(SYRACUSE, NY, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 28-30, 2022) — It’s been and will continue to be quite the weekend in a hoppin’ Salt City.
Tomorrow, the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame invade an already sold-out JMA Wireless Dome, with 50,000 expected in the Loud House when #16 Syracuse Orange take on the Sons of Knute. It will be the Irish’s first visit to the Dome since 2003. ABC will be there for the noon game, bringing the action to the nation. It will be one of this season’s most heavily watched affair. THE PLANET has our seats secure, and good ones they are, to drink in the gladiatorial spectacle with our entourage.
Forget the rankings. When ND visits, it brings the most storied tradition in Division I athletics: Rockne, The Four Horseman, Gipper, Hornung, Lujack, Montana — plus the new version of college football’s greatest helmet, tied with the Michigan Wolverines and the classic Syracuse orange.
Last week against Clemson, THE PLANET took the points and cashed. The Orange, meanwhile, in the weird Div. I rankings “didn’t win.” In the polls, nearly beating a Top 5 team on the road is not considered a loss. We’ll take it, although we subscribe to the Bill Parcells notion: You are what your record says you are. As crazy as Saturday will be in town, the game serves as the followup act to yesterday’s headliner. In case you missed it, President Joe Biden was back in town.
———- ooo ———-
Biden came to Onondaga Community College to tout the massive $100 billion — not a typo, ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS — investment to be made in Syracuse by Micron, a world leader in microchip manufacturing. Micron will be phasing in a massive production facility in the Town of Clay, which geographically is what Dalton is to Pittsfield. On hand to be with the President: Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer, Micron CEO Sanjay Mehrotra, Gov. Kathy Hochul (like Biden, an SU grad), County Executive Ryan McMahon, and Syracuse mayor Ben Walsh, the man who married THE PLANET to MRS. PLANET, plus the presidential entourage and the usual gang of idiots.
Syracuse won what was GENUINELY Micron’s “nationwide search,” a quest far different from the “nationwide search” in Flat City. There, the “search” is for the next glad-hand recipient of largesse who will provide then proper, ahem, tribute, if you get the gist.
———- ooo ———-
Syracuse beat out other dozens of other locations for a manufacturing enterprise that will bring 9,000 new, high-paying jobs to Onondaga County. That is expected to spur an unprecedented wave of growth and improvement in the city’s downtowns and neighborhoods, with the demand soaring for new market-rate housing and the influx of related development in restaurants, shops, infrastructure, and much more. Over the next 20 years, the Micron move will result in 40,000 support jobs throughout Central New York. Micron also committed to invest an additional $250 million in the Syracuse area.
Have to give credit where credit is due. This development could not have happened without Biden and Schumer, and Thursday amounted to what THE PLANET‘s former working address, the Post Standard, called “a victory lap” for the two.
Rick Moriarty wrote in the P-S that America “leads the world in chip design, but most fabrication is done in Asia.” Micron’s investment helps even the field.
Syracuse won for a number of reasons, not the least of which was a pro-business administration, the presence of one of the country’s great universities, and the abundance of intelligent employable people in the available workforce.
Pittsfield, Mass., with 52 acres of industrial land available in the central city, could well have been in the competition, except that
- It is in the most anti-business state in the union
- It has a corrupt, defunct, and delinquent political structure
- It has become a magnet for the dregs — low lives, moochers, addicts, gangs, and assorted from the armies of the night.
As this situation illustrates, politics matters. A clean, truly progressive government improves the lives of its citizens. A dirty, faux-“Progressive” government destroys those same lives.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“When up against the wall, play handball” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Have a good time and go Cuse…Dan? Tell us why the Orangeman are nicknamed the Orangeman.
Because it’s hard to rhyme orange.
That sounds like a woke answer? Is this Dinduh?
School colors.
Kinda sexist. What are the girls soccer folk called?
Women’s teams were called the Orangewomen and men’s teams were called the Orangemen. They recently changed the nickname to just plain Orange. Now everybody is called the Syracuse Orange.
Call me read you can call me J but she doesn’t have to call me orange man. Syracuse is going down
The apples and bananas think it’s fruitist, like You fizze
You prolly have an orange Pontiac Transman
Have fun at the game Dan
Thanks, TRAP!
Sochol colors
Things don’t change on their own. A strong sign by the taxpayers will foster change if all of us on the Planet operated as a single unit.We could change anything,sadly we don’t, this council looks at the taxpayer as pawns and nothing will ever change with them.Wh at a sad situation.
We are in complete agreement!
Will Biden and Fetterman do the play calling?
I don’t think so. They’ll be on Jeopardy that day.
Woke for two thousand?
Biden was stumping for Fetterman, together you get twice as much incoherent babbling, and makes Fetterman seem “Presidential” .
Trump whisper is so soothing especially at his outdoor circus rallies
What could that be?
That drew many thousands? While Joe wonders where he is/am….wife is… year….?
Why couldn’t he have been Letterman
FOX will have the team of Putin and Trump calling the game….Fatboy will be eating fries and quarter pounders…Putin don’t like traitors
On the stuff again?
The newly renamed “Joe Biden Expressway” in Scranton PA,………..beneath the large green billboard someone added a 2nd sign:
The Road to Ruin
Or perhaps The Road to Hell. Song by Chris Rea
Highway to Hell
Facts: New York State has the highest taxes in the nation. Upstate New York has many economically distressed areas full of the huge underclass population, low to moderate income working class, and violent crime. New York State recently had a disgraced Governor named Andrew Cuomo, who is in his 60s, resign his elected position for groping young women who worked for him. New York State politics is about corrupt career politicians soaking the taxpayers for every dollar they can take from the people who work and/or live there.
You cannot tell me that Syracuse’s recent successes aren’t political with the Governor, Kathy Hochul, and the Prez, Joe Biden, being Alumni of SU. As for PEDA, it is a polluted debacle with millions of dollars in unfunded liabilities that always increase as the years pass us by since its beginning in the Summer of 1998. No big business is going to invest in PEDA because it is heavily in debt and very polluted with industrial chemicals – PCBs – left behind by GE, which made Pittsfield into its dump with zero GE jobs left in Pittsfield for many years now.
Lastly, the corrupt career politicians are NOT investing in the people and workers in either Massachusetts or New York State. Instead, they are really playing the same old financial shell games to screw over the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family in order to enrich themselves: the Financial, Corporate and Ruling Elites – at the public trough. It is all about the Almighty Dollar and Power!
Mind boggling chip tech
How is it not a conflict of interest when a key witness dies in CCU.
Probably the same way a rock is not wet if it’s not raining outside.
So why are we exporting so much oil?
Crude oil2022 Data – 1983-2021 Historical – 2023 Forecast – Price – Quote – Chart
WTI crude futures eased below $89 per barrel on Friday but were still on track to end the week higher, underpinned by a tightening supply outlook, record US exports and a sharp retreat in the dollar. The US exported a record amount of crude and fuel last week even as fuel inventories hit seasonal lows in domestic markets, weighing on the supply outlook. A sharp retreat in the dollar supported oil prices as well, as it makes greenback-priced commodities less expensive for buyers holding other currencies. Oil prices are also on course to gain in October, breaking four months of losses, driven largely by an OPEC+ decision to cut output by 2 million barrels a day from November, as well as escalating Western sanctions on Russian oil. Meanwhile, investors stayed cautious as the demand outlook remained clouded by surging inflation, rising interest rates and mounting recessionary risks.
You are a supporter of the Turnip, who: shut down USA oil Jan 2021, made us energy poor, is draining our strategic oil reserves, and selling off the reserves to his Chinese masters.
We are about out of diesel/home heating oil, just in time for winter (and a looming railroad strike).
Got a woodstove Fizze? I’ll sell you some firewood, of course price adjusted for “Bidenflation”!!!! $500/cord sound good to you?
BTW, Turnip just mumbled gasoline was $5/gallon Jan 2021? Reality is it was $2.40/gallon.
Tucker Carlson just played a video where he caught Dr Fauci steering an oil tanker full of stolen crude oil into a river near his house. You need to go to his site and see it right now.
Those liberal globalist doctors are in it all for themselves I tell ya. Fauci will probably go straight to a voting machine and alter the votes as soon as he docks his ship load of heisted crude. And I don’t think it is right… do you?
Saw that on the Five….morons
I think you need to go to satire school.
Example. Saire 201
“First responders brought Paul Pelosi to the hospital where he underwent treatment for trauma to the head and body. A spokesperson for the hospital said his surgeries were successful and that he is expected to make a full financial recovery”
The tanker had cream of bat soup from fauci’s wu Han lab
Pittsfield will never get any company to invest in the city. There is no longer a work force.
That is a H.U.G.E. detriment to economic development. Under the current mayor, a reliable workforce has vanished, replaced by the “armies of the night.”
Maybe Cuisinart will build a factory that produces handles for it’s pans in Pittsfield. We might have the workforce for that.
Tha requires actual work planet.
So true. Even within city hall, employees are leaving the area. Several key positions, working under Kerwood have resigned over the last couple of months. I hear moral is at an all time low.
Not surprising
It is and has been for awhile
Maybe they are afraid a forensic audit is coming and they don’t want to be around if it does?
This is the most common sense post ever spoke about the City.
Not when you read about “vibrant and dynamic” late teens, early twenty-somethings in Pittsfield with 5th grade level of educations, like the recent POC murderer had.
You know the group he hung around was much the same. What’s the old saying, “Birds of a feather…”
One drive down Ricky Rumpass Lane on NON, would seal the deal for any future investor.
Actually in today’s Eagle there is a story of some group of investors that just invested over five million buying up properties. Not sure if the city will help pay for it or give them tax breaks or skip inspections or what but read all about it and how wonderful it will be for us all.
I saw that too Fizz. I should have clarified my last sentence. I should have added any legitimate and honest investor would pass on NON.
Pittsfield’s city government level of corruption will catch up to them one day.
As we’ve all keenly observed, the race hustlers and grifters, believe in the John Gotti level of flaunting fraud. A trip to Africa. Cash for “office space” of a non-existent business.
Enjoy the game Dan!
Biden had nothing to do with Micron coming to New York. He doesn’t even know what day it is. People have been fleeing NY due to high taxes, high crime and radical leftist lockdowns and other far-left policies. The announcement of this project was strategically designed, right before the midterms, to lift Hochul in her sagging bid to become an elected Guv.
May Lee Zeldin beat the witch!
Biden has already announced his intentions for after the election, raise energy prices even higher and continue with the far left agenda.
Tesla is building a prototype robot that will clone Lispy Joe. It will run on fuel cell type technology and will allow him to continue being a President as a robot mpending Congressional approval. The real Biden will retire to a Delaware Beach and consume gallons of ice cream.
I hear from a reliable source (FOX news) that Biden has people working on a project to block out the sun so that people will have to live out the rest of their lives in darkness. And he seems like the type that would do something like that huh?
Yes. He got the formula from reading Superman comics, circa 1959. Lex Luthor invents such a gadget.
If your I.Q. hits 60 sell
Thanks, FRITZ.
Syracuse Joe is all but done. Harris will be next POTUS. Joe will not finish term and will likely be gone early in the new year. If only Tyer would resign too.
G man was right about the secretary, going on seven years of futility. Even Hess still stands.
Norte Dame stinks and have nothing to lose vs Syracuse. Oh,and the goat has lost his magic.Retire Tom.
by Federico Garcia Lorca
If I am dying,
leave the balcony open.
The child is eating an orange,
(From my balcony, I see him.)
The reaper is reaping the barley.
(From my balcony, I hear him.)
If I am dying,
leave the balcony open.
Everyone is dying.

A day without poetry is like an orange without Sunshine. I infused a bit of orange poetry so as to keep on topic with today’s subject. Other than orange poetry, I’d have to say Orange is best summed up in a bottle of Grand Marnier.
Well said, CITY!
Why don’t you and the chief take your battles of the streets in the end all this nonsense
Enjoy the game Dan.
Did you consider reaching out to Warren Dews for the game? I’m sure he could have “consulted” for the BBEC in Syracuse. It wouldn’t have cost either of you a dime. Like Pittsfield, I’m sure black people in Syracuse need inclusive consultation space for work. Just like the recent $15k gift the BBEC got for such a thing.
The BBEC Syracuse consultation could have come with a quick plane ride from Pittsfield to Syracuse, limo to the game (enjoy a stogey and drink), tickets, and a catered luxury suite, waiting for everyone’s arrival to cheer on SU.
Maybe next time? Enjoy!!
Let’s hope Syracuse gets beat and ruin the trump n Orange weekend combo.
As reported on Tucker’s show last night, the U.S. has approx. 25 days of diesel fuel left. Supply chain shortages are coming in a major way. Prepare now.
This is a situation entirely brought on by the Biden admin and Dems obsessed with climate change and the war on fossil fuel. Two years ago under the Trump admin., the U.S. was energy independent.
Don’t vote for any Democrats!
yup, yup, uh do ta do dah
Paul Pelosi attacked. Perp was looking for Nancy.
Perp has all the MAGA identifiers so no one is surprised. Election denier. My Pillow guy follower. Tough guy taking on an 82 year old man. Guess a 70 year old man would have been to much for him.
Life must be tough for you left wing lunatics
Perp was in his underwear…..what the hell was going on?
Why was the perp in his undies?
How did the perp get past security – did Paul let him in?
Are the two having a relationship?
Paul Pelosi – “his name is David and he’s a friend.”
They were butt buddies
It was Paul’s tranny lover, who got upset when Paul tried to make him/it dress up as Hillary in dominatrix garb.
Perp is a leftist, Fizz. Read posted articles.
Fizzie, tell us about, how you opened the door for the cops at the Pelosi home? Did ya have a nighty on or undies?
You been watching yahoo and cnn.
What Pelosi did will be hard to cover up.
Prep is a lot like You-
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NBC News reporter Tom Winter reported that San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said in an interview that accused attacker David DePape, 42, ‘was able to get into the Pelosi bedroom where Paul Pelosi was.’ Jenkins said investigators have been able to talk with DePape.
Winter also confirmed that a third person was in the Pelosi home at the time of the attack on the 82-year-old husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-). Nancy Pelosi was reportedly in Washington, D.C. at the time of the attack early Friday morning. S.F. police said late Friday an “unknown person” answered the door when police arrived in response to a mysterious 911 call by Paul Pelosi. Police said Pelosi was able to excuse himself from DePape and go into a bathroom where is cellphone was charging to initiate the 911 call where Pelosi allegedly spoke in code and described the intruder as “David” who advised he is a “friend”.
If Fizzy didn’t see it on the view it didn’t happen.
As Long as it keeps you from the streets
A Lanesborough Police Officer fired for illegally using the police criminal database to look up his ex-girlfriends and prospective dates now wants to join the Pittsfield Fire Department. This stalker cop also faced criminal charges for violating an order to surrender his firearms.
Officer fired after using database to look up ex-girlfriends and prospective dates, officials say / U.S. NEWS August 4, 2021
“A probe revealed that Polidoro targeted women that he had a current or past relationships with – or those he wanted to date.
You’re making a strong case for Robocop V1
RoboCop Glitch
We have a little further to go before we hit rock bottom
One thing is for sure, there have never been and there will NEVER, NOT EVER be any Serpicos’ in the PPD. I don’t really care either. Because I’d much prefer that a Detective William Schenk or a half-a-dozen Detective William Schenk types infiltrate the PPD. You can be confident that the Detective Schenk types would really clean up the PPD. I’d like to see at least two Detective Schenks on every shift. The Devil knows there’s more than enough BAD SHIT dirty PPD COPS to justify the hiring of at least a half-a-dozen GOOD COP Detective William Schenk types. Without a doubt, it would be tax $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ well spent. Taxpayers would be getting their money’s worth, and then some, unlike the corrupt business as usual PPD shit we’re forced to fund.
Like Dick Tracy’s watch – first in fiction then in life.
It’s Blackshires, not Blackshares as reported in the Eagle.
They are some sort of online landing spot for businesses and community members to connect to and access info and resources to increase success in the business community. Mispelling their name in the paper definitely diverted the landing!
They don’t have much of a current website or offerings. Their directory contains 8 businesses, two of them owned by Blackshires founder, Ari Zorn. Zorn now owns Devine Canabis in Great Barrington and his Devine directory listing still refers to the business in the concept stage even though they opened in March. I imagine the Blackshires idea took a back seat once his actual income-producing business was up and running.
It would appear that Blackshires is the precursor to the Black Economic Council, which is way more current, active, and it appears – helpful to those who land on its page. It’s webpage is way more robust and does indeed to be a legitimate resource for the business community.
Both of these groups are basically copies of Pittsfield’s original 1Berkshire. Is that even a thing anymore? Like I said, the Blackshires webpage appears to be a relic and the BBEC is the new 1Berkshire for black businesses.
It’s curious that Ari Zorn and Blackshires applied for and received the MassWorks Community One Stop for Growth grant which is designed to “support local economic development programs.” They were award $55,122 for a cohort-based leadership program for Black community members in Pittsfield. Like I said, their website is an outdated and measly directory of 8 businesses.
But who refuses free money?
Also though, who vets these applications? For all the money poured into these business portals and groups – Pittsfield should be busting at the seams with successful new business.
They are successful. But only certain ones. Wake up.
Pitt, you must not have heard, business is great for Pittsfield Public Scohol’s Cultural Competency Coach, Shirley Edgerton.
In fact it’s so good, she took her family and friends on an ARPA taxpayer funded vacation to Africa, “to explore her roots.”
She used part of her $500,000 ROPES grift for this trip. Or was it part of her $750,000 BBEC grift? That’s the only fuzzy part of the story. What grift was used and how much. The rest was documented with a story and pictures in the Eagle.
ROPES and BBEC grifts. The perfect crime!
I had been following the Devine story, what started out a “crowd fund” supported by donations, became, the grand opening they were like “we did this all on our own we are so proud”…
So this particular family has a few means of gainful ….. and the other little piggies have none.
When people stop calling things black this and black that then maybe racism will start to end. By labeling something black there is an immediate effect that is divisive and creates separation. Why can’t it just be a business or when describing someone for something why does the color of skin even come up? The man crossed the street.PERIOD We don’t need to know his color. Oh wait maybe if they keep promoting skin color then they will keep getting the financial benefits currently being given solely because of the color of
Remember the guy with orange skin? He got discriminated against by the lefties.
In a statement, the pair asked for “privacy and respect” as they “navigate what is to come”
By Steven McIntosh
Entertainment reporter
Model Gisele Bundchen and NFL player Tom Brady have announced they are divorcing after 13 years of marriage.
The pair both posted statements on their Instagram stories confirming their separation.
“We arrived at this decision amicably and with gratitude for the time we spent together,” Brady said.
Bundchen added: “We will continue co-parenting to give our children the love, care and attention they greatly deserve.”
The couple have two children together, along with Brady’s son with his ex-partner actress Bridget Moynahan.
Brady and Bundchen started dating in 2006 and got married in early 2009.
The news of their divorce comes after Brady returned to the NFL for another
Not a Brady fan but leave the guys personal life alone. You must watch the View too much.
Bleeding hearts.
Full disclosure…
I did not write the goddamn article or any do any of the coverage all over ESPN and every other sports news outlet in America. It may have leaked out anyway if I did not re-post this.
You gossip like an old lady
Guess that is better than a Shaun Hannity comparison.
You’d be a good queen on The View
Dan and family, enjoy the game and trappings that go along with being there in person to root your team on. I’m feeling ND in this one though.
Norte Dame is a great road team. Syracuse is not that good so don’t be suprised when N D dismantles them tommorrow.
Sarcasm: Please Vote for all of the corrupt career politicians running for reelection in the 2022 midterm elections because they have vast institutional knowledge of how to get rich off of the government. Our politicians should serve decades upon decades in elected office because they spend 90% of their time raising money and the other 10% of the time doing nothing but DISSERVICES to the people and taxpayers. Just look at our 80-year-old Prez who has spent the last 50 years in the Swamp. Joe Biden is rich, powerful, and he has all of us paying hundreds of dollars more per month for the same goods and services than prior to January 21st, 2021. I wish to thank all of the corrupt career politicians for decimating the middle class since Joe Biden entered the Swamp 50 years ago. I like reading about the hundreds of U.S. billionaires and all of the multimillionaire corrupt career politicians who run our country. Thank you, once again, to all of the corrupt career politicians, greedy lobbyists, and the government for everything that all of you elites do for yourselves at our expense while we have to pound sand about it all.
You voted for Biden.
You voted for/support most of the corrupt individuals in office.
You are part of the problem.
Melle , here is your chance
to put to rest if you are for real change on career corrupted politicians or if you just talk bs.. Sen. Maggie Hassan’s (D) is exactly what you go on about. Republican Don Bolduc isn’t a life long swamp creature and served this country. Care to tell us who you might be voting for right in your home state?
johnnie are u still thinking about having the procedure to transition to female.
johnnie will always vote for women over str8 yt males.
The press just won’t report on the Trump stealing of Top Secrets from China Iran Russia and North Korea or the 2 billion Saudi gave Ivanka
Is this Fetterman?
“The press just won’t report on the Trump stealing of Top Secrets from China Iran Russia and North Korea” – TSC 10/29/2022
What did Trump steal from China Iran Russia and NK? Did he get anything for Americans?
“or the 2 billion Saudi gave Ivanka” – TSC 10/29/2022
What did the the Saudis give Traitor Joseph Stolen ( the middle finger), when he begged them for oil the other day, after looting our American oil reserves and selling them to his Chinese handlers? Nothing but a FJB!!!
Tyer regime = MOB
It’ll be a good game but Syracuse is at home and needs a win to stay in major bowl contention. Syracuse will come out hungry after last week’s loss to Clemson. A game they could have won except for a couple of questionable calls. A big weekend for Syracuse. A major corporation announces they will move there and Syracuse U. will win by 10 points.
Thanks, CHUCK. Go ‘Cuse.
Where’s Nancy? China Joe was quiet as a church mouse, as was Pelousy, when Kavanagh was almost murdered. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the MSN, Biden et al, are all over the story like a bum on Park Square. Where can I get my “Where’s Nancy?” T shirt?
I smell a coverup on the Pelosi attack story.
I smell a full recovery and another Trumper sent to the Gulag
Know what I really wanted today was big Notre Dame victory to show the two so-called sports professionals on here yesteryears over
Only until it isn’t.
7-0. N D Six Seconds into the game
Well, not 6 secs. More like 4 minutes. Shrader to Gadsden, TD Orange!! Loud House is crazy, 50,000 and a sea of orange. 4 rows behind Su bench, midfield. Not a bad view.
Cuse’s Kevon Darton DL #45 is an animal.
By appearance Norte Dame has couple of their own. Aside,fistfight at Cumbies two woman.
Norte Dame is man handling you guys Dan,what givees? I mean Clemson wasn’t exactly non physical.
I think Cuse receiver(s) needed some Lester Hayes Stickum today. To many dropped catchable balls that seemed to prevent some possible points. Changed things greatly for Cuse. I’m not taking anything away from ND’s play which I think Cuse may have taken as a win before even playing the game. As I posted earlier I felt ND in this one.
Agree. Catch the ball. One of the basic. Irish came in with a great game plan. The Orange, not so. Poor coaching, bad execution. ND deserved this win, all the way!
Syracuse needs a bigger stadium
No excuses. The refs were on Syracuse side early on. Syracuse is overrated at q b
Good one! ROFL!
I see a fence or a wall in Nancy’s future.
Nancy’s rainbow T-Shirt says “I’m proud of my gay Husband”
Is it me or are we seeing more drug dealer arrests now that we have a law and order DA again?
Seems like arrests are up with everything,. you’re right.
Cardiac arrests are up for those who got the jab, er vaccine…….
Shugrue isn’t in office yet.
We don’t have a new DA until 2023.
However, Police know that the cases of those recently arrested would not be tried until at least January. So, it may be less of a coincidence than you think.
Dan, hope you and yours have a great time at the game today. Go Orange.
Tried to watch the Halloween parade on PCTV last night. Might as well sat and watched a blackout screen. You would think PCTV would have flood lights. Guess Flat Tyer’s suggestion that taxpayers turn their front porch lights on to brighten Vibrant and Dynamic Tyler Street did not work. There are plenty of places the Parade Committee could have obtained flood lights. Doesn’t the Police, Fire and Public Works Dept.s or Public Utilities such as Verizon, Berk. Gas or Eversource have flood lights to work during an emergency? Also, drove Tyler Street yesterday before the parade and all I could think of is what a safety hazard. There are capped off wires, trenches and broken curbing. Why was this parade not moved to Vibrant and Dynamic North Street this year? Once again Flat Tyer and Food Critic Petie have their heads up their fat arses, or then again they just don’t care. So many of the schools built great floats but you could barely see them. Thought of student’s family members that could not make the parade and how they would have enjoyed watching their grand children march by. Once again an event in Pittsfield falls short, sadly since a little common sense could have really made the event Vibrant and Dynamic. Common sense which this current Administration has constantly lacked. On the positive side, at least we couldn’t see Flat Tyer, Bare Bare and the useless City Council.
Does anyone know what the story is behind the mess on Alfred Drive? The street was repaved over the summer and now is being ripped up to install pipe. Why wasn’t the pipe installed first? Are they going to completely repave the street again in order to repair the trenches which have been dug up? Maybe there is something else going on that I’m not understanding here.
Looks like another Ricardo flub job.
Ask the commissioner
Major EFF UP. Do not hold your breath waiting for an explanation. But if one comes they will tell you this is the new dynamic way to do road paving. You put the first layer of asphalt down, wait four weeks, then trench down the middle of it. hee hee
And now they cannot pave over it till the trenching settles, and that takes time if they do it right. Elsewise, come spring you gots a really embarrassing mess after taking years to fix a road that was a long time mess. When does the asphalt plant close for the season? Is anyone in charge anymore? Any oversight ANYWHERE???
Would the ward councilor like to comment or has his mouth been permanently zipped like some of his co councilors?
Conant is useless.
Too many signs around Pittsfield and Berkshire County in support of Question 1. This is the Tax the millionaires so the money goes to the poor people in the school system. Roads too…maybe. The slogans are vote yes for Question 1 to help people, but the only people being helped will be in the school system and they already have more than their “fair share”. Most of them live far better than most people in the county so how is this helping everyone?
That is what the far left Demoncrats mean by “equity”…make everybody poor equally.
Syracuse what a bunch of losers.
People still vote?
Dan, don’t get it? One person on this site has posted 22 times since yesterday morning. I post one comment over 5 hours ago and ONCE Again it is LaLaLand. I give up.
I noticed that if you type up your message in Word and then copy and paste it in the message box, it goes in here much easier. If I do a lot of deletions or backspaces, it doesn’t like it and the message is put on hold.
Stop being so selfish. It isn’t like your Paul Pelosi or something.
Thanks Pat.
And thank you for your patience and participation on this board. To be sure, sometimes there are delays for comments, but they are mostly algorithmically controlled. It’s a function of the continued growth of this site. We are catching up to the Eagle in the # of daily traffic we receive, and at times of slows the system. Good problem to have. THE PLANET shall keep investing backstage to make sure we have the structure AND THE SECURITY to keep this board speedy, responsive, and most of all SAFE. The internet is more perilous than ever in terms of security, and it takes continued technical vigilance to keep up with it.
It doesn’t always work, but most of the time it does.
Thanks Pat. Whew.
Vote “No” on Question 1. If passed it will immediately impose an 80% tax increase on tens of thousands of small business owners, large employers, and retirees. It would be one of the state’s highest income tax increases in history. It gives politicians a “blank check” to spend billions of taxpayer dollars however they want, with no accountability.
Question 1 will be one of the largest tax increases in Massachusetts history. It doesn’t just have an impact on millionaires. It’s a blank check for politicians.
Will there ever be a tax that these politicians won’t like and refuse to foist upon the taxpayers?
Just two gay guys having sex….
I’ll try this again and/or post tomorrow since the robot has had it a day now……
Roses are red
Kamalas not black
Biden has dementia
And Hunter is on crack
Any reports out there about the tent fires yesterday at Springsides park tent city?