ADD 1 FRIDAY MORNING, 6/30 — This morning, THE PLANET received this statement from Ward 2 city councilor Charles Kronick. Sir Chaz clarifies what occurred Tuesday with his charter objection. He also fills us in on what took place during the short recess during the meeting. We thank the councilor.
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JUNE 30-JULY 2, 2023) — When you make a mistake, admit it, try to fix it, and if it’s in order, apologize.
THE PLANET does that to lead off The Weekend Edition.
In our recent coverage of Councilor-at-Large Karen Kalinowsky and her mayoral efforts, we went to far and got too personal. We meant no personal animus for our spilling over the top. We regret that and publicly apologize to the councilor and all her backers.
In truth, we meant none of it. Fact is, she, along with Ward 2 Councilor Charles Kronick, brings a refreshing voice of considered and reasonable dissent from the majority. It is and should be much valued. We strayed, and upon reflection realized we needed a course correction.
This is it.
Our error stemmed from the “token candidacy” effect. Such a bid for office is one that isn’t about winning. THE PLANET, long since a follower of politics on all levels, covering it and being close to countless politicians from presidents to dog catchers, regrets it when an otherwise-qualified candidate doesn’t go all out.
An analogy. When you’re a kid playing baseball on the sandlots, you play for the fun of it. You just love playing. If your talents take you to professional ball, however, the fun takes second to a desire to succeed. You want to make it to The Show, and you’ll do everything in your power to get there.
Well, running for mayor, the most important citywide office, requires the same attitude to win.
Pittsfield currently has five candidates who have taken out papers for mayor: Peter Marchetti, John Krol, Craig Gaetani, Kalinowsky, and someone named David Donald Webber. On July 28, nomination papers are due the city clerk. To date, only Marchetti has been certified for the ballot. Krol is a certainty as well. It remains to be seen if Gaetani and Kal submit the required sheets.
THE PLANET hopes they do. It’s frustrating, though, to see otherwise good candidates not do the necessary things that allow a realistic chance to win: forming a committee, organizing, raising funds, and spending on marketing communications to spread the message — ads, lawn signs, websites, literature, and so forth.
We hope Karen accepts our regretful acknowledgment of our error.
THE PLANET heard from mayoral candidate John Krol after we solicited comment.
“In regard to Karen, I wish her the very best,” Krol said. “She is a good person, and I believe she has the city’s best interest at heart. More voices in the mayor’s race is a good thing. I am disappointed to see such viciousness targeted at her right out of the gate. Let me be very clear, none of this is coming from our team. We are running a 100 percent positive campaign, and everyone on our committee knows this and supports this course. I suggest all candidates focus on a vision for Pittsfield rather than spending time spreading mistruths about opponents.”
———- ooo ———-
Tonight (Friday 6/30) the city council meets in a rare, unscheduled meeting. The agenda consists of the four items that fell to charter objections from Kronick at Tuesday’s regular meeting. Three involve last-minute money requests from Mayor Linda Tyer to make-up shortfalls in the FY23 budget, which has to be put to bed by midnight tonight:
- $620,000 from “free” cash to the Department of Public Services for last winter’s snow and ice removal. You know why the quote marks are there. “Free” cash is the amount the city overtaxed The Kapanskis. Instead of returning the unused money, it keeps it for its own wise and unwise use. It’s legal theft.
- $75,000 from retained earnings to the Department of Public Utilities, Wastewater Division, Sludge Handling.
- $850,000 from “free” cash to the PPD for excess overtime costs.
Look at these requests and you can see why Sir Chaz rose to his lineage, with Kalinowski as the trailer. Consider:
- The council just approved a record-high $205 million budget for FY24.
- At the 11th hour to the legislated close of FY23, the Administration hits the council with an additional $1.545 million bill, $1.470 million to come from We The People’s overtaxation. It’s why THE PLANET likes to say the only thing worse than taxation without representation is taxation WITH representation.
- Both Kronick and Kalinowsky cited the city’s sloppy budgeting process as well as the Administration waiting until the last minute to steal money from excess taxation to pay for last year’s overspending.
———- ooo ———-
Two moments stand out among the 51 minutes and 20 seconds councilors burned on Tuesday.
The first came with the last of Sir Chaz’s four charter objections. Marchetti tried to talk him out of it:
MARCHETTI: You made your point and I let you rattle on against the Administration and the finance committee.”
KRONICK: I didn’t ‘rattle.’ I spoke.
Chaz forced an apology from Marchetti, who later raised his voice against the Ward 2 rep. The mood? Icy … but a great moment for Kronick, who stood his ground, refused to back down, and called out the ‘rattle’ insult.
As for mayoral implications, THE PLANET found it deeply disturbing that the council president was so willing to allow the Administration to get away with this hold-up of taxpayers without protest. “I let you rattle against the Administration.”
In seven words, Marchetti revealed his loyalties. Not to his councilors (and, by extension, citizens) but to Mayor Linda Tyer? THE PLANET gets the funny feeling that this slip will come back to haunt Marchetti during the mayoral campaign. You think Krol, Kalinowsky, or Gaetani will let him forget? It would seem to uphold one of the common criticisms of Peter, his carrying water for the mayor.
Only Kronick’s heroic objections, where he stood alone, prevented a total whitewash.
Urgent Meeting Tonight (Friday) 6 p.m., Council Chambers
We’ll see what happens tonight.
The second memorable moment came with Kalinowsky’s grilling of Picklefield’s financial director, Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood. Kal wanted Kerwood to explain this absurd $$$ request, coming out of the blue on June 27. Isn’t something wrong with your budgeting process, she asked? How could you not know about this and inform us earlier? Entirely fair questions.
Kufflinks laid on a bunch of thick gobbledygook, financial lingo no one could follow (because the syllables weren’t meant to be followed but to confuse). Kalinowsky persisted, every which way including loose. Each time, Kufflinks babbled at grew visibly irritated. How dare anyone question me?
Kal’s persistence didn’t bring about enlightenment from Kufflinks, but it did establish the extent to which Picklefield officials play footsie with The Kapanskis’ precious (and dwindling) resources.
———- ooo ———-
Kronick provided the light in the dark, moldy cellar in the most stunning pronouncement of this council term. He laid out in plain English that Picklefield has not one but two budgets, a second set of books.
“I noticed that the great brains running our departments suddenly need millions of dollars of unbudgeted expenses for 2023 that must be paid one week after 2024 the ‘fake’ budget was passed,” he told THE PLANET. He then explained the two financial plans.
“There are in fact two budgets.”
The Fake Budget
The Council pretends to pass the main budget. It’s an opportunity for the spineless to beckon to reason while not goring anyone’s ox. You are encouraged to look good so long as you don’t mean business. The ‘wise’ get to pontificate in meaningless gibberish why they are serving up the best budget in the city’s history “Don’t touch a thing, you fools!” Company men. A few hopefuls can break their teeth trying to question so much as a dollar. That’s as meaningful as a free ticket to a shitty circus. And then there are the scurrilous wretches who carry the Mayor’s water blocking every cut and blunting every criticism, and then go ahead and vote with the minority with ‘no.’ They will claim in October that they opposed the budget. (This is the worst sort that sits on the podium. They are willing to demean themselves as they bet on your stupidity.) That describes the fake budget that the Council is allowed to play with.
The ‘other budget’:
The Mayor maintains a separate ‘running tally of expenses’ that are budgeted ‘off the record’ then announced at the last minute of the fiscal year with an appropriation from Free Cash. These expenses are known from day one. They generally come about from say, running a municipal water utility or a police force where the labor overhead is 90% OT and 10% flat rate. For example, wastewater treatment plant is running on one piston. The failure of the hardware jacked up the overhead. It’s no one fault – just a fact. The Commish knows this, but ‘just discovers’ it today. And another one: the Mayor suddenly needs a million for 2023 overtime for the PPD. These two requests on their own prove that the Mayor has institutionalized the fake budgeting process with the bloated Free Cash account that is allowed to swell from the excesses siphoned off the Fake budget.
City Council doesn’t pretend to pass that other budget, but they DO get to pretend to deliberate over the request.
———- ooo ———-
Then, again on THE PLANET, Sir Chaz addressed citizens:
“Want your water/sewer rates returned to last years? Then you must show up to the Friday, 6/30 meeting! At today’s [June 27] council meeting, Tyer tried to pull a fast one with a demand for almost $1,500,000 “free cash” to cover police overtime and wastewater supplies. No explanation. I objected and Marchetti threatened you with a tax hike. Extortion.
“My compromise. Apply $1,000,000 from “free cash” to the Water Enterprise Funds to reduce current water and sewer rates. If you want this reduction, then you must show up.
“It is on you now.”
THE PLANET couldn’t have put it any better.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
“I believe that all government is evil, and trying to improve it is a waste of time” — H. L. Mencken.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
you are brave to admit this, and I’m proud of you.
You’re a good man, Dan.
The bravest.
Great job Dan with this article. Thank You for doing this and every one needs to vote for Karen and lets get this city back to the people.
The council doesn’t want to be there tomorrow night. To much to do outside. But the real reason is they’re going to vote yes no matter WHAT DAY. I’m wondering if the infamous Charter Objection could come into play. Kronick does that he goes down as one of the best councilors in City History. Don’t worry about the fallout Charles they think your a grandstander and a rattler to begin with anyway. Persip and Clairmont were the kings of Charter Objection. This will be the greatest.
Lumpy Marchetti is the ultimate company stooge. The whole Tyer, Kerwood and Morales act is bullshit. Their entire act is and has been scripted by the local hack machine. God bless Kronick and Kalinowsky for not playing along with the poorly written farce.
Kerwood…… “but that’s the way we’ve always done it.”
As always the fix is in!
That is the way “HE” has always done it
Marchetti is a condescending twerp. His comment to Kronick shows what a buffoon he be as a mayor.
He may be torn tonight between continuing to suck the maternal nipple or doing his goddamn job. If he does not stand up for the people who idiotically put their trust in him he might as well pull his mayoral papers.
Marchetti definitely has the “do you know who I am” attitude towards the citizens. The dumpster and food critic also gives off the same attitude. They act as though they are above everyone because they sit on a city council. Krol acted the same when he was serving on the council also.
It takes a big man to admit when he’s wrong.
Yes, and it takes a bigger man to apologize. To apologize without actually saying “I’m sorry” is a cop out. I am still waiting.
You’re comment reminds me of a plumber i usta employ. Great guy, never ever arrived on time, never said he was sorry either. But as he walked through the door he would always say “I apologize”. Eventually, he went outta business for obvious reasons. He should have named his business I Apologize Plumbing.
Not necessarily a big man. Just a man.
You mean like your post yesterday, when you stated Dan, Trap, and me, must have been rejected from a prestigious college/university?
That being the reason why we were glad the USSC ended the racist program, affirmative action, for entrance into secondary education?
Let me ask you a question K, I can tell you, in my adult life, I have never collected a penny on any form of government assistance, to include ARPA money. Can you?
BTW-I have a graduate’s degree and am an honorably discharged, wounded vet. You?
Hello Markus. I was one of 8 children raised by my parents in a half-duplex with 3 BR and 1 bath. I enlisted in the military because my parents couldn’t afford college for me. My tuition at UMASS was waived because I was a VN combat vet. I got a free ride at Cornell for an MA and PhD. I did my PhD research on a Fulbright fellowship. I have never taken welfare or unemployment and I don’t even know what ARPA is, let alone take their $$. I’ve had to compete with females and minorities for every job I ever had, and haven’t lost yet. I have 3 very successful kids and am happily retired.
Surprise, surprise. Satisfied?
All that and you never learned to spell kindergarten correctly?
Who tells you how to spell YOUR name?
Impressive, and I salute you for everything you have done and all that you have EARNED. Good show, lad, and we appreciate you input on this board.
I too was from a blue-collar family. Have never received or asked for a cent in welfare or unemployment. Got three college/university degrees. Won all the academic awards and honors. Had to complete and scrape in the early days. After leaving my daily newspaper career, started a company and have worked for myself ever since. In other words, CREATED work for myself. Employed 80 people over the years, paying them top-dollar with full benefits. Did it all my way, independently. Like the great James Brown, “the hardest worker in show biz.”
Careful, saying nice things about the King of Soul will anger many of your bloggers.
Was JB a great talent or did we buy his music because of affirmative action?
The king, man.
My family was so poor we couldn’t afford collars
No, I’m not surprised, nor am I satisfied. Personally, I don’t care.
Based on your hard left-leaning stances, you probably taught in higher education as a career.
Most educated people tend to see the trees through the forest. Not all though. Your posts are usually proof.
May I suggest you do a few ride alongs with the Picklefield Police, 2/3rd shifts, and get a real idea of what they see and deal with daily.
Not what someone “researched,” but never walked a day in their shoes. I get you were in VN-my highest regards to you and all VN Vets, but in todays day and age, policing is a different animal than war. Chicago might suggest otherwise, but we’ll just stick with Picklefield.
Just a thought.
Not sure how this relates to my post.
NM-you have your views and I have mine.
From one Vet to another, enjoy the 4th. You certainly earned it in VN.
Well said, MARK. There is always common ground, if people are willing and open enough to seek (and accept) it.
Thanks. Same to you.
Another mishegoss post
So you say!
Methinks your full of caca and a Braggart.
I don’t care what youthinks.
He’s the Pete Whitchetti of the blog
All that education and you have the dumbest posts. I’d suggest that you ask for your money back but you didn’t pay anything,
BS – bullshit
MS – More of the Same
PhD – Piled Higher and Deeper
That’s my argument for term limits in a nutshell.
Second term: 4 years, you earn an MS.
Three terms: 6 years is a PhD
I got 3 degrees (terminal PHD) and left college with little debt, as I was funded for my science research. The debt was less than a used car loan, I paid off, in full. I then taught at pretigious colleges and universities.
I doubt Kindergarden would get accepted at those schools, even if “it” applied as a POC or an American Indian, like Lieawatha Warren..
The “woke joke” BS was starting to rear it’s ugly head when I was still teaching. Stuff they are pushing now is detrimental to learning.
No, Trap. What you guys fail to appreciate is the incremental progress we have made. I highly recommend to you all that you read justice Katanji-Jackson’s dissenting opinion on the AA case. Nobody can put it better than she has.
Katanji-Jackson is a racist.
“….Judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin” – MLK
Admissions should be based on academic qualifications, not your race, color or creed.
I read her dissenting opinion. It was one of the worst I’ve ever read. I asked myself: “Is this a legal view from a Supreme Court justice or an op-ed for the Washington Post?”
She’s a LIFETIME AA appointment.
Chances are Pete White helped her write it.
You’re biased, Dan. It is a remarkable, and accurate, piece of writing.
I’ll re-articulate what 12 Gauge said, she don’t even know what a woman is.
To think she answered that way , and the Senate confirmed her, says a lot about the sad state of Senators in place now. Lieawatha Warren comes to mind.
“Democrats Descend Into Racist Hysteria After Affirmative Action Decision”
“On Friday, the Supreme Court delivered a landmark win against institutionalized racism by striking down affirmative action in college admissions. In a 6-3 decision, the court ruled that race-based promotion of applicants violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution………”
This profoundly important ruling for equal rights has brought out the Dems true colors.
They hate YT middle Americans. Except to tax them.
I laugh at guys who did something and are so closed minded they must have beat down the liberal colleges that gave them 8 great years of education.Amazing that after a PhD they are as ignorant as the day they went in.They promised themselves they would never ever be WOKE and that is so admirable.All those liberal science teachers could not Pentwater his unique intelligence…LOL
I agree. Colleges are no longer centers of learning nor thinking.
Now a days a “college education”, amounts to being indoctrinated to leftist causes, or to be expelled.
There is no “free speech”, nor freedom to not tow the leftist line, for Professors or Students.
The fact the Leftists tried to remove a Biology Professor, for explaining XX and XY chromosomes, and male and female differences biologically , in Biology classes is absurd.
Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.
She can’t even articulate what a woman is.
She thinks one with pink/green hair, a penis, and beard is a “woman”.
I’m guessing that the most vile comments came from Marchetti supporters.
It’s pretty obvious what’s going on. You see salacious rumors about Krol every day on the planet. But no one is willing to speak with Dan on the record surprise surprise.
Marchetti tried to shake rattle and roll CK , but CK wasn’t having it. This is exactly how Marchetti will act as mayor to anyone who dares disagree with him. Don’t be fooled by the soft spoken tone act he puts on.
“I LET YOU RATTLE” is just a preview of the kind of prima donna that a Mayor Marchetti would be.
Don’t tread on me
I like that John Krol is running a positive campaign for Mayor of Pittsfield politics. The only question I have is that if he wins the election, and he is the next Mayor, will he continue to be positive? I ask this question because we know all too well that Pittsfield politics has been anything but positive over the years. Many career politicians block my political emails, including in Pittsfield, such as State Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier, out of retribution for using Free Speech. As for Karen Kalinowsky, she made her living at the city’s public trough as a retired Pittsfield Police Officer, but now she is advocating for lower municipal spending. This is another questionable promise because we know all too well that Pittsfield politics’ municipal spending has been excessive for a very long time now. Peter Marchetti is the only candidate for mayor who is not making questionable promises, but he has said some alarming things, such as that he would have to take a pay cut as Mayor: $115,725 per fiscal year public pay plus perks, the double-digit fee rate hikes are “small” compared to previous years, and he told Ward 2 City Councilor Charles Ivar Kronick that his speech was him “rattling” against the city administration.
Please understand that local government’s main function is to invest in the people who live in the community because the people are the city’s most valuable resource because the people live, work, own property, pay municipal taxes, shop at local businesses, enjoy their families and lives, and then passes the torch of economic opportunities to the next generation so that there will continue to be a solid middle-class tax base. It is NOT as simple as making questionable promises to be positive, or lower city spending, or make alarming statements, and criticizing free speech as a dissenting City Councilor “rattling” against the city administration. The politicians who hold elected offices in the government are there to serve the people, who are the owners of the public sector. Instead, the people are an ATM for state and local government, and an insurance policy to be cashed in Wall Street wants a bailout.
Of course Krol doesn’t want mud slinging. He’d be 6 feet under. I really hope voters don’t fall for his brand of political grift again.
Marchetti is Tyer’s water boy. Krol was Ruberto’s. KK marches to the best of her own drum. There in lies the difference. Vote KK.
Don’t forget to include Flat Tyer in the mix. She too was Ruberto’s lapdog like Krol.
Vote KK
But I doubt that Krol ever shared a bed with Squiggy Jim.
Dan, your baseball analogy is a good one. I thought the Great Greek God Arlos stood for election and never campaigned, yet I don’t ever recall you neutering him .
I can’t answer for Dan, but I believe he’s talking about what it takes to win the mayoral race. The Greek God was never mayor of Pittsfield. And if he didn’t campaign, I think Dan holds serve with his post.
Who can ever forget when the Ancient Greek God, Pete Arlos, called Matt Kerwood, “Eddie Munster,” when they were on the CC together during a CC meeting.
For those that don’t know or don’t remember, Kufflinks, used to sport a neo-skunk look, with his white, gray, and dark hair, gelled over and coifed, ala, Eddie Munster. It was a sight to be seen.
Now Persip channels uncle Fester
and he was always using “another arrow in his quiver”
Thanks, MARK. The Aging Greek God never ran or “stood” for mayor. And Peter Arlos W-A-S legendary. He could “stand” for office election after election and win … because he was Peter Arlos. Truly one of a kind and I’m proud to say he was one of my political mentors.
Quick story: I tried to get Gov. Paul Cellucci on my radio show. I had done every gov. before (and after). The press office wouldn’t let me through. I’m, in Peter’s office at the courthouse. I tell him about it. He says, “He’ll be on your show.” The next day, I get a call from Cellucci’s press secretary wanting to schedule the Guv on my show. Peter had everyone in his Rolodex, and when Peter called, they returned his call.
And yes, he dubbed Kerwood as “Little Eddie Munster.” It was perrrrfect. After I started tabbing the uber-fashion-and-looks-conscious Matthew “Kufflinks” on my radio show, Peter told me it the nickname was “a worthy successor.” And he is “Kufflinks” to this day.
The Scambino is a worthy moniker
KK all the way
Killer (of status quo) Kalinowsky of the Woke Wrecking Ferderation WWF!
Good for Karen for exposing what a coward Marchetti is. Soon there will be some mayoral debates and everybody will get to determine who they will vote for. Without his gavel everyone will see what a non effective bully Marchetti is. He and the other 5 rubber stamps must be defeated at the pols. On my most recent TV show I do a critique of all council members. One has to realize that it is more important to defeat the 6 rubber stamps than it is to elect a new mayor. With these 6 gobsig poor councilors they will handcuff the next mayor. Please vote these 6 gobsigs out of office Mr Marchetti and krol
I am waiting to debate you any time or any place. I am going to expose you both for the cowards you are
1500000 dollar request without explanation is the worst one gets from the tyer administration. A private sector CEO would be fired immediately for this kind of insanity. The next mayor is going to have quite a job of untangling the mess that tyer has wrought. Thank God she is leaving. No loss whatsoever.
You’ll change your tune if she gives you a proclamation.
I’d love to see that, but 4 D chess is not something anyone in this administration (or Council) is capable of.
Is the $620,000 to cover the 70 accidents the DPS caused by not showing up to work during a winter storm/the Madison Street accident?
In response to my political email blog post, John Krol replied to me in an email by stating that: “I’m not making any questionable promises”. My response to John Krol is that politicians are dishonest (as well as being in it for the Almighty Dollar and Power)! Politicians say lofty words and make idealistic promises, but when one follows them as career politicians, one clearly sees that their real public record is anything but lofty and idealistic. I am frustrated by John Krol. He says that the rumors of him having a history of unemployment are false, but he does not release and post his full resume to prove otherwise. He says that he is running a positive campaign for mayor, but so did Jimmy Ruberto two decades ago, which proved false when his campaign sent out a flyer saying that Dan Bianchi would take Pittsfield back to former Mayor (the late) Anne Everest Wojtkowski’s administration of budget cuts. John Krol promises to revitalize downtown Pittsfield’s distressed economy, but North Street currently has 15 empty storefronts, is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley”, and the distressed neighborhoods that surround North Street are sarcastically called “The Ring of Poverty”. When Mayor Jimmy Ruberto revitalized downtown Pittsfield in the mid-2000s, he spent tens of millions of public dollars on the arts and cultural venues, which worked for a couple of short years but then the costly “Ruberto Renaissance” failed. Yes, I attended Pittsfield High School with John Krol’s older sister over 30 years ago. Yes, I have apologized to John Krol for my political email post saying that he has a history of unemployment that was based on rumors. I have complimented John Krol for promising to run a positive campaign for mayor. I have told John Krol that if he wins, I wish him the best of luck, and I hope that he will do great things for our native hometown: Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
I’d like to see an enterprising individual who cares about the future of Pittsfield dig into Krol’s employment history before voters even consider turning the city over to him.
That work history has been dug into, and you know what it shows? A hard-working, reliable, “go-to” man.
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
I received the following email reply from John Krol today:
My resume is posted online, open to the public. This has been the case for many, many years.
Please do better research, Jonathan. You are spreading mistruths.
Thank you
I do not appreciate that John Krol told me that I am spreading mistruths. Rather, lying to people is the number one job of a politician! I am not a member of the website, so I was unable to read John Krol’s online resume on Linked In.
When I write political emails and blog posts to politicians, they either block them, ignore them, write a form letter in response, or accuse me of spreading mistruths. Am I, Jon Melle, supposed to believe that every word that a politician speaks is the truth? That would be like me believing that I can play for the Boston Celtics NBA basketball team as a middle-aged man who will turn 48 in July 2023. Now that lie would be a big whopper!
Thanks, Jonathan A. Melle
No such a thing as ‘my Resume.’ We write lots of resumes depending on the job they are applying to. Resumes are historical accounts of past work, tailored to the audience.
The resume that you want for Krol and Marchetti is in their City Council Meeting minutes.
I do not appreciate that John Krol or any other politician expects me or anyone else to blindly accept what they say and promise to voters as the truth – how ABSURD! I have every right to write to John Krol or any other politician and question their public record versus their propaganda (lies). Politicians are usually in government for the Almighty Dollar and Power so that they can get rich by sitting on their fat asses in elected office over many years.
Pittsfield politics is a prime example of state and local politicians delivering Level 5 public schools, distressed inner-city streets plagued with social services agencies, poverty and violent crime, excessively high municipal taxes and fees, hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts plus OPEB unfunded liabilities, the 25-year-old heavily polluted PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in always increasing debts and unfunded liabilities, economic inequality with a shrinking middle-class due to the past 50 years of severe losses in population and living wage jobs, an insider provincial political group of phonies who expect everyone to kiss their dirty behinds when they are all complete corrupt failures, pot growing facilities stinking up residential neighborhoods, and the use of retribution to rule the city by fear. THE TRUTH HURTS!
Yes. If you want a more true picture of how they take care of taxpayer money those minutes might be quite revealing. For instance, has either of them EVER, EVER said no to a mayoral expenditure??? HUH?? Have they? Have they even questioned one?
If not then you may have a preview of what is coming out of that dark tunnel at you if you elect either of them. Your family finances are begging you to consider this when voting this year. You owe it to your family’s future to not elect a candidate whose strong suit includes pillaging taxpayer resources.
Council Minutes:
Speaking of big whoppers did you ask Krol about his stance on continuing the PRIDE events like you said you would Jonathan?
Am I, Jon Melle, supposed to believe that every word that a politician speaks is
the truth?
Yes Jon you are supposed to believe and they expect everyone to believe everything they say is true during the election campaign. Afterwards they don’t care as much about what they said when elected.
Aall the women you have insulted over the years ..That was was not over the top?
but referring to KK as a character in Deliverance was? I’m confused.
Planet posters:: please show up at CC this evening. You don’t have to speak as I will speak for you. Charles has stuck his neck out for you the tax and rate payers and we should show our support for him. The rubber stampers will sit and say nothing but will vote yes to pass the Mystery budget. This is what I expect but trying is all rhat is necessary. Your attendance is your badge of courage. Please attend this evening
THE PLANET shall be there, CRAIG.
Dude. Burt Reynolds was in Deliverance. A compliment.
A Charter Oblection is the only way to democratically oppose the 6-5 CABAL. Kronick should have NO EXCUSE doing it again. Unless something drastic changes. I expect Mr.Maffuccio to do the same.
A charter objection can only be used once in connection with a specific agenda. Rules wouldn’t permit a CO tonight.
Mr. Maffuccio do something!!!!!!
Let me set the record straight on the substance of the Charter Objection as the Berkshire Eagle is promoting a notion that the Charter Objection is some sort of ‘poison pill.’
The Charter Objection is not invoked in order to kill debate or demolish a bill. It permits a councilor who recognizes an individual need to demand additional time to obtain the best outcome for a decision. It therefore serves the public good. There is something seriously amiss if a councilor should refrain from calling in fear of a newspaper editor’s mouthing.
The Eagle has invidious challenges to the following:
Budget 2023: I invoked a CO. The Council rammed through a budget that was 1) not recession cautious and 2) not inflation (10%) conscious. Bigger than the Mayor’s budget. I wanted a few more days to lobby for compromise. If Warren had not opened his mouth, the vote would have happened later that week and in compliance with State Law. All the work done in May would have gotten its vote. There was no crisis, no chaos.
Water Rates 2022: Charter Objection to prevent a vote that would have raised water/sewer rates. I came back next meeting with a plan that is compatible with ARPA to use a small portion of the $10million dollar allotment to lost revenues so the ratepayer could be spared a hike that year. That lost, and you pay more. ARPA went to the dogs.
Free Cash 2024:
1.5 million coming last few days of the fiscal year, maybe something is up. Big ask, no accounting; just ‘trust me, the bills are real.’ The request should be reviewed by committee and the blank invoices they claimed existed needed to be shown to the public. The Charter Obj. allowed my argument to be made (another day of my vacation timeoff used), a strategy to build a best outcome for taxpayers to be formed, and time to alert the public to rally.
If you value your rights, and if you want a strong City Council to prevent a Mayor from jacking your tax bills up without explanation, then you better step up and demand that the Charter Objection be preserved as written. Otherwise, it is gone in 2024. The Eagle wants it gone, and the company men on the Council want it gone. Marchetti sits on the Charter Review Committee His friends on the Council have submitted a bill to strip it. What do you suppose will happen next?
They argue: ‘if you didn’t ‘abuse’ it there would be no problem. You endanger the City’s finances.” Answer: ‘abuse’ here means causing delay in what is common practice in Pittsfield, i.e. rushed budgets that raise taxes but do not address needs. Demands for cash without documentation. Slush Fund spending for special interests and cleansing oversights. Actually, there was never any danger. Never was a vote not to take place and a request to go unheard by the Council. With the Charter Objection – a pause – not only does the Council hear it, but the Taxpayer hears it too. That is the essential problem the the Eagle has. These reps. and admins want the power to ram petitions through at last hour whether it is a Mayor’s personal deadline or a Commonwealth deadline, and they do not want any resistance.
I said it once, my call was ignored. The public did not rally. I’ll say it again: it’s on you. It is strictly on you.
This is essentially the theme of THE PLANET’s three-part series (all week) on the issues and implications of the special council meeting on Monday. Part 1 will be up and running later tonight (Sunday).
Mayor Kalinowsky has a nice ring to it. She has my vote. On another subject, still waiting for my apology from Barrington Stage and Berkshire Theatre Group. Forcing a vaccine ( use that term loosely) on patrons who wish to see there shows is idiotic. One size doesn’t fit all . Never going back to either. At least Tanglewood got it right. Happy 4th.
Looking good Dan.
Dan, the only good thing to come of tonight’s CC meetings was that we sat together and watched an exercise in futility. We were just about the only members of the public in attendance. The rubber stamps ruled the night
Charles. Did a admirable job but couldn’t advance his agenda because he was constantly bombarded by useless rubber stampers lead by Peter Marchetti. Never the less we were there and did our best to support Charles. It was nice to reminisce about our love for drum corps. What a good time we had in the days of our youth. We lived in the right Era when pittsfield was booming. Today the city is dying and I don’t know if it will ever come back. I’m glad that we are two activists who are concerned about pittsfield. Tonight was a disaster for the overburdened tax payer but we hope we can see another time when things will look better for the kapanskis. It was nice to see you it’s been a long time since we got together. Thank you for coming to pittsfield and lending your support for Charles. Have a nice holiday mi amigo
Have a nice holiday my amigo
Thanks, my good friend. Have a great holiday!
We, as a people, have yet to get to the bottom of the requests. As I had spoken in the hearings, the financial reporting, though revealing overruns in general do not give any insight as to the actual scale and timing. The Finance Director strictly asks for blank checks backed by blank purchase orders. “Give me a million, we’ll use less, and I’ll pay whatever turns up between yesterday and tomorrow.”
It is impossible that the President of the Council can review the report and know what we are reimbursing. The the money ought to cover salt. But what if someone transfer invoices from other accounts to the salt account or what if money was transferred out to cover overruns elsewhere (same thing in effect)? You can’t see that in the reports. When he acknowledged that he expected the Free Cash requests in May, he also concedes that he erred by not scheduling a prior meeting to 6.27.23.
We see the fallacies, better the results of the fallacies: high taxes, high debt, unfunded liabilities, ruined parks and business districts, and a City where revenues are driven by State funds to assist with poverty. In time we may be able to get to the root. That is the objective of the people. Make your representatives perform their obligations to check every dollar and demand full accounting. That is the primary function of government. It takes money from you, and spends it appropriately for things that you need and want. And it respects that if a dollar is lost somewhere, it makes certain that it was a one time event and not a continuous problem.
Tonight was the introduction. The problem is now out in the open. That is what the Charter Objection bought.
Charles I concur with everything you just said. You were muzzled by Marchetti and white. You were trying to explain to the taxpayers why you called for a charter objection but were shut off by these gobsigs. You are not a quiter and the public recognizes you as a good force on the council. Hopefully in the coming election all the gobsigs will be sent packing. The council has many seat warmers and a valley girl who is totally lost who votes with the status quo 100% of the are commended for all your efforts for the tax and Rate payers of this city. Have a nice holiday my good friend
Charles, there is not much more I can say accept your right on the mark. Too bad there is so many gobsigs on the council. No real issues will become law until the next council and specific mayor is seated
Thanks for your efforts in trying to help the city’s tax and rate payers. Have a nice holiday
Thank you Craig – again you spoke well to the public. Hope you have a restful holiday! Happy Fourth to all, regardless of your political identity.
Let off a blast from that old brass cannon in your basement!
If things go right there will be three great new folks on the council or there could three more buffoons
John Krol
Director Of Community Relations
Benchmark Senior Living
Jan 2019 – Oct 2020
1 yr 10 mos
Newton, Massachusetts
• Dramatically increased occupancy at independent living community, Cabot Park Village in Newton, Mass.
• Managed Cabot Park through a transition period without an executive director, and continued momentum in transfer to assisted living/memory care community Evans Park at Newton Corner
• Supporting the stabilization and occupancy through transition of a completely new management team, setting the stage for growth.
City of Pittsfield
10 yrs 1 mo
Vice President, City Council
Jan 2016 – Jan 2020
4 yrs 1 mo
Ward 6 City Councilor
Jan 2010 – Jan 2020
10 yrs 1 mo
Good Morning Pittsfield Radio/TV Show
Nov 2006 – Jun 2018 · 11 yrs 8 mos
Executive Director
CareOne Management LLC
Jun 2011 – May 2012
1 yr
Media Relations Manager
Berkshire Healthcare
Jun 2007 – Jun 2011
4 yrs 1 mo
Public Affairs Coordinator
City of Pittsfield
Aug 2005 – May 2007
1 yr 10 mos
Berkshire Bureau Chief
WAMC Northeast Public Radio
Jan 2005 – Jul 2005
7 mos
News Anchor, Talk Show Host
Vox Communications
Mar 2002 – Dec 2004
Jon, can we see your resume?
His resume on paper is pretty bad. Lacks relevant job experience, lack of progression, job hopping. I’m interested in what his employers say.
A fair question to Krol and Matchetti…… how is Pittsfield a better place as a result of your service on the city council? And could you both list your five biggest accomplishments on the city council?
That’s like asking what Biden has done for America.
Bidens done A LOT of things TO America, none good.
Talking Chickens
Krol got Marchetti to vote yes to approve his Chicken Ordinance.
Krol: +1
Marchetti: +1
Kalinowsky got Marchetti to vote yes to reverse Krol’s Chicken Ordinance.
Kalinowsky: +1
Krol: (-1)
Marchetti: +1
Score, as of 7/1
KK: 1
Marchetti: 2
Krol: 0
Clearly Planet is way more handsome that Kufflinks and looks way more like Sean Connery that Links.
Why not take the article down if you regret what you’ve stated about Karen? Not sure it’s a very sincere apology.
The article shall stay put. We have handled it publicly and privately — face to face, I might add. My actions speak for themselves.
Dan.I saw something very disturbing the other day a young girl couldn’t have been more than 12-13 maybe if that old was driving one of those scooters the wrong way on Columbus Avenue by the bus station, but what bewildered me the most was another child a boy must’ve been her brother, he had to be eight years old at the most, no helmet going the wrong way on the wrong side of the street, and yet you gotta have a drivers license To drive an e bike or moped?
If Your in the public on anything is game. Look at the comments about your mayor,your rep,all the council members. That’s the price they pay and it’s not illegal or defaming unless it’s lie or slander. Jon is the closest on here for defamation but even he is exempt.
But it does show character
Pittsfield needs to ban all fire works due to the smoke and haze from the nearly 200 Canada wildfires burning out of control. The haze in this area is going to be thick for the next few days. The liberal media is now saying that the entire summer will be full of thick smoke from Canada for many parts of our country. Add to that out of control fireworks in many Pittsfield neighborhoods and we are looking at a big health hazard since fireworks give off lots of chemicals and smoke as well. Last night people were shooting them off at midnight in Pittsfield.
Dan! Did you or anyone else know that motorize scooters of any kind require a helmet and a drivers permit?
Depends on cc’s
They are illegal in Massachusetts. People drive to New Hampshire and buy them there.
Calling on Linda Tyer, our Health Department, and BMC to all speak up to ban all fireworks due to health concerns with the combination of wildfire smoke and smoke from fireworks. That’s a lethal combination. I thought these people are so concerned about the environment and health, but nothing is being done.
You best stay away from Revolutionary War re-enactments then. Billowing clouds of black powder from cannons and smoke poles!
I miss the Civil War/firearms exhibitions they used to put on at Eastover.
They let off a cannon – every 15 minutes (cool down the barrel) at Longmeadow when I was selling art at the Longmeadow Craft Festival some years ago. I knew exactly when it would go off, yet jumped a foot off the ground each time. It’s a remarkable bang.
hard to imagine firing flintlock rifles without eye protection with a powder blast inches from your nose.
George new how to put a show on.
I remember the Gataling gun vs the M60 shooting a cinder block wall.
Pete Marchetti, the Revolutionary Bore
The Boring Machine?
Celebrate our nation on the 4th. Smoke from fireworks on the 4th is small compared to what Antifa and BLM burn.
Not in Pittsfield it’s not. Unless you live here, you have no idea of the insanity of the fireworks on and around the 4th. Running from your car to the house to avoid your hair being set on fire from falling fireworks that are burning as they hit the ground. Non-stop explosions for hours on end. Really, it’s hell on earth and this happens in all liberal cities like Portland Oregon where the fireworks situation really got out of hand and they now ban fireworks on the 4th. They say it’s because of dry weather conditions, but the real reason is out of control people who were setting off the firecrackers like weaponry just to harass people NOT out of any sense of celebrating the 4th of July. Liberal cities are a different breed of animal.
wow! Guess those people in Ukraine need to stop complaining huh?
You are getting so confused. It’s Americans running around worried about which one of their genders to choose from today who are completely ignoring what is going on in Ukraine. Think of it, that schools are pushing this insanity on children while people are dying and a country is being reduced to rubble. It’s not just America, but European countries are also pushing this woke agenda while an entire country is being destroyed. No, I really think people should look at their priorities and that starts with the far left wokesters.
How do you distinguish the fireworks from gunshots in Pittsfield? Shot spotters working overtime?
Hillbillys used the 4th as a cover to go jack deer.
I remember the good ole days when kids were all excited about getting a brick of firecrackers and some bottle rockets. Now they want a 9mm and and a rock of crack.
“How do you distinguish the fireworks from gunshots in Pittsfield?”
If you hear it, you’re ok.
If you hear it, lock and load. If you see it, shoot back
And then, call your lawyer. And your financial advisor as well.
Better to be judged by 12, even with looney Kangaroo Courts/Leftist Judges now, then carried by 6 later.
Occasionally, if you are hit by a double ricochet, there will be time for the sound to reach your ears. This happened to me while filming an episode of Bonanza when someone put live ammo into Adams Colt .45.
Fortunately I seen it coming and was quick enough to move enough to the right so that it was a mere through and through to my shoulder. Could have been right through the heart and I might have been laid up for a day or two and missed filming the roundup.
And of course there was no on set workers comp for xtras so I had to pay out of pocket for the bandages and gauze. Now they have better unions so good for them guys huh?
But usually Charles your right about not hearing it.
First, I am not impressed at all by your reflexes. Colt .45’s don’t fly straight. They wander all over the place like drunken bumblebees and usually end up on someone else’s target or knock out a flourescent buld (fun!). I actually put a tracer on one and was amazed at the slow serpentine path.
But not hearing is especially true for tank rounds. You NEVER hear those when they hit you. Even when it gets bounced off a dumpster onto you – you shan’t hear a thing. But you’ll know you missed something big the next morning.
Let me guess, you had a blonde woman with two handguns doling out bullets then. I have good news for you, Mr. Shark. She’s now an ‘armorer on discount.’ Probably a good fit for your indy budget.
You work for Alec Baldwin?
Shades of Alec Baldwin
Are they even reporting murders or gunshot victims in Pittsfield anymore?? I thought they just stopped because it was hurting the tourism.
“Are they even reporting murders or gunshot victims in Pittsfield”
I met with DA Shugrue two weeks back. He told me, Jan – June 2022 there were thirteen shootings. Jan -June 2023 (his taking office) there have been 0.
Sounds like there is a new sheriff in town.
Or they want high grade fireworks that make explosive sounds which are worse than guns. The round of fireworks we had on Friday night which were VERY close to our homes in this neighborhood were deafening.
You ever shot HP rifles? Not piddly AR/AK stuff. That gets loud.
We used to have M80s/fireworks. They were loud.
We never set them off close to homes.
I consider fireworks part of my early education on how not to hurt yourself/others.
Smoke flowing out of Justina Trudeau’s Canada from intentionally set wildfires makes fireworks seem insignificant.
“Here’s what to know
They can’t be burning so out of control from the weather because it’s not that hot there.
Climate control advocates set them. Satellite evidence of the smoke suggest many were set at the same time.
Look at the links Pat.
Last night’s emergency City Clownsil meeting hit an all time low! Biggest shit show I have ever seen. Why do we even have these useless “elected officials”. The worst of it is having Pee Pee Petie and his demeaning sarcastic personality belittling anyone that speaks. It’s no wonder no taxpayers show up at these useless meetings. Wonder if Pee Pee Petie’s books at the bank he is vice president at are as messed up as the City of Pittsfield’s accounting books? Thought I was going to puke my dinner up after listening to Food Critic Pete’s glorious speech. No wonder the City is such as mess. Most of the Clownsil is nothing but a bunch of lazy egotistical buffoons.
Pete went to the Tyer school of etiquette.
It mostly amounted to whining virtue signaling, and red herrings. I knew Cheeseface would show up, I brought his picture along for the public. Even a contender for my seat got scared by the threat. I had no idea going into this job what a sense of humor City Hall has as the top leadership runs its show like a National Lampoon content boardroom.
The Council, if working correctly, is always debating what funds from overtaxation (deliberate or not) should be returned to the taxpayers. Always, the argument against ireducing the taxrates only returns $50 rebate to the taxpayer and therefore is not worth the effort.
$50 is a thanksgiving turkey, so yes, it is worth it.
This November, in a few short months (it’ll be here before you can say Christmas), the Council shall meet again on this issue. Real estate taxes shall rise again to raise a new $10,000,000. Your bank will immediately calculate the escrow and start collecting the new tax. Commercial property shall not have grown. The resident shall bear all the burden in a most regressive way. And pious councilors will demand reductions then without acknowledging that they did nothing in May and June to correct course.
It’s the fiscal calendar of Picklefield. It runs on carbohydrates and hormones.
Who is cheese face?
A dog.
Cheeseface is the name of a real (now deceased living happily in puppy heaven) dog. Probably, it was the property of a staff photographer at the National Lampoon. Click on the link and you shall see the reference.
With every dispute over Free Cash, or the School Budget, or anything else that requires money from the Taxpayer, the Mayor or School Committee will say, ‘if you do not give us the money (or if we give it back to you the taxpayer), we shall shoot this puppy. That is, we shall fire the paraprofessionals. They bring in Mary, and say,
“Give us our budget or Mary is toast! And don’t blame us, you, councilor pulled the trigger.”
Or, give us this 1,000,000 or we will jack up the taxes next fall. Or give us half a million immediately or we shall kill a Federal grant and disappoint Senator Neal. Always, it’s the same story, and this story has been eternalized as a joke by the National Lampoon.
You know what I say? “Okay, shoot ’em. Fire ’em. Kill that grant.” Go ahead.
There’s a scene in the movie “Hombre.” The bad guys have kidnapped a big shot’s wife. They send a missive to see Hombre (Paul Newman), who tells him that if they don’t turn over the money, they will shoot the woman. He says, “Ok. Shoot her.” The missive is stunned. CALL THEIR BLUFF.
It is never necessary to shoot their hostages. Shame on them if they do. It’s a red herring. Example: Free Cash for Springside House. That half mil could have been requested this year, out of cycle, from CPA funds. Instead they go to their slush fund. Saying no to the FC, would force the Parks Department to get it from CPC. No catastrophe, but less dough for special interests.
The para’s (not this year’s issue of course) they take a budget cut and they reduce the administration.
My task, as a councilor, is to find the red herrings, identify them to the public, and suggest a proper remedy. It is always the alternative that is blown out of context as a disaster by the Eagle and the company men.
The eagle and company men have ruined many of competitors chances to win public office by misconstruing what they hear and completely ommtting information that would win a competitor a public office position. The biggest and only print word publisher in picklefield is the notorious Berkshire Rag news paper. It’s bad enough to have to swallow innuendo thrown at one by unknown sources and quite another to have to read your name in a second rate newsprint publication where by all the info printed is inaccurate. This is sad and this is the primary reason why good people do not run for public office in picklefield. To all candidates running for public office here in picklefield I commend you. I hope all candidates get equal and fair treatment from these gobsig news sources
Horse lips cousin
And with the special interests backing most councilor candidates there is really very little anyone can do. People need to make plans to vacate the sinking city and go through with them if a responsible mayor is not elected. More and more Pittsfield residents are losing their homes weekly and if you do not think you can be caught up in this you may need to revisit your finances and project forward a year or two.
Do not become so poor that you cannot relocate if you want to. Leave while you still have money to do so or you become caught in the Pittsfield financial quicksand like so many others. Federal statistics are saying that most people in this dubious economy are living on credit to the tune of over one trillion dollars. And the undeniable results of that are imploding as we speak. The People running Pittsfield right now are aware of this but could care less about your position in this trap. they are feeding like hogs and you are providing the food.
Get out while you can unless you have a high two income family, less than two children and are almost debt free.
Special interest backed candidates rarely whether it’s in Picklefield or Cambridge NY stand a chance against a real candidate.
They lack authenticity, sincerity, and the will to learn. They also do not know the ethic of “constant persistence” wherein even a miss is not a waste but a chance to better one’s aim, and perfected knowledge is an unended goal.
The public sees these traits – they cannot be faked. If you want to challenge an establishment pick, it’s yours to win.
You need to read my latest book. DARK MONEY and How it Buys Elections Almost Every Time. Special interests know well that almost everybody has their price and if the prize is big enough they will spill for it. You do not have to look far to see what the book talks about.
And my recommendation is the book, The Mechanism by Vladimir Netto. (Also a dramatised version on Netflix). Pertains to Brazil’s industrial/political corruptions but likely applies to us.
Money can certainly strongly influence a large election such as Mayor where the variables are simple such as two candidates and a pool of no-show registrants that are known in advance.
Not so easy for a small ward race – the margins of return on the money is much smaller.
If a campaign has the $$$$ to spend on multiple mailings and lawn signs that’s a plus. Spending money on ads on local radio is flushing money down the toilet. Does anyone listen to the crappy pittsfield radio stations anymore?
July 1, 2023
Hello Erin Leahy at Act on Mass,
Thank you for today’s political email about Beacon Hill politics that informed me and the general public that the pending fiscal year 2024 Massachusetts state budget is late, that major state legislative decisions are being made in secrecy including, but not limited to, the multibillion-dollar tax cut bill that primarily benefits the top 1 percent of wealthy households and big businesses, that the State Legislature did not meet in formal session during the months of May and June 2023, that so far in 2023 it is the least productive state legislative session in over one decade, that many people spoke out at the prison moratorium bill hearing, that the state is experiencing an affordable housing, as well as a homelessness, crisis with Western Massachusetts facing the most acute impacts of homeless people and/or families struggling to live in their respective community as a houseless person and/or family, and that renters are facing more and more evictions as the year progresses forward in time. The State Senate, including Becket State Senator Paul Mark, recently voted to reject an amendment to require that 20% of HDIP-funded housing be affordable. Tragically, opioid-related deaths hit a record high in Massachusetts in 2022. I learned a lot of sad news about the useless corrupt career politicians in Boston today, but even worse, it is all predictable!
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
Does it surprise you that tax cuts actually benefit those who pay taxes?
No, it doesn’t surprise me that tax cuts actually benefit those who pay taxes. However, Beacon Hill lawmakers giveaway many billions of dollars per fiscal year in state tax breaks to their wealthy campaign donors, which means that: (a) the financial, corporate and ruling elites are all enriching themselves at the public trough, (b) the corrupt career politicians in Boston are playing phony financial shell games with taxpayer dollars, (c) they are using (voluntary) regressive taxation schemes such as the inequitable state lottery for their own special interests, (d) they are making the state government a pay to play system instead of an accessible, democratic and equitable system (e) they know that most of the special interests that benefit from lucrative state tax breaks and giveaways do not exist in most regions of the state, especially in mostly Western Massachusetts (f) they are systemically underfunding public education and state aid to local government, (g) they are enabling greedy lobbyists to earn 6-figure and even 7-figure per year salaries by legally bribing the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown, (h) they are further financializing the state government instead of seeing the people and taxpayers as one of their most valuable resources, (i) they are not cutting any of their own state public pay plus perks, (j) they are operating in secrecy to serve their dictatorial-like Statehouse leadership instead of holding public hearings on the pending late fiscal year 2024 state budget, (k) they are not addressing the affordable housing, homelessness and eviction crises, (l) they are not addressing the possibility of an economic recession in the tax cut bill, (m) they are not addressing the state’s infrastructure needs, (n) they are not passing Sunshine laws and rules reforms for transparency in the three branches of state government.
To be clear, there is NOBODY representing the common person, family and taxpayer in Boston! Instead, Beacon Hill lawmakers are only doing DISSERVICES to the commoners! We should NOT be conditioned to bend over for the corrupt state government in Boston! Instead, we should demand change for the better for the sake of all of the taxpayers, people, families and communities of Massachusetts.
Good points there, Jon.
Humph. Well, I think he makes a good point!
I made one point and brother Melle proceeds to wear out his keyboard!
Trump is the only living current or former potus whose ancestors never were slave owners
Markus and kindergarten. Thank you for your service in the jungles of Vietnam Nam. Me too–no man’s land, americal div. Chu Lai 17.5 months
And thank you all for your service.
Thank you for your service too, Craig.
Kindergarten spent the war on KP…. Got a Purple Heart when he ate his own cooking.
How did you know!
Perhaps. But some of them were in Hitlers military during the holocaust. Look it up.
Also, while he was railing against illegal immigration several years ago he was exposed as having several hundred of them working in his hotels and resorts and paying them very low ages. Look it up.
He personally recruited and hired them
It is amazing what you can find when you do a little research. Good job.
Chump change. Traitor Joe has let in >10 million CRIMINAL ALIENS in two years. No vetting, no disease screening, no idea where they are, they get better benefits than Veterans/Citizens, NYC is putting them up in expensive hotels while Americans are left on the street, many are repeat in USA felons and/or terrorists.
It’s all about liberal “diversity”. Leftists/NWO hold a “diverse”/perverse 3rd world vision for America’s future.
BTW, my Grandparents: Immigrated legally through Ellis
Island, Were screened for diseases, They learned English on their own, Became naturalized USA citizens, Raised 12 kids during the depression, some uncles fought WWII. Never sucked a welfare tit.
I am sorry that you seemed to be the black sheep in the herd as the rest of them seem quite impressive.
Follow the border collie, Snarky.
Of the living presidents who was with Hitler during the Holocaust ?
Did the Big Guy get his 10%?
Eisenhower nor Roosevelt’s families had no slaves
They are not living presidents
Wow a couple of profiles in courage awards to Karen and Charles for sure, thanks Dan for a great piece.
Appreciate it, RK.
And thank you, Ron. I would expect Karen to agree that the approval from enemies is unwanted and from friends treasured.
Somewhere over the rainbow. Sorry. Sorry.
Somewhere somehow someone must have kicked you around
Somewhere there’s a guy, probably all tucked in, if you kwim, with all the supplies required for these pickleball courts. An “un-named banker” They accidentally ordered too much now they have excess to pickle the entire place. Palace.
I’m sorry, that is a straight up lie. Sorry. That did not add to the conversation Dan, I am sorry. Sorry.
Pete Marchetti practices financial abuse of Pittsfield taxpayers.Pete should never be given the job of mayor because there is not one part of Peter Marchetti that understands the financial burden of poor people.After 10s of millions there are 40 empty store fronts on North and no new jobs.Marchetti needs to understand when you are digging A financial hole you must stop digging.Pete Marchetti is the man that got us to this mess and he is now abusing all taxpayers rich and poor.Marchetti is a failed politician as he sees himself as an authoritarian.He wants a retirement at poor peoples expense.
I heard that if you walk by city hall and whisper “forensic audit”, a loud siren goes off and flashing lights come from the roof.
Ah, sounds like a Audit Spotter .
Yeah we have those. It’s called City Council.
Adit Spotter … love it!
Let’s be fair though! Tyer without the help of gavel man,food critic,dumpster and the other members of the rubber stamp gang none of it wouldn’t have been possible to happen. Let’s give credit where do.
It’s the democrat way
My Pittsfield neighborhood was relatively quiet of fireworks last night unlike Friday night when all hell broke loose at midnight with some of the loudest fireworks you have ever heard. I was exhausted after a full week of WORK and didn’t get to sleep till around 1:30 am due to the unbelievable noise. This isn’t a wealthy neighborhood which is undoubtedly why things are allowed to get so out of control. People on this board who put down anyone complaining about the fireworks either live in a wealthier neighborhood where fireworks are minimal or they are one of the perpetrators of the noise and are young so don’t mind it. I would NEVER attend a civil war reenactment for those who threw that at me yesterday for daring to complain about the harassment of fireworks in the poorer to middle class neighborhoods in Pittsfield
Sure it was not gun fire in Flat Tyer’s utopia?
Sounded like mortar shelling to me. The shells are known as bombs. I just want to have some good food, celebrate the 4th with family and have one fireworks display done by professionals at the end of the day. I don’t need to relive the Civil War or any war in my neighborhood every 4th of July. People fought so we can live quietly in peace.
I agree. These fools get drunk and go crazy with the illegal fireworks
True. It’s not about love of their country that’s for sure because many liberals don’t even like our country. It seems to be about being drunk and creating chaos and NOT CARING about other people and their enjoyment of the holiday. I don’t want to feel like I’m down in the trenches every 4th of July. All of this could be avoided if the law regarding illegal fireworks was enforced.
It’s about thoughtlessness, ignorance, drunkenness, drug taking, and how the human trash has taken over large swaths of Picklefield.
Dan, so You belittle children celebrating our nation 4th of July with fireworks?
I’m not talking the rif raf, good kids with parents in their OWN backyard.
I remember bad finger burns from just using “sparklers”, are they banned now too in mASSachsetts?
They were banned in Massachusetts when I was a kid.
The obvious question is why don’t the police chief, mayor or council president do anything about the issue?
Pat ,Do you still believe in Trumps coup to overthrow America….fake love of country by loving Trump more than America
I, personally, believe that the happiest sound to hear is friendly rifle fire and other fireworks.
Reminds me of the last song on The Beatles’ White Album, side 1 disc 1.
Unfortunately there are idiots in every part of the city who delight in getting drunk and making noise
And more of then than ever, 12.
This is crazy. People are going to New Hampshire and buying Mortar (yes Mortar) firecrackers so their neighbors on other streets can hear them. They shoot them off until it gets light the next day. They are spending thousands of dollars. This is big business. Would you want to live next to these people?!? The day after the 4th of July is a work day for most people. Think of Pittsfield where neighborhoods have backyards that are so close together that there is very little privacy. If you live out in the country, this might be okay, but NOT in a tightly packed city.