(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 12, 2022) — Let it sink in at its own pace.
The following is a recent picture of YOUR city council vice president:
NOTE: This photo has not been edited, retouched, photoshopped, altered, cropped, sized, tampered with, or fished out of The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich. THE PLANET vouches for the photograph’s authenticity. We even have a certified affidavit to that effect. The document has been sealed in a mayonnaise (or is it a MAYORnnaise) jar on Funk & Wagnall’s porch since noon this morning. No one knows the contents of the photo …
… until now.
Ladies and Gentlemen, THE PLANET presents the low-wattage bulb masquerading for real as YOUR city council VP.
C’mon down Peter “Pee Pee” White:
You might think this is a joke in bad taste, and you’d be right. It is a joke, and the taste is somewhere between a giant shit sandwich and the latest regurgitation in the porcelain god at Methuselah’s.
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET could have told you this picture was from the Merrill Road billboard advertising proudly, “Gender-affirming hormone therapy offered here.”
And You know what? You would have believed this.
Now do a deep dive and ponder.
This is the dude who’s a heartbeat away from the council presidency. Gotta hand it to our Right Honorable Good Friends on the dais for picking Pee Pee 2 as Pee Pee 1’s right-hand stump. If Pee Pee 1 goes down, they won’t have to change the nameplate.
There isn’t much more to say about this picture or what it represents. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski know only too well — one more round of punishing taxes; reduced services; additional corrupt allocations of all that “free” grant money to connected insiders; greater numbers of junkies, drug dealers, gang members, “houseless,” mentally ill, and other similar “armies of the road to pollute out streets, neighborhoods, and shopping districts; a shrinking tax base; rising and unjustified property assessments; loss of businesses; and a continued exodus of young people, and folks who have the means to get out giving up the ghost.
In a little more than a year, a municipal election will be upon us.
Let us hope citizens turn out in droves, bearing torches and driving the likes of this political moron out of office.
“We don’t know what is possible for us to feel until we are shown what is possible for us to imagine” — Adam Gopnik.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
It has to be doktored. There’s no helmet that will fit his head.
,at e he borrowed it from dumpster.
Ya absoLOOTlee nailed it, RULE 5!!
On Thursday, October 13th, 2022, Mayor Linda Tyer will host a public forum with a public panel of experts to address Pittsfield’s homelessness crisis. Please let us all know what the mayor and her panel of experts said at this upcoming event. How did Pittsfield go from a working-class community of over 60,000 residents in the mid-20th Century era to an economically distressed and very unequal community of around 40,000 residents in the 2020s? Who won and who lost during this transition period? Who were the failed Pittsfield politicians who put the city into the proverbial ditch? Is it a slap in the face of the low to moderate income people who live in Pittsfield to have Mayor Linda Tyer hosting this upcoming public forum on homelessness when she lives in a mansion in an exclusive Gated Community neighborhood within a few feet of the Hancock border past Berkshire Community College? Is this another publicity stunt?
“Compassion, sympathy, respect, less hypocrisy:” unhoused Pittsfielders call on city leaders for action | WAMC
The head rocket is representative of how he plans to send Pittsfield property taxes. Skyward. Again.
Poor mans shower cap. (before he embedded with the tyer financial bonanza empire.)
By the way, if a person was to wind up with a ton of free meals as a result of, let’s use the word political grandhanding, would/should they be taxable?
Slow news day eh Danny and rather hypocritical coming from someone who dresses up as General Assholio or whaterever you call it. SMH
Better hope The Generalissimo doesn’t get wind of your comment!
Houston…Pittsfield you have a problem
Gen would take him to the woodshed. I in da know.
Says the Liberal who votes for the “woke” progressive versions of Beavis and Butthead. How has the Selected IM-POTUS been doing the last 22 months?
P.S. Pee Pee and Flat’s minions are all Liberals. How is Pittsfield doing? Tell us what you really think of local liberal politics at it’s worse.
Hmmmm, well, President Biden signed into law a bill compensating the thousands of Marines who were subject to the poisoned water at Camp Lejeune, instead of calling them “Suckers and losers” like the former POS Con man. But then again, you have no concept of service to your Country, only complaining about it….
How is Biden doing with the abhorrent Veterans Administration and Hospitals, that POTUS Trump was reforming? He put installed in-competent “woke jokes” “leadership” (just like all his other appointments) !!!
Biden has LOTS of benefits for CRIMINAL ALIENS, he welcomes them with open arms and borders!!!! He cares not about US servicemen/women.
Who is making $$$ off Camp Lejeune? Blood sucking lawyers , you see on TV commercials now 24/7. That base problems/legacy was a problem for the whole time Biden was in the Senate, he did NOTHING.
Since we are talking Traitor Joseph Stolen……..
Biden has allowed, his CCP Chi-Com handlers/business associates, to set up a Police Station (yes a Chi-Com police station) in NYC. Maybe, also an outlet for more Chinese hookers and crack/drugs for Hunter too!!!
Did Ya Know that?
“We are writing to express our grave concern over reports of the law enforcement presence of the People’s Republic of China in New York City,” the 21 lawmakers wrote, referring to China’s full name.”
“The Chinese overseas police service station established in New York City earlier this year appears to be a further step of China’s illicit long arm policing on U.S. soil that violates our sovereignty,” Republican Study Committee chairman Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), Reps. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), and 18 other GOP House members wrote in the letter.
Rube, get some fresh Autumn air before you stroke out. I hope you’re not a pet owner, poor critters probably get a whooping for no reason.
Did Ya Know, I’ve had a Thanksgiving Turkey, stuffed full of LESS SHIT THAN YOU!!!
I love animals, not so much Liberal/ D-Rats/Progressives ones….
Animals only stank, when you don’t take care of them, liberals all the time either way.
Rube, that doesn’t even make sense
What can’t You comprehend? You are so full OS? Or You can’t smell Your stench?
FYI, You stank!
Go back 8 posts, slowly……read…do it again, try again, re-read……ask TSC and Fizzie to help…..for go grasshoper go…
The truth is there…..
He seems to be saying he stuffs his turkey with shit but less than some others do.
Come on ink? Traps a legend on here.
Last week, Joe Biden, called out for a dead Congresswoman, to speak. Yes, he must have a channel to Satan………
This week, he said we are on the way to Armageddon. See above.
Today, he couldn’t count to THREE!!! ; “Two Words” “Made in America” verbatim by Joe.
Again get your head out of your McDonough
In Da Know get your head out of your McDonough
So you the one that misspelled school,asschole
Pittsfield is in the Aerospace business after all.
So fphunny! This might win Comment of the Month!
The picture of space cadet White is just a reflection of the apathetic Pittsfield electorate. He should have been voted out years ago.
This just coming out now, right before Nov elections. Maybe so people forget about the bigger corruption, of our voting system Nov 2020.
Mislav Kolakusic of the European Parliament says “the purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for 450 million EU residents is the biggest corruption scandal in the history of mankind.”
“Biggest corruption affair in the history of mankind”
You do know that MAGA god Donald Trump and his whole family were first in line to get the vaccines right? And then they got all the follow ups.
By Claire Rafford
12/20/2021 12:07 PM EST
Updated: 12/20/2021 07:40 PM EST
Former President Donald Trump said he received a Covid-19 booster shot, revealing the news to former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on Sunday during one of their “History Tour” live events.
O’Reilly also confirmed he received a booster shot, though neither said which one they received.
I’ve got pure blood Fizzie. A commodity worth more than O type negative.
How’s your clot shots been treating You? Immunity down, need another and another “booster”?
P.S. It just was revealed, the corrupted FBI, tried to bribe a foreign Spy (H-Beast connected) , to provide false “evidence of Russian Collusion” , prior to the Nov 2016 election.
Same guys that did the “pantie raid” on Melania’s underwear drawer. Is creepy Joe done sniffing yet?
Reportedly, among many other unknown nasal hairs, there is an unknown nasal hair found on some of the “evidence”, reportedly from an elderly white male (Joe’s 80th coming up!).
It’s safe to assume you don’t get laid much Rube. ROTFL
We could get you a pallet of condoms. Stop Your diseases from spreading and prevent feral Liberals breeding all at once.
Your mother says differently
My Mother is in the company of our Lord and Jesus.
You have not been, or might get to, Heaven
He cant answer that he know the Trump are a fully vaccinated because Don is smarter than a believing Trumper….he won he won lol
TSC, you got the clot shot(s). How many? Need a BOOSTER?
Australia has a benefit program for the vax killed survivors, USA not ….yet.
Look at what the truth is now , on the clot shot , that is in you now TSC. Can’t change that .
Lied to? Unhappy? Petulant again?
Me? Pure blood.
Trump and I have the vaccine
Israeli researchers have been arguing since last year, on researching the vast data from the extreme vaccination program instituted there, that evidence suggests that the ‘vaccine’ while protecting the vaccinated from symptoms ALSO makes them also highly contagious when they encounter the actual virus (and get infected asymptomatically) possibly more so than those actually sick. They discovered cases of nurses, subsequent to vaccination, became unknowingly infected and carried a 4x viral load compared to unvaccinated infected patients. They became very effective spreaders and it would appear forced vaccination of medical staff had a counter-benefit: unvaccinated nurses would be aware of getting ill and call out sick and isolate. Vaccinated ones do not know they are infected and spread the virus.
Current reporting suggests that the US manufacturers were aware that the vaccine does not protect the public but the vaccinated. They appear to have known from the beginning that the diseases process of the virus was largely unaltered in the treated and that benefits are restricted to the disease symptoms of the patient. (This does not make the treatment ‘invalid’ and may save lives.) IF that is true, correct vaccine policy would be to direct it only to those who are at risk, first, and who want it second, and not stress obligation, peer pressure, etc…
Israeli researchers have been arguing since last year, on account of the extreme vaccination program instituted there, that evidence suggests that the ‘vaccine’ actually protects the vaccinated from symptoms BUT makes them also highly contagious when they encounter the actual virus (and get infected asymptomatically) possibly more so than those actually sick.
Current reporting suggests that the US manufacturers were aware that the vaccine does not protect the public but the vaccinated. They appear to have known from the beginning that the diseases process of the virus was largely unaltered in the treated and that benefits are restricted to the disease symptoms of the patient. (This does not make the treatment ‘invalid’ and may save lives.) IF that is true, correct vaccine policy would be to direct it only to those who are at risk, first, and who want it second, and not stress obligation, peer pressure, etc…
So, getting back to politics, Pelosi during 10/19 correctly argued that the ‘Trump’vaccine was rushed and unvetted and not to be trusted. Post 2020, she and the politically savvy (D&GOP) argue for full compliance with CDC. In the end, the whole mRNA experiment was politics; science reserach launched Beta prior to review.
” possibly more so than those actually sick” Correction: – possibly more infectious than unvaccinated sick.
The point is that vaccinated or not, when you are exposed you could be effectively sick. Everyone should be concerned about the lack of research on this question and what it portends for future innovations. Politics and Science do not make good bedfellows.
Also – apologies for the duplicate section. Must have been a errant control-V
May the clot be with You!
You’re an idiot and he isn’t
He’s the reason we have the shot
And I’m crossing my fingers and praying to G-d that I did NOT inject myself with chlorine.
We’re working on a common sense injection for you
Fizzie just goes to show you unlike the brainwashed Democrats the other parties actually believe in individual thought, research and making your own decision and being responsible for your own decisions
Do you believe Trump won?
He did win
Hard to say – evidence is that the Trump ticket just did not commit anywhere nearly enough fraud to offset the Biden’s “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”.
Next time, they’ll switch off to the other party and may the best fraudster win! History books in 2054 will teach that Biden, with the better fraud machine won. Then some GOP with a better one won after that, and then several succeeding Dems will grab it back with fraud. We’ll be just like Mexico.
You can bet Pete White’s pronouns that the dems cheated
I watch FOX Media to know what the dumbest Red State white racist men think…It is pure fear that the moron movement is fueld by.If its not white or a man it needs to be controlled.
How’s that “Build Back Better” thing going TSC?
How is that border wall going and how much have the Mexicans paid toward it so far? Nothing, you say? Oh wow man! OH no…you say the American taxpayers have had to pay for the hwole thing so far? Oh wow man!
I know a lot of todays youth have paid with the lives because of Xiden’s open border policy.
Fentanyl kills Fizz. The cartels are coloring it to look like Halloween Candy, but yet you keep talking about Trump. How long has he been out of office now?
Less time than Hillary or Obama but you guys never let up on em. thanks for asking
Sotero started renewing bad race relations in the USA amongst other evil , remember “fast and furiuous” starring Eric Holder ?
H-Beast took it to treason. She paid FBI for fabricated eviednce summer 2016, Barry’s FBI/DOJ ran with that!!!
7 years later…….nothing.
and then Abe Lincoln went and got hisself shot blah blah blah
“and then Abe Lincoln went and got hisself shot blah blah blah”
Meaning Abe was a Rebublican, who was shot by a racist, and the murderer was a racist. The a member of, racist party of Democrats who founded,……..the KKK
And today the KKK has their home with the 77 year old fascist Trump
KKK is a democrat organization
There is not an open border…you’re lying because you don’t know any better as FOX informs you
And there are no drugs coming in to the USA over that closed border and Pittsfield doesn’t have a gang problem.
How much US taxpayer money, has Biden/RINOs/Liberals laundered in Ukraine, so far? How much on 2 MILLION NEW CRIMINAL ALIENS?
600 BILLION IS THE LOW BALL, on Ukraine. The criminals he’s imported? Nobody knows/want’s to admit to.
Is the bridge fixed on Holmes Rd yet? No? Why?
Liberal State/Local Gooberment cross to bear on Holmes rd bridge, the State runs mASS Highway.
P.S. The mASSholes told us the I-90 turnpike was going to be “free” when the bond was paid off.
How did that work out?
Got your “free” transponder” to keep the graft to Beacon Hill cesspool/black hole flowing?
He could have paid for 2 electric cars for every American with that money. Think of how that would have helped their climate agenda and helped Americans so they wouldn’t be paying high gas prices, but no, his globalist friends are more important.
Ask dementia Joe why he halted construction
I saw TSC ridding around with his Pontiac Trans Man
Biden administration , sued for colluding, with big tech to censor “free speech”!!!
TSC, speech free, collusion, big tech………..are YOU outraged….yet?
Judicial Watch brought suit.
You are a perfect example of why artificial Intelligence needs more oversight before it can be trusted. The experimental versions are not ready and you are exhibit A. Get back to the lab and get some rewiring ASAP.
YOU doubt Judical Watch?
go to:Huff Post, CNN, NYT, MSNBC……all discredited “fake news”.
Biden is fascist and incontinent
Sounds racist should you not be banned from social media?
And you look in the mirror to understand the word obtuse.
“Take your protein pills and put your helmet on.”
Love it!
I thought this was a picture of Porkchop Pete putting his thinking cap on, as he ponders over the answers and solutions to his “houseless” project he’s been working on since 2018.
Or….if you saw the movie Pulp Fiction, maybe Porkchop Pete is “getting into charatcer,” as council prez Pee Pee Pete, is removing ‘The Gimp’ from his crate.
A little behind the scenes of how Pittsfield “leaders” spend taxpayer money.
It’s not like either of these two took their families on vacation with taxpayer money to another continent. That kind of fraud would never be tolerated by these two penny pinchers.
You have very little room to call out people with ridiculous hats. And odds are you or someone you know paid actual money for that embroidered mess.
My hat says Non-Bidenary
You hat says ASSHAT
I crapped on your hat before you put it on!!!
I was worried about You being not full of , now your head/hat can refill your ears/head
Well played!
Many of us have similar caps or tee shirts. There is a world of difference between a baseball cap and Pete White’s buffoonish head dress.
Very nice hat, Danno
That black strap in front looks like a bit that would go in a horseys mouth. Maybe that is where the mayor attaches the reins she uses to yank his ass back in line when he has an independent thought.
So White was the first spaceshot and not Stephanie Wilson?
He was the one with the white privelege
I think I saw him at with that head dress at Coachella earlier this year. The groupies were all over him.
If they have an opening at clever school you should enroll.
Can you check into it for me please?
LGBT/et. al. training is overfilled with Liberals, get on the waiting lists, Fizze
I checked. You need an IQ of at least 75 to get in. Sorry Charlie.
The image, perplexing as it is, is yet very humanizing.
Piquant. Jensaykwoi….
I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
pardon my french. Love the reference!
Slow news day huh that we have to resort to this? What journalism!
Yeah, S-L-O-W, TB! That’s the perfect word for a column that features perhaps the S-L-O-W-E-S-T public office holder in the city. Thanks for reading!
Dan I’m surprised at you, obviously, you didn’t get the Diversity, equity, inclusion memo. The real equity agenda is: elevating incapable people.
I am not one to defend Pete, but obviously you fools are not Voltron fans. He was attending a literal Voltron convention, VolCon. I’ve seen him selling things at card and collectible conventions. It’s a hobby… let the man be. His post was a tongue in cheek poke at the ridiculousness and scope of the helmet itself.
Something tells me if the current VP was searching for love on a dating website and added “avid fan of card and collectible conventions,” to his dating profile, it wouldn’t make Porkchop Pete a hit with the ladies.
That is of course, if he liked ladies. Not that it matters. I don’t want to be falsely accused of being an “ist or phobe,” by trustworthy sources like the NAACP’s Helen “Handgun” Moon.
If I was that helmet I would be the one that was embarrassed.
If anyone missed the Diehl-Healey debate it can be found here…
Thanks for posting.
And what was your opinion of the debate? I would never vote for Healey, a progressive liberal!
I agree, I would never vote for Healey either. I thought Diehl showed a better understanding of business and the economy, whereas Healey was constantly bashing Trump.
Has little pudge Pete White taken a job with Spacely Space Sprockets?
Word is that Cogswell Cogs has hired him in a case of industrial espionage. We haven’t heard the last from Mr. Spacely.
Hold your horses on that hire. I heard Elroy, Judy (have to meet DIE hiring standards), and even Astro, have put in for that job. Astro now identifies as a non-binary, female ostrich.
Under progressive politics, this passes muster for all POC and homosexual white men, to get hiring and ARPA gift preferences.
Straight white men, much like federal aid for white FL hurricane victims, you’re $hit out of luck.
Back to the job, in my book, Porkchop Pete is the #4 candidate.
Will somebody explain what the qualifications of a curator for the Edward M Kennedy FIUNDATION is supposed to be,what does Mr. Hinds have that qualifies him?
The Fifth Annual BOOTLICKER AWARD this weekend on the Planet. Any late entries?
Ward 3 councilor and ward 4 councilor….the utilities on every street are not returning the roads to like new condition…most of the utility repairs in the road are sunken and 4 to 5 inches below street level……Why is this happening councilors.Dodge Donna Deborah all need repairs to the repair….unsafe….Egremont by the School driveway
That’s weird. Just checked and three spots on my road raised 4-5 inches above street level.
I’ll pound them down – tell me if that works
Put a republican hay bale inside, torch it, plea to a CWOF while Andrea’s still in office – problem solved!
I went by Your house at a 100 mph TSC, and pissed out the window without getting a drop in the back seats.
The PHS boiler replacement and all universal and plumbing is in the 30 million range…..Its a terrible environment in PHS….110 degrees in 1 room and no heat in the next….tear down PHS
Yeah. Fire and Ice
Just to fix a boiler? Do new buildings come with free boilers?
Da mayoral excuse is hosting a homeless forum on PCTV tonight at 6 pm. Seinfeld will be on channel 36 at the same time but the mayors show may be funnier because it will feature actual clowns and the Peters may be two of them. Unknown if White will wear his wooden skull cap but it is not like it blocks any brains waves because there are none. Don’t miss it and we can all share the giggles tomorrow.
Will Councilor Maffuccio be there tonight. Shouldn’t be giving an explanation to Ward 7 seven residents why nes been absent at Clowncil meetings? I meanand he is getting paid