(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY NOV. 20, 2023) — Through the office of Berkshire County District Attorney Tim Shugrue, THE PLANET recently placed with the state a Freedom of Information pertaining to the Sept. 27, 2019 alleged racial attack reported by a student at Simon’s Rock College. Andrea Harrington was DA at the time of the incident, which turned out to be a hoax.
We received a packet of information and documents that we pass along to Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. More than anyone, the Kapanskis have the right to know, since they paid for the subsequent investigation and emotional damage done by that 18-year-old black woman.
THE PLANET passes along the information without comment. You all notice the documents contain many redactions, including the name of the student who made the false complaint. This results in a few disruptions in the narrative.
THE PLANET is the first the publish the unedited, complete file. Funny what one guy can do compared to entire newsrooms. All it takes is willingness to do the work, a desire for a free society, the valuation of transparency, and above all, a passion for the truth.
———- ooo ———-
Charles D. Baker
Karyn E. Polito
Lieutenant Governor
The Commonwealth of
Department of State Police
State Police Detective Unit – Berkshire County P.O. Box 2129
Pittsfield, MA 01202
Saturday, September 28,2019
TO: Detective Lieutenant Edward A. Culver, #2847 Commanding Officer, State Police Detective Unit – Berkshire
FROM: Trooper ZacharyJ. Wood #3904 State Police Detective Unit – Berkshire
SUBJECT: Assault of at Simon’s Rock
1. On Friday September 27, 2019 at approximately 1856 hours, Officer Jonathan Finnerty contacted me as I was the on call detective for Berkshire SPDU regarding an assault that was alleged to have occurred on the Simon’s Rock Campus. Officer Finnerty advised me initial reports indicated that an 18 year old African American student was attacked dragged into the woods and sustained multiple lacerations to her breast and abdominal area. The female victim was transported by ambulance to the Berkshire Medical Center for further medical treatment and evaluation. Officer Finnerty subsequently requested SPDU assistance regarding this matter and advised me that he has already contacted MSP Crime Scene Services Section (CSSS) and MSP Chemist and requested them to respond to the scene.
2. Trooper Ryan Dickinson responded to Berkshire Medical Center in attempt to interview the alleged victim who was identified as . Trooper Dickinson briefly spoke with
who stated she would be willing to speak to investigators at the Berkshire SPDU after she was discharged. Present at the hospital with her was Simon’s Rock Residential Director Sherri Brown. Shortly after, Trooper Dickinson was joined by Sgt. Tom Forest and myself.
3. Trooper Dickinson then spoke with BMC Emergency Department Physician, Dr. Mcintyre and Registered Nurse, Julie Griffin, regarding ’s injuries and medical status. Trooper Dickinson was advised by Dr. Mcintyre that she did not observe any indication of any head trauma consistent with a person being rendered unconscious. Dr. Mcintyre noted there were multiple lacerations that she would suspect were caused from a sharp object but not particularly a knife or razor as the lacerations were superficial and
Excellence In Service Through Quality Policing
not very deep. Dr. Mcintyre further noted there were no defensive wounds to ’s extremities. Trooper Dickinson and Sgt. Forest requested
’s consent to seize her phone for a Cellebrite extraction for evidentiary purposes.
consented to the search and seizure of her phone and signed a consent form. The phone has had data forensically extracted and examination is ongoing.
4. Trooper Sharron Maher from CSSS and an MSP Chemist arrived on scene along with Trooper Marshal Maxwell, Officer Finnerty, Officer Pebbles, and later joined by myself. The wooded area where was located was approximately 75 yards down the “Interpretive Trail” which is located off of a main walking path that students utilize while walking to and from class to their dorms. Upon entering the path, the majority of the path has a very narrow walking bridge that is in poor condition that is above a low lying swampy area. On the sides of the walking bridge, I observed thick vegetation and noted that the ground was soggy and wet. I did not observe any undisturbed dirt consistent with someone being dragged in the immediate area. Upon searching the area for items of evidentiary value, Trooper Maxwell located a plastic eating utensil that was shaved down into a make shift knife or cutting instrument. This item was recovered and taken into evidence where it will be sent out to the MSP Crime Lab for DNA testing. Prior to my arrival to Simon’s Rock, Officer Finnerty had conducted interviews with two witnesses who were
identified as
and .
stated that he observed who appeared walking from nowhere while he was lying
down on a bench in a smoking /sitting area in the woods. stated he observed
minutes and observed that she appeared upset and was crying. also noted that
was on her cell phone the whole time he observed her. stated he was certain that
in the woods and figured she didn’t need any help from him as she didn’t approach him or figured that she was staying away from his cigarette smoke.
stated that he heard a female screaming for help on the interpretive trail and went towards the screaming female. stated he located
lying on her
back off of the wooden bridge in the vegetation telling him that there is blood everywhere
stated he observed that she was crying, had scratches on her chest, and she stated to him
that someone had attacked her from behind.
stated that Campus Safety received a phone call shortly after 1400 hours for a distraught female in the woods off of the interpretive trail. arrived to find Ruffin crying and had superficial lacerations to her chest and abdomen.
stated that
was complaining of head, neck, chest and abdominal pain.
contacted campus staff for assistance to include the onsite physician and Residential Director Sherri Brown.
Excellence In Service Through Quality Policing
for about five (5) was alone and
had seen him
At approximately 0015 hours, and Residential Life Director, Sherri Brown arrived at the Berkshire SPDU to make formal statements. Both statements were audio/video recorded with both
’s and Brown’s consent.
stated that she is a first year student who arrived in August and is from Alabama.
stated that since last week there have been two racial incidents that occurred on Simon’s Rock Campus. stated last week she observed the “N word” written on a public chalk board which upset her.
stated this week she observed on the same chalk board that someone had written go away “N word”, “N words” don’t belong here. stated the campus demographics are primarily white and Asian with a small African American population.
stated on Friday September 27, 2019 at about 1400 hours she had just gotten out of an Anthropology class, stopped at her dorm room, and was then headed to math class. stated as she was walking to math class she realized that she had forgotten her note book and turned back.
stated at that time she heard a male voice call her nickname
stated the next thing that she knew she had come to with her shirt torn in several locations and observed that she was bleeding.
stated she never saw anyone after hearing her voice called, and further stated that she was dragged or was taken into the woods, about a two (2) minute walk into the woods. stated that she was on her using the Instagram app prior to being attacked.
, Sherri Brown, and Campus Police Officer Kaye Graves arrived to assist her.
stated when she was being escorted out of the woods she observed a white male with dark hair walking out of the woods from the right side of the smoking/ sitting area.
stated upon coming to, she had a headache as well as pain in her chest and abdomen.
stated that she has had no problem at school since she arrived and stated she is very homesick with being so far away from family.
At this time investigative measures are ongoing and the case will continue to be thoroughly investigated as a crime unless proven otherwise. However, investigators have noted the following details that have led to concerns regarding the validity of the allegation:
• All of the cuts on appear to be superficial and despite numerous cuts to both sides of her chest, none of the cuts were to her areolas.
evidence to suggest a head injury, an air restriction, a poisoning agent, or any other injury that would have caused her to lose consciousness.
• does suffer from seizures; however according to the ED physician there was no medical evidence to suggest same.
• The area in which was located was approximately 75 yards away into a dirt trail.
There was no evidence on ’s clothing to suggest she was dragged through the dirt or mud.
- On Friday October 11, 2019, I spoke with
to see how things are going in Alabama and inquired if she was still returning to Simons Rock campus after break.
- I advised
that an updated press release was going to be put out by the District Attorney’s Office and wanted to give her a heads up on some of the content that would be included in the release. I advised
that at current point in the investigation, investigators have located some inconsistencies that require a more
The cuts to ’s t-shirt do not align with cuts to her body. One of the RN’s stated the cuts appeared to be self-inflicted.
has no defensive wounds.
reported that she was unconscious for an extended period of time; however there is no
Excellence In Service Through Quality Policing
7. [BLANK]
8. [BLANK]
thorough examination to include the following: 1) lack of evidence suggesting that she had been dragged, 2) no medical results/evidence indicating either an epileptic episode or a blunt strike to the head rendered her unconscious, 3) the cuts on her tee shirt did not match the cuts to her breast and abdomen and 4) the fact that to this date and time there is still no suspect description other than a unfamiliar male voice who called her name.
In response, appeared rather emotionless and unconcerned with the noted inconsistencies that were noted. stated that she had no questions or concerns with her safety on campus and the investigation being conducted by law enforcement.
On Friday, October 18, 2019, at approximately 1100 hours, was interviewed at the Berkshire SPDU in furtherance of the investigation by DLT Culver, Tpr. Ryan Dickinson and Officer John Finnerty. The session was audio and video recorded (see case evidence). Many of the inconsistencies from her account and case evidence were explained with a follow up request of her to expand on why this may be the case. Ruffin offered no plausible explanation for this and agreed by adoption in several instances that she was alone on the path. She offered that a medical episode may be responsible for her being alone and perceiving, in contrast to physical evidence, that she was attacked. at the conclusion of this interview agreed to terminate further investigation into this matter. was advised that if any new leads were to become available, the case would continue to be investigated as deemed appropriate.
Respectfully Submitted,
Trooper Zachary J. Wood #3904 Massachusetts State Police Berkshire Detective Unit
“Where were the protests when Black Lives Matter was burning down cities and killing people in the streets?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
November 19, 2023
For decades now, Pittsfield and North Adams are always ranked in the top 10 cities by population for VIOLENT CRIME, according to the FBI’s annual reports. For decades now, mayoral candidates and other political hacks have pledged to solve this serious issue in the Berkshires. For decades now, all of the politicians are batting 0.000 in fighting VIOLENT CRIME in Pittsfield and North Adams.
For 4 short years from 2019 through 2022, Andrea Harrington served as the (first woman) Berkshire County District Attorney. Please put her short time in elected office in perspective in the big picture of Pittsfield politics’ SHIT SANDWICH.
Yes, NOTHING CHANGED for the better, but what else does one expect in a postindustrial polluted and indebted Gateway City that hosts Level 5 public schools, excessive welfare and disability caseloads, severe economic inequality, political corruption all the way from Rolodex‘s hometown of Naples, Florida to Nuciforo‘s Pittsfield Pot Kingdom on Dalton Avenue, and the Gavel allegedly calling bank employee Victoria May A BITCH and then the bank terminating her employment and now a Sex Discrimination and Hostile Work Environment Federal Lawsuit in Springfield, Massachusetts that names the Mayor-elect Peter Marchetti as one of her three men bank managers alleged discriminating harassers?
Like his recent predecessors, sitting Berkshire County District Attorney Tim Shugrue has NOT changed things for the better in Pittsfield. It called Pittsfield politics’ “Business as usual” tagline for (not so) good reasons. Pittsfield politics other name, of course, is RETRIBUTION, which we will see a lot of during the Marchetti administration.
Jon Melle
JM, have you talked to any of the store managers about the decline in retail theft since Shugrue took over? Or did you forget to that before you posted?
You don’t think a mom-and-pop store that gets looted regularly and nothing got done about it doesn’t think things have changed for the better under Shugrue?
Or the WalMart manager, who watched Picklefield Public Scohol scholars and Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illeal aliens) “grant money” bums and drug addicts, walk in the store and steal TV’s, and nothing got done about it.
You don’t think he/she cared? Or the store employees who get bonus checks based on yearly profit. They don’t care?
Diversion programs for shoplifting and then she dropped the shoplifting charges. I feel bad for the store owners, managers and workers, of course. Happy Thanksgiving.
Her shoplifting diversion program was working so well that even Free’um Freddie Rutburg turned on her and the Eagle ran a story about crime being the #1 concern of many Picklefield retailers.
What’s wrong Andy? No job offer in St. Louis w/Wrong Way?
Pssssttt….here’s a hint. Look in the mirror and observe your skin color. You are in the category of people China Joe Xiden calls “America’s greatest threat.”
Time to wake up to reality.
and the like: Those big screen TV’s the looter’s are walking out the door with are “TV Dinners”. They are
just hungry!
Pick me i can answer that..Yes in fact retail theft is way up. Next question. The Bums and drug addicts are worse than ever. Next question.
Sorry, but much like Marchetti Clown shoes sold you a bunch of BS. Fact is they have let a rapist walk. Can’t win Murder trails, and i believe they have lost on every first count in Superior court.
The Superior court and district court record is horrendous. Clown shoes told the city would be cleaned up and the druggies would be in treatment. Yeah ok. This place is a cesspool of crime, and malcontents.
and…It’s not changing anytime soon.
However, having served on one of Harrington’s juries, I can say that there are worse things than simply failed prosecutions.
Rolodex not In Naples, Jon.
A couple of years back, Jimmy Ruberto wrote a letter to the editor of the Eagle that he signed from Naples, Florida praising Gerald Lee’s decades of public service for the City of Pittsfield as a Chief of Police whereby he worked with Jimmy’s brother, Berkshire County District Attorney – later Judge – Tony Ruberto and later as the President of the City Council whereby he worked with Mayor James M. Ruberto from 2004 – 2011 after Gerry Lee passed away from cancer. Now, Jimmy Ruberto signs his letters about Pittsfield politics to the Eagle from Lenox. Jimmy will always be knows as “ROLODEX”.
Try Punta Gorda.
Did the Rolodex move out of Naples, Florida since Jimmy Ruberto wrote this a little less than 4-year-old letter praising the late Gerald Lee in Pittsfield politics?
If so, when did the Rolodex move out of Naples, Florida and then move a little over one hour one-way north to Punta Gorda, Florida?
We know through the Rolodex’s letters to the Eagle that Jimmy Ruberto has a warm weather seasons residence in Lenox, Massachusetts.
Here is my evidence that the Rolodex lives or lived in Naples, Florida:
Letter: “Gratitude for Lee’s dedication to Pittsfield”
The Berkshire Eagle, Late-December of 2019
To the editor:
Thank you, Gerry Lee, for your commitment to public service. You first served your country in the military and then — for all those many years — the people and city of Pittsfield.
You clearly earned your stripes as a young police officer. I know you were highly respected by District Attorney Anthony Ruberto as you were one of the first to join the district attorney’s drug task force. Ultimately, you earned the long deserved position as chief of police.
Retirement for you did not end your interest in making Pittsfield a better community. Your compassion toward those less fortunate made it easy for you serve as a volunteer to a number of not-for-profit organizations.
Your willingness to serve on the City Council was a welcomed gesture by all that knew you, but then to stay on a Council gone rogue was viewed by many as a supreme sacrifice for the community you loved. Your ultimate role as president of the City Council saw you use your sharp wit, coupled with the calm of your humor, to lead a new group. This council — infused by the positive presence of three women— sought to seek solutions to the city’s many challenges through reason and respectful discourse.
God bless you, Gerry Lee, for always working diligently on behalf of our great city at a time in life when many seek to quietly enjoy retirement. The people of Pittsfield, whether they know you personally or not, owe you the ultimate debt of gratitude.
I certainly do.
James M. Ruberto,
Naples, Fla.
The writer is a former mayor of Pittsfield.
Unless he owes you child support who cares where he lives?
“Did the Rolodex move out of Naples, Florida since Jimmy Ruberto wrote this a little less than 4-year-old letter praising the late Gerald Lee in Pittsfield politics?”
And they didn’t fully redact her name last name Ruffin. It’s not hard to look up who she is.
NotJussie Smolett?
Thomas Sowell has a new book out called Social Justice Fallacies, ours schools are failing kids by indoctrinating the social justice ideology instead of the old school criminal justice system.
Thomas Sowell is one of the great minds of our time.
So isn’t Dina .
‘Cosmic Justice’ versus traditional justice. It’s the essence of the war on Western Civilization rooting out all Western science, art, literature, and philosophy from before the Common Era to the Post-Modern Academy. It’s not much different from Soviet Academies literally shooting the old professors of the Tsarist academies, burning the books, and then scrambling to recreate afresh in Social Realist terms. Imposters took on high titles. The result there was famine caused by the imposters.
Justice is itself an impossible objective given chaos. It is almost impossible for even a single person to behave ‘justly’ all the time. Therefore, we adopt Laws, which when based upon acquired experience and Common Sense are generally accepted.
Cosmic (social) Justice argues that Laws are synthetic and based upon now discarded Common Sens. Instead, we live should view every action in relative terms, and to argue what is bad in your backyard must be proven to be compared to what happens in mine. Relativism is a fancy new word for old school skepticism which had burned out in the nineteenth century only to be revived by the anti-social mental anarchist of post WW1 Europeans.
Cosmic Justice found a home in the US in fields of philosophy, and believe it or not, social work. Adherents are addicted to the word ”semantics” as in, ‘You’re just engaging in semantics.” In the end, the Social Justice warrior is happy to rob one man to gift another.
Correction: “Cosmic Justice found a home in the US in fields of religious studies“
Philosophy departments in general were the crumbling bulwarks against the crushing weight of the skeptical studies who used the language of ‘mlti-culturalism’ to revise globally the curricula of academic studies. Want to specialize in Greek based art history? That’s fine, but not until you meet a quota in ‘non-western’ history first.
WGAF? Slow news day Tucker Valenti?
J6 tapes are out.
The hoaxsters of the J6 Committee need to be up on treason charges.
“Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, says that the House Jan. 6 Committee should be investigated, following the release of the Jan. 6 videos.
On Friday, House Speaker Mike Johnson announced that he would be releasing all of the Capitol Hill security footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot online for the public to view……”
Compare and contrast:
1) “I Love Your Ears…How Old Are You, 17?” – SICK! Biden Creeps on 6-Year-Old Girl at Friendsgiving Dinner at Naval Station (VIDEO)by Cristina Laila Nov. 19, 2023 5:40 pm521 Comments
Joe and Jill Biden on Sunday traveled to Norfolk, Virginia to participate in a ‘Friendsgiving’ dinner with servicemembers and military families.
Biden wasted no time beelining to the children. He fixated on a 6-year-old girl and asked her if she was 17!
“And I love your ears!” Biden said as he shuffled over to the child. “I love them! They’re really cool! What’s your name?”
“Catherine,” the child said.
Biden got in the child’s face and said, “Catherine? That’s my mommy’s name! Well, nice to see you – how old are you? 17?”
“I’m 6,” the little girl said.
Biden was a little too excited after he found out the little girl was only 6 years old.
Nurse Jill winced as she watched her husband creep on another child.
“Brandon Judd of the National Border Patrol Council thanked President Trump earlier on Sunday for taking the time to serve Thanksgiving dinner to his fellow officers.
“I’ve seen a lot of selflessness. I saw somebody who was willing to shake every single person’s hand that came through the line. I’ve never seen that before,” Judd said.
“He was willing to take a picture with every single person, even though his staff was telling him not to. He was willing to do that.” Judd continued.
“He truly cares about this country. He truly cares about the men and women in law enforcement in the military and he’s shown that every single day.” Judd said.
“I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the next president of the United States, President Donald Trump.” Judd continued.
Meanwhile in New York City, which is currently over run with immigrants, many who have been housed in very nice hotel rooms but are rebelling that they have been asked to move to a less expensive housing, the city is losing its livability. The mayor says the city is being overwhelmed in many areas. Hospitals, schools and housing overcrowding is making the city undesirable.
NYC Mayor Adams says housing and feeding immigrants has costs about 3 billion dollars so far and there seems to be no bottom line going forward as they are still coming at a rate of 10,000 per month. (just to his city) Apparently word has gotten to all third world countries which states have laws saying that they have to take them and they are requesting to be bussed to those places. MA and NY are two of them.
Mayor Adams says drastic 5% cuts will be applied across the board for all departments going forward in the new budget and this includes laying off, police, firemen, trash collectors and teachers.
Whatever you may think of immigrants, good or bad, one thing is undeniable. And that is that the uncontrolled ingress is costing a fortune and busting budgets across the country. City’s and states are running low on funds and people who have lived and paid taxes all their lives are going to be losing critical services they pay and have paid for.
This would normally be a situation where cities would start making cuts to unnecessary spending projects but in Pittsfield the solution will be too INCREASED TAXES. AGAIN AND AGAIN which in effect has us literally supporting immigrants housing, food, medical and social services needs while struggling to pay for our own selves.
Hopefully all these people will be absorbed into the community and support themselves at some point. But since social services in Pittsfield are already overwhelmed and people who have lived here all their lives waiting in long lines one can clearly see the system collapsing in front of us and will get progressively worse.
I would love to have someone come on here and explain to me that I am over reacting and then go on in detail how and why this is not happening. The people at the Berkshire Eagle could probably do this best as they have all the inside information on what is and is not going on. What I do NOT want to hear is a lot of misdirection, obfuscation and excuses on top of the accusation that I am selfish, racist and inconsiderate of other human beings.
Biden did that.
As society starts the week of Thanksgiving I want to reach out and thank you Dan for using your talents to give us readers the news that the Hate Rag won’t write and for giving us a sounding/thinking board. This new article makes me wonder why the “black” citizens do not feel accepted? Just in Pittsfield we have had black Police Chiefs, Councilors, Principles, Asst Principles, Police Officers, Firemen, etc. What more do they have to accomplish to feel accepted in society? Have the media created a mental illness of inferiority in the black society? Are they the ones responsible or is it the leaders of the black society? I believe most citizens of the US follow the advice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr to accept people of high character no matter the color of their skin.
I much appreciated and accept with graciousness your thanks. You are one of the star citizens on this board.
Dan, thanks for ten good years of the good stuff. Colossal generosity.
And if you think Pittsfield cops are raking in the big bucks, you outta see what the troopers are pulling in. Fact is, they deserve their pay and for the most part, earn very plug nickel.
Yeah because staring in a construction hole can be so damn dangerous.
LIsten here lady, cops put their life on the line every single day. Some cops do road jobs, some don’t. I was referring to cop pay, not road job pay, per se, but even then, they earn it if they are there doing the time.
I hope if you ever need a cop, you can’t find one. Same goes for fire and EMS, you ungrateful XXXXX.
Dan, great first step. This is simply a summary report . There are over a dozen more reports, statements, etc out there. Clearly this was a hoax. Why wasn’t the hoaxter charged????
Cuz she be black.
Cuz Hardly Harrington was the DA, and she hardly prosecuted anyone?
Harrington’s death nail was her investigation into the Miggy murder Witch was non existent.
for all intensive purposes
Or intents and Purposes. Dan?
The report is dated 28 Sept. The hoax was reported the day before. The report states that “At this time investigative measures are ongoing and the case will continue to be thoroughly investigated as a crime unless proven otherwise’. Basically, they knew it was a hoax, early on. The report goes on to state that an interview was conducted on 18 October, and states that during the interview “Ruffin offered no plausible explanation for this and agreed by adoption in several instances that she was alone on the path. She offered that a medical episode may be responsible for her being alone and perceiving, in contrast to physical evidence, that she was attacked. at the conclusion of this interview agreed to terminate further investigation into this matter.”
So, she, who appears to be Ruffin, made it up, and gets a get out of jail free card. And since she is not a victim, her identity is not protected. She is actually a perpetrator. Her DNA on the plastic utensil carved into a weapon found at the scene of the crime, seals her fate. At least Smollet was charged. That she got a free pass because of Harrington is ridiculous. The cops should have charged her ass with filing a false report, regardless of Harrington’s wishes. That’s the problem with trooper being assigned to the DA’s; they are beholden to them.
By the way, there should be reports from every cop mentioned in this summary report, and statements from every witness or other person interviewed, and the crime scene reports, etc. So, you are missing almost the entire case file Danno. What you have tells you all you need to know, however.
Surely the Eagle will chase down the rest of the case file. Had this been disclosed for what it was at the time, and the hoaxter charged accordingly, this would have been national news. Instead, Harrington buried it.
The current DA could still bring charges.
Great job Dan!! You were able to get your hands on the Jussie Smollett case of the Berkshires.
DA Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington and the local media just ate this story up. It fit the narrative of what China Joe Xiden has been feeding the simple minded about the “evil white man.”
Authorities Release Details of Alleged Assault at Simon’s Rock / – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.
Simon’s Rock probe finds reported attack, racist graffiti likely ‘staged’ to spark race dialogue | Archives |
Investigation Suggests Racist Incidents At Simon’s Rock Staged | WAMC
Much like Jussie Smollett the facts just didn’t add up for Ruffin.
DA Wrong Way was such an abject failure, that she couldn’t land a job in MA as an attorney. So where did she go and continue her legal career?
How about St. Louis, MO. A hotbed of crime and corruption, in another city led by a democRAT.
Wesley Bell absent from hearing where his staff were grilled about new cars, outside jobs (
I am a proud supporter of Andrea Harrington in politics, government and the law. Andrea Harrington is a liberal, which is allowed in our FREE COUNTRY. As the first woman Berkshire County District Attorney, Andrea Harrington helped a lot of people that nobody else cares about. Wherever Andrea Harrington is, and wherever she works, the people are fortunate to have her in their community.
Thank you for illustrating why staying on one’s schizophrenia medication is important.
You need your head examined.
She’s absolutely NOT a liberal.
JM may I suggest you reread my post and then reread it again, to fully grasp what was mentioned in it.
She did go where she could “help people nobody cares about.” She went to St. Louis, MO, a large majority of the population is black.
Search “Lonnie Durfee” and look at the jail term he got JM and then read Dan’s post a few times and maybe you’ll understand? Maybe?
My point, be glad as an older white male, you were not in trouble in Berkshire County during her reign. I think you’d be posting much differently than your puppy love posts for her.
For a cherry on top JM, google “David Moody.”
Deputy Chief of Staff Andrea Harrington. Must be some kind of woke joke. She must think her boss is going to Washington and she is going to ride his coattails all the way there.
Are we sure it’s the same Andrea Harrington? There’s also an Andrea Harrington listed for McGill University’s School of Law (that one includes a picture which is definitely not her). Just curious.
Did our new DA lose his first murder case.?
Why hadn’t crime gone down under the new DA?
Trump will be the oldest boy every elected President for life.Trump also has a drive for his fatguy golf cart
You tell em skippy
What is the objective in the hoax? The hope is that the police will arrest a suspect. Hoax is committed with the assumption a person is about who would commit the crime. The hoaxer intents to subject an innocent person to a legal siege. Somewhat less malevolent, the hoaxer may just want you to think someone deserves a dose of justice, but even that one would not be sorry to see someone charged.
Example: There was the Boston man who shot his wife, and put a bullet in his gut. Somewhere in the 1990’s. He claimed they were mugged by an African American man, large in height. The police then went and summarily arrested such a person and charged him too. The criminal, merrily showing off his self-induced stitches, was revealed to the police by the criminal’s friend who heard him boast of the crime.
Quitting instead of losing is much better.
a QUITTER is a loser.