(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MAY 31, 2023) — Last Tuesday (May 23) THE PLANET‘s Right Honorable Good Friends had a splendid time. The meeting released certain tendencies, once latent, that have become characteristic.
Our Good Friends branded themselves.
Position … Name … Nickname … Claim to “Fame”
Ward 1 … Ken Warren: Hot Wind Man. For or against? Up? Down? One never knows. Depends on the wind.
Ward 2 … Charles Kronick: Sir Chaz. Has earned every cutting sword-tap of his knighthood. Council MVP.
Ward 3 … Kevin Sherman: Mr. Peabody’s best bud. Good lad. Has the sense to exit before expiration date.
Ward 4 … Jim Conant: The Barbarian. Silent Jim. Always sure “yes” for the mayor. Now that’s dependable!
Ward 5 … Patrick Kavey: Kave-In. Disappears for tight votes, fetches mayor’s slippers for everything else.
Ward 6 … Dina Lampiasi: Climate change. Suffers from der kronickfrenzy. Fatal disease, no cure.
Ward 7 … Tony Maffuccio: MIA-Maff. Missing in Action. Even when he’s there, he’s not there.
At-Large … Peter Marchetti: Gavel. Untapped potential checked by what, exactly? A deep, inner sadness?
A-L … Pete White: Pee Pee. Gavel’s mini-me. Facebook caloric cretin will doom Marchetti for mayor.
A-L … Earl Persip. Dumpster. Made “The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich” Berkshire’s biggest tourist attraction.
A-L … Karen Kalinowsky. Kal-El. Folds easier than origami paper. Is there a double-digit IQ in the house?
———- ooo ———-
Such a diverse group: three known queers (using their preferred term as in “LGBTQ“), one lesbian, one of-color, three non-participants, three lame ducks, one misplaced soul, and one who dares to “get it.” Realistically, there’s no much to expect from this assemblage. Instead of fulfilling its charter role as municipal co-governor, this council exists simply pass everything The Suits order through the corner office.
At the open mic portion of the meeting, supercitizens Alex Blumin and Craig Gaetani pushed back the orchestrated tide of anti-Kronick petitioners Gallagher, Farkas, O’Leary, and Kempthorne.
Blumin had a great line in speaking against a $150,000 PEDA grant to a medical waste disposal company (PathogenX). He closed by saying: “You disagree with me? Come and talk.” Gaetani argued that given the prevalence of 6-5 votes, always in favor of the Administration, that council votes should require a supermajority. That would be 8-3.
Say what you will about these two chaps, but THEY SHOW UP. Too bad they often have to carry this burden alone.
Blumin comes from old Soviet Russia. He knows oppression and relishes the opportunity to criticize government without risking exile in a Siberian gulag. In his professorial days, THE PLANET had Blumin as a composition student. No one tried harder to learn and perfect his English. Look at it this way. Say you relocated to Russia without knowing the Russian language. Do you think you would have the fortitude to learn the language well enough to participate in the public arena?
Gaetani and THE PLANET go back to the days when he was in the drum line of The Cavaliers. Our best friend, Mario Panetti, was in the horn section. Mr. G is a fixture at public meetings. He also contributed to moving “the discussion” forward through his TV show on PCTV as well as his candidacy for public office.
Gaetani has taken out papers for Ward 6 and mayor. By July 28, he must decide which office to pursue. Whichever it is, THE PLANET urges him to organize (ya can’t go it alone!!!), spend some money on marketing, and to knock on a lot of doors. He must do that to have any shot not only at office but at credibility. Run or get off the track.
———- ooo ———-
The meeting itself became a “Let’s Gand up on Sir Chaz, because
- (a) he hasn’t played ball
- (b) he won’t keep his mouth shut and
- (c) by actually arguing for logical reform, he’s a threat to the smug deals of the status quo.
THE PLANET tells Sir Chaz to keep giving them hell.
We will also note that he’s now on a 10-1 council. Hot Wind Man cannot be depended upon, MIA-Maff is not there, and Kal-El talks big but bails come vote time. Must be an Appalachian thing.
“The attribution of hypocrisy when it’s not there is the worst form of cynicism” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Blumin should run in and Charles at large.
He’d be better than that nincompoop Costa.
Please take a look at Mayor Linda Tyer’s fiscal year 2024 municipal operating budget for Pittsfield politics that will begin on July 1st, 2023:
Budget Overview | Fiscal Year 2024 (
It states that next fiscal year’s increase in expenditures will be: $15,698,802 – from the current fiscal year 2023 municipal operating budget. The entire proposed operating budget is: $216,279,457.
In return for a couple hundred million dollars and change, taxpayers will receive rock bottom public services and Level 5 public schools – the worst rating by the state government.
North Street has 15 empty storefronts. North Street is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” instead of a business district. The inner-city distressed neighborhoods that surround North Street are sarcastically called “The Ring of Poverty”. Over 1,000 gang members live in inner-city Pittsfield. The FBI’s annual reports always cite Pittsfield as being in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for violent crime. Neighborhoods that abut “Berkshire Roots” – the single largest grower of marijuana in the Berkshires – on Dalton Avenue complain to no avail to the city about Pittsfield Pot King “Luciforo’s” stinky pot growing odors. The soon to be 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle has millions of dollars in unfunded liabilities that always grow larger and larger as time goes on. The city has hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts plus OPEB unfunded liabilities. (A recession is predicted later this year 2023 into next year 2024).
The Pittsfield City Council always votes in line with the outgoing mayor, who lives in a mansion in a Gated Community within a few feet from the Hancock border, and who at this time next year will be collecting her 6-figure city public pension plus perks that is estimated to cost taxpayers several million dollars if Linda Tyer lives into her 80s.
When one speaks out about any or all of these matters, one faces retribution in Pittsfield politics. To illustrate, Mayor Linda Tyer is not publicly saying that her third husband Barry Clairmont’s, who is a multimillionaire CPA, over three-year-old civil lawsuit against Melissa Mazzeo should not discourage Free Speech and civic participation in the city government. (I would never apologize to Barry Clairmont either, Melissa Mazzeo. We have the right to Free Speech in politics!).
Jon Melle
Trump in Iowa to tell them he is not a traitor.Whay a POS he is.
I see TDS is in full swing this spring, you and all your aliases can’t get enough of Trump, Try focusing on local politics. This is where your Democrat Party is screwing the Kapanski’s. I know this causes you much angst and probably fuels your mental illness towards the orange man. There is a cure and that is to vote anything but D
TSC focuses on local cannabis and local alcohol.
Trump and DeSantis are the politicians who want to save this country from the Marxists and the globalists. There are others too, but right now these are the two front runners for the Republicans. In the end though I think it will be the people of this country who will save us from the bad guys who are bent on destroying this country with far left policies.
Experts are warning AI could lead to human extinction. Are we taking it seriously enough?
Analysis by Oliver Darcy, CNN
Updated 3:56 AM EDT, Wed May 31, 2023
Trump and DeSantis cannot save us from this.
No democrats are bent on destroying this country.
Get back on your meds
Don will be 80 years old when he is sentenced for leading the insurection of Republicans against our democracy.Saudi Arbia gave Ivanka Trump 2 billion dollars for ?
Very fake news
Did you get another bad ice cube?
I’d like to see an analysis of tonight’s city council/school committee meeting. Last week’s meeting is old news.
Why was TFB allowed more than 3 minutes at the public comment mike?
Who in the PPS signed off on the illegal contract with the GA employment agency to provide paraprofessionals at a rate much higher than the PPS paras?
What size lawsuit will result from this issue?
Why is the Supt. ignoring the behavior problems rampant in the city’s schools?
Why is a DEI HR Mgr needed? That woman is useless!
Why isn’t there a plan to mothball an elementary school or two?
The school budget is nuts – and needs to be cut ASAP!
Some aggresive and starkly hateful remarks were made in that context.
Cultural re-education camps?
Kalinowsky, did a great deal of prep, as did several others, for School budget and made a good challenge. Three votes ‘No’ tells the SC and admin that performance is valued higher than promises.
Why didn’t you, or any other councilor, make a single motion to cut the school department budget? You didn’t even try!
You appear to be a grandstander and nothing more than that. How do you expect the budget to shrink if you don’t propose a cut?
Do you understand how the process works? You are in your second year, rookie mistake is no longer an excuse.
Good question. Rewind the tape to get your answer. City Council does not run the School Committee. Reforming the school budget is primarily driven by reforming the school administration and PHS structure. I would have thought that someone calling himself worldwide would know that you cannot slash your way out of a problem anymore than you can spend your way out.
I was not interested in cutting the School Budget.
I was interested in realigning the spending and noted the extreme risk aversion that generated that budget. The angle of repose that presentation presented indicates failure in leadership; fear of adjusting wages, fear of ending remote learning, fear of closing schools, fear of bringing in house paraprofessionals. The issues are not budgetary concerns.
The schools are failing, morale is shot, and the administrators’ solution is to give themselves pay hikes and hire more principals. I assume that if we were to spend more on students’ educational and creative needs, focus on improving performance (not studying their opinions), addressing discipline and safety, we would stem the attrition, attract students from other districts, and the per capita spending could fall. Sometimes you spend money to make it.
So, as you know, the School Comm. is the custodian of the PHS budget, and the Council can simply deny them the budget. That is what I did.
If three more grandstanding councilors voted no too, maybe the Comm will have to spend a few more hours and get the Superintendent to make some risky choices.
By the way, I have come to appreciate you too as a grandstander. Compliments!
You are allowed to cut the schools budget.You are not allowed to tell t hem how to spend it…..You state that you are cutting 8 million from school department and they will spend what you give them at their discreation…It’s that simple are cautious approach to 2024 recession by the FED and the crazy republican fascist radicals
I want the SC and the superintendent to return to the classic model of education: creativity, critical thinking, foundational knowledge, physical ability. That is: preparing a young person to grow independently and discover a creatively satisfying life.
There are two conventional objectives of education, this committee has adopted a third which is to serve the class of admins.
That meeting was over by when the third administrator got the floor.
Explain how talking dollars and cents makes sense, when no one will support it and the bigger issue is that the schools are a failed experiment in social theory.
Curtis doesn’t care about the kids. His answer to underperforming schools is to shift underperforming kids into different schools to make his numbers look better.
Actually the smart ones are leaving, opting out to other schools. Not settling for level five for the children they care about. Kudos to them.
Excellent concise analysis that goes way over the heads of almost all city administrators who would really not hear about it at all. See no evil, hear no evil…let’s just party.
Cuckoo man
Your job as a City Councilor is to propose cuts if you think there is fat in the budget, which is what you stated last night. You failed to propose those cuts and convince your fellow councilor’s to join you.
You failed us.
The PPS committee job is to advocate to suck as much money out of us as they can. You allowed that to happen.
You’re right, MR W, about the school committee’s job. The problem begins THERE. If the PSC flops, then it becomes the council, along with mayor, to right the ship. If you say SIR CHAZ “failed us,” then why single him out? Why not mention the 10 bobble heads who sit with him? Care to respond?
Dan, I disagree with you on hoisting Kronick upon some kind of hero pedestal. In my opinion, he’s just another egotistical kook who likes to hear himself. That doesn’t mean I believe he’s dangerous, but I do believe he’s just another theatrical egotistical kook. That said, I agree with your assessment of Alex Blumin. Alex came to this country and did what foreigners use to do, he assimilated. He learned the OUR US Kings’ English language. We didn’t all have to learn his foreign language to accommodate him emigrating to OUR United States of ameriKa foreign country.
Thanks, CITY.
Thank you for running this website –one and only
Free Speech Voice in Berkshires!
There is an empty seat on the School Committee. Your primary challenger is 18 years old. A man as sophisticated, well travelled, and erudite as Mr. Worldwide should be able to secure both seats.
I expect to see your name on the ballot. Put it there or, I don’t know…shove it up your ass.
You were doing so well!
Some people like their hamburger raw.
Gavel nutz Marchetti told Kronick that the meeting was all about approving or disapproving the school budget as presented. Kronick voted not to approve it along with Karen K and Tony M. The other 8 are spineless buffoons.
On the plus side Pete White will probably paste a picture of his free sandwich on Facebook tomorrow.
Would that the tape were viewable.
Most important part are the open mic speakers and Principal Light. Listen to the four of them and you have a good idea what needs to be done.
Heap too many chiefs in school department and not enough indians.maybe Curtis smokin peace pipe with whacky tobacci.
Well we do know why nine (9) city councilors did not make a motion to cut the school dept. buget don’t we? We don’t even gotta ask them cuz they be puppets, or bobble heads as my cat like to call them.
Kronick doesn’t know his job, he thinks he does but he doesn’t. So he runs around like a chicken with his head cut off and gets zero done.
Of course he could be more involved in the school budget and the ENTIRE budget process but he doesn’t even care really.
Kronick does not care? That is where you put your main focus? You must work at the Mercer building huh?
Is this lothrop? Is your phone still ringing?
If you could replace those in the Mercer building with the three stooges our schools would benefit greatly.
Including Shemp, Besser, and DeRita.
You’re creepy and you’re spooky, and you’re altogether ooky. You’re theatrical to the point of absurdity. And your absurd performance accomplishes nothing positive for the good of the city or its taxpayers. I can’t remember a time when the city council consisted of a majority of sincere civic-minded ethical people. Krolchetti has a proven record of always being on the wrong side of advocating for the good of the city and its tax paying citizens. Kop Kalinowsky is inclined to say the right things, but I seriously doubt her sincerity. I believe she’s just more bizarre theatre of the absurd. Connell and Morandi, their hearts may, or may not have been in the right place. But in any case, they were to two oddballs out allegedly attempting to advocate for the taxpayers. Joe Nichols was another oddball. But at least he’s not the unethical screwball dyke he shouldn’t have lost to. Yon, Tully, Conant, Amuso, Maffuccio, who actually looks worse than Death Warmed Over. Kavey, the only good thing I can say about him is that he’s not Lothrop. Other than that, he’s just another puke. Simpleton short bus gimpy pee pee white. Sherman, like Cotton, is another colossal waste of oxygen. The BIG BROWN DUMP Persip, I trust him as far as I can throw him. Warren, another goof. Like Kronick, Warren talks a lot, and says absolutely nothing constructive. The city of Pittsfield and its taxpayers are represented by same regurgitated bile time and time again to the point of making the city and its taxpayers sick to death. Pittsfield doesn’t need a pompous queer unethical mayor or a smirky smarmy unethical mayor or a waste waterlogged wizard mayor. We need someone with at least an ounce of integrity.
I just said it, but that was just before I saw this, so now I’ll say it again, YOU’RE A KOOK! And now I’m reassessing my opinion on just how REALLY dangerous you REALLY are. KOOK!
Maffuccio, Kronick and Kalinowsky have backbones. The other eight are spineless. That sums up the most recent meeting.
Dr. Rob Moir’s letter to the editor of the Boston Herald left out the biggest piece of the Climate Change pie: The Chinese and U.S.A.’s Military Industrial Complexes. China and the U.S.A. combined account for a little less than 50 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions because the two countries have the world’s largest militaries.
The U.S. Government’s number one non-farm export is arms sales. Last week, the news media reported that Joe Biden set new records as U.S. President for arm sales exports and the foreign buyers of U.S. arms sales exports being authoritarian regimes around the world that have no regard for Human Rights, Democracy, and so-called Rules-based institutions.
Since the end of WW2 in 1945, the U.S.A. has used endless wars and limitless arms sales exports to make Wall Street trillions of dollars in profits. The tradeoffs include many millions of innocent people around the world being killed over the past almost 78 years, a warming planet, and the message of “Peace through Strength” really meaning Blood Money.
That billionaire John Forbes Kerry is Joe Biden’s Climate Czar exemplifies that the financial, corporate and ruling elites are the real culprits of Climate Change because all of the elites profit off of wars and arms sales exports. John Kerry should be called Biden’s hypocritical HOT AIR envoy!
Jonathan A. Melle
Dan to nice with your comments on these city employees. Someone once nicknamed them the “Clowncil” which I feel fits them to a T. How can anyone who voted in favor of any part of this budget look at the citizens/taxpayers of Pittsfield in the eye with a smile? Sherman was the one who spearheaded the new city charter so you know he just ran last time to block someone for running and for some easy cash because not much has happened the last 2 years, it was mostly run from home. Dumpster is a bully and I believe he advertised how nice Pittsfield is for the vagabonds that has descended to the Pitts. Warren, Conant and Kavey are kept puppets without any backbone. This city is run by the unions of the school committee so that is why we keep spending exorbitant amounts of money for imbeciles to give us a level 5 school…..Can someone NOT bring in the clowns????
Dan. Why the Kalinowsky bias? Last week she proposed to cut out four or five new parol cars.
Going by what I am seeing on the roadways the city has a shit ton of new city vehicles. And I see a lot of them in driveways after hours so apparently there are so many the city has no other place to house them so peeps be havin ta take em home.
Rules for personal use of vehicles and other city property and resources have gone ignored for years. The next mayor must do an audit of such illegal use.
Right Dan. And which of the current candidates do you think might have the balls to do such a thing?
Craig Gaaetani would. The other two are not likely to break any part of the Tyer mold. Would not be surprised if they hired a chauffeur for themselves.
To do this, a candidate must win. If he does not campaign, he has no chance. CG needs to step up to the plate or take his bat and ball and go home. I call upon him to make a declaration of intent: Will he actually campaign, with all that it implies, or will he continue as he did the previous time he had his name on the paper for corner office?
Several reasons. (a) Kal-El has refused all requests for comment. As a representative, she has an obligation to answer inquiries from media. She joins Lampiasi as the only ones on the council to display such cluelessness. (b) Her proposals to “cut” are mere show, faux courage because she know they have no chance to pass. (c) She caves too often on votes. (d) She’s over her head, as illustrated on how she let The Suits snooker her so easily on the “bike lane” referendum.
“er proposals to “cut” are mere show, faux courage because she know they have no chance to pass. “
I do disagree on that. She reveals the hard facts.
You are not “the media” you are a tiny man with a big ego and nothing to back it up but rumors.
This is the Weekly World News of Berkshire county.
Die help needed.
Kalinowsky doesn’t view you as media because you don’t behave like media. Too often you make gratuitous attacks on persons and positions, and seem more interested in making a splash than chasing down the truth. (sorry)
And you would know that how, K? If what you say is true, and it may be, then I underestimated her ignorance. She’s what we call “a Pittsfield dope.” It has a specific meaning and application which takes great a great appreciation for subtlety.
and yet she stands head and shoulders above almost all the morons she has to work with. I see her as a person with actual character and would much prefer to be in a foxhole with her than the self serving asshats she has to try to work with on the council. They have abandoned their responsibilities and are taking care of themselves at the expense of the people they pledged to represent.
You seem to be making my case for residents to pack up their stuff and look for a home outside the mess that Pittsfield is.
By the way, did the subject of how many kids opted out of the Pittsfield school system come up? I heard there were so many opting out that surrounding schools had no more room for any more.
Don’t other they’re here
One who keeps tearing around,
One who can’t move…
Kronick and Kalinowsky telling Curtis to cut the fat.
But neither making ANY proposal to cut the budget. Worthless. All talk and no action.
You must watch the hearings. And, you should also bone up on the City Code which mandates a pay hike.
I submitted a petition, now referred to O/R to abolish the mandated COLA. That petition will reduce future budgets if it gets ordained. They mayor will not be forced to provide them and the Council will not be compelled to approve them. You should lobby for it and do your civic part.
I have been criticized by fellow councilors for making too many suggestions for cuts. Both big and small are roundly suppressed. Some say the big ones are too big. “You shall destroy the HR department!” Others say they are too small, “Wasting time here. Let’s wait to the last hearing.”
To date, we cut my vote included, $50,000 from a fixed cost acccount. We’ll pay that 50K from Free Cash as it is workers comp and that we shall pay. You should have challenged that cut as a symbolic cut.
I have called to reduce bonuses that exceed the 5% ceiling. I even proposed cutting health insurance back $1,000,000. Shortfall in 2024 paid from Free Cash. Future shortfall corrected by increasing employee share (currently 20%). That would reduce this budget’s appropriation (not the actual budget) for 2024 and reduce future BUDGETS and give the mayor negotiation power with the Unions.
Marchetti, begins each session warning me that my proposals for cuts will not be entertained by the majority. If that is a problem for you, I suggest that you take that up with him.
Thank you for your support. Your critique is that which drives excellence!
Marchetti is going to oversee next year’s recession and a 5.5% unemployment rate…..Marchetti will act surprised the markets collapsed and unemployment almost doubled.He is a banker and he should know that our economy is in a forced collapse.WAKE UP CC and Marchetti. The average SS check is 1700 per month Pete….Not every house has 250 k in income like you do.
Marchetti being a banker AND city council president is hilarious given his rubber stamping of every god damn spendathon his puppet master laid before him. His being mayor would be like a blacksmith trying to do dentistry.
Hell have an itch and scratch and blame the budget as well as the itch on Covid three.
Kalinowsky is mvp sorry Dan.
Famous council quotes from past. Pete White.I don’t want to waste the Charter Commissions time. Dina Disco. We’re wasting our time? And John Krol.. I think I speak for everybody we’re all tired and wanna go home. Marchetti let’s Bouvier talk for eight minutes last night.Aside. Wait till you see the new tax and water bills. Not Pretty.
I didn’t get to see Tricia Farley-County Buffet (D-illegal immigrants and prostitutes) speak her wisdom.
I hate to ask, but what was she pitching to the CC/City? Taking in more illegals in Pittsfield? Opening up a hoe-house on North Street? I’m sure she talked at great lengths of the great benefits “grant money” brings to Pittsfield.
She just talked. That’s all.
She patted herself on the back for getting state money to the schools. She was pointing/waving her finger at the city council & demanding the school budget be approved (“more money for ESL, more money for immigrants”). She was speaking during the public comment period & should have been cut off at 3 minutes.
Bag of hot air.
The city of Pittsfield has already been host to a hoe-house on North Street. The pimp for this centrally located North Street Senior Citizens hoe-house in beautiful downtown Pittsfield was a Child Protective Services approved foster father pimping out his own foster kids. Welcome to Pittsfield’s downtown up street Sin City. You can’t even make up this shit!
Why does Gavel remind me of Angie Maine?
Moronic Kronick suffers from too many high colonics.
He wanted to clean out his ears but his head is stuck up his rear.
So he has to blast his bum to reach his cranium.
Take this note as your final warning that your writings may be matter for a libel suit. I do not mention lawyers casually.
Charles I disagree. The Planet himself has been as vulgar. The second amendment guarantees it.
Libel is a specific complaint. And, my complaint is precise. 2A permits rudeness and vulgarity, not libel. Further, satire and vulgarity are fair game.
I have given notice prior for libel. This note was a reminder that communications with me by this individual are advised to go to my lawyer.
Reestablishing the right to defend the personal reputation of people public and private is a worthy cause and a benefit to civic society.
It’s saturism. Would a judge really believe someone meant your reputation harm because your head was up your arse. First of all that’s physically impossible. When I say something like that I’m not inclined to be a fan of yours and less of the idiot is trying to make a funny with a fictitious name
I do not have any problem at all with his poetry. I encourage that. I’d rather it be in limerick form which follows:
Line 1: intro thought
Line 2: Fact
Line 3: Fact with some innuendo. Tease.
Line 4: unexpected twist.
Proper rhyme and rhythm.
All limericks are good in the most pure Platonic measure of Good with regards to poetic satire. They suck if you compare them to a sonnet, and Plato instructs to keep this comparison relevant.
I invite all subjects of Pittsfield, must be currently residing here, to compose a limerick commemorating some aspect of Sir Chaz. Let there be a competition. A democratic vote and the best be selected to share a luncheon with me at the Soda Chef.
Otherwise, I refer to a slur, not printed here, which is a libel and is not protected from consideration. We have let slurs and libels dictate the language of good people throughout Berkshire County. Even public officials are issuing them from city offices and directing them at employees to keep them in line.
So you are saying you are Quick Take?
Tis true.
See what I mean. The first amendment will trump the second. It’s not what you say it’s what you mean. There is no way for you to prove his insult true or false. Just do the Charter Objection.
Last one. Run for mayor Charles?
You are a political and public figure who has engaged in debate and name calling on this very site. You are in a very very poor position to make any claims of damage or malice.
You would be required to prove actual malice (New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964)) if you had any hope of prevailing.
As a public figure who is engaging the public here, and is often wrong about some of the topics you pontificate on, the critique is not out of line.
You’ve also threatened a SLAPP suit, as a way to proactively censor comment on your performance as a political and public figure. Due to your position that could very well be considered a civil rights violation and comes with heavy penalties.
It’s such a serious topic, MA has its own state laws protecting against such malicious behavior (MGL c.231, § 59H).
The US has a long history of social criticism, parody, limericks, poems, satirical verses and songs about politicians. Freneau is a good example as are the musings of anonymous colonists. Bailey’s printing of an Epitaph for George the III would be in line with the critiques of your performance as a city councilor here. If you are found to have violated a citizens civil rights, you’d not have the legal protections of the city, it’s resources, and can be held personally responsible for treble damages and lawyers fees for the non-moving or cross-moving parties in the case.
Father Superior Court vs. Kronick?
Praise with elation praise every morning
God’s recreation
of the new day
This city is so far gone I’m not sure anyone can fix it. The budget talks are a bust. The same anti citizen councilors are takin Pittsfield further and further into the muck. I’m not even sure that the Gman can fix this mess.He tries and tries but he is only one person. Pittsfield was a very nice place to live but not any more. After a few more raises in property taxes and water rate hikes I will be forced out. Will the last person to leave Pittsfield turn out the lights. Thank you gobsig councilors and Tyler. You have killed pittsfield.
Game Day. I once loved my city more than anything. I cannot believe what has happened to it morally,socially,and now economically. Thought I would always live here but it’s tough. The city isnt the same and neither are it’s citizens. We need a fear strike to wake us up. Someone like Wyatt Earp,or Matt Dillion. Someone like Craig C.Gaetani.
Then, C. GAETANI, actually campaign. Will you do this? Please answer!
Dan I would have contacted you earlier but I truly haven’t decided what seat I am running for. I will campaign as hard as I can for mayor at this time. Neither Marchetti nor Kroll offer this city anything of any substance. They are part of the problem which has plagued pittsfield for the past 15 years and now they want to be mayor. There is no difference between them and tyer. And other past failed mayor’s. The budget is completely out of control and if it is not fixed it will destroy this city. On my TV show today I mentioned what I will do to correct some of the problems which plague this city. I give solutions and they aren’t pretty but they are essential to correct the mess we have here at present. Hard cuts are essential in all city departments. There will be reduction in personnel which are unavoidable and shrinkage of departments. The misery will be spread out and I will make many enemies but I have them already so it’s not new to me.every single dime this city spends will be accounted for. After the dust settles we will have a lean and mean city operation which will allow everybody to breathe easier. These methods of reduction will be welcomed by everyone in time. There is no better way to save our city and our way of life here in Pittsfield. We Must must must cut cut cut to reduce the budget it is the only way to save pittsfield. People here do not even vote any more because they see how bad the city is run but if the taxpayer wants to really change they need very strong leadership who has the same mind set as I have.i do not fear any gobsig candidates or gobsig unionized ass lockers. They are the ones that ruined the city and I will do everything in my power to break up the strangulation of the citizens psyched out stresses. I don’t care who likes me or doesn’t. I will have goals and will strive to institute these goals with the tax and rate payers in mind. I know I can’t reach my goals without the taxpayer by my side but I need a chance to prove myself in the public sector like I did in the private sector. Anyone who would like to help me please contact me at 1413 496 4598 or 1413 281 1089. Please consider voting for me. I won’t let you down. Thank you sincerely–Craig C Gaetani
My good friend, The Kapanskis agree with most of what you would put forward as mayor, but the problem is winning first. You won’t be able to do any of this without winning, and to win, you need to run a proper campaign. Let us know–THE PLANET, the Kapanskis, and our readers–if you are prepared to campaign. If the answer is yes, you will be amazed as how much support you receive. Godspeed.
Dan I am in this race to win and will campaign very hard. The kapanskis are always on my mind. We have to throw them a life line. You are very similar to me in the way we look at things. You have had to go it alone just like me but we are still Standing and are very relavent.The Kapanskis view us as potential saviors and we must be, as there is very few people who are as fearless as us. I wish we were young again and know what we have learned these past 75 years. We had our exciting times with the drum corps and thoughts of those days make me smile as I’m certain they do you also. We have a lot of work to do brother. Your blog is must see daily to keep the suits in their place. I often use some of your material on my show. Keep up the good fight. I think we will see big changes in Pittsfield very soon. Adios me amigo
Thanks for the reply, CRAIG. You’re a good man.
As far as I am concerned Craig, you are the only credible candidate.
If I lived in Ward 6, which I don’t, I would vote for you. Dingbat Dina needs to be replaced. Prove yourself first in Ward 6.
However, concerning the mayor’s race, my constructive criticism is that 1) you are too indecisive and 2) not willing to put forth the effort to run for mayor. You cannot expect people to just show up on your doorstep in support – you have to go out & beat the bushes for votes. That makes me question your energy level.
Good luck.
May I suggest that you direct all your goals and energy into just striving to institute yourself.
Ya know, what has happened to the Pitt is the same thing that happened to 100s of similar size cities across the country with the loss of military, industrial, manufacturing etc. jobs over the past 40 years or so. Pittsfield is no outlier.
But Pittsfield has the added plague of almost zero authentic political representation which makes recovery almost impossible.
Correction. It makes recovery impossible.
Pittsfield is becoming more and more unaffordable to the middle class family by the day. Anyone in this category NOT looking at options to relocate is almost surely going to suffer having to live hand to mouth soon enough. The math proves my point. The meteoric rise in all forms of local taxation are akin to stage four cancer. If you draw up a scale/graph showing not only the escalation, but the projected steepness of the climb, it shows a city headed for life support.
Add to the meteoric climb of taxes, the cities enormous debt. This debt insures that the taxes must stay high, and must continue to climb, to feed the hungry debt load. It is not totally unlike what the federal government is dealing with right now.
Killed Pittsfield?
One thing I can say for sure is that if one wants to sample the negative, cynical, pessimistic view of Pittsfield, planet Valenti is the place to go. That information may be used together with iBerkshires, the Eagle, Pittsfield Now and other info outlets to compile a reasonable assessment of Pittsfield’s future.
We’d find out that one councilor is suing another for breach of civil liberty.
Someone told you civilians have civil rights protections, but you don’t know.
Kalinowsky, Kronick and Maffucio had great questions and comments for curly Joe Curtis. How the hell did CURTIS get the job?
Looks like Krol will have a campaign hootnany. The Lucky Bucket Band and the Riverside Brothers will be featured. Advanced tickets are 45 and 50 at the door. The theme of the gig will be Reignite the Passion,do it for Pittsfield. Friday June 23 6-10 at the Polish Falcon club.
And what is that very colorful shingdig going on at city hall? Is that a campaign hootnanny for the other mayoral hopeful? And are the taxpayers paying for it?
I stated where it AT. Polish Falcons.
Did he try to reignite the passion when he was a city councilor? And just what “passion” is he talking about? Is he some kind of authority on passion?
An interesting comment. I’ve long thought this type of campaign slogan has seen its time and, today, is useless. Your analysis of candidate Krol’s slogan is a case in point. Anyone know Marchetti’s slogan?
Puppet tendencies?
Dan and planet posters.thank you all for kind words and good advise. I see that Kroll theme is reignite the passion. My main theme is:: stop the bleeding of tax payers dollars
Marchetti has stated that he won’t cut the school budget just to cut it. Krol will to add to the budget. But the biggest increase was this year $78 million $5 million increase which would be the highest in history.
Is that something to hang your hat on Mayor Attire?
Did Colonowsky start with when i was a cop? the streets were safe blah blah vomit.
Krol is having a A shindig why the thumbs down I’ve been up reporting factual statements here unless Dan wants Krol and Marchetti tax and spend to be the next mayor.
Krol and Marchetti are not the answer. And Dan knows it. We will be sucked into oblivion. Stop chasing identities Dan. Start find
Ding an alternative to the three current candidates.
I don’t know who’s dumber Muff head disco or dumpster. God Bless Karen. Or more full of sheet Fudd,conant,Or the to open pees
Biden wipes out at Air Force graduation. Time to apply the 25th amendment – the guy’s a mess, couldn’t find the podium even when on stage. Arrest Dr. Jill for elder abuse.
Thanks for sharing, FRITZ. If this was a one-off, OK, can happen to anybody. But this is a regular occurrence. Also, notice after the President shakes hands, for a moment, he appears lost. Then a uniformed man begins to usher him off, when he takes a spill. Hard to watch.
Right onfritz….And of course taxes are being paid by these t I f recipients.Paid for indirectly by the ring t I f they recieve. Taxpayers we are getting screwed. Please dump this City Council. .PLEASE !!!!!
Who the hell is to say a person is going to invest 15 million into a pickle ball facility and whatever goes with it? Show me the money Marchetti. And what conflict of interest is Marchetti talking about? Dump these sorry assess in November. Or we will be a ruined city. The taxes they pay won’t mean squat.
Finance Committee Grades:
Kalinowsky A
Dumpster F
Sloth F-
Pee Pee Sr. F
Kronick F
Look at them all laughing after the fall. They know how bad Biden is, but it’s all a big joke to them. Every time these elderly take a fall like Biden does, they are doing damage to themselves whether they know it or anyone is telling them. He may have popped back up with lots of help, but that doesn’t mean he’s in great shape after that fall. I’ve seen this in many elderly who take a lot of falls. Many end up not being able to walk.