(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, CHRISTMAS 2023) — And so we reach that sculpted day, whittled down throughout this year of world chaos and mayhem — Hamas and Houthis, indictments and incitements, inflation and immigration — striped with sparse veins of respite and relief. For that we give thanks, for the ability to create our own happiness, the ability to tend to our own gardens, the chance to avoid the weeds and blight that may be festering elsewhere.
And so THE PLANET extends a Merry and Blessed Christmas to all who meet at this virtual Town Square. All are included, all views and reviews, up or down, conservative or liberal, we’re this and you’re that–none of it matters, ever, though we will forget that all the rest of the year.
Just this Christmas, can we post messages of good will to our neighbors: anyone who lives on THE PLANET and Planet Earth.
We hope for this post and for the next few days at least all can join us in simple good wishes of peace and harmony, and understanding. Yes there are issues, but if you will, for these few days let happy hours lay to let our love climb up to Thee.
THE PLANET shall be away until our next post, set for Wednesday Jan. 3, 2024. Our comment section, shall remain open.
Until then, be of good cheer for away in a manger …
‘A cold coming we had of it,
Just the worst time of the year
For a journey, and such a long journey:
The ways deep and the weather sharp,
The very dead of winter.’
And the camels galled, sore-footed, refractory,
Lying down in the melting snow.
There were times we regretted
The summer palaces on slopes, the terraces,
And the silken girls bringing sherbet.
Then the camel men cursing and grumbling
And running away, and wanting their liquor and women,
And the night-fires going out, and the lack of shelters,
And the cities hostile and the towns unfriendly
And the villages dirty and charging high prices:
A hard time we had of it.
At the end we preferred to travel all night,
Sleeping in snatches,
With the voices singing in our ears, saying
That this was all folly.
Then at dawn we came down to a temperate valley,
Wet, below the snow line, smelling of vegetation;
With a running stream and a water-mill beating the darkness,
And three trees on the low sky,
And an old white horse galloped away in the meadow.
Then we came to a tavern with vine-leaves over the lintel,
Six hands at an open door dicing for pieces of silver,
And feet kicking the empty wine-skins,
But there was no information, and so we continued
And arrived at evening, not a moment too soon
Finding the place; it was (you may say) satisfactory.
All this was a long time ago, I remember,
And I would do it again, but set down
This set down
This: were we led all that way for
Birth or Death? There was a Birth, certainly,
We had evidence and no doubt. I had seen birth and death,
But had thought they were different; this Birth was
Hard and bitter agony for us, like Death, our death.
We returned to our places, these Kingdoms,
But no longer at ease here, in the old dispensation,
With an alien people clutching their gods.
I should be glad of another death.
“Then dawns the Invisible; then Unseen its truth reveals” (Emily Bronte).
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night” — Santa Claus.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
I wish to write “Merry Christmas” to Pittsfield and beyond, but Pete and re-Pete said the holiday greeting twice already. Santa Claus asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year. I said that I want to read about Pittsfield politics on Dan Valenti’s blog in 2024. Santa Claus asked me why. He said that I haven’t lived in my native hometown of Pittsfield for 20 years now. I said that Pittsfield politics tickles me. I said that Pittsfield politics is very odd and mean-spirited with cliques, and when someone says that the city spends several hundred million dollars per fiscal year in return for “business as usual”, then Pittsfield politics’ other name is spelled RETRIBUTION. Santa Claus granted my Christmas wish, but he put lumps of coal in the Christmas Stockings of Pete and re-Pete.
Dan, Merry Christmas to you and yours, and all my fellow Planeteers, and the three wise cardboard beggars crafty enough to invest in Santa hats with some of their 300 dollars per week tax free take, to really milk the holiday spirit from those souls generous enough to keep on supporting their habit! I hope they get a day off this Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you Dan and all of the other Planet bloggers.
Merry Christmas.
Barry Christmas
Great present to the Misses
Merry & Bright Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas to all. Have a peaceful and happy time with family and friends.
The 12 days of Christmas in Pittsfield politics:
Day 1. “A 90 day GRACE period”
Day 2. “Up to $230 million in fy 2024 municipal spending”
Day 3. “An almost 9 percent tax rate hike”
Day 4. “Unknown millions of dollars in FREE Cash”
Day 5. “Kufflink’s multi-million-dollar Slush Funds”
Day 6. “I will have to take a pay cut to be Mayor”
Day 7. “$8.2 billion in surplus state cash in Boston”
Day 8. “$50 scratch tickets”
Day 9. “Some lobbyists in Boston earn 7-figure salaries”
Day 10. “Nuciforo’s +$440,000 lawsuit against the city”
Day 11. “15 empty storefronts on North Street”
Day 12. “Level 5 public schools for the children”
And a partridge in a dinky Christmas tree
Watching Marchetti talk is like watching someone carving a pumpkin. Merry Christmas.
And a cartridge for my vape pen
……and a pigeon in flaaaats little tree.
Merry Christmas everyone. Let’s hope that someone in Toledo is sitting there with dirty underwear.
Merry Xmas to you all from the streets of Tokyo.
Tell your new Dum Dum mayor he can reduce taxes. For one,By cutting that School Department.As in needless buildings.
Do they have dumdums in Tokyo?
100% TRUE…The Catholic church consolidate because of budgets…get WOKE councilors.
So now the theme is Marchetti is giving up and sacrificed for being mayor. You can count on one thing and only one thing. Your taxes will go up. And so will your water bill.
I am always happy to pay my taxes, but do like to see them go down. But this is, after all, Taxachusetts.
I would be happy if my representatives did their due diligence, looking for ways to save money, not spending recklessly and not making the lesser haves pay extra to make up for the more wealthy to get tax cuts and breaks and handouts.
But I guess if you have plenty you just don’t care.
Lesser haves deserve a break. It should come at the expense of the uber haves.
Would you like to pay mine too? I’m saving a bit for later.
K: A council of 11 geniuses should be able to come up with a system that people only pay the taxes that they want.
EG: Johnny is excited by law enforcement and is afraid of fire. Therefore, he wants to give his ‘share’ to LE and Fire. His neighbor wants hers to go to DPW and accounting. Arnie really wants a new baseball stadium, so all he checks off is baseball. He is happy to buy his water at Price Chopper and use the bathrooms at Home Depot for the year.
Then, to make it interesting, there can be tax trades, like carbon trading. If K weighs DPW at 70% and puts DEI at 25%, and JOE weighs DPW at 40% but DEI at 80%, you could pay 75% Joes taxes allocating to DPW to compensate JOE not getting DEI.
Then, the city takes the till, and sees what projects they can fund.
Very nice. Let’s implement it.
I suggest you start small. Take just one department that no one will miss or even know if it goes away.
Can you think of a department that if it died on the vine, it would not matter?
But really, K, you should have regrets on paying taxes. They are a measure of what you do not do yourself.
You may be interested to know that there is a successful and productive attitude of “let people take care of themselves and keep our money in our pockets” that is resisting the taxation model.
“”You find a lot of Californians who move here don’t realize how much [liberal] baggage they’re bringing with them,” Pierce said.
Pierce said he doesn’t understand how Californians with pensions that exceed what working people make in Idaho can move to the state and call themselves conservative.
“They want to give the same kind of benefits to officers and state employees here,” Pierce told the outlet. “And it’s like, ‘Wait a minute, you literally created a huge deficit in California, and now you want to do the same thing here?’”
Fox News Digital spoke to Pierce this week, and he said “there’s a bigger story happening in communities like ours.”
“Californians have been programmed in a way that they think they’re conservative, but then they move to a place like Eagle, Idaho, and they start asking for the same things that the government was providing them in California,” Pierce said.
“Honestly, they don’t even realize what they’re doing, but you have to kind of go, ‘Wait a minute, so you want your taxes to go up?’ Oh, I’d be willing to pay a little bit more, and it’s like, wait a minute, you just left all this.”
Pierce explained that when the new residents from California see trash on the street they wonder why more isn’t done to clean it up, something he takes issue with.
“So, you want your taxes to go up,” Pierce said he tells the new residents. “You want more government?”
So, when I once suggested, years ago, a modest suggestion that a state agency take care of some issue, someone wrote, “good idea, now can you come up with one that doesn’t reach into my pocket?” The answer is almost always ‘yes.’
If Pittsfield wants to see lower budgets, taxpayers are going to have to demand City does less, and taxpayers do more.
How can one regret paying taxes? Without taxes you have no water, highways, etc. The issue is how much. The ‘uber haves’ need to pay up. The problem is their immense power, stacking all decks to ensure they get their cut.
One can agree that public utilities are good. Yes, excellent! The paragon of Good Governance are Good Public Utilities that embody the public utilitiness of public utilities, and we may even make a trinity of Government Virtues that include two other indispensables. Better to have four and make three dimensional tax models that conform to permanent truths. Seriously, I spent a good deal of time on platonic solids to understand the geometry of goodliness.
Why argue then, you and I? The problem with Taxes is that you pay for much more than the Virtues. You pay for the stuff that those vile philosophers insert in between the virtuous line items. These are the same miscreants* in my grad school who, instead of mapping the permanent geometries of human mass to pretty girls, instead snuck upstairs to play with Epstein’s Greek Goddesses dressed in togas pretending to study ballet.
And then, you discover that you were not really getting water and sewer. The water, like in Housatonic, one day turns brown. Pittsfield dumps its sewage into the Housy because they can’t treat it.
And so, more taxes are needed to promise fixes that don’t come along and instead are spent on new equipment that won’t work here but make the decision makers look like they are putting Virtue into concrete manifestations.
Example: We saved labor cost by not pretreating roads 12.20.22. People driving home after work smashed their cars. So, the Vile Philosophers of the Dept Public Utilities instead of abstracting on the logic and Virtue of Good Planning, instead said we needed artic grade salt to compensate for global warming and different types of trucks to replace the ones that they decided to keep parked until 4:00PM. And presto! You have a higher tax bill.
Or , we decide that the Department of Inspection Virtues needs more inspectors. We raise the tax to hire four and buy them each a brand new Ford SUV. These are not just common variants inspectors: they are the Paragons of Good Inspecting. Two quit upon completing their training. The City says, “we hired two inspectors and what a great deal.” Your taxes bought 4 of such quality that they should be too good to even put to work. You have just two and some extra SUVs.
Sure, you do regret paying taxes, you just haven’t closed your eyes and thought about them.
*Tip of my hat to Craig Gaetani who never misses a miscreant.
We pay taxes to subsidize the rich.In hundreds of taxes it is still the same resulting feeling based in arithmatic.Not one single person should subsidize the rich or the powerful.Lets first try this approach and change the tax code they wrote
You mean that rich people steal poor peoples’ taxes by spending them on special interests and pet projects. They say, your taxes are paying for water and sewer and police, but they build baseball stadiums, pickleball courts, bike lanes, give pay raises to their chums in administration, and then they raise your water rates to compensate.
That I definitely agree with.
The issue isn’t we have to pay taxes. the issue is our tax dollars are wasted on pork belly projects lining the pockets of the GOBSIG. Other states in the country have much lower state taxes and they run fine the same goes for cities, ours is the most expensive to run a business in
Shirley you hit it on the head. I couldn’t have said better myself the gobsig have ruined this and many cities. It won’t be long before the state start taking over cites. This might be a good thing
That was so 1980s Reagan, who sucked the people dry for corporations.Remember rising tides raise all boat.Get to 2024 with that Trump nonsense
The Great Sucking Sound was coined by Ross Perot who warned that Clinton’s trade ‘deal’ was sucking American wealth and jobs to Mexico. The Unions almost went Republican over that treaty. That phrase may only be used in connection to Ross.
I recall Reagan with zero affection, but it is Carter’s policies that resulted in attritional economic policies that made everyone broke.
To your point: during the Reagan decade, a common man could put $5,000 in 5 year cd’s and make $30000 at 15% compound interest. Then came along Clinton, Bush and weirdos like Greenspan and Enron bubbles. I think your irritation is misplaced.
The sucking sound was just Monica.
If a tree falls in a deep forest and no one hears it, did it make a sound?
Of course it did.
Yes! See, you are a Common Sense thinker at heart.
Correct – the skeptic demands proof.
Word salad
Without any dressing.
Ask Dan Valenti how much his property taxes just went up in neighboring Dalton….in the ballpark of 7%. But he won’t tell you that. Those taxes pay for a full time PD of 14 officers a volunteer fire dept and a highway dept of around 12 people.
Oh you didn’t know Dan Valenti lived in Dalton??
Stockbridge, Syracuse, and Winter Haven, my good friend
And Dalton is not even going to build a 40 million dollar “ball park” that 95 percent of the citizens neither need or want. But if Dalton WAS thinking of doing such a gigantic project you can bet your ass they would do a referendum and get public opinion. Mayor tyer and marchetti asked a half dozen connected contractors that would make a fortune building it how they felt about it and that was their version of a Pittsfield referendum.
The truth is that Pittsfield’s exorbitant taxes are largely due to reckless unneeded spending and giveaways to people and business s are not paying their fair share of taxes. And the rest of us, including fixed income seniors, are having to pay for them to make up the difference. YOU know this is true.
There is ZERO oversight from a compliant hand picked city council and a co-opted local media. The city is buried in debt and continues to pile it on. This is YOUR debt if you are an unconnected property owner in Pittsfield and it is effectively a metastasizing financial tumor on your income. This is money being needlessly taken away from your family.
Get out if you can!
Spot on Snark.
The councilors can afford 500 bucks every year,you govern from the bottom.Land owners are not assessed properly in Pittsfield. Average lot at .5 acres is 10 times more expensive in Pittsfield than 10 acres.The wealthy are subsidized in all walks of life…they run it
Pittsfield subsidizes Lenox school with school choice.Their taxes are half what Pittsfield is.School choice was designed to weaken urban schools and has
If Dalton discovers an even older proof that baseball happened there, that kill the argument for Wahconah.
So long as he doesn’t live around a sheep farm he won’t be seeing much of you. Basaaaa,
I love a good farmer’s joke.
Do you have to pay tax on your companion sheep?
I asked “PAC Man” Richie Neal why he represents Western Massachusetts on Capitol Hill when he really only represents K Street corporate lobbyist firms in the Swamp. He told me that after his infamous 35 years of greed so far in the Swamp, the financial, corporate and ruling elites won all of the special interest money, while the rest of us pay more and more of our limited money just to stay alive. I told him that I read that his favorite K Street corporate lobbyist firms are the insurance company corporate lobbyists. He told me that when it comes to the financial industry, he is the Ranking Member of the U.S. House of Representative’s Ways and Means Committee, which he previously chaired prior to the 2022 midterm election that went to the Republican Party (222 – 213).
This ongoing matter of Richie Neal representing Western Massachusetts in the U.S. Congress is a perfect illustration of “the FINANCIALIZATION of the U.S.A.” over the past 50 years. Of course, mostly rural Western Massachusetts has little to NOTHING to do with the financial industry, but its favorite career politician Richie Neal fills his campaign coffers with millions of dollars per year in their special interest donations. The financial, corporate and ruling elites are enriching themselves at the public trough in the Swamp, while regions such as Western Massachusetts have the most severe rates of people in economic distress and inequality and financial pain in the state, New England, and the nation.
On the other side of the country, the L.A. Dodgers paid over $1.16 billion for only three baseball players in the month of December 2023. San Francisco Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was quoted as saying, “I am only worth 115 million dollars”. She is one of the wealthiest Members of U.S. Congress, and she is the first woman Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives in our nation’s history. Meanwhile, California has a large homeless population. From coast to coast, I find it all to be very frustrating that the elites are DISCONNECTED from the people they represent in the government.
Jonathan A. Melle
Guest columnists Matt L. Barron and Jon Weissman: “Rep. Neal selling out patients for drug industry”
The Daily Hampshire Gazette, Opinion, 12/25/2023
On Dec. 11, [2023], the U.S. House passed the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act, legislation to require Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) to disclose drug rebates and discounts, revealing what they pay drug makers for prescription drugs. The bill would also require hospitals, insurance companies, labs, imaging providers, and ambulatory surgical centers to publicly list the prices they charge patients.
The bill passed by a bipartisan vote of 320–71. However, Rep. Richard Neal was the only member of the Massachusetts delegation to vote against it. Why? The answer lies in the fact that Neal is the recipient of huge doses of campaign contributions from PBMs which act as middlemen between drug makers and insurers. PBMs negotiate prices in exchange for including drugs in insurers’ formularies. They are supposed to pass the savings to patients. However, PBMs, often working hand-in-hand with insurance companies that own them, pocket the discounts, leaving patients to foot the bill.
Also, you won’t find Neal’s name on the Protecting Patients Against PBM Abuses Act, H.R. 2880, which his colleague Rep. Jake Auchincloss of Newton has co-sponsored.
According to OpenSecrets, between 2014-2022, Rep. Neal has taken a total of $88,000 in campaign donations from the top three PBMs, including $28,500 from CVS Health (Caremark) which has 32% of the market, $31,000 from Cigna Corp (Express Scripts) with 24% market share and $28,500 from UnitedHealth (OptumRx) with 21% market share.
A report issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office on Sept. 5, 2023 recommended that the administrator of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services should monitor the effect of rebates on plan sponsor formulary design and on Medicare and beneficiary spending to assess whether rebate practices are likely to substantially discourage enrollment by certain beneficiaries.
A national poll from March 2023 found that 84% of likely voters say it’s important or very important to have rules that require PBMs to provide value and lower drug costs for consumers. What’s more, respondents want elected officials to take on the issue of regulating PBMs with 73% saying it should be a high or top priority for Congress and their state legislatures, and 72% saying they are more or much more likely to vote for a candidate who supports regulating PBMs.
Sadly, there has been no coverage locally of Rep. Neal’s actions on behalf of PBMs by the Springfield local television news stations which are too busy showing the congressman posing with holiday revelers. For more information about how Neal is beholden to corporate interests, please visit
Matt L. Barron lives in Chesterfield and Jon Weissman lives in Granby.
Isn’t Neal Maryland’s third senator? I thought he was theirs so I don’t pay much attention to him here.
You can’t even keep track of what’s happening at city council meetings. In 2 years you still haven’t learned the rules. I’m glad you lost.
The mASSachusetts delegation does not represent Americans, much less Massachusetts citizens.
But they love CRIMINAL ALIENS, and laundering USA tax dollars overseas.
Neal does show up from time to time, but I figure pols nationwide rent him for PR.
Discount Senator?
What has Neal done for, not to, Massachusetts?
Same for Biden, except America?
Notice the politicians you mention always run on being the voice for the little guy or downtrodden yet they are pocketing alot of greenbacks without giving any to the little guy or soup kitchens, You will never find them working with the poor unless it’s a photo op for election day
A conservative politician walks by a Salvation Kettle at Christmas time and drops in a ten spot. A democrat politician walks by and drops in a ten spot and asks for change.
I notice you used the label ‘conservative’ rather than ‘Republican’.
What issues we are discussing were thoroughly examined by both Tories and Whigs in almost the same examples and terms.
Like ‘left’s and ‘right’, anachronisms at best but really just plain wrong, I believe Republican and Democrat don’t really exist. The authentic tend to be Independent or prefer words like libertarian, patriot, Jeffersonian. Something that isn’t simply a donation to political spam.
With your observation, astute by the way, I believe you are witnessing Americans reverting to their core animal state. Keep your back to the fence, K., don’t make eye contact, and at the first movement bite first and don’t stop until the blood has soaked your shirt.
Merry Christmas everyone. I wish for all Peace, Hope, Faith and Love for the new year!!
Aint happening.wait till the national election’s. Lock your doors.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
On a darker note, another pestilence from China is here, an invasive tick species.
Take note, and be concerned if you have pets/livestock.
The risk to humans is uncertain but the vermin spreads some of the same diseases as the deer tick (babesiosis ehrilchiosis), but Lyme has not been documented, yet.
“Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia have all reported the presence of the Asian longhorned tick, according to the CDC.”
“Asian longhorned tick, adult female dorsal view (James Gathany, CDC)
This tick is about the size of a sesame seed. (Michael Greenwood)
The Asian longhorned tick (ALHT) is an invasive pest that
poses a serious threat to livestock. While not normally
found in the Western Hemisphere, this tick was reported for
the first time in the United States in 2017. It has since been
found in numerous Eastern States. ALHT can reproduce
without a male, so a single tick can create a population in a
new location; one female can lay up to 2,000 eggs”
“Disease spread is another threat. In other countries, ALHT
is known to transmit the agents of several livestock and
human diseases, including anaplasmosis, babesiosis,
ehrlichiosis, theileriosis, and rickettsiosis.”
There is one set of laws in our country for everyone. It doesn’t matter who or what you are. If you break the law you pay the penalty. One member of our society is facing 91 counts of breaking the law four which are criminal. The law is the law. If you happen to have been the president and you are a crook the law Must find you guilty. Who in their right mind would want to have this kind of person as president again. This scourge values his relationship with another miscreant vlad putin. These two are the most hated men on the planet earth who feel laws are not for them. THe world will rejoice when these two are behind bars. Just pray that you are not accompanying them when they arrive at their respective gulag. The earth will get cleansed when these two bosom buddies are no longer with us. Let’s pray that this is a time in the very near future
.Down with all dictators who feel that only their words count. We should all pray that democracy can fill the void of these displaced despots. If the world ever needed prayer now is the time.again down with all dictators
When will they put the Biden crime cartel in prison? The world will become alot safer when that happens
,I just can’t get by Trump saying American soldiers arent heroes. He for that statement should be barred from running for any office including the presidency
He is the lowest of the low in the republican party. Another four years for him would be like putting the fox in the hen house to guard the chickens
He belongs in the big house with 24 hour guards. I get sick when I talk of him. Let’s see who disagrees with me. Please be honest and be specific with your thoughts. After all bloggers we are talking of an imbecile who may get another 4 years to totally destroy our country
Do you really want that,??
I’d rather be an American, than a Democrat.
Biden is a traitor. Is that specific enough?
Imbecile? Biden has a hard time making a coherent sentence, or finding his way.
Why do we have 10-20 MILLION NEW criminal aliens invading the USA in just the last 3 years?
Why has the cost of food and fuel doubled in the last 3 years? Make gasoline $2/gal again!
Why do we have trannys and pedophiles in public schools?
Why can’t people in the Biden administration, tell the difference between a man and a woman? Why do they think, men can breast feed?
Why do we have a two tiered system of justice?
Why do we have a “woke” military that is more concerned with “pronouns” and CRT than military preparedness?
Why has the Biden Junta laundered billions of dollars in Ukraine , little if any accounted for?
Why did Biden strand Americans in Afghanistan, and leave our enemies 80 BILLION in state of the art weapons, to be used against us?
‘I’d rather be an American, than a Democrat.’
False choice.
What have Democrats done for Americans the last 3 years?
More than likely, Kindergarden won’t answer you, because he knows Xiden has done nothing to help Americans.
If Kindergarden does answer you, it’ll be a reply like: “Having my ear to the grindstone, it tells me that Joe Biden has brought honor among other world leaders, unlike Trump.”
Translation-Kindergarden talks in circles in an effort to distract having to answer the question.
Not to mention, who gives a frog’s fat a$$ if world leaders (World Economic Forum) think of Trump as “honorable.”
In Kindergarden’s eyes if you’re not a “war time President,” you’re not “honorable.”
Bush Sr-war
Bathhouse Barry-war
Xiden-war, brink of WWIII
“What’s the point of having the world’s greatest army if you’re not able to use it?” Madelaine Albright.
I’d rather be a hammer than a nail, personally.
I agree with you Craig.
Weak minds think alike
Me too!
Moe Larry or Curly would be a vast improvement, over the illegally installed vegetable, infesting the White House presently.
And let’s not forget Shemp, Joe Besser, And Curley Joe DeRita! Emil Sitka and Christine McKintyre, for that matter.
Jethro Bodine?
Yet you like John Kerry??
Did Mrs Hienz 57 pay his yacht tax in MA yet?
Isn’t it in Rhode Island?
He sailed it there to avoid the tax he never paid.
Meanwhile he flies to “climate change” meetings in a private while he doesn’t want people to own cars.
Good thing we flushed the “Johns” 2004
To be fair, half likes DJT. NO ONE likes Kerry.
To be precise, 45% like DJT.
Precision is not often accurate,.
Kerry = Jane Fonda
Foot Shooter
Purple Heart because he got rice grains in his ass.
Specifics? THIS is TREASON! :
“Gateway Pundit Exclusive: Hundreds of Illegals Cross Border in Lukeville, AZ on Christmas Weekend – Aliens Housed in Tents Near Border Before Biden Transports Them Around The Country””One visibly frustrated Border Patrol agent told The Gateway Pundit that five years ago, under President Trump, it was “nothing like this,” and there were “no quitters,” a term used to describe illegals who turn themselves in knowing they’ll be granted entry.”
“A vast majority of the illegals coming across are quitters, he said. Despite many not seeking asylum or planning to work in America, they are all given a free pass. “It doesn’t matter,” said the agent.”
“After being processed and not deported, the federal government is taking these people to airports in Phoenix and Tucson to be transported around the country. Meanwhile, Americans struggled to afford holiday flights to spend Christmas and the New Year with family.”
DHS Mayorkas, “border czar” VP Harris, and “10% for the big Guy” Biden all need the same gibbet.
After two years of reading reporters put words in my mouth, I instinctively, now, disregard anything a media reporter attributes to anyone.
They make stuff up; they just get stuff plain wrong; and the worst of it is that they editorialize while they ‘report.’
JOHN (speaking to reporter): “Cars are a necessary evil that sadly replaced horses. I would trade a horse for a car any day.”
REPORTER: “John, the conservative council member known for outrageous statements stated in keeping with his opposition to cars, that cars are the single worst invention and should be abolished. He said ‘Cars are evil‘ and should be replaced by horses”
One set of laws, two sets of prosecutors and their judges.
This applies to local politicians also.
Problem with shittsfield is the gene pool of deviants who run the city. We’ll never be a better community with or without them. Status Quo was a good one John! I could name 30 who are in charge of certain organizations many paid who did not pass the moral litmus test.
They shuffle the shells but there is no pea.
Marchetti is supposedly taking the Oath of Office next week. Hope the camera zooms in on his hands with fingers crossed on both hands.
But seriously, this guy took the Oath of Office several times before and took one continuous dump all over it from the get go. Can the city at least not insult the taxpayers by doing this phony bullshit Oath of Office thing? Marchetti might as well be sitting on a commode after a visit to Taco Bell while he takes that “Oath”. It is the biggest joke in the city as tyer just proved twice.
He is the oaf of the office. Rock on Lumpy,
Virginia I love it . Tyer has never passed a moral litmus test either. The worst person and mayor on the planet.she has been the choice of the gobsigs for all 8 years.
She has never been interviewed on any legitimate media. Only by
obsequious, psychopathic misleading media. The lord has heard our prayers. The pool secretary’s days are numbered. Thank you lord and intelligent bloggers on PV. The new mayor and I have disagreed on many occasions and God knows there is no love loss. I will still try to save this city multiple millions of dollars a t the water plants. The over 70 million dollars at the sewer plant is yours to swallow. I did my best but had no support anywhere. Let’s hope the new mayor is Of the mind to save the rate payers some real money. If not he will be hearing from me. His first order of business should be to fire morales. The man doesn’t know what he is doing. Thats the honest truth. The seventy million sewer plant Is not meeting standards
How do we all feel about that? That’s your money going down the toilet. Literally. We need bloggers to address these problems n o w before we lose 84 million at the water plants. The ball is in your court now. I can’t do everything myself but I will not give up until your rate are lowered. I am committed enough to save you a huge chunk of that 84 million. Dollars. Get involved now. There is no time to waste
Minus thumbs? Really.3. Is fritz still in town?
Psst….Tyer is a…..Democrat!!!
So aren’t the Pete’s
Could she be a closet Trumpist?
I think they are all closet Trumpists. Need proof? Call one a Trumpist and sheorhe will shriek. That’s what happens when you out a closet Trumpust.
Biden is the dictator. Stop watching MSNBC and CNN. These channels are. marxist and you have been hoodwinked.
So, U.R. Cuckoo, you would have us believe that it is FOX that gives us the straight story?
K: The Story is what you make of what happened.
Fox gives the RINO/Uniparty version of fake news and spins.
Just to hoodwink Conservatives, into voting for Leftists in disguise every 2-4 years.
Fox has gone leftward to a point. They do put many left wing lunatics on the air.
Stay focused, no one said anything about fox…focus…take your medications and some deep breathes….try to focus on the statement….msnbc and cnn are marxist….now respond to that statement without bringing another company in,
The dementia democrat, Joe Biden supports the illegal immigrant invasion. That’s treason , he’s refusing to do his constitutional duty.
Article 4 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion.
The Biden junta has allowed and encouraged this unchecked invasion since 1/2021. He has went as far as to weld border gates wide open and cut barriers legally erected by States to protect their territories. Further the criminals are aided and abetted with incentives and benefits more generous than given to US citizens, then illegally transported within the United States.
NGOs are being given US tax dollars to plan and facilitate coordinated travel to US borders from overseas. Part of last spending plan/budget. This was passed by the traitors in Congress, which include the entire Massachusetts delegation.
Yes, treason and capital offense with no statute of limitations.
Wake up fool.
Treason is still a hanging offense and there is no statute of limitations.
If justice comes to pass, the installed Biden junta and the rest who rigged the 2020 election will share the same gallows.
Are you referring to Biden?
If POTUS Trump did everything the Democrats have accused him of, he’d be qualified to run for office in the Jackass D-Party.
There is not one mistruth in my previous post.there is one set of laws for everyone. I don’t care if you are the president or the poor soul on the street. If you break the law you pay the penalty.the country’ scourge haS racked racked up 91 serious crimes including 4very serious crimes
What should we do?? Give him a pass because he was the fellon president that you don’t want to send to the gulag
He is a thug people, he cares nothing about you and wants that Trump tower in Moscow. The more crimes he commits the more leadway you want to give him. I’m not keen on Biden either. If he has committed the crime he should be given the time. We need to see the proof of his crimes. The orange headed orangutan should be swinging in a cell but instead of making him pay for his crimes many of you are giving him one pass after another. The head belongs in jail and he will get there sooner than later. Use your brains bloggers this buffoon is not the person you want running our country. He is a twice impeached miscreant.if the president today has commited 91crimes including 4 criminal ones I’ll be the first one to say impeach him. I find scump to be a very dangerous person
every word out of his mouth is a lie.lets truly find some good good honest people candidates to run for office. These candidates are too seriously flawed to become our next president. Especially scump
For a supposedly smart man, you are not very smart Craig.
It’s really sad that a person of your intellect cannot see the difference between a man who sent out mean tweets and used “guy talk” that offended snow-flakes like you versus an installed puppet (Xiden) who left military grade weapons in the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle and are now being used TO KILL US MILITARY MEMBERS.
Let that sink in before you reply back with something foolish.
MA: The surrender of that equipment to the Taliban/Al Qaeda and the crazed evacuation should have resulted in immediate impeachment of the executive and his military secretaries and the dishonorable discharging of the generals responsible for executing the move.
Markus on this point I’m with you
Very bad move on Bidens part where were the generals,??? What we should have done was destroy all military paraphernalia to make it unsalvageable..AS a electrical,,–,-mechanical cryptographic repair specialist in the Vietnam Nam war I was trained how to destroy the cryptographic equipment in the event we were over run by the Viet cong or north Vietnamese regular troops. I can’t phantom that we could not have done this with all military equipment in Afghanistan before we pulled out of that he’ll hole. What a drastic mistake
It’s a lot of made up horse shit. You’re fool enough to believe it.
You hit the nail on the head, Craig. The opposition has drunk the Kool-Aide, and so the facts you cite remain invisible to them.
At least folks like you and me intake and process the opposition’s facts. The same can’t be said for the opposition.
Name three things Joe Xiden has done to benefit American’s:
No double speak, speaking in code, misdirection, ANYTHING about Trump, go:
Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law, providing direct payments to individuals, extending unemployment benefits, and allocating funds for vaccine distribution, in order to soften the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Biden passed the infrastructure investment plan, rebuilding and modernizing the country’s infrastructure. It also created jobs, improved transportation, and enhanced economic development.
Biden expanded the Child Tax Credit, providing monthly payments to eligible families, reducing child poverty and providing financial support to parents.
Biden led a robust national vaccination campaign, distributing vaccines and implementing measures to curb COVID-19. This contributed to public health and economic recovery, allowing a return to normalcy.
Is this double-speak and talking in codes, Markus?
K you really opened yourself to massive volley to the broadside with that response.
Get the crew to lifeboats fast!
Well, Chaz, much better that than be thought of as one who uses code and talks in circles. Just the facts ma’am, just the facts.
When one speaks of delicate subjects, it is necessary to speak in codes and circles and expect the reader to understand.
You are totally over the edge if you think the american recovery plan has done anything to this point except cause an increase in our debt. How has your commute improved since Biden’s time? Nothing during his time has come to fruition as of yet. The GOBSIGS have been the only recipients of any cash. As for cash in the pocket for covid that was a trump plan that Biden continued farther than it needed to be, there are still parts of our business world that have yet to return to the precovid world. As for the vaccine please read the Japanese doctors who have done studies on the vaccine and have found people become more susceptible to getting covid, Jobs have not been created there are just less workers. People don’t have to work seeing how workers were scared from the covid hysteria by the media and government so they, are collecting money from the government instead of working, creating more debt for the government. Now let’s talk about the tripling of interest rates and putting a stop originally to drilling for oil and selling our emergency stockpile to our enemies. Should we continue with inflation and lack of supplies in the stores???? I could continue all day on how poor this president has been but I know the kool aid you drink is too strong for any opposing or correct information to break through
For anyone who knows about money and how money works, the misnamed American Recovery Plan, or whatever they might call it, triggered high inflation and left people worse off. Reason: It was achieved simply by flooding the market with more printed money, “funds” that had and have nothing to back it. More dollars chasing the same number of goods.
That’s just how bad the mis-named American Rescue Plan is. The printing of money, though inflationary, could even have been net-zero (lower value of dollar, but more in pocket to make no purchasing power difference) if the money were not stolen or wasted on non-economic projects such as providing dance lessons for three children as opposed to building a Dance School that drove revenues.
Don’t forget the legions of hospital and other first responders booted from their jobs over forced mandates too. And soldiers. And the cost of unemployment, paying people not to work (as opposed to paying them while they seek work) to employers unable to find labor. And Transportation Nincompoop Buttigieg’s finest hour at Philistine OH, the naval blockade in our ports (mountains of containers that couldn’t be unpacked because truckers weren’t allowed near them), FAA horror stories. Plus the idea that welfare ‘reduces poverty.’ It doesn’t, it reduces hunger that’s it.
HMS Kindergarden is capsized.
You two should get a room.
Kindergarten I fully concur with you.
The opposition on this board can really be tough at times.however we intake and process the 0ppositions facts as you have stated and then we speak. Think everyone should try to do this
Facts speak wonders. Facts will set one free
Can’t remember who stated this but it’s good to live by
Yes, Chaz, I agree.
“There is one set of laws in our country for everyone. It doesn’t matter who or what you are. If you break the law you pay the penalty.”
If this was really the case, there wouldn’t be a politician left in Washington and elsewhere.
Op I can’t argue with you on that one.
This is a disgrace that we have ended up in a position like this.
You are 100% accurate with your statement
Do you think there is a biological war going on that we aren’t aware of?? Seems like there are many germs coming to America from China
Biden et al is actively importing diseases and distributing them throughout America using over 10 million vectors known as criminal aliens.
Drug resistant TB, polio (virus found in NYS water supply counties), leprosy, measles, and an array of 3rd world diseases. There is absolutely no screening for diseases of these invading hordes, and the US does not even know where most of them are.
Some may enrolled in PPS? If I had young children I’d be home schooling for sure.
If you had young children you would be a decidedly different person.
Home schooling would take up a lot of time.
And I’d be a lot more pissed off at Leftists trying to groom them.
Not only China but Central America as well. Ask Supt. Curtis how he is able to admit illegal alien students to his schools without birth certificates and immunization records. Judging by the lines at the local pharmacies, many in Pittsfield are sick. I am avoiding schools and the Market 32 in Lenox since the illegals are being housed at the Hilton Garden. Restaurants & other stores in that shopping center I will avoid as well! TB, viruses etc. brought to you courtesy of the Biden admin.
Don’t mince words, CRIMINAL ALIEN Students.
Think Slow Joe checked anything?
December 27, 2023
My dad, Bob Melle, was the last Chairman of the Berkshire County Commission, which was abolished and taken over the the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on July 1st, 2000. He served as a Berkshire County Commissioner for 3.5 years from 1997 – mid-2000. He served with Smitty Pignatelli for 2 years, and with Ron Kitterman for 3.5 years, and with Tom Stokes for 1.5 years. He opposed the state takeover of Berkshire County Government and the other 7 abolished county governments in Massachusetts, and he still comments that 6 county governments still operate all in the eastern half of the state.
Bill Weld was the Governor of Massachusetts in the 1990’s and he pushed supply side economics that favor the wealthy and efficiency in state and local government. The irony of Bill Weld’s tenure as Governor in the 1990’s is that he mismanaged Boston’s “Big Dig” public works project, which was the single most expensive public works project in U.S. history at the time. Bill Weld criticized county governments over millions of dollars in public spending, but it was Governor Bill Weld who was overseeing recurring billion dollar “Big Dig” cost overruns. In fact, the “Big Dig” went from over $5 billion at the beginning of his administration to doubling in cost to almost $12 billion. When one compared the inefficiencies of county governments to Governor Bill Weld’s mismanagement of the “Big Dig”, it became clear that Bill Weld was the biggest failure of all.
In Berkshire County, then Pittsfield State Senator Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior and then North Adams State Representative Daniel Bosley attached a secretive rider to the fiscal year 1999 state budget to abolish Berkshire County Government. Then Governor, the late Paul Cellucci, signed the state budget into law, and the people of Berkshire County no longer had regional representation in government. Ironically, Nuciforo anointed himself to a sinecure as the Middle Berkshire (County) Registrar of Deeds in 2006. Ironically, Bosley ran an unsuccessful campaign for Berkshire (County) Sheriff in 2010. Nuciforo and Bosley both abolished Berkshire County Government in the middle of 1998, but then years later, they both ran for county government elected positions that the state had taken over.
I still lived in the beautiful Berkshires when Governor Mitt Romney made the deepest cuts in state aid in 2003 to local government and public school districts. As I followed my dad’s political activism in Berkshire County, I saw how the promise of the state’s so-called efficiency in government was a lie even bigger than the “Big Dig” being “on schedule and on time”. The municipalities and public school districts throughout Massachusetts did NOT receive more state funding, but, in fact, they received significantly less in only a few years time.
In recent years up to the end of 2023, I have read that the Massachusetts State Budget has increased by billions upon billions of dollars, while taxpayers are asking the do-nothing Beacon Hill lawmakers to please limit state spending. Compared to other states such as the much larger Pennsylvania, Massachusetts spends far more money. Furthermore, I receive political advocacy emails that Massachusetts is the least transparent, least accessible and least productive state government in the entire nation. Career politicians such as Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli has been going to Boston’s State House for 21 years now, and he has always voted against Sunshine laws and rules reforms. He is the norm in Boston’s cadre of bureaucratic rubber stamp career politicians.
When I think about my dad’s time as a community and political activist in Pittsfield politics, I believe that he was too idealistic for the likes of Nuciforo, Bosley and Pignatelli. Bill Weld is a Boston Brahmin blue blood who was born with an $80 million trust fund, his family’s legacy at Harvard University goes back over 20 generations, and he was a Governor for the financial, corporate and ruling elites’ Good Old Boys’ club. Bill Weld was a snob who didn’t care about social policies so long as the elites had all of the money and power. Bill Weld’s idea of abolishing Berkshire County Government, along with the other 7 abolished county governments in Massachusetts, are a perfect illustration of Bill Weld’s vision of Boston having all of the money and power, while the rest of the state could have been pushed off a cliff for all that he cared.
Jonathan A. Melle
Bill Weld drank Kentucky Bourbon and was known for his leadership.
I’m in bitch mode.
This leeway that they (the License Board) gave Meth Bar is abominably frightening. Homely Amused-so actually was chiding the camera about Dancing on the Bar is ok?
Cant wait see see the company Marchetti will keep. Will it be Status Quo?
I know Bob. I have worked with him. He was always a compassionate, intelligent very good worker. We lost a good man when he moved out of state. Happy New Year, Bob
What’s the common denominator JM in your oft-repeated screed?
I’ll give you a hint: worthless democrats.
But Trump’s bad, why? Remind me again.
Your father said so. Your Xiden fantasy told you. Your pet lizard whispered it in your ear.
This is one reason why.
Former President Trump didn’t want to visit a cemetery near Paris for Americans who fought and died in World War I because it was filled with “suckers” and “losers,” John Kelly, his longest-serving chief of staff, said in a statement to CNN on Monday.
Let me see Snark, Trump not going without posting a source explaining why he didn’t go or, China Joe Xiden leaving billions in military grade weapons in the Afghanistan debacle, which are now being used against the US military by terrorists backed by Iran?
You tell me nimrod?
And I’m a Honorable discharged war vet and I’ll take a President missing a funeral over an imbecile intent on trying to ruin this country by leaving weapons being used to TRY AND KILL ME!!
Let that sink in block-head before you post something foolish again.
Former President Donald Trump‘s reported disgust with a wounded veteran has sparked outrage.
A new profile of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley offers another look into the former president’s attitude toward those who have fought and served for the U.S. The article, published by The Atlantic, says that Trump did not want wounded veterans at official events because “no one wants to see that.”
The anecdote included in the story describes how Trump reacted to the severely wounded Army captain whom Milley selected to sing God Bless America at his 2019 welcome ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. Luis Avila, who served five combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, was left almost completely paralyzed by the detonation of an improvised explosive device in 2011.
This is the plastic hero you worship bozo.
Snark thanks for the Newsweek story about trumps ongoing screed about not wanting disabled vets at any of his appearances. This is precisely why I would never vote for this sob. He truly has no respect for disabled American veterans and he has half the country pulling for him to be president again. This half of the country who support scump probably have an iq in the range of 40 or 50.
These are the same half wits we see at one Trump event after another hollering and carrying on with unintelligible lingo. You know the type look at the people at the Trump insurrection on jan6th
Thank you planet posters who have supported me during this rough period of chalked up thumbs down. I am seeing that the thumbs downs are dwindling and in some incidents I am rising in the thumbs up category. Thank you all for your support. To my distractors I thank you also and be rest assured I give each of your posts serious considerations. lets hope for a better life for all of us and all the peoples of the free world who love democracy. We also pray for the poor oppressed people of the world who are forced to live under extreme dictators
If your IQ hits 60 you should sell!
Trump had the nerve to say about POWs that he had no respect for the ones that got caught. This from a man hiding behind a tree at Wharton tending to his bone spurs.
Who said Trump said that jack wagon?
It’s all over the news bozo. Doubt fox , your news source carried it though. Most of your posts are juvenile. What grade did you matriculate to?? 3rd or 4th grade? If you said 2nd I would agree with you. Get yourself some education. Your lack of it shows through very clearly.
Bozo. Ever heard of NEWSWEEK??? DIDNT THINK SO!!!!
I read Newsweek. Don’t like it. It is a ‘here’s something for MAGA’ and ‘here’s something for ‘Biden’ vending machine. I want journalism. I don’t need to like it and it does not need to pretty.
Is it safe to say that you do not or would not like any media or person who said negative things about your messiah?
Why are American soldiers – drafted to fight for a foreign cause – buried in France? This is the only relevant issue today.
Bring them home to rest.
Charles I concur with you 100%. All deceased troops who fought valiantly and lost their lives deserve to be buried in the american homeland. These were the best of the best amongst us. Rest in peace our American heroes. What you have accomplished should never be forgotten
Hey, hey democrat LBJ , how many of our boys died today?
Why did American soldiers fight at all, to be betrayed by Politicians in DC, who preside over and encourage the present invasion?
Well, Donald says cuz they are “suckers and losers”. Is Donald right MT? Are all American veterans suckers and losers like Donald Trump says they are or can you disagree with Donald Trump this one time?
Did you hear him say that or was that from a disgruntled former underling??
So how much do you think is left of a soldier buried 106 years ago? And do you feel strongly enough about digging them up to participate in the excavation your own self?
With your logic, why pay any respect at all? There’s nothing left of them as you say, and no one wants to go there to look for themselves, as you said.
I see the Pittsfield Fire dept. Got someone on Partridge rd. A cellar hole for Christmas. Maybe more training is in order, less road jobs. Whhhaaa!!!
Whhhhha I am Not smart enough to pass a civil service test, Whhhhaaaaa
All you gotta do is pass a test? You don’t have to train study or be good at your profession? I pay the salaries with my taxes, and would like the fire put out and property saved. Thanks Rube whhaaa!! To bad you couldn’t pass.Whhaaaa.
Not disputing your riposte, INDA ALWAYS knows exactly what to say and when to provide an entertaining post for anyone thus inclined, but once a house is thoroughly soaked in water by a firehose, it’s pretty much shot. Arsonists know that if the fire doesn’t do the job, the FD’s response will.
Thankfully no one got injured. That’s the blessing, and the insurance adjuster has an easier job.
Whaaaaa Rube. Jealous much ROTFL. You probably got a 70 on the written test but definitely Failed the agility strength test. Bitter Bitter Bitter. I’m sure you can get your rocks off watching Chicago Fire. ROTFL
You win, whaaa I can’t pass a test, I’m so bitter whhaaa. I’m a Rube whhaaa. I love Chicago fire whhaaa. I’m a 70 whhaaaaa. Your a hero in Nam whhhaaaa. You passed a test. Whhaaa Don’t put the fires out let em burn. Whhhaaaaaa
What you said pretty much sums it up, Crybaby.
You know actually let’s stick a pin in this. You really are describing the US Navy command, not the fire department. They are masters of smashing up our ships and watching them burn.
I’ll bet your strong enough to carry a sheep down a ladder, Baaaaaa
Who the hell gave them the power to direct traffic any way? What a joke
December 27, 2023
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
A letter writer to the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) asks why they published a news article about the 4 Pittsfield City Councilors who voted no on the almost 9 percent municipal tax rate increase who have tax and/or fee arrears with the city.
My thoughts on why the Dirty Bird printed news articles on John Krol’s alleged embezzlement of funds from a not-for-profit animal shelter for cats years ago without John Krol being charged with a crime, and then a few months later, the 4 dissenting City Councilors who voted against the tax rate hike, is that Eagle is using RETRIBUTION against anyone who exercises FREE SPEECH in our FREE COUNTRY in the provincial fiefdom of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
For a little less than 20 years now, the Eagle refuses to print any of the many letters that I email to them. The message I received from the Eagle is that someone powerful in Pittsfield politics doesn’t like me. I wonder who that someone could be? I think it is a 4 foot tall piece of poop who appearance is in the form of a man who is suing the city over +$440,000 in HCAs his Pittsfield Pot Kingdom paid to the city years ago, and this stinker is sarcastically called “Luciforo” because he is mean-spirited, vindictive and all about money and power for himself, while anyone who stands in his way receives RETRIBUTION.
What kind of newspaper is THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE? My answer to my own question is that it is “A DIRTY BIRD” who flies over our heads and poops on us to protect small men – a large poop – named Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior and similar stool samples who want to control Pittsfield because their egos are larger than all of the combined crap in the world.
Jon Melle
“Why print Pittsfield’s councilors’ information?”
Letter to the Editor of The Berkshire Eagle, December 27, 2023
To the editor: Could someone tell me the reasoning behind printing personal information about City Council members concerning Pittsfield’s proposed property tax increase? (“Four of Pittsfield City’s Council’s 11 members have outstanding property tax or water and sewer bills to the city”, Eagle, Dec. 21.
Per the article, The Eagle requested documents from the tax collector’s office on all properties connected to current and incoming council members. How does sharing that information with the general public serve any purpose when it comes to the issue at hand?
I think it was in very poor taste on The Eagle’s part.
Christine Codella, Lanesborough
This is the first time I’ve heard about his dad Bob being a BC county commissioner. Has anyone else on here ever heard about that before?
Many times.
Then you haven’t heard him talk about Carm,Ruberto or LUCIFORO either? Get your head outta yer arse.
I was being sarcastic! His LUCIFORO and BOB posts are never ending. I don’t think anyone he has contact with hasn’t heard about it repeatedly.
Apologize.Been watching to much Kufflinks double speak at city clowncil.
Did that office come with a special hat?
The Berkshire Gossip
Seriously? They are elected city officials, that’s why.
So why not list everyone and try to get quotes from all councilors and the mayor. I would love to see the value of their house(s) and the taxes they paid. Maybe find out if they paid it or their political account? Do a little investigating I say not just a hatchet job towards people the mayor doesn’t like
They listed the people that owed taxes. Dummy up.
A recent article in the mayors media outlet suggests that council meetings were much more effective on ZOOM during COVID and the rumblings suggest that Pittsfield city council may go back to that format so that they do not have to physically show their faces to the public.
Will Pete White be the one to put this forward to the council or will it be one of the other bobbleheads?
I love having the miscreants in front of me so that I can wake them up when their failing to pay attention. I also like to see them sqirm when I have to correct them or chastise them in the publi session. I forsee this council being worse than the last ones. I hope I’m wrong. Time will tell. About two weeks
Obviously you did not understand the reply, instead of attacking 4 councilors put it in to context by giving everyones information and finding out how they paid, were they given a notice and what the heck why not list all property owners who haven’t paid their taxes. Let’s investigate the matter instead of writing a piece of garbage that looks and smells like it came from the late mayor
All delinquent property tax and rate payers who haven’t met their tax DEMANDS SHOULD HAVE THEIR NAMES PRINTED IN THE EAGLE.
never give an inch they will push for a mile. Every person who owes taxes should have their names printed in the paper.
They are elected officials who have all questioned the tyer special interest agenda. How weird is that? Not one of the other councilors asked even one meaningful question regarding any of tyers bloated pork filled budgets and so they are not being publicly humiliated. They promised to do as they were told and they have. They are the good councilors although they lied through their collective teeth when they took the oath of office and will do so again in a week or so.
Some people run for and get elected to office for all the wrong reasons. Some of them will be verbalizing the oath of office in January while chuckling inside their heads.
Some of you are wondering if a puppet can also be a chuckle-head. The answer is a resounding YES THEY CAN!!
Think guiel snark
Just wondering. Years ago I played with an outstanding baseball pitcher name of Ronnie Codella. He stood out because of his great ability and red hair. Do you know? Is Ronnie still within us ?
Please “Google”: joe and jill biden vacationing in st. croix virgin islands
Happy New Year to the Biden family!
According to data maintained by the website, the 45th U.S. president has clocked up 285 daytime visits to golf clubs since his inauguration, with evidence of golf being played on at least 142 occasions up to November 08, 2020. Even though that comes nowhere near Eisenhower’s tally (though having a course at the White House was more convenient then jetting down to Mar-a-Lago), it is higher than Obama’s 105 rounds during the same time period. When a president decides to take a golfing trip, it is a pretty expensive undertaking with transport on Air Force One, Secret Service Protection and accommodation all quickly adding up.
Can you blame President Trump for taking golfing outings after he was ILLEGALLY spied upon by Bathhouse Barry and China Joe Xiden (Crossfire Hurricane)?
Don’t forget Trump was as tormented endlessly with made up horsesh!t by Killary, FIB, and the MSM (Steele Dossier).
All China Joe Xiden has done is flood the country with illegal aliens, crushing inflation, and on and on. Oh, and let’s not forget, Xiden has the US on the brink of WWIII.
But I know, Trump puts out mean tweets and used locker room guy talk and offended all the snowflakes.
Erbody picks on poor Donny. Waaaahhhhhh
Great reply Snowflake!!
Did you let a 6 year-old think of that zinger?
I was happy to hear his bone spurs got better the day the Viet Nam war ended. Can you spell “co-inky dink”?
Where was Biden during the democrat Vietnam war?
Markus, the truth is that Trump needed to be observed because of his admiration for and collusion with our greatest enemy, Putin.
Did you read that in the Steele Dossier K?
It was THE FIB in collaboration with Russian spies, the DNC and H-Beast who spun the story, aided and abetted by the Leftist Media.
All a hoax.
Our greatest enemies are within our government, and they should hang for treason.
Are you talking about the enemy that actually coordinated an insurrection to overtake our government on Jan 6th MT? That enemy? Cuz he kinda stood out from the crowd with that move.
The traitors who rigged the Nov 2020 election.
Who said something about Pelosi???Everyone knows she and the FBI were behind 1/6
So tell us why is the USA looking and acting more like Russia and Putin today as opposed to when Trump was in office?? Although the FBI did act like the KGB during his term
Patriot Act. USA died with the towers. Didn’t take a decade for law enforcement, a once upon a time domestic service, to transform into an intelligence bureau biforcating its gazes on national and international interests.
Listen to late Senator Bryd’s diatribe against the P. Act. He gave the greatest speeches of my time.
“THIS MONSTROSITY!” followed by the loud thud of 1,000 pages of blood soaked hate slamming before him.
Yes why does our democrat representatives from this state continue to vote for the Patriot Act?
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Sadly, Byrd ended up voting for the Act, and learned to regret that vote before his passing.
So, doesn’t that make him a puttist?
Biden & company fly to Delaware every weekend when he’s not vacationing in the Virgin Isles or some other beachfront resort. He’s spent 70% of his time as “prez” on vacation. Factor in transport on Air Force One, Secret Service Protection, etc etc. Analyze that Snark!
Lenny you know facts get in the way of the Communist manifesto….aka-Progressive or far-left agenda.
I remember a college Sociology class in which it was stated the average intelligence level of Americans is the 7/6th grade level.
Some of these endless TDS screeds or fantasies without ever providing a fact (non-MSDNC link) by TSC, JM, Snark, or Kindergarden-who talks in circles, makes me question if it shouldn’t be lowered a few grade levels.
Dan, I know the Planet Board is tough on adding any new awards, may I suggest two?
The first award is the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) award.
I think TSC is the hands down “loser” in this award; although, Snark was gaining ground at an unprecedented level.
Second award is the Picklefield Vigilante award, or the Dirty Barry (aka-Mr Worldwide) “toilet ring of honor.”
Any local politician or one who haphazardly interjects himself into
Picklefield politics, and then does one foolish thing after the next, thus providing Planet posters with blogging gold, should have a dubious award attributed to them.
This is possibly a good time to put the TRUMPBIDEN electroshock therapies to bed. Too abstract and the reason for pushback is likely an intellectual desire to hammer a false argument to get a rise. I think that Snark’s fantasies are just that.
Focus on what is happening here in your schools and streets.
I appreciate the advice Sir Chaz, but I actually look to some of these posts for laughter at the idiocy of some bloggers.
It helps me remember when I lose my keys, or forget to grab milk on my way home, I’m not as foolish as those who author legislation to give illegal aliens DL’s because “Chief Wynn said it was safe,” get “lost” in city hall, working Cumby’s parking lot vigilante shifts, or sleeps at night in bed with my plastic Chewbacca Star Wars toy for companionship.
I have the advantage then. I’m married to an REBT therapist who is training me to simply shrug off the lost key and forgotten errands as ‘just a pain in the neck.’ Practice it! Next time you drop that splitting maul on your toes, don’t go screaming vulgarities or go off bashing Craig for his verbal abuse of Pres Trump. Do as Alberto Giacometti when he dropped his marble hammer on his foot and just say, “I shriek. I scream.”
Come to think of it, drivers licenses for illegals may also just be a pain in the neck. A clue that our elected reps are completely unhelpful idiots maybe. Beyond stupid?
Marvels of human financial success despite the overwhelming odds of low information and low energy thought?
We are masters at worrying about the wrong things.
‘the average intelligence level of Americans is the 7/6th grade level’
That statement makes no sense – intelligence is independent of age and grade level.
In today’s academic setting you are correct. Under the classical model – education not about politicizing the student and training them for clerical work, education does have impact on intelligence.
If you learn to think critically and gain a great deal of information, you shall gain in intelligence as well.
You’re talking to a college Prof who never experienced push back. We are not grade dependent on K, so his thoughts, fantasies, or opinions, mean nada to us.
He no like, nor is used to. That’s why he only posts his opinions and not facts.
Dumping illegal aliens in poor neighborhoods, the democRAT mantra.
Remember, each illegal alien is given $5000 gift cards and $1000 cell phones by the Bathhouse Barry/China Joe Xiden administration, courtesy of YOU, the AMERICAN TAXPAYER.
Locker room guy talk by Trump offends snowflake ”men” like, Kindergarden, Craig, and Snark (same two posters),so much so, they don’t care about blowing off US war veterans over illegal aliens.
Two “guys” who are staunch supporters of Justin Trudeau, who put TAMPONS IN THE MENS RESTROOM.
It helps people realize the intellect level of PhD level posters, huh Kindergarden?
Sure does.
Child prodigies are skewing the numbers.
British girl, 8, crowned best female player at European chess tournamentBodhana Sivanandan, who got into chess ‘accidentally’ three years ago, described as a ‘phenomenon’
Mabel Banfield-Nwachi
Wed 20 Dec 2023 07.09 EST
Last modified on Thu 21 Dec 2023 10.59 EST
A British schoolgirl who made chess history after she beat a master more than 30 years her senior at an international competition got into chess “accidentally”, her father has revealed.
Bodhana Sivanandan, eight, from Harrow, north-west London, was crowned best female player at the European rapid and blitz championship in Zagreb, Croatia at the weekend.
She won 8.5/13 against a field of highly rated and experienced grandmasters, international masters and experts, and came 73rd in a round of 555 players.
In an interview on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Bodhana said: “I was very proud of myself when I got top girl in the European blitz.”
Bodhana’s father, Sivanandan Velayutham, said she started out “accidentally”, adding: “She’s trying her best. And it worked in favour of her [in the tournament]. So it was a good thing that happened in Zagreb when we went for the European rapid and blitz event.
In fact, job recruiters are betting some educational institutions reduce intelligence and have announced they shan’t recruit or hire their grads.
If there is an award for poster farthest up Trumps cultist ass you would win hands down sir. I am picturing what the trophy would look like right now.
You missed your calling as a stand-up comedian Snark. Your replies are quick witted and cutting to the core.
In true democRAT fashion, will the statue on the trophy base be a male, female, non-binary, a male wearing a dress dressed in drag?
Do you have a preference?
Zap zap!
Then how come trump put on 80 pounds while president and Biden still looks pretty fit for his age? You don’t put on 80 pounds unless you are sitting on your ass filling your face and not moving around much except to back forth from the toilet.
Biden would hurt himself with a golf club, Jill would take it away from him. He can’t even handle a flight of stairs.
Remember when Traitor Joe attempted to ride a bicycle?
Surprised the MSM didn’t blame Trump and the Russians when he crashed!
Maybe Phil Knight will have his Nike company design a pair of “Stair Biden” sneakers , So Biden can walk up stairs for his 2024 campaign run? Made in China of course.
Biden has been “on vacation” over 300 days in less than 3 years. That’s not counting the days he just sleeps late (e g Oct 7th 2023) and never seems to get up.
Hopefully he will not be running for president again….by backing Israel while they slaughter children, he is putting us all at risk. Supporting the ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West Bank is unforgivable. We will all pay a steep price.
What do think we have all been saying genius with the Illegal Alien invasion at our border.
Did you see the picture of the 100-150 military aged Chinese men they stopped at the border? Most were standing at “parade rest.” That’s a military formation Snark.
When the attack happens, I hope Trump runs endless TV commercials and ads, pinning it all on Xiden.
Explain the above Snark or Kindergarden. It’s certainly not Trump’s DOJ suing Texas.
You need to move to a place with Sharia laws and take your goats and sheep.
Just keep believing the bs news that those animales put out. No will ever know the true numbers. They lie like a vigin on prom night
Was Corn Pop there?
The latest radio interview with Mayor-Elect Peter Marchetti:
No. Don’t want to listen to mundane rhetoric.
You should. He explains everything.
He was always adding up numbers wrong specially council votes most times always had to be corrected
Seriously, it is an interesting interview. A lot of information there.
Is any of it believable or just the usual political cow chips these types toss out to the public?
Read it and see for yourself. You’ll be surprised.
Conversation and task force will be big buzz words for Marchetti.
The fate of the Man With 1,000 Signs.
Here are things you can count on.
Good reporting by the dirty bird
Increase in taxes
Bad roads (Churchill latest awful)
High water rates
A dull council and administration
White Terrace continues to be embarrasing
A non resident police chief
Higher crime
Less north street traffic
Cumbies calls at least twent a week
High road rage
Special treatment for crime scofflaws
School test scores low-level five continues
If he could not handle city council president, a position he failed miserably at, there is zero hope that he candle handle being mayor. He was special interest putty on the council and will be special interest putty as mayor. Vegas odds makers are predicting a 24% tax increase in his first four years alone. Early betting is on the over.
Get out if you can.
I have to laugh at assements help to sell your home. Do they consider the capital gains tax when making these statements? I’m on record that this will be four more years of hell.
It’s amazing how many real truths are skewed by the Maga maniac society. Our country has been tipped toward a dictator model by a grease ball who sat in the oval office prior to a honestly elected president BIDEN. OUR PRESIDENT HAS DONE PLENTY TO RIGHT THE MANY WRONGS FOISTED UPON US BY THE FAILED LEADER OF THE MANIACLE MAGA knit wits. Never has our country been so embroiled in chaos foisted upon us by the orange hai
red buffoon Donald troubled Trump. I predict he shall go down in ashes in the twenty four election and spend his remaining days in prison for fomenting a insurrection on American soil.all Maga Maniacs should join him in jail as we try to right our country from the ills this orange haired monster has indelled upon our society
we have a long history of doing what is right in the world and so under competent leadership we shall return to those days.all we have to do is get rid of a monster of the midway. Our military has had it with Trump especially calling our troops suckers and losers. Are there any other Americans who look at our troops that way??
I would like to hear from those thaT do
That way we can truly identify the bigest losers on this board. Long live America without without scump
Craig the election is over in Pittsfield you are to late to get the TDS votes, hahaha
It’s raining Snowflakes on the Planet today.
Funny Craig, I just visited my son, who is active-duty military, and he and all of his unit that I met told me they HATE JOE XIDEN!!
Get off MSDNC and take a walk and maybe pass gas. It’ll help you clear your mind a bit.
Thank your son for me for his service and the courage to serve during these trying times. God bless.
Op ditto that to marcus
Well, Markus, it makes perfect sense that the people you met would’ve felt that way.
I’m not interested in going to a tranny drag show with you and meeting people you enjoy the company of.
Dumping illegal aliens in poor neighborhoods, the Democrat mantra.
You got it!
So sad to hear the cultism is hereditary.
We know you think Biden is a genius because he is a Democrat, but your rant against Trump has been going on for years, long before January 6th. Lower income people are the ones being hurt by Biden’s policies especially the middle class workers, but that doesn’t seem to upset you at all. Wealthy people have the luxury and the time to hate Trump because none of Biden’s policies are hurting them.
Trump built up our military in case you didn’t know. The Obama administration let it go downhill. We were only able to send so much military equipment to Ukraine due to the actions of President Trump. The left loves wars, but doesn’t want to invest in the military equipment that is needed to fight them. Biden left billions of dollars of weaponry in Afghanistan. Just left it for our enemies to take and they have been using all of it, much of it against Israel.
Good grief you are truly brainwashed by the left. Even the left has given up on dementia Joe.
No, not me.
Where was this rhetoric when you were running for Ward 6 councilor? Silent, as you knew it would cost you a lot of votes.
Craig’s true colors are coming out.
”The military hates Trump….” That’s right up there with Porkchop Pete White coining the term “houseless” in 2018, in terms of insanely stupid.
Me thinks Craig done drank a little too much waste water in his day. His brain is polluted by sh!t, aka-a modern day democRAT.
I might have opined a little early of TSC getting the TDS award. Craig, aka-Snark, I believe has pulled ahead with his “combined” effort.
Craig is not Snark. I came across what I believed to be a Snark Editorial one day.
Marcus I Always like your posts. All I’m trying to do is offer some insight as to what others think about the other side of the political spectrum. Of course I do side with the little guy in our society. Everyone is keenly aware of this. I just have many concerns about DT BECAUSE OF WHAT HE HAS SAID AND DONE.
MY THOUGHTS AND IDEAS ARE STRICTLY MY OWN. I hope I can have my say as a one sided viewpoint is very boring reading. This is a board of self reasoning and that’s what makes the planet different than all other sources of media. Be rest assured Marcus I hear you. Lets agree to disagree and still be civil to each other
I believe you will agree and remember we learn from disagreement Marcus. Happy new years Marcus and to all the posters on PV
It takes brave people to speak out against the trump MAGA tribalism especially here on their home turf. I stand with Craig and would choose him to be in a foxhole with over most of the brain washed walking dead trump disciples ranting on here.
No hesitation.
Thanks snark you are no are the type of person I would seek out to try to save mine and your life in any frontal attack by Vietnamese forces. Thanks for your ongoing support
Explain that bit about bravery. You are actually afraid?
That is outstanding.
Really, that’s uncalled for, Lenny. He ran a strong campaign focused on Ward 6 issues and distinguished himself in debate as the finer candidate.
You fought in Viet Nam against communists, now you praise commie Joe Biden. You have no credibility on anything with that poor judgement.
please tell us the wrongs done by Trump and explain how Biden in righting them. Have you been to a supermarket lately or to a gas pump? Have you bought heating oil lately? Please pull your head out of your behind or you’ll start walking like your girlfriend the secretary.
Craig, once again thank you for printing the truth. The siloed contributors to this site are Ill-equipped to evaluate these truths – the proof of that is the number of thumbs-down your post receives.
Marchetti will speak of the Neanderthal approach that we need more taxes to do the water garbage roads and trash nonsense. We understand that. But don’t tell us mundane Pete what we all know as the reason for bigger budgets.
How about higher productivity? Maybe that works.
How about less foolish projects that the public neither needs or wants? But it really is already too late for many of us. Even if the rates do not go up for the next four years many people will still lose their homes due to the current excessive and unnecessary burden. Mostly seniors who have paid taxes in Pittsfield for decades but are now on fixed retirement income and do not have the Kardashian money the typer/marchetti crowd does.
Ditto that with a co-worker.
I think, you know, Pete did a pretty good job, you know, in this interview.
If any one wants to know where our illegals are being put up. Pittsfield the hotel behind guidos and the hotel behind cvs in GreatBarrington. Our tax money taking care of people who are getting tax dollar, in a hotel, food, medical care brought to them, clothes, etc and no further plan for them, dont speak english, and national gaurd babysitter. Who.also can not understand them, there needs or want. Not happy with the food they are given.What did they expect we didnt go there the bs is on.
It’s true. Many of them don’t speak English. I was in a Pittsfield medical office recently and a young female had to have an interpreter on a phone speaking for her to the medical provider. She had the interpreter on speaker phone and he had to do everything for her. Teaching them English would seem to be a top priority. Is Trish Bouvier on top of this issue since Trish has made herself the one involved in getting them drivers licenses in order to sign them up for voting?
There is only one way to learn a language: speak it and listen to it. Teachers get in the way and waste valuable time. I suggest they glue themselves to the free TV and watch sitcoms.
As someone once said to me when I suggested something innocent like “they should teach them English”, fine but how about an idea that doesn’t reach into my pocket.
” I suggest they glue themselves to the free TV and watch sitcoms.”
I’m sure the Criminal Aliens have free TV too.
Of course they do. That’s what they are for.
They should all get a train ride or a boat back where they came from.
Explain this post above Craig, Snark, Kindergarden, JM, and TSC.
I don’t EVER recall Trump using American tax-dollars to provide a hotel-style living for illegal aliens.
How about this one:
Biden aiding illegal immigrants instead of veterans is un-American (
Like I said to Craig a few posts ago, you (whatever you ID as) need to turn off MSDNC and take a walk outside. Maybe you could try and pass a little gas and help clear out all your minds.
You’re a military Vet too JM, correct?
Yes. I am a Veteran. I always help fellow Veterans. I always say that I would jump on a grenade before not helping fellow Veterans. Thank you and your son for your honorable military service.
So how do you feel about Criminal Aliens being treated better than homeless and disabled Veterans , John? Better than Americans on SS?
You just have bad driving habits.
One would think that where ever these folk are coming from, largely south America I presume, has tens of thousands of empty houses that these people once lived in. So they should be dirt cheap and maybe some of us should look into immigrating down that way. I assume most if not all of the criminals have left for more lucrative pickings in America so how bad can it be there? If tyer and marchetti and white are not there that is a huge plus right there. Should be lots of job openings as well.
SS: I’ve been saying that for a while. Al Sur!
Which party coterie do you choose to run our is completely crazy. Hint: suckers and losers. No respect for the law. Grab them by the p—y. One lie after another. Disgusting obsequious pathological miscreants who follow an orange haired bull faced buffoon..we don’t need to have this type of person running our beloved country. This moron will track you down and have you eliminated.he almost destroyed the country the last not give him another chance
Go, Craig, go!
How did he almost destroy the country? Low inflation? Low energy prices? Full supermarkets? No new wars? You’re full of B.S.. Why should we believe anything you have to say when you exhibit such poor judgement on presidential candidates? Didn’t you support crazy Bernie?
The TDS is very strong in this one.
You never answer me Craig on my replies to you. Why not Snowflake?
Post where you read that our “military hates Trump.”
I’ll call you out as a class-A bullshi**er if you can’t and will fully understand and appreciate how you got CRUSHED by Dina “Climate Change” Horton-Tucker-Xi-Hernandez-Liampaisi.
I believe Trump would call you a LOSER!!
How do you like them apples Craig? It works both ways.
Marcus I replied to you but it has not been posted yet. I Always enjoy your posts and I agree that Trump would call me a loser. For that reason amongst others I call him a loser and a sucker. He called our brave military with those words and this is why I despise him. I served in the Vietnam War and I can tell you American troops there were not suckers and losers no more than the poor souls burried in Paris. There is no reason to spew hate for those who have a different opinion than yours. I get it but let’s agree to disagree on topics and not go for the throat. After all this site is said to be open to all oppinions. I respect your oppinions and have learned a thing or two from you. I hope that you will look onto me and respect my opinions also. I am outnumbered 20 to 1 on this board but it doesn’t phase me. You’ve seen me at CC MEETINGS AND YOU KNOW I SPEAK MY MIND REGARDLESS WHAT THE ODDS ARE AGAINST ME. I KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT TRUMP. TO KNOW I WOULD NEVER VOTE FOR HIM. THIS IS MY PREROGATIVE AND I RESPECT YOURS. HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEARS MARCUS THESE TWO BUFFOONS WE SPAR OVER ARENT WORTH THE POWDER TO BLOW THEM AWAY WITH. I CERTAINLY HOPE WE MAY LOOK AT THINGS THIS WAY. RESPECTFULLY. CRAIG
Can we get a name for behind Guido’s? Alien Village? Little Gaza? Wanderer’s Hotel, Martha’s Refugees. The Bus stops here?
Martha’s Refugees
Gaza Plaza!
Biden’s Border
Biden’s Bordello.
Funny but…..every time America destroys a country it then takes in the refugees. And because of the total and moral failure of our assistance with the ethnic cleansing in Palestine we will probably take at least two million refugees from the Gaza strip alone. We have to so that we can pretend to care and hope that the rest of the Muslim world will not retaliate against us for the next 100 years. And this will co-inside with OUR rebuilding of the infrastructure that Israel is turning to dust. It is what we do.
Vietnamese Immigrants in the United StatesOctober 11, 2023
By Jeanne Batalova
A Vietnamese family in the kitchen. (Photo:
The end of the Vietnam War and the rapid U.S. military pullout in 1975 marked the beginning of large-scale migration from Vietnam to the United States. The U.S. government evacuated about 125,000 Vietnamese that year, most of whom had close ties to the U.S. military and could have been persecuted by the new Communist government. After their arrival, more Vietnamese refugees came to the United States seeking protection. The number of immigrants from Vietnam grew rapidly, roughly doubling in both the 1980s and 1990s, to 988,000 by 2000.
More than 1.3 million Vietnamese immigrants resided in the United States in 2022, the most recent year for which data are available from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS), representing approximately 3 percent of all 46.2 million U.S. immigrants. They comprise the sixth-largest national-origin immigrant group, after Mexicans, Indians, Chinese, Filipinos, and Salvadorans. About 9 percent of immigrants from Asia in the United States in 2022 were from Vietnam.
Istock photos. That’s genuine for sure.
lol. I hope you paid the license fee to use it here. Dan V. could be on the hook.
Same places the Leftists from Beacon Hill warehoused the Covid + Criminals. At least they were US citizens.
Wondering if charges will be pressed against the teacher in middle school who was showing porn in her class as the picture showed?? Seems the community is very confused about what a middle school english class should be teaching, sentce and paragraph structure,etc not coming of age books in a queer society
The teacher should have been arrested for allowing minors to view obscene material. Kudos to the anonymous person who reported the crime to police. Parents should be storming the supt.’s office & demanding the teacher be dismissed and charges filed.
Lenny. Ditto
It’s the closing of the American Mind. Shut out, drown out, misrepresent classic literature. Replace interpretive reading based on the facts of what is written with pet theories and aesthetic interpretations. Replace the Western canon with an endless culture war to ensure that Americans lose their cultural identity.
Funny how the Berkshire Fecal, takes the groomers side. Of course the Police were out of bounds, and had know right to do there jobs. Same asshats that, wanted everyone to give up their rights in the name of Covid.
Not to mention spelling…
Did on purpose so I knew some of the TDS crowd would respond. Didn’t get your side on things though so your TDS crowd must agree
My Christmas wish was for J Melle to disappear and guess it didn’t come true damn it
How many mean blog posts have you published on the Planet Valenti blog so far, “Flogging Molly”? I understand why I did NOT receive a Christmas card from you.
For the second Christmas in a row Santa didnt leave a beefy hunk under the tree for Jonathan to unwrap. He must of been a bad boy again this year.
That, and he ate all the cookies.
Danno, per your request I held off on telling it like it is for a few days of joy, peace, and understanding. Well, I just read the shitty, one sided story in The Dirty Bird about how great the scooters are for Shittsfield, how the city earned 7,000 whopping dollars over two years of these eyesore littering the city worse than shopping carts. Let’s hope they completely disappear from the city now that the owner filed for bankruptcy. By the way, they are stored in a garage and a yard near Clapp Park by the hundreds. No doubt all the permits are in place.
Here’s to another year in Shittsfield.
Remember who won the last presidential election. The people have spoken. They didn’t want Trump. They probably didn’t want Biden they went for what they thought was the lesser of two evils. The people spoke the next president will also be the lesser of two evils. The winner was the perceived better candidate. Contrary to what many think on this blog remember I live aT Cc meetings. I Always speak for the little guy pat. How many on this board have ever attended a CC MEETING OR SAW MY TV SHOW?. THE NUMBERS are atrocious. Regardless I still attend every meeting trying to dig many of you out of debt. I try I am not perfect but I know that if you don’t speak up and you don’t attend the CC MEETINGS NOTHING WILL CHANGE. WHEN WE SEE WHATS GOING ON AT THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL WE MUST THINK WITH CLARITY. IF YOU THINK THAT TRUMP IS FOR YOU THE LITTLE GUY YOU ARE SORELY MISTAKEN. The next presidential election is the most critical of our life time. Do you chose a democratic form of leadership or do we return to a Trump dictatorship. Trump has already announced his revenge tactics and he freely stated he wants to be a dictator. This is why I say I will vote for any Democrat over any republican
I hate dictators. This is what shapes my political views. Please posters tell me what shapes YOUR POLITICAL VIEWS. REMEMBER THIS WOULD BE DI CTATOR SAID OUR TROOPS ARE SUCKERS AND LOSERS AND THAT HE COULD SHOOT SOMEONE AND GET AWAY WITH IT. HE ALSO HAS STATED HE COULD GRAB WOMEN BY THE P—Y. DO YOU REALLY WANT YOUR WIVES AND DAUGHTERS GOVERNED BY THIS TYPE OF PERVERT,?? I THINK PEOPLE WILL ANSWER THIS QUESTION WITH A RESOUNDING NO AT THE BALLOT BOX IN JAN.OF 2024. I SERVED HONORABLY IN THE Vietnam Nam war and I am not a sucker or a loser. I respect the military chain of command but I despise that Trump will be the commander in chief of our brave and courageous troops. I’ve done my part in the military and in political life here in Pittsfield. IN closing I am always for the little guy and always will be. Again I hate dictators and will not vote for anyone who wants to be a dictator. God bless America and down with any wanna be dictator
Explain exactly how Trump was a dictator
He can’t explain it because the far left are the ones who are the true dictators. They are artificially propping up the economy because the wealthy and school union personnel are doing so well and they are spending. The in-bed media is saying the economy is booming and it is for the wealthy and the school union members, but lower income working Americans are the ones who are NOT participating in the boom. They are seeing prices rise on everything including energy prices and Biden knows what he is doing with the lower income working people. He is bringing this group to their knees as they also have to compete with the incoming invasion of illegal immigrants. Biden knows these people are angry so is hoping the illegals will offset these angry people at the polls. Trump was raising ALL BOATS with his economic policies, but Biden is only benefitting certain groups of people and this is intentional. The globalist plan is for a large number of Americans to own nothing and be happy.
The fallacy of calling DJT a dictator is the idea that one can be a dictator independent of his office. A dictator needs a dictatorship. Enemies of dictators feared George Washington would become one. He wouldn’t of course having complete devotion to the American Revolution, but more importantly he could not.
Facts dictate (no pun intended of course) that a dictatorship spat DJT out as an unwelcome intruder in its space.
Dictatorships are fractal like things that perpetually spin off miniature replicas if itself within its society. Novels written in dictatorships illustrate this. Gogol (Inspector General, Catch 22 (sort of)), The Mechanism (the teledrama version story of Brazilian dictatorship of corruption).
What you see happening on Federal level, it is happening here in Pittsfield.
Want to run for office to Challenge Authority (I still have that pin)? You shall discover that they have a file on your every argument, inquiry, ticket, water bill, etc… and there is a media right in town to spread the word.
A true dictator CAN be so without office. Such men create the office, not the other way around. The Generalissimo, for instance. That said, it also happen the other way. BENEVOLENT dictatorship can only happen through the person, however. Thing is, there hasn’t been on on a national level in, oh, for all time.
We need to back up then, and define Dictator. I am distinguishing a dictator as someone who has the full power of the state at his hand and enjoys its support.
I would say that a President can be a ‘dictator’ only unto his staff, but that is not what we generally mean when accusing him of being a dictator. They can abuse authority in a dictatorial style with Executive Orders, forced Covid closures of restaurants (local dictators) or acts in defiance of Congressional or Constitutional law, but that leaves in place a legitimate government to correct the abuse.
To define ‘Benevolent Dictator’, I call it a bad dictator, one that just isn’t very good at lording it out. They tend to fall out of windows in short order.
No mirrors in your house.
Hey jack wagon, watch this…..
Why are you a communist now?
Biden got 81 million votes, but not from 81 million voters, he was installed just like a toilet.
Too funny. Anyone who disparages trumpgod is attacked by a hive of his angry cultbees. Quite entertaining. As someone who has studied the behavior of swarming killer bees I find the parallels amusing.
When Trump was elected, the Leftists scattered like roaches on a countertop when the lights got turned on.
And then they came out of the darkness and voted his day-glo orange ass out of office.
The Venezuelans re-coded all the American voting machines though so there are questions about that still today.
But trump shut down his own insurrection right when he was about take over so that is on him man. Insurrections are like taking doxicylin for VD, you must take the full dose or it won’t work. Ya gots to follow thru in order to kill that democracy thing or it might grow back. He botched it his own self man.
Biden got 81 millions votes, but not from 81 million voters.
Nice one, TRAP!
I agree. Absolutely brilliant
And what exactly does this screed have to do with scooters and Shittsfield, my friend?
p.s. Trumps’ an idiot, and everbody knows it. Trump made America great again.
Biden’s an idiot and a fool. He ruined our country. Therein lies the difference.
Tellit: these are your feelings and you express them well
Everybody should have the right to express their feelings. I only wish that more people would come to CC MEETINGS AND EXPRESS THEIR REAL FEELINGS ABOUT OUR LOUSY MAYOR AND COUNCIL. FOR SOME REASON HARDLY ANYONE COMES TO CC MEETINGS. I SHOULD KNOW. I AM ALWSYS THERE ALONE SPEaking for all of you. Make a new year resolution to get there and put those annoited dredged to the task of making our city liveable once again. We should be more concerned about our city where we can foster real change rather than putting all our efforts into the Biden Trump fisticuffs. Our city is our home. More people need to know this. Get involved democrats and Republicans. In the end we all need to pull together for the sake of our city state and federal government. Go to it. CRAIG
Biden: If I’m elected there will be a return to normalcy. How’s that working out? Open borders, illegals before vets, Bidenomics, food, utilities, etc are out of control for everyone.
Thanks for honoring the momentary spirt. As for Bird, leave it to The Boring Broadsheet to praise this folly. It was a force-fit that never fit. There’s a reason by the company went belly up.
You’re welcome Dan. For a few days, or at least one or two, I believe your request was honored by all.
And there is also a reason the failure was glossed over by the city and their lapdog press. Seems like there is some kind of unspoken relationship where this administration is bulletproof from criticism. Got to project that this shield will continue over the marchetti rule as well.
But at least the kids got to zoom in and out of traffic for a while. Quite the adrenaline rush I imagine when you are not only allowed to do it but encouraged to do it by city leaders.
Ironically, the city now wants to redesign all roads cuz people be getting hit by cars all da time. NOW we want “bike lanes” so people don’t be getting hit by cars. But back then tyer thought it was cool for kids to be weaving in and out of moving traffic. What am I missing here?
Sounds dangerous. That many lithium scooters close together could hit critical mass.
Cops just sent to Meth Bar. disturbance shhhhhh.
Maine disqualifies Trump from ballot for insurrection. Calif keeps Trump on primary ballot. Our country is in real turmoil. Let’s keep an eye on where this goes. Remember this is a democracy. Haven’t been able to post a thumbs up or down in over a week. Is there some problems with the site again???
A fight over the aftermarket bidet?
Fact she’s ready to go she done nothing for eight years but gained about 80 pounds fat ass tired is fatty leaving don’t slam the door on your butt when you’re leaving
How many millions did she raise the budget per pound?
Key words dictatorship and revenge
Sounds like n Korea but what we are talking about is right here in America
Very scary words that could blossom into reality. We have right to be concerned about these words and who Is espousing them. Some food to chew on for all americans.there will be pros and cons to my post but that’s what makes this site interesting. Let’s get started
Planet posters please don’t think I hold Biden blameless for the ills he has caused to our country. He has inflicted great pain on the masses that will not be corrected. I stated this on the planet on more than one occasion. Because Trump looks at our military as a bunch of suckers and losers I just can’t get the image of American fallen comrades who died along side of me out of my head. This is the most vile rhetoric any commander in chief can have for his troops under him. For this reason I have lost all respect for Trump. He never served and he doesn’t have any empathy for those who did. Considering that less than 1% of our countrymen serve in the armed forces at any given time we should hold them in the highest esteem and our president should only speak of them in the highest regard. We 1%,ers are not suckers or losers.Because I am a proud member of these 1%,ers I could never even consider voting for a miscreant
Like you all know how I feel.i can’t forget Trump has said such vile words about our Most precious assets.i don’t apologize for any words I spoke negatively about the orange haired monster. This is how I feel. Anybody for president except Trump. Biden is full of baggage also but at least he doesn’t speak negatively about our troops. We pray that all our war dead will find the peace they so deservedly earned and hopefully we can bring them back to America a place they cherished so much that they gave their life for.
Happy new years Dan and fellow posters all
Let’s hope the new year brings hope and peace to everyone. Politics will a ways be with us. Let’s pray for the best at the local state and federal level and don’t forget to attend CC MEETINGS
Good night. Craig
Giving Biden a pass on how he’s treated veterans is nuts. Looking at his watch while receiving the bodies of vets thinking I have better things to do.Kicking veterans out of hotels so illegals can have a place to stay. Instead of giving vets more money for their needs, Biden instead gives it to illegals for their needs.There is many more things he has done to disrespect veterans. Talk to the parents and loved ones who have experienced this His actions speak louder than words.
Craig, I too am a vet, and can’t see how your any anyone could vote for Sleepy Joe after Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawl that got American service men and women killed and we are now pussyfooting around with the terrorists who have attacked our outposts over 100 times and instead of taking out the archers, we shoot down the arrows, so to speak. So you go ahead and vote against Trump, and I will too, in the primary, but when he faces a Biden or another democrat in the general, it’s Trump all the way baby. Make America Great Again! Of course, that’s if the deep state doesn’t take em out.
Also, Biden just did another end run around Congress to secure countless millions in weapons for Israel. This marks the second time he’s done this. The Constitution gives Congress sole power to declare war. The intent also prohibits Presidents from such autocratic moves, but that has long been over since Vietnam. President Biden’s foreign policy has been a disaster.
That is so right Dan. He has been wrong on just about every major foreign policy issue for years. By the way, why do presidents pick such dunce’s for vice president? Never understood that.
Totally agree. America should not be a part of that conflict one day longer. No more money or weapons…ever!
My research says that the Jewish lobby contributes tens of millions of dollars to election campaigns throughout our government and that is why we have immersed ourselves ass deep in this conflict. Both the senate and house would have backed that money anyway if it had come up for a vote before them.
And the whole thing is teetering on expansion with over a dozen countries who could join in at any time. The blueprint is not unlike those that triggered past world wars.
Remarkably hateful words. Not fit to put your name on that one.
Hateful? What part is hateful Mr sensitivity? Did you perhaps read too fast and miss my meaning? And why not follow up with a bit of research yourself. ALL government action is controlled by lobbyist of one sort or another. And if you do not think there is Jewish influence in American politics you need to educate yourself.
It is laughable to be scolded by you.
I will debate you on the subject of jewish control and political influence. But, rules are necessary. You must agree to one concession. Just one.
Does sound like hate.
You mean JFPO? Jews for the Preservation Firearms Ownership?
How dare Jews lobby for the Bill of Rights.
If you were a combat vet you would know that shit happens and it can happen without notice. It is impossible to predict everything that may come your way. There was huge potential for great loss of life trying to get out of there. Much of the evacuation was televised. I watched much of it and kept waiting for an all out attack on the airport. Somehow it did not happen. The loss of several lives was unfortunate but compared to what could have happened it was a miracle. Someone did an awesome job with that evacuation.
“Never get out of the boat”
You are nuts. The issue is Biden was the root cause of the debacle and the deaths because he pulled us out pronto without a proper plan.
What does Biden having a root canal that day have to do with how dinosaurs became extinct and whether or not we can resurrect them by playing with latent DNA?
And if you don’t know just say so instead of going sideways with a months old batch of verbal diarrhea.
SS: If I were a combat vet, which I am not, I would not talk about being a combat vet. At least not in this incredibly casual place.
You are a great example of the effectiveness the Operation Mockingbird dis-information program run by our C.I.A.
Craig, I admire your tenacity pursuing such noble goals advocating for the taxpaying citizens of Pittsfield ,trying to stand-up to the powers that be in our city government. You remind me of a young, aggressive Donald Trump in his earlier years , having to deal with the of issues in the NYC real estate market ; trade unions , local and federal building regulations and codes etc. His Dad gave young Donald a piece of advice about dealing with people– — “easy, take the lumps out of the gravy”. I think you could benefit from this by toning down your demeanor in your future. And for your own personal growth, you seriously need to research some of the government agencies clandestine propaganda operations. For a baseline, please start with a deep comprehensive dive into “OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD”. You may find that you have become a shining example of the effectiveness this program achieves. Knowing is half the battle!
Thank you Garry Allen and Ying yang. I’m just one voice in this community and you can see by the number of thumbs down I have received that I do not speak for the majority. In the 80’s two of my colleagues Dr’s krofta and wang tipped the building of water treatment plants in this country on its head when we built for 32 million, two water filtration plants that the city of Pittsfield almost paid 150 000000dollars for. I negotiated the entire project saving the city 115 million dollars. Because of so much initial opposition by the city’s consulting engineers I almost gave up trying to win the contract to build the city’s two plants. Eventually I would build Lenox MA. And Lee ma. Watert reatment plants saving them many millions of dollars each. Today the city of Pittsfield elected officials are locked into a contract for 170 million dollars which I could have built for 50–60 million dollars saving the city @ 110 million dollars.Due to the CITY’S IGNORANCE, the rate payers are going to be robbed blind.i have tried to help the city administration and rate payers but there is no one here with the foresight to look into this seriously. I have done my best but it is time for me to call it a day.i will try a little longer with a new seated council but if I feel I am not getting anywhere, I will pull the plug and then the blood bath will occur. It’s going to be devastating, forcing people to move away because of preposterous water and sewer rates to come. Thank you for your efforts to help me. I am very appreciative. I did my part. It may be time to step aside and enjoy the few years I have left. Dealing with the Pittsfield municipal administration is a exercise in futility. I M gratefull to hVe worked with past administrations and am very proud of what we built for the city in the mid 80’s time to rest for a while. MaYbe I will be able to convince this new administration that they can save over 100 million dollars for the city’s residents
Pittsfield needs to put the college 40 million dollar stadium on the wetlands feet from the Housatonic River flood basin to a vote….Why wasn’t the Taconic track rebuilt with the school property Kerwood…we need a final accounting of the Taconic project.We are spending crazy money but saving cash on the Christmas tree….PHS is not an appropriate environment to learn anything .Allendale needed to close 30 years ago.Crosby is full of mold.
Status Quo.
You forgot the street lights.
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
I read outgoing Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer’s interview with the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle). I disagree with her words about how the people and taxpayers of Pittsfield should take it easy on all of the bureaucrats and career politicians who run the city government and (level 5) public school district.
In fact, I would say the opposite. I would say to give ’em Hell! The state and local government has failed the people and taxpayers of Pittsfield for decades. Pittsfield is always in the top 10 cities by population in Massachusetts for Violent Crime each and every year! The Pittsfield Public School district is rated Level 5 each and every year. North Street, which has 15 empty storefronts, is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” and the inner-city neighborhoods that surround North Street are called “The Ring of Poverty”. The 25-year-old indebted and polluted PEDA debacle was a huge mistake. Hill 78, which is a capped leaky landfill full of GE’s industrial chemicals PCBs, abuts Allendale Elementary School – no wonder why the public schools are rated Level 5. The municipal tax rate was recently increased by a little less than 9 percent, while the 2023-2024 Social Security CoLA increased by 3.2 percent. Senior Citizen homeowners are paying hundreds of more dollars per fiscal year to the city in return for “A Shit Sandwich”!
Pittsfield is part of our nation’s huge underclass and postindustrial “Rust Belt” economy. The only growth in Pittsfield’s economy is its huge underclass population and the excessively overpriced city government and public school district. Pittsfield is one of the most economically unequal metro areas in the state (of Massachusetts) and nation (U.S.A.).
On the state level, Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley Bouvier has done little to nothing in a little over 11 years in Boston except push for state driver’s licenses of illegal immigrants and push to legalize sex workers in Massachusetts. Becket State Senator Paul Mark is the biggest Rubber Stamp vote in Boston, which has given the rest of the state the record profits from its biggest SCAM: the (voluntary) regressive taxation scheme called the multi-billion-dollar “Massachusetts State Lottery”, which systemically mocks the mostly financially illiterate low- to moderate-income residents of “Gateway Cities” such as Pittsfield, along with the City of Pittsfield itself. It is called “Elitist Snobbery” and “Class Warfare” at the state’s highest level of the banality of inequity. The state lottery is wrong at so many levels that if it were a building, it would be taller than the Empire State Building.
On the Federal Level, PAC Man Richie Neal only represents K Street corporate lobbyist firms in the Swamp. Maryland Markey spews his HOT AIR in the Swamp. Elizabeth Warren says she fights for Main Street, but she fully supports Joe Biden, who has taken in more money from Wall Street and K Street than any other politician in U.S. history. Joe Biden has spent over $10 trillion printed out of thin air, along with borrowing trillions of U.S. dollars, and U.S. inflation reached double digits for the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working class family in Pittsfield, who have been hit by high taxation and fees.
Linda Tyer has a 6-figure sinecure waiting for her at Berkshire Community College, which is close to her mansion in her Gated Community west of BCC. For Linda Tyer, it is easy for her to say to us low- to moderate-income taxpayers that we should take it easy on the government. But for the rest of us common people out there, I say the opposite. I say, “Given ’em Hell!”
Jon Melle
Hopefully Mayor Pete can make things right with Walmart and Dunkin’ Donuts. Let’s get them back on board with there development of the store on First st. and Walmart super store on the PEDA site. Originally Walmart was going to pay for the reconstruction of Tyler st. and was going to develop their own site. Of course the City fucked that up. Now we’re paying 10 million for the cleaning and greening of that area. I think now Walmart will definitely be interested now that we saved them a lot of money.
Walmart took advantage of a little known back door to pay less taxes to the city of Pittsfield. Not sure they are going to go out of their way to do more.
And why should they? They have their hands full fighting off the hordes of shop lifters that descend on their property every day of the year. If they catch them they are “told” not to come back but that seems to be the extent of the deterrence. And this type of behavior is becoming a menace all over the country and getting worse and worse as the country takes in millions more that have no homes or food. Desperate people do desperate things. If you have seen The Walking Dead series you have an idea of where this is all headed.
Keep voting Joe Biden or somebody on the far left and we will keep getting more of the same policies that are destroying the country.
I guess you know exactly what a politician will do once elected Pat. If you knew trump was going to try to over throw the democracy that so many American men and boys fought to protect would you have voted for him? Or are still one of the MAGA folk who are still in denial even though it was right in front of your eyes on your television for hours? Have you convinced yourself that it wall all faked?
You just bitched about the Democrat DAs letting shoplifters off 24/7 Snarky.
How about the corrupt Democrat Biden installed Leftist Junta letting 20 MILLION CRIMINAL ALIENS loot our country with the approval and aid of Biden’s Junta?
They criminals are getting $5000 pre-paid visa cards courtesy of Traitor Joe just for jumping the border.
The word got out, and some criminal aliens are going back to jump in again, for ANOTHER FREE $5000. How why? Because the asshats in Biden’s government have no clue who they have let in , nor how many times.
Got that? And YOU VOTED FOR THEM!!!
Holy puck! Just read The Dirty Bird’s puff piece on Tyers’ term. Not a word about crime was uttered by her, nor policing,, nor public safety, nor how she jacked the budget 65 cool million or so. No list of accomplishments. Just bs about equity and being nice to elected officials, and oh, all kindergarteners through third grade should be in the same school in the name of equity. Seriously???? To say she is leaving office bloated is being generous. She was an abject failure as mayor.
Here’s hoping Dan issues her a report card in his next edition.
If he doesn’t, I will be issuing one for her, and perhaps other mayors.
Report card wasn’t given. Everything she did was incomplete. Her voters should be embarrassed.
Linda Tyer’s public pensions? Her time as a Lenox public school secretary plus her $115,725 mayoral salary will factor into her city pension. Her 6-figure state government sinecure at BCC until she is eligible to file for a second public pension with the state. Her Social Security pension. Her multi-millionaire CPA third husband Barry Clairmont. Their mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community. She is doing really well $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$….!
It certainly explains why she and her fellow wealthy Democrats aren’t concerned about how the invasion of illegal immigrants is having a direct negative impact on the working middle class and lower class in this country. Biden and his globalists want open borders and his DOJ is now going to sue Texas to keep those borders open. The globalists want open borders here just as they have done in Europe. Those countries have had open borders for decades and they are under the constant threat of terrorist attacks. The globalists want to create a very large permanent welfare state here in America because this will give the American government a huge amount of power. Those dependent on government for their lives will continually vote Democrat. Elderly people will also be feeling the numbers crunch because money from the government may not be available at all due to the invasion. Government will have a huge incentive to keep the elderly from living long lives that’s for sure because the welfare system will be at the breaking point.
Reliable word on the street Pat is that we are headed for a govt. shutdown in the short future. This time it could really happen with no short term fix in the works. Buckle up.
Quite frankly I’m sick of them bunch of them. I see where meth bar had another incident last night and she just appeared before the board and should’ve been suspended the other day.
Definitely unequal punishment going on when it comes to violations with different establishments.
Didn’t tyer give them a chunk of covid money? At least once?
Be safe with the fellas at the Manhole Club tonight and bestest of luck in the dance contest.
I actually respected Barry before he got involved with her.
Agree that Barry seemed to be a different creature before they got together for sure.
I don’t think He wouldn’t have been re elected.
If the local paper could get the taxpayers of Pittsfield to pay for it they would place a ruby and diamond tiara on tyers head.
Somebody essentially lend a hand to make significantly articles Id state That is the very first time I frequented your website page and up to now I surprised with the research you made to make this actual submit amazing Wonderful task
Valenti Has 300 comments on a non subject of to much interest. The sky’s the limit in 2024. Happy New Year D and L and all the Planites. Let’s hold the Staus Quo local politicians heels to the fire if they continue to represent everything but us Kapanski’s Dan,you have the throttle…Let’s Ride.
300 comments not counting the hundreds more who drop in and don’t comment.
Happy New Year, and good riddance to Tyer, who earned straight F’s for 8 years.
Too generous F×10²³
Happy New Year 2024! Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti requested “a 90-day grace period” – January, February and March – to NOT be criticized by the people and taxpayers of Pittsfield whom he works for, but Peter Marchetti has to take a pay cut with the mayoral pay of $115,725 per fiscal year, plus all of his public perks.
Sarcasm: I remember reading about his request for “a 90-day grace period” in George Orwell’s book: “1984”. I think it said that if you dare to criticize Mayor Peter Marchetti during his requested “90-day grace period”, then you will experience RETRIBUTION!
Peter Marchetti said that he is NOT a fan of social media and blogs. Perhaps he should change his title from “Mayor” to “Boss”.
Did you know that Peter Marchetti and Jon Melle have the same great-grandfather and great-grandmother long before we were born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. I did NOT get to choose my relatives! Unlike Peter Marchetti, I am all for FREE SPEECH in our FREE Country. I am against “a 90-day grace period” for Mayor Peter Marchetti.
Also, re-Pete White is running to succeed Peter Marchetti as the next President of the City Council. With Pete and re-Pete running Pittsfield politics, one may hear an echo now and then.
Pete and re-Pete and Pittsfield politics sounds very different than the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family who lives in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and will pay for it all and pound sand.
Jon Melle
The City of Springfield, Massachusetts, offers tax abatements:
Does the City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, offer similar tax abatements?
I believe if you go to the abatement office and wait in line Tomorrow you have an EIGHTY PERCENT CHANCE FOR THE ABATEMENT
Good by and good riddance Stooge.
“J6: A True Timeline gives the audience a never-before-seen timestamped blueprint for the events of January 6, 2021, as they unfolded in real time. No other film to date fills the gaps or tells the story chronologically the way this film does. The film is also different from anything produced to date because a small group of protestors, some who are J6 defendants, have been the ones to collect hours of footage to help contextualize the events of the day. The film was funded and produced entirely through small donations and tens of thousands of volunteer man hours. The hope is that the film will provoke all Americans to be more curious about the true timeline of January 6.”
run time 1 hr 6 min
“This special collection offers an in-depth look at True the Vote’s election integrity efforts in Georgia. It is not a complete recitation of True the Vote’s work; for that, we would have to start over a decade ago. Instead, this collection is meant to highlight a series of extraordinary events that began in 2020, are happening at the time of this publication, and by all indications, will continue throughout 2024.
Certain documents, video clips, and other exhibits will not be immediately released for reasons including active litigation, protective orders, and ongoing research. will add exhibits to this collection as events unfold.”
Thanks for sharing. This video should be watched by everyone interested in knowing the truth about the 2020 election.
Sad is it happened ALL OVER AMERICA. Voter FRAUD. And again
2024 will be worse.
Ready for SHTF?
Dan, re-post these please, on next PLANET
Happy New Year and may GOD bless You, all here.
Great link , thanks!
Thanks for the link
Happy New Year to all. Hopefully this year will find everyone healthy and happy!!
Yes. Looking forward to paying taxes and a free lunch to city council and mayor spending gplans.
True story……
Cynthia Kelly thought she was buying Halloween-themed Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins with a “cute” carving of a pumpkin’s mouth and eyes, as pictured on the product’s packaging.
But when she opened it, she was horrified to find that there was no pumpkin carving at all. It was just a regular-looking piece of chocolate.
Now, Kelly has filed a lawsuit against Hershey, the maker of Reese’s, alleging the company falsely represented several of its holiday-themed products on packaging: Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins, White Pumpkins, Pieces Pumpkins, Peanut Butter Ghost, White Ghost and others.
Kelly “would not have purchased the Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins product if she knew that it did not have the detailed carvings of the mouth and/or eyes as pictured on the product label,” the lawsuit says.
Newly inaugurated Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti calls for ‘one Pittsfield’ in the new year | Central Berkshires |
I can guarantee one thing January 2025 Pittsfield will look back on this clowns first year in office and things will be worse for the city. Same as the new DA blah blah all talk unity my Arse. This still is a crime ridden junkie haven city. New city council blah blah unity yeah right more taxes trash, pot holes crime. Wake up Pittsfield you keep electing these dip wads this is what you get.
Covid mandates such as masking are now spreading faster than the virus..Who could’ve seen this coming with the election quickly approaching. Stock-up on those mail-in ballots everyone.
Mayor Marchetti stated very early in his speech today that he is proud to be the “first openly gay mayor in Pittsfield”. If the taxpayers of Pittsfield have not figured that out by now, they need help. What does him being gay have to do with straightening out the city? Peter has been stating that he is gay for years, we get it Peter, it is old news, we don’t care.
Had to laugh when the new city councilors were given their seat assignments. It took them almost 5 minutes to find their seats. Evidently Conant fell asleep again as he just sat and did not move. When he finally understood, he lumbered across the floor to find his seat, reminded me of Biden shuffling along. If they all are this confused now, the taxpayers are in big trouble. Was it former Mayor Brindle that was sleeping right behind Marchetti during the speech?
Another laugh, when Flat Tyer was fake boo hooing and Governor Healy was comforting her. What a crock of poop. Can anyone tell me one accomplishment Flat Tyer had or better yet one campaign promise she kept in 8 years.
January 3, 2024
The Springfield (Mass.) Republican published a news article touting the a little less than one-year-old $50 scratch ticket that led the over 50-year-old Massachusetts State Lottery to its most profitable fiscal year 2023 and going forward into the current fiscal year 2024.
The favorable news story upset me because the lottery is an inequitable financial scheme that is nothing more than (voluntary) regressive taxation that targets low- to moderate-income mostly financially illiterate people in the underclass and working-class.
The lottery also systemically mocks the “Gateway Cities” that the disadvantaged people and families live in, such as my very economically unequal native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
Predatory industries include alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, gambling, sex work and porn, and the like. The lottery is a predatory operation.