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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 3, 2024) —  h B#d y2-1 d1 0 3a.# 1-h-0 B-d-3/ *405

———- ooo ———-

Anything important happen yesterday? Anything in city? YES!! As of the mayoral inauguration, the city changed its official name from Picklefield to Bitchfield.

Normally, THE PLANET‘s most grueling task with any administration change has to be finding a new nickname for the corner office holder. That typically unfolds within the first year. With Peter Marchetti’s ascendancy, it was instantly easy.

Welcome the new mayor, Markey Maypo* (*subject to change).

MayMar, or Bitchfield’s new mayor, Markey Maypo.

The name evolved from MayMar, as in MAYor MARchetti. Not bad, but citizens demanded a “whine factor.” Immediately, THE PLANET thought of the whiny little brat in the Maypo Cereal commercials from back in the day. We tested it with a representative cross section of Kapanskis, and the new name proved a smash hit.

Maypo ran by saying he’d be ready from Day One due to his “vast experience” in city government. Then, it a wheezy eyewash of an interview, he asked for a 90-day period in which he would be immune from criticism.

In the spirit of Maypo’s request, we gave him his 90 … seconds.

Our message to Maypo is simple: You wanted the office. You got it. You said you’d be ready on Day One. Your grace period ended yesterday. It’s up to you to tell us more than you’re proud to be gay. Who the f&%k cares that you’re proud of this.

Be a great mayor. That’s how you get us off your back.

———- ooo ———-

What more to say about yesterday’s inaugural yawner? In four words?

So … far … so … good.

Maypo took the oath by managing to raise the correct hand, something former D.A. Andrea Outthedoria couldn’t manage. This shows Maypo knowns his right from his left. That’s great news and reason for all good citizens of Bitchfield to feel as confident and secure at Katy Winters at the prom. Maypo issued no tax increases on his first day nor did he assign millions in ARPA money to the usual gang of insiders and suck-ups. Talk about your roaring start.

Council chambers shone in splendor on invited guests, dignitaries, and other pillows of the community. The Fourth of July Parade Committee stirred emotions when they read Whitman’s O Captain! My Captain! A giant balloon floated above the chamber crowd, thrilling everyone until they discovered it was new council president, Cosplay Pete White. Seems Porkchop Pete put on a few pounds over the holidays. That, plus an unusual amount of hot air, put Porkchop in orbit.

Bitchfield Poet Laureate Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath, read aloud his poem, commissioned for the occasion:

On the Death of the Little Guy


As our politics decay, we die in part.

String after string is severed from the heart,

til loosed public life, reduced to breathing clay,

without one pang is glad to fall away.


Unhappy, The Kapanskis, who late feel the blow!

Whose eyes have wept over every friend laid low,

killed by higher taxes from partial death to Death,

til dying, all they can resign is breath. (a PLANET nod to James Thomson)

———- ooo ———-

And what of our Right Honorable Good Friends on the city council?

  • Dumpster Earl Persip looked for more “people like me.” He needs to watch more car commercials.
  • Patrick “Kave In” Kavey kept the mineshaft from collapsing. He’s panning for fool’s gold.
  • Jim Conant the Barbarian sawed wood. It will stoke the fires of creativity.
  • Ken Warren came dressed like the Maytag Repairman. He mimed lines from The Last Polar Bear.
  • Dina “Climate Change” Lampiasi looked lost. She doesn’t have Sir Chaz as a sidekick any longer.
  • The four Newcomers, who’ve yet to earn their names, sat quietly. Rubber stamps tell no lies.

Oh, and the four who either decided not to re-up? Let’s see:

  • Sir Chaz has taken his mount up north and will fight the dragons there.
  • Kevin Sherman has returned to the Way Back Machine.
  • Tony Maffuccio was last seen reading The Invisible Man.
  • Karen Kalinowski has taken up banjo lessons. Dueling.

The Dreaded Others

  • The Lovely Linda Tyer worked up a gig at BCC–BeCause I Can.
  • Ricky Rumpus narrowed no streets and rounded no roundabouts.
  • Kufflinks Kerwood made no secret entries in his second or third set of books.
  • Deanna Ruffer did not screw taxpayers with yet another make-work no-show position.
  • The Bitchfield Socohl Comite demanded no accountability.
  • Socohl superintendent Jumping’ Joe Curtiss issued no stupid directives.
  • There were no bum-kissers and wannabes named to any boards and commissions.

All to hail Bitchfield’s coming glory.


“The lingering year at length has flown; pomp and plenty are now your own” — from Samuel Johnson.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

Pete Marchetti sent out this quarters tax bill to poverty stricken homeowners and when it was opened the day he became mayor we found out they lied by omission. They raised tax rates on last year’s assessment then in the same bill raised your homes value.Is it legal for Pittsfield assessors to raise all homeowners assesments every year. The attorneys General office needs to look into why the assessments are constantly changing upward as they please.There is something fishy going on in that office.Zillow says housing prices to go up 1 % and Pittsfield say 20% stealing and extra 20%

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

With Bidenomics you should have no problem paying the bill.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Biden can’t decide which lie to stick with. Biden is telling us the economy is roaring away and also that it’s Trump’s fault that it got so bad under Biden.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Both are correct!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Do you think the economy is bad Dan?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

34 trillion dollar debt.. The age of 100 year mortgages is being talked about.

That is the essence of our economy. When talk of dollar losing its supremacy goes from implausible to a current concern, which it may be the case, yes the US economy is absolutely threatened.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Economy is apparently not good in NYC. Mayor is resorting to austerity measures. Boston should have a big refund for taxpayers in the Commonwealth (thanks JM!), but the reserve shall go to austerity measures too. What’s one billion dollars, more or less?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Trump will take your freedom and your money.The VP MAGA race is all about who will say yes to Pences NO…

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Will my super secret Biden Gibberish decoder ring, work on that?

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

You’re a perfect example of why abortion should be more widespread.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
1 year ago

It’s depraved of you to tell someone who does not support a p.o.s. like Donald Trump that they should have been aborted. What is wrong with you?

Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

Exactly so, HL.

The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump got 2 billion dollars from the Saudi family of Arabia who as a rich powerful dictators of the Arabian people are worth trillions in unimaginable wealth.Why are the MAGA not seeing this,why is this board not commenting on this.Why does the planet avoid this conversation.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Hard to converse with a person who doesn’t listen and isn’t open to other opinions that might explain things.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

The unofficial Planet “2023 TDS Award Winner,” belongs to none other than the lone representative and patient of the Jones Psych Unit, The Scohol Committee (TSC).

Congratulations TSC!!

Dirty Barry Clairmont, aka-Mr. Worldwide, who set the bar very low for buffoonery, would be very proud of you.

Maybe you have a future as Bitchfield’s new Vigilante?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Give it a radar gun, and let it, patrol Williams St,

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
1 year ago

Holy shit is it possible I can wedge a post in sideways before Jon Jon Melle takes off on his long winded psychogenic induced rant?
My suggestion to Dan is lay low on references to the new Mayor’s sexuality as it is 2024 and most ppl are accepting of gays and is a non issue.
Pork chop Pete needs to finally face issues head on and stop hiding behind food reviews, which of course are always positive because he loves food almost as much as kissing thr asses of local businesses to ensure votes. Hopefully he can stay home from eating and drinking to play with his dolls and figurines while making believe he’s a tough punk rocker.
Conant is a true waste of a seat and someone should stop waking him up and just let him sleep in his chair until the next council meeting.
If Persips ass gets any bigger they will need to order him a new chair he can fit in. He needs to focus on accomplishing something this term other than coasting in to make some earth shattering statement in the 11th hour of a controversial issue. And you can be sure he will support a robust hot dog and popcorn stand for the new Wahconah Park.
Kavey will continue to pot smoke his way thru his next term accomplishing absolutely nothing like this term. And get ready for grandstanding by him as he is delusional enough to believe he has a future in politics while sucking the tit of the tax paying public.
Just get ready for alot of absolutely nothing of value happening from this council except shaking hands and kissing babies.

Lampiasi who?

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

You pick on me weekly for my disability, Flogging Molly, but then you criticize blogger Dan Valenti for writing about Mayor Peter Marchetti always playing the “I am an openly gay man” card in Pittsfield politics. What a double standard!

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

Jonathan you use being a gay man as your disability but cousin Mayor Pete uses it to better himself. Were you in the Navy before don’t ask don’t tell or did you lie to your recruiter and get a disability that way?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

Why doesn’t Dan play the openly straight man card…why say gay and not straight


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Guy further down is correct. Reporting and self-advertising sexual activity is gross. I really don’t want to know anything about Mealey’s sex life.

Unabated, it’s often cause for HR complaints too.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Chuck Garivaltis"/"
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Love this response, Dan. Right on target.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
1 year ago

Matchetti was the one who brought up his gayness not Valenti.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
1 year ago

Molly, Marchetti made his gayness the issue. As you pointed out, nobody freaking cares. He ain’t the first gay mayor by the way and there have been plenty of gays on the council even before Peter.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
1 year ago

You’d think he was Harvey Milk.

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Flogging Molly
1 year ago

Molly if you keep on putting in good posts like this last one I might be aBle to take a break now and are as fed up with this city as I am. Start bringing some of that talent to CC MEETINGS AND TELL THESE MISCREANTS TO THEIR FACE WHAT YOU JUST STATED IN YOUR BLOG. WE NEED ABOUT 10 THOUSAND OTHER POSTERS LIKE US AND WE WILL TAKE Back our city and return it to the rightful owners the taxpayers.thanks for telling things as you see them
Honesty is the order of the day. The truth will set us all free. It’s time for all of us to act as well as post. Amen

1 year ago

What did the gay blade say about violent crime in his inaugural spiel?

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

Not a word. And who gives a shit that he’s gay????

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shittsfield
1 year ago

Jesus does.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Where did Jesus preach this?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

got a bible?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Direct me to Jesus teaching on gays

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Hate the sin, love the sinner.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

“While the Bible is clear in its view of homosexuality, it is essential to remember that God loves all of his creation and offers forgiveness to those who repent and turn away from their sins.”

Romans 1:26-27
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

J does indeed.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Shittsfield
1 year ago

New Hampshire has Congressman Chris Pappas who plays the gay card.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

For Republicans it a fat guy who rapes women steals cash steals Top Secrets demands votes in Georgia for a cheating win then betrays his country with a slap in the face to all veterans that fought or died to let the billionaire elitist asks this board to become fascist for Putin

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

DJT should change his name to Hillary Epstein. Then all the hate will just disappear.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

You like Trumps approach to life

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

No. Never compare yourself to or follow the footsteps of your peers. Doing that guarantees mediocrity.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

“Steamboat Willie” Clinton, and H-Beast are very prominent in the released Epstein documents. Specific references to him “being fond of young girls”.

POTUS Trump is mentioned but not in any nefarious ways like the Clintons. No mentions of him going to Sex Slave Island either.

Jimmy Kimmel made the list too….

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Imagine accusing Hillary Epstein of rape, collusions, selling out national resources, perversity.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

off your meds again

Biden rapes his daughter, sells top secrets to China and Russia, gives CRIMINAL ALIENS a $5000 pre-paid card and $2200/month while we have HOMELESS VETERANS.

FU , TSC!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

“Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States”

“Out of fraud no action arises.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

The usual spoof of finding social worker liaisons to add to payroll, who actually exist ready to roll in the private sector.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

MAGA response is so telling

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

No one wants to respond to a nitwit buffoon who has TDS.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

I will. “It” is disgusting

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

That TSC fool trolls this site like it’s a full time job.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
1 year ago

Pete and re-Pete have been installed on their toilets in Pittsfield politics!

Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

At least Amuso voted against White and Pursep

snark shark
snark shark
1 year ago

Seem to recall that tyer woman making all kinds of glorious predictions as well. These type of people can be rather insulting as they look you in the eye and talk to you like you are a morn and going to believe one word out of their mouths. Good grief.

Get the hell out now while you can!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

I included the Eagle’s article about Maypo’s inauguration in this post for the elegant photos taken at this event by the “press.”

If you click on the article and scroll down to the third picture, that picture says it all for the Bitchfield taxpayers.

From right to left, you have Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal immigrants) who is not paying attention, but rather appears to be looking towards the ground for the chicken McNugget she dropped moments earlier; Linda “Flat” Tyer, showing Maypo how far she stuck it up the taxpayer’s a$$ (note the large index finger knuckle for the extra “loving” she gave non-rubber stampers); and MA Gov Maura “coming soon to Bitchfield more illegals” Healey.

Curious minds want to know, who will Dirty Barry Clairmont get to succeed himself as Bitchfield’s (formerly Pickelfield) Vigilante? DB set the bar very low for the next successor.

And finally, does anybody really take an adult with purple hair seriously? Unless it’s Halloween time, I certainly don’t.

Yeah, 2024 should be a banner year for Bitchfield.

Newly inaugurated Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti calls for ‘one Pittsfield’ in the new year | Central Berkshires |

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Tyer looks happier than a pig in shit. And she ought to be. She fleeced Shittsfield for about a cool million as a failed mayor.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Rockin’ good start, Dan. Fabulous poem too. HL Men, that’s a poem about death and resignation. The woods are for preserving your humanity, the houses are for the body. Pittsfield is for the dead and resigned.

Drove through Rutland, a city I would never ever ever want to live in, but I was amazed. There was this old early skyscraper section completely preserved and actually full of businesses. The main drag Route 7 also packed with businesses. Covid had knocked a good many out, yet few vacancies. No 5G in my neck of woods, my hair is starting to return to normal color and my nausea tinnitus and migraines are lightening up.

Say ‘hi’ to Dina for me. Glad to have known her, glad to not be her.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Comparing the death of a friend to the incompetence of Pittsfield pols is sophomoric, Chucky.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

oh well, time for sarcasm 2.01.

The boosting of an accomplished writer’s name to elevate your drivel is pretentious, CHICKEN.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Says the guy who managed a hardware store but only as an assistant. Mencken would have despised Trump, which is a fact that you and Valenti will always be ignorant of.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

81 million votes for Biden my ass. What was the margin in GA?

“Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote won their lawsuit in Georgia against Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias, and the far-left Fair Fight organization in a landmark election case.
Catherine announced this incredible news on Tuesday afternoon!

True the Vote (TTV) declares a decisive triumph in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams’ Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of Justice. A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.

In a resounding vindication, TTV successfully defended its actions of December 2020, aiding Georgia citizens in filing elector challenges based on data showing over 364,000 voters appeared to be ineligible to vote due to change in residency.
This victory is a testament to every American’s constitutional right to free speech and the importance of actively participating in the electoral process.
True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht affirmed, “Today’s ruling sends a clear message to those who would attempt to control the course of our nation through lawfare and intimidation. American citizens will not be silenced.”

True the Vote lead attorney Jake Evans stated, “After almost three years of litigation and a two-week federal trial with plaintiff calling 12 witnesses, Judge Steven Jones awarded a complete defense verdict for all defendants. This decision is monumental. It vindicates True the Vote in totality and establishes that eligibility challenges under Section 230 are a proper method to ensure voter rolls are accurate. I am grateful to help achieve this great victory.”
Engelbrecht added, “This is an answer to the prayers of faithful patriots across America.”
True the Vote remains steadfast in its mission to support trustworthy elections and looks forward to assisting citizens in future such lawful efforts.”

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

40 million votes for Xiden were from China, 20 million from Ukraine, 21 million from the USA

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

America is stupid

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

Nah, they were mostly from cemeteries

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

So gullible

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago 53 min

“This special collection offers an in-depth look at True the Vote’s election integrity efforts in Georgia. It is not a complete recitation of True the Vote’s work; for that, we would have to start over a decade ago. Instead, this collection is meant to highlight a series of extraordinary events that began in 2020, are happening at the time of this publication, and by all indications, will continue throughout 2024.

Certain documents, video clips, and other exhibits will not be immediately released for reasons including active litigation, protective orders, and ongoing research. will add exhibits to this collection as events unfold.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

The Georgia ballot counter had something interesting to say about the change in paper quality at midnight when trucks starting dumping thousands of ballots for them to run through the machines. Could be just the nature of cheapo absentee ballots. But then, the study of AZ ballots found photoshopped authentication stamps. The crooks are good on numbers, but don’t understand layer transparency in photoshop.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Sounds like they were using rolling paper that is normally used for rolling doobies.Can’t trust these people.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Xeroxing ballots. They needed more votes for Biden, so they just shipped them in after they evacuated the building.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

In Arizona, they had cartons of ballots pre-printed with received stamps. Probably printed filled out too.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Why do you lie so brazenly?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

“The evolution of sense, is in a sense the evolution of nonsense.”

Your problem is that you don’t read enough, and you don’t watch enough entertainment.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

What utter paranoid and baseless garbage.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

What court did Trump show this evidence? You going to Jonestown?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

My good friend, just read the report. You don’t need a lawyer or a judge to validate it for you.

I had the same problem with City Council. I would want an Council intervention, such as, challenging the irresponsible green light to put a pot shop in Allendale Shopping Center. Inevitably, the debate turns to the solicitor who is unfavorable. Poof and done. Debate over, the lawyer says no.

I accuse you, TSC, of the same sin. You are abusing the Courts to challenge science and common sense.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

I give credit to Biden for what PDJT could never do……shake every single persons hand who showed up to hear him speak! 81 million legit votes my azz.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

True the Vote (TTV) declares a decisive triumph in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams’ Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of Justice. A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.

^^^ that is in US Constitution

J6: A True Timeline

“J6: A True Timeline gives the audience a never-before-seen timestamped blueprint for the events of January 6, 2021, as they unfolded in real time. No other film to date fills the gaps or tells the story chronologically the way this film does. The film is also different from anything produced to date because a small group of protestors, some who are J6 defendants, have been the ones to collect hours of footage to help contextualize the events of the day. The film was funded and produced entirely through small donations and tens of thousands of volunteer man hours. The hope is that the film will provoke all Americans to be more curious about the true timeline of January 6.” 53 min

“This special collection offers an in-depth look at True the Vote’s election integrity efforts in Georgia. It is not a complete recitation of True the Vote’s work; for that, we would have to start over a decade ago. Instead, this collection is meant to highlight a series of extraordinary events that began in 2020, are happening at the time of this publication, and by all indications, will continue throughout 2024.

Certain documents, video clips, and other exhibits will not be immediately released for reasons including active litigation, protective orders, and ongoing research. will add exhibits to this collection as events unfold.” 53 min

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

This is how a Jonestowner felt and in the end it was too late

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Will you attend the Biden Family hanging for treason?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

What’s the charge?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

“Will you attend the Biden Family hanging for treason?”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

You are the best example around here of the democrats “pushing that dumb populace is a malleable populace here in the US.” All part of the plan.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

What is the plan?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Trump has you questioning everything

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Not everyone can be as gullible as You!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

“The important thing is to never stop questioning,” Albert Einstein

There you go, einstein.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

“J6: A True Timeline gives the audience a never-before-seen timestamped blueprint for the events of January 6, 2021, as they unfolded in real time. No other film to date fills the gaps or tells the story chronologically the way this film does. The film is also different from anything produced to date because a small group of protestors, some who are J6 defendants, have been the ones to collect hours of footage to help contextualize the events of the day. The film was funded and produced entirely through small donations and tens of thousands of volunteer man hours. The hope is that the film will provoke all Americans to be more curious about the true timeline of January 6.
The Creator and Producer for the documentary is AJ Fischer of InvestigateJ6. AJ is a J6 defendant who knows more than most about what transpired on the West side of the Capitol; circumstances that led to the declared riot and Capitol building entry. In January 2023, Fischer began to make the film a reality. He lined up funding for the project and hired professional producer Jason Rink to help. Rink is the Executive Producer for the project. Paul Escandon is both director and editor.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mad Trapper
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

So do you know anything about the funding of Jan 6th insurection and Ginny Thomas’s role in the attack plan.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Seems to be an inside job with Pelousey, Wray, THE FIB, all involved.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Ha! That is really funny!!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
1 year ago

Made this post late last evening not knowing Dan would be writing a new post. Decided to copy it too today.

Mayor Marchetti stated very early in his speech that he is proud to be the “first openly gay mayor in Pittsfield”. If the taxpayers of Pittsfield have not figured that out by now, they need help. What does him being gay have to do with straightening out the city? Peter has been stating that he is gay for years, we get it Peter, it is old news, we don’t care.

Had to laugh when the new city councilors were given their seat assignments. It took them almost 5 minutes to find their seats. Evidently Conant fell asleep again as he just sat and did not move. When he finally understood, he lumbered across the floor to find his seat, reminded me of Biden shuffling along. If they all are this confused now, the taxpayers are in big trouble. Was it former Mayor Brindle that was sleeping right behind Marchetti during the speech?

Another laugh, when Flat Tyer was fake boo hooing and Governor Healy was comforting her. What a crock of poop. Can anyone tell me one accomplishment Flat Tyer had or better yet one campaign promise she kept in 8 years.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 year ago

Yup. She said she wasn’t going to stand for violent crime. She didn’t. She sat on her ass for 8 years as it got worse and worse.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

That’s a good one, right there.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 year ago

That was Evan dumbell Dobelle sleeping behind Marchetti .

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

Thanks, evidently he was bored.

1 year ago

It use to be inappropriate to talk about your sex life at work. Now it gets you a job and protects you from almost anything that you screw up. The new privileged class, fly a flag at your desk proclaiming your sexual orientation. That way everyone knows your untouchable. Put it in the local rag ,even better.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Crybaby
1 year ago

My maternal great-grandparents from Italy to Pittsfield, Massachusetts, are also Mayor Peter Marchetti’s great-grandparents, which means that Jon Melle & Mayor Peter Marchetti are related to each other. BUT, I did NOT get to choose my relatives!

Downtown Dweller
Downtown Dweller
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

Neither did he for that matter. And what does that have to do with anything?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

My grand mother and Marchetti’s grandmother were both grandmothers, so I think we’re related

Downtown Dweller
Downtown Dweller
Reply to  12 Gauge
1 year ago

I wish I could do a laugh emoji here! Ha Ha Ha

You are in or you are out
You are in or you are out
Reply to  Crybaby
1 year ago

Is the rest of the council gay as well? And if so, why are they not standing up and showing solidarity with “the March” as I hear his friends call him?

Reply to  You are in or you are out
1 year ago

Well, take a look. There are a couple as gay as a two dollar bill. Not that I have a problem with that.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  You are in or you are out
1 year ago

March chetti madness has arrived in Pittsfield.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Crybaby
1 year ago

Saw that on FOX….2024 is for fools

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Fox is part of the Uniparty. Keep watching.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Sounds like you actually watch Fox more than most on here.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Kind of like a dog watching the squirrels on the lawn………once in a while it barks.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

True blue Trumps left when FOX got caught in the conspiracy and had to admit Trump lost and they lied for him and he pouted all the way to a fair new network of Trump crybaby believers

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Fox is run by Murdock, an import from Austrailia.

Trucker couldn’t stand the stench and left.

1 year ago

Dan, Mayor Pete was referred to as Pittsfield s first openly Gay Mayor. Who were the other Gay Mayors who didn’t come out? Are considered less Gay because they decided to keep their private lifestyles to themselves?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

You missed the 1990’s

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

They figured all this stuff out in the ’90s. It’s now a matter of orthodoxy vs. progressivism.

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

If the city is ever going to control run away spending we must start to decrease spending in all the major departments. As I stated in 2015 and again in 2023 that all departments must reduce spending by 7% per year for several consecutive years. In order to reduce to these levels we must realize these cuts Must come in personnel. We can not wait any longer to institute these cuts
It will be painful for those who have been the recipients of large raises year after year but we must institute these cuts in order for everyone in this city to remain in their homes.there is no other way to cut the budget except doing what I propose. The city can start to reduce staff by putting a hiring freeze on every city job and by not replacing those who retire. By doing this the budget will reduce by 30% over 4 year time frame. The payroll patriots will holler bloody murder but we must realize that the bloateD number of city employees have to be trimmed as the increasing numbers in the past several years has created the unsustainable mess we have here today. We must learn to live with less in this community if we ever expect to reduce the murderous personal property taxes which are driving our neighbors to move away from pittsfield. This proposed fix is the only way to put an end to the ever surging taxes and rates that face and damage every person in this city. It is early in the year so we must demand the suggestions that I have made to be turned into reality. Everyone should show up at CC meetings and demand these suggestions be brought to the forefront and implemented asap. We should all maKe some suggestions AS WE ARE THE OWNERS OF THIS CITY AND WHAT WE SAY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED VERY CARFULLY by the 11 rubber stamps on the CC. This and a new group —The concerned citizens of Pittsfield should be assembled and taken seriously. We have wasted enough time in the past. It’s time we tell THE CC AND NEW MAYOR THAT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THE SHENANIGANS OF THE PAST. PLEASE EVERYONE GET INVOLVED. OUR CITY IS BEING CRUSHED BY THE WEIGHT OF HORRIBLE MANAGEMENT AND BLOATED CITY PERSONNEL WHO ARE MAKING MUCH MORE THAN WE ARE. WE SAY THE BUCK STOPS HERE. THIS TIME WE WILL ACT AND YES WE WILL PUNISH AT THE POLLS THOSE THAT DONT LISTEN TO US.

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

Dear planet posters. Below you will find a post that I will be reading to the mayor and city council at the next CC MEETING. I WISH THaT EVERYONE CAN READ A statement similar to mine in hopes of reducing the preposterous personal taxes and rates we are paying in pittsfield. The time for words has passed we now must demand that our elected officials do something to reduce taxes and rates. Please make a new year resolution to attend as many CC meetings as possible and speak to be heard

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

Mayor Sarah

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Tt2
1 year ago

Halfwit Hathaway

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  12 Gauge
1 year ago

Mayor SHH!

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

I don’t care who he screws unless it’s children or taxpayers. Those would be a problem,

1 year ago

I resisted the urge to tell Tyer how to put Pittsfield back on track. Then, I watched her drive the city further into the ditch for 8 years, and she was paid handsomely for it. So now, I will tell it like it is. Here is what you need to do Mayor Pete, to put Pittsfield on the right track.
1.   Understand the renaissance was a mirage, and Pittsfield is a city full of mostly wounded struggling souls, who can’t afford the out-of-control taxes, unless they have government jobs, are drug dealer, or are standing on the corners with cardboard, and a sad story, so get a grip on the spending. This means serious budget cuts, and closing schools, and no new stadium, period. 
2.  Deliver the basics, as in clean streets and parks, and a safe city.  This means get the bums off the streets, the needles and nips out of the parks, remove the bike lanes, and the stupid stick out curbs, and get serious about violent crime. The answer isn’t a task force on mental health and substance abuse, or more social workers in the police department. The answer lies in law enforcement. Get rid of the shit spotter, and the other wasted cash, and hire a permanent chief and a deputy police chief, that will take it to the shit bags. A cop on every corner, and a drug dealer or thief in every cell. Fill up the jail. Put the shit bags where they belong. Jail is the best rehab. 
3.  You don’t need to consult the public about hiring a police chief. The public spoke at the election – hire a chief that lives in the city, in accordance with the law. Simple. 
4.  Nobody cares that your gay. Get over it. You aren’t the first gay mayor, councilor, banker, or what not, and even if you were, we don’t care. We care about performance.
5.  As it stands now, you have a reputation as a go-along-get-along GOBSIG.   It’s showtime Pete. So forget the pageantry, the photo ops, and all the other bullshit, and clean this shit hole of a city up. Be a little guy’s mayor, and maybe you will be remembered for being the first mayor in my life to not earn an F. 

Last of Us
Last of Us
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

Status Quo. 90 day guarantee.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Thanks Danno, it means a lot coming from you.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

The Peter Marchetti financial plan for (himself) Pittsfield politics: Work at a bank for 35 years. Serve as an elected municipal official for several decades. 8 years from now, Peter Marchetti retire with three pensions: the bank, the city, and Social Security.

The Linda Tyer financial plan for (herself) Pittsfield politics. Work as an elected official for two decades after she worked for the Lenox Public School District as a Secretary. Work for the state government at Berkshire Community College for two decades. She is married to her third husband, the multi-millionaire CPA Barry Clairmont. Retire with two public pensions and her wealthy third husband.

What do the people, families and taxpayers who live in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, get for the mayors’ financial plans? Pay for excessively high record setting city and public school spending in return for “business as usual”.

Does anyone out there really believe that the state and local career politicians are going to change the government for the better for the benefit of the common people, families and taxpayers?

I do NOT! I believe that the state and local government is going to be run by the same political insiders who DO NOTHING but DISSERVICES to us little people, while enriching the financial, corporate and ruling elites at the public trough.

I see and hear Governor Maura Healey on TV and the radio on a weekly basis. But what has she done in her first full year (2023) as governor? I receive political emails that state that the Massachusetts State Government had its least productive year (2023) in over one decade.

Jon Melle

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

Look at the keyboard warrior go! And you have done precisely nothing to effect change in Pittsfield. Whining and ranting online is meaningless. Why do you do it? Because it’s all you’ve got.

Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

Not exactly pal. As a matter of fact I have done more for The Kapanskis and the wounded ducks in this city, and the little people, than all the elected officials put together have, in my life time. I have every right to be a keyboard warrior, because I spent the best years of my life serving the citizens of this shithole of a city, watching the politicians and certain department heads drive this city into the ditch the entire time. For the record, I have 39 years of distinguished public service. By the way, I don’t live in Pittsfield anymore. I was able to escape. But there are plenty of good people left that can’t afford to leave.

1 year ago

Hey Dan lets talk about the shit show in Gtb about that nasty book that the Gtb Police received a complaint about and responed to the complaint with a pain clothed officer so as not to make a big seen. So the book was not found so it was hidden some where. Now all the bleeding heart sick nasty people are crying foul. What do you expect from these idiots, I expect no less. Now the police chief says oh I am sorry. Never say your sorry you did your job, it is not your fault these people are F***** in the head. The world is a mess esp all these BS blue states. Its sick, its nasty, and all this crap should be banned, not taught in your schools. Anyone who does should be fired and have any teaching or proffesional license taken for every. Nasty, dirty, all of it

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Tt2
1 year ago

The ironic part is they are all assuming it was a PARENT that complained. Are they sure it wasn’t a fellow unionite colleague?

The world may never know. The teacher is a joke too, she was all in an uproar on social media originally, now she’s taking a leave of absence and has a lawyer. You got what you wanted, public outcry. You just didn’t think it would reach as far as it did.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Someone filed a formal complaint with the police re: pornographic material (or something similar)

While the book itself COULD be useful in the right context, think health class or guidance counselors office, there is no need for it in an ELA classroom.

The teacher, Arantzau Zuzene Galdos-Shapiro, was all in and vocal publicly when this first happened. Now she’s shying away from the spotlight. Everyone is assuming some conservative parent made the complaint, that was never proven. I personally believe it was a fellow staff member. There are also rumors of he sitting middle schoolers on her lap and pushing their transitions forward without parental consent and telling them to be hush hush about things

Typical liberal joke

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Tt2
1 year ago

I’m not for censoring books, music, speech, unlike the current day democRATS are. With that being said, I also believe there are limits too.

For example, yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre is not only wrong, but also criminal conduct too. I know this and have never, nor would ever do this, unless an actual fire was in the theatre.

Now to the book “Gender Queer.” It does not belong in a non-secondary school’s library. A public library that a city or county government run and fund, absolutely.

It was not in public schools when I and probably 99% of the rest of the Planet posters were in school and we all turned out OK, with a few exceptions, TSC comes to mind.

Don’t believe me, take a look at some of these images from the link below. Here are a couple of examples:

In one cartoon, it depicts a young 7th grade girl happy to get her first bra, but disappointed to have breasts, so much so, she wishes for breast cancer to get rid of her beasts. SHE WISHES FOR BREAST CANCER. Let that sink in for all who lost a loved one to cancer.

Another cartoon has two teens riding in a car together and one teen states to the other, “I thought gay porn was universal.”

And finally, a couple of cartoons show two male teens performing oral sex on each other in different scenarios.

SHOCKING: Images from book ‘Gender Queer,’ which is stocked in school libraries across Iowa – The Iowa Standard

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

It really isn’t about banning. If it were, the communists would be in focus for banning every work of literature that is not prefaced with an editorial diatribe against the late author’s content.

It is about decency in schools. When I was a young student, Ulysses was restricted to senior year.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Exactly-grade level appropriate is what it was called in my day.

Having a book depicting juvenile teens performing oral sex on each other used to get a person locked up for a few years and then placed on the SO Registry upon release from prison.

Kindergarden, Snark, TSC, care to comment?

Your silence on this subject is very telling. The best thing about it, Trump had ZERO to do with this.

This is all courtesy of Bathhouse Barry and Big Mike Obama. Trying to normalize the tranny lifestyle to lesson the shock of Big Mike, “Becoming.”

Wasn’t that the name of his last autobiography?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Explicit lit had to be exceptional or classic to make the cut in our day, and as you say, age appropriate.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Asked to comment: as I said above, I see so reason to have such books in elementary schools. That said, I’d also want to make sure that the posted items are real versus contrived. Letting such books pass the gatekeepers suggests problems with their vetting process, IMHO.

However, speaking that way about Michelle Obama as though it were true also raises issues about your own vetting process.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Kindergarden
1 year ago

This response is why I respect you, K. You are a reasonable man.

This is why Actually, K., the problem is that vetting has undergone a complete overhaul in my time.

Prior days, obnoxious material required or were subject to parent veto. Field trips were school sponsored and required parental permission. From my personal experience, I have experienced the complete abuse and disposal of these protocols. BaRT permitted teachers to take children to drag shows in Northampton, in their personal vehicles. No signatures, no forms, not even a note to the parents it was happening. Talking 15-16 year old children.

I objected and the administration, instead of accepting my restriction, called me homophobic and transphobic. The trip happened despite over my objection.

As a Councilor, I toured Morningside Elementary. Classes as young as first grade had at least 5 children misindentifying their gender and the administration was covering for them. Did the parents know? Did the parents complain to the administration and get rebuffed? As mandatory reporters, did the administrators explore investigation for sexual abuse. Inappropriate sexual behavior at that age is a symptom of abuse. If another parent suggested potential abuse, would they too be accused of transphobia and insulted? My experience suggests they would.

My experience suggests that the parents have no say at all. What is going on in the schools is a very significant concern.
Actually, K., the problem is that vetting has undergone a complete overhaul in my time.

Prior days, obnoxious material required or were subject to parent veto. Field trips were school sponsored and required parental permission. From my personal experience, I have experienced the complete abuse and disposal of these protocols. BaRT permitted teachers to take children to drag shows in Northampton, in their personal vehicles. No signatures, no forms, not even a note to the parents it was happening. Talking 15-16 year old children.

I objected and the administration, instead of accepting my restriction, called me homophobic and transphobic. The trip happened despite over my objection.

As a Councilor, I toured Morningside Elementary. Classes as young as first grade had at least 5 children misindentifying their gender and the administration was covering for them. Did the parents know? Did the parents complain to the administration and get rebuffed? As mandatory reporters, did the administrators explore investigation for sexual abuse. (Inappropriate sexual behavior at that age is a symptom of abuse.)

My experience suggests that the parents have no say at all. What is going on in the schools is a very significant concern.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Doubled up. Missive ends at the phrase: ‘is a very significant concern.’

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

And it wasn’t in the library, where it would probably just sit on the shelf collecting dust, it’s used by an English teacher for indoctrination. A student might have to read it and explain how amazing the message is or get an F.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Yes, Markus, I see no reason for such a book to be in a public elementary school

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Have to say I don’t remember that one.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
1 year ago

Note to Marchetti:::: we don’t care who you FLICK as long as it’s not the taxpayers. Grow up and get over it.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
1 year ago

Weirdo White will be a fine council president. Ha, ha.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Does that include Momma Cass Costa?

Empty Set
Empty Set
1 year ago

Did marchetti address the huge public clamoring for an authentic forensic audit at all or did he just focus on spin, wishful thinking and misdirection? How do openly gay mayors feel about open audits so that a city might get a handle on reckless and unnecessary spending?

I am really baffled that someone with his banking and business loan experience would not think it was imperative for a city with an uncontrolled ballooning unexplainable budget to do a through audit? It makes zero sense in the real world. How many loans did his bank turn down because a business did not have properly audited books I wonder. It really sucks to live in a city that has almost zero oversight either from within its own government or in any watchdog media.

How much did the budget go up just in tyers terms? ARE YOU SHITTING ME??? Tens and tens of millions? Oh my effing God!!!!

Last of Us
Last of Us
Reply to  Empty Set
1 year ago

I thought I heard him say give a ninety day grace period and in the same paragraph said then let’s see what happens after three to six months?….

One thing The Campaign did leave us thinking about. Status Quo.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Empty Set
1 year ago

2023 inflation was approx. 3.1%. Bonus will be at least 2.5%. Therefore: 5.6% increase to payroll alone FY 2025.

You must petition a change to City Code 16.3. Remove Consumer inflation adjustment as a mandate. Consider the sole power of the Mayor to negotiate union contract without Council approval.

Sec. 16-13
Adjustment of compensation schedule.
[Ord. No. 1228, § I, 8-11-2020]

(a) The rates of compensation which are prescribed in this chapter shall be changed only by the City Council by amendment of this chapter.[1]
Editor’s Note: Compensation Schedules are included as an attachment to this chapter.

(b) Changes of the compensation plan shall be made in a manner to maintain proper relationship among the classes of positions and to reflect changes in the cost of living and in prevailing rates of pay for comparable positions outside the City services.
Cost of living adjustments shall be made to management and nonunion employee pay schedules annually on July 1. Cost of living adjustment increases shall reflect the annual change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers from the prior January, but not exceeding 5.0%.
[Ord. No. 1252, § I, 8-9-2022, eff. 1-1-2023]

(c) Changes in compensation of employees covered by collective bargaining shall be exclusively reserved to the Mayor.

City of Pittsfield, MA Human Resources: Sec. 16-13 Adjustment of compensation schedule. (

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Last of Us
Last of Us
Reply to  Empty Set
1 year ago

He’s come up with something called an efficiency audit? Status Quo.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Last of Us
1 year ago

This is the recommendation of Scanlon. It would actually be a good project, but the architect of it needs to first determine objectives. That would have been a project for the now-defunct citizens’ financial review commission.

The object of an audit can commission and direct its own audit to verify compliance, but not to seek reform.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Empty Set
1 year ago

Must have been a lot of excitement regarding all the savings in the snow plow budget for the last three months. It is great having all that extra money going forward isn’t it Mr Marchetti? Or, are we already over budget because of the six snow flurries we had on November 14th at 5AM on South street?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Here it comes again, BHS is starting the face diaper restriction again. With all the unvetted illegal aliens that China Joe Xiden allowed into the US, I would absolutely refuse to wear a mask in any BHS facility. Not to mention the illegal unvetted Haitians that Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens) brought into Berkshire County, BHS can go FU*K themselves.

Remember, don’t comply. Even in defiance of the no mask policy, a medical facility cannot legally turn you down for medical care if you are ill. If they do and that person were to pass away, it’s medical malpractice and these BHS executives and Dr’s know this.

Why did Berkshire Health Systems reinstate its mask policy? More COVID, flu and RSV patients — and sick staffers | Local News |

Remember this:

Face masks made ‘little to no difference’ in preventing COVID: study (

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

I will flat out refuse. If a virus were as deadly as the “experts” claim, it wouldn’t need constant TV, radio, and celebrity endorsements, telling us so.

WAKE UP to the fear porn.

It’s the flu, no more, no less. I have a close family member RN who works at the hospital. There are ZERO COVID-only patients admitted.

Terri Glumkee
Terri Glumkee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

B. H S and I would know has a ton of covid in the business department also.

Terri Glumkee
Terri Glumkee
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

So the state conducts a bar capacity search that was double in capacity and not only did the license board throw it out at their last meeting,the fire department didn’t send anyone to the meeting?

Turns out the police had body cam footage also that wasn’t viewed by the board either. They ended up filing it ? And this was after other serious offenses?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Same with seat belts and air bags. No credible evidence anybody s life has ever been saved with these toys. They are for suckers and losers.
Doctor said my grandfather needed a pace maker or he would die. I said bullshit to that. Took the poor guy home and he still lived another three weeks without it kinda proving my point. Too many crackpots out there trying to make a buck. And what is with all this lasik eye surgery? You can do this at home with a dremmel and a pair of needle nose pliers and save a small fortune. Get off this woke train people.

Last of Us
Last of Us
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Cases have risen at b h s

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Last of Us
1 year ago

If you can tell me how many were caused by the illegal aliens Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), brought to Berkshire County, than I’ll consider a mask. Until then, nope. You go look silly with a face diaper on.

(S)elections have consequences.

Not to mention, viruses don’t strengthen unless they’re manmade.

Enough with the FEAR PORN!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Markus Aurelius
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Biden Administration treason exposed, string them up! This is aiding and abetting an invading force, using US tax dollars.

O’Keefe Media Group on Wednesday released part of its ‘Secret Migrant Center’ at 1211 East Apache in Phoenix, Arizona.
“Video shows facility run by International Rescue Committee busing thousands of illegal migrant “refugees” every hour on the hour to Phoenix Sky Harbor airport,” James O’Keefe said.
“Migrants tell us they crossed the border illegally, as IRC given $415 million from Feds to give the pretense of refugee status and fly them on flights out of Terminal 3 and 4,” O’Keefe said. “Tomas Robles an IRC staffer, called us “domestic terrorists” and reported us to the police for asking questions.”

“O’Keefe Media Group: Secret Illegal Migrant Center Exposed: Phoenix Migrant ‘Refugee’ Facility Worker Caught Trying to Bribe Journalist (VIDEO)”

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
1 year ago

Sarcasm: I wonder what Kufflink’s thoughts are on the U.S. national debt surpassing $34 trillion earlier this first week of January 2024?

More sarcasm: Our future generations will thank all of today’s career politicians for all of the red ink!

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
1 year ago

High times for all of the highly paid Massachusetts Public Payroll Patriots:

Low times for the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family who pays taxes and fees in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

That Girl
That Girl
1 year ago

You are so funny and so entertaining to read. The sarcasm alone is hysterical, but you don’t lie. That’s what makes you good, so thank you,