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[ED NOTE: Sunday was the new mayor’s First Snowfall. How did Peter Marchetti do? Please send in your comments here or off-line to Snow is a good test of a newbie. Pass? Fail? Let us know.]

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 8, 2024) — It’s part of the political playbook that “Democrats” of the radical left have taken as biblical: During the campaign, promise one thing. Upon being elected, not only not try to do that thing but intentionally do the opposite. That’s how the Wokesters have ruined a one great political party. Ah, but you don’t need THE PLANET to tell you that.

This odd, recent phenomenon drives the general electorate away from party politics (notice the swelling ranks of the independent or unenrolled voter). This irony stands out in bas relief come the election itself, when the only realistic choice is a narrow, party choice. Republican/Democrat–a difference without a distinction.

This helps explain the surging popularity of former President Donald Trump. Nominally, he’s a Republican, but by force of will, he operates outside staid party platforms and archaic political playbooks. Trump doesn’t follow. He CREATES. No other candidate bears a remote resemblance. And he had Dems terrified.


Trump doesn’t follow. He CREATES. No other candidate bears a remote resemblance.


In 2024, Joe Biden said “Elect me. I will unify the country, restore civility, and will work across the aisle for the good of America.”

So what happened to Biden’s promises of harmony and an end to long-hand division? He did the opposite of what he pledged. On his way to perhaps the worst presidency in history, he has exploited the political divide, inflamed the nation, sold out to the Rad Leftists of his party, and made America a laughingstock.

Just one example: THE PLANET shuddered when Biden hosted Chinese President Xi Jinping, the greatest national leader on the planet. There’s Xi, engaging, alert, gracious. Then there’s Joe, floundering, disengaged, looking confused.

———- 000 ———-

Some selected items of Syracuse Joe’s first three+ years:

  • Use of COVID for nefarious political purposes re: 2020 “election.”
    • Ballot irregularities
    • No voter ID
    • No scrubbing of old voter rolls (dead men tell no lies, but they vote in record numbers).
    • Insecure ballot-drop boxes, with no chain of custody
    • stash houses
    • wall-to-wall mail-in balloting
    • End result = a stolen election.
  • Proclaims work requirements for federal aid are “a human rights violation.”
  • Biggest food-stamp benefits increase of all time (allows junk food purchasing for stampers)
  • Dictates vaccines requirement for private-sector companies despite evidence vaccines didn’t work.
  • Value of take-home pay of private-sector workers has declined 18% since January 2021.
  • Inflation rises six-fold, highest rate in four decades.
    • Biden calls reporter who asks about inflation “a stupid son of a bitch.”
    • Inflation effects mortgages rate = Highest levels in history.
    • Mortgage surtax adds $20,000 to 30-year mortgages.
    • Rules those with good credit must support those deemed “credit risks.”
    • Bankruptcy rates hit new high.
  • Dissolves southwestern border of U.S. to allow unprecedented flow of unvetted illegals.
    • Gives illegals get free food, phones, tuition, housing, and more.
    • Creates huge burdens on states unable to cope with influx.
    • Illegals creating huge security risk for Americans.
  • Illegally stored classified and “Top Secret” documents in his garage.
    • Biden gets a pass but orders televised FBI home invasion of Trump for same thing.
  • Weaponizing U.S. Justice Department, courts.
    • Creates 80-member FBI task force to spy on Americans.
    • Creates a huge “enemies list” that dwarfs Nixon’s.
    • Allows illegal FBI wiretaps on more than three million Americans.
    • “FBI” means “Follow Biden’s Instructions” — or else.
    • Orders all arrested on Jan. 6 demonstration to be classified as “domestic terrorists.”
  • Policies erode the First Amendment, especially freedom of speech, press, assembly.
    • Creates the Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board.
    • Suppression of countless millions of messages on social media during 2020 election.
      • Facebook, Twitter, YouTube posts of conservatives routinely banned.
      • Calls censorship “content moderation.”
      • Working to destroy Elon Musk with “regulatory harassment.”

THE PLANET could write additional tomes loaded with hard evidence of how Biden, now a helpless prisoner of the most radical elements  of his party, has in effect worked to destroy the country in the name of saving it.

Do you think America as we know it can survive four more years of such “service?”

[THE PLANET cites James Board, New York Post, Dec. 29, 2023 article titled “American Rule of Law at Risk — from Joe” for some of the information in this column.]


“Since when does destroying democracy becomes ‘saving’ it?”Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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1 year ago

My comment about road conditions was never posted by your bots. It was written and submitted around 1 pm today. Have I been banned??

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Yeah it was just posted an hour ago, AFTER your new column came out. Why the 9 hour delay Dan? Looks like ALL comments are held for a period of time. No more posting in real time.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

Lenny – I agree with you, this is also happening to me. Also, whether I thumbs up or down it sometimes counts me up to 4 times. Keep wondering how Jon Mele gets so many page long posts when my two or three sentences get held. I also had wondered if I was banned. Have to see how long this one takes.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 year ago

Thanks Merry – my vote also counts 3 or 4 times. Sometimes my vote doesn’t count at all.
Dan’s got some issues with his blog.

Tired of the BS
Tired of the BS
Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

Dan has issues all right.

Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

That’s just for you, Lenny.

1 year ago

Just like Obama was going to unite the country, then started the war on cops. Biden ought be impeached and I will vote for anyone over that imbecile. He belongs in a nursing home.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  BlueLivesMatter
1 year ago

Bathhouse Barry should did start the war on cops with the “Beer Summit.” He continued it with Michael Brown, even after his DOJ found Brown’s DNA inside Officer Wilson’s cruiser, showing Brown was attacking Officer Wilson.,28804,1929415_1929418_1929404,00.html

And then of course in more of Bathhouses Barry’s failures of US law enforcement, he and Eric Holder’s failed “Operation Fast and Furious,” armed Mexican Drug Cartels, which in turn used one of those weapons to murder US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Speaking of Bathhouse Barry, what are the odds he killed Tafari Campbell? Or did Big Mike Obama find those two in a sexually compromising position, and did the deed himself? I’ve been paddle boarding a few times and never in the NUDE.

Bathhouse Barry is a real piece of sh!t and so is Big Mike Obama.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

LOL….Qanon is interesting fiction ,some people should not read it because it takes over the brain and you think you are on to the deep state…so fn crazy

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

Just stop posting obvious lies. You must take lessons to be this dumb.

Last edited 1 year ago by H.L. Mencken
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  BlueLivesMatter
1 year ago

Obama was handed a world wide banking scandle and collapse sending our economy into failure.He spent the next 8 years working on the corporate failure on his 1st day at work.Obama handed a great economy taking markets to 18 thousand from 8 and handed that to the Republican Trump who on day 1 gave 2 trillion of that economy built by the pain of the poor and middle class to you know who…the good old filthy rich and corporations while this board was focused on …Obamas birth certificate…What other important things are you guys told to worry about..
Disney characters and books in Great Barrington with undercover police and volume turned off on a half blocked camera ….fascism is here and you gun owner will never see it coming.Dictators don’t allow guns…duh

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Somehow. He took that as a millionaire, and left 8 years later a billionaire. The rest of us got bushwhacked.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

I don’t like that Joe Biden is trying to redefine FREE SPEECH. I also did not like that Mayor Peter Marchetti said that he is not a fan of social media and blogs, and that he publicly asked for a 90 day grace period from the people he works for from exercising our FREE SPEECH. I don’t like that Maryland Ed Markey, Smitty Pignatelli, Tricia Farley-Bouvier and Paul Mark block all of my political emails. I don’t like it that The Dirty Bird (aka The Berkshire Eagle) hasn’t published any of my letters in the a little less than 20 years now. I don’t like that Donald Trump uses similar words, speeches and propaganda – such as The Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him and that the January 6th, 2021, insurrection on Capitol HIll that he led was not an insurrection – that Adolf Hitler used 100 years ago in his rise to power in Germany as the Nazi dictator in the 1930’s. Even Donald Trump’s own former Vice President Mike Pence said that he does not support Donald Trump in 2024.

Jon Melle

Terri Glumkee
Terri Glumkee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Status Quo.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

You keep tying the words “Nazi” and “racism” with Trump. Why? Give us examples and quit repeating democRAT talking points. Do you know your US History JM? Guess what party opposed ending slavery? Guess US President eulogized white supremist Robert Byrd? Guess what President said, “if you don’t vote Xiden, you ain’t black?”

Trump went after pedophiles. democRATS are trying to normalize it and make it mainstream. You’re OK with that JM? Lockeroom “guy talk” bothers you more than adults raping kids? If so, you are a sick man.

Maybe it’s time to get current with US politics. This isn’t your father’s democRAT party of years past. WAKE UP.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Once again when we come to facts and logic JM comes up short and I’m not talking about his short 4 foot height.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

I do NOT believe that rape is O.K. I do not believe that minors being raped by adults is O.K. I do believe that Donald Trump is a Nazi. I believe that MAGA really stands for NAZI. I have long listed evidence to substantiate my beliefs about Donald Trump’s racism. Joe Biden has a long list of racism in the Swamp going back over 50 years. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have a history of racism in politics.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

What distinguishes nazi’s from other communists is pure hate of Jews and the intention to exterminate. Communists otherwise just generally hate whoever doesn’t join their party.

To call DJT a communist, much less a nazi, and to accuse those who support him nazi’s is insulting. There is no need to challenge this; it is simply a fact.

The nazi’s you should be talking about are the various insurrections and beer style putsches happening at airports, bridges, tunnels. That is what should be disturbing your sleep, JM. Hitler’s first foray into hope and change was seizing territory with an armed gang. What is happening here is similar.

Read Shirer’s Rise and Fall of Third Reich. It began with the chaos, like what we see here post-2020, and culminated with a shadow state, operating in parallel to the official state emerging from the ruins of the Weimar.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
U.R. Cuckoo
U.R. Cuckoo
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Try increasing the amount of fiber in your diet.

Garbage In and Garbage Out
Garbage In and Garbage Out
1 year ago

Warning posted that new council VP is going to be the dupe taking the heat off the new mayor by rolling out the new trash policy. But all the unhappy people should realize that he is just the messenger and Marchetti is the one who is signing off on it. How much more will this cost the taxpayers will be revealed in short time.

Midnight Barry
Midnight Barry
Reply to  Garbage In and Garbage Out
1 year ago

Of course Marchetti’s first act is a big FU to families. Go ahead, Peter. Take away the one service people actually like in Pittsfield. See how that goes.

Stop starting trouble
Stop starting trouble
1 year ago

Roads are in great shape the plow drivers and commissioner did a great job

Ricardo Pendejo
Ricardo Pendejo
Reply to  Stop starting trouble
1 year ago

He did a great job with the snow in Puerto Rico

1 year ago

Also what Biden is doing with the school system in the country is intolerable. Encouraging the schools to indoctrinate children with not only a political far left agenda, but also confusing them about their gender and sexuality. This may continue even without Biden if another far left politician becomes president because this “rot” goes deep throughout the far left and the school system, but Biden does nothing to stop what is happening now in the schools and never speaks out against it. So for just this issue alone, not to mention the endless list of his other horrible policies, he needs to go. The border invasion and the economic attack on the lowest earning people in this country are also top reasons why his presidency is a dangerous failure and continuing it for another four years is just too frightening to think about.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Speaking of schools and indoctrination, a local school (not in Pittsfield) has resorted to naming restrooms simply as either “toilets” or “urinals and toilets” with no reference to gender whatsoever. Who would want to send their daughter or granddaughter to a school like that?

Last edited 1 year ago by Free Bird
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Free Bird
1 year ago

Say it ain’t so…you have one of those in your house,we all do.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

My house is not a public building, there is only one occupant in the bathroom at any one time.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

FOX loop media knows how to brainwash,nothing to say Pat.You are now another casualty of FOX

The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

Pete Marchetti must cut taxes for residents in order to save our city.Banker Pete must know about liabilities and financial health.We need to close 3 schools.Allendale and Stearns then a 5 year plan to close PHS.Pete must stop raising taxes 10% a year.This year as every year he raises tax rates then he raises valuations which is to fool tax payers.This should be illegal. I we can get this board to stop thinking about all sexual identity and focus on finances around pickleball,baseball foe college kids to the tune of 30 million in a wetland stadium because George Scott played there and Comedian Bill Murry owns the Suns.
Williamston and Lenox have much cheaper taxes and I suggest that the public pays attention to only 5 to 6 cars parked at the biobuilding for 18 million.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Looks like they are going ahead with a super expensive ball park only a few people want or need. And they are doing it in spite of everyone begging for their taxes to be moderated. How effing insensitive is that for a new mayor to do? He wants 90 days to shove it up our asses while no one is paying attention. Putting that ballpark on hold for a year or two would be an easy thing but nothing the special interest want ever gets put on hold.

Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Did anyone actually see what the damage looked like under the grandstands? Not much to see there anyway, just I-beams and pilings sunk deep into the ground. If the pilings have shifted then that’s a big problem. But we haven’t heard that. In fact one of the three plans (the one that said it would be less costly) said it would use the exiting structure and build off that. If that is true then the damage should have been repaired and nothing else changed. No ADA changes needed. Also the flooding was always blamed on the dam down stream (tel-electric Dam). Its gone and the park still floods.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

I posted before with the Bidenomics policies along with all his other policies in place that you praise how can you now not pay any increases with a smile?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Social liberal and financial conservative that’s how.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

That is impossible.

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

I agree with you about the tax cuts for residents, but you are too quick to dismiss the gender and sexual issues going on in all schools in this country. We’re not making this an issue. The schools are with their insistence on manipulating these young children with their theories about their gender identity and sexual identity. Exposing them to literature that even adults find offensive. Teachers subjecting impressionable young kids to “Gender Queer” literature is NOT acceptable. It isn’t acceptable to drive a wedge between these young people and their parents when the schools decide kids need gender surgery and don’t need to inform their parents.

U.R. Cuckoo
U.R. Cuckoo
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

TSC has his own copy of GQ for his personal pleasure.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Hello Governor Maura Healey,

Last month (December 2023), your administration stated that the state government in Massachusetts has an historic $8.2 billion in surplus cash. On the radio this morning (January 8, 2024), Beacon Hill lawmakers said that your administration is planning to make $375 million in emergency cuts to the state budget due to lackluster revenues. Beacon Hill lawmakers said that your administration is going to cut state funding for local projects and the like.

What is wrong with this picture? $8.2 billion in surplus state cash versus $375 million in emergency cuts. The message your administration is sending out is that it is O.K. for the state government to have all of the extra money in the world, but local projects need to be cut so the state will be able to balance its books.

Jon Melle

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Dear planet posters. We are all keenly aware of the massive gridlock we have at the federal level of our government. As bad as things are we must look into our own back yard and realize we have a bigger problem here called personal property taxes. The taxes are unsustainable and unfair to all who pay taxes. We need a fair and equitable way to reduce these taxes. In 2015 and again in 2023 as a mayoral candidate I called for a 7% reduction in every city department for a period of 4 consecutive years. It will be difficult to achieve b UT it is essential that we do it. Over a period of 4 years we will reduce our property taxes by some 30%
THis would bring our property taxes down into a range hat people can afford. In order for this proposal to succeed we need to PUSH our city officials to initiate this proposal asap. We can not allow taxes to rise at a rate of 10% per year any longer. We all have to prepare for less city services but we will some how succeed. The time for action is now. I will speak at the CC meeting Tuesday regarding this proposal. Let’s all get on board. Together we can succeed. Alone we will perish.

Terri Glumkee
Terri Glumkee
Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
1 year ago

I agree sir. But this is shittsfield home of higher taxes and apathetic citizens.

Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
1 year ago

Agreed, twenty five years ago City laid off Firefighters and always threatened to shut down a fire station. We never hear even a mention of cost cutting now. Raise taxes every year. People are voting with there feet.

Terri Glumkee
Terri Glumkee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Maybe it’s free cash.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

The unforeseen cost of illegals is taking a bite out of the surplus with no end in sight.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
1 year ago

Biden BiDEMONICs- The financial death knell to our Republic
Biden Baboons- the mendacious minions of doom, destroying our Republic.
Biden Backdraft- An explosive surge of migrant miscreants that are accelerating the “FundaMENTAL TRANSformation of our Republic
Biden Begone- for the survival of our Republic,
The hapless hornswoggled hogwash spewing from the fraudulent, feckless mouth of this imposter, has reached an unprecedented level, which is causing a level of decimation,never before seen in our dying Republic

1 year ago

No we can’t, four more years and the American experiment is over. People are so out of touch they don’t realize that before the USA the world was ruled by Kings, Queens and dictators.
The Uniparty will not let Trump make it to election day on a ballot. They will disqualify him one way or another. Biden isn’t gonna be on the ballot either. Wait for the last minute fill in’s that we won’t want ,but we will be made to choose between two Uniparty candidates.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Crybaby
1 year ago

We are back to Tories and Whigs.

Sweet Niece
Sweet Niece
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Absolutely no big project at Wahconah ah Park. It was never an attraction but for the Red Sox. The water table is very concerning that area. I can remember a couple years ago my sister wanted to come and visit. We were going to see a Suns Game.Her first question was is Wahconah Park still have flooding?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Sweet Niece
1 year ago

It is the worst location in Pittsfield and Marchetti wants to double down on a obvious mistake.

Sweet Niece
Sweet Niece
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Yeah. He agreed with Krol as Willie Nelson would be a draw. Nelson is ninety years old.

Reply to  Crybaby
1 year ago

The plan is to push old Joe across the finish line, then kick him to the curb, and install Queen Kamala.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

VP Mipe Pence is an American hero

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Yup. Would’ve been a good, solid president too, just like Truman.

1 year ago

The Great Barrington case of the teacher reading “Gender Queer” to the middle school kids is getting even worse. Now the lawyer for the teacher wants the name of the person who reported her. What? The teacher is withholding her name from the Eagle out of fear she says, but the person who reported the problem should be made public? For public shaming for daring to report what is being taught in these classrooms? The Berkshire Eagle just reported this so they are keeping the case front and center likely for their own political agenda in favor of the teacher being justified in having the book in class and agreeing with the lawyer who is saying the teacher was targeted for her sexual orientation. The most likely scenario is that a young child reported to their parents what the teacher was showing them in the classroom.

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Arantzau Zuzene Galdos-Shapiro

That’s the teachers name. She was also apparently teaching kids to hide things from their parents, etc. She sounds like a class act… but since she’s apparently one of the alphabet people, she’s protected. I wonder which of her hyphenated names was her dead name. She sounds like complete trash and everything wrong with this country. Say her name LOUD AND PROUD and put a little rainbow on it

Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
1 year ago


The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

It’s called turning in your neighbor in Germany in 1938

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

What’s being done to these kids in these schools is Germany in 1938 and you know it. This has to stop. These schools are toxic.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

The Nazi’s were known for perversions. That is documented in Shirer’s account as well.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Anyone with an education knows that adding an apostrophe does not make words plural, Chucky. Stick to being an assistant manager at a hardware store.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

You mean like all the democrats do when they are offended? Pretty sure we had “Nazi” supporters turning in family and coworkers for PROTESTING on Jan 6.

Sweet Niece
Sweet Niece
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Or old school telling where Baby Jesus is?

Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

I agree Pat.
If I were a parent of a child in her classroom, I would file a lawsuit against the teacher and the school. Fight fire with fire.

Sweet Niece
Sweet Niece
Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

Sumbitch an old Pittsfielder during the the sixties pocketpool era,used to stand out in front of the old pool hall on North Treet smoking gerbs (cigs back then) and watching the peeps walk by while he’d have one hand in his pants….playing pocketpool. Anyway,this legend,if you will,died a few years ago and would be flabbergasted with the decreased in proliferation of the current traffic on North Street. He’s probably rolling over in his grave with these councilors focusing on Wahconah Park Water Polo grounds Instead of a new Police Station,or it’s downtrodden North Street.

Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Reply to  Sweet Niece
1 year ago

Thanks Sweet Niece. Your writhing brought back wonderful memories. Next to the North Steet pool hall you reference is the long gone Bridge Lunch with stairways descending to the railroad tracks that go under the bridge at North and Eagle Streets. North Street was booming at the time and, as I recall, had 3 department stores and 5 restaurants, and other retail establishments. It was fun and educational stopping for a coffee at the Brindle owned Rosa restaurant. At the time city councilors and mayor were paid peanuts and were happy to serve their community.

Reply to  Sweet Niece
1 year ago

Water Polo Grounds…… perfect

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
1 year ago

Oh how I wish the doomacrats could all go and live together, united in their odious enclave of their imagined shangra-la world,  living out their communist dreams of rainbows, woke wonders, peaceful corruption,pristine prevarications and the ultimate joy of it all, while leaving behind all of us conservatives to suffer the consequences of their absence from our lives.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 year ago

“peaceful corruption” – is good!

Sweet Niece
Sweet Niece
Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 year ago

The ‘Grind’Top will get a special inauguration tonight.Progressive liberal city council meets tonight. The agenda? Tax everyone to the Zenith. No shortcuts in $pending. The bigger the deficit the better. Same old Status Quo with posers who we cannot live without. Mayor Tyer has wept her way to bigger and better Ca$h Job at B C C.

And who knows maybe when Maypo gets his 4 in he will follow her.

Sweet Niece
Sweet Niece
Reply to  Sweet Niece
1 year ago

Dino Lampylousy

Sweet Niece
Sweet Niece
Reply to  Sweet Niece
1 year ago

Can a councilors head get any bigger? Dumpster proposes putting toilet paper in dispensers so we will save on those who use it freely outside of a dispenser.

snark shark
snark shark
1 year ago

And so after spending millions more of beleaguered Pittsfield taxpayers hard earned money on North street the new mayor is now going to spend another fortune of the same taxpayers money redoing the whole thing over again. For the umpteenth fricken time.

Mr Marchetti is the new star of the cartoon that is Pittsfield, Ma and he has that checkbook out and is ready to pick up where Kardashin Tyer left off. If you enjoyed Mr. Magoo as a child you are going to love the rehash.

Get out if you can.

NO, really, get out or go broke contributing to special interest white elephants spending that only fools would do.

1 year ago

Dumpy lumpy Marchetti….. buy a tie.

1 year ago

Marchetti said have conversations about 100 times…… he should call Lothrop who loves to conversate

1 year ago

Mama Cass Cista blowing hot air and kissing Marchetti’s back side

John Dutton
John Dutton
1 year ago

please tell me you watched that City council meeting last night? this city is in some serious trouble. Everyone one of those goof balls tried to give the taxpayers the pouty eyes and lip service that they feel bad for them.

Not one and i mean not one brought forth any new plan or ideas on how to attract new thriving business to the area. Nobody called out the Senator or the State Rep or even the Mayor on a push for a brighter future. Gee, let’s have another Pizza place or maybe a coffee shop.

Purple Rain Costa couldn’t believe we can’t build thousands of new homes to add to the tax base really? thanks for the sympathy.

And finally, the brilliant idea of the night to save this city all kinds of money was Earl the Pearl Parsnip. “we could save thousands of dollars if we just focus on the paper towels that are in the bathroom” if we just used paper towel dispensers then we wouldn’t have to make any cuts to the budget. He knows because he is in the Janitorial business. Thanks Earl! brilliant idea.

Not one forward thinker in the bunch. Put your helmets on this is going to be a long 4 years.