First in a Series
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 24, 2022) — When interviewing someone, especially at length, one of THE PLANET‘s favorite lines of inquiry is to ask people how they got involved in their careers. The most interesting stories ensue.
Applying this to city government, we uncovered several unlikely stories. Each, we certify before a bored board of judges, is 100% true. We used the official City of Pittsfield definition of true: “n., an assertion full of fantasy calling itself fact.”
For example, it’s “true” in the Pittsfield sense when Flat continues to say that Pittsfield is “vibrant and dynamic.” It’s also “true” that the Ricky Rumpass Roundabout that gummed up five intersections functions like Velveeta on the Miracle Mile.
Keeping this in mind, let’s begin with out profiles. THE PLANET offers them in the hopes of letting you get to know your city “leaders” a bit more intimately.
For one thing, Kufflinks doesn’t seem qualified to hold down any private-sector job involving any measure of responsibility. The real reason, however traces back to one day on the beach at Plum Island, as told in the following pictures. WARNING: Graphic Content. Viewer discretion advised.
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One day, while Pee Pee 2 walked down the street, he heard the sound of what he thought was a “houseless” person in distress. He heard a plea for help coming out of a large box being carried by a man in a porkpie hat. He demanded that the man free whoever was inside the box. That’s when Peter “Pee Pee 1” Marchetti, came out. For the first time. The rest, as they say, is her story.
One never knows how the heavy hand of fate shall flick its fickle finger. As a lass, COIN took a walk. On a bus-stop bench, she saw the most amazing pair of spectacles. They were in a box, brand new. Obviously, the owner caught the bus but left the glasses. Being the conscientious person she is, a trait most evident in her selfless public services in (1) the D.A.’s office, (2) on the city council, and (3) the licensing board, COIN tried in vain to locate the owner. After 10 days, though, the glasses became her property. She put them on and noticed how she could see into people. Two things stuck her. How pretty women looked underneath their clothes and, when looking through the glasses at many public servants and nearly all politicians, she could see how shallow they were, how utterly void of character, how self-serving and insipid. Not only that, but she observed that most of such folks possessed not a lick of talent or ability.
“My! They’re only in it for themselves,” she said. “That’s the life for me.”
After paying the requisites and forfeiting all self-worth and dignity, COIN weaseled her way in the Inside.
A career was born, although THE PLANET‘s wild guess is that she won’t last too long with the new and incoming D.A. once he finds out that her job has nothing to do with justice but everything to do with politics and that if she stays she will be a source of conflict internally and act as an informant to certain parties externally.
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Coming up on The Weekend Edition — The Next Three in Part Two of our series “How They Got That Way.”
Who shall it be?
Tune in and find out.
“Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on” — Samuel Butler.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Need more of this:
That’s one. Let’s thank Renaldo for all the work on getting body cams here.
Pittsfield politics charges the fictional Mary Jane & Joe Kapanski family top dollar for rock bottom Level 5 public schools, along with substandard public services. Many thousands of families have moved away from Pittsfield over the past 50 years. Many thousands of living wage jobs have been lost in Pittsfield over the past 50 years. Referencing the classic Godfather movies, even the four families who run Pittsfield do not live in Pittsfield anymore, but one of the Good Old Boys who is known for his useless Rolodex still writes his useless Pittsfield politics letters from Naples, Florida. So, what does Mayor Linda Tyer and her Creative Public Accountant Matt Kerwood do about Pittsfield being in the proverbial ditch? They raise municipal taxes and spending to record high levels, while they build their secretive multimillion-dollar Slush Fund$. Peter Marchetti works at a bank, but he treats Pittsfield taxpayers as his ATM. Pittsfield politics has the WORST of both worlds: A 50 yearslong shrinking tax base with record high municipal taxes and spending. But at the end of the day, the lovely Linda gets to drive her Lexus luxury car home to her mansion in her Gated Community neighborhood.
I doubt Shugrue will retain any of Harrington’s dead wood.and let’s face it. Harrington hired dead wood by the cord.
The larger question is, who will he replace them with and how many employees that worked for Pauly will be invited back? Will Paul be invited back as first assistant???
73% of Republicans believe Trump won the election.That tells you all you need to know about any republican voter weather he be a friend a family member or a confederate flag flying member of the KKK so in love with Trump people make fun of you as you hide in a closet surrounded by guns and bullets.Fear is what radicalized the Republican and with Rush and Sean turning men into walking hate machines we will soon have our 1st openly fascist Congress and Senate with dumb scared white boys in charge.I can’t believe that WW2 was fought so that we could become what we despised
You stupidity has no limit.
are you talkin to yerself in the mirror agin Mr. T?
Not at all, but I am speaking to your extraordinary stupidity.
Did you know that the Democrats started the KKK? Then made a joke of fair elections for nearly 100 years in the south, installing racist judiciary and law enforcement?
And the acts of the Liberals/Democrats/Progressives you champion now closely resemble the acts of Hitler and the Nazis of the 1930s. How was Biden’s VERY recent speech where he called half of America “domestic terrorists”, with a blood red background, and fist pumping closely mirroring a Hitler speech of the 1930s?
Tiny little ignorant brains only need a little bit of soap to be washed completely empty; yours only took one sudsy bubble.
This might be “Hate Speech” to say but you make some great points MT. If a POC truly understood political history, they would never in a million years vote Democrat. Now that would be “Woke”
There is no such thing at “hate speech.” There is only free speech. What some call “hate speech” is merely the result of the politicization of words and language. Words can never hurt one unless one allows it, let along cause “trauma.” This includes cunt, jock, bimbo, jap, chink, kike, wop, mick, spic, greaser, nigger, garlic eater, wetback and any of the other weaponized words you care to mention. They are words expressing hate, but they are not hate speech as we have defined by litigation in this polarized political climate. Society is much better off allowing such words — that is, ignoring them when they are spoken, refuting them, robbing them of their power, and thus de-politicizing them. Anyone who uses these words in discourse essentially hangs a neon sign around his or her neck declaring, “I am an indecent human being and in need of the old ostracization.” That way, the worthless idiots identify themselves and reveal who they are INSIDE. Rejecting these words serves as the greatest insurance against them. Attempting to ban them only gives them power, and such legislation NEVER cures the ill heart of the person who uses them.
Two, I agree. But as I pointed out Monday with the “vibrant and dynamic” DeSean Smith. He is a 24-year old black male with a 5th grade education. He also has two kids. What chance in he!! do they honestly have? Ask a street cop, probation officer, or social worker, were these two usually end up. It’s certainly not “vibrant” or “dynamic.”
Not hard for an adult to con 5th graders or those with the same level of education. Pittsfield’s state and local leaders have been doing it lately with fraudulent amounts of money to black-owned (nonexistent) businesses. One of the two qualification was being related to the mayors secretary, PPS cultural proficiency coach, sister of a city councilor. There is ONE common denominator to this group, besides conflict of interest. I’ll let the Planteers draw their own inferences.
Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal immigrants) has been doing it in state politics for over 10 years. Look at the “Safe Drivers…” garbage she’s trying to ram down the taxpayers throat. By TFCB’s logic, giving people who shouldn’t even be in the country in the first place (law breakers), a DL they are now just going to start following the letter of the law? Insurance? Valid registration? The low IQ progressives eat it up.” Wait until the Pittsfield panhandling problem (PPP) makes its way to south county. Bet it’s a different story then. TFCB has NOT passed any legislation to help the Pittsfield taxpayers in over a decade in office. Example one.
Not to be confused with the “Clairmont principle” of Dirty Barry needing PPP loans as a CPA during the pandemic. Example two.
Flat Tyer, Shirley, Warren, Harmony, all that loot and quiet as a church mouse when it comes to gun violence being committed by young POC and their lack of business interest in the BBEC? Examples three and counting….
OB in the DIE Office? See above.
Let me guess, you need taxpayer money to “consult” with the cityon the violence?
Because he did.
Dan, any chance TSC could get a “JM-type” hiatus? TSC has become the new JM poster of The Planet. At least JM tends to stay on topic. I’ll give him that.
I’m all for free speech, but the endless “Trump…,” and “1/6,” posts are getting tiring.
TSC stays on topic about 1 of her every 20 posts.
If not a hiatus or sabbatical, how about start asking TSC to post how Joe Xiden’s is making a positive impact on her life, instead of the constant Trump nonsense?
I appreciate the suggestion and the feedback, but TSC will stay. This board is all about freedom of expression. We do keep an eye on repetitive posts and especially “machine-gun” posts where the person send 10, 15 comments all at once. Our Robots either kill them on site (depending on our algorithms) or send to moderation, where only a few, if any, get through. TSC, politics and ideology aside, is a valued member of this board, as you most assuredly are, MARK.
For the record, I wasn’t asking for a TSC ban. It gets tiring reading TSC regurgitating Whoopee “cushion” Goldberg’s talking points from The View.
I wanted her to post how her life has gotten better under the Xiden/Harris administration, rather than talking about a Prez who’s been out of office for almost two years now.
TSC is one of the very few who seem to be doing better under this administration. What’s the secret TSC?
Unless we have unmasked TSC as a current PPS scohol employee and recipient of a large sum of ARPA cash? Hmmmm….
TSC tell us how your life is better?
Thanks for the clarification. TSC can’t answer how life is better under Biden. No Biden supporter can. In fact, less than two weeks before the mid-terms, Democrats are doing everything they can do either distance themselves from the feeble president or trying to distract voters from their scrutiny of him by, oh, pick one: blaming inflation on Putin, continuing with the farcical Jan. 6 hearings, Trump Trump Trump, war in Ukraine, near war with DPRNK, near war with China … ad infinitum ad nauseum. As Howie writes in today’s Herald, the surest way to freeze a Dem in their tracks is to ask: “Who did you vote for in 2020?”
Very easy answer.I will keep it short.I am still living in a democracy after being minutes away from a Authoritarian Trump Putin style Oligarchy.That answer is for the couple of folks who don’t watch FOX programming.
You my friend are an A$$ Clown.
“Putin style Oligarchy,” huh? Speaking of “Oligarchy”, you never answered my last question about Obama.
He’s taken in millions of dollars for his library in Chicago. Where is it? Why is it not being built TSC? He’s been out of office 6+ years now.
He did but a $14,000,000 spread on The Cape.
One day You might see that I said we were minutes away from a successful coup and you followed that comment with what about the Obamalibrary….This is what FOX messaging has done to your processor.Turn it off.
Get your head out of your McDonough please
We live in a republic. You live in la la land.
TSC is a trans english teacher from PHS.
Herb,Trans is a FOX trigger word that makes you fear Trans will be your number 1 problem in America as corporations suck every available dollar out of you.The worry you FOX men have about Trans people is nuts.Get some confidence
The trans “issue” has been made into one by the Dems. It’s a perfect “issue” for them. Here’s the recipe. Take a practically non-existent psychological/psychiatric condition, turn it into a social/cultural standard, drill it into the impressionable young, and after a few years — Presto! — the perfect political non-sequitur for distracting the gullible and others from the ACTUAL problems that are sinking America.
It is a FOX red state Republican trigger Dan.
TSC’s input reminds people of the inherent danger of glue sniffing.
That and ate lead-based paint chips as a little girl.
Touche` HT. Love those shots of the post-George Floyd the Barber “peaceful protests.”
TSC couldn’t win a debate with Fetterman
WTF is despised?
If “halfway to my GED” had a face, it would be yours TSC.
I would be interested to know what you think of Democrats.
I think Obama was a hell of a president and a nice guy all around. Classy, sophisticated and intelligent. I would trust him watching my kids if I had any.
And none of the juvenile garbage that this post will elicit will change my mind but go for it because it says more about you than me or Obama.
Who’s the idiot? The idiot or the person arguing with the idiot?
This site works better when people don’t argue the national crap – it’s all emotional.
Giving the Daley Gang control of the White House was a predictable experiment.
It does seem fascinating how in Pittsfield the citizens foam at the mouth and spout how much the government doesn’t do and how incompetent they are, yet they keep getting elected. If you take these politicians individually you see how inept they are to be leading anything yet here we are with a building full of clowns in the little car driving around the 3 ring circus. Why hasn’t anyone written the script for a TV series, you would not have to investigate or work at anything just write it as it is and you would have a hit!
How is it the chief of police and one of the captains and the mayor can’t answer simple questions about the delays in the body cam program?
Show up to the meeting and explain what problems the union has with the body cams.
It’s not fucking hard. You know the concerns, express them.
Sources inside the PPD say several officers are worried about the “pre recording” feature. That the cameras are actually always recording and those can be pulled and indexed and reviewed.
This is mainly because there’s a lot of corrupt cops on the PPD who deal drugs while on duty.
Mostly Roids but also amphetamines.
little mikey is corrupt. he protected his friend also of color who he recruited to the police department. can you say dale.
and the purged police records.
Yes, he did!
How come, FAT? Because they don’t want the answers. Simple as that.
bingo danny. silence is golden.
To play devils advocate for PPD. Would you really want a dishonest person like DA Wrong Way, Helen “Handgun” Moon, or COIN Gueil-Torkinsin-Hammerstein-Wilson-Thompson-Lampiasi, going through the video looking for anything. And by anything, I mean anything to drum up BS charges against an officer.
Not to mention, a person like WW might allow Shirley access to view files on her next long African plane ride to kill time. NYC to Africa is a long plane trip.
Flat Tyer isn’t exactly a person I’d trust either.
Just a few thoughts.
Even Barry does not trust tyer at this point in time. The girl has morphed and not in a good way for him.
No they don’t want to be monitored. Reprisals within the department are real also.
Our guy was in the home stretch of this blog post without looking like a bigot, then BAM. A quip about Dina’s sexuality. Bravo.
Expect he’s a Trump guy?
And this is why I would never vote for you to hold public office. Your TDS has so blinded you to the reality that the Democrats have caused our economy to tank. 8 years of Obama and now another 2 of Obama behind the scenes – take the blinders off your eyes!
G J said it in jest.
You’re one and the same and voted for Biden.
You can’t be more uninformedabout how the economy collasped as Obama took it over.FOX is dumbing you down.Just Google it.
Thanks for the feedback, TDUG. It is a quip. Nothing more, except what THE READER, not THE PLANET, puts into it. Think about it.
You calling him a homophobe?
I’m afraid of the way Dina votes
Why? She gets her mayoral cue card, like all the other embedded councilors, and votes accordingly. Like her council fellows she has been warned about independent thought and the downsides of going there. She has been a good girl just like White is a good boy.
Your not the daddy? Are You.
Would she deny that she likes women’s bodies? So what’s the problem
Don’t bring it to politics she’s a pioneer
I agree but let’s judge her on her performance so far really really really undistinguishable she thinks she’s smarter than everybody and she’s the worst counselor on the council
The ego that they get makes up for the penis they dont have
and at one point the Portland homeless crisis looked just like the one in Pittsfield. Can you say de ja vu all over again Yogi?
Can we start a raffle to guess how long it will take for Pittsfield to achieve the Portland notoriety? We got a pretty good start and are offering all the goodies to attract more homeless constituents. Go Mayor….go Tyer!!! Rah Rah Rah….
Mayor Wheeler’s actions at a step in the right direction, but it only moves the problems to another location, albeit one that is more monitored. The cost to taxpayers, however, is enormous. I have a cousin on the Portland police force. The true solution amounts to a much more aggressive plan. You give every “houseless” person a one-way bus ticket, a small stipend, and you pass legislation that makes these drug camps illegal … and you enforce it. After a while, word gets out that your city isn’t messing around. The dregs then go elsewhere and the drug trafficking goes with them.
Well, getting rid of abortion sure as hell is not going to help. Unwanted children born to drug addicted, uneducated, poorly brought up mothers with no means to take care of them account for many of these homeless. But some insist these unwanted babies get brought to term and forced out onto the community to wander aimlessly. Kinda not so well thought out if yuo ask me.
Just sayin.
I think we should euthanize all useless eaters heir Fizzy.
“Unwanted children born to drug addicted, uneducated, poorly brought up mothers “
Which of the three merit abortion?
Good ol’ American eugenics. Nothing Nazi about that at all, Lev.
His words, and definitely sound like a Nazi. Dehumanizing with a call for blood.
The vaccinated women won’t need to get abortions anymore, as they are happening spontaneously.
Is ‘freedom of choice’ soft-code for eugenics? Sounds like it.
Speaking of China….
June 18, 2019, 9:47 AM EDT
By Saphora Smith
LONDON — The organs of members of marginalized groups detained in Chinese prison camps are being forcefully harvested — sometimes when patients are still alive, an international tribunal sitting in London has concluded.
Some of the more than 1.5 million detainees in Chinese prison camps are being killed for their organs to serve a booming transplant trade that is worth some $1 billion a year, concluded the China Tribunal, an independent body tasked with investigating organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in the authoritarian state.
“Forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale,” the tribunal concluded in its final judgment Monday. The practice is “of unmatched wickedness — on a death for death basis — with the killings by mass crimes committed in the last century,” it added.
In 2014, state media reported that China would phase out the practice of taking organs from executed prisoners and said it would rely instead on a national organ donation system.
The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday was not
was speaking of you.
But Dan, in Massachusetts that one way ticket is always to North Adams and Pittsfield. I fully expect to see arrivals from Mass and Cass here momentarily, and we do not have the infrastructure or sources to absorb any more these proper ( NOT!) Bostonians — the devil’s rejects is more the apt description.
My neighbors in the back are low income covid refugees from Nod Bedford. Yes, nod, not New.
She’s a delusional drunk, the adult kid is ok, or was, until his mom brought in her ” my boo” as she calls the guy recently arrived , and with no visible means of support. Guy is tatted up with prison ink and puffed up on attitude, and no longer allows mom and kid to speak to the neighbors, their electricity gets shut off a lot, in default in the rent, HOW??? How in this town with at least six social service agencies willing to help people get rental assistance over and above their Section 8, how is it possible to be half a year behind on rent?
In order to dodge their inevitable eviction they called the BOH and scammed a stay.
Even so, mom and Tattoo have the money to call car services and leave town for Nod Bedford once a month, for days on end, and they get restaurant delivery a couple times a week. Can’t pay the bills, though.
The one time I had to knock on their door,the Eau de Dog Shit was so overwhelming that they must have purchased every bottle of Fabuloso in town prior to the BOH walk through.
Boston is good at scraping the dog shit of the bottom of their shoe and sending it here, no backsies! It arrives C.O.D. Somebody around her is cashing in, and it ain’t the Kapanski’s.
45 said to bulldoze the homeless into the Pacific when he visited San Francisco, but Boston has a more elegant and pragmatic solution.
Everyone in the greater Boston area knows that the better solution is to rebuild the Long Island bridge where there sits an abandoned campus that was built there for the homeless and the addicted.
Our local pols really need to start pushing that option rather than accepting more of these scam artists as new residents here.
North Adams and Pittsfield need to develop a “one-way tickets outta town” (OTOT) program. Ship ’em out as they shoot themselves up.
Elm Street Jave closed for good. Another business destroyed by the bike lanes and pan handlers!
Thanks, MR. W.
Council Grades:
Maffuccio F
Sherman F
Conant F
Persip D
Guiel F
Kavey F-
White F-
Marchetti D-
Kalinowsky B
Warren B
Kronick- A
If you can’t make a go of it selling coffee you’re doing something wrong.
They opened too late, never on time. I tried stopping in many times at 6:30, 7:00, 7:15 – not open. Never knew when they were going to show up and have the coffee ready.
I gave up and went to the Juice & Java in Dalton!
Elm St. Java didn’t close because of bike lanes and panhandlers. The owner retired to Florida several years ago and was having trouble managing the business from afar.
The owner’s daughter, the store’s actual manager, had personal issues of her own that got in the way of ongoing success. Add in rising costs and the inability to retain quality staff, they decided to just give up and close. The business itself (not the building, it is a leased space) was up for sale, but looks like no one was interested. Hopefully a new owner can get it going again.
Oh no! She had really good, homemade food, and was a great addition to
the neighborhood options of Joann’s and Samel’s. From the neighborhood, too. This is really sad news.
Maybe if Bare Bare and the dentist have some pandemic graft left they could…nah, never happej, never mind
But if those funds had gone to our local mom and pop’s and mom and daughters businesses like Elm St. Java, etc etc— no need to testate what we all already know except the part about voting them all out except for the 3K Krewe.
Speaking of funding. Interprint will be gifted another $500,000 in tax breaks which will, of course, once again, have to be made up by the tax payers on top of the gifted money all the other multi millionare business s in the city are getting.
And please do not get nosy and start asking whom these other benefactors are because its none of your goddamn business. But the roster could include builders and car dealerships and, well you do not want to know cuz you be getting really pissed off to realize just whose taxes you, as a middle income wage earner, you are subsidizing.
Would Kerwood have to release the list going back ten years if a city councilor, like say Mr Marchetti, asked him to? Or would the mayor knock him into tomorrow for even thinking about it. You know, the open and honest mayor that has no dirty secrets.
Gotta love theDemocrat runcities,lots of leeches and no transparency. Keepvoting for them though so they don’t send the DOJ/FBI/IRS to your doorstep. As TDS states don’t worry he is happy because TDS lives in a Democracy, at least in his brainwashed dreams
You can get an early look at America under republican fascist by moving to Mississippi…You people hate Massachusetts so leave in droves to enjoy some of what red states offer like crime and more crime.Good Luck
an early thumbs down from one of the windfall recipients
heh heh
At least Interprint is following through on their promises, creating jobs and sustaining business. Must be run by YT’s. Because all the BIPOC owned everythings struggle due to racism and need handouts.
I get the reasoning behind the tax breaks. But if a company is making money hand over fist taxpayers trying to feed and clothe their own families should not have to fund them.
Seriously, car dealerships that brag about being the one of the biggest sellers in New England need my money? Resorts with mega millions in investor funding? Theaters that have been getting tax breaks going on 20 years?
Sorry, to me that is white collar crime disguised as something else.
“The Rolling English Road”
by G.K. Chesterton
Before the Romans came to Rye or out to Severn strode,
The rolling English drunkard made the rolling English
A reeling road, a rolling road, thar rambles round the
And after him the parson ran, the sexton and the squire:
A merry road, a mazy road, and such as we tread
The night we went to Birmingham by way of Beachy
I knew no harm of Bonaparte and plenty of the Squire,
And for to fight the Frenchman I did not much desire;
But I did bash their baggonets because they came
To straighten out the crooked road an English drunkard
Where you and I went down the lane with ale-mugs in our
The night we went to Glastonbury by way of Goodwin
His sins they were forgiven him; or why do flowers run
Behind him; and the hedges all strengthening in the sun?
The wild thing went from left to right and knew not which
was which,
But the wild rose was above him when they found him in
the ditch.
God pardon us, nor harden us; we did not see so cleat
The night we went to Bannockburn by way of Brighton
My friends, we will not go again or ape an ancient rage,
Or stretch the folly of our youth to be the shame of age,
But walk with clearer eyes and ears this path that
And see undrugged in evening light the decent inn of
For there is good news yet to hear and fine things to be
Before we go to Paradise by way of Kensal Green.
Thanks, CiH. Beautiful
(1) The Rolling English Road – YouTube
Would you hire Matt Kerwood to manage your money? He is known for getting a 5% increase in spending every fiscal year. Now that U.S. inflation is 8.7%, he may get a 10% increase in spending in fiscal year 2024, which begins on July 1st, 2023. On top of all of his spending increases, Matt Kerwood is known for his secretive multimillion-dollar Slush Fund$. He uses the same Auditor every year to say that Pittsfield is one of the best financially managed municipalities in the nation. Sarcasm: I believe that Warren Buffet said that Matt Kerwood should be managing his billions of dollars, but Mayor Linda Tyer won’t let Matt Kerwood leave Pittsfield politics.
He can never answer a question at council without a hitch? Is this the director you want? Six straight years of I can get that info for you? Aside.I wouldn’t wear a camera on the job. Just don’t like anyone looking at twenty four seven. If you don’t trust an officer don’t hire them and definitely don’t become one of you can’t wear the damn thing. Criminals need to stop being stupid. That’s and issue which is infinite in handling.
The town of Kingston just received over a hundred people in need of food and shelter, and had no idea they were arriving.
Starting to feel like Mass. is being targeted..
Are there FEMA funds for this?
Methuen got 50 from Baker. No warning from Baker. How hard is it for our gov to pick up a phone and call a local mayor?
The Springfield Republican is reporting that over 2,000 migrants arrived in the Boston area between March – August 2023.
The invasion continues.
Don’t vote for ANY Democrats in the midterm elections!
Ask Linda how many she took or IS taking in.
She can’t count that high with out a calculator.
The top 5 states with the most crime are run by Republicans and probably the most uneducated and poorest.Republican failure as they represent the rich and powerful to make them richer and more powerful as you fellas watch Tucker
It’s a shame the Inner cities of those red states run by far leftist progressive democrats can f up the whole state.
Basketball floor green sky ship
The beginning of a poem, perchance?
The Pittsfield POC grifting continues. In this $3M state grant, a couple of black owned businesses will be getting their palms greased. Before low IQ people like Helen “Handgun” Moon call me racist, I’ll point out my reasons for my apprehension of these financial awards.
(1) Blackshares Community Empowerment Foundation Corporation, “received $55,122 for a cohort-based leadership program for black community members in Pittsfield.”
I searched the web to try and find out what this “company” did to help the black community. I could not find anything. They have been a business since 2020.
Their “company headquarters” is at 267 Onota Street. Its current value is $171K.
(2) Berkshire Black Economic Business Council (BBEC) received $15,000 to create a collaborative workspace for black owned businesses.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Flat Tyer give the BBEC $750,000 in an ARPA grift a few months back? Now the BBEC is already hat in hand looking for more money? Isn’t $750,000 enough?
Can anyone explain to me what a “collaborative workspace for black owned businesses” is? Does it mean straight YT males are not allowed in?
$750,000 has gotten black business leaders a dance recital and a business summit, in which few, if any young black community members attended.
(3) How many more vibrant and dynamic “houseless,” recovering addicts, or other dregs of society from the Boston area, does this $3M grant bring to Pittsfield?
A $3 million state grant will help redevelop Site 9, William Stanley Business Park’s largest parcel | Business | berkshireeagle.com
BCEFC is another Harmony Edwards venture… there’s your answer right there.
Not one single politician will argue against this because they will automatically be racist and their careers over. It’s a joke and it’s outright tax shelters and fraud at this point
Try setting up a workspace for white owned businesses, or tell people to patronize white owned restaurants like a good Nazi
Linda’s balls are as big as Barrys. TEENY
Harmony again? Nuff Ced.
These non profit grifters make the mafia look like the Salvation Army.
The Mafia took their cut, but they actually followed
through on their promises.
Pittsfield is a grifters paradise. If you have a scam, big or small, you need to make Pittsfield your base of operations. You will not be shunned. You will not be discouraged. You may even be helped by the people who should be yanking your chain.
Grifters Paradise, perfect!
No grifter(s) refused. Welcome all grifters and we will roll out the red carpet to show we mean it.
Just heard on vibrant and dynamic scanner little girl hit by car possible broken leg. Aren’t there and traffic monitors after school?
How powerful is Marchetti if you submit a petition to the city Council there is no guarantee that your position will be heard by the city Council? if Marchetti wants to dump your petition all he has to do is place it under rule 27 and that is the end of your petition. No politician should have that much power. we have to do whatever it takes to kill route 27. this places too much power in a crooked politicians bag of tricks. Does anyone out there know any ideas of how to kill rule 27?
I was astonished to hear a city council member marginalize the idea by council member Kalinowski’s idea of using a audit firm for less money and a fresh set of eyes by saying the council is wasting our time?
“They” are desperate to avoid an indie audit. This, incidentally, will very much affect the mayor’s race in 2023. THE PLANET shall explain at the appropriate time. By local standards, it’s a bombshell.
Things gotta change