(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY FEB. 28, 2024) — From high atop the Aragon Ballroom, in beautiful downtown Bitchfield, THE PLANET presents a new play by Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath. It is both farce and tragedy. Actually, THE PLANET coins a new term for this new dramatic form: “fargedy.” Euripides would be proud.
- Ward 1 councilor Ken WarandPeace
- Ward 2 Brittany Bandit
- Ward 3 Wrinn Tin Tin
- Ward 4 Conant the O’Brien
- Ward 5 Kow Plop Kavey
- Ward 6 Dina Climate-Change
- Ward 7 Rhonda Serre-Sucker
- A.L. Porkchop Pete, council president
- A.L. Dumpster Earl
- A.I. Kathy Amusing
- A.I. Alisa Costa-Plenty
- Mayor Marky Maypo
- Sir Chaz, the ghost of Charles Kronick
- Kufflinks Kerwood
- DPW chief Ricky Rumpus
- Recording Secretary
- Assorted boot lickers and spear carriers
CLERK: “A communication from Mayor Maypo submitting an Order to pay a previous year expense in the amount of $48,820.00 within the Department of Public Services.”
PORKCHOP: (BITING INTO A JOKE RUBBER HOTDOG) This is odd!! I can’t chew this. Wait! Someone’s made a switch. It’s rubber!
CLIMATE-CHANGE: Through the chair, I’d like to question the mayor. (MAYPO WADDLES TO THE PODIUM). Mayor, do you know who substituted a prank rubber hot dog on the council president?
MAYPO: It was a mistake. I’ll be sure it doesn’t happen again.
COSTA-PLENTY: (EATING A LARGE BAG OF DORITOS AND FRIED DOUGH) Perhaps you can substitute a real weenie.
MAYPO: Yes. I have done that plenty of times with the council president. Chomping weenies are our thing.
COSTA-PLENTY: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, for being so mindful of your extracurricular duties. (TO THE CHAIR) If I may, I would like to pass this over to you. (SHE PRODUCES A PACKAGE OF FENWAY FRANKS).
DUMPSTER EARL: Mayor and Porchop, we never dealt with Agenda Item 12. And I don’t see one person who looks like me. (THE GHOST OF CHARLES KRONICK APPEARS)
SIR CHAZ: A pilot and a lesbian walk into a bar …
CLIMATE-CHANGE: Suck an egg!
SIR CHAZ: What do you call two lesbians in a canoe? (GHOST DISAPPEARS IN A PUFF OF SMOKE)
AMUSING: I got it! Maybe we can have a weigh-in. That will decide it.
BRITT BANDIT: Yes. Who’s the biggest porker on the council!
DUMPSTER: You can’t use that word. That’s body shaming. Besides, you don’t look like me.
BANDIT: Count my blessings, I always say.
WRINN TIN TIN: But what about Agenda Item 12?
CONANT THE OB’RIEN: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
SERRE-SUCKER: A weigh-in! I’m in.
PORKCHOP: Yes. You, Alissa, Kufflinks, The Mayor, Porkchop, and Dumpster. The one who weighs the most gets to table Agenda Item 12.
KUFFLINKS: Uh, I — um — am — uh-uh — not getting — um — on no — er scale. (HE PRODUCES HIS SECOND SET OF BOOKS. THE THEME FROM THE MUNSTERS PLAYS.)
WARANDPEACE (STILL DROOLING): But I thought you were”ill.”
RUMPUS: Todos. Las bebidas y la comida corren por mi cuenta. Acabo de dividir cerca de $50.000 dólares entre el alcalde y el presidente del concejo para poder conservar mi puesto. ¡Comer hasta! ¡Beberse todo!
“Laborare est Orare” — Latin saying.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Kudos to Karen Kalinowsky, Paul Gregory and Ann Carey for speaking out at open mic and attempting to hold city hall accountable.
Kalinowsky nailed the issues firmly. Lake Onota residents are facing a huge increase in rent (for land plot). The owners make $160,000 profit for the entire location. $80,000 expense reported for taxes. I don’t know who pays water/sewer. Point is, the landlord must raise rates on account of city spending which does not remotely serve residents of the mobile parks. The proposed draw from Water SEwer reserve funds will result in higher rates for these residents, along with everyone else.
Next water rate hearing, the Finance Director will point out the $650K loss to reserves as driving need to raise the bills. Holmes Road went a long time without that line. Arrowhead is a private organization responsible for its own infrastructure. Their problem is better addressed in the Comm Dev, CPC, or other cultural branches. It does not belong with the DPW.
The DPW is utterly incompetent and corrupt.
That would be anyone’s conclusion. The defining characteristic of a bad managers: they lie.
I suspect that anyone in public office or a public job that lies is also in some form corrupt.
When political lips in Bitchfield are a flapping, they are a lying….
I bet Pete White had the urge to masticate.
He usually waits until a weekday then he masticates in a downtown restaurant on his lunch hour.
Mastication is both a fun and natural and healthy way to enjoy your bodily functions. You should do it daily.
Sarcasm: I told Kufflinks that the city government forgot to pay me back $440,000 plus unspecified damages over my marijuana company’s past payments of HCAs fees from years ago. Kufflinks told me that he didn’t forget to pay me because it was part of my pot permits to make millions of dollars off of being a drug dealer of pot products. So last Summer 2023, I filed a civil lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield in Berkshire Superior Court to recoup my money from the city government, which is still ongoing in 2024. I am also a disgraced former Pittsfield State Senator who had to step down from my elected position in 2006 because I was double dipping as the Chair of the State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time serving as an Attorney for the Boston Law Firm Berman and Dowell as an Attorney serving Boston’s big banks and insurance companies. In 2024, I still have a law office in Boston’s Financial District because I get away with everything under the Sun. From 2007- 2012, I anointed myself as the Middle Berkshire Registrar of Deeds whereby in 2012, I ran a failed campaign for U.S. Congress. Years ago in March 2017, I went to pot and co-founded “Berkshire Roots” by using my corrupt political connections with deep pockets of money as one of the first pot permit holders in Pittsfield and Massachusetts alike. My large marijuana growing building on Dalton Avenue stinks up nearby residential neighborhoods, but the city government that I am suing lets me do whatever the hell I want. In the Summer 2023, I purchased a $950,000 mansion in the same elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College that former Mayor Linda Tyer lives in. I don’t live near my pot kingdom on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield (Mass.) because I don’t want to smell all of the stinky marijuana growing odors that so many city residents complain about. I am a 4-foot-tall stinky piece of poop who exists in the form of a man. My sarcastic nicknames are “Luciforo” and “Pittsfield’s Pot King”. I have hurt a lot of people over the years because I want everyone to fear me, but as the years go by, I am the one who is called mean-spirited, corrupt, litigious, hypocritical, and so on. I just turned 60 years old earlier this week, which means that I hope to live for at least another 25 years before I end up in Hell for eternity. I liked blogger Dan Valenti’s satirical play about Pittsfield politics’ Agenda 12 requesting the city government pay a $43,000 bill from around one year ago. I am asking over 10 times that amount from the city government from pot payments that I paid years ago now in my lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield. I hope that blogger Dan Valenti does not write a satirical play about me. I get picked on enough. The Berkshire Eagle wrote that I am “a fringe politician”. The Springfield Republican wrote that I am “mean-spirited”. The Boston Globe wrote about how I used my political connections with deep pockets of money to cash in on being a drug dealer of marijuana products. Jon Melle always writes that I belong in prison over all of the above corrupt things I have done over the years. I am Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior.
The argument that “we thought MEMA would reimburse us, so we didn’t think we had to do a PO” is concerning and potentially not truthful. Every single employee involved in paying bills in every town in the state knows that when you are in a situation that COULD be reimbursed by MEMA in the future, you still cut Purchase Orders now and then submit the bills and PO’s if the event is considered to be paid by MEMA. You also pay the bill to the contractor with current funds when the invoice is due and then can go back for reimbursement later on. Citizens should be concerned that since making a contractor wait all this time for their payment, when the next event happens and the city needs help with cleanup, contractors may not be so quick to work for the city. Was this work really needed? Should it have been put out to bid but was not and given to a friend under the guise of emergency work? Lot’s of unanswered questions.
Great points, CRAB. You speak from knowledge and authority. Much appreciated. As you say, more questions emerged after the “cover up” last night by the mayor and his allies.
Thank you Crab – I too would have challenged that argument about the State MEMA as straw man argument.
It became standard process for me to look for them and identify them. It’s a perverse habit there.
The bills have nothing to do with the failure to follow standard process of engaging a vendor. Vendors, as you say, do not wait on FEMA, MEMA, or even sick employees to issue and expect payment. Usually it’s net 30/don’t be late.
From city side, contracts (purchases) must begin with a PO that is stamped by a billing official. A vendor can’t just provide a service without record of it being approved much less ordered. The DPW has a ‘business director’ who is responsible for making certain orders are documented and approved with PO and confirmations.
The presentation was awkward and garbled. Never seen anything like it on my two years. Definitely Charter Objection request. I’d make it come back to me later with time to dig. And time for them to dig a little deeper too.
How much other mismanagement would a forensic audit expose, if only someone with banking experience and knowledge of the importance of such audits, would call for one?
Not doing a forensic audit in Pittsfield screams questions of WHY WHY WHY NOT?
Has Marchetti ever come right out and said to the people who voted for him why is is dead set against anyone doing a forensic audit and taking a deep look at his books? And, they are HIS BOOKS now. What is he so afraid of? Why isn’t Kerwood demanding a forensic audit to show that everything he is doing is in line with a treasurers responsibilities. It makes zero sense on the face of it.
And yet every chance Maypo had during the election and continuing after taking office of the mayor, he has been touting his super duper banking skills. Wouldn’t one of those skills be, being able to request an audit when things appear to need one? I believe it is more about what may be exposed rather than concern of the taxpayers concern.
Were the City Administration/CC to order a forensic audit, they would select an auditor agreeable to their terms. Such as Scanlon, the auditor would ask for records and the City would cherry pick which ones to provide. The Scanlon Report from last November revealed that they did not random sample documents but let the City perform the sampling.
A forensic audit, to work, must be similar to what the State or IRS does and suck in everything.
Until that day comes, you would be ultimately disappointed by a commissioned audit. The result would likely find a few areas of ‘concern’ and that would be that. Be careful what you ask for.
Speaking of Scanlon, when was the last time he hit town? And did the public get to see the overview?
Charter specifies mar 1. I understand they present in mid March.
That is Broadway material Dan. Just don’t misplace the script so when they come calling….
Appreciate it! We got lots of praise and thanks for the laughs. Most importantly, we can tell you first hand, our play missed off the right people!
Separate topic: highly recommend the Fani Willis hearings. Watching sociopaths testify is the highest entertainment.
If I wanted to watch a Sociopath I’d watch a tRump speech Rube.
or jusr put a mirror when you visit the sheeo barn perv
Your obvious obsession with sheep leads me to conclude that you maintain an intimate relationship with them Rube. And your Grammer definitely indicates a lack of education perfect for a tRumpy cult follower.
It’s “grammar” with an “a” not an “e.” Also, it’s not a proper noun, hence, lower-case “g.” Couldn’t resist, since you had to bring up “Grammer.” You hoisted yourself on your own petard, INDA!
I think he was talking about his sheep named Grammer.
Good name for a sheep.
Of all people to speak of spellong & grammer! Inda is inda, no?
I wrote the book … literally, check out WRITE IT REAL: A Practical Guide for the Prose Writer (Peter Lang, 2022).
INDA, showing off to everyone how you graduated summa cum laude from Xiden University.
Grammar or grammer? Tomatoes or tomatos, right INDA?
Ask him how he educates his ewe.
Well Danny, in my defense. I had a pretty lousy professor at BCC. But I did pass his class. Definitely thought he was an egotistical little man.
That’s love for you, Dan. The student who won’t leave his teacher.
Well stated, SIR CHAZ!
He’s gotta pay up. Court denied reduction in fines.
Just shows you how corrupt that judge is seeing how the verdict was appealed. Also this is the same judge that let Prince Andrew and Epstein walk away from raping under 17 year old girls…great track record that perv has
You are watching a Sociopath’s world live, your own point of view!!!
How’s it look?
Whenever y’all want to meet at the Common and see who’s more patriotic, I’m more then ready Rube. Your lard ass probably can’t get out of the recliner ROTFL
Fani” Booty Call” Willis and Wade are so busted, but will the judge who is white and up for re-election decide there was no intent to get DT. The “no intent” claims are serving “only democrats”well when so called justice is delivered upon those who are breaking laws.
I don’t see how he has a choice. If he doesn’t, the appeal would destroy him.
The appellate court would have to decide if he were incorrect in reasoning there was neither ‘actual or perceived’ abuse of ethics. Clearly there is both, but the perceived portion is pretty irrefutable. 35 pings of Wade’s phone in Fani’s bed years before he claimed to know her.
What would the Judge have to win in getting that handed back to him?
Fanni ,,,,,”you calling me a liar?” any nonDemocrat watching “yup!”
She sat there on the stand and called everyone, maybe even the Judge, a liar. Imagine if DJT called the Judge in any context a liar with the phrase “He is lying.” It is evident that there are two courts. What is it? An institutional court system and a ‘state within the state’ one?
She black. She’s female (one of the five sexes). “Cain’t tuch dis.’
The prosecution is on trial.How can Trump ,the national crybaby whine about demanding 11,800 votes on tape and not believe it is a crime but dating is.This is what money can buy in America….Trump servant appeals to a surprise number of people who should know better
There is a difference between asking where there is the votes, and demanding them. Listen to the whole tape.
Don’t try to be logical with the TDS crowd (TSC, Kindergarden, Snark, Mr. Worlwide, etc.) they are so brainwashed they can’t see anything. They are the same crowd that will watch Biden saying how he performed a Prid quo pro with Ukraine illegally but see nothing wrong with it. They also won’t read or investigate all the courts throughout the country saying that the proof does show there were missing votes and illegally counted votes in the 2020 election. But the View does not report on this so the TDS crowd doesn’t know, Still can’t figure out why the GA count had to be suspended for a unfound water break but trucks with “ballots” that seemed to be copied were allowed to be unloaded without supervision
Water break was so the democrat Wanda ballot stuffers, harvester’s of the world could do what they do best in elections across the country They are fixing the outcomes of elections.Tired of hearing there is no fraud happening when there is overwhelming evidence of it including video’s of fraud.
There is no evidence on earth that would convince a MAGA-ite that there was no significant vote tampering. A non-MAGA-ite, on the contrary, would accept evidence of vote tampering if it were presented.
The reason MAGA-ites say the election was rigged is because Donald Trump says so.
Optimus stupidus est.
He told the Republican Secretary of State it would be bad for his career not to give him the 11k….The Secretary voted for Trump and then told Trump that they counted the votes 4 times…What can’t you see here…I also know what happened in Jonestown…Don’t wait till it’s too late
Listening to Optimus, we can see that how you hear Trump’s call depends on whether you are a MAGA believer or not. To a non-MAGA-believer, it sounds like an attempt by Trump to fix the election results in his favor. To MAGA believers, Trump’s call apparently means something else.
Stultus es
Dan, this OVERSIGHT of $49,000 should have been picked up by either the business manager (new position created two years ago), commissioner, finance department or the purchasing department. It is totally unacceptable given the number of individuals that should have been involved. I can’t believe The Mayor blamed the last administration. It’s time to hold people accountable for not doing the job they were hired to perform.
Do we need all these people who cant do their jobs?
So we need a forensic audit? THIS cries out for one. Something is very very askew in Denmark.
Does not matter if you can do the job as long as you keep you mouth shut and don’t ask questions about the weird stuff you think you are seeing.
My question: why the lying? The proper answer to the question is, “We are assigning education and training to the department heads and directors to make certain this stops and best business practices are followed.”
Lack of procedure produces lack of controls. Lack of controls results in theft and abuse.
Thanks CC. Man, you are sorely MISSED on the dais. Excellent points: Four layers of redundancy for checks and oversight, and all of them FAILED. Love that final sentence.
Kenny Warren knows what’s really been going on. Previous and present Councilors even Pete Arlos don’t hold a candle to Kenny.
Yeah? Then why doesn’t Kenny answer emails?
I have it on good authority that Peter Arlos was a bum.
And yet, who rests in peace and his name is still mentioned everywhere?
You apparently feel it is more important to believe than to know.
What’s the difference?
I appreciate your comments, Chris, but we both know nobody is ever going to be held accountable. They protect each other.
Hi CC. I wondered about that business manager too. Sounds like he needs a training module and oversight with Purchasing for a period.
If this popped up out of the blue perhaps someone needs to go over the last several years accounts in all departments. Unlikely this is a one off.
Marchetti was a BIG PART of the last administration was he not?
(he just chose not to ask any questions or rock any boats cuz if he did he would not have been allowed to run for mayor now would he?)
Yes. And we shall be brings this out in The Weekend Edition.
Dan loved this. Made my day, started with a huge laugh, but unfortunately what you wrote is right on the mark. Thanks for the well-needed laugh in the city of Bitchfield.
Thanks. “Satire hath sting, and him bite hard,” as the old Jamaican saying goes. I shall pass along to the playwright, Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
So what was the mysterious $50,000 unpaid bill for? Was it revealed?
Pretty sad when you can’t get the finance Director or a DPW Director wherever, the hell he is to write an invoice, there’s nobody out there he (fluffy)could have hired?
No one asked. Just took on someone’s word, a missing sick man, that trees were cleared somewhere one march. The Mayor mentioned 26 inches of snow, but it wasn’t for snow removal.
Peel that onion and don’t let Marchetti and White shut this down. They need to do come out from under the bed and do some real life explaining.
Betcha the private plow contractors plowing bare asphalt get their checks on time. You betcha they do.
Hunter Biden’s painting that replaced one of Norman Rockwell’s paintings.
They need to reassign seats! The Right Wing of the Council is going to capsize the podium.
ls this Hank Johnson?
Love it – you caught the reference!
At least the council is leaning right in one respect!
I’m serious. It’s an old building and I don’t know what support is left under the podium. I suspect dry rot and rust. It’s spongey.
That thing is going to flip and the ceiling will fall on the Left Wing. Kenny will be alright and Earl too, but I fear for Kavey.
Maybe the whole operation should be moved to one of Scarafonis buildings?
If he lands on the right councilor it’ll be like an air bag
It has always been a Right Wing Council. I’m surprised the Eagle editors aren’t on the offensive.
Left Wing, my days, always outgunned.
To the city council.A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.
Let’s hope the new Pearl shelter doesn’t impead any of the businesses over there.
The Pearl will always be a detriment to the area , until they change their policies. Must stop allowing drunk and drugged out people admission. Most shelters have a sobriety rule. Ambulance still making 2 trips a day on average. They probably get paid by the person and it’s all about the money.
Dan, remember when our mayor said he didn’t consider himself a trailblazer, brother Begay population. Have you seen the what I call a new flag in front of City Hall tells me so much for saying he’s not a trailblazer
It may be that everybody starts out fairly unique, but most people get over it.
Most of us get over it.
Pittsfield City Hall has announced a water main break near 201 Partridge Road. Water services have been unavailable from 140-396 Partridge Road while repair is underway.
I guess we don’t pay enough for our sewer and water
The main on North should have blown last year. It’s on borrowed time. I give it 5 weeks. The whole damned thing will burst and North Street shall crumble and sink beneath the earth. Keep your cars at least a block off. Further, if it does not, crud will fill the pipe and pressure at Elberon and Somerset will spout an artificial geyser. There is a depression and erosion around otherwise fine asphalt that suggests to me subsurface water erosion. An engineer (works for a different city) explained and predicts 30′ spout.
Mayor Maypo needs to find alternative sources of fun for the kids this summer. What better than a “natural” geyser that spouts water 30′ high.
The splash pad is out after all, due in large part to all of the “diversity,” (i.e.-drug addicts, bums, and illegal Haitains) Flat Tyer and Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), bestowed upon Bitchfield.
The whole city is under water tonight Richard. Stay inside.
Kufflinks doesnt want the city council being the procurement officer to the auditor.
Pittsfield politics online radio news story:
There are so many sinking road depressions in Pittsfield because the sewar line replacement companies are not returning roads to like new condition….Get out all the road cut permits and give them 90 days to resurface their sunken cuts……Deborah Ave has at least 5 on a short street cutover to Elm….Who checks the like new condition and signs off on their work……Mayor Barret said to put sneakers on and drive to all the problems…or do your job…..This is the biggest small solvable problem that should go away in 1 year….don’t issue permits to guys that can’t return it to new condition
During my career had many dealings with major storms involving FEMA and MEMA. The paperwork you have to submit to FEMA and MEMA is very involved and has to be perfect for reimbursement, especially invoices. You do not hold back payments to contractors in hopes for reimbursement. You pay the invoice as fast as possible as you may have to utilize this business again for future storms. This idiotic explanation by the Bitchfield Administration proves that these employees would never survive in the private sector. It’s even more pathetic that our lazy Clownsil just sat like lumps on a log and never asked how many more invoices are hanging out there waiting for payment. Pathetic! That is the major issue with many of the department heads in Bitchfield’s Administration. Perfect example was Gina Armstrongs recent mumble and bumble about the ARPA funds. Or Kerwood’s behavior on every question asked of him. It’s a sad state of affairs that hard working taxpayers have to listen to these idiotic lies from the so call “leaders” of our failing City.
So my aunt has to go on blood thinners no insurance. Wants xarelto but it costs 500 a month. So they put her on cheaper warfarin which is basically rat poison. Why does congress let this happen. Make a generic brand for krist sakes?
If she was an illegal, howeVer, she gets this and tones more, FREE! Thank Joe Biden for that.
Money requires an anal detailed handling. Finances work down to the cents. Councilors have no business glossing over it.
Hello U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan,
A man Veteran from your NH district office called me on my cellphone this 2024 leap year day afternoon and took the time to speak to me about my concerns about the 9 day old rule that was implemented by the VA on Tuesday, 02/20/2024 that cut my VA travel payments to non-medical facilities, including my would-be travel payments to my weekly medical massage appointments effective this week.
We discussed that NH, along with Alaska, are the only 2 states in the union of 50 states that do not have a full service VA Hospital, and that Veterans in NH rely on VA Community Care authorized appointments, which places an unfair travel cost burden on Veterans in NH. We discussed that all Veterans rely on VA travel payments to go to their VA Community Care authorized appointments. We discussed that if Veterans are deterred from going to preventive health appointments in the Community, then the VA will pay a lot more money for major health appointments in the future.
Why didn’t the VA travel office ask me and other Veterans about the rule change prior to cutting our VA travel payments to non-medical facilities in the Community? Who made the decision to cut our VA benefits? Was it some bureaucrat trying to make himself look good by saving money on the backs of disabled Veterans? Was the human side of the rule change a factor in the VA’s rule change?
The aide told me that you serve on the VA Committee in the U.S. Senate. He told me that it was I – Jon Melle – who brought this matter to your office’s attention. I told him that he could please use my name with the VA to tell the VA how I feel about the rule change. They already know who I am! Thank you.
Jonathan Alan Melle