ADD 2 SATURDAY 8:06 p.m. — Here is the first mayoral debate in its entirety. Enjoy.
ADD 1 FRIDAY 3:05 p.m. — Today’s debate between Peter Marchetti and John Krol took place as slated, and we hope to have it available sometime tomorrow. We shall announce when as soon as we finish with post-production. Meanwhile, here are some photos to give you a taste of the setting. You can read about the debate in Brittany Polito’s exclusive coverage at iBerkshires.com. On behalf of the citizens of Pittsfield, THE PLANET thanks Brittany and iBerkshires for the coverage.

A ROOM WITH A VIEW: Brittany Polito from iBerkshires, foreground, takes notes during the debate. While iBerkshires rose to the occasion, the Berkshire Eagle, ignoring its obligation to citizens, failed to cover the event.(Photo by Lisa Valenti).
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JUNE 9-11, 2023) — Today, THE PLANET tapes the first mayoral debate of Campaign ’23, pitting city council president Peter Marchetti against Ward 6 councilor John Krol. It will air in its entirety on our YouTube channel, PLANET VALENTI VIDEO. We will have it ready for viewing ASAP, and when it is up, we will announce that information here.
Essentially, THE PLANET views these debates as job interviews. Our role is that of “HR rep for We The People, Owners of Government.” Marchetti and Krol are merely job applicants. Our job is not to make anyone uncomfortable, but job interviews should be antsy for the applicants, a crucible of sorts.
THE PLANET has hosted countless radio, TV, and broadcast debates over the years, and we have NEVER provided questions in advance. We did not do so this time, but we will ask both fellows about the city’s Department of Diversion, Inclusion, Equity (DIE).
We shall ask if they will keep or abolish this carbon-paper office, which wastes precious taxpayer dollars to “achieve” results in direct opposition to its stated mission.
DIE promotes what it calls “Structural Inequality,” which defines as Systemic disadvantage(s) of one social group compared to other groups, rooted and perpetuated through discriminatory practices, conscious or unconscious, that are reinforced through institutions, ideologies, representations, policies/laws and practices. When this kind of inequality is related to racial/ethnic discrimination, it is referred to as systemic or structural racism.
Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.
———- ooo ———-
The supreme irony is that, usual its own definition, the Picklefield DIE office dishes out 90% of all the “structural inequality” associated with municipal government. What else can you call identity politics, which favors the so-called “protected classes.” How is that not discriminatory?
Here is how DIE opens its web page:
The City of Pittsfield recognizes its position of power and privilege and the influence of its actions on the community. The City is committed to recognizing, valuing, and responding to the needs of a wide range of individuals who look to us for assistance, such as language, sexual orientation, race, class, gender, ability, etc. In order to provide effective service, every City employee must understand how to respectfully interact with every community member.
By constantly learning about our community, evaluating our work, and adapting our approach to ensure that we continue to deliver quality services, we will create an inclusive and safe community where all people are empowered to live, work, and play—where individuals are respected and valued for their unique contributions.
Welcome to the Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Our office, established in 2021, reflects the City of Pittsfield’s core values and ongoing commitment to equity and inclusion. We foster a welcoming community by encouraging respectful dialogue among all city employees and those with our community partners. Our work includes advocacy for human and civil rights by eradicating barriers that perpetuate inequality and injustice. Additionally, through our initiatives, we promote community awareness, understanding, and the celebration of cultural differences.
Achieving these objectives with an equity lens requires leadership, collaboration, time, resources, and a commitment to unlearning biases and creating space to learn from others who are different. We help city departments build and support an environment that continually reflects the diversity of the people the city serves.
In conjunction with the Office of Human Resources, we prioritize recruitment of marginalized and underrepresented backgrounds through intentional planning and retention in city departments. The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will also deepen community engagement to further strengthen and build new relationships throughout the city.
We are truly excited to be a part of this amazing and meaningful journey that will serve, benefit, and uplift the City of Pittsfield.
To learn more about diversity, equity, and inclusion, we’ve provided a host of information and resources for your reference. Please feel free to contact our office if you need additional assistance.
“Independent authority to effectuate change.”
In Solidarity,
Michael Obasohan
Chief Diversity Officer
———- ooo ———-
Notice how this statement is full of politically charged words. Our favorite is the closing: “In Solidarity.”
Seems like the DIE office has been asleep. On its website, the most recent “monthly” newsletter is April 2023, advertising upcoming events slated for April 19 and May 5.
This year.
Then go to the link: “DEI Engagement.” You find two words: “Under Construction.”
Since 2021.
For this outstanding performance, the DIE director received a raise of $8,000.00 this year in the FY24 Picklefield budget. He’ll pull down $96,000.00 plus bennies. No heavy lifting required.
It’s grueling work, but hey, somebody’s got to do it.
———- ooo ———-
Don’t take our word for it, though. Here are other recent media evaluations:
According to research, diversity programs are failing.
They fail because of poor implementation, or in other words, no one knows what to do with the new chief diversity officer. Droves of people of color are hired, then isolated or left alone to do the work as many have reported here and here. They feel like isolated props, not active changemakers.
Thousands of dollars are spent on campaigns, consultants, and training to fix the “lack of diversity” problem. The “inclusion” solution is also wrought with challenges, as more differences and fragmentation get served.
If diversity and inclusion programs are failing at work, is work the place to be suddenly enlightened by race? It is likely that if you are having problems with microaggressions at work, you have experienced them in the supermarket and other parts of your life. It just doesn’t magically appear at work and no place else.
“The workplace is no place to address phantom race and sex issues,” says Heather Mac Donald, a Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and New York Times bestselling author of The Diversity Delusion.
“It is about work, not therapy or alleged social justice. But corporate HR departments have been hijacked by the identitarian Left. Their members seek to use the resources of corporate America to implement the ideology of academic identity politics regarding America’s endemic biases. Corporate CEOs do not have the backbone to forswear the costly, unnecessary diversity scam, however.”
The diversity, equity, and inclusion industry exploded in 2020 and 2021, but it is undergoing a reckoning of late, and not just in states controlled by Republicans, where officials are dismantling DEI bureaucracies in public institutions. Corporations are cutting back on DEI spending and personnel. News outlets such as The New York Times and New York magazine are publishing more articles that cover the industry with skepticism. And DEI practitioners themselves are raising concerns about how their competitors operate.
The scrutiny is overdue. This growing multibillion-dollar industry was embedded into so many powerful public and private institutions so quickly that due diligence was skipped and costly failures guaranteed.
[T]he DEI industry is expensive and runs from useless to counterproductive.
- Faculty at the University of California/San Francisco’s medical school recently produced a journal article endorsing racial segregation in education as “part of a broader antiracism and anti-oppression curriculum.”
- In its official glossary, the University of Central Florida designates “male, white, heterosexual, financially stable, young-middle adult, able-bodied, Christian” as oppressors.
- A student house near Berkeley forbid white people from common spaces to allegedly provide a “safe environment for people who identify as People of Color.”
- In Arizona, DEI statements — in which applicants swear fealty to the movement’s principles — are required for between 28% and 81% of job openings at public universities.
- The State University of New York has instituted a requirement that all students (no matter their majors) pass a racial-equity course on “power, privilege, oppression and opportunity.”
- A survey by the nonprofit Speech First found a shocking 91% of schools push far left ideas on “microaggressions, anti-racism, trigger warnings, bias, racial equity” in their freshman orientation material. No wonder more than 80% of college kids, per speech-rights outfit FIRE, “report self-censoring their viewpoints at their colleges at least some of the time.”
Had enough? Yeah, thought so. Now, let’s hope our next mayor has the common sense and spine to put an end this this discriminatory, racist office. Mabe we’ll find out today at the debate.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“ALL lives matter, not just some” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Families are starving in Western Massachusetts:
Report finds food insecurity to be greatest in Western Massachusetts – masslive.com
People are “DIE-ing” from food insecurity.
EBT cards are there for You Johnny. I think Tricia Bilvot-Buffet is giving them to criminal aliens to, paid for by working US citizens.
And Biden keeps importing more, criminal aliens. Millions!!!! They get free stuff and education. Their children don’t need ANY VACCINATIONS , nope none, just enroll them.
They are there to infect American kids with drug resistant TB among other, “good things” they bring to Americas “diversity, equity, equality”.
Aka DIE.
Qanon is not a source of of truth.
You’re ready for the hospice.
He’ll go so long as they have Bud Light
I don’t know anything about them please enlighten us.
Can you use them to pay for services in Tricia’s brothel?
If they are dead. Warm food is not allowed.
If all the local food pantries passing out tons of food every week cannot keep up it must be because people are coming in faster than they can keep up. But, if you lay out the red carpet they will never stop coming so food insecurity and housing insecurity and health system security will continue to break down. FOR EVERYONE.
But please stop acting surprised. If you set up a system to fail….expect it to fail.
Dumb ass’s…
How many new criminal aliens has Biden imported to the Berkshires? Maybe with diseases he never screened for.
Is there a number/count?
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
I posted a link to a news story from MassLive about Food Insecurity being the greatest in Western Massachusetts on your blog, Planet Valenti, and the replies I read did, indeed, shock me. I thought I was doing a service to your readers by pointing out that the state government is doing disservices to the western region of the state. I thought that I was being compassionate to those who are most in need of government assistance programs. Instead, I was linked to Tricia Farley-Bouvier’s support for illegal immigrants and her other uber liberal causes. I am upset by this. I am proud to support Linda Tyer, Andrea Harrington, and at times, Tricia Farley-Bouvier when her heart is in the right place. I am upset with Mayor Linda Tyer for not issuing a statement that Free Speech is a protected right after her third husband Barry Clairmont’s retribution lawsuit against Melissa Mazzeo that stems from the 2019 mayoral election that his second wife, Linda Tyer, won. I view the multimillionaire CPA Barry Clairmont as being off base because many other people have suffered through smear campaigns, mean-spirited and vindictive politics, and being mistreated, including Jon Melle himself, and nobody has ever sued the mudslingers over it.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
Notice no one includes Taxpayers Insecurity in all the insecurities they mention?
Bullshit, you can get free meals every day in Pittsfield
Planet posters please refer to Mr. Gaetanis post. At the end of the previous blog. Very pertinent information for all pittdfield rate payers
Will you please stop this incessant blog campaigning?!
I would suggest you read the previous blog. It is essential information for You. What do you prefer lenny:::to remain ignorant? I can see clearly you fit the latter category. Please try to stay current.
And there you have, “Game day” Pittsfield’s next certifiably INSANE ignorant malignant narcissistic egomaniacal antisocial mayor. I’m certain 5 out of 5 psychiatrics would concur that it is essential that you triple up on your meds. Because it is clear to see that you are INSANE, and probably very dangerous. Go back into your crawlspace and sharpen your teeth and claws so you can tear people to shreds. You exhibit all the symptoms of a mentally deranged LUNATIC! How does your wife put up with your volatile vitriol insanity. It’s only a matter of time before you lash out with your next threat of deadly violence and arson. Or your next criminal conviction related to breaking into vehicles and witness intimidation charges.
repost it here
Don’t give him any encouragement, he’s a NUTCASE! Someone deranged and quite possibly dangerous. Don’t let him near matches or any weapons.
Don’t get between Tyer and an all you can eat buffet. That could be fatal.
Take it easy CIH, you may incite him to challenge you to a duel.
I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people. – Jack Handey / Deep Thoughts
Fizzlehead. The post I refer to is one of the last posts in yesterday’s blog. It relates to the blood bath the city’s residents are about to be slapped with because of tyer iron and the 6 lugnuts mistakes. They are responsible for the exorbitant rates that are coming relating to sewer and water rates. Be prepared to see hefty sewer and water rates for the next two decades. This isn’t pie in the sky it’s real and it’s coming to you all soon
Which is why all MY money manger people advise peeps to get the hell out NOW. The cumulative drain on income over the next few years (probably eternity in Pittsfield) will suck the life blood from your ability to exist with any notable creature comforts. Maybe you will be able to afford a mortgage but not much else if you are middle income. Living in Pittsfield if you are middle income puts a financial straight jacket on your life. You will be severely limited in what you can do after you pay your bills. (if you can pay your bills)
Not kidding here peeps….do your own math and factor in that Pittsfield, because of all its debt and projected debt, will be starving (and starving is the apt word here) for taxpayer cash as far into the future as the eye can see. Taxes will NEVER go down and are unlikely to even level off due to the wild spending spree of the last several years.
Just look at the pie chart of expenses. Its driven by debt service.
Tyer looked at the pie chart and ordered a dozen chocolate pies
Here you go:
June 6, 2023
Posted under Craig Gaetani: The Real Deal C.G.:
Planet posters. The proof of what I have been talking about for the past five years which the mayor and council conveniently ignored has surfaced. The enterprise funds for water and sewer which are collected from water and sewer rates can not cover the expenses of the updates at the sewer and water plants. I continuously stated that the city should never had agreed to the 160million dollar of up dates and accept my proposal for 40 to 50 million dollars saving the rate payers 110 million dollars. I told the mayor and council this every time I went b to the CC meetings. I can only say I told you so . The cat is out of the bag and now we are caught. There is no way out now. Everybody should get a second job to pay the rates that are coming. Marchetti was flabbergasted to hear this news tonight at the CC meeting.He is as responsible for this situation as is tyers 6 rubber stamps. Now Marchetti wants to be mayor. What a joke. Dan ask Kroll and Marchetti about this. krol also is responsible for this as he was a rubber stamper for tyer when he was on the council
-Craig Gaetani, (aka ‘Water Wizard.’ He earned his Gandalphian title by paying attention along with others who also have been completely ditched by Administrations past and present and doing his part to make the Council do theirs.)
An interview with Mr Obasohan would be helpful. Perhaps he would like to discuss and elaborate on his accomplishments. He might jump at the chance to prove you wrong Dan. The mayor probably has all kinds of data as she follows up on and keeps close track of large expenditures I am sure. That is her job after all.
I would be more than happy to meet with Mr. Obasohan to discuss his office and its accomplishments.
Kool. I assume he is proud of his accompishments and would love to let his community know what he has been doing for them. Perhaps the mayor would like to sit in on it. Or even Mr Marchetti since he is all on board with this wonderful endeavor.
he’s doing a “good job”!!!! For the Pitt!!
a : to pass out of existence : cease
Does this mean you’ve reached out and invited him to interview? What’s the response?
Not yet. But we will. Will keep PLANET readers updated. thanks.
If the phone doesn’t ring it’s Obie.
That would make a good YouTube
I’d like to see her data that justifies an $8 g pay raise.
linda tyer is an intimate friend of the negro. The only data to justify this Welfare for the Negro is that it’s completely useless and negro. It’s the same data tyer used when she attempted to circumvent civil service to justify propping up her boyfriend Michael Wynn with the title Chief of Police.
Tyer Seeking Civil Service Waiver for Police Chief – iberkshires / Monday, June 20, 2016, “The city’s Police Supervisory Union and the Police Patrolmans Union both oppose the process in which Tyer is appointing Wynn. They issued a joint letter on Thursday calling for the hiring process to be open to other candidate. The union says Tyer’s plan is a “run around” the process.”
To justify this injustice to the taxpayers in circumventing the rules, which allowed her to prop up Wynn with a position he neither earned nor deserves, Tyer, as corrupt mayor of Pittsfield, said she, as corrupt mayor of Pittsfield, has the mechanism to circumvent the rules of civil service.
Tyer utilized this same corrupt methodology in the hiring of her negress office jockey Roberta Dews, upon which corrupt tyer immediately increased the taxpayer funded welfare pay raise for the office jockey.
But negro lover tyer wasn’t done with her taxpayer funded Welfare for the underachievers, underserving and/or convicted felon Negro program. CONTROVERSIAL HIRE FOR PFD ON HOLD BECAUSE OF PUSH-BACK IN THE RANKS … FIRE FIGHTERS DON”T WANT CONVICTED FELON IN DEPT. – Planet Valenti / Aug 28, 2016
Hah! CIH I knew all along you were the Ghost of Geo. Wallace.
Bottom line; DEI programs are racist and in violation of federal nondiscriminatory hiring practices!
CLAIM: “Equity means giving the short kid a box to stand on so he too can see over the fence.”
REALITY: “Equity means lowering
the fence.”
And they’re not content to just lowering the fence, they’re hell bent on dragging everyone down to their level. The negro has been free since 1865, and they still refuse to assimilate into civilized society.
wnyt.com Albany police chief on gun violence: ‘We are coming for you’
There were five shootings in a span of 48 hours over the weekend. Ten people were hurt – including two children and one man was killed. There was no one in custody as of Monday afternoon, police said. The department does not believe these shootings are connected. Investigators are looking into some promising leads, Hawkins said.
“To those involved in these horrific acts, be aware – you have our full attention, and we are coming for you.” – Albany Police Chief Eric Hawkins / That was just one weekend in the merry month of May.
Albany Police Chief outlines summer safety plan to common councilors
“With summer, gun violence typically increases in the city of Albany. Police Chief Eric Hawkins told the councilors his department has identified and is monitoring notorious trouble spots across the city, including one Deputy Police Chief Vincent Foley identified as a “hotspot” of criminal activity.” “We know that Hoffman Park coming up in the summer months, particularly is a problem area, especially by the playground…”
WTF is GUN VIOLENCE doing in the playground area. It’s not a coincidence that those DIE silhouettes of the darker shades are the problem.
Those poor oppressed criminal victims! If only society would have given them free housing, food, lights, gas, water, transportation and medicine they wouldn’t have to kill,rob, pillage and assault innocent people. Victims! Victims, I tell you! Dastardly, uncompassionate, law abiding citizens out there, with their notions of basic human civility and common virtue
don’t deserve.
Lowering the fence and installing a gate only for some
Trump will be prosecuted in Floida for espionage. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.What do you think of them apples?
THE PLANET shall let President Trump speak about that:
“Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has INDICTED me even though I did NOTHING wrong.
We are watching the ruling party weaponize our legal system to try and ELIMINATE its opposition. We truly are a nation in decline.
During an unprecedented moment like this, most politicians would give their first spoken remarks to the Fake News Media.
But not me. My loyalty lies with my fiercest defenders like YOU.
That’s why I decided to deliver my FIRST SPOKEN REMARKS to my most loyal supporters like YOU. You deserve to hear from me even before the press does.
Please watch my NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN VIDEO response to my SHAM INDICTMENT on this private link I’ve set up for you:
Thank you,
Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States”
Reminds me of the tale of Mixhail Khodorkovsky (Yukos Oil) when he tried to get in Putin’s way. Of course, if you stare long enough they look alike, and that of course is impossible.
Smoke this? The first layer of the Executive branch is conventionally known as the President and cabinet. Second is Congress. However, when the second becomes not Congress or courts but FBI and CIA, well, that isn’t a good thing to smoke.
Summary Biography – Mikhail Khodorkovsky
(This post is not really about Biden or Trump. It’s about something quite a bit bigger. In generations, no one will really remember who these two were. But everyone will still call themselves a US patriot.)
Does it remind you of the Killers of the Flower Moon / The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI?
Not really at all. Go on…
Hey Councilor Kronick, Am I right to think now that you have an opponent, that you will be dropping out of the Ward 2 race?
Let Groucho introduce the woman running in ward 2.
Trump = Espionage
Biden = treason.
A capital offense, with no statute of limitations. Barry Hillary Schiff Pelousey should think about that, also
Who’s he spying for buffoon?
Democrats trying to rig another election
What about when FOX news was a branch of governement under Trump? He got a ton of advice from Hannity and Tucker Carlson and Bill O”Reilly and even hired some of their people for his staff. And he was often on there trading thoughts and opinions. (with some of the dumbest journalists and guests I have ever seen or heard.
Fox, like CNN, is entertainment news. If you want to be informed, you have to have a long memory and apply the perspective of Time to current events. And, FH, I’ll be honest: you need to watch a lot of entertainment too. Art is subversive. “Don’t Look Up!” is a good example of getting it right, and for the right or wrong reasons.
To quote Pedro Martinez Dan….Trump is your Daddy
Yes, then the year after, Pedro and the Red Sox trumped the Yankees in the greatest comeback in MLB history, coming back to take 4 straight after being down 0-3. Went on to win the Series. The Biden crime family couldn’t make all the previous faux-scandals stick, they couldn’t make state prosecution stick, so now they’ll try federal prosecution.
Republican officials are rallying around former President Donald Trump in the moments after he claimed he has been indicted by the Justice Department in the classified documents probe, The Hill reports. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called the indictment “unconscionable” and a “grave injustice.” Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., accused Biden of using the Justice Department for political purposes and said the president “has trampled the rule of law to benefit himself.” Rep. Matt Gaetz called the reported indictment “phony,” and predicted, “This scheme won’t succeed.” And House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., claimed, “The radical far left will stop at nothing to interfere with the 2024 election in order to prop up the catastrophic presidency and desperate campaign of Joe Biden.”
Prediction: Trump support and fundraising will take another leap forward as a result of this ridiculous Javertian persecution (not prosecution).
Have another Bud Light looser
It needs a leap Dan. I hear most of his major donors ain’t giving him a penny. Look it up.
You lost Rush so turn off FOX racist white channel with messaging sold by beautiful women.Its an old story but it works on weak men who lost their beer and ego to a trans actress.
To quote Weiner Von Braun. May NASA send a probe to Uranus.
That was stated like the criminal he is…Roy Cohen would say tell a lie so often the people begin to believe it….73,000,000
Like CNN?
Let’s rig another election
Biden and his gang are turning us into a banana republic.
A Daley Republic.
Been since Jan 6th 2021.
The day America died…..
Dan falls for this hook, line and sinker.
Time to put down the Bud Lights and wrap that plastic Target bag around your head real tight and go to sleep TSC.
TSC went to NAPA, as “it/thing/he/she/pup handler/non-binary” heard they had a special on Tranny Fluid.
TSC this BUDs for you
No mention of water? At least it still meets German standards. Weimar maybe, but still German.
Who’s he spying for?
Who’s he spying for?
I don’t see why it matters anyway. Under Biden, all our enemies became our friends, and all our friends became our enemies. So it all works out.
Are you saying NATO has turned against us? Canada?
And Russia and North Korea are our buddies?
Are you one of those guys who gets his news specially selected by dark bots and sent to your email box? If so, look around and see if it is corroborated anywhere in the real world.
p.s. Biden has not launched even one (1) insurrection yet.
Oh boy, I was just quipping, Snark. You like to do that too.
State secrets are completely overrated. Those who know don’t care, and those who care don’t know. Nothing in either Trump or Bidens boxes have any significance unless its proof that Area 51 does contain intergalactic hostages that put our solar system in danger of hostile extraction. Even then, the odds that a intergalactic traveler would survive the odds between the shark infested Pacific Ocean (most likely landing spot) or a chinese restaurant kitchen, second most likely, in SOHO is scant.
Mooshoo Vegan.
Cheapskate New Yorkers thought it was chicken. They were wrong on all accounts.
Sorry, it went past me
Point is I stand firm on both points. There are no “secrets”
You can make a secret an put it a bottle, but it cannot stay secret for long unless it’s something no one would believe anyway. Third Law Of Thermodynamics: “Secrets secrete.” Second, corruption and bad management make enemies of friends and friends of enemies. You will see this happen if you work with a bunch of company men.
Mooshoo Vega: Mooshoo made with choice cuts of illegal alien from Vega Constellation.
Everyone eats in Chinese restaurants in SOHO, Manhattan. If illegal aliens from extraterrestial origins come to Earth, they’ll wind up in a kitchen in SOHO, which are known for swapping game species such as pigeons and rats for chicken and beef. They actually taste better, for what it’s worth.
Vegan: “I’ll take Mooshoo Pork!”
Waiter: “Ah, oookay. You be mooshoo pork”
Are you crazy?
Russia is our enemy,China is our enemy,North Korea is our enemy,Hungary is our enemy…..All the democracies believe in America again…You got that right councilor
Challenge: restate that point without using the verb “to be.” You will discover something important.
An interesting point; an exercise in Wittgensteinian linguistics.
In training in classical draftsmanship, my mentors advised me that one must learn to think that allows you to make good art. The rules are simple, the product most complex and logical.
Same goes for debate: you must learn to think in a form that allows you to produce good content.
Why are we not posting the most important story in American history…President Trump arrested for espionage?FOX won’t discuss it as they went full Hunter Biden on their audience. Dan,how can you dismiss the Trump story?
Water and sewer rates to soar because of tyer and 6 rubber stamps. These rates will continue to rise through the next 2 decades. I tried my hardest to prevent these raises but was ignored by tyer iron and the 6 lugnuts
It’s too late now
Everyone be prepared. The ceiling is about to come down
Want my seat?
Hey Councilor Kronick, Am I right to think now that you have an opponent, that you will be dropping out of the Ward 2 race?
Is this Henny Youngman?
Is this a serious question? I tried to make Carnegie Hall, but filled out the wrong and wound up in City Hall instead.
*wrong papers
Take me seat.,,.please.
something got lost in the translation there…
My point is that there is a 3000 grand piano on the floor above Kalinowsky’s seat and the ceiling is giving in. That seating section is discounted.
Tyer may be drawing up plans for a new city hall as we speak. That would surprise no one. Especially if it included a state of the art gymnasium in the basement.
No, that would surprise no one. We can agree on that.
Does she don yoga pants and workout there?
Dan is a big Trump fan, loathe to post negative info about him.
How much US tax money has Biden laundered in Ukraine so far?
To his good friend, he and Barry had installed 2014 , Zelensky? You know the crossdressing, “sweaty and rat-like, persecutor of Christians” (he’s jailed Greek Orthodox Priests), and in bed with American investment bankers.
Some US tax dollars came back to USA, back to the DNC, via Sam Bankman-Fried/FTX, DNCs second largest donor. FTX went “bankrupt”, why was that ? Sam has admitted the money came from Ukraine.
Biden DOJ/THE FIB? Crickets…….
$am Bankman-Fried admitted it TSC, to paying the DNC, from Ukraine.
Nobody knows HOW MUCH AS DEMOCRAT$ BLOCKED OVER$IGHT. Of any/all the laundry Biden $ent Ukraine
That is Biden’s et al pillaging ,of elderly Americans SS and Medicare funds.
That MUST feel good for You?
Looks like Biden OWNS you. And Trump is trying to start a civil war. Be careful what you wish for MT.
Chi-Coms own the Biden crime cartel snarky. Been in Xi’s pocket years now.
Civil war might be a last resort to save America. D-Rats and RINOs sure won’t.
Who here knows how to do a civil war? It’ll wind up being a food fight.
You do know they gave to both parties and you won’t get that on FOX propaganda
Crooked Joe strikes again.
Well, like the phony election results and the bad bad bad people at the FBI and CIA and DOJ and all the RINOs and leftist press and all the “best” people he hired to work for him who turned on him and a couple of his kids that can’t get far enough away from him and Hillary and Obama and Ukrainians yada yada yada..
…poor Donald…everybody mistreats him and its just not fair
Hillary and Soetoro are very prominent players on the bad side, of the Durham report.
Banana Republic Biden is in charge.
Probably because it’s just a smoke screen to hide the real criminal and his felonious acts, Joe Xiden.
Joe Biden allegedly pocketed $5 million in Ukrainian bribery scheme | Sky News Australia
Biden has a better chance of being a Jeopardy Champion than he has of being held accountable by the current injustice system for allegedly pocketing $5 million in bribe
He should go on Jeopardy with Fetterman and Hank Johnson.
None can phrase a question properly. How could any answer?
He also stands a better chance of being reelected if the republicans can’t find someone better than the ten dimwits currently running for them. He may not even need to campaign.
I think you meant, Joe won’t have to campaign just like the last time? Because it is already in the bag?
In the bag because the republicans seem to be handing it to him. Chris Christie is their strongest candidate right now. Trump does not have a prayer because much of the religious right have finally realized they were made fools of. But if he throws his support behind a half way decent candidate that person may have a chance. And, but, that candidate will have to promise to pardon Trump and his whole extended family if he wants the MAGA crowd votes.
It’s all lies and we all know it. Joe Biden keeps his classified documents under leaky oil cans in his unprotected garage, but that’s just great. He also didn’t have the authority as VP to have classified documents and nobody cared about these documents for forever until they were accidentally found. Biden is so corrupt and the system that protects him is equally as corrupt. Drain the cesspool of Washington D.C.
You are correct, the current inhabitants of DC are not swamp creatures.
Swamps are wonderful ecosystems.
DC is a sewer/cesspool filled with D-rats, RINOs, and shit.
If Biden goes to prison all sand bags and stains will be removed. Otherwise it’s cruel and unusual punishment.
Unless he has to share a cell with the Trump family.
Biden and Clinton/Soetero families will be in dirt, dead for treason.
Can we get public hangings agiain?
Trump tried to hang Pence, his most loyal supporter.
Remember that!
Maybe Biden’s daughter will be in the same cell block and he can start showering with her again.
Excepting the blood sucking mosquitoes
Those are the CRIMINAL ALIENS the democRATS import.
Yes,I did see Trump say it and FOX report it so it’s true that TRUMPs espionage is OK
Because the bigger story is Biden should have been in jail 2017 for Burmisa with Hunter and brother Jim.
THE FIB , knew this in 2017 TSC.
““He [Burisma owner] paid $5 million to one Biden and he paid $5 million to another Biden and it was all a bribery to get Shokin fired and end the investigation into Burisma,” MTG said.
According to Marjorie Taylor Greene, the informant said the Burisma owner claimed to have two pieces of evidence showing proof of payment to Hunter and specifically Joe Biden.”
Get it all out of your system MT. Will you be watching any of the Trump trials on TV? Won’t be on FOX so ya might have to go to PBS to root fer yer buddy.
By the way, his son Donald Jr. is already hawking striped prison garb on their merch site. $99.99 for the jumpsuit and an extra $39.99 for the matching hat with the inmate number on it. They are being manufactured in Mexico just on the other side of his wall. How weird is that?
Still in denial abut Durham report we see.
Have You sought counseling for TDS yet?
Biden is having his image put on bottles of dementia medication.
Addendum: This shirt is an actual item Trump is selling and you can google his merchandise website and see for yourself.
And you can purchase one to wear at his next insurrection. He really does wuv you MT.
Anyone want to kick in a few bucks for a bribe to Biden? Crooked Joe can be bought.
No. Leftist kangaroo courts don’t impress me.
Trap likes this stuff.
Biden is so crooked he has to screw his socks on.
He gets confused with left and right handed threads……Jill does that for him.
Yes,if that’s make you feel better about Trumps espionage
Fake information by a drunken democrat
I think the tuck swimsuit from Target is cutting off the blood flow to the brain.
Election rigging
Along the DIE lines, let’s not forget about how successful affirmative action programs have been for non-black people:
Asian-American student with 1590 SAT score rejected by 6 elite colleges, blames affirmative action | Fox News
Kindergarden, OB, Helen “Handgun” Moon, care to comment? Or is it “white privilege” again?
Let’s not forget the incompetent hires of Pittsfield School System ( and other city deparments), based solely on race, NOT “the content of their characters” – MLK
Pittsfield tends to hire buffoons of all skin colors.
As long as they are willing to allow the puppet strings to be attached they are welcome. Give up your dignity and self worth and you move up another step. At this level you can get financial backing to run for mayor.
You just can’t hide it,bite your lip and count to 10
Notice how they don’t or won’t admit that DEI is racist. Or that equity is communistic? Everyone thought the Cold War was over in 1989. Communism and socialism never go away, they wait, lurk waiting for an opportunity to perpetrate evil. As long as there is a freedom country like the USA there is a system to compare them
to, and they can’t have that.
Crime weekend has started already. Of course the spotter is useless.
And if it happens outside of Pittsfield you may read about it in the local paper. Not so much within the city though. Can you spell “blackout”?
That Could be the LEFTIST “LEFT WINGED PARROT” covering the news for liberals like YOU snaky. Still on CNN?
I stopped funding that rag last millennia. Communist Rutberg I hear made it worse? Is it?
Tucker goes for the third rail by addressing Obama’s personal life….
Gee Dan you wore your best sweatshirt to interview the suit-clad mayoral candidates. Nice shot of Krol’s best side – the back of his head. Can’t see anything changing for the better with this slate of potential grand poobahs!
Joe Biden is taunting the public by saying, “Where’s the money?” when questioned about his bribery scheme. It’s like the murder suspect saying, “Where’s the body?” if you think I did it. Obviously the money is well hidden in Swiss bank accounts, but Republicans should be able to trace it eventually. Add to that, James Comey in an interview saying that “Biden has to be the next president”. Comey claims that Trump will go after everyone who wronged him including Comey. That Trump will drain the D.C. cesspool and expose all of the corruption. We already know all of the corruption exists, but nobody has been held accountable.
He belongs hanging on a rope from a tree. Like many of the DC trash for treason. That is the RINOs too.
Romney, Mitch and Lindsey for starters….
I agree. There are a lot of bad Republicans too who want to have a uniparty in this country.
No one is a permanent victim as they claim. Anyone with a bit of ambition can make a decent living and live a decent life in this country. Not everyone is qualified to be a doctor or a judge. Hell some people aren’t qualified to put hamburgers in a bag for $20 an hour. Skin color , Sex, LGBTQXZWYNNA are not qualifications for employment. Even if you hate the real history of this country you can’t change it. We have come a long way in 250 years and we are the best country in the world. People pushing DEI
are what’s wrong with this country..
Superb and insightful comment.
OP. I love your post. During my career as world wide director of technical marketing for krofta eng. Corp. And Lenox Institute for research I traveled the world extensively from one side of the world to the other side I worked in many countries but I always was happy to return to the G ood old USA. If you have a goal and work hard to make it happen you will always be successful.i also think we all need a little luck aLong the way in order to persevere. I like your posts.God bless you and these united states Craig
Did you ever cross paths with Sturgeon as he was all over the world as well?
And that is why we will not allow white supremist to re-emerge into mainstream political life promoted by the power of the wealthy to buy the messaging of division and conspiracy.A trillion dollar military does not stand a chance against the division of the American people.Russia and China have figured this out.Keep hating women and minorities and know you are doing it for them.
why are you racist?
Dan, thanks for posting pictures.
I never knew what those two villains/crooks looked like.
Now I can curse them out loud when I see either.
Gotta love 1st amendment….
New mASShole DPW monstrosities put on homeowners front yards, on Holmes being closed two months.
Is the mASShole DPW finally going to fix the bridge?
In 1942, USA built a highway from Washington to Alaska states, in 6 months.
Never truer words:
The founding fathers came to America and made “We the People” the most important component to our success and freedom. Politicians have decided that “We the government” is much more important than “We the people”.
Quote from article in the A.T..
A well-governed people.
That didn’t last long , Charley.
The politicians been pissing on the Constitution before the ink dried.
Dan where is the video ?
Kronick have you quit yet ?
Video is available now, here, on Facebook, or YouTube channel PLANET VALENTI VIDEO.
Watched the interview In it’s entirety. I got the feeling from the questions asked and answered that there isn’t much difference between the two candidates. Many bs answers to excellent questions.
Shhh! If my wife finds out I started again she’ll kill me!
Will justice ever be served? And Biden, Obama, both Clintons, Pelousey, Schiff, et al be swinging on a rope?
Inappropriate and unacceptable.
Marchetti answer to the DEI question was pure symbolism over substance. How would this BS office have improved his life.
Krol have sort of a dodgy answer.
Why can’t Taylor’s office handle this stuff? Because it’s feel good PC nonsense taking money away from things that need to be done that aren’t getting done.
“Why can’t Taylor’s office handle this stuff? Because it’s feel good PC nonsense taking money away from things that need to be done that aren’t getting done.”
Because, if the DEI policies were run through the HR department, the city would risk a First Amendment lawsuit and possibly harassment suits. It is bad policy to put your HR department as risk, so grow an appendage that you can safely sever.
Go away as you said you wouldn’t run if someone else did!
Why don’t YOU go away!
Donald Trump owns the stupid.Trump will be handing in his passport Tues morning at his arraignment on espionage and and obstruction of justice.At a speech on Saturday he said his violent attack inside our Capital building that resulted in 5 deaths and 150 wounded police by the attackers who have been prosecuted are political prisoner’s. Trump can still potentially get enough votes to become American s first Authoritarian dictator put there by America’s dumbest people.
Planet posters, I am pleased to let you know that my good friend Alex Blumin will be a candidate for councilor of ward2. Alex is a very smart and concerned citizen. He has accompanied me on many occasions to speak our minds at the poorly run city council meetings. Like me he is fearless and not intimated by anyone. Alex is an immigrant from the old soviet union and knows first hand about living in a society of oppression and corrupt governance. He loves the US and all the freedoms accorded him here and when he sees something wrong he tries to make it right. He wasn’t allowed to do that in the old soviet union. Alex has been one of my staunchest supporters and I highly support his candidacy for ward 2 councilor. Please support Alex. He will fight hard to do things right and he is not afraid to call a spade a spade. He is a wonderful person and I highly endorse his candidacy
Will Biden return all the money he received for his bribery schemes? Trump wants freedom for Americans. He is NOT the dictator like Biden and his cronies who want to take away freedoms from Americans. We have seen it ever since Biden has been President.
Biden and his cronies are the dictators NOT President Trump. Trump and DeSantis want freedom for Americans unlike Biden who is destroying free speech and calling everyone a racist who isn’t woke enough. They are destroying our school system with their gender, political, and sex indoctrination for the children and destroying our justice system with a 2-tier justice system. Hillary can bleachbit and hammer away at classified information and get away with it. Will Biden return the money from his bribery schemes?
Rumor has it that Hunter has nude pics of TSC on his laptop
Google Yanni live at the accropolis 1993. Select 《the rain must fall). Enjoy the violin solo mid way in
You just saw the best violin player in the world. Now select song (marching season) now listen to the best drummer in the world Charlie Adam’s. I think you will like this dan.
I believe that has already happened twice, FDR and Obama. Take your meds please you were doing well with your TDS what happened? If you really had an interest in what is really happening in the world and America you would broaden where you get your information from, so far over the years you have only made comments that come from the racist show the View.
I heard that you were at Cim’s preparing for the Bar Exam.