ADD 1 NOV. 29, 2023 — Former Pittsfield Cooperative Bank VP Victoria May — who is suing the bank, mayor-elect Peter Marchetti, bank president Jerome “Jay” Anderson, and senior VY Henry “Chip” Moore — filed a motion on Nov. 22 in federal court opposing the defendants’ request to drop paragraphs 15, 17, 18, and 21 from May’s complaint, THE PLANET has learned.
Marchetti et. al. wanted those paragraphs dropped because, they told the court, the paragraphs are “scandalous.” Through her attorney Janet Ruggieri, May opposed this move, since “they are the essence of [her] case, and should not be stricken.”
In plain English, May responded to Marchetti, Anderson, Moore, and the bank by telling them where they could shove their motion to drop the offending paragraphs. Those were the sections of the lawsuit where May describes in lurid detail her accusations of sexual harassment against the trio, basically alleging an atmosphere where she was may to feel fearful, intimidated, and humiliated without cause.
Of great interest to the citizens of Pittsfield will that Marchetti will take office in early January with this lawsuit hanging over his head. It raises as it does many questions, including:
- How much of a distraction will it be to Marchetti as he goes about his new job?
- How will if affect his behavior both in the office and out, on professional and personal time?
- Will pressure from the suit affect his stability and his ability to faithfully perform his duties?
- How will female employees at City Hall be affected by a boss facing such accusations?
———- ooo ———-
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY NOV. 27, 2023) — During the past week, THE PLANET began a major revamping our backstage platforms in areas related to speed, security, and data. That will continue this week.
Heavy traffic justifies the investment, as our audience continues to grow.
Let us present a trio of items to prime the comment pump:
‘Cuse to the ResCuse — Good time for The Orange, as the footballers came up clutch in the Dome against Wake Forest, winning for interim coach Nunzio Campanile. The 35-31 thriller over Wake Forest sends Syracuse to a post-season bowl game for the second straight year.

Syracuse Orange wide receiver Damien Alford catches his second touchdown reception of the day during SU’s win over Wake Forest on Saturday at the JMA Wireless Dome. (Dennis Nett photo)
Meanwhile, our football Giants got their second straight win with former SU QB Tommy DeVito at the helm. Innatommydevito (sung to the tune of Innagadadavita) is now 2-0 as Jints starter. Another Tommy in the making, as in Brady for our G-Men?
Linda to BCC? — Will Linda Tyer’s next gig be at BCC? PLANET sources say so, telling us the mayor, with little more than a month left in her tenure, has applied to college president Ellen Kennedy for the position of executive director of workforce development and community education. We even have what purports to be a copy of Tyer’s lengthy application letter to Kennedy, dated Nov. 1. THE PLANET contacted the mayor, looking for comment. You know the drill: When the phone doesn’t ring, we know it’s Linda not getting back to us. We wish her well in the quest.
Petered Out at the Coop? — Meanwhile, sources close to the sexual harassment lawsuit filed by former Pittsfield Coop VP Victoria May against Coop president Jerome “Jay” Anderson, senior VP Harry “Chip” Moore, and mayor-elect Peter Marchetti tell us that “absolutely, yes, Peter was fired from the Co-op. … [I]t was the second write-up against Marchetti of its kind and they had to fire him.” Source, who is on the” inner inside” of the proceedings, observes: “Interestingly, all the responses from the Coop in the lawsuit have been protective of Chip and Jay and not of Peter.” THE PLANET hopes to be speaking with the mayor-elect before his installation in early January.
Gaza Nightmare — People looking for the “right” side of Israel’s disproportionate response to the Hamas attack of Oct. 7 won’t find it. Hamas’ ambush killed 1,200 Israelis. In response, Israel has killed 15,000 Palestinians, including 10,000 civilians, mostly women, children, and babies while reducing Gaza’s infrastructure to rubble. The Israeli decision to answer an attack with abysmal horror has perpetrated the very thing it says it opposes. Hypocrisy at that level is holocaustal, a word used advisedly. The war has all the logic of a nightmare, as all wars do. The enemy is us, as Pogo long ago observed, leading us to the unanswerable “Why?”
During the week, we shall keep this column open for comments. Our next regularly scheduled column shall be THE PLANET of Monday Dec. 4. With that, we graciously hand the talking stick to you.
“A man assumes the limit of his own field of vision” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
If the bank fired him why would he think the city of Pittsfield would want him?
Dumb enough to elect Tyer…..dumb enough to elect bitch boy.
It’s all about that secret school meeting with the mayoral candidates. Lots of people will be cashing in with Marchetti as mayor mainly in the school system, but others too. It’s all about portfolios and property values for Pittsfield residents. It doesn’t matter that the politcial agenda of these people is dangerous.
whateva happen to dat ethics investigatin’ on dat Marcheddi dude ? Dey musta be done wit dat by now, cuz, oh maybe dey sweep it ahl unda de rug, g
Because they voted for him, overwhelmingly! It was officially a landslide.
You may not like him, but you are in the minority.
Elon Musk says Israel has promoted dialectical hatred against whites.
You left-loons hate Elon Musk for allowing free speech on Twitter (X).
Without Twitter, would the American people ever have known about Bathhouse Barry spying on an incoming US President? Or Joe Xiden selling out America to China, Ukraine, and Iran? Hunter Xiden’s laptop? And on and on.
Oh, and I’m sure much to TSC’s dismay, the videos of the unarmed 1/6 “Fedsurrection” are being released showing it was all staged by Nancy Pelosi and the DNC.
Read two articles today on 2 cities in Mass. One is giving their taxpayers a cut in their property tax of 4.75%, the other is raising them 8.75% even though they have a huge surplus in free cash, Guess where we live??? Linda and the 3am Cumby boy are giving the city a huge single digit salute as they leave city hall!
Amazing that the then mayoral candidate had been fired from a major local company and the media hid it so well. Not so amazing though when you realize the politics in this area are so bottom of the barrel.
The war between Hamas and Israel is terrible, but you can’t see the true picture until you realize that Hamas hides beneath hospitals and schools and has no problem using their own citizens as human shields. Of course the casualties will be much higher on their side.
A potential problem here is that, that part of the world never forgets as 9/11 showed us. Bin Laden worked on that for years. It may be one year or ten years but they will get their revenge and it will not be pretty.
And that is why I think the United States should have let Israel deal with it all by themselves instead of sending warships and AWACS and bombing Hezbollah sites. Israel has great military power which is second to none in new age weaponry. We made sure of that. Plus they have the Iron Dome protecting them from incoming missiles. But now we have put a HUGE target on our backs and I do not know what we really ever get back from protecting that area. Seems kinda one sided.
I guarantee you that right now in underground bunkers in the mid east, plans are being made to repay America for its part in the killing or allowing the killing of so many innocent children and it will not be a measured payback. It will be designed to never be forgotten..
Americans can debate whether all the civilians in Gaza had to be killed or not but the Muslim community may see it from a different perspective.
I think you’re right and this time it probably won’t be one large attack. With so many potential terrorists allowed into this country there could be many attacks throughout the country.
You know that Biden sticker you see nest to all the high prices…illegitimate Joe saying “I did that”,,,,well he can take responsibility for the border crisis, first by making Kamala the border czar and then doing everything possible to get in the way of Texas for trying to secure their border!
The FBI said the number 1 biggest terrorist concern for years is our very own American neighbor.Who has all the ignorance and guns attacking minorities women and non Christian religious groups.You have all day to figure it out.On 1/6/2021 they attacked and our Republican President watched the attack for 3 hours before FOX on air people asked the president to please put an end to the coup.His children were begging him to end it.
MSM censored POTUS Trump’s call for peace and non-violence 1/6/2021, before the crowd got anywhere near the Capitol.
Pelousey and THE FIB had their goons in the crowd to incite them.
Are you talking about our new mayor? Or the former speaker of the house? or shoeman from the city?
The people on this board do not want to hear these truths.
We have the moral obligation to stand with Israel because they are our friends. Nobody wins in war, but Hamas started this war by their brutal attack and even now they are disobeying the rules of the ceasefire and shooting at Israel. These are terrorists and that should not be forgotten. Biden has guaranteed that this country will have terrorist attacks in the future with his open borders policy.
Your islamofacist friends live in the 8th century. Their brains are affected by centuries of inbreeding.
All the more reason to win. Al Quaeda has not been the same since their defeat on the battlefield.
Win what? There are 1.9 billion Muslims in the world. 3.45 million of them live in America and the rest of them are spread over quite a wide area of the planet. I doubt you can find six of them that are giving America a pass on aiding and abetting what is going on in Gaza. So, given that, what would be your operational plan to “win” so that they could not take revenge on us? Can you come up with something that would not make things even worse?
Evil never goes away, WFT.
Israel is at war. The purpose of war is to win.
The purpose of war is to keep the military/industrial complex busy and profitable for the connected folk. US military could end most conflicts in a few months if they need to but that rarely leaves enough time for the skim to be worth the effort.
The purpose of the Military/Industrial complex is to make money.
Also, Military/Manufacturer complexes are as old as war. For example, the Dutch and the French musket/rifle/powder manufacturers made out like bandits during the American Revolution and Civil Wars.
And how did America “win” in their last few wars? Korea? Viet Nam? Iraq? Afghanistan?
What is your definition of winning sir? Would we ever want to try to “win” any of these wars again?
Excellent point. One doesn’t win wars by proxy, much less wars against ideas. There are only two sensible MOs in foreign relations: (1) Diplomacy, when it’s forthright (the best option, since it means healthy engagement) or (2) Isolation (second best; many drawbacks but preferable to war after war after war).
Good luck with that in war.
If that was all it took in foreign relations, why build tanks?
Winning is when the enemy stops fighting because they cannot win.
The British at Yorktown
War of 1812
First Barbary War
Second Barbary War
American Indian Nations wars (numerous)
Mexican American War
Spansih American War
Phillipine American War
WWII (Japan)
Your examples are not relevant. One can always choose to concede, perish, or convert. The winner is the one who does not.
Today, Hamas murderers murdered a bunch of Israelis at a bus stop. That means there are at least three left to go.
If you are feeling exposed, just convert.
WTF: That is all that they ask of you. Perish or convert.
I am just asking questions. Did not pick a side. Basically saying that given their history they will come back at us when we least expect it and it will not be pretty. We will reap as we have sowed. Pretty sure about that.
Two points to consider:
The price of peace and liberty is eternal vigilance and sacrifice. That means mowing the lawn from time to time before it becomes a complicated and expensive mess.
Second, with your words, President Jefferson should have played strictly nice with the Sultans and agreed to constant ransoms and tributes unremitting.
Iran seeks to control the Persian Gulf which carries global trade clockwork. That is, they intend to seize ships and imprison crews at will.
Shall we give them that too?
When americans were taken, raped, tortured, and the missles sent at the places are soliders that are injuries and long term tbi that puts us in the war. That pos Biden and company has no balls and only worried about trannys, illegals the more the better, and the killing of America. Send the aholes the power of the USA and destroy the damn place. They are all taught to hate America from the day they are born and as you see by tv they come here to live here, school here, live free but still hates America. Get the hell out or get deported.
Dan, there is no over the top reaction to savages murdering and sexually assaulting civilians. They were attacked by a terrorist group that is trying to exterminate them. Kill or be killed. Also I respectfully disagree with the numbers you are quoting. Hamas has killed civilians on both sides and numbers cannot be quantified. Media cannot be trusted.
Thanks, JOE, for your views.
I don’t believe anything the Hamassholes say. And they hide behind their women and children.
I find it kind of alarming that the incidents against both Krol and Marchetti happened way before the mayoral election? Also that these two were pushed forward by the media including Mr. Valenti way before signatures were being acquired?
Yes, THE PLANET was in on the plot!
Well least you admit it. Like I said,it was business. Biggest election loser was Maffuccio.
Or maybe the taxpayers of Pittsfield?
And you probably helped Kathy Amuso pick out the color scheme for THS
Mayor Linda Tyer will soon collect her 6-figure city public pension plus perks. Her current city salary is $115,725 per fiscal year plus all of her city public perks. She did very well for herself. I am a long-time proud supporter of Linda Tyer in Pittsfield politics. She is the best Mayor of Pittsfield in over a generation, if not EVER. Her nickname is “Gated Community”, along with “Mayor Montello”, “Rolodex”, “Aberration”, and the late “Bar-stool”. Peter Marchetti’s nickname is “The Gavel”. Peter White’s nickname is “On Deck”.
Mayor-elect Peter Marchetti needs to answer if he called bank employee Victoria May “A BITCH”. Peter Marchetti should undergo a psychiatric clinical evaluation due to his alleged abusive workplace temper tantrums prior to the swearing in of the next Mayor of Pittsfield. Peter Marchetti may be unfit to be the next Mayor of Pittsfield due to his alleged abusive and alleged sexist behaviors in the workplace. I do not understand why we don’t have a yes or no answer as to if Peter Marchetti’s employment at the bank was terminated due to the federal lawsuit that alleges sex discrimination and sexual harassment by the bank’s three men managers, including former bank manager Peter Marchetti.
Happy Holidays Season!
Talking about psychiatric clinical evaluation, when’s your next one you crazy whackjob?
My dog named Chocolate is my Emotional Support Animal. He also gives me advice to stay away from people such as yourself because he says that you are probably mean to dogs and other animals. If dogs show love to me, then it is all the affirmation I need in my life.
Smart dog.
Tyer should go back to being a pool secretary. A job she’s almost qualified to do.
What’s Tyer’s level of education? Will she release her high school transcripts? Did she graduate from high school?
My guess would be that she would not have applied unless she knew ahead of time that she was locked in. Her state connections probably lined it up for her. That is the way it works when your mayor job is over in Pittsfield. They take care of you if you “behaved” yourself.
With BCC’s DEI implementation like the DEI office Tyer created for Pittsfield, I’m wondering if BCC will seek and interview and offer the position to someone of color first?
It should be Die
DIE: Diversity Inclusion Equity = Translation: monolithic, exclusion, discrimination
I like the acronym for the DIE Office as: Division Incomprehensive Exclusion
I think all three words cover exactly what a DIE Office is, reverse racism.
If it’s not reverse racism, then why doesn’t DIE Offices ever focus on black-on-black gun violence and/or crime in the black community? You know, the people they claim to advocate for?
From looking at the spelling of my name, you’d think I graduated with honors from a Picklefield Public Scohol.
The job was most likely offered. Applying is a formality.
The usual nationwide search.
She has her GED
Got Everyone Duped
You’re a little late here.
Tyer will do for BCC what she’s done for Pittsfield. Goodbye BCC.
She was recommended by the Governor I’m sure just like our newest mayor.
BCC been gone for along while. Enrollment went way down, government stepped in with free tuition for most. 13 & 14th grade public school.
Will the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working family who lives and pays taxes in Pittsfield speak at the City Council’s tax classification hearing on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023, at 6:00 pm, at City Hall? Or will they not bother and “Assume the position” for the 8.75 percent municipal tax increase that will increase city spending by millions of dollars?
Didn’t Kufflinks recently report FREE CASH of over $17 million? Isn’t the City still spending over $41 million in “Biden Bucks”? What if there is an economic recession in 2024? The CoLA for Social Security beneficiaries is only 3.2 percent for 2024. Workers’ wages are not keeping up with inflation. Pittsfield’s past 40 years of annual 5 percent and higher yearly tax and spending increases are unsustainable over the long-term. The past 50 years of huge losses in population and living wage jobs in postindustrial Pittsfield led to a shrinking middle-class municipal tax base with yearly city spending now way above $200 million a year is the WORST of both worlds!
If there is any time to give Hell to the Mayor and City Council, it is at the tax classification hearing!
Too late, too late. The budget is passed and accepted by the State. We will knock a few dollars off the bills with FC. But it will be a smaller increase than the larger one. In May, the Council was tasked to reduce the budget so the November hearing would present tax relief.
Bend over
Who was the president of the council that was tasked to reduce the budget??? It’s not the guy who got elected mayor is it? Guess nobody will be surprised to find that out.
Tells you all you need to know about how he is going to run the ship for the next four years…
The Democrats in charge do not realize to spur economic growth you have to lower taxes and cut spending! Close 2 schools, push the fire dept to columbus ave and sell all ancillary buildings, don’t allow police to be traffic flaggers and for pete’s sake fill in the potholes!!
So did the Berkshire Eagle know Marchetti, a candidate for mayor, was fired from his bank job and keep it from the public voters?
If so this is a subject that needs a deep discussion.
Yes, the paper knew. I’m hearing some in the newsroom wanted to report it but the kibosh came down from On High: Do not report this.
If you read even today’s paper you see stories about towns and cities almost exclusively outside of Pittsfield. Hardly anything about Pittsfield especially what goes on at city hall. Been that way for quite some time but much more so since the tyer machine took power. Guess not much interesting going on in the counties biggest city.
It;s just a hate rag now, has been for over 50 years, it just keeps getting worse hence the reason the circulation is tanking
The B&E is anything but a hate rag.
Kibosh? They outed Krol. If they knew they should be held accountable as well as Marchetti. What we haven’t heard is that he was fired. We DO know she filed suit way before the election?
All the fake news that’s fit to print.
Dan, if Tyer gets that job can she fire you? Perhaps you should apply for the same job.
Neither are qualified.
Dan don’t want the f ing job anyway.
True, dat.
Just because Dan says it, doesn’t make it true.
Marchetti was NOT fired by the bank.
Dan’s source is probably John Krol, his failure of a candidate.
Of course it’s true if I say it! By definition, right?
My source was not John Krol, BTW. It was someone much closer to the legal proceedings. Now you wouldn’t be parsing on the word “fired,” would you? In cases like this, the word “fired” is rarely used. They usually use the word “resignation.” As THE PLANET asked during the campaign, the real question is: “Does Peter have his job to return to if his bid fails?”
I know for a fact he had his job back if he failed to win the Mayors race. After he won, he formally resigned because he is now going to be Mayor. He was on a leave of absence from the end of September to run the campaign.
Of course he resigned after he won. To say he was fired is just plain old false. I got the word from Jay Anderson himself. He has no reason to lie to me.
Thanks, MR. W. We’ll likely know for sure during the trial. My source is intimately involved in the legal proceedings, one who, at least as far as I know, privy to all information that’s thus far been discussed by the lawyers.
Jeez, Dan seemed to really hit a nerve with ya’ there Mr. Worldwide. Doth protest too much. Maybe if you head over to Cumby’s late night and plead your case on FB, you’ll get some small-minded folks to believe your BS.
He’s into fried tofu. You won’t tend this cat at Cimbys.
*find this cat
Buffoon, he may be subject to a NDA.
Was Jay drunk at the time or looking for a handout from the city?
Can you explain why you were the only CPA in America that needed a Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loan?
Did the internet not work at your house or the other employees in your firm?
Could you not work from your home?
Could your employees not work from home?
Help us make it make sense Dirty Barry.
How can that hypothetical be called a fact?
Yes, ‘You’re FIRED!!” was only heard by Dagwood. In the real world, it is HR’s role to clean up office spills. They use phrases such as, ‘You are being let go I hate to do this” or “You are no longer employed.” Very rarely indeed does a man return to work the next business day after hearing either version. It is as though they just lose the will to work.
And sometimes they lock you out of your office so you cannot take revenge by destroying the place out of anger. And then write you up a nice job recommendation. I saw this happen.
They always lock you out.
Not if your job was shoveling shit in a horse barn though. But maybe they should these days
Bad news for Onota Lake, I’m afraid it’s just a matter of time before it spreads to other area lakes. Lake Champlain has had this problem for two decades now. Local marinas should study up and offer protective coatings that can be applied to boats to minimize the impact.
Don’t forget the damm that’s ready to spill over at any moment according to local officials and could do a lot of damage including to Berkshire Medical Center.
All these super expensive projects and calamities just happened to occur on tyers watch. How coincidental is that man? Everything is falling apart and thank god she is around to help us through it all.
Can’t stop it. Birds are a vector.
City gonna spend more huge bucks redoing Pontoosuc lake fer the elite crowd. Are there zebra mussels there or if there were would we be talking about it risking a large money dump? Has anyone trustworthy even looked for them? I mean the lakes are only a couple of feet apart.
Do Tyer or Tricia swim in both lakes? The mussels like to cling to barges .
Zebra Mussels have been in Pontoosuc for a decade. It’s funny how the boat washing system at the lake kinda disappeared and the city wasn’t vigilant to make sure all using the lake washed their boats when leaving after about a year of doing so. Like everything else they let it go and didn’t maintain it
Lindah’s final ‘FU’ to the city is the sad, pathetic, tiny excuse for a Christmas tree on Park Square. Perhaps it’s a passive aggressive protest against Cumby Boy’s sad, pathetic, tiny endowment. Merry Christmas!
Did Smokesausage help Berri pick out the tree?
To call Oct 7 an “attack” belies the scale and atrocity of it. There is no proportionate response. It was the military equivalent of suicide by cop.
Thanks, SHAWN. It doesn’t matter what we call the Oct. 7 “thing.” I agree there is no proportionate response. What Hamas did was an effect of a previous cause. That effect then became the cause of the Israeli response. You can be sure the Israeli response and the effects it has produced will guarantee further incidents from the Islamic world, notably Iran, a country that President Biden has enriched with cash infusions ($6 billion for five hostages) and ending the freeze on Iranian assets. We can quibble all we want about semantics, but the Hamas and Israel occupy equally the scales of (pick one) righteousness or evil. Like you, I lament the situation, but that IS the situation.
I believe that the son of the founder of Hamas has the stronger hand. And it resonates.
The good thing about all this is that Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qadea and the Islamic State will have learned their lessons and will never bother anyone again. Israel and the U.S. are going to be safe now. This makes it so much better.
It is war.
The objective in war is to win.
From “Going After Cacciato”
Promotion Hearing:
Officer: “Private. Say you just offed Ho Chi Minh. What does that do for us on the battlefield?”
Private: “One less Vietcong to go.”
Ask yourself why most wars in the world, and there are more than Ukraine and Israel, are with the muslim population against another religion.This has been going on for many decades. Makes you wonder who can’t play nice in the sandbox doesn’t it?
Bellychick had quite a bit of interest in DiVito. Could be something there.
Belichick as new Jints coach? That’s the rumor. I knew DeVito and saw him play in SYR. Gutsy, scrappy kid. No one will outwork him. No one will get more out of a skillset. He’s also smart. He sees the entire field. The underdog’s underdog. These are his Brady-like qualities. Hope we have an out on Daniel Jones’ contract. It should be Tommy’s job from here out.
The Raiders-will take Jones.
Belchick is not a offensive coach. Devito has played well under tremendous pressure.
I wish the kid well, but Canto is a long way away.
Canton not canto
It would be foolish for the Giants to change the head coach so soon.
I agree. But since when is rationality a part of the “Win NOW!” or Else NFL?
Belechick would have interest in Totie Fields these days.
Everyone should pump their brakes on DiVito. He won 2 games against 2 trash teams(combined 6 wins). The only Tom he will be compared to is Maddox. Giants have to draft another Qb. Heck even Mac Jones looked good for one year.
We’ll have to wait and see. He might not be the second coming of Y.A. But at least he’ll be a serviceable backup like his numbersake Hostetler.
Never forget that the criminal ex prez Trump conspired a coup to overthrow his country because in early spring he was told he was losing to Biden and could not win.Word is now that Shaun Hannity is mulling an offer to be Trumps VP
Would Hannity give up his 50 million dollar a year job to babysit Trump? Prolly not. But there IS a line forming of dullards who do want that job. There is also a brain eating bacteria spreading and one of the symptoms is….. wanting to be Trumps VP.
TSC, how about making it a New Years resolution for 2024, to only post 90 minutes after you have taken your meds.
Otherwise, I’m going to petition the Jones Psych unit to restrict your internet access.
Get off MSNBC, click on Twitter (X) and start looking at all the videos being released by Speaker Mike Johnson.
You will see ANTIFA and undercover FIB and DHS Agents, changing into Trump gear and then inciting violence.
You will also see undercover FIB Agents and Capitol Police Officers holding the door for people, to allow them access into the Capitol. Helping people take selfies in the Capitol. Fist bumping people walking by them, in the Capitol.
Does that sound like an “insurrection” to you?
Let’s see: Russian influence peddling, Hunter Biden laptop “hoax,” electoral abuse, politicization of COVID-19, “insurrection,” using the courts for political revenge. Nice to know that during this coming presidential election year, we can expect everything to be on the up and up. Equally comforting that Americans can put their full faith in the our valued institutions, including the Oval Office, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and above all the Justice Department.
And don’t forget this gem:https://www.dailydot.com/debug/doj-warrant-donald-trump-twitter-likes-conservatives-react/Joe Xiden and the DOJ are ILEGALLY spying on conservative American citizens.Joe Xiden, Bathhouse Barry, and Big Mike, are really making the likes of Mao, Stalin, and Hitler, very proud, with their illegal spying on the “enemies of the state.”Joe Xiden has always said, “white supremacy is America’s greatest threat.” He should simply change it to “conservative white people,”……Name me a MAGA school shooter?
MSM has already censored the post about Xiden and the DOJ targeting conservatives Americans who liked Trump’s tweets on Twitter (X).
Should it be Joe Xiden or Adolf Biden from now on?
MAGA is fear.Trump preacher to Maga that only he can help you with your fear.We all know what Republicans fear.
You are correct TSC, MAGA fears losing our rights and falling under a complete authoritarian government, like China or North Korea.
Much like those two dictator-led countries, Adolf Xiden is now illegally spying on American citizens.
Just because we have differing political philosophies, you’re OK with Adolf Xiden doing that to American citizens.
If you are, two things: (1) Go F#^K yourself, (2) Move to one of the countries I listed, and live in nirvana of your government-controlled life, with your monthly government checks rolling in.
You’ll never see this in the hate rag, er I mean the Berkshire Eagle, they report the opposite so the poor cognitively impaired voters like TSC, Snark, Kindergarden are easily led to the ultimate cliff
There’s nothing to report.
Hunter will publicly go before the committee and will answer every question put to him.The committee refuses to do it.LOL
So you are impressed by the unknown Mike Johnson,look his history up.He is a religious wack job.He like you won’t separate church from state.You should not support strangeness and I do mean strange.
Plus he and his son both monitor each others porn watching habits. Not making this up. It is true and he talks openly about it and is proud of it. Look it up.
He is 2nd man up for president by the way.
Traitor Joe creeps out on little girls and took showers with his underage daughter.
Hunter is a porn star who smokes crack while performing his perversions. The perverts at THE FIB were watching Hunter’s sexcapades on his laptop from Hell for years before the Nov 2020 Selection.
Yes, I am. Versus a Uniparty A$$clown, like Kevin McCarthy. I’m very impressed with Speaker Mike Johnson.
We know, you libs don’t like him because he’s actually releasing all of the videos and the house of cards of the “Fedsurrection” is crumbling down.
Faith-basedGodly MenIt might seem humiliating for Mike Johnson to admit his son monitors his porn habits. For him, it’s quite the opposite.By Kelsy Burke
Nov 08, 20232:32 PM
No, we dislike him because he’s a religious zealot who doesn’t believe in the separation of church & state.
First Amend protect religious observance from the state. To separate religion from gov which is run by ethical people hopefully, you restrict religious observance.
A senator has the right to appeal to G-D in office.
Zealotry however refers to behavior and attitude that are not divinely inspired.
If his religious disposition is what bothers you, I predict it will pass on soon enough.
Ever read the Pledge of Allegiance? The Declaration of Independence? The Preamble to the US Constitution.
G-d is good government.
Could you ask TSC if he has his 1/6 decorations up yet ? Or is it too early?
Send him a blood soaked shirt with a hole in it.
Oh give me a break. Good government is a government consisting of ethical individuals.
Ethics come from where? Not Man.
Main point: G-d is referenced in the US Constitution, The Massachusets Constitution, and most of our founding literature. The USA is predicated on the divine Creator.
“It is the right as well as the duty of all men in society, publicly, and at stated seasons to worship the Supreme Being, the great Creator and Preserver of the universe.”
I understand your point. Ethics does not come from God because there is no God. God, and ethics, are human inventions, social constructs. Those of you who feel that The USA is predicated on the divine Creator feel that way because it gives you a convenient out for evil and negative behavior. ‘We are not responsible for our ethics’ is nothing more than a convenient, cowardly, cop-out.
If that is what you believe, then you really should find a different state to live in. This one belongs to the mind and faith of John Adams.
You are remarkably ignorant about the people and circumstances of the Revolutionary War. It is not called a Civil War. Nor is it called a rebellion or a secession. It was in fact a religious war based on faith and practice.
So which is your ethics du jour?
Different state? I like perfectly fine where I am, thank you. Nothing I said has anything to do with the people and circumstances of the Revolutionary War.
“Nothing I said has anything to do with the people and circumstances of the Revolutionary War. ”
Actually, it does. We are arguing about the significance of religion to elected office. Religious observance, public, is mandated by our State Constitution.
Interesting thing, I heard a pastor state that remote services (TV) are not authentic worship. He argued that G-d only connects in worship when done in physical communal services. My experience in service is that the presence of the voice and man and full engagement of your body is important.
And with your logic, as both g-d and ethics are synthetic, neither arisolator. I would say you worship a brand of ethics and fear you eschew the Good.
The thing about religion, it hates the idolator.
(Editing mishap)
*…synthetic, neither have permanence. The need for proof resembles the need for magic stones.
They are both definitely synthetic. And I do not eschew the Good – just the opposite in fact. And I know DFW’s first name and I know how to spell Guthrie.
Our understanding is synthetic much of the time. Transcendence to authentic understanding, that is, a relationship with the Divine, is profoundly beyond the pursuit of ethics.
I lost track of DFW. Who dat? I’m not picky about spelling, and neither are you. But thanks for the heads up. I suspect I shan’t profane his name again!
You listen to northwest Louisiana Mike Johnson ,explains everything.FOX fascist messaging went inside your brain to prepare you for the messaging from Trump evil.Many Christians will follow Trump.It will happen and I believe the Christian vote puts him in.The Bible says he will be destroyed and out of power only to comeback stronger than ever.Its right in front of you and so close you can not see.Trump will win.
The way you and others throw around loaded terms such as “”fascist” tell me THE PLANET needs at some point to conduct a tutorial.
You could use a tutorial on Mike Johnson.
I could GIVE a tutorial on Mike Johnson … and any other member you care to mention. You set up the gig, name the person you want as my subject, and I’ll give the talk. One hour, minimum. No notes.
Regarding Onota Lake contamination, why are we shocked? We went through the very same finding about contamination brought by “all boats welcome” with no checking of cleanliness about 40 years ago.
Exactly, CHUCK. I remember when Onota was actually a peaceful place. Another one the city blew.
Dan, not only was Onota a peaceful gem of a place, and at one time not that long ago it was Pittsfield’s emergency drinking water system. Really, not that long ago if you turned on your faucet you bathed and drank water from Onota Lake. Don’t be shocked. In my lifetime, that means many of you too, this has happened two (2) times.
Take out the KY jelly. You’re about to take it up the tax a55.
Chronic is on a roll tonight.
He is blaming the Mayor for the high taxes on the businesses. I thought tonight’s meeting for the COUNCIL to set the tax rate. If he thinks the business rate is too high, he should propose a greater shift to the residents and less on the backs of businesses. How is the shift factor the Mayor’s fault? It is 100% on the Council, in other words, him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the loyalty!
Would someone out there explain this news story, below, please? The average Pittsfield homeowner would pay $400 more in property taxes in fiscal year 2024 than in fiscal 2023. The city “needs” to raise $8 million in additional property tax revenues to pay its bills in fiscal year 2024. The City Council delayed by two weeks the vote to set the property tax rate because they are awaiting the “FREE CASH” report from the state DoR bureaucrats in Boston. Two City Councilors – Karen Kalinowsky and Charles Ivar Kronick – called out the so-called “runaway spending” by the city.
What about the increases in the enterprise fund rates for the water and sewer bills? Combined with the would-be $400 increase per fiscal year in property taxes for the average homeowner in Pittsfield, how much more money in taxes and fees during fiscal year 2024 will the average city taxpayers be fiscally liable for to the city?
While I understand that over the past 40 years now, the city has to play financial shell games under Proposition 2.5 with the state government by predictably increasing municipal spending by 5 percent or more per fiscal year, the city has a record amount of discretionary cash that could be used to lower the tax rate, as well as the enterprise water and sewer rates.
How does the city’s tax and fee rate increases compare to workers’ pay increases, as well as with retirees’ CoLAs? What about with the above average increases in U.S. inflation? Isn’t the city government supposed to be serving the people here? Instead, the property tax increase proposal looks like yet another DISSERVICE!
(Sarcasm: BIG $urpri$e! – The state and local government is ran by a bunch of financial SCAM ARTISTS and Greedy Lobbyists such as Dan Bosley).
Jon Melle
“Pittsfield city councilors want more time to set property taxes. Here’s what’s on the table”
By Meg Britton-Mehlisch, The Berkshire Eagle, November 28, 2023
PITTSFIELD — A proposal that would have raised taxes by by nearly $400 next year for the typical city homeowner is on hold for now.
The council had been expected to vote to set property tax rates on Tuesday, but members opted to hold off for two weeks amid discussions about whether to shift more of the burden to commercial property owners or to tap into the city’s free cash reserves to offset the increases.
To fund Pittsfield’s operating expenses for fiscal year 2024, the city needs to raise $109.2 million in property taxes — about $8 million more than fiscal year 2023.
Under that proposal, the residential property tax rate would be set at $18.45 per $1,000 in assessed value and the commercial property tax rate at $39.61 per $1,000 in assessed value.
That’s a rate increase of 13 cents per $1,000 for residential properties and 40 cents per $1,000 in assessed value for commercial properties over the fiscal 2023 rates.
The owner of a single-family home with an average assessed value of $267,914 would see an increase of $397.82 in their property taxes.
The Board of Assessors on Tuesday night asked the council to increase the share of the tax levy borne by commercial property owners.
City councilors held off on voting up or down on this rate — though outgoing at large Councilor Karen Kalinowsky and Ward 2 councilor Charles Kronick expressed strong opposition to what they called runaway spending by the city.
Instead, the council voted 6-4 to delay the setting of the residential and commercial tax rates to the Dec. 12 council meeting.
The two-week window could give the Massachusetts Department of Revenue enough time to certify Pittsfield’s free cash stores — the amount of unclassified money left unused at the end of a financial year.
Once certified, that money could be leveraged toward the city’s tax levy, lowering the amount needed from property taxes and making a small impact on the tax rate.
Keep adding high paid friend jobs.The Lameuroeuxs at the school department are the perfect examples.They both hated teaching and were brought in from the cold by Curtis….200k…The schools are loaded with BS jobs.This couple is qualified to do nothing.He is a punk.
TSC that’s the Democrat’s way. Look at BCC now hiring an unqualified person for an upper management position… you of all people should be celebrating and opening up your bank account to keep your friends in business! Stop complaining this is what you dream about and vote for!
Chappy, good post. See what happens if you stick with your psyc meds? Keep it up.
Democrat white privilege
Defend canon ball Marchetti and defend mayor cankles . Obvious who this clown is.
Cannon ball?
Yeah, they’ve both been fired.
You need to rewatch what I said. I said that businesses are voting with their feet and leaving. That means we cannot spend with the assumption of business and residential growth. Really, you should write smarter than that.
My statement: PCTV. 1 hour 14 minutes.
1hour 14 minutes
Also:- My argument for independent audit (new firm with no prior relationship to the City of Pittsfield or any of its personnel.)
Jump to: 2 hour 25 minutes. (Item #10)
Kronick is a great councilor. The problem lies with those like Clairmont, Amuso, Marchetti and White to name a few who over the years really screwed Pittsfield.
Going to Cumbies tonight for a hotdog on a roll?
I kid you not, but I think this guy actually eats tofu. He gobbles it down while twittering Council meetings. Hence the mistakes. I’m ready, almost, to place a bet on it.
Let’s play our hands!
And the problem with eating toufu is…
No problem, unless you eat too much. Making a habit of munching down the cubes during City Council Meetings may be considered excessive by health experts. All things in moderation, always.
It may have an unusual impact on your chemistry. But, Worldwide knows what I’m talking about.
It causes a reptile dysfunction
Eating alligator causes a reptile dysfunction
Gators would certainly want to avoid tofu, or risk losing their eating rank. NSM got it right.
Don’t look now, but the doufu eaters are the apex predators.
Actually it is on Marchetti. He is not fighting raises or even trying to find cuts anywhere. I remember when they used to cut high school sports budgets and talked about closing a fire station or teacher layoffs when they thought the tax burden was excessive. Not today though. Everybody has to have all the toys, bells and whistles and not a thought is given to whether so many of the citizens can afford it. Just not a concern at all.
And Marchetti will continue to fight tooth and nail against any audit that may expose waste or unnecessary spending or show how money might be more wisely spent. He does not want to know if things could be done better. He, like tyer, wants unlimited spending power and zero questions from councilors or taxpayers especially no referendums.
By the way, do ALL business s get tax increases or are there some that will continue to get lucrative tax breaks due to their tight political connections? Yes there are and can we just start naming them so that all business s can see how they might be getting the short end of the stick?
Was Haddads extended again?
It looks like someone should pullout the bullshit meter on Mr. Worldwide because he’s off the charts. The shift factor is set by the mayor and approved or not approved by the council. This council majority would never have the cojones to change it. On the bigger picture, taxes are naturally going to get jacked at a greater proportion on businesses since in Tyertown, business has not grown and large and small businesses have all left town en mass, e.g. Wayfair, Vidmob, soon to be Thistle
Wrong again.
The Mayor proposes a shift factor. If the Council doesn’t like it, they change it, and have done so many, many times.
If you only had a clue….
Battle of the misinformed WW.
You never answered my post above, please inform us Dirty Barry.
Why did you need a Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) Loan during the scamdemic?
Did the electricity, internet, and cell phones, not work at your house on outer West Street?
Did the electricity, internet, and cell phones, not work at your other employees’ houses?
He’s pissed because he had to wear a mask into BK to order a triple whopper with extra mayo
PPP was first come first serve, and it as rolled out for anyone with a pen and a keyboard to milk. At the start, the audit power was granted to minor agencies incapable of reviewing the program. The Admin presumably did not want clawback.
To miss this opportunity for free unrestricted cash would be fiscally incompetent.
Imagine the chaos and instability/anxiety for recipients if clawback was present. The guidelines for admin and criteria for use were not even inked as the first dollars were rolled out.
No, Mr. Worldwide, you are wrong again. When’s the last time the council has changed the shift factor? Who made that motion and got a majority of the council to support it? Give me a date?
It doesn’t happen, especially with the rubber stampers led by the king of rubber stampers Marchetti.
Leave Tom Hickey out of this.
If TH’s ghost wants to speak, let him speak. Free Speech.
Having moved into the ethereal plains where the real brains operate, he likely has much to say.
Oops I did it again, painfully watched the entire City Council meeting last night and of course I had a sleepless night. No wonder Pittsfield is in the state it is.
Kudos to the Marchetti voters, of course he voted to increase the tax rate AGAIN! Thought he was going to have a sissy fit when the vote was against approval. He actually snapped at Michelle Benjamin, surprised he didn’t call her a Bitch, when she recounted and proved herself correct. Wow, feel bad for any woman that works at City Hall for the next four years.
Don’t know if Marchetti cried after that vote but it was absolutely gross when he was blowing his snots and boogers into the microphone. My dog actually woke up and looked at the television.
Tyer and Kerwood once again performed a pathetic act of Stupid and Stupider. Do they know anything?
Best act of the night was when Morales and his sidekick Tyler the engineer stated that the average time to pave a residential street is a week to a week in a half. What a crock. They started the now famous California Avenue the first week of August and were still at it in mid-November. California Avenue was not the only street that was blatantly screwed up by Morales’s “brilliant idea of narrowing the streets” and low bidder LB Corp. Could that really be the honest answer to Councilor Kronick’s question as to why the actual list of streets to be paved was nowhere complete?
Finally, there have been many issues in past few meetings that have been referred back Mayor Linda, still unanswered. She only has about a month left in her reign, how many of these issues are going to disappear into the round file when she leaves? Persip is correct in saying NO ONE responds at the City Hall, especially the absent Mayor and Morales’s office.
Thanks for the astute analysis, M&B.
It isn’t “astute” when it is made up.
Au contraire, mon ami. When it’s made up, it takes astuteness into high gear. Surely you realize that in 2023 going on ’24, in “reportage,” it’s A-L-L made up. The layers of truth in the philo (SP) dough of fiction justifies belief into an extension of itself (not to get all Wittgensteinian on ya).
Dan is the expert on sensationalism vs. truth.
It’s astute pid when you post
The eagle is sitting on the story where the alleged harassment of Miss May is an ongoing situation but she filed documents in court I believe in 2021 well before the mayoral election and we all know what happened after that we know why the Eagles holding onto the story but where is Mr. Valenti. because if that’s the case what do you think the new mayor could be redacted as a non-viable candidate for not disclosing these charges. with that said I believe he was question about his bank employment and he said he was a currently employed by the bank before the election what’s up in the year is was he on leave of absence or was he fired?
Do you pay attention at all?
Marchetti did NOT vote to increase the tax rate. In fact, no one did. The vote was tabled.
No wonder you are always so upset, you have no idea what is really happening and you tell yourself the stories you want to hear.
Hey Mr. Worldwide, Marchetti voted against tabling it, which means he wanted to vote on it then and there – and of course, he would have voted in the affirmative in favor of the tax hike. Your pathetic attempt to deflect isn’t fooling anyone. Stop blowing smoke up everyone’s asses, it’s embarrassing. Marchetti ain’t voting against Tyer….ever. The Cumby Crew has got him by the balls, so he he can’t go against ya even if he wanted to. Very sad.
He voted against the motion.
What are you talking about? Did you watch it, or were you saving a seat at the nearest bar for Bitch Peter and his clone food critic Peter? I am not upset, but if I was, I have every right to be with the terrible condition of the city.
Speaking of paving….if you travel Cloverdale be sure not to get too close to the edge. A nice drop off that will destroy your tire trying to get back on. Little gullies perhaps designed to undermine the road so that it soon returns to the worst kept up road in the city. Not enough rich folk out there I guess. Some houses got curbing but the lesser fancy ones got no such thing.
Perhaps someone from the bank will come forward and confirm Marchettis status on election day. Unless of course that might help the defendants case.
What a quandary huh?
My god! listening to this group talk about a known drug den one of many i might add was infuriating. 10,000 or 12,000 to board up 4 windows?? really? i can’t, we won’t, it’s not my job etc etc ..How about some old Yankee ingenuity. Get 4 police off of guarding hole duty, 4 guys from the DPW go to Home Depot buy some supplies and board the place up done! This is the problem in this city in a nut shell.
The shoulder shrug and the pompous attitude of the leaders in this city is a Joke.
I was considering a motion to apply TNT or borrow an artillery round not fit for a Ukrainian barrel.
Perhaps someone from the Co-op can fire it
“The best solution is the simplest and least complex.”
Arlo Gutherie.
I say drop the sucker with a drone and problem solved.
Occam’s razor.
Credit due to the bard.
Planet posters get the real story about increasing water rates from one of the original inventors, designers and builders of the Krofta sand floats and the money saved for choosing sand floats for water treatment plants. You can get ithe story on G Mans at PC TV selects on your computer facts, facts, facts.
Find out who got paid to board up the windows and you may have your answer as to why it cost so much. If your business can get connected to this mayor you be sitting pretty on the taxpayers Kardashian piggy bank. Just name your price friend. How much ya gonna need little buddy? Here is a city check…go ahead and fill it out your own self. We got ya. Add in a tip if ya like and be sure to stop out at the ranch for barbecue later this evening.
However, the idea of boarding up the windows ignores a fundamental fact of drug addicts. They are made of the sternest stuff.
Plywood is not a barrier.
Plumpy Pete doesn’t seem too much like an inspired mayor-elect getting plastered every night and falling all over the place. He sure ain’t giving the impression that any better times are ahead. Voting against a second look at the tax rate and jamming it down the beleaguered taxpayers’ throats is right in line with his MO. His disappearing act to Florida just after the election doesn’t line-up with his promise to go into city hall immediately and hold department heads accountable. He’s broken several campaign promises already and it’s not even December. Maybe he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. What is it Plumpy? The May case? The ethics investigation? The ARPA debacle? Cumby and Kufflinks’ creative budgeting and kickbacks? The list is long. Quite depressing. Would drive one to drink…even more than usual.
Rents will be raised across the city for the working class people. No thanks Pete.
After watching his face locked on to the mayors teat for eight years no one was expecting anything helpful from him anyway. Even without the bank baggage his very presence brings despair to decent hard working people in Pittsfield. And his administration will be a continuing bane to senior citizens who he apparently could give a shit less about. One more self serving, me first person who thinks happiness is taking from the lesser haves and giving it to those who do not need it.
That smug puss on him while conducting business is so infuriating.
Peter just won a six figure pension so shut up and pay your taxes.
37 new immigrants have been placed in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. They are mostly from Haiti. Ward 2 City Councilor Charles Ivar Kronick questioned the state’s decision because there is a shortage of low-income apartments in the economically distressed community. Mayor Linda Tyer (who herself lives in a mansion in a Gated Community) said that Pittsfield is a welcoming community with a lot of not-for-profit services for people in need of social services.
Yeah, welcoming community with nonprofits services that are funded by taxpayers $$$ one way or another. She sounds like all the other left wing progressive mayors now begging for more federal dollars (taxpayers money) for the sanctuary cities they promoted. Move them into a tent city on her gated property.
Allow Lenox a chance to help.
Let’s not forget Lee & Stockbridge.
Those places reject Tricia Farley-Country Buffet’s (D-illegal aliens) offer of state “grant money,” in exchange for criminals.
The “leaders” of Picklefield on the other hand view their own financial incentives in f”;king over the taxpayer, to line their own pockets with bribes and kickbacks.
Smitty might not be the best taxpayer advocate for South County, but he’s not a pig like TFCB. She values illegal criminals, over her constituents. Her voting record proves it.
Smitty knows bringing them to the liberal, white, havens like South County-places you probably frequent Kindergarden, is political suicide.
NIMBY-the liberal mantra.
Dump illegals in poor neighborhoods, but claim to be the party of the poor, huh Kindergarden?
Well, I do indeed frequent places in the south, but NIMBY is everyone’s mantra, and while my back yard is off limits, my city center is not.
Fair point K, but doesn’t the D-party claim to champion being advocates for the poor?
Not sure how dumping criminals who don’t speak the language and have not assimilated to US policies/law, in poor neighborhoods validates that claim.
Markus, your grandparents entered and were lucky enough to do it when it was more of a free pass. Those newbies will make their contributions just as our forebears did. If the govt let them in then they’re legal. If you don’t want them in then don’t let them in. You can’t let them in and then tell them they’re worthless and unwelcome.
Senior housing in Pittsfield is now backfilled with section 8 and jail released people. Tons of seniors on waiting lists will never move up the list or if they do it will be at a crawl that they will die prior to. How or why all these people were allowed to jump the list can be answered by Tricia or Pete. Tyer won’t talk to ya about it.
Would not be surprised to see some immigrants moved into senior housing bumping out some Pittsfield seniors that have been on waiting lists for months or years. Look for it if it has not already started.
I asked, in particular, why the state isn’t appealing to the wealth and opportunity of the wealthy Berk towns with hotels running from Williamstown down to Sheffield. The answer was: it’s up to the hotel to participate and the City spends nothing.
Pittsfield has leverage over neighboring towns. We can outright refuse all immigration driven by the exporters of Boston and Springfield (domestic and foreign) and divert them to neighboring towns, or those good people to our North and South can agree to work with us. Then, maybe a Berkshire Delegation to Boston can show Boston that we have limits too.
Her language works as such, but the logic holds only if you disregard the strong involvement of the Pittsfield Health Department and other city resources that are now managing the migrants. It remains apparent that the hoteliers are secondary to accommodating Healy’s request that is solely the result of her administration’s mismanagement of the flow of people.
Mayor Adam would like to send his overflow north and west, but mayors and select boards throughout reject him.
How much of the 8 million dollar tax increase for Pittsfield home owners is being built in for anticipated cost of dealing with migrants? You would have had to attend backroom meetings to know the actual figure but it has to come from somewhere because there will be kids (non English speaking) going to local schools, hospitals and food pantries. They will need clothing and shelter and their home countries are not going to be paying for it. Pretty sure the cost for just one student to go to Pittsfield schools is in the many thousands. Anybody got that figure?
Prolly be an article in the local soon breaking it all down.
heh heh
Tyer loves to virtue signal as long as it costs her nothing from her upscale lifestyle.
Excellent observation.
Just to let you know Dan the background work your people are performing have changed things. My thumbs up/ thumbs down votes either get counted opposite of how I voted or it doesn’t count them at all. Makes for some fun by keeping me on my toes
Thanks, SHIRL.
That effect is caused by multiple votes being processed at once
The goal of the far left is to push people out of their homes so big government can take over their property. “You will own nothing and be happy” is still their goal. The school personnel with the huge annual raises under this new mayor will be the only ones able to afford the property tax increases. The elderly on fixed incomes will suffer. The school personnel give their votes for Marchetti and any other far left politician they can control and are taken care of. Just look the other way at all of the corruption in Pittsfield. Ignore the elderly on fixed incomes who can’t afford the increases. Put them in elderly homes if these same elderly homes aren’t turned into shelters for illegal immigrants. This is how many hard working Americans will end up homeless.
You hit on the nefarious nature of politics these days. It’s a Pay-for-Play scheme. On the national level, you expect it. On the state level, you tolerate it. On the LOCAL level, however, it is an outrage. What promises did the mayor-elect make to the unions, especially the teachers? Lots of chatter about that.
Yes Dan. I have said this before and I am going to say it again.
I served my country in a war zone as did my father, a couple of his brothers and several more of my mothers cousins and brothers. And to fight for ones country only to wind up with shitball political representation like we have here in Pittsfield makes me want to puke. They totally disrespect the dead and traumatized soldiers and sailors who gave it all by play acting as citizen reps while feathering their own nests. They know who they are. Some were just reelected. Some were even promoted. But they are still shitballs in my eyes. Are they even shitting on the veterans in their own family? Yah, they are.
Dan not really surprised at the local levels antics. It’s the single A level of progressive politics. Washington being the big leagues. Unfortunately, nothing will ever change in Pittsfield, they have there playbook down.
The Supreme Court is a court full of bribed judges
Republicans hate unions and public education,guess why?
Because they both support and indoctrinate communism.
“The goal of the far left is to push people out of their homes so big government can take over their property.”
Nope, not so.
Agree with you, K. The goal is for bureaucratic policies to allow crooks to steal your properties and sell them to friends.
The Gov. Has no use for little boxes.
The Left is pushing out Americans to coddle criminal aliens.
It’s amazing how our local media here in Pittsfield totally ignores crimes against women. Whether it’s the raping of Israeli women on October 7th or the local employee at Pittsfield Co-op who had to endure sexual harassment. The party that supposedly cares so much about women is silent. They hide and sweep these issues under the rug for their political agenda.
Yes yes yes. Where are these woman harassment advocates on this one?
Right. TFB? Linda? Dina? etc. etc. etc. Mighty silent, rather.
When the narrative is needed for any given issue to promote said issue,that’s when you will hear about it from certain media. Notice Me Too is no where now?
Me Too was only about anyone who is someone.
It’s a movement about the All Important Anyones purging their enemies like Garisson Keillor (who cannot step foot in Berkshire County without a hate mob to assault him) and Kevin Spacey.
Where is Dan on the latest Marchetti revelations. It’s right in his lap?
It’s pretty disgusting. Right out of the gate and Marchetti is going after the hard working poor by raising property taxes. He’s doing it for the far left agenda and forcing people to sell their properties because they can’t afford them and having money to pay the outrageous salaries of some of the school personnel. He’s not mayor yet, but he is laying the groundwork for his nefarious plans.
He is doing what he is told to do as he always has. You don’t seriously believe he has anywhere near the intellectual capacity to run a city do you? He will be the same pliable putty puppet that he always has been. Special interests run this berg and people with the title of mayor are merely figureheads. (some folk prefer bobbleheads which is also appropriate)
What’s the problem of the discussion of ordinance and rules about being on committees being out of towners of course you don’t want out of towners,what’s the problem with that?you gotta live in the city.
this is the dumbest council in city history.save Warren
Poor Kenny dealing with this bunch.
True. Right now the Berkshire Eagle runs a story about a woman confined to a mad house years ago here in Pittsfield who then died there due to neglect when she was only suffering from temporary delirium. This incident brought to the attention of the public the horrible conditions in this mad house. This story is to prove to the public that the Berkshire Eagle cares about people, especially women, confined to mad houses years ago. Okay fine, but lots of bad things are currently happening to women in this city and across the world and the local media doesn’t report on these stories to protect terrorist groups and local politicians.
Conditions were poor at the city farm or alms house way back when. Now BCC stands on the same land and it’s soon to be the home of a crazy woman who did her best to kill Pittsfield
They say the ghosts of those tormented woman roam the woods of that area. She may be one of them seeking retribution for being put in there.
They want to sell papers.
So the Co-op’s lawyers tell the parties being sued to clam up but Jay Anderson tells Worldwide buffoon everything thing that’s going on….. I doubt it….. Worldwide fat boy just sit down and eat another pint of Ben & Jerry’s…. They have a new flavor….. Cumbies 3 AM crunch.
The next mayor needs to clear up these rumors about his current position retro to 2021 when charges were filed.
Peter Marchetti is named in a federal lawsuit against a bank that allegedly discriminated against Victoria May. Did Peter Marchetti call her A BITCH? The Gavel is questionable!
Yeah I heard Mac Jones is using the same lawyer, in his lawsuit against Coach O’Brien. He yelled at him and called him mean names. Put on a helmet.
Only in the Bluest of Blue states can you see the House and Senate go into a conference to work on an agreement between their 2 competing budgets, the Senates $2.8 Billion and $2.1 Billion, and come out with an “great agreement” for $3.1 Billion!! Usually you compromise and it’s some where in between but not in the Blue Commie land….oh then they get upset when the small contingent of Republicans say it should be voted on in chambers in a formal session as opposed to being mailed in. Start calling them obstructionist, even though the day before both chambers were in session for 30 minutes each,,,tough work day
Building on Merrill Road needs to be razed as, it is a hazard. City Council, has to stop telling us why we can’t do something. We need can do people. Call State Reps. let’s get some State laws in place that will expedite these issues in the future. Got a kick out of Council saying they could foreclose in land court. Of course it will take 2 years. The building been abandoned for at least a decade, with no taxes being paid. If the paper work was filed back then, the problem would have been solved .
connected owners?
thought petricca cons. owned it
They’ve got to clean up their own HQ.
Marchetti should declare it a contemporary art installation and install lights for nighttime viewing.
Let the spray paint Da Vincis go to work on it first.
So much for the last mayors blight program.Spend thirty million and make a concrete museum out of it.
Is it a rumor that the property has pcb contamination?
A boarding house for sure.
So I goes to the city yard yesterday to try to get some sand for the coming icy days and lo and behold I pulls up to a large pile for the residents right across from Clapp park. I am thinking, wow man city is taken care of the peeps.
But alas, and really should not have been surprised, the several ton pile of “sand” was more like a several ton pile of hardened cement. My quite sharp steel shovel could only scrape off a few granules of it and I gave up. It was sitting in the full sun.
Ya can only laugh when you have an experience like this in Pittsfield, Ma because it is the norm but they did fool me again for a bit. Feel so stupid.
TSC? Care to respond.
Over ‘200 FBI agents’ embedded with crowd on J6, GOP rep claims | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com
Look what I found
The Post Millennial is a conservative Canadian online news magazine. Founded in 2017, it publishes national and local news and has a large amount of opinion content. It has been criticized for publishing false and misleading information, including on COVID-19 as well as its opaque funding and political connections.
Founder(s): Matthew Azrieli;
Ali Taghva
Owner(s): Human Events Media Group
Editor: Elizabeth Emmons
Founded: 2017; 6 years ago
Headquarters: Montreal
Wikipedia has been denounced by its founder. He states that it now publishes false information and is politically driven entirely.
Go check out the page on Syria for example.
It always was that way
You can choose knowledge curated by credentialed few. Or knowledge curated by the mob.
Both have risks.
The house of cards is crumbling around you Snark.
It’s Ok-he’s what, now 3 years out of office, but it’s all still Trump’s fault.
We understand. TDS might qualify you for a monthly government check. Adolf Xiden will make sure.
I do agree. It IS crumbling around me. You may not be able to see it, given your trance like mental condition, but it is also crumbling around you. You may love Trump because he is currently calling himself a republican but he will dump the republican party in a heartbeat if it suits him. And you with it. Trump may have been out of office for three years but he is still the tail wagging the republican dog. He is a false god and I think you know it.
Orange Jesus is just a symptom of the underlying pathology.
I like that.
But yet you offer nothing that Adolf Xiden has done to help the American people.
Oh yeah, I remember. You said that Adolf Xiden brought back “trust and honor,” among other world leaders.
Trust and honor, like this:
Grassley Obtains & Releases FBI Record Alleging VP Biden Foreign Bribery Scheme (senate.gov)
Biden Family Investigation – United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
WSJ Opinion: Money from China Traced to Joe Biden’s Bank Account Unrelated to Actual Business – United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
Yeah, Markus, I don’t click on links in here, just say what you mean. Biden has returned ethics and responsibility to the presidency. Orange man is a pathological liar who couldn’t care less about Pat, Trapper, you or me.
They are the stuff for kitchen-philosophers and last about as long. I think you are avoiding Morality.
eye roll
Dan your thumbs up/down on this blog is really screwed up, as someone else pointed out. Sometimes my vote doesn’t take, sometimes I get multiple ups/downs for voting, and sometimes it says I’ve already voted when I haven’t. Are you using the same firm, Dominion, that screwed up election results for various states?
This is due to multiple votes counted simultaneously.
Once an icon, now an eyesore. What’s next for this brutalist building decaying on Merrill Road? | Central Berkshires | berkshireeagle.com
How as a city official do you drive by this and think this is good for the city?
Stop with the who me? and fix it!!!!!!! enough with the legal blame game. Get some cheap paint, some barbwire and 4 pieces of steel bolted in to close the windows up. Then move on to the next. Get the DPW/ Police and some firefighters’ to help they are on the clock right?
One more month.
One person clapped out loud at the cheesy tree lighting tonight at park square. Linda$ favorite event? I guess it’s also festive frolic downtown.
The tree lighting was a perfect analogy for Linda’s 8 year term… underwhelming
Yes the Merrill Road monument and the micro tree are symbolic of the times.
JD, totally agree with you, but unfortunately most of our elected officials are, have been and will continue to be incapable of making any decisions. It’s been well over a year, and they still have not been able to grasp what color to paint the crosswalks in the city.
Also, look how long the Arace building out by Shaker Village remained dilapidated and owed thousands and thousands in back taxes. For some reason the City Administration allows these properties to “float”, but they have no qualms in raising taxes again for those who do pay their taxes. Taxpayers deserve an answer from Tyer, Kerwood, and Marchetti as to why nothing is done to collect these back taxes for decades. How many more properties are out there and what is the amount that is owed.
I think that place has new ownership. Story is the city took it and forgave the taxes and sold it cheap to new owner. Another site supposedly contaminated with oil and gas from prior dealership. A regular person would have been in deep doo doo. To be connected in Pittsfield is to be golden.
A matter of public record. Where’s Dan’s scoop?
I’d think you would be astounded by the quote on the steel and barbed wire.
My proposal is cheaper and better.
Is Valentine Rd in some sort of infinite loop- pave, dig up, resurface?
Why do you think they call him Re-do?
I prefer actually a better name for the Big House mess on Merrill Rd. Dan? Shall we call it…………………………….The Alamo…….
How about Plunkett Boarding School?
The Brute
The Splendid Splinter?
Splendid sphincter
That’s the problem when you run through a swamp.
Thank god Mayor Tyer is leaving. As usual she’s letting her feelings get in the way of the facts. Pittsfield a small poor community of 43,000 with 13% living in poverty, 63% owning their own homes. We also have 221 documented homeless ( number probably higher) who are putting a strain on our Police and Firefighters. The Mayor accepts 37 migrant families (illegal alliens) into our community. We cannot absorb these people, our resources are being strained. If she wants help, she should reach out to other Berkshire towns to take the families in. She could also request the many non-profit social service agencies in Pittsfield help get the families settled in. Good riddance Tyer! Thanks for the Snoopy X-mass tree.
444 is boarded up .Thank you Karen.
George Santos was not convicted of the crimes alleged against him, but he was expelled from the U.S. Congress.
Should he have been convicted of the alleged crimes against him prior to him being expelled from the U.S. Congress?
Does DUE PROCESS of LAW still mean anything anymore?
Is the U.S. Constitution only a piece of paper?
What about all of the other CORRUPT CAREER POLITICIANS in the U.S. Congress?
Really not sure if he committed a crime. He lied a lot, which isn’t unusual for a senator or congressman.
Fetterman has the word on the matter. Now that we’ve done with Santos, let’s expel the Egyptian Senator from New Jersey. As he said Santos’ acts were comical lying about being the first man on the moon or performing numerous brain surgeries. But Menendez is pernicious. Fetterman has come alive!
73 percent of the vote in the U.S. House to expel George Santos on December 1st, 2023, was based on 23 federal indictments and a U.S. House “Ethics” report that mirrored the Justice Department’s allegations. 27 percent of the vote was against expelling George Santos. It was the third time they voted on this matter. George Santos is “guilty of” what exactly? Answer: NOTHING! That means that George Santos is still INNOCENT! What kind of precedent does this set for our democracy? I would like to know about the histories of all of the 73 percent of the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives who voted to expel him so that I would be able to compare it all to George Santos history.
Yeah, you guys view Santos as the paragon of virtue. Give me a break. Santos = Trump = pathological liar.
But why aren’t they expelling the likes of Menendez who should get free parking in Federal Court or Omar and AOC who both violate campaign finance law and Omar who violated immigration laws an marraige laws.
Fetterman is right, and now I shall listen to him afresh.
Menendez should indeed be expelled.
Back to ex-prime English lessons.
“ you guys view Santos as the paragon of virtue”
No, just another congress-critter who flamed out for lack of virtue.
“Santos = Trump = pathological liar”:
There are three classes of relationships: one to one, one to many, and many to many. And of course the fourth one – null. The fourth pertains to Trump and Santos.
Santos lied a lot. You call it pathological. But you don’t call the lies of Schiff, Weiner, the weird looking guy who taught Sen. Warren to liealot, and the holy hosts of liars in Congress unknown pathological?
Apparently, though, Trump’s boast of a mile high tower of Big Macs constitutes an outrageous pathological lie. So, you can keep that one, but please don’t try to put it on the road.
And the latest prize for Liar Extraordinaire goes to Rep. Bowman who claims that he regularly pulls fire alarms in order to get to the Congressional Chambers.
You left out many-to-one. If you think one-to-many is the same as many-to-one, then your data base will be filled with garbage.
And if you don’t believe Trump is a pathological liar far exceeding your other exemplars (excluding Santos), then you have very poor judgement. But then, I think we all suspected that anyway.
X-prime is irrelevant to English grammar.
Merrill Road property is all boarded up today. Is it a Christmas miracle? Does anyone know who accomplished this task, I am sure it wasn’t the city.
THE PLANET made it happen though certain contacts we have at the North Pole.
Did anyone hear the table vote for the tax rate the ones voting against it mumbled then after the count was read the first time the clerk says 9 to 1 Then marketing said fails? I’m wondering if the doofy puppets voted wrong?
mayors logic of the park square mini tree was to preserve our forests? Yet it probably took 10 trees to provide the wood at the former Patricca building? There’s got toe something nasty under the frame for sure. I heard they found a dinosaur at the old Hess? Is that true?
There are hovering investors who would love love love to have that contaminated property in their portfolio. And once they can get the taxpayers to pay for the cleanup they will swoop in, snap it up at a bargain basement price and put up “market rate apartments” which will not help the housing crisis in Pittsfield one bit.
This is the shadowy bouncing ball path you need to be following in Pittsfield.
If she really wants to help the environment, stop parking all 42 school buses in one end of the City. Break the City into quadrants parking buses in West, South and North sides of town. That way one the drivers our done they can keep their buses on the side of town where they begin pickups. This will eliminate driving empty buses back to the (Beehive) bus station. Will save fuel, time and wear and tear on buses.
That’s to complicated.
Where will they park?
Are there parking lots available? How much would they cost to rent? Who would plow and otherwise maintain them?
They could park at one of the 12 schools throughout the City. Also could park at BCC, Pecks road Fire Station, Pittsfield Public Schools administration office, Hibbard School just to mention a few spots. The City of Pittsfield has a very large amount of real estate it owns. It’s definitely doable, would require thought and some critical thinking.
Petricca should be billed for the wood and the labor to seal off the building. As for Hess Forest, Hollywood plans to use the sight for a remake of One Million Years B.C.
Now that’s a good one.
Will Tyer get Raquel Welch’s part in this remake?
Does B.C. Indicate before Cankles?
How about playing hard ball and threaten the other Petricca’s that there sweet deal housing the Pittsfield Public Schools buses will be voided. Hurt there wallets.
Council voting to buy Hess EPA no-go site and relieve the owner of all responsibility for rehabbing the site had to be the most smartest and wisest act in my memory.
A $10,000 Home Depot Gift Card?
All that plywood just crying out to be tagged.
yup. Won’t take long
Speaking of the buses, take a look on any given day of the empty buses leaving all of the scohols. When was the last time the overpaid scohol department did a query of how many children utilize these buses. I am willing to bet that the city could cut the fleet of buses in half. With employers allowing their employees to work from home, parents are free to go pick up their children themselves. Just take a look at the huge lines that block every street surrounding Pittsfield scohols every day. The City Administration completely lacks any check or balances. Also, it would make Queen Linda look bad if she had to lay off school bus drivers. It will show how many taxpayers choose to send their children to alternate schools out of the city so they can actually get an education.
Agreed. All you have to do is look at the 50 or 60 plus cars waiting in line to pick up there children. That’s at 12 different schools.. Parents should have to commit to the bus , so they can get an accurate count. Transportation in Pittsfield is a huge waste of taxpayers money.