(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 11, 2023) — It’s an old story, going back thousands of years.
The narrative has its beginnings in two books. You know them as the Bible and the Koran, literary products of related people who fail to see their common humanity by substituting interpretations of texts they believe divinely inspired, claiming love but used to justify hate.
The Jews and their Christians offshoots came first followed by the third Abrahamic tributary, Islam.
Religion and belief.
Willing to die for a cause.
That’s the Middle East in the shell of a hazelnut.
———- ooo ———-
Talk about geopolitics. The region land incorporates Israel, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon. Hundreds and hundreds years before the birth of Jesus, the Greeks dubbed that area “Philistia,” derived from the people that lived there, the Philistines. From that came the anglicized word “Palestine.”
After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire (1922), the Brits designated the territory as the British Mandate of Palestine. Colonialism stood until 1948, when the United Nations’ Resolution 181 created several self-governing states, notably Israel.
Unfortunately, the Jews held on to the parched, parchment belief that the were God’s Chosen Ones and that the land and its arbitrary borders were theirs by divine right.
Religion and belief.
Willing to die for a cause.
Utterly toxic.
———- ooo ———-
Today Palestine stands divided, existing as two islands within the “ocean” of Israel. The West Bank borders Jordan and the Gaza Strip clings in the lower east to the Mediterranean.
Gaza a tiny area, 25 miles long and 3.8 miles to 7.5 miles wide. To give you a comparison, Berkshire County is 946 square miles in area. Gaza is 141. Whereas the Berkshires has about 128,000 people, Gaza’s population tops two million, making it the world’s 3rd densest populated area.
Gaza, nominally ruled by Hamas since the 2006 election, has been under a repressive Israeli siege since then. Israel controls Gaza’s entrances/exits, keeping residents corralled with a DMZ consisting of double-fencing, manned observation towers, and mines. It has been called “an open-air prison,” and 19 humanitarian organizations, including Amnesty International, have for years called upon Israel to end the air, sea, and land blockade. That blockade controls virtually all the food, fuel and electricity allowed into Gaza.
Monday’s invasion of Israel by Hamas militants did not occurred in a vacuum nor come about casually. It was the desperate explosion of a cornered people who have been left without other realistic options.
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET does not condone the violence perpetrated by Hamas on innocent civilians. It should go without saying. We condemn it. On the same dial, neither do we support the Israeli response, which has been inhumane and barbaric.

Part of the destruction Israel has unleashed in Gaza. This annihilation is being repeated in many neighborhoods. Israel has also stopped food, fuel, and electricity from entering the Strip.
The complexities of the Middle East situation have escaped any beneficent grasp or ideological explanation. Nevertheless, we must try to grasp it, even if it requires cartoonish simplicity. Allow THE PLANET to draw it for you:
- This region has been at war with itself for millennia due to entrenched cultural tribalism and religious fundamentalism.
- The Western “solution” imposed in 1922 after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire has never fit and cannot work.
- The creation of Israel in 1948 displaced millions of Palestinians, who have been stateless since.
- The only equitable response is not more war but the long-dangled Two-State Solution.
The weaponization of the region blocks all rationality, precluding practical hope for a peaceful solution. Complicating the situation is the Biden Administration’s disastrous release of $6 billion to Iran (Iranian assets frozen in South Korea) in exchange for five U.S. hostages. This has emboldened terrorists, who now know that under Biden, kidnapping pays big. Hamas is believed to have taken 150 or more people hostage in the recent attack including Americans.
And that’s where we are.
The solution is already there. See the New Testament, John 13:34-5.
But why even bother?
We didn’t listen then.
We aren’t listening now.
“Love one another, as I have loved you” — Jesus Christ.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Dementia Joe and his Democrat buddies have been letting into this country God knows who. Let’s hope the FBI doesn’t blow it again. Dangerous times for us.
No Speaker yet. The Swamp is dysfunctional. The Republicans cannot blame Joe Biden on their infighting.
Israel is ruled by far right politicians. Hamas is a terrorist group. The violence is the worst since WW2.
The Bible is filled with military conflicts. Jesus Christ was persecuted and Crucified by the Roman Empire. Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. The rest is a matter of one’s faith in God.
John, the Romans didn’t kill Jesus. Guess who did?
Cowards. Remember J last words.
Coward is a man who is incapable of memory. Live strictly in the present.
A coward is a man who runs from the responsibilities as he knows them to be.
Correct. That is to say, he forgets.
Why bring Marchetti into this?
If you ask Hannity he will tell you Biden did it. And have a video to back it up.
The infighting, in this case, is the sign of reform.The national spending will destroy all of us and in this case reform is essential.
But what if the Japanese come back and bomb Pearl Harbor again? Are you prepared for that scenario? Did not think so.
Expect the unexpected Charles.
I knew I liked this guy.
Jesus was a carpenter who ate organic food. The Carpenter’s sold a lot of records. I really like their Xmas collection. Happy Halloween.
Did Jesus build that big cross he was always hauling around? And what ever happened to it?
I don’t know, but that’s what they told me I was kissing in 2nd grade.
Merry Christmas Darling… silky seductive voice
Catholics, parents at school board meetings, and veterans…..THE FIB is watching them closely
Did any of the weapons sleepy Joe left in behind in Afghanistan show up with Hamas murderers?
This was a story many months ago. It appeared in, ready Leftists, NEWSWEEK.
The modern weapons of war, 80 ILLION DOLLARS WORTH, Traitor Joseph Stolen “gifted” the Taliban when he abandoned Afghanistan, began showing up in Gaza at least MONTHS AGO.
There are already Americans dead from the mayhem the barbarians have used them for. I think 13 is the running tally with others raped and abducted/held as hostages (unknown number, Joe’s busy having ice cream).
Worse yet the Taliban have requested land passage through Iran to access Israel from the north via Syria/Iraq; so more of Biden’s Taliban “gifts” will keep on giving. Hezballah will team, up with Taliban soon.
It has also been reported, for a year at least now, weapons supplied the Ukraine money laundrymat, are showing up all over the world.
Dead Americans count up to 22,17 missing
True. These monsters have already said they are coming after us too. We should take them at their word and close our borders. We already have enough dangerous people here who could plan terrorist attacks.
But,but,but……the poor “refugees”, er young men of military age…
Sign them up for service?
Getting shot in the back or fragged is not appealing
My point.
They found dead body in wachonah Park. Is this the person who invented baseball in Pittsfield in 1789?
It is probably the guy who invented Pocket Pool in Park Square in 1791.
Maybe a citizen who tried to speak at a city council meeting.
Blow them evil Hamas bastards out past the atmosphere.
Iran is behind this. Jew hate is behind this. Generations of inbreeding in the Mideast is behind this. Dementia Joe’s energy policies are behind this. Israel will do the right thing.
I agree with your assertions, 86.
We are now protecting Jewish Synagogues from because of domestic hate.
Biden just gave the Iranian Mullahs 6 BILLION DOLLARS, last month.
Don’t want the terrorists pockets to be empty. Sotero gave them more loot/tribute than Joe.
What do you think Trump would have gave them?
Maybe a few cruise missles……2020 he gave Soleimani of Revoluntionary Guard a nice warm reception at an airport for killing American soldiers. All the Leftists, especially “the Squad” had their panties in a bunch for that.
The Leftists, and The Squad, are celebrating the actions of Hamas.
“left without other realistic options”??? Seriously??? No other realistic options but to butcher and behead women and children. And I guess Krol was left with no other realistic option to pay his AMEX bills, henceforth mistakes were made. Come On Man!
This is the Loony Left version of the history of Israel. Completely ignoring Palestinian calls for genocide throughout WW2. Neglects the mass expulsion of Jews from all Arab nations upon founding resulting in mass exodus to Israel.
In three weeks, Iraq the home to the largest Post-Babylonian Jewish community forced Israel to collect them under duress of slaughter. 100, 000 to less than 100. All rounded up and imprisoned in a death camp
There are no DMZ anymore since Israel abandoned Lebanon. Gaza is unoccupied and is now firmly controlled by a professional army of murderers. Just a thin wall stands between Israel and the murder factories of Gaza, and it surprises me in fact that even the Biden.Admin agrees now that is not enough.
Very shocked, Dan. It’s repugnant.
I realize the situation is complex, with both sides having compelling and heartbreaking narratives. It is, however, ultimately a matter of people clinging to religious-based culture (and culture-based religion) and refusing to recognize the others’ common humanity. Tribalism and its remnants still very much alive and at odds with post-post-modern existence. Judeo-Christian v. Islam. “I’m a THIS. You’re a THAT.” Insoluable as long as tradition remains entrenched turning tenacity into stubbornness. There’s enough horror and heartbreak on both sides. Question becomes: When does enough actually become ENOUGH to allow love to enter? It can only be done on a personal level. Nationalism is incapable.
The terrorists doing the murdering and torturing don’t look religious at all. They act like the exact opposite. They use religion as an excuse for their savage acts. They really want to kill all Jewish people and the Americans who support them. The German Nazis weren’t religious and they had the same goal. As many are calling them, these Hamas terrorists are Arab Nazis.
Any non-Muslims, who won’t be good subservent Dhimis.
This is not driven by religion. It is driven by Satan.
This situation is genocide and the attempt to bury religion, not exert it. Very simple.
I agree. What is happening is the work of Satan. Chopping off the heads of babies and the other atrocities shows the evil of these terrorist groups.
Hell a bad place as it might be, may not even have a place for such
evil beings.
Yes, its the work of Satan, a character in a book. If we’re assigning blame to literature characters, I’d like to make my stand here against that bastard Winnie the Pooh
“Question becomes: When does enough actually become ENOUGH to allow love to enter?”
A good deal of love was murdered, paraded naked, humiliated and terrifed on Simchat Torah. The Torah stands impervious to flame.
This attack and the response have occurred during my taking up, begun a couple weeks ago, of the Holy Bible. My bookmark is at Genesis 35. Already, the pages turn themselves with tales of war, slayings, incest, annihilation, and the rest of it.
Good reading.
It is real, ain’t it.
Spot on Charles.
Thank you.
You are very brave to address this Dan. The subject is toxic.
But I guarantee you Putin will be pouring gas on the fire hoping Americans will turn against each other even more than they already are. He pursues every avenue that contributes to division and weakening of America. And there are indeed already protests from both Jews and Muslims in America. What could possibly go wrong?
Watch your back.
Who knows how many terrorist sleeper cells are already in USA among the MILLIONS of criminals,whereabouts unknown, Biden let invade the southern border last 2 1/2 years?
If I lived in a blue run major city, I would be very concerned about it Trap.
For those who live in D-led cities, better keep your head on a swivel: strict gun laws for law abiding citizens, politicians who favor illegals over Americans (TFCB), densely packed locales, it’s a terrorists dream-think Israel this past weekend.
Over this past weekend, I flew cross country. One stop took me into a major airport in TX. The food court area and every boarding area without a departing plane, was PACKED with 18-28 y/o men from many foreign countries. They were all waiting for a flight to NYC, Chicago, and/or DC. Got to love TX Gov. Abbott. I’d say send some Maura’s way, but I’m sure it’s in the works.
Everyone of them were dressed in gray sweatshirts, gray sweatpants, cheap tennis shoes, and EVERYONE had a better cell phone than me.
Oh, they were also graciously enjoying the food at the food court on their $2500 Visa gift card, provided by me and every other US taxpayer.
A few MASKED travelers mentioned they were shocked, “I don’t see any immigrant families the news keeps telling me about.”
Go figure, huh? I wanted to ask them why they were still wearing a face diaper.
They weren’t elderly and if you’re that immunocompromised, maybe travel in your own car or not travel at all?
The Jews and Muslims are already fighting here at their protests.
In the case of the Muslims, it’s really a celebration
While your description and summary of the history and current state of affairs in Israel and the plight of the Palestinians is indeed accurate, there is a not-so-subtle subtext the situation that must be stated. Historians can dissect the merits of the creation of the Israeli state and the resulting disenfranchisement of the Palestinian people for the remainder of time. However, what cannot be lost in this argument is the untenable (from Israel’s perspective) demands of Hamas and Hezbollah that the creation of a recognized Palestinian nation cannot be realized without the complete demise and eradication of the nation of Israel. This pretext has never been and will never be accepted by the Israeli people and the world-wide community (in general) as a whole. The blockade of the Palestinian region was originally necessitated by repeated acts of terrorism against the Israeli people generated from this region. From the perspective of the Israeli’s, this blockade is a self-defensive mechanism for their survival. In light of recent events, one can argue about the overall effectiveness of this policy. However, until such time that the supposed leaders of the Palestinian people recognize the right of Israel to exist, there will be no solution to this situation. I know that I will not see a resolution to this horrible situation in my lifetime and I suspect the same for my children and their descendants for the foreseeable future.
Excellent commentary. I agree. Palestinian leadership must agree to the Two-State solution by dropping any demand that calls for the destruction of Israel.
Well said.
I don’t believe in the two-state solution. There is too much bad blood between these people for them to live side by side even as independent states. This attack was more like the holocaust and not like previous wars. Hamas used ISIS tactics to kill, rape, and torture.
I agree Pat, a two-state solution will not work.
If you reject the two-state solution, you are essentially making the Palestinians a stateless people. Also, over time the Palestinians become the majority, threatening the state of the democracy.
Pay no attention to the theft charges against a candidate running for mayor while the Middle East continues to middleast.
Krol is a man who runs from the responsibilities as he knows them to be.
Why were Israeli citizens defenseless? Less than 2% have a pistol license due to stringent gun laws.
Think about that when the leftist loonies keep rallying for gun control!
They were at it yesterday at the mASSHOLE statehouse.
Not sure of outcome of that?
Brace yourself, the violence is coming here as terrorists are flooding into the country thanks to O’Biden’s open border…..
Border Patrol reports a significant amount of Syrians and Pakistanis crossing Arizona border….
How the leftists feeling about millions of “refugees” now?
Thumbs down already!
Pittsfield got barbarian sleeper cell members on The Planet?
And of course you were all for the insurrection.
1775? Concord + Lexington, yea
Three strikes of the match, and marksmen took care of the rest.
Three strikes:
1: Lexington green – Martyrdom
2: North Bridge Concord – Reaction
3: Parker’s Revenge & Merriam’s corner at Battle Road. – War
Oops – not match but flint.
Matchlocks were old tecnolog6
It is true.
Never like Netanyahu
He is the Israely trump. Trying to do away with democracy. Half his country has been protesting him for almost a year now.
Do you prefer baboes with or without heads?
I don’t like babies that cry all the time if that answers your question
Dominus Vobiscum.
“It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. You see the babies, the mother, the father, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms, and how the terrorists killed them,” IDF Maj. Gen. Itai Veruv said, describing the scene, i24News reported. “It’s a massacre.”
Dan states “neither do we support the Israeli response which has been inhumane & barbaric.” I find this statement very disturbing.
Who attacked who, Dan?
The Israeli response has been inhumane & barbaric????? Not! Hamas attacked and is murdering parents in front of their children, taking hostages, raping women, beheading kids and wiping out whole families. I call the Hamas attack barbaric and inhumane. Israel has a right to defend themselves. May their response be swift and effective against Hamas.
A good case for turning Gaza into glass.
No genocide allowed.
I also call the Hamas attack inhumane and barbaric. So is the Israeli attack now on Gaza. Yes, Israel will defend itself. And its enemies will respond. And Israel will respond, and its … ad infinitum. What’s happening now is no different than what’s BEEN happening for decades and centuries. The difference now is that sometimes the atrocities are filmed for the internet. Everyone is outraged, and nothing is done … except for more inhumanity and barbarism. I am looking at this situation and seeing the full picture, which is not possible for anyone who adheres to an ideology.
There is a 89.4 percent chance that we get dragged into this and I mean soon. Already talk of a draft. But if ya gots bone spurs you are golden.
But you’ve got to have the correct pronouns…..
Hamas leader calls for muslim global uprising on Friday the 13th.
This is terrifying. These Hamas terrorists want to rule the world. This isn’t about a land dispute with Israel.
You’re correct. Hamas is a terrorist organization whose sole purpose is to wipe Jews off the face of the earth. It is not about land or fighting for freedom; this is about pure carnage and Israel will need to take them out completely. There are civilians on both sides who do not want war. Jews and Palestinians have long had issues but have come to live with one another. Hamas does not represent Palestine though they currently hold power. They are backed by Iran and now have formed ISIS tactics. What has transpired since Saturday brings us back to the holocaust. Jews have long been persecuted and this is no different. To go after the innocent, women, children and elderly tells you this isn’t about any fair fight. These are not men, they are monsters straight from hell.
As a human, you would look at this situation and be absolutely mortified. They are not human.
Yes, Pat, they are our enemy.
This barbaric attack is just the tip of the iceberg. Surely China has its eye on Taiwan, knowing that the US is short on weapons & ammo and the military is distracted by transgenderism, climate change & DEI. Recently China began training its troops in Canada, near our border. The Chinese have been pouring over our open border as have middle eastern terrorists. The goal of the globalists is to destroy America with the help of the Biden regime. I fear the worst is yet to come and I hope I’m wrong.
Yup, America has never been weaker and everyone one of the enemies we have made is watching closely. If one of them comes after us the others will pile on.
America fights best when weak.
I agree with you with your previous comment about federal spending being an economic problem for our own country. The problem with your otherwise correct comment is that every other country plays similar financial shell games with their spending. If the Republican Party in the Swamp accomplished its goal of limited federal spending, the trade-off would be U.S. Government isolationism in the global economy and international community. From what I understand, the government s’- at home and foreign ones – respective monetary supply are mostly imaginary digital numbers that bounce around computer screens, which means that it is mostly made up digital numbers that float around doing nothing but causing us common people financial anxiety about our own financial security during the 8 or so decades we walk around the planet Earth. The elites at home and in foreign countries always win in the fiat economy of Santa Claus, Unicorns, Mermaids….
The gobsigs are rejoicing that we have 2 clones runing for mayor. Two buffoons beating it out to collect the greatest number of gobsig votes. two individuals who would certainly fail in any private sector endeavor looking to take over the reines of a 250 million dollar budget. Only in the public sector could people of such horrible credentials get a shot at ruining the livelihoods of so many citizen residents. Perhaps the best thing we could do is write in the word NEI THER in the write in candidate line. Some choice –‘ Be prepared for at least 4 more years of gobsig rule..God help we the people of the city of pittsfield. I suggest we all buy a lock and put it on our pocket books as the vultures will certainly be out to Rob us blind very soon
Well said I like the Billboard.
Well then Charles, what else can we do to make us weaker?
Keep throwing stones at each other.
With everything going on in the world right now, Joe Xiden believes “Climate Change” is our greatest threat.
Biden stands by claim climate change is greatest threat as Hamas unleashes terror across Israel | Fox News
As I’ve posted on here before, I’m not mad at the idiot that is “Corn Pop” Joe Xiden.
I’m just mad at the idiots that “voted” for him.
Not one liberal on here can name one positive thing Joe Xiden’s done for America and the American taxpayer.
No wars
Gas under $2 a gallon
Secure Border
Low Inflation
Booming economy and stock market
Mean tweets and locker room guy talk was worth everything going on today? Kindergarden? JM? Snark?
‘Not one liberal on here can name one positive thing Joe Xiden’s done for America and the American taxpayer.’
This may not be evident to the MAGA constituency, but Biden brought back the respect we lost in the eyes of the rest of the world.
Prof-did your TA post that nonsense for you?
You honestly think Joe Xiden “brought back respect we lost…”
Are you out of your mind?
A proxy war in Ukraine and the money Xiden recently gave to Iran, who then funded Hamas’ attack on Israel is your definition of “respect” versus four years of no wars? Ok…..
And what’s wrong with America first? I’m proud of my country and sick of my tax money going to fund others. History has taught us, tossing money at third world countries ALWAYS leads to corruption and does nothing to help.
Tenure and an always increasing six-figure salary wasn’t in my cards prof. I had to work for a living. I didn’t work in a liberal ivory tower. I want my tax money in MY COUNTRY.
When did you lose your patriotism, if you don’t mind me asking?
Are you kidding, Markus? I am a patriot’s patriot. I volunteered for the military at age 17 while still in high school – my parents had to sign for me.
Nothing’s wrong with America First. That is my guiding philosophy.
You make a lot of odd assumptions about who I am and what I believe based on scattered incorrect comments and inferences about me. I am simply a liberal American who has trust that the current leadership has the best interests of our country at heart, in stark contrast to our last leader, whose motivations were based completely on self interest.
Trump’s leadership was based on “self interest.” Again, are you kidding me?
Trump NEVER collected his paycheck when he was president.
Besides his paycheck, Xiden also collects bribes and kickbacks.
Does “10% for the Big Guy” ring any bells Prof?
You wouldn’t call that “self interest?”
And no, patriotism is not your driving force.
Your posts have all favored illegal immigration, continued funding for Ukraine, and harm reduction for junkies.
None of that advances America. It only weakens my once great country.
It’s my country too.
Trump and his family made tens of millions from his presidency. Still killing it selling documents and tee shirts. Please vary your news sources. My god Markus, climb out of that box and look around you. there is a whole other world out there outside of MAGA world.
10% for “THE BIG GUY”, er JOE BIDEN!
Snark, as I said to the Prof, are you kidding me?
Post me a verified link showing “Trump and his family made tens of millions from his presidency.”
You were aware he was in LEGITIMATE business, prior to entering politics, correct? If not, you don’t think the left-loons would have indicted him on it by now?
You are also aware, Pelos, Xiden, and the Ayatollah John Kerry’s son, ALL worked for an energy company in Ukraine? I don’t see Eric Trump on this list.
Until then, just empty words from another an anti-American, left-loon.
Instead of posting about Trump, how about posting ANYTHING Joe Xiden has done to help the average US Citizen.
Markus, as I’ve said before, you are a fool. You dislike all democrats, and you simply cannot see the good Biden is doing. You, and Dan and Trapper, put your trust and allegiance in D Trump, a psychological misfit. You and your ilk believe what he says as you sit in your silo and ruminate.
You have NO IDEA, none whatsoever, of where I put my “trust and allegiance.” Zero. To say that you do undermines your remark.
I stand by my accurate remark. Your behaviors give you away.
And yours, a leftwinged kook.
P.S., congratulations on your gangbuster traffic.
You are for everything that’s turning America into a 3rd world latrine.
I liked Biden’s speech today. It was emotional and to the point, but 95% of the time he makes crazy decisions like giving billions to Iran in a prisoner swap. Why sweeten the deal with all of that money? The swap should have been enough. Biden has bad decision making and in this case, dangerous decision making. Iran has been made very wealthy by Joe Biden and Iran is using that wealth to fund terror. Hamas is killing the people of Iraq with billions of dollars worth of weapons Biden left in Afghanistan. Iran is also getting rich from oil thanks to Biden.
He rose to the moment. Fine speech.
The $$ and the attack are unrelated. An attack of such complexity required months of preparation.
Post a verified link to backup your claim Prof, about the “$$ and the attack are unrelated.”
From what I’ve read from both US and other foreign governments, it was DIRECTLY related.
Like I wrote above to snark, without a verified link backing this up, you “guys” just post empty words and sentences from a couple of liberal left-loons.
You would make Barry Sotero and Corn Pop Xiden proud….
All you need to do, Markus, is look at the timeline, when you make inferences about cause and effect.
Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid: until February 2022, the United States had provided Israel US$150 billion (non-inflation-adjusted) in bilateral assistance.
Look it up..we get nothing in return
Iran does not have access to that $$. Their access has been removed. It’s controlled by the US and Qatar.
Russian KP ?
Извините, я не понимаю.
чушь собачья
“чушь собачья”
Well, that’s just what I’d expect: an unreasoned response.
There are none so blind as those who will not see
Look in the mirror.
ROFL! ROFL!…………..
The world knows Biden is a demented fool!.
You sir, are effing nuts to believe that. He is an utter disgrace on the world stage.
When Trump was president I was embarrassed to travel abroad and talk to people. He was such an embarrassment to Europe, Canada and the rest of the world.
Go abroad again, see what the world thinks of Biden.
If you decide to stay, we won’t miss you a bit.
Trap, you’d be happy if all democrats were gone.
I can stomach RFK JR, the leftists are afraid of him.
We’re not afraid of him. He has nothing in common with his father.
“Biden brought back the respect we lost in the eyes of the rest of the world.”
I think that what the rest of the world wants from the USA, to keep their respect, is what is always has been since Adams: Preserve the stability of our currency and T-Bills; For us to keep buying their stuff; Rock and movies. The Japanese are in the process of trying to oust us from the international whiskey stage, and I hope that we don’t let them succeed.
The world looks at Biden and sees an empty suit
China hasn’t trained it’s troops in Canada. Look it up. Just google it, not some whacky right wing fake news outlet.
In 2018, Cnanada allowed some to OBSERVE their winter training, but didn’t allow them to participate. That was over three years ago.
Maple syrup and hockey pucks, the chicom’s new secret weapons.
China will not invade Taiwan. 我能保证。
John Krol’s call for municipal financial management reforms leaves out Beacon Hill’s corrupt career politicians always systemically under-funding state aid for public education and local government. Pittsfield’s revenues come from both Boston’s secretive Statehouse and the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family who lives and pays taxes – in return for “a shit sandwich”- in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. A would-be John Krol could micromanage the city government’s accounting books until the Sun sets everyday, but he would still need to go to Boston to tell the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown to stop always being in bed with state pensioner and greedy registered lobbyist Dan Bosley, along with the 7-figure super-greedy registered lobbyists who lucratively promote the unconscionable corruption, secrecy, and top-down dictatorial leadership under Beacon Hill’s tarnished Golden Dome. John Krol does NOT know what he is doing. John Krol is a dupe!
Again,I am urging the voters to write in Number 1.
I think we have found your talent.
Let’s not jump the gun. Have you ever seen Jonathan dance and jump around while the Carl Douglas song Kung Fu Fighting is playing in the background? Talk about talent. I rest my case.
I don’t get the hate. I get the irritation, not the hate.
Is my talent throwing tomatoes at lousy politicians?
You exhibit knowledge of the political and fiscal process and its impact on local government.
Well said.
From ABC News, Tuesday night:
The Israel Defense Forces has since declared “a state of alert for war” and launched retaliatory airstrikes on Gaza, a 140-square-mile territorywhere 2 million Palestinians have lived under a blockade imposed by neighboring Israel and Egypt since Hamas seized power in 2007. Palestinian authorities said at least 1,100 people have died and another 5,339 have been injured in Gaza since Saturday. Unlike Israel, the Gaza Strip has no air raid sirens or bomb shelters.
So what, we are supposed to rally to the side of Israel for inflicting even greater horror and terror? There are no shelters in Gaza. The civilians are sitting ducks. The Hamas militants and Netanyahu’s militants are equally abhorrent. Israel is meeting a localized slaughter with a region wide massacre.
How many innocent people will die in this ongoing war? This is a tragedy. The United Nations should call an emergency meeting and then send in a peace-keeping military force in the Middle East for a period of time.
A UN force would be decimated. We must keep Hamas and the Palestinian people separate in our minds.
Israel seems determined to turn the Gaza Strip into a pile of dust. Just as Jesus would have wanted them to apparently. And the U.S. has their back while they do it. The almost 2 BILLION Muslims in the world will take note of this.
Just saying.
When Ariel Sharon ended military occupation of Gaza, he withdrew all Israelis and left behind everything they had produced intact: agriculture, factories, etc…
Gaza was left to self-determination, and many Gazans hoped to grow a State and business. They could, in fact, have built a Singapore on the Mediterranean Sea with industry, finance, tech, ports, tourism. And many tried. But Hamas took control by murdering every member of the PA -tossing them from high rises. They tore down the Israeli artifacts of agriculture and made bombs from them.
This is what the Hamas war policy looks like.
This picture says it all about the disproportionality of the Netanyahu response.
Israel’s military responses have always been disproportionate.
I don’t really think anyone civilized wants a proportionate response to mass murder, kidnapping, rape, and torture.
I certainly don’t.
Is that Chicago?
I think it’s downtown
Reap what you sow……
Who attacked who? Hamas initiated the conflict. War is ugly.
A well written letter by the Ware police department…
In a flagrant Trojan horse maneuver, the next stage of our “representatives’” unyielding attack on freedom has begun, while the House has once again displayed a brazen lack of scruples in using the Constitution of the United States as its personal wetwipe.
Filling to absolute capacity the brim of human indecency by shamefully exploiting the recent tragedy in Holyoke, where an unborn babe was slaughtered by stray gunfire, shines a verifiable spotlight on the defunct moral compass of Boss Mariano and his Congressional Cronies.
And since those fateful bullets were shot by two convicted felons, neither of whom held a license to carry, one of whom had an open firearms case against him at the time of the shooting, and wherewith nothing in this ridiculous Bill would have stayed their murderous hands, it begs the question of the true intent of HD4607.
Massachusetts already has in place some of the strictest gun laws in the country. And if the architects of this Bill were truly concerned with the general welfare of the people, they would not attempt to implement with coercive force new restrictions that only hinder responsible, forthright Americans from protecting their families and preserving their cherished values. Rather than smiting the tree of independence and poisoning the well of freedom, rather than disenfranchising our national spirit and stripping our sovereignty to its core, perhaps those representatives in Congress should enact and support systems to punish the criminal few, perhaps minimum mandatory sentences should be increased AND ACTUALLY EXECUTED BY OUR JUDICIARY, to hold accountable these wanton hoodlums who couldn’t give a wooden nickel about any of our laws in the first place, and to whom the inked provisions of this Bill would hold about as much weight as a soggy waffle.
Here is what a proper gun Bill might contain: 1st Offense, 2.5 years incarceration. 2nd Offense, 10 years incarceration. 3rd offense, permanent incarceration. Minimum mandatory, no exceptions; with a strong focus on mental health rehabilitation, work/life experience training, and enabling smoother pathways to higher education while incarcerated.
At best this Bill is a futile, knee-jerk reaction to a public crisis, a fool’s plan hastily scribbled upon a piece of cheap stationary. At worst, it is nothing less than another step on the slow march towards complete authoritarianism.
Disarming the good guys is simply not a workable strategy to reduce gun violence. Because logic demands that if you criminalize firearms, only CRIMINALS will have FIREARMS.
That is why the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association proudly, vigorously, and unanimously opposes this Bill.
The Second Amendment cannot be destroyed wholesale. Congress knows this. Therefore, they have opted, through this Bill, and through many subsequent, to slay the beast a little at a time. Death by a thousand pinpricks. Until the last syllable of that meddlesome phrase “shall not be infringed” is brushed away like so much crumbling ash.
But you cannot dispense tyranny and label it wisdom. Cannot force-feed us oppression and call it security.
For those citizens who welcome and support this Bill, who firmly believe that these edicts ushered from an ivory tower will somehow increase the general welfare and promote the safety of our great State, we recognize your desire to see positive change, we admire your noble cause to make a difference, we respect your demands to force politicians into doing something more than merely provide lip service in the form of empty thoughts and prayers. But if you happily conclude that the framers of this Bill have our best interests in mind, we gravely implore you to never forget those portentous words, spoken so long ago, at the advent of a similar despotism: “This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”
There is but one hope, and that is you. The ghosts of our Founding Fathers, reaching down to us through the generations, in their limitless brilliance and stunning clairvoyance, foresaw that these kinds of treasonous blows would be relentlessly applied to the weathered bedrock of the American Experiment, and have hence embedded countermeasures in the form of congressional liability as proof against such seditious malarkey. America is the greatest nation on earth for a reason, an exemplary beacon for the whole world. It is up to each successive generation to maintain that. Our Fathers are still clasping our hands. Will history peg us as the ones who relinquished that bond? Will our children and our children’s children one day look back on us with disgusted contempt?
The line must be drawn here.
Therefore, we once more encourage all citizens to voice their concerns with their elected officials. Here are some tools with which you can effect change:
1. Continue Contacting Your Representatives: Reach out to your Members of Congress via phone, email, or social media. Don’t relent! Express your concerns about the anti-gun bill and stress the urgency of addressing this critical issue. Personalized messages have a more significant impact, so share your personal experiences or thoughts on why this Bill troubles you.
2. Utilize Social Media: Leverage the power of social media to raise awareness and mobilize others who share your concerns. Use appropriate hashtags and encourage respectful discussions with friends and followers about joining the cause and the importance of protecting our Constitutional rights. Social media can be a powerful tool to raise awareness and generate support.
3. Encourage Others to Get Involved: Talk to your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors about the impact of this issue and inspire them to make their voices heard. A collective effort is more likely to bring about meaningful change.
Thank you for your attention and active participation.
*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the Ware Police Department and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Town of Ware or any entities they represent.
8 o’clock…..Outer West St. Near Nottingham Dr., Sherwood Drive area some kind of a big accident they’re rerouting traffic so beware
Do you know the residence up by that area wanted a traffic signal or something
Another accident corner of west and Nottingham drive. No specifics known yet . Another drop of the ball by the administration pertaining to this location.all we know so far is that a pedestrian was hit. Will stY tuned for more information
Thanks for the report, CRAIG.
Commissioner and Ward Council should leave with the Mayor. Way to much nonsense coming from that department.
Suprised Krol hasn’t weighed in on the west street accidents and the vetted proposals for it. The actors on that problem are Marchetti,the Mayor Fueil and Morales and Russo. Better known as the to little to lates.Or photo op foursome.
Dan another accident. Center and west street. Multiple cars no word on injuries.
Thanks again, my friend. You are the best traffic correspondent/newshound!
Sounds like G is boots on the ground.
Wrong location, Craig.
Yes. Believe we had a petition to slow traffic down in that area that went nowhere. Unfortunately let’s hope the pedestrian is ok and pray for them. I couldn’t get through as traffic was being rerouted.
Why do we have to rely on the Planet all the time for Pittsfield f ups. Why hasn’t the Eagle reported on this on line. Yet? What does it take one accident at a time?
So sad for all involved. Pittsfield needs a massive upgrade in traffic control. It is not just West Street it is the whole city. Speeding and red-light running is rampant in Pittsfield. Unfortunately, our officers spend the better part of their shift doing well being checks for the Brien Center. Hopefully a new mayor will work with the newly appointed Police Chief to stop this duty, put it back in the hands of the Brien Center and let our officers perform the job they were hired for. Taxpayers are not paying taxes to support the Brien Center; they are paying for public safety. Brien Center needs to appoint a new position to do well being checks on their clients.
I agree. The lack on traffic control is the main reason for the dozens of accidents, rollovers and deaths on Pittsfield roadways. Seems like the city is either too undermanned or unwilling to do it in a manner that will cut down on the speeding and recklessness Anyone can see it all day in any part of the city.
I go through that intersection several times a week. The cars don’t go that fast. It’s just a really bad intersection that could use a traffic light.
Bravo! Thanks for posting. Glad to see the police are against the proposed gun control legislation!
That is a great letter.
The current bills are a betrayal of the cooperation between lawful firearm owners, gun-control supporting legislators, and GOAL who came together and listened to each other. They had agreed a decade ago on changes, clarifications, and compromise to fashion a new Act. GOAL, a subsidiary of the NRA was strongly chastised by the NRA for endorsing that bill.
So now, bill 4607 repudiates that cooperation and trashes the trust formed between private citizens, citizens’ organizations, and the Legislature. That damage is a great as the damage done to public safety, equal protection under the law, and Constitutional rights.
Leftists have no regard for our Constitution.
How silly you are, Trap.
The truth hurts liberals
Why would you say that liberals have no regard for our Constitution?
That’s just flat out wrong.
Charles you need to speak on the lack of leadership with the current DPW commissioner,,the mayor and the current ward six councilor for their lack of involvement in getting things done on west st. It’s an epidemic of crazy drivers that continues even after pedestrians are the victims. I believe the residents near the latest location upper west area had a petition concerning the area where todays accident occurred to do something months ago. Had the city done something this might not have happened.
We need traffic enforcement and control.
Since bike lane fiasco of North Street – a rolling sequence of expensive catastrophes due to incompetent design (dead end lanes facing busy traffic, roads inaccessible to firetrucks, traffic jams stretching the entire length of the business district, we have suffered from psychological traffic experiments. They are ideas that may have a place in an engineer’s sandbox, but not beta tested with no experience or common sense on the public spending their dollars. Regarding the bike lanes, the incompetence passed through by deliberately avoiding traffic commission review. Just remove the lines and make up new ones with no legal meaning and you can avoid the commission.
What people want? Just pave the roads and patrol them. I think that is what people want, but we have no traction.
The council itself does not drive policy by petition, and it seems sad that a petition to deal with road width, patrol, and paint is wanting.
Sign promissory note or be left behind…….
Also, Biden is holding several hostages in the dome of the white house and only lets them out once a week to watch reruns of Seinfeld.
What a meany.
DC Gulag been operated by Biden/DOJ years now.
Due process means nothing to them.
Trapper, go troll the dark web if you want to know what’s really going on.
You’re no fan of the 4th amendement, troll.
The DC Gulag is a shit stain on our nation and justice
Unreasonable searches and seizures? I’m a fan of that amendment.
Your view of DC as gulag reflects your desire to be oppositional, but has no connection to reality.
A blue meanie.
Truth hurts eh?
It is untrue.
So much for the U.S. govt under Biden……
You better get used to it – he’s going to be president until 2028.