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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY FEB. 19, 2024) — With exactly one month to spring, THE PLANET finds it a convenient time to bring yet another fresh viewpoint forward, one in contrast with the propaganda of the DEI Left.

Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but ever since Fani Willis took the stand and made a fool of herself in her own defense again conflict of interest charge, the Mainstream Media (of which the Boring Broadsheet is part), the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, has scrambled to assemble a wall. The barrier, meant to give Willis a place to hide, is composed of the testimony of those who claim she was put on trial for hiring her boyfriend and paying him six-figures, large, in her politically motivated witch-hunt against former President Donald Trump. She’s the main witch and bitch, a walking argument shooting down the case for DIE initiatives.

One of the main role of THE PLANET is to put form these alternate views from the conservative point of view. They are the ones that leftists do not bother with, since they often argue convincingly against the DIE narrative. We urge then to pay more attention.

With all that, we present a guest column by Kira Davis, a black blogger. Davis points out how Willis embarrasses those who earn their positions based on their talents and abilities, not because they are promoted only because of gender or the color of their skin. In other words, Davis, like all good and decent Americans, rejects sexism and racism.

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Fani Willis Is an Embarrassment to Black People. She’s the Proof That DEI Only Hurts Us | Opinion

fani willis© Provided by Newsweek

As a Black woman and working professional, I’ve never been a huge fan of affirmative action and the recent rise of critical theory, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives has only bolstered my resistance. While it may seem necessary to some in order to right the wrongs of the past, I can sum up why these measures are an unmitigated disaster for hard-working Black Americans in two words:

Willis is the prosecutor in one of the nation’s major cities and most high profile cases against former President Donald Trump. Her position and the historic nature of the case she is prosecuting put her in an elite class most Black people will never even dream of reaching. One would expect such a person to be polished and classy, and able to remain so even while responding to an uncomfortable barrage of questions on the witness stand.

Instead, what we got was a defiant, childish, sour woman who spoke with the sophistication of teenage girl at her first college party.

It wasn’t simply that she sounded angry—she also sounded stupid.

As I watched her testimony with my husband, an unspoken dread passed between us, weighted by a certain type of sadness. We understood instinctively that we were watching result of a diversity-first system that ends up elevating the weak while simultaneously besmirching the strong.

Willis is an elected official, but to even be in a position to run for one of the highest offices in her state means she has passed through elite job after elite job. She has received degrees, awards, and accolades.

How on earth, then, does such an “accomplished” woman sound like a freshman college student while participating in the trial of the century? Her foul demeanor and childish expressions only serve to magnify the grotesque consequences diversity hiring has for Black America in general.

Every time someone like me seeks professional advancement, I am forced to wonder how many people in the room think I shouldn’t be there before I’ve even opened my mouth. I will have to swallow offenses I should really be battling, because I must battle not only my professional challengers, but the specter of the “angry, defiant black woman” who only got her job because she’s not white. Many of my colleagues will look at any complaint I have as frivolous and rooted in entitlement. I must be my best, and then be even better than my best, because of the pathetic expectations Willis and her counterparts have sown on behalf of the rest of us.

We will forever be forced to carry Fani Willis on our backs into every professional situation.

Diversity-first hiring does the opposite of what I’m sure we all hope it really could do. It does not even the playing field. Instead, it puts all of Black America behind, left once again to prove to the elites in charge that we are more than our skin color.

I was deeply ashamed and discouraged to watch Willis’ performance on the witness stand. As many inroads as I have tried to make in my own industry for Black content creators, I am doomed to be haunted by the inherent distrust sown by diversity-first practices.

It isn’t fair of others to cast those aspersions on me simply because of my skin color, but that’s just how it is. I must deal with the world the way it is, not the way I wish it would be.

And what I wish it would be is a world in which I would be judged on my merits, and my complaints and diverging opinions would be judged likewise.

Shame on Fani Willis and every corrupt person who allowed her to take the path of least resistance just to fill a quota. You’ve doomed us all.

A pox on your houses.

Kira Davis is the author of “Drawing Lines: Why Conservatives Must Begin to Battle Fiercely in the Arena of Ideas” and host of the Just Listen to Yourself podcast.

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As always, THE PLANET invites your comments.


Let’s clap for that, you stupid bastards” — President Joe Biden.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

“The Myth of Meritocracy versus The Myth of the American Dream”

The myth of meritocracy is evidenced by our nation’s ever-growing underclass population. The reality of the U.S.A. is that the financial, corporate and ruling elites all consolidate their power and wealth, while the rest of us pound sand. It is: “The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer”. It is called: “It is who you know and who you blow”. It is: “I worship the Almighty….Dollar!” It is: “What zip code do you live in?”

Meritocracy my ASS! I could win the lottery jackpot, but I will probably only pay into the lottery’s (voluntary) regressive taxation scheme – SCAM! At least I am and will be helping greedy lobbyists such as Dan Bosley get big state tax breaks for his big businesses clients.

The myth of the American Dream belies our nation’s class and status bureaucratic system. The age-old question: “What does a person do if she is black?” The sarcastic answer: “She is screwed.” The aforementioned elites always give us a few token minorities, but the elites are mostly multi-millionaire and billionaire white men, such as John Forbes Kerry, who is also sarcastically known as the nation’s HOT AIR billionaire buffoon.

I view cultural conflict and violence as useless because there is never a good resolution to people endlessly fighting each other over their identities. DEI – or “DIE” – has a dark side like everything else, which is cultural conflict and violence. The U.S. Armed Forces are unable to recruit as many young white men and white women anymore because the military’s DEI – or “DIE” – culture puts them in conflict – and sometimes even violence – with the minorities who lead them.

In politics, there are NO adults in the room. They are all childish buffoons. The new media focuses on Donald Trump’s inappropriate behavior and language more-so than the rest of them, but at the end of the day, the government is Exhibit A in dysfunction.

Jon Melle

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

Kira Davis states:
“We understood instinctively that we were watching result of a diversity-first system that ends up elevating the weak while simultaneously besmirching the strong.”

In other words, Davis is stating her belief that Fani Willis got to her present position not because of her talent and qualifications, but because of DEI. 

THE PLANET agrees, stating “She’s the main witch and bitch, a walking argument shooting down the case for DIE initiatives.”

What I saw when I watched Willis on the stand was an aggressive, talented interlocutor who was dead-set on defending her behavior. 

Talent is in the eyes of the beholder. 

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

“What I saw when I watched Willis on the stand was an aggressive, talented interlocutor who was dead-set on defending her behavior.”

Doesn’t contradict the criticism. It is impossible to rise to Willis’ position without being aggressive, and talent is a term that demands defining. A talented liar? Sure, it’s perfectly common to travel abroad with just cash (claiming credit cards are inconvenient for travel??), and walking around routinely with $5,000 in her pocket is perfectly believable. Further, when asked to produce receipts, all you can locate from a week’s fun is one?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

And why wouldn’t she be dead-set on defending herself?

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

What do you mean don’t contradict the criticism? It is eminently criticizable. You and Dan and Davis and others all believe that Willis got to where she is via DEI policy. But she was ELECTED into the DA position, right? I watched every minute of her testimony. Did you and the other critics? Willis was masterful and in control. There is a very obvious reason why you and the others have a less than charitable view of Willises abilities. And I don’t mean “Whachu talkin’ about, Willis?”

’Talent is in the eyes of the beholder’ means that you, Dan, Davis, and others view Willis as untalented as an automatic reflex, while others will view her as quite talented.

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

That’s Ms Fahrenheit not Mrs. If you look at the comments to Davises original article, you’ll see that the positive responses to Willis far outnumber the negative. So you and your bloggers are once again in the minority – in how Willis is perceived – which is not surprising. It is true, though, that Willis made an ‘unforced error’ in having the relationship, but that has no bearing on the case being tried: it is obvious that Trump did try to illegally change the election results in Georgia.

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Ms not Mrs

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

Unless Fahrenheit is your name, why does it matter?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

The marvels of the demonic mind which is fascinated by its own conceit.

Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

Or Mr. Worldwide who is stepping out in his true self

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Sounds right. Good catch. He’s trying to escape his own name.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Dan, I again say that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as in a rough diamond has beauty for the carver to reveal.

Talent is fixed. One has it or one does not.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

1) You assume too much, starting with what you assume I think.
2) You first post was well presented, your rejoinder is slop.

I watched the hearing. Stick to it.

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

The two of you, Valent and Kronik, couldn’t argue yourselves out of a wet paper bag if you had to rely on facts. Fani Willis would easily be your rhetorical superior if you had the balls to compare. But while you may have balls on the surface, what you lack is courage. You both could use a shot of progesterone.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

You just bit the dust. Off with you.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

“You both could use a shot of progesterone.”

That is funny. It appeals to my funny bone; however, it shan’t happen. Unless done for homeostasis, playing with hormones is a satanic act.

But time for a joke: Dan V. once gave me a nom de guerre. I firmly rejected it and asked for something better. So, he gave me Sir Chaz. That I liked! I may be the first non Anglican knight, and that is a mighty racial barrier conquered. Very knightly done. What guy doesn’t like swords, armor, horses, and a quest?

The thing is though (which fundamentally distinguishes us) – I never really believed that I was a knight. That is why I write under my own name.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

I believe I was the first to refer to you as Sir Charles, and Dan, wisely, took the ball and ran with it. Then again, I used to think I was never wrong, and then I got married.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
1 year ago

I made that mistake twice, you cannot do it enough times. I’m still working on letter “A”.

Thanks for the compliment. If someone told me in 2021 that I would become a knight for a ward councilor. I’d tell him he was nuts.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

Define ‘courage.’

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

“Doesn’t contradict the criticism”

Interesting error on your part – symantic. You misread “doesn’t” which has the implied subject “It does not contradict the criticism” for imperative “Don’t contradict.”

I argued that your original post does not contradict the criticism of Fanni Willis. She presented herself in the worst image: prevaricating, aggressive and sociopathic.

Ms Fahrenheit
Ms Fahrenheit
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Interesting error on your part – symantic. Which is it, syntactic or semantic?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

Funny error! Symantic. I go with semantics. Probably neither actually since it’s just a misread. Online content is actually harder to read than paper.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Trump walks around with NO money in his pocket. He does not need to because he never pays his bills. His MAGA friends send him money to pay his bills so why should he? The ultimate business man huh?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

And you also can get yourself behind me. I don’t see you anymore.

Sound and Fury fits you better than Shark.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which of course is why all Greek and Roman sculptures are beautiful. Those ancient carvers knew where to find it.

Talent I argue is less bountiful.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

(And almost all contemporary sculptures are ugly.)

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Ms Fahrenheit
1 year ago

I also watched about an hour and a half and found her riveting in her passion. I also thought she was quite eloquent getting her message across even if her adversaries did not. Of course the MAGA crowd would dislike her as they would anyone who threw shade at their false God.

I am now a fan of hers and wish her well going forward.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

If you haven’t clothed, fed, and housed, any illegal aliens, NOBODY CARES.

Your opinion is worthless hypocrite.

The current democRAT mantra: kicking US Vets out of housing in favor of illegals and also dumping illegal aliens in poor black neighborhoods.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Typical MAGA response. Going sideways and not addressing the comment. I see it everyday and this is what you do when you cannot defend the indefensible. Trump owns your brain and you cannot even see it.
(and he likes it that way)

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Snarky, you’ve got terminal TDS.

DIE? dasts wacist!!!

1 year ago

No doubt Fani Willis is also backed by George Soros. Soros also put a ton of his billions toward the district attorney in new York who is going after Trump in that state. George Soros and now his son who promises to be even more political than his father have been influencing our country at every turn. The Soros family is now going to put millions toward radio advertising in this country to put down Trump to get Biden elected. The globalist Soros family has one goal and that is spreading prosecutors and district attorneys across our country (qualified or not) to keep Donald Trump busy with legal cases and allow Biden to complete the globalist agenda of one world government.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

And soon Soros will be buying 220 radio stations which will greatly assist him in his advertisement campaign

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Great guest article by Kira Davis. There was one line in the column that spoke volumes. That line was, I am forced to wonder how many people in the room think I shouldn’t be there before I’ve even opened my mouth.”

This is why hard-working black Americans HATE diversity hires or DIE hires. It only perpetuates and further strengthens the “I know why he/she got hired, promoted, etc,” argument. Call it what it is, its racism packaged up, but this has a nice, neat bow on it, and dares those to question it.

The only people who benefit from DIE hires are lazy, unemployable, black people (think cultural competency coach) and older white liberal fools like Flat Tyer and Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens).

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

DEI, (DIE) disingenuous employment initiatives, but this is the game, destroy the institutions that hold the social fabric of our Republic together.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
1 year ago

Fani Willis, like many other deceptive leftists, live in a world, likened to that of Never, Neverland, where you never have to grow up and where the words you speak, (after sprinkling a little woke fairy dust on them), will fly in the face of truth, and be interpreted by, whatever their leftist narrative desires them to be .Our judicial system, our political leadership, and our Republic as a whole has been devolving rapidly into moral turpitude, producing profound divisiveness and antipathy within our country and citizenry. So much so, one has to wonder just how long this pernicious predicament we are in, can continue, before our nation becomes completely unhinged and brought into a state of deadly chaos. Though it may sound radical or insane to some, we may be at a point in our history, where out of necessity we must consider the establishment of a two state system. The Communistic state and the Constitutional State. It is hard to imagine, that we can survive much longer as a nation/republic, if we continue down this regressive road, we are currently traveling on..

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Happy U.S. Presidents’ Day 2024

Here are my ideas for Pittsfield politics’ Holidays:

Life in the Pitts Day


PCBs Day

Cancer clusters Day

Level 5 Scohol Day

Learning disabilities Day

Blame the GE Day

Barstool Day

Aberration Day

Rolodex Day

Gated Community Day

Openly Gay Day

County Buffet Day

Luciforo Day

Violent Crime Day

Dead Downtown Day

Kufflinks’ Day

Kapanski Day

Krooklyn in the Berkshires Day

Rinaldo’s Day

Nip bottle Day

Lottery litter Day

The Dirty Bird Day

The Fart of the Berkshires Day

Sell Norman Rockwell paintings Day

20 percent Voter Turnout Day

Growth in the Underclass Day

50 years of population loss Day

No living wage jobs left Day

Fall off the Cliff (Nilan) Day

Homeless in Pittsfield Day


The Good Old Boys Day

The 5 Families who run Pittsfield Day

Pittsfield is a political fiefdom Day


Excessive municipal spending Day

Pittsfield is a junkie for state aid Day

The panhandler on every corner Day

The 3 am Cumby’s Clairmont Day

The Tell ’em Angelo sent you Day

The Carmen Massimiano, Jr. Day

The everyone is related to each other Day

The low gene pool Day

The Retribution Day

The there is nothing for you here Day

Jon Melle

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Jon Melle day!

1 year ago

Just another dirty bird and the only reason she hasnt been taken off the case and disbarred is because of the color of her skin.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Tt2
1 year ago

No, we have one set of laws, two sets of prosecutors and their judges. Elliot Spitzer, Harrington are no different from James and Willis. They are ‘their’ prosecutors. If you happen to be on the right side of that prosecutor, though on the wrong side of the law, they won’t touch you. If you happen to be on the right side of the law, but on their wrong side, they will make what they cannot find.

Harrington made stuff up too and hired crooked state forensic detectives to cook a theory to defy common sense

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

February 19, 2024

Dear Congresswoman Annie Kuster,

Please read the letter, below, that states that in less than 2 weeks from now on March 01st, 2024, WIC benefits for millions of women and children will be lost, as well as cut by $1 billion, due to the ongoing 2024 federal budget negotiations in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Why is the U.S. Congress so dysfunctional? Shouldn’t the federal budget have been passed into law by October 1st, 2023? The answer that I believe to be true is because career politicians spend most of their time raising money instead of governing. It is called “Play to Pay” politics in the Swamp whereby K Street corporate lobbyist firms recently reported record earnings, while hungry babies are an afterthought to the ruling elites.

Best regards,

Jonathan A. Melle
Amherst, New Hampshire


Letter: “We must prevent a decrease of WIC funding due to congressional inaction”
The Berkshire Eagle, February 17, 2024

To the editor: We rapidly approach March 1, when millions of women and infants may lose their nutrition benefits as WIC — the special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children — runs out of funding due to the 2024 budget negotiations…..

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Just the Democrat mantra JM since Clinton, create an issue you can blame the Republicans for and it always seems to be aimed at the poor and weak. Our current Governor played the Dem play and cut MA Health benefits so she can give more money to scohols. Keep voting for them JM so at least you will have stuff to write about!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

JM, you do realize that the cuts to programs like WIC, help for US veterans, housing, etc, are being cut by the people YOU VOTED FOR, in favor of illegal aliens and Ukraine.

Let that sink in before you pen your next letter and look like a fool. YOU VOTED FOR THIS.

Actions have consequences. This isn’t your father’s democRAT party.

Get off MSNBC and go ask a recent Vet how he feels about democRATS and their policies.

Have you considered allowing a few illegals to live with you? You’d be a democRAT hero.

You could tell them your tales of woe and misery. Starting with your Army DI’s offending you by screaming and cussing at you in basic training. Followed by the Andy “Luciforo” Nuciforo story and how he has tormented you for 35 years and counting.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

I served honorably just like you did, but I believe that you were the better Soldier than I; thank you.

As for Nuciforo, I am not the only one who feels like vomiting when his name is mentioned. Please ask him how his lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield is going? I am not suing anyone.

The U.S. Congress should pass the late federal budget already.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

John, the current Junta in DC are treating the CRIMINAL ALIENS better than American citizens. Maybe they will eliminate your VA benefits and give those to the invaders too!

Guess what? YOU VOTED FOR THEM!!!!

1 year ago

The DIE group will not be going away anytime soon the have got the lazy college want to be’s to buy in to the garbage. They are now looking for reparations in the Northeast for slavery??? What has 65 years of affirmative action been but reparations? Affirmative Action has been around in the US almost as long as slavery was so it seems we are even now. I have many stories of employees hired through affirmative action not being the best candidate for the job but were hired anyways while the more qualified person had to keep looking. Now will these people be able to receive reparations?
Fanni is guilty of being a political hack who broke the law and should be tried. Not that hard of a case

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Today’s humor. Reads like a SNL parody script: (iBerkshire article about plans for school consolidation)

“We are cautious and saying if everything moves along as we would hope that we have the potential opening of a new school facility on the Crosby site in 2029,” he said.

Following approvals from the committee and the City Council, a rough timeline shows a feasibility study in 2026 with design and construction ranging from 2027 to 2029. School leaders have mapped out formal opportunities for collaboration with both entities ahead of the SOI due date in April.

“This is exciting. I know you’ve been working on this a long time,” Committee member Sara Hathaway said.

My two thoughts. First, clearly all city directors and elected officials are charged with inserting ‘exciting’ before every praise. Second, Curtis’ bold consolidation plan (He warned me I may lack the balls to back it) is coordinated with the Commonwealth freeing all energy from fossil fuels. The ‘plan’ to consolidate is on the burner. It is about as “exciting” as watching a chicken cook in an unplugged slowcooker as plans will be formalized by 2030.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Satire is no longer possible. That must be why communists forbid humor.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Consolidate my ass. Going to have separate administration at grades Pk-2 and 3-5. Are you kidding me. Get to give them credit, close a school, but keep the administration. Should do what most Berkshire schools have done 8-12 in the high school, 5-7 Middle school. Close 2 -3 Elementary Schools. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel, no micro schools.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

The fix is in

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

Where ever there is a change, there is a fix.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Ask the their plans for busing. While screaming people should stop using fossil fuels the schools new plan has everyone student being bussed all over the city to the age specific scohol. No longer will you have neighborhood scohols and the buses will be polluting all this green air that the city council professes over their drinks at the Meth

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Ah, watch out for the electric scohol buses. They’ll cost a pretty penny and do nothing more than the more environmentally friendly diesels.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Scohol. Please. Scohol as in alscohol.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
snark shark
snark shark
1 year ago

I am still waiting to hear from Marchetti why he had to mobilize a task force of snowplows to clean up bare and wet roadways the other day. I am sure he has a good explanation and I would like to hear it so that the next time I see wet and bare roads being plowed I will not be so contused. I like to learn new things.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

He’d have to at least pose his question to the Mayor.

Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

You will have to wait until April. Remember 90 day grace period.

1 year ago

Uncle Marchetti will be at the senior center tomorrow at 10:00 am. He will gladly answer all questions.

Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

Unfortunately even us aged citizens have to continue to work to be able to afford life in the “Bitches”