(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JUNE 7, 2023) — On Friday, THE PLANET will be filming the first head-to-head meeting between mayoral candidates Peter Marchetti and John Krol. The event in its entirety will be broadcast on our YouTube channel, PLANET VALENTI VIDEO, shortly thereafter.
This will be the electorate’s best exposure to date of these two men and their campaigns, and since it’s the first, it might be the most important hour+ these candidate will spend together between now and November.
Impressions will be formed — not in the two respective political camps but in the hearts and minds of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the average Pittsfield citizen who doesn’t give two shits about campaign promises. In a close race, these folks will decide things. The True Believers have closed minds, but citizens? No underestimating there.
———- ooo ———-
How does an “incumbent” win a municipal election in Picklefield? Easy.
- Assume low turnout driven by the general public’s apathy.
- Raise (and spend) the money needed to run a competitive campaign. Unfortunately, this is the most necessary step.
- Consolidate your base. “Incumbents” each have a core of diehards, fanatics, family, and friends.
- Avoid policy.
- Ignore the negatives.
- Witch hunt while calling for “a clean campaign.”
Using that simple, six-point plan, THE PLANET looks at the two major mayoral candidates, Peter Marchetti and John Krol.. Craig Gaetani will not be a factor unless he opens his wallet for #2.
“Representative” government “of, by, and for The People” is kaput. It’s a joke even to recite this hallowed phrase in the same breath as “Picklefield politics.” Office holders for the most part act and vote to preserve the status quo and advance the Special Interests. Marchetti and Krol have a wealth of experience in this type of political fetid swamp, though they can’t admit it. EDGE: Even. This is a wash.
Marchetti and Krol are beating the bushes for money. The numbers are interesting. As of 5/31 Marchetti has raised $71,915.75 from 482 donors. This includes four loans to himself from himself for $8,852. Subtracting them out leaves him $63,063.75 from 478 contributors, for an average of gift of $131. Subtract the $3,323.87 he carried over from his 2011 mayoral bid leaves $59,739.88 raised this year from 260 donors. This averages $229.76 per donation. Krol has drummed up $17,255.94 from 146 donors this cycle. This averages $118. Marchetti ended May with $11,626,81 in the bank to Krol’s $4,899.79. You can draw your own conclusions from these numbers. Gaetani has not opened a campaign account. Edge: Marchetti. Money talks.
Each man’s respective “official” announcement played to a full house of family, friends, and loyalists. Krol’s people see Marchetti as an underachieving sellout who lack guts. Marchetti’s backers see Krol as an overambitious opportunist who can’t be trusted. Edge: Krol. The “light up the room” Krol is light years ahead of the somber, low-key Marchetti in stem winding. Watch this factor as the campaigns moves into late summer.
Policy puts people to sleep. On the stump and on their websites they will spout the usual hash about “listening” to the people and “inspiring” the hopes of The Kapanskis. They post the cutesy pictures. They have slogans (Marchetti’s “One Pittsfield” … Krol’s “Reignite the Passion”) that mean nothing. The Kapanskis don’t fall for it by not voting. The ones that do vote feel like suckers after the candidate wins and forgets every promise made. Think “vibrant and dynamic.” Edge: Even. No rocking the boat is the guiding principle. Marchetti has kept the Wonder white bread on the sandwich board. Krol has at least gone for whole wheat.
Nothing bad ever happens to a politician who’s scamming for office. Marchetti calls his slipper-fetching for the mayor proof of “civility and cooperation” in government. Krol says his changing jobs and moving out of Pittsfield were opportunities for personal growth. Edge: Marchetti. He’s defensive about almost everything.
Marchetti and Krol each have pledged a clean campaign. Up front that has largely held true. Backstage, each side’s foot soldiers have talked enough smack to THE PLANET waste Woodstock. Edge: Even. Each side is dishing, though it’s been nowhere near the volume we’ll hear in September through Election Day.
———- ooo ———-
Based on this analysis, THE PLANET sees Marchetti with a slight early lead based primarily on the money. We caution everyone, though. It’s early. Before we get to November, there will be an H-Bomb or two.
Thoughts, everyone?
“If someone has already decided to drown, it’s probably impossible to save them anyway” — Vladimir Putin.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Cant Wait.
Dan, still the 6th now.
Nobody mentioned D-Day.
My dad was not on the beach but was bombing with 8th Air Force.
Where was Biden today, hiding in basement?
Trump went to France on the 6th, 2019 to remember and honor the veterans.
All that will be accomplished in a debate between Kroll and marchetti will be to decide who is the more popular gobsig candidate.Both will split the vote and the real loser will be the kapanskis These are two failed councilors who have lead the city to ruins. It was a big mistake Dan not to invite me to the have accepted that the city will be led by either of these lovers. I offer a new start for the city and do not give up lightly. I have proposed new initiatives for the city and by your muzzling me in favor of two losers is to hand the city over to one of these gob supported candidates. If you think things are bad today in Pittsfield they will only get worse for the no show kapanskis. Kroltyer or Marchetti tyer will be the final nail in the coffin for our beloved pittsfield. A great opportunity to highlight the most qualified candidate insures that pittsfield will continue to sink into oblivion. As an announced candidate I should have equal access to media. This omission on your part places you squarely in the camps of other terrible coverage by other city media sources. I could easily buy the election but that would make me as complicit as the other two light weights. The campaign is early at present and I will run a non status quo campaign. I am disappointed in you but there will be many opportunities to turn this election around to give the kapanskis a competent and fearless candidate who can’t be bought by the disgusting gobsig candidates.dont make things easy for these two gobs as they already have the unionized workers all sowed up. we have to pray that the kapanskis show up in droves . Otherwise it will be business as usual. This is the most important election in the past 50 years. Everybody come to the poles and rid ourselves of such mediocre poorly prepared candidates such as Kroll and marchetti
You haven’t even decided to run for mayor yet. you seem to just want to get your voice heard and bitch and moan, you obviously have no interest and never have of trying to figure out how to actually get elected and connect to the voters. You come off as an unhinged lunatic that is probably very very smart but have no social skills and therefor cannot be elected. just go away or get serious.
Fair point. Mr. G hasn’t even decided which seat he wants. Until he does that and until he gets signatures to be on a ballot, there’s no need to cover his non-existent campaign. And to everyone who views it objectively, an actual campaign is a whole lot more than speaking at open mic and posting comments on a blog. To think otherwise is to pretend.
Everything in your comment seems to be in order, except for the part where you suggest that he is probably very very smart. That line should be changed to he’s so delusional that he believes he’s very very smart. If anyone has any question about how much of a very very unhinged lunatic he really is, may I suggest reading his capitalized ramblings found on Planet Valenti’s blog dated August 2, 2015, titled Latest Murder, Mayhem an Indictment of a Failed Mayor.
He’s a narcissistic egotistical egomaniac.
Please – buy this election!
Ill’ick a buck
If you can easily afford to buy the election why don’t you instead use some of that dough to seriously run a campaign that will get the citizens out in droves to vote for you?Then you won’t feel as complicit as the other two by not having to buy the election. Unfortunately talking about good idea’s here and there alone won’t win the election. You have to show people you are serious about it before they will take you seriously.
I see Marchetti or Krol as the “NO HOPE” candidates. I see Craig as the POSSIBLE HOPE” candidate.
I am going with the guy with the best odds which is Craig. We are dead in the water before we even start with the two embedded special interest candidates who have shown us over and over who they are.
While we cannot be sure Mr Gaetani can improve the pathetic special interest controlled political situation in Pittsfield, we know that the other two absolutely cannot. Craig gives the best odds in my opinion. I am willing to take a chance on him and will not even go to the polls if the other two is all that is offered.
I could give a shit less if he runs a fancy by the book baby kissing charade campaign. (Marchetti looks exactly like the phony he is showing up all of a sudden at local events and grinning like a chimp)
I want a guy or woman who is a real person, warts and all, who will tell it like it is and not be a puppet pretender who will put a knife in my back the day after the election is certified.
I completely agree.
Fact, tRumpy went to France and called the Marines who gave their all at the battle of Belle Woods in WWI, “Suckers and Losers” as confirmed by a Secret Service agent. Is his next indictment coming this week Rube, ROTFL….
So where was Traitor Joseph Stolen last Monday?
Giving our tax dollars to be laundered back from Zelenskey/Ukraine? Selling strategic petroleum reserves to his Chi-Com handlers at the CCP?
Both of those are proven facts. The former by Sam Bankman-Fried/FTX where money made it back to mostly leftists, and some connected RINOs. The latter CCP connections in Hunter’s laptop from hell THE FIB sat on since 2019, and in the Durham report.
Only reason Joe is not in prison is bot THE FIB and DOJ are corrupted.
What sort of things have THE FIB and DOJ frabricated now? H-Beast/DNC put our country through hell with the aid of the Leftists and RINOs on a sham “Russian collusion”.
What should happen is Hillary and collaborators should be up on treason charges. That was shown by Durham to involve the Obama administration and Traitor Joe. But, THE FIB and DOJ don’t want to prosecute, themselves also.
Was the SS agent working for THE FIB? THE FIB’s done a lot lot of lying last 6 years about POTUS Trump.
You can read about it in the Durham report, ya know.
THE FIB was covering for Hunter’s laptop from hell at that time, they had in their posesion since 2019. Detailing the Biden crime cartel/family
Very fake news
Fake news don’t YOU know?
“If they really exist, if people really exist that would have said that, they’re lowlifes and they’re liars,” Trump told reporters late on Thursday night about the Atlantic story. “And I would be willing to swear on anything that I never said that about our fallen heroes. There is nobody that respects them more,” adding, “What animal would say such a thing?”
Trump has received public support from many past and current officials who were with him in France, adding credibility to his easily dismissed denial.
This is while THE FIB, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS… is censoring a TRUE STORY about HUNTER’S LAPTOP FROM HELL.
October 2020
May not have been on the beach, but bombing was HIGH risk!
My Dad had the worst job in the Army. Chemical weapons toxic gas handler. Came home with a Purple Heart,shot in he back of his neck.
Thanks to your dad.
Peter Marchetti is “Candidate Banker” who plays the “kiss up” to power game better than anybody I have ever witnessed in politics. He is plainer than vanilla because he stands for nothing but “Business as usual” in Pittsfield politics which has led to the city losing thousands of people to population loss and many businesses and living wage jobs to economic loss over the past 50 years, while municipal taxes, fees, public debts and other city liabilities are all excessively high. His “One Pittsfield” tagline really means the city being stuck in the ditch.
John Krol is “Candidate Unemployed” who has never proven himself as a successful professional in business or government. He temporarily left Pittsfield for professional opportunities, but it did not work out for him so he moved back to Pittsfield. He is trying to make his comeback in Pittsfield politics, but it is a stretch to believe that his campaign promises to revitalize Pittsfield’s distressed economy are based on reality. He speaks in favor of former Mayor Jimmy Ruberto’s so-called arts and cultural renaissance from a little less than two decades ago, but it failed after only a few years of success and a lot of “Kapanski Ka$h” in the mid-2000s.
Craig Gaetani is “Candidate Fringe” who promises much needed reforms to Pittsfield politics’ city government, but he never receives many votes in local elections. He is well known for getting himself into legal trouble, he is known to raise his voice during public meetings, and he is ignored by the political establishment, and he does not run competitive campaigns. He bases his political image on old school Pittsfield politicians such as the late Peter G. Arlos, who had a lot of people who were upset with his harsh methods of operation in Pittsfield politics. Like the late Arlos, Gaetani is not a consensus builder, and he would not work well with the City Council and/or School Committee.
If I still lived in my native hometown, I would not vote for any of the aforementioned candidates for Mayor of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Instead, I would write-in Bugs Bunny or Santa Claus or Mickey Mouse or my old dog named Chocolate.
Mayors do not focus on consensus. They manage and direct.
If you want to find a body that governs by consensus, you need to join a Society of Friends.
The Mayor of Pittsfield politics manages and directs:
* Level 5 public schools that over 650 students per academic year opt out of to attend neighboring public-school districts
* Pittsfield always being in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for violent crime year-in and year-out, according to the FBI’s annual reports
* A municipal budget that cost taxpayers over $205.6 million per fiscal year in return for “a shit sandwich”
* The soon to be 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle that has millions of dollars in always growing larger unfunded debts and other liabilities that will be paid off by Matt Kerwood winning the Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots
* The city government sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts plus OPEB unfunded liabilities that will be paid off by Matt Kerwood asking Warren Buffett for a cool $1 billion in bailout funds
* North Street’s sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” plus 15 empty storefronts that anyone who doesn’t depend on social services and welfare programs avoids like the plague
* The sarcastically called “Ring of Poverty” inner-city neighborhoods that surround North Street that over 1,000 gang members call home, while the residents try to dodge bullets and all of the other amenities that the underclass’ underbelly brings to Pittsfield
* Allendale Elementary School abutting GE’s Hill 78 capped “leaky landfill” full of PCBs, while Mayor Linda Tyer lives in a mansion in her elitist Gated Community within a few feet from the Hancock border
* State Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier representing Pittsfield in Boston’s corrupt Statehouse by making legalizing Happy Endings massage parlors her number one and only priority in 2023 – 2024
* State Senator Paul Mark being the perfect illustration of a rubber stamp for State Senate President Karen Spilka’s legislative agenda
* PAC Man Richie Neal living on K Street in the Swamp, which, of course, has nothing to do with his mostly rural Western Massachusetts Congressional District
* I almost forgot to mention Luciforo’s Pittsfield Pot Kingdom named “Berkshire Roots” that is the largest grower of marijuana plants in Berkshire County, which stinks up the neighborhoods that abut his Dalton Avenue pot shop
But at this time in next year 2024, Linda Tyer will be collecting her 6-figure city public pension plus perks, and she will retire with her multimillionaire CPA third husband Barry Clairmont, while the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski will continue to pound sand.
Jon Melle
There’s not a thousand of anything. Where are the thousand living?So stupid.
What about the leadoff hitter on opening day who gets a base hit. He’s hitting 1000.
Until he gets up to the plate again and whiffs on three pitches and the crowd boos him off the field and he gets so traumatized by it that he has to see a therapist who tells him that baseball is not really the best thing for him but that if he insists on coming to the ball field everyday there is an opening at the hot dog stand where nobody will criticize him.
So let us not go putting lead off hitters up as examples of excellence and prosperity because fame is fleeting and most often never even gets off the ground.
Yes he is.
TSC is a switch hitter
What is the common thread among these people….they are all Democrats!! Not only that but one’s that you have supported for the most part on this blog. So just look in the mirror to see who created this mess, until you do things will never change
I though your dogs name was fudgey
Nah, that’s Jonathan’s BF name.
Kroll will lose unless he cuts residential taxes to match those of Lenox Ma.Kroll could easily say he will cut every position added under Tyer and Marchetti but he will not do that.
Does Kroll or Marchetti know the average rent in Pittsfield is 1800 bucks to a elderly Social Security resident who gets the average check of 1800.Why aren’t curbs fixed after winter damage?Why is pickleball more important than Allendale school building on a toxic swamp.Tyer failed because Pittsfield gave away tax revenue and subsidized investments.
Kroll should tell every voter he will lead a deep audit of the last 10 years.
Pittsfield Ma. is a sham setup to scam tax cash from the residents.
Do Marchetti and Kroll know the FED wants us to be at 5.5 unemployment rate next year?…..There is no meat in these candidates as we will hear each one will bring jobs….such an ignorant response at this point.
Don’t know why you would get a thumbs down on that one
There seems to be evidence of block thumbs down by a gathering of the local fools. Could be councilors or Marchettis disciples or both. They seem to respond to knocks on the administration mostly.
Kinda wold like to see the total number of ups AND downs for more perspective.
Should title the hour as “whose lies sound the most truthful” ha,ha. My questions for them would be how would the candidate devise a plan to rid the city of all the duplicate positions found in government? Also how would they direct the ARPA money that should have just went to the water and sewer project to lower the citizens taxes and for the most equitable and inclusive project?
or the $10,000 of CPA money to fix the chimney at Arrowhead. Seriously? And ask Marchetti if this is going out to bid or has he already picked his favorite chimney guy?
Yeah, Santa Claus
It is time to get real with the budget.Is there a cocktail party the city council goes to because I have never seen the other ward councilors on the yes vote side come up with an idea on anything.Ward 3 and 4 councilors don’t do ward issues.How can Pittsfield make utilities cuts return to like new condition.Most are sunken and not flat for runoff.Who in Pittsfield is responsible for damage to our streets.These cuts are killing our new roads.All the councilors are not doing the job.
The candidates need to answer the question:
What are the differences in your policies? That will put them on the spot immediately.
Ask them if Tyer has been good for the city.
Don’t expect to much fundamental differences. They both will tax you death. Marchetti is running for his career and Krol for his life.
Beware of marketers in sheep’s clothing. Beware double of bankers, especially the VP’s. There’s a reason they got there and gone no further.
Your right. I’m not worried I can afford all the stuff they’re increasing taxes you name it what I don’t like is when they try to simk our elderly and use our downtrodden for excuses for giving t I f s and not needed upgrades. You said it earlier Sir Charles. A special place in hell.
Marchetti has no choice but to continue to worship her. He backed every failed move she made including raising taxes through the roof and spending most of it on feel good projects that most citizens will never have the need for. Rumor has it that he has a tattoo of her face on his ass. If he says one bad word about her she will pull all his campaign funding and kick him to the curb. He cannot afford to tell the truth if asked that question.
But I would love to see the look on his face when it was asked.
Both of these candidates are posers in my opinion.The fact that Dan stated money walks bullshit talks should tell us that the fix is already in this is all the more reason to go back to two-year terms if they want to buy an election then give them less power, after all,Mostar candidate said they need at least two years more as mayor? After the Tyer failure, Marchetti shouldn’t have any problem or Krol as they’ve been on the council for 10 years or more so that trumps that nonsense. The other thing I like is the Gaetani idea of super majority votes where the Cabal’s puppets are less powerful for the Cabal and the gobsig votes.
I’ll answer that. Hell No.She’s in the The Mount Rushmore running.
Great question.Has all the Tyer spending brought any jobs to pittsfield?How many?Who occupies the 16 million biotech building.How many new positions have been added at the schools the last 5 years. They will say they are leaders who will be to scared to cut jobs added for political reasons. Pittsfield is one big financial mess who can’t see what they are doing.STOP STOP STOP adding new city positions.It takes 100% of 15 residencial home taxes to support 1 new average job at the school department.
Will Krol get real about taxes.Will Marchetti get real about his last 6 budgets…..Why is Marchetti afraid to control budgets.
The PGA loves Saudi Arabia
NBA and LeBron loves the CCP.
Sand Bad Joe loved the Chi Comms
I don’t see why Melissa Mazzeo couldn’t just rent a post office box in the corrupted sewer of Pittsfield and claim residency. linda tyer moved to Hancock thanks to her chubby hubby Dirty Barry’s election night excursion into the darkened inner sanctum of the city clerk’s office where the sacred secret ballots were safeguarded. Rules mean nothing in the corrupt sewer of Pittsfield. Pittsfield is proof that rules are meant to be broken. Case in point, despite Michael Wynn being propped up with the title chief of police, Wynn is just another really dirty cop riding off into the sunset with a taxpayer pension he neither earned nor deserves. And because Pittsfield’s next new chief of police is not a Pittsfield resident, the rules have already been manipulated to accommodate Pittsfield’s new next non-resident chief of police. Mazzeo could easily take the corrupt corner office away from both the pompous gasbag gavel thumper PEE PEE marchetti and his equally evil piss twin, the Most Forked Tongue Holy Roller Pastor johnny krol. To clarify, none of what I posted has to truthful or accurate. This is politics, and there isn’t any truth in politics. The part about Michael Wynn is the exception, because, to the best of my knowledge, that is all true and accurate.
As for GAZILLIONAIRE, Gaetani, rumor has it he’s in his secret Palace basement sharpening his teeth and claws, and inventing THE GAETANI secret serum that will restore him to his youth so he can live out his majorette days all over again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, ad nauseam… and again, and again………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Once GAZILLIONAIR gaetani perfects his serum, he’s going to clone multiples, and multiples, and multiples, and multiple, and multiples, and multiple, and multiple…….and multiples, and multiples……. of himself and form a troupe of him selves, so as to develop a cure to SAVE THE WORLD! And then GAZILLIONAIR gaetani is going to launch his 5000 FT. Yacht, The Water Wizard, off the coast of Lake Onota and sail off to the French Riviera on Holiday. But not to worry, because like MacArthur, Houdini, and Jesus, GAZILLIONAIR gaetani promises to return to his hometown that he so dearly loves so as to run for and WIN all 11 council seats and the mayoral election. Happy Dayz are here again,
So long sad times
Go long bad times
We are rid of you at last
Howdy gay times
Cloudy gray times
You are now a thing of the past
Happy Dayz are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let’s sing a song of cheer again
Happy Dayz are her again
All together shout it now
There’s no one
Who can doubt it now
So let’s tell the world about it now
Happy Dayz are here again
Your cares and troubles are gone
There’ll be no more from now on
From now on
Happy Dayz are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let’s sing a song of cheer again
Happy times, happy nights
Happy Dayz are here again
That could be your best yet. But if your choosing are you really not considering 5he WIZ.
Is good!
Very entertaining post. A bit of comic relief in the Mad Mad World of Picklefield
City. Your post is very entertaining
.notice how the planet traffic increases when the wiz is mentioned. Most of your posts stink to high hell but this latest one is funny and stupid at the same time. Is Joe helping you put these ridiculous posts together? Chill city your overworking your brain and it shows
We will be able to tell by questions whether this is a enabled Cabal set up.
That’s e z Krol…a Little of this and a little of that. Marchetti bank dick And stipend income from president of council
Where are the resumes and salary histories?
Resumes: city council minutes.
Gaetani should be included in the interview. His absence will insure a very dull program. He is the only mayoral candidate to express
Good ideas to make our city significantly better than it is today.the wizard has been campaigning for the past seven years and has brought money saving ideas to the for front. He is beyond doubt the most accomplished and educated compared to the other two gobsigs who want to be mayor. These two have voted yes to every one of tiers whims which have destroyed the city. Who the he’ll wants to have them as our mayor. People should want to go forward not backward.we.have had enough of the gobsig controlled miscreants .the wiz is the only real choice for mayor.
I agree. Not that have a chance with the Cabal in place. But it could separate the two hooligans because they won’t want to agree with the right viewpoint,yours.
Dan, if possible, could you ask each one their thoughts on people’s impressions of their character flaws? You could even ask the other one about the other candidates flaws and see what, if anything, they say.
Marchetti-is generally thought of as a low-energy, bully. As he has demonstrated numerous times shutting down dissenting counselors (Sir Chaz) and citizens during the open mike portion of the CC meetings.
Krol-is generally thought of as an untrustworthy, womanizing playboy, who can’t keep steady employment for more than a year or two. The proof is in the pudding that Krol can’t keep his gavel in his pants.
The wiz should run as a write in candidate for mayor and also declare his candidacy for ward 6
His voice is sorely needed in pittsfield politics we need him desperately and his ideas. We can not envision a city council meeting without the wiz being there to speak on saving the kapanskis. Please elect him mayor or wad 6 councilor. The future of pittsfield will look much brighter with his vision for pittsfield
The wiz is beyond any doubt the smartest and most accomplished candidate running for any office in the city of pittsfield. To you pat get a life for you and Joe. You offer nothing of any significance for the city of pittsfield.
G Man should make up his mind.Jesus himself wouldnt win as a write in. Love you Jesus.
Correction sorry pat I ment to tell City I hate to get a life
Good sentences. Marchetti reminds me of a hanging Judge on his way out in the Old West. And Krol reminds me of Richard Gere in American Gigolo
His belly is hanging over his belt.
They could ask each other how they like each other’s beards and grayng influence on their hair.
Bullying and womanizing? You’re pretty much describing every successful politician.
Pittsfield the Choice:
A pile of Dog poop.
Cat vomit.
The dog was eating kitty crunchies in the cat’s litter box.
Let’s compare resumes and life long accomplishments of Gaetani VS. Krol and Marchetti. Getani wins by a land slide. He needs to be our mayor to right all the wrongs and add to his long list of life long accomplishment.while we are at it let’s see guiels resume and lifelong accomplish ments. Compared to the wiz.after all the wiz might have to remove her from her empty seat in ward 6. Long live the or lose he is the best candidate for mayor or ward 6 in the history of the city of pittsfield. He is a doer and his lifelong accomplishments is testament to the fact that he is the brightest bulb in a long string of very dull bulbs in city government
Craig, you are an ill man. Please seek help for yourself, and for all our sake as well. Try and stay on your meds.
Barry and Linda need meds too. Diet pills.
Your post can best be summed up as gkrolchetti. They make promises, swearing falsely, pick your poison, Thorazine/chlorpromazine, k-y laced EDD ecstasy, or boomslang.
To tell you the truth I’m thinking the umbrella man.
Politically there isn’t much difference between Krol and Marchetti. Marchetti has better political connections so he makes the best sense for Pittsfield. As long as all of you want trash collection, adequate police and fire protection and schools shut up about taxes, costs rise every day in this country and need to be paid for. While Gaetani occasionally hits upon solid points, the reality is he is an angry old man that is only loved by all the usual Pittsfield whiners. Gaetani is to this election the same as the gnat at the picnic that’s just annoying. He’s appealing to the Trump supporters that love anyone that yells and insults people.
And BTW Marchetti doesn’t always agree with Tyer and they’ve had tense moments.
As far as the council here’s my take. Kronick needs to put effort in running or gtfo. Don’t hang in there just hoping ro slide back in because you don’t want put any work into running. Kavey needs to ditch the Bart Simpson hair cut and face up to his receding hairline and mail pattern baldness and stop bragging about how important THC is to him. Conant is a waste of a seat, nice guy but contributes zero to this council. Lampiasi ditto. Kalinowsky means well but doesn’t have a grasp on basic money management, she just sucks up to whatever the elderly wants to appease her mother. Pete White is the food and alcohol critic of the council. He just eats his way to the hearts and minds of those living off the system.
Kalinowsky, Kronick, Warren and Maffuccio are the only ones who have to manage a household or business budget. The others are as clueless as Barry and Linda. They just want to bleed taxpayers dry.
Kalinowsky reminds me of Chris Connell good first pitch but no follow through. She knows dam well that Wynn wasn’t going to eliminate Five new vehicles.
Trust me when I say that under Marchetti and his rubber stamp council if you aren’t one of the stamps, you only get one pitch. He is well known for shutting councilors down as well as keeping the public blind. He regularly tried to keep residents petitions off the agenda and he absolutely refused to have the budget meetings in a large area during COVID-19 whereby the public could attend in a safe manner. Former councilor Morandi and I pleaded with him to have at the very least the budget meetings in the gym at a school. Since he refused, the meetings were on zoom. It was no surprise there was no resident call in. He knew that he had the votes for the mayor’s budget and didn’t want any outside interference. He claims to be a fair president of the council. Obviously his actions don’t match his words. Do you really believe he will be different if he is elected mayor????????? As this election goes forward, I plan on sharing more about Marchetti since this forum is the only real and just media outlet since the Gazette is gone. Thanks
Good to hear from you CC.
Many thanks for sharing your views. THE PLANET will be open for anything you have to say. Same goes to any other former office holders.
Having this type of viewpoint, from an insider (who was an outsider), provides added value, for sure. As councilor, CC never failed to return a message and kept every promise he made to THE PLANET. That type of behavior earns respect irrespective of position or view.
Chris Connell, thank you for chiming in. I contacted you a few times and you were always politely receptive to my phone calls, and for that I thank you. I now thank you for exposing marchetti for the unethical deceitful scum he is. I had my own experience with marchetti. He was hostile to the point of actually threatening to my righteous public dissention over government corruption. I thank you again for your gentlemanlike courtesy. Peace, and please share more of the negative truths about marchetti.
In theory you make some sense. But I agree with the mean old man. Two years tenure for mayor should be our first priority. Every vote goes super majority even if it’s for ten dollars
For instance if Marchetti spends 70 g on the election the 13000 to ? That don’t vote will get a say. One they weren’t bought.
What’s he gonna spend it on? Does anyone listen to the local crap radio stations? How much lie filled junk mail can he send?
Gnat at the pic nic. Wow he is everywhere trying to help you molly.. you are a gobsig but have held your identity well. From now on you shall be referred to as gobsig 1
Seeing how people remembered D-Day on this site and the sacrifices our young soldiers paid for freedom I asked myself would these people running for our leadership positions be ones that I would go to war with….unfortunately for all they would not. I do not see any leadership qualities in any of the candidates for any elected positions. I would say it is a sad, sorry lot for the Kapanski’s
Resumes Please? You promised us.
Paraprofessionals in our SOCHOLS. PAY THEM !
There was a tie for worst city councilor among five candidates.Sherman was the worst but is leaving so he doesn’t apply. Maffuccio was absent because of issues and will considered being one of the worst next year if he runs,I wouldn’t.. So that leaves us Disco Dina,Sloth,Dumpster,Pee Wee,and Muffy.
Now if you can distinguish who was the worst then you must know something we all don’t.
I would pay paraprofessional 22 dollars an hour. That’s fair.
Ayor Tyer says Joe Curtis has given invaluable information. She got that right. Please citizens dump the current candidates on the Council and save our City. Start with Peter White.
I would pay all white collar 10 g a year less than they make now. For instance,the finance director if in the private sector would make the same as in public sector. There is one difference. In the private sector there is no set budget and they deserve more,In the public sector there is. And it’s done every year at City Council.
I would retire people like William Cameron. Why. He gets a pension from the schools. Reason? Bias,he receives a pension and there are others,you know their names former President Yon,many others. Others I would retire are Councilors about six and Tyer,go already.
You related to Seyboth Wild? The Robots always find out, and you only got through because of human intervention.
Do you know who Seyboth really is?He ain’t Rod Laver.
Has Kristen Behnke or Kerwood ever smiled at a budget hearing?
Probably smile afterwords when they have gotten everything they wanted as per they always do.
Good question! Lampylousy said she’s for 90 percent of the schools budget proposals. …..?……that’s impossible. Name the 10 percent you’re talking about Disco? One a nonsense statement.
One other item many aren’t calculating into this 205 million dollar behemoth budget is Inflation. In five years just the 205 will be three hundred million not counting annual costs to the tax payer.
Hence my proposal to ax the mandated COLA for non-union. Non-negotiable raises?
Your proposal failed 10 1
I don’t see it as MY fail.
didja factor in the interest on all the loans?
I’m pretty sure everyone knows that Krol will have Debate Questions in advance. It’s absolutely no secret who Dan supports!
Shouldn’t need them. One prepares for debates by thinking up the questions.
Let’s hope Krol doesn’t think track fields,pickle ball,bike referendums are the critical things facing the Pittsfield Clowncil nonsense. It’s tax relief Johnny. Stop the increases. T I F f ?stop the forgiveness. We cannot afford any more property tax increases and schools need consolidation and administration reduction.
Vote the Millionaire who who
wILL advocate for the citizens who can’t rub two nickels together.
City I Hate certainly that is not you.
I’m surprised I haven’t had a notification from Disco or Ricky Rickels about the smoke haze from Quebec.
These are quotes from current politicians.
Bouvier…Our schools are second to none….sends her kid to out of district school
Tyer…blight and anew police station is one of my priorities…Hess and ppd station still stand
Krol..I have a passion for my city…quit Council and left town…?
Marchetti…one Pittsfield? Walk down North Street,there is no Pittsfield..bang your gavel you Carmen-Angelo incarnate.
Stop the Bleed. Vote Gaetani. TWO YEARS.
What you really mean Sir Charles are questions before the debate to these two bozos.
Pittsfield is SUNK anyway. There is NO ReigNite and Certainly… One Pittsfield has left the scene years ago. These two Bozos and Dan will try to muff the stench of any of the latest Mayors Legacy as best they can,that is they’re charge.
Last Comment. I never thought Dan would go this low to advocate these two candidates as front runners? Most elections wait until late in the year to get on the ballot. You’ve had these two RETREADS already in the Mayors seat since January? Did someone get to you before that? Are you a subservient for someone? Are you being paid? If you’ve answered no your a liar. Good Day. My last post on this sight. I’m doing a Donna Bowler.
I doubt that’s the case. None of the candidates will get the debate questions before hand. Dan has been in the debate game long enough. Ask any candidate in Dan’s history of interviews or debates if they got them.
Right. And a Nova Scotia wildfire stench will never hit our area.
Possible in advance questions to Johnny Guiter:
Are you for referendums
Consolidate schools reign in budget
I’m going to stop right there because there is absolutely nothing but raising taxes that they can possibly fix and they wont.
The first question I would ask is turning the job back to two years.
I see Earl Persip has endorsed Gavel Man. He now joins the food critic in doing so. Anyone surprises?
knows where his bread is buttered
The committee to NOT ELECT Craig Gaetani has just received unconfirmed reports that due to gaetani’s deep roots in the ghetto jungles, Dr. Zaius will be endorsing gaetani for mayor and all 11 city council seats.
Efforts to raise endorsement from Harry Houdini and Lazarus by the committee to NOT ELECT craig gaetani have thus far been unsuccessful. Dr. NO (SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence) has unequivocally said ABSOLUTELY NO to endorsing gaetani. Dr. WHO asked WHO the f%#K is craig gaetani. In any case it’s a definite NO from Dr. WHO. Dr. Giggles couldn’t stop giggling long enough to get a straight answer from him, so I’ll that as another NO to endorsing gaetani. The prospect of endorsing gaetani, with his sharpened teeth and claws, frightened Dr. Jekyll so much that he was unable to respond. Dr. Lecter has reserved his endorsement of gaetani until after gaetani accepts his invitation to have dinner with him. Dr. Moreau doesn’t want to get involved, mainly due to the unconfirmed rumors that some of his escaped island guests are now hiding out in gaetani’s beloved ghetto jungles on Robbins Ave. Colon Powell regrets that he will not be endorsing gaetani, but sends LOTS of Get WELL wishes. Gaetani has had some success, the entire Electroshock Therapy team has tentatively agreed to maybe think about endorsing gaetani, but not until after his next round of Electroshock sessions.
And with that being said a recently released former armed assaulter of woman no less will being strolling the streets of One Pittsfield, and let’s hope he doesn’t reignite the passion and fire throughout this delicately vulnerable city of ours.
Only mama knows.
Charles. Why hasn’t the Health Department alerted us about this Quebec smoke from fires? I’m. Literally in pain. Throat and headaches.
I emailed them this afternoon.
mayor is afraid she might have to spend some pickle ball money on health related stuff….none of that and no crosswalk painting…stop asking
You need the health department to tell you this? It’s all over the news. You obviously already know.
Dan Hope all is well with you. Congrats on wedding . She is a very nice looking girl. There are some very mean people who post on the planet but that is their right or privilege I am still debating where to run but I do see where many feel I can’t beat the gobsig candidates and they are probably right. as soon as I decide you will be the first to know. I will watch the interview1 and would have loved to be included but I am certain you will have other events. Say hi to Chuck. He goes much further back than we do
Good luck to you and your new wife and good luck with the interview I will be pulling for you. Your good old friend craig. Ice pick and game day send their regards
Many thanks, my good friend. Hope all is well with you. Keep pitching! Keep drumming!
We could use 11 good people just like Gaetani on the city council. I’ve had enough of Tyer iron and her seven lug nuts.
Craig has some great idea’s that implemented would definitely help the taxpayers out. I would love to see him run and defeat the useless current councilor climate lady.
May I say, I could never have expected Canada to poison me. China, with-out a doubt, absolutely, my own US government, double with-out a doubt, absolutely, positively, with-out a doubt. Canada, never!
You have your choice. chi-coms, fed-coms, and cancoms.
Dan, could you please ask both individuals if they will consider a few budget savings issues.
1) will they get rid of Ruffer and Armstrong instead of paying them a combined $100,000 per year for the next three years? Most of the ARPA funds have been dispersed. Any other duties left to disperse or montioned the funds should be accomplished by the community development office.
2) will they eliminate the business manager position in the public services department ? This is a completely useless position since there is a fully staffed finance and purchasing department that have always handled those functions before.
3)will they consolidate the personal and DIE departments?
Drain the swamp
Chris Connell’s questions hit the nail on its head. Pittsfield politics has become excessively expensive for the common taxpayers. The managerial pay raises in Mayor Linda Tyer’s proposed fiscal year 2024 budget:
Budget Overview | Fiscal Year 2024 (
…. are very high. The thing that bothers me the most about Pittsfield politics is that the leaders don’t live like the commoners in the city. Mayor Linda Tyer lives in a mansion in an elitist Gated Community full of multimillionaires. Former Mayor Jimmy Ruberto always lived in Naples, Florida. Pittsfeld’s Pot King Luciforo always lived in Boston. Chrome Dome Adam Hinds ended up living far away from his Berkshire-based state legislative district after he married his wealthy wife. In closing, there is a disconnect between the governors and governed in Pittsfield politics!
Chris, are you suggesting if they answer yes they will abide by it? hee hee Neither of these two are famous for their crediblitlty and campaign promises are not held in high regard ever. It is a given that during a campaign you can lie through your teeth and no one will hold it against you. Just ask Tyer about that.
Has Peter cancelled yet?
The next time the radical right wing wants to pick a leader to overthrow America with a violent Coup and leaving the office of the President of our democracy in disgrace as he steals America’s secrets don’t pick a crime ridden traitor….Dan ,is Trump running for his 2nd term or his 3rd?Anyone ?Anyone?
We Were Children – movie about Natives – boarding schools.
We Were Children
The far left could be inadvertently solving the overheating from climate change. By not doing any kind of forest management in Canada, there are now massive numbers of wildfires in Canada due to a very dry winter. Now the smoke is blocking the sun and causing very cool conditions in the Northeast for this time of year. The fires are still raging and Biden is blaming climate change not poor forest management just like the far left made the excuse for California wildfires. I think it looked like a cooler summer in the Northeast anyway, but these Canadian wildfires give the perfect excuse for pushing Biden’s climate agenda and green new deals.
Just heard from a reliable source Pat, that Biden, of course, is planning on cutting huge holes in the ocean floor and letting all the seas run dry. You can use your own imagination as to what his goals are here but it sure looks like it has something to do with the government controlling all of us and it does concern me somewhat. Next thing you know he will be harvesting all the oxygen from the air and selling it on the black market to Ukraine. I am very upset about this as are you.
How about the far leftists learn how to avoid climate disasters? Forest management which includes controlled burns would avoid many of these horrible problems which are harming the environment.
One of Bidens hand maidens was just out in my yard with a fireplace bellows trying to force that bad Canadian air into one of my cellar windows. I hate it when they do that.
Also, are all these fires going to effect the price of Maple Syrup next year? How about plywood? Most of our plywood comes from North of the border ya know.
Good time for sap thieves, SS. The sap black market is going to be hot.
Let’s face it, the City of Pittsfield is done. Dead. Finished. There should be no efforts to revive. DNR. The future deserves more than Zombie Land.
The slow-kill began with approving the four year mayoral term. One of the worst ideas in Pittsfield’s history. Any good mayor deserving to double their two-year term would have done so easily. And any unsuccessful or uninterested one deserves an out as well. They tried, the failed, let them go.
Mayor Tyer’s re-election in 2016 was a personal goal to beat Melissa Mazzeo, not a genuine effort to continue with the job. She checked out in year five and hasn’t done shit since. Except now with the stupid new rule, we got stuck with her for another 3 years.
Pittsfield needs a rebrand, a new life, a new identity. Electing Marchetti as well as most of the current councilors, will be a vote for repackaging the rotten meat. Marchetti doesn’t have any innovation, any fresh ideas, any ways to resurrect the spirit.
Does Jon Krol? I haven’t heard any surefire ideas, but I have at least seen a presence that indicates he understands the assignment.
The first step to solving a problem is to admit there is a problem. Pittsfield’s lipstick-on-a-pig strategy has failed for the last 30 years. North Street is less a commercial district than it was in the 1990s. It is now a collection of abandoned buildings and storefronts, failed or relocated small businesses, homeless beggars and dope fiend prostitutes. It is disgusting.
And while a lofty idea, the Berkshire Black Economic Council’s grant program to Vibe Up North Street failed to recognize an important factor: no one wants to be on North Street. It’s empty because everyone moved out. The parking kiosks, the bike lanes, the curb bumpouts and reduced parking spaces all contributed to a commercial district that drove away customers and traffic. It died because we killed it.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if the changes were true roadblocks. It’s the perception that matters and the changes were perceived negatively. The people of Pittsfield stopped supporting Pittsfield on the principles alone.
We need a mayor that is going to reinvigorate the hometown pride and excitement.
And you think playboy Krol is the answer? He can’t hold a job, was Tyer’s “bring in the Syrian refugees” point man, supported Linda’s programs, banged the drum for failed D.A. Harrington, is a progressive at heart, lacks judgement and now he needs a job to support his blended family composed of wife #2 and 5 little kids.
To me Krol is Tyer 2.0 – no thanks!
I’ll hold my nose & vote for Pete in hopes that he has some ideas of his own to bring back the luster to the Pitt!
I got an excellent question and that will help Krol. Why aren’t the doors at City Hall open yet?
The entrance on Fenn Street has been taped off with tattered caution tape for at least 10 years. But even if it was opened, you better be up to date on with your tetanus vaccinations because the steps are broken, and the railing is rusted with sharp jagged edges. The green space outside city hall on Fenn Street used to covered in piles of dog shit. A disgruntled former city employee use to brag about how he would take his dog to the city hall lawn every day to take his dump. I noticed that since that disgruntled former city employee died the lawn has been free of piles of dog shit. And the courtyard on the Federal Street side is shithole with heaving/missing cobblestones, disposable discarded lunch containers, and dead weeds adorn the flowerless round weed bed.
But Bianchi did siphon off more than $1M, and counting, of taxpayers $$$$$$$$$$$$$ to completely remodel the second floor of the privately owned property at 100 North Street. And Church property on First Street got a new roof paid for by the taxpayers. And the taxpayers paid for new ornate iron fencing and gates for Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church on North Street.
But shitty city hall is a decaying decrepit shithole where the shitty city council chambers ceiling is threatening to come crashing down any moment now. Let’s hope it’s over the decrepit heads of the two PEE PEES, Sherman, Warren, Conant, Kavey, Dina Squeal, the BIG BROWN DUMP persip, actually let’s just hope the entire ceiling comes crashing down on all their rotten heads on the day Wynn is there getting thanked by tyer and the entire shitty city council for his years of contribution to the corruption of the PPD. I’ll pray for it.
Neither sorry. Marchetti and Krol can’t be their own man. Not so much they are Tyer clowns but they both like Ruffer. Same old same old.
Oh I think they are tyer clowns alright. And I would pay for the DNA test to check on it.
Then someone Come Forward!!!!!
I will do my best to reinvigorate the hometown pride and excitement. You deserve at least that.thanks for your post
He runs from criticism. Not a match for the job.
Is that true Sir Charles? Doors are closed at City Hall because of recent shootings? So does that mean businesses are supposed to keep their doors open?
Sure it is. Go spit on him and see for yourself.
So fix the locked door debacle with a sign…. Enter at your own risk.”…..How stupid is this administration.
Again you can’t blame it all on the Mayor past or present. Clown shoes Shagrue Also has no chance to be the law-and-order guy that can do anything to stop the ill wits that continue to flood this city with petty crime, drugs and so much more.
The entire city council as well as past and present Senator state reps and One Berkshire are to blame for this mess. Keep arguing about pickle ball, bike lanes, Springside Park etc.
Not one elected official has brought even one tiny fish much less a big one to the area to spur even the slightest hint of economic development in the form of jobs and revitalization.
to the city. These two clowns running for Mayor will doom this city even more. We need someone and a supporting cast that can think outside the box sorry to say this entire group isn’t even in the game.
Congratulations! I did not know. just read Craig Gaetani’s post and learned of your recent marriage. Much happiness and well-being to your bride and you. This is wonderful news, and I am happy for the two of you.
Waat? I am confused. I thought you were married to Lisa Valenti the artist. Would you mind updating us?
The last time I found myself in one of these type of conversations on a blog, I learnt afterwards they were disposing of a corpse and a gun.
Hire a consultant to analyze the data – what impact does opiate addiction and criminal actions have on the family members of the addict.
We want them removed from our family units so we can enjoy our liberties. We choose not to withstand the abuse the addicts weakness failures and neglect, thievery, disease; puts upon the family.
This is not our CHOICE
We do not live the lifestyle.
We want to get up and go outside not stay asleep
Get them out of our homes. Off our streets.
We can not fix them. We are done trying. You saved them, you paid for the NARCAN you take it on.
We want Christmas with Dad, but Mom won’t come out of her bedroom nor answer the door.
She hasn’t left her house in 3 and a half years. The door knob is broken and assisted device requires an assisant.
Thank you for the beautiful memories ❤️
Simple possession. That’s all, the simple kind …. what condition does heroin and crack treat ? Is it like cannabis for PTSD ? Pre-existing conditions – Acute Pain, ….. ? Not welcome in our homes.
You heard ?
Dad, you do not deserve this 143
Looks like Satan has called Pat Robertson home. Dead at 93. Contributed as much to pulling America apart as Rush Limberger did.
Yeah, everyone should be a compliant Marxist.
Thank god for Councilor at Large Pete White so I know where to eat in Pittsfield
You have to pay. He eats free.
Planet posters. The proof of what I have been talking about for the past five years which the mayor and council conveniently ignored has surfaced. The enterprise funds for water and sewer which are collected from water and sewer rates can not cover the expenses of the updates at the sewer and water plants. I continuously stated that the city should never had agreed to the 160million dollar of up dates and accept my proposal for 40 to 50 million dollars saving the rate payers 110 million dollars. I told the mayor and council this every time I went b to the CC meetings. I can only say I told you so . The cat is out of the bag and now we are caught. There is no way out now. Everybody should get a second job to pay the rates that are coming. Marchetti was flabbergasted to hear this news tonight at the CC meeting.He is as responsible for this situation as is tyers 6 rubber stamps. Now Marchetti wants to be mayor. What a joke. Dan ask Kroll and Marchetti about this. krol also is responsible for this as he was a rubber stamper for tyer when he was on the council
You did indeed sound the warnings, multiple times.
Start talking.
Word on the street is that Alisa Costa was trying to bully people into wearing her sticker. She’s a mean person.