(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION NOV. 3-5, 2023) — First this announcement. THE PLANET shall be posting next Monday and Tuesday, Election Day. Our Tuesday column will be a special campaign edition. Our regular Wednesday column will follow.
Pass the word along, all those who are following our news-breaking coverage.
Today, our latest probing of Campaign ’23 reveals that Team Marchetti may have done the equivalent of kicking the cane out from a little old lady crossing Allen Street.
Yeah, that bad.
———- ooo ———-
Riddle: Why is the Peter Marchetti for Mayor campaign like The Beatles in 1964?
Answer: The hits keep coming.
Team Marchetti, THE PLANET has heard from sources, is under state investigation related to improper actions involving mail-in balloting and senior citizens.
The state probe by the Massachusetts Ethics Commission stems from a visit Team Marchetti paid to Melbourne Place for senior living. On his Facebook page, Marchetti proudly posted a photograph of a old woman holding an absentee ballot, her name and address clearly visible in the return-address section.
What were the circumstances of the visit to the nursing home? Did Marchetti and his people “assist” residents in filling out the ballots? Were mail-in ballots seen unattended, with no staff or family members there? Were only the shills for Marchetti’s desperation were present?
The questions need definitive answering, but Team Marchetti has cut off communication with us. Our last few requests for comment to the candidate went unanswered.
The allegations pertaining to mail-in balloting come from complaints that the nursing home staff was not present at this political event but that Team Marchetti was, while ballots may have been filled out.
The law is clear. Absentee ballots must be done by the voter, without “coaching” or pressure.
If the person needs assistance, it can be done only by family members, friends, and legally appointed designees. Not even nursing home staff can assist with filling out ballots. So what were Marchetti staffers doing, if anything, if they were in the presence of live, mail-in ballots? Were they “assisting” in the casting of votes? Was it all simple innocence on display at an event designed to secure senior votes?
———- ooo ———-
Sources say the state is also looking into an alleged HIPAA violation with respect to Marchetti publishing the woman’s photograph. The picture shows the elderly woman, a resident of Melbourne, with an envelope labeled “ballot enclosed.” Her name and address can clearly be seen.
Out of respect for this woman, we shall not republish the photograph, something that didn’t concern Marchetti.
Did the woman know her photo would be used as campaign propaganda? Did she give Team Marchetti her signed consent and waiver in the form of a photo release? THE PLANET shall be only too happy to receive proof from our Right Honorable Good Friend Peter.
When it doesn’t arrive via Pony Express, we’ll know it wasn’t sent.
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET has also learned through sources that the woman may have medical and cognitive issues issues that prevent her from filling out the ballot independently. IF that is so, and IF it was filled out by a member of Marchetti’s team, that is huge, for it calls into question the election itself.
Don’t think so? How about this news from Bridgeport, CT (from AP):
A judge’s order for a new primary in Connecticut’s largest city because of what he called mishandling of absentee ballots is fueling skepticism about the security of U.S. elections, as well as conspiracy theories involving the 2020 presidential election. Surveillance tape shows people dropping stacks of ballots into outdoor collection boxes.
THE PLANET wonders: Is illegally filling out ballots for voters part of Marchetti’s plan to steal — er, win — the election?
THE PLANET contacted the Krol campaign. As we say, Marchetti doesn’t respond to our requests. It confirmed the investigation is under way. The commission’s enacting statute (MGL c. 268B) prevents it from providing specific information on a pending case. Its procedures impose strict confidentiality requirements on all cases.
The City Clerk’s office says about 400 ballots have been mailed in. It expects roughly double that for the election.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“He gives dirty politics a bad name” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
John Krol’s words in his final debate versus Peter Marchetti asked us why the legal documents in the Pittsfield Co-op bank’s sexual harassment and discrimination case in federal court in Springfield (Mass.) won’t be seen until the day after the November 7th, 2023, municipal election. Shouldn’t voters have this information prior to election day?
If a would-be Mayor Peter Marchetti allegedly calls women employees: BITCH, then it would be the city taxpayers instead of the Pittsfield Co-op Bank who will pay for his temper tantrums. Why are so many high profile women in state and local Pittsfield politics supporting Peter Marchetti? What if he used the N-word against black employees instead of the B-word against women employees? This is The Twilight Zone!
Tricia “Illegal Immigrants”-“Happy Endings”-“Country Buffet” wrote an op-ed in the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) about why she is supporting “The Gavel” Banker who allegedly calls women bank employees: BITCH. Peter Marchetti has a way with the women in Pittsfield politics! He plays the ” I am a guy man” card, and the lovely ladies go crazy for Pee Pee.
“the GAY man card”
The joker in the deck
It’s one thing to get beat in an election. But when you do this kind of nonsense to win at any cost, then you know why government can’t be trusted.
So true, DQ.
Oh boy! Come on Marchetti, when you work the nursing home to stack votes, you’re not supposed to post it on social media!
It was a rather stupid, amateurish thing to do.
Wasn’t Kathy Amuso’s husband some kind of manager at Melbourne Place?
By the way their website does say they take care of dementia patients. Doesn’t say anything about Biden living there though.
The campaigns are polar opposites when it comes to marketing and media. Krol obviously is more professional and polished. You can’t deny he’s a fantastic marketer for the most part. However it’s seemingly only surface level and the walls could fold at anytime exposing the Wizard
Pete is like an old IBM running Windows 95. It works well enough and is stable enough to last the full 8 years (should it happen). It’s also 20 years obsolete, slow and clunky
Most interesting analogy!
It does not work well enough for me.
Both these people are running for all the wrong reasons. If your motivation is not to work hard for the betterment of the community as a whole, especially the common working man, then you should not be running.
The special interests can take care of themselves and should not be sucking voraciously on the public tit with the help of compromised politicians. Everyone expects them to take a little but not the whole Goddamn pie.
“Everyone expects them to take a little but not the whole Goddamn pie.”
That is the problem we now have in politics. The reasonable man is willing to negotiate and compromise, but the other comes to the table with a knife, a fork, and an insatiable appetite.
Nothing a good laxative wouldn’t fix
Oh come on. This is a joke right ?
Yes, it is a joke. That Team Marchetti is under investigation for what amounts to ballot tampering. Unfortunately, the joke is on you if you intend to vote for Peter.
Does not seem that if someone was going to do this they would do just one nursing home. If only one person seems to be involved though the case seems weak.
That’s just it. We know of the one case. It’s what we DON’T know that is the bigger story. That said, one vote — the corruption of a single vote — taints an election.
Honestly so disheartened by the options that my vote is forced to go with a temper tantrum capable big baby only Because of John’s complete lack of experience at anything except grandstanding. If he was such a good marketer his ”business” wouldn’t have been a complete failure and if he was able to handle a budget his personal finances wouldn’t be a mess and if he isn’t able to retain friends and supporters once they get to know him well, ie his past with BMM, The Clairmont’s, Andrea Harrington plus many many many more he might have a chance but he is a failure. Great example of lipstick on a pig.
Dan loves lying to support Krol. He’ll take an unverified statement from Hellen Moon and try and turn it into news.
But how about the fact that Team Marchetti is under investigation by the state, as I report here. nothing to say about that?
Krols latest flyer says he will hire an internal auditor who does NOT report to the mayor. OK, so who DOES he report to? It should be a public report printed in a newspaper for all taxpayers to see.
And I would like to se the names of people or auditor firms he is looking at if he really is.
Report to the Council is the appropriate body.
Please Melbourne Place is an assisted living. People there are not dementia patients. It is basically senior housing with help. I am sure the women knew based on smile on her face. You really are reaching or Krol is if he filed a complaint. Which tells me he is nervous.
Based on a smile? Lol
Yes when someone looks at a camera and smiles they know a picture is being taken
But o they know it’s going to be published? To advance, of all things, a sleazy political campaign?
Their website says they have dementia patients.
They have two units. One is downstairs, and locked, for the safety of people with dementia. The upstairs, where the photo was taken, is assisted living. It has apartment style units and residents are typically fairly independent. Also, Dan loses credibility for not knowing that it’s a HIPAA violation, not a “HIPPA violation.”
Common mistake – HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Everyone makes it at least once, even pros. I’m not sure HIPAA applies to non medical & non education persons and those not under the employment of the institution. It is a complex law, but the penalty for violation is severe. Personally, I would not take a picture with identifying info in a medical institution without first determining I have explicit permission.
Most likely it would be Melbourne Place that holds the risk.
Actually no he doesn’t lose credibility at all. It’s a common mistake even among professionals because the training and marketing strongly emphasizes patient rights. So folks think it’s patient portability act
They have a unit for dementia care.
Must be where Rutberg lives
Dan has planted the seed as Trump has done and it won’t work for Trump or Krol
I just don’t understand what the issue with your thinking is that causes you to do that.
In 17 short words, you hop from Dan to Trump To Trump To Krol. Always, in your statements this happens.
Whenever an insurection happens because someone plants an idea that the elections can’t be trusted at any level, you need to point out how damaging a statement it is.The is an attempt by Republicans to not trust elections because the numbers are not going to work for the party of the rich and powerful.Only Trump can save you because only he stands between evil and America. To put it another way,democracy is not working for Republicans and the overthrow of elections is what councilor?
The voting process has never been free of problems. Since the COVID scam, however, with its carpeting of mail-in ballots, no election can be trusted. They can be accepted, but they can’t be trusted. In Picklefield, the City Clerk’s office has as secure a process as humanly possible. The problem goes when the ballots are mailed. That’s when the chain of evidence breaks down in terms of one qualified person = one valid vote.
Mail ballots have never been shown to be a problem Dan.Republicans had a chance in 52 Federal courts to show their evidence of cheating and they literally showed nothing when asked to present their case and not 1 lawyer did because they risked disbarment if the were to waste the courts time on frivolous lawsuits.We however do have many proven examples of impeding peoples right to vote by the Republican party.
When the cuckoo clock chimes, you know it’s TSC
Maybe it’s a virus.
Ooh Dan you’re a bad farmer.
Farmer, ANN? How so?
“People there are not dementia patients.”
None of them? Would you wager on that?
I’d wager You voted for the dementia patient infesting 1600 Pa Ave Wash DC
It’s Qanon web sites that prevent rational thinking.
You voted for Biden
Yes , poor Trump and his conspiracy that he never failed.America stole it from him. LOLAvery sick man and anti American cult
Melbourne has a unit which is on the bottom floor for dementia/Alzheimer’s sufferers. It’s a locked unit. I know this for a fact.
Thank you for investigating this, Dan. Know that you have many followers who appreciate your hard work. Where I work, none of us read the Eagle. We come here for the important stuff.
Dear god the horror. How about this story from someone actually willing to go on record? An 80 year old lady trying to get Krol to help but he laughed in her face.
To the editor: I have known and worked with Peter Marchetti and John Krol for at least 12 years or more.
Working with Peter Marchetti has always been so completely validating in his response to any issues I had in my neighborhood on the West Side. Unfortunately, my working situation with John Krol, who was the councilor of Ward 6 on the West Side for three terms, was very negative and unsuccessful due to his attitude of talking and no action to any of my neighborhood needs. I was a member of the Westside Neighborhood Initiative Committee, which John Krol rarely attended.
After no response from John Krol to any of my requests, I would always contact Peter Marchetti to help me. Immediately he would respond and even showed up at a site at the corners of Linden Street and Robbins Avenue to personally inspect the corner for dangerous crossing to area residents, especially the children who crossed the corner going either to the Christian Center or to Tucker Park. These corners were unsafe since I was a child, and now I’m almost 80 years old, but because of Peter Marchetti they have been made safer for our residents with crossing signage and crosswalks painted on the streets at the corners of Linden and Robbins.
At one point, I handed a list of necessary repairs and dangerous sidewalks in the West Side area to John Krol; he literally laughed at me, as if I were being silly to be concerned. The repairs included broken handicap sidewalk ramps, pipes or tree stumps sticking out of the ground making a tripping hazard, streetlights that needed replacement, etc. He actually did nothing to complete the necessary repairs. I continued to remind John Krol of the repairs, and each time he laughed at me. When I asked Peter Marchetti for a pothole repair, within days the repair was completed.
If you want a mayor who not only has been
active in the city of Pittsfield for at least 20 years with sincere caring and action instead of just a smile and a lot of talk, then vote for Peter Marchetti.
Barbara A. Bizzi, Pittsfield
You think this is a deft avoidance of the main issue raised by my column. Sorry to inform you, it’s clumsy, man. Interesting that you did not dispute the fact that Marchetti is under investigation by the state for potential voting fraud.
Because your point is trivial while treating the elderly like crap and failing in your duties is massive.
And you think that this administration, Councilors have not treated those 80 year old like crap or worst when they constantly put them in situations where they have to decide to pay for their med, eat or pay taxes so they keep their homes.
I want to see the list of all the people who mailed in their votes already. I think they should be held to the side until this voter tampering case is resolved. Find it funny that the Democrats all across the country are getting caught stuffing the ballot box (now you know why they want mail in voting so they can get all over the city for votes over 2 months instead of one day). paying for votes and making copies of the ballots already filled out as well as stealing peoples mail. Tell me now the 2020 elections were free and fair and I have a bridge to sell to you
Trump has always used the diversion of there’s more crime in the other guys house.Krol got caught red handed.He was broke and had to barter services to get cash to cover up his crime.
This is the far left trying to bring even dirtier politics to Pittsfield just like they have done in Washington. We see how the local media hid everything against Marchetti and went after Krol. Same as is happening with Trump and Biden. Hide Biden’s crimes and get Trump. Americans have wised up to these dirty tactics.
Precisely. It’s a brilliant and accurate analogy.
Turn the channel, FOX makes you fear SS Medicare Education Vaccination Justice and voting.Your love of Putin and Orban is growing …Trump is guilty of sexual assault of a woman and illegally paying off porn actress with political donations.He is a criminal of the highest degree.He represents the powerful and the wealthy and he wants your vote and you will give it to him along with your heart and some cash….you are note woke to the world beyond FOX propaganda…It is an amazing turn towards evil in America
Pat,he simply got caught.How many times have you not noticed you had an extra 8700 dollars.Its ridiculous to state what is not logical.
Barbi. Krol has not been on the City Council for years. Marchetti has as President. Why hasn’t one of your most important initiatives, the traffic lights at West Union and Onota had a school crossing guard?
Why does the Pittsfield Police Department have to be called down there almost every morning? Where’s Marchetti? Have you asked him to help with that ?
Marchetti ‘s too busy dealing with bitches at work.
Marchetti is nothing but hot air. I’ve contracted him as well and heddidnothing. Hedoesntrespond to emails either.
I’ve dealt with him just one time. Zero help
Ms, or is it Misses, Marchetti, has overseen and facilitated the demise of Pittsfield, for more than 20 years now.
He has done nothing but increase taxes and municipal fees for the elderly.
Misses has watched/enabled the further deterioration of Pittsfield’s grade 5 Scoohl System, while rewarding the incompetent Scoohl Administration handsomely.
He has done nothing to address the crime or “houseless” problems that plague the city.
Haven’t heard a peep from him on how the city will deal with the busloads of Criminal Aliens arriving daily, courtesy of D-Goobernor Healy and Traitor Joseph.
Will the scoohls be taking in Criminal Alien children with no English skills? How about none of these invading hordes have been screened for transmissible diseases.
Diversity to liberals, illegal is drug resistant TB carriers transported throughout America!
“An illegal immigrant and convicted murderer who entered the United States through Texas was discovered living in state-funded housing in Massachusetts.
Jordano Gotopo-Lopez, 38, was arrested Oct. 27 while living at a migrant housing facility on Joint Base Cape Cod in Bourne, Massachusetts, according to a report citing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Gotopo-Lopez had been convicted of murder in 2006 in his native Venezuela before fleeing to America
The wanted migrant was taken into custody because he “failed to disclose” the prior conviction when he crossed into the U.S. via Eagle Pass, Texas, in July, according to ICE.
He was processed and told to present himself to immigration personnel within 60 days, which he never did, the report noted.
Having seen both candidates for several months now and watched their debates, it seems to me that Marchetti is the superior candidate by far.
Krol talks a very good game but his ideas mostly seem simplistic, idealistic and pie-in-the-sky. Krol has never really successfully defended his theft of public moneys, and has a checkered past that has little to do with running a city the size of Pittsfield. Marchetti has the relevant corporate experience and talks much more realistically about all issues at hand.
The Co-op lawsuit is actually against the other two principals of the bank, and has little to do with Marchetti. The Planet’s suggestion of ballot improprieties also seems suspicious. The telling phrase is “while ballots may have been filled out”, indicating that The Planet knows nothing of the charges. The HIPPA contention is a joke. All this suggests that the opposition is pulling out all the stops as the election draws near.
It seems The Planet is anti-Marchetti because the Berkshire Eagle is pro-Marchetti, and The Planet historically opposes whatever the Eagle supports, as is its wont and role.
Any sane patriotic American, opposes: the MSM propaganda, leftist indoctrination, radical views, and (lack of) vision for America/Americans, The Left Winged Parrot regurgitates from it’s string pullers.
How’s the left wing fully employed economy doing?
The 10 MILLION CRIMINAL ALIENS, the left wing has let invade America, don’t work, they parasitize off American taxpayers.
Yes if you see the article in the hate rag the Berkshires are “hosting” the illegals!! WTF??? What does that even mean??
“Hosting” means the unwanted invaders/foreign CRIMINALS, get treated better by the Biden/Healey administrations, than homeless American citizens and Veterans.
And American citizens are forced to pay for: food, housing, medical, education, incarceration (if the don’t do “catch and release, or the later murder someone),…..
Apparently you haven’t read the text of the complaint or you’re just a marchetti seminar poster
Yo gee, Petey Marchetti is not only named a defendant in da’ case, dat boy is da’ main feature. All da’ porn-in-da-office, propositionin’ n’ whorin’ in Vegas among da bosses at da Coop never woulda come out if it weren’t for Petey’s obsessin’ to get dat Vicki girl canned fo’ good. Widout dat hissy fit and callin’ her a bitch n’ tellin’ dat girl to shut her face, n’ she don’t know shit, the party at da coop would be continuin’ ..damn, son
Krol opened the credit card for the charity.People can’t see crime anymore.
And now you know how Hidin’ Biden got elected, my friends. This whole take home balloting is a bunch of baloney. Hell, I had my 5 year old vote for Trump. Maybe Barbielunga will report me to Galvin’s office.
Does the voting office have records of where bushels of votes would be sent in? Like a nursing home?
Barry Clairmont might know, for Pittsfield at least.
That’s how he already called it for Marchetti…he must have the keys to the office already
I’m sure Flat made him a set of keys.
The Left don’t even try to hide election fraud anymore since they seemingly got away with Nov 2020. 2022 was blatant, widespread, and worse.
Need to return to same day, paper ballot, voting. And the votes counted in several days, not weeks or months.
Springfield Ma 2023
“Just five days before election night, a damning video has emerged showing Justin Hurst, the Democrat Candidate for Mayor in Springfield, Massachusetts, allegedly engaging in election fraud in broad daylight. Sworn affidavits from City Hall officials claim that Hurst paid individuals $10 to cast their votes in his favor.
The video footage captures Hurst and his campaign team transporting multiple individuals to City Hall for voting. To receive their promised payment, these voters had to present Hurst with “I Voted Early” stickers as proof of their vote.
Some of these voters appeared to be homeless. For someone without a roof over their head, the allure of $10 and a free ride to the voting booth is a significant incentive.”
Dan I hear Marchetti is responsible for the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
Tyer has kept it under raps all these years.
Sorry I scooped you on this.
Can’t win ’em all. I look forward to your expose.
No. Tyer was responsible for the Titanic.
Tit tannic
If tyer and marchetti were on board no wonder it sunk
Weren’t they floating on a board? Ruffer was at the point figuring it was the safest place.
Stanley bailed out.
More men went down on Marchetti, than the Titanic.
Will you and the Prez of the Berkshire Black Economic Beg (BBEG) AJ Enchill, be doing a PSA on the safety of the Cumberland Farms parking lot?
Think about it Dirty Barry. You owe us this.
Your wife, Flat Tyer, is responsible for the rapid decline of our city and grifting our tax dollars (ARPA) to a black guy, because, well he is a black guy with little to no business experience. Makes sense, huh DB?
$750,000 was grifted over two years ago to the BBEG, not one job has been created to date.
Rosie O’Donnell and Craig Benoit for at-large. Martin and Harding ward Seven.
Pittsfield is a postindustrial city in decay with a distressed and unequal economy whereby its only growth is in its underclass population. Thousands of families have moved away from Pittsfield. Thousands of living wage jobs have been lost in Pittsfield. The one political (Democratic) party group of provincial insiders have treated the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working family as their ATM, a doormat, and at times, a toilet that they shit on, while the ruling elites enrich themselves and their special interest wealthy campaign donors at the public trough. There is NOBODY representing the common people in Pittsfield politics anymore. The 2023 mayoral election between The Gavel and The Embezzler illustrates Pittsfield politics’ downward spiral!
Letter: “As a Krol supporter, I want to city Pittsfield turn out for change”
The Berkshire Eagle, November 2, 2023
To the editor: As one of the few young persons in Pittsfield outwardly supporting a mayoral candidate (John Krol), I am calling on everyone to vote.
The election on Nov. 7 comes at a time where we need real change brought to this city.
Born and raised in Pittsfield I have watched our city blame its decline in population, loss of business, and decline in academic performance on General Electric and Sabic leaving, not getting a downtown mall, nobody wanting to teach, etc. The buck must stop right here, right now. It’s time for real change.
I can count on one hand the exciting activities added to Pittsfield over the past decade and have watched countless businesses come and go. We need to do better or more and more people my age will leave Pittsfield.
As the child and grandchild of lifelong teachers in Pittsfield and a current coach at Pittsfield High School, I can tell you firsthand our schools need real change. Our teachers and students need help. We must do better to set these students up for success.
I have faith that this city can once again be the shining light of Berkshire County and beyond, and I know John Krol can help change Pittsfield for the better.
I ask you all to please join me in voting for John Krol for mayor. This is a pivotal time in this city’s history. Let’s revitalize this community.
Aaron Weeks, Pittsfield
“Pittsfield is a postindustrial city in decay “
Actually, false. Pittsfield is a postmodern city in decay which is rotting from the deceased ideologies of fetishes.
Exactly. G E ain’t coming back. But this arts is not going forward either.
As industry left, ideas of ‘social justice’, ‘systemic racism’ (derivative of Social Darwinism which introduced the notion that a nation is segmented like an organic lifeform), kalaeidoscope genders, coupled with marxist impulses became the drivers in political language.
It’s postmodernism, the tailspin sophistry of self doubt. “If you can’t prove it’s an apple, you can’t call it an apple.” We live in the dying days of The Age of Skepticism, the birthchild if Aquarius.
Pittsfield has survived Jon and done very well.We don’t handle our budgets well and that is the problem.
Has it though?? We went from 60,000 to 40.000 while the countries population went from 150 million to 350 million. I don’t even think you can call it a city anymore
Feeling hungry
This is a very lame attempt to say the results of the election will be suspect.
It seems EVERY election involving Democrats is suspect, nationwide. Pittsfield is just catching up with the DNC.
I have only been voting in Pittsfield for 50 years but this is the dirtiest, crappiest and saddest of all mayoral campaigns I have ever seen.
And I honestly believe it has everything to do with a 200 plus million dollar budget and all kinds of state money, much of which can be spun off in many discretionary directions with little or no real accountability.
In other words, there are people who will stoop to any level to get their hands on the Pittsfield money tree. And if you think your vote is going to effect this one way or the other you are kidding yourself.
Yup. Get behind that counter,do the analytics and ensure the vote is secure. I’d that don’t help start dishing dirt on the opponent.
As Pittsfield goes forward, the worst is yet to come!
Pittsfield’s best days are ahead of her.
Yup. Tell it to the marines.
Seriously though, what do you see coming forth? Honor level students with the highest ACT scores in Honors Chemistry? A downtown like Lee? Happy people walking North Street and dining on the sidewalk and shopping shoes and coats? Safe parks with lakes that you can go to where there are no squatters’ tents, drunk imbeciles trying to chop down trees with steak knives (I saw this and tried, unsuccessfully to report it), drug deals involving the trash can at night? Streets that are not the playground for scofflaws?
Tell me your vision for the best day. If you have one, and you have some mechanism for it, please run for office. Pittsfield needs you. Otherwise, let the Eagle butcher anyone who dares to mess with the perfection.
I just have a more positive outlook for the Pitt – not the sarcastic exaggeration that you state – but a more optimistic take nonetheless.
Name it. Describe your outlook. If you can do so, run for office. Mine is descriptive and accurate. It’s the truth.
Sure I can do so. I won’t run for office, though. That’s for you.
Healy has a busload of CRIMINAL ALIENS ready to be dropped off in Your neighborhood.
Just 1 busload, “but (one’s) a more optimistic none the less”.
Here’s a description that is just as accurate.
Where would you rather live – Pittsfield or Holyoke? Pittsfield or Chicoppe? Pittsfield or Westfield? Pittsfield or Greenfield? Pittsfield or Worcester? Pittsfield or Springfield? Pittsfield or Poughkeepsie? Pittsfield or Framingham? Pittsfield has its problems, but has largely avoided the organized crime-run political machines we see in cities like Albany and Springfield. Previous mayors like Robert Capeless, Ray Haughey, Robert Dillon and Evan Dobelle stewarded our city to its present form, providing the reason rich New Yorkers and Bostonians flock here to spend their $$ and leisure time. Nestled between the Hoosic range on the east, the Taconic range on the west, and Greylock to the north, the two-square-mile patch of land that is Pittsfield is one of the most beautiful urban settings east of the Mississippi. The Taconic watershed yields the Hoosic River flowing north and the Hoosey flowing south. Berry Pond offers one of the most beautiful and idyllic settings available to residents in the Pittsfield State Forest. There are hundreds of miles of hiking trails in the Hoosic, Taconic and Saddleback ranges. Minutes away are Jiminy Peak and Bousquet’s, available for skiing and all manner of winter sport. The gems of the city are Onota and Pontoosuc lakes, where one might enjoy ice fishing in the winter and swimming, unpolluted, in the summer. You can rent a pontoon boat or jetski for the day to enjoy the lakes and views of the surrounding mountains, and cheap golf is available at Berkshire Hills, GEAA or Skyline. The Pitt is a shopper’s paradise, where celebrities the likes of James Taylor and Arlo Guthrie come to spend their grocery $$. We have our choice of Price Chopper and Stop & Shop in Coltsville, all the places along Rt 7 south, and the Big Y in W. Pittsfield – the only place I know anywhere in the U.S. where you can buy USDA prime beef over the counter. If you want baby hot dogs w/sauce, you can visit Teo’s or the Hot Dog Ranch, or you can make them yourself after a trip to Wohrle’s, where you can also get just about any food item wholesale. The neighborhoods along East, Elm, South, upper North, Onota St. and Lakeway Drive are grand residential neighborhoods with splendid beautiful houses. There is a pickleball club consisting of 250+ members that meets for virtually free play daily at Herberg, Reid, the Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs and BCC. BCC itself is an educational blessing – one of the best community colleges in the Northeast. North St. – where Pinky Danford used to shuffle us along on Thursday nights past Liggett’s, Newberry’s, Woolworth’s, WT Grant, Sammy Vincent, Holden & Stone, England Bros., Besse-Clarke, Jim’s House of Shoes and the Sugar Bowl – now offers us bunches of new stores restaurants and boutiques for our pleasure. While I can still smell and taste the PCBs that Jack Welch and company seeped into Silver Lake and the Hoosey along East and Newell Sts., at least some attempt has been made to clean up that mess.
I know this sounds like a Chamber of Commerce promotion of the Pitt, but I just wanted to offer my feel counter to all the negatives I always read on this site.
You won me at Pinky Danford!
Thanks, Dan.
Didn’t BCC lose its nursing accreditation a few years ago? How does a well managed college let that happen.
I have many a BCC course under my belt. The teaching is good. No arg there.
Yes, there are fine places to live. Brazil has nice places too. Wouldn’t want to live there.
You’re delusional.
Ok, but I’m talking about Pittsfield, MA.
I’ll take any of the above except for Holyoke which is the next stop on the Mafia line. Remember Mayor Morse? Got elected at the tender age of 18 by promising he would kill the casino. What a fighter! Two days after his election, he is at a ribbon cutting event for the proposed casino surrounded by the fat cats, each with a hand on each arm.
Ok, well, it’s been nice knowin’ ya. Send us a note from Worcester.
Any city without a Democrat/Liberal/Leftist controlled government.
Sells papaers and Dans gig.
I heard from someone, who heard from someone, that Peter is responsible for designing the Tower of Pisa.I heard from someone, who heard from someone, that John is responsible for marketing the Ford Edsel.
Tyer wanted to build a volcano in Pittsfield, much like the one in Mauna Loa, Hawaii as a tourist attraction using the ARPA money but Pete suggested they give it to special interest people instead.
That’s an idea I would actually want to hear. The first good idea in a long time.
If they really did a cleanup, of the GE/PEDA site, they could build a ski resort on the mountain of toxic sludge.
Now that’s some critical thinking there
Used to have a ski jump at Bosquet. PCB’s could make a good foundation, and there are about 2 million gallons left under Newell Street.
I remember the bakery on the corner of East and Newell streets.
It had to close because PCB tainted transformer oil was seeping under East St and into the buildings basement.
Most of the houses between East St and the river in that neighborhood must still be floating on PCBs.
Borgo’s Bakery. The smell of baking bread coming from the low basement ceiling? The best aroma of all time, especially after you’d walk down the stairs after Sunday Mass on a wold, January day.
As we often did to buy dough for pizza.
Dan you forgot the dough for our home made fried dough. Scelsis bakery also aromatized the neighborhood and also had a+ dough for making pizza. Ah. Those good old days
Borgo’s and Scelsi’s: The two bakeries of choice for our family, and many families.
I wouldn’t sink a spade into that soil.
Dat’s Wacist!!!
PCB soil.
Ricardo couldn’t get his bike lanes so he’s turning Wayconah Park and Dan Casey into a canoe passage
Visited the Gerald Doyle Softball park on Benedict Road yesterday. The driveway if full of huge potholes. Too bad they didn’t think to fill in these potholes when they were building our illustrious pickleball courts in the same area. If the City can’t fill potholes throughout the city and at our current parks, why are they going to spend millions to rebuild Wahconah Park? They choose not to take care of the parks and lakes that we already have.
What about the neglect at Tamarack rd with business people flying in and the road is first thing they saw? And did he take money out of the water funds to do that?
Winter will be here soon, and major roadways (Crane Ave, Holmes Rd, et al) are crumbling and crater filled.
The roads and bridges are crumbling, sidewalks and roadways are overgrown with vegetation due to neglect, BUT ……….THE PITT will have pristine new pickleball facilities, roundabouts that don’t meet road standards, and unused bike lanes obstructing access to downtown businesses.
They are going to build a 40 million dollar baseball field on an existing baseball field, no matter who is Mayor.This field is the single dumbest thing ever.If built, it need to be built on the useless GE site by Belanger field.That site is and eyesore by Woodlawn Ave.
It’s a great idea. Should have drive in movies there too.
Marchetti looks like he’s visited the tower of pizza on many occasions
That’s why he built it.
Off point, but the Tower of Pisa (it was built vertical) is an amazing monument. The problem was they spent $30,000,000 and put it in a swamp.
Now it’s costing the Italians hundreds of millions in concrete ballast and steel to keep it from toppling. Global warming (byproduct of third world coal and deforestation) will eventually have the last word.
Not a word of this has any relevance to Pittsfield.
No relevance except.
No way would we spend $30,000,000 to build a tower of pisa in a swamp. We’ve seen what happens and what that costs to maintain.
I just posted that because Ozias brought up Pisa and I happen to have a very soft spot for Romanesque monuments.
I heard Ricky designed the tower of Pisa.
The politicians and the groups of people involved in running their campaigns to get them elected to office learned early on, that the gathering of mail – in ballots anywhere they could find them to cast on election day or running out of them is like running out of beer on July 4 th They took that lesson and improvised ingenious ways to
gather them or manufactured them.
Common sense tells me there is rampant voter fraud in every election….
It’s just called mail in/early voting (fraud) now.
I believe the phrase is send it in. Here ms o’houlihas check this box? You do want or more pudding don’t you? I mean Marchetti.
Passed in 1996 HIPAA is a federal law that sets a national standard to protect medical records and other personal health information.
Was there any medical or personal health issues disclosed? If not, there was no HIPAA
violation. Having the resident’s address disclosed is tacky and a violation of privacy but wouldn’t fall under HIPAA guidelines. If the allegation is true, something else must have happened.
Medical personnel may not discuss patient information including personally identifiable information with anyone not involved with the patient’s care. I think it is the responsibility of Melbourne Place to safeguard the patients information. Not sure there is a compliance issue, but it is at least superficially problematic.
That’s true, Melbourne Place would be the responsible party to protect
residents’ medical/health related information. Since Mr. Marchetti isn’t employed by Melbourne Place, the reported breach wouldn’t apply to him. Working at an agency that must abide by HIPAA regulations, I have to be mindful of it whether I’m at the work site, grocery shopping or anywhere else.
Been there. Gotta look twice and more before you hit ‘send.’
The editors of the Berkshire Eagle have printed in their laziest words their most nauseating, shameful, squalid, and abject endorsements for City Council. Read it and laugh! Their days are surely numbered when they fall so low.
Sorry about that brief post directly above this (short post below the longer one.) Complete and utter nonsense .
I’d take it back if I could.
Well they know who’s going to win. Like everyone else. Status quo means good ol boy’s.
I surely hope they didn’t waste carbon and trees on the following sickness:
When Pittsfield voters head to the polls Tuesday, they’ll reshape more than one-third of the City Council. This substantially shaken-up council will go to work with a new mayoral administration to address Pittsfield’s problems and prime its potential, so a fresh future of city governance is in voters’ hands.
At large
The two incumbents running to retain their at-large seats, Earl Persip III and Pete White, have earned another term. They’ve been responsible and responsive presences on a council too often sidetracked by personalities and tangents. Mr. Persip’s diligent work on the Wahconah Park Restoration Committee will provide invaluable insight when the council weighs the costs and contours of the historic ballpark’s future. Meanwhile, the exit of the City Council president makes retaining Vice President White’s leadership all the more important. Their experience is well worth keeping considering the fact that fresh faces will constitute a critical fraction of the new council come next year.
Speaking of experience, Kathleen Amuso boasts the most out of all the non-incumbent at-large candidates. Her current service on the city’s Licensing Board and former stint on City Council gives her proven public service experience and a knowledge of city issues and policy.
Alisa Costa’s substantive focus on systemic problems like poverty and deferred maintenance is bolstered by professional experience with issues looming large for Pittsfield like mental health programs and synergy between nonprofits, businesses and government. The perspective, outreach acumen and community partnerships of Working Cities Pittsfield’s former initiative director would be valuable resources for the council.
Ward 2
In debates and responses to The Eagle, the two newcomers vying for Ward 2’s seat offered starkly different policy priorities. Alexander Blumin has focused almost entirely on complaints over tax rates and former budgets. Brittany Bandani has expressed a much more complete vision for what deserves the council’s focus, such as economic development, policing and affordable housing. And if Ms. Bandani can channel her professional experience as an attorney and bring some lawyerly insight to council meetings, all the better for its toughest debates.
Ward 3
Between skipping the election season’s last debate with iBerkshires and failing to respond to The Eagle’s candidate questionnaire, Bill Tyer hasn’t given voters much to get behind. Matthew Wrinn, meanwhile, offers not only the unique experience and keen eye of a professional investigator but a strong focus on public safety and infrastructure.
Ward 6
Craig Gaetani’s campaign has been shaped by his tunnel-vision focus on his long-held complaints about the city’s wastewater treatment plant. We must conclude that Ward 6’s voters care about other issues, too. We see no reason to discard incumbent Dina Lampiasi’s public service and community initiative experience.
Ward 7
Incumbent Councilor Anthony Maffuccio’s experience has worked against his argument for reelection. His penchant for performative antics — from the inane charter objection that derailed last year’s city budget process to wasting council time on petty disputes [my note: HUHHHH?!] — has made him more of an ideologue than a sound representative for Ward 7 voters. They deserve better, and they have a better option in challenger Rhonda Serre, whose experience ranging from late Congressman John Olver’s office to MassDevelopment to Elder Services of Berkshire County offers a strong new perspective to the council.
The Eagle endorses Earl Persip III, Pete White, Kathleen Amuso and Alisa Costa for City Council at large, Brittany Bandani for Ward 2, Matthew Wrinn for Ward 3, Dina Lampiasi for Ward 6 and Rhonda Serre for Ward 7.
Best puppets you can buy on today’s market. If you have wires coming out of your shoulders and a wooden mouth you will get their endorsement.
p.s. (they are also part of the puppet parade)
The BE words are not lazy, nor are they nauseating, shameful or squalid.
The Parrot’s propaganda is far from journalism.
The BE represents journalism at its finest.
Print Journalism left Pittsfield with the Miller Family, decades ago.
With each change of owners, the Miller’s formerly award winning newspaper, has spiraled farther down into the biased leftist abyss, the result being the current Left Winged Parrot.
“The BE represents journalism at its finest.”
They did a fine job not reporting the 10/24 Council meeting wherein Councilor Warren and I petitioned for a special hearing of the ARPA audit and the FY2022 financial audit. They also did a spectacular job not reporting a peep on the 11/2 special council meeting to hear the independent auditor’s report – costs you about $100,000 – which was urgently scheduled to be heard before the Tuesday election.
Bravo, Berkshire Eagle.
“wasting council time on petty disputes” lobbed at the Ward 7 Councilor? It means nothing. I have oft disliked or disagreed with his statements, but he is an elected member and they degrade his reputation.
There are no petty disputes for them to talk about. The (bald) Eagle did not even report on the last Council Meeting which resulted in a hearing from the independent auditor on 11/2/2023. Maybe, that was too petty to report.
” The BE words are not lazy, nor are they nauseating, shameful or squalid”
ok, your stomach is stronger than mine. We’ll stick with abject.
The cat won’t use the litter box, if lined with a discarded BE.
Kinder has a gastric tract that can consume the worst offal.
He/she/it will soon be happily be eating flies, grubs, and crickets for appitizers. Per leftist NWO and Charles Schwab dictates. With a few Bill Gates lab grown meat/steaks as the main course.
They got most of them correct, if not all.
World? I thought 6 is a little off. I thought Gaetani was clearly focused on many things not just water World? Overall he conducted himself nicely no?
I recall him saying,
“I have many more things to talk about…”
“I’m sorry Mr. Gaetani, but you are running out of time”
“Oh, ok. Well thank you very much!”
He talked fluently about roadwork, traffic design/safety, policing. A little bit about water infra. All perfectly appropriate for a City Councilor.
Mr. Worldwide, stay away from electric circuits. Your brain can’t handle the load.
Who’s They?
The Editors in the Parrot cage.
What would you change?
She gonna Cost-a you lots of money when it goes to bleeding heart non-profits and feel good reparations. She clearly has no idea how things work and wants to save the world/get contacts for her “consulting” business
I’d choose Diddler on the roof Luke or Benoit over her anyday and I intend to
Don’t worry she’ll get a director job at a nonprofit and move on.
You forget Dan Miraglia who speaks well on issues of City Parks at the meetings.
I’ll be bullet voting Miragila and Benoit
But he is suggesting a tax on use of local lakes!
Just what we need, more taxes!
He has no ability to levy taxes. I want a tax to fund the OPEB. Hire more people means adjusting the tax. Let the accounting reflect in real time real costs. It will never happen.
Miraglia is strongly focused on appropriate nominations to commissions and legality of meetings. He is a watchdog. We could use a few of them on the Council.
Think about the principles that candidates hold. Are they yours? That’s how you make your choices.
” Hire more people means adjusting the tax”
This was the suggestion of Scanlon in his 2023 report. Levy a tax, and take care when considering new hires.
I opposed funding OPEB through your excess tax dollars locked in Free Cash. I stated in Council, “Free Cash is not for showing attention to OPEB. Figure out how much we need to raise each year and tax it. And make the tax a separate tax on the real estate bill so the people see it.”
She wants the city health insurance most of all
They love incumbents and retreads!
I will say it again two absolute cockroaches fighting over crumbs. Krol and Marchetti you both have thrown some many other women running for office and in office under the bus, yet one of you two clowns are the ones poised to take over this city. That is a real shame both of you truly are the epitome of an outhouse bathroom.
This campaign was truly the most embarrassing, disgusting and amateurish run for office in the history of this city. Sorry Alf these two roaches now can claim that title.
Tuesday there will be no winning or winner for this city.
Any future good candidates thinking about running for office will have you two as a example. Please the winner just get up there say a few words and go home. Not one single person should be proud of either one of these turds. . Buckle up Pittsfield!
Our Opinion: Peter Marchetti for Pittsfield mayor | Editorials |
Krol is toast!
Marchetti is a waffle
That was a long editorial but a very good summary of Marchetti’s legislative accomplishments.
The Eagle Editors write the narrative in favor of Peter Marchetti, while they write unfavorable words against John Krol….
Our Opinion: “Peter Marchetti for Pittsfield mayor”
The Berkshire Eagle, November 3, 2023
When considering who will lead Pittsfield from the mayor’s office for the next four years, voters should consider public service experience, leadership style and personal integrity. The Eagle editorial board feels that Peter Marchetti is the obvious choice across all three of those domains in a heated mayoral race that will conclude Tuesday.
Mr. Marchetti is a longtime productive and orderly presence on the City Council who has led the council as president for the last eight years. His opponent, John Krol, is a former council colleague who served alongside Mr. Marchetti as the council’s vice president and a representative of Ward 6. Both have considerable community connections and public service records in Pittsfield. Those records warrant careful examination and comparison, especially given the fact that the two mayoral hopefuls align on many general policy priorities, from economic development goals and easing the city’s housing crunch to boosting North Street’s potential and mitigating public safety concerns.
As neither candidate is an incumbent, this campaign has featured repeated diagnoses of the city’s biggest problems with promises and policies addressed at correcting the mistakes or building on the progress of past administrations. To us, the key distinction is that Mr. Marchetti can point to a record of not just flagging issues in front of the cameras and microphones but putting his head down and doing the work to solve them.
It’s likely that the city’s celebrated Fourth of July Parade, for example, would not be what it is today and might not exist at all if Mr. Marchetti didn’t put his managerial and organization skills to work when the city needed them.
When the City Council has been sidetracked or derailed by personal disagreements and unproductive antics, Mr. Marchetti has been a stabilizing force as president, putting the city’s priorities over personality. After two other councilors’ bumbling and ill-timed charter objections undermined the council’s ability to weigh in on the city’s budget last year, Mr. Marchetti worked diligently with the mayor’s office to ensure council priorities still made it into the annual spending plan.
Meanwhile, his deep experience in the financial world from decades with Pittsfield Cooperative Bank gives him the skillset needed to manage a city with unique fiscal challenges and a hunger for growth and business investment. And since any Pittsfield mayor will have to collaborate with state and regional partners on the most stubborn systemic issues, endorsements and praise for Mr. Marchetti matter when they come from figures like state Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, who represents Pittsfield in the state House, and Gov. Maura Healey.
Now compare Mr. Marchetti’s record of walking the walk with his opponent’s demonstrated ability to talk the talk. Mr. Krol is a gifted, trained political communicator. He pronounces many priorities we care about, from courting business investment to increasing economic activity and safety on North Street. But the record and substance isn’t there, and the mayor’s office needs more than a sloganeer.
When Mr. Krol speaks of “boots on the ground” regarding his proposal to increase downtown police presence, there is not only a lack of explanation as to how this snappy sounding policy addressed the deeper social issues plaguing some Pittsfield neighborhoods. There’s also an unanswered question of how a Krol administration would pay for it when Pittsfield Police Department budget constraints would complicate such a plan.
In calling for transparency — a value we believe in that Mr. Krol has failed to exemplify in his own campaign — Mr. Krol has made his pitch for an “internal auditor” a key plank in his platform. Yet in doing so, he either misconstrues or misunderstands what an auditor’s role is, suggesting that a Krol administration would allow an auditor to affect budgetary or spending decisions. Like any mayoral administration, Mr. Krol’s could choose his finance director, although conflating that role with an auditor’s suggests an unfamiliarity with financial basics that should be concerning for someone running to be chief executive of a city with a $200 million budget.
Stacey Carver came forward to The Eagle this week with documentation — text messages, bank statements, email exchanges — that show five separate transfers from the Animal Dreams bank account into Krol’s American Express account. The withdrawals, ranging from $209 to $3,000, were made over the span of five months.
This only adds to the concerns raised by the revelations that Mr. Krol directed at least nine payments from a nonprofit whose account he was overseeing to his credit card and business tax bills over the course of three years. Animal Dreams executive director Stacey Carver spoke up about the years-long issue when she realized Mr. Krol might become mayor. Mr. Krol blamed the bank for giving him an incorrect “router number” (presumably referring to a bank’s routing number), Ms. Carver for raising the issue and The Eagle for reporting on it. Essentially, Mr. Krol blamed everyone but himself, and he failed to live up to his campaign’s repeated mantra of “transparency” by blocking The Eagle from trying to obtain evidence that could have corroborated some or all of his side of the story. Instead, he refused to discuss the issue with us further. Mr. Krol denies that he has a problem here and that it should even be an issue. But it is extremely serious, and it would loom over a Krol administration.
Mayoral candidate Peter Marchetti named in lawsuit by former colleague alleging ‘hostile work environment’ at Pittsfield Cooperative Bank
Months after that scandal rocked Mr. Krol’s campaign, another scandal has rocked Marchetti’s in the final stretch of this race. This week, it was revealed that a former Pittsfield Cooperative Bank employee had filed a harassment lawsuit against the bank, naming three of its executives as defendants — including Mr. Marchetti. Mr. Marchetti disputes the allegations, as does the bank, which claims that it had responded to an internal complaint from the suit’s plaintiff earlier this year by hiring an “outside investigator” who concluded that the complaints against Mr. Marchetti and others were “unsubstantiated.” Follow-up Eagle reporting revealed that one of the few specific factual allegations in the complaint — that another woman who worked at the bank allegedly was forced to leave due to a hostile work environment — was directly contradicted by the woman in question.
If the allegations in this lawsuit are true, they would be deeply concerning, regardless of Mr. Marchetti’s political ambitions. “If” is the key word, though, and we don’t have the information to adjudicate the suit’s charges. We would caution those who are tempted to equate the mayoral candidates’ respective scandals that one of them is a lawsuit whose claims require as-yet provided substantiation, while the other is an incidence of repeated, long-term financial mismanagement whose ground facts — that Mr. Krol repeatedly misused a nonprofit’s finances to the benefit of his personal accounts — are not in dispute.
By our lights, city voters face a choice of empty style versus proven substance in hiring the city’s next mayor. Addressing Pittsfield’s problems and multiplying its strengths are not superficial concerns, and so we urge voters to back the candidate with a proven track record and the most substantive platform.
The Eagle endorses Peter Marchetti for mayor of Pittsfield.
The Eagle endorsed Tyer. How did that work out?
If Marchetti wins how many bitches will he hire for his administration?
At least one, Micheal Taylor.
So the bank paid an outside investigator and the investigator found the bank was not guilty of anything? What a joke. Who here is stupid enough to believe that May would speak to the bank’s paid investigator? The first thing any lawyer would tell any client who brings a lawsuit is to clam up until her lawyer told her otherwise. The Co-Op is a living Marx Brothers movie.
How many were there?
Is that why the city is in such great shape?
The Democrats have been taking advantage of the elderly in nursing homes for a long time. Using them for votes when it’s clear they are unable to make a sound decision. It was done during the Trump and Biden election when I found out that a relative of mine filled out a ballot with a “helper” who was clearly not trying to help her, but trying to help the candidate of their choice.
The eagle endorsed all old and new gobsigs..this is why intelligent and accomplished individuals do not run for public office in pittsfield. The only saving grace we can pray for is that the eagle will not be in business in the next election in 2 years. What kind of a news paper charges veterans families a bundle to have their loved ones picture inserted into the news paper on veterans day. The eagle management is a disgrace and a source of misinformation to the buffoons who subscribe to such drivel. We are at a disadvantage to have as our sole source of information this pitiful rag. Good thing we still HAVE THE PLANET WHEN WE NEED SERIOUS NEWS.SEND FREDDY RUTBURG YOUR CONSENT TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. YOU WONT BE MISSING ANYTHING
Well said, CG!
VOTE Craig Gaetani iN WARD SIX!!
You sued the Eagle and lost in spectacular fashion. You fabricated a letter from Colin Powell and lied about it to all the voters in Pittsfield. You’ve been convicted of threatening to shoot a city employee.
You should not be running for anything and you are going to lose. Thank God.
If Pittsfield votes for the Eagle’s recommend candidates they deserve exactly what they get!
That’s just it. The school personnel in Pittsfield have probably already cut a deal with Marchetti for more money and perks in exchange for their support of such a terrible candidate and his agenda.
Agreed. People cannot run for office when hatchet men run the Eagle and WAMC.
The D-s were killing off the elderly most of 2020, by housing Covid patients in nursing homes. Andrew Cuomo the killer was probably the worst.
That is quite a strong claim.
But very true
You know this?
What does it require to be a successful criminal? Let’s say robbing a bank or pulling off embezzlement? Leadership, listening,vision, temperament, tenacity and courage. Those are all the characteristics Roberto thinks make Krol the right guy to run a city. You ever notice like Harrington there’s no mention of proven experience? Of course he doesn’t even mention the elephant in the room. No need to explain that charity or those tax payments or his unpaid debts. He’s a cool guy!
Half-truths until both sides testify under oath in a court of law, but John Krol was never charged so we only hear allegations. Peter Marchetti is facing sex discrimination complaints in federal court!
Marchetti like Amuso has a lot of experience at fucking up the city
A lot of the info that the city auditor is talking about has questionable info on the water plant, but I can’t understand it with all these numbers and code words and I would not expect the Council to follow it at all.
Krol has serious money problems. Not a good choice for mayor.
Letter: “John Krol offers true leadership and real change”
The Berkshire Eagle, November 3, 2023
To the editor: Pittsfield has a critical choice to make Nov. 7 and our city can go in one of two very different directions.
We can continue on a path of general decline and apathy, or we turn in a new direction to re-energize our city. John Krol is the candidate who can make that happen.
During my tenure as Pittsfield’s mayor, John was a key member of our city’s leadership team that transformed the attitude and adopted policy changes that led to a revitalization of our downtown and so much more. He is truly a team player. During his time in my office, John demonstrated and practiced his firmly held belief that respecting his colleagues was key to focusing on results through open, honest and direct communication.
Let me emphasize that John’s idea of effective communication begins with listening so he can fully understand others’ viewpoints as part of his decision-making process. And when faced with controversial or challenging issues, I observed his ability to stay balanced and act in a cool and collected manner before making a decision. To be very clear, this behavior is an essential trait for a mayor to be successful. A respectful and professional approach sets the foundation for getting the very best out of city employees and, by extension, our residents and the wider community.
In addition, John believes that great leadership is about sharing a vision that is so powerful that others cannot help but adopt it as their own. That’s where the magic happens and transformation becomes a reality. And sharing vision requires speaking the truth, which includes both the path to be followed as well as the obstacles that must be overcome to realize a positive result.
To conclude, John truly has the vision, compassion, temperament, tenacity and courage to make the changes necessary to revitalize our city yet again. It takes guts and passion to be a great mayor of Pittsfield, and John has got all of that and more. In this election cycle, he has more than proven that he can take more than a few punches, stand tall, be professional and continue to do the right thing.
Today, we are at a true crossroads in the city of Pittsfield. We cannot afford to continue down the current path. John knows what it takes to turn it around. He is absolutely the man for this job. Pittsfield would be proud, as would I, to call John Krol our mayor.
James M. Ruberto, Lenox
The writer is a former mayor of Pittsfield.
Thanks for the link, Johnathan,
Allow me to slice and dice Rubertos’ letter
“We can “continue on a path of general decline and apathy”. You mean the path Tyer has been going down for 8 years, the very path you put her on????
“During my tenure as Pittsfield’s mayor, “John was a key member of our city’s leadership team”, blah, blah, blah….. Krol was your water boy, Jimmy. He was in the office about as much as you were. Hardly ever.
” And when faced with controversial or challenging issues, I observed his ability to stay balanced and act in a cool and collected manner before making a decision. To be very clear, this behavior is an essential trait for a mayor to be successful”. This coming from you, a known tyrant who was as mercurial as Trump. Maybe that is one reason you were unsuccessful. You were anything but balanced, and you most certainly did not act in a cool and collected manner.
“To conclude, John truly has the vision, compassion, temperament, tenacity and courage to make the changes necessary to revitalize our city yet again.” This would imply the city was revitalized, but the truth is, your Ruberto Renaissance was nothing more than a mirage, paid for with our tax dollars. Now, when I take Little Debbie to the movies, I pay to sit in a chair my tax dollars paid for.
“It takes guts and passion to be a great mayor of Pittsfield, and John has got all of that and more. In this election cycle, he has more than proven that he can take more than a few punches, stand tall, be professional and continue to do the right thing.”
Too bad you didn’t have the guts to do the right thing, stand tall, and be professional, which are just a few reasons you were not a great mayor, but by reading this letter, one can infer that you think you were the second coming of Christ, when in reality, you were a failure as mayor, just like Doyle, Hathaway, and Tyer.
“Today, we are at a true crossroads in the city of Pittsfield”. Actually, we are not. The city has been going one way since before you were mayor – down the shitter. Neither Marchetti nor Krol is the answer, and neither were you.
We cannot afford to continue down the current path. Well, well, a nugget of truth from you. Unfortunately, you were one of many mayors without the balls to right the ship. Rather, you just taxed and spent like the rest of the shitty mayors. The taxes and the budget is out of control and has been for years. You campaigned on tax relief and jobs. You continually jacked taxes and the only jobs you gave us were con jobs and snow jobs, as Dan would say.
John knows what it takes to turn it around. He is absolutely the man for this job. He is absolutely not the man for this job, or any other, if for no other reason than he can’t even hold a job. He couldn’t manage a McDonalds’, and by the way neither could you – you don’t have the temperment for it.
“Pittsfield would be proud, as would I, to call John Krol our mayor.” “Our mayor”? You jumped ship Jimmy – you don’t even live in PIttsfield.
Enjoy Lenox and Florida, and if you do roll into town I hope you don’t get robbed or shot.
Well said T&S! Of course I doubt Ruberto even wrote the letter. Sounds like a ghost writer, hence the slip “our mayor” when he lives in Lenox. Unless of course he thought he could slip it by and people wouldn’t notice.
And I call Bullshit. Not sure where to even start.
When the F is the state going to investigate Krol for paying gift cards to people to put up Krol signs. This is not a rumor, I know first hand a single mom on Delaware Ave given a $ 25 visa card in exchange for a Krol sign on her front yard.
Marchetti being present in a room while someone holds an absentee ballot is hardly a violation of law. It is ridiculous that you infer all the what ifs that could imply a violation of law. That’s like saying I just drove to Teddy’s Pizza , oh and I could have violated the speed limit driving there. If you were any farther up Krols colon you could wave out his mouth.
WTF a HIPAA violation?? That is the funniest f’ing thing I’ve heard all year. Peter Marchetti is far from being a covered entity under the HIPAA law. Just another Facebook warrior playing Perry Mason.
The fact is John Krol is friggin desperate to win this election so he can finally hold a steady paying job. Marchetti doesn’t even need absentee ballots to crush Krol in this election.
I’m going to laugh my ass off at the crazies in here when Marchetti takes this election and then maybe you can fade off into the sunset with your baseball books. I cannot believe how hard you have worked for Krol on this election. Or maybe I’m not surprised.
How dare you insult Raymond Burr?!
My writing is what it is. The words defends themselves. I have no need to do that.
As for my baseball books, in the words of Chico Esuella, “day been beddy, beddy good to me.” Royaltie$$ are a wonderful thing. You ought to become an author yourself and try it. The gifts that keep on giving.
So calm down and breathe. It will do you good.
The auditor told the city council that the cities number one asset is…. your ability to tax. All the council should be voted out,its that plain and simple. They have no chutzpah aforesaid. And they should have no business overseeing this next budget let alone the arpa distribution.
And also the city doesn’t vote. The numbers are to low. If you don’t vote don’t Gripe ! I believe George Wallace said that.
Yes, tax, tax, and then, if you want MORE AND MORE, tax again. That is the Marchetti Plan, inherited from his Masters.
Democrats will take everything you have, except your job.
That is, a job to actually do some work.
Democrats will gladly take your jobs to give to the Communist Chinese slave holders.
The City Auditor was asked a battery of questions at the special city council meeting by Councilor Warren of (course) who else will? and answered them all. Kufflinks was called up as Warren wanted some info from Kufflinks and of course he said he didn’t have it,and would get it That ended this meeting and the credits begin to roll and low and behold disgraced Mayor Flats comes into the camera angle showing her patting Scanlon on the back. These are Officials we have.
Please think about a smidgen of change even if t requires electing a different at large retread.
Please publish a book about Pittsfield politics, Dan Valenti.
Chapter One: 30 pieces of silver from GE
Chapter Two: Mayors (the late) Bar-stool, Aberration/Schoolmarm, Rolodex, Montello, and Gated Community
Chapter Three: The Gavel versus The Embezzler – A Tale of Two Weasels
Chapter Four: The 12th attempt to revitalize North Street
Chapter Five: 25 years of the indebted and polluted PEDA debacle
Chapter Six: 12 years of Tricia Country Buffet in Boston
Chapter Seven: Nuciforo’s Pittsfield Pot Kingdom
Chapter Eight: Earl Persip and Pete White’s snubbing of Planet Valenti
Chapter Nine: Level 5 public schools costing taxpayers well over $100 per fiscal year
Chapter Ten: The Berkshire Eagle, used Scratch Tickets, littered nip bottles, the Underclass, Hill 78, a shit sandwich, and All in the Family Pittsfield politics
Good ones,
Alias will be elected,reason,she’s the smartest. So I’ll bullet vote.
“The fact is John Krol is friggin desperate to win this election so he can finally hold a steady paying job.”
Molly has said it in a nutshell.
“The fact is Peter Marchetti is friggin desperate to win this election so he can have a job given that he no longer has a job at the Co-Op.” — Sir Donald Turpentine has said it in a nutshell.
You are making it up.
People should pull their money out of the COOP until they fire Misses Marchetti.
It is a known fact Marchetti is still employed by Pittsfield Coop and still on an loa
It is anything but a KNOWN FACT, Moll. It is very much in question. THE PLANET shall have more information on Marchetti’s current employment status in our Monday edition. A preview: The essential question is “Will he have a job to return to if he should lose on Tuesday?” That will be the ONLY way we shall know for sure. Our spies have some interesting tidbits.
I’m hoping that either candidate wins by the narrowest of margins, How great would that be.?
Just like Dan said take a chill pill and breath you may have a heart attack. You sound angry and deperate. What are you gaining here? At the end of the day Dan is informing the taxpayers what our news media fail to do.
Angry and desperate? I’ve got no dog in this race. I just can’t stand when inuendos and fabrication are used to further a candidate by someone that claims he is just uncovering news. This website is becoming like the Morton Downey show. You’ll notice nobody has even touched the points I covered.
Good advice, always, for everyone!
Please listed to Josh Landes radio political piece about Alex Blumin.
Another hit piece by a complicit, compromised medium. The message: If you are an ordinary citizen, and you want to run for office, we know EVERYTHING about you, and we will use it against you in an attempt to destroy you. Landes is simply carrying water for his Masters.
Hit pieces: John Krol is an EMBEZZLER; Peter Marchetti called women bank employees: BITCH; Alex Blumin has a reputation for THREATENING behavior in Pittsfield politics.
The Eagle and Josh Landes are really taking it to the candidates. Do you remember when they did it to Chris Connell and then to Charles Ivar Kronick? What purpose does it serve to hurt all of these political people’s reputations? Whatever happened to one is INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court of law by a Judge and Jury of one’s peers?
South County trash oiece. Good luck Alex.
How can anybody look themselves in the mirror and endorse somebody that’s had one debate hasn’t lived in the city for two years.
Carpet Bagger
Blumin is a patriot. Landes is an asshole.
Blumin is delusional. He isn’t going to win, yet he firmly believes he will.
It a delusion shared by every candidate for office. 50% of then are correct in their wild belief. 50% of them are incorrect.
I described two people. Guess which one I associate you with!?
Alex tells it like it is. A dynamic and honest servant of the people. As for the eagle endorsements— it is a list of hard core gobsigs and is geared toward the ignorant uninformed morons among us. The eagle reporters and management are a desperate group of miscreants trying to remain relevant. One should take the endorsement list into the voting booth and vote for any one whose name Isnt on the list of goons. As I said before we have to pray for the demise of the Berkshire eagle because it has turned into a biased dirty Rag which is the voice of the gobsigs in pittsfield. The only way to get rid of such filth is to cancel the subscription of petty Freddy rotburg and send him and the eagle packing. A vote against Freddy is a step in the right direction to right our upside down city which the eagle has destroyed. Vote him and the eagle out of relevance
Well said sir. Best of luck to you Tuesday
You would have been a great mayor. Good luck against the card board cut out tuesday.
“The Cardboard Cutout!” Hmmmm. Great name for Dina, who has morphed from “Conflict of Interest” to “Climate Change.” Both the latter and Cardboard Cutout can be summoned when we call her “CC.” Not to be confused with Chris Connell, who along with Kevin Morandi, were co-MVPs of the previous iteration off the council.
The biggest non comfly is she is educated but comes across as a ditzy valley girl.She said a word the other night randomize? Is that even a word?
Very shortsighted move by Landes. Councilor Blumin would have given him years of content.
How much more bias can the friggin Berkshire Eagle get. They post a picture of Marchetti smiling talking to an elderly woman with a Marchetti sign behind them. Picture of John Krol with a Kalinowsky sign. Time for those that have a subscription to Eagle to cancel and those that purchase a copy, boycott. Time to take this rag down. Feel it is a crime how they have treated Krol, whether they back him or not. John should sue them; they blatantly have done everything they could do to ruin his campaign and hidden all of Marchetti’s blatant faults. Sickening.
John doesn’t have the money to sue.
I believe the alleged embezzlement is true, as documents suggest 10 times Krol used Animal Dreams account for his personal expenses.
The school personnel are probably getting a “sweetheart deal” of raises and benefits from Marchetti which is what they were hoping to squeeze out of him during that secret meeting with the two candidates. This explains all of the excitement they have for him winning. So while the far left will be pouring the illegal immigrants into the poor neighborhoods of Pittsfield and stretching resources, the school personnel will be taken care of.
And ready the city was, Tyer said, with the other nonprofits and agencies pitching in to provide “wraparound services” to the newcomers.
This includes transportation for the families, since the state is not paying for that.
Tyer generously donating taxpayers’ money to bus in illegals. Even now, when they are causing cities to collapse into bankruptcy!
A lot of resources are already baked into what nonprofits, schools and various agencies are doing, said state Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier
Farley-Bouvier generously donating taxpayers’ money on a permanent basis.
Imagine what it would be like if we had people in public office who were concerned about the welfare and future of Americans as much as these women care about foreigners.
Thanks for sharing, WILSON.
I agree Wilson. Wait until the illegals crowd out citizens in the ER of BMC. It is already a long wait to see a doctor even if you have an urgent problem.
Farley is a terrible representative for our district. Two of her decisions is to make it easy for drivers from other countries before our own legal taxpayer drivers, and sending her own child to another district? Why wasn’t this a concern on the recent election? Was it that important that her and Tyer were tied at the hip?
Tricia Farley-Bouvier is spouting that “It’s just our turn to do it” meaning pouring illegals into Pittsfield hotels and eventually having them end up in poor Pittsfield neighborhoods. “They need absolutely everything” the Pittsfield far left reps are saying. I bet they do. Boston did its turn of taking them. Excuse me Trish, but isn’t Boston much wealthier than the Berkshires? Some local politicians were holding them off from coming here due to our economic issues, but now Trish has given in and wants the poor to share their dwindling resources with the illegals who remain unvetted for disease and criminal intent.
TFB is a disgrace. She needs some good competition for her job in the next election cycle.
“Our turn?” Like this is going to effect her one iota? What a really shitty self serving thing to say.
The first wave of illegal aliens has arrived in the Berkshires. This is only the beginning.
As dozens of migrants arrive at hotels in Great Barrington and Pittsfield a broad network of support comes to the rescue | Local News |
Flat Tyer has assembled a crack team of Pickelfield’s latest version of the “red-carpet welcoming committee” to welcome all of the Haitian’s, as they arrive in local hotels.
Here are a few notes from the article:
In Great Barrington, Town Manager MarkPruhenski, stated that, GB had a “very limited role” in bringing the illegal aliens in town.
The state has contracted with restaurants and local food vendors to make sure the new families have three meals delivered every day.
“They need absolutely everything,” said Gwendolyn VanSant…….
***I saved the best for late***
None other than our own mayor, one day you see her, for the next three weeks you don’t, Mayor Flat Tyer:
“They are quite inspiring when you spend any time with them and their children,” Tyer said, “and that this is the opportunity for us as a community to extend kindness and a true welcoming spirit.”
These illegal aliens “inspire” Flat Tyer, so much so that she feels a “welcoming spirit,” when she sees them all.
A very cute story Flat, but why haven’t you or Dirty Barry welcomed any of these Haitian families in your very large home?
NIMBY the liberal mantra.
So you suggest your boy Blumin should have stayed in Ukraine. Interesting.
Come, come, MOLL. You’re capable of something better than that!
That’s not what they said to your own nonno and nonna.
True. All the Marchetti voters and West Street residents like Linda Tyer will have no problems with the illegals pouring in because it won’t have an impact on their neighborhoods. School personnel voting for Marchetti are rolling in money. It’s the poor who will feel this invasion. Who is the voice for the poor?
What secret promises has Peter made with the teachers’ union? The answer will come if he wins and when the contract comes up for “negotiation” (nudge nudge, wink wink). You know, “negotiation.” The city and the union will be on one side. The Kapanskis will not have been invited. They’re expected to shut the F up and pay for the whole payola.
“Who is the voice for the poor?”
It sure as shit ain’t you, Pat.
In case you haven’t noticed Americans have become fat and lazy. As a business owner with experience hiring immigrants I welcome them!
Nobody fat or lazy in my household and those of many I know. The only fat and lazy ones were allowed to become that way from Democrat policies. Americans have wised up to these tricks the far left is playing.
The numbers don’t lie sweetie. 42% obesity rate.
Women don’t like being called “sweetie”. You must belong to the Marchetti school of how to treat women. We all know why old Biden is pouring in the illegals and it has NOTHING to do with obesity of Americans. Nice try though.
Yes. 42% morbidly obese. 47% with some obesity. What hath America wrought?
One of the biggest factors in American obesity is food stamps and section eight. People found out they could lie on the couch and watch TV all day while eating junk food without having to bust their ass working for it. Many of their kids grow up with junk food as their main diet. It is a hard truth.
Good grief.
Pat, I know a shitload of fat & lazy Republicans.
Yes, but they work don’t they? They aren’t living off big daddy government. Such phonies these Democrats. They complain Americans don’t want to work so this is why we need the illegals, but then they pay Americans NOT TO WORK. Their BS is showing.
I guarantee you Pat that if world war three breaks out the overwhelming majority of on the ground soldiers fighting for you and your country will be democrats. And it has always been this way.
Donald Trump, a staunch MAGA republican on the other hand not only claims bone spurs but thinks people serving in the military are “suckers”. His word. Look it up.
I’m impressed!
Don’t bring Donald into this. He plays golf six times a week and may have played a partial game of tennis as a teenager. (may have)
Or maybe it was all the dope forced on them by the Dems like skunk pot and meth. I bet the Dems won’t be pushing that poison on the illegals.
I was on North street just yesterday and saw an illegal try to light up some skunk pot and a democratic looking fella ran right up to him and grabbed the joint out of his hand while reprimanding him vociferously. So I guess you are right about that part Pat.
It’s funny out of that entire post that’s what you gleaned from it.
Like Pat said, nice try, but no cigar Mac (aka-Pete White).
You’re not a business owner. Just because you get your meals “comped” by business owners, doesn’t make you an authority on current hiring practices and trends of younger Americans. If so, post links to back up this claim.
Now to my point, the “three meals a day delivered” doesn’t bother you Pete, errr, I mean Mac?
What about the homeless American veterans? Shouldn’t they get taken care of first?
Or maybe an American family who is struggling to pay the bills for their family under China Joe Xiden’s crushing inflation?
Haitians Pete?
As John McEnroe once barked out, “you can’t be serious,” Pete!!
PETE WHITE and the Dreaded Private Sector have the same relationship as does Dracula to a garlic wreath.
If only the food-insecure living here could get three hot meals delivered to their residences daily. Then we would have something to feel proud of.
It’s easy to place and feed a small group sent with prior notice. The challenge is policy and long term logistics.
As for Haitians, the complaint is unwarranted. After what the Clinton administration did to Haiti – thrust them into famine – and the little done to fix it by us, I could argue that we have an outstanding debt to pay there.
Clinton got a little help from two huge hurricanes and an earthquake if you want to be completely honest. Or are you saying that Clinton sent those three devastating natural disaster to Haiti to mess with them?
And Mexico provided personnel and food for refugees of Hurricane Katrina. So what?
I’m not judging, SS. I’m saying, perhaps, we have a debt to pay for destroying the Haitian agriculture. I am incorrect to say we thrust them into famine. But it was ‘wrong’ to destroy a completely self-sufficient agriculture for the benefit of American farmers who got to enrich themselves not on the competitive forces but on substituting cheap imports for domestic production. The USA forced a very poor nation to alter trade policy for a special interest.
I’m talking about Clinton forcing Haiti to drop tariffs on their rice exports and accepting subsized Arkansas rice. This happened in conjunction with the earthquake response. The result was the complete destruction of Haitian agriculture, for the benefit of a few Arkansas paddies.
“It may have been good for some of my farmers in Arkansas, but it has not worked,” said Mr Clinton, a frequent visitor to Haiti.
“I have to live every day with the consequences of the lost capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people, because of what I did.””
I guess Dumpster Earl Persip got his wish. These illegal aliens most certainly “look like me.”
You better prepare your DIE Office Earl, for the mass unemployment, surge in crime-no job, a need money someway.
Just ripe for the pickins’ for the local gangs to have them do their dirty work. Shootings, stabbings, etc.
A lot of ARPA money was spent in the black community Earl. You better convene the BBEG and Shirley for the “welcoming committee.” I know if I were a Picklefield Police/Fire-person, I’d send them to the BBEG and Shirley.
$1,250,000 less than 3 years ago. One vacation and no jobs created.
Earl, as the baseball coach would say to you, get ready, you’re on deck.
Sometimes it’s better not to wish for things you have no control of Earl. Now YOU own the issue of the Haitians. They “look like you,” Earl.
Chances are that Dumpster Earl as well as the Berkshire Black Economic Grift won’t give two runny squats for the illegals. They got theirs, which is all that matters to them. “Cain’t touch dis.”
Fortunately for them they don’t look all that much like Earl.
“A lot of ARPA money was spent in the black community”
False. Westside got nothing they asked for in public hearings. Not one paver.
Did Earl greet them when they got off the bus or is he staying as far away from them as possible like Tyer is?
How many will be in Pittsfield schools? While citizens’ kids need immunization records, migrants do not. What diseases from the third world will start to appear? What Pittsfield hotels have they been lodged in? 3 meals a day delivered?
Your tax dollars hard at work, providing for people here illegally. Thanks TFB & democrats!
Old Trish sends her children to private schools so no impact on the lives of her and her family from these unvetted illegals.
She’s been a twelve year dis-appointment.
The phoniest one of all.
Help wanted ad on Indeed for EL teacher at Capeless & Taconic. I would ask those principals how citizen students’ health will be protected from third world diseases carried by migrant students.
The Dems are buying voters with the influx of illegals…..
The illegal immigrant invasion is all about POWER for the far left Dems. They are even attacking the New York Mayor Eric Adams who is one of their own because he dared to complain about the invasion. Now the FBI is going after him. This is more and more like Russia, the country that the Dems kept trying to link to Trump, but it turns out they are the ones using Russian tactics to gain power. Just as they are ones who are racist because we see how so many of them are acting toward the Jewish people after the Hamas terrorist attack.
Hey Markus and Trapper, when are you going to accept the non-aborted babies in your own homes?
= NIMBY the self-righteous rightist mantra.
With everything going on in the world, you’re going back to the 2020 democRAT abortion theme Prof?
Out of curiosity, what race aborts the most amount of children Prof?
You could almost say they use it as a form of birth control. Would you agree Prof?
What’s next from you Professor, a pro BLM post? Make sure to include BLM’s new moniker though.
The one they gladly posted of the Hamas terrorist paragliding into a peace concert and slaughtering Israelis.
Hey, Mark, I’ll accept a legal immigrant in my house when you accept a non-aborted baby in yours.
If this country wasn’t aborting so many babies we wouldn’t need the illegals. Isn’t that right Kindergarden? You know that’s not correct though because Biden and his cronies don’t want more Americans. If they did, they wouldn’t be pushing abortion on Americans and then turning around and complaining that we don’t have enough people in this country willing to work while at the same time also paying people NOT TO WORK as they have been doing these last years under Biden. The far left wants people they can control and use for political and voting purposes and Americans won’t help them gain the power they crave. but illegal immigrants will.
Medical industry. Also, African Americans are not generally favorable to abortion. They are often conservative with traditional values. It’s a thing for upper middle class whites.
Not true Sir Chaz. More women of color have abortions than middle class whites.
Black women account for 38.4% over a 30-year study.
Hispanic women accounted for 33.4%.
The demographics of abortion in America – ERLC
I’m talking about where people land in the argument about the choice of abortion. Not a comfortable choice. Gallup polling indicates that african americans poll stronger anti-abortion.
93.7 percent of babies who were suppose to be aborted but were not, grew up neglected, lonely, uneducated and suicidal according to the Pharmers Almanac Jan 2024 issue.
Death can be a kindness at times.
If you stay on that too long, you will end up with “birth = death.”
I’m just countering a stereotype that is easily contradicted both by polling data and by those I know.
and southern baptists and the religious right who do it as discreetly as possible because they are so embarrassed that their own prim and proper daughters are having sex. They are very much against abortion publicly but make exceptions when their own children are involved.
Aren’t you just talking about human fallibility?
If only and all of those who are fallible must die at some point, then clearly we live in a just world.
This nice guy is looking for a home, adopt him!
Coming to a hotel/motel near you!
Tell them liberals sent them.
“Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced last month in a news release that it had taken into custody a foreign national terrorism suspect who had been released by border authorities two weeks earlier.
The unnamed “unlawfully present Mauritanian or Senegalese citizen” was apprehended the second time in New York City on October 17 after having been processed and released on his own recognizance near the southern border on October 3.”
“There is room in America for all who support or institutions and aid in our development.
But those that come to disturb our peace and dethrone our laws are aliens forever”
It is WOMEN that abort the most, Son of George W.
I and all Black Americans abhor the Hamas atrocities.
BLM matters supports Hamas, as do several AA terrorist supporters in US Congress.
D-Pressley Ma is one.
D-Wretchida Talib an Arab, led an attempt on Oct 18th by Hamas supporters on the Capital building this month. Democrats in Congress have supported this “insurrection” universally. How did the Ma delegation vote on this? Our D-O’Neal?
None were arrested, why is that?
“Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has reintroduced her resolution to censure Representative Rashida Tlaib.
This comes after Rashida Tlaib called for genocide of the Israeli Jews on Twitter one day after surviving her censure vote.”
“In a vote of 222-186, twenty-two Republicans joined the House Democrats to table the resolution without further debate.”
The RINOs/Uniparty members in Congress all need to be primaried before the general elections.
Any babies in my home, will be my own progeny and loved and cared for.
Why do leftists murder babies and use abortion as a form of birth control? Speading your legs or having a booty call has consequences that liberals fail to accept and take responsibility for; leftists have a general lack of morals and scruples.
Why do leftists endorse supporting 10 Million CRIMINAL ALIENS and their spoor, with someone else’s money/taxes, due the IM-POTUS and his handlers ignoring borders and immigration laws? You want them here, you take care of them.
The Democrats use abortion as a form of birth control for Americans by telling women, “You know you can’t afford another child”, and then turn around and bring in immigrant families with 7 to 8 children which taxpayers will be paying for because as Trish Bouvier says, “They need everything”. They literally have nothing but the shirts on their backs. Can someone please explain the logic? The far left doesn’t want to pay for the children of the American poor which is why they push abortion, but they will bend over backwards to pay for huge families of poor illegal immigrants.
I’ll add few of the CRIMINAL ALIENS have: a command of the Enlish language, education, job skills, willingness to assimilate into what was American culture, obey the laws, been screened for communicable diseases/physical disabilities, screened for warrants/convictions/criminal behavior in their native countries…….
Liberals/Democrats bought you the above. Remember this/next November!
Not to mention that open borders have caused Fentanyl to be the number one killer of Americans and are putting us at risk of terrorist attacks.
Drugged and addicted people are easier to control. It’s part of the game plan.
Same as those who have had their minds taken over by a devious political cult? You mean like that?
Well done, Snark!
I find it so amazing that people on this board who are obviously on the far left could care less that Americans are dying from Fentanyl as the number one cause of death overtaking heart attacks and cancer due to open borders and its of no concern because they think or pretend to think that only addicts are dying from it. If this happens to a family member or friend of theirs, maybe they will care then?Who knows?
Pat, I am curious what your religion is that allows you to hate all 80 million democrats in your own country without even knowing almost all of them at all. You seem to equate all democrats with Satan. If you found out your gyno was a democrat would you still use her services knowing what a total shitbag she is for being a democrat?
“hate all 80 million democrats/republicans”
That’s Amerika today. Hate. But it is a fact, indisputable by physical observation, that Satan walks. There are those who have seen Satan and they say no more than, “Where I went, Satan walks.” How do you recognize Satan’s imprint but by confusion, lies, and the desecration of the human form.
My solution: divorce yourselves from politics.
Mantra: “I do not know anything at all about anything. And, I don’t care.”
Get obsessed over a hobby, nature, art – learn the canon of Medieval art and understand it as the foundation for Renaissance image, or determine to be the finest trumpet player and rediscover the baroque scales. The guitar is also perfect. Or become a historian and read.
Take two years. Then come back with a brain reset.
You will not remember who you were. And you will be much better at what you want to do. You can be a colossus. In a manner of thinking, you will have gone up into the Light, seen True Forms, and the cave won’t be a prison anymore.
Most democrats are potheads
I cannot afford to eat at a restaurant. Now these newcomers will be able to phone their friends in Haiti and tell them to come to Pittsfield, Mass. for free restaurant eats. No need to pay or tip and it will be delivered to your freaking door. Who in Haiti, or Peru or Venezuela or Panama would not want that deaL? Not only that but someone will come in and clean your room and toilet and give you clean sheets each day.
And since there literally IS NO AVAILABLE HOUSING this arrangement could go on for a very long time. And if they do get put into local housing they will be taking housing away from the dozens of local folk who can’t seem to afford a place.
Can’t wait for AI to take over for the idiots running things now.
Bullet vote Craig Benoit for at large councilor. The rest are duds. Miraglia is suggesting a tax on use of city lakes. Just what we need, more taxes!
Vote Alisa and Otto.
Look at the roster. Alisa Is buddies with Abso Lute Lee.
If not putrid
Planet posters, the campaigning is coming to an end. I’ve truly enjoyed meeting many new people and hearing their concerns. Most of all I appreciate having the opportunity to speak to all of you on the planet on a daily basis. If I win it will be because of you the posters on this blog and the many good people ive met on the campaign trail. Win or lose I will accept the outcome graciously. A special thanks to Dan for endorsing me and Alex . ALEX IS THE REAL THING AND HE WILL REPRESENT WARD 2 WELL. Again thank you everybody for your support and good wishes. I humbly ask for your vote on Tuesday. If I win I will bring real change and excitement to city council meetings Thanks sincerely Craig
Thanks, CG. You’ve run well, as has Alex. Tomorrow, THE PLANET posts our endorsements and final remarks on Campaign ’23.
Craig, you have my family’s vote.
Thank you T+S. Also thank your family members for their confidence in me. Greatly appreciated.
She’s Pete White’s sister.
What about the head size? You sure?
Otto boy and Pete White best of buddies.
Is it true that Marchetti wants to tax the air in Pittsfield and use the money to fix up Yukis dance hall? And if so will their be a senior discount?
Miraglia is a watchdog for ethics and open government.
The 2023 state of Pittsfield politics news article:
Thanks for sharing, JON.
Crime is down 13% in the last six years? Well it is if you are not logging it, right Mrs Tyer? No mention that shootings not only were not down 13% but were up probably 2000%. But nobody asked about that for this interview and would not have gotten a straight answer if they did.
Crime is NOT down. Muggings are NOT down. Breaking and entering is NOT down by a long shot. Drug dealing is NOT down. Assault and batteries are NOT down even in your dreams.
And overdose and overdose deaths are through the roof. Narcan cannot be shipped in fast enough.
Traffic accidents are a dozen a day.
And the lesson here is not to believe everything you read especially if the source comes from city hall.
So the first new batch of only God only knows how many total batches of immigrants has arrived in the Berkshires and have been set up in hotels. “They need everything”. And it sounds like they will be well provided for. Doesn’t the city already have countless people “who need everything” that they cannot take care of?
I barely get by myself and have paid dearly into the Pittsfield tax black hole for many decades. No one is offering me a free ride or even a slight break. I assume the end goal is that these folk will eventually learn the language, get jobs and be able to pay for their own food and lodging and health care? There are already thousands in Pittsfield getting help with housing costs and food and medical and the burden is painfully obvious. Is there a ceiling for how many the city can handle? How may the taxpayers can handle?
I am all for anyone trying to better themselves and I hope it works out for each and every one of them. But the truth is that this uncontrolled massive immigration has and will continue to overload all social systems including schools, hospitals and what little housing there may or may not be. And this greatly degrades the quality of life for everyone involved. I cannot fathom who in power thinks this is a good idea. It seems self destructive but the people making these decisions are probably well off enough to avoid most of the negative effects.
Your comments are most appreciated. Decades earlier, when immigrants came here, they did so legally. They knew or vowed to learn the language. They brought work and life skills with them, determined to use them to better their lives. They expected no freebies. They usually had family and friends already here to help them get started. They improved the quality of life in the areas they settled. They contributed to the public good. They did NOT drain it. That’s the difference between Now and Then (a subtle plug the The Beatles new song).
That is the difference Dan. I had Grandparents that arrived on Ellis Island. They went through US customs legally and were screened for diseases. They got no handouts.
My Grandparents learned spoken and written English on their own, and became LEGAL US citizens.
They went on to raise 13 children during the depression, without government handouts. They didn’t have much material wealth besides a farm, and the children always had food and plenty of work to do.
Biden/Liberals et al have imported and distributed, 10 million criminals in < 3 years throughout America in a still ongoing flaunt of the US Constitution and our nations laws. They have no idea as to their whereabouts, criminal backgrounds, disease/health status,…….
And Americans are paying, their grandchildren will be paying, a heavy price/burden thanks to this Liberal lawlessness.
I knew it. Your a Walton.
Pa Kettle?
The poor need somebody new to advocate for them because the school personnel have taken all of the attention away from the plight of the poor and now focus only on higher salaries and perks for themselves. They live in good neighborhoods far removed from the chaos being created by the politicians they put in office. Their only concern is money and if the politicians deliver that, they will vote for him or her regardless of how they take care of the poor, homeless, and elderly and any other issues in the city are ignored if school personnel are not bothered by it.
I did not notice, but today I looked in my account and while I was struggling to pay bills I noticed I had 8700 bucks.I thanked God and went about my merry way feeling it was my lucky day. Vote John Krol for Mayor of an overspending city budget.Im your guy to spend 45 million on a field in a toxic swamp.What is it about Pittsfield that is attracted to toxic land to build schools and fields.Could we as a city stop doing just this one thing.Allendale school and Wahconah park.Sweep streets,paint lines fix cement at PHS and put lights at the entrance of the school on Appleton and light up the darkest parking lot in the country.Please use logic to run our budget.Lets start by taking the next 5 years to fix what we have and make what we have better.Then we can add thing we can take care of in the future.Consolidate a few schools and look at building a new Stadium as an investment.I just might like a Stadium overlooking Silve lake.It just might attract new business to that useless realestate
All of our local politicians must use logic and not bring more people into our city that we can’t afford. The resources of the poor are already spread so thin that we don’t have enough housing, jobs, or health providers to answer the needs of more and more extremely poor people. Hard working Americans will be living on the streets soon. Boston and that end of the state has the resources and Tricia Bouvier should recognize that basic fact. Better yet, close the borders and solve so many problems. Americans are now dying from Fentanyl as the number one cause of death, cities overrun by more and more people, and potential terrorists crossing into our country who see us as the Great Satan.
“I did not notice, but today I looked in my account and while I was struggling to pay bills I noticed I had 8700 bucks.”
Bwahaha! Best John Krol the Embezzler impression I’ve heard!
I disagree because she completely ignores the Marchetti issues with voter coercion and overstepping of authority at Pittsfield Co-Op. Then she only mentions issues mostly relating to the school since he or she works for the schools, that is their main priority and not the mountain of issues facing this city. If she thinks closing a few schools will solve all of Pittsfield’s problems, School committee has her head in the sand.
Remember what Marchetti said during one of the debates. HE said Krol would be a good choice for Mayor is he wasn’t runnibpng?
This has been a set up since the beginning. The two newest factions Tyer and Ruberto couldn’t decide which side to back.,as long as one or the other was Mayor.
Was that before we knew he was a (alleged) charity stealing tax dodging moocher?
No,before the bitch slapping over at the bank
Touché, good one Gen!
Another graduate of a Marchetti mularky seminar
And I don’t care who voted for who. As long as you vote.
Yeah go and make random dots on the ballot. Doesn’t matter who!
Cut her a break. The most glaring indicator is that Krol has never had a career or steady job. Entrusting our budget or city to him would be risky.
Also, what about not paying taxes? I don’t get how that just gets brushed away.
And bitch boy will be great
Demolish the neighborhood between Williams street and Elm Street and build it there.
Anyone see the notice in the Eagle that Witchslapped, the store on North St., was holding a drag queen story & activity class for families on the first Sunday of every month? This business was previously featured on Krol’s website as he also interviewed the store’s owner on his radio show a while back.
Perhaps your mother will bring you
Who’s,the owner?
Pete White loves the store
The beautiful Berkshires’ Stockbridge!
“Team Marchetti, THE PLANET has heard from sources, is under state investigation”
So, a rumor. Nothing confirmed. Got it! More spreading lies and misinformation spread by the planet.
“You believe what you want to believe” — Tom Petty. What’s not to love? Thanks for the point of view.