(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 5-7, 2024) — “Marchetti pointed out that he is the city’s first openly gay mayor. He was joined by Gov. Maura Healey, the state’s first openly lesbian governor” — Brittany Polito, iBerkshires.
“Openly gay.”
It took Miss Jane Hathaway a full year to be branded with “aberration.” Doyle needed two to hang himself with “It’s Happening!” Tyer needed three to get stuck with “vibrant and dynamic.”
In comparison, it took new Bitchfield mayor Peter “May-May” Marchetti just a minute on DAY ONE to hang the anvil of “Openly Gay” around his neck before stepping into the briny deep.
Talk about your roaring starts!
———- ooo ———-

Somehow, May-May thinks his sexuality is relevant to the corner office. If that’s so, we might ask his ex-wife: “Did you ever enjoy playing charades?” The Body Politic asks what LGBTO+ stands for, but it’ll never get a “straight” answer (get it?). To the Kapanskis, who have more serious problems than taking “pride” in the sexuality of the mayor or governor, the acronym is a BLT on steroids: Lettuce, Gorgonzola, Bacon, Tuna and Quinoa.
MayMay presented an inaugural speech that was part gasbag, part air sickness bag. This fetid mess was a stew of boilerplate, cliche, drivel, and bromide. Lots of words saying absolutely nothing.
“There are many people working hard for Pittsfield,” May-May told the enraptured crowd.
True dat. Unfortunately, it doesn’t include himself, the council, and the usual gang of idiots.
“It is time to come together as one and work to expand upon the foundation that was built before us,” he said. He must mean the foundations on the PEDA site, left over from GE. Don’t anyone look at what’s underneath.
“Communication and collaboration will be the key. Together we will tackle our problems and work towards one Pittsfield because I know our city is filled with hope for a prosperous future. Today I begin a journey, and I will be a mayor for this generation and implement new ideas that will help future generations.”
Not one specificity in the entire rotten barrel.
———- ooo ———-
The city is in rough shape. No need to itemize it here. And yet, in his first, best opportunity to set a new direction for Bitchfield, May-May serves a gaseous buffet composed with Artificial Intelligence. It had to be AI, since none of the natural kind was evident.
The following quotes are guaranteed verbatim:
- “You do know that I do not consider myself a trailblazer, but I am honored to be Pittsfield’s first openly gay mayor.“
- “Combined with the diversity of this city council speaks volumes to the community that Pittsfield is.”
- “There are many people working hard for Pittsfield, and I will continue to work hard for our city and our community.”
- “It is time to come together as one and work to expand upon the foundation that was built before us.”
- “Communication and collaboration will be the key.”
- “Together we will tackle our problems and work towards one Pittsfield because I know our city is filled with hope for a prosperous future.”
- “Today I begin a journey, and I will be a mayor for this generation and implement new ideas that will help future generations.”
It right bloody puts a bloke off his toast, what?
———- ooo ———-
Then Porkchop Pete White, King of Cosplay, states, “We probably have one of the greatest councils I’ve ever seen.” Porkchop Cosplay was elected council president. Only councilor at large Kathy Amuso objected. God Bless, Kathy. You are now THE PLANET‘s new council queen (sorry to disappoint “Kave In”Kavey).
You know what Bitchfield wants and needs, May-May?
- It needs an “openly gay” forensic audit, top down.
- It needs reckless city spending curtailed.
- It needs the “openly gay” tax base enlarged.
- It needs “openly gay”tax cuts for homeowners and small business.
- It needs an “openly gay” finance director who knows what the hell he’s doing.
- It needs an “openly gay” Department of Public Works that doesn’t overflow with corruption.
- It needs an “openly gay” school system, not a feather-bed, dysfunctional sochol system.
- It needs the “openly gay” bums, druggies, miscreants, gangsters, and other armies of the night the hell out of downtown.
- It needs “openly gay” free diagonal parking.
- It needs well-maintained “openly gay” public parks.
- It needs the “openly gay” bike lanes obliterated.
- It needs office holders who give a f*&k about the city and its citizens.
Have an “openly gay” great weekend, everybody.
“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap” — Napoleon Bonaparte.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
collaboration Was a big Tyer buzzword……god help us, government by buzzword for four more years.
Tyer did toss that word around a lot, but the tried and tired buzzword “collaboration,” was actually coined by Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens).
It had to be 7+ years ago, when a Letter to the Editor appeared questioning what exactly TFCB was doing or had done for her constituents in all that time. TFCB had not authored one piece of legislation to help her constituents, or really anyone for that matter.
Soon after, an op-ed appeared in the Eagle authored by TFCB, letting us all know she was “working hard behind the scenes,” and that she was “in collaboration with other lawmakers” to make MA great.
This is where the word “collaboration” was born into Bitchfield politics. It means, not doing the job you were elected to do, but make it sound to others that you are working hard “behind the scenes,” but in reality, they’re not doing jack sh!t.
Dina Horton-Chang-Hernandez-Clinton-Xi-Wilson-Guiel (D-climate change) uses this term a lot. Refer to my last paragraph of what “collaboration” really means in Bitchfield.
In credit to TFCB, she did “collaborate” with Chief Mike Wynn on getting illegal aliens’ driver’s licenses in MA. Not sure how it helped her Bitchfield constituents, but hey, remember Chief Wynn said it was “safe.”
I bet they all attend some democrat seminar where they are instructed on which words are the best choices for bullshit.
“Collaboration.” “Communication.”
Linguistic Con Artistry the demonic disquisition of the degenerate and declining doomacrat party.
Yes, and it makes me think of collaborators.
You forgot just one. He needs an openly gay ninety days of an openly gay sabbatical.
Has anyone else noticed that the panhandlers seem to have disappeared? I haven’t seen any at the light at Park Square or on East Street lately.
Maybe they took all that cash and went on holiday vacation. But I saw ’em at every downtown intersection, Park Square, West, East and Fenn just last night.
Maybe they were asked to leave One Pittsfield.
Too damn cold!
Peter Marchetti: “Openly Gay”
Linda Tyer: “Gated Community”
Dan Bianchi: “Mayor Montello”
Jimmy Ruberto: “Rolodex”
Sara Hathaway: “Aberration”
The late Gerry Doyle: “Barstool”
Pittsfield politics: “RETRIBUTION”
re-Pete White: “Food Mood”
Tricia Farley Bouvier: “Country Buffet”
Smitty Pignatelli: “NO to transparency!”
John Barrett III: “Career Politician”
Paul Mark: “Rubber Stamp”
Maura Healey: “No productivity”
Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr: “Pittsfield’s Pot King”
Adam Hinds: “Chrome Dome”
Barry Clairmont: “Pittsfield’s 3 am Cumby’s Crusader”
Richie Neal: “PAC Man”
Maryland Markey: “Hot Air”
Elizabeth Warren: “Big Biden Supporter”
Joe Biden: “BIG government Biden Buck$”
Donald Trump: “Moral Hypocrite”
Bill Clinton: “Twice Convicted FELON”
Hillary Clinton: “Stand by your man”
John Kerry: “Millions of dollars invested in the oil and gas industries until early-2021”
Dan Bosley: “Greedy lobbyist for BIG business”
The Berkshire Eagle: “A yellow rag that is an embarrassment to journalism”
Blogger Dan Valenti: “The Stockbridge critic of Pittsfield politics”
Jon Melle: “The financial, corporate and ruling elites enrich themselves at the public trough, while the common people, families and taxpayers pound sand”
Capitol Hill: “The Swamp’s Country Club of out-of-touch Members of U.S. Congress”
The lottery: “Voluntary regressive taxation that systemically mocks the mostly financially illiterate low- to moderate-income residents of “Gateway Cities” such as Pittsfield”
Casino Gambling: “Just the kind of people Massachusetts doesn’t hope to attract”
North Street: “Social Services Alley surrounded by The Ring of Poverty inner-city Pittsfield distressed neighborhoods”
PEDA: “Millions of dollars in debts and unfunded liabilities that is still a polluted wasteland that is an eyesore that doesn’t attract Fortune 500 companies to Pittsfield”
The American Dream: “To move your family out of Pittsfield like many thousands upon thousands of people and families did over the past 50 years”
The City Council: “Spend Pittsfield into oblivion”
The School Committee: “Level 5 is rock bottom”
Pittsfield: “A downward spiral….”
Think the last time I heard there was only one way of doing things was when I was in boot camp. One Pittsfield- One Community – One future – shut up and get down and give me 20 – the first and last word out of your mouth will be Sir you magot.
Nailed. Thank you Ron.
So much for diversity.
Democracy in its raw form tends toward authoritarian societies. De Tocqueville was prescient in his critique of American culture.
Expand on the foundation? Does he mean the PEDA site?
How soon before the gay pride flag flies at city hall? If it does, then I want the Thin Blue Line flag outside the police department.
blue lives matter? Like, smurfs? Blue man group? Odd…
We’ll see the baffle em with bullshit flag very soon
This whole speech echos of plagiarism. I have heard all this pablum many times in many forms., from many other pretenders of leadership. Nothing original here. Except the obvious insincerity.
And, what does “one future” actually mean. It means there are zero real indicators that there is a possibility of this occurring. Hollow words cast into the air from one more of a long line of Pittsfield gasbags and sadly is in no way encouraging.
get out if you can
“One Future” means that Openly Gay Maypo is working on his future large city pension, paid for by us fed-up hardworking taxpayers.
Hey Snark, you must have missed my post last time, so I wanted to get your opinion on this:
Keep in mind, this was not done by Trump, nor can be blamed on Trump. It’s all Bathhouse Barry and Big Mike Obama’s doing to try and normalize pedophilia to the mainstream.
SHOCKING: Images from book ‘Gender Queer,’ which is stocked in school libraries across Iowa – The Iowa Standard
A young teenage female getting her first bra, but wishing she had breast cancer to rid herself of her newly forming boobs.
Two teen boys riding in a car together when one turns to the other and states, “I thought gay porn was universal.”
Another scene of two teen age boys performing oral sex on each other.
Those types of books used to be sold with a plastic wrap covering and behind the sales counter. They certainly weren’t in any school I attended.
Snark, I await your reply.
Really not on my radar. I am seeing much bigger issues to be concerned about. Plus all these kids have access to much more graphic stuff on their and their friends computers.
“Really not on my radar,” spoken like a true democRAT pedophile. Bathhouse Barry, China Joe Xiden, Bill Clinton, and John Podesta would be really proud of that answer.
I had access to Playboy and Penthouse magazines growing up, but I never saw an issue in my elementary school library.
Pedophilia is really “not on my radar.” Sexually abusing children is not on your radar.
All I can say to that is WOW!! You are sick individual.
We’re talking about two crimes being committed by these teachers. One is sexual abuse: exposing children to inappropriate sexual material with the intention to influence them. Two: alienation of the child from her parents.
I am more concerned with the children in Gaza being slaughtered (along with their parents). I have seen videos of grade school children being dug out from the rubble bloodied and broken. They had nothing to do with any of what is going on.What kind of god allows this? If I could fix one of these two problems I would focus on the one that seems more pressing.
But I guess somebody has to worry about the trauma some kid may get if he accidentally runs across a picture. Thank goodness you are there for them Charles.
Yes, MA, sick.
How could anything be bigger than the crime of the abuse of a child?
Democrats want to normalize that. Remember Biden taking showers with his daughter?
Like I said, I do not know much about it. Did not know it involved abuse of children. Thought it was about a book with pictures of kids.
Read the letter from Tyringham. He explains what is going on. I posted my personal account on the last page.
It is about 1) alienation of children from parents and 2) sexual abuse.
Plus enticement and corruption of morals.
So why would you comment/reply back to me before you looked into it? Not to mention, I’ve spelled out what the pictures depicted in multiple posts. Can you read? And when you do, do you understand what’s being explained?
Or, are you and TSC, both products of our fine edu-bacation system here in the Picklefield Public Scohol System?
Me thinks so.
You are such a prude. Teenagers think about sex all the time. A book is not going to turn a boy into a girl or a girl into a boy. Your posts are reactionary, ignorant bile. Grow up.
Pathetic insults are all you have.
Good heavens, man. Take a good, honest look at this comment and some of your other ones. They are just that! What does this post offer? Nothing. Except a “pathetic insult.” Say something where we can have dialog. Say something that we can respect. You DO have it in you.
Nonsense. And, Trump has never been on the side of the “little guy,” Dan. Ever. Your silly screeds are nothing more than hypocritical prattle.
Precisely: “Nonsense”!
You DO have it in you
Possibly. Probably not.
Not all can be leaders. Not everything can be learned.
LOL, and isn’t that the truth.
“You are such a prude. [skip unargued assertion] Your posts are reactionary, ignorant bile. Grow up.”
Insults: prudism, reactionaryism, ignorance, bilious behavior, immaturity.
Argues by assertion, no logic, and just a shotgun-pattern large (all misses) of insults. You’d think that at least one should hit its mark.
He may have it in him, but there is no inclination to find out. I assume, based on his apparent proximity to me, that I know him and am therefore convinced that he lacks the mind and moral compass for what you want.
Homophobia, Dan?
I’ll bet if Marchetti doesn’t bring it up no one else will. Look at the ugly goof Tyer married. I don’t remember her ever bringing up her sex life with him,
I know a few openly gay couples. They don’t want a flag, they just want to live their life. They also don’t want any part of the LGBTQ bullshit, or their children drag shows.
Again why the need to fixate on his being gay? And yes I know Dan he’s the one who mentioned it first. But it was 2 words out of thousands that he spoke. Are you trying to hang your hat on your anti-gay Trump lovers that consume this page?
Do yourself a favor and dwell on what he does or doesn’t do as mayor. Move on from his sexuality. I’ve never known Marchetti to dwell on his sexuality or use it in his favor. Ad a matter of fact I know he was worried about winning this election because he was concerned that Pittsfield wasn’t ready for a gay mayor and its columns like this that validate his concern, but fortunately there’s more voters with open minds than those stuck with their head up their anus.
Enjoy the snow.
Good advice. I’ve known Pete for 28 years. He hasn’t made an issue of his sexuality, same with your experience with him. If anything, he’s struggled with it with respect to his public position. What he DOES as mayor is what will matter.
The narrative on here is what he’ll do as mayor? here is no chance in hell he’ll do anything. He’s keeping most of the retreads. That right there tells me Is not focused. Status Quo. He wants 90 days? And the other one which contradicts his leadership was his previous past experience. He’s a dud Dan. (Retread) like The Empty Suit) You know it and we all know it.
Agree with that Dan. It will be interesting to see what patterns emerge on the Council and how they endure.
Is there a chance that patterns may change? Seeing zero chance of it from here. If that ludicrous new ballpark rebuild was cancelled due to the crippling impact on taxpayers I might consider that a pattern change. But these clown are not there to provide any budget oversight. They are there to do special interest bidding and nothing more. Marchetti will lead them and White will make sure they do not step out of line.
When I say patterns, I mean who aligns with whom on the Council, and what themes do they speak to and what petitions are presented and when.
Councilor White has announced in his interview that budgetary ‘reductions’ are now on the table. What that means is ambiguous, and why now is speculative tied to decline in real estate value in 2023 and further challenges caused by high inflation and higher mortgage rates.
Citizens may actually see results if they show up to the four budget hearings in May and press their cases for specific line item cuts. City Council can veto any line item.
The argument against cuts is “Director, can you run your office without a payroll associate.” “Why no! impossible!”
Of course you cannot run an office without doing payroll, but laying off an associate simply means someone else picks up the load. That’s business, and getting to the number of highly valued and highly secure jobs is efficiency.
Good sign that Amuso had the backbone to vote no on the buffoon brothers.
Not a ‘good sign.’ Just a sign. Time will tell if it is a good sign or a bad sign.
Why was it necessary for him to bring it up in his speech?
This is the thing. With all the problems facing the city, it WAS an example of using his sexual orientation politically. That’s Pete’s right, of course, but it set the wrong tone. Someone pointed out that it was only a few words out of “thousands” (probably hundreds), but that only goes to the point. Those few words, out of the context and tone of the remainder of his remarks, were sure to stand out. It was the wrong choice. A new mayor has only one chance to make the first speech of a tenure. It represented a great opportunity for Peter to set a new tone and direction. He didn’t.
He does use it often. He picks his spots like dumpster and his convenient minority quips.
FOX followers are always reminded to focus on sexual problems of people.If you are on the planet this is is an extension of FOX propaganda.
Why are you obsessed with Trump’s sex life buffoon?
So now you’ve seen it. Governor wouldn’t of been there. Whhaaaa!!!
He made it an issue, Moll, not Dan. Dan is just reporting on it, with flavor and perhaps vigor. We don’t care that he’s gay but we don’t want him acting like it’s a big effing deal either, because it ain’t. The gays got their full rights years ago, as did the blacks, lesbians, etc. Give it a rest. The Average Joe just doesn’t care. All these so called marginalized populations wanted to be treated equally and now they are, so they don’t need to keep beating it to death. Can’t wait till DIE dies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m not looking for a gay or straight mayor. Just a good mayor who won’t screw taxpayers!
If Maypo or Gaypo truly means, “communication….is the key,” I have a couple of questions for him.
First, how much money did Bitchfield get in state grants for the illegal Haitians and how much remains?
Second, what has Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens) done beyond the initial amount of grant money to help their cause, as well as Bitchfield’s? Or did she essentially discard them like trash to be taken care of by her constituents?
Third, how are unvetted and not medically cleared by US standards, Haitian children allowed to attend Picklefield Public Scohols?
Lastly, yes or no, will Bitchfield bring in more illegal aliens into the city in the future?
Berk Eagle has a somewhat believable report today on the economics of illegals. Essentially, every taxpayer (24,000 for Commonwealth) pays in $65 to house, for now, the ones in GB and Pittsfield. Much of that charity goes direct to the hotelier in Waltham. Overall, accounting for all illegals I suppose we pay ($1B/24K PAYERS) $42,000. That is to say, that is how much should be given back to us. Where it goes: to illegals and to the lucky devils who are chosen to be their caretakers.
The USA truly is a nation of remarkable wealth and resource, yet to benefit is, well, tricky business.
Pete needs to be 100% transparent with these immigrant issues. PLEASE, no back room deals with just hold it Healy. No lies, no half lies. Pete, be honest with us and the voters will
love you.
Sorry to say but Piggsfield is going to continue to go downhill with our new ” Gay” mayor fun fact
Even the gay guys anointed him worse dressed gay man in Berkshire county. And i quote from a Gay local man ” He looks like the assistant to the assistant at the local funeral home.
Sorry to say but Piggsfield is going to continue to go downhill with our new ” Gay” mayor fun fact
Even the gay guys anointed him worse dressed gay man in Berkshire county. And i quote from a Gay local man ” He looks like the assistant to the assistant at the local funeral home.
Dan why are you so mean ? What has Pete ever done to you ?
As to your first question, I’ll let you decide on my temperament. It’s not for me to say, as Johnny Mathis once said. As to your second question, Pete has done nothing to me. I have not done nothing to him. Fact is, as a man, I love the guy. As a mayor, one with the capacity and potential for much good, my job is to keep the motivational fire lit. Pete the man? Love him. Peter the politician? That’s another matter. He’s like one of my students, one who has the potential to excel but for various reasons won’t do it. I pay special attention to them, demand the most, and trust that they will find themselves, finally, and begin to believe in the pursuit of achievement, even greatness. Thanks for the questions, which I’m sure were asked in earnestness.
Suckers and losers comments from a buffoon who refused to serve. We know who this miscreant is . He speaks of the demise of our country. I choose to look forward and think of a strong united America with opportunities for all. I further believe that no one is above the law not even a president. We all need to pull together We are Americans and we always strive to do all we can for our citizens and other poor souls under dictator forms of government. This buffoon wanna be president has divided our republic like no other president and he WILL NOT SUCCEED IN BREAKING OUR STRONG ALLEGIANCE TO ALL THOSE WHO SEEK DEMOCRACY. SUCKERS AND LOSERS— HOW MANY OF YOU OUT THERE AGREE THat this is the talk of a American president we are proud of? No buffoon, I and my fellow soldiers who died in the jungles of Vietnam Nam were not suckers and losers. The only sucker and loser in the United States is you Dt. A coward and criminal at large. Be rest assured you will not be elected president as Americans don’t vote for dictators like you sucker,. You are a disgrace to our country. Hopefully by this time next year you will be in pinstripes in a federL prison and not as a president. If by some miracle you win the election it will be the end of the United States as we know it and you might even call for a civil war. America can’t afford this orange haired lying cheating criminal to be president. What he would be good at would be as a vp for our greatest enemy vlad putin. People’s don’t be fearful of Trump he is a divider not a Uniter and we the good people of america don’t elect dividers. God bless our dead soldiers who weren’t suckers and losers and God bless all military past and present who made our country the most envied country on earth. Any one except scump. Anyone.
Which branch did dementia Joe serve in?
Cocaine Platoon?
Biden was the soldier in the Village People before he beat up Corn Pop.
Have you considered a good laxative?
Very well spoken, Craig.
Dan. I get what u you are saying about the student who has the potential to excel but for various reasons won’t do it. I like you did pay special attention to these types hoping they will find themselves and begin to believe in the pursuit of achievement and yes even greatness. My philosophy was to over teach which would keep the interest of top students while at
the same time keep the lower ability student engaged and striving forward. Someone getting an A IN My class truly was a A STUDENT conversely if someone got an F they truly did not employ any attempt at all to be successful. Teaching a large class is truly a great challenge and very few teachers are really good at it. Today class size is very small and it appears that good grades are given to all class members. This is dumbing down at its worse. By high school it’s too late for pablum lovers and this is why we have so many students graduating who truly shouldn’t have been passed along. Dan. I believe you were a good teacher who strived for excellence and even when it looked bleak one or two of your students would finally Get it and that would make you feel that your methods truly delivered the result you were looking for. I
Am afraid we are a dying breed. I am proud to say I was a teacher. We touched the lives of so many students in a positive way. Today I try to teach at CC MEETINGS BUT THE OLD SAYING YOU CANT TEACH IF YOUR STUDENT WONT LISTEN. THIS SUMS UP WHY WE HAVE SO MUCH FAILURE AT THE COUNCIL andMAYORAL LEVEL. Do we quit?? Absolutely not — what would we do without our ability to mold minds??Good job Dan– never give up —-that student that needs you is right in front of you. I won’t give up either. Amen
Excellent reflection, CRAIG.
Had need to go to city hall today. Place was like grand central Station. MANY disgruntled voters looking for abatements on their property taxes. Wish tyer were there. She may not have been able to get out of there. Many there had some choice words for the pool secretary. Thank God she is gone. Pittsfield’s worst mayor of all time. Now she will be a pool secretary again robbing us at the state level at bcc to the tune of 162000 per year. Can you imagine any private sector paying her that much money. All she accomplished as mayor was to raise property taxes so high that many good citizens had to move away from Pittsfield. Good riddance to a very bad mayor. Choke on the 1 million dollars you robbed from Pittsfield tax payers to pay your bloated salary. You were a secretary while in office and your salary should have reflected it
Great reply Danno. I have nothing against him either, nor did I against Tyer, Bianchi, Ruberto, et al, just terribly disappointed with their performance. It’s not personal with any of them, but when they become mayor, or councilors, and us Kapaskis are paying them, we have the right to piss and moan when they keep jacking taxes, acting like GOBSIGs, or beating the DEI drum.
Thanks, JOE. The DIE office should be the first to go!
Well now you have 11 of them. And returning admin.
Remember when Dina Lampiasi said “…and in the city of Pittsfield we’re not going to criminalize poverty.” Quite the contrary! We’re going to legalize poverty for all, with consistant raises to valuations, water/sewer and property taxes. The graffiti on buildings and underpasses? Well that’s just art, and the DIE office says its racist/poor-ist to remove it. With those tax raises you will recieve all of the perks of being impovrished: neglected sidewalks and streets, trash all over downtown, and entertaining conversations with bums when all you wanted was to walk into Hot Harold’s for a taco!
Your comments on poverty are astute and penetrating. People might ask a great question: “Now why would a city want to do that?” Answer: “The city doesn’t want that, but the selfish officials, all comfy and secure in their six-figure incomes, so want it. They want it for political reasons. It helps to assure that they can control elections and remain in office. In November, you saw what happens when someone actually dares challenge the status quo.
This gender stuff is really on the media. They are addicted to it. It’s an aphrodisiac for them.
I wish Pete good luck and success in distinguishing himself as a leader and hope he does address the numerous lost carts that fell off the tracks. What happens between him and the Council, as always, depends on people asserting their voices and supporting others who do so. Must do both or neither counts.
I am going to predict what happens between Pete and the council. Pete does what he is told by special interests and the council does what Pete tells them as he relates the special interest agenda to them. Same old same old agenda. The days where the council was an independent boy from the mayor position are long over in Pittsfield. They are in fact one body pretending to be two. Nothing more.
Leopards do not change their spots. Pete the mayor is not going to be any different than Pete the city council president because he is being handled by the same people and he does not have the personal fortitude to break away and do real life governing. He just doesn’t.
Get out now
There will be a time when people can change things, but that will be when defeatism is not simply rejected but not even a consideration. The ‘people’ have to win their fights in their hearts before they take it to the field. It is communal, and probably posts such as yours above have to depart first. Those who court the satanic have neither will nor stomach for it.
I tried and determined that things are fixed in place and that unfortunately the will does not exist presently.
did I just see an article in the local paper saying the STATE will be paying 2 BILLION dollars in the next year to care of the immigrants they have invited in so far but not counting the many more on the way? And did I read that they are paying $210 per night for EACH of the hotel rooms in GB and Pittsfield?
Suggestion was that it might break the bank but in the meantime your taxes going up are in large part for these guys who left homes they already had to move into your area on your dime. So you basically have just adopted an anonymous family whether you wanted to or not and have zero to say about it. And more and more families are coming and they are going to be needing more and more of YOUR money. In fact, there is no end in sight.
Think it might be time to just refuse to pay more than a fair share. This will bring us all to the poor house in time. This latest large increase was a harbinger of what is to come as local taxes must be expected to be part of the share care. (and still, there are tons of jobs available all over the city) Where are all these people and why are there so many job openings?
you read right and that is exactly why people are being taxed out of their homes and add upon those taxes the high water fees etc.. leadership is raising taxes to get the citizens to pay for the illegals. Pork Chop has stated his big concern is lack of housing as the new council president now. If lack housing is such a big issue , why allow more people into the city to take away what is available from those citizens who have are in need?
Over the years, I have met the late Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mike Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Howard Dean, Joe Biden, George Pataki, and today, I shook hands with Chris Christie. I showed Chris Christie my VA card, and I asked him to please help Veterans when he is elected U.S. President in 2024. Chris Christie said “yes”, and we said that we were happy to meet each other. When Chris Christie spoke today, he had a positive vision for the U.S.A. He is a straight shooter who says it how it really is.
When I saw the crowd file out of the diner in my NH hometown, everyone had a positive mood after Chris Christie spoke to us today. I liked it that he approached me, spoke with me, and we shook hands today. I felt positive, too, today.
Out of all of the aforementioned politicians I have met over the years, I always thought that Mike Dukakis is the smartest one. He is in his early-90’s and still cares about people and politics. I watch Governor Maura Healey on TV and hear her on the radio, and I think she is very intelligent and caring, but I read that she doesn’t get anything accomplished in the Massachusetts state government so far.
I think that Nikki Haley is a good candidate for U.S. President. I will NEVER support Donald Trump in politics because he is like a Nazi who uses similar words that Adolf Hitler used in his political speeches. I HATE Nazi’s and Communists because they have killed hundreds of millions of innocent people and Peoples in our cruel world’s history. Donald Trump should denounce his EVIL words and speeches, and Donald Trump should condemn Nazism and Communism alike.
Jon Melle
Did you take a pic with Chris Christie? You should post it and see if others believe like me that you and Chris Christie could be twins you look so much alike.
Someone emailed me: “DJT has denounced repeatedly nazism and communism (which are the same thing: gang rule). Half his family is Jewish, he marries Slavs who have first hand experience of Nazis. Your Nazi-Meter is wanting calibration!”
My reply: Donald Trump had Nazi’s work for his political campaign(s) and in his presidential administration. Donald Trump failed to condemn the Nazi HATE march in Charlottesville, Virginia, and he said that there were “GOOD people on both sides” of the horrible event that claimed the life a good young woman who stood up to the Nazi’s.
Donald Trump said that he likes to grab woman by their “genitals”. Donald Trump has paid his women mistresses a lot of money in NDA’s to stay silent about his extra-marital love affairs with them. One of the women was a porn star and stripper, the other woman was a Playboy Bunny model. Donald Trump openly cheated on all three of his wives. Donald Trump has 5 children by three mothers, including a daughter named Tiffany Trump who was conceived out-of-wedlock, but he later married his second of three wives named Marla Maples.
Donald Trump has said racist words against minorities and non-white foreign countries alike. Donald Trump has mocked people with disabilities. Donald Trump’s words and speeches are similar to those of Adolf Hitler. Donald Trump is the leader of the racist and fascist U.S. White Nationalist movement, which also has leaders in European countries.
Tomorrow is the third anniversary of the insurrection on Capitol Hill. 5 innocent people were killed on January 6th, 2021. Donald Trump inspired this tragic and disturbing political event. Donald Trump’s “BIG LIE” about the stolen 2020 election is similar to Nazi propaganda. Donald Trump has hurt many people over the course of his life that is all about big money, big power, and his big ego.
Down with the Nazi candidate for U.S. President in 2024 named Donald Trump! Nazi’s and Communists alike are EVIL and they have mass murdered hundreds of millions of innocent people and Peoples in our cruel world’s history.
Jon Melle
The supreme irony of course is that leftists like yourself who are propagandists demand unbelievers be tolerant of their racism, hatred and antisemitic ideas, tropes and beliefs, as they exploit others. All the while claiming to hold the moral high ground.
Is there anybody in this day and age who is gay and isn’t “openly gay”? This isn’t the 1950s. We all would like this mayor to be a trailblazer for making Pittsfield a city we can all be proud of and happy to live here. That is our main concern.
Plenty of people are still closeted. Especially when there are bigots like those on this blog that are constantly after that community.
Pittsfield City Council President re-Pete White’s online public radio interview:
Porkchop Pete Cosplay.
Would someone please post a link of the Agenda for Pete and re-Pete’s first of the new year 2024 City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 9th?
I heard that Agenda Item 1 is to SPEND MONEY; Item 2 is to SPEND MORE MONEY….
Agenda Item 3 is to thank Mayor Peter Marchetti for having to take a cut in pay at his new city salary of $115,725 per fiscal year plus public perks.
Agenda Item 4 is to rename all city officials “Peter” in honor of Pete & re-Pete.
Agenda Item 5 is to rename Pittsfield “Bitchfield”.
Agenda Item 6 is to put all of the city’s homeless people in Linda Tyer’s elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of BCC.
Agenda Item 7 is to put horns on Pittsfield’s Pot King’s head.
Agenda Item 8 is to have Kufflink’s cook the books.
Amusing, and revealing. Read it slowly.
Pete White is a joke.
hear hear!
More insanity in the schools that are now gathering around the teacher who brought the book “Gender Queer” into the Great Barrington classroom. How dare the LGBT community is attacked. That is so racist. What about the rights of the kids who don’t want to be exposed to that type of literature? The parents who don’t want their kids exposed to it? The teachers shouldn’t be teaching this to the students at all. This book is banned across the country. The teacher had no right to bring that book into the classroom. Stick to reading, writing, and arithmetic and critical thinking so the young people in these schools can learn to think for themselves and not be indoctrinated into confusion about their gender and sexuality.
Well stated, PAT.
Schools will never be able to force feed gay anything into the culture of any schools without opposition.Just like religion. You can’t impose on.
These middle school kids are very impressionable so whether we like it or not, they are being influenced. Just like the teen girls who hang out together and all start to believe they want gender surgery because one of them is considering it. Group think is powerful and these schools know it which is why they are fine when their teachers promote books like “Gender Queer” because it promotes their radical agenda for these young kids.
Too late, it’s already in the schools. Wake up.
It’s really sickening Pat. I’m with you 100% on this. This is adult level reading material, if they choose to read that garbage. I would not.
I have a few family members who are retired educators and they are absolutely disgusted at this liberal activist BS they are preaching onto young kids.
Other than my 10th grade history teacher talking about going to a Bruce Springsteen concert the night before, I/we knew next to NOTHING about our teachers private lives.
They were more concerned about teaching the subject matter and not trying to brainwash us into liberal activists. Or in Picklefield Public Scohols, social media influencers.
Springsteen was her favorite musician is why she mentioned it. I thought it was cool we got to talk about something other than whatever she was teaching at the time.
You anti-Trumper’s sure are QUIET about this subject. Why? Are you finally embarrassed by your democRAT party? If not, you must condone and/or enjoy pedophiles as leaders and friends. And if so, I hope one day you get caught. The guys in prison will give you a real Flat Tyer “red carpet welcoming” party. You’ll get to experience first hand what these kids are depicted doing in the book.
This isn’t Trump talking about grabbing women. These are KIDS.
Adults wouldn’t want to read this book and yet middle school kids are good candidates for being subjected to having to read this book? You will hear mostly silence on this board from anyone associated with the schools because they do condone robbing these young kids of their innocence. I’m on the side of the police on this issue because the schools aren’t doing their job of protecting kids.
And yet when some of the contents of this book are read aloud by parents or other concerned folks at school board hearing’s full of adults and even in congress they shut it down from being read. It’s to disgusting for them but not disgusting enough for young elementary school children to read?
How do you know it’s adult level reading material if you didn’t read it.
My guess is you had fun in the bathroom with it, you perv.
Give it up Craig. You are becoming the next JM with your non-stop TDS.
When can we expect the long posts about people sabotaging your political career. Or are holding 30 year grudges on you, too?
What about the book “Gender Queer,” Craig? When you were in junior high, did you and your male friends discuss your curiosity and eventual love for gay porno? Did you and your male friends perform oral sex on each other?
This is being PROMOTED by democRATS, Craig. Hello? KIDS.
Do you like kids in your old age? Is this why you are so against DT?
Trump is AGAINST this.
Bathhouse Barry, Joe Xiden, Bill Clinton, and John Podesta are IN FAVOR of it.
Not to mention, most MAGA’s are military, police, etc, well trained, and ARMED.
Storm a major federal building UNARMED and expect to “overthrow it?” I’m laughing as I type this it’s so unbelievable.
This really proves that just because your educated, doesn’t mean your smart.
Marcus I dislike Trump because he is a crazed demented moron who fomented an insurrection. He is one of the most despicable men on the planet.I asked you to agree to agree to disagree without going to the throat. I have my oppinions and you have yours
I have never put you down because of what you believe but you have not reciprocated
I am entitled to my thoughts and beliefs and I’m certainly not afraid of any one who tries to put me down on this board. You have seen me operate at CC. I DONT FEAR ANYONE AND I TELL IT as I see it. Please read my posts very carefully. I research consistently so as to bring factual information to this board. I try to produce balanced posts taking everything into consideration. I thru much research have found Trump to be a bully who has to have things his way or bust. He is in the same category as many dictators thru out the world. He is a danger to me and you an everyone on this board. In case you haven’t noticed no one on this board has ever had good words to say about trump.should we admire him for the way he treats women? How about what he has to say about American soldiers. He’s stiffed many blue collar workers. He tried to have his vp eliminated. He fomented an insurrection etc. Etc
This is a guy you admire? Please Marcus your smarter than that
.I will do anything to make sure he is never in an elected position anywhere in this country
So you see I have my opinions and you have yours. I shall not deviate.i will however try to save your hide at CC meetings as I have for the past seven years. Aren’t you glad I go to all CC meetings with the single goal to save the tax and rate payers millions ND millions of dollars??. I have never been thanked by you for this effort. Please Marcus open your mind. Your not in the same league as brainless Sgt. Bazooka. Dialog is essential to learning. What a boring world it would be if we all looked at ND talked about the same thing day after day.dialog assures us we won’t have to
Read my last three paragraphs and think about it for a day before you post again and look even more foolish.
You have no idea what you’re talking. Stick to water.
Bozo as a scientist I deal with facts. Ammendment 14 sec. 3 states a buffoon who incites a insurrection can not run for president.what don’t you understand about this 14th ammendment. Please try to pretend your smart instead of telling us you are ignorant. What grade did you graduate from? Was it 1st or second grade. Please bazooka try to sound intelligent.your post gives you’s evident that your not concerned about a dictator running our country. I am and you should be especially if you have kids. Study the constitution bozo or haven’t you ever heard of it. A mind is terrible thing to lose but in your case there was nothing to lose. I will be at the CC MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT TRYING TO SAVE YOUR BUTT.IM SURE YOU WONT BE THERE. IM TIRED OF LOSERS LIKE YOU.YOU ADD NOTHING TO THE CONVERSaTION anD YOU FURTHER WEAKEN THE MINDS OF THE MISCREANTS THAT follow you on this board
Wrong numb nutz. Have you actually read the 14th amendment?
not exactly sir. Trump hasn’t even been charged with insurrection let alone convicted. Grow a brain.
Precisely. It’s called Due Process. Google it, Guitani!
I think you’re confusing the constitution with constipation .
Craig You are correct. But this isn’t the Planet of the Apes,but the Planet of Trump. You can’t fight a Trump Blog Craig.
Does anyone know why Cowflop Kavey did not attend the swearing in last week? Noticed that his swearing in is the first agenda item next Tuesday. They may have announced it and I missed hearing it.
Kowflop Kavey. That might catch on for Kave-in Kavey. Folks, which do you prefer?
Kowflop cause that’s what the top of his head looks like. Hahaha! Although maybe he Kaved-In on attending the swearing in so he could have his own show on Tuesday night. Hopefully he won’t forget his bottle of Perrier.
Flip flop
Or flip.
He might have had a bad shearing at Popo’s barbershop.
Maybe he was getting the top half of his hair cut.
Re. Suspicion of sexual abuse of children in schools. This letter writer is the grown up in the room regarding the clamoring against the police investigation at Du Bois.
“I can speak as a parent and a grandfather. Children are emotionally scarred by that kind of material. If you are horrified at this, you are on the right track. If you are not horrified, you are already a product of what is presently happening to our youth.”
I thank the writer for the courage to put his name on his support for the GB Police Department. Without it, his words are a barrel of smoke.
To the editor: I need to add information to the investigation done by The Eagle regarding a book in a W.E.B. Du Bois Regional Middle School classroom. (“Someone complained about a book in a Great Barrington classroom. Then the police showed up,” Eagle, Dec. 15.)
The investigations center on the book “Gender Queer,” which has extensive national attention and is the most banned book in America due to its content. Discussions whether the book is appropriate for young children must include the specifics of its contents. “Gender Queer’s” pages 61, 65, 124, 157 and 167, to name a few, need to be at the forefront when evaluating material for young children. They contain very detailed images and corresponding descriptions such as masturbation, naked partners hip-thrusting, oral sex and autoandrophilia, to name only a few.
I can speak as a parent and a grandfather. Children are emotionally scarred by that kind of material. If you are horrified at this, you are on the right track. If you are not horrified, you are already a product of what is presently happening to our youth. Children are easily taught the golden rule: “Treat others as you want them to treat you.” No filth needed.
The Eagle reports a citizen came forth to notify police that children are being exposed to this indecent material with the concern that it might be a crime. The Great Barrington Police have jurisdiction over crime, and their duty is to investigate. The Police Department under Chief Paul Storti devised a plan to investigate with the least impact on the 12-year-old students. Detective Joseph O’Brien went after school, in plainclothes, drove an unmarked car and recorded the event for transparency.
A teacher admitted “Gender Queer” is part of her classroom’s library but couldn’t account for its location because several teachers use it.
High school students protested the banning of books. (“Students, staff and Gov. Maura Healey express grief, disapproval after police searched a Great Barrington classroom for ‘Gender Queer’ book,” Eagle, Dec. 19.) They didn’t protest in front of the high school that has high visibility from traffic or on Main Street. They marched down to the middle school carrying signs of protest against the banning of books at the school of little children. There was no concern of any kind for 12-year-old children by the protesters.
Our governor, Maura Healey, also chimed in to say books should never be banned.
I commend the Great Barrington Police under Chief Storti for their concern for children.
They deserve praise, not pushback, when no one else tackled the filth. Please continue forward to root out evil in schools for youth. Thank you, GBPD.
Gary Willey, Tyringham
Books banned by liberal lunatics;
Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, Theodore Taylor’s The Cay and Mildred D. Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.
Why is the Planet so obsessed with gay people and the lgbtq community?? Very weird..
Actually, we’re not. We might ask the same question of you, given the form and tone of the question.
Guareteed there will be an upsurge IN Fiolent crime with this mayor.
No, the weird thing is why are the schools so obsessed with teaching kids about their sexuality and their gender? Even subjects that adults would think are disgusting are fine being taught to middle school kids and younger? The problem is in the school system and why they defend teachers and their own agenda that is pushing this on young kids.
the lgbtqrstuv community draw attention to themselves and complain when they get it
Re: Dan’s comment that Nikki Haley will be Trump’s running mate – “Nikki Haley is a globalist” – Donald J Trump.
Ain’t gonna happen.
Yes. But it will be a woman.
Nikki Haley should consider it an honor higher than her would-being elected as the first woman U.S. President in U.S. history. She would become a disgrace if she accepted Donald Trump’s offer to be his running mate in the 2024 presidential election.
If he could, Donald Trump the Orange Nazi would choose Adolf Hitler as his running mate.
DId you all know that in the entirety of Adolf Hitler’s life, he was never a legal citizen of Germany? Adolf Hitler was an illegal immigrant that Germany should have deported long before his rise to political power that led to WW2, the tragic Holocaust, and Nazi Germany’s usurpation of the German nation-state!
Donald Trump belongs with Adolf Hitler in the trash-bin of history.
Jon Melle
JM see if you can solve this puzzle.
Nazi Germany: Control Schools, Control Healthcare, Take Citizens Guns, High Taxes, Race Determines Identity, Control Major Industry, Birth control/Euthanasia, and Blame Capitalism.
Xiden Democrats: Control Schools, Control Healthcare, Take Citizens Guns, High Taxes, Race Determines Identity, Control Major Industry, Birth control/Euthanasia, and Blame Capitalism.
Republicans: want NONE OF THAT.
What’s your thought on Gender Queer, seemingly being the gay man that posters make you out to be.
Should juveniles be included in the adult democRAT perversion JM?
It’s not a Trump thing. He likes ADULT women. Not KIDS.
Trump faces 371 million fine from NY ag. This one might stick. Stems from over evaluating property to get very large loans. Win or lose Trump will call it a win. Maga and other loons will never abandon him. They are suicidal obsequious pit bulls. We saw them at 1/6 insurrection and expect to see them all during the 2024 election cycle. These lunatics call black white and even when proved wrong they still say they are right. Fortunately democrats and main stream Republicans are becoming more and more vocal and are starting to say enough is enough. We all saw what happened on 1/6. It was Trump calling for insurrection and by so doing violated amend.14 sec.3 which disqualifies him from being on the ballot in Colorado and maine As of this post 35 other states are trying to keep Trump off the ballot. All the things that Trump said negative about Biden has all been proven to be lies. Trump will not admit his lies and in fact will just continue his lying ways right to the end.trump is bad but Maga supporters are worse than him. They are a lawless bunch who believe they are above the law. 1200 of them have been charged with insurrection and soon will be heading to sing sing.
the person responsible for this division in our country is djt. We as Americans are facing fascism thru out the world and we must show solidarity with all countries who seek peace and democracy. It will take several more months before we will be rid of Trump and his ilk. He must go and after he is gone we must never allow a character such as him to so brutally trample our constitution ever again. Amend.14 sec.3 is crystal clear. It is the key that will open the prison door that will hold Trump for many years. For God sakes people this man cares nothing about you and the sooner we get rid of him the sooner our country can unite again as one country indivisible with liberty and justice for all. God bless our wonderful country and down with all dictators including trump
January 6, 2024
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
I “Googled”: city of pittsfield city council agenda
Please review the Pittsfield City Council Agenda:,%202024.pdf
The City Council is going to accept a settlement check of $8 million from GE due to GE’s pollution of industrial chemical called PCBs that flows south to the Long Island Sound.
What is wrong with this picture?
1. The State of Connecticut and its municipalities are not receiving any settlement checks from GE. The last time I checked, the Housatonic River flows through Connecticut.
2. The 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle has many millions of dollars in debts and unfunded liabilities with no financial plan to pay its creditors.
3. Pittsfield’s acceptance of GE’s $8 million settlement check is a slap in the face to the Town of Lee (Mass.). GE plans to put its capped leaky landfill of PCBs in Lee (Mass.).
4. While the City of Pittsfield, the corrupt EPA and GE signed off on this aforementioned settlement, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ state environmental agencies refused to do so. What does that tell us?
5. Capped landfills do not last forever. Even GE has stated this unpleasant fact. Why on Earth would the City of Pittsfield accept GE’s settlement when GE’s capped landfills will someday cease to contain GE’s industrial chemicals called PCBs?
6. Pittsfield has been down this road before, and it has been a debacle and environmental disaster. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7. U.S. Senator Ed Markey (aka Maryland Markey) campaigned and touts the Green New Deal, but like “PAC Man” Richie Neal and Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli, Ed Markey sided with GE’s settlement with Pittsfield and the other handful of Massachusetts municipalities with the people of Lee (Mass.) protesting GE’s settlement.
8. It has long been written that similar to Judas feeding Jesus to the wolves, the late Gerry Doyle sold out the people of Pittsfield for “30 pieces of silver”.
9. Similar to Judas and the late Gerry Doyle, Peter J. Larkin (aka “Lobbyist Larkin”) has collected million(s) of dollars for himself from GE, while Pittsfield is now GE’s dump.
10. How much surplus cash does the City of Pittsfield have in its coffers? GE’s $8 million settlement check to the City of Pittsfield would be on top of millions of dollars in “FREE CASH” and other “Slush Funds”.
Jon Melle
You always bring up chump change as bad decisions? You should concentrate on way bigger things like 400 million dollars o p EB….almost 200 million in water plants…..200 plush million dollar budget?… police station upgrades…..Wahconah park water polo facility (totally crap)….continued blight unaddressed…lake mussels….trash dreams…..controlled votes on the new council (puppeting) crime skyrocketing…..same failures in Maypo administration….if convicted or not, appearance of bitchism negates all d I e protocol,forencic audit dead on arrival…north Street disaster….looks like shit…
Well stated. This is a glum assessment, but a very accurate one, once you sprinkle in a bum, or should I say, a pretend bum, on every major intersection, with a “woe is me” sign, pulling the wool over the eyes of compassionate yet duped Kapanskis. Don’t give em a plug nickel. It’s like giving a heroin addict another fix.
January 7, 2024
Re: “Googled”: bill clinton i like them young
Did you know that Bill Clinton:
1. When he was Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton had Paula Jones enter a room for a would-be job interview, but Bill Clinton had his penis exposed to and pointed at her because he wanted her to give him a blow job.
2. In the Paula Jones v. Bill Clinton Sexual Harassment civil lawsuit, Bill Clinton lied by denying his aforementioned illegal sexual actions against Paula Jones. Bill Clinton committed the Felony crime of Perjury by wrongfully denying that he had sex with White House Intern Monica Lewinsky, who is 27 years younger than Bill Clinton; she was 22 and he was 49 in the mid-1990’s.
3. After Bill Clinton’s perjury, he later suborned perjury – his second Felony conviction – by telling Monica Lewinsky to lie on a legal affidavit about her giving him blow jobs in the Oval Office and other rooms in The White House.
4. Bill Clinton was Impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, but he was NOT convicted of the Impeachment in the U.S. Senate.
5. Bill Clinton later reached a settlement with Paula Jones and he paid Paula Jones a little less than $1 million.
6. Bill Clinton entered into a plea bargain whereby he became a twice Convicted Felon and he was disbarred from practicing law.
7. Despite Hillary Clinton saying in the early 1990’s that she is not Tammy Wynette and she doesn’t stand by her man, Hillary Clinton is still married to Bill Clinton as of early-2024.
8. Bill Clinton has 26 flight logs on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet. Bill Clinton denies any wrongdoing with Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring whereby girls and young women as young as 14 were raped, sexually abused and exploited. Bill Clinton has lied and perjured himself before when asked about his illegal and adulterous sexual behaviors.
9. Bill Clinton is among around 200 rich and powerful men who have been named as suspects in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring. This past week, it has come to light that Bill Clinton said “I like them young”.
10. Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring looks like it is part of a bigger sex trafficking ring around the world that could bring down many rich and powerful people around the world.
Jon Melle
Not spoken about often enough and loud enough is the housing crisis in Pittsfield. Even people who can afford to pay the high rents are having a very hard time finding a place to live. With all the investment groups buying up properties and charging high rents even medical people, teachers and medium income folk trying to come here cannot afford to do so.
But if and when housing becomes available, through whatever means, I am going to predict that immigrants will get first chance and you may help pay rent for them. And if you are on a list for what was once “senior” housing in Pittsfield just forget about it. Apparently some folk got a law passed that “senior” housing is discriminatory and so now the “senior” projects in Pittsfield have to allow anyone of low income to move into what was once safe elderly housing. One source tells me that there are at least two ex convicts in her project apparently arranged by the state. She said one of them brags about being a convict and is a bully saying nobody better give him any shit.
If one of the know it all Petes would like to dispute this by all means do so. (in detail) And if they do not then take it from there.
The elderly are being hurt the most by Joe Biden’s policies. The Rice Silk Mill in Pittsfield has closed due to a black mold infestation. IBerkshires has an article on it today. No mention of it in the Berkshire Eagle. That’s 45 low income apartments that are now in trouble and people are being moved to other locations like the Christian Center. Berkshire Housing in in charge of the Rice Silk Mill and has done little to fix the problem. More people now looking for apartments and competing with the illegal immigrants and seniors to find affordable housing. Pittsfield has real problems NOT being addressed. Housing here is at a critical point and rents are rising due to Joe Biden’s policies. People are pouring in, but nothing is being done to help the people already living here in Pittsfield for years.
Read that article Pat. And in another article Governor Healy said she couldn’t rule out more illegals being placed in the Berkshires. Another words, we are getting more.
Then Gov Healy and our new mayor need to declare an emergency housing situation in Pittsfield because we are at that point. I knew she would be a disaster for a governor. Everything she does is far left nonsense with no real help for anyone except for the illegals, and she even supports children in schools reading inappropriate books.
The Williams Inn is being eyed for the next group.
Pat, do you think there is ANY bad stuff that happens to people that Biden did not cause? Cuz you talk about him like he is a demon from hell bringing all the plagues of mankind upon us. Surely he did something nice for someone in his lifetime. Could there have been like a bug that he purposely did not step on or sumptin?
You tell us the wonderful things crooked Joe has done for humanity.
Dan, racism is a live and well In Stockbridge. Kripalu is offering 80+ non- White programs, with non-White instructors. WTF
Ward six very skipper don’t go on Churchill st.
Has anyone taken a chance driving in One Pittsfield today? How are the roads?
Churchill was awful. Don’t know about other roads,good I guess.
The roads are in good shape the plow drivers work hard
Thank you Pete.
I’m about to lose my mind over the incompetence of the Pittsfield DPW snow clearing operations.
Route 7, maintained by the state, is clear but wet. Local major thoroughfares are a mess. Last night a city plow was plowing my residential street of a dusting of snow. More plowing of the 1/2” of snow in the predawn hours, at least six or seven times. Today at noon after hours of steady heavy snow there is not a plow to be found working the streets. Yesterday Ricardo & Vin were on tv bragging about starting on Sat. at noon to prepare the roads. Now with 4-5 inches on the roads, the crew must be home sleeping.
Time to make management changes at the DPW as the two guys in charge are not getting the job done!
Thanks. THE PLANET asks all those who wish to comment on Marchetti’s First Snow to please do so. If we hear from enough of you, we shall have information on Wednesday.