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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 16-8, 2024) — To get things going, allow THE PLANET to share a trio of letters that came over the transom, published here for the first time. The some interesting and scary information about America’s latest federal budget.

‘An Absolute Insult’

About Marchetti’s alleged TV show, it is an absolute insult to have the nerve to actually call it a television program, as Marchetti awkwardly reads, bumbling and stumbling over words streaming down the teleprompter. Nevertheless, amid his sleepy snoozefest of a production, I believe he said that the city received $8 mill from GE as the next part of the settlement….no word on how that money will be allocated, will it be like ARPA ? Will the mayor just give it to his friends, or will it be like the original GE funds that had to receive a supermajority of council votes per council rules? Also, I believe I heard that the city received a grant for $50k for a website. Jesus… okay, fine…will that go out to bid ? I didn’t hear anything about that.

THE PLANET REPLIES: We haven’t had the stomach to watch Mayor Maypo’s TV disaster. Everyone who has commented to us about it can’t find the proper words to convey the wretchedness of the production. Maypo has all the charisma an infected hangnail and tube presence of a wound dripping with gangrene. When watching, keep reminding yourself: “And THIS is our mayor?” Strictly Ted Mack, as in Amateur Hour.

———- ooo ———-

“Why ‘Maypo?’

Dan, I love the nicknames you hang on our public officials. Many of them stick … Kufflinks, Dumpster, and many others. Why Maypo for Marchetti? I don’t get it.

Marky Maypo.

THE PLANET REPLIES: Are you a young’s? The name Marky Maypo comes from a series of commercials in the 1960s for Maypo Cereal, a maple flavored oatmeal. Marky was a cartoon kid (created by an ad agency in 1956) who used to whine and scream: “I want my Maypo!” If you watch the mayor closely, especially in unscripted moments when he’s called to the podium during council meetings and especially when he’s questioned by Ken Warren, the mayor looks like he’s about to … it’s hard to say, actually. What words combine insecurity, an emotional flare-up, a temper tantrum about to burst, a roiling anger just beneath the surface, with a form of petulance that seems on its way, past immaturity? Answer: “Markey Maypo.” Hence, Mayor Maypo. We wonder if this one will catch.

———- ooo ———-

‘The Trump Connection’

Care to comment on a rumor going about that you’re doing work for the Trump campaign? Heard it several times now from different sources the ones you call the Wise Guys Some close to you says you were spending a lot of time earlier this month in New Hampshire. Any truth in it? Would that explain your kissy love affair with the loser ex-president?

THE PLANET REPLIES: My, but your tone seems strident? Something worrying you about Donald Trump, such as the fact that if the election is on the level and he’s not assassinated first, he will become America’s 45th president? To reply to your question, grasshopper, we never confirm or deny anyone on our client list. As for the rest of it, we’ll let these two pictures do the talking. This lovely silk tie now hangs in our closet here at the Fortress. Our acquisition comes with impeccable pedigree.

















The American government’s big pile of IOUs is about to get even bigger.

That was the conclusion of the latest report from the Congressional Budget Office, which forecast this week that the US is on track to add $19 trillion to its national debt by 2034, with payments on that debt totalling some $12 trillion as higher interest rates increase the burden of the nation’s borrowing.

Serious interest

In the latest fiscal year, which ran to the end of September, the federal government raked in more than $4.4 trillion in receipts from individual taxpayers, with nearly half of that sum stemming from individual income taxes ($2.18 trillion). But, as many of us can surely relate to, the government’s spending appetite consistently outpaces its income, resulting in a deficit of $1.7 trillion.

The magnitude of the national debt, currently ~$34 trillion in total, means that the government is shelling out nearly $2 billion a day on interest payments (~3% of GDP) just to service the debt. Were the government to somehow magically wipe out its debt — leaving it with no interest to pay — it would have saved a whopping ~$660 billion last year, though that still wouldn’t be enough to get the overall federal budget back into the black.

The CBO forecasts have sparked a national conversation about the right level of federal spending, raising questions that beg political answers, rather than definitive economic ones.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, show me a woman that a man can trust” — Doc Watson, “The Train That Carried My Girl From Town.”



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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1 year ago

Putin endorses Biden 2024!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

Putins man in America

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

You’ve come to your senses. Welcome to reality.

Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

Of course Putin wants Biden in 2024 to continue the destruction of our country. The left couldn’t have picked a better person to put America in decline and Putin knows it.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

No doubt he wants Bumble’s! After it was just certified that he’s an incompetent dementia patient from the Hur report. I’m also sure Putin has seen Bumble’s press conference in response to the Hur report after it came out where he proved the Hur report to be true.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
1 year ago

All countries around the world are in deep debt. It is all a game. Most of it are numbers on computer screens.

1 year ago

Whatever happened to the Tea Party’s balanced budget amendment??? Oh that’s right all our “more intelligent” Democrat legislatures at the time shot it down faster than BBEC putting their hand out for more graft!! Is it really that hard to realize you are screwing “the kids” by spending more than you take in? While were at it why in the world is our state government hell bent on putting a train from Boston to the Berkshires when the “T” has never been able to function profitably? In other words it’s a money pit which this new train will undoubtedly be! Did anyone notice how our fine fellows and ladies in state government screwed over the aged and poor by kicking many of them off MassHealth? Gotta love government run insurance who ever thought that was a good idea!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Pricks have to make $$ cuts and those who are American citizens such as vets, elderly etc. are suffering. These cuts are so they can afford to take care of those illegals that are encouraged to come by Biden.There is only so much dwindling taxpayers money available.

In Da Know
In Da Know
1 year ago

It would be appropriate if you were working for tRumpy, you definitely portray a striking resemblance to Goebbels.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago


Trump’s ties are not made in America. And how you can support that corrupt p.o.s. is disgusting.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Beached orca. H.L. Fish Hat.

Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

Is that why Lumpy Marchetti never wears one?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

Speaking of POS, H.L. MAP, are you still advancing your petition to erect a statute of Conrad Manwaring in Park Square?

Much like the drug addicted, multiple-felon, George Floyd, Conrad Manwaring is a local democRAT hero.

He is a minor attracted person (MAP), who is treated unfairly by racist MAGA members, isn’t that correct H.L. MAP?

Ex-Olympian Conrad Mainwaring sentenced to up to 11 years in prison for molesting nine boys at a Becket sports camp in the 1970s | Crime |

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

Trump wants Putin to attack NATO and that will be a full scale war for our military.Trump supporters must know that Trump won’t back NATO….The Trumpers are now insane.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

George Gobbles?

Reply to  In Da Know
1 year ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

So much said in so few letters.

The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

Trump needs your help.No American will vote for the biggest failure in history at every level.While Trump gave 2 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthy American Oligarchs, Biden took the same 2 trillion and started 40,000 infastructure projects resulting in full employment for America…..Mic drop.Just the facts.

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

You need to stop helping. Go away.Thanks in advance. TSC you will go down as the largest piece of shit going down the Pittsfield public waste water plant. You got that to hang your hat on.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

Definitely plunger material.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

No one can tell the difference between KJP’s daily press binder readings and your daily postings here.One of you is guilty plagiarism.

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago


Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

TSC are you actually real or just a bot that likes to rile up conservatives with your doomacrat dribble ? If real, you have certainly stretched reality way beyond the pale. I had no idea someone could become that Goebbelized.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Festus Feeney
1 year ago

CCP is the safe bet.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

Fani’s ass is grass! The arrogant Soros-financed DA hired her inexperienced prosecutor boyfriend to run the case against Trump. The truth now being exposed on TV! She claims “racism!”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

These are all DEI substandard dummies involved in this political hit job.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Fani Willis, Kim Gardner, and who can forget former DA Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington’s mentor, Marilyn Mosby.

Every one of these DIE hires, are facing various criminal charges involving fraud.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to see the financial records of the ROPES course (aka-African Vacation fund) and the Black Berkshire Economic Council.

I would love to see where $750,000 of my hard-earned, taxpayer, money has gone too.

As I stated in my last post, a business that spends money, but makes no money in return, is a soon to be shuttered business.

The BBEC is just that type of “business.”

Take a look at their “upcoming events,” and explain to me any type of money source for these programs.

A talent show and a business forum, in which the guest speakers have NEVER run a business from the ground up. How is this sustainable?

$750,000 for this????

Programming – Berkshire Black Economic Council (

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

The ultimate problem is the idiots who allowed them to get their hands on the cash and then didn’t request any form of accountability for it. How to keep those clowns from handing out the dough and from making further decisions like that for the rest of us like that is the real challenge.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

The Council did not give the Mayor that power. She seized it, hired two heads and closed the door. The ‘community input’ meetings were staged to identify partners to run the money. They, except for Councilor Warren, were quiet.

It would require a legal complaint to challenge it.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Rewatch those meetings and pay attention to who the Mayor’s team looked at.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

And her ass is bigger than a bovines.

Free Bird
Free Bird
1 year ago

We can’t have reckless federal spending and expect inflation to come down. Here’s a link to an interview with financial expert Bob Kudla who explains his thoughts on what is going on here and around the world…

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
1 year ago

We are rapidly coming to the end of Act II of the play “Over the Republic and Through the Swamp”, with “Over” being the optimum word. We are over budget (perhaps 2 trillion in interest this year alone), there is a massive flood of illegals flowing over our border, interest rates, food, gas costs are over the top, irrational thinking is over the line, effective leadership is over, the idea of politicians serving the citizenry is over. The over indulgence of Corruption ,collusion, con artistry is beyond the pale. All of which points to the lifespan of our great Republic, which may soon be over. We cannot survive if we continue on this current, accelerated pathway of doom. We should expect that this year, will be unlike any other we have ,experienced in our generation. Coming across as an Eeyore is unpleasant but necessary as we continue to watch reality day by day raise its ugly head. We must all be discerning, vigilant and well prepared for the days ahead.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 year ago

I never understood Obama’s penchant for high school ties.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago


Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Putin killed another Russian dissident, but in Pittsfield politics, Jon Melle is still alive, Luciforo and his conspiratorial network of bullies who hurt me since the Spring 1996 when I was 20 years old. I am relieved that Nuciforo’s disgraced political career in Massachusetts politics is long over!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Why did he return to Russia? He should have stayed in a democratic country so that he wouldn’t have been sent to a Siberian prison and killed by Russia’s authoritarian henchman, Putin.

After all of the abuses Luciforo did to me over the past a little less than 28 years now, I feel peace of mind living 100 miles away from Pittsfield (Mass.) in Amherst, New Hampshire. Why would I return to Pittsfield (Mass.) knowing that the Nuciforo network would continue to hurt me there?

I know a few people who are my friends who used to live in Pittsfield, but live near me in southern, New Hampshire. I go out to eat once a week with my friend, who is a Navy Veteran, and a lady at the diner said to us: “Both of you experienced life in the Pitts”.

In closing, I guess it was better for me to have been in the Pitts than in Siberia, Russia.

Jon Melle

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Stop playing the victim card. You make every issue about you.
Do something positive with your life.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

“Life is hard, get a helmet.” – Candace Owens

Andy's Special Sauce
Andy's Special Sauce
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Your crazy is showing. Go smoke a bowl

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Wow is me, Melle! Grow up! How your life turns out is largely up to you, my friend.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

They have been murdering him every day they had him. That is the defining aspect of the gulag. Every day you die again.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Former prisoners of IK-3, in a conversation with Meduza, recall numerous cases of violence in the colony. Three of them, who ended up in IK-3 between 2013 and 2017, talk about their first day at Polar Wolf:

“There they greet [new prisoners] in this way: on the second floor of the quarantine room they beat the convicts to the music and put them on stretcher bars .”
“The stage went up [to the second floor], everyone was stretched out. They threw me on the floor and started kicking me. I don’t know how long this lasted. Then they stretched me too. It seems to me that I could become a gymnast – that’s how they stretch. I haven’t been fed for several days. In the morning, at lunch and in the evening they brought a crust of black bread. They beat me, threatened me, forced me to sign a bunch of papers, I didn’t even really read them.”
“As soon as they arrived, people undressed, got ready for the bathhouse, and stood there in the clothes their mother gave birth to. Here the officers rush in and start hitting some with electric shockers and hitting others with batons. They beat you until one or two people from the whole crowd shit themselves. I speak seriously. Then they give you 40 seconds to wash yourself.”
At the same time, Meduza’s interlocutors note that after “acceptance,” colony employees, as a rule, “don’t get their hands dirty”—the convicts themselves torture the newcomers.

“In all this time, I was only beaten once by an administration officer [himself]. But for personal reasons,” says a former prisoner of IK-3. “Administration employees very rarely get their hands dirty because they are still afraid of responsibility,” agrees another former prisoner. “They dump all the dirty work on activists, who are given privileges [in return]. Someone in the detachment allegedly violated something – they immediately take you to the checkpoint . And there the activists begin to beat, scare, intimidate, and shove clubs in the ass. The approach is individual.”

Any manifestation of disagreement with the established order, Meduza’s interlocutors say, is severely punished. One of them recalls what he encountered after trying to complain about the conditions in the colony: “My ribs were broken, I was almost raped. They dragged me to the second floor, there was already a mattress there, they wanted to crush [my] balls. They beat everything off, I couldn’t move.”

In such conditions, says one former prisoner, everyone is “afraid to say an extra word.” People, he believes, are being broken in the colony; some of their psyches cannot stand it: “I had moments when people tried to hang themselves, to open their veins.”
-Meduza Press

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Account of the gulag Polar Wolf where Navalny was sentenced to death for: financial fraud, incitement for to extremism, and contempt of court. In short, a dissident.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

omfg John. If they really did something that bad to you, sue them and prove it and make them pay.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  pothole
1 year ago

Do you know anyone who would serve as my Attorney to sue Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, who – by the way – is currently suing the City of Pittsfield over his marijuana company Berkshire Roots’ past payments of $440,000 in HCAs fees plus unspecified damages? I would be more than happy to sue “Luciforo” for all of his conspiratorial abuses against me since the Spring 1996 when I was 20 years old and my dad, Bob, began his successful campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner, 1997 – mid-2000!

I believe that Nuciforo belongs in prison due to his allegedly illegal double dipping in the mid-2000s when he chaired the Massachusetts State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time serving as an Attorney at the Boston Law Firm Berman & Dowell as legal counsel for Boston’s big banks and insurance companies, which led to Nuciforo having to step down in disgrace as Pittsfield’s State Senator in 2006. These are all facts that were published in The Boston Globe in early- to mid-January 2007.

Furthermore, in present day 2024, Nuciforo still has a law office in Boston’s financial district. Someone needs to hold Nuciforo accountable for being a mean-spirited, abusive and corrupt disgraced politician, Attorney, and marijuana businessman.

Instead, Nuciforo lives in a mansion he purchased last Summer 2023 for $950,000 in the same elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College that former Mayor Linda Tyer also resides in. Also, Nuciforo’s owns other properties in Pittsfield and Boston.

The Berkshire Eagle targets other politicians and people, but not Nuciforo, who is the biggest FRAUD in the history of Pittsfield politics!

Jon Melle

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  pothole
1 year ago

He might want to file suit in blue state Ma.. if he does.Now a days juries in blue states are awarding $$ out like candy. See E Jean the nut job who just was awarded a ton on the civil side based on hurt feelings from being called a liar.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

If I sued Nuciforo and I won money due to “Luciforo’s” conspiratorial harmful actions against and multi-decades persecution of me, then I would give it all away to good causes. I am NOT in it for the money. Also, Mr. Fritz, I am not “playing the victim card”. Thank you.

What did former Mayor Linda Tyer’s 3rd husband Barry Clairmont do with his 6-figure settlement at the end of his multi-year civil lawsuit versus Melissa Mazzeo?

What is the status of Nuciforo’s ongoing pot lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield?

I have not filed any lawsuits, while Barry Clairmont did, and Nuciforo is doing. I do not rule out filing a civil lawsuit versus Nuciforo.

Also, I do not live in a mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community neighborhood like Barry Clairmont and “Luciforo”. I only own a 1-bedroom condo unit in Amherst, NH.

Jon Melle

1 year ago

The United States should seize all expenditures overseas until they get our border under control. Pretty simple. The dirty politicians ( both sides D-R) want to war monger, give money to Black Rock. It is a money laundering scam. We the American people are paying for it. Disgusting.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

On a lighter note. Why hasn’t the City of Pittsfield put up cameras and an alarm system at Clapp and The Common? Every business in town have alarm systems. I guess the answer is it’s not there money. If there homes were robbed and vandalized numerous times, I think they would get an alarm system and cameras. Not to mention Wahconah Park getting cleaned out of their copper with no protection a few years ago. Wake up, Pittsfield. Protect your investment in the City.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

“It’s not in the budget” – J McGrath. Everything and anything else is in the budget or easily gotten from the Council. But not that.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

They have a psychic on staff to solve the case. So far she has determined that Maury Wills stole second base.

Fat Alburt
Fat Alburt
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

Are you suggesting that Maury faked his own death in Sept 2022? Would not put it past him. By the way, who names their kid Maury? WTF. Life is hard enough without putting this kind of baggage on a child. But, unbelievably Maury went on to name his own son BUMP. Really. Why not Whitehead or Pimple?

Maury was an addict and admitted that he probably spent over a million dollars on cocaine over the years. Babe Ruth was a functioning drunk. These are the heroes that get paid ten million dollars a year now and you can see why they need it.

Free Bird
Free Bird
1 year ago

Massachusetts funding formula for education is bizarre as this article demonstrates. It seems to reward cities to stay in poverty…

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Free Bird
1 year ago

We already know that Mayor Peter Marchetti and the City Council rubber stampers are going to increase city spending by 5 percent to 10 percent when they pass the fiscal year 2025 municipal budget sometime this Spring 2024 to possibly early-Summer 2024 before the June 30th, 2024, deadline. Oh, and guess what, there is the threat of a possible recession later this year, 2024. If a recession occurs, then it may (or may not) dawn on Pittsfield politics that they will have to budget in economic reality instead of spend, spend, spend….taxpayers’ money.

Cities comparable to Pittsfield (Mass.) do not spend nearly as much money as Pittsfield politics spends. States comparable and even larger than Massachusetts do not spend nearly as much money as the do nothing (but DISSERVICES) Beacon Hill lawmakers spend. A taxpayer in Pittsfield experiences the WORST of both worlds between their City Hall and the far away Statehouse in Boston.  

In return for a couple hundred million taxpayer dollars per fiscal year, Pittsfield hosts many Level 5 public schools, violent crime rates that have more than doubled the statewide average since at least 1980, GE’s capped leaky landfills full of industrial chemicals called PCBs, the soon to be 26-year-old heavily indebted and polluted PEDA debacle, a downtown full of around 15 empty storefronts along with a myriad of social services agencies due to the city and region’s distressed and very unequal economy, and so on.

This past week, I have read editorials, op-eds, letters, and news stories praising the outgoing Lenox State Representative who is called Smitty Pignatelli. All of it propaganda at its worst, of course. What has Smitty Pignatelli really done for Berkshire County during his a little over 21-year political career in Boston? Answer: DISSERVICES!

In closing, I either live in “The Twilight Zone” or Smitty Pignatelli and all of the career politicians who are similar to him are failures in leadership.

Jon Melle

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Free Bird
1 year ago

“It seems to reward cities to stay in poverty…”

The guiding principle of social work is “Preserve the Status Quo.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

The study of stratification,ie classes, defining markers of poverty, results in policy that preserves those strata. Programs that are designed to fail. A cynic would claim it is deliberate, but I suspect it’s the confederacy of dunces.

Therefore, the poor are trapped by the catch-22 of safety net welfare: stay poor, don’t pursue wealth or opportunity, don’t pack your bags for greener pastures and the State will lock you in.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Even the metaphor “safety net” is broken. A net is a trap, when what is wanted is a springboard.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

“Confederacy of dunces” explains a lot of policies in this state.

1 year ago

Trump added quite a bit to the deficit too. Uncontrollable spending is not partisan

Reply to  Kingnothing
1 year ago

True. Unfortunately all Presidents add to our debt. If you look at the numbers, Biden’s on steroids. He is dabbling in uncharted waters.

Reply to  Kingnothing
1 year ago

Congress approves every penny

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

The state of Mass. has the worst leaders ever…..
Markey pushing legislation preventing CHURCHES from having armed guards!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

Warren , Markey, Neil oh my, worst politicians this side of the Mississippi. Through in Mayor Wu, for a side. Mass Holes forever! Californias only State that beats us out.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

The far left isn’t going to go quietly that’s for sure. They are already preparing for a potential Trump victory by trying to give government employees total immunity from losing their jobs since these are more people who are running the country into the ground and the far left is also setting Trump up for impeachment if he tries to stop sending billions to Ukraine or wherever all this money is really going. They are diabolical.

Putins Puppet
Putins Puppet
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Trump is the new standard for “Not going quietly”. He is like the roach that cannot be dispatched. In fact he is more like a whole swarm of roaches, everywhere at once, spreading disease and disfunction on everyone and everything he touches. He is a one man plague.

Reply to  Putins Puppet
1 year ago

So strange that such a horrible person was helping working Americans to have more money in their bank accounts when he was president versus now when Biden is putting working class Americans in debt and putting home ownership out of reach for many people.

snark shark
snark shark
1 year ago

OMG Please tell me that is not one of the city’s contract plow trucks plowing a totally bare road that is wet. It is after noon and yup there he goes again. No effing oversight at all in this city. Whatever superintendent told this guy to go out and plow whould be fired on the spot… INSANE WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY…JUST INSANE. Where is Marchetti?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Totally agree with you. Salt truck came up and down my street 5 times and the road was completely bare. Can’t help but wonder if the mayor and any of the city council members ever drive around the city to witness all the huge potholes. You would think they would be embarrassed to face taxpayers. Even the road around Park Square and the famous North Street is filled with craters. Also have noticed that every single manhole that City hired contractor LB Corp. has put in has sunken with huge craters around it. How many years is this shoddy work going to be tolerated? Come on Marchetti, take the blinders off. There is NO OVERSIGHT in your Public Works department. If they can supervise, then get off your egotistical butt and do it for them!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 year ago

Meant can’t supervise…

Height of Dysfunction
Height of Dysfunction
Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 year ago

Heard they were all over the city plowing bare wet roads. Kind of a metaphor for Marchetti’s term. He said he could find no where in the budget to cut but plowing bare roads shows total dysfunction. No oversight. Wish there was a place to go at city hall to get an explanation for things like this. Is there a discount for plowing roads with under a quarter inch of snow?

Reply to  Duh What
1 year ago

I thought for a second that was Marchetti, but then I saw the tie.

In Da Know
In Da Know
1 year ago

I am So Excited. I just ordered my new tRump sneakers. Only $299.00 and they come with a tRump charm. I can not Wait to wear them to the next WWE event in Albany next month. Wow that guy is a Business genius. Oh, and I threw down 50 bucks on his go-fund me account. Let’s make America Great Again !!!!

Duh What
Duh What
Reply to  In Da Know
1 year ago

Probably made in Chiner.

Reply to  In Da Know
1 year ago

Buy a bottle of Biden shampoo you’ll be able to sniff your sheep as you love them

1 year ago

I find it curious that the state can procure the money needed to provide 50 migrants with housing, food, and expenses, but Pittsfield can only provide our native sons and daughters who need those same things only a mere 40 of us a bed for a few hours every night on a first come first serve basis.
ServiceNe…wait. Sir Charles has it right; a net is a trap, so let’s call the agency that provides these few beds by a more honest name, ServiceTrap. ServiceTrap reduced the number of beds by ten. Reduced the beds by 10 when we know our local homeless population is increasing and they did this in the middle of winter, which is the season that often drives even the most reluctant person to use a shelter into the shelter.
I suppose in some small way we should feel relieved that ServiceTrap is trapping 10 fewer people each night, but where are those 10, along with the other 40 plus people who no longer have homes every night?
Do you feel safer knowing that there are at least 50 homeless people out here every night unaccounted for or do you feel safer knowing that these are 50 people who are resourceful enough not to get caught in the trap?
This feels like it’s a trick question but it’s not. The people we see panhandling are the people who are eschewing that trap, who are asking their better off neighbors to recognize the humiliation of being poor and here in Pittsfield,mostly white, in America while our country bends over backwards to provide a bastardized version of guaranteed basic income to people from south of our border who arrive in this country with no skin in the game.
Give the panhandlers money.
It’s none of our business what they do with it. Realize they’ve been doing things you and I may not agree with and illegal things and finding the money for it before you handed them some cash and they will continue to find a way to do those things and if your little bit of cash causes them to self euthanize well, sad, but maybe also —and this is harsh—community service. The thing about that though is they’re not built that way.
: The men and women we see standing outside in all weather holding their cardboard signs are not the ones who are going to fatally overdose. They are the tough, resilient, and resourceful motherfuckers. These are not the men and women who are showing up as frequent flyers at all the nonprofits tgoing on and on about their trauma and trying to get themselves a little piece of nothing. They already know what that’s about and they are actively,vibrantly and dynamically,opting out of it. Honestly, within the context of poverty, it’s brilliant on their part.
Love him or hate him, Trump made sure that every single American had cash when we needed it,no questions asked. And he didn’t just do this once, he did it repeatedly. He showed us that the money is there, and it can be made available, quickly, to every single goddamn person in this country.
They say it takes 20 years after a presidency for us to realize the impact of that presidency, but as a bleeding heart ACLU liberal who spent a couple of years messing around with the progressives, I will be the first to say that Trump was a much better president than he is being given credit for…except where he wasn’t.. I do believe after watching his press conferences during quarantine everyday that he is so often quoted out of context, and our press is so extremely polarized these days, that it’s hard to have any kind of fair and balanced view of his presidency.
I know we all desperately cling to the myth of The welfare Queen, but do your own reading about guaranteed basic income and the outcomes before trotting out that tired urban myth.
GBI is the first springboard in a series of springboards that we need to put in place in order to get this country right again.
As for all these migrants being a security problem, I think our military is hoping they will become our security solution. China has wiped out at least one generation of military age young adults via fentanyl, and fentanyl comes after China has spent the last 20 years sending us poisoned lumber, poisoned dog food, poisoned toothpaste, and talking toys at Xmas time that are so subversive they make Talking Tina look like a basic bitch.
It’s now a question of how quickly can we get the younger migrants indoctrinated in the civic values of our Republic via public school (and I’m old school when it comes to civics and Civic values. If my fifth grader can’t read The Joy of sex they sure as hell shouldn’t be reading the genderqueer book), through basic training, and battle ready.
The reason we are allowing all the adult migrants across the border is not because we want them here but because it is strategic: we want their kids, and their anchor baby.
Hamas is a nasty enemy with a lot of nasty financial backers in the Middle East but also….location, location, location. That’s a tricky part of the world. Israel is an Asian country— Near East, Middle East, Far East..Don’t bother learning anymore Hebrew. Learn Mandarin and Cantonese.

Reply to  Outfox
1 year ago

Many of these immigrants have very traditional values and are religious and will not like it when their children return from school saying they are trapped in the wrong body and need sex change drugs and surgery. The schools could more easily push this garbage on Americans who are often not religious and have extremely far left values.

If the far left wants to pay people $50.00 per hour for fast food jobs then the price of fast food will skyrocket as will the costs of everything else so it’s a very stupid idea and shows these people have no idea how the economy works.

Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Pat, the price of everything else DID, and continues to skyrocket and wages for the average American are not increasing enough to cover the cost of food and housing. We need to address that as a country.
The history of immigration in this country shows that newly immigrated parents want their children to assimilate in order to succeed and often insist that their children do this to be perceived as a “real” American.

Pat, being fully honest, how many school age children and young adults do you know and of them, how many of them are claiming to be trapped in the wrong body? And even if somebody does believe they are trapped in the wrong body our national security is not dependent on their genitals and gender, thankfully.
The wage stagnation and cost inflation we are shooting now is about corporate greed more than it is about the true cost of goods and services.
We know the cost of goods and services is always going to increase after a while but I knew when watching our economy go haywire during quarantine that the only way out of this is a war economy and the only way the United States can participate in a war is to have bodies available for cannon fodder as well as for skilled warfare.

snar shark
snar shark
Reply to  Outfox
1 year ago

Love him or hate him, Trump made sure that every single American had cash when we needed it,no questions asked. And he didn’t just do this once, he did it repeatedly. He showed us that the money is there, and it can be made available, quickly, to every single goddamn person in this country.

Can you tell me where/how Trump made sure I had “cash”? Having trouble remembering that over here. I do remember him giving a trillion dollars of tax relief to the mega rich folk, including himself and family members but not the middle income peeps.

Reply to  snar shark
1 year ago

You already know but to review in case you have some early onset dementia, he sent all of us $1,200 three times and made sure pandemic unemployment was pretty much low bar. And while that low bar did lead to fraud it also kept many of us alive and housed.
Oh and the ARPA money didn’t come from Biden either.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Outfox
1 year ago

This resonates, OF

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Your net = trap is so elegant.
That is what resonates with me and I wish it resonated more with people who make policy.
We will never be a pull yourself up by your own bootstraps country. That ideal is also a myth, and has been since those words first hit print.
What would Jane Addams do?