(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY Sept. 19, 2022) — Why did our Right Honorable Good Friends on the Pittsfield City Council react like Bela Lugosi to a necklace of garlic when colleague Charles Kronick’s presented a petition to air the status of homelessness in Pittsfield? THE PLANET would like to know.
Councilor at Small Peter White calls them “houseless,” lying to citizens during campaign season by saying he will make it his signature issue. He lives out the lie every two years by his non-action. Turns out he signs his signature issue with an “X” — politically disingenuous but not fake. Pete’s not intelligent enough to be a phony. Mini Pee Pee is part of the La-La Left that has fascisted (new verb!) Massachusetts. The Triple L believe if you think it, then it must be real.
Drunks have AA. The South had KKK. The Bay State has LLL.
Kronick has a much more pragmatic, adult view. Sir Charles made the case that is going on throughout the city: A “universal decline” in the quality of neighborhoods, streets, and and churches, plus a profit-killing plague on small businesses. In short, every aspect of the “houseless” has lowered the city’s quality of life.
Amazingly, on the same night Sir Charles tried to initiate the community discussion, the council’s idiots allowed a presentation on the “Love Pittsfield” PR that (a) perpetuates the delusional and tone-deaf nature of city government when it pushes the mayor’s “vibrant, dynamic” bullshit and (b) falsely pretends that the nearly year-old and failed marketing push is effort is new and successful.
“Dead and Lifeless” is the new “Vibrant and Dynamic.”
———- ooo ———-
Kronick’s detailed the human cost of this transient horde:
- Human refuse and waste on sidewalks, streets, and in parks, turning them into open-air (and PUBLIC) toilets.
- Mounds of litter and trash.
- Issues associated with illegal drugs:
- paraphernalia and needles everywhere
- presence of drug dealers and gangs
- a huge increase in robberies, break-ins, and other crimes committed by desperate junkies (catalytic converters, anyone?).
- public services unable to cope with demand.
- Medical waste.
- Illegal bonfires.
- Utility theft.
- Violence.
- Trespassing.
- Devaluation of property.
- Public sex.
- Overdoses.
Pittsfield has laws against panhandling and tent cities, but they aren’t enforced. The Health Department has played hooky, and the police’s hands are tied under the skewed priorities of a criminal justice system lead by D.A. Andrea Harrington, who has stiffed Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski and coddled bums, cheats, layabout, and criminals.
———- ooo ———-

THE PICTURE THAT LAUNCHED 1,000 QUIPS. Our Right Honorable Members Will Never Live It Down. (Photo by iBerkshires)
You want the one word that contains both the problem and solution for “houselessness.” As Allen Ludden’s announcer would whisper, “The Password is “Drugs.”
Without drugs, 95% of “houselessness” disappears.
As long as they are illegal, a city, county, or society can’t have a “no prosecute” policy such as Wrong Way’s. You can’t have “safe” shoot-up places. Such an oxymoronic place doesn’t exist. You can’t have methadone clinics pretending they’re not substituting one harmful drug with another.
Fentanyl, heroin, crystal meth and the rest of the witch’s brew are either illegal or they aren’t. That’s the reality, which Triple L flees like a cattle stampede from “Rawhide.”
———- ooo ———-
In response to our queries, Kronick told THE PLANET:
One member of the council, Charles Kronick, is living his oath of office in attempting to force this discussion. Ken Warren and Karen Kalinowski did so too in supporting Sir Charles. The other eight councilors — Sherman, Conant, Kavey, Lampiasi, Maffuccio, Persip, White, and Marchetti — stuck index fingers in their ears and shouted “LA LA LA!!!” This gross display of arrogance, ignorance, and pure politicization took a vital public safety issue, dealt with it Nazi style, and in its place wasted time and money on an embarrassing presentation of an already-failed, nearly year-old PR Campaign paid for by the Kapanskis.
The REAL story here, according to City Hall sources, is Mayor Flat’s decree — issued illegally, in secret to her bootlicking council — that no petition entered by Kronick will see the light of day.
Love Pittsfield, the dunce caps read.
“F**k Citizens” is how it ‘s translated.
“You can’t please all the people all the time, but you can fool most of the people most of the time” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Why is the outgoing Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington being brought into this political event? Moreover, her public record is being misrepresented about drugs on this blog. She uses mental health and other social services to try to help people with substance abuse addiction disorders. The reality is that over 1,000 gang members call inner-city Pittsfield home. There are daily shootings, violent crimes, homelessness, and out-of-touch corrupt career politicians, including the limousine latte liberal Gated Community Mayor Linda Tyer, Cooks the Books also known as Pittsfield politics’ Creative Public Accountant Matt Kerwood, along with the 8-rubber-stamp City Councilors and the Level-5 6 School Committee members who have all put Pittsfield further into the proverbial ditch. Ward Two City Councilor Charles Ivar Kronick is pointing all of this out to the city’s failed leadership, which led them to vote down his petition to discuss Pittsfield’s growing homeless population and underclass. But what else is there to really discuss? Pittsfield has hit rock bottom. And yes, it makes me, Jon Melle, sad because I was born and raised and spent most of my life in the Pittsfield area.
By referring the petition to a standing committee you killed any discussion by other members of the council. It would have been interesting if you had held your motion until other councilors had an opportunity to speak. Why did they vote no?
Sorry I meant to send this to Councilor Kronick.
And youre the man from Mensa?
He is indeed. He makes my all-time all-star City Council team: Other members include Chuck Garivaltis, Peter Arlos.
Let’s face it Chuck, Chronic has no idea what he is doing, or how to make friends and influence people. The influence part is what is important.
Which people would I want to influence? To be a ‘friend’, wouldn’t I need to share their interests or respect? I’m ready when you are.
Good quip though.
Chuck is from Mensa… of our current councilord are from Densa
Pete White is from Miloranita
More like the man from Matela
Your fellow Councilor’s of course! Are you not smart enough to know you need their votes to succeed with your petitions? Or do you not care about success and this is all about grandstanding?
Oooh, I need to influence people. How do I do that exactly? They’re already under the influenced.
Let’s get real – funny saying that to a ghost.
So the low performers – I should give them something easy to approve so they like me for giving them something to take credit for that makes them look good.
Tried all that. They won’t bite. Must be an adverse influence at work.
Carnegie is good stuff, but it doesn’t suit me. It’s best for starting fires, and motivation for toadies, cocktail quaffing frauds, and talentless salesmen looking for an easy job.
I think you should give it another shot.
That’s what they told Gavrilo Princip
Was he looking for friends too? I didn’t know that! Too bad there wasn’t a Methusela Bar in Serajevo. We’d have more bullshitters and no war.
On other hand, where’d we put them all?
Do you mean important for corruption? Make friends with Councilors who in 1975-80s were officially recognized as mentally stressed/confused patients?
Most of current City Councilors would not pass a school Math and Logic test.
Because it would involve them having to get off their collective asses and actually get involved in city government without the mayor in their ear telling them exactly how to respond or behave?
What was there to discuss on Tuesday? The point of a committee is to discuss. My petition laid out in clear and concrete terms the argument for a Council directed response to illegal use of public and private parties.
Perhaps a few councilors would feel better voting yes if say, Councilor X said he would too? I gathered good information from the quick decisive response from the gang of 8.
Not a waste.
public and private *properties*
Yeah, let’s not bring up the part the outgoing chief law enforcement officer had in contributing to the sorry state of what Pittsfield has become. Her contribution of four years shouldn’t get a pass!
Why is Wrong Way being brought into this political event? Maybe because she was part of the problem that helped bring about the increasing houseless problem along with other issues drug use brings by allowing the same drug dealers back on the streets and new ones to come in because she wouldn’t or couldn’t prosecute to the fullest terms possible. The dealers continue business as usual because of the lack of consequences they faced over her term. Nothing is being misrepresented about drugs and issues that it causes on this blog. She should have focused more on the drug dealing that causes more and more people to be in substance abuse addiction
programs to begin with.
I believe that the corrupt political establishment scapegoated Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington for Pittsfield’s systemic criminal justice issues and problems. It is ridiculous for the limousine latte liberals such as trust fund rich boy Sherwood Guernsey, corrupt career retired politician turned greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley, and Gated Community Mayor Linda Tyer to have blamed the sitting D.A. Andrea Harrington for the over 1,000 gang members who live in inner-city Pittsfield, the daily shootings, drugs, poverty and the growing homeless population and underclass. The out-of-touch millionaires, who have done nothing for decades about Pittsfield’s problems, have D.A.-elect Tim Shugrue in their pocket, which means that they won’t blame him for Pittsfield’s violent crime and homelessness like they did with D.A. Andrea Harrington so long as he is their puppet on their strings. To be clear, the limousine latte liberals only care about money and power, while they play their corrupt political and financial shell games that always screw over the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family. When things get predictably worse in inner-city Pittsfield during the next four years, please let me know what Sherwood, greed-ball Bosley and the lovely Linda all have to say about Tim Shugrue’s job performance as the next District Attorney.
Go crawl up under Harrington’s dress Melle.
She is/was more incompetent, than Joe Biden.
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood”
Mic drop, OP
Funny thing. That pin is Councilor Connel’s.
I thank Gloria for her editing advice.
Rumpass is a phony also Charles. He he stated that the company that misspelled school were good sports about it? That the re-do would be picked up on their dime.But there’s a Photo out there that shows somebody tried to rearrange the spelling with black spray paint.I guess they were trying to make an H out of an O or whatever,and it didn’t come out too good, in fact It didn’t come out at all.
So the way I look at it he (Rumpass) was trying to cover up any expense that they would’ve had to endure by trying to redo it.When they knew they couldn’t come up with this cob job re-do,he came up with this bullshit comment that ‘they were good sports about it’.
These are the worst kind of department heads. If someone hangs a door and does it upside down you don’t try to fix the damn thing yourself,you make them do it over. At there expense.And as far as your wanting to discuss the homeless situation all I can say is good luck Triple L is the new far left progressive movement. They’re not taking any prisoners until the Country is totally ruined.
Company is probably getting paid twice what the job is worth anyway. Does any of this work go out to bid? Has anything gone out to bid since tyer was “elected”?
There are at least a couple local line painting companies in the City that do a great job and better yet they know how to spell. Wouldn’t it be nice to give them the business! Of course not, this Administration proves over and over they don’t care about the residents of the City. Twice I saw CITY WORKERS on East Street trying to cover the error. They had East Street closed to only one lane just as PHS was letting out, another stupid maneuver. Morales’s is lying to taxpayers, did the Flat Tyer tell him to do so? Is K5 Corp. going to reimburse the City for the CITY workers spraying black spray paint and working with a stencil? Flat Tyer’s Administration evidently feels the taxpayers are either stupid or blind, or both. STOP with the LIES.
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How much of a bonus does DICKWAD ricky moralASS, one of way too many of linda tyer’s ASSWIPE MORONS, get for being a liar for tyer? ricky and linda, liars, liars pants on fire.
Ricardodo Morales Year 2021 – $100,853, Year 2020 – $96,578, Year 2019 – $87,460
DICKWAD ricky is one of those QUALITY employees the BIG DUMP persip is always warning us we’re going to lose to greener pastures if we don’t pay them what they’re worth. But as you can, DICKWAD ricky is way overpaid.
And the reason for that they don’t give payola. Where do you think this love Pittsfield guy came from ? Like-everything else that’ happens from the arts and crafters and beer joints.
The Pittsfield Sentinel Facebook group has a woman posting live and direct front the St. Joe homeless shelter claiming there is not clean water there and they are forbidden to leave and find fresh water on their own.
You can be very sure that the mayor and the council don’t want to discuss FIXING the problem because somewhere along the way, all those homeless folks are adding up to some kind of payday. Somewhere. You’ll see.
Maffuccio Calls for Investigation of Homeless Shelter, Change in Park Policy – December 09, 2020
Maffuccio said he had been told of abuse and human rights violations within the homeless shelter on Maplewood Avenue operated by ServiceNet.
Maffuccio also was told there is a staff member who reportedly comes to work every night with alcohol on his breath and propositioned a woman to have sex for money.
“I want that investigation,” he said. “I want the district attorney to investigate him, I want to know how the Health Department allowed them to open up there without any hot water in the female’s shower room or having curtains up.”
As for the 20-year-old homeless woman, on the shelter’s violator’s LIST, if Muffuccio has known her since she was a toddler, why didn’t Maffuccio compassionately let the homeless female violator flop on his sofa?
And yet, two short years later, Maffuccio rejected Kronick’s petition to discuss Pittsfield’s growing problems of the houseless degenerates.
That clown acts like bulldog when it suits himself otherwise…
He’s all for show.
I like Maffuccio. We share a mutual respect. Was disappointed though in that vote, but we are not finished by a long shot.
What councilor Kronic has tapped into more a battle of the elites vs the common man. Much to the delight of those of us, who are Kronic fans, the idiots that are against him, always seen to keep coming back for more.
tyer, marchetti and that whole cabal have never had any real push back. it will be interesting to see how they react if we can give it to them. They will certainly want to get rid of trouble make Kronic a soon as possible. He must watch his back closely because there is a lot of money involved in the Pittsfield city government right now and some people may be willing to behave badly to protect it.
Pittsfield govt. was shady before but the covid money has brought out the worst in them. Pigs in a trough when the farmer tosses in a bushel of corn.
This is the same battle that is being waged in this country and around the world. The elites vs. the common man. The elites want all the power and money for themselves and to make us their servants. Unlike Queen Elizabeth, who saw herself as a servant of the people and wanted no part of the woke climate change movement, this new breed of elites wants us to follow their rules while they live by a different set of rules.
With that being said how long is it gonna take to bury the queen? I mean the overkill. And Unlike Pittsfield she’s being replaced by an idiot. Aside. Who is this Polish princess?
Yeah, the Queen’s burial has taken so long, she’s already reincarnated. Lilbet had come back as a offensive tackle for an Arena football team.
Not just a burial.It’s about preserving a civilization.
Can the nation survive Elizabeth? – UnHerd
True, Charles is a climate change globalist crazy. The Queen had planned her own funeral. The people of that country wanted it to go on that long it seems. A 70 year reign is a long time. This is why we left England. We don’t agree with kings and queens or any government that wants to boss us around, you know, like the Biden administration.
Well said. And let is be clear to all, the “Charles” in the first line of King Charles III, not Ward 2’s Sir Charles the K.
That’s an apt moniker for a fellow who just struck out.
Yes (and phunny!), but you know what. The catcher gave up a passed ball. By the time the council infield got done throwing the ball away, Sir Charles hit an inside-the-park strike out … and scored!
I gave up swinging tuesday when they started suggesting inspectors should adopt horse and buggies instead of mini-vehicles that cost 1/3 cost of SUV’s and have low maintenance cost. And then they argued for clean water because the ARPA fund is now so dirty that no contractor will touch it.
They simply aren’t serious.
I discovered then why golf is a more popular and useful sport. I’d love to watch a baseball game with the cartoon characters DD and WW as pitchers. Beats Monty Python.
Nothing to lose your head over.
Charles is a globalist it’s true. Her funeral went on that long because it’s tradition in that country especially after a 70 year reign.
I’m AsSuming she had the longest reign?
She did.
You support big corporations and wealthy elites and now Trump is a Qanon candidate….you are all nuts….Trans people know blue collar issues are not Qanon led russians… know not what you do
cuckoo cuckoo, coup coup, cuckoo, cuckoo………
“Trans people know blue collar issues are not Qanon led russians… know not what you do”
Democrats have Blue dress issues now. Collars are sexist!
Exactly Ron. And good post.Seems the newer Council members that are on board just to have inclusion and in my opinion recipe for disaster.It’s all about the gathering afterward at Yuki’s and the fun time between the rainbow squad and peewees.
How quickly they lose touch.
You are assuming they were once in touch
It’s now official…Trump is part of Qanon the Russian based conspiracy pointing your index finger into the air.You all will still vote to have a Qanon goverment.
Pssstttt……. TSC……it was H-Beast and DNC, they made up the “Russian collusion illusion”. FBI helped.
Dont tell TDS the truth, He “can’t handle the truth”!!
TSC has been talking with his friends Sam Adams, Jim Beam and Johnny Walker.
Is talking a euphemism for drowning himself in his friends, Sam Adams, Jim Beam and Johnny Walker? Is the election over? Who won? Bartender, another round.
Trump is spot on….
Biden and Jill are an embarassment
They were afraid Biden was going to crap his pants, or fart so bad it would gag a maggot.
Jill needs to be there as Joe’s border collie to keep him from getting lost, or into worse troubles, by opening his mouth and speaking.
Thanks for the laugh, although it’s sad but true. Camilla probably still has not recovered from when Joe farted on her during his last trip. Jill’s head piece looked like Sleepy Joe’s brain before they give him some drugs to calm him down. Jill also looked like she had no time to brush her hair because she was dressing Joe. Total embarrassment once again for the USA, but really scary.
Qanon MAGA leaders were home practicing the index finger in the air…It takes years to index it up.Trapper been hoping Trump would officially adopt the Qs and now the stupids can unite
They should reopen Belchertown State for “gifted” people like You TSC.
In all fairness the monarchy wasn’t exactly excited to meet 45.
More fallout from the Martha’s Vineyard immigrant chaos. After 44 hours the illegal immigrants were sent to a military base, but the politicians on the Vineyard are saying they were forever changed by that 44 hours. One Vineyard resident tossed a bag of chocolates at them, the church organist said they are missed already and they had an intense 44 hours taking care of them. They couldn’t stay though because despite the signs all over the Vineyard of open rooms and land for sale, they just didn’t have the space. Apparently tent cities like the ones in California and Texas are not an option on Martha’s Vineyard.
Martha’s Vineyard leads the nation in deportation of criminal aliens. 100% in less than 2 days.
The NIMBY 2nd home owners will spend the winter in peace, knowing their vacant mansions will not have become havens for squating criminals, when they come back next June.
Remember the big tent Sotero had for his birthday bash last summer on “da Vineyard”? That held over 700 people, but Barry don’t have any rooms or resources for the foreign criminals he professes to love and care about so much. Speaking of which, how is his criminal alien relative “Aunt Zetunie” doing?
Yup. Do as I say philosophy.
I don’t care for his politics normally but this petition was certainly warranted. Can’t help but wonder if another Councilor submitted it like Persip or White, if it would have been voted through.
Well stated, TONY B. That’s the kind of reasonableness we need in these divided and divisive discussions.
Pittsfield Teen Arrested On Numerous Drug And Weapon Charges
Pittsfield Teen Arrested On Numerous Drug And Weapon ChargesEric Greene
Eric GreenePublished: September 20, 2022
just learned a startling fact from the Pittsfield Police Department.
Are you ready for this one, Berkshire County? The PPD has made 6 arrests
in the past 6 months of teenagers whose criminal charges involve
firearms in some capacity.
Let me repeat that. 6 arrests involving
6 teenagers within the past 6 months all having a loaded weapon. That’s
not a good statistic. It seems that more and more weapons are getting
into the hands of younger people a lot more easily.
I think it is time to request all commissions show up to the council meeting to inform the council what they are doing and what they have done. This would help the Kapanski’s who have no idea what goes on in these commissions. You can start with the “HouselessCommission” but then move on to the ARPA commission and then the auditing commission(oops sorry there isn’t one) but hopefully you get my idea. Bring these commissions out of the shadows and into the light so everyone can see what their government is actually doing. Could be good things and could not be good things but currently the Kapanski’s have no clue
Excellent suggestion. If this council were on the up and up, it would REQUIRE the ARPA commission to appear before them for some heavy-duty questioning. The circumstantial evidence is piling up, indicating the possibility of massive corruption. Only a real probe will find out. If it’s all legit, the innocent have nothing to fear.
Danny Boy, the corruption in Pittsfield makes Boss Tweed look like a Saint. The Dobelle, Delgallo, Doyle Ruberto Regime is governing. THE CULT.
There actually is an auditing commission – Committee on Finance. I suggest that you lobby your councilors to demand it be filled per the law before the Council agrees to disband it.
City Code 6-12-13
The committee on finance shall have general supervision of all matters relating to the finances of the city. Such committee shall also have access to, and may examine, all books, papers and records relating to matters of finance of any officer, board or department of the city. All officers, boards and departments shall give to the committee on finance all information necessary to enable it to perform its duties.
The committee on finance shall, once in each year, and before the first day of July, and at other times when it deems it expedient, audit the accounts of the director of finance/treasurer and the collector of taxes. It shall compare the accounts with the vouchers therefor, and shall ascertain whether all money due to the city has been collected and accounted for, and if not, the reason therefor. Such committee shall also examine all bonds, notes and securities belonging to the city and shall annually, before the first day of July, make a full report to the city council of the audit of such accounts for the preceding fiscal year. It may engage the services of an expert accountant in the audits herein provided for; provided, however, that an appropriation has been made therefor.
Thanks, CHAZ. That’s just it. The city has such a committee, but look at the makeup: Chair, Marchetti; Vice chair, Persip; Conant, Kalinowsky, and you. No chance the the committee has the integrity to demand an honest look into the finances. Wonder why? Hmmmm? Care to answer, Mayor Flat? Peter? And have you ever stopped to think about Marchetti: He’s not only council prez, but he heads the city’s most important subcommittee. You think it’s by design, to keep the financial muck hidden and secret? Nah, couldn’t be.
It’s a civic commission – The mayor has not staffed it.
You’re referring to the Finance Committee that is supposed to review large appropriations (but hasn’t for the last half year.)
QE II’s state funeral is thought to be the “greatest gathering of world leaders and crowned heads in history” and the Queen’s Christian faith was boldly proclaimed.
It has been determined by God Biden, that the pandemic is over right on the heels of the economy collapsing. God Biden realizes the pharmaceuticals have gotten enough money out of this thing and for the lack of a better word he needs to revive the economy by putting peopleback to work again, So the pharmacies will have to be on the sidelines for at least a year,however you can get your updated new vaccine at the same price. Do you feel you need.
After watching the ordinance and rules committee meeting I have determined that ward 6 is in good hands.I mean look at the comments made unintended consequences and Massachusetts state variables, are we in the twilight zone? Where did they find this bird? Commemorative street signs that’s it second term?
A new downtown/up street outdoor loo for LOVE PITTSFIELD houseless degenerates officially opened at the new dina Squeal North St. Union St. Julianne Boyd Way. Conveniently located, on a corner, for liar tyer’s bums on beautiful LOVE NORTH STREET, just a loogie away from LOVE PUKI YUKI’s Infamous METH BAR.
Since the “scamdemic” is over, fraudulent mail-in voting should be also.
Ricky Rumpass just spent $18,000 of taxpayer money to put a pedestrian friendly traffic calming device in the middle of tamarack by Bousquet.
He will say it was paid for by them or a grant but it wasn’t.
It makes the road nearly undriveable because it’s compressed the lanes. We tested a plow drive by. It will hit it every time.
It doesn’t sound like you were calmed.
What pedestrians walk Dan Fox Drive? Ricky needs to go back to Puerto Rice.
parking for Bousquet?
Yes, I had had to maneuver around Ricky Rumpass’s latest highway debacle on Tamarack Rd. It makes what should be a smooth curve in the roadway dangerous.
The stupid SOB hasn’t even had the traffic lanes painted on the new pavement of Tamarack rd, going on two months now.
Maybe he’s waiting for HIS contractor he hired to paint “SCOHOL” in front of PHS, to get their workers back from grade school English classes. They “no hablo ingles”?
But the Flat Tyer connected resort, gets to FU the new pavement and make things difficult and dangerous to commute on the roadway.
Ah! Sun-flower
By William Blake
Ah Sun-flower! weary of time,
Who countest the steps of the Sun:
Seeking after that sweet golden clime
Where the travellers journey is done.
Where the youth pined away with desire,
And the pale Virgin shrouded in snow:
Arise from their graves and aspire,
Where my Sun-flower wishes to go.
The Tyger
By William Blake
Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies.
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat.
What dread hand? & what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp.
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears
And water’s heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
Tyger Tyger burning bright,
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
Two lovely works from Blake. Thanks for sharing.
This just in at the Planet newsroom: Pittsfield state senator, Adam Hinds has resigned to become the new CEO of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate. Such commitment to Pittsfield.
Old news Rube. Knew about this yesterday Naaaaa Naaaa Na NA
Irrelevant just another slung sucking Democrat get a job
Rumor has it a resident is going to run for Mayor. And will beat any Tyer- Like candidate. I have to wait to confirm it. And Dan,the candidate is not a Retread.
Care to share the name?
Let me guess…’s the turd posting under Trunk Caddy, Chappy Quitit, In Da Know, etc etc.
Quite possibly!
Rumor has it he’s changing his name to Onassis Kennedy. Maybe stooge got him the job.
Did he bring a gallon of milk to the press conference?
This is unbelievable. Illegal immigrants are suing Gov. DeSantis for flying them to Martha’s Vineyard. Seems like the illegals have more rights than we do and we know who is behind this. Good old Lizzie Warren. I doubt the illegals would have come up with this idea on their own, but who knows since the far left is rolling out the red carpet for them like they are royalty. Biden was flying the illegals all over the country under the cover of darkness, but that was fine since Biden’s motives are pure for what he and the far left are doing with exploiting these illegals.
Lizzie Warren is having the illegal immigrants sue Ron DeSantis for flying them to Martha’s Vineyard. Biden was flying them all over the country secretly at night, but his political motives were pure according to the far left.
Lizzie and Maura: Sue happy. Lizzie’s also Sioux happy. Maura’s Sue happy, depending on the Sue.
We must remove Mayor Linda Tyer and her cronies from Power.
We, The People of this village of Pittsfield should start all procedures to do so:
#1 We should consider impeachment process for Mayor Tyer;
#2 We should restore 2 year Mayor’s term as it was originally;
#3 We should find and support People’s choice candidates for Councilors to replace rubber stampers in each and every Ward they rule!
#4 Pete Marchetti must not be re-elected for any position. He acts like a King:
#5 Diversity, Equity and “Inclusion” department shall be void and removed as it violates
Federal and State Constitutions —
Free Speech, Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Believes-
American People are not obligated to swallow Dem/Liberal LGBT Diversity Believes;
We believe in whatever We want to believe;
#6 City’s Departments shall lose some overweight/fat cutting jobs like 9 secretaries in School Dep, 2 secretaries in Purchasing Dep and many more: