(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 24, 2023) — Picklefield, founded in 1761, made history Thursday. For the first time in its political history, there were not one but two mayoral debates on the same day, both of which were not televised or taped for broadcast.
Suppose they had a war an no one came. Suppose they ordered a clamp down on the free exchange of information? Suppose they censored the press?
Yeah, that’s where we are.
At the Berkshire Eagle, Thursday’s first head-to-head between John Krol and Peter Marchetti took place. As it did before, the Boring Broadsheet did not allow the public to attend, taped the event, but didn’t broadcast it. Instead, it chopped it up into segments to present piecemeal, edited and slanted.
Why is that?
One of THE PLANET‘s newsroom spies says it was “to cut Krol to bits and to edit Marchetti into some form of [competence].”
What does it say about the ethical integrity of a newspaper run by an ex-jurist who doesn’t know a blasted thing about the news business. A “free-em” ex-judge who runs his rag as an ideologist for and from the Loon Left?
Could that be why circulation continues to plunge?
———- ooo ———-
Later that day, at 6 p.m. in the PHS library, Marchetti and Krol met again, this time sponsored by the United Educators of Pittsfield. Fine and dandy … except that the teachers union barred TV cameras and videotaping.
The teachers (average compensation of $83,823) took a page out of the North Korean playbook, banning broadcast or taped coverage.
When asked by THE PLANET to explain the decision, Melissa Campbell, president of the United Educators of Pittsfield, said this:
Campbell’s parsing is academic hooey. She admits her event wasn’t for the unwashed general public but “for educators.” Why should Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski matter? They only pay for the whole failing shebang, an enterprise that consumes nearly 75% of every Kapanski dollar and each year delivers a steadily more inferior product.
Campbell digs herself deeper into the muck by mentioning the assurance that the BB will “report on the event” to give the Kapanskis “a general sense of issues discussed.”
Point, match, and game, Marchetti.
In her invitation letter to the candidates, Campbell confesses that the union had to bribe “friendly” members to attend! Campbell writes, “[the forum] will NOT be televised as members have felt uncomfortable in the past with asking questions if they thought they would be on TV. … We are offering a couple raffle incentives to encourage participation by the educators in the UEP.”
Here’s the cc: list for Capmbell’s response to THE PLANET:
Cynthia Graumann <cynthiagrauman@gmail.com>, Gigi Hawkins <gigiuep@gmail.com>, Andy Mickle <revere639@yahoo.com>, Joe Maffuccio <jmaffucciouep@gmail.com>, Emily Pink <epinkuep@gmail.com>, Justin Bolio <jboliouep@gmail.com>, Paula Marinaro <pbrund@hotmail.com>, jeanne lemmond <jlemmonduep@gmail.com>, Mia Albano <mlalbanouep@gmail.com>
———- ooo ———-
What a difference between how Krol and Marchetti responded to the UEP ban.
In an email Krol sent to Campbell, he expressed his disdain of the union decision to bar cameras.
He wrote:
This is very disappointing that there will be no video or recording of this debate. I can’t imagine that every single teacher and/or concerned parent or community member who is interested in these issues will be able to make it to the debate in person.
I hope the executive committee will reconsider this approach. We should be sharing these issues and the candidates’ position on them with the entire community, as at the very least with your members who will not be able to be there that evening.
It’s clear: Krol wanted transparency.
THE PLANET asked Marchetti if he knew about the union’s blackout of the event.
“I knew of the rules [of] the debate via the emails I received,” he said. “I am no longer President of the PCTV board and have not participated in any conversations regarding any debates. I think you need to ask the UEP why they decided not to broadcast.”
This “meh,” lukewarm response shows or at the least suggests that Marchetti wasn’t fazed by the blackout.
We did ask PCTV why it did not cover the PHS debate.
“No request for coverage, live or otherwise, was received by PCTV from the organizers of this event,” Shawn Serre said. “There was no contact or role in the decision from either of the two mayoral campaigns.”
Why wouldn’t PCTV want to initiate coverage, THE PLANET asked, for an important public event held in a public space?
“While we’re not specifically a news outlet,” Serre said, “we always encourage organizations to work with us on getting important programming on PCTV. With enough notice, we or our volunteer members are often able to provide this type of coverage. I can’t speak to the decision in this case, that would be a question for the organizers.”
THE PLANET finds the PCTV stance ironic, given its stated mission: “Everyone in our area should have access to shared media experiences which inform, educate, engage, and entertain; foster civic and community engagement; and promote transparency in local government.”
———- ooo ———-
Among the UEP, Team Marchetti, and PCTV, this potato was hot enough to keep in the air and off the air at the same time. David Blaine would love an illusion that tricky.
THE PLANET can understand why Team Marchetti would want to protect their guy. Krol is better at these things than Pete. We also have sympathy for Serre’s comment on the volunteer nature of PCTV broadcasts. This leaves the UEP.
The union, much practiced in the shell game from draconian contracts that bleed the bloody taxes out of the Kapanskis, loves playing “Now You See It, Now You Don’t.”
In the case of the totalitarian, Fifth Column tactics the UEP used at the mayoral forum, emphasis is on “Now You Don’t.”
Seig Heil.
“If a forum is held and it’s not broadcast, does anyone know of it?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.”
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Seeing as the event was held on public school grounds I don’t see how a member of the public wouldn’t be legally allowed to video tape the event. If the union rented a private venue I think they could impose whatever restrictions they wanted.
Absolutely correct, DB. It shows the arrogance of the UEP. The public? They need to keeping paying for our raises and keep their mouths shut.
Is there some sort of paper trail for this event? Did the school committee approve the use of the library ?
No matter how you look at it the individuals who pay all the bills the taxpayers should be the first to know about what was said and not said at any forum where by the two mayoral candidates are questioned by the city’s largest gobsig network the UEP. Perhaps they were looking to raise the average salary from 83000+ dollars to something higher even though their over all rating for performance is at level 5 the lowest grade they could attain. This shutting out of the taxpayers is an outright disgrace
When the teachers are crying out for raises in the next budget session we all must remember what we saw here in this blog. Many people in this community are not aware what we pay school teachers and when they find out perhaps they will come forward at election time and say NO More to raises
Raises are for excellence in product production and it is very evident that the UEP is not putting out that kind of product. We need everyone who is not a gobsig to come out in force in the coming election and make it clear that we the taxpayers aren’t going to take this BS any longer. Please everyone the election is the only place we can level the playing field
Get out there and let’s level this playing field.
You nailed it: “This shutting out of the taxpayers is an outright disgrace.”
Gaetani is an unstable, violent, and dishonest man. It is simply disgusting that you’ve endorsed him.
You don’t know the man. He will make a great ward councilor. That is why we have endorsed him.
Violent? Hahaha. “Mnchken” lives one sheltered life.
You can say the other stuff about anyone. That’s the new FBI motto: “Show me the man, I’ll find the crime.”
Mad Dog Meltdown Marchetti is the unstable one with the terrible tantrum temper. Give me a break. There are seven current councilors who have serious passive aggressive tendencies and contempt for the little guy.
Violent lol He might be a lot of things but that’s by far not one of them.
Yeah, he was only convicted of threatening to shoot someone.
Saw your billboard looks great and best wishes my friend
Thank you Tt2
Would you entertain a blimp, mon ami? You can do geo-tracking with AI drone technology. It could circle around Commish Morales and declare alternatively: “Ward 6 Vote Gaetani!” and “The Commish is a Fink!”
The typography is perfecto! Sophisticated, erudite, and balance of scale. In short, monumental.
The finest I’ve seen in billboards to date, in Pittsfield anyway.
I find is despicable you would defame a disabled veteran because of being mean and violent which he is not. Craig overcame some serious crap over in Viet Nam like tens of thousands did and landed on his feet. All political candidates in the arena are fair game but there’s a special place in hell when you take it there H L.
And to Stooge,as a Veteran you should be ashamed of the way you cow-tow to the phonies you support, and the bias part against a Veteran especially.
I agree. What a shameful loss of self respect to volunteer to be a useful idiot for the puppet kingdom. I feel a little sorry for him because he may not even realize his position in the administration.
He was a great teacher at Pittsfield High School, helped design and build the water system, and has stood up to the bully city clown show and mayors.
Guess again:
“Gaetani, who frequently touts his credentials as a military veteran and an engineer who designed wastewater treatment plants for Pittsfield, has a recent history of criminal convictions involving threats and erratic behavior.
In May, Gaetani was convicted of threatening to shoot a city employee during a phone call during his unsuccessful run for mayor in 2015, the Eagle reported. Gaetani had called the fire department to ask about removing junk vehicles from his property; unsatisfied with the employee’s response, he allegedly threatened to fire her once he was elected mayor, burn her house down and come to her office with a gun.
Gaetani received a six month suspended sentence in the case.”
Level 5 public schools, a corrupt public school teachers’ union, a top-heavy and bureaucratic overpaid public school administration, Pittsfield politics always picking insider candidates for the Superintendent position, declining student enrollment over the years, over 650 students who choice out to neighboring public school districts, and John Krol and Peter Marchetti attending a meet and greet informal discussion on the academic views of teachers that was not televised to voters. Unfortunately, it all equals a majority of Pittsfield’s $205.6 million fiscal year 2024 operating budget that leaves common taxpayers seeing a lot of red ink.
What questions are so sensitive in education that a person can only ask it in the presence of other educators???
Trans stuff? DEI? Money stuff that we’re going to find out about anyway?
More importantly what are the answers given by the two candidates to the mystery questions?
Let’s hope somebody leaks some cell phone footage of this deba…er, meet and greet before election day.
Both candidates should have spoken with one another about how having a secret meeting with the most powerful Union in the city would look to the Kapanskis, who are funding all the assistant principals and assistapnt to the assistant principals and assistant to the assistant of the assistant principal,
and agreed not to attend unless it was open to the rest of us taxpayers.
A united front from John and Pete would have been one hell of an impressive thing to see.
Great questions, FOX. Yeah, don’t you love how the UEP prez tries to justify the shutout by saying, “Uh well it wasn’t a ‘debate’ per se.”
Mock trial
Yeah.Informational? Now that’s marginalizing the voter!
“Both candidates should have spoken with one another about how having a secret meeting with the most powerful Union in the city would look to the Kapanskis”
Outfox – you always find the core issue.
Actually, Krol, prior to the meeting, wrote to Campbell to object and as that she reconsider the barring of cameras. In the first published version of my column, I neglected to include that. It’s not in, the full text of what Krol told her. He showed transparency in urging that cameras and broadcast be allowed, unlike his opponent.
but then he caved?
And yet…
John the Con wants transparency. C’mon now.
This probably was not a quasi private meeting, put on by the cities largest union and largest voting block, cornering two political rivals and forcing them to outbid each other into making promises for monetary largess.
I don’t often agree with you Snark, but this time you hit the nail on the head.
A “political shakedown” by the UEP.
Outbidding one another for votes from the union using taxpayers money to do the bidding? Union has them in a bidding war with no concern for the taxpayers. What a racket!
Speaking of taxpayers, remember when Flat Tyer used ARPA money to hire “social media influencers” from NYC to promote Picklefield?
I think it only cost a mere $75,000.
Any results of this program Flat or Pete? I mean real, tangible, results. Not just buzzwords and catch phrases.
Did it bring in whatever crowd it was supposed to attract? I believe you championed this program also.
Well championed is to generous of a term for you Pete. It’d mean you’d actually have to make a decision and take a side on an issue.
Let’s say you waved the pom-poms for Flat Tyer when she championed the program.
If there was positive results they would still be talking about it. Cricket’s so far on well it went.
I hope that wasn’t done. Seems not to fit in to the rules of how the city could spend the ARPA dollars
I was wrong, it wasn’t just $75,000 dollars. This is Picklefield after all. It was $300,000 to $350,000 of ARPA (taxpayer) money “well spent.”
Care to comment…
Pittsfield used ARPA funds to host social media influencers. City leaders say it’s paying off | Central Berkshires | berkshireeagle.com
Do you think the educators came up with ideas on how to save taxpayers money while raising the schools from level 5?? Do you think they talked about closing Mercer and Allendale? or Williams? Crosby or Stearns??? Maybe they talked about increasing class size as well to 25 students in a class, or 20 instead of the current 10-15. Did they talk about how the student population has decreased by close to 20% while the budget tripled??? Lots of questions from the Kapanski’s that we are asking ourselves in the blackedout Mayoral debates we are having…..wait neither candidate came to the Kapanski’s debate, what does that say???
Precisely, SHIRL. Well said.
It’s Game, Set, Match.
See you are planning on taking another stroll at City Hall on election day
Q: What does it say about the ethical integrity of a newspaper run by an ex-jurist who doesn’t know a blasted thing about the news business. A “free-em” ex-judge who runs his rag as an ideologist for and from the Loon Left?
A: Rutberg is the FREEMAN.
You know why?
Carte Blanche – complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best.
Dan you said he has the right. You’re mistaken.
Show me the jurist oath.
Marchetti gets all the questions in advance to review and prep. The debates are either not aired or heavily edited to his advantage.
Kind of like the fixed D-Rat presidential primary debates of 2016/2020.
What’s good for the goose (DNC), is good for the gander (PISSfield Democrats).
Why do you think Kennedy is running Independent? He’d shred hiden Biden in a debate.
Biden/DNC is hoping RFK Jr, will get shot like his uncles, they won’t provide him/a canidate security, first time that’s happened in history.
Rube, get a life ROTFL
Keeping those sheep happy there perv?
Know Nothing, how’s it feel to be a far Leftist Liberal, decrepit of: morals, scruples, conscience , and integrity?
ridiculous. if the teachers didn’t want to be seen or heard, then point the cameras just on Krol and Marchetti.
Or they could have offered anonymous written questions. Melissa Campbell’s response manages to make the event appear even shadier. She’s their best and brightest?
She’s the only one willing to deal with the nonsense for a nice 5 figure stipend as president. She’s probably getting at least 15-20 grand extra based on union/district size. Don’t be fooled, she’s raking in the dough
Can’t be any shadier than Brendan Sheran either. Moved right on up Eberweins back end into a cush consultant position
Shearn or Sheran.
The Left Winged Parrot is covering for the “hiden like Biden candidates”, and their string pullers.
The teachers union has an agenda, and it’s not to help Pittsfield residents, or even students, given to Piss Poor Schools system.
Political tentacles are controlling PCTV. Much like the whole MSM.
It smells as bad, as the two bad choices, that were Selected, for voters.
Seems to me the voters selected them. Karen was in the race. She just didn’t run a campaign that was attractive enough to get her through to the next round.
How did stuck in a Rut’s propaganda machine, er “newspaper” cover the “primary”?
Stuck in a Rut. TRAPPER, by George, you’ve done it again.
Concerning rigged elections………..H-Beast came a long way in 2016, along with the DNC in rigging elections, with the fake Russian “collusion” hoax. Democrats/MSM ran with that one for whole time POTUS Trump was in office…….
Back in 2006, as a Senator she said this, concerning elections overseas:
“In the audio, Clinton is heard saying, “I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake. And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.” – H Clinton 2006
-TGP 10/23/2023
Clinton is devoid of morals, scruples, conscience, and integrity.
“On September 5, 2006, Eli Chomsky was an editor and staff writer for the Jewish Press, and Hillary Clinton was running for a shoo-in re-election as a U.S. senator. Her trip making the rounds of editorial boards brought her to Brooklyn to meet the editorial board of the Jewish Press.
The tape was never released and has only been heard by the small handful of Jewish Press staffers in the room. According to Chomsky, his old-school audiocassette is the only existent copy and no one has heard it since 2006, until today when he played it for the Observer…………..”
-Observer 10/28/2016
Hey Jimmy, gimme a cheese w/ nothing.
Can The Planet identify the casual connection between Rutberg & Carver.
Lotsa eagle negs right there man
& Berkshire Waldorf
You want to fix the schools? Castrate the UEP. Like most districts it’s run by whiny Karens where nothing will ever be good enough. If they can’t live off an average $80k+ a year in the Berkshires, they need better financial literacy and are clearly living beyond their means. Get a job elsewhere. The whole “other districts pay more” is a load of garbage as it’s highly based on cost of living (in which they get annual increases, on top of salary increases) you’re not paying $2000/mo for a studio apartment like people out east.
The unions do more to protect the mediocre teachers than anything. I’ve worked as an educator for decades in public, private and charter schools. MANY top level teachers secretly aren’t even MTA/UEP members. They aren’t worried about losing their jobs either.
And for the record Krol is simply ENDORSING the end of MCAS. That’s up to DESE and he has little to no voice in the matter.
I was disgusted that the public has essentially zero access to this “debate/meet and greet/communist elephant circle”. The UEP should be absolutely ashamed of themselves, Gutless and powerful.
Did you hear the bird running for city council. She claims to be an elder millennial? She says we not need to focus so much on downtown but we need to focus on schools? No specifics.I cannot believe what we have today running the city today. This is just one example.
Sp your talking about Dina guiel lampiasi. You ought to hear the whole interview. She doesn’t have one specific thought.ALLL SHE CARES ABOUT IS TO SATISFY THE GOBSIGS. THE BOTTOM OF THE BARRELL COUNCILOR
I didn’t hear anything. I wasn’t there, I stupidly assumed it would be broadcast somewhere. Can you elaborate more so I don’t vote for this person?
Not a big question which candidate is in the UEP’s pocket!
They are wearing his shirt to the Q&A

Is that not Bev Krol?
That’s Bev.
Yes, John’s sweet mom. She’s a Mom’s Mom.
makes sense she’d have his shirt on then. Any good mom would
And is John related to the black woman to the far left? With a Krol shirt on too? Was his wife there with a Krol shirt? There were 15 members of the audience with Krol shirts, were they all related to him? They were handing them out in the parking lot.
I know, I was there.
That mean you are neither a CPA nor a lawyer. Good.
Well it’s not going to say Lumpy?
She is a very nice lady Daniel. You’re correct.
Agree, she’s a wonderful woman.
this pic was taken by one of the green shirt wearing Marchetti supporters who were lined up on the other side of the room.
I’d be weirded out by all that.
Wanna be a dentist
Like Yankum Sacsausage?
Still axin who is black?
There’s no shaded skinnded ppl on the BBEC page, aren’t some blacks, shaded skinnded? Or no?
8 9 10
YOU can fill out a check ✔️ an balance it latte
You’re so much whiter than me.
I said what I said
This comment from Police Report from a previous post should not be missed:
Police Report
18 hours ago
This blog or message board comment section has become a bit disappointing. I have tried to stay out of it but it’s gotten a more and more distressing.
I would like to address two main issues as they have appeared in the last month.
John Krol
I’ve known his immediate family, some of his relatives, his ex-family, and have met him a few times.
I will not be voting for him. There are too many open questions that are half answered for him to be a serious candidate in my eyes.
He’s support for Andrea Harrington shows he’s not serious about issues but is following either the money or letting his little head think for his big one.
In 20+ years in law enforcement I’ve dealt with violent criminals and petit crooks, I know when someone isn’t telling the truth and John Krol is not telling the truth. He either knows more than he’s saying or he’s trying to cover something else up. I personally find him untrustworthy and I will not vote for him and suggest others do not either.
Since Police Report is in the know, maybe they can explain that for well over a week there are BIG chunks of information missing from the Daily Pittsfield Police Log. It is blatant where you can see that they have cut the information, and on many occasions the cut of information is hours long. What is the city trying to hide from us. Is acting Chief Dawley demanding this cut of information? Is Mayor Tyer asking for the deletion? Is there no police coverage during these lapses? Are the police officers having a nap? Are the police officers at a meeting? One lapse started before midnight and lasted until 5a.m. the next day. Was there no coverage for this shift? Seems really strange that someone in the PPD is being told to cut information. Between this lapse of information and the constant issue of ambulances being “not available” and having to wait for municipal help from local towns, where are our taxes going? Is this just another secret of this administration?
“Fringe Event”
They have been cleared of any wrongdoing.
The city pays Zero dollars for the 2 ambulance services that respond to 911 calls. The problem is lack of staff, low pay and burn out.
Couldn’t agree more. Glad you reposted PR’s comments.
Let’s really hope that either one of these clowns will hold PPD accountable. Let’s start with the complete waste of overtime that I’m sure you were not part of (sarcasm) Why is it we need Patrol officers 5 at a time guarding holes and directing traffic. Waste of time. Maybe do some real Police work. Hold workshops that teaches the officers how to write a correct police report., ones that can actually be used in court.
I sit in court three times a week and i can tell you it’s worse than ever. Unprepared prosecutors, horribly written Police reports, etc I believe that the DA’s office hasn’t won a single first count in Superior court yet well maybe one. It goes right along with their abysmal superior court record. We still have panhandler’s on every corner, we still have the Parks filled with misfits, we still have petty theft at record numbers, We still have Zero officers on foot patrol in downtown, we still have ZERO help for the druggies..I thought Clown shoes Shagrue had the magic potion.
This goes right along the people running this city. We need a complete clean sweep of all these worthless all talk no action puppets.Wake up Pittsfield.
Now we have Sticky fingers Krol and Beer gut Pete these two are going to start to be fiscally responsible. Yeah ok!
If you’re sitting in court three times a week and you don’t work for any part of the court system, it sounds like Tim Shugrue is doing a good job to me. You got caught.
Either that, or you have some odd stalking issue w/a court employee, which will all but assuredly get you a meeting with one of Shugrue’s employees in the future.
A reporter maybe? Stenographer? The bailiff? Maybe a judge. Yes! That’s it! A judge.
“Hold workshops that teaches the officers how to write a correct police report., ones that can actually be used in court”
“I sit in court three times a week and i can tell you it’s worse than ever. Unprepared prosecutors, horribly written Police reports, etc I believe that the DA’s office hasn’t won a single first count in Superior court yet well maybe one. It goes right along with their abysmal superior court record”
Judge John Dutton. I feel your pain. It’s just like being a college professor.
Just Pittsfield PD or locally
So you and Spaulding are voting for Lumpy?
People don’t like change and LE is no different. Status quo is a nice thing if you work for the city.
Newsflash! Seven families just filed school choice paperwork after reading Melissa Campbell’s response to the Planet.
Did she give a reply? I haven’t seen it, KING. Where is it?
Krol took the cash.Krol will spend my cash fast because 40 million on a new Stadium in a swamp for a 40 game wood bat league is plain stupid.Allendale school is on a toxic swamp.Wahconah park is a baseball field.Pittsfields John Krol will fix the baseball field.Both should be closed.
You can’t FIX stupid.
Not even with duct tape?
No sadly not even duct tape, which is now Gorilla Tape. Stupid just doesn’t endure.
But you can make a lot of money pretending to do so
I don’t know who made who look dumber on the stooge show today? Dan you gotta watch this one.
Please do not Talk about transparency anymore as it relates to the taxpayers and the Kopanski’s. Of course the two mayor candidates are going to agree to this kind of a debate in private,and then there’s the cover-up by Pctv ( nobody asked).
Why do you think all the candidates say they’re for the schools funding?Well for one it’s state mandated funding so we have to fund it. If a candidate comes out and says you’re gonna cut school funding you can’t be able to anyway. And ifyou want to get elected you gotta go with the grain.
We need to stop behaving stupidly and face our indolence that normalizes the parasites we elect now feeding in political office or wanting to feed in office.Whether it’s feeding on other people’s money, narcissistic supply or both, it’s a bad deal for
the rest of us.
I have to laugh when some say hey Bob Dylan,Willie Nelson came to Wahconah Park.sic. I mean when tens of million are scraped from our coffer barrells,our kids won’t see these two guys anyway,they’ll be dead.
Are dead people still people?
Are the Walking Dead still considered people or just dead? And what exactly is dead?
they vote every election
Wow, I hope those poll workers are nice to them when they come through. I would be too embarrassed to show up if I were dead. What if I ran into a neighbor or family member and my clothes and hair were mussed up?
Somehow, mail-ins get free postage/”2AM deliveries” to the polling place, from the cemeteries.
Liberal “voters”
Dead is Krol’s hopes of ever becoming mayor of Pittsfield.
One of your best responses ever TSC, though both candidates are planning on spending millions at Wahconah Park when all it needs are some supports underneath and some boards replaced, probably $30 thousand not 30 million.
What is the kickback percentage on 40 million and is it payable up front or does it go in to a trust fund?
10% for “The Big Guy”
Will the election be postponed if World War 3 breaks out in the next 7-10 days?
Krol could only hope it’s his only shot.
Yeah but we can’t let Marchetti slip in the back door.
thought that was his specialty
He likes it in the back door
Trick or treat
‘Fraid not. Not even WWIII & WWIV (scheduled for 2050) combined will stop this election.
So which one of these two asshats would make the best wartime mayor? Keep in mind that I and perhaps others, will not be paying property taxes during any world wars.
Would either one of them even be running if there was not a mega million dollar pot of cash to oversee? I think not. I think that is the only reason either of them are running. If the city was cash poor these two would be nowhere to be seen. It is NOT about the city. It is NOT about the people. It IS about the cash cow that needs milking and both these guys would like to work on this farm for the next four years.
Exactly. It’s in the arpa contract. Hidden in a mayonnaise jar on Kufflinks back porch.
Here’s how Pittsfield politics works:
We vote for one candidate or the other but Meredith Nilan wins.
Another one!
That’s one I wished I could have written!
If I’m driving down my street and hit something I know what it is ? Period.
Deer. Always a deer.
Pctv is interviewing the G man . The interview is excellent has asked Gaetani about thirty questions with direct full answers unlike his opponent who had a giggling session with Oh substantive answers all show
I am hoping that after Craig gets in as ward councilor that his fellow councilors will elect him council president. Pete White has been promised the position but even he knows it is over his head and, well, he just is not presidential enough in any sense of the word. He is Pete White after all.
Donald Trump did not have one substantive answer since the day he was hatched but HE got himself elected by being connected and making all kinds of false ridiculous promises. So she is not out of it yet.
I heard Rhonda Serre this morning on 95.9 something going on there man?Couldn’t understand a word she said, she’s definitely a gobsig nonprofit flag waiver. Vote Tony. The theme of all these candidates is the question will you be able to get along with your fellow councils?
A counselor represents his her ward and there should be collegial debate but I think this has been stretched enough. If there’s differences of opinion the approach Charles Kronick takes is the best one argue the point at any cost even if offends your fellow council.
Personally I think these council are lazy.
Especially if it looked you right in the eye from a windshield.
Be careful The little guy might get the a judge after you.
That would indicate they’re paying attention to this blog, which they claim not to be,. Not to mention the last time a judge tried to censor this blog it didn’t work.
There is a fair sized thumbs down group over at the clock tower and they follow this closely. Not as big as the Marchetti thumbs downers but they can slant a comments impact.
It seems Pittsfield is not immune to voter interference. First the missing ARPA $$ in March, then the “Router # switch” and now the illegal closed debate. I think both candidates should withdraw and let Karen take the reigns of the city
Different management styles of the 2 mayoral candidates? Indeed!
Krol, who hasn’t managed anything successfully including his own family, will hire consultants to fix the city’s problems. Just what we need, more consultants when the occupant of the corner office has no clue how to solve problems and doesn’t want any heat over choices made. Marchetti has stated he will take a hands-on approach to improving issues facing the city, participating in ride-alongs with DPW, etc. Right now we have a hands-off mayor, Tyer, who has been rarely seen in four years.
Krol, who has allegedly embezzled funds ten times from a charity, wants city audits which I find absolutely ironic. The message is – don’t look at my own personal & business history but look over here at the city’s finances. Give me a break. He’s unemployed and salivating over a four-year gig which means an exorbitant steady income and opportunity for a pension.
Will both of these candidates be working from home like Tyer does?
One will be working in the office, who knows what Krol will be doing? Podcasts from his mom’s…I mean future ex-wife’s basement.
All they need is a computer and a glass of wine and a quality bathrobe.
Plot twist!
Bob Heck, in a comment on JK’s Facebook post telling people they have to show up in person for the UEP debate— and John says in his post that it is a debate—wrote: “We were asked by the union not to broadcast it. The union said they didn’t want anybody videotaping” and in a second comment Bob Heck writes”we have to respect the hosts wishes in this case.” And yes, he forgot the apostrophe.
So when Shawn Serre says that there was no request for coverage received by PCTV he is doing that that thing that’s so popular with city employees these days and overlooks the part where there was a clear request not to broadcast it or videotape it.
Ain’t semantics great?
Look who voted for this one!!!
“The bill passed by a vote of 120-38. All favorable votes were from Democrats, while all Republicans voted “no,” along with a handful of Democrats and the chamber’s one independent member.
Here is how western Massachusetts representatives voted:
Voting YES
Smitty came into the Ma House with an “A” NRA rating, guess he’s Flunking now.
Tell them how you feel.
“GOAL recommends the following means of communicating with your legislators – best practices listed first.
LEO (Massachusetts Chiefs of Police) is against House bill 4067
“Mark Leahy, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Associaition, testified at the House Committee hearing about HD.4607 and the Mass Chiefs Association’s opinion on the bill. “
GOAL at the hearing.
“On October 10th, 2023 the House Committees on the Judiciary and Ways and Means head a joint hearing on HD.4607, An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws. GOAL’s Jim Wallace, Jon Green and Mike Harris testified before the Committee about the short notice of the hearing and the egregious content of the bill.”
Suggest that folks watch the 3rd video segment of the Berkshire Eagle mayoral debate. You can watch Marchetti have a complete “hissy fit” in his monotone voice. First of all, why would a Senior Vice President of a bank admit on tape that auditors find incorrect issues year after year at his bank! Glad I don’t have my money in his bank. He also admitted to forgetting about the ARPA money issue because his mind was on his campaign. He also was trying to say that he was not a supporter of Linda Tyer for the past 8 years, come on Peter, do you think we are that stupid, you NEVER voted against Linda Tyer in 8 years.
“People who lie and assume the rest of us are to stupid to notice.”
Unfortunately, they are correct in their assumption. How do you think we got here?
And it’s not so much a matter of stupidity, it’s a matter of too few people devoting enough time, effort and attention to see the lies through the propaganda along with too few people even having the ability to see through the propaganda having never been taught, by design, the learned skill of critical thought and
Low energy Pete.
They want to narrow roads so we can have what they call a prison city,look it up. It’s supposed to curb accidents a they want you to walk to everything part of the carbon footprint. It won’t be long until we look like a Brooklyn neighborhood.
Brooklyn is actually really cool and good.
Streets are plenty wide, lots of traffic, stores everywhere, rents much better than in Manhattan.
Alex Blumin and Ricardo going at it at City hall today.
Auditors do find mistakes every year everywhere..that is what they are paid to do. It is called oversight and is considered an invaluable tool for any legitimate business.
A real concern is why, if he has them at his bank is he so against a forensic audit by an independent firm for the city he works for?????? Makes no sense. Raises red flags. If I was desiring to become mayor of a city with a 200 million dollar plus budget I would insist on a clean audit BEFORE I got there. Especially if I had been city council president during the previous administration because it would make me look good that everything checked out. I cannot think of one good reason to fight it can you?
I really don’t know the attraction to Krol is for mayor,but I never could figure out the attraction to Marchetti? Both substandard in my playbook.
Careful under the Hubbard ave railroad bridge. Morrales manhole is sinking ever deeper and will take out your sway bar in a heartbeat. Scheduled to be repaired on July 4th 2034 in the year of our lord.
Another pleads guilty.
4 down, 15 to go. Dominos are falling.
Trump co-defendant Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia election case (msn.com)
Plea-bargain guilty, you mean. RICO in the hands of the Mafia is like the Genie in the hands of the villian.
The pleadeal is how the government voids the 5 Amendment and adopts the old British tyrants’ prosecutorial method of ‘pressing the truth’ or ‘laying on bricks’. Lie the man down, add bricks until he confesses.
unbelievable ! When I went to school a 100 yrs ago they use to have mock elections. The results wouldn’t be public till after the election but usually would mirror the same result. Guess the indoctrination camps and the unions would disagree with that now Nothing but early voting works for the progressives.
Congratulations to Ricardo Morales’s on Trisha Farley Bouvier’s presentation for Latino on the Hill Award.. Bringing bird scooters put him over the top.
oh my
Other characteristics that couldd have been noted.. The bike lane project, The plunger row, Beautiful Tamarac Road funding,Dan Casey swamp, Pecks Road one laner, West Street death row, 60+ accidents last winter, rework sidewalk repair,sochol road,big bad bird scooters,no helmet required, toter presentation debacle, walk lanes for sochols delay.
major traffic clusterfuck in coltsville
I had to laugh at Marchetti’s feigned offense at Krol’s use of “boots on the ground” when just a few weeks ago he gave Pittsfield liberals a loose stool over his “war on drugs” talk. They even called him in for a do over, such was the shame.
The fat ass twins giving Morales an award. This is the Bizzaro world
Suprised the Council didn’t give him a standing ovation
Marchetti will win easily.Krol can only win if he cuts the City budget by freezing pickleball spending and a 50 million dollar new stadium.Consolidating schools is a start to a quality system.