn consult with his detectives. THere can be only one place those converters go to be salvaged
All I know is that this mayor does nothing/zero for the average taxpayer unless they yell and scream and rant and rave for a long time. I am starting this off so that by this time next year someone will be addressing the catalytic converter thievery. I know Waconah Park is most important right now but if she could just back off that for a moment and veer left she might see their are actual citizen concerns.
She’s waiting for 2035. All fixed in 2035.
Not really fixed because they will be stealing the lithium batteries instead.
That would take more than a sawzall. You need some brains to get those puppies out.
See if Rumpass Ricky would just build more bike lanes there wouldn’t be any need for catalytic converters. That is just, you know another sign of white supremacy showing through, you privileged rapists!! Add to it our new train depot and the need for those climate changer automobiles will be no more!! Let the people retake their heritage and get their money through stolen goods!!
That’s the answer. More bike lanes! BRILLIANT!!
Should at least slow down the getaway cars. With roundabouts every 300 ft, bike lanes, crime will be impossible in Pittsfield.
It’s an interesting theory. Let’s hope they haven’t thought of it yet.
The criminals will use the birdies to thwart arrest.
Yes – that’s a definite show stopper. Can’t touch anyone on a bird. Ha!
Harrington apparently has a problem with all people wanting to vote in the upcoming election for DA. Does the dumbass realize the people she doesn’t want voting are affected by her policies and not just democrats, independents? What a loser! These people who you don’t want voting pay taxes which fund your salary.
Berkshire Eagle
Andrea Harrington campaign questions rival’s outreach to GOP voters; Timothy Shugrue lists appearances
Berkshire District Attorney
HARRINGTON QUESTIONS SHUGRUE ON CROSSOVER VOTING: Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s campaign this week faulted a move by her challenger to get Republicans to vote, as is allowed, in the Sept. 6 Democratic primary.
It cited a social media post by Timothy Shugrue’s campaign encouraging Republicans to switch their party registrations to enable them to vote in the primary.
“Tim Shugrue is a Republican masquerading as a Democrat — pure and simple,” the Harrington campaign said in a statement. “He is advocating for policies that will move Berkshire County back 30 years. … It’s shameful.”
“Pure and simple?” NOTHING’s pure with Wrong Way, and the only thing simple is her infantile world view.
Hasn’t he been a dem forever?
Shugrue is a super blue dem. The Berkshire Brigades endorsed him for Pete’s sake.
I have to disagree with you on this one Dan. Pure Bull Shit from her since taking office till this day!
She doesn’t even understand that you can be unenrolled (party affiliation) and vote in the primary of your choosing.
I’m unenrolled and vote based on which primary matters more.
I’ve already early voted for Shugrue, as has my husband, and my two adult children. My mother got her first ever mail in ballot and voted for Shugrue as well.
I’m glad Harrington can’t disadvantage voters. That’s shameful.
5 votes for Bowler and Shugrue
At this point the mouthbreathers she managed to get working in her campaign have taken over while she wails into a pillow.
Likely ttue. If it wasn’t for hatchet man Adam Webster, Squeaky wouldn’t be heard at all. Privately, she must realize that “The Experiment” is in its final months, with the end officially coming at 8:01 p.m. Sept. 6.
Actually AH is the only one who really knows how bad things are because she has the poll data.
“They’re racists! They’re Republicans! Right wing misogynists!” God, please make this the final weeks of having to listen to this shrieking incompetent ninny take center stage.”
I’m praying for karma. Those current employees are shaking in their shoes! It will be a bigger cleaning of the house than AH’s!! And this time it should be!
There a few good ones that work hard but need some direction which they have not gotten. There is 3 that come to mind that has to go right away.
probably why Dina is all over social media defending her. Gotta keep that gravy train going
The biggest of the gravy trains (besides Bell & Dohoney). Starts off on day 1 of AH’s term as administrative assistant and is promoted a week later to Director of HR. Had no clue what she was doing, eyes and ears of the office along with Moon.
I’m sure Flat will create a job for Dina. Maybe OB needs an assistant in the DIE Office?
Dina certainly checks a few boxes: gay, hates YT men, brown nosing back stabber, and she is useless. In other words, she’s a perfect fit for DIE.
Speaking of DIE, $100k a year salary for OB. What’s going on with DIE? Is OB shelling out more “consulting fees” to help him do the job HE WAS HIRED to do?
I think after Wrong Way gets her ass kicked on Sept. 6 and new D.A. Tim Shugrue fires the superfluous Dina, Flat should give them BOTH jobs in the DIE office at, say, 180K per.
So then Dina will have 3 city jobs – perfect! She is useless, hasn’t a clue what she is doing as HR Director!!
Not a bad ploy by the desperate Harrington campaign. Give them credit. Everyone knows MassHole folks love the big (D). Very scared of the Orange man and the (R).
I agree and actually had thought about the same as you on your post. She is trying hard to rally the troops because she is in trouble. I’ve spoken to many and she isn’t doing well with the ones she thinks she has in the bag for their votes because they are democrats. Many surprising me are looking at the big picture.
I’m an independent voter, always have been. Only reason I’ll show up Sept 6th is to vote out Wrong Way/Ms Nipples.
I feel helpless. Justice has committed a big abuse of power. I feel terrible, with a sour taste of the destroyed heart, because I’m ignored by society,” she said in Spanish. “Where is justice? I have been forgotten because I don’t have the resources. Because I’m a mother of color. Because I’m an immigrant of color.
– Ms Estrella
Color had nothing to do with it. He went after the cops with a knife. The same for the guy on Baystate Rd and the guy years ago on Lymnn Street. I am so sick of this being used as an excuse.
I read a letter, below, to the editor of the Berkshire Edge that points out that Tim Shugrue’s record is one of representing clients in divorce cases and chasing ambulances all for the Almighty Dollar. Tim Shugrue is not certified to accept criminal cases from the Committee for Public Counsel Services. Tim Shugrue never served as counsel in a dangerousness hearing. His long ago record as a prosecutor never saw him promoted to a higher position, but now Tim Shugrue is campaigning for a second time in 18 years for the top job.
The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle), blogger Dan Valenti, and the corrupt Berkshire County legal establishment are all misguided to support Tim Shugrue for Berkshire County District Attorney in 2022. When her critics use facts, I agree with the facts about Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s public record, but when they unfairly attack her, I choose to defend her.
Shugrue has the wrong experience for District Attorney – The Berkshire Edge
No one believes for one minute you will keep your commitment to defending her. You bailed on your commitment to fulfill your duty you signed up for.
Tim has done many criminal cases both in the district courts as well as superior court and has won many. As divorce cases if you want your rights looked out for you want him fighting for you. The saying goes you get what you pay for. You pay him well and he does his job very well.
JM is infatuated and that says it all. Truthful Facts don’t matter.
How many times a day does Harrington show up in your spank bank?
Sure Maura Healy can find room for her as the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Director or something.
Junior Secretary…more than qualified……at least with that position she will be in a good spot that in order to move up she will need a set a of DDs
Dunkin Donuts?
No, bigger Ta Ta’s . Double D’S.
The FBI telling Mark Zuckerberg not to release any information on Hunter Biden’s Laptop before the 2020 election to protect Biden is unbelievable. As if we didn’t know that Biden and the FBI are working together to head off any competition, this proves it once and for all. We all know the Russia/Trump collusion was a hoax, but the FBI continued to push that Russia was behind anything to help President Trump. This is a violation of so many laws.
Hunter Biden wears the same size tee shirt as some of the FBI members. What does that tell you? HUH??? Pot meet kettle OK? Can you spell cahoots? It is as plain as the day is long what is going on here people.
From the pictures on his laptop Hunter doesn’t wear T shirts…..or pants.
When the FBI broke into Trumps safe at Mar a Lago, all they got was pictures of Hunter smoking crack with prostitutes. And they already had those for 2 1/2 years! ROFL!!!!
Wrong Way is having a rally at Amici in West Stockbridge.
No donation is necessary to go because they need bodies. Most of their “rallys” are attended by only a handful of people.
Barely anyone wants to be around Andrea, let alone pay to be there. A good 70% of people have to be paid to support her and be around her.
I’ll be there. With Shugrue lawnsign. It’s blue. She won’t notice.
She will have security remove you for being a threat. Then she will prosecute you her self which means you walk and make her court 0-2.
ok. You’re right.
I’ll be there with a cardboard sign which I shall rip off a panhandler as I drive by him.
“Please spare me some cash. I need to catch a bus to get as far away from this place as possible.”
If the optics weren’t so bad she would have all the criminals she let loose or failed to prosecute properly be bused into the event. It would be a huge rally body count.
It would be very fine optics actually.
Is there free food, whine (sarcasm), and cheese?
I find today’s Eagle front page, 3/4 front page story disgusting. Miggy’s mom dealing with the loss of her “very good boy” – is this the big news in Pittsfield? Seriously! Lady maybe you should’ve trained your son to respect the authorities when they told him to put down his knife! He was intoxicated! Thank God the officers didn’t get hurt.
She is also crying about being an “immigrant of color.” Lady maybe you’d like a one way ticket back to the Dominican!
Not to mention, if Miggy was that big of a mental health case, why didn’t the family do anything? Miggy’s family failed him. The Pittsfield Police had to deal with that family’s failure.
It’s time to stop passing blame and look in the mirror, Estrella family. Being an “immigrant of color,” does not absolve you of being a mother. You failed your son.
There is no help for the mentally ill. They are committed to their families and there is nothing they can do.
Then tell Brein Center to cut the bullshit lies.
If it is a government pinhead that claims a fix for the human condition, the jokes on those who believe them.
Firstly, I don’t believe that colour had anything to do with the death/killing/murder of Miquel Estrella. The PPD has killed white males just as easily as they killed Estrella. But I digress, I really can’t stomach that BAN PLASTIC BAGS attorney, but he posted a video of the death of Estrella. The video allegedly shows the very moment when the killer cop killed Estrella. The quality of the video is extremely poor. But from what I can see, there are 4 people in the video. Two cops, Miquel, and his girlfriend following him. There is a cop to the left on what looks to be the
Woodbine side, Miquel comes into the frame, staggering towards the cop on the Woodbine side, with the killer cop coming towards him from the Onota Street right side of Miquel, the girlfriend is trailing behind Estrella. Estrella continued to stagger towards Woodbine, he looks agitated, actually, he looks like he needs help, he looks like something is very wrong with him. I wasn’t there so I can’t say whether I would have been afraid of this big knife wielding mentally ill/drunk immigrant of colour, or if I would have thought he was a deadly threat to me. I would have put distance between myself and him. I would only be guessing that being tased by the cops only agitated a mentally ill drunk Estrella further. But what I don’t see in the video is what allegedly “good cop” Coffey described as Estrella assuming a boxing stance – hands up in fists, palms down, with the handle of the knife in his hand, and the blade of the knife pointing down. I also don’t see allegedly “good cop” Coffey pull Estrella’s girlfriend out of harm’s way, so as to give Sondrini an unobstructed shot.
Coffey said that, like a boxer, he [Estrella] was “bobbing and weaving (not to be confused with staggering and stumbling, because, he, Estrella, was DRUNK) and moving his head. Sondrini said, based on Estrella’s footwork and stance, that he “looked like a fighter,” and that he “he did not appear like the LETHARGIC INTOXICATED PERSON” SONDRINI had left JUST TEN MINUTES PRIOR. Apparently, the cops would have us believe that during their first encounter with a very DRUNK INTOXICATED Estrella, the killers had been a significant difference in Estrella. I’d like to know if I’m seeing an altered version of the video. I doubt that I am because if the moment when Estella is murdered hasn’t been altered, why would any of the video be altered? I’d like to know what Estella BAC was when he was shot to death.
You are an fn idiot let a person come at you with a knife and see what you would do. I would guess piss yourself and get stabbed.
Have we seen the knife?
City, you can analyze it, break it down a million more times, etc. The bottom line, if DA Wrong Way could have hung Officer Sondrini out to dry, she would have. You know it and I know it.
It was a justified shooting by Officer Sondrini. A mental health crisis does not supercede a deadly force situation for a police officer. Example:
One could be screaming about the electricity from the telephone wires telling you to kill everyone. Obviously a mental health situation. Add a large knife to that mix and then ignore commands and advance on the officers, a mental health situation has now become a possibly deadly force encounter and the police will deal with it accordingly.
And if you tell me you would do anything other than what the PPD did that night, I’ll tell you, you are full of $hit. Cops are people who want to get home to their families also,
Correct. AH painted herself into a dark, spidery corner. She went in wanting to nail the PPD. The evidence, and the public pressure, left her no choice. In the process, she alienated must of her North and South County base, including moonbats such as Alexander Davis and pussyhats including Stephanie Boyd, both of Williamstown. Love your last two lines, MA!
Interesting observations. Were those tapes reviewed by the analysts?
I think that the letter is an expression of misery. Grief.
That’s right. The kid assaulted the cop with a knife and deserved to be shot.. it’s the cop that is the victim. How about a sob story detailing the hell the cop went through???
I would like to know how the Pittsfield schools deal with admitting illegal immigrant children. Birth certificate required? Vaccines (polio, mmr etc) required? Kids tested for TB?
How are my kids protected from the illnesses & diseases carried by migrants from central America and other nations? How much are ESL classes costing taxpayers?
good question, i know local american kids aren’t getting vaccinated due to parents’ fears, founded or unfounded, about autism and other side effects (some side effects are real). i’d bet immigrant parents are more likely to let doctors jab their kids with whatever the docs want, including covid, while educated parents get so much information about vaccines they are afraid of them. but these are interesting questions, what diseases are being brought here from other countries? is that a real concern? climate change is scarier in my opinion, as viruses from the south migrate northwards from florida and the tropics brought in by tourists and boats carrying food and goods, as well as pests that damage our trees and crops
Hey JS: you got the Lenny treatment too! Welcome to the club.
OK Darcie.
In these last days before the primary election it’s clear that the only way for Andrea Harrington to desperately gin up what she hopes is her base is to call someone a Republican. Never mind that the district attorney’s job is about justice and should never have anything to do with political party. In the Berkshires, it never was political until four years ago when Andrea Harrington latched onto the progressive movement. Now, even Pittsfield progressive leader Sherwood Guernsey has turned on her and endorsed her opponent.
Prior to running for State Senate, Andrea Harrington had no history as part of any political group. As has been shown, that is because her motivation has never been about deeply rooted political beliefs. She has no motivation other than self promotion. In the final days, Harrington has latched onto a battle of “good vs evil/Dems vs. Republicans” in hopes it will help her personal “trajectory.” With the lost of support from Progressive stalwart Guernsey it’s clear that strategy has taken a nose dive. Still, she persists and takes one last whiff at the blue ball.
If she hasn’t already, Harrington will soon realize the danger involved when someone reaches too far and actually gets what she wants. Had she won her state senate race, Harrington may well have been no worse at the job than Adam Hinds. She might have even tried harder and been better. By becoming DA she has made a fatal career mistake. The DA’s job is difficult one that has showcased every shortcoming and personal flaw Harrington has and, most likely, ruined her future. It’s as if Harrington played the fiddle and found herself elected as first chair to the Boston Symphony. She obviously severely lacks legal capabilities and leadership abilities. But much worse than that, she has character flaws ie lack of integrity and vindictiveness as well as narcissism and grandiosity. Those have been on display and called out loudly by the community. What is the result of this? Who is going to want to be associated with, much less hire Andrea Harrington after all of this. Of course, that assumes a hiring manager takes the time to check up on her which clearly even our top elected officials did not do. So while I wouldn’t be surprised by what happens next for Andrea Harrington, it won’t be here.
Berkshire Eagle
Letter: Why I’m voting to reelect Harrington as Berkshire DA
To the editor: I am voting to reelect Andrea Harrington for district attorney on Sept. 6.
As a community, we cannot allow her opponent to move us backward and erase the progress made under DA Harrington’s leadership. Over the last four years, DA Harrington has stayed true to her values and has remained consistent in her messaging and her actions. She has produced real results, including eliminating the cash bail system, which disproportionately impacts people of color and fuels racism in our criminal justice system, as well as prioritizing treatment over incarceration for those struggling with substance use disorder who commit nonviolent crimes.
She has created progressive programs including a hate crime unit, a domestic and sexual violence task force, and expanded child abuse unit. I would much prefer to stick to Andrea’s strengths and accomplishments rather than disparage her opponent. However, Mr. Shugrue’s wildly unpredictable, erratic behavior throughout this election has been an embarrassment to witness — the inconsistencies, the confirmed lies, the smear campaign he is running. How can we trust someone who willingly engages with a local blogger (I use that term loosely) who has an extensive, well-known history of making racist, sexist, misogynistic and xenophobic comments?
How can this person possibly improve transparency and strengthen relationships between the community and law enforcement? I’m not sure how one can support a candidate who intentionally misled voters about his remarks on “broken windows” policing, a failed policy that has devastated communities of color and those with substance use disorder. We deserve better. Does experience matter? Absolutely. But to quote DA Harrington from the recent debate with her opponent, “there are very experienced lawyers on the Supreme Court who have reached the pinnacle of their careers and yet make decisions to take away the rights of women to reproductive health care.” Having experience does not mean you are going to fulfill the vision and values of the people of Berkshire County. Please join me in voting to reelect our District Attorney Andrea Harrington on Sept. 6. Vote for transparency, vote for progress, vote for Andrea.
Meghan Kirby, Lenox
Berkshire Eagle
Letter: I saw the dysfunction, opacity of the DA’s Office from the inside
To the editor: Andrea Harrington is a good speaker.
As part of Harrington’s core campaign team in 2018, I fought to get her elected. She spoke about her plan to create a progressive team, support women, fight domestic violence and commit to office transparency. Most of the District Attorney’s Office staff would not lose their jobs. It all sounded good, but this is what I saw after she took office.
Many staff members resigned or were terminated, and the job losses did not stop. At one staff meeting, Harrington smiled and said, “Don’t worry, no one is getting fired today,” because that was the climate. If this environment continues, her “team” will consist of special prosecutors from outside Berkshire County and lack any
Harrington’s treatment of older women was deplorable. Several were pushed into early retirement, demoted or fired. These women were successful through several leadership changes and had decades of knowledge. Seasoned employees were told they had performance problems by Harrington’s inexperienced new hires.
I am an older woman with a victim advocate and diversion program background. I worked several years for DAs in Essex and Berkshire counties. I was happy to get an entry-level victim-advocate position in Harrington’s office. However, during the pandemic, I lost my job after being pressured to disclose a chronic health condition. I was sent home and then denied a leave of absence that she gave freely to some.
As an advocate, I witnessed a prosecutor’s decision on a high-risk domestic violence case that put the victim and her children in possible danger. The facts were significant enough for a dangerousness hearing resulting in an ankle monitor. Rather than immediately moving to correct the problem for the victim’s safety, the priority was to cover up what happened. When I pushed to get the matter back before the judge, my supervisor responded, “We cannot admit a mistake.” As a former domestic violence victim and victim advocate from other offices, I was shocked. This is the same Harrington who took advantage of press to promote her initiative to combat domestic violence after the tragic Sheffield murder/suicide. Harrington touts her support for victims, women and transparency. She does a good job saying it but not doing it.
We cannot gamble with our safety any longer. Vote for attorney Tim Shugrue on Sept. 6.
Pat Haraden, Pittsfield
This is Sakshaug’s girlfriend
Karen mentioned you in her letter also.
Blah blah , with the POC matter with Harrington and when the only time POC matter is election time.Didn’t see anyone of color at your Whites only Karen rally for Harrington!
My guess is that POC see how Andrea is using them for political purposes. That is their only use for her, apparently, as fodder in a desperate attempt to win a lost cause. The additional part of my guess is that on Sept. 6, those same POC will, if they vote, go for Tim Shugrue. People don’t like being used.
Maybe the host of the YT privileged wine and cheese diverse, inclusive and equitable garden party wasn’t able to rent a separate, but equal outhouse in time to accommodate POC guests. That’s sounds like a perfectly legitimate reason for no POC at YT’s garden party in Lenox.
Rumor was, the liquor store in Lenox didn’t carry enough 40oz malt liquor bottles for the POC attendees.
And the local hip hop DJ, Griftin’ da Man (a male Egerton fam member), had a scheduling conflict.
He had a “consulting” gig, helping the Black Business Economic Council (BBEC), put together a song list the dance troupe could dance to.
What’s the point of a hate crime unit if you don’t prosecute hate crime hoaxes? It’s a crime to make a false report to police, Meghan. Harrington ignored the Simon’s Rock hate crime hoax and tried to keep the records from the public. By the way, we don’t have an epidemic of hate crimes in the Berkshires but we do have a DA who has 14 or so homicides on her plate as a result of her failure to prosecute gun and drug crimes that are against the laws on our books. You above all should know what it is like to have police arrest people for breaking the law only to have it tossed by Harrington.What an embarassment for you and your family.
Excellent post! It’s all smoke and mirrors simply to say, they are doing something without the seriousness of doing anything meaningful to keep the base voters in line and voting.
Meghan Kirby‘S husband has a real problem with letting OUI suspects call their husband for a ride home.
Harrington went out to celebrate after her big win at the Miggy presser. A concerned citizen called in her swerving and straddling the line in Lenox. A Mass. State Trooper pulled her over and Harrington pulled entitlement and refused a sobriety test. The Trooper decided to allow Harrington to call her husband to pick her up.
I have a real hard time believing this wouldn’t have broken by now if true
Why not, the trooper is the only evidence and s/he’s not breaking.
Because they would lose their job
I have to agree Henry. The SPAM already endorsed Tim Shugrue. MSP does not like DA Wrong Way.
The trooper would have nothing to lose by arresting her, but his job to lose if it were found out to be true. OUI is a criminal offense.
It’s not in the same ballpark as getting your buddy on the local PD to fix a speeding ticket. People have to shell out $10k in lawyers fees, RMV fees, court fines, etc, for an OUI defense and/or conviction.
Prove it or be still.
What???!! Cops let people go all the time. Example: the cop in Egremont who let the two GB cops go. This one could have let her go and owned up to it. but he didn’t.
But what if — I only say if — the husband of the woman who hosted a political event for a district attorney, a hubby who’s a local cop, placed a “professional courtesy” phone call to a trooper who stopped that same district attorney on an “erratic driving” observation after leaving the political event. And what if — I only say “if” — the MSP officer granted the local cop, husband of the wife who hosted the political event, granted the favor?? Would that be an easy story to break, with officials unwilling to go on the record to confirm? Perhaps a “local blogger” (I use the term loosely)” needs to break the story, and if it’s false, get sued. That “local blogger (I use the term loosely)” would then have the opportunity to depose certain people under oath. These are all just what ifs, of course.
That little card cops and their family members carry that tell other cops to ‘Let’s forget this ever happened’
Does law enforcement have a secret code in the form of stickers, which go on the backs of their personal vehicles that keep them from being pulled over?
Are police officers more lenient during traffic stops when they see a Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) sticker on your car?
PBA cards help avoid traffic tickets, such as red lights and speeding violations.
Which reminds me, did a cop get away crashing his truck into Pepe’s, reckless driving and endangering a minor?
Your dates are wrong. Party was on the Aug 18.
OK am I wrong, where was she coming from?
You keep saying that but it wasn’t a MSP who pulled her over.
Then The Chief has some splainin to do.
Seriously, “Henry?”
I’m just saying someone would’ve leaked by now, I hate Andrea as much as the rest but if this oui thing we’re legit I think someone would’ve caved. Radio transmissions, 911 calls and if it were MSP video recording. The video records are held by a third party company.
I’ve talked to three sources in the MSP, all current employees in Berkshire county.
A call was placed by a concerned driver, due to cell service and the driver not knowing the exact name of the streets, and confusing Lenox and Stockbridge the call was forwarded to the MSP and then Lenox PD.
A BOLO for a Ford “small SUV”
After that there is a call for what amounts to “mutual aid -meet in person” 10-25 to the Lenox PD by the MSP and they went “off air”.
That means there was confidential information they didn’t want to share over the radio, so they switched to cell phones.
The one source in the MSP said specifically it was a “professional courtesy” call. That means someone of some authority was given a pass.
The only other side referenced thing anyone would say, “this would be the second time she’d lose her license”.
You would need to comb though the dispatch logs and dispatch audio. If the event didn’t lead to an arrest, good luck getting them it could be overwritten in the recorder.
You could try and figure out who was on call and the cellphones used, but you’d need subpoenas powers of a District Attorney. Police know how to cover things up, or go off air, they’ve been doing it long before cellphones with coded names on air, and now private cell phones.
You’ll never find a text, at best the LUD will show the call time and duration.
Maybe the person was at a fund raiser and had too much to drink, which would look bad for the person, and the people that served her, especially if one was a minor politician and the other was a cop.
That sounds precise to say the least, PR. What has been the DA’s response, no comment?
Now this has traction
It hasn’t leaked because it’s a big deal. Because the police are a vault. And because people who cover teens doing great works don’t know how to cover cops.
Meghan Kirby is delusional, a real Karen!
She’s from Longmeadow, lives in Lenox and her YT husband is a cop. She’s a protected, empowered, privileged white girl with definite crazy eyes. You know, the low information voter who’s “helping” all those POCs who didn’t grow up white and privileged and live outside of her town
The describes Harrington’s people well. People in Lenox don’t like that image and they don’t like Harrington. They will vote ABH.
Where is the low income housing in Lenox? Your question got me to thinking and I don’t recall any in the center of Lenox. I am not talking about Senior Housing either
Tell the Laquons victims that experience doesn’t matter
I wish I could speak with them and tell them how sorry I am,Harrington did this to them.
Meghan Kirby is wife of Lenox police officer and is on Lenox School
Great letter. By the way, after the event at your house at which Andrea appeared, what happened AFTER the event? AFTER she drove away, behind the wheel? Maybe I should ask your husband, who is a member of the Lenox police force? Or Maybe I should ask a certain officer of the Mass. State Police? Oh, but I’m sure neither Andrea nor your husband has anything to hide. Right? I’ll wait for your answer. As for that “local blogger” to whom you refer, you should personally horsewhip such a dastardly fiend. That is, if such a person exists. To the best of my knowledge, such a person only exists in your very wide humongously open mind!
Remember the Gong Show (Chuck Barris) where people would perform outlandish acts and would be Gonged to stop them because they were terrible at their performance and unbearable? Hopefully this performance act by the current DA gets the Gong from voters September 6 th . It is unbearable and without talent!
New York is already heavily far left Democratic and doesn’t need the illegal immigrants. Fourteen hotels are housing the immigrants and this is causing lots of tensions in this sanctuary city. The far left only intended the illegals to be pouring into places they are trying to flip blue. Great idea by Greg Abbott to give these far left cities a taste of their own medicine.
Allowing immigrants to stream across the border pretty much guarantees that it will continue unending for years to come. I do not see how this ends well. Does anyone remember the Cuban boat people where Castro emptied his jails and put them on boats and America thought they were refugees and rescued them all? Killers, rapists, theives and mentally ill were all welcomed with opened arms. America can be so stupid some times.
You voted for Biden, not me.
Take your share of the blame Fizze.
Prince Harry owns a highly fancy and expensive electric vehicle, but rushes out to fly in his polluting jet that is worse than 100 gas powered vehicles for polluting the environment. Such hypocrisy!
What’s your point? Rich wealthy people do whatever they want.
My point is that you are giving these people even more power by voting for their globalist agenda. If you think it’s bad now with their hypocrisy, just give them more power and it will be we the people making all of the sacrifices for climate change while the wealthy do whatever they want.
You have handed your life over to corporations.People can change their mind but corporations are about greed.Republicans support greed.You are the billionaires party that supports civil war.
WARD COUNCILORS= WARD ISSUES…..Incompetent CC…..Taconic Track is ridiculous after spending a130 million….Who is responsible for not getting this done…..Elites go to clubs but real taxpayers want tracks…Who is the WARD councilor
Where did the unaccounted 70% of “aid”/US taxpayer dollars, given to Ukraine crooks/Biden buddies, go to TSC?
The DEMented one, still has his fingers in the taxpayer cookie jar sending them yet more.
TDS you seem to be swinging from the poles. First you champion big government and how great they are but then you complain about the same party that is running government. Someday you may may see the light but I don’t have great hope. On the sidewalk issues the hin the southeast the people allowed the grass to overgrow so then they wouldn’t have to shovel. The track was voted out of the unneeded new school capital budget. I guess your big democrat government gives you what you want, ha,ha
Pat you are being run by Spectrum,Eversourse,Car Insurance co,Gas Company,Oil Company,Pharmaceutical Company,Banks,Credit Cards…no competitors….that is your enemy promoted by FOX ,Trump and the Billionaires and you guys and I mean every single one of you are banning books and fighting a fake commie war and worried about transgenders……YOU GUYS WILL NEVER GET IT….Corp Fascist all worried about Trans and libs…..Corporate Fascist on job is to keep the people SPLIT
I’m more worried about Traitor Joseph Stolen, selling off Americans strategic oil reserves, to his Chi-Com handlers.
Fake News
Only the liberal ones, who have been above the law under Sotero/Biden
John Kerry docked in Maine
Is that the same John Kerry who served in Viet Nam while Russian spy Donald Trump was avoiding the draft five times? I think it was.
“Footshooter” Kerry , Hanoi Jane’s friend, who’s family was in on Ukraine corruption along with: Pelouseys, Bidens, Romneys
Poor Andrea the Eagle has already decided who is the DA. LOL!
Berkshire Eagle @BerkshireEagle
District Attorney Tim Shugrue says he asked the NAACP to reconsider and hold a DA candidate debate. The president of the local branch of the NAACP said he missed the
Oh yes. Poor (sob) Andrea. Boo-hoo.
Long post but important!
Scheduling issues again? Powell we don’t endorse? Yeah ok.
Berkshire Eagle:
NAACP cancels Monday debates for Berkshire County district attorney and sheriff races after Timothy Shugrue misses deadline, Thomas Bowler has scheduling conflict
PITTSFIELD — There won’t be a debate among candidates for district attorney and sheriff hosted by the Berkshire county branch of the NAACP, the organization said.
The racial and social justice organization said it offered the candidates two possible dates for a debate, but that district attorney candidate Timothy Shugrue didn’t commit by the deadline they said was provided. Incumbent Sheriff Thomas Bowler said he had a conflict.
The NAACP, Berkshire County Branch will not be hosting our Sheriff/ District Attorney debate as planned on Monday, August 29th.
The branch had offered the candidates campaigns different date options, but none appeared to work with Berkshire District Attorney Candidate Tim Shugrue and Berkshire Sheriff Candidate Thomas Bowler’s schedules.
We are disappointed that these two candidates have been able to attend other events and speaking engagements, especially with partisan indi…
The Shugrue campaign said they accepted the NAACP’s invitation to debate on Thursday, and has asked the NAACP to reconsider the cancelation and hold a DA debate, according to a spokesman.
Powell said he had given all DA and sheriff candidates a reply-by date of Aug. 17 and Shugrue missed it.
Bowler told The Eagle Thursday evening that he had a scheduling conflict and that he would be out of town. He said it was a personal matter but he did not elaborate. He said the NAACP offered two dates and neither worked.
In a statement posted to social media, the local branch of the NAACP said it is the group’s function to host debates.
“While all the candidates have publicly spoken about equity and unfair practices towards marginalized groups, only two Berkshire Sheriff Candidate Alf Barbalunga and Berkshire District Attorney Candidate Andrea Harrington were able to make the dates we offered work,” reads the statement, which came from from NAACP President Dennis Powell. “And to us, this speaks volumes.” Powell said the NAACP doesn’t endorse candidates, but aims to educate voters on the functions of the two offices and the candidates vying for the opportunity to fill them. Powell added that he wanted to release publicly an accounting of how things unfolded from his end.
He said Barbalunga and Harrington said they were available on both dates offered by the NAACP.
“It was two dates that we gave. So clearly if they wanted to, and they felt like it was important enough, they would have changed their schedule,” Powell told The Eagle.
Shugrue’s camp, meanwhile, said Shugrue still wants to participate in a NAACP debate.
A spokesman for Shugrue’s campaign said he “wants another opportunity to show why he’s the better candidate for criminal justice reform, and allow voters to hear directly from him why effective law enforcement and criminal justice reform at the same time is the right direction for Berkshire County.” According to the spokesman, after telling the NAACP he couldn’t make the Aug. 17 proposed date work because of a “conflict,” the NAACP “locked in” Aug. 29 as the date.
Shugrue appeared with local blogger Dan Valenti on Aug. 17.
Shugrue’s spokesman said he accepted the invitation to participate in the Aug. 29 NAACP debate on Thursday.
The spokesman said the NAACP informed the campaign directly about the cancelation Friday morning.
Powell also said that Shugrue accepted the invitation on Thursday, receiving word from Shugrue’s camp about two hours after the NAACP post went up announcing the cancelation of its debate.
Asked whether Shugrue accepted the debate invitation after seeing the NAACP’s social media post, a spokesman for his campaign said: “No, we were informed by a supporter last night at an event and got no official word until this morning in an email.”
He confirmed that the campaign has asked Powell to reconsider and hold the DA debate.
The campaign said the debate is a priority and that “racial justice and inclusivity are top priorities for Attorney Shugrue and he is deeply, personally committed to addressing these issues when he is elected as the District Attorney.”
Bowler’s campaign manager, his sister Donna Mattoon, confirmed that Bowler could not make the Aug. 29 date because of a personal matter, which she has been scheduled for over a month.
She said the Aug. 17 date didn’t work for Bowler either because he was in Springfield for two events, including one with the Massachusetts Sheriffs’ Association.
“I’m running an office plus a campaign. I have a very, very busy schedule this month,” Bowler said.
Bowler and Shugrue noted their participation in separate NAACP forums this summer. Powell said those were forums aimed at educating voters about the roles of the respective offices, rather than
be debates.
THE National Association of Colored People executives are the ones who are being disingenuous. They set up the “event” knowing that both Shugrue and Bowler had existing commitments. We’ve already explained how they did this in a reversed-engineered way the first time, on Aug. 17, when Shugrue accepted an invitation I sent long before that date. As a man of honor, he appeared as he said he would. There was no conflict with the national Association of Colored People until they in hindsight made one! I had sent the district attorney the same invitation the same time I sent it to Shugrue, about A FULL MONTH PRIOR TO AUG. 17. He accepted immediately. She did not reply, the professional that she is. When the event came, she ducked it, taking the coward’s way out. We put a potted plant in her place. Truth is the one thing that skunks fear the most.
Even a mask and hoodie can’t hide why this is happening with this supposed scheduling issue….. If you know what I mean?
Is there something wrong with BUZZKILL?
something or someone that spoils people’s feelings of excitement, enjoyment, or pleasure
Certainly, being blown away by cops is going to spoil someone’s feelings of pleasure, forever.
And I hear her underling stole the plant that was initially assigned to fill her seat.
This sentence from the article cracks me up!
“We are disappointed that these two candidates have been able to attend other events and speaking engagements, especially with partisan individuals.”
Talk about partisan! What does this group of activists only talk about…..?
Were they disappointed when their candidate ducked other forums?
That’s right Fizz, they were not disappointed and were pleased they ducked out. Liked the “ Their candidates” in your post. They just won’t admit they are because they don’t endorse according to the group.
I downvoted but not against you but the idiot article.
The Berkshire County chapter of the NAACP is full of frauds.
I get why the down vote. The article itself is hard to take seriously .
Trumps white house was full of criminal conspirators wanting white power.
Hey look, it’s TSC Stelter of delusional sources now posting here after being sh!t canned.
free entertainment from TSC!
The Berkshire Eagle is already calling Shugrue the DA in a number of articles cued up for release.
They are doing two background profiles on him, both calling him the District Attorney.
I’ve worked for the eagle for over a decade I’ve never seen them do this.
This isn’t the wording used in the online article.
Not true at all of you read the front page of the Berkshire Eagle online at the website and look at the article blurb, not clicking on the link, just the main page this is exactly the screen shot.

Fake news.
TSE edited his poem. Originally, he wrote, “Piss. September is the worst. Sucks.”
His rhyming dictionary and his wife had a better idea, She said, “this too will pass. Just bad news.”
This is the most interesting convo on facebook today. How did we not know the chief in Dalton and her PPD police officer husband had their family’s life threatened and the DA did nothing? Strout made the post after Harrington kicked the hornet’s nest with Pittsfield police. BIG mistake. HUGE. Comments are worth reading.
Deanna Casella Strout
Wow. This is supposed to be the “chief law enforcement “ officer for Berkshire county..but now it’s the police departments fault. I am so disgusted by her conduct the gloves are now off. Let’s talk about how I was a victim in a case where I was threatened to be murdered, my family was threatened to be shot in their beds and our house burnt down. We had to buy cameras to protect my family. This person fled out of state and was finally in court 2 weeks ago and her office asked for no conditions , no bail, no dangerousness hearing.. the best part? They Never notified me he was back in Massachusetts. Not a single call. Thankful to probation and the judge who realized the seriousness of this situation and notified me. Vote for Timothy Shugrue for district attorney on September 6. She doesn’t deserve to hold this title.
Kristen Lawler Myers
I can 100% say I was very misled by her campaign the first time. I spoke with so many folks that thought she would be a bridge between sensible justice and fair consideration of circumstances. I have not been impressed. I have not seen anything I thought I would. It really is disappointing.
Get in there, D!
Tyler Miller
Another incident would be when i was almost dragged into a parked car by a suspect trying to flee a car stop. Luckily I was not injured but after numerous charges that put the general public at risk her office struck a plea deal. When I asked her office if the victims had all been contacted and agreed to it they said yes. Then when I identified myself as one of those victims and was never contacted, they told me it was too late to have an input as a victim.
John LeClair
When will the information come out about her recent run in with law enforcement and privilege was given to her. FOIA needs to be pressed and questions asked. Your family should not have experienced this.
Marine Jim
I saw this statement a couple hours ago and thought to myself that she is now fingerpointing because she has no other recourse. It is obvious the lack of professionalism from her and the fact she is about politics over public safety. We will definitely be voting for #timothyshugrue
Paul Trova
Surely Tim will know which hand to raise while being sworn in. Lawyers hear the phrase recited to witnesses at every appearance in court… “raise your right hand”
Chris Bonnivier
Shame on you Andrea Harrington and your office for passing the blame onto law enforcement. Leadership is described as “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” Sounds like its time for a wind of change.
Rosanne Frieri
She never did deserve the office, this is what ass kissing gets u, an unqualified candidate! Vote Shurgue, restore law and order…
Mark Pompi way out of bounds. I think she just opened Pandora’s box. All the stories will come out now about her incompetence and trust me we all know! She’s being retaliatory because a bunch of police departments endorsed Tim
She is horrible, when I sat in jury duty she was so extremely condescending it was disgusting! Not to mention what a terrible mess she made of the trial!
Well she just won all the votes of every police officer in berkshire county eh? Oh and how many officers are married or dating nurses or work FD/EMS so the gap of willing voters to vote for her closes. Ya shouldn’t shit where ya eat! ♀️
PS I need a sign since some asshat stole mine….yep so threatened they stole a yard sign!
Kristen Lawler Myers I get it, we tried it, she failed. All of us. We can’t afford to have her in office another 4 years.
Sprouts are overrated .
Sign here at the X DA Harrington , X marks the spot for not too bright…
The Olde Forge has burned to the ground.
Thanks for the picture and the scoop. THE PLANET’s Z-Agents are everywhere, scouring the globe.
Way off-never entered the restaurant.will reopen in a few days
According to the Eagle, fire destroyed the shed and the deck. Owner hopes to reopen later this week or next.
Good for Governor Youngkin. Stop the push toward banning gas vehicles so the poor and middle class don’t end up on public transportation. I had to take public transportation one day this week. Long wait out in the heat, bus too crowded and noisy, and I missed the freedom of my car for just that one day.